#tbh ? was this an excuse to draw wings?
yukiranine · 6 months
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ginhiji won the poll for sketchdump of a ship i like that ive never drawn before on twitter so here we are
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spookymoonybeasty · 3 months
Ooh, what about Dora and Sam in dragon form? How would that work?
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They wouldn't look much different, I think. Just furry and without arms and legs.
Dragons are already often serpentine in shape, so in a way they're not too different from worms!
AU Masterpost
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myoduri · 5 months
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yall. its been almost two years since i've posted. and this is still like 5 month old art.
close up under the cut bc i like it
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startistdoodles · 2 years
Well, if Prisma wants new wings, Susie DOES become an ally in Star Allies. If anyone can make prosthetic wings, it's her.
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Susie's style of engineering doesn't really lend itself to the most graceful prosthetics ^^;
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mizuthe-cat · 1 year
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I love big wings
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pearl-kite · 2 years
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laurus nobilus - laurel
Fadeless affections; fame; glory; praise; prosperity; strength
delphinium - little larkspur - 💀
Airy; big-hearted; fickleness; levity; lightness
gladiolus - sword lily
Generosity; integrity; remembrance; strength; vibrancy
The yearly redraw of something I drew of Akos in 2019. I didn't think I'd be able to improve on Akos much so I put too much effort into the background. I like gold :B
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2019 vs 2021
2020 exists on this blog but I don't like it, so if you want to check it out you have to go an extra step o3o;;;;;;
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floralstorms · 10 months
I don’t really post oc art here much at all buuuut I just finished this thing for an angel etc etc au with my ocs that has mildly taken over my brain for the past couple months and Idk but I’m going to post this cgjhdfbh I’m just too excited about the au. Like usual lol
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The one on the right worked on designing some plants (their speciality was flowers) and the one on the right designed some marine creatures at this point in au story. They meet momentarily here because the one on the right was assigned a joint project of designing marine plants with the one on the left. They had fun
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reagi-df · 5 months
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This au is pretty much a, “ what if Leo was raised by the council of heads” and throw in some inspro from, The Court Of Owls, FMA and more I’m that I’m forgetting tbh.
Also includes a screenshot redraw of shredder
Sooo, you can totally blame @kinky-asexual for this, if he didn’t tell me about a HC he had and I wasn’t craving an excuse to make a new au then it wouldnt have been born. Im excited to sketch more of this.
I’ve never been good at layout/structure and I’m still getting used to drawing fully bodies cos I avoid that as much as I can, so some of it might look stiff but I had no structure for this layout at all. It was pretty much a winging it moment. So some gonna look a little off.
Not 100% struck on how I’ve done it but too late to change 🤷‍♀️
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 5 months
Vee's Studies!
(scroll to the end for timelapse :3)
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I'm like, kind of obsessed with them lmao. While I've drawn Vox quite a lot (I've been working on a Vox animation thing over the last month-ish) I hadn't done much of anything when it came to Val and Vel. I knew I'd want to do something with them all later on, but I wanted to get a good understanding of their designs, shape language, and the differences between the three of them so I can play a lot more when it comes to doing them (heh) in my own style.
So, since I was most familiar (and most obsessed with out of the three lol), I started with Vox :3
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While I've been working on the animation project, it had kind of been an 'adjust-as-I-go'/'let's-bullshit-this' process, rather than doing the work of understanding why certain things looked more correct than others, so I still learned a LOT from this one study. (Plus the scene makes me wheeze and I happily took the excuse to use that moment as his study reference haha)
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Obviously Val is... an asshole, to really undersell it. But this is hell, his character is interesting and his design is immaculate. I think I had the most fun with studying him tbh. Without his santa wings-coat he- *coughs* - yeah. Uh. Good design. I can actually believe that Angel fell for him at one point. Manipulative bastard - sorry tangents. ANYWAY! XD
VERY fun to draw, and a very good balance within these designs of showing off character attributes but also not taking themselves too seriously (The HATS these boys wear! *wheeze* did Velvette just give up fighting them on it? I've gotta know haha)
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I missed color too much by this point to make them all match perfectly, and frankly - trying to draw canon Velvette without hue differentiation is AWFUL she has so many details and overlapping elements. If I ever have to draw Vel from 1x03 again I might cry.
