#tbh just realized something that makes me think it's 100% the right move
moving-to-dreamwinged · 6 months
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lamnwar · 1 year
KNB boys getting caught with their s/o? Specifically Kagami, Kise and Aomine.
getting caught doing what hm? 🤨 jk jk!! that's a very fun request I really enjoyed writing these hcs so thanks for the request babe 💕💕 (also sorry took me so long but coming from me are we surprised lmao)
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MDNI 18+
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Context: what if you and your boyfriend get caught in action, huh? All characters are aged-up for plot purposes (18+).
Pairings: Kagami + Kise + Aomine x gn! Reader
Warnings: nsfw (obviously 😭)! mention of sex (penetrative and oral), exhibitionism, public sex (kinda), more crack than sexy tbh but still!
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Ok first, let's preface by saying that it really is not like Taiga to take the risk of having sex when he knows you guys might get caught
He really tries his best to conceal his needs till you can find a place with enough intimacy to proceed
But sometimes, he really can't help it, you know?
And it's kinda on you for tempting him too! You know the guy gets riled up easily so maybe you did it on purpose now... didn't you?
(In other words, it's a 100% your fault oops)
Anyways, long story short, you got him so turned on that he had no choice but to drag you to the closest room with the very clear intent of being burried deep inside you
He's midway through restlessly thrusting into your tight little hole and he's so lost on the feeling that he doesn't even realize how loud the both of you are
There could be a whole party going down, y'all would still be heard
And it doesn't take long for someone to walk in on you bend forward, Kagami's fat cock drilling into you with so much fervour
Neither of you realizes that someone's there till they make themselves heard
A string of "oh my fucking god, I'm so sorry!!" getting the both of you to look at the door with wide eyes
And Kagami is so stunned on the moment to even think
Under the surprise, his first reflex is to hide his dick completely inside you, getting a surprised yelp out of your mouth
And when it hits that you guys got caught, he goes flushed red
Given that the person catching you isn't a perv, they close the door rapidly after but Kagami is still under total shock
He doesn't move for a while, and you have to bring him back to Earth
So here you are, Taiga's dick deep in your guts, trying to move to get him to react or something
"Uh... Taiga? What-"
When he finally snaps out of it, he hurrily gets out of you, quite to your displeasure though
And it's when you grab him and pull him back to you that he realizes that you have no intention to stop, despite getting caught
"They already know anyways, doesn't change a thing"
Definitely the one that got you in that situation in the first place
LISTEN there's no way he's not gonna use his charms to get you to follow him in his ministrations
So he just had to bat his pretty eyelashes and tell you the right words for you to accept the position you're currently in
Meaning split in half by Kise, as he lets out the prettiest moans ever, like there's not a whole crowd on the over side of the wall
It doesn't take long for people to notice what you two are doing
But that doesn't stop Kise, oh no haha
He's a showman of sorts, so it doesn't bother him that to the surrounding, it is clear as day that he's fucking you senseless
Only when someone actually shows up to tell you to stop does he care
And not because he minds being seen in such position
Mainly because you seem very embarrassed that you've got caught
Kise would argue that you are at your hottest when your face's flushed, hair disheveled, body contorsioned to accomodate him in between your thighs, but that's Kise's very biased opinion
To a stranger, it's a rather scandalous sight so it's very likely that you'll hate being in such predicament
Lucky for you, Kise talks the way out of trouble for the two of you
But you still urge him to leave the place and go to somewhere we're it's actually acceptable to have sex
(He loves you so much and is so needy for you though, he can't even stand the drive back home, he'll go back deep into you in the car itself <3)
Alright for this one, if you're wondering how you ended up having public sex, the answer is rather simple
Daiki and you are just super horny and can't keep it in your pants (sorry 😔)
It's really in the heat of the moment y'all figured that nothing mattered
Not even the fact that you're giving him head in a very public space
He's just so tempting, you know!!
And he's been looking at your lips for the past hour, so you should have known that he'd end up begging for you to suck his dick
So you just found the first place where you could get on your knees and didn't hesitate twice before getting him out of his pants
Now here you are, sloppily giving him the best head of his life with a bunch of strangers around
I'd like to say that neither of you are exhibitionist but this situation is somewhat super hot
(Again, y'all are just super horny)
Anyways, doesn't take long for you two to get caught and nearly cause a heart attack to whoever sees you
Thing is!! Aomine has no intention to stop
You neither, by the way
You're both on a mission to make him cum so you're not stopping
Instead, you pick up the pace, till he finally snaps and cum down your throat
Swallowing it all because you shouldn't leave any trace!
Once that's done, you do apologize to your surrounding
Takes a couple of hours for you two to realize what you've done and that it's lowkey a public offense
Promise that it won't happen again but Aomine really can't help wanting you anytime and anywhere :)
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gabessquishytum · 10 days
(not super sure about triggers on this one. It’s probably dub-con?)
woah, I loved your addition to my previous ask, how you added Dream and Hob taking care of Robyn!
It got me thinking about next time Robyn gets drunk. Dream and Hob put him to bed and tuck him in, and Hob immediately starts kissing Dream. He’s a bit eager, he’s been waiting for hours for Dream and Robyn to come back, and as making out transitions to hands slipping under clothes Dream has an idea: why bother sneaking away to Hob’s bedroom? Dream wouldn't have let Robyn drink himself into a coma, but it was a near thing. He's out cold.
So they just fuck right there, in Robyn’s narrow little bed, beside him and half on top of him, and having to avoid making too much noise or jostling him too much is both tricky and terribly exciting, the fear of getting caught is such a turn-on… so they get a bit carried away. They manage to clean up and look presentable by morning, but the sheets are covered in cum and drenched in sweat. They can’t change them without waking Robyn, so they just go to bed, Dream beside Robyn and Hob in his own bed, deciding they’ll just think of something later.
When Robyn wakes up and finds Dream sleeping half-naked beside him, the bed a mess, he wakes him and asks what happened. Dream just says he got horny, Robyn was sleeping and so he took care of himself. Multiple times. Robyn believes every word and is in fact very sorry about it all! “I’m so sorry for leaving you hanging... I shouldn’t have drunk so much.” And Dream, well, Dream gets an idea. “Well,” Dream says, “If it happens again I could just fuck you in your sleep. Only if you want me to, of course.” And Robyn of course says yes! He wants to please Dream best he can, Dream is so good to him after all!
(this is where it gets extra fucked-up: tw non-con drug use… also, maybe this is considered incest-adjacent? I’m not sure tbh)
Dream does his research, before taking Robyn out again. Figures out exactly what to slip into Robyn's drink to make sure he's 100% out cold. Nothing actually dangerous, of course! He wouldn't hurt Robyn (Hob would kill him), he just wants him completely out of it for the night. Sure enough, when they go out again, midway through the night, once Robyn is well over tipsy Dream slips something into his next drink and not long after Robyn starts nodding off, and Dream takes him home.
Hob helps him carry Robyn, now unconscious, upstairs. Dream has Robyn’s permission, and knows Hob overheard the conversation, so he strips Robyn naked, lays him on his bed on his stomach and props him up on a couple pillows so his arse is nice and up in the air, and undresses himself. He stands at the end of Robyn’s bed and starts opening him up, bending half on top of him, his own ass in full view of Hob. Hob watches, as always, but he’s a bit puzzled by this development: he thought Dream wanted Robyn out so Hob could have Dream for the night...
Dream just smiles knowingly, and after getting Robyn ready he sticks his cock inside him, then pulls out his own plug, showing Hob his hole lubed up and ready.
"Well, Hob Gadling? This way you can do to me everything I do to your son... move for move."
As soon as Hob gets what Dream has in mind, he doesn't need to be told twice, and fills Dream up to the hilt.
Dream is in heaven. It's hard not to cum on the spot. He has Robyn's tight little ass around him and Hob's massive cock inside him. He tries thrusting into Robyn, and Hob matches him thrust for thrust a moment later. As he tries different things, he realizes he can use Hob. He fucks hard into Robyn? Hob does the same to him. Pulls Robyn's hair, pinches his nipples, adds a finger inside him alongside his own cock? Hob does it to him. Dream is pretty excited about this, but he also can’t help but be a bit disappointed: he thought Hob was much tougher than his son…
And then it hits him: he slaps Robyn’s ass, hard as he can, and Hob does the same to him… but with a much bigger, stronger hand. Dream tears up a little. He feels Hob smile against his neck. A little scared but mostly aroused, Dream gives Robyn’s balls a good tug, then has to bite Robyn’s shoulder to muffle a scream when Hob does the same to him, but harder. Then, of course Hob’s teeth sink into his shoulder, and it hurts so bad he thinks he might be bleeding for a second… but it feels SO good. Dream babbles a question, and Hob just chuckles and explains that, after all, he wouldn’t want Dream to think he can just do whatever to his son, and if this arrangement gets Dream so bold perhaps everything he does to Robyn Hob should do to him twice as hard.
Hob absolutely means this as a deterrent: though he knows Dream is a bit of a slut who likes it rough, he’s sure he’ll show him rough, and that way get him to behave easily enough (just behave a little bit, mind you, just so Dream doesn’t literally walk all over sweet, innocent, people-pleaser Robyn). But the thing is… Dream is elated by this development, and it will only incentivize his devious behaviour rather than discourage it.
