#omega is the bad batch’s kid
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Poor little bug on the wall
Summary : Omega wants to play with her Buirs Tech and Hunter for the day
A/N: Yes I based this on that one episode from Bluey. I started writing this a year and a half ago and only just now finished. I hope you all enjoy my first ever bad batch fic!
Words amount: 3002
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60769225
Summer was always a good time for the Fett household. The five brothers who shared the house on the beautiful planet of Pabu would all agree that summer was their favorite season out of the four. It gave them the excuse to go outside and bask in the warmth of the sun and do all kinds of activities outside as well. And it seemed that their most recent addition to the family, their daughter, Omega, couldn’t agree more. The four year old absolutely loved to play outside. Ever since she was first brought outside on her first few days of summer, her five Buirs could easily tell how much she loved the outdoors and was always eager to explore and discover things in their big backyard
So today was no different as Omega watched eagerly as her Buir Wrecker was busy hanging up a handmade swing made out of old blankets in a tree in their backyard for her to play on. Tying off the two blankets together around the lowest hanging branch, making sure it was extra tight so that it wouldn’t come undone by any roughhousing in it, Wrecker took a step back and admired his handiwork. “Well what do you think, Kiddo? Can I make a blanket swing or what?” Wrecker chuckled in amusement as Omega immediately got up from where she was sitting on the ground and running over before launching herself into the swing, the cloth thankfully catching her and swinging back and forth as she let out excited giggles
“I’ll take that as a job well done. Now then, I’m gonna go take care of the laundry, don’t go too crazy on this thing.” Wrecker joked with a chuckle as he reached down to gently ruffle Omega’s blond curly hair before walking off to go take care of the laundry inside their home. The little girl was now left alone in the backyard, although two of her other Buir were close by. Hunter was busying himself by pulling some weeds in the nearby garden while Tech was up on the back porch typing away at his holopad as he was apparently doing some work from home that day
Omega was able to busy herself with the swing for maybe a good ten minutes, but like all young kids, she got bored fairly fast. That was until she thought of a game to play, a game in which she would need two people to play with. And who better to choose other than two of her fathers that were already present in the backyard? Omega was a wiz when it came to coming up with games, and her Buirs practically had most of them memorized at this point with how many times she’s pulled them into her games to play with her
Hopping out of the swing, Omega quickly made her way over to Hunter who seemed to be taking a small break from pulling weeds, chugging on a spare water bottle he had. But as he was drinking his water, Hunter nearly choked on it when he felt something jump onto his back. “Daddy! Can you play a game with me?” Omega asked with a grin as she looked up at her dad with big wide pleading eyes. Damn those eyes. Hunter could never bring himself to say no to her when she pulled out those pleading eyes
“Well I don’t see why not. I could use a break from pulling weeds for a bit.” He replied with a small grin of his own as he slowly pushed himself to his feet, dusting the dirt off his pants. “Can Buir Tech play with us too?” Omega then asked, tugging on Hunter’s hand in the direction of the back porch where Tech was still typing away at his holopad. “Well, why don’t we go and ask him?” Hunter mused as he began to follow Omega towards the back porch. She quickly ran up the few steps onto the back porch and over to the table where Tech was still typing away
But as Omega came running up to him, Tech pulled his attention from his holopad away for a moment to smile fondly at her in greeting. “Well hello, Adi’ka. What’s got you all excited?” He asked in a slightly amused tone as he watched her bounce on her heels. “Can you play a game with me and Buir Hunter?” She asked eagerly as she grabbed ahold of Tech’s hand and began pulling on it to get him out of his seat. Tech however was unsure. He was awfully busy with his work and preferred to get things done as quickly as possible, but then again, he didn’t want to disappoint his little girl. So he ultimately decided to take a break
