#maverick 001.
noralevin · 6 months
nora 📲 mav
Nora: maverick i-don't-know-your-middle-name liu Nora: my brethren Nora: HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎈🎉❗ Nora: why haven't i heard about a total rager at your place. are you out of the country again?
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solaadisa · 8 months
closed @maverick-liu
location: neptune, for their blind date
Sola thanked the host quietly after being given her table number and the name of her blind date and headed deeper into the restaurant, a hand nervously rubbing her forearm as she made her way inside. Her hair long down her back, in a shiny orange number she'd splurged on after an exceptionally good month for the truck, she knew she looked good, but this — dates, dating — was never an exceptionally strong suit for her.
She came upon the table, double checking to make sure she'd gotten it right. "Maverick?" she asked the guy already there. "Hey, I'm Sola." Awkwardly, she held out a fist for him to bump, unsure what else to do. A handshake was too formal and a hug, though Sola was always down for those, seemed a little too familiar, and she thought she might die of embarrassment if she was stood in the middle of Neptune, holding her arms out, waiting for him to hug her. "I'm your, uh, blind date, I guess."
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maura-cortes · 7 months
where: valentine beach bonfire
with: @maverick-liu
Having been at the bonfire with Atticus for a while already, Maura had gotten just slightly buzzed from the drinks table — and the shared joint she'd had with other friends she'd found. Valentines was not her idea of fun this year, still recovering from her self-inflicted heartbreak, she'd almost hoped she'd find a distraction on the beach.
(a distraction that hadn't been going very well, other than the red cup she held loosely between her fingers.)
Having topped up her cup, she turns around from the drinks table, searching for Atticus in the crowd of people that linger. Yet her sight sets upon Maverick. A happy coincidence to find her cousins roommate as she bounces on over to greet him. "I thought you were too busy to do things like this." She remarks, given she rarely sees him at his shared apartment with Atticus.
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bradley-banner · 7 months
with: @maverick-liu
where: her hotel room, paris fashion week
"Did you get it?" She asks as he walks through the door, her make up was finished, but her hair stylist was putting in the final touches to an outfit that would only be completed by the dress that was hopefully between Mavericks fingers. "Is it steamed?"
Time was of the essence, the time on her phone telling her she only had another seventy three minutes until she was supposed to be sat front row at the Balmain show.
( made all the more important now she'd been officially announced the face of their 2024 collection. )
She was calm, Bradley was always calm and she'd packed her calendar full of shows, but that was not to ignore that she hated when things weren't prepped as they were supposed to be. Olivier Rousteing has promised the fashion house would have her outfits in her hotel room in good time, and it'd ended with her having to send Maverick to meet them for a collection otherwise what? She wouldn't be wearing their brand? She'd have to rewear something she'd already worn? Absolutely not.
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"Can you—" she waves her hand at her assistant, "just open it, I don't even trust that they'll have sent the right one."