Thankfully, Robyn is still a little out of sorts in the morning, and very happy that he didn't "leave Dream hanging" this time since he feels as thoroughly fucked out as Dream looks, even if he doesn’t remember anything, so he doesn't notice he and Dream have identical bite marks on their right shoulders before Dream puts on a shirt.
HI AGAIN PA ANON! Here is the link to the initial ask about Dream fucking Hob literally behind Robyn's back...
This is an amazing addition. And since Hob and Dream have managed to get away with their awful, reprehensible behaviour, I can only imagine that they grow more confident in their debauchery...
See, Dream is a little weary of fucking Robyn while he's unconscious. As fun as it is, and as much pleasure he garners from it (as he's also being fucked by Hob at the same time) it's just. A bit dull. Robyn doesn't move or squirm or do anything, he doesn't moan or react in any way. Dream wants more from him. So, he decides to further take advantage of Robyn's sweet people-pleasing tendencies. He asks Robyn if they can spice things up even more - he'd really love to introduce bondage and blindfolds into their sex life. Sweet Robyn, who wants nothing more than to please his lovely boyfriend Dream, immediately agrees to try!
And so, Dream gets him all set up. He ties Robyn up, spread-eagled on the small bed. And he carefully ties a blindfold over his face. It's a high quality piece of kit, designed not to slip off - Hob purchased it himself, sparing no expense. Dream gets started on Robyn, fingering him open and then beginning to fuck him. When Robyn is suitably caught up in the moment, Hob moves from the edge of the room (where he had been watching) and joins the party.
It's even better than when Robyn was unconscious. He makes all his cute little noises, he squirms and clenches around Dream’s cock. All while completely oblivious to the fact that his father is watching and participating, fucking Dream so hard that it ricochets right into Robyn's body too. Dream is having the time of his life between the two of them, and the best part is the absolutely filthy illicitness of the act. If the blindfold was to slip down, Robyn would come face to face with the sight of his dad fucking his boyfriend. Its so fucked up, it just makes Dream want to cum.
Fortunately Robyn enters sub-space so he doesn't really register anything that happens after the blindfold comes off. He doesn't notice the cum sliding out of Dream’s ruined hole. He doesn't notice the faint scent of a familiar cologne. He's just happy that he made Dream happy. Not to mention that his dad seems to be extra affectionate that evening after Dream goes home. He makes Robyn his favourite food for dinner and they cuddle on the couch afterwards for the first time in years - Robyn is glad, he was feeling kind of bad. He's been spending so much time with Dream lately, he wouldn't want his dad to get lonely...
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uniformbravo · 3 months
since i've spent the past few days essentially staring at nothing but natsuyuu volume covers i thought it'd be so fun and silly to try and redraw them all from memory tee hee. all 30 (thirty) (三十) of them!!! wheee!!!!
i haven't actually looked at them next to the originals yet so guess what time it is!!!! LET'S COMPARE
starting with volume 1. iconic. show stopping. masterpiece. the mona lisa of natsuyuu SURELY i reproduced every single detail perfectly such that it kickstarts my career as a forgery artist RIGHT
well feast ur eyes
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(im using the english volumes for comparison btw they have a good clear view of the art)
all i remembered for this one was GREEN and it's not even the right shade of green ajgosugdjfkdgj i even made the fuckin. what do u call it. i'll just say yukata??? I MADE IT GREEN AND ITS SUPPOSED TO BE RED i stg if u held a gun to my head & asked if there was any red on vol 1 i'd be DEAD
but i remembered the book of friends is like. weirdly purple? ok well in this pic it looks p gray BUT ON OTHER COPIES...... IF U UP THE SATURATION GKSJKDNFKDG
why is nyanko sensei smack dab in the middle HUH i couldve sworn he was bottom left this is so fucked up and scary. haunted manga volume??????? i bought it from a grarage sale idk you guys-
at least natsume's pose is like kind of right but also that's most definitely a complete accident i can ASSURE u (im rereading this the next day and the pose isnt even CLOSE what are u TALKING ABOUT)
anyway can i just fucking point out the kanji on the book of friends bc that is from MEMORY YEEHAW here's what it's Supposed to look like: 友人帳
LIKE even tho i got the last one wrong ITS LIKE STILL PRETTY CLOSE??? i think i deserve 100 points for this objectively
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OK NOT AS BAD AS I THOUGHT SURPRISINGLY im actually like. i thought i bombed this one completely but liKE THE COMPOSITION??? KIND OF ON POINT. KIND OF GENIUS TBH
i remembered Blue and Madara and like what else do u need rly. butterflies are optional in all scenarios imo
also i NEVER have any idea what natsume's wearing in any of these so i always just like default throw him into his school uniform LMAO u will see a pattern
why is the book of friends burgundy in this one btw. it was GRAY i mean purple definitely purple aha
ok volume 3 im actually scared for i know i fucked up SOMETHING
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HGLKFKGLKFKGFN OK!!!!! OK NOT SUPER AWFUL!!!! just noticed i forgor to color the book of friends fukg
main thing i remembered abt this one was the color of natsume's... attire.... and which characters were present. whats sensei doing all the way up in the top corner tho 0/10
return of the school uniform lmaooooo hm. irrelevant who cares plus didnt ask. all things considered this wasn't as bad as i thought. THE NEXT ONE HOWEVER,
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hsngjfgnfjn okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
sensei's way cuter in this one than i realized wait wtf this cover's cute af how did i never notice. underrated cover -10 @ me. look at his lil BLEP >:O!!!!!!!
i knew there was some fuckshit going on w the yukata in this one ourhg i was just like hehe greeennnn also sensei's there. my work here is done
what is natsume's pose even hgnkg i was straight up making shit up at this point LIKE the first 6 or so covers are SO hard for me to distinguish in my head i should get a free pass for the poses in all of them like i can do whatever i want IM the artist now
oh god whats next vol 5
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OK!!!! like a straight 5/10 TBH i literally forgot i was planning on rating these LMAO
i remembered the like white v-neck shirt thing and his pose kind of??? i had NO idea what to do for the yukata tho i just made it orange and u know what?? close enough. my rule of thumb is just like pick a color and then throw flowers all over it u cant go wrong
taki looks so much more mysterious on the original and also wearing a skirt. i gave her a big stick bc i thought i remembered her having one in general but i think i made that up tbh wouldn't put it past me. got her hat right tho hee haw
cant believe i didn't get natsume's beautiful artwork tho look at that little shit sensei up there god hes so ROUMD literally moma material
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PROBABLY my best one yet uhhhh but i maybe cheated JUST a little for this one ITS LIKE BARELY CHEATING STOP BOOING ME
as i was toying w the idea of doing this redraw thing i was still working on collecting my Images and Pictures so i kinda started taking note of a few small things here & there and one of them was just. the general gist of this cover SO LIKE that's why it's so good LOL
forgor the flowers tho. i literally forget everything that isn't a character like immediately BUT OK CUT ME SOME SLACK like after a point the covers start being whole ass scenes which are SO much easier to remember shit abt than the fuckin Green Void (p sure this is the last green void cover tho)
8/10 composition is gr8 but details like the shirt & the yellow flowers are wrong, also the stick is backwards. i literally looked up what that thing is called and forgot already tee hee
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fuck dude. fuck. i rly thought vol 6 was the last one LOL not to spoil but as i was grabbing these images i saw a Preview of what's to come and the green void lasts until fuckign volume TEN LOL collapses onto the ground and dies
so erhermrm this is vol 7 lolllll i remembered the bg flowers this time can u believe hahaha distracts u from the fact that LITERALLY everything else is wrong auhghg
u know what the green void turned into bushes and i think that's beautiful.... like points for creativity on my part tbh. like to be completely honest. 3/10 i got the characters right
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YO????? GATE CONFIRMED LET'S GO?????? it's definitely the school gate but i choose to believe natsume & tanuma r in jail for crimes and u should too
actually this is shockingly accurate for how much i goddamn struggled w this one gkjsldkg the CHARACTERS are right the OUTFITS are right SENSEI'S THERE urgh i knew one of these covers had tanuma holding sensei like that but i couldn't remember Which
i can't believe i actually got tanuma's pose that close i rly thought i was bullshitting w that one wtf. +5 points instantly
do u like how i just scribbled sensei wherever lmaoooo i drew natsume & tanuma & went like. i think sensei's in this one. PLOP
6/10 honestly closer than i thought
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OK........ I SEE........ literally dies
this one i was getting MASSIVELY confused w vol 4 bc i could remember nothing distinct abt either of them except Green and natsume w Big Doggie
i remembered the BARE essentials of the composition but not much else... since i thought the green void was gone i put the green i remembered into natsume's yukata (and then put him in the school uniform again LOL) and went WELP. GUESS I'LL DIE NOW
2/10 honestly one of the worst fucking ones lskdjflsdkg
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OK THIS ONE.... i almost died irl trying to remember this shit, even before i started and i was still viewing the covers i was like there is no way in HELL im remembering this shit for vol 10. and i was right
like. Purple. White Mask. Antlers. WILD layered clothing. at first i drew the mask as an actual deer skull but later had a straight up epiphany and redrew it like that which... still not correct but I MEAN.... IT'S PRETTY GOOD
i cant believe most of the purple is the bg oughgh his clothes are WHITE..... this is fucked up. i DID remember the stick tho, bells and everything!! actually bells and nothing else!!!
