#team catalina
inkcurlsandknives · 5 months
Part 1 of the messy Bi-panic love triangle in Saints, keep your eyes peeled for part 2!
An angsty sapphic I told you so from Catalina to Lunurin in my Filipino inspired epic fantasy SAINTS OF STORM AND SORROW where Lunurin a bisexual nun, hiding a goddess given gift, is accused of heresy and enters a marriage of convenience to save herself from the Inquisition. But in the process must leave behind her lover, Sister Catalina, and the life they built for themselves in the church 💔
If you want to know how this messy Bi-panic love triangle turns out you'll have to preorder SAINTS or head over to Netgalley to request it!
Image credits:
Screenshots from Maria Clara and Barra Paghahanap (2023) for the viibes
The amazing Catalina portrait Art by @tidalbronze
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dyingroses · 7 months
I think it would be hilarious if when Ed and Al joined team Mustang they just assumed Roy and Riza were married and like one day much to their confusion and sadness they find out they're not and the rest of Team Mustang has to be like we don't really get it either
Alphonse: Hey, what's Leiutenant Hawkeye's last name
Falman: What do you mean? It's Hawkeye. Riza Hawkeye.
Alphonse: What
Falman: H-A-W-K-E-Y-E, R-I-Z-A
Edward: Wait, I thought that was her nickname since she's the top sniper, "The Hawk's eye"
Fuery: Yeah, but her last name is also coincidently "Hawkeye."
Havoc: Honestly, that's probably where the name came from. The officials at the military academy aren't that creative.
Rebecca, with dramatic flare: Or maybe it was her destiny
Alphonse: So, is that why she kept her last name?
Havoc: What do you mean?
Edward: Why she didn't take the colonel bastard's last name?
Alphonse: Yeah, it could be confusing to have a Lieutenant Mustang and Colonel Mustang
Edward: Why do you think I call him Colonel Bastard, it's not just accurate but strategic
Rebecca: Oh . . . honey . . no
Edward: What?
Alphonse: What's wrong?
Edward: Why does everyone look sad all of a sudden?
Rebecca: *sniffles*
Havoc: *puts a comforting hand on Rebecca's shoulder*
Fuery: The Lieutenant and the colonel . . . well . . . They aren't actually married
Rebecca: *starts crying on Havoc's shoulder*
Alphonse: B-but they're together, aren't they?
Rebecca: *cries even louder*
Havoc: *rubs her back comfortingly*
Breda: No, they're not - I mean, well
Alphonse: Why aren't they together?!
Rebecca, sobbing: WWWWHHHYYYY?!
Hakuro: What the hell is going on in here?!
Rebecca: *furiously screams something inaudible at Hakuro*
Hakuro: *exits scaredly*
Later in Resembool they break the sad and shocking news to Winry who actually takes it a lot harder than they do because she ships them soooooo much
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codename-adler · 11 months
this means.
laila. alvarez. laila and alvarez. LAILA. AND. ALVAREZ.
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kkirou · 13 days
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This is my most productive hyperfixation on fma, and I've loved this story for eleven years.
I'm sure I can find my oldest drawings, but I don't think I want to :) but these are the drawings I love the most
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reyreadersblog · 1 month
"Team Grayson" and "Grayson girlie" are two different things y'all
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antiquepearlss · 2 months
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sgt-dignam · 5 months
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when you found me in the woods the other day, i was rolling on the ground and screaming. you were not surprised. why? I like you a lot better when you're not yelling at me.
Jade Herrera & Tabitha Matthews FROM (2022-)
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eryanlainfa · 1 year
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They're all nerds. No matter how 'cool' they (Hugo) try to appear. Nerds.
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hc-svnt-dracones95 · 3 months
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Arm wrestling with Mr Hale. Featuring Armin, an OC who belongs to Mike Vampstar on FB.
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backscale-pivot-queen · 3 months
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Catalina Neri, Argentina 🇦🇷
PanAms Guatemala 2024
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krasivaa · 1 year
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Catherine, The Princess of Wales in 1500s VS in 2023
krasivaa's royal series
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disneyfanatic1993 · 1 year
You know how groups of friends in animated show have special groups either canon or fan made? Well, I don't think there's a club/group name for Rapunzel, Varian, Eugene, Lance, Catalina, and Keira. So there's a name that floats not nearly as much as it should. Hear me out and let me know if you think it's cool: the Fellowship of the Sundrop.
