#tbb echo fan fic
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A brilliant revolutionary is rendered handicapped and loses hope. Echo steps in to help them restore their life...and finds love.

Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Angst, pain, crying, injury, handicapped characters dealing with their condition, kissing and sweetness. I researched Aphasia some, but PLEASE do not come for me. I am not claiming to be an expert. And, I did my very best to be respectful of portraying this medical disorder. My aim was to portray a healthy and devoted relationship with two people who have a physical and mental disability.
No smut (However, all you Echo Lovers who would like a SEPARATE smutty story with these two, PLEASE MESSAGE ME!)
(Divider credit: @hereindreamlandpng @sister-lucifer, Pinterest pic credit: will)
Listen as you read: "Don't Forsake Me" by Ofra Haza
Don't cast me away When I start to fade When my mind's unmade Don't forsake me When my strength has ebbed Don't forsake me
I know the day will come I know the day will come And all my life will be haze and spark Don't ever leave me in the dark
Don't cast me away When I start to fade When my mind's unmade Don't forsake me When my strength has ebbed Don't forsake me Oh, Oh, Oh Don't cast me away
Tech adjusted his goggles while reading the holopad. “Your name is becoming very visible throughout the galaxy. I believe the Outer Rim is NOW referring to you as ‘The Bearer of Emancipation’”
“Kinda cool...but kinda dangerous, eh?” Wrecker mused.
“PROMISED Omega we’d ALL come home safe” Hunter added “And NOT bring the Empire hot on our heels to Pabu.”
I smiled widely feeling EXTRA confident in my abilities promoting clone rights and an overall galaxy wide rebellion post Order 66. "No worries, boys. We're making wonderful headway!"
It all started out for me as a destitute desert rat the Batch picked up while on their travels. They occasionally helped Rex with his Clone Rebellion. The “Sassy Jokester” or the “Brilliant Orator” the boys called me. I really had no skills that would cause them to keep me around. Not as a medic, mechanic, cook, or anything else for that matter. Just someone with a quick wit and courageous mouth. They said my words gave them hope and a reason to feel like actual human beings. And the laughs...all the laughs too.
Then, on a mission for Rex, I met ECHO.
In one afternoon, he wooed me with his rebellious passion for freedom and a safer galaxy. He commed Senator Chuchi, who I had NEVER heard of. We spoke and I was hooked.
From that point on I became a REVOLUTIONARY!
I traveled to so many worlds with so many different squads. Deviating which clones would protect me while meeting the galaxy’s citizens. Changing hearts and minds for The Rebellion.
We had managed to largely avoid any snags with the Empire...or its cult of followers.
So far.
ENVOY____, ENVOY _____!!! A young girl no older than 6 years old appeared, jumping up and down excitedly.
She was genuinely thrilled to meet me. Holding a festively colored box in her hands.
I broke ranks with the boys and approached her.
“Envoy...I... wouldn’t do that.” Hunter warned.
Scoffing at Hunter’s alarm, I continued to approach. This planet was safe, and we experienced no issues with the people here...
Her face lit up as I approached. She held out the box to me “One of your fans told me to give this to you.”
Crosshair’s agitated voice squawked over Hunter’s comm behind me. He did NOT sound like his usual calm self while keeping the sniper’s view of our group...
Her innocent face. The face of Hope...of a peaceful future.
Before I could take the box from her hands, it was shot to the ground from above.
A second later Hunter grabbed the little girl, flipping and jumping away...
The last thing I saw was Wrecker’s armor around me with the blinding light of an explosion behind him...
Then...fade to black...
I awoke in a rudimentary med ward, on an elevated hover stretcher with a rickety stainless-steel table next to it. On it lay a water canteen and an empty bedpan.
There’s a quiet yawn, turning to see Hunter seated next to me. He had just awakened too.
He said something. I could hear him...but his words made no sense. Hunter babbled in a language I barely understood. I could read his facial expressions though: relief, love...then changing to doubt and concern the more he spoke.
He spoke into his comm.
My tensions began to rise...
Minutes later Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair warily, but relieved filed into the room as Hunter commed someone else.
Tech approached and began talking to me. He spoke what seemed volumes before I could discern the occasional word.
Why was this so difficult? Why did I feel like they were speaking an alien language?
I opened my mouth to Tech, thinking he would be able to understand...
...and a guttural sound fell from my mouth. I tried again and again. Same thing.
I felt the tears on my cheeks. Hunter gently wiped them away, rubbing circles on my shoulder with his other hand.
Becoming more hysterical with every attempt to speak...
Crosshair motioned from across the room with the air he reserved for making snide, but hilarious comments to lighten the mood. He was not a cuddler like Hunter.
His sinuous voice pulled the curtain back from my lack of understanding. Where I would normally laugh, I could only mumble unintelligibly.
Then he doubled down, clearly now NOT paying attention to Tech’s facts, nor Hunter growling at him “Crosshair, this is NOT the time or place!”
Wrecker, standing next to Cross, trying to silence his brother to no avail...highly aware of my stress and anxiety...
Then...Crosshair’s voice cuts through my mental haze like a knife through flesh...wounding...
“Are you DEAF and DUMB???”
He ducks just fast enough to not be struck by the stainless-steel bedpan as it hits the wall. There’s fear in HIS eyes and immense guilt as I SCREAM at him...in an unhinged way. I sound like an angry animal.
Wrecker slides over and presses himself into a corner. Trying to make himself smaller. He DOESN’T know what to do.
My screams of rage ramp down to a mournful howl because I AM SCARING HIM.
“HE DIDN’T MEAN IT!” Hunter grabs both of my arms. His expression compassionate and... perhaps too forgiving...
My anger FLARES as he attempts to lessen the blow of his brother's horrible choice of words.
ALWAYS defending him!
WHY can’t Crosshair be more empathetic?
WHY must Hunter step in for this GROWN man?
He suddenly realizes his mistake the second I slam my hands into his chest, pushing him away...
...too strong for me to hurt him...
But his FEELINGS are torn to shreds...and it shows.
Tech is attempting to talk AT ME thinking perhaps his LOGIC would prevail in an otherwise VERY EMOTIONALLY charged situation.
“...a TRAUMATIC brain injury...Aphasia...you can vocalize, however are currently unable to form words.”
Then he sets his datapad onto my lap.
“Perhaps...TYPE the message you wish us to comprehend?”
I inhale SHARPLY. The keys on the touchscreen resembled an angular string of symbols...and were totally unrecognizable to me.
Tech was so sure of my abilities...
A panic attack grips me. I let out a crestfallen moan, shaking my head. No longer even paying attention to the men in the room.
I want to escape. To outrun the situation. I MUST GET OUT OF HERE!!!
Sliding from the stretcher and totally mistakin that my legs would support me post medical coma...
And falling HEAVILY to the med unit floor, taking the stainless-steel table with it. The water in the canteen spills all over me and the floor as I fall stomach down with a SLAP!
IMMEDIATELY, hands on me...trying to lift...
But my RAGE flares AGAIN!
Punching and slapping at the well-meaning men...I FORCE them to retreat...
So that I may lay upon the floor and keep screaming until I'm hoarse.
Finally, silence, I inhale sharply...and exhale raggedly. The room is silent enough to hear a pin drop.
And the familiar thudding of boots entering the room...
Metal boots.
They appear in my line of vision.
A soft but gruff voice speaks “Now...what’s this?” as he kneels.
Then pulls me wet and bruised off the floor and into his arms. I hug his neck. Then try to speak. Nothing but noise comes out.
He strokes my hair “I won’t lie. It’s going to be a HUGE adjustment.”
I look up into those amber eyes as I feel his cold metal scomp on my back.
“Up you go.” As Echo lifts and places me back onto the hover stretcher. Hunter carefully sets a clean gown next to me as Tech hurriedly rights the table and wipes up the water.
Crosshair stands slumped with a defeated expression. Wrecker pokes him in the back HARD.
He straightens up. “I... shouldn’t have said that.” Crosshair’s eyes meet yours. “I’m sorry.”
I nod. Forgiving him while wiping my face.
Hunter squeezes my shoulder “We’ll let you have some space.” Then ushers his brothers out of the room.
Echo stays behind and helps me change into the dry hospital gown. He can tell from my expression I am extremely grateful for his support.
“I ALMOST just missed seeing you awake.”
My eyes shot up to him in surprise.
“Heh...been visiting you the past few weeks since the accident. Of course, you’ve been out and didn’t know it. You know...in-between missions...”
He’s rubbing the back of his neck in the awkward way he does when slightly embarrassed.
My eyes soften.
He smiles.
“My ship had JUST left...then Hunter commed me...”
He steps closer tentatively and takes my hand.
“From the tone of his voice...thought I...uh...WE had LOST you...” He looks so PAINED by the thought.
I couldn’t hold back...he’s been such an ally. But he’s more than that to me. Someone very precious. I LOVE ALL the clones...
But Echo has a VERY special place in my heart.
Pulling him close and embracing him, I sigh.
“I don’t know WHAT I’d do if I lost you.” He whispers in my ear.
I caress his cheek, then pull back from our embrace to gently kiss his lips.
He inhales sharply.
I know this is the FIRST kiss he has EVER experienced in his life. Then I place his hand against my heart, trying to communicate my feelings for him.
He understands completely.
“Will you come with me? I... mean AFTER you’re taken care of medically. Just...can’t leave you again.”
I’m elated...but uncertain about the future. How can I continue my work? It would be IMPOSSIBLE to advocate if I cannot speak...
“You’ll find your voice. We’ll figure SOMETHING out. You’re not done.”
I moan quietly and shake my head.
Then I think of what he’s been through. Now standing here, having picked me up off the floor with one arm, traveling through the galaxy fighting for peace, then coming back time and again to my bedside...a man missing most of his body, whose mind had been tormented for so long...
In his eyes I see HOPE.
If Echo can do it, so can I.
Pabu is a beautiful place to recover. The sunlight, perfect weather...and the people are so attentive and caring. I sit on the beach and watch the waves roll in. My clone family has been nothing but wonderful and supportive.
But I can’t stay here forever. There’s work to do. Especially if I want EVERYONE in the universe to be able to have a safe home and their freedom.
I still cannot speak. According to Tech I may NEVER regain my verbalization. But he was delighted that I was lucky enough to understand the spoken word. Not everyone with this injury can.
“See you made it down here by yourself today.” Echo’s pride shows as he approaches. He’d usually lead me down the rocky steps to the sand.
He’s dressed only in his deep red bodysuit bottoms. Confidently showing off his prosthetics and mechanics. Something he would have NEVER done before we met. His skin is beginning to lose that ghostly pallor.
