#team climon
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tvshowscouples · 4 days ago
If you love Clary&Simon (Shadowhunters) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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libraryofcirclaria · 1 month ago
13 September 1328
Library of Circlaria
Third Level Society: First Version
Story Twelve: Jax Lyons
Part Two: Jax Lyons
The Third Level Society Bookkeeper's name is Layna Mersk. Susan Parans was the one leading the accusation against Blake but Parans was joined by myself, Marcus Climon, Jon Hogan, Edoma Layne, and Phalia Curston. Meanwhile, Blake was joined by Jack Areon, Sara Michels, Harmony Meristan, and Corley Banks. Edoma Layne, being the incumbent Dungeonmaster, recused herself from the process, as per tradition. However, with no such tradition for Layne's challenger, Phalia Curston stayed.
So the session with Bookkeeper Mersk began with Susan Parans presenting against Blake her accusation: that Blake had violated a restricted dymensional plane, committing actions with the potential to unleash catastrophic consequences that would upset the integrity of the Arturian Realm.
To this came Jack Areon, who insisted that there were no notices anywhere of Planet Mahathia or its system being restricted. Jon Hogan argued that there was an indicator in all the jump gates if one queried the Mahathia plane accordingly, and also that there was an extra layer of restriction if anyone created a jump hole to Mahathia.
Hogan was right, of course. I saw the same thing on my mission with Raven. But Sara Michels from Aldin Blake's side insisted that a lot of systems had such a layer, and that Mahathia did not list a specific reason their system was restricted.
"Why access Mahathia in the first place?" Marcus Climon argued.
To that, Blake himself answered by arguing how "we should learn to act humanely even though they are just algorithms."
"While we believe in freedom of movement and basic rights our brothers and sisters in the real world," Curston explained. "We need to remember that this principle does not apply to self-casting avatars, which are, in fact, just algorithms in the algorithm book. These ones, in this case, were found to do more harm than good. And in fact, by having our current measures in place, we are protecting those other avatars cast by Members, thus adhering in this case to the principles of humanity."
Counter to that rose Harmony Meristan, who explained how she had a religious upbringing and was "taught not to hide problems but rather to confront and resolve them."
"Even if these avatars are dangerous," Meristan added. "We must eliminate them, not hide or contain them."
Then she explained how Blake tried to make this case to Dungeonmaster Layne last year, but that the Dungeonmaster refused to listen.
"That's a lie," Susan Parans whispered to me.
Despite that, when the Bookkeeper asked, I, myself, passed on speaking. I was new to the organization after all, but then Climon approached me during the 15 minute recess. "The vote is very close," he told me.
So when the session resumed, I took my stand. I made it public the encounter with Blake in the Immersion Console room six days ago. To this Blake said that I was exaggerating and that he had come up to me that day to apologize.
I knew he was lying but I was a bit apprehensive to assert myself. Not Susan Parans, though. Parans apparently had a similar encounter with Blake shortly before I arrived here from Furthing.
The session ended with a rebuttal from Meristan, however, who said that Blake only gets hot-headed under stress and that he never initiates retaliation.
And so came the vote. Despite all the arguments from "Team Blake," the attending Caucus Members voted in a majority Blake to be in violation.
"It's a razor-thin majority though," Jon Hogan told me later. "They might not do anything."
Tomorrow, Bookkeeper Mersk prescribes the punishment, and the Caucus votes for approval.
<- 07 September 1328 <- || -> 14 September 1328 ->
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noncanonfan · 5 years ago
Some ships just make you heterophobic, and that’s okay.
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fandomjunky · 6 years ago
Shadowhunters Series Finale
The whole Shadowhunters fandom walking into the FreeForm’s head office after Monday night’s episode:
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mr-spinch · 7 years ago
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savedestroyed · 7 years ago
⁂ i care who you are ïč„malec
⁂ a mythical place of great magical power ïč„clary fray
⁂ what team?! WILDCATS ïč„promo
⁂ its a long way down to the bottom of the river ïč„memes
⁂ i always need you ïč„clace
⁂ hes my best friend ïč„climon
⁂ glimmer in the moonlight ïč„ooc
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lespacecatastrophe · 8 years ago
watching climon break up was by far the best part of 2017 to date
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lockeymoony · 8 years ago
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I wonder why they keep showing us those photos but in the final result they keep cutting those scenes like it means nothing. :))))))))))))
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thewordwideweb · 5 years ago
Alley Oop
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I was flipping through satellite radio channels the other day, and landed on the “fifties” channel just as they started playing “Alley Oop” by those one-hit wonders, the Hollywood Argyles. “Alley Oop” went all the way to Number One on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1960 (so it’s kind of odd they were playing it on the fifties channel, but that’s not important). 
