#teacher recruiter agency
schoolhouse · 3 months
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Strategic Resume Crafting: Education Recruitment Essentials
Crafting an impactful education resume for recruitment in jobs requires strategic optimisation. Integrate relevant keywords like "learning environment," "lesson planning," and "curriculum" in your summary. Tailor the format to the role—chronological for experience emphasis, or functional to showcase skills and education. Prioritise meticulous proofreading to make a lasting impression. For more contact SchoolHouse!
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eslvivakr · 1 month
Korean Embassy and Consulate | ESL Teacher Jobs Online
Are you an aspiring ESL teacher looking for an exciting opportunity abroad? Esl VivaCom Recruiting can help you turn your dreams into reality. With numerous ESL teacher jobs online and the support of the Korean Embassy and Consulate, teaching English in South Korea has never been more accessible. In this blog, we will explore the role of the Korean Embassy and Consulate in facilitating your journey and how Esl VivaCom Recruiting can assist you in securing the best ESL teaching positions.
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The Role of the Korean Embassy and Consulate
The Korean Embassy and Consulate play a pivotal role in assisting foreign nationals who wish to work and live in South Korea. They provide essential services, such as visa processing, legal advice, and cultural orientation, which are crucial for a smooth transition into your new role as an ESL teacher. When you apply for ESL teacher jobs online through Esl VivaCom Recruiting, the Korean Embassy and Consulate will be your primary point of contact for all official matters.
Visa Processing and Documentation
One of the first steps in your journey will be obtaining the appropriate visa. The Korean Embassy and Consulate streamline this process, ensuring that you have all the necessary documentation. Esl VivaCom Recruiting will guide you through the application process, making it hassle-free and straightforward. From gathering the required documents to scheduling your visa interview, you can rely on their expertise.
Legal Advice and Support
Navigating the legal landscape of a foreign country can be daunting. The Korean Embassy and Consulate provide invaluable legal advice to help you understand your rights and responsibilities as an ESL teacher in South Korea. Esl VivaCom Recruiting works closely with these institutions to ensure that you are well-informed and prepared for any legal matters that may arise.
Cultural Orientation and Integration
Adapting to a new culture is an integral part of your journey. The Korean Embassy and Consulate offer cultural orientation programs that help you understand the local customs, traditions, and societal norms. This knowledge is vital for building strong relationships with your students and colleagues. Esl VivaCom Recruiting encourages all their candidates to participate in these programs to enhance their teaching experience.
Finding ESL Teacher Jobs Online with Esl VivaCom Recruiting
Securing ESL teacher jobs online can be challenging, but with Esl VivaCom Recruiting, the process is simplified and efficient. They have a wide network of schools and educational institutions in South Korea, providing you with numerous job opportunities.
Comprehensive Job Listings
Esl VivaCom Recruiting offers a comprehensive list of ESL teacher jobs online. Their platform is user-friendly, allowing you to filter positions based on your preferences and qualifications. Whether you are looking for a position in a bustling city like Seoul or a quieter town, you can find the perfect match through their extensive database.
Personalized Support and Guidance
From the moment you apply, Esl VivaCom Recruiting provides personalized support. Their team of experts will assist you in crafting an impressive resume, preparing for interviews, and negotiating contracts. Their goal is to ensure that you find a position that aligns with your career goals and personal preferences.
Ongoing Assistance
Esl VivaCom Recruiting’s support doesn’t end once you secure a job. They continue to offer assistance throughout your tenure in South Korea. Whether you need help with your contract, advice on living in South Korea, or support in your professional development, they are always available to help.
Embarking on a journey to teach English in South Korea is a rewarding experience, made simpler with the help of the Korean Embassy and Consulate and Esl VivaCom Recruiting. By securing ESL teacher jobs online through Esl VivaCom Recruiting, you can rest assured that you will have the support and resources needed for a successful and fulfilling career abroad. Explore the opportunities today and take the first step towards an exciting teaching adventure in South Korea!
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alliance00 · 7 months
Teacher Recruitment Agency: Connecting Educators and Institutions
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In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the pivotal role played by a Teacher Recruitment Agency cannot be overstated. This exploration into "Teacher Recruitment Agency: Connecting Educators and Institutions" delves into the intricate dance of bringing together passionate educators and forward-thinking academic institutions. From the strategic matchmaking process to the profound impact on educational ecosystems, this guide is your compass through the transformative journey of teacher recruitment.
Navigating the Educational Maze with Expertise
Teacher Recruitment Agencies stand as beacons of expertise in the realm of education. With a keen understanding of the nuanced requirements of academic positions, these agencies navigate the intricate educational maze to connect institutions with educators who go beyond mere job descriptions. The process involves a deep dive into the ethos of each institution, understanding its unique vision, and aligning it with educators who not only meet qualifications but resonate with the institution's core values.
As the educational landscape evolves, Teacher Recruitment Agencies remain agile, adapting their strategies to meet emerging trends and address the evolving needs of institutions. This agility ensures that the matchmaking process extends beyond immediate needs to create lasting partnerships between educators and institutions committed to shaping the future of education.