I give him an “of course” expression and he smiles. He knows I’ve been pushing myself hard. We won’t leave Pabu until I’m cleared medically by Tech. Physical therapy works wonders with mobility. Then there’s the lessons...
“Here’s your teacher now.”
Omega sprints across the beach towards us. She’s wearing a rainbow tie dye swimsuit. Something her and Lyana made one happy Pabu summer day.
“Are you ready?” She’s excited and hopeful.
They both join me on the blanket.
“Ok, recap. Show me what we worked on yesterday.” Omega slips into tutor mode.
I roll my eyes and sign in Standard Basic The quick silver Vulptice jumps over the lazy Lurca.
“PERFECT!” Omega claps her hands ecstatically.
I want something FUN! When will I learn swear words?
Omega laughs into her hands and blushes.
“That’s MY department.” Echo embraces me, pulling my back to his chest. Then leans into my ear whispering something and gestures with his scomp and hand...a very interesting swear word indeed!
Omega explodes into even wilder laughter and falls backward onto the sand.
“What’s SO FUNNY” Hunter asks as he approaches.
Nothing I sign, but giggle.
He glances at Echo and I, then winks with a mischievous grin.
Wrecker sets down a huge cooler of food and drinks, then takes Shep’s hand as they make a beeline for the water in their matching swim trunks.
Batcher tears past and Omega runs after her.
Tech and Phee approach. She holds aloft a beautiful bottle of deep amber alcohol “Hondo sends his FINEST rum. It’s been sold out since the Empire put an alcohol prohibition on their stormtroopers. He held this baby back just for US!”
Tech spreads another big blanket onto the sand as Phee hands the rum to Hunter. Then she removes her gauzy sarong to reveal a beautifully beaded and woven earth toned bikini. Tech is captivated by this. Standing there smiling in his plain beige and heavily pocketed cargo shorts.
Then he scoops her up lovingly over his shoulder and walks calmly into the ocean. She squeals playfully.
Crosshair opens a HUGE beach umbrella and sinks it into the sand, parking himself under it on the blanket next to Hunter. He’s dressed in a black full body wetsuit covering his tall sleek frame, black sunglasses, with his signature toothpick. Cross had since grown out his hair only on the top. His frosty silver locks falling lushly to a side part and long bangs mysteriously covering one eye. Contrasted with Hunter only dressed in a pair of skimpy distressed jean cutoff shorts. The light acid washed denim emphasizing his dark skin and toned body, deep crimson bandana, and jet-black curls resting past his broad shoulders.
Hunter cracks open the rum, pours two glasses and hands one to Crosshair.
The Bachelor Thirst Traps of Pabu. I sign to Echo. The women...and men should be showing up ANY minute now...
Hunter nods, offering us some rum.
“We’ll pass for now.” Echo nods back, eyeing more beachgoers descending the stairs at the top of the cliff. “Looks like your fans are here.” he chuckles.
Hunter stops and sighs “Can’t get a moment of PEACE.”
Crosshair snorts. “When you prance down the streets wearing THAT, what do you expect?
“They’re lucky I even wear ANYTHING to the beach.” Hunter grouses.
They’d feel pretty LUCKY if you DIDN’T! I sign.
Echo snorts. Crosshair throws his head back and cackles.
Hunter smirks “You’re Basic Sign is getting much better.”
Thanks, Sergeant
“Keep an eye on this for me.” Echo pulls off his scomp and tosses it to Cross.
Cross catches and salutes Echo with it, drink in hand.
Echo and I get up from the blanket and head over to our secluded spot at the lagoon. He holds my hand keeping vigilant should I trip on the sand. My legs are still a bit weak.
We sit on a smooth flat boulder next to a shallow pool of sparkling turquoise ocean water. No waves or currents, just a calm oasis with rocks surrounding it allowing for privacy.
I slide in first, floating and buoyant waiting for Echo.
He carefully pulls off both leg prosthetics, leaving them on the boulder, then inches over the edge. I hold out my hands, carefully grasp his hips to help guide him into the water as he lowers himself down with one arm.
There is no embarrassment, nor judgement. We accept help from one another, welcome physical touch, and our loving devotion to one another.
He slides into my arms and encircles me with his, then sighs...
“I could ALMOST see us staying here...indefinitely.”
Almost I sign. But...that ITCH...an urgency to be a part of something... I trail off
“Bigger” he finishes my sentence. “Maybe even something we’ll both NEVER see.” Brief melancholy spreads across his face.
I feel it too. The pull from both worlds.
We have THIS...at least for right NOW. I sign.
“You’re right.” He agrees, hope returning to his face. “Let’s make the most of it.”
He pulls me closer to him and we make the VERY MOST of this day...and each one after that...
#the bad batch#star wars#tbb#bad batch#clone force 99#tbb echo#the bad batch echo#tbb echo x reader#the bad batch echo x reader#tbb non gendered reader#the bad batch non gendered reader#skellymom#wordless#tbb echo x non gendered reader#the bad batch echo x non gendered reader#tbb echo fan fic#the bad batch echo fan fiction#tbb echo romance#the bad batch echo romance#non gendered reader#disabled#disability#non verbal#aphasia#handicapped#handicapped reader#non verbal reader#disabled reader#Youtube
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Between Hearts and Ruin Event
So, ya girl has been experiencing some Technical difficulties lately…Here is a link to the full book version, if y’all are curious as to what’s been going on.
My bestie@legacygirlingreen has the full scoop on her blog too.
💕💜Tag List💜💕
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha @returnofthepineapple @antisocial-mariposa @techs-stitches @resistantecho @kimiheartblade @dezgate @sunshinesdaydream @rex-targaryen @freesia-writes @heidnspeak @queenjiru @commanderfury @kyda-atshushi @deezlees @thebadbatchfan @aknightreaderr
#leena the green girl#legacygirlingreen’s writing#the bad batch#star wars#tbb#my art <3#star wars the bad batch#tbb tech#tech#oc Leena#oc Kayden#tcw hardcase#clone wars hardcase#hardcase fanart#tech tbb#tech fanart#tech fanfic#friends writing#oc Marina#legacygirlingreen’s oc’s#echo fanart#echo fanfiction#valentines day#happy valentine's day#tech the bad batch#star wars fan fic#starwars fanart#echo tbb#star wars hardcase#Star Wars tech
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The Timeline of All My "Star Wars: The Bad Batch" Fics
Because all my TBB fics are set in the same continuity, I wanted to create a timeline of when they all take place relative to the show and each other.
This is mostly for my own reference, but I figured I'd post it here in case anyone was interested in checking them out. (Or if you have already, it might be useful to see the timeline laid out, because some fics/chapters were written out of order chronologically.)
Hunter & Crosshair: "Where There is Light, There is Always Hope" | Set during The Clone Wars, before Echo joins TBB
On Tantiss After "Plan 99" | Set between the events of 2.16 "Plan 99" and 3.01 "Confined"
Between "A Different Approach" and "The Return" | Set between the events of 3.04 "A Different Approach" and 3.05 "The Return"
Just Beyond "Point of No Return" | Set between the events of 3.11 "Point of No Return" and 3.12 "Juggernaut"
Three Weeks After the Finale... | Set 3 weeks after the TBB series finale
Crosshair & Omega: Always on the Same Team - Chapters 2 & 3 | Set about 2 months after the TBB series finale
Crosshair & Omega: Always on the Same Team - Chapter 1 | Set about 3 months after the TBB series finale
Crosshair & Omega: Always on the Same Team - Chapters 4 & 5 | Set a week after Chapter 1, so about 3 months after the TBB series finale
The Bad Batch Chooses a Family Name - Chapters 1-4 | Set about 4 months after the TBB series finale
Crosshair vs. Cad Bane: The Sharpshooter Showdown | Set about 5 months after the TBB series finale
Celebrating Life Day on Pabu - Chapter 1 | Set about two weeks after the events of "The Sharpshooter Showdown," so about 5-6 months after the TBB series finale
Celebrating Life Day on Pabu - Chapter 2 | Takes place over the course of several weeks after Chapter 1, with last section taking place concurrently with "Crosshair Accepts a (Helping) Hand"
Crosshair Accepts a (Helping) Hand | Set about six weeks after "The Sharpshooter Showdown," so about 7 months after the TBB series finale (NOTE: THIS FIC IS ONGOING)
Celebrating Life Day on Pabu - Chapters 3-7 | Set about 8 months after the TBB series finale
Crosshair & Omega: Always on the Same Team - Chapter 6 | Set shortly before the events of the TBB epilogue
The Bad Batch Chooses a Family Name - Chapter 5 | Set shortly after the events of the TBB epilogue
This is subject to updates whenever I post a new fic.
#star wars#the bad batch#tbb spoilers#tbb crosshair#tbb season 3#the bad batch crosshair#tbb omega#omega and crosshair#crosshair and omega#hunter and omega#omega and hunter#echo#wrecker#crosshair#omega tbb#fic rec#my fic#fan fiction#my fanfiction#hunter and crosshair#crosshair and hunter#tbb fic#tbb fan fiction#tbb fanfiction#tbb fandom
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Chapter 17 of the Star Wars fic "Order 65". The rest can be found here.
19 BBY, Coruscant, Coruscant Underworld
Rex stared up at Cody above him, the blaster still level with his face. He was wearing civvies, and was a little unsteady on his feet, but the barrel of the blaster didn’t waver.
“You didn’t survive.” Cody said again. “They put your name on the wall, Rex. There are records of the ship going down. I read them all. You died.”
“I made it off the ship.” Rex said, slowly pushing himself up onto his elbows. The blaster stayed where it was. “Barely. But I did. Commander Tano helped me.”
The blaster did waver then. “The Jedi are dead, Rex.”
“If you don’t think I’m alive, then why do you keep using my name?”
“You being alive and you being you are two different things.” Cody said, hand tightening on the blaster. “If you were going to arrest me, Stormtroopers would already be swarming this place. So you’re you. You’re just also dead.”
“And how does that work?”
“Simple. You’re not real.”
Rex’ heart clenched as he took in his friend’s disheveled appearance, really took it in, for the first time. The wobble in his step, the open door of the bar behind him, the stench of alcohol that wafted out into the street.
“How do I prove to you that I’m real?”
“You can start by not bringing up ghosts.” the blaster finally lowered, Cody’s hand falling to his side. He pushed the hair out of his face. It had gotten long enough to fall into his eyes.
“Commander Tano is alive.”
“Even if she was, she’s not a commander of anything, anymore.”
“It’s a sign of respect.”
“It’s a lie.” Cody leaned against the wall of the alley, staring at him with his head tilted to the side.
“I’m alive, and so is she.”
“Stop making things up. Better yet, just go away.” Cody pressed a hand to his temple.
