#teaching job recruitment agencies
schoolhouse · 2 months
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The Rise of Education Recruiters: What Schools Don't Want You to Know
Education recruiters have been quietly transforming the hiring landscape within the educational sector, but what are schools not sharing about this rising trend? Education recruiters bring a tailored approach to hiring, focusing on matching the right talent with the right institutions.
They often have access to exclusive job openings and insights into what schools are truly looking for in candidates. Schools might not want you to know that working with education recruiters can give you a competitive edge in the job market. By leveraging their expertise and connections, you can navigate the hiring process more effectively and land your dream job in education.
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eslvivakr · 2 years
Best Place to Land an ESL Teaching Job in Korea
Are you actively looking to land an ESL teaching job in Korea? But don’t know which places to look for, given your conditions and things you need to keep in mind before applying for one.
Then, let us try and give you an idea of which type of English teaching job you can target and the basic things you need to learn from different ESL recruiting agency Korea before going forward with the application.
First, let us look at what are the types of ESL academy you can target in Korea, depending upon your preferences and qualifications: -
Primary academic institutions concentrating on supplementary education are generally referred to as Hagwon in South Korea. Hagwon provides a good starting platform for people looking for a teacher job in Korea.
Public schools
Public school jobs are renowned among foreigners looking to land an English teaching role in Korea. They are wholly government-owned buildings.
If you want a higher chance of landing an English teaching job in Korea, having an EPIK certificate linked to the Korean education board will help you with that.
University English jobs are considered the best compared to the other known types. A university job has a different aura in society; they pay good salaries, work fewer hours, and frequent vacations.
After knowing the different types of ESL teaching jobs, you can target. Let us now look at some of the basic things you need to learn before applying to one: -
Work etiquette
Different places have different cultures around the world, so make sure you learn these things about how to greet and respect other people in Korea and try to acquaint yourself with Korean culture beforehand.
 Native language
Understanding and speaking Korean will improve your chances of landing an English teaching job compared to others who don't adequately communicate in the native language.
Hopefully, from the above article, you now know where to land an ESL teaching role best suitable according to your preferences.
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minty-mumbles · 1 year
LU Superhero AU
I’m gonna be honest, I haven't come up with a plot for this AU. But  I'm posting it anyways lol
In this universe, everyone has a power, but how useful those powers are varies wildly. 
Heroes are technically a part of law enforcement, but they work independently from the government and have a lot of leeway. A Hero Agency recruits by scouting among civilians who have strong powers with combative properties. Heroes are recruited when their powers manifest (13-15 yo) and train until they become an adult. Then they decide if they want to become a hero or do something else. Very few people choose to stay.
A Hero Agency controls patrol schedules and coordinates the heroes’ actions with the police. They secure private healers/doctors, get heroes high-quality suits and gear, and give them excellent legal representation if they need it. They also often provide housing if the heroes want to use them. In short, they're a safety net for heroes, but they come limitations.
Vigilantes are those who do what the Heroes do, but without the backing of an Agency. This means they aren’t licensed to take extreme actions, which makes a lot of what they do illegal. Heroes technically work to catch Vigilantes, but they end up teaming up more often than not. Heroes aren’t too concerned with catching them. They recognize that Vigilantes are doing the same thing as Heroes do, but simply don’t want to answer to an Agency.
Heroes are public figures. (There's definitely fanfiction written about them in universe, lmao.) Generally their civilian identity are kept secret. The public assumes that heroes live in the housing that the Agency provides, and that being a hero is their only job. However, most heroes live elsewhere, and only crash at Agency housing if they’re working late or they're injured. Being a hero pays more than enough to live off of, but most heroes have at least a part-time normal job so to not draw attention.
Status: Hero (Starting to take a background role in things. Not retired yet, but not as active.)
Code Name: Tempus or Kronos
Power: Rewind - He can rewind time up to three days. He can go back shorter time frames, like one day, but it takes more concentration to do so. Three days is the default. The minimum amount of time he can wind back is 15 minutes, and that's after decades of practice. 
When he travels back in time, his body is rewound to the state it was at the time he wound back to. He could be bleeding out, and turn the clock back and be fine. He's not able to bring anything back with him, so he’s gotten pretty good at memorization.
Once he rewinds, he can’t do so again until he's back to the point where he started from. For example, if he rewinds three days, he has to wait three days to be able to rewind again. He can’t just keep going back three days at a time until he’s rewound an entire year.
Time was unusually young when his powers manifested, only nine or ten. The powers manifested when his school was attacked by the villain Majora. No one believed him, either about the fact that his power had manifested so young, or that his school would be attacked. (Power manifestation usually happens ages 13-15.) He was stuck repeating the same three days over and over. He doesn’t know how long he spent in the loop, but eventually he managed to seek out the help of a vigilante, the Fierce Deity, who has the power to possess others and give them godlike strength. He was able to defeat Majora, but at the cost of the life of his childhood friend, Navi.
He’s married!! To Malon! And they are so in love
He used to teach history at a university. 
His secret identity has been revealed. People know he’s married, but they don't know to who. This forced him to move into agency housing. Malon stayed on Lon Lon Ranch just outside of the city. Time spends a good half of his days there, he just has to be careful about not being seen around the ranch too much now that people know who he is. If he were to retire, he and Malon would likely go into witness protection.
Status: Hero 
Code Name: Vespera (? Latin for Dusk)
Power: Wolf Form - He can shapeshift into a wolf. While in wolf form, he can talk to other animals and ask them to do things. This gives the illusion he can control animals, but he actually can’t. He’s just polite and more often than not animals listen to him. His wolf form is slightly larger than a normal wolf and has better senses. He has unnatural tracking skills. He is incapable of human speech in Wolf form.
He is Time’s distant cousin. They weren’t close at first, especially because Twilight lived all the way out in the countryside, while Time lived in the city.
Twilight’s power manifested at a rather young age (11) and he had problems controlling his transformations. His parents sent him off to the city to train as a hero, in hopes he would learn how to control his power better. He stayed with Uncle Time, who just so happened (not that Twilight’s parents know this) to be a Hero as well.
Twilight was mentored by Time. Mentoring actually means something in this system. They teach the younger heroes the ropes, etc.
He ended up liking being a Hero enough to stay. He goes back to visit his parents and help out around the farm during the summers though. 
He was mentoring Wild before Wild’s accident.
Status: Hero 
Code Name: Captain
Power: Persuasion - He can’t exactly brainwash people, but he can make them very susceptible to his suggestions. They can break out of it if they have enough will. It’s very useful for making opponents lay down their weapons and give up, and even if someone does still try to fight him, it makes them reluctant to do so, making it easy for Warriors.
Used to be a captain in the military and was recruited to Hyrule City’s hero agency from there.
Oh my god, he has so many fangirls
Status: Hero 
Code Name: Loft (& Crimson)
Power: Spirit Bird - He can manifest a ghostly bird. It can come in any form, from a common sparrow, to a hawk, to mythical birds like a phoenix. Its default form seems to be the legendary Loftwing. No matter what form the bird appears in, it’s always a brilliant shade of red, making it easy to spot. Sky doesn’t control it, per se, but they share a very deep bond, to the point many have wondered if the bird is just an extension of Sky, and not a separate entity. 
