#tarot card reading timeless
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katiep18 · 5 months ago
A Deep Dive into John's Dad: A Soulful Tarot Reading
In my latest reading, I connected with the energy of John's dad—a gentle, intuitive soul who embodies Pisces's compassionate and adaptable nature.
As I delved into the cards, I felt his deep sorrow and disappointment surrounding the tragic events in his life, particularly those involving his son. 
There's a profound grief, and his disappointment runs deeper than words. 
It's the pain where he doesn’t need to raise his voice—his quiet strength speaks louder than any outburst ever could.
Through this reading, I explored how John’s dad feels lost, overshadowed by stronger energies around him, particularly the Queen of Swords archetype. However, despite his sadness, his integrity shines through. 
The cards reveal that he sees right through the facade, the lies, and the manipulation around him. 
He’s a man who values honesty and honor, someone who would rather live by his principles than be swayed by the superficiality of material wealth. 
He also has a strong sense of heritage and pride in his family roots, which have been tarnished by recent events, causing him deep internal conflict. He longs for peace and to walk away from what no longer serves him.
This reading highlighted the importance of integrity and underscored how our family and soul connections come full circle, even through challenging times. 
Don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like a more personal reading or have any questions. 
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“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” 
~C.G. Jung
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Psychic Medium, Master Coach, Entrepreneur, Executive, and 20+ years in International Corporate Leadership, Empowering You to Shine Brilliantly.
This is all allegedly, my opinion. No facts here. This is for entertainment purposes only. Don’t come for me. I’m just a chick with a Tarot Deck. Everyone has Google, please do your own research.
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With Love,
🌹 Kate
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astral-lucy · 3 months ago
your next partner (PAC)
hello beautiful creatures! i'm excited to be back with another pick-a-card reading. i've been feeling romantic lately, so here goes a reading regarding your next partner. hope you enjoy it!
as usual, pick the picture that you feel most connected or drawn towards (pile 1 - up and left / pile 2 - up and right / pile 3 - down and left / pile 4 - down and right)
happy reading!
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#pile 1
wheel of fortune - eight of wands - knight of cups - six of swords - seven of coins
when i started to shuffle for this pile’s reading, “so high school” by taylor swift started playing, so maybe that means something to you. although this is a person i think you’ve known for a while, the wheel of fortune here shows a new stage of this relationship, and paired with the eight of wands this shows a period of excitement, passion - the typical honeymoon phase we all go through once we start a relationship. maybe you have been through a rough period emotionally, things haven’t been great for either one of you, and here comes a calmer time, you’ll have someone to rely on that’ll help you with all the love in the world. this relationship seems ideal, but there are a few cards here that advice making an effort to communicate correctly with each other. 
when i asked about the appearance of this person i got freckles! i also see that this person has a baby face or is a pretty childish person, someone with a lot of energy. i feel like they have lighter hair as well.  you can also expect this to happen literally at any moment now! this is something that is already happening and in the works. 
#pile 2
the hanged man - queen of cups - knight of cups - six of coins - nine of cups
“only love” by ben howard started playing when i started writing, and i feel like that’s how this connection feels like! this is someone new in your life, and your day to day will start to feel like this song. with the hanged man opening this reading i feel like this is someone who came in to change your perspective and opinions about love, and even about self love - but this card also tells you to be patient and advises not to rush into new relationships without being sure first, as not everyone will fit you. love is definitely on the horizon, just wait for it to come to you, as someone who is willing to listen to you and that will offer you all the attention you need is on the way. the six of pentacles here is asking you to give without expecting anything back, it advises you to be generous with yourself and the universe will be generous to you as well! a strong connection is coming 
when i asked about this person i got the five of coins, so this is probably someone who has gone through hard times and knows that feeling cared for is important. this is someone who has dark eyes, probably darker skinned as well. 
when i asked for timing, i saw that the winter time may be of significance, but this still may take a while to come to you. 
#pile 3
two of swords - ace of cups - six of coins - queen of swords - five of swords
wow, you may be indecisive regarding a relationship or taking a new step into a relationship, and you may be looking for advice. i think that this relationship has a great potential of being a safe space, somewhere you’ll feel loved and supported. you may be indecisive because you don’t want to lose your independence - but your partner understands how that is important to you and will respect it. there’s an emphasis on the important of communication, as you may have problems due to a lack of it, and what i see here is that you’re struggling to make things official because you’re afraid - talk to them! have the scary conversation. they understand. 
when i asked about appearance i got the emperor, which makes me think this is a person who has a lot of authority. i also think they’re someone with dark eyes but lighter hair. 
timing wise, regarding having a conversation or taking a new step, i’d say something will shift within the next ten days or the next two weeks. 
#pile 4
three of coins - three of wands - six of cups - king of coins - page of wands
i think someone you’ve had a crush on has looked your way! someone you’ve liked for a while is now noticing you in a romantic light, or maybe someone you tried to have a relationship with in the past is back. whoever this person is, they’re not 100% committed to you, they want to be your one and only. you may feel sparks, have a lot of passion and fun with this person, but you need to avoid being clingy or too jealous of this person, reminding you both how everyone needs space. the three of wands is an amazing card here, as it shows you good luck on your romantic choices. 
i think this person takes a great care of their appearance, especially their hair. 
i think this is going to become official in a few month, maybe around pisces season.
hope you enjoyed reading!
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littlemissmaples · 4 months ago
What does your Future Spouse look like?
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Pile One: Flowers
Whether your FS is male or female, I'm getting the impression that they have some similarities to Chapelle Roan, or simply just listen to her. I’ve already written everything I need for this reading, I’m just going back and polishing it, so I would like to take the time now to say that there are three consistent themes within this reading that appeared within this reading for me.
1. Your FS likely resembles a celebrity in some way (you’ve probably read another one of my PAC’s before and you fell under the pile where I talked about Zendaya and Tom Holland)
2. Your imagine of your FS isn’t entirely what you think. There is something here that is a little different than what you image or expected.
3. Some of you are Queer and want your FS to be a woman. (For some of you though, you could be straight but just don’t mind if your FS happens to be queer or a woman who has many partners before. Some of you are looking for a dominant woman lmao. You’ll have it, haha.)
Anyways, if that sounds like you, welcome, welcome, let’s get onto your reading!
If your FS identifies as a woman, there’s a strong chance she has a similar look or vocal tone to Chapelle Roan, this hasn’t leaved me as I typed, although I’m getting that she probably doesn’t sings much, if at all, although she may just have that striking tone to her voice and appearance as a whole. She may also be a theater kid or have more of a theater-kid vibe about her, although this may just be you more than her. There are some parallels between the two of you (I’m also getting red lips, take it if that resonates, drop if not.) they may have a lot of similarities to you if not in appearance than interest. (I’m getting Hamilton and 21 Chump Street for some of you, maybe she likes musicals.) As I mentioned before there is a bit of a queer energy here, although don’t worry if you’re not, i’ll get to those of you who’s partner is likely male in a minute, but I digress. If you’re looking for a woman, I’m getting you’re looking for one who’s not only queer but also has a bit of that femme-fatale, Joan-of-Arc kind of vibe to her, like she’s a mix of princess and knight with a Renaissance-like appearance. I’m getting she definitely has that. Although for some of you this is likely a “Dream” and you’re being asked to be a little bit more “realistic” about your FS, no that they don’t exist or you the way you imagine but some of you imagine this warrior of a woman with big bright red flowy hair, something like maxie from Under the Oak Tree maybe, (but less shy) when in reality, her hair may be more of a brown-ish red rather than that bright almost blonde-ish ginger red you would see in like a movie or something, or perhaps more of a dyed color red. I feel like for some of you your FS may not even have red hair but just have dark wavy brown hair and freckles and while they will be outspoken they’re likely a little bit more introverted than you expected, but this doesn’t mean she’ll be any less fun or into the kind of stuff you’re into, i’m getting this is somewhat of my kinky pile and some of you are looking for a dominant woman, you’ll have it, you’ll have it, but don’t reduce her to only that, okay, haha. <3
If your FS identities as male, I sense a mix of patience and a bit of impatience from you lmao, you’re sick and tired of waiting both for me to get to describing your FS and also you’re sick of waiting for him to show up, but I’m getting there’s this back-and-forth inside you of what you want your FS to look like vs what they’ll most likely look like. (I know what my next PAC is gonna be about now lol.) Look, my love, your FS might not match the exact picture in your mind. 