Rex pushed himself to his feet, and when the blaster didn’t come up again, took a few steps towards his friend. He reached out a tentative hand and placed it on Cody’s shoulder. His brother jumped, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“I’m real, Cody. I’m alive, and so is she.” Rex said again.
And his brother’s eyes filled with tears. Rex had served most of his life alongside Cody. He’d always been one of the most put together people Rex knew; practical and grounded, able to put his emotions aside and get the job done. You had to be, to run a legion. You had to be able to bury the dead and move on, all in the same day.
And some part of that person was still in there, fighting to keep it all under wraps. Rex could see it. But still a single tear traveled slowly down his cheek.
“It’s really you?”
“It’s really me.” Rex affirmed, wrapping his arms around his brother. The blaster clattered from Cody’s hand as he hugged him back.
“It’s you. You’re real. You’re here” Cody said, quietly, into his shoulder.
“I’m here, brother.”
“How did you survive? I saw the holos of the ship going down-”
“Commander Tano is alive. We escaped together. She helped me with my chip, just like I’m going to help you with yours.”
Cody pulled away from him, confused. “Chip?”
“Inhibitor chips.” Rex explained. “We were all fitted with them. The Kaminoans did it. I don’t know why, or who ordered it, but that’s how they made us do it. How they made us turn against the Jedi.”
Cody stumbled away from him, nearly tripping on a broken bottle left lying in the alley. “What do you mean how they made us?”
“Couldn’t you feel it?” Rex’s fists clenched at the mere memory of it. “The way those words wormed their way into your head? Forced your body to move even as your mind refused? I would never have fired on Commander Tano, you would never have-” His eyes widened with realization. The booze, the layer of stubble covering his usually clean shaven face, the haunted look in his brother’s eyes.
The broken look.
You’re not real. You can start by not bringing up ghosts. The Jedi are dead, Rex.
“Cody, that wasn’t you.” Rex told him.
The bond between the clones and their Jedi generals had always been strong. Rex would have died for General Skywalker or Commander Tano in a heartbeat. The same way he would have for any of his men. They were some of the few outsiders that were like brothers to them. Their brothers and sisters in arms.
Rex couldn’t imagine what it would have felt like if he’d hurt Commander Skywalker. If he’d been the one to pull the trigger and-
But Cody had always been close with General Kenobi. Closer than he should have been, maybe. There were rules. Cody usually followed rules. He lived and breathed them. Or he had, anyway. Before all of this. But Rex had seen the way he looked at the General. If-
“That wasn’t you.” he repeated, but Cody just took another step back, shaking his head.
“Who else could it have been?”
“The Emperor. The Empire. Whoever was pulling the strings of this whole kriffing war. It was all for nothing, Cody. All the battles, all the deaths.” he reached out and took his brother by the shoulders, shaking him. “But it wasn’t you. Whatever happened, whatever you think you did, that wasn’t you.”
“What does it matter who it was?” Cody looked up at him, eyes wide and horrified, voice dropping low. “He’s dead.”
Rex squeezed his shoulder. He didn’t know what else to do. What to say.
Eventually Cody took a deep breath, shrugging him off and going to pick up his blaster from where it had fallen. He shoved it back into it’s holster. “If you’re right, and there is some way for them to… to control me again. Then let’s get it out.”
His hands were shaking. Rex didn’t mention it.
“Alright. Let’s go.”
#star wars#order 66#the clone wars#clone wars#tcw#star wars the clone wars#swtcw#captain rex#riyo chuchi#senator chuchi#fox#commander fox#rex#clone troopers#clone trooper#arc trooper echo#tbb echo#echo#clone trooper echo#captain howzer#star wars fan fiction#obi wan kenobi#commander cody#clones#fan fiction#fan fic writing#sw fanfic#star wars fanfiction#tcw fox#foxiyo
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Please don't shoot me for this...
But Echo's "Hey kid, and... Other kids."
Has almost the same cadence as Freddy Prince Jr's
"Hey dawg, and uh... Dog,"
From the live action Scooby Doo movie and now I can't help but imagine Echo saying all th-
*nifty little gunshot wound*
#the bad batch#tbb#rewatch rambles#tbb echo#echo#arc trooper echo#scooby doo#“and he was like 'WHA?' and i was like 'later Oyyn'”#“i can look at myself naked”#“no offence you just kind of creep-me-ouyt”#i could go on#fan fic challenge#write an echo story using a freddy line from the luve action scooby doo films as a promt#ill wait
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Day 3: Conflict

Day 3 post for this years @clonexocweek
Changing it up with a piece about Echo and Nessara. This takes place just after the season finale of Season 3 of The Bad Batch.
You can learn more about Nessara in my long format clone wars fanfic, Tales from Asha.
Summary: Echo and Nessara have a heart to heart conversation about the state of their relationship. Echo must make a hard choice; stay and help his brothers, or lose the woman he loves?
Warnings & Triggers: None
Words: 850
“We could stop.” Nessara said, looking at her hands. “Fighting the Empire, I mean.” she clarified.
Echo looked over at her, his eyes going wide as he processed what she was saying.
“We could just leave all this behind and create a new life together.” She explained.
Nessara looked up at Echo, her eyes met his. Although they were mechanical creations, they still held so much emotion in their depths. Echo always marvelled at how real her eyes looked, he would have never guessed they were fabricated, or in fact, that 80% of her wasn’t her original human body. Like him, she was mostly machine now, but not their hearts. Their hearts were real, and the love they felt for each was real.
“Is that what you want?” He asked her.
She blinked at his question, taking a moment to consider it, and her answer.
“I want you. More time with you. We have missed so much time together. It feels like it is always being stolen from us for another mission, another fight, another person who needs you more than me.” She replied honestly.
The words cut into Echo like a knife. He admired her honesty, but sometimes it could be brutal. He hadn’t realised how much this had been affecting her. She put on a brave face, always telling him to do the right thing, to help his brothers. But all this time, she was missing him.
“I cannot cry.” Nessara continued, “My designer felt it was an unnecessary function for my eyes. However, I feel like crying every time you leave me. I never know if I will see you again. It is like the Citadel mission all over again. A part of me dies every time you go.” She looked back at her hands, balling them into fists on her lap. “I cannot keep living like this Echo.”
Echo felt a lump forming in his throat and tried to swallow. The emotions that burst into his chest were overwhelming, but the biggest emotion of all was guilt. He hadn’t considered what she was going through. Nessara never talked about her emotions. She reminded him of Tech in that way. But just because they didn’t talk about their emotions, it didn’t mean they didn’t feel things.
“You’re asking me to choose between my brothers and you?” Echo asked her, the depth of the conversation sinking in.
“I-I guess I am, in a way. Not all of them, we could go live in the compound with Fives and the others. You will still have your brothers around you…” She faltered.
“You mean Rex, and Hunter. You want me to stop helping them.” Echo’s eyebrows furrowed, deep in thought, a shadow passing over his face.
“I understand if you chose them over me. I will not be upset about it.” She said quietly. “But I cannot keep saying goodbye, wondering if it is the last time, every time. I want to say goodbye and know it is final, it is done. So if you want to leave, I will understand, and I will come to peace with your decision. But, I will no longer be waiting for you to come back.”
The finality in which she said this made Echo’s breath hitch in his chest. It was like an iron clamp was crushing his heart, it was difficult to breath, to think. She was his wife, the woman he loved, and he had been causing her so much pain, so much grief. How had he not seen it? How could he not know until now?
Echo reached out, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a tight embrace. He buried his face in her hair, screwing his eyes shut as he felt tears threatening to fall. She let him hug her, but didn’t return the embrace. This broke Echo’s heart even further. He couldn’t hold back his tears. He broke down sobbing as he held her.
His mind raced through the thought of losing her, weighing it against giving up the fight with Rex. How could he choose?
Echo thought of Rex’s choice. He had chosen to stay and fight over being with Catrin. Echo saw the pain that choice had caused, the regret in Rex’s eyes every time he looked at Catrin.
As Echo thought it through, the anguish of never seeing Nessara again hit him like a tidal wave. He couldn’t imagine his life without her in it. What was the point of fighting, if he didn’t have her to come back to after each mission? She was the best thing to ever happen to him. The only true joy he had ever felt in his entire life.
“I choose you, Nessa.” He wept into her hair. “I will always choose you.”
His grip on her tightened, like she could disappear at any moment. At his words, he felt her relax slightly. Nessara’s arms wrapped around his waist as she hugged him back, her face buried in his chest. They sat in that embrace for a long while as Echo let his sobbing slowly subside.
#clonexocweek2025#clonexocweek2025 day 3#Echo x Nessara#starwars#clonetrooper#clones#badbatch#clonewars#the bad batch#Echo#arc trooper echo#tbb echo#fan fic#fan fic writing
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The Captain and the Senator
Summary: Captain Rex and Senator Riyo Chuchi undertake the difficult task of building and running the Clone Underground and, in the process, begin a close relationship.
Warnings: Chapters labeled 🌶️ contain explicit sexual content.
Notes: This takes place during the events of The Bad Batch, in and around the episodes featuring Riyo Chuchi. As of now, it’s a work in progress, and I will update this list as each chapter is posted. The titles and amount of chapters are subject to change.
Truth and Consequences Revisited
Coruscant Covers 🌶️
Tipping Point to Pantora
Project Spycraft
Infiltration on Orto Plutonia 🌶️
Offerings to the Moon Goddess 🌶️
The Cavalry Deferred
#star wars#the bad batch#captain rex#riyo chuchi#rexiyo#tbb echo#clone underground#star wars fan fiction#the bad batch fan fiction#captain rex fan fiction#captain rex smut#riyo chuchi fan fiction#riyo chuchi smut#*#fic#rex#chuchi#the captain and the senator#prob too early to post but i wanted it up as a reference
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TBB Modern AU
Part I
Learning about the batch. Gonky is discovered 🙏🏻 Fives is visited.
Part II
Part III
(Ongoing so idk how many parts there will be)
My AU backstory I made in August of 2023
#Sha speaks#star wars#clone troopers#tcw#the bad batch#tbb#the clone wars#tbb echo#tbb Hunter#tbb omega#tbb Crosshair#tbb wrecker#fives#arc trooper fives#star wars fan fiction#the bad batch fic#modern au#tbb au#the bad batch modern au#the bad batch au
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Need help finding a story!
I am looking for a series where the reader works on Vaders ship, and when her mother dies, he has a tombstone arranged for the readers mother. And if I'm remembering correctly, she's being somewhat harassed and looked down on by the others on the ship.
