#i just wanted an excuse to draw big wings tbh
mizuthe-cat · 1 year
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I love big wings
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saym0-0 · 7 months
oh my god. oh my GOD mechs esmp crossover. this is for SUCH a niche audience the esmp fandom is dead i dont care mechs esmp crossover
LISTEN TO ME okay ill have to add a sci-fi element to my established esmp world i am OKAY with this, grimlands are already victorian steampunk its not that big a stretch to add space travel, especially in the place of dimension travel.
okay so in my esmp lore the emperors are blessed by the gods with conditional immortality and flight, they know a new ruler has been born by if they're born with wings. i bet though i could twist that into the king cole/olympians idea of trading their citizen's lives for immortality. although it is kinda reversed? (mechs immortals tend to stop aging but can be killed, emperors still age and can die of old age, but cant be killed). hmm i mean theres definite differences between king cole and the olympians so maybe its just another variation, or something closer to the mechs themselves? though that ones less likely
honestly there literally is an esmp1 musical so i reckon its interesting enough to attract the mechs
but lets be honest with ourselves here, the only reason im doing this is so i have an excuse to draw grimlands!marius lmao
i think raph would be interested in it too though, with how they're so much more reliant on technical advancement than magical.
ivy would love the rivendell library, and crystal cliffs
hmmm jonny might have fun between mythland and the cod empire,,,
hmmmm brian would maybe like to hang out with shrub in the undergrove? he does like his garden,, maybe the overgrown with katherine too,, or gilded helianthia!
hrm,, i keep wanting to put people in the grimlands but i know thats only because its my favourite so therefore the most developed and also the most similar in vibe to the mechs
with that said though, tim really would have fun there,, like hes the gunpowder guy!! fwhip is the gunpowder guy!! they both r in charge of weapons!! guns, crossbows, same difference really
oough back to raph i think she and fwhip would bond over making their own wings,, fwhip made his to prove that he is fit to rule after gem fucked off to wizard school and raph,, uh actually i never found out raphs backstory beyond the fact im like 78% sure she made her and marius' mechanisms,, although that could be widely accepted fanon who knows not me
i think marius would also enjoy mezelea
but OH MY GOD TOY SOLDIER IN MEZELEA,,, i cant believe i almost forgot it,, i think it would immediately blend in with the clones and pretend to be one right up until they leave the planet, and have the time of its life the whole time,,
i dont know where ashes would go either.. i cant just say grimlands again because theres like four of them there already but,, the explosions!!
maybe mythland, or rivendell, those both seem like they'd appreciate a good mob boss taking over the place tbh
i think brian would get along with pix also
okay this isnt mechs but the fandom is a circle so if theres actually any fans of both out there reading this post, has anyone else noticed just how similar pix and jon's (tma) voices are?? genuinely when i started listening to the podcast i had to double check the va wasnt pix (and imagine my confusion when they share the same name too..)
anyways if anyone wants to scream about this with me please do, or if you want to know more about my esmp expanded universe feel free to do that too! in asks replies or reblogs idm
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"Sleight burst in time" excuse me?? what does that MEAN, matthew?? (I'm sure it's just hand-waving the time disparity, which is totally fine, but I wouldn't be surprised if this actually meant something)
"You're abstaining from being undecided?" "Yeah!" Never change, Ashton.
That's the thing, though. FCG is the only one who's staunchly pro-gods, yes, but everyone else is undecided -- they don't have the information they need. Chetney is right, history is written by the winners and the gods have almost always won, they don't know the other side of the story; but when the other side of the story is something that the Ruby Vanguard wants, you'd think that would be a moon-sized red flag. The issue is that the Bells Hells are not grasping or being reminded that the Vanguard is the fucking problem.
They need information they don't have, and now that they're in a place as ancient as Zephrah, they might finally be able to find it. Questioning Predathos' badness is, well, questionable, but not unreasonable; when the Ruby Vanguard wants it, it's probably bad. But questioning whether Ludinus is evil or not, like Laudna just did? Nah. That's not a fucking question, it's not a gray area. And I also just noticed that no one has mentioned Otohan during these arguments in at least a dozen episodes, which is.... concerning.
They continue to head farther into the Gray Valley. They pass by a massive patch of desecrated ground where the ghosts of soldiers still drift, like in the Barbed Fields. "A part of history forced to relive itself over and over again." Beyond that, a hill with a massive cleft down the middle with a structure that's emanating a smell of burning meat.
is.... is that the worst group stealth check they've ever had? 7 fails against 4 successes?
Time for combat! 2 vrocks descend on them.
It's definitely interesting that Matt isn't putting them in initiative order. This is a pretty easy encounter for their level, and maybe it's because of that or because it was a failed stealth check (hence why he doesn't have a map ready), but iirc last time they tried to do combat without initiative order it did not go well, so this not being an absolute clusterfuck is a testament to their skill tbh
They continue to approach the hill. They see a stone fort, very well-built but heavily damaged, at the base of the cleft. There are a few small plumes of smoke rising from it.
Orym recognizes this as the Erudin Bastion, an extension of a temple to Bahamut built in the center of the Gray Valley to keep watch on the demonic activities here. It acted as an early warning system for abyssal incursions from the area. But Chetney, using grim psychometry has a vision, red, like he's looking through a stained glass window. Not long ago, this structure was active, people walked it; then, shouts, flames, dark energy. One by one, the screams are snuffed. Not more than a few days ago.
Well, I don't think Matt could make this any more clear to them.
The team splits up. Half of them climb up the hill with the intent to feather fall down, while the other sneaks up on the ground.
From above, they see the remnants of a terrible battle, bodies and limbs put up on pikes as decoration. Little impish demons fly throughout. A few larger figures walk about this demonic "encampment," warriors with massive swords and wings, keeping watch and looking around. They also make out three iron cages that hold humanoid captives. Lastly, on a stage-like platform, some imps are drawing multiple large ritual circles -- they're building something, preparing something.
Hey, remember last time we saw this happening? Remember how those demons were making ritual circles intended to bring more demons through? Remember how they were working for Tharizdun?
oh so that's why this episode is 5 hours long. that's big map
And, just to top it all off, a massive demon with fur and little wings lands from above.
FCG casts tongues so they can understand them. The larger demon speaks: "hurry, I must feast soon. Prepare, then celebrate."
From an alcove, something grabs one of the sentries, there's a burst of flame, and the sentry doesn't come back out. A figure emerges -- a humanoid, deep red skin, a mane of grayish hair and a beard, handlebar horns, and leathery wings. It seems like this is a fiend (possibly a devil of some kind, based on the red skin) who's taking out these demons. (the way I thought this was Ryn at first--)
Ashton putting the immovable rod in the hammer is so fucking cool!!! That's so sick. Tal really channeled Percy with that one.
Matt is good at miming??? (Also, who gave Sam access to verbs?)
Now we roll initiative. I get the feeling that this combat will take up the majority of the rest of the episode.
In one of the cages, Orym sees two figures: a female soldier with a broken arm, and a small gnomish figure with tattered Tempest Blade armor.
Fearne makes it to the seemingly-friendly fiendish creature. "Who are you?" "A friend." They, with a 30 persuasion check from Fearne, steps into the light. "I have no friends. But for now, we are not enemies." They step past Fearne and raise their sword.
Matt's using the Obann mini, so I'm assuming this guy is some kind of devil. Which has some fucking wild implications regarding the Betrayer Gods right now, if devils are actively fighting against abyssal holds on Exandria.
FCG gets stress points from using bonded blessing?
Imogen casts minute meteors! (I've always pronounced it minUTE, not MINute, but whatever.) this is one of my all-time favorite spells, and I think it's what widogast's web of fire was based on.
Their devil non-enemy flies over to one of the demons, and their sword does radiant damage! They deal a shit ton of damage (84!), and they're a fucking paladin multiclass who can cast 7th level spells.
Laudna using form of dread, unlocking the cage, shouting "you're free!", then immediately climbing into the cage herself is peak comedy.
Oh hey! Ashley remembered enhanced bond!
The devil takes more strikes against the demons. They get a flanking bonus with Chetney, so they are -- at leash mechanically -- considered an "ally." They deal 56 damage with 2 attacks, and Chetney flirts with them.
Chetney gets a kill with bloated agony! To the devil, "now, the big one." "Do not give me orders."
After three disarming strikes, Orym finally disarms the largest demon, and sends its sword spiraling to the ground.
Some vrocks come flying in, piling on. At this point, it's pretty clear that Matt intends for them to release the people in these cages so they can help, because this encounter is far more than the Bells Hells can handle alone.
FCG's spell save is 15?? That's so fucking low, what the hell? At level 10, their save should be at least 17.
Ohhhh, that's also an interesting rules interaction! Because Ashton's subclass is custom, I can't comment on it as extensively, but. One of Ashton's abilities pushes the creature they hit 5 feet away, breaking the grapple the creature had on them.
Imogen goes down, and Laudna challenges the demon that did it. "Let's go, bitch."
Orym makes a devastating blow against the main demon creature in protection of Laudna and Imogen and everyone in the cages.
Gods, Laudna just throwing everything into this one turn after the demon knocks Imogen unconscious, unloading all her spells trying to get away and deal damage........ cinematic glory. AND THEN Marisha using a nat1 to reinforce their love, to just simply stand between Imogen and the demon in her form of dread? peak pining lesbian romance. peak "oh god I'm in love with my best friend and I can't let the rest of the friend group know" energy. FCG gets Imogen up with a healing word, she prevents it from taking reactions, and she quickens invisibility on both her and Laudna. what a fucking turn, Laura Bailey--
"In her head, she hears, 'run away.'" "I say back, 'you do the same.'" And Imogen, because the demon can't take an attack of opportunity, just fucking bolts away.
