#tbb echo x non gendered reader
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A brilliant revolutionary is rendered handicapped and loses hope. Echo steps in to help them restore their life...and finds love.

Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Angst, pain, crying, injury, handicapped characters dealing with their condition, kissing and sweetness. I researched Aphasia some, but PLEASE do not come for me. I am not claiming to be an expert. And, I did my very best to be respectful of portraying this medical disorder. My aim was to portray a healthy and devoted relationship with two people who have a physical and mental disability.
No smut (However, all you Echo Lovers who would like a SEPARATE smutty story with these two, PLEASE MESSAGE ME!)
(Divider credit: @hereindreamlandpng @sister-lucifer, Pinterest pic credit: will)
Listen as you read: "Don't Forsake Me" by Ofra Haza
Don't cast me away When I start to fade When my mind's unmade Don't forsake me When my strength has ebbed Don't forsake me
I know the day will come I know the day will come And all my life will be haze and spark Don't ever leave me in the dark
Don't cast me away When I start to fade When my mind's unmade Don't forsake me When my strength has ebbed Don't forsake me Oh, Oh, Oh Don't cast me away
Tech adjusted his goggles while reading the holopad. “Your name is becoming very visible throughout the galaxy. I believe the Outer Rim is NOW referring to you as ‘The Bearer of Emancipation’”
“Kinda cool...but kinda dangerous, eh?” Wrecker mused.
“PROMISED Omega we’d ALL come home safe” Hunter added “And NOT bring the Empire hot on our heels to Pabu.”
I smiled widely feeling EXTRA confident in my abilities promoting clone rights and an overall galaxy wide rebellion post Order 66. "No worries, boys. We're making wonderful headway!"
It all started out for me as a destitute desert rat the Batch picked up while on their travels. They occasionally helped Rex with his Clone Rebellion. The “Sassy Jokester” or the “Brilliant Orator” the boys called me. I really had no skills that would cause them to keep me around. Not as a medic, mechanic, cook, or anything else for that matter. Just someone with a quick wit and courageous mouth. They said my words gave them hope and a reason to feel like actual human beings. And the laughs...all the laughs too.
Then, on a mission for Rex, I met ECHO.
In one afternoon, he wooed me with his rebellious passion for freedom and a safer galaxy. He commed Senator Chuchi, who I had NEVER heard of. We spoke and I was hooked.
From that point on I became a REVOLUTIONARY!
I traveled to so many worlds with so many different squads. Deviating which clones would protect me while meeting the galaxy’s citizens. Changing hearts and minds for The Rebellion.
We had managed to largely avoid any snags with the Empire...or its cult of followers.
So far.
ENVOY____, ENVOY _____!!! A young girl no older than 6 years old appeared, jumping up and down excitedly.
She was genuinely thrilled to meet me. Holding a festively colored box in her hands.
I broke ranks with the boys and approached her.
“Envoy...I... wouldn’t do that.” Hunter warned.
Scoffing at Hunter’s alarm, I continued to approach. This planet was safe, and we experienced no issues with the people here...
Her face lit up as I approached. She held out the box to me “One of your fans told me to give this to you.”
Crosshair’s agitated voice squawked over Hunter’s comm behind me. He did NOT sound like his usual calm self while keeping the sniper’s view of our group...
Her innocent face. The face of Hope...of a peaceful future.
Before I could take the box from her hands, it was shot to the ground from above.
A second later Hunter grabbed the little girl, flipping and jumping away...
The last thing I saw was Wrecker’s armor around me with the blinding light of an explosion behind him...
Then...fade to black...
I awoke in a rudimentary med ward, on an elevated hover stretcher with a rickety stainless-steel table next to it. On it lay a water canteen and an empty bedpan.
There’s a quiet yawn, turning to see Hunter seated next to me. He had just awakened too.
He said something. I could hear him...but his words made no sense. Hunter babbled in a language I barely understood. I could read his facial expressions though: relief, love...then changing to doubt and concern the more he spoke.
He spoke into his comm.
My tensions began to rise...
Minutes later Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair warily, but relieved filed into the room as Hunter commed someone else.
Tech approached and began talking to me. He spoke what seemed volumes before I could discern the occasional word.
Why was this so difficult? Why did I feel like they were speaking an alien language?
I opened my mouth to Tech, thinking he would be able to understand...
...and a guttural sound fell from my mouth. I tried again and again. Same thing.
I felt the tears on my cheeks. Hunter gently wiped them away, rubbing circles on my shoulder with his other hand.
Becoming more hysterical with every attempt to speak...
Crosshair motioned from across the room with the air he reserved for making snide, but hilarious comments to lighten the mood. He was not a cuddler like Hunter.
His sinuous voice pulled the curtain back from my lack of understanding. Where I would normally laugh, I could only mumble unintelligibly.
Then he doubled down, clearly now NOT paying attention to Tech’s facts, nor Hunter growling at him “Crosshair, this is NOT the time or place!”
Wrecker, standing next to Cross, trying to silence his brother to no avail...highly aware of my stress and anxiety...
Then...Crosshair’s voice cuts through my mental haze like a knife through flesh...wounding...
“Are you DEAF and DUMB???”
He ducks just fast enough to not be struck by the stainless-steel bedpan as it hits the wall. There’s fear in HIS eyes and immense guilt as I SCREAM at him...in an unhinged way. I sound like an angry animal.
Wrecker slides over and presses himself into a corner. Trying to make himself smaller. He DOESN’T know what to do.
My screams of rage ramp down to a mournful howl because I AM SCARING HIM.
“HE DIDN’T MEAN IT!” Hunter grabs both of my arms. His expression compassionate and... perhaps too forgiving...
My anger FLARES as he attempts to lessen the blow of his brother's horrible choice of words.
ALWAYS defending him!
WHY can’t Crosshair be more empathetic?
WHY must Hunter step in for this GROWN man?
He suddenly realizes his mistake the second I slam my hands into his chest, pushing him away...
...too strong for me to hurt him...
But his FEELINGS are torn to shreds...and it shows.
Tech is attempting to talk AT ME thinking perhaps his LOGIC would prevail in an otherwise VERY EMOTIONALLY charged situation.
“...a TRAUMATIC brain injury...Aphasia...you can vocalize, however are currently unable to form words.”
Then he sets his datapad onto my lap.
“Perhaps...TYPE the message you wish us to comprehend?”
I inhale SHARPLY. The keys on the touchscreen resembled an angular string of symbols...and were totally unrecognizable to me.
Tech was so sure of my abilities...
A panic attack grips me. I let out a crestfallen moan, shaking my head. No longer even paying attention to the men in the room.
I want to escape. To outrun the situation. I MUST GET OUT OF HERE!!!
Sliding from the stretcher and totally mistakin that my legs would support me post medical coma...
And falling HEAVILY to the med unit floor, taking the stainless-steel table with it. The water in the canteen spills all over me and the floor as I fall stomach down with a SLAP!
IMMEDIATELY, hands on me...trying to lift...
But my RAGE flares AGAIN!
Punching and slapping at the well-meaning men...I FORCE them to retreat...
So that I may lay upon the floor and keep screaming until I'm hoarse.
Finally, silence, I inhale sharply...and exhale raggedly. The room is silent enough to hear a pin drop.
And the familiar thudding of boots entering the room...
Metal boots.
They appear in my line of vision.
A soft but gruff voice speaks “Now...what’s this?” as he kneels.
Then pulls me wet and bruised off the floor and into his arms. I hug his neck. Then try to speak. Nothing but noise comes out.
He strokes my hair “I won’t lie. It’s going to be a HUGE adjustment.”
I look up into those amber eyes as I feel his cold metal scomp on my back.
“Up you go.” As Echo lifts and places me back onto the hover stretcher. Hunter carefully sets a clean gown next to me as Tech hurriedly rights the table and wipes up the water.
Crosshair stands slumped with a defeated expression. Wrecker pokes him in the back HARD.
He straightens up. “I... shouldn’t have said that.” Crosshair’s eyes meet yours. “I’m sorry.”
I nod. Forgiving him while wiping my face.
Hunter squeezes my shoulder “We’ll let you have some space.” Then ushers his brothers out of the room.
Echo stays behind and helps me change into the dry hospital gown. He can tell from my expression I am extremely grateful for his support.
“I ALMOST just missed seeing you awake.”
My eyes shot up to him in surprise.
“Heh...been visiting you the past few weeks since the accident. Of course, you’ve been out and didn’t know it. You know...in-between missions...”
He’s rubbing the back of his neck in the awkward way he does when slightly embarrassed.
My eyes soften.
He smiles.
“My ship had JUST left...then Hunter commed me...”
He steps closer tentatively and takes my hand.
“From the tone of his voice...thought I...uh...WE had LOST you...” He looks so PAINED by the thought.
I couldn’t hold back...he’s been such an ally. But he’s more than that to me. Someone very precious. I LOVE ALL the clones...
But Echo has a VERY special place in my heart.
Pulling him close and embracing him, I sigh.
“I don’t know WHAT I’d do if I lost you.” He whispers in my ear.
I caress his cheek, then pull back from our embrace to gently kiss his lips.
He inhales sharply.
I know this is the FIRST kiss he has EVER experienced in his life. Then I place his hand against my heart, trying to communicate my feelings for him.
He understands completely.
“Will you come with me? I... mean AFTER you’re taken care of medically. Just...can’t leave you again.”
I’m elated...but uncertain about the future. How can I continue my work? It would be IMPOSSIBLE to advocate if I cannot speak...
“You’ll find your voice. We’ll figure SOMETHING out. You’re not done.”
I moan quietly and shake my head.
Then I think of what he’s been through. Now standing here, having picked me up off the floor with one arm, traveling through the galaxy fighting for peace, then coming back time and again to my bedside...a man missing most of his body, whose mind had been tormented for so long...
In his eyes I see HOPE.
If Echo can do it, so can I.
Pabu is a beautiful place to recover. The sunlight, perfect weather...and the people are so attentive and caring. I sit on the beach and watch the waves roll in. My clone family has been nothing but wonderful and supportive.
But I can’t stay here forever. There’s work to do. Especially if I want EVERYONE in the universe to be able to have a safe home and their freedom.
I still cannot speak. According to Tech I may NEVER regain my verbalization. But he was delighted that I was lucky enough to understand the spoken word. Not everyone with this injury can.
“See you made it down here by yourself today.” Echo’s pride shows as he approaches. He’d usually lead me down the rocky steps to the sand.
He’s dressed only in his deep red bodysuit bottoms. Confidently showing off his prosthetics and mechanics. Something he would have NEVER done before we met. His skin is beginning to lose that ghostly pallor.
I give him an “of course” expression and he smiles. He knows I’ve been pushing myself hard. We won’t leave Pabu until I’m cleared medically by Tech. Physical therapy works wonders with mobility. Then there’s the lessons...
“Here’s your teacher now.”
Omega sprints across the beach towards us. She’s wearing a rainbow tie dye swimsuit. Something her and Lyana made one happy Pabu summer day.
“Are you ready?” She’s excited and hopeful.
They both join me on the blanket.
“Ok, recap. Show me what we worked on yesterday.” Omega slips into tutor mode.
I roll my eyes and sign in Standard Basic The quick silver Vulptice jumps over the lazy Lurca.
“PERFECT!” Omega claps her hands ecstatically.
I want something FUN! When will I learn swear words?
Omega laughs into her hands and blushes.
“That’s MY department.” Echo embraces me, pulling my back to his chest. Then leans into my ear whispering something and gestures with his scomp and hand...a very interesting swear word indeed!