7/10 ok it might seem high but CONSIDERING this design..... i think i did shockingly well TBH
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NOT...... the worst...... one....... i could've sworn he was sitting on a pile of books this is so sad that woulda been so cute 😭
for a second when i saw the real cover again i thought he was sitting ON the bookshelf and i was about to RIOT but its okay it's a step stool. still physically possible
my version of natsume here is so much more like Proper gksld he looks like a school boy... studying in the academy's library... hardworking student.... but no the real one is just sitting there like a wet puppy orz he's not even READING i rly thought he was reading. this is such a huge L
cannot fucking believe i was right abt the window tho. like wrong shape but the fact that it's even there.... giving myself a whole ass point for that one
5/10 i rly thought i nailed this one gksgndfkj
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ah shit ok. well one of them was in the school uniform at least fjgugjdkf
why is my natsume lying there like hes abt to start a therapy session, boy would NEVER-
also the plushie hmnmhnmhngnf i dont KNOW i knew there was some kind of prop there but like gun to my head i woulda died again. main colors that stood out to me for this were green and that bluish purple so i got those into mine but i mean. well u can see
once again a random window in the bg i got correct let's gooooo 5/10
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this is so fucking bad im choking im gurgling LOLLLL i was SO sure natsume's paper had an eye on it i was POSITIVE this is so fucked up. i mean obvs i picked that up from sensei but like i didn't even KNOW sensei was there. or that there were bg characters at all uuuuuououohghh (matoba ignored +5)
i was like. black yukata red flowers CHECK piece of paper w eye CHECK horns CHECK i even went back and edited the horns to be more accurate i was so proud of myself sobs
ok but i knew it was shit trasjh when those were the ONLY details i could remember bc obviously there was gonna be more going on I JUST DIDN'T REALIZE HOW MUCH MORE.....
straight up dookie/10 no jk fr like 3/10 @ me u need to use ur EYES
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OK..... I WAS VERY CONFIDENT ABT THIS ONE..... except for his outfit i knew i was bullshitting that BUT I THOUGHT I NAILED THIS ONE....... the one fucking time i didn't just default to his uniform LMFAO
even remembered the pink flower ball smh and for WHAT. i knew he was sitting in a pile of plushies & blankets or smth but no way in HELL was i even gonna attempt to draw them with a speck of detail. but HEY the plushie i drew for vol 12!!! i knew he existed Somewhere. he doesn't even have a horn tho thats so fucked up i thought he did
obviously the most striking thing abt this cover is the bg w that deep burgundy & the circular window so that was the main thing i nailed down right away (my palette was more muted tho). also natsume sitting there w paper in his mouth but i thought he was mid return when rly hes playing like keep-the-balloon-off-the-floor or whatever the fuck he's doing. i love u natsume
(if i thought he was in the middle of returning a name WHY didn't i include the actual book of friends flksglkd automatic fake fan/10)
8/10 this was like my ace in the hole i was like if i got nothing else i got U volume 14!!! and then
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man idk shit just end me. whats even going on in this cover im gonna deck u natori. dont ask why this makes me want to commit violence hes just so. URHGHGHnH
i dont know whats happening to me rn looking at this im losing my fucking grip dude who let this happen im gonna hurl this volume into the sun??? i think???
why did i add the other two youkai i just thought they should be included but i played myself i had to draw them from memory and for WHAT. pls tell me i got them at least a little bit right i stg
it's the crossed legts dude if he was just sitting there like a board the way i drew him id be like ah shit it was just natori sitting not natsume too but he just HAS to cross his legs and the fucing elbow propped up holding the glasses im S MAD IM SO MADdestroy him
it's 1am i gotta go. i have to go. right now my mom is calling me i have to fukcng. 4/10 i got the couch colorr right. bye
tumglr...... only allows 30 pictures per post..... bc im not on desktop? or is that a site-wide thing now. in any case this is getting long so i think im gonna split it right down the middle into 2 posts so there u go, first 15 volumes. so far my score is ermmm
well i didn't rate the first few volumes.
vol 1: 6/10 decent
vol 2: 6/10 also decent
vol 3: 5/10 composition is Scramboled
vol 4: 2/10 it's SO BAD
so now my overall score is 74/150 fjggudjofjdkgjk doing gr8!!!!!!!!!
ok bye for real ✌️
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angelosearch · 4 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
First off, thanks for this! ❤️ yaaaay an ask game!!!
Second... OH MY GOD five things Iike about myself?! This is going to be hard. But my therapist would be so happy to know I've been given this challenge, haha.
And of course, I have to provide details and addendums to these because I have to treat everything like a personal essay. Ugh.
I am a loud cringe nerd
I have fun facts for days, if not weeks
Music is my religion
I bet I can make you laugh
I understand my narrative
Longer answers under the cut.
I am not afraid to show enthusiasm/honesty and be loud. You know the part of your brain that tells you to not do embarrassing/cringe/over-the-top-thing before you do it? I am not going to try and diagnose it but that literally does not exist for me. I will sing along loudly to songs in public; I am the person at a wedding who never leaves the dancefloor; I dress in bright colors and wear the weirdest prints; I will laugh or cry uncontrollably if the moment calls for it. I am incapable of holding back positivity and excitement. I will gush about how great something or someone is. If I like your shoes, I am 100% going to tell you, no fear. All of this can make life really fun. It attracts people with good energy into my orbit. It makes me feel like the last thing I am is boring - but I also go home and regret every minute of it because of the second-hand embarrassment later. Somehow all these things are wrong to do in my head (even though I am never moved like this by negativity, fear, or hate), yet I cannot stop myself from doing them. I loathe that I am a book with a broken spine that cannot stay closed. I hate every inch of space I take up. I cannot stop being vulnerable which is great for therapy but not so great for being a normal, functioning adult. I fear sometimes that people think that I believe my thoughts are all-important because I share them all. Nope. I just literally have no choice in the matter. The thoughts and actions pop into my head and they must be heard/done.
I am an endless fountain of "fun" facts because I am interested in a lot of stuff and love to learn. I think "did you know that..." is my most used phase. If I have a fun fact on a subject, you will know (it's something else I feel I have no control over). My hand will be up if I don't just blurt it out. And I am always rolling them up in my Katamari-Ball brain, listening to podcasts, reading articles, watching documentaries, and other videos. I remember these weird fringe things but then I will forget your name and your job. Don't tell me what you're into because I AM going to do a deep dive and suddenly be an expert in it. Tbh it's a great skill for a writer, but I am pretty sure it annoys people around me. Especially when all the fun facts are related to whatever I am obsessed with at the moment. You'll never guess what I have way too many fun facts about right now.
I connect with music, so strongly it's almost spiritual. Singing and listening to music have always been my go-to coping skills. I learned to drive very late in life (at 30 - but that is a story for another day) and at first I was a horribly anxious driver. But once I realized my car could become my little mobile box of music where I could just belt it out 24/7, I learned to love driving. Lyrics help me understand the prism of my experience and others. I love when songs make me dance, or cry, or give me goosebumps. My shower is my favorite place in my new house because of the great acoustics; plus, there is enough space to pull off an entire shower concert, complete with choreography. Concerts and karaoke make me feel like I am connected to the universe and everyone in the venue. I love my taste in music, which sounds weird, but I am just so proud of my eclectic taste. Also! I am mad skilled at identifying songs and artists and samples, probably because I have listened to so. Much. Music. The downside to this one is that I emotionally connect so thoroughly with every song that I enjoy that a bad association will make the song/artist or even the genre unbearable to listen to (see: country music). Also, some people in my life don't understand why I prioritize concerts so highly and are very critical of me for it. I can't help that a concert is the closest thing I have to a church!
I have a great sense of humor (or at least I think so). If you have followed me for more than two seconds, you have probably figured out that I am constantly attempting (and hopefully succeeding?) to be funny. I try VERY HARD to make people laugh. If you were to talk to me in real life, you'd quickly discover that I would come up with puns in our conversation like we're having a funny rap battle. My favorite tools are wordplay and re-contextualization but I also have quote upon quote and will use physical humor, too. The good thing is that I can make myself laugh, for sure. Like I said yesterday, I embody Chrysippus. A lot of comedians claim their jokes are hiding pain. I've recently realized that I use my humor a little differently--since my social anxiety has convinced me that no one in the world wants anything to do with me at any given moment, I use my jokes as sort of a litmus test. If you're laughing, there is a very strong chance that you don't actively hate me at that very moment. I think this strategy probably annoys people and probably comes off at inappropriate. Don't bring me to a funeral.