And that’s okay. I’m literally getting the image of a slightly sun-kissed, blonde-haired, bright-eyed, “golden retriever” type of boyfriend who could be a book lover and surfer who hangs out at the beach often and is a fond of marine life and what not, the “perfect” guy with a chiseled jaw and bright gorgeous brown eyes that make you melt under the sun. Thiiiis is not him lmao, but this does not mean this is “not” him. What do I mean by this.
Much like I told you, or the other side of Pile one if you skipped the first half. Your FS has some qualities about them that are different from what you expected. I get the sense that you’re afraid he’s not going to be your type and that you’re not going to be attracted and perhaps you try hard to let go of this and tell yourself that you’re okay with “any” type no matter how he looks like, but sugar, 1. It’s okay to have a type but 2. It’s okay to allow yourself to be okay to like someone outside of your type. You need to be a little bit more kind to your mind and understand that you have no idea what this guy looks like, perhaps you have very high standards or maybe even a light prejudice that holds you back from imagine him to look like anything except what you imagine him like, I’m not here to judge you but you need to understand that if you want to grow past this, healing does not come from judgment, you can’t grow and shame yourself all at once. If you’re judging yourself, ask yourself why, sit with that thought or feeling and see what it wants and why is it there, do whatever you need for yourself in that moment and then let it pass by and evolve. You’ll be just fine <3 But back to your FS, your FS is a criminally attractive. You might not notice it at first because they don’t look how you imagined in your head, but once you give them the space they need to shine in front of you, oh man you’re never coming back.
I’m getting some of you are looking for more of a “Golden Retriever” type boyfriend but you’re likely to end up with more of a “Black Cat” kind of personality. They might actually be Black, like African American (I’m getting some of you are African yourselves, perhaps you’re from West Africa, you might be the same ethnicity but don’t worry this man will NOOOOOT look like your father lmao) or if they’re a woman, they may have more “Cat-Like” eyes and be a little quieter and have sharper more model like features than what you expected, think Nara Smith but with more of a bolder, Alt style/personality. Anyways, your FS is hard for me to describe because of this very reason, whenever I go to say something about them, your energy comes in with a panic “NO!” you say, hahaha. For some of you, you have NOTHING to worry about and they look EXAAAACTLY what you imagine them to look like, but maybe with one tiny, itty, bitty difference like maybe they longer lashes than you expected or they have a beauty mark on their face. But for others, they look like how you imaged but 1 key treat is just the opposite. If they’re male I get the sense, you’re looking for someone whos has softer feature or maybe they’re “beautiful” in an almost feminine sense, your FS will likely be likely be like this.  I feel like this is a very beautiful guy or maybe this is just your rose colored glasses trying to paint him like that again, haha, guys, please, I promise he’s beautiful, he’s very pretty but I get the sense some of you are attaching an almost unrealistic standard to how he’s gonna look like. You’re really indecisive here arent you? I keep repeating myself in this reading, it’s wild. But I promise I get it, it ain’t your fault. But do know that your FS DOES looks like a celebrity of some sort, if it’s not someone you recognie then maybe they just have the appearance of someone who would do good under the public eye, someone who’s very aesthetic and dresses well. But do keep the whole “1 opposite trait thing.”
If you expect them to look feminine, they’ll likely be masculine with feminine features.
If you expect them to be be silent and reserved, they’ll likely be calm but very sociable.
If you expect them to be tough and a lonewolf, they’ll likely be warm hearted but stern in a way.
I’ve been all over the place with this reading, let’s focus solely on their appearance.
If female she may look like Nara Smith or Chapelle Roan, If male a celebrity isn’t coming into mind (instagram model for some) but whatever image of a person, celebrity or not it is that you have in mind is the “Base” of their appearance BUT, find a trait, whatever it is that sticks out to you the most and switch it for something else. If her hair’s short, it’s likely rather long. If she’s Tall in your head, she’s probably a littler short. If he’s thin and a bit more on the delicate side, imagine him to be lean in his built or with a slightly rugged edge. Brown or “Reddish” Brown eyes for them.
That’s all for now, haha, as wild of a ride as this was, I had fun, I hope this reading brought you something.
I hope to see you again babes!!
Pile Two: Bicycle
Wow.. I don’t know how to describe your FS to you, I suddenly got this overwhelming sense of peace over me. I was just listening to United In Grief by Kendrick Lamar and now my phone’s Playing Blue Dream which honestly tells me so much about them. I feel like this person is just, honestly, a dream, I want to say they’re so pretty, but honestly calling them a beauty would be almost an understatement. They could be very spiritual, I’m struggling to pick up if they’re male or female, they may be non-binary and Identify as they/them or they may just be somewhat genderfluid. If they’re a woman, they have some “masculine” features to them, perhaps thicker eyebrows and wider shoulders, but honestly these features of their just make them appear even more mystical and more elegant. They can have very clear skin. If they’re male they might have some more “feminine” features about them, like soft beautiful lashes or a little beauty mark under the eye like that of a 1920’s actress. This person makes me think of incense, perhaps they meditate often or light some nice incense around the house, they really have this lovely earthy-spiritual vibe about them. If they’re black they may be light skin with soft curls, though for some of you it’s a tighter curl pattern, for others of you this person is simply foreign she could be south african if a woman and kind of resemble someone like Tyla, if male their ethnicity could genuinely be anything, though I’m getting they’re likely very mixed, they really give me Jhene Aiko vibes which makes sense given how she’s Black, Japanese, Dominican and something else I believe??? Correct me if I’m wrong. Overall this man is a beauty, I’m not sure why the Movie Millenium Actress by Satoshi Kon is coming into mind, but like the main character he could have a very calm, yet determined demeanor to him, I’m getting he’s been patiently searching for love for a very long time, much like her, a love that he’s not sure he’ll ever come to cross but he’s possible he’ll find one day. Gosh I can’t wait for you guys to meet. 
Alright let’s continue talking about appearance, they may have a “sleepiness” to their eyes and a sweetness to their smile that’s very calming, they might wear very flowy clothing or comfortable loose fitting clothes. I want to say street wear but honestly it’s a little more modest than regular street wear, this is only for a few of you but they may be muslim. Even if they aren’t they’re very stylish but they have a uniqueness to their appearance you wouldn’t expect to find anywhere else, it’s like a mix of modern and ancient. Like Imagine mixing punk with decora but still somehow making it work. I get the sense your future spouse might either be experimenting with their style or simply not have singular style and likes to try out different clothes. 
This is also something not appearance related, but they may not talk much, they’re likely more a of a listener, they’ll likely like to hear you talk more, although I’m getting the sense you won’t be able to do much talking around them when they’re admiring you lovingly with those deep inquisitive eyes of their, haha. Honestly, being with this person is just going to bring you such a sense of peace and I get when they do open their mouth it’s always going to be the silliest thing that makes you laugh or something that’s thought provoking and inspires soul-searching. I recommend you listen to Blue Dream by Jhene Aiko, their energy to me feels so similar to this. I keep finding myself saying “What a Dream! What a Dream!” this could be you, or them although I get that you’ve never been with a person like this, I get that you might not expect to fall for them as hard as you did, but just know that when they met you, god, they knew it’d be no one else but you from that very moment <3
That is all my dove!
I hope to see you again, my dream!! (This could also be a nickname they might have for you or you for them now that I think of it <3)
Snoop Dogg keeps coming into my head during this reading, Idk why lol, it’s possible they may be very silly and good hearted or just have ADHD or be Neuro-Divergent in some way lmao.
Pile Three: Tabby Kitten
Pile one and two both had people who’s future spouse’s were likely Female, I’m sorry to say that if you’ve selected this pile expecting a woman, this is likely not for you. Wow, this person is MASCULINE like H.E.L.L honestly, they’re almost influencing the way I write, it’s very hard lmao to type casually like I do, but they’re very forward in the way that they talk. I feel like you likely know this person, I wouldn’t say this is an ex or perhaps someone that you’ve had a situationship with. I feel like they have a lot to say to you, I’m getting someone who’s more on the “Rough and Roudy” side, I almost don’t want to give physical descriptions, they’re someone who likes to banter a bit or sometimes be a little bit of a tease. They’re a lot to handle, maybe a bit intense but I don’t get that they’re toxic. This is for a few of you but he gives me “Booktok” vibes lmao, he might have tattoos. Is this guy real? Lmao??
I want today this guy doesn’t exist and I just got sma-OH SHIT!! WAAAAIT I GET IT. LMAOO.
