My Cutie... Drive me Crazy! - Lyrics + Translation
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
一目で 胸のドア
Love is perfect!
(Love is perfect!)
大人の味は 苦味アリ
最上 (my cutie)
最高 (my cutie)
I'm crazy! (crazy!)
crazy! (crazy!)
crazy for you!
全てを (my cutie)
抱き寄せ (my cutie)
冒険しよう? "モットー"
Just wanna be with you!
You are the one for me!
追い求めれば 離れてく
Love is blind!
(Love is blind!)
甘さだけでは 越えられない
本気の (my cutie)
本気で (my cutie)
I'm crazy! (crazy!)
crazy! (crazy!)
crazy for you!
後悔 (my cutie)
させない (my cutie)
最上 (my cutie)
最高 (my cutie)
I'm crazy! (crazy!)
crazy! (crazy!)
crazy for you!
全てを (my cutie)
抱き寄せ (my cutie)
I love you…
Hitome de mune no doa
Keyaburu yō na inazuma
Kokoro ga ubawarete yume no naka
Shibireru kurai ni knockout!
Ichido kiri nara shinken ni
Love is perfect!
(Love is perfect!)
Otona no aji wa nigami ari
Yoyū de ajiwau sa!
Saijō (my cutie)
Saikō (my cutie)
I'm crazy! (crazy!)
crazy! (crazy!)
crazy for you!
Subete o (my cutie)
Idaki yose (my cutie)
Tsurasa datte nani datte
Jinsei marugoto uketomeru!
Bōken shiyou? “Mottō”
Tereta me o nozoki komu
Iron'na kakudo kara nagametai
Kawai sugirukara zenbu!
Just wanna be with you!
You are the one for me!
Oimotomereba hanareteku
Love is blind!
(Love is blind!)
Ama-sa dake de wa koerarenai
Koi wa suriringu ni!
Honki no (my cutie)
Honki de (my cutie)
I'm crazy! (crazy!)
crazy! (crazy!)
crazy for you!
Kōkai (my cutie)
Sasenai (my cutie)
Sekaijū dare yori mo…
Saijō (my cutie)
Saikō (my cutie)
I'm crazy! (crazy!)
crazy! (crazy!)
crazy for you!
Subete o (my cutie)
Idaki yose (my cutie)
Tsurasa datte nani datte
Jinsei marugoto uketomeru!
Saigo no hi made zutto
I love you…
My heart beats now!
With one glance, a flash of lightning
Kicks open the door to my heart,
You knocked me out in my dreams
To the point I went numb!
It’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing so I’m taking it seriously
Love is perfect!
(Love is perfect!)
This acquired taste may be bitter,
But I’ll enjoy it fully!
The best (my cutie)
The highest (my cutie)
I'm crazy! (crazy!)
crazy! (crazy!)
crazy for you!
I’ll embrace (my cutie)
Everything (my cutie)
Even the pain, no matter what
I’ll wholly accept life as it is!
Shall we venture even more?
I want to look into your shy eyes
From various angles
All of them are ridiculously cute!
Just wanna be with you!
You are the one for me!
If we chase it, it runs away
Love is blind!
(Love is blind!)
Sweetness alone can’t reach it
Love is thrilling!
Seriously (my cutie)
Truthfully (my cutie)
I'm crazy! (crazy!)
crazy! (crazy!)
crazy for you!
I won’t let you (my cutie)
Have any regrets (my cutie)
More than anyone else in the world...
The best (my cutie)
The highest (my cutie)
I'm crazy! (crazy!)
crazy! (crazy!)
crazy for you!
I’ll embrace (my cutie)
Everything (my cutie)
Even the pain, no matter what
I’ll wholly accept life as it is!
Until the very last day
I love you…
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1way2mars · 6 months
Pazuribe Event Translation - “Super Delicious Camping Food Road” Part 1
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The guys are going camping on this event! Takemichi has to work along Sanzu, Muto and Hanma to prepare the meal. What will happen? Click on Read More to find the translation!