Strategic Matchmaking for Academic Harmony
At the heart of every successful Teacher Recruitment Agency is the art of strategic matchmaking. It's not merely about filling vacancies; it's about creating a harmonious synergy between educators and institutions. Strategic matchmaking involves a comprehensive understanding of the unique strengths, teaching philosophies, and aspirations of educators, juxtaposed against the academic goals, values, and culture of each institution.
The process transcends traditional recruitment, going beyond the surface to assess the potential for a long-term, impactful relationship. This strategic approach ensures that each placement is not just a transaction but a catalyst for academic excellence, fostering an environment where educators thrive, and students flourish.
Connecting Educators Globally
In an era where geographical boundaries are no longer barriers to talent acquisition, Teacher Recruitment Agencies serve as global connectors. They actively bridge the gap between educators seeking opportunities and institutions searching for the perfect fit, regardless of location. This global connectivity not only enriches the diversity of educational institutions but also exposes students to a spectrum of perspectives, preparing them for a globally interconnected world.
Teacher Recruitment Agencies recognize the value of diversity in creating vibrant educational communities. By connecting educators globally, these agencies contribute to the dismantling of cultural barriers, fostering inclusivity, and creating environments where students learn not just from textbooks but from the rich tapestry of experiences brought by educators from around the world.
The Impact on Educational Ecosystems
The impact of Teacher Recruitment Agencies extends far beyond the individual placements they facilitate. They are architects of entire educational ecosystems, influencing the dynamics of institutions, the experiences of students, and the trajectories of educators' careers. Each strategically made connection ripples through the academic community, shaping the culture, identity, and future of the institutions involved.
A well-matched educator can serve as a catalyst for positive change within an institution. They bring fresh perspectives, innovative teaching methods, and a passion for their subject that resonates with students. The cumulative effect is an educational ecosystem where institutions thrive, educators find fulfillment, and students receive a holistic and enriching education.
Tailored Solutions for Diverse Needs
Recognizing that each educational institution is unique, Teacher Recruitment Agencies offer tailored solutions to meet diverse needs. Whether an institution is seeking a seasoned professor to lead a department, an innovative teacher to revitalize a curriculum, or a specialist to introduce new perspectives, the agency adapts its approach accordingly.The customization of solutions involves a collaborative partnership between the agency and the institution. 
Addressing Teacher Shortages and Retention Challenges
Teacher shortages and retention challenges are common hurdles in the education sector. Teacher Recruitment Agencies play a crucial role in addressing these challenges strategically. Beyond immediate staffing needs, these agencies develop holistic solutions that contribute to the stability and continuity of academic institutions.
Addressing teacher shortages involves creating talent pipelines, implementing mentorship programs, and fostering a supportive work environment that enhances teacher satisfaction and retention. By taking a proactive and comprehensive approach, Teacher Recruitment Agencies become instrumental in creating conditions where educators thrive and contribute to the institution's long-term success.
Technology and Innovation in Teacher Recruitment
Embracing the digital age, Teacher Recruitment Agencies leverage technology and innovation to enhance the recruitment process. Online platforms, digital communication tools, and data analytics play a crucial role in identifying and connecting educators with institutions worldwide. This tech-driven approach ensures a streamlined and efficient recruitment process, allowing agencies to cast a wide net in their search for top-tier talent.
Technology also facilitates transparency in the recruitment process, providing both educators and institutions with real-time insights into the status of applications, interview schedules, and feedback. The incorporation of innovative tools enhances the overall efficiency of the recruitment process, allowing agencies to adapt to the fast-paced nature of the education sector.
Building Long-Term Educational Partnerships
Teacher Recruitment Agency go beyond transactional relationships to build long-term educational partnerships. The connections made are not viewed as one-time placements but as the foundation for ongoing collaborations that benefit both educators and institutions. These agencies actively engage in fostering a sense of community among educators, creating platforms for networking, professional development, and knowledge-sharing.
Building long-term educational partnerships involves continuous communication and support. Teacher Recruitment Agencies serve as intermediaries, ensuring that the needs of both educators and institutions are met throughout their collaboration. 
Alliance Recruitment Agency: Your Global Manpower Agency
Alliance Recruitment Agency, Your Global Manpower Agency, stands at the forefront of teacher and education recruitment. Specializing in connecting institutions with top-tier educators globally, we redefine academic excellence through strategic placements. 
Our dedicated team ensures seamless teacher recruitment, shaping educational futures. For tailored solutions, contact us today. Alliance Recruitment Agency – your trusted partner in global education recruitment, committed to building academic communities that inspire, innovate, and drive the future of education.
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alliance75 · 1 year
Top 5 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Teacher Placement Agency
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Finding the right teaching staff could be a constant cause of worry when the education sector sees explosive growth, with hundreds of online and classroom-based educational programs and institutes opening every year. By partnering with a teacher placement agency, your institution gets access to better talent from anywhere in the country or from overseas locations. You can hire faster and with more flexibility.
