#taylor crunk
lizzie-is-here · 1 year
lonely is a man without love
part iii- cairo
“i am a deserted sky, and you are the moonlight” - manoj muntashir
summary: you and marc head to cairo, and you make a shocking discovery in the form of a giant skeleton bird
wordcount: 4k
warnings: language, violence, vague references to the red room, drinking, slight pining, a saddening lack of steven
a/n: yuhhh posting this before my bday tomorrow so i can get crunk af. ALSO TAYLOR AND JOE? sobbing. but i hope y’all enjoy love y’all sm sm sm 🫶
taglist: @thefictionalgemini @ravenz-hope @undiscl0sed-d3sir3s @iateall-yourcookies @disregardedplant @sunflowers-4 @yellowumbrelllaaaa @bagsy-not-it @local-mr-frog @thescarletredwitch @jupitersmoon167 @creamecafe @stevenknightmarc @theluciansystem @kingtwhiddleston @spider-biter @mxltifxnd0m @sgt-morgan @no-dont-be-suspicious @onzayhe @namorslit @i-cant-write-for-shit
i’m sorry it won’t let me tag some of y’all 😭
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Marc pokes and prods for more intel on your profession the whole plane ride to Cairo.
Honestly, it’s more of a harsh interrogation at this point, with him making sure you aren’t working for any remnant of the Red Room that managed to stay alive. Once he’s satisfied and his temper cools, you explain why you were sent.
“Righteous” justice or not, he was a danger, killing random people all over Europe and shaking off hits that no normal person should be able to. And the team liked to keep tabs on enhanced beings.
“So the actual Avengers are worried about me? It’s not like I’m going after them,” he says.
You laugh, loud and obnoxious. “Worried? No, you misunderstand. It’s more of a public safety precaution. Just making sure all of our loose ends are tied.”
“Loose ends being…?”
“Hydra. The Red Room-“ You gesture to yourself. “Aliens. Things like that.”
“Yeah…” Marc says, hesitant. “‘Things like that’, sure.”
You lean over a bit, scanning the plane from your aisle seat to check for threats. All you see are tired passengers, dozing off or absorbed in the small TVs on the backs of the seats.
Once satisfied, you turn back to Marc.
“If you want to sleep, now’s a good time. Once we get to Cairo, we’re not going to have much time to rest,” you say, nodding to the TV. 3 hours away.
He eyes you, a bit suspiciously, but closes his eyes anyway. With a sigh, you stand up, snaking through the aisles to the bathroom. You grab your phone and tap a favorited contact.
“Tasha,” you greet. “Is it a bad time?”
Your friend shakes her head, holding up the phone to show the group. “We just finished a movie, what’s up?”
“So… Marc Spector is here. He has DID, and Steven Grant is an alter, not an alibi. Things are getting serious.”
She nods. “That explains a lot.” You’d been relaying your experiences to them for weeks, and they’d shared in your confusion. Her tone turns more stern. “How serious?”
“Cults, magic, something about a scarab? It’s out of my expertise.”
“Do you need backup?” Steve’s voice calls from the other side of the couch.
You shake your head. “No, it’s nothing I can’t handle. It’s just fucking weird.”
A chorus of laughter goes up on the other end of the phone and you smile, rolling your eyes when a knock lands on the bathroom door.
“I just wanted to update you. We’re heading to Cairo now, so…” You shrug. “I will maybe get some souvenirs.”
The knocking grows more incessant.
“Will you hold on? Your shits can wait!” you call. Turning your attention back to the phone, you sigh. “I’ve got to go. This person is going to kick the door down.”
Nat nods and mock-salutes you. “Have fun, stay safe. You can always call, (Y/N).”
With a brief goodbye, you wash your hands and leave, awkwardly waving at the small child who was the source of the knocking. Sitting down, you sigh, listening to the sound of air and propellers.
No sleep for you, you guess.
When the plane lands and you rush off, you and Marc find the closest hotel and buy separate rooms.
Even after securing the room and stuffing a gun under your pillow, you still sleep lightly. A shattering sound wakes you, bright light from outside invading your eyes, and you curse under your breath as you clamber out of bed.
You slip out of your door and into Marc’s room, gun still gripped in your hand.
He’s sitting on the floor, head in his hands. A mirror is shattered.
“Are you gonna break more mirrors or can we start the day?” you ask. He raises a bottle.
Snatching it from him, you down the last of the fiery liquid and chuck the bottle. It lands somewhere on the ground behind you, brown glass joining the reflective shards on the tile.
He drunkenly laughs, looking up to where you stand.
Your hair is free and rustled, not like how you normally have it. Your hair is always braided or tied back, something he now realizes is a habit from your training.
There’s a gun in your hand, and he can see your finger on the trigger. Marc regrets waking you, partially out of guilt and partially because he’s once more been reminded that you’re a killer. Which reminds him that he’s a killer.
You’re just a much prettier killer. Much.
“Are you going to get up? Or are you going to stare at me like you want to fight me again?” you laugh. “Because it did not go so great for you last time-“
He waves a dismissive hand. “Yeah, yeah. ‘M gettin’ up,” he finally says, and you slip away, avoiding glass and heading back to your own room to dress for the day.
Light colors, thin fabrics. Anything to stave off the heat. Once you’re both ready, you and Marc head into the city.
You don’t mention the mysterious absence of Steven, who the vigilante is definitely suppressing. Said vigilante is too busy hunting down his target.
He shakes off the last bit of drunkenness as he leads you up a ladder, not really telling you where you’re going or why. It doesn’t bother you, per se, but you are curious as to how he knows where to go. Sometimes he glances at empty spaces, as if listening to something not quite there.
You have no time to ponder this strange behavior as you leap across rooftops and nimbly avoid obstacles that Marc barrels through.
Your question as to who you’re hunting down is answered when you see a group of men, with one being stabbed in the stomach right as you arrive. Great.
“Oh, shit,” Marc sighs. “You killed him? I needed to talk to that guy. About a dig sight.”
“I don’t think they can un-stab him,” you snort.
He nods. “True. Guess I’m gonna have to talk to you all instead.”
“You’re too late,” one of them growls. “You’re never gonna find Harrow.”
“That’s his name?” You audibly gag. “Eugh, that’s a shit name for a cult leader.”
The guy tosses his knife in the air, following it up by tracing the blade along the ground.
“Ooh,” Marc says. “What, are we dancin’? We fightin’? What are we gonna do?” You step back as one of them lunges, deciding to go easy on them and not use a weapon.
Slamming one against the wall is easy enough, though he gets up soon after and targets Marc instead. One of them, a kid, charges at you.
You disarm him and shove him on his ass, not wasting your time on a literal child. Whipping around, you grab the handle of a knife as it zooms past, a few inches past your shoulder.
“Seriously? Learn to aim,” you say to yourself as you toss the knife off the roof.
It’s going rather well for a street fight. Much more fun, albeit less challenging than any of your Red Room missions.
And then it all goes to shit.
Marc’s got a knife to a guy’s throat, but something changes. A brief moment of silence, and he slams the blunt handle on his head, hard enough for him to bleed.
You let him go to town fighting the other two, who are now much more scared of him. It’s only when he meets your gaze that you realize something is deeply wrong. The hairs on your neck rise.
That’s not Marc. Definitely not Steven.
Your suspicions are confirmed when he leaps from the roof and disappears into the crowd.
What the fuck?
You follow, sprinting down streets as you barely stay on his tail.
When you manage to catch up to Marc, or whoever, he’s staring down a cliff with two dead bodies on the ground. You don’t have to look to know that the third lies at the base of the steep drop.
“Marc? What the fuck just happened?” you demand.
He whirls around, fear in his eyes.
“I- I don’t know. That wasn’t me, or Steven. So what-”
The wind swirling interrupts him, and he stares off at a rusty car.
“And what is so interesting about the car that-”
“We have to find Harrow. What about the other gods?”
You furrow your brow. “What?”
A disembodied voice responds, “To signal with an audience with the gods is to risk their wrath-”
You’ve never pulled out a gun faster. Turning in circles, you find no source. No people, no tech. Your breath quickens, aiming the firearm at random.
“Okay, Marc?” you begin. “I’m all good with cults, and floating scarabs, and even some magic, but you are going to have to explain that voice before I start freaking out.”
The man sighs, glancing back to the air.
“I serve the Egyptian god Khonshu. I’m his… avatar.” The delusional nature of his statement is offset by how naturally he says it, so much so that you do a double-take.
“And you’re just telling me this now? Of course, of course, the first mission I go on after fighting a grape from space has Egyptian gods,” you hiss. “Don’t tell the public, Thor’s got plenty of fangirls that you don’t want.”
The voice sounds again. “I doubt they’d find the same appeal in me.”
You shrug, but when you turn in the direction it came from, you see it. And boy is it ugly.
An absurdly large bird skull, the body covered in mummification wrappings, and a large staff at his side.
“Cool. Cool-cool-cool. You were saying about talking to the other gods?” you mumble, trying to ignore the large bird thing.
“Yeah, what’s the worst that could happen?” Marc asks.
“Anger them enough and they’ll imprison me in stone,” the thing -Khonshu- says.
“That doesn’t sound too bad to me,” the man next to you says. You nod in agreement.
“You are very ugly,” you state bluntly.
Evidently unused to people disrespecting him, the god slams his staff on the ground.
“Not many mortals are allowed to even see my form, much less speak to me. It is a blessing.”
“Yes, well, I don’t feel very blessed.”
He turns his attention back to his avatar. “See how well you fare against Harrow without the protection of my healing armor.”
“All right, so what? Do you have any good ideas?”
“I have a bad one.” With that, he disappears.
You glance up, noticing the light dimming. You are met with a solar eclipse. So he can fully move the moon with no regard to its position or that the next eclipse was not for a good while? Huh.
Marc leads you down some stairs, past Khonshu as they talk.
“The gods all have avatars,” he explains. “They’re gathering now, but I don’t know…”
A wall begins to open itself, revealing a tunnel lined with glowing hieroglyphs. “... how to get there,” he finishes.
“I don’t fuck with small, dark, magic tunnels,” you say. “Besides, I don’t think I should join you.”
Marc smiles, visibly nervous. Resting a hand on his shoulder, you shrug.
“You’ll be fine, okay? Meet me here when you’re done, I will wait and see what I can learn about any leads.” It’s the nicest thing you’ve said to him, so he nods, steels his nerves, and heads down the tunnel. As soon as it shuts, you sigh.
“‘Egyptian mythology’,” you whisper to yourself as you type into a search bar. “I guess the black market is a good place to start.”
You’re wandering through a marketplace when Marc finds you. The Red Room taught you to blend in perfectly, but he manages to spot you when he hears a loud laugh.
In your hand are a drink and a tangerine, which you may or may not have stolen.
“Can you find anything about Senfu’s sarcophagus?” he asks.
“Ouch, no ‘Hi’?” you tease before obliging. As you search with Stark tech assisting you, you glance at Marc. “It didn’t go well.”
“No,” he agrees. “They brought in Harrow, called me crazy, and denied my request.”
“Hmm, some council.” You finally break into a smile, holding your phone flat and projecting your findings. “Mogart. Some black market collector that is conveniently… 24 miles away.”
It takes a while to double-check your intel and find a boat, and the sun has set by the time you’re onboard. Sitting on the end, away from the other groups, Marc watches you, observing the cheerful passengers. A few young girls dance to the loud music, just enjoying the night as you look away.
“You know, I know almost nothing about you,” Marc says.
“I could say the same about you. Other than the file.”