Oh my gosh girl!! It’s not that he doesn’t exist, it’s that Y O U think he doesn’t exist!! This guy that you describe as your “boyfriend” could be like a mix of several book-boyfriends, he’s every troupe that you like but with a healthy-mindset-not-actually-toxic-and-wont-hurt-you-maybe-others-but-never-you vibe. BIIITTTCH AAAHH, oh my gosh, I feel like we’re at a sleep over and I’m geeking out with you. I get the sense that maybe you’ll be hanging out with friends and when you finally show them a picture of him they’ll all be screaming with you like I am. I really want to say this person is not real, but Jesus fuck, you’ve manifested this so hard I get the sense that this man actually does exist, like maybe you’re into super natural and your favorite character was Dean, he may look somewhat like Dean but with Tattoos and black hair and drives a motorcycle. Do you watch Doctor Who?? Are you a 90s kid or do you just like the aesthetic because I feel like I’m time traveling, maybe Dean isnt exactly your type but you’re more into a slender, pretty guy aesthetic who have piercings and isnt afraid to paint their hair and wear dark clothes. Lmao, I have no idea where this is going but sis I get that this person really exists, I’m not getting any opportunities to say no even as a joke. 
The only thing is though that there are two of you here, for some of you, you really want the bad boy boyfriend of your dreams and you’ll get him exactly and you imagine him! But for others of you this – OK, idk wtf I just pressed but my computer like glitched almost and I deleted half of everything I wrote before pressing Ctrl + Z to bring it all back. KEEP THIS MINDSET THAT YOU HAVE AND DO NOT CHANGE IT BECAUSE BABYGIRL YOU’RE ALMOST THERE!! The only warning I am getting is to NEVER settle for less, because for a lot of you, you might fall victim to depressive energies and wanting to heal someone else and trap yourself in toxic relationships with shitty guys who use rock music and punk aesthetic and “nonchalantness” as an excuse to be dickheads to their partners and the people they’re supposed to love. NEVER settle for less, you paved the way, maybe some of you have been in past toxic relationships already LET THIS GO and never fall behind again, pick yourself back up Queen (or King or Your Majesty if you’re male or a they/them <3) and PUSH!! PUSH FORWARD YOU GOT THIS!!
And finally some of you don’t give a damn about no future spouse or tarot stuff but you just wanted to pick a pile and read something for fun haha. For others of you your spouse themselves may be reading this together with you in the same room, haha, I’m rooting for you!
Anyways, whomever you are, I hope you get the experience of your dream with this person and that they treat you like absolute royalty, don’t always remember this, that you don’t need to be reminded by someone else that you’re worth treating correctly, you are and have always been special, you are and have always been worth loving <3
“See ya, princess <3” (they may call you this, that’s for a few of you)
I hope to see ya again soon!
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alyjojo · 1 month ago
PAC - January 2025 - Who’s Stalking You? 👀
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Pile 1: Whips 💥
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This would probably be the first pile one thinks of when they think of their “stalkers” - jealous bitches 💯 of the worst variety. Whips with Fury shows them being so bitter they can’t stand it, like you’ve stolen their opportunities or blessings, it’s your fault they don’t have what you have - or they just hate you for it. These are people that do NOT want you to win, and if they had the choice, they’d enact some kind of revenge on you to make sure you don’t…but it feels like most are powerless to do so, that’s why they’re so bitter, they can only watch you win and be all pissed off about it.
This stems from feelings of regret, wishing they’d have made different decisions or were offered different opportunities. If you have money, they don’t. If you had some kind of blessing or privilege to your life, they don’t. For some reason they were/are unable to do what you do, and rather than admire you or give you your flowers 💐, they just burn inside because it’s not them. These are not self-aware or mature people, they feel powerless to direct their own life (valid or not), some may be genuinely struggling (they’re largely unconscious of this behavior) and others just suck and it’s definitely intentional hate & evil eyes 👀 being thrown your way every time you have something positive going on, or just you existing. Your light irritates tf out of their demons 😈 They are all unaware or don’t care that this kind of energy & behavior won’t get them anywhere positive.
I don’t see them changing either, if they’re unaware then they’re unable, this is not a growth-minded group of people. They’d rather blame everyone else and point fingers, nurturing revenge fantasies and hating you then ask how you did it, or learn from you. Patience can show they may have felt this way for a long time, there’s no helping them. While it does show they could be in a not great situation, it’s also showing you are not expected to give af, they’re assholes. Red Moon shows their intentions, perceptions, fears, and triggers as delusional, pessimistic, hateful, angry and toxic. You can’t help these people, it’s up to them to help themselves and with 9 Pentacles rev, they won’t. If you even tried, they’d just despise you for being a person that tries 😆 Do you. Keep shining 🌟
Signs: Heavy Virgo & Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, Aries & Sagittarius - Jupiter Virgo, Mercury Taurus, Mars Scorpio
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Pile 2: Sun ☀️
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You are the pearl in the oyster and this is the group of people that knows this but they don’t have you anymore, and they miss you. It’s also the pile most likely for you to give them a call, because for most it’s family. Parents, grandparents, ex’s that aren’t toxic, but most feel like guardians of some kind. Teachers, bosses, leaders, older siblings, people who tried to steer you in a direction that wasn’t for you - and you went your own way anyway and SUCCEEDED. That’s the thing, and there is shame here in these people…but it’s like the intentions were good? People misjudged you. They thought you were like them, or the rest, or some other experience that narrowed the mind and put you in a box.
All of you have reached some level of success, recognition, status, maybe fame in some way - or at least on the path you’re on, you’re well known. Or you will be. There’s guilt here about not supporting you in the way you needed, not loving you correctly, and ultimately losing you. Could be divorced parents for someone, an estranged parent, someone that…it’s like they didn’t believe in you, or brushed you off. Like your whole life you drew pictures and got in trouble - now you’re an artist, that’s the vibe. They know they can’t take credit and that they tried to force or steer you in directions that weren’t for you. If you’re one of several children, you could’ve all been parented the same way; these are the rules, these are the goals, in this family we all go to this college and study Business…and you’re the artist. Or the gay kid. Or the theater kid, I’m definitely getting theater strongly. That’s the vibe 💯
The point of it all is love, Eternal Love with the white heart is showing purity and coming from the right place, even if they were wrong. They want forgiveness, want you to call, if it’s an ex they see you clearly now and want you back. For some there was a particular event that caused an ending, there could’ve been heavy Judgment energy and a lack of feeling supported, some of you may have ran away or did something impulsively - or they did. It ended. There’s also a note here about passed on loved ones, if a tragedy happened where you couldn’t say goodbye or the last words were in anger/judgment, they’re okay, they’re with you all of the time and support you now 🙏 There’s no lingering anger just love.
If none of that applies, then these people simply miss the time they had with you, the lollipop 🍭 shows childhood - for most it’s your parents or someone like that. They’re nostalgic and look at old pictures of you, they miss the little kid coming in with muddy shoes even though they always yelled about it - now they wish they didn’t. This one made me cry ngl. Call your grandma or whoever this is…they feel like they can’t access you. Either you’re busy, they think you’re angry, they don’t want to impose, The Pathless shows them feeling like there are no options or you’re not on their path anymore and they can’t. For some that’s true. For others they’re leaving it up to you, but the love is genuine, they are both proud of you and ashamed of themselves in some way - maybe too much - and they don’t want you to know that, because they do want you to be happy. Even if you don’t, the love is never ending and they’ll just keep watching from afar 🧡 For the passed on loved ones, they know you’re sad or lonely without them, and they just want you to know they’re okay and they’re watching you WIN - they want you to win & they’re proud 👏
Signs: Heavy Scorpio & Cancer, Gemini & Capricorn - Saturn Gemini, Mars Taurus, Mars Aries
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Pile 3: Letter ✉️
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Heh 😏 This is the “you were right” pile 😆 You are some sort of a teacher to this person, could be a parent, ex, friend, stranger, doesn’t matter - YOU are wise and they are/were…manipulative, liars, schemers, cheaters, fools of some variety, and you didn’t deserve it if they did any of that to you. Now it’s 50/50, sure some are sorry but they’ll never admit it; others would just do it again and they know they would, even if they also know you’re right.
Even if they’re wrong, and even if you’re often right, these people quietly judge everything you say or do just looking for the one thing that’s like SEE THEY’RE WRONG LIKE ME, like this somehow excuses their own shitty behavior. They think YOU think you’re better than them when you’re just an honest person, and you even drop some pearls of wisdom on them because you’re not a judging sort of person either - you share the wealth of whatever you’re doing. A genuinely kind person. So you are better, as a human generally. Fuck you though 😆 They could too but they’d rather be immature and sabotagy. These are also people you need to watch out for, they see your kindness as weakness, stupidity, or naïve - while also knowing you’re a good person like wtf guys…if you have a platform or social media, this would be the trash diggers of the bunch. Digging for trash so they can compare yours to theirs, you to them, and I’m seeing raccoons 🦝 which made me laugh. Some may want to or try to steal from or copy you, manipulate things, even try to flirt or butter you up - but it’s with this shady ass manipulative energy - it’s not going anywhere. You feel untouchable to them because they’re not on your level, whatever level that is, it’s that simple.
