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cozzzynook · 5 days ago
Prowl: ratchet, i need your help
Ratchet: I swear, if you hid another wound -
Prowl:* takes Springer out of his subspace and put him on ratchet's hands* i will be quick
Ratchet:* in shock *wait -how- WHEN?!
He absolutely does do this.
Prowl doesn’t drop the lore, doesn’t say when he had his sparkling or who the sire is, tiny spider can be seen watching from the corner. He just- plops sparkling to his trusted friend and dips.
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adding onto the pile, hcs for ES tarantulas? something tells me he’d be into bondage teehee
Yes indeed, anon! I have a feeling he'd be very, very into it...
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1. Yes, he's into bondage, and his webs have given him ample practice. He can easily bind you however he pleases, and is skilled enough to ensure your comfort in any position. It helps that he uses strong but especially soft webbing when tying you up, which he spins with the utmost care around your body, taking his time both to ensure perfection and to get you as riled up as possible. You'll be quite surprised by how elaborate he gets with his bonds, as well as how much he enjoys the process of binding you, claws and mandibles caressing every inch of skin as he whispers endless praises. Suspending you is something he loves to do, especially if there's enough space for him to be up there with you, moving about your helpless frame like a spider surveying a catch... though what follows is always more than pleasant.
2. As a scientist on an alien world, he can't help but want to study everything, and your anatomy is no exception. If you'll indulge him, he loves to turn you over in his hands and explore, ideally when you're naked. It's quite a turn on for him to know every detail of your body and how all your parts interact. He wants to know where you're most sensitive, what kind of touches elicit what responses, and how to drive you wild. Those careful claws are remarkably adept at gently handling your tiny form.
3. His love of bondage is matched only by his dedication to aftercare. When the two of you finish your fun, he'll turn the web into a proper, elevated nest to care for you in, pulling in pillows and blankets to keep you warm as he cleans you off.
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anastoundingmango · 2 years ago
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some of the extended Malto family relations as inspired by season 1b
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evetronia · 6 months ago
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“Arcee about that backup”
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pocoslip · 1 year ago
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Apparently Tarantulus' Robow Claws are meant to be Bug Extra Mandibles for his Spider Mode, yep
(i'm impressed that spider can stand on their legs and doesn't lay down on their body)
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zyanova · 2 years ago
"Yep, just taking my spider on a walk!"
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I remember I had this whole idea for animated Airachnid and Tarantulus where long story short they were former doctors who were inspired by Blackarachnia and modified themselves into techno-organics like her.
Albeit more medically than what Blackaracnia did with Wasp.
Ooh I like it! First time I'm hearing about this and it sounds really cool! I'll be honest, I only know Airachnid from Prime and haven't seen or read anything with Tarantulus in it (I just haven't had time), but from what I've seen in other posts, I think it fits their characters well. Especially Tarantulus because apparently he's like fifty different flavors of crazy. I could also imagine Blackarachnia having no clue about this and then finding out and being horrified they would do to themselves what she believes to be a curse and disaster for her. Bonus points if they try pulling her CNA and code to "perfect" their forms.
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cybercybertron · 2 years ago
I want to show you something naughty…
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voidhaven1 · 1 year ago
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Look at my precious many legged child <3
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lunarforgedxiii · 2 years ago
Finally binged Earthspark s2 today and I need voyagers of Tarantulas and Hashtag yesterday
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demonsoup · 2 years ago
Tarantulus, my beloved ♥
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collapsiblebrain · 2 years ago
Spooder update:
Doli and the tiny (still unnamed!!) Neischnocolus are both doing well. Doli sits out almost permanently, and is delightful to watch when she preens or works on her webbing. I see very little of the Neischnocolus, but given that she’s barely a centimetre long and likes to burrow, it doesn’t worry me much. Occasionally, I’ll see some paws and her food will vanish, and that’s good enough for me!
(Doli in her favourite position:)
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I also may have bought a few more slings…I really didn’t expect to enjoy spider keeping anywhere near this much, but I just love them!
Today’s arrivals are a Hapalopus sp ‘Columbia’ Large (the common name is Pumpkin Patch!!), a Caribena versicolor (the colour!!), a Holothele longipes and a Neoholothele incei.
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The N incei I saw for about 30 seconds before he vanished into the leaf litter, and the H longipes found her own comfy spot in the shade, but left some little toes poking out. No chance to get any pictures, but we’ll see how they are when they settle in.
The pumpkin patch started webbing up almost immediately and now has a lovely light curtain over her cave.
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The versi spent all of her time exploring/mapping the enclosure and laying down light webbing. She struggles a bit with the plastic walls, despite being arboreal, so I’ve given her some extra twigs to form anchor points.
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Really looking forward to getting to know them all!
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impy10 · 2 years ago
What about
Cat sized tarantulas
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dberl · 11 months ago
Of COURSE Shockwave wants kids! Do you want those ginormous mammaries of his to go to waste?
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most average purple scientist behavior
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pocoslip · 7 months ago
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Tarantulas sure Enjoys eating Transformers BUT What if he get Eaten too
(how do robots eat)
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ultimatefartwizard · 9 months ago
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More nightshade? yes Protoform baby and their papa Tarantulus (he is greatly distressed because they are eating grave corpses)
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