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☆ I'm not a professional translator and I'm still learning Japanese. This is a great way for me to learn and I also try my hardest to make the translations as good as they can be!
☆ Please give credit in case of use.
☆ Find more pazuribe translations here!
☆ If you have any comment, question, correction or suggestion, please let me know! (It's my first time posting something like this so everything is welcome! Please bare with me).
Takemichi: F-for real...?
Hanma: Lunch duty, boriing~
Sanzu: ......
Muto: Curry... Has anybody prepared it before?
Takemichi: I have to prepare the camping lunch with those four!? I'm full of anxiety...!
~few minutes earlier~
Mikey: Is everybody here? We haven’t lost sight of anyone.
Mikey: Then, we’ll tent and start camping here!
Draken: We’ll decide who’s in charge of each task by drawing lots.
Takemichi: I’m... in charge of the food! Chifuyu?
Chifuyu: I’m in charge of the tent!
Takemichi: We aren’t together~
Chifuyu: I will put an incredible tent up. Takemicchi, you also have to prepare some reeally delicious food!
Takemichi: I’m not confident, but I’ll do my best!
Muto: The ones in charge of food, let’s gather here.
Takemichi: Seems like they’re gathering over there. I’m off!
Chifuyu: Yeah! Good luck!
Takemichi: There’s no way. I can’t believe it’s us four...
Sanzu: Here he comees... There’s no way you’re working here?
Muto: Be patient until the food is ready, Sanzu
Hanma: I’ll do the food tasting~ Call me when it’s finished.
Takemichi: I wonder if we’ll be able to do the meal safely...
Hanma: Haa~ Collecting branches is duull~
Sanzu: Stop chatting. Gather them quickly.
Hanma: Isn’t it faster to rent a gas stove rather than to start a fire with this?
Sanzu: Mikey’s instructions. Shut up and obey.
Hanma: Yeah, yeah. Here we go.
Sanzu: That’s no good, all of them are useless. Search again.
Hanma: Hah? Haven’t I collected the tree branches as I was told?
Sanzu: All the branches you have collected are damp. They won’t catch fire. Collect them quickly.
Hanma: How dull.
Sanzu: Oi, wait. Where are you going?
Hanma: How can I do this? Do it by yourself. See ya~
Sanzu: Haah?! I won’t let you go!!!!
Sanzu: Haa... Haa... I catched... you. Keep quite... And pick up... The branches.
Hanma: Haa... Haa... I know... but... Can we rest a little bit?
Sanzu: ...Alright.
Hanma: Why should I have to follow what you tell me?
Hanma: Way to go. It’s getting interesting.
Hanma: Do the branches matter anymore? Let’s settle it!
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tsukinoinaba · 10 hours
So, I learned something neat about Gavv
the main characters' names all have meanings related to flavors:
Shouma / ショウマ ( ウマい/旨い=Savory)
Karakida Hanto / 辛木田絆斗 (辛=Spicy)
Amane Sachika / 甘根幸果 (甘=Sweet)
Suga Kenzou / 酸賀研造 (酸=Sour)
so I propose we refer to them as "the Taste Buds"
or for those who enjoy a nice Japanese language pun, "Tomodaji" as a combination of "Tomodachi/Friends" and "Aji/Taste"
トモダジ (友達+味)
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nihongoseito · 2 years
vocab pt. 4 from 夜カフェ!
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hi friends! this is going to be the last 夜カフェ vocab list, since i just finished the book!! stay tuned for what book the seitokai discord chooses next :)
苦笑い(にがわらい) = bitter smile, forced smile/laugh
ブランコ = swing (on playground)
ガリ勉(べん) = studying hard, cramming; person who studies hard
修復(しゅうふく) = restoration, repair
物分かり(ものわかり) = sympathy, wisdom, perceptiveness
沈黙(ちんもく) = silence, hush
八つ当たり(やつあたり) = venting one’s anger, taking one’s anger out on
発散(はっさん) = letting out (feelings), venting
張り紙(はりがみ) = poster
猛練習(もうれんしゅう) = very intensive training
息遣い(いきづかい) = breathing, respiration
作り笑い(つくりわらい) = forced laugh/smile
興奮(こうふん) = excitement
募集(ぼしゅう) = recruitment, taking applications; raising (funds, etc.)