He doesn’t balk at the mention of a debriefing on him, just smirks. “Yeah? Well, you know I work for an Egyptian god, I’ve got a British man living in my head, and the basics. All I know is your name and your-” He gestures at you. “-previous job.”
“You don’t want to know about the Red Room, I promise.” Your smile is a bit bittersweet. “It’s not pretty.”
“My past isn’t either.”
You hum. “The Red Room makes child assassins,” you say, avoiding too much detail. “And… I was cycled through the Black Widow programme three times. I was good at it, too.” That’s all you give up, gauging his reaction.
His gaze softens, not with pity, but with empathy. “How young were you? When you started- The training, I mean.”
The question manages to cause a lump in your throat. This is why you don’t like thinking about it.
You soften the truth when you manage to speak. “I don’t remember a time before it.”
A hand rests on yours. And the two of you sit in silence for a bit, quiet understanding lingering.
“And you?” you say, blinking away the small amount of water building in your eyes. “Did you always work for the bird?”
“No. But I was fighting for a while before I met him. ‘ve done plenty of horrible shit in my life even without him asking me to.”
“And I’ve done horrible things to get out of the Red Room. We have something in common.”
Marc shakes his head. “No, you… you’re out. Hell, you’re working with the Avengers. You’ve made up for it.”
If he knew what you’d done, he wouldn’t be so quick to absolve you. You brush that thought away.
“Well,” you begin, leaning back on the seat. “It’s never too late to start.”
The boat reaches the banks before he can respond or be further distracted by the rings on your hands. Or how your body twists and curves as you quickly jump onto dry land.
“Got an alibi?” you ask, watching Marc stash the duffel bag under the dock.
He hums, shrugging. “A few. Rufino Estrada,” he decides. “What about you?”
“I’m going in as myself. Obviously, not an Avenger, but…” You tie your jacket around your waist, allowing your t-shirt to hide many of your weapons.
On your belt, there are two guns and a handful of knives, but Marc’s eyes are drawn to your wrists. Gauntlets flicker red, electricity in them crackling as you check your weapons.
He speaks after you fire an experimental blast into the ground. “And what’s our story here?”
“You hired me as security, and you are in the business for this sarcophagus. You’re a reputable antiques buyer who previously had ties to Dreykov, the head of the Red Room. I’ve already sent that information ahead.” You flash a charming smile to the man, who still seems a bit on edge. “Mogart made a few small deals with him, so he knows how serious the Widows are. It’s a perfect alibi.”
You two approach a large track, with men jousting under bright lights as music blares from the speakers.
Schooling your expression as you approach a man, you tilt your chin up.
“Where is your boss?” you ask, voice much darker and accented than usual.
“I sent a message earlier. We’re here for the sarcophagus.” The man immediately nods and rushes off as you lead Marc forward. “Don’t drop the act,” you whisper. “Let’s go.”
The guy introduces himself as Bek and guides you toward the track. “He’s excited to meet you. He hasn’t been able to speak to any of the infamous Black Widows after the Red Room fell.”
They were scattered across every continent on Earth, rebuilding their lives. Of course he wouldn’t find them.
“Excuse me a moment. Mr. Mogart will be with you shortly,” Bek says, slipping away.
You lean against the railing, the Widow Bites on your wrists glowing red at the movement.
“So what?” Marc starts. “This joker just puts on El-Mermah games in his backyard for fun?”
You click your tongue. “Ah, who knows? Rich people are weird.”
“Sir, Agent. Come in.” The man, dressed in a dark red robe, greets you with a more than relaxed attitude. “I hear you’re interested in my collection?”
Marc nods. “I hear you have Senfu’s sarcophagus.”
“And who told you that?” This is tedious, you think to yourself. Diplomacy and bargaining, it makes you want to heave.
“The best in the business.” Marc gestures to you.
Mogart seems convinced by this, and you begin to head toward a group of buildings.
“I hope you understand this is more than a collection to me. Preserving history is a responsibility I take very seriously.”
“No one asked you to do that,” you comment mildly, baring your teeth in a sinister grin when he frowns at you. “Yet, here we are.”
Mogart brushes off the thinly veiled insult with a chuckle. “I forgot how deep Widows cut,” he jokes. “How was the old boss before he died? May he rest in peace.”
“Pieces,” you correct, struggling to speak well of the man that previously controlled every aspect of your life. “Helicopter explosion. He… He died powerful and influential. What he would’ve wanted.”
Mogart doesn’t push further, thankfully, coming to a stop in front of a glass pyramid.
“If I may ask, why such interest in Senfu in particular?”
You have a fake reason, but he gestures for Marc to answer. Shit.
“I think that… I just think I would love to take a look,” he says. He’s confident, but it’s an awkward pause.
Mogart concedes. “Funny man. Feel free.”
As you enter the area housing said tomb, you glance at Marc.
“You need to let Steven out. He knows more than either of us and we cannot afford to blow this,” you whisper.
Marc scoffs. “Not a chance. All right, what do you see?”
“The burial practices,” you begin, recalling your research from earlier. “They’re in line with the Studenwachen texts.”
“The what?”
You roll your eyes, exasperated. “Apparently I’m the only one who studied. It means it’s real. But all of this is just instructions to guide the dead.”
“No locations indicated.”
Marc glances up at the ceiling, likely listening to Steven. He turns back to you, voice hushed.
“Ok, will you give me a minute? I gotta talk to Steven. Keep him occupied.”
You nod, slipping away with a sigh of relief.
“Mr. Estrada needs some time alone,” you announce, watching said man ramble to himself. “He’s… praying.”
This doesn’t stop Bek, who storms in and grabs Marc’s arm. On instinct, the ex-Marine disarms him, also giving up your cover.
Guns are trained on you in an instant, and you raise your hands.
“Marc!” you shout. He spots you, and for a second you think he’s gonna shoot the guy and leave you to fend for yourself. Instead, he curses and gives up the gun.
“Do you really think I’m an idiot?” Mogart asks. “Get on your knees.”
Marc obliges, and the robed man sneers at you. “I really thought you were a possible ally.” A gun shoved against your neck forces you forward. “I used to be Dreykov’s customer, a friend, even.”
“You think I’d want anything to do with the man who ruined my life?” you laugh. “Dreykov was a coward. And I wish I’d been the one to kill him.”
“Hey-“ Marc steps in. “Take a look inside the sarcophagus. There’s somethin’ really, really big.”
Before Mogart can look, Bek speaks to him in French. You freeze.
“It appears we have a concerned third party here,” he says. “Get up.”
“Harrow,” you mouth to Marc, trying to find the zealot. He stands with two men, leaning on his staff.
“Whatever they’ve told you, I’m sure I can offer something much more tangible.” The scarab floats above his hand. “Why settle for a clue when you can have the treasure?”
Arguing breaks out as Marc snaps at Harrow, who simply turns to each of you. “You all have more in common than you know.”
“(Y/N), you think that ignoring the past will keep it from catching up to you. That missions can give you a purpose, but it’s closing in.”
You’re so taken aback by him knowing your name and reading you so well that you don’t hear another word.
“Do it. Summon the suit,” Khonshu says, appearing on a rooftop. “Give them what they deserve.”
You exchange a glance with Marc, subtly nodding to your gun, and then to the distracted guards.
Meanwhile, Harrow calls on his staff, using it to destroy the sarcophagus. By the time the cultish leader is gone, so is Marc.
Panic starts immediately, and you grin despite being surrounded.
“Well, boys. Looks like you’re in trouble.”
Mogart and Bek run as Marc starts attacking, throwing down curved blades as you grab your gun. Shooting down three guards is easy enough, but more are firing from the track.
“Here!” Marc covers you with his cape, blocking the gunfire in a way you don’t understand.
You catch your breath, looking up where his eyes glow through the suit.
“Can you buy me some time?”
You run to the tomb, grabbing the tattered fabric. When you turn around, you come face to face with Bek.
Thinking fast, you throw shards of glass at his face and kick him in the stomach. He grabs a knife as you dodge his attacks, ducking in time for his knife to land in the mummy.
You take the advantage, slamming the grip of your gun into his nose. He tosses you away to grab the knife, but as he turns around, you fire off a single shot.
A quick death, it could be worse.
Running to the track where Marc is pinned down, you jump the fence. There’s multiple javelins stabbed through him, and you shoot a rider with another ready.
As you aim for the rest, however, you take a blow to the head. You hit the dirt, trying to rise as your vision blurs.
You can hear hoofbeats pounding in your head, only increasing the incoming headache. He’s got a javelin.
“Fuck that hurts,” you mutter, pushing yourself into a sitting position with your gauntlet trained on the figure. Even as Mogart heads for Marc, you don’t waver, especially when he sticks out the weapon to attack you at the last second.
Marc tackles you out of the way, enveloping you as he rolls to safety and tosses a last knife. It doesn’t miss.
Sighing in relief, you let your head flop onto his shoulder as you try to fight off the ache. He pats you on the back as his wounds mend under the suit. A luxury you don’t have.
“There you go. That’s it, deep breaths,” he mumbles, not really sure when you got comfortable enough with each other to sit like this.
He tries his best not to focus on the weight of you leaning on him, trusting him enough to rest, safely tucked in his arms. It feels nice, to have someone trust him like this. Marc hasn’t had that in a long time.
He coughs a bit and you pull away, leaving a cold, exposed feeling where your touch was. Shakily standing, you observe the bodies scattered on the sand.
“We should keep moving,” you say softly. “Don’t want them to catch up.”
Marc can only nod as he fights to keep from reaching for you.
“Yeah. We’ll keep moving.”
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #65: 2014
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, John Legend, Iggy Azalea, OneRepublic, Jason Derulo, Magic!, Meghan Trainor, Ariana Grande, Sam Smith. End description]
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As mentioned in the previous poll, we're now seeing streaming services like Spotify taking over music consumption. Much like how Billboard had to adapt to individual retail sales in the 1950's, MTV rotation in the 1980's, Nielsen SoundScan in the 1990's, and YouTube views in the early 2010's, Spotify streams are now going to be incorporated more into Billboard's charts, with their album charts adapting to this shift in late 2014.
But before we welcome in another chart, 2014 is the year we'll also have to say goodbye to one. It feels like just yesterday we were talking about the rise of the ringtone. But as musical ringtones were starting to fall out of favor in the general public (with streaming people were growing accustomed to no longer having to pay 99 cents for a song -- they weren't going to pay 2 dollars for a snippet of one), Billboard's ringtone charts were retired in 2014, with Taylor Swift's Shake It Off as the final number 1 ringtone in America.
In 2014, we're seeing the continuing rise of retro-inspired production, with the neo soul of Pharrell Williams' Happy, the doo-wop pastiche of Meghan Trainor's All About That Bass, and the funk elements of Ariana Grande's Problem. And with Jason Derulo's Talk Dirty sampling its hook from Balkan Beat Box's Hermetico, it seems like this was a pretty good year for brass samples. Also fun fact about Happy, apparently that song was Pharrell Williams' tenth attempt at writing a song for the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack. Sadly, we will never hear those other 9 versions. Or else I would have put all of them on this poll.
Speaking of musical influence, we're also starting to see trap starting to rise in mainstream popularity. Trap music is a style of rap originating out of the southern hip-hop scene, notable for its 808 drums, snares, and triple-timed hi-hats. The origins of the style can be traced back to the 1990's during the rise of southern rap, with many trap acts coming out of Atlanta and Memphis. In fact one of the guest rappers on today's poll, Juicy J on Katy Perry's Dark Horse, is one of the pioneers of this style with his group, Three 6 Mafia. While Three 6 Mafia is associated with a variety of subgenres (gangster rap, horrorcore, crunk, etc), the trajectory of trap music can often be traced back to them. I don't usually give out homework on these polls, so instead I will just strongly suggest that you check out Mystic Stylez if you haven't already. We'll have to wait a few years until we see the explosive growth of the modern trap movement in the mainstream.