The devil paladin takes their turn again, pumping a divine smite into their attack. They kill one demon with 77 points of damage, then darts to another one.
A voice enters Chetney's mind. "Take what you have taken. Together, we will do great things." Achievement unlocked: Travis gets a sentient sword
and the main demon teleports away. Orym, holding on to it, falls to the ground. It attempts to make an escape (♫ make an escape ♫). However, the people within the cages begin to make their way out.
As combat winds down, Fearne gets the HDYWTDT on the primary demon leader. Her spell glitters over them, causing lots of pain while looking like an absolutely beautiful display of vines and glitter.
The threat, in the moment, is quelled. Ashton checks, and the power being directed to the ritual circles is interrupted, and they are broken. The Bells Hells breaks open the rest of the cages -- in them, there are two members of the Tempest Blades (Jennis and Errana) and Bearnie, Orym's sister, tending to a dislocated shoulder. Orym bolts into a run toward Bearnie, who runs and gives him a hug. "Take it slow, take it slow." There's a heaping sob before she pulls away from Orym. "I knew they'd come for us, but I didn't think it'd be you." "It's just chance... the Tempest sent us out, just in time, it looks like." "I think so."
The devil lands nearby and approaches. "I am Tevon Klaust... I am one of the many champions of Asmodeus; some watch his domain, and others, like me, act in many realms. To some, I am known as the retribution of the Hells -- an infiltrator, assassin, and scout. To me? I do what is necessary. To whom do you owe fealty?" "Myself." "You... you are outside the knotted weave. While I know not the details, something brews in Exandria that has left my lord shaken, and me with the unique orders to, unless aggression comes to me, work with those who work under the Prime Deities or outside of them. You are lucky today that we meet on common ground; the future does not hold so much grace." "So you're working to help the gods?" "I'm working to help my god. And in some ways, all of the gods, in this moment. Remember they are brethren... this armistice has historical precedent, so do not feel nervous. Enjoy it while it lasts -- lest you seek new interests in your future? There are many gifts that are granted on certain paths."
Fearne holds his attention. "What does that entail, if I were to follow Asmodeus?" "An eternity of purpose, strength, and pleasures for those who fall under his shadow. You walk in the mud of the lowly demon princes. They are outside the divine order and likely stir in the wake of these times; pay them no mind. They are chaos without meaning." He takes Fearne's hand and kisses it. Her hand burns -- but burning doesn't frighten her. On her center knuckle, there's almost a tattoo of a black horned crown (the holy symbol of Asmodeus). "We are allies today. Perhaps, in the future, we will be allies again. The path is open; all you need to do is ask for his aid. Do you accept these terms?" "Let's do it, I'm in." "The pact is sealed... we will meet again." "Promise?" "Unbindingly."
Oh no.
He flies up and speaks down to them. "The sky goes red to the south. I think our destinies are entwined." He teleports away.
This just made it so fucking clear that the Bells Hells know criminally little about the pantheon for people acting like they have any kind of authority to decide whether they live or die.
Bearnie led the expedition and expected to use the Bastion as a place of safety, unaware that it had fallen. The survivors were kept for a celebratory feast, for when they brought through the rest of their group. The main demon called itself Extevass the Gluttonous, a servant of Vrudaulin, a demon prince.
They scavenge for materials and head out into the Gray Valley. Bearnie leads them to a hillside, where she magically carves a cavern and closes it behind them for an enclosed campsite.
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creative-crybaby · 1 year
Thanks a lot for indulging into my fantasies I loved the little drabble you did of them😭😭.
I just checked you're an INFJ so I'm guessing you know bout the mbti types. I've always wanted to see some mbti personality mixed in fanfics, you know. Very very self indulgent ask of me but if you're willing to humour lil ol' me(a girl can dream big) I'd ask for your thoughts on entp reader(basically Kuroo's type) X characters.
Sakusa is what's on my mind specifically since I barely see content on entp X istj, (that also brings me to the idea of sakuatsu but I can't ask for so many things at once so I'll just leave that for later) and ofc I'm can't for the good of my heart live without a bit yandere mixed into stuff so do spill your thoughts on this pairing (Imsosorryimjustsodeprivedbarewithmepls)
P.s. do tell me if my asks are being too much!!
So sorry for the delay!
Ngl the only reason I know my MBTI type is because I had to know it for a little in-class assignment (idk why and tbh I don't think the prof knew either). Just got a wee bit curious and took a peep at ENTP--pretty intrigued, honestly.
Note: I love when people send me asks, and people wanting content they can't often find isn't unreasonable. That said, if you want me to write a fic, that's a commission, to which you can DM me to discuss the specifics as well as the price. As much as I love writing, creating a whole story takes time and energy. Otherwise, I'm sticking to a drabble.
Upon doing my bit of research on the ENTP type, I immediately thought of sakuatsu, mainly because I can imagine Sakusa's irritation around the personality type (in an enemies-to-lovers way, ofc). However, we're also adding yandere shit into the mix (as we should), so I view the enemies-to-lovers dynamic to be the front Sakusa sets up to hide his true feelings. A mix of love (if you can call it that) and jealousy for being almost everything he isn't, he knows his thoughts of you would be frowned upon.
The wing-spiker can't say he's a fan of your rule-breaking and spontaneity--it's just begging for chaos to ensure, and with what he has to deal with from some of his teammates (you know the ones), he doesn't need any more of that. But those concerns are nothing compared to how he greatly admires your creativity (not that he'll ever admit it), and while he hides from crowds, you welcome them, though he can't say he particularly enjoys your attention being elsewhere (especially when other people are involved).
The fact that you're willing to interact even with him intrigues him. Dare I say, he wants you to come back, perking up when you call his name to start a conversation. Sure, you do most of the talking, but he's more than willing to listen, so long as you don't notice his staring, or that his thoughts are stuck on you, morphing farther away from innocent. At least you don't suspect anything malicious when you catch him zoned out. He'll scoff at your teasing if it means keeping you unaware of his true desires.
Now he's listening in on more conversations, even the ones that he's not in. He hates crowds, but he'll deal with them if it means seeing your lips curl upwards while you talk. He's just looking over you, of course. He's seen how others look at you--the curses of having charisma, he supposes. Keeping them in line is the least he can do for you.
That excuse doesn't work when you're home alone. You're talking on the phone--to whom, Sakusa couldn't care less. So long as you didn't have a partner, he'll gladly watch you go on about your day from his little hiding spot. Learning whatever he can, hoping to somehow bring it up in your next conversation without drawing any suspicion. Maybe you'll come back to him more often afterwards, grow closer until your feelings match his. He's willing to change for you if it works, if you'll stick around a second longer.
Just a little longer.
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peasthedumb · 2 years
i give you the gift of an ask
infodump away, my friend
i dont care about what, just infodump to me
*feral motor revving noises*
Oh boi , would you look at that. It’s the the excuse that I needed ! :D
Imma infodump the SHIT out of Azulis, Nova and Paranoia.
General info!
Azulis: her species is very tall, hence why she’s very tall. She’s kinda got angsty teen energy. Just kinda badass and always looks angry, but she very much does have a soft side! She can be super kind! But most the time, nah. She’ll step on your foot, steal your wallet/purse and not say sorry. I love her so much she’s like- I want to put her in a blender, put whatever comes out of the blender into a glass bottle, then throw it at a wall so it shatters. Also: her fur is kinda sleek and glossy kinda soft but also kinda coarse, still nice tho! Also her fur is very long, it’s just not very poofy except on her tail.
Nova: omg SO wholesome. FLUFF LORD. So much soft puffy fluff. Toast is fluffier but STILL, they take second place. They have 3 sets of ears too! Also they’re non-binary. They’re kinda quiet and easily come off as shy, but they’re mostly just quietly confident. They’re the most wholesome I swear- they try absolutely anything in their power to help people, even if it just hurts themselves. They never get mad, they just get sad or disappointed. (Also they can summon big feathery wings! So they don’t always have em but they can if they want. Definitely didn’t do that to make her easier to draw.)
Paranoia(black): I think Paranoia has paranoia. It is paranoid. It’s surprisingly kind and caring for its appearance though! And it has horrible memory- It just wants to follow around whoever it’s attached to and quietly observe them.
Paranoia(red): It wants to watch the world burn. Fuck fear, Fuck kindness, it wants genocide. It’s a massive narcissist too. It also hates paranoia(black), and tries its best to make it terrified.
Here’s story, I originally wrote this first but it was way too long and people probably won’t read it:
Azulis is from a species that has glowing markings that glow a certain colour to represent which clan you’re born into. BUT- Azulis is mixed clan cause she’s the child of 2 people who were in different clans. But she was the one who got all the hate for it because ya know, typical story plot: nobody knows who her parents are. Long story short she escaped imprisonment after a few years and gained a taste for murder + she also stole a sword that she’s now hyper protective of. After escaping, she eventually bumps into nova.
NOW: nova.