食卓(しょくたく) = dining table
兄弟喧嘩(きょうだいげんか) = quarrel between siblings (n.b. rendaku!)
間際(まぎわ) = the point just before, the verge of happening
悲鳴(ひめい) = shriek, scream
怒鳴り声(どなりごえ) = angry voice
ショウガ = ginger
ニンニク = garlic
甘味(あまみ) = sweetness, sugary taste
中火(ちゅうび) = medium heat (cooking)
調味料(ちょうみりょう) = seasoning
ふくれっつら = sulky look, sullen look
シュシュ = scrunchie
ろうそく = candle
拍手(はくしゅ) = clapping, applause
封筒(ふうとう) = envelope
内緒(ないしょ) = secrecy, confidentiality
半泣き(はんなき) = about to cry, on the verge of tears
見開く(みひらく) = to open one’s eyes wide
しかめる = to screw up (one’s face), furrow (one’s brow)
すくめる = to shrug (one’s shoulders)
たまる = to collect, gather, accumulate, save up
ごく = to swing (a swing); to pedal (a bike)
へばる = to be exhausted, worn out
項垂れる(うなだれる) = to hang one’s head
平らげる(たいらげる) = to eat up completely
はしゃぐ = to make merry, frolic
ひがむ = to be jealous, envious; to have an inferiority complex
からかう = to tease, make fun of
張り切る(はりきる) = to be in high spirits, eager
ふるう = to muster, rouse up
グレる = to stray from the right path, go wrong
街並み(まちなみ) = townscape
生ぬるい(なまぬるい) = lukewarm; half-hearted, vague
偉そう(えらそう)な = self-important, pompous, conceited
生意気(なまいき)な = impertinent, cheeky, impudent
積極的(せっきょくてき)な = active, proactive
照れ臭い(てれくさい) = embarrassing, awkward
慎重(しんちょう)な = careful, prudent, deliberate
切ない(せつない) = painful, heartrending
甘辛(あまから)の = sweet and salty
得意気(とくいげ)な = proud, elated
恐る恐る(おそるおそる) = fearfully, timidly, gingerly
ドキマギ = flustered, embarrassed
ぼそっと = absent-mindedly, idly; in a whisper
しげしげと = frequently; fixedly, steadily
がっかり = to be disappointed, dejected; to feel exhausted
ズバリと = decisively, boldly, once and for all
ぼーっと = in a daze, vacantly
ウキウキ = cheerfully, buoyantly, in high spirits
たまたま = accidentally, by chance
ガバッと = all of a sudden, emphatically
ジメジメ = damp, humid, muggy; gloomy
じっとり = damp, moist (negative nuance)
ぼんやり = indistinctly, vaguely
トボトボ = totteringly, trudgingly
ほんのりと = slightly, faintly
胸(むね)を張る(はる) = to throw out one’s chest
当て(あて)にならない = unreliable, not to be counted on
〜まくる = to do over and over again; to do with reckless abandon
〜につれ = in accordance with
〜済み(ずみ) = arranged, taken care of 
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falseandrealultravival · 10 months
Ajillo (cooking)
Brown mushroom ajillo (cooking)
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Since I can't buy shrimp easily, I used affordable brown mushrooms to make ajillo. Olive oil and garlic are essential, but I try to add at least chili pepper and salt. I'll make it with shrimp one of these days.
Shrimp ajillo (cooking)
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I tried making it, but it tasted better with brown mushrooms.