I’m considering also giving Sky float or levitation as a secondary power. Just cause it would fit the theme
Sky is a pacifist. Crimson can and will kick your ass /hj
He is dating the daughter of Hylia, the Mayor of Hyrule City. She knows he’s got some sort of dangerous job, and assumes he works for the military, but doesn’t know he’s a hero. She has not connected his little pet cardinal to the giant red loftwing yet. Time has told Sky he needs to tell Sun before things get messy, and Sky is trying to figure out how to tell her
Status: Hero, Vigilante
Code Name: Hare 
Power: Does he…. have a power? Unclear. Even the others in the chain aren’t totally sure. He must have one, right? One time he mentioned something about being turned into an animal, but no one’s sure if that was on account of his own power, or from somebody else’s. He mostly fights using the power of These Hands™️ and lots of interesting technology and items that have been magically enchanted by other people’s powers. 
He’s got a mysterious background, but everyone knows that regardless of what he was doing before he came to Hyrule City, he’s very experienced. 
He used to be a spy for Hylia, the mayor of Hyrule City. He quit after his girlfriend died in an unrelated incident. The stress and grief were too much for him. He didn’t want to go back to that life, so he became a hero instead.
Often does reconnaissance missions to go find precious artifacts or things like that. EIther via the government or via an independent client. Because he takes an independent contract out of the purview of his work, he’s also technically considered a vigilante sometimes.
A lot of people owe him favors, and he has a lot of powerful connections. If you need something, be it information, a rare item, or to find someone, he’s your man.
For a short while, there was a popular theory among the public that he was a child assassin. It eventually got out of hand and the Agency publicly addressed it, shaming people for trying to pry into Legend's private life. The rumors mostly stopped, but there are some people who still believe it. 
Status: Ex-Hero, Vigilante  
Code Name: Before his accident when he was called Champion, after his accident he’s called Nightwatcher (Don’t like this name, can’t think of another)
Minor Time Manipulation - A Flurry Rush basically. He can slow down time for up to a minute at once, allowing him to appear to move unnaturally quickly. He can only activate when he’s in midair, for some reason. He works well with Wind because of this, as well as being an accomplished parkour artist.
Regen - He lost this power after his accident. It repaired any physical damage done to him. It was not an instantaneous repair, it took a while. It also increased his pain tolerance, partially due to his power, and partially because he got injured so often and was expected to walk it off because he could heal. He got used to the pain. He’s reckless because of his power, knowing any potential injuries wouldn’t matter. This mind set becomes a problem after he looses this power.
He used to be a hero-in-training. Only about a year before graduating to a full-fledged hero, there was an accident. He nearly died and was in a coma for 100 days. This accident also took his memories, his regeneration power, and his civilian friend group (the champions) 
He may or may not have gotten help from his friend Flora and some shady Sheiklah scientists to survive. On a totally unrelated note, he now has a cool robot arm and his eyes glow!
When he woke up, he remembered nothing. He didn’t want to be a hero anymore, and didn't like being under the Agency’s thumb. He now acts as a vigilante. 
All the heroes know he's the same person, but have no intention of doing anything about it. The public has several conspiracies about him being the young hero who was long thought dead, but nothing proven.
Flora used to be a mechanic for the agency like Four., but has since dropped out to become a weapons/suit/gear supplier for Vigilantes. 
Wild somehow has the phone number of Hylia, the mayor of Hyrule City. No one’s sure how he got it, because everyone else has an absolute bitch of a time getting a hold of her, even her own family members. (Seriously. Flora, who’s her niece, started to desperately look up to the woman after the death of her mother, but was never able to talk to her. Like, ever)
Status: Healer, Hero
Code Name: Glowmoth/Glowworm/Firefly? (Not sure about this one. I wanted something to allude to the fact that his fairy form and magic glows. A moth themed Hyrule would be so cute, and Firefly would allude to his proclivity for fire) 
Power: Fairy Form - He can transform into a fairy. He can fly. It’s good for stealth because it's small. It does glow slightly, so if it’s dark the stealth is negated. As a side effect of his fairy form, he also has the power to heal. He use his own energy to heal, but the fairy dust he sheds while in his transformed state can be used to heal as well. Dissolving the dust in a liquid will make a potion or a healing salve, which this takes no effort from Hyrule, so how he usually heals.
“I’m a healer, but… *cocks gun*”
He started out as a vigilante who lived on the streets/partially in the Lost Woods that borders the city. He went around offering medical assistance to any who needed it. As he was way too young to have a medical license, this was illegal. 
Time saw him doing this and basically went “Oh yeah, you’re coming home with me,” and took him to meet Malon. Hyrule didn’t know that Time was a Hero at first. Time only told him later when Hyrule didn’t stop healing poeple and Time wanted to give him a way to do it legally. 
He primarily acts as the field medic, but he’s more than capable of taking care of himself. He’s just more concerned with the civilians who might have been caught in the crossfire of the battles
Status: Ex-Hero-in-Training (He's retired from field work and now works as the heroes’ mechanic)
Code Name: Fracture
Power: Duplication- He can split into four people, the colors. They started out as simple clones of himself, but started to gain their own personalities the more often they were separated. Recently, they started communicating with Four mentally while he was not split. Four is currently seeing a specialist for this, as it’s an unfortunate reality that people’s powers can become too strong and can overtake them. (This is what ended up happening to Fierce Deity, and Time had to kill him)
They’ve been able to stop this process in Four. But he’ll need to have treatment for the rest of his life to stop it from getting worse, and he can’t over strain his powers, ei: stay split for too long. The colors are now a permanent fixture in his mind, and Four has made peace with that. He can mentally communicate with the colors now. If he is asleep/unconscious, or he allows them to do so, they can take over control of his body for short periods of time. 
(I kind of want to give him a shrinking ability too. Having a second power would add to the “his power is too strong for his body” situation. If he has shrinking powers, Minish would be a good alt code name for him.)
Four is trans and named himself Four in honor of his ability, before he knew the colors would become sentient. (I know some of the others have names that very conveniently align with their powers as well, but this was the worst case, so I justified it) 
Four was heavily debating whether he wanted to be a hero or drop out to go to a trade school. The choice was made for him when he could no longer overuse his power. He’s not mad about it, because he probably would have quit anyway. He still makes gear for the other heroes.
He moved into agency housing so he could have direct access to medical staff after it was realized something was wrong with his power. 
Status: Hero-in-Training
Code Name: Whirlwind or Squall
Power: Wind Manipulation - He can manipulate the wind. He is able to send gusts of wind to shove other people around, can fly, and can carry and pick up other people as well. Is still getting a grasp on his powers. While he is very good at activating them when he needs to, he is worse at keeping them contained when he’s in a bad mood.