Find out how to choose teacher placement agencies. Here are the top five qualities and characteristics to look for in a good teacher recruitment agency.
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1. Extensive Information And Correct Insights For Teacher Talent Search
Teacher placement agencies like Alliance Recruitment Agency have been serving schools, universities, and educational institutes across the UAE for a very long time.
These agencies connect with hundreds of teaching professionals every month from across the UAE, the USA, Canada, India, the UK, Australia, and 20+ other countries in Europe and Asia. Through an extensive knowledge base, they churn out new insights with each teacher hiring campaign.
By consulting with such Teacher Recruitment Agencies Dubai or lecturer recruitment agencies, your institution can get the best information and choices for the teaching positions you want to fill.
2. Speeds Up Screening and Assessment
For creating a shortlist of the best-match teacher candidates per position, competent teacher employment agencies like Alliance Recruitment Agency offer tremendous support. Through technology-powered infrastructure, scheduling screening and assessments have become a fast and streamlined process. Over 100 candidates for various positions can be covered within a few days.
An unbiased process is enabled where candidate details are provided based on scores, relevant experience and knowledge, and behavioral traits. Within a week, you can find a rich, fully-vetted candidate pool for each teaching position you want to fill.
3. Facilitates International Talent Discovery And Sourcing
With a diverse, highly-cultivated, and efficient teaching staff, organizations can increase their reputation, expand their programs, or launch new centers. But universities, schools, coaching centers, and online tutorial companies find it tough to meet all their teaching professional needs from one geography. This is where international lecturer recruitment agencies or teacher employment agencies can make a huge difference.
Your organization can find international teaching talent discovery services to hire exceptional teaching professionals. You can easily find native speakers to teach a language, expert engineering graduates to teach physics, or doctoral candidates to teach economics, psychology, or chemistry.
4. Flexible Contractual Hiring
Hybrid classrooms, international online courses, virtual classroom training sessions, and a range of short-term courses have transformed the educational sector landscape. The demand for permanent positions has reduced dramatically. Job seekers are also happy with portfolio careers which allow them the flexibility to travel, discover new roles in their field, and gather a diverse range of experience and skill sets.
Partnering with teacher employment agencies and lecturer recruitment agencies offering flexible contract staffing helps education sector organizations find the right talent through contract staffing models and stay competitive.
5. Reduces Risks, Saves Time and Money
Teacher placement agenmake the recruitment process much more accountable and secure. These agencies take on responsibility for checking backgrounds, documents, certifications, and employment histories. In the case of international teacher staffing, the agencies also check for eligibility for work permits and relocation.
As lecturer recruitment agencies and teacher placement agencies conduct security checks on behalf of their clients and offer detailed reports, recruitment risks are prevented.
If you are wondering how sourcing out recruitment functions leads to savings, analyze all the hiring activities conducted in-house over the years and note down the costs of bad hires and frequent replacements. You might be surprised at how much you have spent.
The time savings are also huge. Organizations report a 3x faster and more efficient process leading to the discovery of highly-qualified talent.
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Final Thoughts
Outsourcing your recruitment to capable teacher placement agencies in the UAE helps you retain only as many recruiters as you need. You have to pay only a fee for each successful hire. You also save on all the investment you make to retain in-house recruiters and technology resources. You are able to easily launch new programs and courses because you have access to the right talent. Discover the benefits of using teacher placement agencies by contacting Alliance Recruitment Agency.
About Alliance Recruitment Agency-UAE
We are a global manpower agency offering lecturer and teacher employment services in the UAE and 25+ other countries. Since 2010, we have served hundreds of educational institutions through our excellent, highly-secure teacher recruitment services. To discover more about our director hiring services – please get in touch!
View Source: https://www.alliancerecruitmentagency.ae/top-5-qualities-characteristics-good-teacher-placement-agency/
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Just remembered I still need to cancel that job interview I got signed up for against my will
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#i just sent the email cancelling it but god.#the way that temping agency sat on my info for well over a month and then finally scheduled something the same week i got a job offer#like where were you people when i was sitting here unemployed and going insane#i’d better not get some ‘this is such short notice :(‘ girl i sent it sunday evening. the interview isn’t until wednesday afternoon#you can see it first thing monday morning and adjust your week accordingly#i bet they’re going to get back to me saying something like ‘you need to remove your info from the temping agency then’ but the thing is#i can’t fucking log in. they’re saying my saved password is incorrect when like.. how can it be. it’s saved. it must have worked before#and when i tried to reset my password i just didn’t get the email. functional website!!!!#it gets worse: my email just bounced back saying it couldn’t be delivered. i think the email address they gave me for this person#was misspelled (there was an s at the end of her surname when i don’t think there should’ve been) so i’ve tried again#if this doesn’t go through i’m going to have to CALL them. crying and screaming and throwing up#okay i think this one went through. it hasn’t bounced back anyway.#i just hope to fucking god that my job doesn’t fall through at the last fucking second because this is the SECOND interview i have cancelled#like i didn’t want to go to either of them anyway because i didn’t want either of those jobs but they Were jobs#i think i declined both politely enough that i shouldn’t have burned the bridge permanently. that was my intention at least#like i’m always slightly tempted to ghost recruiters because 1) they’re constantly ghosting me and 2) fuck ‘em#but you never know when you’re going to have to run to someone with your tail between your legs and be like ‘actually yeah can i be a summer#school teacher for minimum wage? 🥺’#i haaaate job hunting. as far as i’m concerned the biggest perk of this job is that i won’t have to job hunt for 6 months#personal
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manpoweragencysblog · 2 years
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In need of an educational recruitment agency? Hire our teacher recruiting firm; our education recruiters have access to a database of thousands of highly skilled educators.