“Very well. I can step aside and play for a few minutes.” Tech hummed with a nod before standing up from his seat. “Yes!” Omega celebrated before immediately grabbing Hunter’s hand and Tech’s and pulling them both in the direction of the blanket swing and making them sit down on the ground. “Ok, so this game is called Butterflies.” Omega started out explaining as soon as her two Buir were sat down on the grass. “First the caterpillar crawls into the cocoon and waits to hatch.” She explained while demonstrating by crawling on the ground before climbing into the blanket swing. “Then the butterfly hatches out.” Omega added as she pulled herself out of the swing and began to walk around, flapping her arms to indicate her flying
“Very interesting so far.” Tech hummed in amusement as he watched his daughter explain the game to him and Hunter. “But, the butterfly catchers have been hiding.” Omega then suddenly chimed in as she ran over to the nearby shed in the corner of the back yard, hiding behind it before poking her head out. “They wait for the butterfly to come out and they catch it.” She finally finished up as she came running back over to her Buirs. The game was simple really, but so were most of her games. And her Buirs honestly wouldn’t have it any other way
“Alright, seems easy enough. So who’s gonna be the butterfly first?” Hunter then asked as he looked down at their daughter in front of them. Omega paused for a moment, the gears in her head turning as she decided who should go first before eventually she looked over at Tech. “You can go first, Daddy.” She told him with a grin, to which Hunter chuckled in amusement. “You heard the little lady, Tech. You gotta be the butterfly.” He mused as he playfully elbowed his brother in the arm before pushing himself up onto his feet. Tech merely let out a sigh. “Very well. I’ll go first.” He relented before getting down on his hands and knees and began crawling towards the blanket swing
Omega merely squealed in excitement before running off behind the shed with Hunter so that they could be the butterfly catchers. Once behind the shed, the two of them poked their heads out to watch as Tech climbed into the blanket swing. Of course he was much too big for it and his limbs hung out the sides of it, but it nevertheless held his weight. “You ready to catch the butterfly, Mega?” Hunter asked as he knelt down by his daughter’s side who excitedly nodded in reply. But before she could say anything, something caught her attention on the wall of the shed
Slowly crawling up the wall of the shed, was a little ladybug. Omega was always fascinated by bugs ever since she had first laid eyes on one. She just thought they were the coolest things ever. So to see a ladybug up so close, immediately caught her attention. “Ooo.” She said softly as she got closer to the bug, looking at it up close and getting Hunter’s attention in the process. Then as she watched ladybug climb up the wall, she began to sing a little song that her Buirs taught her
“Poor little bug on the wall. Inching. No one to love him at all. Inching. No one to tickle his toes. Inching. No one to blow his nose.” On the last line of the song, Omega blew a raspberry to punctuate her words before giggling quietly to herself, causing Hunter to chuckle along with her as well. But soon enough their attention was brought back to Tech as he finally pulled himself out of the blanket swing. “My metamorphosis is complete and I am now a butterfly.” He announced before gracefully flapping his arms up and down just as Omega had done earlier
“Ready Megs?” Hunter asked in a quick whisper to which Omega immediately nodded before the two of them immediately ran out after Tech, letting out loud war cries as they did so. Tech couldn’t get far before Hunter practically tackled him to the ground and soon enough Omega landed on top of him, effectively pinning him to the grass. “Gotcha!” She giggled loudly as she looked down at Tech beneath her. “You sure did, Omega.” Tech mused with a chuckle as he reached up to playfully boop her little nose
Soon Omega crawled off her Bui and started to crawl around on the ground instead. “My turn!” She announced with a grin. “Alright go on, Kiddo. We’ll be waiting for you.” Hunter hummed with a grin of his own as he helped Tech up onto his feet before the pair of them made their way behind the nearby shed
Omega wasted no time making a show of herself crawling along the ground, knowing fully well her Buirs were watching her from nearby. All the while she made little “eep”ing noises that she figured a caterpillar would make. Once she was close enough to the cloth swing, she grabbed the edge of it and hoisted herself up onto her feet. She attempted to climb inside but stumbled at first, but that didn’t bring her down. With another “eep eep eep” she pulled herself up and inside the swing with a quiet giggle
Once successfully inside the cocoon, Omega began to sing her bug song, a wide grin on her lips as she did so. Meanwhile at the shed, Tech and Hunter were both waiting patiently for Omega to “hatch” out of her cocoon. But their attention was suddenly brought back to their home when they heard a voice coming from the back porch. Upon looking over, they saw their brother, Echo, waving them over. “Tech! Hunter! I need your help with something!”