Nova is pretty average tbh. Normal person, they’re pretty quiet and happy. Loves to help people. As a job they do all healing crystals an stuff (because that stuff works in this universe cause- idk, magic.) But! Because in this world it’s…kinda medieval (idk I’m working it out) so eventually people start trying to call them out as a Witch! Nova isn’t that bothered tbh, they find it amusing, and a little disappointing. They end up moving out of their home village though because if the villagers tried to trial her for wichery- well, idk if you know how medieval people trialled if you’re a witch but in case you don’t : you got tied up and thrown in a river. If you drowned, you were innocent, If you lived, you’re a witch and they’re gonna kill ya. So basically Nova chose to leave to prevent that happening to themselves.
They met Azulis while they were looking for a new place to live.
And at some point the two become a couple (ewie cringe, it’s unnecessary idk why I added it. Tbh they’re adorable together tho, at least until later events-).
When they do find a village to move into, Azulis tries to adjust to village life but it’s just really not for her. Well, correction, she likes pretty much every aspect of village life, but can’t get used to being shut up in a house and how noisy people are when you’re trying to sleep. So she took more to sleeping in the nearby forest trees (I mean, she’s technically some kinda cat so it’s kinda in her nature).
Thing is tho, she has no money or job. Nova has money from setting up their crystal healing shop thingy, but it barely earns enough to sustain them, let alone the two of them.
So Azulis, after getting jumped by some low level thieves and accidentally killing one, ended up realising the wonderful and lucrative world of black market organ trafficking…. And within weeks turned a nearby cave into a makeshift workshop! In super secret ofc-
Also sometime around now, Azulis meets her other two friends, Patchwork, who’s a semi-famous unique Puppet maker, and Toast, who’s just a Protogen he rescued / brought (still working out how protogens fit in here cause- medieval world but how protos cause protos are robots?) BUT ANYWAY who cares about them, this post isn’t about them.
So anyway- Azulis starts earning mega money from kidnapping, killing, gutting and selling the organs of people, and the village was having like- a massive manhunt to find out who was the murderer.
One day nova found the workshop, went to confront Azulis who btw- you can probably tell but she’s not entirely mentally there. Azulis basically just realised Nova knew and immediately stabbed them and left em to die.
Paranoia pretty much formed from Novas dead soul. They have no idea of anything about nova though, nova is pretty much just my excuse for Paranoia to exist. Paranoia is…kinda like a demon / ghost thing? There are also two paranoias that are completely separate people but the same body. There’s black paranoia who they are normally, then Red paranoia.
Also, nobody else can see it exept Azulis. So- they went and pretty much took over a small piece of Azulis’s soul, so they were pretty much trapped following her . Azulis didn’t mind though, cause black Paranoia is a very nice person, kinda like Nova was! They’re just kinda scared and Caring. Although- when Black Paranoia finally lost control and Red Paranoia took over, Red took advantage of the fact they’re literally attached to Azulis’s soul and…pretty much possessed her via her soul? And Red, with its absolute bloodthirst, used Azulis to go on a murderous rampage through the village. I mean yeah, Azulis was murdering anyway, but she killed carefully and with purpose. Red was making her kill carelessly in daylight with whitenesses and for no reason .
Patchwork (with no idea what’s going on) Tried to stop Azulis but she was still being controlled and cut his head off. That was enough shock for Azulis to snap out of it and Black paranoia to come back. They were terrified, and Azulis was absolutely furious.
Caring more about never being possessed again than about her friend, Paranoia, she immediately killed them. Due to spooky Ahh mystery magic Patchwork also is still alive, now with a floating head.
And now Azulis’s rampage is down she immediately gets taken by ‘police’ or guards or whatever and idk wether to add it or not but she either gets hung or they try to hang her but she escapes . Idk tho, her story is already so long, I feel it needs to end but also it feels cheap to just kill her off-
This is like: the base concept of the story. I’ll be adding more or taking stuff out, and I missed a bunch in this anyway cause it’s hyper simplified.
(This post is too long, I can’t be bothered to check if it makes sense. Forgive me.)
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abyssmail · 4 years
Caerul Design Notes,
because I’ve actually put a lot of thought into creating Caerul’s aesthetic and I’m lowkey really proud of it.  I won’t get into her actual character concept/personality/backstory/etc. since this got super long, but this is how/why I made the choices I did with regards to her name and visual design!
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▶ Caerul’s color scheme started off way bluer (hence the name “Caerul,” from caeruleus/a/um - “blue”/“cerulean”/“azure”/“of the sky/sea” in Latin) and less saturated, but when I gave her a (dead) twin with a red theme, I wanted them to look more alike and made both of their hair purple (although I haven’t actually done more than sketch Roseus before... he’s got purple hair and red eyes).  Purple’s my favorite color, and unnatural hair colors don’t seem to be uncommon in Orth, so why not, right?   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   The red elements in Caerul’s design are meant to represent her honoring Roseus!
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All of the base colors I use when drawing Caerul! They all end up looking a bit darker once they’re shaded though.
▶ As well as shamelessly using one of my favorite Latin words (I’m a Classics major, okay ;;>~>), I also tried to pick a name that sounded similar to the ones that already exist in-universe.  This was actually fairly tricky, since as far as I can tell the names in Made in Abyss have a WIDE variety of influences.  Some of them seem passably Japanese-sounding (Riko, Jiruo, Kiyui, Nanachi) disclaimer I bring dishonor to my ancestors and know 0 Japanese so this is just about vibez, others seem Western-ish (Reg, Nat, Lyza, Prushka).  Some are fairly whimsical (Shiggy, Maruruk, Mitty) while others are more mysterious and fantastic (Any of the White Whistles besides maybe Lyza).  The only common thread I could really settle on was a general fantasy feeling to all of the names.  I tried to capture that nebulous vibe with Caerul’s name, although with something so vague and subjective it’s pretty much impossible to say if I was entirely successful.  I named her siblings afterward with other Latin color words and ended up with a RGB theme lol.
▸ By the way, “Caerul” is pronounced “KAI-rool.”  It rhymes with “Hyrule.”  The ae diphthong makes an “eye” sound in Latin #TheMoreYouKnow
▸ “Caducalae” is a portmanteau of “caducae alae,” literally “falling/doomed/futile wings” in Latin (again), playing off how pointless it is to be able to fly when the Curse of the Abyss is a thing.  Originally, they weren’t supposed to work at all outside of the Abyss, but I decided that was boring for crossovers/other verses so I scrapped it.  I’m not too happy with the name since it doesn’t fit the naming scheme of the canon relics (there is no precedent at all for gratuitous Latin in Made in Abyss, which is a good thing because it’s overused in fantasy, but Latin was the only thing I was good at in high school sooooo... ^^;), but I didn’t like any of my other ideas that much, either.  “Wings of Futility” feels more canon, but it’s also kinda depressing :/
▶ I’ve mentioned before that Caerul’s build is based off of mine for art reference purposes (it’s convenient to just look in the mirror while making the pose I want =w=)b), but another reason she’s so short is that I didn’t have to make the caducalae quite as big since she’s smaller, so she can actually go indoors if she’s careful.
▶ Long hair isn’t super practical with mechanical wings with lots of bits for it to get caught in, but Caerul idolizes Lyza, so I left her hair as long as I could reasonably get away with.
▶ I heavily referenced the canon Made in Abyss character designs for Caerul’s clothing so she would fit into the world, but made some alterations to make everything more personal to her and accommodate for her wings.  In general, I lightened everything up, since she takes a bunch of short, quick trips rather than lengthy expeditions.  Her gloves, for instance, are loosely inspired by the ones we see many delvers wearing in the manga/anime, but are less heavy-duty and are convertible mittens/fingerless gloves for better dexterity with handling letters and such.  
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The best close up of the gloves I could find was actually a screenshot of the aftermath Reg & Riko’s orb piercer encounter, but I didn’t want to have to tag this for gore, so you get Lyza ^^; There’s a filter over Caerul here so you can see the glove better which is why she looks kinda washed out :/
▶ Her coat is heavily influenced by Jiruo’s, since he’s the only Moon Whistle we’ve seen in canon.  
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yeah, uhhhh, sorry to yoink your style my dude ^^;
▸ Caerul’s has a different color palette, a simpler lapel border, an extra set of outer pockets, and three separate panels in the back that button around her wings so she can put it on! I haven’t drawn it, but her shirt works similarly.  
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This is my favorite detail about her design tbh... it’s just really satisfying what a logical solution it is for some reason???  the original doodle is off rotting somewhere in my Modern European History notes, but I tried to recreate it just as sloppily here =w=)b
▶ Caerul’s corset isn’t just a painful fashion choice - it’s actually meant to be a(n admittedly heavily stylized) brace for her back against the weight of her wings.  
▶ Since Caerul can’t wear a backpack with the wings, I had to get creative with storage options for her.  In addition to an undetermined number of pockets on the inside of her coat, I gave her these two pouches on her thighs to carry more stuff.  
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I wonder how buff your quads could get carrying a significant amount of weight there...
▸ Messenger bags don’t seem super practical for delving, so I didn’t design a specific one for her to carry all the time, but Caerul does use them on occasion.  Even with that, though, she still has far less carrying capacity than the average delver, which is a problem she has to deal with when carrying out her duties!
▶ The wings/caducalae were by far the most difficult part of designing Caerul, and it took several redesigns over 2+ years before I was finally happy with them.  Their first design was deliberately far simpler in the interest of having to draw them a zillion times, but they ended up clunky and unwieldy looking: 
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chonky o~O
▸ The final design is MUCH more of a pain to draw (in fact, a lot of the time I cheat and just copy and paste them from drawings I’ve already done), but I think it looks much sleeker and more “functional”.  