(Had to start posting this in other tags since I haven't been any feedback at all. Sorry
#fan fiction#star wars the clone wars#star wars#star wars x reader#anakin skywalker#anakin x reader#captain rex x reader#commander wolffe x reader#commander cody x reader#x reader#help finding a fic#captain gregor x reader#tbb echo#the bad batch x reader#the bad batch#captain rex#hunter x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#obey me x reader
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Poor little bug on the wall
Summary : Omega wants to play with her Buirs Tech and Hunter for the day
A/N: Yes I based this on that one episode from Bluey. I started writing this a year and a half ago and only just now finished. I hope you all enjoy my first ever bad batch fic!
Words amount: 3002
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60769225
Summer was always a good time for the Fett household. The five brothers who shared the house on the beautiful planet of Pabu would all agree that summer was their favorite season out of the four. It gave them the excuse to go outside and bask in the warmth of the sun and do all kinds of activities outside as well. And it seemed that their most recent addition to the family, their daughter, Omega, couldn’t agree more. The four year old absolutely loved to play outside. Ever since she was first brought outside on her first few days of summer, her five Buirs could easily tell how much she loved the outdoors and was always eager to explore and discover things in their big backyard
So today was no different as Omega watched eagerly as her Buir Wrecker was busy hanging up a handmade swing made out of old blankets in a tree in their backyard for her to play on. Tying off the two blankets together around the lowest hanging branch, making sure it was extra tight so that it wouldn’t come undone by any roughhousing in it, Wrecker took a step back and admired his handiwork. “Well what do you think, Kiddo? Can I make a blanket swing or what?” Wrecker chuckled in amusement as Omega immediately got up from where she was sitting on the ground and running over before launching herself into the swing, the cloth thankfully catching her and swinging back and forth as she let out excited giggles
“I’ll take that as a job well done. Now then, I’m gonna go take care of the laundry, don’t go too crazy on this thing.” Wrecker joked with a chuckle as he reached down to gently ruffle Omega’s blond curly hair before walking off to go take care of the laundry inside their home. The little girl was now left alone in the backyard, although two of her other Buir were close by. Hunter was busying himself by pulling some weeds in the nearby garden while Tech was up on the back porch typing away at his holopad as he was apparently doing some work from home that day
Omega was able to busy herself with the swing for maybe a good ten minutes, but like all young kids, she got bored fairly fast. That was until she thought of a game to play, a game in which she would need two people to play with. And who better to choose other than two of her fathers that were already present in the backyard? Omega was a wiz when it came to coming up with games, and her Buirs practically had most of them memorized at this point with how many times she’s pulled them into her games to play with her
Hopping out of the swing, Omega quickly made her way over to Hunter who seemed to be taking a small break from pulling weeds, chugging on a spare water bottle he had. But as he was drinking his water, Hunter nearly choked on it when he felt something jump onto his back. “Daddy! Can you play a game with me?” Omega asked with a grin as she looked up at her dad with big wide pleading eyes. Damn those eyes. Hunter could never bring himself to say no to her when she pulled out those pleading eyes
“Well I don’t see why not. I could use a break from pulling weeds for a bit.” He replied with a small grin of his own as he slowly pushed himself to his feet, dusting the dirt off his pants. “Can Buir Tech play with us too?” Omega then asked, tugging on Hunter’s hand in the direction of the back porch where Tech was still typing away at his holopad. “Well, why don’t we go and ask him?” Hunter mused as he began to follow Omega towards the back porch. She quickly ran up the few steps onto the back porch and over to the table where Tech was still typing away
But as Omega came running up to him, Tech pulled his attention from his holopad away for a moment to smile fondly at her in greeting. “Well hello, Adi’ka. What’s got you all excited?” He asked in a slightly amused tone as he watched her bounce on her heels. “Can you play a game with me and Buir Hunter?” She asked eagerly as she grabbed ahold of Tech’s hand and began pulling on it to get him out of his seat. Tech however was unsure. He was awfully busy with his work and preferred to get things done as quickly as possible, but then again, he didn’t want to disappoint his little girl. So he ultimately decided to take a break
“Very well. I can step aside and play for a few minutes.” Tech hummed with a nod before standing up from his seat. “Yes!” Omega celebrated before immediately grabbing Hunter’s hand and Tech’s and pulling them both in the direction of the blanket swing and making them sit down on the ground. “Ok, so this game is called Butterflies.” Omega started out explaining as soon as her two Buir were sat down on the grass. “First the caterpillar crawls into the cocoon and waits to hatch.” She explained while demonstrating by crawling on the ground before climbing into the blanket swing. “Then the butterfly hatches out.” Omega added as she pulled herself out of the swing and began to walk around, flapping her arms to indicate her flying
“Very interesting so far.” Tech hummed in amusement as he watched his daughter explain the game to him and Hunter. “But, the butterfly catchers have been hiding.” Omega then suddenly chimed in as she ran over to the nearby shed in the corner of the back yard, hiding behind it before poking her head out. “They wait for the butterfly to come out and they catch it.” She finally finished up as she came running back over to her Buirs. The game was simple really, but so were most of her games. And her Buirs honestly wouldn’t have it any other way
“Alright, seems easy enough. So who’s gonna be the butterfly first?” Hunter then asked as he looked down at their daughter in front of them. Omega paused for a moment, the gears in her head turning as she decided who should go first before eventually she looked over at Tech. “You can go first, Daddy.” She told him with a grin, to which Hunter chuckled in amusement. “You heard the little lady, Tech. You gotta be the butterfly.” He mused as he playfully elbowed his brother in the arm before pushing himself up onto his feet. Tech merely let out a sigh. “Very well. I’ll go first.” He relented before getting down on his hands and knees and began crawling towards the blanket swing
Omega merely squealed in excitement before running off behind the shed with Hunter so that they could be the butterfly catchers. Once behind the shed, the two of them poked their heads out to watch as Tech climbed into the blanket swing. Of course he was much too big for it and his limbs hung out the sides of it, but it nevertheless held his weight. “You ready to catch the butterfly, Mega?” Hunter asked as he knelt down by his daughter’s side who excitedly nodded in reply. But before she could say anything, something caught her attention on the wall of the shed
Slowly crawling up the wall of the shed, was a little ladybug. Omega was always fascinated by bugs ever since she had first laid eyes on one. She just thought they were the coolest things ever. So to see a ladybug up so close, immediately caught her attention. “Ooo.” She said softly as she got closer to the bug, looking at it up close and getting Hunter’s attention in the process. Then as she watched ladybug climb up the wall, she began to sing a little song that her Buirs taught her
“Poor little bug on the wall. Inching. No one to love him at all. Inching. No one to tickle his toes. Inching. No one to blow his nose.” On the last line of the song, Omega blew a raspberry to punctuate her words before giggling quietly to herself, causing Hunter to chuckle along with her as well. But soon enough their attention was brought back to Tech as he finally pulled himself out of the blanket swing. “My metamorphosis is complete and I am now a butterfly.” He announced before gracefully flapping his arms up and down just as Omega had done earlier
“Ready Megs?” Hunter asked in a quick whisper to which Omega immediately nodded before the two of them immediately ran out after Tech, letting out loud war cries as they did so. Tech couldn’t get far before Hunter practically tackled him to the ground and soon enough Omega landed on top of him, effectively pinning him to the grass. “Gotcha!” She giggled loudly as she looked down at Tech beneath her. “You sure did, Omega.” Tech mused with a chuckle as he reached up to playfully boop her little nose
Soon Omega crawled off her Bui and started to crawl around on the ground instead. “My turn!” She announced with a grin. “Alright go on, Kiddo. We’ll be waiting for you.” Hunter hummed with a grin of his own as he helped Tech up onto his feet before the pair of them made their way behind the nearby shed
Omega wasted no time making a show of herself crawling along the ground, knowing fully well her Buirs were watching her from nearby. All the while she made little “eep”ing noises that she figured a caterpillar would make. Once she was close enough to the cloth swing, she grabbed the edge of it and hoisted herself up onto her feet. She attempted to climb inside but stumbled at first, but that didn’t bring her down. With another “eep eep eep” she pulled herself up and inside the swing with a quiet giggle
Once successfully inside the cocoon, Omega began to sing her bug song, a wide grin on her lips as she did so. Meanwhile at the shed, Tech and Hunter were both waiting patiently for Omega to “hatch” out of her cocoon. But their attention was suddenly brought back to their home when they heard a voice coming from the back porch. Upon looking over, they saw their brother, Echo, waving them over. “Tech! Hunter! I need your help with something!”
