#tarte au citron meringuée
kawaii-foodie · 1 year
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dasistleeway · 2 years
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2 French classic desserts...
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egnidres · 2 years
Happy birthday to my little baby ꒰♡ˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈꒱.⑅*♡
It's a bit short, but there's no angst, miracle. One day I'll publish some stuff about him ♪♪(o*゜∇゜)o~♪♪
Aim and Post Dark Cream belong to @zu-is-here
Les deux enfants rentrèrent dans la boulangerie, accompagnés de Killer et saluant le vendeur, une tortue plutôt âgé. Ils se dirigèrent vers les vitrines, regardant les nombreuses tapisseries et viennoiseries disposés : des forêt noires, des gâteaux fruités remplis de crème, des milles-feuilles, des chou à la crème, des tartes au citron meringuée, des macarons, des éclairs au chocolat et au café, des pains au chocolat et des croissants.
— Ça a l'air trop bon, s'extasia Aim devant la vitrine, les étoiles dans les yeux.
Après avoir choisi deux gâteaux, une forêt noire et un gâteau au fruit, Killer demanda le plus naturellement du monde :
— Lequel vous voulez ?
— Mais Papa a dit que on devait juste chercher deux gâteaux, et qu'on devait pas prendre autre chose au sinon on allait pas finir de manger.
Nuisance avait dit ça en regardant le plus grand, comme s'il essayait de déceler si cela était un simple test ou oubli de sa part. En voyant son sourire confiant, il comprit qu'il n'avait pas oublier ça ou quoi que se soit d'autre, il n'avait juste pas envi d'écouter cet ordre qui lui avait initialement été donné.
— Night sais bien que quand on rentre dans une boulangerie avec des enfants il faut aussi prendre une petite pâtisserie pour le gouter. Et si on les mange sur le chemin du retour, il n'en saura rien. Alors, vous voulez quoi ?
— Celui au chocolat là-bas, répondit rapidement le plus petit.
— On appelle ça un éclair au chocolat... Mais j'aurais pensé que tu aurais pris le chou à la crème.
Tout en disant cela, il désigna la fameuse pâtisserie, sachant que Aim ne pouvait pas lire les petites pancartes devant la nourriture.
— C'est vrai que ça a l'air bon, mais il n'y a pas de chocolat.
Le plus grand sourit avant de demander la fameuse pâtisserie, ainsi qu'un mille-feuille au vendeur. Pendant que ce dernier commencer à prendre la nourriture pour les mettre dans une des petites boites en carton fins, il redemanda la même question à l'enfant aux yeux vairons, ne voulant pas qu'il soit le seul à ne rien avoir. Ce dernier regarda de nouveau le plus grand dans les yeux, avant de retourner son attention sur son cousin qui lui souriait comme pour l'encourager à prendre quelque chose. Finalement il bredouilla d'une petite voix :
— Des macarons.
Le squelette à l'âme bicolore lui frotta la tête, pas surpris le moins du monde par ce choix. Puis lorsqu'ils partirent de la boulangerie, remerciant la tortue, il donna les petits gâteaux aux deux enfants, qui s'empressèrent d'en prendre un morceau. Nuisance tendit un macaron marron à Aim avant de rajouter :
— C'est au chocolat si tu veux gouter... Kills, Papa va être en colère contre nous s'il découvre qu'on lui a désobéit.
— Ne t'inquiète pas, il ne saura pas. Et puis, s'il le découvre, ce ne sera pas contre vous qu'il sera en colère, mais contre moi.
The two children entered the bakery, accompanied by Killer and greeting the shop assistant, a rather elderly turtle. They walked towards the shop windows, looking at the many tapestries and pastries on display: black forest, fruity cakes filled with cream, mille-feuilles, cream puffs, lemon meringue tarts, macaroons, chocolate and coffee eclairs, pains au chocolat and croissants.
"It looks so good", Aim exclaimed in front of the window with stars in his eyes.
After choosing two cakes, a black forest and a fruit cake, Killer asked most naturally:
"Which one do you want?"
"But Papa said we should just get two cakes, and that we shouldn't get anything else or we wouldn't finish eating."
Nuisance had said this while looking at the taller boy, as if trying to detect whether this was a simple test or an oversight on his part. Seeing his confident smile, he knew he hadn't forgotten that or anything else, he just didn't feel like listening to the order that had originally been given to him.
"Night knows that when you go into a bakery with children you have to take a little pastry for a snack. And if you eat them on the way home, he won't know. So what do you want?"
"The chocolate one over there," the little one answered quickly.
"It's called a chocolate eclair... But I would have thought you would have taken the cream puff."
