waldorfcadence-blog · 8 years
Spring Semester has blew in
First day back for spring semster is supposed to be light and crisp,like the smooth wind. Friends rekindle and catch up after a lengthy winter break and classes are officially back in session.
 My first day back was an emotional whirlwind, not only was I placed into chemistry with Jeffery and Hayden, I also was the delivered the saddening news that the only person that ever made my small town high school experience thrilling and eventful,is gone. He was discharged, or at least thats the story the Bird is going with.
Oh Dear First Sergeant, I will miss you sir.
  Also Leon and I had a great heart pouring. I told him I absolutely refuse to be taken advantage of and hurt like he did when I was “nothing more than a babe” (a freshmeat), and basically he told me that I should leave the past to history, that he has changed. (its taking me every urge not to insert actual convo pics),but what he doesn’t realize is that my heart is still pain shaking.
This kind of challenges my commitment to the scheme I was going to put him under, I was going to make his heart and soul vulnerable and break him down like he did me. (I was even going to pull him so deep i was going to invite him to a birthday dinner that would have all of my friends attending)
ahhhh anyways enough rambling and gossiping on my personal effects,let’s discuss the mission.
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  The mission I have put into action is another aching challenge.Recommendations are just as important as a great college essay.Your recommendations back up everything else in your application..and good ones can make you seem better than what they thought while examining your app.. and if its a bad recommendation it can hurt it, and I feel it is best to have a teacher from an outstanding high education institution that also has a lot of teaching experience.
  Although my chem teacher may have experience, she may have too much experience.
I swear when she coughed while reading the class syllabus,a piece of floppy disc flew out 
My new English teacher is Canadian. I wonder if she’s a virgin.
damn damn.I forgot.Saturday night Marco and I had our first real connection since last year when .. well when it happened. I've been playing it cool all summer since Labor Day weekend, when I told him how I felt,but it didn't matter because Lorie had him under her evil spell.
No matter how much I apologize for what I did. he wouldn’t accept. He shrugged it off and he.. well he moved on like any strong dominant man would after what happened.
Now this sort of connection like the one we had Saturday (or Sunday morning) has only happened on time since I broke him down into a young broken boy last Christmas,
His graduation.
I felt it and it felt real. And idk I can’t help but wonder if he felt it too. 
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I guess B was wrong and sometimes you cant stop your emotions. Besides,they are our natural instinct. 
I was going to leave on a prerogative note by signing off with the status of my teachers virginity, but I guess now I can be studious and give a proper farewell.
Goodnight Champs and Storks,
Stay in step and sweet dreams.
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waldorfcadence-blog · 8 years
We have a mission.
I must write the best, the best, college application essay. It must have sensitivity,but also be humorous and stern. Now, I could write it based on an event that occurred from my freshman year all the way to my junior year.. but no that wouldn't work because when you go to high school in the absolute middle of nowhere and not the upper east side, everything is far from interesting, at least interesting enough to write about. 
    Now, you may be wondering, “What is your game plan?” “Are you going to visit the upper east side to experience Constance lifestyle? Surely your essay would be written and be ready for revision in a week.” 
   Well yes that was the main game plan, until I realized the most college approved factor I can remember from Gossip Girl was Vanessa's many many many controversial topics around the city. (controversial not scandalous..there’s a difference.)
  Therefore, I must find another way to live it up and find something inspiring to write about. 
I will be living from this day forward like Blair Waldorf, (minus the thousand dollar shopping sprees,and chuck bass of course)
I will live with confidence in self worth, the belief of self empowerment, the goal of being powerful..the most powerful, and the definite crucial factor of all,  carefree and electric. 
Living like this will force me to experience the limits of my remaining time in high school, and i’ll hopefully have a strong willed essay by June.
sweet dreams everyone,happy scheming.  
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