For More Info: https://www.alliancerecruitmentagency.com/education-recruitment-consultant/
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serxinns · 6 months
Yandere mha x scarket witch reader: baby Reader headcanons
This is a alternate route to big sis eri but if aizawa and class 1a takes care of baby reader
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•In the middle of the battle you were fighting a time villain you and a few of your classmates were chasing the vision You caught up to the villain and dropkicked him and pinned him down but he used his quirk on you and you felt dizzy and all you heard was footstep fainting of the villain running off
•shoji was trying to look for you when he saw your hero costume on the alleyway ground he panicked when he saw the clothes started moving but to his surprise, it was a naked toddler under the clothes starting at him *Y/n..?" Shoji said slowly going closer to you and picking you up in his arms when he saw the familiar hawks keychain he instantly knew it was you so he wrapped you in arms and tentacles and took you to where the rest of the class is
•The class surrounded Shoji, emotions was in a mix of shock, awe, and adoration at the cute baby toddler that is their darling "Kyaaa!!! Y/n Chan is so cute!!!" Mina squealed while the rest of the girls started cooing and pitching your little cheeks while the boys glared jealously "Hey let us have a turn!" Kirishima said trying to go towards but you but jirou stopped him "what makes you think you get to hold them I know them better" "Lies! they know me more" Sero glared back at jirou "YOU DUMBASSES ARE ALL WRONG I KNOW THEM BETTER" Bakugo snarled at your classmates which makes them have a war of who gets to hold you it all stopped when you were wrapped around in tape and was pulled to your teacher mister aizawa
•"If nobody can agree then I might as well will take care of them" the class uproared in anger saying how it wasn't fair and shouting at him but was quickly quieted down when Aizawa threatened to give them all detection they all grumbled and scowled and went back into their seats defeated
•At training, you were playing with his scarf giggling and laughing a lot while Aizawa had a small smirk on his face unaware that a red-winged hero was watching them He swooped down and grabbed the toddler off with a "Yoink" out of Aizawa's hands and flew cradling the child while letting them play with their feather "Sorry cranky but ill be taking them for a while~" Hawks said with a playful smirk hearing the rest of the class panic and shocked Trying to tell him to put you down but it was too late the hr Flew off out of their sights and into the clouds Aizawa was furious how DARE he steal his child away from him But he realized an idea he saw his classmates panicking find a way to get you but in a lone eerie tone he said
"Whoever recruits y/n and gives them to me gets to spend time with them and gets extra credit"
•While Your Crazy dad and 20 of his classmates hunting after you, hawks took you to his agency where Mirko and Fatgun were there and standing like "Wtf?! 💀" he explained how you were hit with a time rewind quirk while mirko was pinching your cheeks and fatgum was making funny faces
•After a little argument about who gets to take care of you they decided to share and team up they took you to get some food and toys they spoiled TF out of you Mount lady Wanted to dress you in many matching outfits and take lots of pictures like those mommy and child family photos fatgum brought you a McDonald's kids meal and was entertaining you by making silly faces which made you giggle a lot they bless their poor little hearts
•It was all dandy until hawks heard his name being called in fury and surprise surprise! it was Aizawa along with mic, midnight and all might and your classmates also decided to work together and they were all PISSED and now it's Pros vs teachers vs students
•Cue the epic fight scene
•While the fight between Pros and the students increased nezu thought it was the perfect time to sneak you away and lock himself in his own office to spend time with you long story short he announced how everyone including the Pros was punished the students had to get detection, the Teachers get no breaks and the pros the pros a suspension while nezu happy that gets to spend time with you until the quirk wears off safe to say that Nezu won
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Bsd except Kunikida doesn’t train to become a teacher but a doctor, maybe a children's doctor.
The "I wanted to help people but fuck the system" vibes. He left and became a detective instead but keeps his skills sharp thanks to Yosano.
He assists her with her work load at times. The two of them bond over crazy days and she's honestly the best teacher Kunikida's had.
Yosano: The patients are great but oh the parents.
Kunikida: The parents! For fucks sake you're kids not being dramatic, they're allergic!
Yosano listens to his rant, subtly pouring him some more wine.