The pair looked at each other on what to do. They didn’t want to leave Omega in the middle of her game but upon looking back, she still seemed to be busy away singing her song inside her cocoon. Maybe whatever Echo needed help with wouldn’t take so long and they would be back before she even noticed they were gone. It was agreed. Getting up from where they were hiding behind the shed, Tech and Hunter quickly made their way back to the house and heading inside with Echo
Meanwhile back outside, Omega had finally stopped singing. “Okay! I think I’m ready to be a butterfly now!” She called loudly, giggling in excitement as she climbed out of the swing, flapping her arms up and down as she waited for her Buirs to spring out and catch her. But when nobody came after a few seconds, she figured she’d go to where they were hiding. “I’m flapping around. I sure hope there aren’t any butterfly catchers nearby!” She called as she peeked around the corner to where she thought Hunter and Tech were hiding only to find the place empty
Omega frowned slightly in confusion. Where could they be? Maybe they were hiding somewhere else to catch her by surprise. With a new found sense of excitement, she began to wander around the backyard to look for where her two silly Buirs were hiding. But after a few minutes of searching, there was no luck and Omega only got more and more saddened and confused. Where did they go? Did they not want to play? Upon checking up on the back porch, Omega heard their voices coming from inside the kitchen, so she immediately headed inside to see what they were doing
Upon stepping inside, Omega saw that Tech and Hunter were working away with her Buir Echo at cutting up fruits and vegetables for what seemed to be for lunch, the three of them talking amongst themselves about Force knew what. But that didn’t matter to Omega, all that mattered was that Tech and Hunter left when they were playing with her, without telling her. “Buir…you were both supposed to catch me.” She called to them with a deep frown on her little face
Tech and Hunter both shared a look of guilt and surprise when they heard Omega’s voice coming from behind them. Tech was the first to turn and move over to Omega. “Your Buir Echo needed our help with making lunch, little Star. It took us a bit longer to finish than expected but I promise that we will keep playing once we’re finished.” He explained to her to the best of his ability but even with his reassuring words, she still seemed deeply upset. “Oh…okay…” She said before turning and leaving out the back door and into the backyard
Hunter watched her leave with a deep frown of his own on his lips. He hated seeing his little Ad’ika so upset. He knew they should have told her that they needed to leave the game for a bit so she would be less disappointed but he thought they would finish up sooner than expected. As he gazed out a nearby window, Hunter watched as Omega walked over to the blanket swing and hauled herself inside. Letting out a sigh, he quickly finished up chopping the veggies he was working on and handed the cutting board to Echo. “I’m gonna go make sure, Mega is okay.” He explained before walking out to the backyard
Walking up to the blanket swing, Hunter could just barely see a tuft of Omega’s curly blonde hair sticking out of the edge. “Mega?” He called quietly as he sat down just a foot or so away from the swing. Of course he got no response. Omega was often always quiet when she was upset. “Omega we’re both sorry we left the game without telling you. Echo needed our help with making lunch and we thought we would be back in time for you to come out. We can keep playing if you’d like. Tech shouldn’t be much longer.” He explained as he watched the blanket swing patiently
No response and no movement from Omega. She really was upset. Letting out a defeated sigh, Hunter turned away and looked down at the grass beneath him. On a nearby blade of grass, he saw a little ladybug climbing along the grass. “Poor little bug on the wall…inching. No one to love him at all…” Hunter found himself singing quietly to himself. It was such a silly thing for him to do but he didn’t know what else to do in that moment
But from behind him in the blanket swing, he could just barely hear the smallest voice reply back. “Inching…” Came Omega’s muffled voice. Upon hearing her little voice, Hunter’s lips quirked up into a slight smile and he quickly turned back around to face his daughter. “No one to tickle his toes.” He continued as Omega popped her head out of one of the openings to the swing. “Inching.” She replied. “No one to blow his nose.” Hunter finished off and as soon as he saw a small smile grace Omega’s lips, he immediately reached out and pulled her into a tight hug, nuzzling his nose against hers
The father and daughter soon pulled away from their embrace just as Tech finally made his way out to the backyard. “There you are, Omega.” He called before making his way over to the pair. “I truly apologize, my little star. We should have told you we needed to help with making lunch rather than just leave you in the dark. Can you ever forgive us?” Tech asked with a deep sincerity in his voice. Omega only smiled and moved over to hug him, her little arms wrapping tightly around his neck. “It’s okay, Daddy. I forgive you.” She replied, smiling when Tech hugged her back, his arms squeezing around her torso
“Alright, Mega. You can be the butterfly again if you’d like.” Hunter then chimed in an offer. The little girl thought about it for a moment before shaking her head. “Actually I wanna be the catcher.” She announced. “Me too.” Hunter added. “I would like to be the catcher as well.” Tech proceeded. “Oh. Well who will we catch then?” Hunter then asked in confusion once he realized that no one wanted to be the butterfly
At his question, there was the sound of humming coming from the back porch as Wrecker stepped outside with a basket of wet clothes. “I’m gonna put these clean clothes away, gonna put these clean clothes away.” He hummed to himself as he made his way over to the clothes line. Omega, Tech and Hunter all looked at each other and smirked mischievously when they all got the same idea
Wrecker was none the wiser to the three people creeping up behind him as he hung up the clothes on the line. But he was soon alerted to the sound of his daughter’s voice when she yelled “Catch him!” And not even three seconds later, Wrecker was tackled into the grass by two of his brothers and their sweet little Ad’ika. The fours laughter all rung out into the open air. Summer was a good time for the Fett house indeed
#star wars#the bad batch#tbb#the dad batch#omega is the bad batch’s kid#tbb hunter#tbb tech#tbb omega#tbb wrecker#tbb echo#no Crosshair sorry yall#I’ll feed you crosshair fans in the future I promise#the bad batch fanfiction#tbb fanfiction#my fics
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Faded Memories and Bitter Partings.