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chouhatsumimi · 9 months
Words from Noragami, ch. 39
Words in bold are particularly relevant to the story, and words in italics seem like they’d be worth remembering outside the context of the manga. Bold and italic together means they’ve probably appeared somewhere in Noragami more than once. [Though it's been a kajillion years (okay three actual years) since I read it so I can't promise I can highlight them well anymore...] The last two words on this list appeared in the omake comics at the end of volume 10.
集り たかり extortion, blackmail, shakedown, extortionist, blackmailer, racketeer たかり屋, 集り屋 たかりや freeloader, scrounger, sponger, mooch 待ち受け画面, 待受画面, 待受け画面, 待ちうけ画面 まちうけがめん standby screen (on a mobile phone), (phone) wallpaper 甘辛 あまから sweetness and saltiness, salted and sweetened taste / dulce y picante, dulce y salado 裁可 さいか sanction, approval 不問 ふもん not asking (about), letting go unquestioned, disregarding, ignoring, overlooking / ignorancia 大赦 たいしゃ amnesty, general pardon / amnistía 所在 しょざい whereabouts, place where one is, position, location / paradero んがため in order to 検体 けんたい specimen, sample, object to be examined 最中, さ中 さいちゅう, さなか (in) the middle of, (in) the midst of, (in) the course of, (at) the height of / en medio de, en el proceso de 砕け散る くだけちる to be smashed up 消え失せる, 消えうせる きえうせる to disappear, to vanish, to die / desaparecer, salir de la vista, morir, (en imperativo) joder 役 えき, えだち war, campaign, battle, unpaid work (ritsuryo system), forced labor / guerra, campaña, batalla 朗々, 朗朗 ろうろう clear, sonorous, full-sounding, resonant, bright 災い, 禍, 殃 わざわい disaster, calamity, misfortune, trouble, woes / calamidad, catástrofe, desastre 断つ, 絶つ, 斷つ たつ to sever, to cut off, to suppress, to eradicate, to exterminate, to abstain (from), to give up / cortar, limitar, suprimir, abstenerse 神懸かる, 神懸る, 神がかる, 神憑る かみがかる, かむがかる to be possessed by a god, to not act like oneself, to behave oddly, to be awesome, to be extreme, to be incredible 転々, 転転 てんてん moving from place to place, being passed around repeatedly, rolling about / de un lado a otro, cambiando 幻滅 げんめつ disillusionment / desilusión あるある Oh yeah, Of course it is so, Cheer up, that's average, It happens, It's possible, Don't worry, it happens 撓わ, 撓 たわわ heavily laden (of a branch), sagging, drooping, bent low
- Ch. 38 | Ch. 40 -
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odakuram · 11 months
You've Sure Done It Now Music/Lyrics: syudou Video: Kuroume Singer: Hatsune Miku
the urge to translate the title as 'oops! i did it again' as a joke was far too strong.