I can contextualize my personal story. Somewhere between taking autobiography/memoir and essay classes in college and over a decade of therapy, I've become exquisitely good at taking an event in my life or facet of my personality and placing it in the context of my life. Does that make sense? Like in high school English class I took so much joy out of reading a novel and analyzing character motivations and author intent and "why is the wallpaper yellow." I am still very good at reading something and identifying symbolism, but now I mostly use this same skill to look back at the story of my life and find patterns and connections. I think this will help me as an Art Therapist, and, if my personal essays and posts are actually any good, then it is helping me as a writer as well. But this is a double-edged sword in therapy. It means I can sit in the chair and practically therapize myself. But lives are not novels. We are not characters. Sometimes the wallpaper is just yellow. My over-cerebral approach to my understanding of self makes me come off as "not sick enough" in some settings--I've been told by peers and staff many times while in treatment, "Why are you here? You seem fine!" Well, the truth is, just because you understand why the monster is in the book, you can't always outrun it. Sure, it can help to know where the monster came from and why he's chasing you, but if you get too caught up in that it may slow you down. Or you will run the wrong way because you are so sure you understand him. Or you will run so well that no one will notice you are running at all.
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meennichakoon · 2 months
My thoughts on Love Syndrome: the Beginning because I cannot sleep.
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This is purely based on what I watched as I've not read the stories.
The general story of what happens between Day and Itt is caused by Itt's bet with his friend Gear. From the synopsis, they're claiming Gear 🍇'd Night, but from what you see in the movie it seemed more consensual. Was it a lack of judgment? 100%. Did Night know that Gear was filming them? Doubtful. Especially when Night wakes up the next morning to see Gear hamming it up with his friends who are watching their night together.
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Gear is literally despicable.
After 6 months, the two meet up again at a club that it seems Itt and Gear frequent as they're in what looks to be a VIP lounge. Night, from what I could infer, was there trying to make Gear regret what he did. However, as you see the night unfold, this plan seems built by Day to learn more about what happened between his brother and Gear. This is how Day finds out about Itt's involvement and how he comes up with his own plan to get Itt alone.
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By this time, however, Gear's interest in Night is renewed as he claims that he will make him moan again to Itt before he goes to search for Night in the bathroom. Day takes this moment to crash his car into Itt's car, but what kills me is who in their right mind follows a stranger home to collect cash for car repair. Itt may be rich, but he definitely wasn't thinking clearly. Maybe it's a difference in culture, but you would never see someone doing that in the US.
You especially would not receive a drink from a stranger within that stranger's home and expect to walk out of there. Itt needs to watch crime shows more often, tbh. By the time Itt realizes that something is wrong, it's too late. We're talking about Day, clear connections to the mafia, and how he has all he will ever need to know about Itt including his full name and probably who he has slept with recently.
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NGL I thought Day killed Itt until you see Itt waking up chained to Day's bed. It's clear that Day 🍇 Itt as payback for the bet that Itt made with Gear, however from the movie's standpoint this seems like overkill. At most, Gear did "win" his bet with Itt, but the circumstances between the two instances were vastly different. Was Night hurt that he was used? Yes. Did it qualify for the treatment that Itt received? No. Day could've just beat up Itt, but he went beyond that. From what I can tell, Itt seems to be straight in this series, so when Day 🍇 Itt -- I cannot even imagine how Itt must have felt.
Three days after meeting each other again, Night seems to have his own plan on how to deal with Gear, which involves spending all of his money when Gear asks if they can date. Despite this, Night seems to forget how Gear treated him after completing his bet with Itt and falls for Gear (assuming he wasn't already in love at the time of the bet). Seeing this happen pisses off Day, who tries to lock Night up inside their home, which doesn't last long due to Gear busting him out.
Night is off with Gear, Gus (who I didn't realize was Gear's brother), and Nin at Gear's family resort to escape from Day. This is more when you see how Gear's building love/interest in Night comes forward, but Night still keeps him at an arm's length. Night chooses to room with Gus, drags Gus to hang out, and only deviates when Gus decides he wants to room with Nin. This doesn't mean that Gear doesn't try to put some moves on Night.
Eventually, it's Night that requests to return home to face his brother. It's also around this time that the trio gets worried as none of them have heard from Itt while they've been at the resort. Which is how the movie ends. Day drags Itt to find Night at Gear's resort because Day finds Night's room empty at some point and deduces that it's because of Gear.
In my honest opinion, I would have never 1) fallen in love with someone who used me for a bet and 2) went back home to my crazy brother. I know Day probably is overprotective of Night because he raised him, but it's the way he protects him and harms those who harm Night that worries me. It's a convenient contrast to see Night and Day as brothers versus Gear and Gus; almost like a clear right versus wrong way to be brothers, lol.
Well, I'm starting to get tired-- soooooo, Night!
P.S. I realized where I'd seen the actor who played Night. He's NEMO from Even Sun. That is all 😂😂
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madamscream · 3 months
My typical way of experiencing... well, everything, if we're honest... is to avoid having any expectations. It's something I learned how to do, and I stick to it pretty well. While it was originally mostly a bulwark against a chaotic childhood making my lil autistic ass have to figure out how to do without any sort of routine, the most profound effect it has these days is drastically increasing my enjoyment of media.
The only time I find myself disappointed with something, in that sense, is when they do something that it literally would have been better to have done nothing at all. Solmare has managed to do this a few times.
And YET. Here I am. I think so much about Obey Me that I can't help but speculate, and I've gone and got my hopes up because I've realized that there are some really fucking cool things they could do. I'm feverish, so this might get long... gunna put it under a cut.
So. I started playing the OG Obey Me about a year and a half ago. The fourth season either came out right as I started, or was already out. I never was really effected by the wait time for the next season drop, and the limbo that left fans in, so I get that my perspective is different than most.
But my perspective is this: they had a cool story with some neat concepts, both story-wise meta game stuff, but the game play was so ass it could barely be called game play, the balancing is insane (I've scraped through the main story using countless glow sticks but most of the extra lessons are still beyond me will full teams of lvl 100+ cards), and they'd written themselves into several corners they didn't know how to get out of.
Then they released Nightbringer. It has it's issues, sure, but as a game? I enjoy it about 1000% more than OG. The story is one of being thrown back in time and trying to find your way home, which we managed last chapter. On April 13th, the game will have been out one year. I think that's when they'll drop the next season but...
It would be so wildly cool if they also merged the games. The MC's just returned to the timeline from OG, supposedly, though hadn't Solomon suggested that... y'know, everyone had noticed you disappearing? OG is at it's end of life. It's pretty clear they're going to shut it down at some point. I want, so so so badly, for 4/13 to hit, a massive update to be available, and the entirety of OG's story line to have been ported to NB. I want the accounts to merge together. I want to have all my cards and I want there to be a new Nightmare chapter with all the old cards from OG and I want the plot moving forward to be a mess of scrambled timeline shit, trying to figure out who NB is, and stress. From a game dev perspective, they have the chance to do something so so wildly awesome and I KNOW they won't. I KNOW I'm going to be disappointed. But FUCK it'd be cool...
I have so many ideas on how it could be done... and I'm well aware it'd probably piss a lot of people off still, but people are pissed off anyways. I think it'd make more people happy than it did angry.
And I know some people don't like Ruri-tunes but like... at least it's a game. I'm no huge fan of rhythm games tbh. I honestly hated them before Ruri-tunes, but I disliked the dance battles so much that I've started liking rhythm games more just because it was suck an upgrade imo
Anyways. That's the end of my rant. I want them to do meta shit that ties into their story basically. Thank you for coming to Mal's fever talk.
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
Hello! Saw your last post and got me thinking: What do you think Vace and Lin would be like as parents? I imagine that fatherhood wouldn't come to him as easily, but I think he would earnestly try to be better than both his parents 😁
oh yeah absolutely i think post therapy vace is a better dad than his family (low bar) and i think in therapy he has like the self awareness? to try and push past that
actually therapy vace is very fun in general bc like. i think one of vace's qualities regardless of therapy is how he pushes himself to be The Best it's just like a reframing of what The Best is u kno. there's a reason his cards are vace's confidence u kno. and that confidence is in some ways genuinely earned like!!! he IS the best soldier on the helio!!! like!!!! he has all those awards and he's very smart and like. it makes sense!!!
but then he goes to therapy and he starts like. reframing some of his stuff re:being Good and like what it means to be not just Good At Things but a Good Person and like. thats so much more difficult for him u kno in ways that other stuff wouldnt necessarily be. esp bc a lot of the stuff involved is like, him moving to be more vulnerable and show weakness and forgive ppl and those are not things he's good at naturally which is like. just very fun wwww
the reason i bring this up re:his parenting: i dont think he'd want to be a parent until he's really dealt with a lot of the worst of his shit. he mentions this in his 100 right: he's aware his whole thing comes from his dad who he has an IMMESNELY complicated rship w/. (i say this bc like. in his 50 he mentions hating his dad right. and yet he still has a picture of him u kno. lmfao. god) i dont think he'd ever want to subject his kids to what he went thru. i think he's aware of what he's done and how much worse he could've been u kno. the monster under the bed is who he is without sol
and even then it still takes work u kno. this comes up in the endcards abt how on his worst days he's still just like he was and how it takes times to break past that and find someone to meet him halfway. i have him meet lin when he's like early 30's bc i really do think it takes him a Long Fucking Time to hit a point like that. a lot of relationships. u kno. takes Work. takes time.