Kunikida teaches everyone in the Agency basic first aid and always has his own kit on hand. Although Dazai keeps stealing his bandages.
This all has the unexpected consequences of Mori trying to recruit Kunikida.
A doctor in the Agency who deeply respects the profession, doesn't abide by the law.
And will aid his patients no matter what? 👀 Well he's no Yosano but the Port Mafia is always looking for esteemed doctors.
As we know from Stormbringer.
Mori: The Port Mafia would allow you to flourish your skills without any worry for the letter of the law.
Kunikida: I wouldn't join the Port Mafia, I wouldn't join you even if my life depended on it.
Yosano: Hey! Back off you useless prick, that's my student!
Kunikida: Besides, I may upkeep my skills but I am a detective now.
Mori: disgust You would give up being a doctor to be detective?
Kunikida: glares What are you, my dad?! Fuck off.
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daresplaining · 2 months
I'm going to need to know your FULL opinion on the erosion of Elektra Natchios in The Red Fist Saga ASAP!
OOF. Okay, here goes...
Elektra's role in the Red Fist Saga directly follows the Woman Without Fear mini-series, so I feel like I should start there, especially since I haven't really talked about it yet on this blog. Woman Without Fear was an Elektra solo comic that came out just as Devil's Reign was ending and the creative team was gearing up for the Red Fist Saga. The mini-series's purpose was to introduce big, shocking changes to Elektra's origin story. These changes didn't end up having much to do at all with the Red Fist Saga, or with anything else really, but they did functionally strip her of her agency and autonomy and made her motivations instead revolve around Matt. Now, Elektra's origin story has changed before. Frank Miller himself gave us three versions: the original, introduced in Daredevil volume 1 #168 and #190, a slight variation in Elektra: Assassin (he changed the timeline a bit and modified the character of Elektra's father), and then an entirely new, in my opinion much less interesting version in Man Without Fear-- which was not intended to be part of the 616 continuity, though that didn't stop later writers from drawing from it, including Zdarsky, who seems to have used it as a core text to inform his characterization of Elektra in general.
I know you know Elektra's original origin story, but I'll provide the general gist for anyone who might be unfamiliar: Elektra Nachios was the daughter of a rich Greek diplomat and his wife. Her mother was gunned down by assassins while pregnant, but Elektra survived. Her father, now paranoid and fearful, put Elektra in martial arts classes from a young age, while also keeping her sheltered to protect her from harm. She ended up attending college in the US, where she met Matt Murdock, another sheltered kid with a beloved but overprotective father. They fell in love, but the magic was destroyed when Elektra and her father were taken hostage by terrorists. Matt tried to be a hero, and Elektra's father ended up getting killed. Shattered by grief, Elektra left school and traveled across the world to train with Stick, who had trained her childhood martial arts teacher before casting him out (in Elektra: Assassin, the timeline is slightly different; Elektra trained with Stick before attending Columbia, though the end result is the same). Stick saw Elektra's skill, but judged that she was too emotionally compromised to complete the training and kicked her out. Elektra devised a desperate plan to prove herself to Stick: infiltrating the Hand and taking them down from the inside. She failed tragically. Turned cynical by grief and hardship, she used the skills she had picked up from all of her training as weapons to protect herself from a harsh and unforgiving world. She carved herself a life from the tragedies she had endured. She became an assassin.
Note that I mentioned Matt's name a grand total of two times in that synopsis. It's not to say that Matt isn't important to Elektra, of course he is, but he isn't that important to her origin story. The star of this beautiful tragedy is Elektra, as she should be.
Woman Without Fear introduces something new-- at least, new to the comics (more on that in a moment). It takes the Elektra: Assassin timeline and suggests that she trained with Stick when she was still a child. (It also brings in things from the Man Without Fear Elektra origin, but I don't think I'm going to get into that here because that is a whole other rant and this post is long and tangent-y enough already). It then suggests that when Stick rejected her, she still ended up with the Hand-- but not of her own will, with the intention of destroying them. No! She was successfully recruited. And once the Hand had her in their clutches, they sent her out to go after another target: Matt Murdock. In this shiny new backstory, Elektra and Matt run into each other at college not as two kindred spirits, but because Elektra was ordered to hang out with him in order to bag him for the Hand...before, oh no!, accidentally falling in love with him. To add extra insult to this character assassination, we're told in the main series that even her behavior during her father's hostage situation was intended as a test for Matt.
What this change indicates to me is a fundamental lack of understanding of Elektra's character; or worse, a lack of respect for her complexity, or a conviction that she operates at her best as a tool to further Matt's narrative.