I’m falling into you
知んないで良い事を知ろうとした果て 泣いてるだなんて自業自得だね 嗚呼キラキラを感じて恋に夢中 なんざ高3の終わりまで
When I attempted in full to learn the things I didn’t need to know I’m left crying, it’s a sort of well-deserved punishment. Ah, I feel so sparkly being obsessed with love The sort of things I think about until the end of my third year of high school
ジャンキーなキャンディーの 甘味さがダルくなる年齢            現実の味を知れ苦虫噛み潰して
You’re at the age where the sweet taste of junky candy becomes dull Know the taste of reality, and cringe at its sourness
アナタやっちゃったわね 恋は地獄みたいなもんで 真っ逆さまに堕ちてくの深く深く やっちゃったわね 愛は林檎の実みたいなもんで 真っ赤っかに熟して落ちて アタシはアナタに降下してく アナタはアタシに同化してく
You’ve sure done it now Romance is so hellish, it’s got me falling head first, so, so deeply You’ve sure done it now Love is like an apple it ripens into a pure red and then falls I’m falling into you You’re assimilating into me
罪人に石を投げつけていいのは 清廉潔白な人間だけ そんな風に立派でいれるのは きっと母さんのお腹まで
Only he who is without sin may cast the first stone on the sinner I can only be that sort of upstanding within my mother’s stomach, I’m sure
父さんが瓶ビールを 無言で飲む訳を知る年齢 その背を目に焼き付けろ 嫌でも目を凝らして
You’re at the age where you understand why your father drinks those beer bottles wordlessly Burn the sight of that back into your eyes Even if you hate it, strain your eyes to look closely
アナタやっちゃったわね 愛は赦す事とは言うが   簡単にゃいかず独りただ辛く辛く やっちゃったわね 寝て起きて全部夢ならいいな 40%流し込み願う アナタの罪を赦すが如く アタシの罪をも赦したまえ
You’ve sure done it now They say love is forgivable But it doesn’t come easy, when I’m alone it’s just so, so painful  You’ve sure done it now I’d love if everything was a dream, regardless if I’m sleeping or awake I wish for a 40% casting Like how I forgive your sins, I beg you to forgive mine
嗚呼 アナタに出会わなければ アタシはきっと人並みにちゃんと 幸せだったはずでだけど 嗚呼 穢れにまみれた    そんな手をギュッとしたい 「嫌えない」が答えだ
Ah, if I had never met you I would’ve certainly been a normal person  who should’ve been happy in the right way, but Ah, I’m covered in filth I want to hold your hand so tightly ��I can’t hate you,’ is my answer
アナタやっちゃったわね 恋は地獄みたいなもんで 真っ逆さまに堕ちてくの不覚不覚* やっちゃったわね 愛は林檎の実みたいなもんで 真っ赤っかに熟して落ちて アタシはアナタに降下してく アナタはアタシに同化してく
You’ve sure done it now Romance is so hellish, it’s got me falling head first, so, so negligent* You’ve sure done it now Love is like an apple it ripens into a pure red and then falls I’m falling into you You’re assimilating into me
その生き恥すら動画にしてる もうどっからどう見たって 2人はどうかしてる
I’m turning even that disgrace into a video From now on, no matter where or how you look at it We’re both going insane
* - the official lyrics source says '不覚' (negligent) but the video itself still says '深く' (deeper). This might be an error.     
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splatoonreblogger · 2 years
お題は「好みの味は? 辛い vs 甘い vs すっぱい」。
SRL cafeteria line cook here. They said I should tell ya the next #Splatfest theme, so here goes. What's your favorite taste sensation? Spicy, sweet, or sour?
It starts at 4pm PT on Friday 1/6 and goes till 4pm PT on Sunday 1/8. Me? I think the best taste is deep-fried.
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archeia · 2 years
Title: Heaven’s Punishment (literal) OR Divine Retribution.
Translation with JuriTea_ This song was a challenge to translate because of all the double meanings. It's such a beautifully well written song though!
Note: There are many types of divine punishments in Japan. Typically 天罰 means divine retribution/heavenly punishment, and the average person will use 天罰, but it’s very nuanced. 天罰 - a punishment carried out by the heavens. 天誅 - a punishment carried out by the heavens. However, this is a punishment that can be carried out by someone on behalf of the heavens. 神罰 - a punishment carried out by god.