Letter shows you receiving good news, which makes these people squirm, anything positive being said about you or happening to you. Everyone has their haters /ignore. If you post helpful things, recipes, dance is here showing some amazing craft or talent you do, religious stuff, wholesome happy healthy anything - these people don’t understand wtf healthy or wholesome is, so they mock and criticize and dig for trash. Let them? I mean they’re still watching. Your biggest haters are clearly just misguided fans 🥳 Some may be complete strangers, most of them even, I don’t see these people being in your life for the most part, nor do I see you noticing or caring at all. You just keep doing you boo, clearly you’re doing something right or they wouldn’t have to dig so much for something that’s wrong. You’re out here dropping wisdom, knowledge, guidance, helpful advice, whatever - let them talk, at least they heard you, and if/when they find themselves in positions where they need what you’ve said, the best karma is the burn they feel when “you were right.” Unconsciously even, for most 🤗
Signs: Heavy Scorpio, Libra, Cancer & Taurus - Venus Sagittarius, Mars Virgo, Jupiter Scorpio, there’s also a Gemini vibe but it feels like you or communication is what it’s all regarding
———————————————- 🖤
Pile 4: Garden 🪴
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I’m getting two sets of people with this pile, the fans and the opposition.
The fans see you as a Muse, whatever it is that you do, you probably have a lot of friends, fans, admirers, love options potentially, and they’re afraid they don’t compare, that you don’t like them back or you’re out of their league. Deep rooted insecurity, shyness, projections - but essentially they just want to BE you or at least be in your energy. Some may want to be with you romantically, but that’s a side note not the main idea, most are fans. Friends, people that think you’re really cool and they wish they could hang out with you or do what you do. You’re like a guide for these people and they deeply appreciate your contribution to whatever it is you do 🥳 You may inspire them to make decisions in their own lives, and not even know it.
The opposition feels like “the patriarchy” or some shit, that’s the vibe. You don’t do things their way, you contradict their “facts”, they may not appreciate the gifts you have to offer and as such they only want to control, cage, maneuver, schedule, criticize, keep you small because how dare you be out here just doing you and being great at it. Or they feel that way about you and it’s all switched. You could be part of a group that is in opposition to another group and it’s the whole other group watching. It’s like white collar jobs vs. community volunteers, you can’t compete where you don’t compare and these people do not compare but they’d be the ones like “glad our tax dollars are going towards playgrounds”…shut up. No one cares. Luckily, this group is a scattered few.
Most are fans that ADORE you, your group or community, and whatever you’re doing. You inspire others and really make an impact with whatever you do. Teachers, counselors, community centered things, music directors, it feels very people oriented and not very rigid - it’s the rigid people with an issue or comment. “The man.” Does not have to be A man. I’m miserable and you should be too. I’m taught one way, you should be too. Ick. For some it’s literally the government or some higher organization that doesn’t support what you do. I’m seeing Planned Parenthood, don’t @ me I promise idgaf, I see what I see be mad. I’m also seeing charities…and what are those dances that everyone gets together on the street and films for TikTok or something, I’m seeing those too. Community support or a generational thing even, the boomers are mad at you guys 😆
The fans though, you’re making a difference in the lives of other people, changing perspectives, inspiring change, getting support, and you’re doing it in a way that’s giving people LIFE. Changing the narrative. Forging your own path with all of this Aries energy, both within and some stalkers maybe. Most people want to be you, or they want to help, want to take a part in this or have a seat at your table - in support. It’s admirable and most of you that chose this, I don’t get you being closed off to anyone, though they may fear it. Locked Heart ❤️ came out reversed, you’re someone always willing to make new friends, invite people to your table, it’s giving “the more the merrier,” which is great! Ignore the naysayers and let them squirm idk, for the most part it’s showing them as silent. In this pile, the winners are louder than the losers 📣 and if you’re feeling unappreciated, just know there are way more people that love and support you than hate you - you got the sauce and you’re widely adored. Idk if you’d even know the haters, they’re quiet and will stay that way, just leave ‘em be. You’re deeply appreciated where it matters 💚
Signs: Heavy Aries, Virgo, Leo & Capricorn - Jupiter Aries, Moon Leo
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earthkittytarot · 1 month ago
By EarthKittyTarot.
Choose a cat that you feel the most drawn too, if anything calls out to you from the image that is your cat/oracle message!
Top left cat🪓: 1
Top right cat 💅🏼: 2
Bottom left cat😛:3
Bottom right cat🔮:4
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Pile 1:
Middle world present.
Our here and now is largely based on media information, much of which creates an illusion of separation. Many perceive the present as the only reality open to us. The present we have created is not without roots or branches. Do not become lost in this middle world of paradoxes and conundrums. Look ahead to the branches and be mindful to tend to your roots.
Stop living in the past. Your desire for yesteryear is holding you back. Fears for the future do not serve you. Release your worries.
Make a list of all you are grateful for. Meditate to help you focus on the present. Striking a balance between roles is key.
The place that you reside is here, Upon this earth realm, have no fear.
Live firm betwixt and in between, Connect with all, seen and unseen.
Overall message: Spirit is asking you to focus on the present and on what you can control which is your mind and thoughts. Do not live in the future or the past, as that is causing stress and fear in your present, rather take time to delve into your own inner world where peace of mind can be found. If you are feeling lost, reconnect to your roots, as they will allow you to see where the road leads to. Do not focus on the news or media as that could make you feel a sense of yearning for peace, truth is peace and balance can be found In the present moment despite narratives that are being portrayed. Do not fear, you are here. (In the present and in the moment).
Pile 2:
Altar Honouring.
An altar is a sacred space in which to honour Great Spirit. Nature itself is an altar to the shaman, but having your own altar (Thaan) helps you to focus on rituals, ceremonies and prayer. It is for the laying out of ritual tools and for holding pictures or artefacts of chosen deities and ancestors. It is a place of worship and of honouring personal beliefs. It is a meeting place between the ordinary and spiritual realms.
Honour that which is sacred to you. Make room for quiet time.
Dedicate an altar in your house or garden to that which you are aligned to spiritually. Focus will bring desired results. Make time in your day for gratitude and thanksgiving. Time for reflection.
Precious gifts and sacred items lay bare, Holding a space to bless all that is there.
Ancestors, elementals, directions and more Come speak with them and be reassured.
Overall message: Spirit is asking you to create an altar, similarly your body is an altar that you can nourish and adorn; what are you feeding yourself, wether it be mentally or physically, what type of materials are you wearing ? How are they making you feel?(higher quality materials can help you). The time is now to create an altar and a sacred space for you to connect with and assist those in spirit. Place your ancestors or deities favorite items, food or colors on your altar and make it your own. Spirit is saying to personalize your altar to your energy, place things that can bring you peace and relaxation. Spirit is also saying that you are creating this internally as well, commence the creation of your sacred space within and externally. Go to your altar for answers and insights, the answers may be more clear than you think.
Pile 3:
North solitude.
According to Native American and other aboriginal peoples, the north represents recuperation, self-reflection and readjustment.
Associated with the element of earth and the season of winter, north is about personal lessons that can test physical and emotional boundaries and expose the primal self. 'Going north can be a major turning point as much is gained from first-hand experience and achieving something alone without the influence of others.
You have come so far, please don't give up. There is light at the end of the tunnel. All good things come to those who wait. A time of great blessings, that may seem disguised right now. You are on the right path. Be patient. Time on your own serves you well.
When times are hard, you will survive, You have the knowledge to stay alive.
It is within you, the courage and will, To be alone, stay calm and still.
Overall message: Spirit is saying “through turmoil a blessing will soon be revealed”. Continue walking the path you are on, as that is the path you’re meant to be on. You have the knowledge about your chosen path and now is not the time to listen to naysayers or your own imposter syndrome. Time alone serves you well, as you will be able to determine the next steps. If confusion has set in and you don’t know what to do, remain still, in time you’ll know what to do. Continue your walk on this path and journey. Do not give up just yet. The flower will sprout.
Pile 4:
Cave - retreat.
Across continents and beliefs, caves provided shelter for prehistoric humans and are gateways to the underworld. Many great prophets including Jesus, Elijah and Mohamed where born in, lived in or were buried in sacred caves. They are the abode of hermits and sages, a place of spiritual retreat or the transition from isolation and fear to rebirth within the womb of Mother Earth.