As he said this, he pointed to the famous pastry, knowing that Aim couldn't read the little signs in front of the food.
"It does look good, but there's no chocolate."
The taller boy smiled before asking the vendor for the famous pastry and a mille-feuille. As the latter started to take the food and put it in one of the small thin cardboard boxes, he asked the same question to the child with the minnow eyes, not wanting him to be the only one without anything. The latter looked the taller boy in the eye again, before returning his attention to his cousin who was smiling at him as if to encourage him to take something. Finally he stammered in a small voice:
The skeleton with the two-tone soul rubbed his head, not surprised in the least by this choice. Then as they left the bakery, thanking the turtle, he gave the little cakes to the two children, who hurried to take a piece. Nuisance handed Aim a brown macaroon before adding:
"It's chocolate if you want a taste... Kills, Dad will be angry with us if he finds out we disobeyed him."
"Don't worry, he won't find out. Besides, if he does find out, he won't be mad at you, he'll be mad at me."
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pompadourpink · 2 months
hi mom what are your favorite french dishes? are there any snacks/foods that you would recommend from the supermarket? ty hope all is well <3
Hello dear,
Fully thought you were hoping for pot suggestions for a second! My list contains steak frites, raclette, quiche lorraine, gratin dauphinois and galette bretonne; in the North I love a moules/frites and a welsh (borrowed from Belgium). However, I think we are better at making sweet foods - I have a preference for mousse au chocolat, fondant au chocolat, tarte au citron meringuée and tropézienne although a quatre-quarts always hits.
From the supermarket, I suggest you try a few cheeses (I am a Brie girl but comté and tomme are good too) and check out the crisps aisle - the brand Brets is very appreciated. La laitière yoghurts are amazing. If you like a bit of sugar, Dinosaurus and violettes are personal favourites and Bonne Maman cakes might also make you very happy (and if you are in Carrefour, the fresh bakery/pastry aisle is huge and well-stocked).
If you drink, you can get something nice for pretty cheap (I wouldn't buy wine under 8€ as it can be quite bitter but anything else will be great) but I do not so I will let you pick!
Hope this helps! x
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sarahalainn · 1 year
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フランスでは #母の日
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ピンク ビーツスープ
#手作り #サラメシ👩‍🍳
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Mothers Day in France🇫🇷
Cheers to the super-mums of the world!
Pink beet soup & rose fresh from the garden
Apéritif (apricot, cheese)
Pink beetroot soup
Lemon meringue
Japanese egg cheese dish in vol-au-vent
Aqua Pazza
Mother’s Day should be every day
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Le menu de la fête des mères
Bonne fête des mères
feat. 🌹 du jardin
Merci pour tous les jours !
La fête des mères devrait être tous les jours
Apéro (abricot, fromage)
Soupe de betteraves
Tarte au citron meringuée
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Vol-au-vent à la japonaise
Aqua Pazza
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sunflower-eddiediaz · 5 months
Tarte au citron meringuée. I'm thinking about her.
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regimepure · 2 months
Tarte au Citron Meringuée : La Recette Parfaite pour un Dessert Inoubliable
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Vous cherchez à épater vos invités avec un dessert à la fois délicieux et esthétique ? La tarte au citron meringuée est la solution idéale. Avec sa pâte croustillante, sa crème citronnée acidulée et sa meringue légère, cette tarte est un véritable délice pour les papilles.
Les Ingrédients Nécessaires Pour préparer cette merveilleuse tarte, voici les ingrédients dont vous aurez besoin :
250g de farine
125g de beurre
100g de sucre
3 œufs
4 citrons
150g de sucre pour la meringue
Une pincée de sel
Préparation de la Pâte Commencez par préparer la pâte sablée. Mélangez la farine, le beurre coupé en petits morceaux, et une pincée de sel. Ajoutez un œuf et continuez de pétrir jusqu'à obtenir une pâte homogène. Formez une boule, enveloppez-la dans du film plastique et laissez reposer au réfrigérateur pendant 30 minutes.
Réalisation de la Crème au Citron Pendant que la pâte repose, préparez la crème au citron. Pressez les citrons pour en extraire le jus. Dans une casserole, mélangez le jus de citron, 100g de sucre et les deux œufs restants. Faites chauffer à feu doux tout en remuant constamment jusqu'à ce que la crème épaississe. Laissez refroidir.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, visitez → Recette de tarte au citron meringuée délicieuse
Cuisson de la Pâte Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Étalez la pâte et placez-la dans un moule à tarte. Piquez le fond avec une fourchette pour éviter qu'elle ne gonfle. Faites cuire la pâte à blanc pendant 15 minutes.