Other: He is training to be a superhero. He’s only allowed on the field right working as Hyrule’s assistant, but he’s learning quickly, and wants to become a full fledged hero.
Mentored by Warriors
New to the Hero Agency, only developed his powers recently 
He was this close to joining a group of vigilantes. (Who are strangely pirate themed and very committed to the bit, despite Hyrule City not being close to any ocean, unless you count Lake Hylia. Which you shouldn’t.)  Time managed to convince him not too. (He has a bit of hero worship for Time)
Bonus Characters!
Status: Villain 
Code Name: The Shadow
Power: Infection - He can infect people with his black slime and control them. The amount of people he can control at once is dictated by how complicated the tasks they're doing are. He can control a bunch of people if all he’s asking is for them to patrol and sound the alarm if anything is wrong. He can control less if he’s asking for them to do something like perform surgery. The abilities of the person who is controlled are limited to their own. So for example, Dink wouldn’t need to understand how to do a surgery, but his victim would. He is not mentally connected with them, so if he sends them to do an errand and they get knocked out, he wouldn’t know. I imagine he might also be able to form little creatures out of the slime (not sentient) to fight for him as well.
Status: Civilian
Power: Animal Charmer- She’s unnaturally good at calming animals. It works best on mammals, works okay on birds, lizards, and amphibians, works very poorly, if at all, on fish and invertebrates. The longer she spends around a certain type of animal, the better her powers work on them, although this is still limited by type of animal. She could spend days with spiders, but her control over them wouldn’t grow much at all. Because she works on a farm, she is excellent at calming common farm animals.
Lives on Lonlon Ranch
She knows what Time’s job is. She doesn’t necessarily like him going out to fight, but she admires that he’s brave enough to do so. She also knows she couldn't stop him if she wanted to
Status: Spy and part-time Hero
Code Name: Rabbit
Power: Portrait - He can turn into a painting and move along surfaces. 
Lives in the neighboring city of Lorule. He works directly with Lolia, Mayor of Lorule City.
He’s a spy and also occasionally helps with rescue type missions like finding people trapped in rubble. The public is aware of him, but doesn't know he’s a spy, obviously. 
He is one of Legend’s “connections.”
Legend and Ravio’s matching names was a total coincidence /srs Legend was a bit pissed about it.
Ravio looks a lot like Legend, actually, to the point that half the public thinks they’re related. The other half thinks they're dating. Their matching names do not help this situation. Hare/Rabbit fanfiction in this universe is very highly debated lol. 
They actually aren’t related, but neither are they dating, exactly. Legend is still a little reluctant to date after Marin
Status: Civilian (Deceased) 
Power: Lullaby- Can sing someone to sleep. Her actual singing abilities were not changed by this, so she went to singing lessons to get better at it, to insure she wasn’t screeching people to sleep. 
Wanted to become a nurse? 
Was dating Legend. 
She was killed in an accident with an old superhero, Windfish. Windfish was able to take someone and himself to a constructed dreamscape. He lost control of his power one day, sucking both himself and Marin into a dreamscape. They both fell into a coma while Windfish tried to get them out. After nearly a month, he was forced to admit defeat, and was convinced by Marin to leave her behind. He woke up, leaving Marin trapped in a coma with no way to wake up. Her family decided to pull the plug on her life support. Windfish retired from hero work after that.
Status: Civilian 
Power: Seagull Speak- She can communicate with seagulls. Her power hasn't actually manifested yet, but she does have a very odd affinity for the birds that other people have started to notice.
Status: Villain (?) (Deceased)
Power: He can melt into a shadow, becoming immaterial. If he had more time to master his powers, he would have discovered he was able to teleport short distances through shadows. 
Shadow was an experimental clone made by Dink using Four’s DNA and Dink’s dark goop.
Unfortunately, Shadow is dead. Vio “turned traitor” to try and rescue him from Dink after it became evident he didn’t actually want to be a Villain, but failed in rescuing Shadow
No one except Vio and the Hero Agency knew that he was on a mission. Yeah, the betrayal angst was at full volume here
I keep thinking: the mirror that Shadow shattered, sacrificing himself? In this AU, it wasn't a mirror, it was the glass tank he was being kept in that was keeping him alive. You know the big cylinders you see in sci-fi movies with people floating inside of them? Those things. Shadow had to shatter his for some reason to save Vio, who'd gotten in too deep in the assignment.
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kitkatyes · 7 months
Thinking about some headcanons of the differences between the Agency and Zoraxis
Sticking a linebreak in here because I have no impulse control and wrote like, 700 words
The Agency:
In my eyes, they are severely underfunded. Their facilities are practically ancient. You know how your school always has that one part that hasn't been refurbished in decades? Yeah, that's pretty much their entire base of operations, no matter which location you look at.
I'd like to imagine the sense of community is either really strong or really strained. If you're working in, say, HR, I feel like you'd have a really nice bond with your coworkers. However, on the other hand, there's the EOD. I feel that they, would have a tense atmosphere. I mean, if your coworkers were dying every other day, I wouldn't really want to get attached. Even still, there are always a few EOD agents that have grown close to each other and they never deal well with the loss of their coworkers.
The Agency, however, has a very good training programme for their prospective field agents. I envision it as something like past (surviving) field agents or handlers teaching the new recruits all their tips and tricks. (and how to disarm a bomb effectively)
Everyone has absolutely horrible pay. Sure, you might be in the EOD, risking your life on a daily basis, but you'd only just be able to afford a small apartment. The higher-ups consider it almost pointless: they'd just die anyway so why waste all that precious money?
I feel that all Handlers who are ex-field agents would be best friends. They'd all joke about their numerous near-death experiences on the daily. Sort of like the fond retellings we hear Phoenix's Handler talk about over the course of the games. I think they have a shared break room of sorts near their offices.
I'd think that they have top-notch facilities- state-of-the-art shit. (they are a very successful business, after all) I'm talking fancy architecture and everything. I feel like they'd be the kind of place where they have those Dyson hand dryers and very nice-smelling soap.
Unlike the Agency, I think the Zoraxis employees/operatives would be relatively nice to each other. Their relationships wouldn't be based on their departments cause I feel like being assigned to a life-threatening mission only happens once (they almost always due to lack of experience)
However, Zoraxis has terrible training programmes. They want to save money so they just stick their new recruits into a single building and hire the cheapest self-defence teachers they can put onto a salary.
Zoraxis employees have a pretty good paycheck, all things considered. They pay a decent amount over minimum wage so most people are able to live somewhat comfortably. I feel like one of the selling points of getting a job is their ability to provide accommodation if needed. They'd have enough money to buy a few apartment blocks for their new hires.
Okay, be so real, they'd both suck at doing background checks. The Agency because they can't really be picky for their field agents and Zoraxis because they don't give a shit. You could be a murderer and they'd just let you walk in with no trouble. Hell, you could probably fake your documents and no one would bat an eye.
The director and Zor rarely show their faces around the building. I feel like all the employees would spread the most out-there rumours about them.