Focus on you. Get away from it all. Retreat to a spa, enjoy a massage or take a sea salt bath to revive your spirit. Your soul craves quiet time. Rest and recuperate without guilt, in preparation for the next leg of your journey.
Rest ye from thy weary feet,
As I invite you to retreat.
Now heal within my sacred womb,
Restoration shall resume.
Overall message: Spirit is saying you and your sacred energy is being revived. Retreat into your abode wether it’s a house or a cave. Rebirth is happening now in your life and nature and caves call out to you. Rest and rejuvenate, do things that bring you physical healing. Your body has been through so much, retreat into a cave and ask earth and cave spirits to assist in healing and in your rebirth. Remove yourself from obstacles, overthinking and harsh energies, this time is for resting and recuperating, a break may be needed. Spiritual retreats taken will bring newfound peace and balance. If you lost something or feel something missing, retreat into a cave and gain spiritual insight.
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jupitersdescendant · 1 year ago
hii lovely people! hope everyone is doing as well as possible. can’t believe it’s been over a year since my last reading… a lot of sh*t has happened in my life but i’m so glad to be back, finally! thanks to those of you who are still here :)
todays topic: blessings coming to you this spring
here’s how it works: close your eyes and meditate on the question for a little. if you feel ready, open your eyes and choose the pile you feel the most drawn to. it’s possible, that you’ll be attracted to more than one pile. please remember that this is a general reading so only take what resonates. this is for entertainment purposes only. lastly, tarot is only a guide, nothing is set in stone and at the end of the day you have the power over your own life.
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Pile 1
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cards: six of cups (rx), page of cups, strength. back of the deck: the magician.
hii pile 1!!
i’m seeing that there’s recently been a big change or rather an upheaval regarding your home life/living situation. some of you may have moved out and it didn’t go as well as planned. no matter the situation, it all happened rather suddenly. it seems like many of you feel like the ground was swept from under your feet and you were left feeling vulnerable. you could’ve been struggling with reoccurring headaches. there’s a big focus on independence and standing on your on feet this spring. i’m seeing that you’ll be blessed with affection. for some of you this means that someone from your past may reenter your life and this time around you will get the chance to appreciate them the right way, probably more in a platonic/friend way but it could differ for everyone. you two could come together after parting because of a fight. for others this affection is coming in through someone new entering your life and awakening your romantic side. it actually looks like some of you may even fall in love and for a couple of you this could mean for the very first time in your life since there’s a feeling of innocence here. this is random but fish could carry a special meaning for you during this time, wether you see a symbol or real ones or even here about them, they’re definitely a sign for you. this spring you will find that your inner strength will carry you through whatever is going on in your life. you may have to juggle a couple of things but that strength will help you build a comfortable foundation within yourself. there’s a lot of water energy in this pile and i’m seeing that you’ll be blessed with good intuition and that you’ll also trust your own judgment more. you will awaken more to your spiritual side since spirituality will play a big role to you this season. it’s also one of the reasons why you may feel stronger and more sure of yourself. even though you probably won’t enter this spring under the best of circumstances, you’ll find that you’re blessed with what it takes to persist any incoming obstacles. with an active and confident energy you can move towards the life that you want and find that it’s already waiting for you.
extra advice:
- embrace the changes even if you don’t feel ready or prepared yet
- see the good that is already in your life, there are blessings all around
- put your strength into something positive
- trust the divine timing of the universe
let me know if it resonates! have a great day/night 🖤
Pile 2
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cards: page of swords, judgement, nine of swords (rx). back of the deck: the devil (rx)
hii pile 2!
so it looks like there’s a person of romantic interest in your life but it doesn’t seem you’re official and probably more like somehow waiting on them? it doesn’t feel like there’s really something going on between you two and even if there is, it seems that the situation is standing still and you’re waiting for them or for something to happen. i’m sorry to break it to you, dear, but i don’t think that this is really going anywhere and that you shouldn’t wait anymore and accept that it’s rather unlikely for the situation to improve if you relate to the scenario i’m describing. since it looks like this person isn’t even an active part of your life anymore (at least for most of you), i think you should release what’s in the past and not be still hung up on them. sorry if this sounds harsh, i only want whats best for you! i think this spring will help you realise that the situationship you may be in is only holding you back and that you should detach yourself from this. i now this really doesn’t sound like a blessing yet but through letting go you’ll be blessed with an awakening and will find your inner calling. you’ll also overcome a lot of anxiety and will learn to cope in a healthier way when dealing with your mental struggles. i think that you’ll really flourish this spring. i’m seeing you stepping into your “king”- energy and yes, everybody can embody the energy i’m talking about. in this case it means that you’ll be full of strength and warmth and that you’ll embrace more of the leader energy in yourself. you don’t necessarily need to lead people since that’s definitely not for everyone but it’s more like the vibe and mentality a leader carries. you may also inspire others with that change you made within yourself. the number three could be a sign from the universe to you showing you that you’re on the right path. you’re probably not the best when it comes to confrontation or standing up for yourself but this spring will help you leave this behaviour behind for your own good. i’m not gonna lie, this whole process will be kind of exhausting though it will bring you much more happiness once you’re through with it. in doing so you’ll be reclaiming your power and be blessed with a lot of internal freedom and independence. this season will also bless you with optimism.
extra advice:
- work to regain your confidence
- learn ways to strengthen your opinion of yourself
- show your inner light to the world and let your personality shine through
- if you have been dwelling on your past, try finding the light or blessings of each memory and release them with love
let me know if it resonates! have a great day/night 🖤
Pile 3
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cards: eight of cups, three of wands, nine of pentacles. back of the deck: five of cups
hi pile 3!!
i’m seeing that you’ve recently had to leave something behind. what exactly that is will differ for everyone but all of you had to walk away from something. this was a very difficult decision for you but you had to do for your own wellbeing. your focus now will be on solitude and what you’ll find through it. this is a time of soul searching and looking for your own path. i think it was very hard for you to leave this “something” behind and that you resisted making this decision for a long time because you were really afraid what this change would bring you. i’m here to tell you that this will have a purely positive outcome for you since you can finally move forward. you can be proud of yourself. this change will bless you with happy outcomes. you may find joy in exploring new things and travelling this spring. a couple of you could even be blessed with luck regarding money. in order to reap your rewards you should try to let go of selfishness and jealousy, of course everyone experiences these emotions but i think that you could get hung up on these feelings and really harm yourself and maybe even others in doing so. if you manage to do this, there’s only prosperity waiting on the other side of you. blessings in form of more freedom, security and independence will flow toward you (reoccurring theme for every pile it seems lol). i’m hearing that you’ll rise like a phoenix from the ashes. the past few weeks or even months could’ve been a real emotional struggle for you and you felt very lonely. some of you experienced a great loss in your life that left you in sadness and despair. i think you will be happy to hear that love will find your life again, wether this is romantically or platonically will differ for everyone but just know that you’re not alone. this spring will bless you with feeling more in harmony within yourself and also with others.
extra advice:
- create the shift within yourself required to attract what you want
- be tender and patient with yourself and those around you
- trust you will attain all you are yearning for
- be ready for the many opportunities coming to you
- this is the time to go within for answers, to find inner strength and to tap into deep emotions
let me know if it resonates! have a great day/night 🖤
🔮 thanks a lot for reading 🔮
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shopwitchvamp · 8 months ago
My latest tarot reading is -here-, for those who are feeling a bit stuck these days:
And if you are feeling stuck, I've got just one question for you-
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(Spoiler alert: Yeah, you do.)
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seductressiren · 1 year ago
18+ reading (LOVER)
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What are your lover’s kinks?
What is it about you that makes your lover crawl to you?
How will your lover give you oral?
What sexual fantasy does your lover imagine of you?
Your first time with your future spouse/current lover
What will aftercare be like with your lover?
What is it about you that makes your lover forget everyone else?
What are your future spouse’s inner thoughts when they see you naked?
What are some quirks during sex that your future spouse will adore?
What makes your future spouse horny around you?
Which sex position is your future lover’s favorite and why?
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thecosmicangel · 1 year ago
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If you feel called to participate and pick a photo please do so as it may contain a message for you. Please take a few seconds to breathe in and out with the intention of being guided towards the photo that holds a message for you and turn your attention inward. Once you feel ready, pick a photo you feel most drawn towards. I channeled the messages with the intention of reaching the people that need to hear this message in divine timing, as well as making the message timeless and not having a time frame. Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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lovebvni · 7 months ago
Pick - A - Pile !! (old, 10.30.21)
Hey my loves! I'm doing bi-weekly pick a piles now! While I was shuffling a bit tarot was calling my gay ass out so uHmMMM yeah!