Something about her 1x03 look actually makes me feel viseral irritation just by seeing it (like, even b4 I made myself draw it), but then I see her in 1x08 and I wanna draw her forever???? She's so fucking cool? So fucking cute????? The duality of man ig lmao
Anyway, the TLDR is that actually being conscious of how things are represented when drawing a character can lead to surprisingly immense insight... I feel like I not only understand so much more about how to represent their characters, but also a much firmer grasp about how the shape language in the show works.
These designs are immaculate and I had so much fun. I actually have a lot more I could say about this, but my period came today and I'm tired and this post is already massive so I'll leave things here for now! But yeah! Hopefully more Vee's in the future bc I love them!
Wishing you all well! <3
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saym0-0 · 7 months
oh my god. oh my GOD mechs esmp crossover. this is for SUCH a niche audience the esmp fandom is dead i dont care mechs esmp crossover
LISTEN TO ME okay ill have to add a sci-fi element to my established esmp world i am OKAY with this, grimlands are already victorian steampunk its not that big a stretch to add space travel, especially in the place of dimension travel.
okay so in my esmp lore the emperors are blessed by the gods with conditional immortality and flight, they know a new ruler has been born by if they're born with wings. i bet though i could twist that into the king cole/olympians idea of trading their citizen's lives for immortality. although it is kinda reversed? (mechs immortals tend to stop aging but can be killed, emperors still age and can die of old age, but cant be killed). hmm i mean theres definite differences between king cole and the olympians so maybe its just another variation, or something closer to the mechs themselves? though that ones less likely
honestly there literally is an esmp1 musical so i reckon its interesting enough to attract the mechs
but lets be honest with ourselves here, the only reason im doing this is so i have an excuse to draw grimlands!marius lmao
i think raph would be interested in it too though, with how they're so much more reliant on technical advancement than magical.
ivy would love the rivendell library, and crystal cliffs
hmmm jonny might have fun between mythland and the cod empire,,,
hmmmm brian would maybe like to hang out with shrub in the undergrove? he does like his garden,, maybe the overgrown with katherine too,, or gilded helianthia!
hrm,, i keep wanting to put people in the grimlands but i know thats only because its my favourite so therefore the most developed and also the most similar in vibe to the mechs
with that said though, tim really would have fun there,, like hes the gunpowder guy!! fwhip is the gunpowder guy!! they both r in charge of weapons!! guns, crossbows, same difference really
oough back to raph i think she and fwhip would bond over making their own wings,, fwhip made his to prove that he is fit to rule after gem fucked off to wizard school and raph,, uh actually i never found out raphs backstory beyond the fact im like 78% sure she made her and marius' mechanisms,, although that could be widely accepted fanon who knows not me
i think marius would also enjoy mezelea
but OH MY GOD TOY SOLDIER IN MEZELEA,,, i cant believe i almost forgot it,, i think it would immediately blend in with the clones and pretend to be one right up until they leave the planet, and have the time of its life the whole time,,
i dont know where ashes would go either.. i cant just say grimlands again because theres like four of them there already but,, the explosions!!
maybe mythland, or rivendell, those both seem like they'd appreciate a good mob boss taking over the place tbh
i think brian would get along with pix also
okay this isnt mechs but the fandom is a circle so if theres actually any fans of both out there reading this post, has anyone else noticed just how similar pix and jon's (tma) voices are?? genuinely when i started listening to the podcast i had to double check the va wasnt pix (and imagine my confusion when they share the same name too..)
anyways if anyone wants to scream about this with me please do, or if you want to know more about my esmp expanded universe feel free to do that too! in asks replies or reblogs idm
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the-rewriter13 · 8 months
The sin of Gluttony: Beezlebub
Okay, first off I wanna say: the 'original' 7 Deadly Sins will be guys as to fit the canonical lore as the 'Princes of Hell'. But not to worry, the Kid Sins will have varied genders!
Now then onto the rewrite (btw I can't draw so there will be no art by me for these designs lol):
Character Name:
First Name: Beezlebub
Last Name: N/A
Nickname (if any): Beezle (Mammon)
Title(s): Lord of The Flies, Sin of Gluttony
Basic Information:
Age: ???
Gender: Male -He/Him/His
Date of Birth: ???
Place of Birth: ???