Omega explodes into even wilder laughter and falls backward onto the sand.
“What’s SO FUNNY” Hunter asks as he approaches.
Nothing I sign, but giggle.
He glances at Echo and I, then winks with a mischievous grin.
Wrecker sets down a huge cooler of food and drinks, then takes Shep’s hand as they make a beeline for the water in their matching swim trunks.
Batcher tears past and Omega runs after her.
Tech and Phee approach. She holds aloft a beautiful bottle of deep amber alcohol “Hondo sends his FINEST rum. It’s been sold out since the Empire put an alcohol prohibition on their stormtroopers. He held this baby back just for US!”
Tech spreads another big blanket onto the sand as Phee hands the rum to Hunter. Then she removes her gauzy sarong to reveal a beautifully beaded and woven earth toned bikini. Tech is captivated by this. Standing there smiling in his plain beige and heavily pocketed cargo shorts.
Then he scoops her up lovingly over his shoulder and walks calmly into the ocean. She squeals playfully.
Crosshair opens a HUGE beach umbrella and sinks it into the sand, parking himself under it on the blanket next to Hunter. He’s dressed in a black full body wetsuit covering his tall sleek frame, black sunglasses, with his signature toothpick. Cross had since grown out his hair only on the top. His frosty silver locks falling lushly to a side part and long bangs mysteriously covering one eye. Contrasted with Hunter only dressed in a pair of skimpy distressed jean cutoff shorts. The light acid washed denim emphasizing his dark skin and toned body, deep crimson bandana, and jet-black curls resting past his broad shoulders.
Hunter cracks open the rum, pours two glasses and hands one to Crosshair.
The Bachelor Thirst Traps of Pabu. I sign to Echo. The women...and men should be showing up ANY minute now...
Hunter nods, offering us some rum.
“We’ll pass for now.” Echo nods back, eyeing more beachgoers descending the stairs at the top of the cliff. “Looks like your fans are here.” he chuckles.
Hunter stops and sighs “Can’t get a moment of PEACE.”
Crosshair snorts. “When you prance down the streets wearing THAT, what do you expect?
“They’re lucky I even wear ANYTHING to the beach.” Hunter grouses.
They’d feel pretty LUCKY if you DIDN’T! I sign.
Echo snorts. Crosshair throws his head back and cackles.
Hunter smirks “You’re Basic Sign is getting much better.”
Thanks, Sergeant
“Keep an eye on this for me.” Echo pulls off his scomp and tosses it to Cross.
Cross catches and salutes Echo with it, drink in hand.
Echo and I get up from the blanket and head over to our secluded spot at the lagoon. He holds my hand keeping vigilant should I trip on the sand. My legs are still a bit weak.
We sit on a smooth flat boulder next to a shallow pool of sparkling turquoise ocean water. No waves or currents, just a calm oasis with rocks surrounding it allowing for privacy.
I slide in first, floating and buoyant waiting for Echo.
He carefully pulls off both leg prosthetics, leaving them on the boulder, then inches over the edge. I hold out my hands, carefully grasp his hips to help guide him into the water as he lowers himself down with one arm.
There is no embarrassment, nor judgement. We accept help from one another, welcome physical touch, and our loving devotion to one another.
He slides into my arms and encircles me with his, then sighs...
“I could ALMOST see us staying here...indefinitely.”
Almost I sign. But...that ITCH...an urgency to be a part of something... I trail off
“Bigger” he finishes my sentence. “Maybe even something we’ll both NEVER see.” Brief melancholy spreads across his face.
I feel it too. The pull from both worlds.
We have THIS...at least for right NOW. I sign.
“You’re right.” He agrees, hope returning to his face. “Let’s make the most of it.”
He pulls me closer to him and we make the VERY MOST of this day...and each one after that...
#the bad batch#star wars#tbb#bad batch#clone force 99#tbb echo#the bad batch echo#tbb echo x reader#the bad batch echo x reader#tbb non gendered reader#the bad batch non gendered reader#skellymom#wordless#tbb echo x non gendered reader#the bad batch echo x non gendered reader#tbb echo fan fic#the bad batch echo fan fiction#tbb echo romance#the bad batch echo romance#non gendered reader#disabled#disability#non verbal#aphasia#handicapped#handicapped reader#non verbal reader#disabled reader#Youtube
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Background: Hunter's knife stimming antics embarrasses him in front of his crush. Silly stuff. Crush is unnamed w/no specific gender. Decided to go with they/them pronouns instead of y/n. I had read that some people do NOT like y/n. So decided to try something different.
Word Count: 1K
Warning: Tame read. Some swearing, knife wound, small amount of blood.
End over edge, the knife flipped back and forth between Hunter’s fingers again and again.
Usually, he did this to stim or pass the time...
However, today he was showing off.
THEY sat across the ship watching Hunter’s knife mastery.
He knew THEY were watching. Could sense it.
Felt GOOD to be watched. Adored from afar. Especially THIS person.
He wasn’t one to fall hard easily...or be driven to showy acts to impress.
But this CRUSH was different...
...AND the pining was MUTUAL...
End over edge, index finger then middle, with his ring and pinky finger propelling the knife back over his first two fingers.
Again and again...
He slowly swung his seat round JUST enough to catch the peripheral view of his CRUSH out of the corner of his eye.
Still watching his movements...
It THRILLED him. He could feel a small jolt of adrenaline.
Hunter’s fingers sped up, flipping the knife FASTER.
End over edge...
He could hear THEIR breath pick up in excitement as THEY watched him do this.
He QUICKLY reversed the knife’s movement expertly.
Again and again...
His ears caught THEIR heartbeat speed up.
The smell of THEIR excitement, release of pheromones...
End over edge...
It mixed with the scent of THEIR skin, hair...
Again and again...
An intake of breath, THEY exhaled an impressed ALMOST inaudible sigh...
OF COURSE Hunter’s ears caught it. Made him SHIVER slightly in his core...
The excitement caused his fingers to speed up again.
End over...
But his fingers betrayed him.
The knife slipped from his grasp...
And SHOT straight down...
The sudden pain blanked out his senses for a few seconds as Hunter glanced HORRIFIED at the vibroknife STICKING OUT OF HIS BOOT.
THEY were immediately at his side “Maker!!! Hunter, are you alright???”
Hunter’s head snapped up to look right into THEIR eyes, full of concern. Behind THEM, he could see Tech and Echo glanced over their shoulders
His brothers shot each other an...expression. Somewhere between puzzled amusement and muted concern.
Hunter kept his face calm, cool, and collected. Inside his head he berated himself in-between the sharp throbbing pain of his foot.
“No worries.” Hunter QUICKLY pulled out the knife, sheathed it, hoping THEY wouldn’t see the blood coating the blades tip. “Gonna change into another pair.”
“Maybe I should grab the first aid kit? Just in case???”
“Oh...no need.” Hunter grinned stiffly as he rose from his seat. “Can’t meet this mission with a hole in my footwear! Sit tight, be back shortly.”
He walked as NORMALLY to the back of the ship as he could. Hunter could FEEL blood pooling around his big toe.
When he was out of view, Hunter limped the rest of the way.
Crosshair glanced up from polishing his rifle. He IMMEDIATELY spotted what was wrong.
“You’re trailing blood, Hunter.”
Wrecker pulled away from his weapon inventory duty. “What happened?” He too saw blood and grabbed the first aid kit.
“Heh, just a little accident.” As Crosshair had Hunter sit on his bunk “No big deal.”
Wrecker pulled off Hunter’s boot, his black sock soaked in blood. His brother carefully peeled it back to expose a puncture wound to his toe.
"STABBED yourself pretty good.” Wrecker whistled while examining how deep the wound was. “Just missed the bone.”
“Accident, eh?” Crosshair scolded. “Fucking around with your knife trying to impress our GUEST is more like it.”
“I did NO such thing...OW! Wrecker!!!” Hunter attempted to keep his voice down. “STOP messing with it!!!” He hissed.
“Well, I gotta clean it good.” Wrecker sassed back. “Vibroblades carry bunches of...uh...BACTERIA!”
“Wrecker, you’re starting to sound like Tech.” Crosshair reached for Hunter’s vibroblade. “Keep doing that and YOU’LL hurt yourself.”
Hunter blocked Crosshair’s access to the knife. Cross VICIOUSLY slapped Hunter’s hand away.
“OW!” Hunter scoffed at Crosshair, and finally lost ALL composure. “OW!!! WRECKER, DAMMIT, I SAID STOP!!!.”
Crosshair took the opportunity and yanked Hunter’s vibroknife out of its sheath. Clotted blood covered the tip.
“You did NO such thing, eh?” Crosshair scorned Hunter.
Hunter sighed “Ok, I’m...”
“AN IDIOT!” Cross wiped the blade clean, then shoved it back into the sheath.
“Can I do anything to help?”
All three of them froze with shocked expressions as Hunter’s CRUSH casually strolled through the doorway.
“YEAH! You can take over cleaning Hunter’s wound.” Wrecker stood up and slapped the bacta wipe into THEIR hand. “Warnin’ ya, he’s a HORRIBLE patient.”
Then Wrecker stalked out and towards the ship’s bridge.
Crosshair glanced at Hunter, then his CRUSH. A wily grin crossed his face.
“DON’T say it, Crosshair.” Hunter growled. “Just...leave.”
Crosshair walked away while inserting a toothpick between his teeth. He paused for effect at the threshold of the doorway. “Just closing things up...so you’ll have a little...privacy.”
Then Hunter and his CRUSH were alone.
Hunter glanced up at them...
Turning BEET red!
“Sit back and relax.” THEY eased Hunter back on the bunk, knelt, and gently tended to his wound.
THEIR hands cradled his foot, and all the pain was forgotten.
So were Hunter’s words.
“You know...I’m always happy to...” THEY smiled up at him. “Administer to your needs.”
That look...it took his breath away...
“Uh huh...” Hunter nodded, empty headed.
“Just ask.” The bleeding had stopped.
“Uh...huh...uh...” His brain froze.
“Are your lips stuck?” THEY asked with weighted words.
Hunter nodded no. Then he quickly figured out what THEY were REALLY asking.
Then nodded yes.
“Let me help you with that, kay?” THEY waited for his consent.
Hunter nodded with a lopsided grin.
THEY got up, sat next to him on the bunk, and sweetly cradled his jaw in THEIR hand.
“In the future, just ask me if you want this. Don’t go hurting yourself, ok.”
“Uh huh.” Hunter was caught in THEIR gaze.
THEY hovered closer, gently tracing THEIR nose with his...
The ghostly brush of THEIR lips upon his. Then a rush of adrenaline as THEY pressed passionately harder...
Hunter rumbled warmly and leaned into it for all he was worth.
That kiss fixed...
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#the bad batch#star wars#tbb#bad batch#tbb hunter#clone force 99#tbb crosshair#tbb tech#tbb wrecker#tbb echo#the bad batch fan fic#the bad batch fan fiction#tbb hunter x reader#the bad batch hunter x reader#tbb hunter x non gendered reader#the bad batch hunter x non gendered reader#skellymom#fuck around find out#tbb sergeant hunter
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A story of HOPE for Tech Fan's: Resident of Pabu unlocks a secret even THEY weren't aware they had access to!

Word Count: 800
The stars whiz by the windscreen as I lay on the bunk in the dimly lit ship. Echo is at the helm. He brought transport since the Marauder was destroyed.
I’m exhausted.