伝う涙の終着点  The final destination of flowing tears 憂う恋攫うような淘汰 An elimination like abductions of anxious love 痛みが奮って噛んだ唇が The lip that I bit, incited by pain 苦みの効いた哀を焦がす Scorched my bitter sorrow 食らう怠惰の延長に The prolongment of the lethargy I had to stomach 甘さも辛さも感じられず Tasted neither sweet nor spicy 俯瞰決め込んだ日々を呪って Cursing the days that I decided to look down on??? 今夜決行 そう、これは正義だ Tonight’s the night that’s right, this is justice
嗚呼光よ君の行く先を照らしてくれ Ah, light, illuminate your path ahead 嗚呼無能な神を恨んで絶対悪に天誅を下す Ah, with a grudge against the incompetent god, I’ll definitely strike evil down with divine retribution 夢にまで見た光景 A sight that I dreamt of 狂れてしまったなんて早計 How premature of it to go insane I'm OK まだ舞えるぜ I’m OK I can still dance そうと決まったらさあ、二回戦目 Now that’s settled, here’s round two 疚しくて耐えられない? Can’t stand the guilt? そんな境地超えた I’m beyond that state now 悪を看破 春を噛んだ  I saw through evil I bit spring こんなもんかどうだ? So that’s what it’s like, how about it? 何事にも代えがたい平穏 Irreplaceable peace 今この手に Is now in my hands
嗚呼光よ君の行く先を照らしてくれ Ah, light, illuminate your path ahead 枯れることのない永遠どうか An evergreen eternity, please 咲き誇って揺れる造花 Blooming proudly, the artificial flowers sway 嗚呼 染まれ黄金に Ah, be dyed in gold
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tabeojacafe · 2 years
(Rice) Curry ★★
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Tabegami: Carine (カリーヌ) Battle Type: Fighter (ファイター) Special Attack: Put curry on it and everything tastes like curry, rine! (カレーをかければ全部カレー味リーヌ!) Soul Ingredient: Carine Spice (カリーヌスパイス) Can be found in Tabe-O-Ja (Standard, Mini Size, and Burger Edition),  Tabe-O-Ja God Recipe 01: Wild Sauce Flavor  (タベオウジャ 神レシピ ワイルドソース味 TB01)
Description: He is a friendly, mischievous, and playful dog. He is a curry Tabegami, but he hates to be looked down upon by others. He enjoys the reactions of others when he makes the "ultimate choice”. He has a cold side like a typical modern day child, but his heart for his master is super hot, and he is actually a sweet-natured boy. However, he sometimes makes harsh comments. 「犬のように人懐っこく、わんぱくでイタズラ好き。カレーのタベガミだが、人に "ナメられる”のは大嫌いな勝気な性格。『究極の選択』を出しては、相手の反応を楽しんでいる。現代っ子っぽく冷めた一面もあるが、主人を思う心は超ホットで、実は甘えん坊。しかし、たまにピリッと辛口なコメントも言う。」
Dish name: Battleship Curry (軍艦カレー)
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violettranslations · 1 year
Reincarnation (転生)
揺れる海岸の 砂浜に僕の いや、かつて僕だったものの残骸が目に映ってた それは滑稽で でもやるせなくて どうすれば僕はよかったんだろう きっと分かっていた 見ない振りしてた 僕に手を差し伸べてくれたことも全部 でもごめんね。もう耐えられないから 何も言わないまま静かに消えちゃうんだ I saw myself, no, the ruin of what I used to be along the undulating tides at the beach. It was comical, and yet miserable; just what should I have done? I’m sure I knew, and only pretended not to see the hands others reached out to me, everything. But I’m sorry. I can’t hold on anymore, so I’m gonna quietly disappear, without saying a word. いつか必ず報われるからなんて言われるシラバス 何時かが何時なのかを教えてはくれない ねぇ本当にそんなもの信じていいの? 全て嘘に聞こえて 辛くなってはうたを聴くだけ あえない再開どうだい僕の歌はどうやったって 偉い人が言うにはどうやらセンスとかが足りないらしい あぁそうですね。 僕の歌はきっと誰も聞いてない響かない まだ足りてない 本当にそうなの? The syllabus tells me that it’ll all be worth it someday, yet it refuses to tell me when exactly “someday” is. Hey, is it really okay for me to believe something like that? Everything sounds like a lie, things start to get hard, and so I just listen to music. What do you think of this flop reopening? It seems like no matter what kind of music I make, all the big names will say there’s “not enough style” or whatever. Ahh, that’s true. I’m sure no one listens to my music, that it doesn’t resonate with anyone. It’s still not good enough. Is it really, though? 