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Today we will be answering 5 questions submitted by the one and only Rozy!! If you have any  questions, you can dm me for a private reading or submit them in the comments~ The questions I use will be shouted out by the submitter.
I also put the cards I pulled for your own interpretation if you understand how tarot works <3
The 5 questions for today are...
1) Why are you not shifting? (some advice)
2) What major steps can YOU take to advance in your shifting journey?
3) How do people see you in your dr?
4) Little message from your s/o.
5) What your s/o thinks about you *when they get to know you ofc*
Breathe in.. Now breathe out...
Listen to your intuition and pick an emoji
🎗️ | 🎃 |🔮| 🎴
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Hi pile 1!
Welcome to your reading! Take what resonates and leave the rest! If this pile doesn't say anything that goes with you, then try the other piles! I know everyone doing this pick a pile is supposed to be here so! 
1) Why are you not shifting? (some advice)
Cards : 2 of Swords reversed, Ace of cups reversed, Page of Pentacles.
There's a liar in your life, perhaps someone you were close to and they're bring you down in some way?? "Honesty is the best  policy". They're being unfair to you in some way? Maybe its you bringing yourself down? STOP THAT! YOU'RE LYING TO YOURSELF YOU'RE POWERFUL AND CAN SHIFT! Go on Youtube and search some shifting motivation! Now!!
2) What major steps can YOU take to advance in your shifting journey?
Cards : 2 of Swords, King of Wands reversed, Strength reversed.
Plan ahead, maybe start a shifting routine! That will help you, a lot! Look to someone with a good shifting routine for advice, don't overwork yourself so that you HAVE to do it, just some simple things. Work on your hope and desire to shift, stop just being like 'Dammit didn't shift again' KEEP TRYING DAMMIT!
3) How do people see you in your dr?
Cards : Knight of Cups, 8 of Wands reversed, Ace of Pentacles.
Maybe as someone who's famous, with a lot of money, a protector, 111% a protector, you aren't so much territorial, more as wanting to keep everything and everyone safe. Maybe you're privilaged (I CANT SPELL) but you also want to protect EVERYONE you meet no matter if they're like Bakugou or Deku.
4) Little message from your s/o.
Cards : The Moon reversed, Judgement, Ace of Swords reversed.
Stop being so fearful, I love you no matter what you look like. You're so pretty/handsome. You're so smart and I can tell. The Universe knows you deserve this and I'm sorry that it seems hard to you. Hold on, everything is gonna work out for the better. Love u lots!
5) What your s/o thinks about you *when they get to know you ofc*
Cards : 5 of Wands, 7 of Pentacles reversed, The Chariot.
You're a fighter, You don't take no for an answer and they admire you for that! You keep moving forward no matter how hard its getting, I know you can do anything you put your mind to. Pick your head up, screw it back on, and keep walking. Run. You're getting closer everyday.
Phrases and numbers: Almost there - Disney's Tiana, 3, 9, 7 ,64, 30, Halloween, IcyHot, "God help me.", "Good greef", "I need my damn music shut up"
pile 2
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Welcome pile 2!
This is your reading, only take what resonates. Check out the other piles if you don't get anything from this one!
1) Why are you not shifting? (some advice)
Cards : King of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, King of Cups.
All suited cards, wow. You guys def have something going on that you're trying to fight, try to put that aside and work on shifting some more. Have more hope and try manifesting - maybe even sigils.
2) What major steps can YOU take to advance in your shifting journey?
Cards : Temperance, 8 of Cups, Knight of Swords.
Be patient, remember divine timing. You have so much to give, try some new hobbies and you are ADDICTED to trying to shift - take a break please. Over working yourself to shift and not taking a break makes it even harder to shift in my opinion, take a break this weekend.
3) How do people see you in your dr?
Cards : 8 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles, and 3 of Pentacles
All I'm getting is someone who's rich LMFAO!! Rich in spirit maybe? You're probably social in your dr with your family, lots of family events and shit. Hanging out with friends, I don't see you going to like high school parties or anything, just gathering with your friends.
4) Little message from your s/o.
Cards : 9 of Swords reversed, 3 of Wands, 8 of Cups reversed.
They think about you, a lot. They see you as someone smart, funny, and a little bit SPICY. They love you so much - the song Electric Love comes to mind
5) What your s/o thinks about you *when they get to know you ofc*
Cards : King of Swords reversed, 4 of Pentacles, 10 of Swords reversed
Like you're their wish, the thing they've been waiting and hoping for - FOR A LONG TIME. Maybe manifesting you just they love you and don't want to let you go. They're worried you may not like them overtime to reassure them when you shift.
Phrases and numbers: "Get your head from between your legs", "MONEYYYY", Electric Love, Denki Kaminari, I wanna be your slave, Wii Tennis *game and song*, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Hanta Sero, Eijiro Kirishima, ADHD, 444, 222, 764
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pile 3
How ya doin pile 3?? *bites lip*
Remember, this is a GENERAL reading so only take what you feel resonates. Check out the other piles if you dont feel like anything resonates. Some of you guys may have been drawn to pile 2 so check that one out too. TW: ABUSE/SELF-HARM, TRAUMA.
1) Why are you not shifting? (some advice)
Cards : The Tower reversed, Page of Cups, The Hierophant reversed.
Idk why but whenever I get the Hierophant card my throat starts closing up? Idk if you feel like someones choking you out sometimes, or something. You feel like everything is against you, please don't think that - that's the reason you aren't shifting. Something is falling apart in your life, maybe take a short break for your mental health.
2) What major steps can YOU take to advance in your shifting journey?
Cards : King of Swords, 2 of Wands, The Moon.
Embrace your power, you're like the most POWERFUL PERSON EVER!  Also try and talk to some tarot readers/ mediums and ask them what you should change in your habits. You're going to shift soon tho! Success is around the corner.
3) How do people see you in your dr?
Cards : 10 of Cups reversed, 5 of Wands reversed, Page of Wands.
This is from a sibling/co-workers perspective. You're not one to argue when people are wrong, rather rant how they were wrong to yourself later, someone who would talk to a wall. They look up to you and think you're pretty cool
4) Little message from your s/o.
Cards : Justice, 3 of Cups, 5 of Wands
They see you as someone who's cool and collected. You deserve the world and you bring everyone joy when you talk to them, you probably drink in your dr so you're a little bit COOCOO
5) What your s/o thinks about you *when they get to know you ofc*
Cards : 2 of Cups, The Empress, Death.
You're the only person they trust enough to rant to ;c Sorry that's adorable. They probably look down on themselves in one way or another, and you really help them with that. They see you as royalty, they'd do almost anything for you - LIKE LITERALLY SACRIFICE THEIR LIFE - BESTIE UR INTO ANGST STOP!!
Phrases and numbers : Eijiro Kirishima, ADHD, "I love you to the moon and back", Burn - Billie Eilish, Fire signs, firey personality, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Trauma, Triggers. 3, 333, 9, any multiple of 3 thats an odd number really, the Holy Trinity.
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pile 4
FINALLY PILE FOUR!! YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW HOW LONG PICK A PILES TAKE GODDAMN!!! Remember, general reading - check out the other piles if nothing resonates!
1) Why are you not shifting? (some advice)
Cards : Queen of Swords, 4 of Cups, The Hanged Man reversed.
You're manifesting shifting, and that's great! You're just not really focusing on actually TRYING to shift! Maybe you're being selfish in some part of your life. Try encouraging other people and realize everything is more than just physical, everything has a spiritual side.
2) What major steps can YOU take to advance in your shifting journey?
Cards : Knight of Wands, 5 of Wands reversed, Knight of Cups, 10 of Swords.
Realize your pain isn't your own, another person can be going through a similar thing. Open up to others and realize you're strong - you're living rn and you're still pushing to shift, Some of you guys have been on this shifting journey for almost a year - it's going to pay off. The pain in your cr isn't going to last.
3) How do people see you in your dr?
Cards : Queen of Wands, 6 of Pentacles, 9 of Wands
People are jealous of you, especially girls/women. Maybe you're hot and they want you? Bestie I would fight them for u/hj. They have no idea how hard it is for you on the inside and when they find out - they'll be supportive - I promise so many people will be there to love and support you.
4) Little message from your s/o.
Cards : 9 of Pentacles reversed, Queen of Swords, 6 of Wands.
You're not much of a planner are you? You let fate decide. You rarely have weekend plans and you just let the Universe guys you. They love how free spirited and loyal you are. I think this is how you and your s/o agree on things, fate and sometimes the spirtual like mediums and shit.