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I also got better at making my diagrams look slightly more authentic ;0
▸ I knew I wanted jetpack-style thrusters to be a component of the wings to somewhat justify the shit I wanted Caerul to be able to pull with them (especially to eliminate the need for accounting for the damage landing suddenly could do to her ankles), but incorporating them proved to be one of the biggest problems of the design.  At one point, they were going to have a whole separate attachment point on her back, but I finally just made them an offshoot of the first “joint,” as you can see in the final design.  
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A really messy intermediate caducalae sketch.  The weird double pentagon shape was meant to be the part of the relic actually fused to Caerul’s back, but I scrapped that too when I scrapped the separate limbs for the thrusters.
▸ Speaking of the joints, they’re all balls so they can rotate all over and I don’t have to fuss too much about how they move.  Likewise, the frame is metal, but I treat it like it’s kind of flexible, so Caerul can “flex” the wings open and closed.  These wings are hard enough to draw period okay I’m giving myself every excuse to be inconsistent af on purpose.
▸ The caducalae have some “bonus” features that I’ve sketched out, but that Caerul hasn’t unlocked yet, and won’t for a while.  
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owo what’s this?
▸ For the wings, I think my biggest inspirations were some of the mechier Cardfight!! Vanguard dragon units (although I don’t remember which cards specifically) and the energy wings on the ninth-generation knightmares in Code Geass R2.
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I’ve made a lot of OCs, and since I don’t like to use faceclaims, I’ve done a fair amount of character designing.  I don’t think I’ve ever spent as much time or had as much fun with any of them as I have with Caerul, though!  OCs aren’t always super well accepted in fandom roleplay, but the Made in Abyss community has been super welcoming and I’ve had a blast.  Thanks for listening to me gush about Caerul if you got this far, and thank you to everyone who’s interacted with her!  
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The original sketch of Caerul from back in 2017.  How far we’ve come :’D
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kurama-is-love · 5 years
I WAS WAITING FOR A BLOD DEDICATED TO KURAMA 🌹🖤😍 Can i request headcanons of him as a boyfriend? (Yoko and Minamino if u dont mind)
I AM GLAD THAT HIS FANS ARE NOT DEAD YET!Haha. I already found some writing blogs, but they don’t seem very active right now :/I use Yoko’s headcannons from the time he was still a thief, since after he fused with Shuuichis body his character changed and he is basically Kurama xD
I hope you like these, I have the feeling that I picture Kurama much more fluffy than he actually is D:
Shuuichi Minamino / Kurama
it may surprise you, but it takes alot of time and effort into your relationship before you actually start dating. Kurama is quite cautious after the events with Maya and devoted himself to never let anyone as close like a partner because he fears too much that they get hurt or even killed.
a steady friendship before dating is essential. Kurama’s trust must be earned before you fall in love. He has to be 100 % sure, that this is going to be worth where you two are going. Don’t worry, Kurama never uses any foul tricks to test you. He can right see through you if you are a suitable partner for him.
Kindness and smart attitudes attract him. He has no real preference for looking, but if you meet his personality standards (being kind and smart), you have a quite good chance that you will get his full attention soon
after this difficulties were overcome, your relationship will bloom quickly. Kurama is just the most romantic and sweet boyfriend, you could ever imagine.
he will literally send you a bouquet of roses every fucking day or at least when he can’t see you. There will be always a letter attached to it with some sweet and kind words that melt your heart instantly
“Excuse me for my absence, love. I promise to make it up to you, when I am back. I always think about you. Do you think about me too? I can’t wait to see you.Kurama ♥”
Oh and one more thing. You have to know who he is, before you start dating. Kurama would never take the risk in asking you out, without knowing if you would accept the truth about him. But since you were friends with him and the others beforehand, there is a big chance that you already knew about his past and demon inside.
Since Kurama always was courteous and friendly while you were friends, nothing much changed after haying him as boyfriend. Except that he is quite more physically affectionate with you. At least in private. He won’t be all that touchy when his friends are around. (not because he is too shy, he just don’t want Yusuke and Kuwabara tease the shit out of him and you)
Many kisses during the day. You see him the first time that day? A kiss as greeting is a must. You have to excuse yourself a few minutes? Not without a small kiss and promise that you are back soon. His good bye kisses are the most sweetest ones ever. It’s like he doesn’t even want to let go of you.
though this is just the side he shows you. You are aware of Kuramas darker side. That one he only shows those enemies who hurt or threaten his beloved ones. And you can understand him, that’s why he feels accepted and worth your time. Because you are worth his. And he would never regret this.
Youko Kurama
Unlike many others, I don’t really picture him as someone who slept with countless demons in his past life. Youko was a leader of the mightiest group of thieves. There was not much time to just have flings here and there.
that doesn’t mean that he was not popular though. Many females lusted after him, because he was feared and strong. They didn’t really cared about him though and they only believed the rumors that occured around him. (like being ruthless and brutal. Tbh I doubt his ruthless self. He cared for his friends, like Kuronue and he also cared about the life of innocent people, like he warned Juri from his deadly plant that she shouldn’t move if she want to live. He wouldn’t warned her if he was that ruthless and brutal.)
for you, to gain Youkos attention, you have to work much harder than for Kuramas human self. Youko has too many trust issues for people outside of his gang. It’s his family, the only ones he can trust and the only ones he need in his life. You have to be part of his gang from the beginning to actually be in position to let him fall for you
Youko was still quite fast forward. He took what he wanted. Not just treasures, but I assume he would even take you when you catched his interest. Not in a kidnapping and raping way though, he would make sure you fall in love with him too.
As you can guess, Youko is much mure wilder than his human counterpart. He is not all that romantic and lovey-dovey. His actions are full of intense desire and passion.
his kisses are so aggressive that he will draw blood when he bite your lip. He just wants to make everyone see that you are taken and who took you.
Youko is also quite protective and possessive. I won’t say he has Yandere tendencies, but you might get the feeling he has, because his blood boils quickly when you are involved in a fight or an enemy takes you captive. His rage will be so terrifying that you may be scared of him after this
even though he is not romantic like his human self, Youko surely knows how to win your heart. Not every plant in the Makai is deadly and gruesome. He will take you to the most beautiful and exotic flower fields you ever saw. His Yoki will make them even more stunning, especially when you fly above them with his “Floating Leaf” (that one where they act as wings). He makes sure to not let you drop when he presses you against him and you having your arms around his neck. It’s those rare romantic and intimate moments with him and he enjoys them secretly.
although Youko was not that of a player with women before, his perverted side takes place in it’s full glory after he fell in love with you. Be aware for sexual assaults when you would not expect it from him (not if you mind)
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resbang-bookclub · 5 years
AMA Transcript: Unrequited
Next up, @infantbluee, @kallie-flower, @nori-wings and @thiefofblood (Souly on Discord) came to answer questions and spread the love for their Resbang, Unrequited! Here’s some of what went down:
Q: How did you guys come up with this idea? I remember you threw a ton of ideas around and settled on this one. Can you take us through the process? >:)
kallieflower: Oh god. We went through SO many different ideas. We wrote like what? 40k for our first idea before we scrapped that?
b l u e: Then like 30k for the next one that we also scrapped.
kallieflower: WE KEPT TRYING TO WRITE SHORT THINGS BUT IT DIDN’T WORK. Soma just does not work as shortfic.
b l u e: Even our final bang ended up being a 40k two-shot lmao.
Q: So what was it about this final idea that made u guys decide, YES, this is it???
kallieflower: The first idea was a Madoka Magica AU that exploded into a mess because magical girl worlds take a loooooottttt of work. The second fic also exploded into something big.
b l u e: We were going to stick with it though. We were. We had it all ready for check-in and everything. But then like two days before, kallie went, "okay so I love our fic idea and all but what about this." Me, on three hours of sleep: "I effing hate you." Then we stumbled through our first 3k and sent it to the mods like the gremlins we are.
kallieflower: We didn’t expect it to get so big either but c’est la vie. Chloe almost killed me like 48293783 times during the process but I think we managed alright.
b l u e: You're lucky I love you so much.
Q: Did you guys start writing straight from the beginning of the fic or did you write a specific scene first?
kallieflower: Actually we didn’t start from the beginning haha! Or well, our idea didn’t start from a plot. We just wanted to write Maka cursed. We wanted to write her with no inhibitions in love, like she might’ve been had she not been so hurt by her parents’ separation. And since there are witches in the SE universe, we had fun with that instead of making it an AU.
Q: Do you write linearly at all or did you jump around a lot?
b l u e: Surprisingly yes. Aside from my dream sequences.
kallieflower: Your dream sequences were our pit stops. We just had to actually do the writing to get there.
b l u e: Hahaha our writing process was.... Unique.
kallieflower: That’s one way to put it lmao.
nori-wings: It was a mess, but we love it.
b l u e: WE are a mess so it's just us in fic form.
kallieflower: God yeah. For one thing, this fic was like 90% chloe with me just making her do crazy things I wanted to happen.
nori-wings: And 5% of what the artists wanted to happen.
b l u e: YEAH hahaha that was kallie too tbh. She was like, "me as a witch would not understand anything about my magic at all and would curse people for kicks, so let's do that."
kallieflower: We would have a general plot of how we wanted to go and what points we wanted to hit. Chloe would start to write it, but then I would be like “WAIT WHAT ABOUT THIS.” And then she would pretend she thought I was a total nuisance but we all know she’s too soft and sweet to ever say no to anything. Also our artists were such a LOVELY help too.
b l u e: We wanted as much of their input as possible and we wanted to make this as much of a collab as we could. The train scene at the beginning of the third chapter was all nori because she was mad at us for only torturing Soul and wanted Maka to cry too.