Ajout de la Crème au Citron Une fois la pâte cuite, versez la crème au citron refroidie sur le fond de tarte. Répartissez-la uniformément pour une belle présentation.
Préparation de la Meringue Montez les blancs d'œufs en neige ferme. Ajoutez progressivement les 150g de sucre tout en continuant de battre jusqu'à obtenir une meringue brillante et ferme.
Montage et Cuisson Finale Disposez la meringue sur la crème au citron à l'aide d'une poche à douille ou d'une spatule. Formez des petits pics pour une texture agréable. Remettez la tarte au four à 150°C pendant 10 minutes, jusqu'à ce que la meringue soit légèrement dorée.
Conclusion La tarte au citron meringuée est un dessert élégant qui allie l'acidité du citron à la douceur de la meringue. Facile à préparer, elle fera sensation lors de vos repas en famille ou entre amis. N'hésitez pas à essayer cette recette et à impressionner vos convives avec ce délice irrésistible.
Conseils de Présentation Pour une touche finale parfaite, saupoudrez légèrement de sucre glace avant de servir. Vous pouvez également décorer avec des zestes de citron pour un effet visuel encore plus attrayant.
Variantes et Astuces Vous pouvez personnaliser votre tarte en ajoutant des zestes d'orange pour une note plus douce ou en intégrant des herbes aromatiques comme la menthe pour une saveur rafraîchissante. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, visitez → Recette de tarte au citron meringuée délicieuse
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vanillafalvoredcoffee · 5 months
Do you have any information on Miss Watanabe Tomoe? I would like to learn more about her.
I wrote some things about her in this post! But it's only a just a little so I might have to tell you more about her here...
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Miss Watanabe Tomoe is partially inspired by Kumasawa Chiyo!
Mostly by her position as a janitor and a little bit of her mischievous personality and her tendency to be...pretty secretive hehe.
I just think that Kumasawa san is pretty cute! Especially when she interacts with the kids and I heard that the kids often rely on her for support :)
Other than that...I suppose i'll tell you random stuff about her.
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Miss Watanabe has shoulder length jet black hair with some bangs that's long enough to cover her eyes and a little bit of grey hairs here and there...she's pretty old you know so it's not unexpected, she's also has crow feet...no not actual crow feet...just the wrinkles on her eyes...because she smiles a lot! (it's be so cool though)
She almost looks just like any regular old middle-aged person at a first glance! Except that she could already be someone's grandmother if she has any kids.
She has a mole on her right eye and some on her back, she has some stretch marks around her tummy and hips too...her hands are also pretty veiny
She wears a white face mask on at all times, she's very self conscious about her looks :(
She actually likes her work outfit that looks kinda similar to a victorian maid, it's pretty covering and comfortable...just like how she likes it, She also likes the little hat that comes with it
Miss Watanabe has blood type A positive.
Her favorite drink are white wine...sometimes regular wine, occasionally she drinks expresso when she had a hard day.
Her favorite food / snack are Ham and cheese croissants, Tarte au citron meringuée, Opera cake, Flan , Financier, Chou à la créme...yep I know that's a lot.
She's actually meant to be similar to Mary poppins the first time I came up with her but I don't know how to portray it properly so I scrapped that idea.
She's very fluent in French but she's good at speaking Italian too, Mostly because she learns how to speak both of them at a very young age and that she traveled stayed at Paris for about 20 years just to further learn the language from that place.
She Mostly likes cleaning in her free time so she got many jobs that involves with it, the reason she worked at so many jobs and yet haven't retired yet is because she enjoys doing it...nothing else :)
Other than cleaning...she also likes Singing and listening to music, Her favorite song is La vie en rose 🌹
While doing her current job as a janitor at an orphanage, she occasionally interacts with the kids there for fun and helps them with whatever they have trouble with...she has nothing else to do after all, because of that maybe she's just a tiny bit better at taking care of the kids than the actual caretakers.
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bluebirdsongs16 · 1 year
desultory: 1) lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm; 2) occurring randomly or occasionally.
600 words of food porn and Aziraphale and Crowley enjoying each other's company under the cut~ 🍋🍰🍷
Preview: Brunch became luncheon became afternoon tea, their familiar ritual of finding excuses to linger.
Between them, the tarte au citron meringué de Menton with thyme gelée and honeycomb crystals disappeared in desultory bites. Aziraphale savored every dainty forkful, his expression melting into bliss each time the airy, whipped peaks kissed golden via brulée torch and rich, tart-sweet filling atop crumbly pie crust touched his palate.