If you’re of (*ahem*) advanced years, you may remember that Alley Oop is one tough customer. In fact, “He’s the toughest man there is alive/Wearin’ clothes from a wildcat’s hide/He’s the king of the jungle jive/Look at that caveman go!” 
Did I fail to mention that Alley Oop is a caveman? The song was inspired by the popular, long-running Alley Oop comic strip created by V.T. (for Vincent Trout) Hamlin in the 1930’s. In the comics, Alley Oop is a dinosaur-riding, time-traveling caveman, a bit lacking in the ear department. 
Alley Oop the comic character had already been around for 20 years or so when “alley oop” became a sports term. San Francisco 49ers quarterback Y.A. (Yelberton Abraham) Tittle would throw high looping passes to wide receiver R.C. (Raleigh Climon) Owens, who would out-jump defenders for the ball. That was the birth of the alley-oop in sports. It soon migrated to basketball, where the first alley-oop – a high lob pass ending in a slam dunk – was credited to too many different players to count (but one of them was one of my all-time favorites – “Jumpin” Johnny Green of Michigan State and later the New York Knicks and four other pro teams). 
You’re probably wondering (I sure hope you’re wondering) why an alley-oop is called an “alley oop.” In case you haven’t guessed, “alley oop” is the Word (Phrase) of the Day. 
As far as anyone can tell, alley-oop is a French import. French circus acrobats about to perform a tricky maneuver would call out to their partners “Allez Hop!” (or “Oup” or “Up”). “Allez!”
”Let’s go!”
crossed the ocean, or at least the channel, and became “Alley” in English. “Hop,” or Oup, or Up, coming out of the Frenchmen’s bouches, sounded enough like “Oop” to complete the phrase. 
When V.T. Hamlin wrote the comic strip, he modeled the caveman’s sweetheart after his own wife Dorothy, and named the character “Oola.” That, it seems, was inspired by French, too. “Oola” was short for Ooh-la-la! 
And I know, at this point, you’re just dying to hear the song. You want to be reminded that Alley Oop is “a mean motor scooter and a bad go-getter.” Okay, your wish is my command. To hear the song, just click the link.
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pansexual-lilychen · 6 years ago
I'll just put these all in the same ask if that's fine. 1:Magnus and Alec work better with Jace than with each other. 2: Clary and Jace isn't a good relationship, it's more lust than love. 3: Jace is clearly the best character in the series. 4: Climon is a good relationship.
Oh wow that’s a lot thank you!
1. Okay I am not sure what you exactly mean by “work” right now, like work romantically or work as in work work? like fighting demons, saving the world? I am just gonna assume you meant work as in working together during a battle or something like that. If so, then I have to agree! Jace and Alec were raised to fight battles as a team together, and a big benefit of being parabatai is fighting battles together, so it’s obvious that they work better together in a battle. I honestly cannot remember any fight scenes where Jace and Magnus had to actively work together right now, so I cannot really comment on that, sorry.
2. I think that opinion is really hard to judge, I mean during the tmi books, Jace had depression which made it hard for him to ever open up, so rather than talking about his feelings, he showed them in his own way. Also, they thought for quite a while in the books that they were siblings, so they couldn’t really walk up to one another and be like “hey, I really like you and value you as a person and would like to be in a relationship with you!” so in a few impulsive moments they showed it to each other rather than saying it, and admitting that they have feelings for their “siblings”, you know?
3. agree! he is one of my top 3 characters from all tsc books! he’s complex, relatable and hilarious, i simply adore him!
4. i am pretty sure by that you mean a romantic relationship, and I have to disagree! they seemed so awkward and uncomfortable together when they were dating and it was pretty clear to me that they have more of a brother-sister relationship. And I just adore their Friendship, and I am very happy and glad to see them as Parabatais and see that their friendship survived all the intense changes they had in their life.
thank you for all your opinions!!
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foxydarach · 8 years ago
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dream team
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murfeelee · 6 years ago
Shadowhunters Appreciation Meme
I saw this on my dash, and decided to do it for S01 - S3A, since I’m feeling emotional watching S3B, knowing Shadowhunters is being cancelled for no good reason.
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1: Favorite episode: 1x12: “MALEC!”
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This episode (the wedding scene in particular) got reblogged so much on my dash, and was referred to in fanfiction and fanart, and I was like WHAT is this.
2: Favorite character: MAGNUS BANE. Come on y’all.
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3: Favorite Ship: Climon -- JUST KIDDING~~~! Malec is the only Shadowhunters ship of significance; fight me on this.
