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loveandmad · 2 years ago
Thinking about Blades as therapeutic partners
Rex brushing Pyra and Mythra’s hair and Nia petting Dromarch and Vandham grooming Roc as a method of self-soothing
Poppi having Tora give her a maintenance check even though they just did one a few days ago because he just heard something that sounds like gunfire and she knows he needs to take his mind off things (and Lila doing the same for Tatazo)
Brighid giving Morag heated massages after long training sessions
Pandoria helping Zeke during his recovery via electrical muscle stimulation
Jin giving Lora little ice cubes to suck on to help ward off a panic attack
Minoth reading his latest manuscript out loud to help ground Amalthus after a flashback
Haze/Fan helping her Driver control their breathing after a nightmare
Blades as therapeutic partners
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ya-kiri · 19 days ago
Bana and Muimui's Plan Makes no Sense!!??
I am currently at chapter 4 of Xenoblade 2 and at the part where we save Tora's dad and MuiMui and Bana reveals themselves as the masterminds (like it was some big shocking secret), and it here where I think I have some story complaints. Why did Bana have MuiMui kill Professor SooSoo, if it even was Bana's idea to kill him? If he wanted Poppi because of the special ether furnace designed by Tora's grandpa, why shoot and kill him?! They need the Special Furnace to make more of a profit!! His organization or whatever kidnapped and kept Tora's dad Tatazo alive to make more artificial blades, meaning they need his knowledge in order to mass produce them! It makes no sense! If what he wanted was to steal the blueprints and make money off the artificial blades, why kill the man who behind the Project and created the special furnace Poppi has?! Also, why do Torna even need artificial blades? Aren't they already stealing a whole bunch of Core Crystals? Honestly, I think this might be the weakest subplot so far in the game's story. I honestly was hoping for something more instead of it just being a scheme to just make money by a side character. So boring. Even worse, no one even seems to make a big deal about the existance of Artificial Blades. What if instead of it being money that killed Tora's grandpa, what if instead it was a ploy from one of the warring countries (Uraya or Mor Ardain) to either steal or prevent the technology from being created. They established when we first reach Torigoth that not everyone can become a Driver and that they're desperate to recruit more Drivers for their armies. Oh, or what if Professor SooSoo was killed because the existance of Artificial Blades is seen as taboo, and some unknown Power wanted to limit who can become Drivers. But no, it was just for Ze Munies. Poppi, an ARTIFICIAL BLADE, a massive scientific breakthrough, that could turn this world that depends on Blades on it's head and change everything they know about Blades, not given much of a second look. Kind of a letdown with a bunch of inconsistencies. Honestly, they do nothing with it at least at this part of the game. Also after the fight with Lila the rest of the gang do nothing but stand around and gawk and not do anything to stop Bana. "Where did they go?" What do you mean where they did go, Rex?! They were right in front of you guys!! Just a bunch of issues I have with this part of the story. That's just my two cents on this part of the game. Sorry for yapping. Other than this part, I'm still really enjoying this game.
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quixotictutelar · 3 years ago
Do you ever think about the fact that Soosoo and Tatazo are, at their core, war criminals responsible for the bio-chemical warfare that killed off 75% of all titans, and yet we blame Mohr Ardain for killing their titan, one of the few survivors of their attack against all of titan-kind?
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xenobladeimagines · 7 years ago
Lila cleans the house while Tatazo was sleeping. He wakes up the next morning in a dumpster.
Tatazo woke up with his back hurting. He didn’t remeber going to bed, but he also didn’t remember falling asleep in a broken plate of food. He rolled out of wherever he was and saw he’d been in the dumpster. 
He sighed and waddled back to the house. He’d have to change Lila’s programming so he wouldn’t register as trash while she was cleaning the house. 
At this rate, he’d end up in the cloud sea because of her classification. He hoped he wouldn’t. 
Lila simply welcomed him home as if she hadn’t just thown him in the trash. 
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moved-to-void-kissed · 3 years ago
✨For Calanthe💢 For Mera and 👪 For Sapphire?
Of course!! Thank you very much for all of these! ^-^
(question source: this post by hobgayblin)
Send me a self-insert of mine and..
✨ – I’ll tell you about a friend of hers - Calanthe clicks pretty well with Mòrag when she joins the party! She really admires Mòrag strength in battle, as well as her level-headed personality, while Mòrag herself appreciates how Calanthe remains determined to help out and do the right thing even though she is in such an unfamiliar position. Plus, Calanthe might be able to learn a little bit about how to properly make the best use of KOS-MOS' ether cannons in combat from her, because KOS-MOS' artwork shows her with two cannons and Brighid fights using dual whipswords. So, in a roundabout way, there might be some skills that Calanthe can pick up on from Mòrag as she tries to get to grips with this whole "fighting and being a Driver" thing!
💢 – I’ll tell you about an enemy of hers - Well, Mera's opinion of a certain egotistical lemon man is.. similarly negative to that of the other characters, for a variety of reasons including but not limited to him killing Lady Meyneth. There is nothing to like about him, in her view.