Or so that was what Crowley imagined Aziraphale’s taste buds were experiencing. For him, it was enough that the aroma of citrus and lightly burnt sugar wafting in his direction blended nicely with the notes of his rather excellent sauvignon blanc. If somehow the wine in his glass had miraculously traveled back in time to become the particular vintage served at King Charles II’s table celebrating the end of Cromwell’s reign in 1660, well, the Ritz Carlton sommelier would never have to know. The poor woman was no doubt doing her best with the selections available to her.
A few bites of pie remained on the plate, but Aziraphale seemed to have forgotten them. He was lost in a story, recalling to Crowley the exact sensation of warm afternoon sunshine on his skin and the breeze off the sea in his face as he strolled through the lemon groves along the Côte d'Azur in 1905. Crowley had his own stories from those days, fond memories of the marble-and-gold Casino de Monte Carlo in all its glory. When he closed his eyes and pictured it he could still taste the cigar smoke and avarice in the air, could still hear the rustle of bills being counted and exchanged and the clinking of chips.
But he was content to let Aziraphale talk, to listen to him describe the absolutely exquisite lemon meringue éclair he’d found at the most darling petite boulangerie in Saint-Tropez, and how the dessert today reminded him of those sultry, languid summer days on the coast.
Crowley, too, remembered them fondly, and let Aziraphale’s vivid recollection tempt him into sniping the last bit of pie from the plate and popping the forkful between his lips. He couldn’t help grinning as he chewed, far too pleased with himself.
When Aziraphale’s reverie for the Riviera at turn of the last century gave way to the positively scandalized indignation Crowley expected from him, Crowley simply signaled for the waiter.
“Another tarte au citron meringué de Menton, please.” He gave the dessert’s name in melodic, flawless French. Just because he could. Then with a sleight of hand that would have made even lauded Professor Hoffman proud, he miracled their wine glasses full again without a single human noticing.
Having taken an indulgent sip of his newly refreshed Haut-Brion circa The English Restoration, Crowley settled more comfortably into his plush dining chair. Seated on the same side of the round table, it was easy to lean his long-limbed body into Aziraphale’s space with the feigned grace of casual movement.
”We’re not in any hurry, after all, are we, angel?”
"You wily old serpent.” As he said it, Aziraphale’s lips quirked up in that mischievous grin that suited him so well. He clinked their glasses together, and they drank.
To afternoons at the Ritz that would never end.
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springtiger95 · 1 year
Tarte au citron meringuée recipe
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For the crust:
1 ½ cups (180g) all-purpose flour
½ cup (115g) unsalted butter, cold and cut into small cubes
¼ cup (50g) granulated sugar
1 egg yolk
1-2 tablespoons ice water
For the lemon filling:
1 cup (240ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice
Zest of 2 lemons
1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
1/4 cup (30g) cornstarch
4 large eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup (60g) unsalted butter
For the meringue topping:
4 large egg whites
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 cup (100g) granulated sugar
>>> Video tutorial here &lt;;<<
Preheat the oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C)
Prepare the crust:
In a food processor, combine the flour, cold butter, and sugar. Pulse until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
Add the egg yolk and pulse again.
Gradually add the ice water, one tablespoon at a time, and pulse until the dough comes together.
Gather the dough into a ball, flatten it into a disk, wrap it in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
Roll out the dough:
On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough into a circle slightly larger than your tart pan.
Transfer the dough to a 9-inch (23 cm) tart pan with a removable bottom. Press the dough into the bottom and sides of the pan. Trim any excess dough hanging over the edges.
>>> Video tutorial here &lt;;<<
Blind bake the crust:
Line the crust with parchment paper and fill it with pie weights or dried beans.
Bake the crust in the preheated oven for about 15 minutes.
Remove the weights and parchment paper, then bake for an additional 5 minutes or until the crust turns golden brown.
Remove from the oven and let it cool.
Prepare the lemon filling:
In a medium saucepan, combine the lemon juice, lemon zest, sugar, cornstarch, eggs, and salt.
Whisk the mixture together until well combined and smooth.
Place the saucepan over medium heat and cook the mixture, stirring constantly, until it thickens to a custard-like consistency.
Remove the saucepan from the heat and whisk in the butter until melted and incorporated.
Pour the lemon filling into the cooled crust.
>>> Video tutorial here &lt;;<<
Make the meringue topping:
In a clean, dry bowl, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar using an electric mixer until soft peaks form.
Gradually add the sugar while continuing to beat until stiff, glossy peaks form.
Assemble and bake the tart:
Spread the meringue over the lemon filling, making sure to cover the entire surface and create decorative peaks.
Bake the tart in the preheated oven for about 10-15 minutes, or until the meringue turns golden brown.
Cool and serve:
Remove the tart from the oven and let it cool to room temperature.