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fuck-yeah-iheartmedia · 2 months
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#1 fly boy flyboy new hot songs bosshogg fast life thug boss chamilli Mixtape Messiah records Lizard Killa snoop timbaland rihanna t-pain t.i ne-yo akon lil wayne rihanna linkin park 50 cent maroon 5 ice cube the game akon lil wayne rihanna 50 cent linkin park maroon 5 daddy yankee hichem & iman gorilla zoe lil wayne akon t-pain maroon 5 50 cent rihanna nas linkin park madona britney spears shakira kelly rowland r.kelly daddy yankee don omar wisin yandel lil wayne nelly rick ross dj khaled fat joe trick daddy pitbull plies flo rida elevator low t-pain bloods new york wagton harlem Lil wayne lollipop Kanye West rap r&b t-pain official remix full length lil wayne kanye west weezy lollipop remix rap r&b hip-hop world music indie unsigne Lollipop Lil Wayne Gucci Mane REMIX d carter graduation Lil Wayne Lollipop [Uncensored] hip-hop r&b rap Lil Wayne Kanye West lollipop remix official tha carter gucci mane official remix full length afropik.com afropik music Jay-Z - Blow The Whistle (EXCLUSIVE) !!!NEW!!! Hip-Hop Rap Jay-Z Blow The Whistle DeShawn Stevenson Diss Roc Boys Blue Magic American Gangster Kingdom Come 99 Problems Big pimpin Encore Remix The Blueprint Rocafella New Jay-Z diss to Deshawn Stevenson i7pimuziktv, aka "LeBron is Overrated" lebron james Makaveli 2Pac Tupac The outlaws Ice Cube Snoop Dogg NWA Eazy E Tha Dogg Pound Dr.dre G-Unit 50 Cent Eminem How We Do Hate It or Love It Put You in the Game Dreams Stop Snitchin, Stop Lyin' Westside Story Let's Ride Wouldn't Get Far It's Okay One Blood Remix DISS TRACKS 2PAC HIT'Em UP hip-hop r&b rap Three 6 Mafia DJ UNK I'd Rather Official Video Most Known Unknown Last 2 Walk Stay Fly Side 2 Side Crunk Music Dirty South Lil Jon Lil Flip Young Buck Slim Thug, Trick Daddy, & Project Pat Mike Jones & Paul Wall 8 Ball & MJG Project Pat, Lil Wyte, Akon, Good Charlotte, DJ Unk, Lyfe Jennings, UGK, Eightball & MJG, Al Kapone, DJ Spanish Fly, Frayser Boy, Chrome, Yung D, Superpower, and more DJ Paul and Juicy J G-Unit - Like A Dog (Official Video) !!NEW!! G-Unit - Hollow Thru Him (Fat Joe Diss) Elephant In The Sand G-Unit - Aim (Fat Joe Diss) [NEW TRACK] G-UNIT GUNIT G UNIT UNIT UNOT ROTTEN APPLE BUCK THE WORLD SOUTHSIDE IM LEAVIN' LEAVING FAT JOE PUSSY BOY NEW SUNROOF SUN ROOF OPEN THE MECHANIC BE GOOD TO ME 50 CENT TONY YAYO LLOYD BANKS YOUNG BUCK G-UNIT GUNIT THISIS50.COM GUNIWORLD.COM G-UNITMEDIA.AT.GG CENTS UNOT G- OT GAME NAS JA RULE FAT JOE LIL WAYNE FAKE hiphop hip hop dance krump rap soulja boy crank that huey kanye fergie ciara 50cent rihanna beyonce Urban Music News Pop Rihanna Lil Mama Jay-Z Ne-Yo Good Girl Gone Bad l mama chris brown tpain t-pain shawty shorty get loose low flo rida with you kiss bet dance michael jackson Ludacris ft Young Jeezy - Grew Up A Screw Up Ludacris ft Young Jeezy - Grew Up A Screw Up (Chopped and Screwed) ludacris young jeezy grew screw sinxation chellorose Ludacris Feat Young Jeezy Ludacris Ft. Young Jeezy - Grew Up A Screw Up. Uncensored.a music video remastered by me grew up a screw up hope you enjoy ludacris youngjeezy grewupascarewup grew young jeezy T-pain lil' mama lil mama chris brown tpain t-pain shawty shorty get looida with nce michael jackson Dj Paul Juicy j Project Pat Lil Wyte Cut Mixtape Gorilla Zoe pussy cat dolls pussycat dolls beyonce britney spears rihanna danity kane lady gaga chris brownfergie christina aguilera nicole scherzinger pink akon lil wayne mariah carey shakira buttons ciara girlicious miley cyrus taylor swift black eyed peas justin timberlake poker face soulja boy katy perry disturbia beep just dance usher kelly clarkson womanizer the pussycat dolls avril lavigne eminem nelly furtado hannah montana jonas brothers boom boom pow pussy cat dools carrie underwood beyonce single ladies pussy cat doll paramore leona lewis neyo keri hilson dont cha pcd bottle pop single ladies sean paul pussy cat dols michael jackson madonna flo rida spice girls prima j pitbull stick with you britney spears circus jojo ashanti rihanna disturbia pussycatdolls danity kane damaged ashley tisdale
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lilymanaged · 2 years
do u have a long list of jily fic recs/blogs that have jily fic recs?
hiiii I haven't read jily in a really long time, and I am super out of the loop (aka I have not been involved in the fandom in a little over a year) but have so many jily recs from my prime jily times omg okay
NOTE: watch for smut, I have no problems with it, so some of these have it, so please read and respect tags! authors use them for a reason! 
what I would consider classic of those still available plus a few that are newer but have a similar spirit, starting with The Jily Starter Fics - TLAT and Comm: (NOTE: many of these are only on fanfiction.net, a further indication of how long I've been around this fandom (over ten years...) omg)
The Rise and Fall of the Stag and the Doe
Before the Fawn
Love and Other Tragedies 
All Right, Evans?
Buried Treasure and Transmogrify
Queen of the Crunk (now called Lily Evans, Chaser)
Haggis from Algernon (ao3)
Sunshine in my Eyes 
And the Wolves All Cry 
Auror Training
Bloody Shangri-La (ao3) 
Provisionally Yours
The Art of Misdirection
Her Oddest Customer
also pretty much anything by petals, but I specifically like Reputation (and really her entire taylor/jily series) because I love the idea of Slytherin!Lily
plus @jilyarchive has anything you could possibly want on their tag page if you're looking for something specific
also check out my tags #jily fic and #jily fic rec for more! 
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summeritsclear · 1 year
halfway??? taylor is gonna half to go home she’s too crunk
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spinebuster · 1 year
hey everyone & welcome to day one of crunking everyday to the dream song until taylor lautner notices me
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Al final del post dejamos la normativa de reservas por si alguien tiene dudas.
Forrest Frey - TheKarpa Jeyne Arryn - Espeon Alicent Hightower - Scar Baela Targaryen - Scar Benjicot Blackwood - Bloody Ben Alysanne Blackwood - Niña Indigo Aemond Targaryen - Phantom Jacaerys Velaryon - Simba Tyland Lannister - Simba Aegon Targaryen - Grey Daemon Targaryen - CanciónNoEsTwitter Kermit Tully - CanciónNoEsTwitter Otto Hightower - Loyalty Elmo Tully - Muppet Jason Lannister - Narciso Rhaena Targaryen - PanConMermelada Brandon Stark - DeusVult Cregan Stark - Lobo Dalton Greyjoy - StrongBoi Floris Baratheon - Maple Helaena Targaryen - Sargent Maris Baratheon - Alyanna Coryanne Martell - Halo Aliandra Martell - Exel Rhaenys Targaryen - Meleys Lucerys Velaryon - SoloOtroRolero Daeron Targaryen - EtherealStar Steffon Connington - EtherealStar Cassandra Baratheon - Medialunita Ormund Hightower - Gerris William Royce - Gerris Borros Baratheon - Arctic Rhaenyra Targaryen - Yuna Sara Nieve - borealnyx Criston Cole - Harlan Hunter Joffrey Velaryon - Ardillaloca Qyle Martell - borealnyx Sabitha Vypren - Alesbosamente Garlan Tyrell - Enoee Margaery Tyrell - Bear Desmond Manderly - StrongBoi Benjen Stark - Showstopper Byron Swann - Muppet Erwin Lannister - CojoHermoso Qoren Martell - Caraxes Martyn Tyrell - LaRosa Corlys Velaryon - Elquenollegó Oscar Tully - Espada Cerelle Lannister - Briska Tyshara Lannister - Edith Finch Royce Caron - elViejoTio Jeyne Bulwer - Faith
Karstark - Niña Indigo Mormont - Bear Peake - StrongBoi Dalt - VhagarNoo Redwyne - Briska Yronwood - MagicRules Celtigar - Exel Umber - Ishadriel Darklyn - Señor de la Plaga Rowan - Edith Finch Vance - Harlan Hunter Dondarrion - CojoHermoso Tarth - Misifú María Eugenia Dayne - Medialunita Farman - TheQueen Lannister de Lannisport - Pandora Bolton - Bolifacio Reyne - Elquenollegó Mooton - Bruma Oakheart - Rae Rogare* - Amanda Tarly - Phantom Ambrose - Hécate Fell - Lilacandviolet Drumm - Neurona Florent - Midnight Mallister - Woodswood Estermont - Halo Ashford - Bluemoon Largent* - PocholoTargaryen Mertyns - Norteña Wylde - TheKarpa Plumm - UnViserysPlumm Cerwyn - Freya Harte - Ponyo Farwynd - Gyda Reed - Roilys
Adam Driver - TheKarpa Katie McGrath - Espeon Skandar Keynes - bloody ben Emma Appleton - Niña Indigo Ewan Mitchell - Phantom Thimothée Chalamet - Simba Ben Barnes - Grey Tom Glynn-Carney - Grey Adelaide Kane - Scar Olivia Cooke - Scar Matt Smith - CanciónNoEsTwitter Cameron Monaghan- CanciónNoEsTwitter Elissa Bibaud- Bear Morgan freeman - Suco Rhys Ifans - Loyalty Michael Fassbender - Muppet Nick Slater - narciso Alex Hogh Andersen - DeusVult Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Lobo Leo Suter - StrongBoi Santiago Cabrera - VhagarNoo Charlie Vickens - VhagarNoo Kylie Bunbury - VhagarNoo Elle Fanning - Sargent Marta Gastini - Alyanna Morfydd Clark - Magic Rules Natalie Dormer - MagicRules Kaia Gerber - Halo Bruna Marquezin - Woodswood Jordan Patrick Smith - Ishadriel Sophie Turner - Edith Finch Jodie Comer - Edith Finch Hugh Jackman - Harlan Hunter Christian Bale - Harlan Hunter Chris Hemsworth - CojoHermoso Elliot Grihoult - SoloOtroRolero Dominik Sadoch - EtherealStar Alex Storm - EtherealStar Harry Lloyd - Fatbelly Tom Hiddleston - Fatbelly Sai Bennet - Rae Sadie Sink - Vma Jessica Chastain - Misifú María Eugenia Blance Soler - Medialunita Alexandra Daddario - Pandora Nicholas Galitzine - Bolifacio Thea Sofie Loch Næss - Bolifacio Jeanne Goursaud - Bolifacio Emilia Clarke - Dracarys Engin Ozturk- Apolo Charlie Hunnam - CojoHermoso Henry Cavill - Lilacandviolet Katheryn Winnick - Eris Millie Brady - Remedios Jonathan Rhys Meyer - Elquenollegó Kaya Scodelario - TheQueen Alexander Dreymon - Pandemonium Dayana Crunk - Brienne Anton Closmain - Ardillaloca Freya Allan - TheQueen Anya Chalotra - Niña Indigo Dove Cameron - Bruma Elizabeht Debicki - Amanda Luke Evans - PocholoTargaryen Lily James - Rae Daria Milk - Bear Tom Hardy - Phantom Eva Green - Carmilla Vanja Jagnic - Misifú María Eugenia Florence Pugh - Hécate Farah Zeynep Abdullah - TresPerlas Bradley James - Ishadriel Victoria Justice - Exel Peyton List - Exel Jannis Niewöhner - Showstopper Anne Hathaway - Ponyo Lucky Blue Smith - Mushroom Jarred Blakiston - Mushroom Lea Seydoux - Mushroom Matteo Martari - DeusVult Harry Gilby - DeusVult David Gandy - Caraxes Sam Heughan - Caraxes Michiel Huisman - Caraxes Zach McGowan - Neurona Clive Standen - ReyBuitre Meryem Uzerli - Midnight William Moseley - CojoHermoso Eve Best - Meleys Theo James - Bluemoon Alice Pagani - Halo Alexander Ludwing - Bluemoon Jason Isaacs - Elquenollegó Deva Cassel - Halo Karl Urban - TheKarpa Vika Bronova - Maple Jensen Ackles - Harlan Hunter Kennedy Walsh - PanConMermelada Sean Harris - PocholoTargaryen Alexandra Dowling - Norteña Leele Sonosekisk - Norteña Ruby Hartley - Norteña Mads Mikkelsen - TheKarpa Ruairi O'Connor* - Espada Scarlett Johansson - Wendy Travis Fimmel - Argon Hayden Christensen - UnViserysPlumm Frida Gustavsson - Freya Katya Miro - Medialunita Alina KovalenkoFreya Lili Johanson - Briska Katya Chertykova - Briska Angelina Michelle - Briska Anastasia Tsilimpiou - Edith Finch Abigail Cowen - Colorada Graham McTavish - elViejoTio Imogen Potts - Gyda Daneil Sharman - Roilys George Blagden - Roilys Felicity Jones - Faith Daisy Ridley - Magic Rules
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coghive · 2 years
Provident Entertainment Awarded 21 Trophies At The 53rd Annual GMA Dove Awards