Species: Sin
Residence: Ring of Gluttony
Generation: 1st generation
Sexual Oriention: Bisexual
Normal: Alex Kapranos (lead singer of Franz Ferdinand)
Singing: Alex Kapranos
Non True Form/Human Physical Appearance:
Height: 15'2
Weight: (?)
Build: Slim and lanky with a sleeper build, due to the high metabolism for gorging food
Skin Colour: Grey (hex: 8E918F)
Hair Color: Jet black (hex: 0A0A0A)
Hair Style: A mullet, you know like Michael fucking Wheeler
Eye Color: A vibrant, almost toxic green (hex: 61DE2A) with a low orange (hex: FC6A03) flame flickering below the pupil that rises in intensity the closer he is to his true form and he has black sclera
Facial Structure: Hollow and emaciated/gaunt looking, with a sharp jawline, deep set eyes and a hawk nose
Scars or distinguishing marks: Hexagon tattoos around his eyes (both pairs, a smaller version for the smaller eyes), replicating the design of a fly's eye(s)
Extra: Medium-sized fly wings that sprout from his back, an extra pair of arms & a smaller pair of eyes that are above the actual set of eyes
Typical Clothing: Black cargo pants,a pastel orange (hex: FF9661) & dark pink (hex: 990049) argyle sweater & a white collared shirt
True Form Physical Appearance:
A large fly with a crown made of bone that grows out of its skull, the eyes still retain the toxic green colour. The wings are a soft gradient of pale orange to white while the body of the fly is ink black
Personality Traits:
Positive Traits: Beezlebub is an all-round rather laid-back person. He's confident and rather witty, wanting to make a good environment for people around him with his playful and enthusiastic attitude.
Negative Traits: Despite his desire to have a warm & comfortable environment associated with himself, it's slightly for his own purpose as Beezlebub isn't above peer pressure or forcing self-indulgence upon a person due to his feeding off others' self-indulgence. This gives him a sometimes sinister and pushy attitude, enthusiasticly cheering you on as your body screams to stop. His impulsive behaviour can also cause problems for both those around him at the time and himself, often causing reckless danger
Background and History:
Parents: God? I mean idk tbh
Siblings (if any): The other Sins, his favourite is Mammon
Current Occupation: He currently lords over the food industry, not very original I know, alongside having a partnership with Mammon in entertainment
Career Goals: ???
Hobbies and Interests:
Hobbies: Beezlebub enjoys partying, especially the types where you go place to place. He's also interested in farming certain things, his latest farm in his HQ is an ant farm (well, Hell's equivalent to ants, demon ants I suppose (I may make a little fact sheet about them lol)), he loves his ants very much
Interests: He loves music, his favourite genre of music is pop while his most hated is ochestral and operatic as it reminds him of Heaven and enjoys sending Ambassadors up to Earth to learn more music, also particularly enjoys musicals his favourite is Heathers!
Marital Status: Beezlebub is in a happy polyamorus relationship with his wife Calliope* & husband Micah*
Romantic Relationships (if any): His wife and husband
Friendships: Leviathan, they both indulge in their roles together, Leviathan growing envious of certain things and Beezlebub uses it as an excuse to self-indulge
Closest Friends: Mammon as Gluttony and Greed can go hand in hand, although they can buttheads every few centuries or so, they're not perfect but are the closest of the Sins
Dislike/Despise: Currently, Beelzebub is at a sorts with Lucifer due to the Pride Sinners running amok in his Ring, worse than normal anyways
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Strengths: Playful, confident, enthusiastic, ambitious & spunky
Weaknesses: Reckless, impulsive, gossipy & impatient
Goals and Ambitions:
Short-term Goals: Continue self-indulgence & up his business prosperity- eradicate the Pride Sinners that are causing a ruckus in his Ring
Long-term Goals: Reform with the other 7DS
Fears and Insecurities:
Common Fears: Fear of ducks
Insecurities: Perfectionism
Quirks and Habits:
Quirks: Rather twitchy hands which causes him to tap tables in meetings & other social interactions, Beezlebub also chews his fingernails when either impatient or anxious. When angry, his wings flutter and a buzzing sound emits from him
Habits: Every new moon he goes out to party with varying people, self-indulge in whatever takes his fancy at the time (obviously)
Moral Code: Chaotic good (for a Sin lmao)- he wants to see his Ring prosper and is willing to help the residents of said Ring if a situation calls for it
Favorite Foods: Nachos
Favorite Books: He's not one for reading, rather prefers the action of movies or shows
Favorite Movies/TV Shows: Watching Vox's channel and Hell's equivalent of Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares
Favorite Music: Pop!