Once cooled, refrigerate for a few hours to set.
Serve chilled and enjoy!
>>> Video tutorial here <<<
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mmfood · 2 years
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Tarte au citron meringuée - Made with love <3
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planetegg · 20 days
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Tarte au Citron Meringuée Dulce de Leche Melilot
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moulin-girault · 4 months
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À la table du moulin :
Avocat terre mer farci crème oeufs de lompe, bouillon de julienne épicé, en salade crevettes citron vert, bourrache et pâquerettes
Pavé de julienne sauce à l’oseille, lit d’orties braisées, riz, asperges vertes rôties, fleurs de sauge
Tarte au citron meringuée, soucis,
Chardonnay blanc
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sharmiscakes · 5 months
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mayonnaise-island · 5 months
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Tarte au homeland-citron 🍋 meringuée 🤌🏻💋
One day, an iconic woman made a wish : to make a lemon pie with the lemon she has been growing for 10+ years… what !!! ‘~-øwō-_.
So we made it happen with the hardest crust known to man just to make sure it flops a little bit. Men have to stay humble at all times.
To make the lemon cream :
Melt together at medium heat the juice of the lemon, a good handful of sugar, an unhealthy amount of butter.
While this is happening, beat one egg per lemon and then incorporate extra slowly the melted potion to the beaten egg. Return to the fire at extremely low /!\.
To finish it up, add half of a gelatin sheet (softened in cold water for 5 mins) and zest of your lemon.
Make it smooth and emulsified with an immersion blender if you want it to be actually good.
That’s all I’ll tell you today, honestly the meringue is just a classic Italian meringue with lemon juice beaten for 30 minutes and make the crust that you like because mines keep flopping.
Bisous .
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omagazineparis · 5 months
Savourez l'authenticité avec ce gratin de courgettes à la provençale
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Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment apporter un vent de fraîcheur méditerranéenne à votre cuisine ? Cherchez-vous une façon simple et savoureuse d'apprécier les courgettes ? Préparez-vous à découvrir le gratin de courgettes à la provençale, un plat réconfortant et plein de saveurs. Une recette provençale dans votre cuisine Le gratin de courgettes à la provençale est bien plus qu'un simple plat. En effet, c'est un voyage culinaire qui vous transporte directement en Provence, grâce à ses parfums d'herbes aromatiques et ses légumes gorgés de soleil. Ingrédients pour un gratin de courgettes à la provençale. Pour réaliser cette recette, il vous faudra : - 4 courgettes - 2 oignons - 2 gousses d'ail - 4 tomates - 100 g de fromage râpé - Thym, laurier, sel et poivre Réalisation du gratin de courgettes à la provençale, étape par étape Étape 1 : préparation des légumes Pour commencer ce plat, lavez et découpez les courgettes et les tomates en rondelles. Ensuite, Pelez et émincez les oignons et l'ail. N'oubliez pas, des légumes bien préparés sont la clé de la réussite de cette recette. À lire également : La tarte au citron meringuée inratable : recette savoureuse Étape 2 : cuisson des légumes Dans une poêle, faites revenir les oignons et l'ail. Ajoutez ensuite les courgettes, les tomates, le thym et le laurier et salez, poivrez et laissez cuire à feu doux pendant 20 minutes. Étape 3 : Montage du gratin Disposez les légumes dans un plat à gratin. Ensuite, saupoudrez de fromage râpé. Préchauffez votre four à 180 °C et enfournez votre gratin de courgettes à la provençale pendant 20 minutes. Étape 4 : savourez votre création Il est maintenant temps de profiter de votre gratin de courgettes à la provençale. En effet, le mariage subtil des courgettes et des tomates, relevé par les herbes aromatiques, constitue une véritable explosion de saveurs. Ainsi, ce gratin est une délicieuse manière de revisiter les légumes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK_C2tr9k2Y&pp=ygUmZ3JhdGluIGRlIGNvdXJnZXR0ZXMgw6AgbGEgcHJvdmVuw6dhbGU Un plat simple et savoureux Cette recette vous permet de combiner plaisir et équilibre. Simple à réaliser, il apporte une touche ensoleillée à votre repas. En effet, il s'agit d'une recette qui saura séduire toutes les papilles. Et voilà, vous avez maintenant toutes les clés pour réaliser un gratin de courgettes à la provençale. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à vous lancer ! D'ailleurs, profitez-en pour partager cette recette avec vos proches et régalez-vous ensemble. Après tout, la cuisine est avant tout un moment de partage et de convivialité. Alors, pourquoi ne pas planifier votre prochaine escapade culinaire en Provence ? Read the full article
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