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nahoney22 · 11 months ago
Just remember, if anyone loveable dies tomorrow it’s not canon in this house
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laughhardrunfastbekindsblog · 11 months ago
Borrowing from another fandom to manifest a happy ending as we await the finale...
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(Well, everybody except Hemlock. Can't say I'd be sad to see Hemlock go.)
No but for real...
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Happy Bad Batch Eve! See you all on the other side! 🫡
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misstoodles-doodles · 5 months ago
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Bad Batch Sketch Page #1
I filled a whole canvas with sketches because my brain won’t stop thinking up stuff
Tech and Crosshair content because I’m SAD ABOUT THEM
RIP Hunter and his concussion and probably a stab wound
ProTECHtive Tech
Brother Drama™️
Echo’s near death experience and zinger number 132425226
Echo and Cross Sass
Big bro Wrecker who has my whole heart
Bandana-less Hunter because I said so + Baby Omegaaaaaaa
Bonus full unedited page+ B&W version :
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gil-estel · 1 year ago
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i just think it’s neat that they both end up with puppies
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hira492 · 10 months ago
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"Whatever we want, kid...Whatever we want"
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mrsnaildood · 3 months ago
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I'm sorry, I'm so sorry
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humming-fly · 1 month ago
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Team Dark Week Day 7 - Live and Learning Experience
If he can pull this off he'll earn himself a wayfinding badge for his scout sash 👌
And that's a wrap on Team Dark week!! Bit quicker with the shading and background this time because 4 panels in this style takes forever actually h a h - that said I'll be touching them up before I post this whole week of panels as a master post soon (which will include some extra little doodles I didn't get to add to the main plotline), so keep an eye out for that!
And for those of you that have been following along daily, I hope you all enjoyed this silly little hiking story!
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vivaislenska · 10 months ago
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He gave her wings and she’ll make him proud.
(The Tech Turn™️ is 100% going to be crucial for the Rebellion.)
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paperback-rascal · 11 months ago
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See more of my fix-it posts here -> [LINK] <-
My fanart masterlist -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
My personal headcanon is that Tech got Echoed AKA Empire used his knowledge/experience/memories to train CXs troopers - that's why clone assassins got so good at fighting the batch - they're flash trained based on Clone Force 99 tactics. Following that headcanon of mine... CX2 was, to a degree, Tech... just as he was Crosshair, Wrecker, Hunter and Echo or more precisely... what Tech knew about his brothers and their capabilities/fighting style.
But I also believe showrunners are aiming to have Tech rescued in a different show (or a tie-in comics or a book) to have another property tied tightly to Filoniverse... also to strengthen my theory - J. Corbett admitted that she loves Marvel's Winter Soldier movie - make of that what you will.
The ending of TBB s3, in my opinion, teases an idea of a show circling around rebellion in which Omega will be at least secondary/supporting character so I think they'll make her rescue her fallen brother in her own show as a minor plot point or at least a TBB cameo.
I don't care either way as long as CF99 will be properly reunited.
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cephalosaur · 4 months ago
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I was in the mood for digital painting. It was fun.
If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. (John 15:19) Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” (John 18:36) Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)
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maraudover · 11 months ago
this is how i’m perceiving the various conditions of the bad batch lovers rn:
hunter fans: surviving, but barely
wrecker fans: surviving, but BARELY
crosshair fans: thriving, but in constant pain
echo fans: starving, in the trenches
tech fans: somewhere in the margin of dying, being dead, and clinging to life on the edge of insanity
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amandamadeathing · 11 months ago
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I can't find the original image to reboot and credit, but here you go.
TECH: When I analyzed Omega's DNA, I noticed an anomaly in her blood. Upon further research, she has a high volume of midichlorians."
WRECKER: What does that mean?
TECH: There was a correlation between a "high M-Count" and a Jedi's abilities using the Force.
OMEGA: Does this mean I'm a Jedi?!
TECH: Possibly. You would need extra training by a Jedi to use those skills.
ECHO: I've never noticed she has Force skills.
TECH: I thought her ability to connect with animals was an obvious manifestation of such abilities.
HUNTER: I am sensitive to vibrations. Do I have the Force?
TECH: It seems of the Kaminoans' experimental Clones, only Omega was specifically given a high M-count, which probably explains why she is so valuable to Nala Se and the Empire.
ECHO: Now we know what we're up against. Thankfully, we don't need to collaborate with any suspicious women to get this information. We must find a more secure location to hide. I will contact Rex immediately.
