ray clairmont
344 posts
raymond clairmont. 40. married to lenny clairmont. dad to leah, natalie, & claire smith. brother to jaslene clairmont. son of liam & nadia clairmont. mayor of kismet harbor. living in cresthill meadows.
Last active 3 hours ago
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rayxclairmont · 10 days ago
He chuckled a little before nodding. "You're definitely right about that." That's exactly how the leak in the garage was getting so he needed to be proactive about it. Nodding as he talked about his new employee, Ray smiled. "Exactly. Just gotta give people chances. I'm sure she'll be great at this in a few months." @mateoxtorres
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"Yeah, the rain has a bad habit of making things worse. You can only patch so much before it starts to really show." He chuckled lightly, feeling the familiar comfort of the conversation. "She's been doin' alright, getting into the swing of things. Resume was basically a blank piece of paper," not that she had even brought one if his memory served him correctly. "She's got potential though, wanted to give someone a shot like the previous owners did for me, you know?" @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 10 days ago
He laughed a little bit. "Is that a bad thing, though?" He asked curiously to his friend. He nodded as he looked over at his oldest. "Yeah. She's definitely getting the hang of it all, though. Quick learner." Ray beamed with pride. "That's always the way. I hope it goes well, though. And calms down too." @levi-steelexhutchinson
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"Maybe? I still think otherwise and I might be losing my touch," he joked with a laugh shaking his head before letting a sigh and running his hands through his hair. "Seeing your daughter ride, makes me think back to when mine was learning how to ride. She was so scared at first but now, she is good," he smiled thinking about how kids grow and how fast time moves. "Good but insane. Been dealing with a merger that got pushed back to later down this year. Things normally suppose to slow down after the Holidays but....I guess not." @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 18 days ago
He nodded. "Those days are common I think." While he never thought he had a truly bad day, Ray knew that some weren't always the best, but definitely long. "I'll keep that in mind." He chuckled a little bit. "Exactly. It always makes me miss the summer months when it's bright outside. I love the sunlight." He always kept the blinds open in his office because of it. He always felt like he needed more sunlight. "How are things outside of work?" @le0nxrd0perez
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"Yes sir," he replied, "not necessarily a good day but definitely a long one." This time he chuckled, but as an assistant prosecutor he knew what he had signed up for. "Great and awesome, though if you definitely need to run I won't be offended at all," Grinning as he followed beside the mayor. "That's very true, and it's nice not leaving work when it's so dark out. Or arriving when it's so dark out either." @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 18 days ago
He chuckled a little bit and held his hands up innocently. "Alright, alright. You got me there." Ray shook his head. "It's nice, though. I wouldn't trade any of it for anything." Now that him and Lenny were parents, it was the happiest he'd ever been. There was no getting rid of it now. "That you do." He said with a smile and took a drink. "They're great. They're really thriving at school and home. I took Leah out to do some horse lessons the other day. She's loving it." The mayor beamed. "How's the kids? How's Mack doing?" @ethanxhoffmann
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"You mean having kids takes up all of your time?" Ethan joked with the other, "I wouldn't believe it for a second," he cracked a grin at the other, a soft chuckle passing over his lips. "I feel that, though, relate to the people. Sometimes you just need adult socialization with the rest of the world." Not that he didn't deeply love his wife and children, but there were sometimes in which he needed interaction outside of the norms of his job and home. He always was happy to do the same when Makayla went out, as well. "How are the girls?" @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 24 days ago
He chuckled a little bit. "Maybe that's not quite a bad thing as you make it seem to be." Ray pointed out to him and shook his head. "That's true." He agreed with him and his eyes went back over to his daughter riding the horse. "How's work been? Busy this time of year after the holidays?" He asked. @levi-steelexhutchinson
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"Really, I wish I could believe that. I feel like people have forgotten. I don't remember the last time some random person had poured something on me because of something I did," he chuckled. Levi knew his reputation for sure and he did not pretend and hide it that he could sometimes be a jerk. "That's good , sometimes a little crazy is good." he added nodding his head.
