#tdp season two
annaarenas890 · 1 month
Wrong love VS True love
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cannot wait for this to happen fr
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[meme credits to me]
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halyasgirl · 19 days
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rational part of brain: we already know that Aaravos is a master manipulator, so it makes total sense for him to be lying about Leola
very not rational part of brain: I'M GOING TO KILL THE STAR COUNCIL RIGHT NOW
rational brain: he's actively manipulating Claudia right now, and we already know that Claudia would do anything for her father and that she thinks doing horrible things for family is perfectly justified. by positioning himself as a loving father who had his daughter ruthlessly stolen by him, Aaravos stands to gain a lot of sympathy and trust
rational brain: they could have used shrinking magic to make a home on earth, but it's a weird thing to just not mention at all, especially when it's revealed he's a giant two seconds later. that could be a clue
rational brain: sure, we have Leola's star, the Sea of the Outcast, and the corpse in the ocean, but that doesn't mean the whole story is true. we don't know she was his daughter. we don't know he made that sea. the corpse is probably her, but that doesn't mean the story he told was true. maybe part of it was but probably not all of it
not rational brain: JUSTICE FOR LEOLA!!!!!!!!
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starry-skies-writes · 1 month
Ok wait wait we’re all thinking of Runaan and his interactions with Callum and Ezran, but let’s think about SOREN.
Soren, who he fought on that night, trying to kill his king. Soren probably killed some (or at least one) of Runaan’s comrades himself, while Runaan killed his king. They were both leaders that night, of their respective teams. Soren almost killed Runaan that night too, until Claudia stopped him.
How is Soren gonna react???? I feel like it would a ‘sort of’ serious scene where they would kinda stare at each other until Soren says something completely out of pocket that makes Runaan go like “um wtf”
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beaulesbian · 1 month
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The Dragon Prince S06E03 "The Frozen Ship" - Ray of Illumination, of Captain Esmerelda Skall
bonus from the end credit cards:
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raylasrightbraid · 3 months
guys i think we skipped over the fact that sorvus are having their own mini solo adventure in season 6
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its-leethee · 1 month
to love is simply to know--
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2x09 // 6x09
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jellydrawsposts · 6 months
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Screenshot redraws(ish) of The Boy King and his Royal Guards
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potatounicoorn · 1 year
The thing is, Callum was not alone in Finnegrin's room. Bait, Stella and Zym were there with him. Which also means:
They saw him do dark magic.
And Ezran can speak to animals.
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amber-in-the-rough · 2 months
Three more thoughts.
If Startouch elves are immortal, does it mean that Leola didn't die? Then what the hell happened to her?.. Did she ever show up in the world again when her stars aligned with it? Or was her death really...final?
Leola was shown playing with a human girl and a Moonshadow boy. I can't really draw any parallels but it somehow reminds me of Callum, Ezran and Rayla... Also, if this happened at the dawn of time, could that little boyo be Garlaath? Because Rayla said as a joke, that Leola could be a friend of Garlaath's.
What was her last wish? *sobbing* And y'know, if she somehow told her friends about her wish, then it explained why Moonshadow elves know about it.
I don't need sleep, I need answers.
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Really leaning into the theory that Callum won't use dark magic in s7. Yes, they have set the stakes high and made the perfect set up for dark magic to be used again, BUT, those same stakes still remain if he doesn't succumb to them and instead chooses to not, to find another way which isn't dark magic. Especially since there is a theme in the show of dark magic being the second option, the only option, the creative solution, basically the easy way out.
I want Callum to see that he can do things the hard way. To affirm his beliefs that dark magic isn't necessary. I want him to discover a connection to the Moon Arcanum, (which is tied to illusions and truth ect ect) without using dark magic for a third time. Because he is the 'destiny is a book you write yourself' guy.
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bronze-bits-babyyy · 26 days
*falls through the ceiling* WHERE ARE MY CHILDREN
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chillbean-427 · 2 months
If I had a nickel for every time Jack De Sena voiced a character I cherish with all my heart only for them to go through the worst horror and trauma you can imagine, I’d have 2 nickels
Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice
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how am i supposed to function after that trailer drop??
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howsharpie · 2 months
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starts falling from the heavens when
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