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alligatorpie1945 · 1 year ago
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Wanted to draw the updated batch from the new season! And of course we can't forget Tech!
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(I am definitely in the #TechLives camp, but until we get an official design. This is how he will stay)
Prints Available Here
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ghostisun · 11 months ago
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and how does one move on from him
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head---ache · 4 months ago
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mostly baby emmie stuff hehe
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thegothicchangeling · 5 months ago
Alpha Sevika x Omega Reader drabble
Summary: Sevika makes a bad call and upsets you while you're in pre heat. You're pissed at her.
You looked at the barebones nest you'd assembled. It was made up of pillows, clothes, and throw blankets you'd stolen from around the apartment, because Sevika had insisted on washing everything in preparation for your heat.
It wasn't like Sevika had forced you to give up the bedding, or gone behind your back. No, she was a good alpha. She talked you into it with good old fashioned logic.
"It's time to wash the bedding anyway," she had said calmly. "And I think it's more important now than ever. Come on, you know how filthy this stuff is gonna get."
You couldn't argue with that reasoning, but that didn't mean you were happy about it. Already you were in pre heat, and every instinct was screaming at you to fix this mess. Because what was this? Not a nest.
Tears welled in your eyes. You didn't want to disappoint Sevika.
That was when she walked in with the sheets and comforter. Her scent was relaxed and she clearly had no idea how upset you were. "The laundry's dry," she announced.
"It doesn't smell like you!" You rebuked her angrily.
"You're right," Sevika said calmly. "I'll get right on that." And she started rubbing her scent glands against the bedding. She tried to sit down with you, but you growled.
That was when she realized how upset you were. You could see her nose move as she sniffed nearby you. Her face fell. "You're mad about the laundry, aren't you? And you smell like you're hours away from heat, at most."
"Yes, so hurry up and scent that shit!" You snapped.
Sevika's eyes widened. "Okay, okay." She worked faster. "I'm sorry I upset you, babydoll."
You huffed and didn't answer. All you did was work on your nest. It had to be perfect within the next few hours, and you didn't work well under stress.
Sevika took your giving her the silent treatment in stride. She brought you more things from other rooms and talked to you from time to time, attempting to win you over again.
"I was thinking I'd make your favorite tonight. How does that sound?"
"My pretty omega's gonna look so good spread out naked on that blanket."
You steadfastly ignored her, and your growing arousal, unless it was to ask her for something.
"The nest looks soft. You did such a good job making it. You're such a good omega, making this for us."
You softened. Sevika saw her chance and dove for it. "Is it okay if I come in now?"
"No!" You snarled. You turned away from her and lay on your side, staring at the wall.
Sevika paused, then spoke softly. "You're really upset, aren't you babydoll?"
"I'm not your babydoll."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pressured you into letting me change the bedding," she said sincerely. "If I'd realized how deep into pre heat you were, I would never have done it."
"How could you not realize?" You asked angrily. "Couldn't you smell me?" You were honestly hurt, and you knew your alpha could hear it in your voice.
"I was preoccupied with making sure everything was ready for you," she sighed, and you could imagine how she was probably running her hands through her hair. "Cleaning, meal prepping, and then I realized I forgot to submit my PTO, so I had to do that, and the bedding was just one more thing to check off my to-do list."
Knowing she was trying to help you made you feel guilty for being angry at her. In her own way, Sevika was nesting, too. You rolled over and looked at her.
She unfastened your poncho. "Hey. It's okay. It's alright." She handed it to you. "I bet this will be great for the nest."
Your eyes widened. She wore that thing almost every day, and now Sevika was handing it over to you. You took it from her and brought it up to your nose. It smelled more strongly of her than any other item of clothing. Cologne. Incense. Sevika. Perfection. "Thank you, 'Vika," you sniffled, feeling like you were about to cry.
"Well, I gotta keep my omega happy, right?"
You placed it on the pillow at the headboard, so you could lay your head on it later. Then you turned and looked back at your mate. "Will you get in and hold me?"
Sevika's face lit up. "Of course, baby," she purred, and she crawled into the nest with you. Then she pulled you into her chest and kissed the crown of your head.
"I'm sorry I was so mean," you admitted. You knew she was just trying to take care of you.
"Oh, it's okay, precious," she rumbled happily. Then her demeanor changed to something more dominant. She tipped your chin upwards and made you look at her. "Are you my babydoll?" She asked.
What could you say except yes?
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