Even as a child, Hunter had luscious locks.
#references are life#Kids are HARD to draw!#digital art#humor#comic#angst#light angst#sw tcw fanart#sw fanart#fanart#fan comic#tbb tech#tbb crosshair#tbb hunter#wrecker tbb#hunter tbb#crosshair tbb#the bad batch#clone force 99#sw tbb#sw tbb fanart#lmk#tbb#bad batch#tbb omega#sw omega#star wars fanart#star wars#sw art#star wars the clone wars
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Crosshair being a big brother
#the bad batch#star wars#fanart#tbb omega#tbb crosshair#crosshair and omega hug#this last episode had me feel feelings#i want to see them hug#i'm so weak for cross being a big brother for her#i was worried it might a bit out of character#for omega#but she's still a kid who sometimes needs comfort too#tbb spoilers
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*after Mon Mothma’s briefing*
Wedge: Hey, Luke! So where’ve you been?
Luke: Yeah, so I went back to Tatooine to break Han’s ass out of Jabba’s Palace. I had to fight a rancor first, though. Luckily, I killed it before—
Omega, on the other side of the room: YOU KILLED MOOCHI?!
#she would NOT be happy that this kid she taught the tech turn killed her favorite rancor#rebel pilot omega my beloved#she knows everyone now lol#i love the headcanons that she and hera are his pilot aunties#star wars#return of the jedi#the bad batch#tbb spoilers#tbb season 3 spoilers#wedge antilles#luke skywalker#tbb omega#star wars incorrect quotes#tbb incorrect quotes#tbb finale
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Crosshair, bitter youngest child: Are we seriously going to let Hunter keep Omega?
Tech, not looking up from his work: We let you keep Echo.
#when you were the baby for a long time but now there’s an unexpected new baby#he’s one of those kids who ask mom to return the new baby to the hospital#but then they become besties and partners in crime#I strongly headcanon that Crosshair was the one to first suggest asking echo to join their squad#I’ve seen it in fics a few times and it’s just so sweet and so dear to me#Crosshair just saw echo and immediately imprinted on him like a duckling#star wars tbb#star wars the bad batch#tbb crosshair#the bad batch#incorrect bad batch quotes#arc trooper echo#tbb hunter#tbb echo#tbb incorrect quotes#tbb omega#tbb tech#tech and crosshair are twins#batch twins
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Just remember, if anyone loveable dies tomorrow it’s not canon in this house
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Eva got her own sling to carry Straw Lula, i can't-
#i love those kids#the bad batch#tbb eva#tbb lula#straw lula#tbb jax#tbb bayrn#tbb sami#tbb omega#the bad batch spoiler#the bad batch s3#star wars
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omega: i just found our way out >:) sami, jax, eva: :0 bayrn: bbbbbabababa buh :DDD
#star wars#tbb#the bad batch#tbb s3#tbb spoilers#tbb omega#tbb sami#tbb jax#tbb eva#tbb bayrn#redbean art#really hope that kid is a grogu level prodigy bc idk how else theyre going to keep him intact during the escape#also very funny that from what we've seen the goat baby is literally the only one of them who actually has used the force#like jax definitely cant or else he would have during his escape#neither can omega (or at least not actively)#the other two are unknown#and then there's baby bayrn who can force throw a vase across the market when angry#this is literally their default emotions though lol
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part of the Series of TBB Memes!
A Series of TBB Memes
#chaos all over#tech can manage his way in and hemlock can get in because he managed to get access#rampart tried to get access and grew up around all the conspiracy theories but was not allowed#and baby hera will fight to go but older hera would stop her kids from trying to go#star wars#tbb memes#the bad batch#tbb#sw tbb#the bad batch season 3#tbb s3#tbb wrecker#captain rex#hera syndulla#tbb omega#phee genoa#tbb phee#tbb hunter#tbb echo#emerie karr#captain howzer#tbb crosshair#edmon rampart#tbb rampart#tbb tech#royce hemlock#tbb season 3
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GUYS . i need 5 more business days to recover
my girl .. wtf are they doing ☹️☹️
#star wars#the bad batch#tbb omega#tbb#sw tbb#NAW CROSSHAIRS HANDS SHAKING WERE FOUL#10/10 cried#HUNTER FATHERING#CROSSHAIR FATHERING#ARE YOU KIDDING MR#my art#star wars fanart#star wars art#omega bad batch save me...#also i decided she doesnt have roots shwing for various reasons you can pick your favorite#option one she is blonde bcs nala se found it silly to make her and boba be different#option two nala se dyes her hair in the lab
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hunter: okay, what did we learn today? echo: do not deviate from plans. omega: teamwork is the key to challenge success! tech: operational procedures are important. wrecker: tanks are HEAVY! hunter: close enough.