BUT THE POINT OF THIS.... to answer your actual q..........
i do actually think vace is a pretty good dad in these circumstances! i think he's protective and caring and i think in context w/rship with lin especially where he's got a partner that's good at reframing issues from "you versus me" to "you and me against the problem" it helps him get in that mindset with kids as well u kno.
i think tho in some ways he's better w/them when they're little GLKHSDLKGH i think he might be a bit overprotective when theyre older. i am shy talkign abt lin but im even shyer talking abt the fankids i made for them but i DO think its immensely funny for him to have his daughter hit adolescence and be like. ok im not calling u daddy anymore. and not bc she's embarrassed abt being a daddys girl or antying she just needs him to realize shes practically an ADULT NOW (vace meanwhile is there like. you are Not an adult jesus christ)
ok thats the serious analysis now here is my stuff thats for Me (sparkle emojis) ive talked abt this with alm before and in some ways i think vace is the parent the kids rely on for most every day stuff bc i do think he spoils his kids a little u kno. daughter shows up asking for a snack and he Prepares something for her meanwhile lin is like (gets smth preprepared from the fridge or tells her to wait for mealtime) takes them shopping teaches them to tie their shoes all that kind of stuff u kno
lin meanwhile is like...... practical wwww ive talked abt this in other places but he has difficulty with people sometimes bc of his augment. he's not great at comforting tbh! i think if the kids are upset adn htey want hugs abt it they go to vace. lin tho i think is the parent they turn towards for more serious stuff? bc vace despite everything still is very emotional while lin is very Not that u kno. so they can be like. uh. papa. ive fucked up. and lin is like (guy whose response to literally Everyhting is How Do We Fix This) How Do We F
in some ways as well i think the kids and lin grow closer as they get older. not to say i think they necessarily grow Away from vace but the way you interact w/small kids versus when u interact w/older ones means i think vace would do better w/the really younger ones while there'd be a bit of disconnect btwn them and lin until they're older u kno. lin is bad at mirroring and coddling and part of the thing abt his rship w/vace is it does help him get better at dealing w/other ppl w/strong emotions, part of that also relies on vace understnading that lin is trying u kno. and that's not a capacity kids really have at such young ages?
overall tho. i do think they are pretty good parents wwwww vace does hover too much but lin i think helps him dial it back wwww and lin struggles more at first but he gets there. their kids i think grow up well! and that's what matters!
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Sexuality headcanon:
I think it's canon she's bi? In TB she definitely mentioned going out on dates with girls. But I think she mentioned boys too at some point. So yep, bi. TB has 0 straight main characters 🌈 (tbf most clamp mangas have straight characters as minority)
Gender headcanon:
If it were any other author I would have headcanoned her as trans but clamp has very clear way of showing nb/agender/trans characters (like Ashura, Nataku, Hana, half of Wish cast etc.) and Hokuto doesn't fit in that criterium. So cis female
I don't think I have any? 🤔 ofc she has a semi-canon 'love interest' but I'm not 100% certain she saw Kakyou in romantic manner. Or that if she did, he was her 'special person'. I think issue is that TB ended in 1993 while Kakyou showed up around vol 8 of X which was years later. If clamp found way to include Kakyou somehow in TB, even if just a cameo, I bet their relationship would have been much more effective. As far as fanon (fanarts, fics and headcanons) goes, I'm all for their ship.
There are probably crack ships like Hokuto/Tomoyo or Hokuto/Kotori etc. which I wouldn't mind reading. But i generally prefer canon-based stuff
TB trio my beloved ❤ honestly she maintained the balance between Seishirou and Subaru. She had just right amount of empathy to understand Subaru and offer him comfort in way he needed the most; but also just right amount of selfishness to pull through and try to make her own wishes reality (including her final wish 😭). I adore how physical touch was handled between twins, Subaru would be really touch starved without Hokuto. Also how she tried to bring his spirit up and make him stand out (hence fashionable clothes) and encouraged Subaru to want things for himself for once. Just unfortunately that one backfired spectacularly
And ofc Hokuto's bond with Seishirou. Tbf whole analysis could be written there bc she kept things light most of the time and Seishirou's pretense reached it's peak when interacting with her. However Hokuto is far from gullible (nor is she blinded by kindness and love like her brother), she intuitively knew something wasn't right about Seishirou. That one scene where she put knife under his neck and said she'd kill him if he ever made Subaru cry 🙏😭 queen kept her promise
Also I've just realized Hokuto was baby girling Sei-chan before fandom even got the chance
Who is she shipped with even beside Kakyou and random crack ships with teen girls forn other series? 🤔
Random headcanon:
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Look. Wee need this. Hokuto dressing up as Subaru and making ruckus around town. Or twins switching clothing and playing game of who is who. I think it was mentioned they've done that as kids.
And now I've just realized she did dress up as Subaru one finally time... when she went to find Seishirou 😭
General opinion:
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I'll never not want post TB AU where she's alive. Tbh, first time I read TB I thought her death was rushed and badly written. Mostly because it so easily could have been avoided. And then it hit me - that's exactly the core of tragedy; ending was actually amazingly written. That's probably part of why Subaru could never move on (beside his low self esteem and countless other reasons): he blames hinself because he believes she died for him and if he wasn't so weak her death could have been avoided easily
Still, despite the angst i wouldn't have changed a thing bc precisely her easily avoided death adds to the tragedy and makes manga hit so hard
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sapphic-story · 2 years
45, 49, 56 for Hero
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Put them all into one so that you wouldn’t get pinged three times!
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Dark mode. Hero HATES any tech application in dark mode. If someone shows her a phone with an application in dark mode she will automatically set to changing it to light mode before even looking at anything else.
49. Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
It depends! Hero is a bit of a food snob, so she’s pretty critical of meals that she thinks could be better. At the same time, though, she grew up with Southern Hospitality and not eating someone’s food is a Slight there so it kind of depends on how much she respects that person and if it was homemade or not (and how homemade it is—“from the box” is very different to “from scratch” to her). If someone, like, store bought something she thought was gross, she’d easily skip. However, if someone put their Heart and Soul into the food, she will try to politely eat it…with the most backhanded compliments possible.
She’s not an exotic eater though; if someone rolled up with escargot she’s skipping out no matter what lol
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
Her parents, though she already knows she’s not going to get that. :p In terms of who she Does get comfort from, the answer would be her dog in most circumstances. But now that she’s away from home…I don’t know if she has an answer! (She’s suffering.)
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Wrote “SEE ME AFTER CLASS” on a student’s assignment (she’s a TA) and when they came she just tried to recruit them into the astronomy club that she’s the president of.
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
She probably wouldn’t even notice LOL she seems like the type to have an over enthusiastic, very firm handshake while speaking over a mile a minute about whatever may be enthusing her at the time. If she did notice, she’d probably just make a little comment like “weak grip, huh?” And immediately move on.
43. What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
This is a really good question lol I need to do some research to answer this tbh bc I recently decided that Xeno is an international student from Namibia, Africa (very inspired by a coworker from the same place)
The easiest one off the cuff though is just like. General language. It’s much more likely that others misunderstand her because of her accent, but there’s also times where she’s like “what. What are you trying to refer to right now.” She always believes that her own pronunciation is correct and will 100% make fun of American pronunciations that she thinks is dumb.
(I did actually get around to naming her, it’s “DT” or “Daphne Taylor”, but now I want to add that in somewhere LOL. Middle name? Daphne Bella Taylor? I can see it)
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Ask about her crush of the week. Nobody could ever keep up with that other than her. (Including the friends and family asking…let’s hope they’d pick right)
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
She keeps several things in her purse solely to drop in front of guys so that they pick it up for her and she can talk to them. The different choices are based on what she thinks will impress guys.
58. How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
A LOT. She’s the type of person that buys a bunch of things to get really into a hobby, loses interest in a few days, and never return. They’re primarily things that would be aesthetically pleasing, like letter writing, art, and journal keeping. I think she also likes hobbies primarily based on identifying things, such as birdwatching or looking into local flora.
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SOMEONE ELSE FINALLY SAID IT! Plus Vecna doesn’t make sense because Lloth would have been a better villain with a better connection to the spiders but the writers already had a spider looking ‘villain’ and called it the Mind Flayer. Sorry for the rant, none of my friends are into DnD and/or think Stranger Things S4 was good, I’m very alone in my bubble 🥲
But the writing for ST has imo gone downhill since S2. They bring in more and more characters with half related connections and either do fuck all with them or kill them off and the thing that gets me is that the drama with each character is always thrown to the side and ignored as soon as they realize something’s going on again and it’s like there wasn’t any drama (Every scene with Nancy and Jonathan)
Plus the Duffers are supposedly making another Netflix adaption of Death Note so I really don’t like them now lol
Ugh don't even remind me of that Death Note adaptation lol
S3 and S4 suffer from the Walking Dead problem where there are so many characters that the story has to be put on hold for each storyline and then get paused to go to the next one for a bit, and the payoff where they converge just doesn't work. Also I could not give less of a fuck about Nancy and Jonathan's storyline and their relationship shit got way too much play. Mike and El's relationship drama was hamfisted as fuck and I'm really hoping Will gets to have a character arc besides being very obviously gay and have more aspects to his character again in S5. You have this character whose trauma is so glossed over and never really addressed because we have a dozen new characters and storylines to deal with. Will was a victim of circumstance that nearly died after isolation in another world of horrors, was possessed by one of those horrors (and apparently still is to an extent given how he can sense Vecna AND the Mind Flayer), and might be struggling with the fact that everyone around him is moving on from what happened. I want him to be frustrated and scared of losing his friends and family, being separated from everyone and NEVER feeling a sense of closure to what happened to him. You can have Will be gay and ALSO have him be interesting/multifaceted too, you know, but this is the Duffer Brothers and Netflix we're talking about. It's the same issue I had with Robin where she's totally flanderized and has two main roles in the plot: be gay, and be awkward. I'm sorry but in this age of representation, having a character be gay does not equal them being well-written.