I think that name sounds great! It’s especially fitting for season 3. 💜
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goneadrift · 2 years
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Read on AO3
Relationship: Rebecca Catalina/Jean Havoc
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Rebecca spun around, squinted her eyes and strode towards exit. Only to collide into something solid and warm and get caught in someone’s arms that prevented her from swaying and falling. Her eyes flew open and she saw that ‘something solid and warm’ was another person’s broad chest. Familiar mixed scent of coffee, cigarettes and even more familiar skin hit her senses. And just like that some of the tension vanished, leaving Rebecca still anxious but not on the verge of a breakdown anymore. She looked up to meet Jean’s eyes but his gaze was directed at something above their heads. She followed his line of sight and saw what captured his attention. A mistletoe.
Note: The title and and the fragment in the beginning is from "Fall" by Seafret. The general mood is mostly influenced by "Falling For You" by Jem and "Love Again" by Dua Lipa.
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kkirou · 20 days
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I thought a lot about how Jean, Rebecca and Riza could have become friends at the academy. Rebecca and Jean were with her when she went to war and when she returned, they lived with her for the first months after Ishval...and Riza was the first reason why Jean became part of the team Mustang.
I think they are a R E A L found family and Breda is their father in crime. He didn't want to but he loves them very much :")
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Jon Crocilla on Endurance 1
One thing which surprised me when thinking back on Endurance 1 was how much of a peripheral character Jon was. His partner, Sabrina, ran the show strategically, as she manipulated people to get her way in the game. While he proved himself in the challenges, he was mostly in the background in terms of the social game, with his only plot being his short-lived relationship with Ashley.
At the same time, if I could have any partner on the show, Jon would be either first or second on the list.
Not only Jon was a physical threat, but he also had a good head on his shoulders and has a pretty decent moral compass. Aaron was just as good, if not stronger; but Sabrina led him the wrong way due to his crush. I don't really see that with Jon, though who knows what could've happened had he partnered with Jonna instead?
He also worked well with Sabrina, which really stood out to me. In contrast to Demian and Nicole from Endurance: Hawaii, they didn't fight as much, and proved themselves throughout the season. They were even voted as "most likely to keep in touch after the show", which they did...for a little while, at least.
Jon was one half of one of the most iconic teams of the series, and he was a strong competitor throughout. I wonder how the storytelling would change had more of his confessionals appeared--I thought he was a great guy throughout!
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antiquepearlss · 2 months
Team Awesome Time Travel AU Outline
Imagine Team Awesome, but the Brotherhood are time travelers, and Varian and Eugene were being idiots and got sent back in time. Now, they have to get back home with the assistance of their friends they make on their journey. A found family develops and the brothers become closer than ever.
Due to the moonstone, Edmund has the ability to tell when a historical event is going to be interfered with and the timeline will be disrupted. So an enchanted pocket watch was created by the moonstone and given to the Brotherhood. Together they can travel back in time and keep the timeline intact.
Eugene and Varian, the next generation of The Brotherhood, are raised with an extensive knowledge of history and ancient languages to prepare them for their duties for the future (past hehe). Eugene wants nothing to do with his destiny and is a rebellious young adult; and Varian also lacks excitement, wanting to pursue a career in science, but he doesn’t make his feelings known, unlike Eugene. The cousins have a very close relationship but it has grown contentious as they’ve gotten older due to their differing beliefs about their responsibilities. They were arguing one day like usual, and accidentally broke the pocket watch, sending them back in time to Ancient Times. 
They make their way to Greece hoping they can find someone to help fix it so they can return to their timeline. They end up meeting Rapunzel, an Athenian woman hidden by her mother in an abandoned hidden temple to Aphrodite. She hides their pocket watch in an attempt to blackmail them into taking her to see the outside world. During their journey, Eugene and Rapunzel fall in love and she slowly figures out that they’re from the future. They confess their predicament and she is able to figure out a way to, slightly, fix their pocket watch. Eugene and Varian find out they are able to travel closer to the future, and Rapunzel convinces them to take her and Pascal with them. But first, they have a standoff with Gothel where she falls off the temple roof. Eugene also meets and befriends Max. Due to the stress of their situation, Eugene and Varian begin to mend their broken relationship.