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The Provident Entertainment family of artists, labels, films, songwriters, and publishers is pleased to announce they won 21 GMA Dove Awards during the 53rd Annual GMA Dove Awards. The wins came from across several Provident Entertainment entities – Provident Label Group, RCA Inspiration, Distribution, Films, and Essential Music Publishing. RCAI artist DOE walked away with multiple awards, as did songwriter and producer Jason Ingram.  The 53rd annual event was held Tuesday, October 18 at Lipscomb University’s Allen Arena and aired this evening on Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN) and the TBN app. The theme for this year’s awards was Sound Of Heaven. Provident Entertainment went into the awards show with multiple nominations in 22 categories. Top nominations included Matthew West with seven, six for producer and songwriter Jonathan Smith, five noms for Chris Brown and Steven Furtick of Elevation Worship, and four for breakout artist DOE, including New Artist of the Year. Zach Williams was nominated for Artist of the Year, while breakout artist Ryan Ellis was for New Artist of the Year. Voted on by the GMA Professional Membership, this year’s nominees were chosen from over 2,000 submitted entries and include a wide range of creativity and artistic integrity in both artist and non-artist categories. SONGWRITER OF THE YEAR (NON-ARTIST) Jason Ingram SOUTHERN GOSPEL RECORDED SONG OF THE YEAR “My Feet Are On The Rock” – Gaither Vocal Band; (Writers) Josh Brownleewe, Matthew Hein, Abbie Parker, Lindsey Sweat SOUTHERN GOSPEL ALBUM OF THE YEAR Keeping On – Ernie Haase & Signature Sound; (Producers) Kris Crunk, Brian Eads, Wayne Haun INSPIRATIONAL ALBUM SONG OF THE YEAR Be Still & Know – Jordan Smith; (Producer) Cason Cooley WORSHIP ALBUM OF THE YEAR Hymn Of Heaven – Phil Wickham; (Producers) Adrian Disch, Jason Ingram, Ran Jackson, Ricky Jackson, Taylor Johnson, Kyle Lee, Jonathan Smith RAP/HIP HOP RECORDED SONG OF THE YEAR “King Jesus” – KB; (Writers) Kevin Elijah Burgess, Quinten Coblentz, Dylan Alexander Phillips, Wesley Smith CONTEMPORARY GOSPEL ALBUM OF THE YEAR Clarity – DOE; (Producers) Chuck Butler, Bryan Fowler, Israel Houghton, Darryl “LiLMaN” Howell, Dewitt Jones, Dominique Jones, Judah Jones, Matt Maher, Jonathan McReynolds, Jerry M. Tate GOSPEL WORSHIP RECORDED SONG OF THE YEAR “Breathe” – Maverick City Music feat. DOE, Jonathan McReynolds, Chandler Moore; (Writers) Pat Barrett, Dominique Jones, Jonathan McReynolds, Chandler Moore Read the full article
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fromthe-point · 5 years
RAPID CITY, S.D. –The Rapid City Rush have re-signed fourth-year forward Taylor Crunk for the 2019-20 season.
Crunk began his third campaign as a professional with the Fort Wayne Komets, but then concluded the season with the Rush after being acquired in a trade on March 7. He recorded three points (2g-1a) and had 126 penalty minutes in 40 games with Fort Wayne before adding 47 penalty minutes in eight games with Rapid City.
Hailing from San Jacinto, California, Crunk has posted 18 points (4g-14a) and 365 penalty minutes in 126 career pro games. Prior to turning professional, he played five seasons in the Western Hockey League, recording 53 points (27g-27a) and 332 penalty minutes with Victoria and Vancouver.
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cndgraph-galerie · 2 years
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bisluthq · 2 years
Love it. Joe’s wearing a might-jump-in-the-pool-after-a-few-drinks watch. //
Didn’t we figure out last year that it wasn’t a watch but like an all-inclusive ticket at the hotel or something?
I think maybe lmao but the joke about getting crunk is still funny as fuck.
Also this is amusing because the stalwarts are like “ah yes remember this” and the little baby innocents are like “TAYLOR IN CROATIA?”
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doubleattitude · 3 years
The Dance Awards, Orlando Florida 2021 Results
Best Dancer:
Mini Female
Top 20:
Kaylee Schwamb
Maya Steinfield
Georgia Beth Peters
Esme Chou
Diana Kouznetsova
Ariana Kovalevsky
Bella Rey D’Armas
Regan Gerena
Top 12:
Kensington Dressing
Denise Torres
Emely Carrillo
Braylynn Grizzaffi
Isabella Kouznetsova
Elizabeth Scott Lanier
Ellie Melchoir
Roxie Onellion
Ellary Day Szyndlar
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Carrigan Paylor
1st runner-up: Skylar Wong
Kya Massimino
Mini Male
Top 9:
Dylan Custodio
Philip Trescases
Ian Castenada
Liam Retseck
Mateo Perez
Brayden Winchell
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Blake Metcalf
1st runner-up: Santiago Sosa
Michael Cash Savio
Junior Female
Top 21:
Jazmine Raine Werner
Anya Inger
Alexandra Perez
Mary Jordan Clodfelter
Halle Hunt
Lena Garcia
Mya Tuaileva
Emme James Anderson.
Brooke Toro
Kamri Peterson
Top 11:
Maddie Ortega
Giselle Gandarilla
Stella Condie
Taylor Morrison
Daniela SanGiacomo
Aaliyah Dixon
Hayley Marshall
Top 4:
3rd runner-up: Angelina Elliott
2nd runner-up: Laci Stoico
1st runner-up: Gracyn French
Cameron Voorhees
Junior Male
Top 9:
Amir Shah
Bosco Wong
Lucas Pignotti
Gage Davis
Kylan Wright
Kaden Brown
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Nicholas Moreno
1st runner-up: Zachary Roy
Ian Stegeman
Teen Female
Top 20:
Zoe Ridge
Suvannah Hunter
Harlow Ganz
Ying Lei Pham
Whitney Tomes
Brooklyn Law
Camilla Cordoer
Natalya Toirac
Sophie Garcia
Top 11:
Destanye Diaz
Lindsey Weaver
Rachel Quiner
Isabella Lynch
Cydney Heard
Avery Lau
Arianna Quant
Rachel Loiselle
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Hailey Bills
1st runner-up: Keagan Capps
Dyllan Blackburn
Teen Male
Top 21:
Logan Speer
Phoenix Decker
Joshuah Rivera
Gavin Miele
Edon Hartzy
Jeremy Powalowski
Niko Nyman
Julian Smith
Sam Evans
Skai Llorente
Top 11:
Hayden Mucha
Braylon Browner
Garris Munoz
Colin Bendziewicz
Jesse Flaherty
Andres Jiminez
Anthony Dessables
Samuel Ek
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Xander Perone
1st runner-up: Sam Fine
Brady Farrar
Senior Female
Top 23:
Shane Higa
Amanda Taylor
Kiara Fina
Karisa Pluchino
Gionna D’Alessandro
Tyler Burden
Samantha Schmaling
Morgan Olschewski
Nanea Yu
Hallie Green
Bella Mills
Top 12:
Kaitlyn Linquist
Paloma Santos
Camila Schwarz
Chantel Le
Madi Autry
Madison Mazovec
Ruby Castro
Emma Cook
Cassidy Reigel
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Savannah Quiner
1st runner-up: Selena Hamilton
Kayla Mak
Senior Male
Top 24:
Jaylin Sanders
Parker Brudzinski
Dominic Keider
Zakk Fowler
Thomas Perkey
Christian Bottger
Brian Class
Oliver Morris
Cameron Stedman
Evan Hamilton
Ta’Nario Riggins
Kahly McCurdy
Caden Thephavong
Top 11:
Reginald Turner Jr
Caden Hunter
Franco LaGrega
Wesley Cloud
Jordan Apodaca
Artem Tikhonenko
John Chappell
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Carter Williams
1st runner-up: Thiago Pacheco
Jaxon Willard
High Scores by Age:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
PeeWee Solo
1st: Lainey Hess-’Amayzing Mayzie’
1st: Amanda Carpenter-’Hey Daddy’
1st: Sophia Novo-’Red Hope’
1st: Ella Venerio-’Signals’
2nd: Stella Brinkerhoff-’Fly’
3rd: Ava Piedrahita-’I Am Free’
3rd: Penelope LeMieux-’I’d Rather Go Blind’
4th: Amaya Rodriguez-’Fly’
5th: Ava Wilkins-’Always Love You’
5th: Reese Braga-’Fallen Memory’
6th: AnnaCameron McGlohorn-’Dance Like Yo Daddy’
6th: Mikaela Florez-’Stop Go’
7th: Audrey Mikkelson-’Shake the Room’
7th: Navie Mees-’Sweet Child’
8th: Khylie Wilkerson-’Proud Mary’
9th: Addie Goodwin-’Cause I’m A Blonde’
9th: Charlotte Brayman-’Wonderful World’
10th: Brinley Evans-’Beauty and the Beast’
Mini Solo
1st: Kensington Dressing-’A Distant World’
1st: Kya Massimino-’System Activated’
2nd: Michael Cash Savio-’Interpretation of Mike’
3rd: Carrigan Paylor-’Orange Colored Sky’
4th: Lexus Natalie-’Alternate World’
4th: Regan Gerena-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
4th: Camila Giraldo-’Welcome to Miami’
5th: Isabella Kouznetsova-’Almost There’
5th: Ella Dobler-’Enter Now’
6th: Winter Eberts-’Hit the Road Jack’
6th: Ellerie Cox-’New Miss Rhythm’
6th: Mya Lanigan-’Roxy’
6th: Denise Torres-’Swan’
6th: Sophia Gil-’Sway’
6th: Jazmin Covos-’The Air’
7th: Dylan Custudio-’Discerning’
7th: Bella Rey D’Armas-’Extraction’
7th: Alyson Merino-’Internal’
7th: Emily Core-’Without Limits’
8th: Savy Luetchtefeld-’Beautiful Thing’
8th: Ashley Otano-’Dark Matter’
8th: Raegan Hess-’Intertwined’
9th: Camryn Studebaker-’Everything Fades’
9th: Diana Kouznetsova-’Rainbow’
9th: Jasmine Pando-’Strains’
10th: Santiago Sosa-’Becoming’
10th: Baker Barboza-’Boots’
10th: Milly Berry-’My Big French Boyfriend’
10th: Melody Cocina-’On The Hour’
10th: Ruby Arnold-’Ruby Blue’
10th: Lily Hackney-’Static’
Junior Solo
1st: Gracyn French-’A Character of Quiet’
1st: Cameron Voorhees-’Unplug’
2nd: Kylee Casares-’Lonely’
2nd: Laci Stoico-’Mein Herr’
3rd: Giselle Gandarilla-’All Human Beings’
3rd: Aaliyah Dixon-’That’s Life’
4th: Maddie Ortega-’Summetime’
5th: Zachary Roy-’Higher Ground’
6th: Hayley Marshall-’Ink’
7th: Alexandra Perez-’Valentine’
8th: Caitie Polis-’Fallen Angel’
8th: Daniela SanGiacomo-’Restless’
8th: Shayla Blair-’The Thing’
9th: Angelina Elliott-’Out’
10th: Kamri Peterson-’Broken Mirrors’
10th: Lena Garcia-’Falling Away From the Surface’
Teen Solo
1st: Brady Farrar-’The Apology’
2nd: Sam Fine-’Obsession’
3rd: Georgia Greene-’Alpha and Omega’
3rd: Dyllan Blackburn-’Indian Summer’
4th: Avery Lau-’From the Ashes’
5th: Isabella Tagle-’100 Times’
5th: Destanye Diaz-’My Own’
6th: Xander Perone-’Elijah’
6th: Garris Munoz-’Enlightenment’
6th: Rachel Leon-’Just the Two of Us’
6th: Kaitlyn Esquivel-’The Curse’
6th: Isabella Weidmann-’Where They Lay’
7th: Iliana Victor-’Drawn to You’
7th: Jordan Lassiter-’Hometown Glory’
7th: Antonia Gonzalez-’Like the Wind’
7th: Sophie Gracie-’Lost’
7th: Ava Miller-’Tarnished’
8th: Kaitlyn Ortega-’Ain’t No Sunshine’
8th: Ava Carroll-’Are You Sure’
8th: Harlow Ganz-’Breaking the Surface’
9th: Edon Hartzy-’Claire De Lune’
9th: Sam Hardin-’Crunk Driving’
9th: Sarah Georgiana-’Heartstrings’
10th: Angel DiMartino Palladino-’Disable Blocker’
10th: Ellen Grace Olansen-’Ghost’
10th: Hadley Snell-’Like This’
10th: Isabella Warfield-’To Be Continued’
10th: Samuel Ek-’Uncovered’
Senior Solo
1st: Jaxon Willard-’Female Energy’
2nd: Caden Hunter-’I Am Not the One’
2nd: Kayla Mak-’Tuesday’
2nd: Gionna D’Alessandro-’Wish You Were Here’
3rd: Thiago Pacheco-’Strange’
4th: Carter Williams-’Change is Everything’
5th: Selena Hamilton-’Black Car’
5th: Wesley Cloud-’Black Lake’
5th: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl-’Darkness’
5th: Sophie Tosh-’Lumina’
6th: Melina Dalton-’Errors’
7th: Jaylin Sander-’Extraterrestrial Movement’
8th: Caitlyn Knowles-’Exhibition’
9th: John Chappell-’Through the Fog’
10th: Gabriella Garavelo Bortoleto-’Kitri’
10th: Javon Hunter-’OMG’
10th: Emma Cook-’Out of Line’
10th: Elle Tosh-’Safe’
PeeWee Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Town-’3 Blessings’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Fly Me to the Moon’
3rd: New Level Dance Company-’I’ll Be There’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Beats’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No More I Love Yous’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Yesterday’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Something’s Gotta Change’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Gallows’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Lumineuse’