What is possibly most baffling to me about all of this is that this change had pretty much no bearing on the Red Fist Saga. Why was it made? What was the point? The term "MCU-ification", referring to changes being made in Marvel's comics that seem aimed at aligning them more closely with the MCU, gets thrown around a lot-- possibly too much-- but this really does seem like a case where there's no other clear explanation for the change other than to shift 616 Elektra's backstory closer to that of her live action counterpart. (In the Netflix show, Elektra recruited Matt for Stick; something I, as a huge Stick and Elektra fan, actually thought was a cool What If?/alternate universe because it presented an opportunity to explore a different take on their relationship). The new backstory is mentioned a few times in the main Daredevil series, but otherwise it seems irrelevant to the plot. And that's because Elektra herself is kind of irrelevant to the plot. She seems to have three purposes in this story: 1. To serve alongside Stick as an exposition machine and provide details about the Hand/Fist/Pinky Toe/etc.; 2. To be someone Matt loves and thinks about in moments of danger and conflict (despite the fact that they have very few moments of actual emotional connection in this story, despite getting married!), and 3. As a warm body onto which Matt can project his perpetual internal musings on good and evil ("Elektra was Bad, but she is Good now. She, like all people who have done bad things, is still worthy of God's love and is capable of rehabilitation, and look! Her decision to take on the Daredevil identity is proof that she is now Good! She has become a worthy soldier of God." Man, I wish I was exaggerating.)
Elektra's appearances in Daredevil comics have always centered around Matt to some degree, simply because it is his comic. There's miles of difference between reading a DD comic with Elektra cameos and reading an Elektra solo series. But that doesn't mean it isn't frustrating to have comics like the Blackman/Del Mundo run, or the Dark Reign solo tie-in, that delve so deeply into Elektra's rich psyche, that truly do look at her worldview in a way that is complex and morally difficult and so, so compelling, and then to have comics like this where she barely even feels present because so little effort has been made to do anything other than slap some vague morality lessons onto her and make sure she and Matt sleep together every other issue.
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lesbianranpoe · 2 months
can you plsss reccomend your fav kuni backstory fics?
The Solitary Reaper by BraveHyde
Ranpo is sent by the President to recruit someone for the agency: a math teacher who insists on not writing anything, for fear of it becoming reality.
Not by Accident by endlessiterationsofthesamefoolishness
Fukuzawa meets a boy along his daily walk to work that becomes his student. Title from this quote: “We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.”
starbound (we'll meet again) by cherrior
When Doppo Kunikida is seventeen, he goes out for a smoke on the pier and finds himself in the midst of a strange conversation with a Port Mafia-affiliated red-head with exhaustion as evident as beauty. _ Or, Doppo and Chuuya meet far before Doppo's employment at the Armed Detective Agency. Doppo's simply never put the pieces together of the two - the red-head with a flair for the dramatic and existentialism - being the same as the Executive of the Port Mafia.
Green by Wildroserogue
Kunikida-sensei wasn't dressed in any way that was memorable - he wore a neutral brown blazer and slacks over a white shirt, and a green tie. His eyes were protected by a pair of very proper, rectangular-framed glasses, and he didn't wear any accessories besides the tie. Simple, reserved, not flashy in the slightest. Even at 14 years old, Toshiyuki knows that this teacher will be eaten alive by his classmates.
haha wouldn't it be funny if you and i were like built from the same dirt, wouldn't that be crazy by saffrond (jubileedeeznuts)
Before they even met for the first time, Yosano deemed Kunikida a tragedy waiting to happen. When Fukuzawa announced to Ranpo and her that the newest potential member he had his eye on had surpassed his test and observations and that he was going to offer him a place in the agency, Yosano hadn’t thought much of it. The agency was getting more popular, and with demand came a need for supply. It only made sense. But then Fukuzawa kept talking. His name was Kunikida Doppo, he was 19, enrolled in a tertiary degree of mathematics and science, a part time teacher at a cram school for disadvantaged students, and now, a soon to be detective. On paper it was noble, a fresh eyed kid wishing with childlike naivety to help ‘make the world a better place,’ and there had been a light to Fukuzawa’s eyes, his usual stoicism just the smallest bit brighter, and she trusted that. She trusted him. Quietly, her mind betrayed her as she wondered how long Kunikida would last. or Yosano and Kunikida's relationship throughout the course of time, spanning from pre-canon to post-canon.
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schoolhouse · 3 months
Ready for a Teaching Journey in Melbourne? Connect with SchoolHouse Today!
Are you contemplating a move to Melbourne? Trust SchoolHouse expert recruitment team for teachers to secure your dream role with confidence. Our education consultants in Australia ensure a smooth transition. Take the first step towards your new adventure. Contact us today through the provided link. Let us help you make your move seamless.
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theverybestofbea · 4 months
academia films & shows 🩶 🎬
— the holdovers (2023)
a cranky history teacher at a prep school is forced to remain on campus over the holidays with a grieving cook and a troubled student who has no place to go, set in 1971, during christmas time.
— the umbrella academy (2019 - present)
a family of former child heroes, now grown apart, must reunite to continue to protect the world, science fiction meets preppy academia.
— mona lisa smile (2003)
a free-thinking art professor teaches conservative 1950s Wellesley girls to question their traditional social roles, gives off a similar vibe to the dead poets society.