It’s been months since my FIRST contact with Tech. Since then, I’ve only gotten snippets of sensory information: by sight, sound, feel. I can still feel him breathing...it’s been the only constant since that day on Pabu. Like we’re sharing the same breath.
The goggles are no longer needed for me to reach out to Tech. Omega still brought them along “just in case”. There are times I can concentrate while awake to experience what he is experiencing. But most times it happens during the night, when sleep pulls my guard down.
And, because of that I don’t sleep for very long.
Crosshair says I talk in my sleep...and it sounds JUST LIKE his brother. He’s tried to elicit a conversation, but without me being conscious it goes nowhere.
“Found some muscle relaxers. That should help you sleep.” Hunter kneels with a canteen, dropping two tablets into my hand.
“Thanks” Swallowing the meds.
“Here” He also hands me a ration bar “They’ll tear up your stomach if you don’t eat.”
“You’re such a DAD” I kid.
“You’re a part of this family, too” Hunter smiles and it reaches his eyes. I can also see a bit of concern in them. “Of course we’ll take care of you.”
He pats my shoulder, stepping away as Wrecker approaches.
“Ya ready?” Cracks the knuckles of his large hands.
I nod as he sits behind me on the bunk and CAREFULLY massages my head, temple, ears. The man has hands that could EASILY crush my skull...
...but his fingers are so gentle. He eases away the tension as I chew on the ration bar.
Soon the meds, food, and Wrecker’s massage take effect. I’m feeling extremely comfortable. There’s a conversation going on between Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair...I’m catching small snippets...
“Concerned about ______. Too much for one person to bear.” Hunter empathizes with my plight. He UNDERSTANDS all too well.
Echo’s voice chimes in “Yeah, all the leads just wind up being dead ends. Not sure how much longer we...THEY can keep going...”
Crosshair grits his teeth and worriedly runs his hand over his stubbly head. His silver hair growing back. He feels IMMENSE guilt. Both he and Wrecker have already openly argued about the mission that took Tech’s life...
They almost came to blows. It made Omega cry.
Hunter and Echo broke it up, putting them both in temporary “Time Out.”
They eventually made up...well Wrecker did. Crosshair just stared at the floor like a whipped dog.
Crosshair says something...but it’s lost as I fall asleep with Wrecker’s hands in my hair...
The warmth and comfort immediately torn away from me...
I...WE are laying in the cold wet mud...of SOME world...rain coming down in sheets.
There’s a body next to...us...
A dead rebel soldier. His eyes are wide open, glazed over...mud and rain splattered upon his body where he fell...
We...Tech...is CRAWLING through the mud. Attempting to escape? I can FEEL his respiratory effort as he DRAGS himself through the wet mess. He manages to pull himself with his arms several feet before falling back into the mud...utterly exhausted...
The hard patter of rain upon his body. He’s shivering. His body temperature is dropping...he’s becoming TIRED, struggling to keep both eyes open...only a matter of time before hypothermia sets in...
Please...don’t LEAVE me...
He’s addressing...ME! I can FEEL it!!!
I’m SHOCKED. This is the FIRST time he’s spoken to me...
Yes...I KNOW you’re there. He answers breathlessly. Took me some time to ascertain...you are using Remote Viewing...
I push to find my voice...
WE ARE COMING FOR YOU! I blurt out Hunter, Crosshair, Echo, Wrecker, and Omega are with me! We...
Tell them to abort their mission! Tech cuts me off.
NO! Where ARE YOU???
The Empire WILL find you all. It is NOT safe... He sighs HEAVILY I wish to see them all again...but NOW is not the time...
...and...I...am not the man I once was...
A ship lands several meters away. Its crew jumps down into the mire, slogging towards...Tech...US. He is grabbed up by several hands and hauled to the ship...into it...the crew starts basic first aid...
Thank you for keeping me awake...and ALIVE...if not for YOU, I would have expired. PLEASE, keep my brothers and sister safe...
And with that, Tech CUTS contact with me...
...I SLINGSHOT VIOLENTLY back to Echo’s ship!
I BOLT upright in the bunk. Wrecker has a mild heart attack with the suddenness of my action.
I’m SCREAMING something over and over...
Tech thought he could prevent me from finding him...
But I managed to catch a glimpse with HIS OWN EYES...the ship’s hull...
EVERYONE is running towards me...
I can only stare DIRECTLY into Echo’s eyes...
They widen. He SMILES. Immediately Echo sets to work with his ship’s computer...
Please let me know if you wanted to be added to my taglist or removed! Thanks so much for your support!!!
@marymunchkiin @talesfrommedinastation @giganonyx @thecoffeelorian
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@thebadbatch2022 @cassandrasfairytale @everybirdfellsilent
@groguandthebadbatch @theosb0rnway
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@kaleidoscope1967eyes @thiswitchloves9904
@sleepycreativewriter @leftealeaf @snowlotr
@thebadbatchfan @falling-among-the-stars
#the bad batch#star wars#tbb#bad batch#clone force 99#tbb tech#tbb hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb wrecker#tbb echo#tbb omega#the bad batch tech#tbb tech x reader#the bad batch x reader#tbb tech x non gendered reader#the bad batch x non gendered reader#tbb tech fan fic#tbb tech fan fiction#the bad batch tech fan fic#the bad batch fan fiction#skellymom#amber eyes chapter 2#clones#tbb clones#tech lives
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My first one shot from months ago. You Rebels fans should know who makes a cameo appearance. Please repost if you like it! I tagged some of you. If you want to be taken off my tag list or added PLEASE message me. Thanks!
@starqueensthings @talesfrommedinastation @genericficerblog @giganonyx @chrissywakingup @jedipoodoo @hugmekenobi @echo-lover @cloneloverrrrr @creatorproductive @marymunchkiin @mandos-mind-trick @crosshairlovebot @lizartgurl @gonky-kong @shove-an-ass-up-my-stick @mistress-of-the-empire @amorfista @freesia-writes @thecoffeelorian @starqueensside @zoeykallus @lucifidious @the-bad-batch-baroness
Bad Batch x Non-Gendered Character - ONE SHOT

This is my FIRST fan fic. Working on a much longer series fic with an OC that will drop...when it’s done. Criticism is welcome AS LONG AS IT’S KIND AND CONSTRUCTIVE. PLEASE feel free to contact me! I really want to hear feedback. Also, open to questions. All my work will be 18+ just because of my nasty mouth, nasty mind, and inappropriate dark humor. REMINDER: Please REBLOG if you like what you read! Thanks!!!
Summary: Action, Jedi learns to grow Force powers. This timeline is several months after leaving Crosshair on Kamino, near the end of working for Cid. The Batch is trying to figure a hook to be independent and possibly start actively rebelling against the Empire. This is set well before Mt Tantiss.
Content and Warnings: Canon and non-canon violence, swearing, momentary and possibly gruesome death of main characters (no worries, they don’t stay dead forever), Crosshair is an angry psychopathic killer with a vengeance (no hate, I love his problematic ass), mild Hunter fluff, touchy concerned Tech, Echo swears.
Word count: 2.1 K
You hadn’t expected to be separated from the rest of the Batch, however, Omega had other ideas “to help” on this mission. The Batch infiltrated this Imperial base for intel and possible chain codes to steal. You volunteered to run after and bring her back. Spotted by Imperial stormtroopers in a corridor, you and Omega try to lose them, but they are hot on your tail. Omega hears the Batch’s voices down a hallway and runs to them.
You and Omega skid to a halt at the edge of a missing bridge while the rest of the Batchers are on the other side. The precipice between is a several hundred story drop within the Imperial base. The group of stormtroopers rocked up behind you, guns lowered. Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker looked on impotently across the chasm, weapons trained on the stormtroopers. The Batch are poised, holding fire, trying to avoid any possibility of you and Omega getting caught in any crossfire.
Unfortunately, you had not finished training with your Master. Your Master did not survive Order 66. You were SO CLOSE to obtaining Jedi status. Now it was up to YOU to save yourself and Omega. Being captured was not an option at this point. Although, allowing the Empire to take you and Omega might allow time for the Batch to retreat safely to fight later. That carried serious risks. You were very limited in options as far as your Force abilities. Master had not given you a light saber, remarking that the Force had a different path for you.
The lead stormtrooper immediately grabbed you as a human shield, just as Wrecker let loose a shot from his blaster. He intended to shoot the stormtrooper but hit you in the chest. You slipped out of the stormtroopers grasp and off the edge of the bridge. You met Omega’s eyes as she called your name, while being dragged away by the same trooper. As your body went into free fall down the chasm, you could hear your Batchmates scream, curse, and start blasting away.
As consciousness slips from your body, you close your eyes. The sense of falling disappears, but you expected that by eventually reaching terminal velocity from this height. You open your eyes and are standing on an outstretched infinite path within an ever-expanding universe. Before you is a HUGE hulking creature with glowing eyes.
“What’s happening? Where am I?” You are simultaneously shocked, afraid, and unsure if this is all a dream.
The creature stares down, sizing you up.
“ In The World Between Worlds.”
“Am I dead???”
“No. It is not yet your time. You are here to finish your training.”
“My friends need my help! I need to get back to them!!!”
“You will return to help them; it is part of your training.”
“Who are you?”
“That matters not. Only your path is of importance. You cannot progress until your training is finished. The lives within your care hang in the balance. You and your group are linked together in that realm. Your failure will be their failure...until you succeed. Then you will be released from this realm to continue your path.”
It feels like the creature is staring into your soul, “The point of entry is behind you.”
You turn around to see...a doorway? A dark threshold surrounded by cryptic symbols, suspended among stars.
“Are you ready?”
“No! I...”
Your vision becomes a blur as you leave that place and return to where you were standing before falling off the platform. The vertigo messes with your senses, and it all feels like you had a momentary hallucination. Now back in this moment, you quickly spring into action.
You yell “NO WRECKER” immediately and Wrecker stops in his tracks. Hunter is sensing something, but unsure what it is. The Stormtrooper grabs you as a shield. A second trooper grabs Omega and drags her away. Omega starts using swears that only Echo could come up with as she is taken. The Batch stand with blasters trained on the stormtroopers in defense but not wanting to hit you in the crossfire. The trooper violently puts a foot in your ass and kicks you off the platform, then commences to start firing on the Batch. You free fall down the chasm and...
...pass The World Between Worlds for a split second, and then appear back onto the platform.
You try again.
Omega is led away swearing up a storm while the stormtrooper is holding onto you. Hunter calls to you, and in that moment, you sense the concern and love in his heart. You also sense a dark presence in the Force, look up to the platform above and see Crosshair with his Firepuncher trained on you. He was watching this exchange the whole time, waiting for the opportunity to shoot. In his jealousy and anger, he fires, hitting you dead center between the eyes. The very last thing you see is Cross grinning as he hears Hunter lose his shit.
The fabric of the connected realms brushes past you.
You yank the stormtrooper into Crosshairs blaster bolt as his body is hit, he stumbles into Omega and both fall off the platform to their impending deaths. The stormtrooper behind him, seeing the target they were looking to take is now gone, opens fire on you. You fall off the platform.
Before the trooper can grab you, you grab Omega and jump off the platform into the chasm. With any luck, you can use the force to stop yourselves before hitting bottom. Unfortunately, you and Omega’s fall velocity was too much for your Force abilities.
You grab Omega but try to save only her. As you fall past hundreds of platforms, you try to yeet her onto one as you fall. You are falling too fast, and your throw was severely off. You hear a sickening thud as she hits something.