5th: Dance Town-’Cola’
5th: Project 21-’I Am the Cute One’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Exiles’
2nd: Dance Town-’The Boy and the Snake’
3rd: Project 21-’A Match Made In Heaven’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’C’mon Talk’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Size’
5th: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Arms Around You’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Wake Me’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Home With You’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Not That News’
3rd: Dance Town-’No Weapon Formed Against Me Will Prosper’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Still Life’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Center-’Cello Sonata’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Town-’This Time is Real’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’To The Moon’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Le Plat Pays’
4th: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I’m Coming Home’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Be Still My Heart’
PeeWee Group
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Bird’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Ooh La La’
2nd: New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
3rd: Dance Unlimited-’Fabulous’
4th: Dance Spectrum-’Mr. Sandman’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Shake Your Groove Thing’
Mini Group
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
1st: Dance Town-’Together in Separation’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’The Awakening’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Doors are Closing’
4th: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Fly’
4th: West Florida Dance Company-’Spice Girls’
5th: Dance Town-’Good Question’
Junior Group
1st: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Another Time’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Cello Suite’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Solitude’
4th: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
4th: Dance Town-’No Journey’s End’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Eyes Closed and Moving Forward’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’New World’
Teen Group
1st: Project 21-’GirlsGirlsGirls’
2nd: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I Love Movies’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’In Memoriam’
2nd: Westchester Dance Academy-’Now You’re Out of Sight’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Seven’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Softly, Heavy’
2nd: Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
3rd: companyONE-’Her Blues’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Lost’
4th: Dance Town-’My Hypergraphia is Exploitable’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Anything I Do’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Endless Falls’
Senior Group
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Fade’
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company-’Your Weight Is Not Mine to Carry’
2nd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’I Feel Pretty Perplexed’
3rd: Dance Town-’Kiss’
4th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Against the Dying of the Light’
4th: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’React’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’WAIT’
PeeWee Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Dump Him’
2nd: Center Stage Performing  Arts Studio-’Let’s Get Loud’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Mr Piano Man’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Reflections’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Rainbow Brite’
3rd: Center Stage Performing  Arts Studio-’The Rose’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’ABC’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Scooby Doo’
Mini Line
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Scrapers’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Fergalicious’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I Work 2020′
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Uptown Girls’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’The Moon’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’I Don’t Speak French’
Junior Line
1st: Dance Town-’Create’
2nd: Dance Town-’Black Bird’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Final Moments’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Girls’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’For All We Know’
Teen Line
1st: Project 21-’Post That’
1st: companyONE-’The Whole Truth’
2nd: companyONE-’City Limits’
2nd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Get Up’
3rd: The Artist Project-’Wanted: Dead or Alive’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Through Our Strength’
5th: Dance Town-’305′
5th: Dance Town-’Lord Have Mercy’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Mack the Knife’
Senior Line
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
2nd: Dance Town-’Now What’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Deep Fried Flavor’
4th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Maybe It’s Just Me’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’Minus 61′
PeeWee Extended Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
Mini Extended Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Wonderland’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Drumming’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Dawn of Love’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Flykicks’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Time’
5th: Dance Town-’Disco’
5th: The Southern Strutt-’Yacht Club Cuties’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Sheffield School of the Dance-’New York City’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’The Gospel Truth’
3rd: Dance Town-’Cats’
3rd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Beat Drop’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Foot On the Gas’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’My Dearest Friend’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Aquatic’
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’You’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Could Look Away’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Weightless’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′
4th: The Southern Strutt-’Pound Sterling’
5th: The Southern Strutt-’Beetlejuice’
5th: Dance Town-’Grown Woman’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Here Comes the Boom’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Kick It’
4th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’FUNK2K’
5th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’Symphony’
PeeWee Production
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Chewy Chewy’
Mini Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
Junior Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Snitches and Rats’
Teen Production
1st: Dance Town-’Salsa’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’For Dodo’
5th: The Southern Strutt-’Book of Love’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Money’
Senior Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No Bystanders’
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Catwalk’
2nd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Hollywood Wiz’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
PeeWee Jazz
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Ooh La La’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Chewy Chewy’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Dump Him’
3rd: Dance Unlimited-’Fabulous’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’Rainbow Brite’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Shake Your Groove Thing’
PeeWee Hip-Hop
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Scooby Doo’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Juice Break’
PeeWee Tap
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Mr Piano Man’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Mr. Sandman’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’ABC’
PeeWee Contemporary
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Bird’
PeeWee Lyrical
1st: New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Reflections’
3rd: Center Stage Performing  Arts Studio-’The Rose’
4th: Studio Powers-’Big Love, Small Moments’
PeeWee Musical Theatre
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’New Girls In Town’
PeeWee Specialty
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Lets Get Loud’
PeeWee Acro
1st: Dance Spectrum-’Hot Hot Hot’
Mini Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I Work 2020′
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Fergalicious’
3rd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’I Don’t Speak French’
4th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Kiss, Kiss’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’Ponytail’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Business of Love’
Mini Ballet
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Concerto in E Major’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Spanish Flair’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Flykicks’
1st: West Florida Dance Company-’Spice Girls’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Back at It’
3rd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’C-Breezy’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Mint Chocolate Chip’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Jump’
Mini Tap
1st: West Florida Dance Company-’Do Your Thing’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Splash N Go’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’As Good As It Gets’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Jitterbug’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Love Shack’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’A Train’
5th: Xplosive Dance Academy-’This Will Be’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Dance Town-’Together in Separation’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Doors are Closing’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Dawn of Love’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Time’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’The Awakening’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Drumming’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’The Moon’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Fly’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’I Believe’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Fly Me to the Moon’
5th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Fade to Silence’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Wonderland’
2nd: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Yacht Club Cuties’
4th: Carolina Collective Dance-’Legally Blonde’
4th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Don’t Rain on My Parade’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Forget About the Boy’
Mini Ballroom
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
2nd: Dance Town-’Cafe Latino’
3rd: Dance Town-’Ballroom Babies’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Let’s Do It!’