Favorite Color: Purples
Favourite Activities: He quite likes gaming, keeps him active and you can get addicted oh so easily which certainly helps
Disliked Foods: Rice & pickles
Disliked Activities: Not the biggest fan of meetings as they consume a lot of time where he could be getting work done
Pet Peeves: The sound of static, he dislikes people chewing with their mouth open & background noise such as people talking (however Beelzebub enjoys music as a background sound, and that's it. Just music)
Talents or Skills: Particularly good at playing the electric guitar & beer pong lol
Associated Song(s): Everybody Talks by Neon Trees, The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience ft. ORION & Linda XO
He aspires to one day take revenge on Heaven (as do the other 7DS, it's kind of in their DNA lol)
*The names of the angels present are custom as the 200 hundred fallen angels are unnamed
Let me know if you think there's anything I should add or have any criticisms! I'm open to any constructive criticism :)
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rui-drawsbox · 2 years
I’ve got so much work recently that the brain ain’t filled up yet but I have a couple ideas for the magical girl au :):):):) back on my usual bullshit lmao ✨✨✨
K so these mfers (Knights + Mika + Shu(eventually, give him time, a season two breakdown and a redemption arc) ) should go song karaoke together. They deserve it after all the horrors tbh. The little doll man should get to experience the epic highs and lows of awful greasy pizza at an establishment that isn’t a restaurant. Tsukasa, Izumi, and Shu should also be subjected to it tbh. Tsukasa might like it <3 Izumi and Shu however… malding, screaming and dying even.
Anyways it would be funny as hell if Shu also went to school with the knights. Cuz he’s the same age as Izumi and Leo anyways. Bruh, Arashi could just think that Shu is Mika’s crush 💀💀💀. On god that could make for some top tier comedic interactions. Mostly Arashi teasing Mika about his crush, and Mika frantically trying to assure her that it isn’t a crush cuz he wouldn’t be caught dead catching feelings for his boss. Meanwhile the idea that he could have a crush on his boss has been planted in the back of his mind and it’s only gonna keep growing. I feel like this would be funny for two reasons, one: hijinks, two: bigger emotional payoff when Mika does decide to leave him <<<333 break both of their hearts in one foul swoop.
also Leo being a menace to Shu. They should be in the same class. It would be funny.
Back on my fighting bullshit. I feel like Shu would never fight with his hands or with blades tbh. I feel like he would use a bunch of smaller dolls after losing Mika. Ones that he considers imperfect or something, idk man, something symbolic. + the dolls could almost look like they’re already falling apart and they deteriorate more and more as his mental state deteriorates (not as an in universe thing, just as a visual symbol for the audience to emphasize that Shu is breaking down lmao)
Also Shu and Mika should kiss. Arashi is the #1 wing woman tbh. I love her so much. She deserves to wear a pretty dress like in those super magical girl forms. Like madoka’s at the end of madoka magica when she does the thing, or any of the really powerful forms in precure.
also arashi should punch Shu in the face at one point. I’m thinking about him getting her sword away from her with dolls and being like “Hah! It seems as if you weren’t prepared for this eventuality girl! Kakakakaka! Now that I’ve disarmed you it’s impossible for you to defeat me! Now then, if you’ll excuse me I have more important matters to-” “AGHH!? You, you ignorant girl! You, you imbecile! Why I can’t believe you would-“ she raised her fist again so he finally shut the fuck up. He’s learning 🥰🥰🥰. Mika is probably upset about Shu getting punch tbh. Like he knows why Shu deserved it but he’s still a bit upset. He ain’t mad tho. Shu needed to have some sense beaten into him for once ✨✨✨.
I’m done for now ✨🥰✨🥰✨😎😎😎😎
I kind of want to write out a whole anime plot tbh. If I actually get around to finishing my current fic I might write an outline for this sometime tbh. If I get it done I’ll probably come drop it in your ask box unannounced. Or I’ll make a post and @you in it cuz that might be easier if it’s a whole ass outline.
I love ur ideas even though i forgot answer this ngl JSBDKS Drawings to compensate! It's the only i can do haha!
