loveandmad · 45 minutes
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Beach Vacation!!
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loveandmad · 1 day
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did you dream about this man?
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loveandmad · 1 day
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Shadow vs Emerl (?)
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loveandmad · 2 days
Metal Sonic Headcanons
Metal has concussive shock protection for a bunch of blunt based attacks, there’s a thick layer of gel like substance protecting his inner components in his cranial cavity. Enabling him to use head in charge attacks. When he has an open crack in his head and it leaks it will be colored different from the rest of his fluids, a neon purple color.
His respiratory system is very different from an organic as he has openings on the sides of his engine that have actuators that control his ability to intake air and filter it out. When he does pass air through these openings it’s in long inhales if he were in a hot desert environment or jungle he has to take more frequent breaths as a result of environmental factors. So he technically does breathe in a sense.
Olfactory: His sense of smell is actually quite immaculate, he’s able to distinguish substances quite easily and is quite sensitive to harsh smells.
Since he’s made to keep up with Sonic his eyes have several components to them that he can easily see way better than an organic. He basically has the best state of the art camera vision possible and a very powerful GPU to go with it. An organic would get motion sickness looking through his vision.
Dreams: They actually can be pretty abstract and can also get dreaded fever dreams when he’s not feeling well much similar to an organic. When he sleeps he ends up talking in his sleep sometimes occasionally twitching from REM sleep.
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loveandmad · 4 days
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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loveandmad · 4 days
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i watched @randomalistic 's banger video a while ago. ever since i finished it he's been in my head. you have no idea what this has done to me im out here secretly making oc's around him YOU INFECTED ME!!!!!
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loveandmad · 5 days
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Who would win? The thousand ton flying meathook t-rex, or… monkey with a stick?
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loveandmad · 5 days
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A fun little possibility for a Legend's game :)
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loveandmad · 5 days
Finished a small art project today and it involves Turbo HEHEHEH...........well it is Turbo...whatever
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loveandmad · 6 days
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i present: my extremely long and highly specific list of book recs for my fellow rings of power fans
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loveandmad · 6 days
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Okay, here we go!
Pretend I drew like. 150 pages of build up to this situation. I mostly just wanted to draw exactly what I was inspired to. I'm pretty rusty doing comics at this point, so I hope it still ends up being a fun ride! And I hope I do the characterization right.
Alternate world of, hey, what if they took the whole week and waited for the crown to be made?
P.S. Spoilers for like, *all* of Adventure Time Beginning (You're here!) | Next
Something Wonderful: An Adventure Time Fancomic
Table of Contents (and links)
Chapter 1: The Crown (You're here!)
Chapter 2: Your Favorite Season
Chapter 3: From, Simon
Chapter 4: Husband Number Two
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loveandmad · 6 days
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Heavenly Tyrant ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) are now up on Netgalley and Edelweiss! If you don't know what those are then don't worry about it. You'll be able to read it upon the official release, which WILL be on Dec 24 this year! So, a little more than 3 months to go. I'm freaking out because I have no idea if you'll like the book; it's very diffrent from Iron Widow in a lot of ways...but here is what to expect!
Preorder links
As an apology for the literal years of delays, beneath the cut is also the entire prologue of HT. Feel free to read it while blasting Bring Me to Life by Evanescence like you're still watching anime in 3 parts on YouTube.
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loveandmad · 6 days
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loveandmad · 7 days
Spoilers ahead!
I gotta admit, Turbo deserves some credit as a racer. His game was probably about as simple as it gets, in terms of the track, obstacles, technology in general, etc. That’s what he was used to, and what he was programmed to handle.
He goes from that into a world where everyone not only races, but they’re firing weapons at each other, giant gumballs are crashing across the tracks—-it’s not only racing, but combat. If the Sugar Rush racers get injured, they regenerate. But he wouldn’t. And I’m sure he knew that. It honestly says a lot for not only how batshit insane he is, or how much he wants to race, but also for how adaptable and admittedly talented he must have been. 
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loveandmad · 10 days
Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..
My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.
Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏
If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗
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loveandmad · 11 days
It's a sad inevitability that all good things come to an end, including our time with our Digimon. But, every ending is just a chance for a new beginning and with Digimon that means the start of a new growth cycle! Today we're going to be touching on the Digimon life cycle, focusing on how to care for a digitama and what to do while you wait for your partner's new life to begin!
First off, for the newer Tamers in the audience, Digimon do not "die" at the end of a growth cycle. Think of it more like a transformation; the Digimon will shed excess data and surround their Digicore in a hard protective shell while reforming their remaining data into a Stage I form. A Digimon is strictly speaking alive for every step of the process and even if we humans find it useful to assign terms like "brith" and "death" to the process, it's important to keep in mind that Digimon cultures tend to think of it more as a period of rest and rejuvenation rather than a strict end or start to one's life.
Next up we have the tamas themselves! Digitamas, or Digieggs if you prefer, are the natal stage of all Digimon with no real exceptions. Despite looking like the kind of eggs you'd find here on Earth, tamas are actually incredibly durable and require no outside heat to incubate. Fragments of tamas donated for research have been shown to withstand puncture wounds and small caliber fire without so much as a scratch! Lastly, Digitama also display a wide variety of colors and patterns. Patterns seem to be unique to the individual as there is no correlation between the colors displayed on the egg and what species it will hatch into. This is consistent between naturally occurring Digitama and ones that were created via a data composition machine, leading researchers to believe that the color of one's tama is analogous to finger prints in us humans!
"But Lady", I hear you asking, "That's all well and good but how do I care for a Digiegg if they just seem to hatch on their own?". Don't worry friend, there's actually a lot you can do for your partner to help them along in the hatching process! To keep things convenient for mobile readers, I'll be formatting this section into bullet points.
1. Prepare a nest or incubator for the tama: It is true that tamas don't need outside heat to incubate, but a safe environment for both the tama and the resulting newborn is always going to be ideal. Incubators are the high end solution to this, most models being the Digimon equivalent of those backpacks you can buy to carry your pets around in. They're temperature controlled and very easily portable, most actually do have straps to make them into backpacks, so it's hard to argue against getting one. That being said, if you can't afford the steep price tag, a nest will do just fine friend. Bunch up some old blankets and pile them onto a sturdy pillow and your new friend will hatch just as well as one kept in a fancy incubator.
2. Wait: The time it takes for tamas to hatch varies between individuals, and can even vary between an individual Digimon's growth cycles. Some artificial Digitama have been observed hatching in as little as ten minutes, while the longest recorded hatch time for a naturally occurring Digitama was a little under a month! Generally speaking though, most tamas take about three to five days to hatch regardless of their point of origin. Don't be stressed if your friend takes a little longer than usual, you can't rush growth.
3. Be prepared for change: While it is true that most Digimon's Stage I and II forms remain fairly consistent, it is still ultimately as random as digivolution. I've already done a resource post on what to do immediately after a tama hatches so I won't go too in depth here, but it is worth repeating that you should be ready to accept change as it comes and be prepared to help your partner with basic tasks for the few days to weeks it'll take them to reach Stage III again.
4. Last but not least, care for yourself: Even if we know our partners aren't gone forever, waiting for them to hatch can take its toll on us Tamers. It's important to keep yourself busy during this time and to use it to enrich your life away from your partner. I always take time between growth cycles to tidy up around the house and give myself a spa day. I think that having a clean home and a refreshed attitude helps both you and your partner come into this new experience with a better foot forward but you can do whatever will make you happiest! There's no right or wrong way to care for yourself, as long as you put in the effort it'll pay off.
That's all we have for now friends! As always, make sure to send us any questions y'all have on today's post and we'll try to answer them as they come. Good luck, and we hope that y'all's partners hatch soon!
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loveandmad · 11 days
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It's very blink and you'll miss it but during their fight, Ralph does try to push him away and punch him (in the face, no less) but Candybug freaking blocks and catches it into his talons. The Cybug virus enhanced not only his strength and speed but also reflexes.
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