They both have some employee of the month system. Zoraxis gives them out when they remember they have it. The lucky employee gets a little certificate and a small bonus on their next paycheck. At the Agency, Phoenix just has, like, so many. It's like, twenty picture frames in a row and yes, there is absolutely no variation in selected images, just the Agency-mandated ID photo everyone takes on their first day. They get nothing for it, just the gift of staring at their mug every time they are forced to wait for their Handler outside his office.
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funishment-time · 9 months
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UTDP/Summer Camp: Kirumi Tojo
in-game info from v3's UTDP Mode and Danganronpa S: Summer Camp AU, for fanart/fanfic inspiration etc. note that this is a "nice" universe where v3 goes to Hope's Peak and Junko never Junko'd.
this post details Kirumi Tojo's scenes with others, as well as insights about her that these bits provide. there's a Lot, so jump on down under the cut.
(i hope to do all characters over time, so Hang Tight for your fave!)
> more UTDP/Summer Camp character databases <
NOTE: As stated, in the UTDP/Summer Camp universe, the v3 kids go to Hope's Peak, likely as Class 79. Regardless of their backstories in v3, they are "played straight" in this universe, e.g. Shuichi and Kyoko are both the Ultimate Detectives, etc.
[Mahiru, on a photo of Kirumi by herself:] "...your expression is much different when you're alone...You may look distant, but you also look dignified and beautiful, soft and lovely." (Summer Camp, Kirumi & Mahiru)
"...being served by someone else just doesn't feel right to me." (Summer Camp, Kirumi & Leon & Kyoko)
Has experience with most video game genres, as a past employer once requested that she play games with them (Summer Camp, Kirumi & Hajime & Chiaki)
Considers starting her own maid business a command from the "future of many" (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 1)
Prefers her curry "moderately spicy," and how she likes her eggs "depends on the meal" (Summer Camp, Campfire 3)
"A life spent in support of others is a life of immeasurable value." (Summer Camp, My Future)
"People often think of me as "helpful" because I am on the front lines, serving you directly. But the truth is, it takes the work of countless people I'll never know to allow me to do my job." (Summer Camp, Kazuichi's Potential of Talent 2)
Experienced at juggling, as she once taught an elite troupe of entertainers for a master who loved circuses (Summer Camp, Tsumugi's Summer Festival 3)
Often serves Byakuya, something that makes Toko very jealous (UTDP, w/ Byakuya Togami and Toko Fukawa)
Offers to refer Celeste to a "superior butler agency" (UTDP, w/ Celestia Ludenberg and Teruteru Hanamura)
Offers to help Toko take care of her hygiene (UTDP, w/ Toko Fukawa)
Happily reminds Rantaro of his own maid as a child (UTDP, w/ Rantaro Amami)
Mediates conflicts between Mondo and Taka (UTDP, Winter 1)
Helps Leon think of a gift for Kanon (UTDP, Winter 3)
Kazuichi is, unsurprisingly, turned on by Kirumi, but his heart belongs to MISS SONIA (UTDP, Kazuichi's Spring Festival 3)
Unfazed, however, Kirumi encourages Kazuichi about his talent (Summer Camp, Kazuichi's Potential of Talent 2)
Offers to refer Teruteru to good waitstaff when he opens his restaurant (UTDP, Teruteru's Winter 3)
"Delighted" by Shuichi's compassion when he asks her to relax before graduation (Summer Camp, Shuichi & Kirumi)
Helps Sakura train and shares her concerns about the Warriors of Hope (Summer Camp, Kirumi & Sakura)
Serves Sonia, which makes Sonia both very comfortable and very uncomfortable (Summer Camp, Kirumi & Sonia)
Sonia does, however, want to hire Kirumi as her personal maid (Summer Camp, Sonia's Potential of Talent 2)
Sayaka commands Kirumi not to serve anyone for a whole day, and in DR's greatest paradox, Kirumi accepts...not without discomfort (Summer Camp, Kirumi & Leon & Kyoko)
Recruited by Chiaki to help her farm loot in a video game, as long as Kirumi has fun doing it (Summer Camp, Kirumi & Hajime & Chiaki)
Byakuya agrees to act as Kirumi's business advisor when she leaves the school (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 1)
Gundham's nicknames for Kirumi: "Omnipotent Servant" and "Avatar of Servitude" (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 2) + (Summer Camp, Summer Festival 1)
Discusses a potential robotic copy of herself with Monaca (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 3)
Teaches Sonia a folk dance, and happily dances at the campfire with her at her request (Summer Camp, Campfire 1)
Byakuya is aware of Kirumi's "other job" and offers her an investment deal in a maid business (Summer Camp, Campfire 2)
Chiaki really wants to get to know Kirumi (Summer Camp, Campfire 3)
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dorokora · 1 year
Chapter 14 Episode 2 Part 2:
We start with narration about the Entertainer. Entertainers is the name of the guild where Tokyo's top performing arts people gather. The guild originated from a famous student theater company and an entertainment agency. Therefore, the number of affiliated members who naturally gather will increase in the number of people involved in the entertainment industry and behind the scenes. Amduscias is one of those people. Ever since he came to Tokyo, he has been secretly performing entertainment activities without showing his face. He wondered if what he wanted to do was different from what he could do. Seeing Gabriel’s performance shined a spark in him. With that wish, Amduscias started imitating underground idol activities. After many twists and turns, he decided to join the Entertainers. It was all a mere coincidence. Amduscias just wanted a companion to walk the same path with. And it was around that time that the situation of "games" in Tokyo began to move greatly.
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We cut to the Invader mobs fighting the Rule Maker Angels. New recruits who have never been in a guild war had their daily life completely collapsed. The closed area deployed by the "app" is released, and the fatal wound that was inflicted is quickly rewound. In this fierce battlefield, even losing your life and getting comfortable is not allowed. The war situation has already spread throughout Tokyo. There’s no longer find a safe place anywhere. The Entertainer mobs arrived but they’re not registered on the app. The Entertainers have privileges that other guilds do not have as the operator of the "app". They can freely disguise the information of the "app" game participants. Therefore, in this way, it is possible to approach and attack without being noticed by the other players. The Entertainers began to brainwash the Invader mobs.
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We cut Beowulf, who said his job was to kill the trophy and end this loop and move on to the next one. He thought it would be an easy job for someone like him who specializes in exterminating dragons. However, MC is in a place where they can’t be touch. Beowulf ask Christine what is the Entertainers planning to do with Loki. Christine said there’s a misunderstanding. She invited Loki as a guest to play this role on this stage. Apart from her, there is someone who needed “that person” as an audience member.