The cousins + Rapunzel and Pascal, travel to Tudor England where they meet Cassandra, Lady In Waiting to Jane Seymour, who is going to die soon. Cass is scared that Henry VIII is going to ask for her hand in marriage, when she really wants to join the military. Cass and her dad, the Captain, have a fight. Cass meets the others and rather quickly learns they are time travelers due to Rapunzel’s obvious ancient mannerisms and poor English. And Eugene and Varian aren’t exactly the most inconspicuous. She befriends Rapunzel and helps them repair the pocketwatch. Before they leave, however, Jane Seymour dies and Cassandra receives a marriage proposal. Varian begs her to go with them for her own safety, and also to prevent a timestream obstruction. She and her dad have a heart to heart and he allows her to travel with her new friends and Fidella. Eugene and Varian are proud of themselves for preventing a timeline anomaly and fully mend their relationship.
The group are able to travel to 1830 New York and meet Lance and his adopted daughters, Kiera and Catalina, all thieves. Lance steals their pocketwatch but returns it after bonding with Eugene and the others. He introduces them to Xavier, who is able to mend their pocketwatch even more. Although Lance is a jovial and kind hearted man and a good thief, he gets caught and sentenced to death. Even though the group wants to prevent anomalies to the timeline, they say “fuck it” and take Lance and the girls with them. Tensions rise between Eugene and Varian as Varian believes they shouldn’t have gotten involved and mess up the timeline, but Eugene gets angry that Varian would let his new friend die. They have a heart to heart and Varian comes around. They make up after Eugene gifts Varian with a pet raccoon, Ruddiger.
The group lands in 1915 Ingvarr, in the midst of the Industrial Revolution. They meet Hugo, a weapons manufacturer and thief for Donella, who runs a steel tycoon and underground thieving ring. Hugo and Varian begin a rivalry. Hugo steals the pocketwatch and fixes it due to his own boredom and gives it to Donella as a gift after they have a fight. The group are unable to find the pocketwatch and begin to believe they are stuck in 1915, possibly one of the worst years to be stuck in. Varian quickly realizes it’s Hugo that stole the pocketwatch and sucks up his pride and asks for it back, and Hugo wanting to mess with him, agrees to give it back if Varian goes on a date with him. (knowing full well that Varian would rather die, also conveniently not telling him he doesn’t have the pocketwatch.) Varian agrees, and the two fall for eachother as the day goes on. Hugo shows Varian his secret project, Olivia. Before Hugo can confess that he doesn’t have the pocketwatch, Varian figures out his secret and gets mad. He helps Hugo steal the fully fixed pocket watch but leaves Hugo; and the group prepares to finally, go back home. Before they do, Rapunzel convinces Varian to talk to Hugo, who has been drafted into the front lines. (Donella pulled strings and got him drafted after he stole the pocketwatch from her and quit her organization. She’s not very good in this story, sorry.) The group says “fuck it” and takes Hugo back home with them. Eugene is proud of Varian for messing with the timeline.
The group finally make it back to modern Corona, five seconds after they initially left. The Brotherhood are, understandably, very confused and concerned about why Eugene and Varian are four years older and also have six people trailing them plus a chameleon, a mechanical mouse, two horses, and a raccoon. 
Eugene and Varian have proven themselves to be competent time-travelers and they, along with their new friends, officially become members of the Brotherhood and spend their days fixing time anomalies.
Random ideas- 
The boys know Various ancient languages and are immune to any old diseases, plus they cannot infect anyone from the past with any modern diseases because moonstone magic idk. Varian is able to replicate this and gives antidotes to the others.
Rapunzel learns English from Cassandra, who knows Ancient Greek, to communicate better with the boys.
The group travels to Ancient Egypt and meets Nuru, the pharaoh's daughter and aspiring astronomer.
The group meet other various Disney Princesses.
The timeline obstruction with Lance doesn’t actually affect anything, since he would have eventually found a way to escape and he would have moved to France with the girls anyway.
Same with Hugo, you know he would’ve dodged the draft.
-Someday I want to turn this into an actual fic. But, the amount of time it would take to research and write would probably kill me. So, if it does happen, it won’t be anytime soon. Still, if you guys want to talk about it I would love to.-
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