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rayxclairmont · 24 days ago
He nodded. "I'm sure all the rain hasn't helped anything. Probably just normal wear and tear and the rain just making it worse." Ray said with a shrug. "Thanks. I appreciate that." He smiled and raised an eyebrow. "New girl, huh? Guess I missed a lot. How's she doing?" He asked curiously as he took a sip of his drink. @mateoxtorres
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He nodded his head along to Raymond's words. "That seems to be happenin' a lot around town," he'd received a few other inquiries from people living in his neighborhood. "I can come take a look tomorrow," since daylight was limited this time of year, "I can have the new girl open up the bar," he told Raymond, allowing himself to be able to stop by and take a look at their roof and potentially even fix it tomorrow if time allowed. @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 1 month ago
He laughed a little bit. "Oh, I don't think anyone would ever doubt your reputation." Ray teased him with a laugh. "Lord knows I haven't." He joked a little bit more before his eyes went over to his daughter. "They were good as well. It was crazy at the house, but I wouldn't have it any other way." It was their second holiday with the girls and him and Lenny both were over the moon still. Being parents had made their family whole and they loved every second of it. @levi-steelexhutchinson
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Levi smiled softly as he listened to the other. "I have been good busy and wish I could spend more of my time riding and being a menace. I feel like my reputation has gone down a bit and I am sure people have missed seeing my amazing face," he joked with a smile and grin on his face. "It was good. Chaotic but amazing. What about yours?" @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 1 month ago
"Thanks." He said as Mateo started making his drink. "Well, we've had some leaks in the garage from all the rain and I need someone to look at the roof and see what's going on." He explained as he was given his drink and took a sip. "I have some tarps over everything right now to keep it all dry, but better to get it looked out sooner rather than later." @mateoxtorres
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"Comin' right up," Mateo gave a slight nod of his head at Raymond as he grabbed a glass for the other's drink. "I've got the time," at least, he'd find a way to make time for someone like Raymond. Not only was the man sitting at the bar was the Mayor, but someone that Mateo considered a friend. "What kind of repairs are you lookin' to have done?" He questioned as he mixed up the Old Fashioned before sliding it onto the bar top for Raymond. @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 1 month ago
Ray usually wasn't one to go out after work, but he wanted to stop by and see a few friends so he let Lenny know before heading down to Wingman's Pub to just hang out for a bit. To his pleasant surprise, Ethan was there and he made his way to sit next to him and smiled as he was greeted. "In the flesh." He chuckled a little and shook his head. "Just came down to have a few drinks and see who's out and about tonight. You know, relate to the people." He teased a bit. @ethanxhoffmann
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starter for @rayxclairmont
location: wingman's pub
"If it isn't Mr. Mayor," Ethan grinned as he spotted long-time friend, clasping him on the shoulder as he sat down next to him. Coming off an long shift at the emergency room, he texted Mack that he was stopping by Wingman's Pub on the way home and would bring her home her favorite appetizer as a peace offering for not coming home right away. Ethan didn't like being the husband that didn't go home right away but after losing two long-term elderly patients in one evening, Ethan was in need of something to take the edge of. "What brings you out tonight?"
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rayxclairmont · 1 month ago
"That it has, for me as well." He said with a smile as he looked at his own daughter having fun with the horses. He always enjoyed seeing how happy the girls were and this making them happy made him over the moon. "So, how have you been, Levi?" Ray asked as his eyes shifted back to the man beside him. "How was your holidays?" @levi-steelexhutchinson
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Levi was amazed how much his daughter had improved when it came to riding. Her riding instructor had even comment on it too. Levi had been so busy and was glad that he finally had some time to ride today and he was thankful his sister was free to give her pointers. Levi was brushing his horse when he heard the other's voice. "Hello Mister Major," he spoke with a smile on his face. "Me too, glad to finally have some time. It's been awhile." @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 1 month ago
He nodded. "Seems that we are. Hopefully just marks the end of a long, but good day." Ray chuckled a bit. "Good. I'm glad. And sure. I got time to kill." He smiled and started heading towards the park to do a little walk. "You can certainly tell that spring is coming soon since it's not pitch black yet by the time we get out the door." He chuckled again. @le0nxrd0perez
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"Both in a rush to get outta here huh," Leo asked with a small chuckle as he nodded towards the building. "That's good to heard, and I'm good as well, I was gonna take a walk through the park before heading home. Care to join me?" Leo asked, always one for some company, especially the mayor of their shared town. @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 1 month ago
He smiled at the man as he walked over the the bar. "I'll take an Old Fashioned." While he wasn't there for a drink, one wouldn't hurt while the two discussed what Ray had came there for. "I actually had talk to you about some repairs I need done at the house. If you have the time, of course." He the man was a dad now and how busy that could make someone. He felt it himself over the last year and he wouldn't have changed it for the world and would understand if Mateo was busy. @mateoxtorres
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Mateo was cleaning up at the bar, it was quiet and he was the only one working for the evening until things picked up after people got off work. He was wiping down a counter when the bell over the door notified him that someone had walked in. "Ray, hey," he tossed the rag into the bucket on the ground behind the bar and pulled out a glass for the man, "Long time no see, what can I get the mayor to drink?" @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 2 months ago
closed starter for @levi-steelexhutchinson location: equine emporium group
It'd been a while since Ray had found himself available to do some horseback riding, but he did and today he was able to do and and brought Leah along with him. The teen had showed interest in horseback riding so he was happy to take her. She was being showed the ropes right now as he got ready himself and he smiled as he saw Levi. "Hey. Glad to see you made it today."