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We cut to Oscar and Loki, Oscar tells him he’s here to pick him up. Loki just says foul stuff to him. But Oscar likes that about his behavior. Oscar tells Loki it’s time to invite him to the first class audience seat. If this world is the stage, then the customer he wants, is Loki. He wants Loki to see the script he created. Loki ask Oscar to let Ose go to express his gratitude for entertaining him and because he can’t leave someone who inherited his brother’s memories alone. Oscar said, according to the story, it was none other than Odin who once restrained Loki like that. Loki said “Don’t get me wrong, I'm very kind. In this world, to everyone but to you, No. I don't hate my brother either, on the contrary. That guy shines in the midst of suffering...” Loki smiles happily at the thought of his brother who restrained him and tortured him with poison. Loki still can't help but remember the annoyed look on Odin’s face when he decided to torture him. That anguish will make him shine even more. Oscar said he’ll arrange for Ose’s release. We cut to Barrong and Amduscias. Barrong said this will be their first guild mission together. Amduscias is assembling camera equipments. The intention is to deliver a message to “someone watching offstage”. We cut back to MC and Quantum. MC ask Quantum if there’s anything she knows. Quantum said she’ll teach them. She said she can't connect to the other side, but she can also get information from the other side. We end is part with MC receiving Amduscias message.
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Major Kirk and the Women's Army Corps
By Jonathan Monfiletto
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When Uncle Sam called, a young woman from Penn Yan – much like many of the young men all around her – answered. And she not only rose to the call but went above and beyond it during her nearly three and a half years of service in World War II.
Less than six months after the United States of America entered the global conflict following the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces, the U.S. government – through a bill approved by Congress and signed by President Franklin Roosevelt – established the Women’s Auxiliary Air Corps on May 15, 1942 “for the purpose,” officially, “of making available to the national defense the knowledge, skill, and special training of women of the nation.” In actuality, it took a Congresswomen – U.S. Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers, of Massachusetts, who introduced the bill a year before it became law – to ensure women would receive all the rights and benefits afforded to male service members when they supported the Army, after she had witnessed the status of women in World War I.
Less than three months after the WAAC was formed, in September 1942, Carlotta “Kirk” Crosier became Yates County’s first woman to enlist in this new military organization. Having been employed as a physical education teacher in Owego public schools at the time, she joined through the Binghamton recruiting office. In fact, though she taught at Owego Free Academy for two years by that point, a newspaper article from the time indicates she did not return for the 1942-1943 school year because she anticipated a call to service.
From Binghamton, Crosier reported to Des Moines, Iowa for basic training at the rank of private. With her experience in physical education, she helped the platoon leader teach the other recruits how to march. Perhaps as a result, she was one of two privates selected for the first officers training course for women.
Upon completion of this officer candidate school, 2nd Lt. Crosier served as executive officer for an all-female company stationed in Daytona Beach, Florida but preparing for duty in England. When the unit was transferred to Fort Devon, Massachusetts and then Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, Crosier was promoted to company commander. When Crosier and her fellow women reached England in July 1943 – the first WAAC battalion to do so, with three to five companies – they were assigned to the 3rd Division of the 8th Air Force. Here, Crosier worked as a company commander under Gen. Curtis LeMay.
Initially, WAACs worked only as clerks, cooks, drivers, and medical personnel. Indeed, a newspaper report quoting an article by Doris Fleeson in the Woman’s Home Companion speaks of female troops under Crosier’s command performing clerical communications and mess duties.
In September 1943, though, Congress and the President – again, through the work of Rep. Rogers – authorized the Women’s Army Corps (WAC), shortening the acronym by a letter and allowing women to serve overseas with the regular Army. Now, women began to take on roles as cryptologists, radio operators, photographers, mechanics, and more.
At this point, it seems, 1st Lt. Crosier was transferred to the 8th Air Force Headquarters Operations Section commanded by Gen. Jimmy Doolittle. Later promoted to captain, she served as the first female operations watch officer in the history of the U.S. military. In this role, working in the operations room in a bombproof, underground structure, Crosier helped coordinate the missions that sent U.S. warplanes on the attack.
Listening to pre-mission discussions among Doolittle and his staff, Crosier helped supply such information as the weather and direct such decisions as the target, the time, the bombload, and the number of planes. When the group made its final decisions for the mission, it was Crosier’s job to write the field order containing all of the pertinent information, send it out by teletype to the bomber divisions, and alert allied agencies of the upcoming attack.
A newspaper article, with the date of March 9, 1944 handwritten on it, calls to attention Crosier’s role in the bombing raids over Berlin, Germany. According to the article, the London Daily Sketch of February 23, 1944 carried a 12-square-inch photograph of Crosier and had this to say about her: “The girl who knows ‘The Gen.’ She is Lt. Carlotta Crosier, U.S. Women’s Army corps, operations watch officer at Eighth Air Force H.Q. On her accuracy depends much of the co-ordination that sends U.S. planes out on attacks. When her chief, Major-General Jimmy Doolittle, asks: ‘How many bombers will we be able to put up tomorrow?’ she supplies the answer.”
Another newspaper article, handwritten with the year of 1945, noted in its headline then-Capt. Crosier “Continues as Watch Officer” and indicated she was among the WACs “contributing considerably toward the successful completion of air attacks against Nazi Europe.” These women kept a constant check on each air mission as it was flown and kept records and plans for future information. Crosier specifically informed generals and other officers who planned air operations on the progress and reports of the current missions and prepared them for any emergencies in which information must be relayed to the proper channels.
Yet another newspaper article dates presumably from about the spring or summer of 1945, as it states Crosier had returned home to Penn Yan after two and a half years of service. Then, she didn’t expect to be out of uniform until almost another year. Indeed, she was discharged as Maj. Crosier in January 1946. Upon her return, she noted how her with bombing missions over enemy territory turned into such missions as dropping supplies over the Netherlands. Then, with little work for the WACs to do but wait to go home, Crosier volunteered to assist with the filming of a documentary about what she and her fellow women did in the European theater. In fact, she was in Paris the day the French held a parade to celebrate V-E, or Victory in Europe, Day.
In a V-mail letter home that was printed in a 1943 report in The Chronicle-Express, Crosier commented on receiving the hometown newspaper overseas and finding fellow soldiers with ties to Penn Yan and the Finger Lakes region. She also seemed to sum up the mission of her fellow women during the war.
“I believe I’m very fortunate in being over here and all of the Wacs are hard at work now and doing a fine job,” she wrote. “I’m very proud of the girls in my command. We are attached to the air force and are very proud of that. … I was very fortunate in being given an opportunity of going up in a Flying Fortress and it sure was a wonderful ship. As you know we are all part of the army of the United States and are regularly G.I.’s now.”
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a2zfacultyblr · 1 year
Teaching Job Consultancy Services: What it is, and How to Benefit from It
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Who are Teaching Job consultants?
The people who recruit candidates for temporary or long-term positions in the education sector are known as recruitment consultants. In summary, we focus on pitching prospects whose profiles perfectly match those of the education board and related businesses. By selected location, teaching certification, and subject area knowledge, you can look for teaching and lecturing employment as well as non-teaching jobs on our A2Z Faculty website throughout India.
What do education industry recruitment consultants do?
While offering recruitment services to the education sector, they fulfill many viable responsibilities. Mentioned below are some of the roles they perform:
Search through candidate databases to find the best candidate for the client's opening.
Inform the candidate of the duties, benefits, and potential compensation for the available job position.
Help clients and prospects by offering recommendations on pay, education, and professional advancement.