Hopper's monologue about his life story is easily the most egregious case of "Tell don't show" in a season FILLED with fucking "Tell don't show" and is also David Harbour's worst acting moment. That was wooden as fuck and the worst way to do that kind of scene. Tbh the entire Russia side plot was shit and could've been cut out nearly 100%.
Also: why give Hopper this big escape when he just gets caught anyway? Why have him break his foot (with unconvincing acting to show he's in the pain he should be in) if it doesn't lead to anything? Why have Joyce and Murray survive a FUCKING PLANE CRASH without a scratch? If you need to have Hopper learn there are Demogorgons, you could have done it a million better ways than an escape cocktease that fails in the end.
Why did Vecna only start killing now? He had decades to open the portals using this method, so why send the Mind Flayer out, have it fuck up, and go "no this time I'll totally kill everyone guys?" Why go after Max months after Billy's death at an arbitrary time after killing two random characters? Is it because he needs to use the school counselor patient list as a list of targets? If so, why? He has his tentacle Cerebro thing, after all. And again, why wait until right now to do this plan?
Also I don't get everyone shilling for that hokey-as-fuck scene of Max running with Kate Bush playing, it's easily one of the dumbest shot/edited moments that I couldn't take seriously at all. I also hate the red flashes and CG look of that part of the Upside Down, it reminds me of any given superhero movie with the CGI bloat and generic scawy vibe it has.
Vecna is easily the worst aspect of the entire series but it's not like Season 4 was that good to begin with. Once the initial hype and emotional high wears off, I think more fans will notice how stupid it is the same way they did for S3 and its cartoony fanfic vibe it had. That said...just because it isn't good, doesn't mean I don't like it. I like Season 4 but it's still easily the worst season on a show that's been sliding down in quality since S2.
My tier is: 1 is a 10/10, 2 is a 9/10, 3 is a 7.5 or 8/10, and 4 is a 4.4 to 5/10. Now I'm waiting for S5 to just go all out and pull a Game of Thrones style ending that completely shits the bed lol
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joysmercer · 2 years
knowing that the anubis kids have lived together for years (or like <2 years in eddie/kt/nina's case), I refuse to believe that they never developed crushes on another person in the house (like aside from their respective partners). SOOO do you have any hcs about potential crushes each of the anubis kids could've had? [sidenote: i'm a firm believer that patricia and alfie had crushes on each other as kids, and I will die on this hill 😂]
yes!! i mentioned it briefly here/here but i think it's def possible that mara had one on alfie (i have no reasoning except that it gives off childhood-best-friends au!peraltiago vibes aka 'he makes me laugh' aka v cute) but it was one-sided, and amber/jerome had lil baby crushes on each other at some point as well (also no reasoning for this except for that throwaway post-ping-pong line but also i lowkey love them as a concept?).
i think alfie was the first person Patricia had feelings for but didn't actually realize it until eddie came into the picture and she was like "oh THAT'S what was happening" lmao. alfie basically-canonically had a crush on Patricia during s1 and i think that started probably as soon as they moved into the house but because they became really close friends almost instantaneously, i don't think he ever really realized it, especially because he mentioned amber was pretty *one* time and jerome started incessantly teasing him about that. unpopular opinion though but palfie crushes resolve themselves by mid-to-late season 2.
eddie only ever had eyes for patricia (while at the house) end of story the end :)
kt and joy is basically canon in 3a as well although i think joy gets over it by 3b when sibuna stuff starts ramping up and she's not in it anymore. there's a brief period of time (like a couple weeks max) sometime after amber leaving that sparks seem to fly between joy and alfie, but she convinces herself it's all in her head…it wasn't entirely, let's put it that way.
obviously joy and fabian was a thing on her part, but i do think he let it go on so far because he kinda thought he might like her too, although he wasn't sure. also at the very beginning of high school people started assuming him and mara were a thing (because nerds stick together, right) and lowkey he always assumed it would happen by the time they graduated although he never actually had feelings while those rumors were going around. also something abt how nearly every time he hung out with joy, Patricia was there, and how that complicated things too.
this is slightly off topic but i have this headcanon that there's some point while they're doing victor's chores in season 2 that Patricia tries to explain what went on the previous year with joy to eddie but because she cant actually tell him most of the details she ends up focusing way too much on her own trauma and eddie just kind of goes "that's a lot for someone who was 'just a friend', yacker". now obviously he's teasing (and entirely in good fun, and she knew it) but she can't stop thinking about it. now I'm conflicted on whether or not there were actually feelings there because i love their besties dynamic so much and i 100% want it to stay that way, but idk
tbh. mara and willow shouldve gotten together at the end of s3. that’s also irrelevant to this ask but close enough that im putting it here
OH AMBER yeah no she was definitely into nina in season 2 (if not season 1) and you can't change my mind on that lskdfjl
also i dont think either of them liked each other AT ALL but sometimes i watch a kt/alfie interaction in 3b and wonder if the writers were considering going in that direction. I'm so glad they didn't
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winter-spark · 2 months
I know self-diagnosis is valid and that as you learn more you're okay to be like oh I was wrong it's actually maybe this and whatever but I'm a bit of a coward, or well I still don't want to insert myself in spaces that I don't might not belong in and I've always hated the idea of talking about things without 100% certainty/information but uh my possible {self-}diagnosis is sorta leaking into my writing. Or at least I'm doing things in my writing then later hearing about/being reminded of things and sorta going :o so I'm gonna write about that below. Somewhat a vent post I suppose.
So... Uh I guess, besides explaining my potential diagnosis, there's currently gonna be three parts of this. My personal series Letting Go, my A3! writing, and my Buddyfight writing. And there's gonna be a lot of uncertainty here so I apologize if it at all wastes your time but here I go.
So... I might be autistic. This is something my sisters and I have been looking into for a minute tbh. Like a couple years at this point. We've taken a few different tests and started somewhat watching informational videos on autism and diagnoses and stuff, and like signs are pointing to yea probably. but like, idk. We were gonna put a pin in it until we could move but we unpinned because it wasn't helping to have it pinned. But yea, I might be autistic. Things I've looked into less that I might also have(?) ADHD, AFRID, mild dyslexia, but I've gotta do more research and it's not really about those but I thought I'd throw them out because idk some times holding things in for too long turns them to rot. But anyway, since I've been doing research on autism I was thinking maybe possibly whether I am or not my main character, Miles, is. He's from my series
Letting Go:
Now, Miles, I projected to some extent on when I wrote him but also he's very different from me but none the less there's few things that I had that could be signs of autism and I was wondering how to add more because I did want to sorta write him as an undiagnosed autistic. So in my writing before the research was my movie for my Screenwriting classes. Things about Miles, from the earlier drafts:
He is kinda sensitive to too many sounds, especially voices, at once (trait from me), (it increases when he's in a nervous/panicked state idk if that has to do with anything but I wanted to clarify that)
His, maybe, special interest is space, namely Pluto (and maybe baking)
(I had to sorta look back at this when editing/setting up for version like 4/5 which became a tv series but) he's not always great with picking up what others are putting down socially (version 1 he did not realize that another character was legitimately romantically into him, he didn't realize that, now one of his best friends, was worried about him,) like you do have to be a bit more direct with him (but not as much as Leilani but that's a different point completely)
So like, I was like maybe I should give him more traits? Like like this isn't in order and I can't remember everything but I was like okay, I, maybe, have a chewing stim, maybe I should give that to him too. (I need to double-check what his mannerisms are omg) And I say maybe have a chewing stim because I don't know if it has another name but I know that sometimes I just need to chew on something, but I've sorta conditioned myself out of it because my mom didn't appreciate me chewing on my pajama clothes and my personal stapler broke(yes I used to chew on staples). So like you know maybe that.
But also maybe I was thinking I would line his sorta panic attack with an autistic meltdown. See a big point in the story is when at a party he ends up sorta panicking and running away then he just sits by himself at like a bus stop which is where his grandma finds him, but like I wasn't sure how to do that because I was doing research and I wasn't sure how to quite make that so and if the things around it were right(I didn't do this research recently I'm sorry I'm super blanking). but I was watching this video earlier by I'm Autistic, Now What? called The 4 Types of Autistic Meltdowns, and one she mentioned was leaving/running away. Which as I mentioned he does. And I think maybe I was worried about build up/triggers but now I'm thinking more about that and maybe there is enough.
Ugh I don't want to "spoil" it but like, he's an introvert, he's a homebody(sorta), he's never had that many friends, so this was his first time going to a party with a group of friends, a group of friends that almost immediately split up, and he ends up stumbling back into one of them, but he's a little conscious about his crush flirting with someone else at the party, then his old bully is there and is harassing him and keeps mentioning Miles being a momma's boy and this is sorta more sensitive because his mom is in the hospital at the time(not a spoiler that's the (omg I'm a terrible film student what do you call the event that triggers the rest of the story, sets it in motion that's what that is)). He steps away for like to seconds to talk a breath but when he returns it is being revealed that his mom is in the hospital and [redacted because it was originally a surprise bit of info but now I just don't want to reveal this because it is still sorta a spoiler] which sends him over the edge where he borderline starts shouting and then just darts out.