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rayxclairmont · 2 months ago
closed starter for @mateoxtorres location: jackson construction
Ray was walking around town doing some errands while Lenny was out with the girls. He figured he could get some stuff done so then they could have Sunday to relax and all spend time together and not have to worry about going to different places to get their things done. He had walked into Jackson Construction to discuss a repair to the garage when he saw Mateo and he smiled at his old friend. "Hey, Mateo. How are you? Long time, no see."
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rayxclairmont · 2 months ago
Since city hall reopened after the holidays, there were a few things Ray needed to get done so he was staying a little later than he wanted to do it. He hated coming home late, but he was anyways and on his way out, it seemed he almost ran into someone. Looking up to see Leo, he smiled and shook his head. "Hey, no problem. I was a little quick myself." The mayor chuckled. "I'm good. How are you doing?" @le0nxrd0perez
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Who: @rayxclairmont and Leo
Where: Right outside City Hall
When: January 2025
A late afternoon meeting had run later than anticipated and by the time it ended, Leo had less than satisfied with the day's work that had been. He had needed to find some documents for a case and then had to bring them up to his office to look them over. But he hadn't gotten a chance to look for said items but figured it was tomorrow's problem. Instead, he didn't want to go home angry or frustrated and figured a nice long walk through the park would be nice. Just as he was exiting the elevator he almost bumped into a very familiar face, Ray Clairmont, and taking a step back, Leo took a breath. "Good evening Mayor, sorry I got a little ahead of myself there. How are you?"
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rayxclairmont · 2 months ago
He laughed as he watched how excited their girls were. Every moment with the kids made his heart happy and he was always relieved that him and Lenny had the life they always wanted. "I like that plan." Ray said and he put his arm around his wife as he watched the girls and Claire opened up her first gift. "Not as excited as I am." He commented softly before kissing her head and turning back to watch the kids. @lennyxclairmont
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Lenny's happiness could fill the entire house and more if could fill spaces besides her heart. Instead, it showed in a smile, reaching ear to ear as Raymond questioned which of the girls wanted to go first. All three raised their hands, chants overlapping one another as they wanted to go first. "Okay, okay," Lenny laughed, clasping her hands together, "Let's start with Claire because she is the youngest, then Natalie and Leah and we can change it up for the next gift, okay girls?" It prompted a unison nod, only milliseconds passing before Claire tore into her first gift. "I think they're excited," she teased, looking up at Raymond with a smile. @rayxclairmont
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rayxclairmont · 2 months ago
This was like a dream come true. Ray had always wanted this for him and Lenny. A beautiful house decorated with a ton of presents under the tree and the girls coming down to open them on Christmas morning. It was all more than he ever expected and everything he ever dreamed of all at the same time. smiling at his wife, he took her hand as she sat by him on the couch and nodded. "That it is." He smiled and looked over at the girls whose faces were bright with excitement. "Who wants to go first?" @lennyxclairmont
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starter for @rayxclairmont
location: their home
"Hi," Lenny sighed, happily, as she sat down on the couch next to Raymond. Christmas morning in their home had never felt so joyful before. Years had been spent dreaming of what it would be like to have children waking them up and wrapping paper flying about as presents were unwrapped. She didn't get to say anything else as all three girls came into the living room, Winnie trailing at their heels with Labrador smile. "Time to open gifts," she grinned, clasping her hands together, patting the couch for Winnie to jump up next to them.
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