4: Favorite scene: The dragon fight with Magnus, Alec, and Izzy in 2x20.
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5: Favorite ep from S1: I’ve said from day one that I didn’t like Season 1; most of the characters and plots got on my last nerve. But 1x12: “Malec“ was excellent, and Magnus Bane was frikkin fabulous (as usual).
6: Favorite ep from S2: Season 2 was a marked improvement over S1, but it had WAY too much going on. And they put my poor baby Magnus through the freaking WRINGER. Between the body swap, and the breakup, and all the other drama, S2â€Čs episodes had me in a STATE. Episode 2x08 “Love is a Devil“ was fun, before it got SUPER dark. I enjoyed the party a lot.
7: Favorite ep from S3A: Season 3 is the best. 3a impressed me, and 3b so far is fantastic. 3x8: “A Heart of Darkness” and 3x9 were very emotional. Legit tear-jerkers.
8a: Favorite quote: “You've reached the voicemail of Magnus Bane. Please don't leave a message at the tone. I'm centuries old, and even I think it's outdated.“
8b: Favorite Malec quote: “I’ve always dreamed of meeting someone like you.“ Because YES, Alec. SAME. Me too! *ugly sobbing*
9: Favorite BROTP: Luke Garroway and Simon Lewis
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10: Favorite non-canon ship: I was gonna say Maruke (Mayrse Lightwood & Luke Garroway, but according to the S3B promos....! 👀 )
11: Top 3 EPs: The last 3 episodes of S3A, 3x8, 9 and 10.
12: A character you didn’t expect to love as much as you do now: Maryse Lightwood. Mama L. grew on me, cuz in Season 1 I was ready to SHANK that wench.
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By late S2 and into S3A she had genuinely started realizing what a bigot she was (I think she was more against Alec choosing a Downworlder, and THE Downworlder, Magnus -- whom she’d had a serious beef with since her Nazi-wannabe days in Valentine’s Circle -- more than the fact that Magnus is a man, though the Clave for sure hates that, too. Suffice to say, she was pissed, all the way around). Maryse made amends with everyone, though, and I was like, “You know what that is? GROWTH.”
13: First actress you fell in love with: Izzy Lightwood. She’s so gorgeous.
14/15: First actor/character you fell in love with: Come on. We’re married.
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16/17: When did you start watching the show/joined the fandom: Summer 2017 -- I binged through Season 1 and 2, after being beaten over the head since like 2016 with gifs and fanart, and all kinds of stuff on Tumblr and AO3. I immediately fell in love with Magnus, and watched the show strictly for him, and just enjoyed the Malec and the magic of the show. I enjoy the fanfics and even the books more than the show though.
18: How has the fandom influenced you: Other than the fact that Magnus Bane is officially my husband and taking over all of my blogs?
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19: Did you meet people through the show: I’ve connected with dozens of people on Tumblr because of Malec, yes. We just fangirl and spazz out in each other’s IMs and it’s great! ^_^
20: What rep on the show have you identified with? I’m Team Downworlders, if that’s what you mean. Especially Team Warlocks. I actually hate the Shadowhunters. S1 Maryse is NOT a rarity -- for people with the blood of angels, the Clave is bigoted, petty and downright evil sometimes.
21: What character has helped you: Listen. Magnus gives me life, he really does. Iconic.
22: In what way has the show helped you: / 24: What has the show added to your life: It’s been giving me my fanciful fix since Teen Wolf ended. I can’t get into Supernatural (I've tried, but Crowley’s gone, so so am I), and I always need a fantasy show -- Game of Thrones, True Blood, Buffy, Charmed, Vampire Diaries, Sabrina, Penny Dreadful, The Magicians, etc. So I’ve been entertained, and I’m gonna be really bummed once it’s over. I hear Umbrella Academy’s good.
23: What are your hopes for the finale:
Malec Wedding at the Institute, dressed in gold and blue
Malec adopting Max and Rafael Lightwood-Bane
Announcement that there will be a spinoff, preferably for the Dark Artifices or Bane Chronicles.
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bruiselikeviolets · 6 years ago
i’ll say it..... i’m firmly team Clary Likes Women but i genuinely liked climon in the show. it was pure and wholesome. no incest drama. just two best buds pining for each other and giggling between making out
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biliciouseleanor · 7 years ago
When someone asked to Alberto if he was Team Sizzy, Climon or Saia, e said that he is team Sizzy because they're meant to be together!!! I'm so deaaad, I love our king! :')
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ketzwrites · 7 years ago
Saia actually seems to be getting the anti climon treatment. I bash neither relationship to be clear. But I believe saia is more liked even by sizzy fans compared to romantic climon. But climon who wans't well received,had interviews from the cast,the writers,official videos about that on youtube and fans could not wait for it to end and move on. While saia who had way less advertising is largely ignored and they are already promoting sizzy. It is a bit ironic.