Why opt for Teaching Job consultants?
The goal of Indian education recruitment consultants is to foster loyalty. To learn about the profile requirements of employers or education-based industries/organizations, it builds through beneficial interactions, greater comprehension, and regular communications. Because of this, job seekers and companies search for consultants or education recruitment firms.
The recruitment consultants outperform the hiring agency in terms of success because they help in all proceedings and follow up with the candidates.
Why is A2Z Faculty the best Teaching Job Consultancy Services provider?
Being experts in the education hiring industry, we give you a sense of openness, honesty, and a range of options. As the top consulting firm in India, we always give you a ton of information and work hard to respond to all of your inquiries. We want to make sure you will get what you want, so we are interested in learning about your preferences. A solid foundation for finding work can be created by having a clear idea of your preferences for your desired job profile, industry, pay scale, location, and other factors. The better you understand your needs, the easier it will be for you to communicate them to us and for us to locate the ideal school for you.
You have come to the right place if you or someone you know is looking for teaching positions in the educational field. Contact A2Z Faculty right away to begin your career as an educational instructor in the most prestigious and respected institutions around India and land the job of your dreams in your selected location with a magnificent annual income package!
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quinteducation · 1 year
The Importance of Finding the Right Agency for Teaching Jobs in Early Years
For those looking to start or further their careers in early years education, it can be challenging to find the right agency to help you achieve your goals. With so many options available, it's important to know what to look for when choosing an agency to represent you. This is where Quint Education can make a difference.
At Quint Education, we understand the importance of providing the best possible support and resources to our candidates, especially when it comes to finding agencies for nursery workers, agencies for nursery staff, agencies for teaching jobs, agency teaching assistant jobs, and agency work for teaching assistants. Our mission is to help individuals become a nursery teacher or become an early years teacher and start a rewarding career in this field.
We work closely with early years education institutions, schools and nurseries, to ensure our candidates are provided with the best opportunities and placements. Our dedicated team of recruitment specialists is knowledgeable and experienced in the early years education sector, and they are committed to matching you with the perfect role that aligns with your goals, skills, and experience.
Whether you're just starting out on your journey to become a nursery teacher or an early years teacher, or you're an experienced professional looking for new opportunities, we are here to help. We offer a range of flexible and supportive agency work options, including part-time, full-time, and supply work, to accommodate your individual needs and preferences.
We believe that every candidate should have access to quality training and development opportunities, which is why we offer a range of professional development programs and resources. Our programs are designed to help our candidates enhance their skills, gain new knowledge, and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and practices.
In conclusion, if you're looking for agencies for nursery workers, agencies for nursery staff, agencies for teaching jobs, agency teaching assistant jobs, or agency work for teaching assistants, look no further than Quint Education. We are dedicated to providing the best possible support, resources, and opportunities to help you start or further your career in early years education. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you reach your goals and make a positive impact on the lives of young children.
Check out our services today
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What kind of a organization do you think Lally, Dumbledore and Nicolas Flan are part of. When Dumbledore told Lally to attend the banquet because there was going to be a assassination, she acted like that was normal. Both Newt and Jacob looked scared to death, but Lally acted likes this is something she does every day. I am starting to think that Lally is a spy or she real works for some kind international secret service agency.
Lally is the person that Nicolas Flan called when they were in Paris. They all communicate with each other through books. There is some kind of a Underground organization that they are all part of. I know Lally is a charms professor at Livermorny, but I think the teaching job is just a cover. I don't think she is just working with Dumbledore first army, because she was communicating with Nicolas Flan in the last movie. I think Lally really works for some kind of international wizarding organization. It feels like she has a lot of experience with missions like this, and Dumbledore seemed completely confident in her abilities to stop the assassination attempt.
Lally is the person who kept calm through the entire situation, Jacob, Newt and Theseus all start flipping out. I definitely think she is some kind of a special agent, working for some secret wizarding organization.
I liked Lally interaction with Newt; he seems so happy to see her when she arrived on the train. With the exception of Jacob, I feel like Lally is the only other friend Newt has. I also felt like Lally presence there seem to encourage Newt and to help him get through this mission. Most especially with the absence of Tina.
So honestly I love this idea because I haven’t thought that much into it. I always have just assumed that Dumbledore has friends or acquaintances he’s worked with in the past who have steered him toward various people. Like someone, maybe her old Head of House, at Ilvermorny telling him about Lally and then she gets inducted into the precursor to the Order of the Phoenix. Flamel is similarly recruited in that way. Based on what I remember from the HP books, Dumbledore was a highly respected guy outside of the Ministry so I assume that he’s built up a network of acquaintances over the years that will jump into the fight at his call. As for Lally remaining calm, I just assumed that came with being a teacher. They see some crazy stuff.
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schoolhouse · 4 months
Discover Your Perfect Teaching Match: Join SchoolHouse Recruitment for Education Excellence
Schoolhouse Recruitment consultants and education recruiters connect top-tier teaching talent with schools across Australia. Our dedicated team ensures a seamless process, matching educators with institutions that share their vision. Explore teaching Staff Recruitment opportunities with us in finding the right jobs in the diverse range of schools. Join us in shaping the future of education. Our platform caters directly to teachers, non-teachers, and leaders, offering diverse opportunities that align with your preferences spanning across Australia. Learn more at SchoolHouse recruitments.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Students whose colleges misled them would have an easier time seeking loan forgiveness from the federal government under a series of regulatory proposals the U.S. Department of Education released Wednesday. 
One long-awaited rule would apply to the borrower defense to repayment process, which discharges loans for defrauded students. The proposed changes would also address flaws in the beleaguered Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, which clears the debt of borrowers who work in fields like teaching or government jobs and make a decade’s worth of qualifying payments. PSLF has suffered from notorious administrative problems, leading to a fraction of eligible borrowers securing loan relief. 
The Biden administration aims for the new rules to take effect by July 1 next year. They would streamline procedures for seeking loan forgiveness, covering all pending and future claims as of that date. 
The process for receiving borrower defense relief now is determined by a loan’s disbursement date. That’s because the prior two presidential administrations issued regulations that applied to a certain time period of loans. The new proposal would “remove the patchwork tied to the disbursement date of the loan,” an Ed Department official said in a call with reporters Wednesday.
The agency also said the borrower defense rule would make clearer what would be considered misconduct by a college and that would potentially fall under the regulation. The Ed Department’s proposal introduces a new category of such fraud — aggressive and deceptive recruitment. 
Students who attended institutions that substantially misrepresented or omitted facts about themselves could also be eligible for loan forgiveness.
Colleges would be on the hook for the cost of such discharges, the Ed Department said. 
Proposed changes to the PSLF program include allowing more payments to qualify toward its forgiveness threshold.
Other proposals released Wednesday would eliminate interest capitalization — when accrued interest is added to a loan’s principal balance — except in cases where the law requires it. They would also expand discharge eligibility for borrowers with disabilities, use the closed-school discharge program to automatically forgive debts for many borrowers after institutions close, and improve rules allowing discharges for students whose colleges certified them as eligible for loans even though they were not. 