Anyways, this scene is definitely in the ending of the second season or an OVA about the 7 having daily adolescence adventures like they should had since the start lol
I feel like Leo would be an usual costumer in the karaoke, actually, this would be the group's hideout jsbfjs
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Now, I love the idea of Mika staring too long to Shu in the corridors of the school and then Arashi notices and starts teasing him
Mika: no way i could possibly like my boss! He's just so cool and composed and smart and-
Shu, in his classroom:
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And yes i think Shu and Mika should kiss, but i also think that Arashi and Mika should kiss, so my offer is:
Arashi: this is my boyfriend, Mika. And this Mika's boyfriend, Shu.
Basically, shumika=second chance trope, aramika=friends to lovers trope. And i love it
You know that i was thinking exactly the same about Shu's powers? He could never fight someone by himself, he would break before a finger lands on him jabfjsj
So yeah, i belive that he would have a dolls/mannequin army. In the first episodes he only uses Mika because he's the strongest, but when he loses him he would starts using unfinished dolls to fight, and with the pasta of episodes there would be more and more dolls but with a worse quality! Like Mika>Metal dolls>Wood dolls>Ceramic/industrial mannequins?. They would start being extremely fragile, like his mental stability😊!
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You know Santa Clous from Chainsaw Man? Yeah i see Shu with a similar power but less OP ofc. Like he can control the movements/minds(?) of his artificial dolls but not people, Mika is the exception! Because Mika considered himself like Shu's doll! Once he starts making choices by himself he couldnt be controlled anymore!
Back to Arashi, im 100% sure that her powerup/god form has longer hair, following the more hair=more power formula. I also want to give the nerf or smth that have so much power she has to lose a lot of her humanity sense! She would become this "Justice God" or smth without emotions and the rest of her friends would have to fight/convince her back into normal!
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Now. Yes. Arashi should punch people. Arashi should beat the shit out of people. Arashi should beat the shit out of Shu. I didn't gave her armor gloves for nothing.
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Yes. Queen. Be scary. Be intimidating. Be your enemy's worst nightmare.
And you want to write the plot while i want to anímate the fucking fight scenes oUT OF MY HEAD I SWEAR IT WOULD LOOK SO COOL IF I KNEW HOW TO ANIMATE UGHH
I would love to read whatever you write about this au too! I'll read every ask you drop here even if i take forever to answer haha;;
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doodlboy · 1 year
*grabs the handful of ppl who liked my hypmic oc post*
It is time.
Under the readmore bc this is probably gonna be an essay
Ok, so note, I literally started making this guy bc I was going to draw him 4 a meme that he's the "excuse me, they asked 4 no pickles" kinda guy and specifically he'd b that guy 4 jyushi who at the time of me making, was older than my oc which is funny 2 me
Anyway ×2
I made moodboards bc im too tired 2 draw detailed stuff rn, his current filler name is Pink, bc of his hair
1 4 his hair ⤵️ & 1 4 his outfit ⤵️
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Also, this doodle of me attempting 2 convey the hair I'm thinking of, dunno why he's so desaturated but whatever
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His hair is white-blond in the front and a reddish pink in the back, I haven't decided if that's bc of dye or if it's like doppo and hifumi w their two-toned hair.
- street kid who got abandoned by his parents "going traveling" 2 Japan and basically leaving him there 2 fend for himself
- I still need 2 do more research but I'm thinking as far as a division goes, he'd be from Seto Japan bc⤵️
- he almost gets arrested 4 graffiti[ing??] murals & an elderly classical artist [pottery artist maybe since that's a thing in seto] more or less bails him out & takes him in
- the old fella essentially becoming a mentor 2 Pink, teaching him how to express himself of canvas since he had a knack 4 it. Pink doesn't learn all that much in the way of typical schooling tho, so he speaks with a kinda rough accent
- typical mentor story tho, the old fella didn't have any other family and took Pink in like a son so when he eventually passed he left everything 2 him including a little studio where Pink lives
Anyway×3 idk where go from 2 get 2 these parts of the story
- winds up in Yokohama & makes fast "friends*" w the local yakuza
[*they insult each other a lot of the time, like samatoki calling pink two-toned brat & pink calling samatoki mr.rabbit bc of him being so insistent on ppl calling him honorifics, his stage name Mr. HardCore, & the fact pink thinks he looks like a white rabbit. Despite insults, they actually agree on a lot of things.]