You attempt to Force jump, and only make it just short of the other side. You yeet Omega across the chasm towards the Batch, Hunter jumps for her from the other side, and she slips from his grasp. You hear them both scream above you as you fall. Fortunately, Tech and Wrecker send out their grappling cables and catch both. Blaster fire starts from the stormtroopers. Tech is hit, falls off the platform, and takes Omega with him since she is attached to his cable.
You Force jump again, Hunter jumps but misses Omega. Knowing Wrecker will catch Hunter with his grappling hook, you send out a Force block in front of Tech. He is shielded from blaster fire, but Wrecker is hit by several bolts. He falls off the platform taking Hunter with him. You hear Wrecker's insanely terrified scream as you all fall. Hunter sends out his grappling cable and it catches. His fall is stopped, but Wrecker’s weight wrenches Hunters body horribly. He screams out in agony as he feels muscles tear. They are hanging and safe momentarily...or so it seems. A shot is heard from Firepuncher and Hunters cable is severed. Both Batchers scream as they fall.
You try to hold onto the edges of the realm as you pass through, but it evades your grasp.
You grab the lead stormtroopers gun while he is still holding onto it and keep pushing his finger onto the trigger, you shoot him and several other imps. You fire several shots towards Crosshair, preventing him from shooting at you. However, one hotshot trooper in the back squeezes off and hits you right in the back fatally.
Same scenario, but you spin the trooper around and use him as a human shield and the hotshot misses you. However, Crosshair blasts you at the base of your skull. The last thing you see is Omega’s terrified expression as you fall onto the platform next to your teeth his shot loosened in the blast.
You are getting sick of playing this fucked up reset game already. In your anger, you quickly grab the stormtrooper and throw his ass off the platform. The Batch and Omega watch shocked at your anger. The other stormtroopers are taken by surprise, as you advance on them and grab another. Crosshair is attempting to aim, but you are moving too much. The hotshot trooper aims his weapon. You and the trooper in your grasp struggle violently. The hotshot cannot get a good clear shot. Finally, he squeezes one off and misses you. However, he didn’t consider where Omega is standing, and she takes a direct hit. You hear your Batchmates scream in outrage. You scream in outrage. The hotshot screams in frustration, then double taps you and the trooper in your grasp in the head simultaneously.
You grab the stormtroopers gun while still in his hand and shoot yourself in the head. You just want this exhausting mess to be over.
You fall onto the platform in a crumpled pile crying. Stormtroopers AND Crosshair shoot you at the same time, resulting in a horrible, charred mess.
You scream bloody murder and obscenities at Crosshair. He shoots you between the eyes.
You jump off the edge of the platform screaming obscenities like a crazy person.
Before reset, you see the expression on the creatures face. He looks disappointed and replies, “You aren’t even trying. Reach out beyond the boundaries of your realm” As you angrily try to spout off to him, you are thrown violently into the next reset.
Standing on the platform, you take a deep breath and survey the scene. You mull over the creatures words. Time seems to slow down: You sense the stormtroopers behind you, looking into each of eyes of the Batch; Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, up to Crosshair, finally resting on Omega. You mouth, “Trust me” to her and she nods.
Time suddenly slams into overdrive, and you instantly pivot to bearhug Omega. The trooper misses your shoulder and grabs open air. The shot from Crosshair’s Firepuncher, originally meant for you, hits the trooper right between the eyes and he falls off the platform. You reach deep within the Force, grab the thin tether of this realm and open it wide. You then realize you were only meant to grasp it at the start of your actions, not at the end. You “push” through with the Force, taking Omega with you. As you “slide” from one location to another, you pass the creature. He nods as you pass from the world you left only a millisecond ago, through the timeless World Between Worlds.
“Congratulations, Jedi! Your training is complete.”
You part the curtain to your world again, entering behind the Batch. Hunter, before his eyes even register your disappearance on the opposite platform, senses a presence behind them. His head whips around to see you and Omega are now out of harm's way. His jaw drops inside his helmet. Tech, seeing Hunters reaction, immediately spins around, his eyes are visibly dumbfounded “What? How?” Wrecker calmly looks behind him, seeing you and Omega there safely, doesn’t question. He barks, “MUAHAHAHA! YEAH!!!” and opens fire on all the befuddled stormtroopers standing on the opposite platform.
With Wreckers cover fire, Hunter grabs Omega and runs down the hallway while yelling, “Let’s go!” Tech runs past and grabs your hand. He’s usually not touchy feely, but somewhere deep in his logical brain he understands that whatever happened saved your and Omega’s life. All the quick calculations he was running in his brain logically ended in you both dying. Wrecker is happily hopped up on blaster fire and the relief you are both safe. He follows running behind.
Crosshair is left on his sniper's roost. He hasn’t EVER missed a target. This was his first time. You were there one second and gone next to his surprise. Stares down at all the dead troopers laying on the platform below, gnawing hard on his toothpick. He’s angry...but intrigued. Maybe instead of killing you outright next time, he can land a stunning blow. The Empire might be VERY interested if he brought you in alive. Cross sprints away down a shortcut.
Your group reaches the end of the hallway and bursts out into the ship hangar bay. A large battalion of stormtroopers meet you there, with guns aimed. You all stop, out of breath, and possibly out of luck. Echo swoops in with the Marauder hovering and laying down suppressive cannon fire. Unfortunately, there are too many imps for him to dispatch while also landing successfully. Hunter and Tech are furiously looking for a way out.
You reach out with the Force and envelope Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Omega. Before opening the fabric of this realm, you feel eyes on you. Looking to a ledge several stories up, Crosshair meets your gaze. You both stare intensely into each other. Without even realizing it, you reach out and speak with the Force:
“Because...” Slight shock registering on Crosshair’s face “...I can.”
“You’ll regret this someday...when you’re all alone.”
“I already am.” He’s angry and hurt. There is nothing more you can say.
You slide through, taking all the Batchers with you and suddenly appearing within the Marauder.
Wrecker: “WHOA!”
Tech: Speechless, wide eyed...and STILL holding your hand.
Omega: Dizzy and winded.
Hunter: Rips helmet off his head. His expression is wild eyed and looks like he saw some serious shit. "What was that place? Who was that creature?”
Echo: Spins around in the pilot’s chair, eyes wide “WHAT THE FUCK!!!”
You grin. And watch the Batch trying to piece together their sudden location movement and glimpse of the creature between worlds.
Giving the order to Echo you bark, “Let’s go, soldier!”
He’s still sitting there with a shocked expression, then laser blasts pepper the ship, and he regains composure. Echo flies the Marauder out of the Imperial facility, off the planet, scrambles the ships jump signature, and punches it into hyperspace.

Should I pursue certain plot points further and make this MORE than a one shot? What develops with Crosshair? Tech's hand holding awakening? Why was Hunter the only one to actually see the creature? Or whatever else you might want to explore? PLEASE message me or leave a comment! AND, PLEASE REBLOG! Thanks!!!
#the bad batch#star wars#tbb#bad batch#tbb hunter#tbb tech#clone force 99#tbb wrecker#tbb crosshair#tbb omega#tbb echo#fanfic#fan fiction#one shot#non gendered character#open gendered main character#star wars fandom#star wars imagine#bad batch one shot#bad batch fan fic#star wars the bad batch#tech#hunter#crosshair#omega#echo#wrecker#skellymom#tbb x reader#the bad batch x reader
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The Bad Batch Fan Fic x Non Gendered Reader
(My first ever TBB Fan Fic posted 7/31/23. Unfortunately, I didn't realize at the time putting the MATURE label on the bottom of the post would make Tumblr hide it's presence)
Background: Force Sensitive learns to grow their Force powers. This timeline is several months after leaving Crosshair on Kamino, near the end of working for Cid. The Batch is trying to figure a hook to be independent and possibly start actively rebelling against the Empire. This is set well before Mt Tantiss.
Warnings: Canon and non-canon violence, swearing, momentary and possibly gruesome death of main characters (no worries, they don’t stay dead forever), Crosshair is an angry psychopathic killer with a vengeance (no hate, I love his problematic ass), mild Hunter fluff, touchy concerned Tech, Echo swears (of course).
Word count: 2.1 K
You hadn’t expected to be separated from the rest of the Batch, however, Omega had other ideas “to help” on this mission. The Batch infiltrated this Imperial base for intel and possible chain codes to steal. You volunteered to run after and bring her back. Spotted by Imperial stormtroopers in a corridor, you and Omega try to lose them, but they are hot on your tail. Omega hears the Batch’s voices down a hallway and runs to them.
You and Omega skid to a halt at the edge of a missing bridge while the rest of the Batchers are on the other side. The precipice between is a several hundred story drop within the Imperial base. The group of stormtroopers rocked up behind you, guns lowered. Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker looked on impotently across the chasm, weapons trained on the stormtroopers. The Batch are poised, holding fire, trying to avoid any possibility of you and Omega getting caught in any crossfire.
Unfortunately, you had not finished training with your Master. Your Master did not survive Order 66. You were SO CLOSE to obtaining Jedi status. Now it was up to YOU to save yourself and Omega. Being captured was not an option at this point. Although, allowing the Empire to take you and Omega might allow time for the Batch to retreat safely to fight later. That carried serious risks. You were very limited in options as far as your Force abilities. Master had not given you a light saber, remarking that the Force had a different path for you.
The lead stormtrooper immediately grabbed you as a human shield, just as Wrecker let loose a shot from his blaster. He intended to shoot the stormtrooper but hit you in the chest. You slipped out of the stormtroopers grasp and off the edge of the bridge. You met Omega’s eyes as she called your name, while being dragged away by the same trooper. As your body went into free fall down the chasm, you could hear your Batchmates scream, curse, and start blasting away.
As consciousness slips from your body, you close your eyes. The sense of falling disappears, but you expected that by eventually reaching terminal velocity from this height. You open your eyes and are standing on an outstretched infinite path within an ever-expanding universe. Before you is a HUGE hulking creature with glowing eyes.
“What’s happening? Where am I?” You are simultaneously shocked, afraid, and unsure if this is all a dream.
The creature stares down, sizing you up.
“ In The World Between Worlds.”
“Am I dead???”
“No. It is not yet your time. You are here to finish your training.”
“My friends need my help! I need to get back to them!!!”
“You will return to help them; it is part of your training.”
“Who are you?”
“That matters not. Only your path is of importance. You cannot progress until your training is finished. The lives within your care hang in the balance. You and your group are linked together in that realm. Your failure will be their failure…until you succeed. Then you will be released from this realm to continue your path.”
It feels like the creature is staring into your soul, “The point of entry is behind you.”
You turn around to see…a doorway? A dark threshold surrounded by cryptic symbols, suspended among stars.
“Are you ready?”
“No! I…”
Your vision becomes a blur as you leave that place and return to where you were standing before falling off the platform. The vertigo messes with your senses, and it all feels like you had a momentary hallucination. Now back in this moment, you quickly spring into action.
You yell “NO WRECKER” immediately and Wrecker stops in his tracks. Hunter is sensing something, but unsure what it is. The Stormtrooper grabs you as a shield. A second trooper grabs Omega and drags her away. Omega starts using swears that only Echo could come up with as she is taken. The Batch stand with blasters trained on the stormtroopers in defense but not wanting to hit you in the crossfire. The trooper violently puts a foot in your ass and kicks you off the platform, then commences to start firing on the Batch. You free fall down the chasm and…
…pass The World Between Worlds for a split second, and then appear back onto the platform.
You try again.