分からないでしょう あなたにはきっと ずっと負けてるままの僕の気持ちなんて 日がまだ昇らないからこのことすら誰も 知らないまま静かに消えちゃうんだ You don’t get it, do you? Yeah, there’s no way you’d understand how I feel, always on the losing side of things like I am. The sun hasn’t risen yet, so I’m gonna quietly disappear without anyone even knowing about this. 僕が残していった言葉は今でも世界で響く なんてこともなく最後は忘れ去られ ねぇ、そんな歌のどこに意味があるんだろう 僕をこの世界からこの腐敗から救い出してよ 消えない後悔、脳内僕の歌だけでいっぱいで いつからこんなに「勝ち」ばかり気にするようになったんだろう またこうやってなんて無理だよ。 だって僕は僕じゃない変われない もう戻れない しょうがないでしょう Even now, the words I left behind resound throughout the world, my mundane end having been utterly forgotten. Hey, what exactly is the point of songs like that? Save me from this world, from this decay! My regrets just won’t disappear, and my brain is taken over by my songs. When did I start worrying so single-mindedly about “winning?” I can’t keep doing this. I mean, I’m not me, and I can’t change, I can’t go back, so there’s nothing for it, is there? 気取っちゃって、妬ましいね 人気者のあいつはclever どれだけ頑張ったって私は結局凡人です 努力なんて馬鹿らしいね いつも味わうのは負けのflavor 私より愛されているのが嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ You may pretend otherwise, but you sure are jealous, huh? All those popular guys are so clever. No matter how hard I try, in the end, I’m just an ordinary person. Hard work isn’t gonna do anything for me. I’m always tasting the flavor of defeat. I hate, hate, hate everything people love more than me. 消えちゃいたいと願ってただ死んでいくなら もう、いっそ生まれ変わって最初からやり直そうか ごめんね そしてさようなら。 If I’m to simply die wanting to disappear, then I might as well just be reborn and do it all over from the beginning. I’m sorry, and goodbye.
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kaorinskiee · 2 years
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白子の春巻き‼️Arikoさんのポスト見て早速実践めちゃ美味い😋 ツナ玉ねぎチーズの春巻き、紫人参ラペ、カリフローレのチートマサラ炒め。 白ワインと共に。 あと昼のつゆの残りで雑炊。 チートマサラという調味料初体験。インド🇮🇳のスパイス遣いは勉強になるなあ!カルディに売ってるぽい。辛くなくてインド気分になれます🎶 Deep fried Cod milt spring roll. Creamy indeed. Go with white wine. Tried Chaat Masala first time. Fried cauliflower with it. Questing for New taste is my adventure. I like Indian food🤗 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cntnv0TvtEUdHoD5Qx8F01-RFevWb-jZKkRuEo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cherish-york · 1 month
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#Drowgust2024: Day 20: Familiar: Aruello eats a Gingerbread Dagger Biscuit.
Selina immediately stepped forward and put a Gingerbread Dagger Biscuits into Aruello's mouth
He reacts frightened to the taste of the spicy gingerbread.
#デュロウグスト2024月: 20日: おなじみ: アルエロくんはギンジャブレッドダガービスケットを食べます。
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leecat · 2 months
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🔵 I added too much salt when boiling pasta without tasting it, the pasta was too salty when it's done and hard to eat. After just a few bites, it tastes so bad I am not able to stand it.
🔴パスタを茹でるときに味見せずに塩を多めに入れてしまうと、茹で上がったパスタが塩辛くなり食べにくくなってしまうわ。 数口食べると不味くて堪らないわ。
🟡 Lúc luộc mì cho nhiều muối vào mà không nếm, dẫn đến mì luộc ra bị mặn rất khó ăn. Ăn vài miếng là chịu không nổi.