( oh, perhaps she was a little stressed. )
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owenepierce · 10 months
distraction | owen & maverick
With Sam and Violet busying themselves putting care packages together for everyone coming back from the field trip, Owen was in dire need of something or someone to preoccupy him. He wasn't a pro in the kitchen by any means, and he likely never would be. So, with Sam's permission, he descended from their penthouse to the Dominant's wing and found his way to Maverick Mason, the new, especially hunky, super-almost famous stud who had shown up pretty recently. He reckoned Maverick needed to be preoccupied, too, so in this way, Owen felt perfectly useful. He was doing what he was best at, anyway. Dressed in pale blue, tight-fitted jeans, and a light pink t-shirt, he knocked on the door and quickly got to his knees, a giddy little smirk gracing his features from the sheer anticipation of what the afternoon would have in store for him. @dommavmason
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veronicalodgeswitch · 11 months
let me teach ya | maverick & veronica
If there was one thing Veronica appreciated in a Dominant, it was clarity - and Maverick Mason, the hunky, B-List, heartthrob who'd just shown up, left her with no questions. She knew what he wanted when he wanted and how he wanted it, and Veronica was perfectly prepared to provide, assuming he kept impressing her at the rate he was. Veronica's long, silky black hair was pinned back to reveal a pretty, skimpy, lacy little black dress with matching high heels accentuating her long, tan legs. Finding Maverick's suite, Veronica eyed a nearby clock and was satisfied that she'd made it right on time. She wanted to be impressed, but perhaps even more than that, she wanted to impress, and punctuality was part of the package she knew she could deliver. Knocking on his door, she sat back on her heels and waited (not so) patiently for him to make his appearance. She braced herself. If he looked half as good as he did in photos, she knew she'd swoon embarrassingly easy...but then again, maybe that's what he wanted. He seemed the type to enjoy the attention... @dommavmason
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dianaswhitney · 8 months
closed starter for @maverick-bennett location: Happy Trails
For a moment, Diana had no idea where she was when she woke, but quickly found she was in someone's place at the trailer park in town. Being there wasn't surprising at all and as she got up to leave the beer can covered floor and bodies entangled, she grabbed a jacket that she was pretty sure wasn't hers and she walked outside to try to make her way to the end of the lot before calling an Uber. She got her phone from her pants pocket and found a joint in the pocket. She smiled as she lit it with her lighter and was walking when she spotted Maverick outside his place. "Mav! Hey." She said and walked over, taking a drag off the joint. "Long time no see. How are you?"
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pruenakamura · 11 months
closed starter for @maverick-bennett location: Happy Trails
Prue was trying to light the candle inside her jack-o'-lantern, but her lighter was going out and she couldn't seem to get enough juice to hold a light. It was aggravating her and she cursed herself that she didn't go and get a new one earlier today when she was in town. She ended up throwing the thing against her porch, it bouncing and hitting the siding of her trailer. She walked down the steps and looked across the way at Maverick who was outside his place. "Mav, can I borrow your lighter?"
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rayxclairmont · 1 year
closed starter for @maverick-bennett location: Downtown
Nate was running some errands around town and checking in on a few businesses like he always did. It was important to him, plus it didn't help with the election coming up. Even if he was running unopposed, he liked going around and still being the face of the town. He was leaving one of the shops and heading down the street when he spotted Maverick and he smiled at the man. They had gone to high school together and while ran in different circles, he definitely remembered him. "Maverick Bennett." He smiled as he approached him. "I heard you were back in town."
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selfmythclcgy · 1 year
open to: maverick west | @mcverickk location: underwood studios, lot 8
Sinclair placed the pill on his tongue, the film that covered the tablet already melting against the warmth of his mouth. It was bitter, but he knew that it was a small price to kill the pain pinned right between his eyes. It had gotten to the point that even the directors noticed the ever present furrow of his brow, which had become a trait of Tate James and not Parker Wilson no matter how many times he begged to give his character more edge in the writing room. Ten years later, and the boy he pretended to be was still the saving grace of a town that didn't exist by not even lifting a finger. His coffee was scalding, but it burned away the taste of nicotine that he despised but needed. Patience was thin, and just being back on the lot with the bitter sting of fresh paint and stale air made him wish for the haze to stomach it all. He went to close his mouth and swallow the pain killer, but the growing clamor of another set ending for the day rounded the corner to the only cafe on the lot. Collision was expected under the sweet relief of a break, and Sinclair's teeth sank into his tongue with warm swelling in his mouth in. The pill fell in a silent clatter to the floor, but the fuck! that came out of Sinclair's mouth was clear against the rattling of upset bystanders. “For fuck’s sake!” He scoffed, spatting to the sidewalk where bright red stained concrete. “When did crazy and stupid become one?”
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atticuscortes · 7 months
for: @maverick-liu
where: coral cottage b&b
"You know...thinking back, maybe we should've figured for this."
Like most things with Maverick and Atticus, what had started off as a joke had quickly snowballed into a bonafide, full fledged, actual real life plan, which was how the two had found themselves booking a room during the Coral Cottage's Valentine's special.
For the free champagne, they'd said (as if the cost of the champagne would not have been less than the charge for the room). For the robes, and chocolates left on our pillows.