As two of my dear friends most eloquently (and accurately) put it:
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👪 – I’ll tell you about a family member of hers (blood-related, adopted, or just something similar to a familial relationship) - I'm pretty sure I used the last one of these that I had for Sapphire to talk about Vandham, but this time around I'm going to talk about Poppi, whom Sapphire pretty much unofficially adopts! Since Poppi is an artificial Blade, anyone can fight alongside her in combat, even if that person does not have the aptitude to become a Driver. Sapphire is an example of this, but the two of them still can fight together like a real (i.e. Core Crystal-awakened) Blade and Driver! I headcanon that Tora stays back in Gormott with Tatazo after Chapter 4 ends, so Sapphire takes his place as a playable party member after this point ^-^
I hope that all of these answers were alright! Thank you very much for sending in all the questions, it really means a lot!~
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silkhy-john · 4 years ago
I find it amazing that Tora (and by extension Soosoo and Tatazo) built Poppi a really powerful processor.
Most people don't notice it, but she becomes more and more "human" in her expression, and gets her new forms after passing through a sort of... emotional stage breakthrough? (Poppi QT/Hana JK after understanding the necessity of Lila's sacrifice; Poppi QTπ/Hana JD after opening up about her greatest fear)
There's other ways she becomes more "human", like how her voice becomes less and less robotic, and the interactions she has in heart to hearts (if you bother to follow them in order)
Anyway, Poppi is just an amazing character. Alpha by name, alpha by nature.
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csshunter562 · 4 years ago
Drivers Tigergame
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Drivers Tiger Game Play
Drivers Tiger Game App
Drivers Tiger Game Free
Drivers Tiger Games
I got the '3 in 1 Magic Joy Box' to connect the Playstation, Xbox 1 and Gamecube controller to the USB port of the computer.
Drivers Tiger Game Play
Is a minigame and mechanic in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 developed by Monolith Soft. It is a 8-bit style mini-game which was made by Tora's grandfather and Tatazo's father Professor Soosoo for the artificial Blades such as Poppi α and Poppi QT. The game is located in Tora's House. The items obtained in this game can be used in Poppiswap to enhance Poppi α, Poppi QT and Poppi QTπ. About Us We have over 5 years of software development experience in the trading field, and in this short time we have managed to earn the full trust of our loyal customers.
Adventure Drivers. Bikas 4.4 189,470 votes. Are you ready for a driving adventure? Hop in your car and race through the tropics to finish first in this fierce racing game. Crush the competition to win trophies and pick up coins and points to unlock new cars and upgrades.
TigerGame Superjoy Box Series.zip download at 2shared. Click on compressed file TigerGame Superjoy Box Series.zip to start downloading. 2shared - Online file upload - unlimited free web space. File sharing network. File upload progressor. 17425623 compressed files available.
The nice thing is that you can plug the three controllers and it will recognize the controllers like independent ones, so it is an easy way to have three players on the PC (with each different controller). For the moment I had only tried with two.
Hardware ID: 0926:2526
Model: PC035
Manufacturer: Mayflash/TigerGame
Features: (from the official site)
Connect PS/PS2, GC, XBox game controller to your PC;
Connect PS/PS2 and XBox dancing pad to your PC;
Compatible with Windows98/ME/2000/XP;
Support all buttons on the game controller;
Support 4 types of Real Vibration: Constant Force; Sine Force; Spring Force; Ramp Force;
Support both digital and analog modes;
Three players can play simultaneously.
Windows 8.1 - 64 bits
Windows 8.1 x64 recognized the device and sets the drivers they can find. I had plugged two controller (PSX and Gamecube) to the device and after that I plugged the '3 in 1 Magic Joy Box' to the USB port. Windows recognize the two controller and I was able to test the buttons
It set the name exactly the same which is not nice, since you can not find out which one is the controller.
The buttons works fine. But the '3 in 1 Magic Joy Box' comes with a driver that I had tried.
3 in 1 Magic Joy Box Driver on Windows 8.1 x64
For the moment the driver that comes in the CD under the directory 'Vista' works fine on Windows 8.1 x64. After installing the driver there are some changes con the configuration. The 'About' tab, very important: The Gamecube controller. It has a better test area, button re-mapping and rumble test.
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The PSX controller. It has a better test area, button re-mapping and rumble test.
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The Device installed driver looks like this: The driver installed is pnx.sys version
XBOX Controller
After some time I found an xbox 1 controller to test with this adapter. For the moment, when I plug this device, I get one USB unrecognized device, while the PSX and GCC controllers keeps working. Maybe I'm missing a driver so the xbox controller get recognized by Windows and it is not included on the driver packed.
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Blue Screen of Death
Drivers Tiger Game App
I had noticed that on Windows 8.1 (64bits) with the driver ver, if I had this device with a GCC and a PSX controller plugged at the same time, it makes the Windows machine very unstable. It gives a blue screen of death from time to time or when an application try to access the gamepad configuration (ex: configuring the gamepads on 'Project 64').
CD original driver: version - 1MB (2007/11)
The same driver is on the support website - Check the last one on the list.