5) What your s/o thinks about you *when they get to know you ofc*
Cards :  4 of Swords, Wheel of Fortune reversed,  2 of Cups
There was a small chance they would like you and you made it - a small chance you would make them as happy as they are with you - this is adorable. Best Friend - Rex Orange Country says "I want you to think about me at night" they def do - they think about you before they go to bed, dream about you and they don't even know why at first. They probably talk to their parents or siblings about you a lot like goddamn.
Phrases and numbers: Chasing Cars - Sleeping at Last. "A dreamer, that's who I am." Hope. "STOP! I'M NOT GIVING UP!" Aries, Scorpio, lovers, physical touch, hugs, kisses, parental issues, Shoto Todoroki, "They're a little rough around the edges", "People think shes {they're} a sadist." Satan, the Devil, Dieties, Shaking, Panic Attacks in Paradise - Ashnikko, Raven method, bird watching, "Go with the shots", Chance, Halloween night, 31st, 13, 17, 7
Thank you for coming all the way down here! I hope you're enjoying your shifting journey and like - all the piles are pretty close to shifting!
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thesensteawitch · 1 year ago
Pick A Pile Reading🌹🌝🌹🌝🌹🌝🌹
Send This To Your Friend & Ask Them To Pick A World For You! 🌍
(Pick one by your choice and another by your friend's choice!🌝)
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3, Pile 4)
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Hello, Senstea Souls! This is a timeless tarot reading. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't.🌟
To book a personal tarot reading feel free to drop a message in my Tumblr inbox.
🌟Booking Form|Rate Card🌟
Pile 1
Darkfall🥀- I see darkness, depth, and mystery in you. You're somebody who clings to things longer than you should. You have a mind that can solve any puzzle or perhaps you are the last piece of that incomplete puzzle. Let yourself lose a little in the essence of your truest self. The great things that are destined to come in your life are being delayed because of the negative forces around you. Release them. All you need to do is let go of the worry. You have what you need and you have what it takes to get what you want. Take whatever comes your way and transform it with the magic within you.
Type below an angel number to claim blessings.✨
Pile 2
Mythosia🕯️- You have a deep connection with the ancient history. You are very much aware of the power of words and the words that come out of your mouth. You seek freedom. And if someone tries to steal away your freedom you can injure them with your words. What comes out of your mind penetrates deeper into other people's souls. Mind what you speak. Words can cage or let you be free. The choice is yours. History is done but it's on you if you repeat it. You are meant to be the seeker of truth. Stay on your path. Nurture the barren land and reap the rewards of your efforts.
Type below an angel number to claim blessings.✨
Pile 3
Aquatica🌊- The wealth, the luxury, and the race to be the leader are stealing your soft side. The masculinity in you is showing up every day. Yes, you were meant to be the winner but not in the way you think. For you, it has always been about art, art, and art. Be it of any kind. The world will love you but you need to love yourself first. Let your energy flow and be. Don't be the doer. First, let your horizons get wider. Your creativity is like water and you are fire, my friend. Bring them together and create something steamy. Owning up and accepting your emotions are going to make you bold. Follow your true and fulfilling destiny.
Type below an angel number to claim blessings.✨
Pile 4
Mysticwood🌳- Don't let the tsunami in you destroy that took years and years to build. The universe has conspired for ages to send you to this planet at the right time. Why are you so blinded by the pain? Why are you so defensive? You are putting this energy out in the world and that's why the truth had been submerged. Do you think your emotions are overpowering you? No! You're letting them. Nothing is yet set in stone. So you've the chance to carve your own story. Don't waste it in whining. You're somebody who's always going to have a choice. No doubt you balance things well. But in life sometimes it's necessary to take a road. Make sure you take the path less travelled.
Type below an angel number to claim blessings.✨
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the-earth-priestess · 2 years ago
what messages do your guides have for you right now?
a timeless pick a pile reading.
remember this is a general reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
if you've been feeling a bit disconnected from spirit lately, or are simply looking for a sign, this reading could be for you! take a moment to meditate on the image collage and then pick from upper left (pile 1), upper right (pile 2), lower left (pile 3) and lower right (pile 4). you may of course choose multiple readings if they resonate. good luck!
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if you find this pick a pile helpful or enjoyable, please consider reblogging and/or tipping! it helps out a lot. and follow for more like this if you like! thank you so much. now, on with the reading!
pile 1.
pile 1, your guides have the following messages for you. with Wild Rose Fairy for love, you are reminded that love is all around you, that with all your experiences, you are on the path to divinity to learn we are all love. in matters of romance, you are reminded that healing is occuring. healing has occured, is occurring and will occur. as you inhale the heady scent of the rose, your heart expands wider and deeper and you let go of fear. love is the opposite of fear; remember when fear dissolves, you allow love to expand. with Spirit Guardian of Winter for retreat, you are being asked to retreat from situations and people that do not serve you. winter is a time for relaxation, recuperating and rest. it's a time of restoring your energy, incubating dreams and simply existing. you deserve to have time to yourself and take care of yourself, pile 1. with Forest Temple for enlightenment, you are being asked to immerse yourself in this sacred space. as a beating drum reverberates through your chest and the air shifts around you, you are being asked to retreat and meditate, to view situations from all points of view. allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you. right now your awareness is expanding, your perception deepening. connect with the divine and explore. with Spirit Guardian of Spring for activation, you are being asked to take action. if you are afraid, that's okay. fear is human. many people are afraid and do things anyway, and you can do it too. believe in yourself and embrace the unknown. if you face chaos or turmoil during this time, remember that's part of this period of activation. meet this with swift decision making skills and confidence, and keep yourself on a forward trajectory. you have the stuff to do it. spring is a time of celebration of youth, love, renewal and much more. so celebrate! with Butterfly Spirit for transformation, now is the beginning, middle or end of a new cycle. you are becoming something different to what you were before. you are growing, learning, changing. when a butterfly forms, it must first go from a caterpillar to a chrysalis to a fully formed creature. this is the process you are undergoing -- a complete rebirth. overall your guides are telling you that you are loved, you need to take care of yourself, you need to revisit the divine, you need to be brave despite fear, and that you're on a journey of transformation. congratulations, pile 1, this is a heavy yet beautiful time for you.
pile 2.
pile 2, these are your messages from spirit. with Pegasus for transcending, you are on a sacred spiritual journey. leap high into the skies on the pegasus' back, and view the situation from a higher perspective. let go of the drama and emotional manipulation of others, and listen to what your instincts tell you. with Bluebird Spirit for happiness, you are reminded to experience joy! that is all that is required of you as a soul. live life to the full, and be yourself exactly as you are. express yourself, and sing your own song, just like the bluebird. with Dragon for power, you are reminded to reclaim your power if you have had it stolen from you or given it to someone else. you have it in you now to take it back. with the dragon by your side, your have a powerful ally. a strong, compassionate, kind ally. and you can be that ally to yourself. with Wood Nymph for beauty, you are asked to embrace beauty in the little things. set a vase of flowers up in your home, take a bubble bath. look for beauty everywhere, and it will make a difference in your energy field. you will slowly start to see grace everywhere, and exude grace yourself. with Spirit Guardian of Winter, you are being asked to retreat from all the people and situations which do not serve your higher good. it can be difficult to let go of things which you are attached to, but if they feel dull and murky, they may not be right for you. seek to distance yourself or establish boundaries if you can. retreat and replenish your resources just as this season represents. incubate your dreams. take care of yourself. you deserve it in every single way. with Enchanted Fern Grotto for refuge, you are reminded to seek out a sacred place of healing. fern grottos are said to perhaps be the home of elves and fairies, and now, you are being asked to seek out a place within just the same that will allow you to be yourself and relax. you need it, pile 2. overall your reading is letting you know you're on a great spiritual journey, that you are welcome to embrace happiness, that you need to reclaim your power, that you are beautiful, and that you need to take care of yourself. good luck out there!
pile 3.