The pair looked at each other on what to do. They didn’t want to leave Omega in the middle of her game but upon looking back, she still seemed to be busy away singing her song inside her cocoon. Maybe whatever Echo needed help with wouldn’t take so long and they would be back before she even noticed they were gone. It was agreed. Getting up from where they were hiding behind the shed, Tech and Hunter quickly made their way back to the house and heading inside with Echo
Meanwhile back outside, Omega had finally stopped singing. “Okay! I think I’m ready to be a butterfly now!” She called loudly, giggling in excitement as she climbed out of the swing, flapping her arms up and down as she waited for her Buirs to spring out and catch her. But when nobody came after a few seconds, she figured she’d go to where they were hiding. “I’m flapping around. I sure hope there aren’t any butterfly catchers nearby!” She called as she peeked around the corner to where she thought Hunter and Tech were hiding only to find the place empty
Omega frowned slightly in confusion. Where could they be? Maybe they were hiding somewhere else to catch her by surprise. With a new found sense of excitement, she began to wander around the backyard to look for where her two silly Buirs were hiding. But after a few minutes of searching, there was no luck and Omega only got more and more saddened and confused. Where did they go? Did they not want to play? Upon checking up on the back porch, Omega heard their voices coming from inside the kitchen, so she immediately headed inside to see what they were doing
Upon stepping inside, Omega saw that Tech and Hunter were working away with her Buir Echo at cutting up fruits and vegetables for what seemed to be for lunch, the three of them talking amongst themselves about Force knew what. But that didn’t matter to Omega, all that mattered was that Tech and Hunter left when they were playing with her, without telling her. “Buir…you were both supposed to catch me.” She called to them with a deep frown on her little face
Tech and Hunter both shared a look of guilt and surprise when they heard Omega’s voice coming from behind them. Tech was the first to turn and move over to Omega. “Your Buir Echo needed our help with making lunch, little Star. It took us a bit longer to finish than expected but I promise that we will keep playing once we’re finished.” He explained to her to the best of his ability but even with his reassuring words, she still seemed deeply upset. “Oh…okay…” She said before turning and leaving out the back door and into the backyard
Hunter watched her leave with a deep frown of his own on his lips. He hated seeing his little Ad’ika so upset. He knew they should have told her that they needed to leave the game for a bit so she would be less disappointed but he thought they would finish up sooner than expected. As he gazed out a nearby window, Hunter watched as Omega walked over to the blanket swing and hauled herself inside. Letting out a sigh, he quickly finished up chopping the veggies he was working on and handed the cutting board to Echo. “I’m gonna go make sure, Mega is okay.” He explained before walking out to the backyard
Walking up to the blanket swing, Hunter could just barely see a tuft of Omega’s curly blonde hair sticking out of the edge. “Mega?” He called quietly as he sat down just a foot or so away from the swing. Of course he got no response. Omega was often always quiet when she was upset. “Omega we’re both sorry we left the game without telling you. Echo needed our help with making lunch and we thought we would be back in time for you to come out. We can keep playing if you’d like. Tech shouldn’t be much longer.” He explained as he watched the blanket swing patiently
No response and no movement from Omega. She really was upset. Letting out a defeated sigh, Hunter turned away and looked down at the grass beneath him. On a nearby blade of grass, he saw a little ladybug climbing along the grass. “Poor little bug on the wall…inching. No one to love him at all…” Hunter found himself singing quietly to himself. It was such a silly thing for him to do but he didn’t know what else to do in that moment
But from behind him in the blanket swing, he could just barely hear the smallest voice reply back. “Inching…” Came Omega’s muffled voice. Upon hearing her little voice, Hunter’s lips quirked up into a slight smile and he quickly turned back around to face his daughter. “No one to tickle his toes.” He continued as Omega popped her head out of one of the openings to the swing. “Inching.” She replied. “No one to blow his nose.” Hunter finished off and as soon as he saw a small smile grace Omega’s lips, he immediately reached out and pulled her into a tight hug, nuzzling his nose against hers
The father and daughter soon pulled away from their embrace just as Tech finally made his way out to the backyard. “There you are, Omega.” He called before making his way over to the pair. “I truly apologize, my little star. We should have told you we needed to help with making lunch rather than just leave you in the dark. Can you ever forgive us?” Tech asked with a deep sincerity in his voice. Omega only smiled and moved over to hug him, her little arms wrapping tightly around his neck. “It’s okay, Daddy. I forgive you.” She replied, smiling when Tech hugged her back, his arms squeezing around her torso
“Alright, Mega. You can be the butterfly again if you’d like.” Hunter then chimed in an offer. The little girl thought about it for a moment before shaking her head. “Actually I wanna be the catcher.” She announced. “Me too.” Hunter added. “I would like to be the catcher as well.” Tech proceeded. “Oh. Well who will we catch then?” Hunter then asked in confusion once he realized that no one wanted to be the butterfly
At his question, there was the sound of humming coming from the back porch as Wrecker stepped outside with a basket of wet clothes. “I’m gonna put these clean clothes away, gonna put these clean clothes away.” He hummed to himself as he made his way over to the clothes line. Omega, Tech and Hunter all looked at each other and smirked mischievously when they all got the same idea
Wrecker was none the wiser to the three people creeping up behind him as he hung up the clothes on the line. But he was soon alerted to the sound of his daughter’s voice when she yelled “Catch him!” And not even three seconds later, Wrecker was tackled into the grass by two of his brothers and their sweet little Ad’ika. The fours laughter all rung out into the open air. Summer was a good time for the Fett house indeed
#star wars#the bad batch#tbb#the dad batch#omega is the bad batch’s kid#tbb hunter#tbb tech#tbb omega#tbb wrecker#tbb echo#no Crosshair sorry yall#I’ll feed you crosshair fans in the future I promise#the bad batch fanfiction#tbb fanfiction#my fics
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Angsty angst between the reader (mildly Force sensitive/empath-nothing super powerful), a lover and a friend regarding the fate of the squad. Someone needs to listen and realize there is more than one future for Clone FAMILY 99.

Background: Love is hard and I wanted to capture a relationship that is trying to survive in a time of chaos and oppression. Where nothing is a sure bet, and the thought of losing loved ones is terrifying and a real possibility. How long can CF99 stay hidden on Ord Mantell? The reader experiences a sense of dread that their sanctuary may not last long.
...with a little Punk shenanigans thrown in to show the Fascists just WHO they are kriffin' around with!
Y'all, this started as a fun romp in Punk Crime...then got REAL deep. Couldn't help the word count. The story just kind wrote itself.
Note: This story hints at a possible LOVE TRIANGLE. Not extremely apparent. But those of you who code Hunter as "The Boyfriend" and code Echo as "The Close Friend" might see it. Also, Passion and Practicality as dramatic opposites.
Those of you who wish to NOT SEE A LOVE TRIANGLE. Please just read this dynamic as a caring lover vs a caring friend. Hopefully it's ambiguous enough for EVERYONE.
People who aren't particularly fond of Hunter's character arc while on Ord Mantell during S2 of the actual series will LOVE that I pick on him a bit in this fic.
Word Count: 3.5K
WARNING: Star Wars Canon Violence, someone is stabbed in shoulder w/no mention of blood, blood smear on a bottle, fear, angst, maybe mild swearing, briefly implied sex in one sentence.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
“Aww...” Omega kicked the dirt and hung her head...twisting the pendant around her neck.
“Sorry kiddo. We just...don’t have the credits.” I shrugged feeling defeated.
She gave one last glance at the chocolate bar, nodded and shuffled off to the next vendor’s stand.
“Hey.” Getting the attention of the vendor who owned the stand. “Would you take 2 credits instead of 3? For the kid??” Pointing in Omega’s direction.
It was worth a try.
“Come back when ya got the credits...or DON’T come back AT ALL!” The vendor waved me away from their stand.’
“Geez, you don’t have to be so RUDE about it!” I shot back as I left to catch up with Omega.
The vendor yelled after me “YOU PEOPLE...always wanting a handout! Glad the Empire is cleaning up the planets in this system. SICK OF YOUR KIND!”
I waved back to him with a very specific hand signal...

Being poor sucks.
We’ve been scraping by since working for Cid on Ord Mantell. Hunter and I have been talking about taking the squad and bailing soon...
...after the NEXT job.
We’ve been talking about this for a while. But it’s always about the NEXT job...even if that was the last job we just did.
He’s scared to leave and face the unknown.
It’s the devil he knows. And, somehow, it’s a kind of unfavorable comfort.
But I HATE that Cid holds shit over our heads constantly.
It’s making me seethe. Making me resent my scared lover a bit. And it breaks my heart that Omega can’t be a child...
If Crosshair was here, he’d have set shit straight right away...
But The Empire took him away from us.
Echo agrees with me and tries to reason with Hunter.
Tech gets sidetracked with everything going on.
Wrecker, ever the supportive sibling goes along for the ride.
Omega falls in with them too. It’s all an adventure for her...
Until it’s not. And, I’m worried that’s going to be very soon.
I can feel it.
Every day SOMETHING is getting closer.
And, I itch to escape this planet.
But I WON’T go without them. Life is nothing without them ALL.
My opinion: We ALL can do better somewhere else. Somewhere that WON’T have us living hand to mouth.
But we MUST leave Ord Mantell. Or we’ll never know what the future might hold for us.

ANOTHER mission for Cid. And this one requiring that I and Omega stay behind for “safety reasons.”
Hunter’s words, not mine.
And this time Echo spoke up “The fact that we are leaving them behind means it’s time for us to terminate Cid’s employ.”
“Where would we go? Cid was YOUR contact, remember.” Hunter shot back.
Echo nodded across the room to me “She can FEEL it. I believe her that we don’t have much time left. Can’t you feel it too???”
Hunter sat down wearily and sighed. “EVERYTHING has been a blur since losing Crosshair...” Putting his hand to his brow “Been missing a LOT lately.”
Omega is sitting next to me. I can see the panic in her eyes. “Why are they arguing?”
“Because they love us. And, making decisions for the ones you love is difficult.” I didn’t want to tell Omega that these men who normally have such a close camaraderie are only openly arguing because they are AFRAID. The dynamic in our squad is starting to break down. She’s seen and been through enough. I try to shield her from what I can when I can.
Tech and Wrecker weighed in on the situation...which now REALLY doesn’t help.
Their voices rose higher. I don’t hear the words anymore. Just FEEL the emotions behind them: accusations, defensiveness, declarations to fight the Empire, plans to score big one last time and retire for good...
I can’t sit here anymore. Gently took Omega’s hand, leading her out of Cid’s Parlor with the lure of a “window shopping” to blow off steam. Basically poor-person's shopping.
She stops at the doorway, looking up at me. So many emotions on her face. “Shouldn't we tell them where we’re going?” Omega remembers the last time she stepped out without checking in.
I survey the loud debate between four grown men...four grown men who are scared, unsure boys who never had to live this way before. My heart went out to every one of them. I tried to tell them, to contribute to this discussion...so many times. But they defer to two polar opposites with nothing in-between:
Stay and keep working for Cid, hoping to eventually get ahead...then go retire on some fictional planet with a slim hope the Empire will never find us.
Or, leave Ord Mantell forever and fly away with false fantasies of a battle leading to victory while heading right into the belly of the BEAST.
“They won’t notice.” It wasn’t the best answer...but I was mentally and emotionally exhausted. “We’ll be back before then...”
Omega, not totally buying my reply, still relented...
But not without an unsure glance behind her at her brother’s grousing.

Apparently...they DID notice.
“Just where did you both go???” Hunters concerned and frustrated face met us as we descended the stairs.
I could see Echo across the room sitting at the bar “pretending” not to pay attention to our conversation.
“Omega and I wanted to skip the big multi-person argument.” I cooly clapped back.
He relaxed after seeing Omega with a big smile on her face.
Then tensed up after she told him why she’s smiling:
“Hunter, I met a Wino tonight. He smells funny, but he does fantastic magic tricks!”
Then she skipped away to see what Tech had on his datapad. Wrecker handed her a fizzy kiddy beverage dressed up with a slice of Meileroon on the rim.
Hunter gave me a... face. The kind he gives me when I have some explaining to do.
He sighed.
“Please use your words.”
“Ok. DON’T leave without telling us where you are going. Double if Omega is with you.”
“Sure thing, Sergeant.” Then I turned and walked away. Settling in the furthest corner of the bar to be alone.
Hunter shook his head and scoffed. Strolled defeatedly back to the bar, then gave Tech a slight bump on the shoulder. Tech immediately slid off the stool and followed Hunter into Cid’s empty office...and shut the door.
I leaned back into the sofa and closed my eyes. I felt so exhausted...
A few minutes later a warm hand patted my shoulder. I opened my eyes.
Echo set down a drink on the table beside me. “Glad you and Omega are back. We get worried sometimes. Things are getting...complicated and dangerous. He’s...WE are ALL looking out for you both.”
He walked away and entered Cid’s office, closing the door behind him.
Kriff...they DEFINITELY are planning ANOTHER mission...