Q: Nori/Souly did you have a favorite piece of art to make?
the monkey chain (soul): The skating scene was my fave. I also accidentally changed the part in the fic with the skating since I didn't ask what kind of skates they were supposed to be kfljgdf.
b l u e: LMAO it's our fault though!!!! We were Too Slow.
nori-wings: Black*Star dragging Soul and Maka is my favorite, it was super fun to draw.
b l u e: When you sent the first wip of that, I think I cried for days. It was better than my dreams. You were both so fast GOD, it takes me seventeen years just to sketch a pic.
kallieflower: For real tho. We don’t deserve artists.
nori-wings: They are exaggerating, it was a quick sketch that I made on a post it lol. It took me a week to draw it in digital.
the monkey chain (soul): I had free time since we moved and were without internet for a night so I had a ton of time to finish my pic.
Q: Did you have trouble meeting the deadline?
kallieflower: Trouble is putting it lightly lmao. We died. Many times.
b l u e: I don't trust fast writers. Clearly they are superhuman. It wouldn't have been hard if we didn't spend so much time drowning in memes and shitposts that we neglected to write.
kallieflower: I blame the internet.
Q: Were there any scenes that you guys really struggled with writing?
b l u e: The beginning, definitely. Everything else flowed out pretty quickly, but the beginning made us want to cry into our pillows and smash our keyboards.
kallieflower: I think there was a period of time where Chloe was like, “I will physically pay you money to write this scene so I don’t have to.” But yeah, the beginning scenes were definitely hardest to write. I think we rewrote them like a million times.
Q: Nori and Souly, was there a part of your art that was trickier to do?
nori-wings: I think painting Soul and Maka's kiss, because I wanted to use as few colors as possible and I played a lot with shading, or at least I tried haha.
the monkey chain (soul): Uhhhh not really for me? My pieces were relatively simple and probably the most issue I had was drawing Maka's skates and figuring out what Soul would be wearing.
b l u e: I cried when we got paired with souly.
kallieflower: Chloe literally fangirled to hell over getting souly as our second artist. And we were very lucky to get nori as our artist too because we already became really close friends through the zine and talked all the time. Our resbang just gave us an excuse to move all our blabber to a personal server lmao.
nori-wings: Yeah, they asked me to be something like a beta but I ended up being their artist.
kallieflower: We joked about it beforehand too and were SO happy it happened. We were so blessed with support and love this year. We never would’ve finished without the help of our artists and betas.
nori-wings: They are making it sound nice, but we wouldn't let them drop out.
kallieflower: LMFAOOOOOO. Nori likes to be sassy but she’s one of the softest of us all
b l u e: We legitimately would've dropped out if not for our artists.
kallieflower: “Do it for our artists” was our mantra through the whole process when we wanted to quit. Peer pressure makes diamonds, maybe.
b l u e: I mean, it didn't feel like that when we were bullshitting our way through our next 5k before each deadline, but it be like that sometimes.
Q: What was your favourite scene to write?
b l u e: My favorite to write was definitely the nightmare demon scene.
kallieflower: Because she’s a sadist and likes angst. Chloe likes to make people feel pain so her favorite scenes were definitely the angsty ones.
b l u e: FDSJFKDSF
Q: For errbody: what do you feel like you improved/grew in this resbang, writing and arting-wise??
kallieflower: For me, I definitely grew in writing skills even though I didn’t end up writing much of this bang (chloe, bless your soul for carrying me this year lmao) because chloe is SO GOOD at writing that it made me want to be better, learn better, do better.
b l u e: Kallie made me work harder than I ever have my entire life and it paid off SO MUCH. I very much only ever write ventfics.
the monkey chain (soul): I feel like I Peaked with Maka's outfit in the skating picture, like I don't pride myself in outfit design much these days but Maka's outfit came out so good. I didn't expect it.
Q: Were there any parts of Unrequited that really pushed you out of your comfort zone?
b l u e: Writing with someone else was such an experience.
kallieflower: We definitely had to compromise a lot in terms of writing. Like I wanted Soul to walk in on Kid touching Maka’s scar and Chloe immediately said “fine, but only if we make Kid a gardener” and if that isn’t a super fair trade off, idk what is. Chloe and I work so well together so that was easy. And we like a lot of the same things.
b l u e: There was a little adjustment [with adapting to different writing styles] but not much, because despite what kallie says, she's actually so freaking smart and talented it actually makes my eyes water.
Q: If you had the time to do something differently, what would you do and why?
b l u e: Everything. Jk no but really. There's just a lot I wish we could've elaborated on. And more suffering to be had of course. I just wish we had more time to elaborate on Spirit and Maka's mom.
kallieflower: Oh god yeah. Maka did not get enough of a backstory in the manga or anime and that makes me sad always.
Q: What made you both decide on the outcome of the curse? Did the witch know how it was going to affect Kid?
b l u e: We actually knew the outcome from the very beginning when we decided what kind of curse it was.
Q: Okay SO one last question for the crew. What is next!!!! >:)
nori-wings: Next collab is me writing and Chloe as my artist. (She just doesn't know it.)
kallieflower: OMG PLS HAHAHA. I’d be all over that collab. Chloe is working on a soma longfic she won’t let me beta because she’s Secretive. And I am trying to work up the energy to use my keyboard again after the hell that was finishing Resbang.
Thanks to the crew for stopping by! Stay tuned for more transcripts!
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shady-glasses · 6 years
(31) Question For Your OTP - SeroKami
Is it SeroKami? KamiSero? Idk man. @tenseii told me to post this so they could read it so here you are!
Original Post
1. Who in your OTP is the serial butt-slapper and who is constantly getting their beautiful butt slapped?
You would think it's Kaminari? But it's actually Sero. A good slap on the butt after a good training session amongst bro's that leaves Kaminari flustered and red faced mayhaps?
2. Who wants to be immortal and who wants to die before they’re old?
Kaminari is ready to go okay, but Sero is like “death? Nah.. not, yknow, feeling that..”
3. Who smokes and who pulls the cigarette from between their lips every time they try to light one?
Kaminari tried to smoke once in high school to look cool, and Sero would put up a big fuss, which Kaminari actually appreciated because it gave him a perfect excuse to stop and, thank god, he actually hates smoking.
4. Who always has cold hands and who is always warming them up for them?
Sero is a skinny tol boi with zero circulation who always has freezing hands. Kami 'warms them up' (i.e Sero puts them up his shirt and uses his lower back for warmth while smiling as Kaminari shrieks)
5. Who plays candy crush in important meetings and who elbows them in the ribs to make them pay attention?
I'd say Kami, except for instead of candy crush, it's the minecraft pocket edition.
6. Who can fall asleep anywhere (and does) and who has to put them to bed?
I empathize with this cuz?? thats me af?? but I'd say Sero during exams. He probably stays up all night and crashes right after so Kaminari piggy back carries him back to the dorms, but not before drawing on his face.
7. Who is the genius procrastinator who wings every test but still comes away with straight As, and who takes preparation and conscientious work very seriously?
They both kinda stupid lol. But Kaminari is by far the one who tries to 'wing it' the most.
8. Who takes their coffee black and who likes it with milk and two sugars, getting called a pussy by Person A?
Sero doesn't even really like coffee, however, when he has it he takes it b l a c k because unlike SOME people,, hes not a pussy
9. Who initially seems shady but turns out to be a cinnamon bun, and who initially seems like a cinnamon bun but turns out to be shady?
Everyone in 1a thinks Sero is soooooo soft and sooooo friendly, and they almost don't believe the  “one time he filled my shoes with whip cream at a sleep over” stories. And then Kaminari is just trying his best over here, drinking his respecting women juice, staying in his lane (most of the time).
10. Who moans and talks with their mouth full whenever they eat good food, and who tells them to stfu but can’t help laughing?
Kaminari is loud at everything he does and just doing that teenage boy thing where they moan and Sero is like “dude stop” and they make a bunch of over-exaggerated sex moans with a mouthful of cheeseburger and Sero is laughing and trying to cover his mouth like “OHMYGOODNESS, DUDE, STOP WE'RE IN PUBLIC!”
11. Who gives the bear hugs and who is always sidling up to them and snaking their arms around their waist?
Kaminari just like.. hugs.. okay.. like, he and Kirishima are chronic platonic cuddlers, but that doesn't mean he's had his fill of boyfriend hug time so
12. Who still buys juice boxes and fruit snacks to put in their lunch?
Kaminari FOR SURE. He may be a 22 year old pro hero with a real job, but fuck you fruit-by-the-foot still go just as fucking hard as they did when he was five so yes he's still going to eat them
13. Who packs the other’s lunch and who repays them in sexual favours?
You know Sero does the shopping, so that is def where the fruit snacks in Kami's lunch come from so, y'know, Kami has gotta show his appreciation somehow? ;) ;) ;)
14. Who leaves notes in the other’s lunch and who tells them they’re dumb (but secretly has a collection of every note Person A has ever written them)?
They both do! But not just in lunches, also on laptop screens, on the bathroom mirror, on the microwave, etc. Being pro heroes mean it's hard to find time to see each other even when they live together, so little notes get left out to show they were still thinking of the other.