And like maybe that works? I don't know. What I also don't know is if I should've even included my
A3! writing:
See, after one of the high points of my research on autism I was looking at a lot of Itaru content stuff and sorta was like is... is Itaru Autistic? Now I don't make it a point to write him as such but Itaru has become one of the characters I for some reason feel need to project onto. So when I write him I do give him me-adjacent traits and looking at some things I'm a bit like hmmm, am I maybe writing him autistic?
See-- oh shoot I should have mentioned this in the me category, okay so I might be demi-romantic, demisexual. I'm not 100% sure but with the research I've done I figure that's possibly why of the very few crushes I had it took a while for me to be like "oh! I have a crush on this person!" like literally one of them I didn't come to the conclusion until I was trying that wellness with Steven Universe/Rebecca Sugar thing and one of the days was just write what comes to your mind and as I was doing my best to do that(my mind goes very fast but I had to have complete thoughts) I got to a point where I was talking about one of my best friends and I was like "yea it'd be cool if we were still close in the future and maybe lived together and then we could go on runs together and cook together and cuddle on the couch watching movies together" literally visualizing this future together and then and I don't even remember if I considered a peck or not but I was like "oh shoot Do I have a crush on him?"
Now you're probably like, what's this gotta do with Itaru and autism? Well see in one of my CitoIta fics I gave him that trait of not quite catching on until he gets to a certain point "oh shoot, do I like him romantically, what?" so I figured I was just making him demi-romantic. (Which he still could be idk) but anyway. I saw this post a couple months back that said that not being able to quite tell if it's platonic or romantic can be a neurodivergent trait. So what if I gave it to him as like a subconscious neurodivergent, mayhaps autism, thing, idk if he's written as autistic in this story tho. I was actually initially thinking about in my Apartments au, where he basically starts scripting his interactions with his friendly neighbor (a sorta of "Okay, if we run into each other again I we have a conversation, I can ask this, and if he mentions this I can mention this" type thing. Oh tho he slightly does that in the first one I mentioned not to the same extent but he does prep how to say a line(wording and delivery) if asked what he's doing.
And speaking of characters I project onto let's hop over to
Future Card Buddyfight Fics:
So the closest I personally have ever been to "kin"-ing a character was Kiri Hyoryu, and I simply mean this in a "I related to him so hard" way like he was me foreal, okay, obviously lots of differences but point is I was able to see myself in him. Before they completely ruined him for me, that's an essay I've already written and will write again. but not this essay. So of course I wrote Buddyfight but mainly Team Disaster fanfiction(they aged with me in my writing lol). Some are actually posted too. but like in my most recent unfinished work, I was really feeling that need to project onto him. So I gave him a... something. It was similar to what I experienced but somewhat different. And as I continued writing, a character who happened to be there was like "I want to be able to help if it happens again, what sorta thing helps, can I ask if that a panic attack or an anxiety attack."(he was planning on doing additionally research on them as a whole) & I went ":0". And tried to research them and figure it out but like I couldn't. And going back to the video I was watching on the types of Autistic Meltdowns, I don't know but I kinda think that maybe he had an autistic meltdown?
But like here's the thing, how am I doing that? I not once considered Kiri as autistic. Just like a character that was as me as I was gonna get. He had a hard time making lasting friendships partly because he moved a lot, and latched onto his person(s) and just wanted to know he'd be remembered by those he cared about. Sure he was a bit whiny, I got why people thought he was annoying but it made him more like me, because I got why. I felt his pain. Even if none of it was real.
And I never really thought me and Itaru were all that alike but I feel the need to project onto him at times, and just like adjacently, like that long post about CitoIta playing Kingdom Hearts, I promise you a lot of Itaru's faves are different from my but also close enough, like Itaru being a Kingdom Hearts fan is because I'm a Kingdom Hearts fan, and he's a twewy fan too because I'm a twewy fan, like he's a gamer how can I not? But also he's nothing like me even in those regards. Like I know he's a freaking Shoka fan in terms of Neo and that he played the og twewy back when it first came out. And he's legit a gamer, I'm hardly one.
And of course my own oc, who doesn't project at least a little on their ocs. I don't have a point here on him tho. All in all I'm just like yeesh. What am I supposed to do with this?
I was gonna say I might have to accept that I really am probably autistic but I'm still nervous about trampling on other's space, interjecting myself where I don't be long that I realized something. Accidents do happen, yada yada if it's three times it's a pattern I've written lots of characters and stories so it'd have to be more than three four times... Five, more than five times, shoot I forgot Retsu's also a scripter(still Bfight character). But like yea, I'll probably start rereading my works to see if there's anything more in there that suggests that I maybe give autistic traits to characters I write and I know the less I project onto a character the less I can count it maybe? Idk, but like I just think that maybe I've over reacting idk. Time will tell I guess. I just don't want to be wrong you know?
This I know is nothing solid, I've been writing this for nearly three hours(I'm at work but it is a slow-ish day) without looking at any really research and just vaguely using my memory to make points so I might even more so be wrong idk, idk, idk.
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foxbox21212 · 5 months
What is the difference between a medium/ psychic and prophetic person?
I used to wonder this a lot before I knew anything about any of that. Like, how can you ever solidify or get answers about something like that anyways. I went to a psychic when I was pagan, once at a pagan festival, another at a graduation party, probably even more times I don’t recall. Everything they would tell me was odd and true. At the pagan festival in 2015? He pulled out a card and told me I was backstabbed and many other things which corresponded to when my stepsister did in fact backstab me and we stopped being friends. At a graduation party a psychic also pulled out a card she knew I was going away for awhile. This was right before I left for army.
My grandma knew a medium, which is a person who could see spirits, my mom used to see but as you resist it they flee like the Bible tells you. “Resist the devil he will flee” James 4:7. So my mom wasn’t seeing them a lot back then. My mom has also never told anyone besides me because she doesn’t want people to think less of her, and tbh she never wanted it. But I remember I went to the mediums haunted house tour and thought it was odd things were moving. I kind of just assumed it was all plotted. But one time she came over because weird stuff was happening to my mom. When she walked in my house suddenly felt like a haunted house and our house lights were malfunctioning. She knew things about the people of the house who died and the area. And after that I must’ve been like 9 years old I realized ghosts were real. Which I think I knew deep down because I was experiencing weird things too even by like age 3-4.
At a prophetic church, they told me someone I knew backstabbed me. I had (it was either knives or arrows I don’t recall) in my back they needed to come out. I told them “What? Who?” And they replied a family member. Suddenly I remembered a few weeks ago one of my stepsisters did backstab me and my brother, and called us really horrible things to my stepdad behind our back. My stepdad ended up telling my mom and my mom told me. They told me I needed to forgive her in a very specific way, and the back pain went away after that. This is just one example.
So, they both know things so how can you tell the difference? The difference is the source. It’s either holy or unholy. The Bible warns against mediums and psychics and tells you to stay away from them. But why? Because they are associating with demons. I am around prophetic seers and am friends with many seers online and I can 100% guarantee you they do not see ghosts or aliens lol only angels and demons. Just like prophecy demons counterfeit fake gifts as well. Which have become honestly the norm, hence psychics. Demons also have access to a lot of information if they aren’t truly saved and because of the bloodline. Leeches need a host and so do demons they are pretty much the same. This is complex but bible explains everything.
I have another fun story. A witch came to our bible study once. But we don’t fear the bogeyman lol. We “stomp on the heads of snakes and scorpions.” So even if you are around a witch with God there is nothing to fear. So anyways, we didn’t know she was a witch at first but things got weird. And I love my bible study people because they are very wise with the things that they say. The witch told us, “my ancestors say there is a lot I can learn from you guys and to thank you” It got so silent. I asked her, “Are you a medium?” She said yes, and that her Grandpa was in the room with them. Little did she know she got invited to the most spiritual bible study she will probably ever encounter. My spiritual mom said,” that thing that came in with you was not your grandpa” and the whole room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. She started to reveal a lot of things very suddenly. Her spell magic, how she makes money from it, tarot cards, astrology, she wanted to be called a different name and I think I ended up realizing there was a reason for that. My spiritual moms son started having visions and he knew she was backstabbed and her heart was broken. You know I am not sure if I have ever seen an active witch cry in person before. But tears were shed and we ended the night singing and dancing to worship music. Some of which she even suggested.