Put it all out of my mind and settled in to watch Wrecker and Omega play several rounds of “KABOOM!” It’s a chaotic card game Wrecker made up to keep Omega busy. She loves Dejarik, but Wrecker tires of it easily. KABOOM! is really an old card deck CF99 has carried with them forever, and Wrecker has scrawled writing all over them with his own “game script.”
“KABOOM!” Omega yells after she picks a particular marked card. Then throws her hand up into the air to symbolize an explosion...
Kaboom indeed...hopefully not us and not anytime soon...but the cards will fall wherever they may...I have no control over them.

“Hey...” Smoky whisper in my ear.
I open my eyes and see Hunter hovering over me. His eyes are soft and loving while he runs his fingers though my hair. I’m covered with a blanket and there’s a pillow under my head. The game room is empty, silent, and dark.
“How long have I been out?”
“Couple hours.” Then he plants a kiss on my forehead. “Apologies for earlier today.”
“Accepted. I could have handled that interaction better myself...”
“No...I’ve...got to get my shit together.”
“I won’t argue with that.” I snicker.
He smiles. It’s been SO long since I’ve seen him do that. My heart aches for a time before this one...a simpler time for all of us.
His expression switches to a forlorn one...
“You’re leaving soon...”
“Yes. But I promise it’s the LAST mission for Cid. EVER.”
“I recall you’ve said that before.” I grumped, attempting to get up from the couch.
“But this time I MEAN it.” He grabs my hand and I stop.
He drops something cold into my palm and the chain it’s attached to trails out of his hand. Then he cups his hand affectionately under mine.
It’s a necklace. The pendant a shard of deep green meteorite Hunter and I had witnessed impacting a planet when we first kissed. How’s that for symbolism? When it finally cooled, he snuck back to the site, fishing it out and surprised me with this as a gift. Carried in my pockets for forever...until recently I thought it had been lost.
“You got sneaky there, Bandana.”
“Tech set it so you can wear it. It’s made of the metal that doesn’t irritate your skin...that doesn’t sound very romantic...does it?” Hunter grimaced.
I snort and it elicits a chuckle from him. “For most people, probably not. But I deeply appreciate the gesture. Also, the practicality. Thanks.” His words may falter, but I can FEEL the intensity of his emotions in this moment. The depth of his affection and devotion.
He lovingly takes the necklace from my hand and clasps it around my neck. I lift the blanket and Hunter crawls in next to me on the sofa.
“I love you so much Y/N. Have a hard time showing it sometimes...please understand I just want the best for us...”
I shush him with my finger to his lips. “I love you too, Hunter...and I struggle in the same way. Let’s call a truce...for tonight.”
He nods and I kiss him...kiss him with all the fire and passion that I cannot say with words. He answers my love language in kind. We heat up that sofa like nothing it’s ever seen before.

That fateful day I’ve been worried about finally came...
An Imperial Class Venator loomed over the city.
So large, it blocked out part of the sun.
White armored stormtroopers, dispatched to the planet swarmed Ord Mantell. They kicked in doors and terrorized the locals.
Were they searching for us? Or just taking over the planet, like so many others in the galaxy?

“Havoc 1, do you copy?” Echo tries to comm Hunter...
“Empire is jamming all ground communications.” He sneered.
Omega and I sat crouched across from Echo under a vendor table. The tablecloth kept us hidden.
Today was our day to shop for supplies. Of course, Echo tagged along. If Hunter wasn’t with us, it would always be Echo.
I was already a bundle of nerves that my “bad feeling” came true. Echo’s presence helped me keep it hidden around Omega.
“Oh NO!” Omega started to fret. “Maybe they’ve been captured? How will they find us? We’ll be separated!” The fear rising in her voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
I put my arm around her, giving a firm squeeze. “Don’t worry, Hunter and Tech probably got it under control. And Wrecker will smash heads.”
“Yeah, kiddo what Y/N said.” Echo put a calm face on it.
He knew something I didn’t...I could FEEL it.
“We need to get to them!” Omega whispered
“No Havoc 5. We’re sitting tight. They’ll find us.” Echo winked.
He DID know something...
“Out with it, Echo.”
“What?” His expression innocent.
“What do YOU know that Omega and I don’t?”
“Nothing...” Smiling with that shit eating grin if his. Sassy, yet charming.
Omega and I glance at one another. Then glare at Echo.
“Hey, I was sworn to secrecy.” His expression turned from mild to hardened soldier as the sound of marching feet rounded the corner of the vendor’s square.
Echo silently pulled his weapon...having it on the ready.
They stopped next to our table.
“FREEZE Civilian! Come out with your hands up!!!”
All three of us froze, staring at one another.
Echo had a look...like he was ready to kill whoever was out there...
Omega put both hands over her mouth. Her eyes wide in abject fear.
I squeezed her closer to me...
The trooper violently kicked over the table...
...next to us.
A man’s scream rang out and continued to do so as they beat and kicked him.
We recognized the voice. It was the local street wino. Nice man...just liked his Spotchka a bit TOO much.
“Evading Emperial soldiers is a crime Civilian...so is stealing.”
The wino’s bottle of unopened Spotchka rolled under the table, stopping to rest against my knee...
...blood smeared across it.
A trooper’s hand groped under the tablecloth for the bottle.
Omega mewled in terror quietly behind her hands.
Echo readjusted the grip on his weapon.
I silently pulled the small vibro dagger from my belt...
...hovering it over the groping hand.
“LEAVE IT!” Another trooper barked at the one reaching for the bottle.
“I’VE ALMOST GOT IT!” He crankily barked back.
The hand hovered over the bottle...
Then suddenly gripped my leg and yanked me out from under the table!
The trooper seemed shocked at what he pulled out. He crouched there staring dumbly at me. I lay in the dust stunned...
...for a split second...
Then I viciously stabbed him in the shoulder.
The trooper screamed. Echo knocked the table over and opened fired on the rest of the Imps. He laid them all to rest efficiently.
But our cover was blown.
I pulled my dagger from the dead trooper, sheathing it.
The wino, bloody and battered, staggered to his feet.
All of us turned to see the vendor from the other day pointing in our direction. He was standing at his stall with a HUGE satisfied grin on his face.
More imps passed him running toward us. The wino found his feet and fled quickly from the scene.
To add insult to injury, the vendor felt the need to keep speaking...
The roar of an engine overhead thankfully drowned out the rest.
Tech fired the Marauder’s cannons into the crowd of Imps, decimating them. Then swooped in lower to pick us up.
Echo grabbed Omega’s hand, and before she could be whisked away, she pushed something cold and hard into my hand...
The bottle of Spotchka...opened...with a strip of the torn tablecloth stuffed into it...
A makeshift wick.
Did I mention how much I LOVE THAT LITTLE HOOLIGAN!
The vendor locked eyes with me. His hateful stare...all the horrible things he said to us while on Ord Mantell...his lack of empathy for our plight...his open contempt for the poor...outcasts...those that don’t fit into HIS version of society...his alliance with The Empire...the unyielding hand of power beating down EVERYONE in the galaxy...
RIGHTOUS ANGER welled up within me...
We kept eye contact as I calmly pulled the small torch from my belt.
And lit the wick.
Then smiled at that kriffing piece of Bantha waste.
The haughty expression left his face damned quick...and he turned tail and ran.
I chucked that Flaming Bottle of Rebellion as hard as I possibly could and ran towards the ship. The explosion rang out as I reached the Marauder, pushing me backwards onto the gangplank.
All manner of debris rained down from the sky.
And... for some STRANGE reason, I reached out to catch one particular piece...
...just a FEELING...a hunch...some random, strange reflex...no thinking involved whatsoever...
My arms enclosed around it...as it slammed squarely into my midsection, knocking the wind out of me...
I gasped for air...
Barely registering Hunter reaching out and yanking me into the Marauder...

The flight away from Ord Mantell was ROCKY with extremely heavy space traffic!
Tech navigated through all manner of passenger and cargo ships around the planet trying to escape being captured by the Empire. Echo at his side assisting with hyperspace jump codes.
Just the thing we needed to get away undetected...for now.
Hunter rubbed my back as I struggled to breathe. Finally, I got my wind back, then looked down at what hit me in the gut.
A FULL unopened box of exported Coruscant designer chocolate bars.
“Huh...sometimes that Force stuff really does work out.” I muttered. “OMEGA!”
She ran over.
"Here ya go, kiddo.” Handing her the whole box. “Btw...thanks for the Spotchka Cocktail.”
She smiled like a fox in an Endorian henhouse and ran away with the box. I could hear Wrecker’s excited voice as he helped her open it.
I gently fell back and relaxed against Hunter’s chest, exhaling away all the stress.
He put his arms around me, inhaling the scent of my hair.
“Hmmm?” He hummed into my hair.
“How did you know EXACTLY where we were?”
His hand slowly snaked up and tapped the keepsake necklace around my neck.
“You...have a TRACKER on...ME???” I glanced over to the necklace around Omega’s neck.
“Uh huh.” Tracing a heart shape slowly against the skin of my chest.
He didn’t even have to look up from nuzzling my hair. Hunter KNEW I understood Omega was also carrying one as well.
I glanced across the Marauder to Echo.
“Of course. You wouldn’t expect anything less?” He smirked, then swung his chair around to converse with Tech.
“So...you put a bell and collar on us BOTH?” I addressed Hunter.
“For safety reasons only. Can’t have anything bad happening to our girls.” He caressed my face. “Originally it was only for Omega...you know...her wandering off problem. Just couldn’t cope if we lost you both...”
I sat up to turn around and face him. Putting his face in my hands.
“Hunter, we’re finally free from Cid and Ord Mantell. But I’m upset it took something like THIS for us to leave. I’ve been asking for MONTHS!”
Behind me I could FEEL Echo turning his attention back to us. FEEL him nodding in agreement with my statement. Almost FEEL him thinking “We got lucky this time.”
Hunter’s eyes flicked up to Echo, then back to me.
“You’re BOTH right. I’m sorry. Bad at this civilian business. I’ll do better in the future...we have one now.”
“Except for the Empire...” Echo clapped back.
Hunter’s eyes flicked back up to Echo. He nodded, slight defeat on his face.
“HUNTER.” I implored. His eyes focused back on me. “PROMISE me we’ll stay off the radar for a while...and make our OWN way as much as possible.”
“I promise.”
“PROMISE that you will LISTEN to me when I give you my input about what I sense and think. I’m an important part of this squad...oh let’s stop saying that...FAMILY!
Hunter waited...I felt him SENSING that I wasn’t done speaking. Was he finally getting his senses back???
“AND STOP STONEWALLING ME! It’s disrespectful. I’m a grown woman and your partner...hopefully for the long run...but it WON’T be if you don’t respect me and start having the harder conversations.”