Mini Specialty
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Scrapers’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Uptown Girls’
Mini Acro
1st: Evolution Dance Company-’Dream On’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Hoedown Throwdown’
Junior Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: Dance Town-’Black Bird’
3rd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’New York City’
4th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Replicas’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’This Place About to Blow’
5th: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
Junior Ballet
1st: Dance Town-’Waltz’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Waltz of the Hour’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Violin Fantastique’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Going to School’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Springtime Waltz’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Beat Drop’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Snitches and Rats’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Foot On the Gas’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Dirty South’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Walk it Out’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Mr. Brown’
Junior Tap
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’My Dearest Friend’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Birds’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Sussudio’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Here Comes the Sun’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Art Official’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Crazy in Love’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Dance Town-’Create’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Final Moments’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Cello Suite’
3rd: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
3rd: Dance Town-’No Journey’s End’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’New World’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Eyes Closed and Moving Forward’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Better Days Ahead’
Junior Lyrical
1st: True Dance and Company-’Another Time’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Solitude’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’For All We Know’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’I Will Leave the Light On’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Almost Heaven’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’The Gospel Truth’
2nd: Dance Town-’Cats’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’First Day Frug’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Zero to Hero’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Fish are Friends Not Food’
Junior Ballroom
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Girls’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Salome’
Junior Specialty
1st: Dance Town-’Life is a Tango’
2nd: West Florida Dance Company-’Rama’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Spa’
3rd: West Florida Dance Company-’Bamboo Banga’
Junior Acro
1st: Xplosive Dance Academy-’Nocturnus’
Junior Improv
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Grey Achea (Shen)’
Teen Groups:
Teen Jazz
1st: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Anything I Do’
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’
2nd: West Florida Dance Company-’Glass’
3rd: Middletown Dance Academy-’Make Your Body’
4th: Orlando International School of Dance-’Focus’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Delivered’
Teen Ballet
1st: Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Lost Light’
Teen Tap
1st: Dance Spectrum-’Seven’
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Softly, Heavy’
2nd: companyONE-’Her Blues’
3rd: Legacy Center for the Arts-’Ain’t No Mountain’
4th: West Florida Dance Company-’Sir Duke’
4th: Dance Spectrum-’Don’t Worry’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Requiem’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’GirlsGirlsGirls’
2nd: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I Love Movies’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Lost’
4th: Dance Town-’My Hypergraphia is Exploitable’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Endless Falls’
Teen Lyrical
1st: True Dance and Company-’In Memoriam’
1st: Westchester Dance Academy-’Now You’re Out of Sight’
2nd: Thomas Dance Studio-’It’s Been A Year’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Then You Look At Me’
3rd: Orlando International School of Dance-’Grey’
4th: Patti Eisenhauer Dance Center-’The Face’
5th: Middletown Dance Academy-’Love Wins’
Teen Specialty
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Carbon Cycle’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Highest Flood’
3rd: Orlando International School of Dance-’I Won’t Complain’
Teen Acro
1st: The WHEREHOUSE-’Lime in the Coconut’
Teen Line, Extended Line, Production:
Teen Jazz
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′
2nd: Project 21-’Post That’
3rd: companyONE-’City Limits’
4th: Dance Town-’305′
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Santa Maria’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’One More Night’
Teen Ballet
1st: Dance Town-’Swan Lake’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sometimes When It Rains’
3rd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Apres Minuit’
3rd: Dance Town-’Snowflakes’
4th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’Faust’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Bataille’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
2nd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Get Up’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’For Dodo’
3rd: The Artist Project-’Wanted: Dead or Alive’
4th: Dance Town-’Grown Woman’
5th: Dance Town-’Lord Have Mercy’
Teen Tap
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’House of Frug’
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Rock Your Body’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Hook’
3rd: Dance Spectrum-’Shining Star’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Gold Watch’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’You’
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Could Look Away’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Weightless’
3rd: companyONE-’The Whole Truth’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Through Our Strength’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Still’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Aquatic’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Pound Sterling’
3rd: Westchester Dance Academy-’Things Left Behind’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Et Moi’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Young & Beautiful’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’We Choose’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Beetlejuice’
2nd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Mack the Knife’
3rd: companyONE-’Hot Honey Rag’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Groundhog Day’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Time Warp’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’One’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Dance Town-’Salsa’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’After Hour’
Teen Specialty
1st: West Florida Dance Company-’Money’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Book of Love’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Into the FUNknown’
3rd: Dance Town-’Paradise’
4th: Westchester Dance Academy-’DarkRoad’
5th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Born to be Alive’
Teen Acro
1st: Dance Spectrum-’I Just Wanna’
2nd: Studio Powers-’Area 51′
Senior Jazz
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Fade’
2nd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Maybe It’s Just Me’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Fade’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Kick It’
4th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Just What I Need’
5th: Dance Town-’I’ve Got You’
Senior Ballet
1st: Dance Town-’Stars and Stripes’
2nd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’Carmen’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Recomposed’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No Bystanders’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Deep Fried Flavor’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Here Comes the Boom’
4th: The Artist Project-’Taking Over’
5th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’FUNK2K’
Senior Tap
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’I Feel Pretty Perplexed’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’What A Girl Wants’
3rd: West Florida Dance Company-’Come Together’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Layla’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
2nd: Dance Town-’Now What’
3rd: Vlad’s Dance Company-’Your Weight Is Not Mine to Carry’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Catwalk’
5th: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’React’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Westchester Dance Academy-’Against the Dying of the Light’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’How Do I Live’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’First Encounter’
4th: West Florida Dance Company-’Sweet Dreams’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Station’
Senior Musical Theatre
1st: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Hollywood Wiz’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Too Darn Hot’
Senior Ballroom
1st: Dance Town-’KISS’
Senior Specialty
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Moonlight Presto’
3rd: Dance Town-’RUN’
4th: The Dancer’s EDGE-’Think About You’
4th: The Artist Project-’Curious Creatures’
5th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Ne Me Quitte Pas’
Best Performance by Age:
The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
Winner: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
1st runner-up: The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
2nd runner-up: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
3rd runner-up: Dance Town-’Together in Separation’
4th runner-up: Stars Dance Studio-’Scrapers’
Winner: Dance Town-’Create’
1st runner-up: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd runner-up: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Cello Suite’
3rd runner-up: The Southern Strutt-’The Gospel Truth’
4th runner-up: True Dance and Company-’Another Time’
5th runner-up: Sheffield School of the Dance-’New York City’
Winner: Project 21-’GirlsGirlsGirls’
1st runner-up: Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
2nd runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Softly, Heavy’
3rd runner-up: True Dance and Company-’In Memoriam’
4th runner-up: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I Love Movies’
5th runner-up: Dance Spectrum-’Seven’
Line, Extended Line, Production:
Winner: Dance Town-’Salsa’
1st runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
2nd runner-up: Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
3rd runner-up: companyONE-’The Whole Truth’
4th runner-up: Project 21-’Post That’
5th runner-up: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
6th runner-up: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′
Winner: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
1st runner-up: Dance Town-’Now What’
2nd runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
3rd runner-up: Vlad’s Dance Company-’Your Weight Is Not Mine to Carry’
4th runner-up: Stars Dance Studio-’Catwalk’
Best Performance by Style/Division:
Best Hip-Hop
Rhythm Dance Centre-’Earthquake’
The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
Best Tap
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’I Feel Pretty Perplexed’
Best Contemporary
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
Best Jazz
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
Best Ballroom
Dance Town-’Salsa’
Best Musical Theatre
The Southern Strutt-’Beetlejuice’
Best Ballet
Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
Best Lyrical
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Aquatic’
Best Specialty
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
Best Acro
Dance Spectrum-’I Just Wanna’
Special Awards:
Westchester Dance Academy
Best Production
Dance Town-’Salsa’
Outstanding Achievement:
Mini/Junior Choreography
Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’ (Molly Long’
Teen/Senior Choreography
Dance Town-’Salsa’ (Manny and Lory Castro)
Costume Design
Rhythm Dance Center-’Recomposed’
Mini Technical
The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
Junior Technical
Dance Town-’Create’
Teen Technical
Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
Senior Technical
Westchester Dance Academy-’Against the Dying of the Light’
Best in Studio ($3000 per style):
Best Hip-Hop
Rhythm Dance Center
Best Tap,
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy
Best Contemporary
Dance Town
Best Jazz
Project 21
Best Ballroom
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Best Musical Theatre
The Southern Strutt
Best Lyrical
Westchester Dance Academy
People’s Choice ($250)
Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
15 notes · View notes
goalhofer · 3 years
2021-22 Utah Grizzlies Roster
#6 Zac Robbins (Northfield Township, Illinois)
#8 Quinn Ryan (Branchville, New Jersey)
#10 Matthew Boucher (Los Angeles, California) A
#12 Brian Bowen (Littleton, Massachusetts)
#21 Tyler Penner (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
#22 Neil Robinson (Pointe-Claire, Quebec)
#24 Christian Simeone (Milton, Massachusetts)
#27 Taylor Crunk (San Jacinto, California)
#61 Gehrett Sargis (Bremen Township, Illinois) C
#20 Benjamin Tardif (Notre-Dame-De-l’Île-Perrot, Quebec)
#26 Mason Mannek (Herriman, Utah)
#28 Luka Burzan (Surrey, British Columbia)
#29 Brandon Cutler (Spruce Grove, Alberta)
#4 Joey Colatarci (Ft. Myers, Florida)
#5 Connor McDonald (Westerville, Ohio)
#7 Austin Crossley (Ft. St. John, British Columbia)
#15 Miles Gendron (Oakville, Ontario) A
#19 Jordon Stone (Parker, Colorado)
#23 Kyle Pouncy (Kamloops, British Columbia)
#24 Justin Duncan (Prince George, British Columbia)
#40 Andrew Nielsen (Red Deer, Alberta)
#39 Garrett Metcalf (Salt Lake City, Utah)
#42 Peyton Jones (Langhorne Borough, Pennsylvania)
#50 Trent Miner (Souris, Manitoba)
3 notes · View notes
Black people are responsible for most, if not all, genres of music people listen to today such as rock, heavy metal, go go, house music, disco, funk, hip hop, country, blues, jazz, bluegrass, etc.
Most of these genres we were forced out of and we are looked at weirdly if we say we wanna be apart of these genres that are rightfully ours. Look at Lil Nas X and Beyoncé. The country community hated that a Black man and woman were taking part in something that "belongs" to them. Both Beyoncé and Lil Nas X are from the south. If they wanted to be mad at someone singing country, Taylor Swift was right there. The chick is from freaking Pennsylvania, but it was clear that this had to do with race.
We are constantly pushed and forced out of what's ours and it's not fair.
P.S. I would also like to add reggaeton, dancehall, salsa, batchata, meringue, bounce, soca, calypso, kompa, crunk, afrobeats, swing, new jack swing, R&B, soul, and neo-soul to the list.