Omega is led away swearing up a storm while the stormtrooper is holding onto you. Hunter calls to you, and in that moment, you sense the concern and love in his heart. You also sense a dark presence in the Force, look up to the platform above and see Crosshair with his Firepuncher trained on you. He was watching this exchange the whole time, waiting for the opportunity to shoot. In his jealousy and anger, he fires, hitting you dead center between the eyes. The very last thing you see is Cross grinning as he hears Hunter lose his shit.
The fabric of the connected realms brushes past you.
You yank the stormtrooper into Crosshairs blaster bolt as his body is hit, he stumbles into Omega and both fall off the platform to their impending deaths. The stormtrooper behind him, seeing the target they were looking to take is now gone, opens fire on you. You fall off the platform.
Before the trooper can grab you, you grab Omega and jump off the platform into the chasm. With any luck, you can use the force to stop yourselves before hitting bottom. Unfortunately, you and Omega’s fall velocity was too much for your Force abilities.
You grab Omega but try to save only her. As you fall past hundreds of platforms, you try to yeet her onto one as you fall. You are falling too fast, and your throw was severely off. You hear a sickening thud as she hits something.
You attempt to Force jump, and only make it just short of the other side. You yeet Omega across the chasm towards the Batch, Hunter jumps for her from the other side, and she slips from his grasp. You hear them both scream above you as you fall. Fortunately, Tech and Wrecker send out their grappling cables and catch both. Blaster fire starts from the stormtroopers. Tech is hit, falls off the platform, and takes Omega with him since she is attached to his cable.
You Force jump again, Hunter jumps but misses Omega. Knowing Wrecker will catch Hunter with his grappling hook, you send out a Force block in front of Tech. He is shielded from blaster fire, but Wrecker is hit by several bolts. He falls off the platform taking Hunter with him. You hear Wrecker’s insanely terrified scream as you all fall. Hunter sends out his grappling cable and it catches. His fall is stopped, but Wrecker’s weight wrenches Hunters body horribly. He screams out in agony as he feels muscles tear. They are hanging and safe momentarily…or so it seems. A shot is heard from Firepuncher and Hunters cable is severed. Both Batchers scream as they fall.
You try to hold onto the edges of the realm as you pass through, but it evades your grasp.
You grab the lead stormtroopers gun while he is still holding onto it and keep pushing his finger onto the trigger, you shoot him and several other imps. You fire several shots towards Crosshair, preventing him from shooting at you. However, one hotshot trooper in the back squeezes off and hits you right in the back fatally.
Same scenario, but you spin the trooper around and use him as a human shield and the hotshot misses you. However, Crosshair blasts you at the base of your skull. The last thing you see is Omega’s terrified expression as you fall onto the platform next to your teeth his shot loosened in the blast.
You are getting sick of playing this fucked up reset game already. In your anger, you quickly grab the stormtrooper and throw his ass off the platform. The Batch and Omega watch shocked at your anger. The other stormtroopers are taken by surprise, as you advance on them and grab another. Crosshair is attempting to aim, but you are moving too much. The hotshot trooper aims his weapon. You and the trooper in your grasp struggle violently. The hotshot cannot get a good clear shot. Finally, he squeezes one off and misses you. However, he didn’t consider where Omega is standing, and she takes a direct hit. You hear your Batchmates scream in outrage. You scream in outrage. The hotshot screams in frustration, then double taps you and the trooper in your grasp in the head simultaneously.
You grab the stormtroopers gun while still in his hand and shoot yourself in the head. You just want this exhausting mess to be over.
You fall onto the platform in a crumpled pile crying. Stormtroopers AND Crosshair shoot you at the same time, resulting in a horrible, charred mess.
You scream bloody murder and obscenities at Crosshair. He shoots you between the eyes.
You jump off the edge of the platform screaming obscenities like a crazy person.
Before reset, you see the expression on the creatures face. He looks disappointed and replies, “You aren’t even trying. Reach out beyond the boundaries of your realm” As you angrily try to spout off to him, you are thrown violently into the next reset.
Standing on the platform, you take a deep breath and survey the scene. You mull over the creatures words. Time seems to slow down: You sense the stormtroopers behind you, looking into each of eyes of the Batch; Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, up to Crosshair, finally resting on Omega. You mouth, “Trust me” to her and she nods.
Time suddenly slams into overdrive, and you instantly pivot to bearhug Omega. The trooper misses your shoulder and grabs open air. The shot from Crosshair’s Firepuncher, originally meant for you, hits the trooper right between the eyes and he falls off the platform. You reach deep within the Force, grab the thin tether of this realm and open it wide. You then realize you were only meant to grasp it at the start of your actions, not at the end. You “push” through with the Force, taking Omega with you. As you “slide” from one location to another, you pass the creature. He nods as you pass from the world you left only a millisecond ago, through the timeless World Between Worlds.
“Congratulations, Jedi! Your training is complete.”
You part the curtain to your world again, entering behind the Batch. Hunter, before his eyes even register your disappearance on the opposite platform, senses a presence behind them. His head whips around to see you and Omega are now out of harm’s way. His jaw drops inside his helmet. Tech, seeing Hunters reaction, immediately spins around, his eyes are visibly dumbfounded “What? How?” Wrecker calmly looks behind him, seeing you and Omega there safely, doesn’t question. He barks, “MUAHAHAHA! YEAH!!!” and opens fire on all the befuddled stormtroopers standing on the opposite platform.
With Wreckers cover fire, Hunter grabs Omega and runs down the hallway while yelling, “Let’s go!” Tech runs past and grabs your hand. He’s usually not touchy feely, but somewhere deep in his logical brain he understands that whatever happened saved your and Omega’s life. All the quick calculations he was running in his brain logically ended in you both dying. Wrecker is happily hopped up on blaster fire and the relief you are both safe. He follows running behind.
Crosshair is left on his sniper’s roost. He hasn’t EVER missed a target. This was his first time. You were there one second and gone next to his surprise. Stares down at all the dead troopers laying on the platform below, gnawing hard on his toothpick. He’s angry…but intrigued. Maybe instead of killing you outright next time, he can land a stunning blow. The Empire might be VERY interested if he brought you in alive. Cross sprints away down a shortcut.
Your group reaches the end of the hallway and bursts out into the ship hangar bay. A large battalion of stormtroopers meet you there, with guns aimed. You all stop, out of breath, and possibly out of luck. Echo swoops in with the Marauder hovering and laying down suppressive cannon fire. Unfortunately, there are too many imps for him to dispatch while also landing successfully. Hunter and Tech are furiously looking for a way out.
You reach out with the Force and envelope Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Omega. Before opening the fabric of this realm, you feel eyes on you. Looking to a ledge several stories up, Crosshair meets your gaze. You both stare intensely into each other. Without even realizing it, you reach out and speak with the Force:
“Because…” Slight shock registering on Crosshair’s face “…I can.”
“You’ll regret this someday…when you’re all alone.”
“I already am.” He’s angry and hurt. There is nothing more you can say.
You slide through, taking all the Batchers with you and suddenly appearing within the Marauder.
Wrecker: “WHOA!”
Tech: Speechless, wide eyed…and STILL holding your hand.
Omega: Dizzy and winded.
Hunter: Rips helmet off his head. His expression is wild eyed and looks like he saw some serious shit. “What was that place? Who was that creature?”
Echo: Spins around in the pilot’s chair, eyes wide “WHAT THE FUCK!!!”
You grin. And watch the Batch trying to piece together their sudden location movement and glimpse of the creature between worlds.
Giving the order to Echo you bark, “Let’s go, soldier!”
He’s still sitting there with a shocked expression, then laser blasts pepper the ship, and he regains composure. Echo flies the Marauder out of the Imperial facility, off the planet, scrambles the ships jump signature, and punches it into hyperspace.
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@marymunchkiin @talesfrommedinastation @giganonyx @thecoffeelorian
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@random-chaotic-bitch @dystopicjumpsuit @nika6q @heyclickadee
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@blueinkblot @stelli-sketches-alt @ci-avmovies14 @melymigo
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@thebadbatch2022 @clonelovr @half-truths-and-hyperb
A brilliant revolutionary is rendered handicapped and loses hope. Echo steps in to help them restore their life...and finds love.

Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Angst, pain, crying, injury, handicapped characters dealing with their condition, kissing and sweetness. I researched Aphasia some, but PLEASE do not come for me. I am not claiming to be an expert. And, I did my very best to be respectful of portraying this medical disorder. My aim was to portray a healthy and devoted relationship with two people who have a physical and mental disability.
No smut (However, all you Echo Lovers who would like a SEPARATE smutty story with these two, PLEASE MESSAGE ME!)
(Divider credit: @hereindreamlandpng @sister-lucifer, Pinterest pic credit: will)
Listen as you read: "Don't Forsake Me" by Ofra Haza
Don't cast me away When I start to fade When my mind's unmade Don't forsake me When my strength has ebbed Don't forsake me
I know the day will come I know the day will come And all my life will be haze and spark Don't ever leave me in the dark
Don't cast me away When I start to fade When my mind's unmade Don't forsake me When my strength has ebbed Don't forsake me Oh, Oh, Oh Don't cast me away
Tech adjusted his goggles while reading the holopad. “Your name is becoming very visible throughout the galaxy. I believe the Outer Rim is NOW referring to you as ‘The Bearer of Emancipation’”
“Kinda cool...but kinda dangerous, eh?” Wrecker mused.
“PROMISED Omega we’d ALL come home safe” Hunter added “And NOT bring the Empire hot on our heels to Pabu.”
I smiled widely feeling EXTRA confident in my abilities promoting clone rights and an overall galaxy wide rebellion post Order 66. "No worries, boys. We're making wonderful headway!"
It all started out for me as a destitute desert rat the Batch picked up while on their travels. They occasionally helped Rex with his Clone Rebellion. The “Sassy Jokester” or the “Brilliant Orator” the boys called me. I really had no skills that would cause them to keep me around. Not as a medic, mechanic, cook, or anything else for that matter. Just someone with a quick wit and courageous mouth. They said my words gave them hope and a reason to feel like actual human beings. And the laughs...all the laughs too.
Then, on a mission for Rex, I met ECHO.
In one afternoon, he wooed me with his rebellious passion for freedom and a safer galaxy. He commed Senator Chuchi, who I had NEVER heard of. We spoke and I was hooked.
From that point on I became a REVOLUTIONARY!
I traveled to so many worlds with so many different squads. Deviating which clones would protect me while meeting the galaxy’s citizens. Changing hearts and minds for The Rebellion.
We had managed to largely avoid any snags with the Empire...or its cult of followers.
So far.
ENVOY____, ENVOY _____!!! A young girl no older than 6 years old appeared, jumping up and down excitedly.
She was genuinely thrilled to meet me. Holding a festively colored box in her hands.
I broke ranks with the boys and approached her.
“Envoy...I... wouldn’t do that.” Hunter warned.
Scoffing at Hunter’s alarm, I continued to approach. This planet was safe, and we experienced no issues with the people here...
Her face lit up as I approached. She held out the box to me “One of your fans told me to give this to you.”
Crosshair’s agitated voice squawked over Hunter’s comm behind me. He did NOT sound like his usual calm self while keeping the sniper’s view of our group...
Her innocent face. The face of Hope...of a peaceful future.
Before I could take the box from her hands, it was shot to the ground from above.
A second later Hunter grabbed the little girl, flipping and jumping away...
The last thing I saw was Wrecker’s armor around me with the blinding light of an explosion behind him...