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slothfulscans · 4 months
Hanaobore / Drowning in Flowers - shikisai || Lyrics + ENG Translation
(Translation below the cut)
泣いては咲いて泡になって Crying and blooming, I become a bubble
溺れてしまえたらさよなら If I end up drowning, then this is goodbye
はらりひらりと落ちては夢を見て Gently and lightly, I keep falling into dreams
トウメイナアサヲマツ Waiting for a clear morning
わたしは花溺れ I’m drowning in flowers
(トウメイナアサヲマツ) (Waiting for a clear morning)
わたしは花溺れ I’m drowning in flowers
気付かぬうちに眠りについた I fell asleep without realizing it
ソファの心地よさだけが Only the comfort of the sofa
ちょっと懐かしく思えてさ I felt a little nostalgic
どうにも離れられないまま I couldn’t seem to stay away
ローファイな毎日で I’m lo-fi everyday
たまに遅刻して Sometimes late
リピートしてリピートしてリピートするだけ Repeat. Repeat. Just repeat
針を落とす落とす落とすだけ Drop the needle. Drop it. Just drop it.
遊び尽くしたいから Because I want to play all out¹
いっせーのせーのせーのせーで One, two, all together now!
誤魔化して大人になれないまま I’m still just faking it, unable to grow up
花が泣いては咲いて泡になって Flowers cry and bloom, becoming bubbles
どうしてどうしたって仮初めのブルーミー No matter what, I’m just a transient bloomy
さよなら夜明けに夢を見て Goodbye to dreams at dawn
トウメイナアサヲマツ Waiting for a clear morning
わたしは花溺れ I’m drowning in flowers
また泣いて泡になって Again I’ll cry and become a bubble
どうしてどうしたって仮初めの本当の 自分が分かるまで No matter what, until I understand my true, transient self
トウメイナアサヲマツ I'll wait for a clear morning
わたしは花溺れ I’m drowning in flowers
Yo! Mic Check 1 2! 騒ぎ合ってなんつ〜か忙しない世知辛い現実に貫通! Yo! Mic Check 1 2! Making noise together~ Somehow it pierces through this restless, harsh reality!
肥大してフワフワっフワ〜!なナンバーに酔っぱらってまあいっか(笑)って洒落あってみてDON'T STOP ME! I’m getting all fat and fluffy!  Drunk on numbers, but that’s alright (lol) I’m trying to make a pun, DON’T STOP ME!
見違えるような大層な何か成し遂げたいんだ I want to achieve something unrecognizably incredible
花が咲くなら If the flowers are blooming
随分と長い記憶を通り越して 未だ知らない未来の話 Shoot way past our drawn-out memories and into a story of the yet-unknown future
これから痛みも喜びも味わうでしょう From now on we’ll surely taste both pain and joy
手を取りあいながら 泣いて笑って夜になって Holding hands, we’ll cry and laugh as night falls
晴れやかに唄いましょう Let’s sing brightly
今日は飾りをつけて化粧して Today I’ll get all dressed up and put on makeup
そうさ、夜が終わるまでは Yeah, until the night is over
花開いては咲いて星になって Flowers open, bloom, and become stars
どうしてどうしたって踊りたいGROOVY No matter what, I want to dance groovily
さよなら明日に夢を見て Goodbye to dreams of tomorrow
トウメイナアサヲマツ Waiting for a clear morning
わたしは花溺れ I’m drowning in flowers
また咲いて星になって Again I’ll bloom and become a star
どうしてどうしたって仮初めの本当の 自分が分かるまで No matter what, until I understand my true, transient self
トウメイナアサヲマツ Waiting for a clear morning
わたしは花溺れ I’m drowning in flowers
The passages in bold are not my own translation; these are the official English lyrics on the MV.
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Whitebait (Shirasu) grated radish mix(Cooking)
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"Shirasu" is sardine fry that is boiled and dried to the extent that the water is drained. Mix this with the grated and drained radish and add some soy sauce. The grated radish is spicy like horseradish, the bitterness of whitebait and the saltiness of soy sauce combine to create a unique taste. It is rich in protein, calcium and vitamin C. Japanese traditional food.
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