The proposals now go to a 30-day comment period. The department intends to publish a final iteration of the rules in the fall.
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thetalent4ublog · 14 hours
Job Hiring: Your Guide to Employment Opportunities in 2024
Finding the right job in Cambodia can be both rewarding and challenging, especially with the evolving job market and hiring trends. Whether you are a local job seeker or a foreigner exploring career opportunities in this vibrant country, understanding the landscape of Cambodia job hiring is crucial. This article delves into the various aspects of job hiring in Cambodia and how Talent4U can assist you in securing your ideal position.
Hiring Trends in Cambodia for 2024
As we step into 2024, the job market in Cambodia presents numerous opportunities across various sectors. Here are some key trends to keep an eye on:
Growing Sectors
Technology and IT: The demand for tech professionals continues to rise, with opportunities in software development, IT support, and digital marketing.
Hospitality and Tourism: With Cambodia being a popular tourist destination, there are numerous openings in hotels, travel agencies, and tourist services.
Manufacturing: The manufacturing sector is booming, creating jobs in production, quality control, and supply chain management.
Education: There is a growing need for teachers and administrative staff in both international and local schools.
Job Market Overview
The Cambodian job market is characterized by a mix of traditional roles and emerging opportunities. Here's a quick overview:
Local Job Seekers: For Cambodians, sectors such as agriculture, textiles, and services continue to offer substantial employment opportunities.
Foreigners: Expats find numerous opportunities in teaching, tourism, and the NGO sector. The growing tech industry also attracts international talent.
Finding Jobs in Cambodia: Tips and Resources
Online Job Portals
Online job portals are a vital resource for job seekers in Cambodia. Websites like Khmer24 offer a wide range of job listings across various industries.
Recruitment Agencies in Cambodia
Partnering with recruitment agencies can significantly enhance your job search. Agencies like Talent4U provide personalized job matching services and valuable career advice.
How Talent4U Can Help You Secure a Job
Talent4U stands out as a leading recruitment agency in Cambodia, offering a comprehensive suite of services to job seekers. Whether you're looking for a Talent4U job in Phnom Penh or seeking employment opportunities in other regions, Talent4U is here to assist you every step of the way.
Employment Opportunities for Expatriates
For expatriates, navigating the job market in Cambodia can be simplified with the right resources and support. Talent4U specializes in helping foreigners find Cambodia jobs for foreigners, ensuring that you can seamlessly integrate into the local job market.
Preparing for Job Interviews
Securing a job is just one part of the process; excelling in your interview is crucial. Talent4U provides extensive support, including interview preparation tips and mock interviews, to help you succeed.
The job market in Cambodia is dynamic and full of opportunities for both local and international job seekers. By leveraging the right resources and support, you can navigate Cambodia job hiring with confidence. Visit Talent4U to explore job listings, get professional career advice, and take the next step in your career journey.
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nijuktikhabar · 7 days
New Job Listings in Odisha Govt for 2024: Essential Information for Fresh Graduates Seeking Employment.
The journey from a university to a career in the Indian state of Odisha is filled with numerous options in the government sector. Getting a job in the public service is typically viewed as the bridge to a secure and fulfilling career.Next, one gets to have a secure position, nice extras, and the ability to do something good for the country. “If you’re a fresh graduate looking to kickstart your career in the Odisha government sector, here’s everything you need to know about the latest job listings and how to make the most of these opportunities.
In the recent years, jobs in bhubaneswar for freshers graduates has appeared very keen on engaging people for diverse positions, and it is the trend that is anticipated to remain for the following years. The government authorities in the state have constituted various boards and agencies for the recruitment and thus create a transparent and fair selection of candidates. Candidates can now access these positions through the internet, and they will need to undergo a very difficult selection process where they will also have to answer written tests, interviews, and many other kinds of examinations.
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1. Overview of the Current Job Market
The Odisha government and its various ministries and units have today announced a variety of positions. These tend to be those in the field of teaching, healthcare, administrative services, and other governmental officials. Through the opening, the public sector is expecting the entrance of energetic and talented people who will bring new life and ideas into the sector.
2. Where to Find Job Listings
The principal source of knowing the latest government job listings in Odisha is the Odisha Niyukti Khabar. This resource is frequently updated with the most recent job postings as well as examination notifications, application deadlines, and other crucial information. You can keep up with the latest job opportunities by bookmarking this site and visiting it often.
3. Key Job Listings for 2024
The Odisha government has released multiple job openings across various sectors. Here are some of the notable listings:
Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC)
The OPSC is inviting applications for various positions including administrative officers, junior assistants, and lecturers. These roles are crucial for the efficient functioning of state administration and education.
Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC)
The OSSC has announced vacancies for posts such as sub-inspectors, clerks, and data entry operators. These roles are vital for maintaining law and order and ensuring smooth administrative operations.
Department of Health and Family Welfare
With a focus on improving healthcare services, the Department of Health and Family Welfare is hiring medical officers, nurses, and lab technicians. These positions are critical for enhancing the health infrastructure in the state.
Department of Education
To boost the quality of education, the Department of Education is recruiting teachers for various subjects. This is a golden opportunity for graduates passionate about teaching and shaping the future generation.
4. Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification: Applicants must hold a degree in the relevant field from a recognized university.
Age Limit: Generally, the age limit for applying is between 21 to 32 years, with age relaxation applicable as per government norms.
Skills and Competencies: Strong analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and a commitment to public service are essential.
5. Application Process
Here is what the application usually includes:
Online Registration: Most job applications begin with the submission of the online registration form. Remember to have a valid email address and phone number before you initiate the registration.
Documentation: Make sure you have prepared the relevant paperwork e.g. educational certificates, ID proof, and any other requested certifications.
Examination: Most of the government jobs are assessed based on the written tests that candidates must pass. The first part of these exams includes general knowledge among other things and some of the subjects as well as also the aptitude and reasoning tests sometimes.
Interview: If the candidate has cleared the written exam, then the organization may call them for an interview or may go for further rounds of the selection process.
6. Preparation Tips
Stay Updated: Make sure you are keeping yourself up to date by checking the latest updates of the job listings and exam date from the official Odisha Niyukti Khabar and other governmental websites.
Time Management: Proper time management during both preparing for the exam and during the exam itself can significantly impact your performance in exams.
Health and Well-being: Some attention must be paid to taking care of your physical and mental health. The meals balanced, workouts regular, sleep sufficient are essential during the preparation period
The government has been working to establish conditions, among other factors, for opening more workplaces and developing the economy in the state. The youth of the state have benefited considerably through the government’s relevant programs, such as the Make in Odisha campaign and the Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Department and have better job opportunities.
Yet, the fact lies in the fact that there is a long path to be walked to give people the job positions they are applying for. The government should lay more emphasis on education and training programs to achieve them by improving the quality of future workers.