Then...fade to black...
I awoke in a rudimentary med ward, on an elevated hover stretcher with a rickety stainless-steel table next to it. On it lay a water canteen and an empty bedpan.
There’s a quiet yawn, turning to see Hunter seated next to me. He had just awakened too.
He said something. I could hear him...but his words made no sense. Hunter babbled in a language I barely understood. I could read his facial expressions though: relief, love...then changing to doubt and concern the more he spoke.
He spoke into his comm.
My tensions began to rise...
Minutes later Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair warily, but relieved filed into the room as Hunter commed someone else.
Tech approached and began talking to me. He spoke what seemed volumes before I could discern the occasional word.
Why was this so difficult? Why did I feel like they were speaking an alien language?
I opened my mouth to Tech, thinking he would be able to understand...
...and a guttural sound fell from my mouth. I tried again and again. Same thing.
I felt the tears on my cheeks. Hunter gently wiped them away, rubbing circles on my shoulder with his other hand.
Becoming more hysterical with every attempt to speak...
Crosshair motioned from across the room with the air he reserved for making snide, but hilarious comments to lighten the mood. He was not a cuddler like Hunter.
His sinuous voice pulled the curtain back from my lack of understanding. Where I would normally laugh, I could only mumble unintelligibly.
Then he doubled down, clearly now NOT paying attention to Tech’s facts, nor Hunter growling at him “Crosshair, this is NOT the time or place!”
Wrecker, standing next to Cross, trying to silence his brother to no avail...highly aware of my stress and anxiety...
Then...Crosshair’s voice cuts through my mental haze like a knife through flesh...wounding...
“Are you DEAF and DUMB???”
He ducks just fast enough to not be struck by the stainless-steel bedpan as it hits the wall. There’s fear in HIS eyes and immense guilt as I SCREAM at him...in an unhinged way. I sound like an angry animal.
Wrecker slides over and presses himself into a corner. Trying to make himself smaller. He DOESN’T know what to do.
My screams of rage ramp down to a mournful howl because I AM SCARING HIM.
“HE DIDN’T MEAN IT!” Hunter grabs both of my arms. His expression compassionate and... perhaps too forgiving...
My anger FLARES as he attempts to lessen the blow of his brother's horrible choice of words.
ALWAYS defending him!
WHY can’t Crosshair be more empathetic?
WHY must Hunter step in for this GROWN man?
He suddenly realizes his mistake the second I slam my hands into his chest, pushing him away...
...too strong for me to hurt him...
But his FEELINGS are torn to shreds...and it shows.
Tech is attempting to talk AT ME thinking perhaps his LOGIC would prevail in an otherwise VERY EMOTIONALLY charged situation.
“...a TRAUMATIC brain injury...Aphasia...you can vocalize, however are currently unable to form words.”
Then he sets his datapad onto my lap.
“Perhaps...TYPE the message you wish us to comprehend?”
I inhale SHARPLY. The keys on the touchscreen resembled an angular string of symbols...and were totally unrecognizable to me.
Tech was so sure of my abilities...
A panic attack grips me. I let out a crestfallen moan, shaking my head. No longer even paying attention to the men in the room.
I want to escape. To outrun the situation. I MUST GET OUT OF HERE!!!
Sliding from the stretcher and totally mistakin that my legs would support me post medical coma...
And falling HEAVILY to the med unit floor, taking the stainless-steel table with it. The water in the canteen spills all over me and the floor as I fall stomach down with a SLAP!
IMMEDIATELY, hands on me...trying to lift...
But my RAGE flares AGAIN!
Punching and slapping at the well-meaning men...I FORCE them to retreat...
So that I may lay upon the floor and keep screaming until I'm hoarse.
Finally, silence, I inhale sharply...and exhale raggedly. The room is silent enough to hear a pin drop.
And the familiar thudding of boots entering the room...
Metal boots.
They appear in my line of vision.
A soft but gruff voice speaks “Now...what’s this?” as he kneels.
Then pulls me wet and bruised off the floor and into his arms. I hug his neck. Then try to speak. Nothing but noise comes out.
He strokes my hair “I won’t lie. It’s going to be a HUGE adjustment.”
I look up into those amber eyes as I feel his cold metal scomp on my back.
“Up you go.” As Echo lifts and places me back onto the hover stretcher. Hunter carefully sets a clean gown next to me as Tech hurriedly rights the table and wipes up the water.
Crosshair stands slumped with a defeated expression. Wrecker pokes him in the back HARD.
He straightens up. “I... shouldn’t have said that.” Crosshair’s eyes meet yours. “I’m sorry.”
I nod. Forgiving him while wiping my face.
Hunter squeezes my shoulder “We’ll let you have some space.” Then ushers his brothers out of the room.
Echo stays behind and helps me change into the dry hospital gown. He can tell from my expression I am extremely grateful for his support.
“I ALMOST just missed seeing you awake.”
My eyes shot up to him in surprise.
“Heh...been visiting you the past few weeks since the accident. Of course, you’ve been out and didn’t know it. You know...in-between missions...”
He’s rubbing the back of his neck in the awkward way he does when slightly embarrassed.
My eyes soften.
He smiles.
“My ship had JUST left...then Hunter commed me...”
He steps closer tentatively and takes my hand.
“From the tone of his voice...thought I...uh...WE had LOST you...” He looks so PAINED by the thought.
I couldn’t hold back...he’s been such an ally. But he’s more than that to me. Someone very precious. I LOVE ALL the clones...
But Echo has a VERY special place in my heart.
Pulling him close and embracing him, I sigh.
“I don’t know WHAT I’d do if I lost you.” He whispers in my ear.
I caress his cheek, then pull back from our embrace to gently kiss his lips.
He inhales sharply.
I know this is the FIRST kiss he has EVER experienced in his life. Then I place his hand against my heart, trying to communicate my feelings for him.
He understands completely.
“Will you come with me? I... mean AFTER you’re taken care of medically. Just...can’t leave you again.”
I’m elated...but uncertain about the future. How can I continue my work? It would be IMPOSSIBLE to advocate if I cannot speak...
“You’ll find your voice. We’ll figure SOMETHING out. You’re not done.”
I moan quietly and shake my head.
Then I think of what he’s been through. Now standing here, having picked me up off the floor with one arm, traveling through the galaxy fighting for peace, then coming back time and again to my bedside...a man missing most of his body, whose mind had been tormented for so long...
In his eyes I see HOPE.
If Echo can do it, so can I.
Pabu is a beautiful place to recover. The sunlight, perfect weather...and the people are so attentive and caring. I sit on the beach and watch the waves roll in. My clone family has been nothing but wonderful and supportive.
But I can’t stay here forever. There’s work to do. Especially if I want EVERYONE in the universe to be able to have a safe home and their freedom.
I still cannot speak. According to Tech I may NEVER regain my verbalization. But he was delighted that I was lucky enough to understand the spoken word. Not everyone with this injury can.
“See you made it down here by yourself today.” Echo’s pride shows as he approaches. He’d usually lead me down the rocky steps to the sand.
He’s dressed only in his deep red bodysuit bottoms. Confidently showing off his prosthetics and mechanics. Something he would have NEVER done before we met. His skin is beginning to lose that ghostly pallor.
I give him an “of course” expression and he smiles. He knows I’ve been pushing myself hard. We won’t leave Pabu until I’m cleared medically by Tech. Physical therapy works wonders with mobility. Then there’s the lessons...
“Here’s your teacher now.”
Omega sprints across the beach towards us. She’s wearing a rainbow tie dye swimsuit. Something her and Lyana made one happy Pabu summer day.
“Are you ready?” She’s excited and hopeful.
They both join me on the blanket.
“Ok, recap. Show me what we worked on yesterday.” Omega slips into tutor mode.
I roll my eyes and sign in Standard Basic The quick silver Vulptice jumps over the lazy Lurca.
“PERFECT!” Omega claps her hands ecstatically.
I want something FUN! When will I learn swear words?
Omega laughs into her hands and blushes.
“That’s MY department.” Echo embraces me, pulling my back to his chest. Then leans into my ear whispering something and gestures with his scomp and hand...a very interesting swear word indeed!
Omega explodes into even wilder laughter and falls backward onto the sand.
“What’s SO FUNNY” Hunter asks as he approaches.
Nothing I sign, but giggle.
He glances at Echo and I, then winks with a mischievous grin.
Wrecker sets down a huge cooler of food and drinks, then takes Shep’s hand as they make a beeline for the water in their matching swim trunks.
Batcher tears past and Omega runs after her.
Tech and Phee approach. She holds aloft a beautiful bottle of deep amber alcohol “Hondo sends his FINEST rum. It’s been sold out since the Empire put an alcohol prohibition on their stormtroopers. He held this baby back just for US!”
Tech spreads another big blanket onto the sand as Phee hands the rum to Hunter. Then she removes her gauzy sarong to reveal a beautifully beaded and woven earth toned bikini. Tech is captivated by this. Standing there smiling in his plain beige and heavily pocketed cargo shorts.
Then he scoops her up lovingly over his shoulder and walks calmly into the ocean. She squeals playfully.
Crosshair opens a HUGE beach umbrella and sinks it into the sand, parking himself under it on the blanket next to Hunter. He’s dressed in a black full body wetsuit covering his tall sleek frame, black sunglasses, with his signature toothpick. Cross had since grown out his hair only on the top. His frosty silver locks falling lushly to a side part and long bangs mysteriously covering one eye. Contrasted with Hunter only dressed in a pair of skimpy distressed jean cutoff shorts. The light acid washed denim emphasizing his dark skin and toned body, deep crimson bandana, and jet-black curls resting past his broad shoulders.
Hunter cracks open the rum, pours two glasses and hands one to Crosshair.
The Bachelor Thirst Traps of Pabu. I sign to Echo. The women...and men should be showing up ANY minute now...
Hunter nods, offering us some rum.
“We’ll pass for now.” Echo nods back, eyeing more beachgoers descending the stairs at the top of the cliff. “Looks like your fans are here.” he chuckles.
Hunter stops and sighs “Can’t get a moment of PEACE.”
Crosshair snorts. “When you prance down the streets wearing THAT, what do you expect?
“They’re lucky I even wear ANYTHING to the beach.” Hunter grouses.
They’d feel pretty LUCKY if you DIDN’T! I sign.
Echo snorts. Crosshair throws his head back and cackles.
Hunter smirks “You’re Basic Sign is getting much better.”
Thanks, Sergeant
“Keep an eye on this for me.” Echo pulls off his scomp and tosses it to Cross.
Cross catches and salutes Echo with it, drink in hand.
Echo and I get up from the blanket and head over to our secluded spot at the lagoon. He holds my hand keeping vigilant should I trip on the sand. My legs are still a bit weak.
We sit on a smooth flat boulder next to a shallow pool of sparkling turquoise ocean water. No waves or currents, just a calm oasis with rocks surrounding it allowing for privacy.
I slide in first, floating and buoyant waiting for Echo.
He carefully pulls off both leg prosthetics, leaving them on the boulder, then inches over the edge. I hold out my hands, carefully grasp his hips to help guide him into the water as he lowers himself down with one arm.
There is no embarrassment, nor judgement. We accept help from one another, welcome physical touch, and our loving devotion to one another.
He slides into my arms and encircles me with his, then sighs...
“I could ALMOST see us staying here...indefinitely.”
Almost I sign. But...that ITCH...an urgency to be a part of something... I trail off
“Bigger” he finishes my sentence. “Maybe even something we’ll both NEVER see.” Brief melancholy spreads across his face.