15. Who unconsciously holds their breath the first time they kiss, and who pulls back and says, “Breathe…”?
Ohhhh def Kami, cuz lets be real, its 100% his first kiss, and he's really scared of fucking it up.
But it's short and goes fine, and is so much more perfect than he imagined, and he thought all first kisses were supposed to be awkward but? It wasnt? And all the emotions build in his chest and he's not quite ready to open his eyes yet because it's kind of a lot right now. And he can feel Sero's breath ghost over his lips as he run's a hand through the buzzed blonde hair at the back of his neck and tells him to, “Breath” with a little laugh.
16. Who gets arrested for a petty crime they committed by accident and who bails them out?
They heroes so probably no criminal records BUT Kami did get detained y police after a drunken fist fight with Mina in a denny's parking lot (long story, but she won).
17. Who grabs the other’s hand just as they’re getting out of bed and pulls them back under for cuddles?
Sero is def the “5 more minutes” kind of guy, and his boyfriend has, yknow, actually fat on his body, so hes w a r m, and so knew apartment law is he can't leave right now its officially illegal because Sero would freeze to death and that'd be murder
18. Who gets mad about something unrelated to Person B and punches the wall, and who patches it up and kisses it better?
Neither cuz thats a unhealthy habit yo, but have they taken blow's for each as pro heroes? Yes they have! Sero is probably more likely to take a hit, and shrug off any injury though.
19. Who has the plain black phone case and who ordered one with cat ears off ebay?
Kaminari thought the sleek black would be cool and edgy, but hes also clumsy, and has almost dropped it a LOT. So Sero buys it for him and Kami uses it just to spite him.
20. Who likes to drive with the music blaring and who is too shy to sing along?
They both blast their music, and when alone will sing along with each other (power ballad duets?) but with others Sero will usually only hum along as he's not the most confident in his voice.  
21. Who’s the fantastic kisser and who has the beautiful eyes?
Sero is probably the better kisser, but they both think the other person has the prettier eyes. And yes, they have fought about it.
22. Who has the sunshine smile and who has the seductive gaze?
Sero has that smil, you know the one okay. And Kaminari “sex eyes” Denki doesn't have the most perfect teeth, but he has a whole lot of libido to make up for it lol.
23. Who gets offended by the intensity of the other’s crush on a celebrity?
Sero logically shouldn't be jealous of Briteny Spears but like.. how can he compete with that? It's Briteny Spears, she is far superior than him, he wouldn't stand a chance! So yeah he's a little bitter about it, and kinda wishes his boyfriend would pick a less pretty celebrity to crush on.
24. Who is embarrassed that they have to wear glasses sometimes and who wants them to wear them in bed?
Kaminari is that kind of guy who's mark's go up like, 20% after he gets glasses because “Wait, the write the notes on the board too?” or some shit. But glasses are kinda lame in his books, so he wears contacts, and tells literally no one about it at first. Sero likes them though! He thinks they’re cute.
25. Who cheats on the other then immediately begs for their forgiveness?
Sero: I dont want to hear it
Sero: Go cry to Briteny, cuz i honestly dont care
Kami: It was one concert! How could I pass up Britney Spears LIVE in concert?
26. Who is the jealous one and asks why the other was being so flirty all night, and who is oblivious to their own charms?
Sero is just nice okay? How was he supposed to know that girl at the side bar was flirting with him, he just thought SHE was being nice? He legitimately doesn't notice anything is wrong until he has a possessive hand around his waist and a lapful of his boyfriend to help him clue in.
27. Who orders a milkshake with their food and who orders a soda?
Tbh they broke, so they go splits and get a rootbeer float, because compromise
28. Who runs their battery down to 1% and who feels the need to charge theirs at 80%?
Kaminari is a walking power outlet so he is fearless when it comes to phone battery like “yeah I can make a phone call with 3% it's fine” and Sero over-charges his phone so know the battery drains super fast now. 
29. Who has the excellent singing voice and is always singing around the house (and for Person B), but has no interest in going professional?
Kaminari actually has an amazing singing voice, probably because he has been singing for as long as he can remember. The pro hero life has always been the life for him though, so he'll stick to small 1 person concerts for his boyfriend while making eggs.
30. Who would rather be barefoot if the setting is appropriate, and who has the huge and spectacular shoe collection (possibly also socks)?
Kaminari may be a fashionably challenged preteen but he glows up okay? So he has WAY to many shoes than he needs, and Sero does not care for it. Sero has like, 5 pairs of shoes tops, and ofc he doesn't wear shoes in the apartment because he's not an animal.
31. Who takes their liquor on the rocks and who likes it neat?
I feel like after the 'fighting mina in a denny's parking lot' thing Kaminari isn't much one for hard liquors anymore anyways. So Sero is way more the kind of high class scotch guy.
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
this headcanon NEEDS you to listen to the music along with it. or else it’s weird. I promise. 
peter has always been a good singer. and, since the whole Spider-man thing, a pretty kickass dancer. and since his body can do all kinds of fun shit now, he likes to spend some time after decathlon practice in the empty gym, his signature earbuds in, and he dances his heart out. spinning, turning, jumping, kicking. feeling the music. he doesn’t feel constrained by his body. it’s an incredible, weird sensation. 
his after-school dance time (when he isn’t out on patrol) is freeing, but it doesn’t last. his private time gets exposed. he dances his heart out, giving everything he has, to an ACDC song. and when the percussion hits, ending the song, his chest heaves heavy with exhaustion and pride and happiness. 
until he hears the vague sound of clapping from behind him.
HE FREEZES. and slooooowly turns around. Michelle “MJ” Jones is standing in the two open doors of the gym, watching him. 
he gulps and asks, “what’re you doing here?” “i got held up after practice,” she says, brushing off his question and asking her own, “where’d you learn to do that?” Peter’s face heats up, “I just like to dance....I’m a natural learner, I guess?” “bullshit....but the school musical could use your skills, Parker.” “THE SCHOOL MUSICAL???” he yelps. “yep,” she shrugs, “think about it.”
and then, like she was never even there, MJ is gone. Peter sits dumbfounded on the bleachers of a long time before a buzz from his phone startles him out his thoughts. it’s Mr. Stark telling him to get going for his patrol.
but the thing is even patrol can’t stop him from thinking. he always liked musicals growing up. uncle ben and aunt may used to do two-man re-enactments of les mis and rent and wicked during his childhood. ben was always the beautiful soprano, aunt may was ben’s brooding love interest. he remembered how the music made him feel. how those moments made him feel. 
so the next day, he finds MJ at her locker and says without waiting for her to acknowledge him, “I’ve never acted before in my life.”��“doesn’t matter,” she says, not missing a beat, “you lie all the time, Parker. its the same thing.” he stumbles and tries to come up with an excuse, a reason why he isn’t always lying. but it falls flat and, besides, MJ doesn’t care. she just lifts her hand and says, “I don’t care what you’re hiding. if you can dance and even kind of sing it’ll be an improvement from last year’s musical.” 
Peter vaguely remembers the sophomore musical-- Guys and Dolls-- being basically unwatchable. but the new drama teacher has visions of grandeur and seems excited to breathe some life into a risky production. or so MJ says. he would believe anything she said when it came to theatre anyway. everybody knew MJ wanted to be an actress and NOBODY (noooobody) knew more about theatre than MJ. nobody. musicals weren’t really her passion, she wanted to dive deep into Chekov and Shakespeare but high schools only really did Shakespeare and she took what opportunities she could get. besides, from what peter could remember, MJ had a sweet, lilting voice. 
without her asking, Peter tells her, “I’m gonna audition.” “I don’t care what you do.” but he’s pretty sure he spots a ghost of a smile on MJ’s face as she stalks away to class.
May helps him the week leading up to the audition. he’s never fucking HEARD of Finding Neverland before. he’s pretty sure that Johnny Depp did the movie a million years ago and it has something to do with Peter Pan. but they don’t get down to Manhattan a lot to see stuff on Broadway. so he’s not sure what exactly the tone of the musical was, whenever it was on. they find the soundtrack online and May swoons over the guy from Glee. it’s all really embarrassing. but he figures the music is big and romantic. 
and so May tells him that he should sing something just like that. so he does.
dressing in his nicest science-pun shirt, he waits in the wings for his audition on the day. everyone before him is not great. they sing too loud or too out-of-tune or its too dramatic and peter finds himself flinching with each try. 
but then, again like she was never even THERE, MJ slinks by Peter and steps on the stage when her name is called. he’s not sure why but he perks up at the start of her audition. 
she nods at the piano and something sad but serene pours out of the keys. MJ doesn’t move much when she sings. she stands and her face is subtle. she’s not throwing her hands or holding herself tight like this is some dramatic piece. there is a surrender, an acceptance about the song she’s singing. 
he takes a step forward, like everything about her is drawing him into her orbit. her mouth has a quirked kind of smile as she sings about feeling kind of funny that any boy but especially the boy she likes would ever like her. because she’s not pretty or smart enough or good enough. and he’s shaking his head. because doesn’t she know she’s great?? and then he has to remind himself its just a song.
but...but...it touches him. in a way he’s surprised by. 
the song swells and MJ takes the slightest step forward. it feels like she’s made some GRAND gesture. a small show of emotion, an insight into who she is. and then the song slows and she’s singing “isn’t it funny....isn’t it funny.....for a moment he convinced me I could be pretty............” and then heartbreakingly she adds “funny”. 