More Pictures.
Drivers Tiger Game Free
Tiger Games are awesome hunting and survival games about the biggest cats in the world. Looking for some cool online games with lions and tigers? Then Silvergames.com is what you need. Here you will find the best free tiger games in the world. Here you can hunt animals like zebras and bulls, watch these big striped cats during safari or spread fear in a zoo or a city with their primeval ancestors.
Tigers are dangerous predators which belong to the largest cat species and are even related to domestic cats. They live in Asia in the wilderness. In the rest of the world, you can only see tigers in a zoo or a circus. The most well-known tiger species are the extinct Sabertooth, the Siberian and the Bengal Tiger.
Drivers Tiger Games
If you are bored with your small cat at home then you will definitely love our tiger games. If you prefer realistic simulators then the awesome 3D Tiger Simulator is your game. Here you can play with this big Indian feline without being scared or control it and eat all the zoo visitors.
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rainbowwing251 · 4 years ago
List of Feathers in XC2 (Part 2 of 2): Collectables, NPCs, Main Characters, and Blades)
Unfortunately, there aren’t that many Collectables that are, or are similar to, feathers. In fact, as you will see, there is only one.
Therefore, I will combine it with the list of NPCs, Main Characters, and Blades that have feathers on their bodies.
Do note, there will be spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicles 2, both for the base game, and the DLC. Do not click or tap on “Keep Reading” until you have beaten the base game and completed the DLC. Also, no Torna~ The Golden Country NPCs, Main Characters, and Blades will be listed here (I don’t know if some or none of the aforementioned categories exist within Torna, I haven’t played it yet. I don’t even have it at the time of writing this post).
Anyway, onto the list.
Feather Leaf (Tree)
Nopon (All of them, including Soosoo, Tatazo, Bana, Don Dondon, Muimui, and Niranira)
Tirkin (Head Fire Dragon [DLC only], Fire Dragons Member [DLC only], Omulette [Blade Quest only], and Tirkin King [Blade Quest only])
Main Characters:
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calamitaswrath · 6 years ago
i finally realised that nia being able to bring back the dead has the same impact on the story as holdo in tlj using hyperspace to kamikaze ram whole fleets. it opens up an element to the story that demands by logic of its' operation should have been used in all prior instances where conflict where the skill was usable was encountered, thus weakening the story overall. also who the hell fucked tatazo and why do we never see tora's mother she needs to sort out her piece of shit son
The thing is, Nia having that sort of power could work, since most of the situations in which somebody in or close to the party could get killed, they’re in a situation where Nia herself could also get killed. Or, hell, with the Cloud Sea being a thing, having a dead person fall into that would also be a good enough reason for them to stay dead. But the way all of the major deaths in the story are presented none of this happens, and instead it just comes off as Nia just silently thinking to herself “Nah, they deserve to stay dead”.As for Tora and Tatazo, this shit already starts one generation prior, because in that one DLC quest where you get Poppibuster you have to dig out a collection of porn magazines that belongs to Soosoo, so the question should be who fucked him to begin with.
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possessedscholar · 7 years ago
The real reason Muimui joined Bana
Muimui: And the Ether Furnace recharges as it moves! It's a revolution in Artificial Blade longevity!
(Soosoo raises his hand)
Muimui: Yes?
Soosoo: Can you **** it?
Muimui: ...Excuse me?
Soosoo: Can you **** it?
Muimui: ...No!
(Soosoo and Tatazo leave)
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edward-tc · 7 years ago
tora, tatazo, and soosoo arrested for sexy robot crimes
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quixotictutelar · 3 years ago
Anyways, I think it's time we talked not just about Soosoo and Tatazo's war crimes, but also their blatant copyright infringement and theft of Mikhail's artificial blade technology.
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calamitaswrath · 6 years ago
metalempire replied to your post: i finally realised that nia being able to bring...
my only conclusion is soosoo was such a loser that he made a clone of himself and raised it as a son, then tatazo did the same thing and tora will do the same thing because no woman will ever touch minetora with a 1000 foot long pole
To be fair there has never been a female Nopon that has had an actual major role in the game, so it’s not like there’d be any women who could get near them to begin with.
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quixotictutelar · 3 years ago
Boy, am I glad that Soosoo, Tatazo, and especially Tora aren't war criminals, and didn't work with Boreas and Sheba (under duress) to create the Bitcoin Mining facilities that are killing Mor Ardain! I'm glad that none of this is true, and that I'm not being held at bladepoint.
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quixotictutelar · 3 years ago
Soosoo, Tatazo, and Tora are all completely normal Nopons, helping to strike back against the menace of Mikhail and his Tornan warblades. Poppi is glad that they are so normal, and morally good.
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quixotictutelar · 3 years ago
Have you ever wondered why Soosoo, Tatazo, and Tora were unable to awaken blades?
What they don't want you to know, is that it's because of a fail-safe the architect put into place, after witnessing what their past incarnations wrought with their blades, Boreas and Finch. After all,
What happened to the Titans that fell before Torna?
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