- Pink's rap style is- really erratic tbh, he's good but if u aren't paying attention you will get lost
- Additionally, his rap ability is called "Framed," similar to Jyuto's Prison ability, Pink freezes opponents in paintings of themselves [but the twist is that the paintings r how he sees them so he hardly uses it bc ⤵️]
- He's a bit of tsundere dumbass. Any affection shown is off-handed. "Yeah, whatever, I got your favorite, ya mention it so much it's hard to forget" kind of off-handed. And he has massive respect 4 the other divisions [& since the music from the game exists in canon, he also knows every song very well].
- Which is why he uses his framed ability sparingly, bc it reveals his true emotions, not just 2 the opponent he used it on, but everyone else, too. [Specific ex is samatokis painting being a like- a fuckin fancam type deal, or Rei's painting being actual shit bc he hates deadbeat dads.]
- Anywayx4, he's abt 22/23 & takes the younger members of divisions under his wing since his indifferent 2 all the beef going on between them.
- Esp jyushi bc isth that kid would just not eat if a fast food restaurant fucked up his food, so pink and kuko r the "he asked for no pickles" duo, 1 is quiet & kinda bitchy lookin and the other 1 is loud as hell, but after they fix the food pink still tips em & apologizes 4 kuko yelling sm unintentionally
Anyway ×5 that's all I got rn ty 4 coming 2 my oc tedtalk
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biscuitwitchling · 2 years
Putting these together bc I don't like them as much - all that one time I used prompts from a daily art challenge as an excuse to draw Clive and Onslow, Jason in his Starlight Cloak and Humphrey in is Dragon Armor!
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Bronze rank, when Onslow the Rune Tortoise gets the ability to float and Clive starts riding him like this! (I am still not entirely happy about the clothes because there are very few descriptors for the characters' battle clothes other than Jason and Sophie)
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Jason - If you look at his arm I gave him the faint scars from Book 3, plus second version with the special eyes from Book 4.
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Humphrey -  Iron/Bronze Rank, but it doesn't really change so shrug? His conjured armor is described resembling dragon scales in a sandy yellow and flecked with rainbow colors, so I went with that theme for his wings and huge dragon wing sword. Tbh the Rainbow ended up a bit more subtle and his waist a bit more skinny than I intended
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elveneclipse · 1 year
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"You put me in the ground, I ain't done"
Who's up thinking about Pogtopia today?
I've been working on this drawing for so long and it's finally finished! I'm pretty proud of it!! It was mostly an excuse to work on my wing drawings tbh, I love characters with wings but I needed the practice.
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"Sleight burst in time" excuse me?? what does that MEAN, matthew?? (I'm sure it's just hand-waving the time disparity, which is totally fine, but I wouldn't be surprised if this actually meant something)
"You're abstaining from being undecided?" "Yeah!" Never change, Ashton.
That's the thing, though. FCG is the only one who's staunchly pro-gods, yes, but everyone else is undecided -- they don't have the information they need. Chetney is right, history is written by the winners and the gods have almost always won, they don't know the other side of the story; but when the other side of the story is something that the Ruby Vanguard wants, you'd think that would be a moon-sized red flag. The issue is that the Bells Hells are not grasping or being reminded that the Vanguard is the fucking problem.
They need information they don't have, and now that they're in a place as ancient as Zephrah, they might finally be able to find it. Questioning Predathos' badness is, well, questionable, but not unreasonable; when the Ruby Vanguard wants it, it's probably bad. But questioning whether Ludinus is evil or not, like Laudna just did? Nah. That's not a fucking question, it's not a gray area. And I also just noticed that no one has mentioned Otohan during these arguments in at least a dozen episodes, which is.... concerning.
They continue to head farther into the Gray Valley. They pass by a massive patch of desecrated ground where the ghosts of soldiers still drift, like in the Barbed Fields. "A part of history forced to relive itself over and over again." Beyond that, a hill with a massive cleft down the middle with a structure that's emanating a smell of burning meat.
is.... is that the worst group stealth check they've ever had? 7 fails against 4 successes?
Time for combat! 2 vrocks descend on them.