there is silence once she’s done. AND THEN OUTRAGEOUS APPLAUSE. peter barely notices he’s clapping, too. fuck. 
she rolls her eyes at the applause but she does seem pleased. when she gets off stage peter almost wants to tell her she’s great but she’s gone before he gets the chance. 
he’s still so STARSTRUCK by her performance that he almost misses his name. they call it three times before he crosses on stage with a litany of apologies. and then, he starts to sing. 
it’s easy and romantic and he’s got a boyish charm to him (or that’s what Aunt May says at least). this whole song is him going back and forth anxious and nervous. it plays right into his brand. and he gets to really sing a little. which he likes. and then the music gets quiet. and he starts singing “i didn’t know she mattered to me but now I can see she does” and his eyes can’t help himself. he looks toward where MJ walked off. he tries to shake it off. but its hard. 
he’s surprised when the song is over, tbh. and even more surprised when the drama teacher stands and claps. he bounces a little, proud of what he did. he gives an awkward bow and runs off stage.
he goes on patrol that night with a HUGE grin on his face. and the flicker of MJ’s voice in his head. because wow. they’ve been friends, real friends, for almost a year now. after Vulture he tried to calm down with ditching things and then MJ trusted him enough to hang out. but he’d never seen her like that. not really. she was magnetic. really, freakin’ magnetic. which, AHEM, was totally her acting. yeeeeeep. 
the surprises don’t end, though, when the next day at school the cast list drops and Peter sees his name next to J.M. Barrie. the lead. cooooool cool cool cool. he’s panicking. A LITTLE. and the panic doesn’t subside when he looks at the name beneath him: Michelle Jones -  Sylvia Llewelyn Davies.
he doesn’t know much about the musical but he knows they’re the love story. and he’s half-terrified and half-thrilled.
when rehearsals start he realizes its not just a romance but an EPIC romance. about two people who become friends and then trip face first in love. which is stressful. for reasons. REASONS he doesn’t want to talk about. 
lucky for them the first two and a half weeks of the four week rehearsal period are dealing with ensemble numbers, which there are a lot. and they dance. they dance so much. and when they aren’t dancing Peter is struggling to learn his lines and work on his solos. he only really sings a few things MJ. two to be exact. and only the one in act two is romantic. but the one in acting two is ROMANTIC with a capital R. 
and they’re working through the show chronologically. so it doesnt start to get awkward until the very end. and, even more, because they’re a high school production. they’re very behind schedule. so a week out from the show’s opening night. they’re staging THE BIG NUMBER. 
and its weird because in the last few weeks peter thinks he and MJ have been flirting. or well, their version of flirting. which is peter smiling big at her and bringing her favorite tea to rehearsal and MJ knocking into him with her shoulder. and that little small contact shouldn’t make his whole day but it does. because, what did his song say?  “i didn’t know she mattered to me but now I can see she does” and its true. because its getting harder and harder day by day to ignore how much she means to him. 
which makes the song, WHAT YOU MEAN TO ME, terrifying. because he’s not even said those words to her yet. and now he’s expected to sing them. 
the song is memorized, the dialogue too. they don’t have a lot of time to workshop it. so their director just tells them to feel it out with each other. she trusts their instincts or some shit. and peter feels like she’s teasing them. like she knows. but the song is quiet and intimate and doesn’t need a lot of staging. he knows he just has to look in her eyes and he finds he doesn’t want to, he’s afraid of what he’ll see there.
so the piano starts and peter looks everywhere but at her. MJ groans and the pianist stops and the director climbs on stage.
she grabs the two teenagers by their upper arms and says gently, like she’s trying not to frighten teenagers just coming into adult feelings, “this doesn’t have to be loud or grand, okay? this moment in the play is about when feelings. and feelings are real and intense...and scary. don’t shy away from the scary. sometimes the best things are.”
the director nods at the pianist and he hears the piano start. slow and cautious. 
peter faces MJ, takes a deep breath and starts to sing “standing here, all at once, all the words run dry” ....he sees MJ make a decision and she steps in toward him but not quite touching him and she sings “something’s changed, can’t explain and I can’t deny” Peter takes another and sings back “turning in circles and blurring the lines the unspoken is calling us tonight”
and the piano waits. there is nothing but silence between them. he knows he’s holding his breath. he knows she is too. and then, together, they take the final step that has their faces mere inches from one another and together they sing “i won’t lie i’m a little bit frightened of my imagination, i swear I’ll try but I’m feeling enlightened you’re my inspiration” the music keeps going and they keep singing. but they don’t move. they just stand facing each other barely touching. 
the chorus ends and Peter lifts his hand barely brushing a curl off her face and then he attempts to cup it before he sings alone, “every word and every sentence, nothing seems to make a difference, nothing can explain just what you mean to me.” MJ closes her hand over his and he’s ashamed that he shutters “every shape and all the colors, all the love from all the lovers never could express just what you mean to me” 
they go back and forth singing together until the music travels off alone. they don’t sing. they just stand there and sing “turning in circles and blurring the lines.” the piano hits three sharp chords and Peter feels something in him snap. he grabs for her waist, he pulls her close and MJ grips his forearm. their foreheads touch, their eyes close and together they sing, “i won’t lie...I’m a little bit frightened of my imagination I swear I’ll try but I’m feeling enlightened but you’re my inspiration..” 
and the song starts to wind down. their eyes open but they don’t even dare move their foreheads away from each other. they want to be touching. they want to be close and in unison they sing “every star that’s ever fallen...knows the way to where we’re going...now I really know just what you mean to me.....” 
as the piano trails off, Peter tucks a hair behind MJ’s ear and kisses her. she makes the smallest surprised noise in the back of her throat but then she’s gripping the forearm she’s holding on to and leaning into the kiss. 
it’s quiet. the music is done. and they’re still kissing. slow and earnest. 
peter pulls away first and brushes his nose against hers. sweet and urgent. she smiles and he thinks he might have died. because her smile slays him. 
an awkward throat cough echoes in the auditorium. they don’t let go of each other but they both turn their heads to the side. 
their director is there standing next to the blushing freshman pianist. ONLY THEN does Peter have the wherewithal to let go of MJ. he backs away from her. and cracks a guilty grin. his voice hitches, “good?”
MJ playfully smacks his arm. but the director laughs and nods, “good. but a small kiss would suffice. no need to makeout after, Mr. Parker...Miss Jones.” 
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willboland · 7 years
Okay so Halloween is coming up and I was thinking what all my boys would wear and yeah none of you will read this but I want to rant about it anyway cjcjdjd.
So Winksy would definitely be an angel. Big fluffy white wings and gold glitter across his cheeks. I think it would be like a playsuit too???? Obviously white, silky and tight because he has a really good arse and why would he not show it off???? Of course a matching gold halo. Dele would go really low-key with it and only wear like a pair of devil horns and a tail ontop of his normal clothes because he can't be bothered but Winksy insisted they had to match. And he definitely put a little make-up and blood on his face. Eric would go all out as a werewolf with the whole thing. Properly crafted ears with expensive fur, fake fangs, yellow contacts, the whole thing. Obviously he'd have a massive tail too and Dele probably tugs on it all night to wind him up. I think Harry would go really generic with a vampire and buy those stupid fake teeth that don't stay in properly and everytime he's talking they keep popping out so everyone is just giggling. He'd give up with them eventually. And he definitely has a really fancy velvet cape purely because he needed an excuse to buy a cape even though the rest of his costume is like £10 from Tesco??? Hugo would probably be less extreme too but Eric wanted someone to match his costume so he'd go as little red riding hood. He'd just wear a red hoodie and have a little basket full of sweets and cookies that Eric steals all night. At one point he'd probably get a little red bow put in his hair. Only when he's extremely drunk though. Sonny would wear something really cute like a Winnie the Pooh onesie because he just wanted to be warm and comfy all night and figured it would work enough for a costume. (It did) Phil and Bobby would both go as unicorns because they wanted to match but couldn't decide on what so picked something super adorable. Phil would have all the pink stuff and bobby the blue and they'd both have glittery horns and little ears and Phil probably puts rose clips in bobby's hair so he looks even more adorable and they're just cute boys okay. Jordan has to be an elf cause like !!!!! I don't need to say why tbh. He wanted to go all badass like legolass but Adam made him wear a little flower crown as well because it looked pretty nestled in his hair. Didn't even need the fake ears cause he's already got those adorable pointy elf ears.
Because Adam is such a Dad he'd go as himself because he thought it was really funny (it's a tragic dad joke) so everytime people ask why he's just wearing his kit he's like "I'm football superstar Adam Lallana of course" and they're all just shaking their heads at him.
Okay this is SO BAD AND IM SORRY but Studge and Sadio going as Bugs and Lola from space jam. Literally matching costumes and knee high socks and buNNY EARS AND THE FLUFFY TAIL ON SADIO????? You see where I'm coming from now. Baby Benjamin has to go as Tinkerbell because I thought of it and now I can't stop. The little green slippers with pom poms on. The cute green dress. The FAIRY WINGS???? He would be so cute and I honestly can't cope. He probably has a load of glitter being thrown over him all night because its "fairy dust". And then of course Trent would go as Peter Pan and have the cute little hat with Ben following him around everywhere. They definitely get called the cutest couple (even though they're not and even though they want to be) so there's a lot of blushing throughout the night. Haz would go as something really cute like a fawn and draw on the little freckles and wear a pair of handmade antlers he spent the whole month to make. He'd wait till Halloween morning too to add real flowers into his hair too and have those fingerless gloves and they're soft and fluffy and have little pink paws on them and it's probably too hard to pick up drinks so Ben has to hold it for him whilst he drinks through a straw. Marcus would definitely go as a bat because he really wanted to wear the wings and headband. Plus it's an easy costume that he doesn't have to spend forever on because he's too busy helping Jesse with his. He'd have little stick on fangs too and one probably falls off through the night so everytime he smiles for a photo they're all laughing at him missing one. Okay hear me out on this. Jesse as Pikachu. He took that adorable selfie one time with the filter on and now I can't get it out of my damn head. Wearing a headband with the ears on, little red cheeks and of course the tail. He'd just be really cute and half the boys would love it because who doesn't love Pokémon??? And the rest would be confused because what's a Pikachu?????