There was the champagne, as promised, sitting on ice. If Atticus turned his head, he could clock two robes hung up just inside the bathroom door. And there were, in fact, two chocolates, one on each pillow of the rose petal-ed bed.
The singular bed.
As in, "I call right side." He dropped his backpack down onto it, careful not to disturb the petals, as if to stake his claim. "If someone breaks in, there's no way my ass is getting murdered first because I'm closest to the door."
Then again, he'd then have to try and make it around the bed to the door, which was a risk all of it's own...
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"Did I say right? I meant left."
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bcbyteeth · 1 year
open to: maverick west | @mcverickk location: cannes film festival, premiere screening segment
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Patience was a feigned virtue— while the rest of Roman's body remained still, his mind was never as stagnant. His craft had carved into him just where to place is restlessness and molded it into something that could only benefit his art. He became a porcelain trinket on stage, and his mind lurched in every direction to map out just when he could finally move once more. The desire for control and its very need had forced him to enact a mask of peace.
Outside of studio, theatre, and conservatory, Romanyuk was rarely still. A twisted sense of obedience was the only way he'd hidden it as he glazed everything outside of scripted motion with a grace. Only a keen eye would notice that he was every planted in one place, in one pose. To sit through the entirety of film after film was not an art but rather a procedure he couldn't succumb to, and it hadn't taken long for Roman to find an excuse and huddle in some back way exit. He'd been enough times to count on some hidden hall to cluster him in a space where he could at the very least pace one way to another once the carpet had been rolled up for the night.
The darkness of the room was interrupted by one of the doors creaking open, and quickly Roman waved away the haze that was a culprit of the small joint between his fingers. Every other time those in the room had denied any intruders, but with the constant opening and closing, they were sure to be caught soon enough. This time, he took whoever it was by the cuff of their arm and hauled them inside.
"Wrong door, Alice," Roman announced. "Only way you're getting out now is when those credits roll out because we can't figure out how to turn off this light so it doesn't blow up the whole theatre every time we open the door."
Another drag leaves his lips, but this time, it comes with an offer to share. Now that the smoke dissipates, Roman pays closer attention to the frame of dark curls that steps into their lumination.
"You don't have an entourage, so I think you won't be missed too much if you hang out here with us," Roman smirked.
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mournfulminds · 2 years
╱ starter for ❪ @fearhidden​ ❫ .
          The company holiday shindig was quite a sight to see, strings of garland and fairy light adorning the interior of the warehouse they had emptied for the gathering, with rows of varied drinks and treats, and a full Christmas tree glistening in the background. The blonde circulates near the pile of presents that are just wrapped stark boxes, there for decoration, a relatively safe spot as it is close to the open door, an easy escape if she is cornered into a conversation she is too sober to botch her way through. In her youthful years, she was not so artless when it came to parties, but those were the days where her work would take her to places she had never even learned of in her small Texan geography class, and she had the emotional retention to open herself up to new society. It has been many days since she could call that her life, and now what only lived in overcast memories, laid at the back of her mind as she joined the circle that were debating the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk pre-1962 design, in a whack to be social. Blue orbs spotted another through the crowd of colleagues, a refreshing sight that renewed her interest in the party as she excused herself, and made her way over. Her display rounded a content grimace as she weaved her way past the now unnamed figures until they were side by side, a quick flash to show her husband was nowhere to be seen, perhaps at the bar?
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“You’re not too gravely bored here are you? Because I can charter one of these jets and get us out of here,” Augusta retorts to the other’s company. 