Ouch...I could see that cut deep. What I said wasn’t hurtful. Hunter was recognizing his mistake. He was really listening to my brutal honesty.
“And...STOP beating yourself up...that’s MY job!”
He raised an eyebrow.
I finished...and could FEEL the weight of several pairs of eyes on us. Everyone else in the ship was watching my and Hunter’s interaction.
Hunter and I met every pair of eyes in the place.
“No arguing with her AT ALL! She’s RIGHT.” Echo smirked and turned back towards the Marauder's dash.
"Agreed.” Tech following suit.
“Let’s let them work it out, eh?” Wrecker put his hand on Omega’s shoulder.
Ever astute, Omega nodded, then took her box of chocolates and went to the gunner’s loft with Wrecker.
Hunter stared into my eyes with a clarity that I had only witnessed BEFORE our arrival to Ord Mantell “I’ve been neglecting you...and our relationship too.” He sighed. “If you would rather go off with Echo and run missions for the resistance, I wouldn't blame you.”
“It’s true that I may not want to totally settle down on some back-alley planet. But then, I’m certainly not ready to run off and wage war with a huge oppressive regime just yet, ok? Maybe something in-between. I’m not an all or nothing kind of gal.”
Hunter nodded and glanced briefly at Echo again. Then back to me.
“It’s true...I DO love him.” I revealed.
Hunter’s face showed a very brief, very hurt micro expression.
“But It’s true that I love YOU too. And I love Omega, Wrecker, and Tech... I still love Crosshair...wherever he is. I love you all so much sometimes it hurts. Love you all so much, that I can’t leave you even though I could feel the Empire closing in on us...”
“We don’t leave our own behind...” Hunter whispered.
“Never.” I answered. “Let’s work on being a family that can come together and plan our future...ok? If you and I DON’T plan our future, we won’t ever have one. Does that answer your question?”
“Completely.” Hunter’s voice cracked.
I put my arms around Hunter and held him close.
Then we quietly contemplated what the future would hold...and where we would go next.
Not before catching Echo’s expression and FEELING the words behind it:
You’re brave...and I’m very PROUD of you!

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Day 4 - Echo & Aiko
Life Day is a season of renewal, light, and joy—a time for cherishing those you hold dearly. But what happens when Aiko finds herself struggling to find the perfect gift to give to Echo? Will her celebrations fall apart, or will they discover a moment of joy amidst the holiday hustle? Their festivities are a beautiful blend of love, sacrifice, and enough tooth rotting-fluff to give you a cavity!
(Link to AO3 if you prefer that formatting!)
Event Masterlist
(Special thank you my very dear friend and creative partner @legacygirlingreen for making this event possible! She is the beautiful mind behind ALL the writing, design layout, post editing and song selections!)
💚Tag List💚
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha @returnofthepineapple @justanotherdikutsimp @antisocial-mariposa @techs-stitches @resistantecho @kimiheartblade @dezgate @sunshinesdaydream
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TBB Fic Rec: "The Bad Batch Chooses A Family Name"
RATING: G (General Audiences) | No Archive Warnings Apply
SUMMARY: Set about four months after "The Bad Batch" series finale, Omega and her brothers finally move into their new house in Lower Pabu, and we get a brief account of their new routine.
Phee gives them a housewarming gift that sparks a discussion on whether the four clones should adopt a family name, and if so, what it should be. Eventually, Omega comes up with an idea...
Will the Bad Batch pick a name we know like Hazard, Genoa or Lawquane? Or will they choose one that reflects their own paths and their own legacies?
All five chapters combined is ~30 min read
Lots of family fluff with some heavier moments too. And a cameo from another "Star Wars" TV show character!
#star wars#the bad batch#tbb spoilers#tbb crosshair#tbb season 3#the bad batch crosshair#tbb omega#omega and crosshair#crosshair and omega#crosshair and hunter#hunter and crosshair#hunter and omega#omega and hunter#tbb wrecker#tbb tech#tbb hunter#tbb echo#clone force 99#star wars the bad batch#bad batch#fan fiction#fanfic#fanfiction#fic rec
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Chapter 12 of the Star Wars fic "Order 65". The rest can be found here.
19 BBY, Coruscant, Coruscant Underworld
Rex was surprised to see the Senator back so soon. After hearing her talk about… him and all the watchful eyes up top, he’d expected her to stay away, at least for a little while. Lay low and offer the risky business of ferrying them supplies to one of her guards.
Rex smiled a bit at the sight of her carrying crates onto the ship. Sometimes he forgot there were still good ones out there; willing to get their hands dirty and do their share of the work.
“Captain!” Chuchi called, catching sight of him as he stepped off his own ship. She set the crate she’d been carrying down with a small grunt of effort, wiping the back of one hand across her forehead. “Was your mission a-”
She broke off as Howzer and the others came into view behind him, following Rex down the ramp and into the landing bay. Her smile widened, and Rex let the elation of a successful mission buoy him for a moment.
“Things are looking up, Senator.” he said. “Drixx’s intel was right. And we might have gotten another lead.”
Rex nodded to Echo, who was still clutching the data stick in his hand.
“We’ve got somebody who can crack this, no problem.” Rex told her. “At this rate we might actually be able to take the fight to the Empire.”
“I knew you’d be able to.” Chuchi smiled, hefting the crate up again as she turned to Howzer and the others. “I’ll get this inside and then I’ll get out some food. You all must be famished.”
As she hurried off to finish loading the transport, Rex turned back to the others, offering to help them down the ramp and guiding them over to a clear spot on the floor of the bay where they could rest.
“Some setup you’ve got here, Rex.” Howzer said, looking around.
“Empire might think it's through with us, but they’ve got no idea what’s coming.”
“Well, I know I for one am ready to take the fight to those bastards.” Howzer shook his head. “Half my men gone to who knows where because we didn’t turn on our own and the people we fought beside.”
He sighed “I thought this war was over, Rex.”
“Starting to think wars don’t end.” Rex said with a sigh of his own, sitting beside him and leaning back against one of the crates. “They just change faces.”
“Maybe.” Howzer said, watching as Chuchi offered food to what remained of his men. “But at least we’re not alone in the fight. Maybe it could end. If we do it right.”
“We were never alone.”
“I’m not talking about our brothers.”
“Neither am I.” Rex replied. “The Jedi-”
“The Jedi betrayed us.”
Images of General Skywalker and Commander Tano flashed through Rex’s mind. “They didn’t. They would never. You don’t know them like I do.”
“Then where are they, Rex?” Howzer asked, and Rex couldn’t argue with that. “Even if they didn’t betray us, they abandoned us.”
“We didn’t give them much of a choice.”
They lapsed into silence, Rex’s thoughts wandering to where his general might be. He knew he was alive out there, somehow. It didn’t matter that he’d been on Coruscant when the temple was destroyed; General Skywalker was fine. For them to stand a chance, he had to be.
In the end, they all settled in fine. It wasn’t long before Howzer and the others were helping to load the transport with supplies; getting everything ready for the transfer to the new base. Rex couldn’t help but think about what Howzer had said, though. Where were the Jedi? He refused to think they’d have abandoned them. That they really thought the clones who had fought loyally beside them for so long could turn on them in an instant. They must have known, he thought. The way Ahsoka had known. Known that something was wrong. That this wasn’t them.
But if they knew, then where were they?
Rex didn’t want to think about the alternative. That maybe there really were no Jedi left.
“Captain?” a tap on his arm pulled Rex back into the present, and he turned to look at Chuchi. She offered him a tired smile.
“I believe that's the last of it. I should be getting back.”
“Thank you, Senator.” he said, and he meant it. “For everything.”
“It’s the least I can do.” she said, just like she always did. But then her expression turned businesslike again. “I’ll keep in touch with Drixx, pass along any intel we can gather.”
Rex nodded his thanks, clambering up onto the shuttle. He couldn’t say he would miss Coruscant, but he felt something as the ramp began to climb up behind him. It hadn’t been home in a while. Rex hadn’t had a home in a while. None of them had.
“And Captain!” Chuchi’s voice echoed from below and Rex glanced back down at her. She smiled. “Stay safe.”
It was the last time he’d see her until the war was ending.
#star wars#order 66#the clone wars#clone wars#tcw#star wars the clone wars#swtcw#captain rex#riyo chuchi#senator chuchi#fox#commander fox#rex#clone troopers#clone trooper#arc trooper echo#tbb echo#echo#clone trooper echo#captain howzer#star wars fan fiction#obi wan kenobi#commander cody#clones#fan fiction#fan fic writing#sw fanfic#star wars fanfiction#tcw fox#foxiyo
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Open and Waiting (Chapter 3)
Summary: Tech is an Intelligent Dom in more ways than one, Hunter decides he’s had enough casual voyeurism for one day, and you continue to be a good little cockwarmer while remembering that time Crosshair spanked you.
Relationship: Tech x f!reader, a little bit of Hunter x f!reader, mentions of Crosshair x f!reader, Echo x f!reader and Wrecker x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW, cock warming, voyeurism, domination, submission, Dominant Tech, submissive reader, restraints, collar, wrist cuffs, sexual inexperience, inexperienced reader, naked reader, voyeurism, poor self-worth, spiralling thoughts, feelings, smut with feelings, polyamory, little bit of verbal degradation, praise kink, pretend sci-fi technology/science, pretend Star Wars planets and locations, not beta read, no use of y/n. Mentions of: Oral training, dildos, soft domination, finger sucking, fingers in mouth, spanking, impact play, humiliation, degradation, boot licking, penetration, after care, bruises, vaginal fingering, bacta as lube, video recording of sexual acts.
Word Count: 1714 (Chapter 3)
Author’s Notes: Please read the warnings! And please let me know if you enjoyed it. Behold, more filth.
I also wanted to make it clear that everything depicted in this fic is consensual and has been enthusiastically consented to by everyone involved. A lot of what is in this fic could be seen as quite intense, depending on your levels or limits *looks at the giant wall of warnings*. Please know that everyone involved is actively participating in safe kink practices and many open, honest and clear conversations are had between everyone, even if it is not explicitly described in the fic. If it helps, I have a background context detail for this AU that Tech maintains an up to date list of everyone's hard limits, interests and requests, and makes sure everyone's kink contracts are revisited every month and updated if required. None of the Batch tease him for it because they all take safe kink practices very seriously. I hope this comes across in the writing, both in previous and future chapters, but I also wanted to be clear about it here as well.
Chapters: One, Two, Four, Five, Six | Ao3
Open and Waiting (Chapter 3)
A hand immediately descends on my head, preventing any hint of movement and halting any further thoughts of trying to take more of Tech’s cock deeper into my mouth. There’s a weight to his hand, a solid presence and a warning. He knew exactly what I’d been trying to do. Sir had been unequivocally clear that I was not allowed to move and I’d just skirted very close to breaking that rule.