#s: code name kids next door#star wars the bad batch#the bad batch#star wars bad batch#bad batch#tbb#star wars tbb#hunter bad batch#tbb hunter#echo bad batch#tbb echo#tbb omega#omega bad batch#tech bad batch#tbb tech#wrecker bad batch#tbb wrecker#incorrect bad batch#incorrect bad batch quotes#qew
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Crosshair's fine. Slightly drunk, but fine.
Nothing like a kid to give you an existential crisis.
#references are life#digital art#humor#comic#i think i'm hilarious#fanart#fan animation#the bad batch#bad batch#tbb#star wars the bad batch#sw tbb#clone force 99#crosshair tbb#tbb crosshair#the bad batch crosshair#clone trooper crosshair#the bad batch fanart#tbb omega#wrecker tbb#lego monkie kid#crosshair#star wars bad batch#sw omega#sw tbb omega#tbb wrecker#star wars tbb#Yes it's a reference to that iconic scene from the Ember Island Players episode of atlas
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In the last few years, Star Wars has really been giving some great content about:
Girl Dads and the (adopted) daughters they love, support, and protect completely
Bail Organa and Leia Organa (“Obi-Wan Kenobi”)
Hunter and Omega (“The Bad Batch”)
Master Sol and Osha (and Jecki as well, if I’m being honest) (“The Acolyte”)
Boy Moms/Mother Figures who love and fiercely defend the boys they’ve adopted
Beru Whitesun Lars and Luke Skywalker (“Obi-Wan Kenobi”)
Maarva Andor and Cassian Andor (“Andor”)
With bonus points to:
Girl Mom Breha Organa who is a moderating force to her husband and daughter while also being a loving and supportive guiding figure
Boy Dad/Uncle Owen Lars who just wants to keep an innocent boy safe in a terrible galaxy for as long as possible
Boy Dad Clem Andor who also saw a scared boy and gave him a safe place to call home
Girl Dads/Uncles/Big Brothers Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Echo who also give Omega everything she needs to survive and a family to love completely
#Star Wars is giving us so many lovely parental figures who support and guide their kids in a terrible galaxy#star wars#the bad batch#Kenobi series#andor series#the acolyte#bail organa#leia organa#breha organa#owen lars#beru whitesun#luke skywalker#tbb omega#tbb hunter#tbb tech#tbb wrecker#tbb crosshair#tbb echo#maarva andor#cassian andor#clem andor#master sol#osha aniseya#jecki lon
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✨our kid✨
#the first thing I said when we finished the finale was:#OMEGA IN AHSOKA SEASON 2#IM CALLING IT#my art#star wars#spoilers#tbb season 3#the bad batch#sw tbb#tbb spoilers#tbb omega#the bad batch omega#adult omega#bad batch#“you’re our kid omega#that line destroyed me#so freaking cute#I relate to her so much
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch 3.13 | Into the Breach
#tbbedit#the bad batch#swedit#tbb spoilers#mine#swsource#star wars#swanimation#usernobie#usersem#userkosmos#tuserrex#thestarwarsdaily#tuserhanna#userderin#userobiwans#userhaku#tusergabi#usermaggo#tbb omega#GET THESE KIDS OUTTA HERE
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Crosshair: Ugh Hunter keeps saying you look like me he needs to get his eyes checked.
Omega: I know! We look NOTHING alike I don’t get it.
Crosshair and Omega: *sitting the exact same way, scowling the exact same way, holding toothpicks in their mouths the exact same way*
#they look alike and it’s the cutest thing#I love whenever fan works point this out I literally SOB#I STRONGLY headcanon that Omega looks EXACTLY like Crosshair as a kid#especially since I headcanon him as naturally blond#hunter after Crosshair came back: oh shit there’s two of them now 😭#based on what ALWAYS happens with my little sister and me#star wars tbb#star wars the bad batch#the bad batch#tbb crosshair#incorrect bad batch quotes#tbb omega#incorrect tbb quotes
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