It's definitely interesting that Matt isn't putting them in initiative order. This is a pretty easy encounter for their level, and maybe it's because of that or because it was a failed stealth check (hence why he doesn't have a map ready), but iirc last time they tried to do combat without initiative order it did not go well, so this not being an absolute clusterfuck is a testament to their skill tbh
They continue to approach the hill. They see a stone fort, very well-built but heavily damaged, at the base of the cleft. There are a few small plumes of smoke rising from it.
Orym recognizes this as the Erudin Bastion, an extension of a temple to Bahamut built in the center of the Gray Valley to keep watch on the demonic activities here. It acted as an early warning system for abyssal incursions from the area. But Chetney, using grim psychometry has a vision, red, like he's looking through a stained glass window. Not long ago, this structure was active, people walked it; then, shouts, flames, dark energy. One by one, the screams are snuffed. Not more than a few days ago.
Well, I don't think Matt could make this any more clear to them.
The team splits up. Half of them climb up the hill with the intent to feather fall down, while the other sneaks up on the ground.
From above, they see the remnants of a terrible battle, bodies and limbs put up on pikes as decoration. Little impish demons fly throughout. A few larger figures walk about this demonic "encampment," warriors with massive swords and wings, keeping watch and looking around. They also make out three iron cages that hold humanoid captives. Lastly, on a stage-like platform, some imps are drawing multiple large ritual circles -- they're building something, preparing something.
Hey, remember last time we saw this happening? Remember how those demons were making ritual circles intended to bring more demons through? Remember how they were working for Tharizdun?
oh so that's why this episode is 5 hours long. that's big map
And, just to top it all off, a massive demon with fur and little wings lands from above.
FCG casts tongues so they can understand them. The larger demon speaks: "hurry, I must feast soon. Prepare, then celebrate."
From an alcove, something grabs one of the sentries, there's a burst of flame, and the sentry doesn't come back out. A figure emerges -- a humanoid, deep red skin, a mane of grayish hair and a beard, handlebar horns, and leathery wings. It seems like this is a fiend (possibly a devil of some kind, based on the red skin) who's taking out these demons. (the way I thought this was Ryn at first--)
Ashton putting the immovable rod in the hammer is so fucking cool!!! That's so sick. Tal really channeled Percy with that one.
Matt is good at miming??? (Also, who gave Sam access to verbs?)
Now we roll initiative. I get the feeling that this combat will take up the majority of the rest of the episode.
In one of the cages, Orym sees two figures: a female soldier with a broken arm, and a small gnomish figure with tattered Tempest Blade armor.
Fearne makes it to the seemingly-friendly fiendish creature. "Who are you?" "A friend." They, with a 30 persuasion check from Fearne, steps into the light. "I have no friends. But for now, we are not enemies." They step past Fearne and raise their sword.
Matt's using the Obann mini, so I'm assuming this guy is some kind of devil. Which has some fucking wild implications regarding the Betrayer Gods right now, if devils are actively fighting against abyssal holds on Exandria.
FCG gets stress points from using bonded blessing?
Imogen casts minute meteors! (I've always pronounced it minUTE, not MINute, but whatever.) this is one of my all-time favorite spells, and I think it's what widogast's web of fire was based on.
Their devil non-enemy flies over to one of the demons, and their sword does radiant damage! They deal a shit ton of damage (84!), and they're a fucking paladin multiclass who can cast 7th level spells.
Laudna using form of dread, unlocking the cage, shouting "you're free!", then immediately climbing into the cage herself is peak comedy.
Oh hey! Ashley remembered enhanced bond!
The devil takes more strikes against the demons. They get a flanking bonus with Chetney, so they are -- at leash mechanically -- considered an "ally." They deal 56 damage with 2 attacks, and Chetney flirts with them.
Chetney gets a kill with bloated agony! To the devil, "now, the big one." "Do not give me orders."
After three disarming strikes, Orym finally disarms the largest demon, and sends its sword spiraling to the ground.
Some vrocks come flying in, piling on. At this point, it's pretty clear that Matt intends for them to release the people in these cages so they can help, because this encounter is far more than the Bells Hells can handle alone.
FCG's spell save is 15?? That's so fucking low, what the hell? At level 10, their save should be at least 17.
Ohhhh, that's also an interesting rules interaction! Because Ashton's subclass is custom, I can't comment on it as extensively, but. One of Ashton's abilities pushes the creature they hit 5 feet away, breaking the grapple the creature had on them.