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scuttleboat · 7 years
tbh, I think the list scene was more about Bellamy and Clarke acknowledging their guilt and self-loathing than it being about not being able to live without the other. Bellamy hates himself enough that he flat out doesn't believe he should be on the list and Clarke couldn't even write her name down. Do you think it's a shipper interpretation to see the List scene being about them refusing to live without the other?
((I got the ages ago and never replied for whatever reason, but I’ll give it a shot today.))
The List Scene
That’s a pretty layered question, anon, and I’m gonna try to unpack it in a couple different ways. First let’s go with your opinion that the list scene is about their own self-loathing, being unable to put themselves on the list so they put each other. I think this is definitely the major thrust of the scene–particularly for Clarke. Bellamy accepts without argument that she wrote him down–in a way he probably was prepared for that because of her insistence in the earlier scene. He is willing to accept it if Clarke makes it so, because he trusts her. Clarke, for herself, CAN’T write her name because she feels so strongly that she’s taking away a seat from a more worthy person. But doing the list is her task, and she _wants_ to live. That’s why her guilt and conflict is so intense here, you can see she was listening to people work outside and looking at Bellamy (who in this moment is a symbol of her future with her loved ones if she writes her name). All of that is compounded and it breaks her heart, because she believes she’s not worthy, yet she wants to live. But also her wanting to live at the expense of others surely must be a selfish choice, thereby making her even more unworthy and creating a negative feedback loop.
Bellamy steps in then and does what she already did for him–he unburdens her. He makes the choice so that she doesn’t have to, going as far as taking the tool and completing the task on her behalf. It’s not a power thing, it’s a gift of emotional mercy. He is returning the gift she gave him by writing his name. It’s every bit as dramatic and magnetic as the choice to pull the lever together in Mount Weather. At that time, he was sharing the load she was determined but terrified to take on. In 403, they both take on the burden for each other. This lets them excuse each other from that final step of guilt–from the outside it probably looks selfish, like they’re just saving each other. And they ARE!  We know that because someone in the crowd called out as much in 404, asking why Bellamy was listed. So this was a mutually selfish act as much as mutually generous. But…they’re human, and this is a terrible thing Clarke has been asked to do. 
Fumbling through that pain and shame together is the best they can do, and it’s hard to condemn Clarke or Bellamy for wanting each other to live, or for wanting to live themselves. Especially on The 100, it’s a motive we all understand. The fact that Clarke and Bellamy both need outside validation that they still deserve to live is incredibly tragic and unfair. Life is a right.
That feeds me into my next point which is about not wanting to live without each other. This is tough because with two characters as emotionally entrenched as bellarke are, how do we draw the line between “he insists she must live” and “he can’t imagine a future without her in it”? Whoevers name goes first and the question becomes moot for the next. Clarke writes down Bellamy’s name because she sincerely believes that a) he deserves to live, b) he is of great necessary value to the group, and c) she cannot bear the idea of him not getting to live. Then its Bellamy’s turn and all those a, b, and c reasons stand for Clarke’s case too. He thinks she is worthy and he cannot tolerate a situation where she dies. Not because he needs her for his own happiness, but because he wants her to LIVE. Him being in the picture is valuable in as much as it gives him grounds to insist that she lives. They both use their influence to save the other.
We see this same scenario play out in 411. Clarke arranges for Bellamy to be kidnapped and taken inside the bunker (on the list). When he pushes her to open the doors, Clarke knows she can save her mom, herself, and all their other friends and loved ones but three people (3 out of 500, and 1 likely dead already). Clarke can tolerate the other two dead people being Kane and Octavia but she can’t handle if it means the third person who has to die for their safety is Bellamy. The person she prioritizes, the person she trusts, the person she loves. His death is a price she can’t pay, so she gives up and lets him decide.
As the grounders take back the bunker in 411/412, we see this again, where Bellamy assures Abby that no matter what he’ll make sure Clarke is safe inside the bunker once Octavia takes control. At this point, Clarke must have low expectation that she will make it through even if there’s a peaceful transition. Luckily the bloodbath she feared doesn’t happen. But Abby, and Bellamy are of course going to ensure she has a place. Because–this literally is not news–they love her. That’s not a shipping statement that is a reality of the characters. Bellamy’s love for Clarke is just as powerful as Abby’s love for her, or as his love​ for Octavia. Clarke’s love for Bellamy is a powerful as her love for Abby, or she would have taken that kill shot. Clarke and Bellamy are at a point now that to let their family member die or to let each other die is a zero sum game. They are both deeply and profoundly loved and it’s trust that saves them… Clarke decides it’s better to trust Bellamy’s call than to lose him because of fear.
So… I’ve wandered off topic, let’s bring it home. Yes, they both believe they don’t deserve to live. Yes, they both believe the other does and will fight for it, even letting that believe in each other outweigh their doubt in themselves. The big question then: is that the same as being unwilling to live without each other? It almost feels like we’re blurring the source vs the symptoms. The cause vs the consequences. When it comes down to it, I think Clarke’s love and Bellamy’s love are pure, unselfish loves. Bellamy is fine being off the list bc he’s confident she will be on it (as will his sister.) Clarke writes his name confidently because she wants him to have a future regardless of where she ends up (oh, that’s some for shadowing for the finale maybe). The love and faith that drives each of them to write down their names is unselfish—but the desire to also stay, to prioritize themselves, that’s the part where wanting a future with the other person comes in. And it’s there, in the wings… that hope of future with someone you love.
 Ultimately I don’t know if their choice in the list scene is  about worthiness or about love–i think it’s both. I think the two topics are so deeply entwined in Clarke and Bellamy’s approach to relationships–with each other and with themselves–that trying to parse all that is ultimately fruitless. Their refusing to live without each other is a consequence of them both being intolerant of a world where the other doesn’t get to survive. Love is unarguably at the root of both.
Shipper Interpretation
There’s one final part about your reply that I wanted to talk about. See beneath the cut…  
You mentioned a “shipper interpretation”. There’s a thing in fandom that this phrase epitomizes, which is the idea that people interpret the scene(s) differently if they ship the characters or if they don’t. And the subsequent implication is that the POV of the acknowledged shipper is a biased POV, tainted by a preconceived assumption. The thesis there is that shippers can’t interpret the show objectively because they go into the show with expectations. That the opinion of shippers will always be somehow opposed to and inferior to that of non shippers. I believe part of that stems from “our ship must be canon bc then we win”, which makes the non shipper fan assume that the shipper doesn’t want to acknowledge story elements that suggest a situation where it’s not canon (and they don’t win). But that is a HUGELY inaccurate assumption, because “becoming canon” only matters to some shippers, not all. Depending on the fandom, it may not even be the majority. It’s true that the loudest online voices in The 100 fandom are obsessed with being canon (hi, it me!), but that doesn’t make us the biggest group. It just means we’re the loudest.
But back around–is it true that a “shipper interpretation” is automatically biased? Why? Certainly I’ve been in situations in all my fandoms where I think “shipper goggles” is a real thing. It seems like it’s real for The 100 a lot of the time. AND YET…. those shipper interpretations are proved right just as often as they’re proved wrong. Let’s look at Clexa for instance. Some people said that Clarke loved Lexa and others said that was a shipper interpretation–but in 307 and 316, the show makes it clear that Clarke did love Lexa both romantically and intensely. So… was believing “Clarke loves Lexa” a shipper interpretation? Or just accurately watching the show? Then take Clexa again–many people who weren’t shippers saw the heavy for shadowing of her death. But the shipper interpretation was that their love was “endgame” and it would be resolved somehow and even that Lexa would become a series regular. In that case… the shipping interpretation of all the 302-306 Clexa scenes was wrong. Lexa died, and their romance won’t be the one that the series ends on.
So if shippers can watch the show and be wrong and yet shippers can watch the show and be right, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? *Oprah_whatisthetruth.gif*
I think maybe it just means that people are people, you know? Watching a show from a shipping context doesn’t make your opinions any less valid than the next person. My brain didn’t get sucked out from between my ears once I started reading bellarke fic, and I’m sure yours didn’t either. I still would make the same story predictions even if I was not invested in a screen relationship, and at times I even triple-check my own reaction just to be sure that I’m not overly biasing myself.
We never know what’s going on in someone else’s thoughts. If they see the show a certain way, we can’t magically know if their perspective is biased or not. That’s life. We do our best to manage our own output; that’s all we truly can know. ….And yeah, we may get judgy at times. We’re all human and sometimes we read a post by an individual and think “OMG that POV is stupid and biased.” But that doesn’t mean that all shippers are wrong just bc they’re shippers. It’s easy to generalize fandom groups but it’s never wholly accurate to do so. People are people, individually and within communities.
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