It’s messed up. The producers/marketing team do nothing for Saia. Worse, they ignore the couple while their scenes are airing. Way to butcher your own storyline by basically saying, “ignore what is happening, it’s not going to last.”
It’s great to have planned a slowburn storyline to Si.zzy, especially one that has them first finding love in other people while they grow closer as friends. But do it with the respect these other relationships deserve. That they are grossing over Saia now because Si.zzy is the next step is ridiculous. They (rightfully) didn’t do it with Climon when it happened “in the way ofïżœïżœïżœ Clace. Don’t do it now.
Anonymous said: THANK YOU! thank you, bc i was one of those people saying i didnt like the scene between simon and isabelle in the hunters moon, not bc of what they did, they spoke like normal people, it’s not that. it’s what it means. it’s that they’ve been hyping them up for months, and they were literally tweeting about them while this scene aired. his girlfriend was right there and he was worried out of his mind for her, but no. they still insisted in sizzy. at this point (IMO) i just see them as friends.
It really bothers me that their talk at the bar is what people are taking away as the most important or in any way romantic interaction of Izzy and Simon in that episode. That is literally how Heidi saw it. Heidi. That alone should be enough of a wake-up call.
Like you said, nonny, unlike Heidi, we actually know the context of that scene. And the context is that Simon was there to protect his girlfriend Maia and Izzy is there with her family and the guy she’s been seeing, Charlie. If there was something romantic about that exchange, that would’ve been a gross thing for both Simon and Izzy to do. Thankfully, there wasn’t. They were friends being there for each other. 
At least focus on the fact that Izzy let Simon take Heidi away without alerting the Clave. If we’re going to hype something up, choose that. That’s a way more interesting exchange.
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alberto-rosende · 8 years ago
Alberto's meeting at the #ITAInstituteCon
- Alberto worked as a waiter for 6 months in a Japanese restaurant before being casted for Simon and he had to talk Japanese. He said that it was a very “in” restaurant and people have to interview for months and just two of them (Alberto and another guy) got the job. He worked there from december to may (when he was casted);
- I asked him to spoil us something about 2x16 but he said that: 1- he can’t spoil 2- he doesn’t always remember what happens in an episode because they didnt shoot in order for 2B 3- he doesn’t like spoilers and he tries to stay away from them (he said that he’s trying his best to avoid spoilers about spiderman homecoming). He said “like i don’t even know what happens in 2x17” and i reminded him about the scene of Simon, Isabelle and Max at Simon’s boat house and he said “oooh cool one!!!”;
- I asked him if it bothers him the fact that they give Simon so many love interests and he said no because with Clary wasn’t like that and yes he shipped climon in the books because Climon is important for both Clary and Simon. It’s important for Simon because it let him understand that Clary wasn’t there for him and it’s important for Clary because it let her understand that she’s in love with someone else. And he talked about Izzy and said that they just need to be ready for eachother;
- We talked about being ready for a relationship and he said “Alec and Magnus are lucky to have eachother”;
- He said that he’d like to sing for real, something serious but acting will always be his first job;
- He said that once he went at the cinema and the film he watched was so beautiful he stayed in the room for so long that the popcorn guy had to send him away and he walked for like two hours straight thinking about that movie because he touched him really bad;
- He’s team Captain American because he understands Cap’s point of view and he thinks that his country needs something like that right now and he loves and admires Chris Evans so much;
- Shooting for 2x15 was really hard because he had to relive, even if from Simon’s pov, a break up because a person wasn’t ready for him and that’s what happened in his real life;
- He wants to start a book club and he’ll post a different book every month and he’ll do live and talk about it because “i’m going to do it for me because lately i haven’t had much time to read but i want you guys to be part of it”;
- He said that Simon doesn’t have curls because Simon is still a fledgling and it was a decision he made with the writers/producer. They didn’t want Simon to be the same because being a vampire it’s like going through puberty all over again and when he was a baby he had straight hair and now he’s curly and “It would be boring i mean you see a totally different Simon from s1 and s2, he changed a lot esthetically and like a person”;
- He said that sometimes he looks at his old pics on instagram (when he was like 15) and thinks “holy shit, that was really me.. no style!”.
- Being casted for Simon made him really proud of himself because it was a challenge and he thought “yes, i did it. i worked hard and i did it” and it was very important for him.
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