I feel it too. The pull from both worlds.
We have THIS...at least for right NOW. I sign.
“You’re right.” He agrees, hope returning to his face. “Let’s make the most of it.”
He pulls me closer to him and we make the VERY MOST of this day...and each one after that...
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This was very fun to read at around 5 am today! Hopefully Hunter will be a bit more careful with his new S/O around!!
Background: Hunter's knife stimming antics embarrasses him in front of his crush. Silly stuff. Crush is unnamed w/no specific gender. Decided to go with they/them pronouns instead of y/n. I had read that some people do NOT like y/n. So decided to try something different.
Word Count: 1K
Warning: Tame read. Some swearing, knife wound, small amount of blood.
End over edge, the knife flipped back and forth between Hunter’s fingers again and again.
Usually, he did this to stim or pass the time...
However, today he was showing off.
THEY sat across the ship watching Hunter’s knife mastery.
He knew THEY were watching. Could sense it.
Felt GOOD to be watched. Adored from afar. Especially THIS person.
He wasn’t one to fall hard easily...or be driven to showy acts to impress.
But this CRUSH was different...
...AND the pining was MUTUAL...
End over edge, index finger then middle, with his ring and pinky finger propelling the knife back over his first two fingers.
Again and again...
He slowly swung his seat round JUST enough to catch the peripheral view of his CRUSH out of the corner of his eye.
Still watching his movements...
It THRILLED him. He could feel a small jolt of adrenaline.
Hunter’s fingers sped up, flipping the knife FASTER.
End over edge...
He could hear THEIR breath pick up in excitement as THEY watched him do this.
He QUICKLY reversed the knife’s movement expertly.
Again and again...
His ears caught THEIR heartbeat speed up.
The smell of THEIR excitement, release of pheromones...
End over edge...
It mixed with the scent of THEIR skin, hair...
Again and again...
An intake of breath, THEY exhaled an impressed ALMOST inaudible sigh...
OF COURSE Hunter’s ears caught it. Made him SHIVER slightly in his core...
The excitement caused his fingers to speed up again.
End over...
But his fingers betrayed him.
The knife slipped from his grasp...
And SHOT straight down...
The sudden pain blanked out his senses for a few seconds as Hunter glanced HORRIFIED at the vibroknife STICKING OUT OF HIS BOOT.
THEY were immediately at his side “Maker!!! Hunter, are you alright???”
Hunter’s head snapped up to look right into THEIR eyes, full of concern. Behind THEM, he could see Tech and Echo glanced over their shoulders
His brothers shot each other an...expression. Somewhere between puzzled amusement and muted concern.
Hunter kept his face calm, cool, and collected. Inside his head he berated himself in-between the sharp throbbing pain of his foot.
“No worries.” Hunter QUICKLY pulled out the knife, sheathed it, hoping THEY wouldn’t see the blood coating the blades tip. “Gonna change into another pair.”
“Maybe I should grab the first aid kit? Just in case???”
“Oh...no need.” Hunter grinned stiffly as he rose from his seat. “Can’t meet this mission with a hole in my footwear! Sit tight, be back shortly.”
He walked as NORMALLY to the back of the ship as he could. Hunter could FEEL blood pooling around his big toe.
When he was out of view, Hunter limped the rest of the way.
Crosshair glanced up from polishing his rifle. He IMMEDIATELY spotted what was wrong.
“You’re trailing blood, Hunter.”
Wrecker pulled away from his weapon inventory duty. “What happened?” He too saw blood and grabbed the first aid kit.
“Heh, just a little accident.” As Crosshair had Hunter sit on his bunk “No big deal.”
Wrecker pulled off Hunter’s boot, his black sock soaked in blood. His brother carefully peeled it back to expose a puncture wound to his toe.
"STABBED yourself pretty good.” Wrecker whistled while examining how deep the wound was. “Just missed the bone.”
“Accident, eh?” Crosshair scolded. “Fucking around with your knife trying to impress our GUEST is more like it.”
“I did NO such thing...OW! Wrecker!!!” Hunter attempted to keep his voice down. “STOP messing with it!!!” He hissed.
“Well, I gotta clean it good.” Wrecker sassed back. “Vibroblades carry bunches of...uh...BACTERIA!”
“Wrecker, you’re starting to sound like Tech.” Crosshair reached for Hunter’s vibroblade. “Keep doing that and YOU’LL hurt yourself.”
Hunter blocked Crosshair’s access to the knife. Cross VICIOUSLY slapped Hunter’s hand away.
“OW!” Hunter scoffed at Crosshair, and finally lost ALL composure. “OW!!! WRECKER, DAMMIT, I SAID STOP!!!.”
Crosshair took the opportunity and yanked Hunter’s vibroknife out of its sheath. Clotted blood covered the tip.
“You did NO such thing, eh?” Crosshair scorned Hunter.
Hunter sighed “Ok, I’m...”
“AN IDIOT!” Cross wiped the blade clean, then shoved it back into the sheath.
“Can I do anything to help?”
All three of them froze with shocked expressions as Hunter’s CRUSH casually strolled through the doorway.
“YEAH! You can take over cleaning Hunter’s wound.” Wrecker stood up and slapped the bacta wipe into THEIR hand. “Warnin’ ya, he’s a HORRIBLE patient.”
Then Wrecker stalked out and towards the ship’s bridge.
Crosshair glanced at Hunter, then his CRUSH. A wily grin crossed his face.
“DON’T say it, Crosshair.” Hunter growled. “Just...leave.”
Crosshair walked away while inserting a toothpick between his teeth. He paused for effect at the threshold of the doorway. “Just closing things up...so you’ll have a little...privacy.”
Then Hunter and his CRUSH were alone.
Hunter glanced up at them...
Turning BEET red!
“Sit back and relax.” THEY eased Hunter back on the bunk, knelt, and gently tended to his wound.
THEIR hands cradled his foot, and all the pain was forgotten.
So were Hunter’s words.
“You know...I’m always happy to...” THEY smiled up at him. “Administer to your needs.”
That look...it took his breath away...
“Uh huh...” Hunter nodded, empty headed.
“Just ask.” The bleeding had stopped.
“Uh...huh...uh...” His brain froze.
“Are your lips stuck?” THEY asked with weighted words.
Hunter nodded no. Then he quickly figured out what THEY were REALLY asking.
Then nodded yes.
“Let me help you with that, kay?” THEY waited for his consent.
Hunter nodded with a lopsided grin.
THEY got up, sat next to him on the bunk, and sweetly cradled his jaw in THEIR hand.
“In the future, just ask me if you want this. Don’t go hurting yourself, ok.”
“Uh huh.” Hunter was caught in THEIR gaze.
THEY hovered closer, gently tracing THEIR nose with his...
The ghostly brush of THEIR lips upon his. Then a rush of adrenaline as THEY pressed passionately harder...
Hunter rumbled warmly and leaned into it for all he was worth.
That kiss fixed...
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@momojedi @violinrox15 @ollietheshark0 @knightprincess
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@x-galactic-star-x @lonelybeeart
@crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @ades106
@tbnrpotato @msskaywalker @sweet-carolinevl
@holocrondreams @techsgoggles @falling-among-the-stars
@cornfowercowboy @badbatchbeau @kitsolo06
@shadowphantomreaper @sayrvne @dangerousyetexhausted
@kaleidoscope1967eyes @thiswitchloves9904
@sleepycreativewriter @leftealeaf @snowlotr
@thebadbatchfan @falling-among-the-stars
#the bad batch#star wars#tbb#bad batch#tbb hunter#clone force 99#tbb crosshair#tbb tech#tbb wrecker#tbb echo#the bad batch fan fic#the bad batch fan fiction#tbb hunter x reader#the bad batch hunter x reader#tbb hunter x non gendered reader#the bad batch hunter x non gendered reader#skellymom#fuck around find out#tbb sergeant hunter
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A story of HOPE for Tech Fan's: Resident of Pabu unlocks a secret even THEY weren't aware they had access to!

Word Count: 800
The stars whiz by the windscreen as I lay on the bunk in the dimly lit ship. Echo is at the helm. He brought transport since the Marauder was destroyed.
I’m exhausted.
It’s been months since my FIRST contact with Tech. Since then, I’ve only gotten snippets of sensory information: by sight, sound, feel. I can still feel him breathing...it’s been the only constant since that day on Pabu. Like we’re sharing the same breath.
The goggles are no longer needed for me to reach out to Tech. Omega still brought them along “just in case”. There are times I can concentrate while awake to experience what he is experiencing. But most times it happens during the night, when sleep pulls my guard down.
And, because of that I don’t sleep for very long.
Crosshair says I talk in my sleep...and it sounds JUST LIKE his brother. He’s tried to elicit a conversation, but without me being conscious it goes nowhere.
“Found some muscle relaxers. That should help you sleep.” Hunter kneels with a canteen, dropping two tablets into my hand.
“Thanks” Swallowing the meds.
“Here” He also hands me a ration bar “They’ll tear up your stomach if you don’t eat.”
“You’re such a DAD” I kid.
“You’re a part of this family, too” Hunter smiles and it reaches his eyes. I can also see a bit of concern in them. “Of course we’ll take care of you.”
He pats my shoulder, stepping away as Wrecker approaches.
“Ya ready?” Cracks the knuckles of his large hands.
I nod as he sits behind me on the bunk and CAREFULLY massages my head, temple, ears. The man has hands that could EASILY crush my skull...
...but his fingers are so gentle. He eases away the tension as I chew on the ration bar.
Soon the meds, food, and Wrecker’s massage take effect. I’m feeling extremely comfortable. There’s a conversation going on between Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair...I’m catching small snippets...
“Concerned about ______. Too much for one person to bear.” Hunter empathizes with my plight. He UNDERSTANDS all too well.
Echo’s voice chimes in “Yeah, all the leads just wind up being dead ends. Not sure how much longer we...THEY can keep going...”
Crosshair grits his teeth and worriedly runs his hand over his stubbly head. His silver hair growing back. He feels IMMENSE guilt. Both he and Wrecker have already openly argued about the mission that took Tech’s life...
They almost came to blows. It made Omega cry.
Hunter and Echo broke it up, putting them both in temporary “Time Out.”
They eventually made up...well Wrecker did. Crosshair just stared at the floor like a whipped dog.
Crosshair says something...but it’s lost as I fall asleep with Wrecker’s hands in my hair...
The warmth and comfort immediately torn away from me...
I...WE are laying in the cold wet mud...of SOME world...rain coming down in sheets.
There’s a body next to...us...
A dead rebel soldier. His eyes are wide open, glazed over...mud and rain splattered upon his body where he fell...
We...Tech...is CRAWLING through the mud. Attempting to escape? I can FEEL his respiratory effort as he DRAGS himself through the wet mess. He manages to pull himself with his arms several feet before falling back into the mud...utterly exhausted...
The hard patter of rain upon his body. He’s shivering. His body temperature is dropping...he’s becoming TIRED, struggling to keep both eyes open...only a matter of time before hypothermia sets in...
Please...don’t LEAVE me...
He’s addressing...ME! I can FEEL it!!!
I’m SHOCKED. This is the FIRST time he’s spoken to me...
Yes...I KNOW you’re there. He answers breathlessly. Took me some time to ascertain...you are using Remote Viewing...
I push to find my voice...
WE ARE COMING FOR YOU! I blurt out Hunter, Crosshair, Echo, Wrecker, and Omega are with me! We...