— the goldfinch (2019)
a boy in New York is taken in by a wealthy family after his mother is killed in a bombing at the met, in a rush of panic, he steals 'the goldfinch', a painting that eventually draws him into a world of crime.
— dead poets society (1989)
john keating returns in 1959 to the prestigious new england boys' boarding school where he was once a star student, using poetry to embolden his pupils to new heights of self-expression.
— a series of unfortunate events (2017 - 2019)
after the loss of their parents in a mysterious fire, the three baudelaire children face trials and tribulations attempting to uncover dark family secrets.
— mary shelley (2017)
life and facts of mary wollstonecraft godwin, who at 16 met 21 year old poet percy shelley, resulting in the writing of frankenstein.
— tik, tik...boom! (2021)
on the brink of turning thirty, a promising theater composer navigates love, friendship and the pressure to create something great before time runs out, about art students during the 90s.
— the ministry of time (2015 - 2020)
a warrior from the sixteenth century, the first female university student from the nineteenth century, and a paramedic from the twenty–first century join a secret agency to prevent people from changing spanish history using time-traveling doors.
— romeo + juliet (1996)
shakespeare's famous play is updated to the hip modern suburb of verona still retaining its original dialogue.
— jane eyre (2011)
amousy governess who softens the heart of her employer soon discovers that he's hiding a terrible secret.
— little women (2019)
jo march reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the march sisters - four young women, each determined to live life on her own terms.
— the dreamers (2003)
a young american studying in paris in 1968 strikes up a friendship with a french brother and sister, set against the background of the '68 paris student riots.
— my policeman (2022)
the arrival of patrick into marion and tom's home triggers the exploration of seismic events from 40 years previously.
— deadly class (2018; cancelled)
a coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of late 1980s counterculture, which follows a disillusioned teen recruited into a storied high school for assassins.
— shadow and bone (2021 - 2023; cancelled)
dark forces conspire against orphan mapmaker alina starkov when she unleashes an extraordinary power that could change the fate of her war-torn world, at the same time, a group of thieves gather for a new mission.
— kill your darlings (2013)
a murder in 1944 draws together the great poets of the beat generation: allen ginsberg, jack kerouac, and william burroughs.
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Your thoughts on Kunikida... 🎤🎤🎤 I'm listening because I love the idea of a darker version of him, whether it's just morally grey or completely twisted...
Ooh! I’m both very worried abt him and imagining aus of him
He’s very loyal-TOO loyal-to his ideal and people around him. And he’s sacrificing(*cough* suicidal-) which I think, agency didn’t noticed it before doa happened.
I mean, sure ranpo and fukuzawa got suspicious, but then he would say that he did it cus he remembered yosano’s schedule and recognized her footsteps, it was calculated, etc.
And they’d believe him, cus yeah, he doesn’t ‘look’ like he’s suicidal. And probably dazai also was distracting at that issue. But then, this mf decides to jump off a helicopter and blow up himself.(that’ll bring whole angst things after all of this, if they think abt it. Probably.)
Nd the interesting part for me is how….desperate he is about his ideal.
He is desperate to save someone-to not see them die in front of his eyes-and break down when he fails.
And yeah, seeing someone die- especially child-is traumatizing, so fair. But to me, it seems that he was desperate to not see another death in front of him before all of this happened.(azure messenger, aya)
And the thing is, we don’t know his past. The hc abt him being math teacher is just a theory dazai suggested. And that kind of reaction, the desperation doesn’t form naturally.
He clearly went through something that made him turn to this agency. I mean, compared to others, his ability is more..convenient. He can use it in normal life-like making a pen when he forgot it or making a spoon when he broke it-yet, he is using it to make flash bomb and rail gun at this agency.
It would be interesting, for sure.
And his strength. Sure, fukuzawa trained him, but still he is very strong. He just breaks the wall by punching it, and kicks table out of his way like it weights nothing. We don’t know full of his strength, I’m sure about it.
Also, how his character could be more…dark.
I..personally don’t think he’ll be like azure king. I became sure that he’d rather be dead than breaking his ideal and harming people after his ‘stunt’.
But there are so, so much possibilities that could’ve happened, and that’s the thought that entertains me.
Like I said, he follows his ideal. Not justice. The only way I see him leaving/betraying agency is that he sees them unfit or against/harming to his ideals.(which, I don’t think will ever happen)
Like I said at the post before, it’s fun to think about aus such as,
What if mori took him in when he was young(remember, we don’t have his canon backstory, we can’t be sure about anything) and shaped his ideal for his taste?
What if he was a hunting dog, and his ideals matched fukuchi’s? Or what if it was like canon’s and he went against him after he learned the truth, like jouno of tachihara?
What if, he met fyodor way before this and he manipulated him to change/reshape his ideal to match his?
He’s very loyal, so it would’ve been interesting to see him as other organization member.
And imagine, he is hunting dog and went undercover with tachihara. That would be fun, cus yk,
While tachihara is having identity crisis, he is having both identity crisis and crisis about his ideals. He is sure about basic principles for it, sure. But he isn’t sure how he should act for it.