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warriorstranded · 7 days
closed  starter  for:  @devildogwatched location:  9th  floor  -  the watch
it  was  still  strange  to  think  that  out  of  almost  all  those  still  in  the  group  this  day,  elijah  had  been  here  the  longest.  yes,  there  were  a  few  exceptions,  but  these  guys  had  long-since  served  their  time  &  weren't  fit  to  lead.  the  responsibility  would  crush  them,  no  doubt.  the  former  head  honcho  of  this  place  was  ...alive,  he  was  most  likely  the  one  who  started  this,  too  afraid  to  leave  when  hell  broke  loose.  good  for  them,  really.
this  place  wasn't  so  bad,  actually.  only  few  people  thought  of  checking  a  newspaper  office  for  supplies  &  they  were  being  very  careful  when  it  came  to  drawing  attention  to  their  location,  so  ...  it  was  decently  safe.  if  it  wasn't  for  the  fact  they  needed  supplies  regularly,  elijah  would've  claimed  this  was  their  new  forever  home.
but  alas....
still,  while  it  did  house  them  all,  they  had  to  do  their  best  to  keep  it  safe,  non-compromised  &  protected.  the  watchers  did  a  great  job,  but  they  didn't  really  have  enough  of  them  -  too  many  people  were  needed  on  supply  runs  to  &  too  few  knew  their  way  around  the  rifle  up  top  to  qualify.  the  few  who  did,  surely  did  their  best.  elijah  was  one  of  those  who  sporadically  filled  in,  so  that  one  of  the  two  watchers  could  rest.  the  sitting  &  waiting  wasn't  his  favorite  way  to  spend  the  night,  especially  without  coffee,  but  he'd  make  the  best  of  it.
little  knock  on  the  door,  he  announced  his  successful  ascension  up  the  stairs,  backpack  slung  over  one  shoulder,  he  stepped  inside,  "been  sixteen  hours,  i'm  takin'  over,  you  go  rest  proper."  he  ushered  the  younger  of  the  two  watchers  off,  unfolded  his  sleeping  bag  &  set  it  down  so  he  could  sit  somewhat  comfortably  while  they  waited.  the  sun  was  setting  &  he  watched  the  sunset  outside  with  a  little  sigh, arms crossed in front of his chest.  "hard  to  b'lieve  the  world's  endin'  sometimes."
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hclluvahctel-a · 2 years
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Vaggie tags
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rededgeevents · 4 months
ᴏᴀᴋ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏᴏᴍᴍᴀᴛᴇ ʟɪꜱᴛ
First Floor: 001: Silas Rivers & Sienna Johnson 002: Illiana Fuentes & Kyle Hale 003: Emersyn Michaels & Flynn Gilbert 004: Luke Myers & Emma Eklund 005: Pogue O'Connor & Elena Dawson 006: Leighton Whitlock & Elliot Booker 007: Maverick Anderson & Ocean Simmons 008: Max Turner & Nova Rockwell 009: Klaus Richards & Marc Hall 010: Sloane Ross & Marisol Monroe 011: Anastasia Hill & Lucas Roden
Second Floor: 001: Aurora Thompson & Chase Knight 002: Lana & Noah Rodgers 003: Teddy Wintson & Melody Hastings 004: Theodora Murphy & Georgina Russell 005: Jeremy Fellows & Katerina Lopez 006: Paco Florez & Ivy Fitzgerald 007: Alejandro Fuentes & Nicole Balliol 008: Brooke Barlow & TJ Cohen 009: Elijah Cavannaugh & Serena Bennett 010: Kirby Sinclair & Kennedy Simpson 011: Brittany Miller & Austin Barnes
Third Floor: 001: Logan Slater & Atlas Quinn 002: Olivia Bardot & Petra Cromwell 003: Freya Smith & Killian Quinn 004: Damon Henderson & Kinsley Argent 005: Mila Monroe & Tanner Sommers 006: Tyler Dupont & Autumn Hawthorne 007: Beau Williams & Arrow Ellington 008: Emmett Hills 009: Savannah Cooper & Paris Astor 010: Archibald Deaton x Eric Rose 011: Donny Keller & Delcan Mitchell
Fourth Floor: 001: Bradley Callan & Lucia Rossi 002: Cyrus Thompson & Jared Madden 003: Caleb Peace & Jasmine Harris 004: Valentina Lopez & Bonnie Brook 005: Alexa White & Wyatt Baker 006: Callopie Adams & Jayce King 007: Lydia Brown & Vincent Baxer 008: Shane Nichols & Devin Carter 009: Jax King & Juliette Maddox 010: Mariana Florez & Kiara Langford 011: Rosalie Collins & Jack Sterling
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