Holy Spirit will always lead you to peace. To the Bible. The Bible will confirm itself. Because it’s the word of God. Witchcraft cannot mend your broken heart. It wants you to stay broken. Mend yourself, even though you aren’t God and have no idea how to. People often use witchcraft for revenge because their hearts are sick and full of hatred. But it’s dangerous and can kill people including the person casting the spells. It’s like a disease that makes you sick sometimes instantly sometimes over time. I can’t tell you why. But I can tell you it’s dangerous. And I am just talking about the act itself, I am not even talking about the spells. It doesn’t matter if they are a “good” or “bad” witch. Rotten fruit is rotten fruit which means the source is ultimately bad. I can almost guarantee you they are mentally unwell or suicidal, along with probably many other unbiblical signs of bad fruit. So the solution? Cut down the whole tree. Their “good” spells I can guarantee you are making them and others sick even if they don’t realize it. If your “Grandpa” leaves when you command it to by the name of Jesus that’s probably not your Grandpa. The devil is so sneaky, because he knows this confuses people and people perish from their lack of knowledge. New age is introducing new forms of spirits which involve “angels” and “guides” once you reach “enlightenment” lol. Which is really just summoning the demonic through their rituals. All about the self and what the self wants and desires, seems pretty easy if you think about it. Like eating junk food. Man following God now that is enlightenment. Much harder.
I also have plenty of testimony because I performed witchcraft as a child and also a few years ago. It does make you sick and unfortunately I did experience physical attacks and they wanted to kill me. It’s kind of interesting to me how the devil would always try to hypnotize me and draw me closer. He promised me a lot of earthly fleshly things too. But “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” Matthew 16:26. Even as a kid the devil tracked me down and tried to get me to go the wrong way. And I was stupid and I did. But I think God knew my true heart deep down and knew eventually I would choose the right way.
Sometimes mediums and psychics are born that way because of their bloodline that hasn’t been healed yet. Typically it’s accessed. Which is the same with prophecy. The Bible says “Seek and you will find” Matthew 7:7-8. Except prophecy happens naturally to the seeking Christian and the source is God. I’m unsure if mediums/psychics even remotely have a book like the Bible or if they just have to guess check literally everything, although it wouldn’t be surprising. I used to pray for answers like this, because it would’ve helped me believe even more. And I finally did receive my answers. And it makes me feel so bad for people still caught up in that new age rabbit hole. Never ending! The lies never end I swear. But pray to Jesus for answers he will show you the truth and give you the gift of discernment. Pray for knowledge, discernment, wisdom, and truth to be revealed.
I pray if you go seeking for this stuff be careful… Have God by your side always. Ask for Gods protection through everything. Psalm 91. Ephesians 6 Armor of God. Everyday. They are all over the internet, Gods people and witches. They are in churches where you can meet prophetic for free or the witches run their own shops to con you, cast spells on you, and have you come crying back to them to spend even more money. Play safe and know that God loves you and doesn’t want to see you get hurt. He said in the Bible stay away from mediums and psychics.
Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. Leviticus 19:31
How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand, when I awake, I am still with you. Psalm 139:17-18
My lips praise you because your faithful love is better than life itself! Psalm 63:3
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 years
man ok so I've been trying to be more attentive to the way my body feels bc apparently i feel bad way more than i really notice and man i feel so goofy stupid about it
wait, maybe I'm visually sensitive?? what a shock!! i thought everyone had moments where they wished they were blind as a kid. i thought everyone felt better when they broke their glasses bc there was less detail and it made things less overwhelming. i thought everyone had to lie in the dark for a couple hours every day just to feel normal. i thought everyone's eyes hurt when they went outside even if it was cloudy. i thought everyone preferred looking at things via peripheral vision bc it's less direct. i thought everyone wore black every day so their eyes have somewhere to rest on. what the hell is this normal???? is it????? probably not right???????? what the hell
like i just didn't realize i felt bad until i felt better?? i never considered that i could be any of these things bc no one told me to pay attention to it and ignoring it was easier. and even when i did it was kind of a :/ feeling like a 3/10 discomfort peaking at 6/10 all day and then "hey wow why can't I do anything now that I'm home" like,, dipshit it's bc you're in hell what. maybe your idea of a 3/10 isn't right ya moron
oh maybe i don't feel as brain staticy after walking through the halls if i play music. it's almost as if it's overwhelming and bad. and i already knew that but i always get stuck not doing things differently so i didn't bother bc i could tolerate it (probably by dissociating tbh) and wow yeah now that i am it's just. easier. sheesh
oh, i can feel my bone marrow retreating into my body whenever i touch wet clothes? noted. can't actually do much about that one but it's the thought that counts
it even goes for nonsensory stuff like stimming and communication. maybe THATS why i wish so badly that i could communicate nonverbally (esp ASL, seems super useful), why it feels So Wrong To Talk sometimes. maybe THATS why i gotta move and/or make noise like 70% of the time and always have in some way. maybe THATS why i can't understand people if they're muffled/have an accent I'm not familiar with/if multiple ppl are talking, and why there's a delay in processing, and why i can't watch things without subtitles. hell hell ass hell hell hell etc
and a lotta this is only stuff i realized bc i started looking into various flavors of neurodivergency. still not really willing to self diagnose until i do more legit big boy research but at the very least apparently I'm onto SOMETHING if these realizations keep happening. like even if I'm neurotypical and faking it or just quirky or whatever it's making my life better to pay attention to how i feel for once so..? yeah it's productive ig. i swear this is a positive post guys
and a lot of it's easier realizing people don't usually mean 100% universal literal inability when they're talking about not being able to do stuff or when they experience things really strongly. sometimes stuff is just disproportionately hard or rare for someone. shit man idk. doesn't mean they ain't disabled or nd or whatever and, therefore, it doesn't mean i can't be just bc i used to be able to do my homework before the deadline :/ when ppl have special interests it doesn't mean they only think about one thing for their entire lives hell ass of course not why would you think that. jeez.
anyway i swear this is a good silly thing even though the tone is a bit mad(?) but sometimes it's just baffling the way I've lived my entire life. clown behavior. what is wrong with me. shape up there bud
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m0mmyxsuckyxsucky2 · 3 years
Yandere saiki Kusuo
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Genre: fluff!
Trigger warnings: none... maybe depression??
-These are headcanons!
↳ This man..
↳ he can be a troublesome dude.
↳ as soon as you catch his attention, either due to your ordinariness or helped him get rid of a bug.
↳ he will NEVER-
↳ I’m gonna tell you, EVER forget you.
↳ he’ll be so clingy, it’ll kinda annoy the fuck outta ya.
↳ he can be nice tho <3 at least he is aware of his yandere behavior and has some manners.
↳ and those are, not watching you when you’re taking a shower, not watching you when you’re changing (when it’s not needed), and when you’re on the toilet (BECAUSE NOBODY WOULD EVER WANNA SEE THAT).
↳ he will help you, A LOT tho.
↳ you forgot to bring lunch? He has a double lunch with him.
↳ your phone is almost dying? Don’t worry babe, he got a charger with him.
↳ you forgot to lock your front door? do not worry, he got you <3
↳ he’ll basically have things you need ‘coincidentally’.
↳ if you insist to buy him coffee jelly as a thank you, oh boi.
↳ you make him fall for you WAY harder.
↳ if he ever gets jealous, he’ll keep it inside of him as long as it’s needed.
↳ but will smother you with affection in the end, or just ignore you to show you he’s mad at you. In the end you’ll have to give a lot of affection back.
↳ he doesn’t look like the type to touch you, but will do small things like holding hands privately, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, etc. small things.
↳ but right instantly he gets used to it, he’ll ask for more and more. Hug you frequently, kiss you, rest his head on your head or your shoulder, etc.
↳ he won’t mind of how you would look like, but he would be happy if you aren’t near beautiful like teruhashi. He wouldn’t want to make people ‘disappear’.
↳ you’re chubby? Awesome! A human pillow!
↳ body hair? here is something I imagine him thinking😭 ‘good, now you can scare the men away.’ “You look great!” he’d smile and would thumbs up(and that smile isn’t even fake).
↳ if you have any disorders, like adhd, maladaptive daydreaming, anxiety and any other disorders. He’ll try and help you as much as he can.
↳ he would 100% fly with you across countries.
↳ if you wanna teleport/fly to your own country, whether it be America, uk, turkey, Greece, Germany, Netherlands, brazil, Finland, Canada, Italy, it doesn’t matter. He will do it for you.
↳ you have allergies? He will make sure to not get it close to you regardless if it’s food or a animal.
↳ I just realized he would be very jealous of animals or humans, when you give them more attention than him💀
↳ he’s giving big simp vibes tbh.
↳ if you need pills, he’ll always remind you.
↳ he would love to take things from you, just small things you’ll probably won’t notice being gone.
↳ he’s the type of guy to stare at you all day, no matter how you look or what you are doing. And would probably use his Clairvoyance if needed.
↳ hmm... punishments? I would like to shut my mouth but his punishments are TORTURE. it’s even more hell if you’re easy to be manipulated or get jealous.
↳ he would either hang out with his fangirls (Maybe even making a small move) in front of you, OR he would teleport you to a island, making you sad and lonely, maybe even depressed. But he will bring you food and water if he keeps you there long, but the limit is 1 month because he can’t live without you.
↳ and the thing that makes me mad. is that he would hug and give you affection WHILE HES PUNISHING YOU, in front of his fangirls Or in the island you’re in.
↳ he’ll probably threaten toritsuka to act like you in the meantime you’re gone(poor dude LMFAO).
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He’s a nice guy, but this relationship *could* get unhealthy if he kills or teleports people to a island.
And not only them, it is Especially for you. Since it can make you depressed when you’re 1 month in a unknown island.
Not so a nice guy, is he?
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