Tell them to abort their mission! Tech cuts me off.
NO! Where ARE YOU???
The Empire WILL find you all. It is NOT safe... He sighs HEAVILY I wish to see them all again...but NOW is not the time...
...and...I...am not the man I once was...
A ship lands several meters away. Its crew jumps down into the mire, slogging towards...Tech...US. He is grabbed up by several hands and hauled to the ship...into it...the crew starts basic first aid...
Thank you for keeping me awake...and ALIVE...if not for YOU, I would have expired. PLEASE, keep my brothers and sister safe...
And with that, Tech CUTS contact with me...
...I SLINGSHOT VIOLENTLY back to Echo’s ship!
I BOLT upright in the bunk. Wrecker has a mild heart attack with the suddenness of my action.
I’m SCREAMING something over and over...
Tech thought he could prevent me from finding him...
But I managed to catch a glimpse with HIS OWN EYES...the ship’s hull...
EVERYONE is running towards me...
I can only stare DIRECTLY into Echo’s eyes...
They widen. He SMILES. Immediately Echo sets to work with his ship’s computer...
Please let me know if you wanted to be added to my taglist or removed! Thanks so much for your support!!!
@marymunchkiin @talesfrommedinastation @giganonyx @thecoffeelorian
@hugmekenobi @the-bad-batch-baroness @genericficerblog @techs-goggles9902
@arctrooper69 @random-chaotic-bitch @dystopicjumpsuit @nika6q @heyclickadee @n0vqni @doublesunsets
@echo-lover @fionajames @spacemagicandlaserswords @phantom-of-the-keurig @bmarino
@momojedi @violinrox15 @ollietheshark0 @knightprincess
@blueinkblot @stelli-sketches-alt @ci-avmovies14 @melymigo
@crosshair-lover @floraseasbee @sarapaprikas-blog @idoubleswearimawriter
@ovaa-bi-bia @blairaptor @idoubleswearimawriter
@knightprincess @ladykagewaki @gun-roswell
@starrylothcat @savebytheodore @maybethatfanfictionwriter @wild-karrde
@jedipoodoo @incognito-lezbean
@purgetrooper77 @freesia-writes @mistress-of-the-empire @ex0genmultifandom
@lucifidious @lizartgurl @notavalidusername
@tink1221 @the-hexfiles @amorfista @scarelitt
@gonky-kong @arcsimper5 @cloneloverrrrr @the-rain-on-kamino
@thebadbatch2022 @cassandrasfairytale @everybirdfellsilent
@groguandthebadbatch @theosb0rnway
@woswasi3006 @greatshieldmaiden14
@heiress-prime @kanenas @vrycurious
@feral-ferrule @oporayamm @ci-avmovies14
@zahmaddog @billybatsonmylove @sleepycreativewriter
@feral-ferrule @zahmaddog @legacygirlingreen
@momojedi @emmaveale123 @nerd-ika
@clone-simper @soberatthedisco @summerfall21
@blessedarethesnakes @graciaramirez @omglisalithium
@x-galactic-star-x @lonelybeeart
@crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @ades106
@tbnrpotato @msskaywalker @sweet-carolinevl
@holocrondreams @techsgoggles @falling-among-the-stars
@cornfowercowboy @badbatchbeau @kitsolo06
@shadowphantomreaper @sayrvne @dangerousyetexhausted
@kaleidoscope1967eyes @thiswitchloves9904
@sleepycreativewriter @leftealeaf @snowlotr
@thebadbatchfan @falling-among-the-stars
#the bad batch#star wars#tbb#bad batch#clone force 99#tbb tech#tbb hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb wrecker#tbb echo#tbb omega#the bad batch tech#tbb tech x reader#the bad batch x reader#tbb tech x non gendered reader#the bad batch x non gendered reader#tbb tech fan fic#tbb tech fan fiction#the bad batch tech fan fic#the bad batch fan fiction#skellymom#amber eyes chapter 2#clones#tbb clones#tech lives
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@thecoffeelorian Woke up to your reply and LOVING IT! Glad you enjoyed Chapter 2!!!
A story of HOPE for Tech Fan's: Resident of Pabu unlocks a secret even THEY weren't aware they had access to!

Word Count: 800
The stars whiz by the windscreen as I lay on the bunk in the dimly lit ship. Echo is at the helm. He brought transport since the Marauder was destroyed.
I’m exhausted.
It’s been months since my FIRST contact with Tech. Since then, I’ve only gotten snippets of sensory information: by sight, sound, feel. I can still feel him breathing...it’s been the only constant since that day on Pabu. Like we’re sharing the same breath.
The goggles are no longer needed for me to reach out to Tech. Omega still brought them along “just in case”. There are times I can concentrate while awake to experience what he is experiencing. But most times it happens during the night, when sleep pulls my guard down.
And, because of that I don’t sleep for very long.
Crosshair says I talk in my sleep...and it sounds JUST LIKE his brother. He’s tried to elicit a conversation, but without me being conscious it goes nowhere.
“Found some muscle relaxers. That should help you sleep.” Hunter kneels with a canteen, dropping two tablets into my hand.
“Thanks” Swallowing the meds.
“Here” He also hands me a ration bar “They’ll tear up your stomach if you don’t eat.”
“You’re such a DAD” I kid.
“You’re a part of this family, too” Hunter smiles and it reaches his eyes. I can also see a bit of concern in them. “Of course we’ll take care of you.”
He pats my shoulder, stepping away as Wrecker approaches.
“Ya ready?” Cracks the knuckles of his large hands.
I nod as he sits behind me on the bunk and CAREFULLY massages my head, temple, ears. The man has hands that could EASILY crush my skull...
...but his fingers are so gentle. He eases away the tension as I chew on the ration bar.
Soon the meds, food, and Wrecker’s massage take effect. I’m feeling extremely comfortable. There’s a conversation going on between Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair...I’m catching small snippets...
“Concerned about ______. Too much for one person to bear.” Hunter empathizes with my plight. He UNDERSTANDS all too well.
Echo’s voice chimes in “Yeah, all the leads just wind up being dead ends. Not sure how much longer we...THEY can keep going...”
Crosshair grits his teeth and worriedly runs his hand over his stubbly head. His silver hair growing back. He feels IMMENSE guilt. Both he and Wrecker have already openly argued about the mission that took Tech’s life...
They almost came to blows. It made Omega cry.
Hunter and Echo broke it up, putting them both in temporary “Time Out.”
They eventually made up...well Wrecker did. Crosshair just stared at the floor like a whipped dog.
Crosshair says something...but it’s lost as I fall asleep with Wrecker’s hands in my hair...
The warmth and comfort immediately torn away from me...
I...WE are laying in the cold wet mud...of SOME world...rain coming down in sheets.
There’s a body next to...us...
A dead rebel soldier. His eyes are wide open, glazed over...mud and rain splattered upon his body where he fell...
We...Tech...is CRAWLING through the mud. Attempting to escape? I can FEEL his respiratory effort as he DRAGS himself through the wet mess. He manages to pull himself with his arms several feet before falling back into the mud...utterly exhausted...
The hard patter of rain upon his body. He’s shivering. His body temperature is dropping...he’s becoming TIRED, struggling to keep both eyes open...only a matter of time before hypothermia sets in...
Please...don’t LEAVE me...
He’s addressing...ME! I can FEEL it!!!
I’m SHOCKED. This is the FIRST time he’s spoken to me...
Yes...I KNOW you’re there. He answers breathlessly. Took me some time to ascertain...you are using Remote Viewing...
I push to find my voice...
WE ARE COMING FOR YOU! I blurt out Hunter, Crosshair, Echo, Wrecker, and Omega are with me! We...
Tell them to abort their mission! Tech cuts me off.
NO! Where ARE YOU???
The Empire WILL find you all. It is NOT safe... He sighs HEAVILY I wish to see them all again...but NOW is not the time...
...and...I...am not the man I once was...
A ship lands several meters away. Its crew jumps down into the mire, slogging towards...Tech...US. He is grabbed up by several hands and hauled to the ship...into it...the crew starts basic first aid...
Thank you for keeping me awake...and ALIVE...if not for YOU, I would have expired. PLEASE, keep my brothers and sister safe...
And with that, Tech CUTS contact with me...
...I SLINGSHOT VIOLENTLY back to Echo’s ship!
I BOLT upright in the bunk. Wrecker has a mild heart attack with the suddenness of my action.
I’m SCREAMING something over and over...
Tech thought he could prevent me from finding him...
But I managed to catch a glimpse with HIS OWN EYES...the ship’s hull...
EVERYONE is running towards me...
I can only stare DIRECTLY into Echo’s eyes...
They widen. He SMILES. Immediately Echo sets to work with his ship’s computer...
Please let me know if you wanted to be added to my taglist or removed! Thanks so much for your support!!!
@marymunchkiin @talesfrommedinastation @giganonyx @thecoffeelorian
@hugmekenobi @the-bad-batch-baroness @genericficerblog @techs-goggles9902
@arctrooper69 @random-chaotic-bitch @dystopicjumpsuit @nika6q @heyclickadee @n0vqni @doublesunsets
@echo-lover @fionajames @spacemagicandlaserswords @phantom-of-the-keurig @bmarino
@momojedi @violinrox15 @ollietheshark0 @knightprincess
@blueinkblot @stelli-sketches-alt @ci-avmovies14 @melymigo
@crosshair-lover @floraseasbee @sarapaprikas-blog @idoubleswearimawriter
@ovaa-bi-bia @blairaptor @idoubleswearimawriter
@knightprincess @ladykagewaki @gun-roswell
@starrylothcat @savebytheodore @maybethatfanfictionwriter @wild-karrde
@jedipoodoo @incognito-lezbean
@purgetrooper77 @freesia-writes @mistress-of-the-empire @ex0genmultifandom
@lucifidious @lizartgurl @notavalidusername
@tink1221 @the-hexfiles @amorfista @scarelitt
@gonky-kong @arcsimper5 @cloneloverrrrr @the-rain-on-kamino
@thebadbatch2022 @cassandrasfairytale @everybirdfellsilent
@groguandthebadbatch @theosb0rnway
@woswasi3006 @greatshieldmaiden14
@heiress-prime @kanenas @vrycurious
@feral-ferrule @oporayamm @ci-avmovies14
@zahmaddog @billybatsonmylove @sleepycreativewriter
@feral-ferrule @zahmaddog @legacygirlingreen
@momojedi @emmaveale123 @nerd-ika
@clone-simper @soberatthedisco @summerfall21
@blessedarethesnakes @graciaramirez @omglisalithium
@x-galactic-star-x @lonelybeeart
@crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @ades106
@tbnrpotato @msskaywalker @sweet-carolinevl
@holocrondreams @techsgoggles @falling-among-the-stars
@cornfowercowboy @badbatchbeau @kitsolo06
@shadowphantomreaper @sayrvne @dangerousyetexhausted
@kaleidoscope1967eyes @thiswitchloves9904
@sleepycreativewriter @leftealeaf @snowlotr
@thebadbatchfan @falling-among-the-stars
#the bad batch#star wars#tbb#bad batch#clone force 99#tbb tech#tbb hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb wrecker#tbb echo#tbb omega#the bad batch tech#tbb tech x reader#the bad batch x reader#tbb tech x non gendered reader#the bad batch x non gendered reader#tbb tech fan fic#tbb tech fan fiction#the bad batch tech fan fic#the bad batch fan fiction#skellymom#amber eyes chapter 2#clones#tbb clones#tech lives
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