What government did-experimenting child, taking away humanity from people-would not fit his ideal, right?
And him joining hunting dogs when jouno recruited him? All the guilt and his ideals, and having to face against them even though he knows the truth? Feeling his humanity stripped away? Ooh, boy that would be a hell of a ride.
Well anyway, to me, he is very interesting character because there are so much possibilities how he could’ve been and how he could be.
Thank you for asking 🙏
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Au, where Izuku have a quirk that allows t animate any objects. But he use it only on AM merch...
HAHA this is AFO's worst nightmare.
In this AU, Izuku never got told that he couldn't become a hero. With such a versatile and powerful quirk, his teachers favored him. Hero agencies offered him recruitment materials when he was still in middle school. You would think this would improve his relationship with Katsuki, but actually Katsuki got very jealous.
Izuku would tell anyone who asks that he animates All Might merch because it comes with many great combat features courtesy of Shield Incorporated, the biggest manufacturer. Actually Izuku can only animate one item a week and he is unwilling to waste his power on anything except his precious merch. Objects stay animated forever after he uses his ability. By middle school Izuku has amassed an army.
Hisashi "All for One" Midoriya doesn't come home very much because he's terrified of the hundreds of All Mights infesting his home.
Instead of asking All Might if he could be a hero, Izuku asked if he could animate his entire tower. Of course All Might would keep the tower but it had always been Izuku's dream to animate Might Tower. All Might saw the benefits to a living tower as a weapon and accepted. Izuku's creations are a part of him and he inadvertently consumed All Might's DNA left all over the tower. Since he had permission Izuku became the Ninth wielder of One for All. Izuku and All Might were both pleased.
AFO hid behind Tomura to fight the heroes because he didn't want to face the merch army. This worked until Kamino when AFO got mobbed by All Might figurines.
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kitkatyes · 7 months
Thinking about some headcanons of the differences between the Agency and Zoraxis
Sticking a linebreak in here because I have no impulse control and wrote like, 700 words
The Agency:
In my eyes, they are severely underfunded. Their facilities are practically ancient. You know how your school always has that one part that hasn't been refurbished in decades? Yeah, that's pretty much their entire base of operations, no matter which location you look at.
I'd like to imagine the sense of community is either really strong or really strained. If you're working in, say, HR, I feel like you'd have a really nice bond with your coworkers. However, on the other hand, there's the EOD. I feel that they, would have a tense atmosphere. I mean, if your coworkers were dying every other day, I wouldn't really want to get attached. Even still, there are always a few EOD agents that have grown close to each other and they never deal well with the loss of their coworkers.
The Agency, however, has a very good training programme for their prospective field agents. I envision it as something like past (surviving) field agents or handlers teaching the new recruits all their tips and tricks. (and how to disarm a bomb effectively)
Everyone has absolutely horrible pay. Sure, you might be in the EOD, risking your life on a daily basis, but you'd only just be able to afford a small apartment. The higher-ups consider it almost pointless: they'd just die anyway so why waste all that precious money?
I feel that all Handlers who are ex-field agents would be best friends. They'd all joke about their numerous near-death experiences on the daily. Sort of like the fond retellings we hear Phoenix's Handler talk about over the course of the games. I think they have a shared break room of sorts near their offices.
I'd think that they have top-notch facilities- state-of-the-art shit. (they are a very successful business, after all) I'm talking fancy architecture and everything. I feel like they'd be the kind of place where they have those Dyson hand dryers and very nice-smelling soap.
Unlike the Agency, I think the Zoraxis employees/operatives would be relatively nice to each other. Their relationships wouldn't be based on their departments cause I feel like being assigned to a life-threatening mission only happens once (they almost always due to lack of experience)
However, Zoraxis has terrible training programmes. They want to save money so they just stick their new recruits into a single building and hire the cheapest self-defence teachers they can put onto a salary.
Zoraxis employees have a pretty good paycheck, all things considered. They pay a decent amount over minimum wage so most people are able to live somewhat comfortably. I feel like one of the selling points of getting a job is their ability to provide accommodation if needed. They'd have enough money to buy a few apartment blocks for their new hires.
Okay, be so real, they'd both suck at doing background checks. The Agency because they can't really be picky for their field agents and Zoraxis because they don't give a shit. You could be a murderer and they'd just let you walk in with no trouble. Hell, you could probably fake your documents and no one would bat an eye.
The director and Zor rarely show their faces around the building. I feel like all the employees would spread the most out-there rumours about them.
They both have some employee of the month system. Zoraxis gives them out when they remember they have it. The lucky employee gets a little certificate and a small bonus on their next paycheck. At the Agency, Phoenix just has, like, so many. It's like, twenty picture frames in a row and yes, there is absolutely no variation in selected images, just the Agency-mandated ID photo everyone takes on their first day. They get nothing for it, just the gift of staring at their mug every time they are forced to wait for their Handler outside his office.
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manpoweragencysblog · 2 years
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