Oh kark, I’ve displeased him. I can’t bear disappointing him and the punishment that follows is always Tech’s own special combination of humiliation, control and mental domination. He knows exactly how to slowly and painstakingly unravel me, all while ensuring that I’m the one begging for my descent into delirium. It always leaves me ruinously shattered and I really just wanted to be a good girl and warm his cock for him. I was doing so well. Why do I always try to bite off more than I can chew? Both metaphorically and literally, in this case. Though I am absolutely not moving anything now, especially not my jaw or mouth. Why did I have to try and push it further and do more? Tech explicitly told me not to move. I’m already pleasing him, why did I have to try and go further? It’s not like I—
Tech’s precise voice cuts through my spiralling thoughts.
“Our submissive has been doing exceptionally well with their oral training and has been diligent and dedicated in their practice. She has shown consistent and admirable improvement in the length and depth that she is able to be orally penetrated. I am quite pleased with her progress and have no doubt she will turn into an excellent cock slut in time and with continued guidance."
The praise hits me deep in the chest, flaring out to run down my arms and I can’t stop myself from preening at his words. Tech knew. Of course he knew. He’s far too intelligent not to notice when my brain starts running away from me.
“Hmmm, she’s pretty good already.” Hunter adds. “And watching her suck away at those training dildos that can be mounted to the walls is always a good watch.”
“Yes. Those were an excellent invention of mine.” Tech confidently replies.
“Do you think you’d be able to install a hidden or quick release one on the side of a chair in the cockpit?” asks Hunter. “I prefer to keep her at my knee and it’s easier to control her movement when she’s close by.”
Another shiver runs over my naked skin at the thought. I do enjoy serving at Hunter’s knee. It’s a remarkably peaceful and calming experience. One that has nearly caused me to fall asleep on more than a few occasions. We usually do it when he takes watch. Sitting at his feet, my body leaning against his leg and my head resting against the side of his knee, the blue lights of hyperspace dancing behind my eyelids. Hunter usually keeps me in place with a single hand on my head or wrapped around the nape of my neck. Sometimes I’ll end up sucking on his fingers. Other times he’ll gently run the pad of his thumb or fingers up and down my tongue and I end up drooling on his armour or the floor. I often worry about making a mess but he always reassures me that it doesn’t bother him at all. If anything, it’s actually a good thing. Apparently, all the sensations help to ground him. Having one particular impression to focus on helps to reduce the rest of his senses to background noise. If that’s what it takes to lessen the constant barrage of feedback on his enhanced senses and afford him a moment of relative peace then I will happily have my tongue used as a resting pad for his thumb or fingers.
Just like it’s currently being used as a resting place for Tech’s cock.
The owner of said cock provides a clipped response to Hunter’s question.
“Of course I can. I already have plans for such a modification. Would you prefer the pilot’s or co-pilot's chair?”
“Pilot’s.” answers Hunter. “It’s your invention. Besides, Echo might be a bit peeved if he walks into the cockpit one day to find a dildo attached to the armrest of his chair.”
“An amusing discovery, I’m sure.” Tech replies, his dry wit in full force.
The conversation continues on above me, both of them completely ignoring my bound and open position on the floor. It’s like I’m not even here. They could be having the same conversation over caf or while Tech is torso deep in the guts of the Marauder fixing the latest thing to go wrong with the ship. His legs always end up splayed wide apart when he’s working like that. If I wasn’t so desperate to please and had just a little bit of brat in me, I’d probably eventually snap and go down on him then and there.
“Nah it’s a fair way off. The towns here are fairly isolated and spread out.”
Hunter’s smokey voice interrupts my rapidly degenerating fantasies about blowing Tech in all sorts of compromising positions. I guess they’ve moved on from talking about me like I’m not even there, despite the fact that I’m right here on my knees under the workbench.
“The others are going to be on their supply run for a while.” Hunter adds.
“Yes. I estimate that they will be away for another 3 hours and 16 minutes.” Tech responds.
“Do you need anything from me before I go back to arguing with this schematic of that Seppie base?” asks Hunter.
“Some peace and quiet would be appreciated. Unless you wish to watch?” Tech’s suggestion hanging in the air.
“Nah, she’s all yours. I’ve got my own ideas for when I get her next. Besides, her arousal’s so strong I can basically taste it.” Hunter comments.
The verbal debasement makes my pussy drip and my mouth somehow even wetter.
“Do not let me keep you from your work.” Tech replies, a clear dismissal and indication that this conversation is over.
Hunter just snorts in response and turns on his heel before heading back to the bow of the ship. The cockpit door closes and then it’s just Tech and I again in the still silence. The only interruption is the movement and scraping of tools above me as Tech dedicates his full focus to the project in front of him.
Well, maybe not his full, complete focus.
Tech’s other leg has started bouncing. I can feel the small movements through his thigh where my cheek is currently resting. He always does this when there’s something competing for the attention of his prodigious intellect. The warm, wet presence of my mouth wrapping around his cock must be doing a fairly decent job of distracting him. I wonder how much longer this is going to last? Probably not 3 hours and 16 minutes, unless Tech feels like adding more voyeurism to today's antics. Crosshair always enjoys getting a good eyeful when he can. An amusing attribute for someone who can be a tad possessive when he gets me to himself. I would rib him about it but teasing Crosshair is like playing with fire while doused in petrol and carrying lit matches. That man knows exactly how to cause and wield pain. His sadistic streak is as glaringly obvious as his facial tattoo. Our sessions together are often fairly intense and are a clear reminder of his predilection towards inflicting pain and the satisfaction he gains from watching me disintegrate under his hands. I’d rather not give him even more ammunition, especially after overhearing a brief snippet of a conversation he had with Tech about an idea for an implement that involved spikes.
A shudder runs through me at the thought and I can almost feel the phantom stings across my hide from when our sniper flayed my ass last time. It had been a phenomenal experience, pain and pleasure intertwining into a heady mix of sensation that was impossible to discern where one finished and the other began. Hunter and Echo had watched as Crosshair completely broke me apart, fierce slaps followed by biting strokes of his cane striking again and again over my ass. There is nothing quite so exquisitely humiliating as being reduced to a sobbing and quaking puddle on the floor and then being forced to lick the boot of your current dominant. Of course, he had to take it up a notch by pulling my head up by my hair so I was forced to look straight at the leadership team of my own squad as they observed my pathetic attempts at following Crosshair’s commands.
It’s a little hard to clean leather with your tongue when you keep crying on it.
By the time Crosshair was fucking me into the floor, I don’t think I was cogent or present enough to do anything other than lie there and just take it. I hadn’t been quite so physically, mentally and emotionally broken by a scene like that for a while. Thank the Maker they all know exactly what they’re doing when it comes to after care. It had taken me a long time to come back to the world after that, those long limbs wrapped around me like a shield, quiet affirmations murmured in my ear. For someone so outwardly caustic, Crosshair can be remarkably soft when he is so inclined. The bruises he left were an astounding array of blues, purples and blacks. I could barely move properly afterwards and sitting was an exceptionally slow and ginger process. A later application of bacta gel helped but that had quickly devolved into being fingered with bacta gel while bent over the medbay bed. Tech had made some comment about this not being it’s intended use when he walked in halfway through but by that stage Crosshair had two long fingers deep inside me and was running rings around my clit and I did not care. At least it gave Tech another recording of me climaxing to add to his collection. Apparently, I am a “most cooperative subject”.
Crosshair had actually laughed at that.
Author’s Note: Please let me know if you enjoyed it!
I’ve realised that I appear to be writing this mainly in first person from the perspective of the reader, and in present tense, apart from the memories sections (not sure they really count as proper flashbacks). I know the summaries make use of ‘you’ and so appears to be in second person but I think the majority of this is in first person, or at least I’m trying to keep it as consistent as possible. It’s probably all over the shop though so the ‘not beta read’ warning definitely applies here.
Reader is not named and is referred to as she/they, you/you’re (when spoken to), submissive or their (the Batch’s) submissive, various derogatory terms (slut, whore etc.), and other more general affectionate terms (darling, dear etc.) and Mando’a endearments (mesh’la, cyar'ika etc.). The latter of these mainly appear in the aftercare scene, which is still so far away at this point. Why have I done this to myself? Write fanfic, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. *sobs* The reader is referred to in a generally objectifying manner, like something that the Batch owns without being explicitly possessive about it, and there is absolutely no use of y/n (guess which fanfic writing trope I can’t stand).
Tech finally starts to play with you in Chapter 4 and the filthiness factor ratchets up again (somehow).
Taglist: @queenariesofnarnia @skywlker-sluvtt @techs-assistant @dangraccoon @iamburdened @pheesupremacy @blondie-bluue @motte-the-goblin
#fanfic#fanfiction#fan fiction#tech x reader#hunter x reader#crosshair x reader#echo x reader#tech x female reader#tech x f!reader#tech x fem!reader#tech fanfiction#tech fanfic#the bad batch#tbb#star wars#tech#tbb tech#tbb fanfiction#star wars fanfiction#tbb fic
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The Bad Batch just having a family jam-session to “Under Pressure” by Queen (Ft. Bowie)? Like casually listening to the radio during some downtime, The Marauder, its piping through the comms and the song switches to that iconic base section, Tech clocks it right away, pauses whatever he’s fiddling with on his work bench to turn the volume up. Across the room, Crosshair’s head is already nodding along as he cleans his rifle.
Wrecker’s already humming when he appears, clapping and snapping per the music. Tech’s fingers are curling around a set of quarkdrivers when Echo cuts in with the ad-libbing. By the time the first “PRESSURE!” hits the whole family is there, Omega’s grin is the widest, singing along with her brothers as she dances with them.
They can carry a tune surprisingly well as they pass verses back and forth, harmonizing over the chorus, practically shouting during “Let me out!”. Wrecker’s got the deep support of the low notes, Echo and Hunter, steady crooning baritones, it’s Crosshair who always catches folks by surprise with his range by vaulting the high note through a crescendo with the precision control of a single breath, toothpick serving as a microphone. Tech accompanies them with a flurry of limbs, drumming a driving rhythm in the air. I just, really really love the idea of a family bonding moment that’s just spontaneous but its theirs every time this one song comes on and for four minutes and five seconds, they’re not serious, they’re silly, they’re dancing, and singing, and laughing, and just having fun.
#tbb#sw tbb#the bad batch#sw the bad batch#tbb echo#the bad batch echo#tbb hunter#the bad batch hunter#tbb omega#the bad batch omega#tbb crosshair#the bad batch crosshair#tbb wrecker#the bad batch wrecker#fan fic#tbb fic#tbb fic prompt
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