Odisha govt jobs offer a stable career with job security and a good salary package. Candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria and clear the selection process can apply for these jobs through the official website of the respective commission. Get the notification about Odisha government jobs in Bhubaneswar on the official website of Odisha Nijukti Khabar.
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ies10 · 11 days
Explore Surana College Bangalore: Comprehensive Overview
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Founded in 1995, Surana College is one of the premier educational institutes in Bangalore. It has carved a niche by combining academic excellence, vibrant campus life, and a commitment to holistic development. Here, we look at what makes Surana College the best choice for students seeking higher education in Bangalore.
Academic Excellence:
Surana College is affiliated with Bangalore University and offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in arts, science, commerce, and management. The college prides itself on a challenging and relevant curriculum that caters to the evolving needs of industry and academia.
Faculty and Teaching Methods: The strength of an institution lies in its faculty and Surana College has a team of experienced and highly qualified educators. They combine traditional and modern teaching methods, including interactive sessions, seminars, workshops, and guest lectures, to ensure that students receive a well-rounded education.
Research and Innovation: The college promotes a strong research culture among students and faculty. They provide students with ample opportunities to participate in research projects, often leading to presentations at national and international conferences.
Campus and Facilities: 
The Surana College Bangalore campus is designed to foster learning and personal growth.
Infrastructure: The college offers state-of-the-art infrastructure including well-equipped laboratories, a modern library with a vast collection of books and magazines, and smart classrooms that enhance the learning experience. The campus is equipped with WiFi so students can access online resources and stay connected.
Hostels and Accommodation: For out-of-city students, Surana College offers comfortable hostel facilities with all the necessary amenities. The hostels are safe, clean, and conducive to study so students feel at home even when they are away from their families.
Sports and Leisure: The college recognizes the importance of physical fitness and leisure and hence has excellent sports facilities. Students can participate in a variety of indoor and outdoor sports like basketball, cricket, table tennis, etc. There is also a fitness center and gymnasium on campus.
Student Care and Extra-curricular Activities:
Surana College emphasizes the holistic development of its students. Apart from studies, the university offers many opportunities for students to explore their interests and talents.
Clubs and Societies: The university hosts a large number of clubs and societies in fields like literature, science, music, dance, and drama. These clubs provide students with a platform to hone their skills, participate in intercollegiate competitions, and showcase their talents.
Advising and Guidance: Student well-being is a top priority at Surana College. The institution has its counseling center to support the mental and emotional health of students. Additionally, a comprehensive mentoring program pairs students with faculty to provide guidance and support throughout their academics.
Career Counselling and Job Placement: The university has an active job placement department that works tirelessly to prepare students for the job market. They regularly hold workshops on resume writing, interviewing, and career planning. Recruitment agencies also maintain strong relationships with industry leaders, ensuring students have access to a wide range of job opportunities. Many leading companies visit the campus for recruitment drives and the university has an impressive placement track record.
Community Involvement and Social Responsibility:
Surana College believes in contributing to society and instills a sense of social responsibility in its students. The college organizes various community service activities and encourages students to participate in community service programs. These activities help students develop empathy and a sense of responsibility towards society.
Strategic Location:
Located in Bangalore, also known as the Silicon Valley of India, Surana College enjoys proximity to numerous technology companies, startups, and research institutes. This strategic location offers students numerous internship opportunities and insights into the professional world.
Surana College Bangalore is a beacon of quality education that fosters an environment that promotes academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility. Our extensive curriculum, experienced teachers, excellent infrastructure, and extensive co-curricular activities enable students to face future challenges with confidence and competence. Whether you are an aspiring student or a parent looking for a holistic educational institution, Surana College is a great choice.
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scopetraining567 · 1 month
Unlocking Opportunities: How Educational Recruitment Agencies Transform Careers in Education 🎓🌟
In the dynamic world of education, finding the right career path can be as challenging as it is rewarding. Whether you're a recent graduate eager to make a difference, an experienced educator seeking new opportunities, or an institution aiming to attract top talent, educational recruitment agencies can be your guiding star. At Scope Training, we understand the transformative power these agencies hold in shaping the future of education. 🌟
Why Choose Educational Recruitment Agencies? 🤔
Navigating the job market in education is no small feat. Here’s why partnering with an educational recruitment agency can be a game-changer:
Expert Guidance and Support 🧭
Educational recruitment agencies provide expert advice, helping candidates and institutions alike. For job seekers, this means personalized career advice, resume building, and interview preparation. For schools and educational institutions, it means access to a pool of pre-screened, highly qualified candidates.
Broad Network Connections 🌐
Agencies have extensive networks within the education sector. They are connected to a variety of schools, colleges, and universities, ensuring that they can match the right candidate to the right institution swiftly and efficiently.
Access to Exclusive Opportunities 🔑
Many educational positions are not advertised publicly. Recruitment agencies often have exclusive contracts with educational institutions, giving candidates access to a plethora of job opportunities that they might not find elsewhere.
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Streamlined Hiring Process ⏱️
For educational institutions, recruitment agencies streamline the hiring process. They handle the time-consuming tasks of sorting through applications, conducting initial interviews, and verifying credentials, ensuring that only the best candidates are presented for final consideration.
How Scope Training Can Help You 🚀
At Scope Training, we specialize in connecting passionate educators with institutions that value excellence in teaching. Here’s how we make a difference:
Personalized Career Pathways 📈
We understand that every educator’s journey is unique. Our team works closely with candidates to understand their goals and aspirations, providing tailored career pathways that align with their strengths and interests.
Comprehensive Training Programs 🎓
Beyond recruitment, we offer extensive training programs to help educators enhance their skills and stay ahead in their careers. From professional development workshops to certification courses, we ensure our candidates are always ready for the next step.
Dedicated Support Team 💼
Our dedicated support team is with you every step of the way. From the initial application to final placement, we offer continuous support, ensuring a smooth transition and a successful start in your new role.
Innovative Recruitment Solutions 💡
Utilizing the latest technology and innovative recruitment strategies, we ensure a seamless and efficient hiring process for both candidates and institutions. Our data-driven approach helps in making informed decisions, guaranteeing the best matches.
Success Stories: Transforming Lives Through Education 🌈
Our impact is best reflected in the success stories of those we’ve helped. Take Sarah, for example, a recent graduate who struggled to find her footing in the competitive job market. Through Scope Training, she received personalized coaching, which led her to a rewarding teaching position at a prestigious school. Or consider Mark, an experienced educator looking for a change. Our network connected him with an institution that aligned perfectly with his teaching philosophy, reigniting his passion for education.
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Join Hands with Scope Training Today! 🤝
Whether you are an aspiring educator, a seasoned professional, or an institution seeking top talent, Scope Training is your trusted partner in educational recruitment. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our comprehensive services, ensures that every candidate and institution we work with achieves their goals.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you unlock your potential and transform your career in education. Together, we can make a difference in the world of education. 🌍✨
Scope Training – Empowering Educators, Shaping Futures.
By incorporating engaging elements like emojis and real-life success stories, this article not only informs but also connects emotionally with the readers. Feel free to reach out if you need any modifications or additional information!
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