Imogen goes down, and Laudna challenges the demon that did it. "Let's go, bitch."
Orym makes a devastating blow against the main demon creature in protection of Laudna and Imogen and everyone in the cages.
Gods, Laudna just throwing everything into this one turn after the demon knocks Imogen unconscious, unloading all her spells trying to get away and deal damage........ cinematic glory. AND THEN Marisha using a nat1 to reinforce their love, to just simply stand between Imogen and the demon in her form of dread? peak pining lesbian romance. peak "oh god I'm in love with my best friend and I can't let the rest of the friend group know" energy. FCG gets Imogen up with a healing word, she prevents it from taking reactions, and she quickens invisibility on both her and Laudna. what a fucking turn, Laura Bailey--
"In her head, she hears, 'run away.'" "I say back, 'you do the same.'" And Imogen, because the demon can't take an attack of opportunity, just fucking bolts away.
The devil paladin takes their turn again, pumping a divine smite into their attack. They kill one demon with 77 points of damage, then darts to another one.
A voice enters Chetney's mind. "Take what you have taken. Together, we will do great things." Achievement unlocked: Travis gets a sentient sword
and the main demon teleports away. Orym, holding on to it, falls to the ground. It attempts to make an escape (♫ make an escape ♫). However, the people within the cages begin to make their way out.
As combat winds down, Fearne gets the HDYWTDT on the primary demon leader. Her spell glitters over them, causing lots of pain while looking like an absolutely beautiful display of vines and glitter.
The threat, in the moment, is quelled. Ashton checks, and the power being directed to the ritual circles is interrupted, and they are broken. The Bells Hells breaks open the rest of the cages -- in them, there are two members of the Tempest Blades (Jennis and Errana) and Bearnie, Orym's sister, tending to a dislocated shoulder. Orym bolts into a run toward Bearnie, who runs and gives him a hug. "Take it slow, take it slow." There's a heaping sob before she pulls away from Orym. "I knew they'd come for us, but I didn't think it'd be you." "It's just chance... the Tempest sent us out, just in time, it looks like." "I think so."
The devil lands nearby and approaches. "I am Tevon Klaust... I am one of the many champions of Asmodeus; some watch his domain, and others, like me, act in many realms. To some, I am known as the retribution of the Hells -- an infiltrator, assassin, and scout. To me? I do what is necessary. To whom do you owe fealty?" "Myself." "You... you are outside the knotted weave. While I know not the details, something brews in Exandria that has left my lord shaken, and me with the unique orders to, unless aggression comes to me, work with those who work under the Prime Deities or outside of them. You are lucky today that we meet on common ground; the future does not hold so much grace." "So you're working to help the gods?" "I'm working to help my god. And in some ways, all of the gods, in this moment. Remember they are brethren... this armistice has historical precedent, so do not feel nervous. Enjoy it while it lasts -- lest you seek new interests in your future? There are many gifts that are granted on certain paths."
Fearne holds his attention. "What does that entail, if I were to follow Asmodeus?" "An eternity of purpose, strength, and pleasures for those who fall under his shadow. You walk in the mud of the lowly demon princes. They are outside the divine order and likely stir in the wake of these times; pay them no mind. They are chaos without meaning." He takes Fearne's hand and kisses it. Her hand burns -- but burning doesn't frighten her. On her center knuckle, there's almost a tattoo of a black horned crown (the holy symbol of Asmodeus). "We are allies today. Perhaps, in the future, we will be allies again. The path is open; all you need to do is ask for his aid. Do you accept these terms?" "Let's do it, I'm in." "The pact is sealed... we will meet again." "Promise?" "Unbindingly."
Oh no.
He flies up and speaks down to them. "The sky goes red to the south. I think our destinies are entwined." He teleports away.
This just made it so fucking clear that the Bells Hells know criminally little about the pantheon for people acting like they have any kind of authority to decide whether they live or die.
Bearnie led the expedition and expected to use the Bastion as a place of safety, unaware that it had fallen. The survivors were kept for a celebratory feast, for when they brought through the rest of their group. The main demon called itself Extevass the Gluttonous, a servant of Vrudaulin, a demon prince.
They scavenge for materials and head out into the Gray Valley. Bearnie leads them to a hillside, where she magically carves a cavern and closes it behind them for an enclosed campsite.
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