pile 3, these messages are from your guides. with Enchanted Fern Grotto for refuge, you are asked to go within. seek out a sacred place of relaxation where you can be yourself, a place where elves and fairies may reside. you are asked to tend to yourself, to reflect and think. now is not the time to take action, it is a time of gentle recovery and healing. with Toadstools for growth, you are asked to take into consideration the way toadstools grow. one second there's seemingly nothing on the ground, and then the next there's toadstools everywhere. though this may come as a surprise, things have been incubating for a long time. your growth is much the same. right now, you are in a period of growth. with Unicorn for purity, you are asked to step into the awe, wonder and innocence of a child. unicorns are pure creatures and they can bring the seemingly-impossible into reality. this unicorn is here to show you the way. you are a pure and good being, and you will go far. with Phoenix for transmutation, you are going from one state of being to another, transmuting from one element to another. just as a phoenix rises from the ashes, you are being reborn. you can and will take to the skies with spirit, freedom and renewed energy. with Water Spirit for manifesting dreams, you are asked to remember your emotions. if you believe as if you are already highly successful, more success will come pouring into your life. allow your emotions to flow freely like a forest stream, and your dreams will manifest. believe you deserve it, because you do. with Starry Night for acceptance, you are asked to accept all you are in your entirety. this is the key to finding peace. you don't need to accept all the deeds done on earth, because some things are just wrong. but you can accept yourself. you can accept all iterations of yourself in order to blossom, because who you are is human, beautiful and real. overall, pile 3, you are asked to seek refuge, to remember your current growth, to embrace your inner purity, to rise from the ashes, to let your emotions flow and to accept. you've got this.
pile 4.
pile 4, here we go. with Stag Spirit for leadership, you are asked to step up in your life. be a leader for those around you. you may also soon be asked to be in some kind of leadership role. the white stag embodies a certain kind of strength, charisma and elegance. you too are asked to embody these characteristics further, and develop your leadership skills. with Dragonfly Spirit for change, you are asked to switch things up! dragonflies fly around in all directions, even backwards. they are always changing direction. don't be afraid to change things up, because that's how even adults practice youthfulness. with Wood Nymph for beauty, you are asked to embrace beauty in all things. put out flowers in a vase, take a bubble bath, do your hair differently. it will make all the difference. your way of seeing beauty in the world around you will enable you to see further grace, and allow you to exude grace. with Wizard of the Woods for focus, you are asked to focus on one thing, and wait for the miracles to unfold. now is not the time to scatter your focus. if you truly desire something, focus on that something -- not on what you don't want. that's how you may draw in more of that something with the wizard's help. with Air Spirit for knowledge, you are asked to think things through before taking action. weigh the pros and cons. air symbolises thought, friendship and wisdom. look within and access the deep wellspring of wisdom you hold within you. communicate with heart. you are capable of so much more than you know. with Guardians of the Land for protection, you are being asked to remember that you are protected by those in spirit. however, you also need to protect yourself. visualise a protective sphere around yourself and your home, and meditate on this to strengthen it. those in spirit want you to succeed, but to keep harmful influences out, you need to do some legwork too! overall, pile 4, you are asked to step into leadership, switch up directions, remember beauty, focus intently, be wise, and protect yourself. be confident, pile 4, you're doing great.
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signature art credit to @.zillychu!
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astral-lucy · 4 months ago
what people love about you! (PAC)
hello beautiful creatures! i'm excited for the second pick-a-card reading on my page - again, i'm happy to accept any feedback you guys have for me! at the end of the day, i'm still new to this :)
as usual, pick the picture that you feel most connected or drawn towards (pile 1 - up and left / pile 2 - up and right / pile 3 - down and left / pile 4 - down and right)
happy reading!
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#pile 1
(nine of wands - page of swords - six of coins - eight of cups - the emperor - judgement)
you’re a hard working person, you’re a problem solver and people love that. they see how much energy you have and how you’re able to heal. persistence and curiosity are two of your principal characteristics. people see you as thoughtful, you don’t only use the problem solving skills for yourself but also to help others. maybe you’ve been through some hard things in your life, but it has make you use your intelligence and learn how to communicate. you’re so strong! i hear that you’re great with strategies and plans. you’ve created, and currently continue to create, a path for yourself. people love your determination and how you’re able to take on authority roles all while being empathic, kind and generous. you’re able to easily reevaluate your position in life, where you need to go and where you want to be, and adapt to whichever changes you see necessary. i also see a lot of green and silver, if that means anything to you. are you maybe a volunteer in a shelter or are very vocal about animal rights? maybe you don’t use products that were tested on animals, or simply you’re decided on what you believe in and aren’t afraid to stand for it. the eighth in numerology talks about abundance and achievement, while the number six represents a gentle and loving person - and that’s exactly how people see you! #pile 2
(seven of wands - knight of swords - two of coins - three of swords - 8 eight of swords - the magician)
the first thing I heard was “sentimental”, which makes me think that you are a person that’s in touch with their emotions and isn’t afraid to show it. people love how you’re able to stand up for yourself, having a hard set of beliefs and values that you don’t trade for anything, being able to quickly take action when needed, as you’re also someone who can easily adapt to any situation. the number seven talks about intuition, so you might be in touch with your intuition as well. i think the three of swords here reaffirms how emotional you are, how deeply you’re able to feel, and how much people admire your capability to notice how you’re feeling and embrace your emotions. but you’re a balanced person, even though you embrace your emotions, you don’t let them take over. i’m seeing the color blue a lot in the cards, maybe that means something to you or is a color people associate you with. people love how easily you seem to manifest things, and the magician here tells us you have an immense power through your thoughts and actions - even when you feel trapped, you’re not only easily able to take action in a situation and decide what road is best to walk on, but you can usually see beyond your current struggles and know you’ll be able to move on from the current obstacles in your life.
#pile 3
(ten of swords - seven of coins - six of wands - queen of swords - the star - temperance)
"jessie’s girl" started playing as soon as i started shuffling the deck, so i wanted to add it first, so if that means something to you but you were drawn to two piles, this is the sign this is the one. you’re a patient person, someone who has overcome struggles in their life over and over again, and you’re absolutely a hard worker. i’m hearing the word “rebel” - but this doesn’t need to symbolize the stereotype of a rebel person, but maybe you’re someone who questions things around you and even go against the orders others give you if you think it’s going to do more harm than good. people love how you’re able to let go. you’re someone with a lot of mental clarity, you’ve done work to achieve it, and you’re confident with your communication. once again, people love your patience, the effort you’ve put on yourself, and how you’re able to find balance in your life. you tend to avoid impulsive behavior, which is impressive. you’re a hopeful person, maybe because you know how to let go of things to invite new ones in. a lot of purple and maroon came into my screen and some of the cards I used as well.
#pile 4
(king of cups - the sun - ten of wands - ten of cups - eigth of cups - ace of swords)
wow, you’re absolutely an authority figure. you know how to stand your ground! people love how positive you are and how you’re certain of your life purpose - maybe not knowing what it is yet, but feeling good about finding one. people also love how wise you are and how balanced you appear, being able to navigate emotions swiftly. i’m hearing that you’re a nature lover or an animal lover, being generous and wanting to protect those who are more vulnerable. you have two cards with ten, the ten of wands and the ten of cups, and ten in numerology symbolizes strong relationships with friends and family, a charismatic person who has great ability to empathize with others. it really seems that not only people love how you’re able to carry responsibilities, but how joyful you seem while attending to your chores - even if you feel weighed down by what you need to do and some chores are daunting, you’ve managed to learn that it’s best to do them with good disposition. people who know how much you’ve gone through admire your emotional growth. you could be more detached to material possessions, which is also a quality to admire. you’re able to take new perspectives and new angles to situations, flip the order of things to find the best perspective.
hope you enjoyed this reading!
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timeless guidance on personal finances in 2024 (for people who come across this tarot guidance)
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with the oracle of energies:
some people are going through a delicate moment with family or friends, there is distance between you and a group of people. This is why you decided to create a movement, a move or a trip. There is an idea of changing jobs too. You will seek to balance your finances, also between your personal and professional life. You want an internal and external change, we are talking about a cyclical change. We tell you that things are evolving slowly. It's a question of strategy. With your crown chakra activated, there will be a notion of study, training or a form of learning to better manage and elevate yourself and welcome abundance in all its forms. You will open yourself up to a new community which will have the same inspirations.
tarot :
we start with the emperor's card = efficiency, making plans, making decisions and making budgets. This card is accompanied by the 7 denier = we are talking about balancing your finances which take time, we are asking you to move forward on your projects and balance your budget. With the 8 of Cups, we're talking about changing your habits and finding new ways of doing things. There is a real process even if we are at the beginning, we ask you to remain positive even if you go through some difficulties. Be careful, think carefully about your purchases, ask yourself if you need? You will make a decision to save money and not necessarily spend on everyone without any thought. Be careful, there may be an unexpected expense, which is why we ask you to take it with a smile (I am preparing a precautionary savings) and I continue to work on my finances and make them grow. We end with the Queen of Cups: you end the year 2024 more securely with financial stability. Buy with your heart but not with your emotions!!!
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angelistic11 · 1 year ago
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iamwinklebottom · 9 months ago
Tarot 📿PICK A CARD🌼: “Random Ass Messages?” Unlimited Success, Partnerships, & Spiritual Psychosis
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