638 notes · View notes
fuckyeahabocado · 4 years
1. Shoreline Mafia「Mafia Bidness」
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03 Greedo、Duke Deuce、Drakeo The Rulerらが参加。
2. Duke Deuce「Memphis Massacre 2」
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ストリングスやピアノを使ったダークなクランクやバウンス、ブルージーな路線などを聴かせるメンフィス臭いアルバムです。Project PatにYoung Thugを足したような、いなたいラップも現行シーンの旨味とメンフィス色の最高の交点。トレードマークのアドリブ「ワタファ~!」も癖になります。メンフィスG好きの方は是非。
Lil JonとJuicy J、Project Patとクラブを盛り上げるMタウンクランク「Crunk Ain't Dead (Remix)」は今年屈指の名曲です。
3. Don Toliver「Heaven or Hell」
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Big MoeやChalie Boyの系譜にあるフガフガとソウルフルに歌うラップが、オルタナティヴR&Bをベースにエレクトロファンク色を強めたようなビートに溶けていく怪作です。ビートと対話するように歌ったり、ビートと声が一体化して共にエディットされたりとヴォーカルのアプローチもユニーク。生音と思しきキーボードやギターなどの多用も印象的です。
機械的なようでファンキーなサウンドと声の散らし方が凄い「After Party」がハイライト。
4. Boldy James / Sterling Toles「Manger on McNichols」
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Mobb DeepのProdigyを思わせる低音で安定感抜群のラップが、生演奏が自由に動き回るジャジーで混沌とした音作りを支えた快作です。時にはヒップホップの枠をはみ出したような曲もありますが、クールにラップを絡めています。
ヴォコーダーも使ったPファンク風味の「Birth of Bold (the christening)」がベストトラック。
5. Kolyon「Rumors of War」
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穏やかなビートと語りかけるような優しいラップが印象的な「Sinners Prayer」がお気に入り。
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Rocciが全曲を制作したタッグ作です。ハードな路線はほぼなく、メロウでレイドバックした好作に仕上がっています。Kingpin Skinny Pimpあたりに通じる高音でキレのあるラップも抜群。
例の高音シンセも飛び出すGファンクの「Gold Thangs & Pinky Rangs (Da Hooptie)」がハイライト。
7. Spillage Village「Spilligion」
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フォークやゴスペル、Pファンクなどをミックスしてヒップホップに形成したような快作です。フリーキーなラップやソウルフルな歌も非常に強力。Dungeon Familyファンの方にもおすすめです。
8. Halsey「Manic」
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浮遊感のあるオルタナティヴR&Bやギターロック、アフロポップ風味など多彩なサウンドをエモーショナルで華のある歌で彩った良作です。Juice WRLDなどのエモラップが好きな方も是非。
9. D Smoke「Black Habits」
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トークボックスとJill Scottの歌をフィーチャーしたDJ Battlecat制作のGファンク、「Sunkissed Child」がハイライト。
10. Kassa Overall「I THINK I'M GOOD」
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Kanye Westがジャズ方面に進んだような、ジャズとヒップホップがマッドなセンスで同時に鳴る快作です。生演奏の即興の魅力を活かしつつも、エディット感覚が冴え渡ったユニークな音作りが楽しめます。
生ドラムと打ち込みドラムの同居、エディットを施したピアノが凄い「The Best Of Life」がベストトラック。
11. Starlito「Paternity Leave」
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メロウなエレピと悲しそうなギターが効いた哀愁曲の「Daddy Issues」がお気に入り。
12. DeJ Loaf「Sell Sole II」
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42 Dugg、Sada Baby、Benny the Butcherらが参加。
13. Emily King「Sides」
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14. Rucci「Midget」
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Mistah F.A.B.やWebbieを思わせるアグレッシヴなラップを、現行ウェッサイらしいバンギンや哀愁系などで聴かせる充実作です。シリアスな曲が多いですが、アッパーな路線や爽やかメロウもあり。G好きの方は是非。
美しいサックスやギターが寄り添う哀愁たっぷりな「Leave Me Alone」にはオヤGの方もソファで泣き崩れるはず。
15. FMB DZ「The Gift 3」
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Sada Baby、Helluva、Rio Da Yung OGらが参加。
16. Kem「Love Always Wins」
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クワイアを導入した「Love Always Wins」のErica Campbell客演版で締めるラストは感動的。
17. Teyana Taylor「The Album」
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Erykah Badu、Quavo、Kehlaniらが参加。
18. Mozzy「Beyond Bulletproof」
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19. dvsn「A Muse In Her Feelings」
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寂しげな雰囲気で悩ましく歌い倒す「For Us」がお気に入り。
20. DJ Fresh「The Tonite Show with Curren$y」
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Guapdad 4000、Larry June、XL Middletonらが参加。
21. Tank「While You Wait」
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優しいピアノで誠実な歌を聴かせる「My Lovers」がハイライト。
22. City Girls「City On Lock」
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Traxamillion制作のバウンスでYo Gottiと盛り上がる「Broke Niggas」がベストトラック。
23. Fleet Foxes「Shore」
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優しいピアノで歌うノスタルジックな「For A Week Or Two」がお気に入り。
24. Benny the Butcher「Burden of Proof」
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Freddie Gibbs、Lil Wayne、Dom Kennedyらが参加。
25. Haiti Babii「California Haitian」
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ブヨブヨのベースが目立つビートに乗り、一人で同時に何役もこなすような「Murder Mook vs. Haiti Babii」がハイライト。
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USA Today: What Is Taylor Listening To?
Below is the list of all the songs that originally appeared on Brian Mansfield’s USA Today article “Taylor Swift is listening to...” (from November 12th 2008). Article and list of songs can still be accessed with the help of Wayback Machine, if the Flash is enabled in your browser. Enjoy!
A Fine Frenzy - Almost Lover
Acceptance - Different
Aerosmith - Dream On
Alana Grace - Black Roses Red
Alana Grace - Paranoid
Alanis Morissette - Hands Clean
Alison Krauss & Union Station - If I Didn't Know Any Better
Alison Krauss & Union Station - New Favorite
Amos Lee - Colors
Anna Nalick - Breathe (2 AM)
Anna Nalick - Catalyst
Anna Nalick - Forever Love
Anna Nalick - In The Rough
Anna Nalick - Paper Bag
Anna Nalick - Wreck Of The Day (Live)
Aslyn - Be The Girl
Augustana - Sweet and Low
Avril Lavigne - Fall To Pieces
Avril Lavigne - Why
Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give
Backstreet Boys - Climbing The Walls
Backstreet Boys - Crawling Back To You
Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
BarlowGirl - Never Alone
Ben Folds - Landed
Ben Folds - The Luckiest
Ben Folds Five - Brick
Ben Jelen - Come On
Ben Lee - Catch My Disease
Better Than Ezra - Breathless
Better Than Ezra - Our Last Night
Beyoncé - If I Were A Boy
Beyoncé - Irreplaceable
Beyoncé - Me Myself And I
Beyoncé ft. Bun B, Slim Thug - Check On It
Big & Rich - Holy Water
Big & Rich - Save A Horse [Ride A Cowboy]
Billy Currington - Why, Why, Why
Billy Gilman - Clueless
Billy Joel - Uptown Girl
Billy Mack - Christmas Is All Around
Blake Shelton - Austin
Blake Shelton - Don’t Make Me
Blake Shelton - It Ain't Easy Bein' Me
Blake Shelton - Nobody But Me
Blink-182 - Feeling This
Blink-182 - What's My Age Again?
Blu Sanders - Like the Movies
Blu Sanders - We All Lose It
Blu Sanders - You By Her Side
Bone Crusher ft. Killer Mike, T.I. - Never Scared
Bonnie Somerville - Winding Road
Boys Like Girls - Hero/Heroine (Acoustic)
Boys Like Girls - Thunder
Brad Paisley - It Did
Brad Paisley - Whiskey Lullaby
Brandi Carlile - Fall Apart Again
Brandi Carlile - The Story
Brandi Carlile - Throw It All Away
Brandi Carlile - Turpentine
Brandi Carlile - What Can I Say
Brett Dennen - She's Mine
Britney Spears - (You Drive Me) Crazy (The Stop Remix!)
Britney Spears - Do Somethin’
Britney Spears - Everytime
Britney Spears - I Love Rock 'N' Roll
Britney Spears - I'm A Slave 4 U
Britney Spears - Lucky
Britney Spears - My Prerogative
Britney Spears - Outrageous
Britney Spears - Sometimes
Britney Spears - Toxic
Britney Spears ft. Pharrell Williams - Boys (Co-ed Remix)
Britney Spears ft. Ying Yang Twins - (I Got That) Boom Boom
Brooke Fraser - Deciphering Me
Bruce Robinson - All Over But The Cryin'
Bruce Robinson - Virginia
Cartel - Honestly
Chamillionaire ft. Krayzie Bone - Ridin'
Chantal Kreviazuk - In This Life
Chingy - Holidae In
Chris Brown - Gimme That
Chris Brown ft. Juelz Santana - Run It!
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya, Pink - Lady Marmalade
Ciara - Get Up
Coheed and Cambria - The Suffering
Colbie Caillat - Battle
Colbie Caillat - Feelings Show
Colbie Caillat - Magic
Colbie Caillat - One Fine Wire
Colbie Caillat - Oxygen
Colbie Caillat - The Little Things
Coldplay - Sparks
Coldplay - The Scientist
Coldplay - Trouble
Coldplay - Yellow
Concrete Blonde - Joey
Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On
Courtney Jaye - Can You Sleep
Cyndi Thomson - I Always Liked That Best
Damien Rice - 9 Crimes
Damien Rice - Delicate (Live)
Damien Rice - The Blower's Daughter
Daniel Cage - Catch Me When I Fall
Daniel Powter - Bad Day
Daniel Powter - Jimmy Gets High
Dashboard Confessional - As Lovers Go
Dashboard Confessional - Ghost Of A Good Thing
Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down
Dashboard Confessional - Rapid Hope Loss
Dashboard Confessional - Secret
Dashboard Confessional - Stolen
Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated
Dave Barnes - Until You
David Banner ft. Magic, Lil Boosie - Ain't Got Nothing
David Gray - This Year's Love
David Mead - Nashville
Deana Carter - We Danced Anyway
Def Leppard - Armageddon It
Def Leppard - Bringin' On The Heartbreak
Def Leppard - Foolin'
Def Leppard - Hysteria
Def Leppard - Let's Get Rocked
Def Leppard - Love Bites
Def Leppard - Miss You In A Heartbeat
Def Leppard - Photograph
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me
Def Leppard - Rocket
Del Amitri - Roll To Me
Dem Franchize Boyz - Ridin' Rims
Dem Franchize Boyz ft. Peanut & Charlay - Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It
Diana Anaid - Last Thing
Dido - Here With Me
Divinyls - I Touch Myself
Dixie Chicks - Cold Day in July
Dixie Chicks - Cowboy Take Me Away
Dixie Chicks - Easy Silence
Dixie Chicks - Godspeed (Sweet Dreams)
Dixie Chicks - Goodbye Earl
Dixie Chicks - Long Time Gone
Dixie Chicks - Lullaby
Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice
Dixie Chicks - Top of the World
Dwight Yoakam - The Back Of Your Hand
Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save Tonight
Eamon - I Don't Want You Back
Emerson Drive - Fall Into Me
Eminem - Lose Yourself
En Vogue - Don't Let Go
Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos
Eva Cassidy - Songbird
Faith Hill - The Lucky One
Faith Hill - This Kiss
Fall Out Boy - Grand Theft Autumn
Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Goin Down
Family Force 5 - Love Addict
Fastball - Out Of My Head
Fefe Dobson - 8x10
Fefe Dobson - Bye Bye Boyfriend
Fefe Dobson - Don't Let It Go to Your Head
Fefe Dobson - Everything
Fefe Dobson - Revolution Song
Fefe Dobson - Rock It 'Til You Drop It
Fefe Dobson - Stupid Little Love Song
Fefe Dobson - Take Me Away
Foo Fighters - Best Of You
Fort Minor ft. Holly Brook & Jonah Matranga - Where'd You Go
Fountains of Wayne - All Kinds of Time
Frankie J ft. Baby Bash - Obsession (No Es Amor)
Gabrielle - Out Of Reach
Gary Allan - Life Ain't Always Beautiful
Gary Allan - Nickajack Cave
Gary Allan - Promise Broken
Gary Burr - What Mattered Most
Gavin DeGraw - (Nice to Meet You) Anyway
Gavin DeGraw - Belief
Gavin DeGraw - Chariot
Gavin DeGraw - Chemical Party
Gavin DeGraw - Follow Through
Gavin DeGraw - I Don't Want To Be
Gavin DeGraw - Just Friends
Gavin DeGraw - Meaning
Gavin DeGraw - More Than Anyone
Gavin DeGraw - Overrated
George Strait - Blue Clear Sky
George Strait - Carrying Your Love With Me
George Strait - Heartland
George Strait - I Can Still Make Cheyenne
George Strait - One Night At A Time
George Strait - Run
George Strait - The Best Day
Gin Blossoms - Found Out About You
Goo Goo Dolls - Here Is Gone
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.
Grace Potter And The Nocturnals - Apologies
Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl
Gwen Stefani - The Sweet Escape
Heidi Newfield - Johnny And June
Hellogoodbye - Here In Your Arms
Hillary Lindsey - Over You
Hinder - Better Than Me
Hinder - Lips Of An Angel
Hope Partlow - Don't Go
Howie Day - Collide
Howie Day - She Says
Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am
Jack Ingram - Hold On
Jack Ingram - Make A Wish (Coming Home Again)
Jack Ingram - Maybe She'll Get Lonely
Jack Ingram - Measure Of A Man
Jack Johnson - Better Together
Jack Johnson - Good People
Jack Johnson - Taylor
Jake Owen - Eight Second Ride
Jake Owen - Ghosts
Jake Owen - Hard Not To Love You
Jake Owen - Startin' With Me
James Blunt - Carry You Home
James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover
James Blunt - You’re Beautiful
Jann Arden - Insensitive
Jason Aldean - Why
Jason Mraz - I’m Yours
JAY-Z ft. UGK - Big Pimpin'
Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
Jem - 24
Jesse McCartney - Beautiful Soul
Jesse McCartney - Just So You Know
Jesse McCartney - The Best Day Of My Life
Jessica Andrews - Baby To Love You Once
Jessica Andrews - More To Me Than You
Jessica Andrews - More To Me Than You (acoustic)
Jessica Andrews - Second Sunday
Jet - Look What You've Done
Jewel - Good Day
Jewel - You Were Meant For Me
Jimmy Eat World - Hear You Me
Jimmy Eat World - If You Don’t, Don’t
Jimmy Eat World - The Middle
Joanna - All I Want For Christmas Is You
Joanna - Screaming Infidelities
Joanna - Ultraviolet
John Mayer - Comfortable
John Mayer - Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
John Mayer - Waiting On the World to Change
John Mayer - Your Body Is A Wonderland
Johnny Cooper - Everything
Johnny Cooper - Texas To You
Jon McLaughlin - Beautiful Disaster
Jonas Brothers - Burnin' Up
Jonas Brothers - Tonight
Jonas Brothers - Year 3000
Joseph Arthur - Honey And The Moon
Josh Kelley - Amazing
Josh Rouse - It's the Nighttime
Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River
Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around Comes Around
K-Ci & JoJo - All My Life
KT Tunstall - Other Side Of The World
Kanye West - Diamonds From Sierra Leone
Kanye West ft. Jamie Foxx - Gold Digger
Kari Kimmel - Notice Me
Katie Herzig - Fool's Gold
Katie Herzig - Sweeter Than This
Katy Perry - Hot N Cold
Katy Perry - Thinking Of You
Keith Urban - Better Life
Keith Urban - I Told You So
Keith Urban - Making Memories Of Us
Keith Urban - Somebody Like You
Kelis - Brass In Pocket
Kelis - Milkhake
Kellie Pickler - Best Days Of Your Life
Kellie Pickler - Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You
Kelly Clarkson - Low
Kelly Clarkson - Miss Independent
Kelly Clarkson - Some Kind of Miracle
Kelly Clarkson - The Trouble With Love Is
Kenny Chesney - Big Star
LFO - Every Other Time
Landon Pigg - Can't Let Go
LeAnn Rimes - But I Do Love You
LeAnn Rimes - Damn
LeAnn Rimes - The Right Kind Of Wrong
LeAnn Rimes - This Love
LeAnn Rimes - You Are
Leigh Nash - Last Christmas
Lenny Kravitz - Again
Lenny Kravitz - American Woman
Lifehouse - Everything
Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz - Kings Of Crunk
Lil Scrappy - No Problem
Lil Scrappy ft Young Buck - Money In The Bank
Lil Wayne - Go DJ
Lisa Loeb - I Do
Little Big Town - Boondocks
Little Big Town - Bring It On Home
Liz Phair - Everything To Me
Liz Phair - Why Can’t I
Loretta Lynn - Fist City
Lori McKenna - Your Next Lover
Mandy Moore - I Wanna Be With You
Mannie Fresh - Real Big
Mark Wills - Take It All Out Of Me
Maroon 5 - Harder To Breathe
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
Maroon 5 - Shiver
Maroon 5 - Tangled
Maroon 5 - This Love
Mat Kearney - All I Need
Mat Kearney - Nothing Left To Lose
Mat Kearney - Where We Gonna Go From Here
Matchbox Twenty - If You're Gone
Matchbox Twenty - Long Day
Matt Nathanson - I Saw
Matt Wertz - Everything's Right
Matt Wertz - Red Meets Blue
Melissa Etheridge - I'm The Only One
Meredith Brooks - Bitch
Metro Station - Now That We're Done
Metro Station - Shake It
Michelle Branch - Breathe
Michelle Branch - Goodbye To You
Mike Jones - Flossin'
Mindy Smith - Come To Jesus
Miranda Lambert - Bring Me Down
Miranda Lambert - Greyhound Bound For Nowhere
Miranda Lambert - Gunpowder And Lead
Miranda Lambert - Kerosene
Miranda Lambert - Mama, I'm Alright
Miranda Lambert - More Like Her
Miranda Lambert - What About Georgia?
Missy Higgins - Warm Whispers
Mozella - You Wanted It
Morgane Hayes - If Ever There Was
Morgane Hayes - Lonely Anywhere
Morgane Hayes - Train To Tupelo
Mr. Big - To Be With You
My Chemical Romance - Helena
Nelly - Grillz
Nick Lachey - I Can't Hate You Anymore
Nick Lachey - What's Left Of Me
Nickelback - Far Away
Nina Gordon - Tonight And The Rest Of My Life
Norah Jones - Turn Me On 
Oasis - Wonderwall
OneRepublic - Apologize
Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There
Pink - Just Like A Pill
Paramore - When It Rains
Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World
Pat Benatar - Anxiety (Get Nervous)
Pat Benatar - Fire And Ice
Pat Benatar - Heartbreaker
Pat Benatar - Hell Is For Children
Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Pat Benatar - I Need A Lover (live)
Pat Benatar - In The Heat Of The NIght
Pat Benatar - Little To Late
Pat Benatar - Looking For A Stranger
Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield (demo)
Pat Benatar - My Clone Sleeps Alone
Pat Benatar - Precious Time
Pat Benatar - Promises In The Dark
Pat Benatar - Shadows Of The NIght
Pat Benatar - Treat Me Right
Pat Benatar - We Live For Love
Pat Benatar - Wuthering Heights
Pat Benatar - You Better Run
Patty Griffin - Burgundy Shoes
Patty Griffin - Christina
Patty Griffin - Goodbye
Patty Griffin - Heavenly Day
Patty Griffin - One Big Love
Patty Griffin - Peter Pan
Patty Griffin - Rain
Patty Griffin - When It Don’t Come Easy
Phil Collins - Can't Stop Loving You
Pitbull - Ay Chico (Lengua Afuera)
Pitbull - C**o
Plain White T's - Hate (I Really Don't Like You)
Plumb - Blush (Only You)
Plumb - Stranded
Rachael Yamagata - Be Be Your Love
Rachael Yamagata - Worn Me Down
Rachel Proctor - Didn't I
Rasheeda ft. Lil' Scrappy - Rocked Away
Ray Charles - I've Got A Woman
Rebecca Lynn Howard - Forgive
Rihanna - SOS
Rihanna ft. Jay-Z - Umbrella
Rilo Kiley - Portions for Foxes
Rob Thomas - Ever The Same
Rogue Wave - Eyes
Ronnie Day - Outside
Ronnie Milsap - It Was Almost Like A Song
Ronnie Milsap - My Life
Ronnie Milsap - Smoky Mountain Rain
Ronnie Milsap - (There's) No Gettin' Over Me
Ryan Adams - Come Pick Me Up
SHeDAISY - In Terms Of Love
Santigold - L.E.S Artistes
Sarah Connor - Bounce
Sarah McLachlan - Fallen
Sarah McLachlan - Stupid
Savage Garden - I Want You
Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply
Seal - This Could Be Heaven
Secondhand Serenade - Maybe
Semisonic - Closing Time
Shakira - Don’t Bother
Shakira - Underneath Your Clothes
Sheryl Crow - It's So Easy
Sheryl Crow - The First Cut Is The Deepest
Shop Boyz - Party Like A Rock Star
Sia - Breathe Me
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
Snow Patrol - Chocolate
Solange - Sandcastle Disco
Something Corporate - Ruthless
Space Girls - Wannabe
Staind - Everything Changes
Stephanie Chapman - Cowboy, I Tried
Stevie Nicks & Don Henley - Leather And Lace
Sunny Sweeney - Please Be San Antone
Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
Susan Haynes - Bottle Rocket
T-Pain ft. Mike Jones - I'm N Luv (Wit A Stripper)
T.I. - Top Back
T.I. - What You Know
Teddy Geiger - I Feel Like Dancing
Teddy Geiger - Try To Hard
The All-American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret
The All-American Rejects - Swing, Swing
The Ataris - The Boys of Summer
The Calling - Wherever You Will Go
The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine And You
The Corrs - Breathless
The Corrs - Summer Sunshine
The Fray - How To Save A Life
The Fray - Look After You
The Fray - Over My Head (Cable Car)
The Killers - Read My Mind
The Killers - When You Were Young
The Lemonheads - Into Your Arms
The Spill Canvas - All Hail The Heartbreaker
The Veronicas - 4ever
The Veronicas - Everything I'm Not
The Veronicas - When It All Falls Apart
The Wallflowers - Closer To You
The Wreckers - Cigarettes
The Wreckers - Crazy People
The Wreckers - Lay Me Down
The Wreckers - Leave The Pieces
The Wreckers - Stand Still, Look Pretty
The Wreckers - The Good Kind
The Wreckers - The Good Kind (acoustic)
Third Eye Blind - How's It Going To Be
Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life
Three 6 Mafia - Side 2 Side
Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You
Thriving Ivory - Angels On The Moon
Tila Tequila - I Love You
Tim McGraw - Angry All The Time
Tim McGraw - Can't Tell Me Nothin'
Tim McGraw - Guess You Get Used To Somebody
Tim McGraw - Telluride
Tim McGraw - The Cowboy In Me
Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - American Girl
Tori Amos - A Sorta Fairytale
Trace Adkins - Every Light In The House
Train - Meet Virginia
Trillville - Neva Eva 
Trisha Yearwood - I Don't Paint Myself Into Corners
Tyler Hilton - How Love Should Be
Tyler Hilton - Kiss On
Tyler Hilton - Missing You
Tyler Hilton - Up Late Again
U2 - One
U2 - With Or Without You
Unkle Bob - Swans
Vanessa Carlton - Who's To Say
Vertical Horizon - You're A God
We The Kings - Check Yes Juliet
Wheat - I Met A Girl
Yellowcard - Only One
Young Buck - Shorty Wanna Ride
Young Jeezy - Air Forces
Young Jeezy - Bottom Of The Map
Young Jeezy - Get Ya Mind Right
Young Jeezy ft. Bun B - Trap Or Die
Young Jeezy ft. Akon - Soul Survivor
Young Jeezy ft. T.I. & Lil Scrappy - Bang
Yung Joc - I Know You See It
Yung Joc ft. Nitti - It's Goin' Down
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