tulsi-lemon-ginger · 5 years
Holy shmokes, I can’t believe I’m back on Tumbler after 6ish years.
Usually, I resort to my journal as an outlet to release tension, but often, I wonder what others have to say. And I think about all the people around the world that might feel the same. How cool it would be to connect with them. I guess that was the motive.... And sometimes I just need somewhere to put these random ass thoughts! Know what I mean?! At least for now, until I can afford a therapist LMAO. 
I have mixed emotions about social media. Seeing how superficial it’s gotten makes it undesirable for me to post anything personal. It’s like, what’s the point? However, I LOVE sharing my story. I LOVE creative expression. And I’m on Instagram all the time taking inspiration from others. I just can’t handle how much room there is to be misconstrued. I don’t wish to be judged by where I’ve been, what I have, how many likes... That said, I’d like to keep this outlet anonymous. It’ll satisfy everything I love about social media without all the bullshit. Not to say that anonymity doesn’t come with negative comments! Shit, we’ll see if I’m prepared for that. 
I’m curious to see where this goes. 
I’m already hesitant to click “Post” 
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I guess it’s only fitting that I write about something as cliche as my job as an EMT. I have been an EMT for about a year now. For those of you that don’t know what that stands for: Emergency Medical Technician. Most people see this as a job where I see blood and guts and live in the glory of saving lives.
Exactly the opposite as I work not for the city, but a private company. I spend most of my hours driving the elderly, obese and sick to and from places like the hospital, nursing homes and medical offices.
Out of every 10 calls I do, ONE is an emergency.
I spend half of this “glorious” 911 time picking old women up off the floor who “didn’t want to call 911 so I didn’t bother anyone” as she’s been on the floor for 12 hours. The other half I spend walking on eggshells with an intoxicated person or someone having a psychiatric crisis because they can snap at any moment.
I’ve been spit, peed and vomited on more times than I can count on both hands. It’s as awful as you can imagine. But I never get mad or yell, this is what I signed up for (and essentially paid for).
I LOVE my job…
How many people do you hear say “I want to be an EMT/Nurse/Doctor because I want to help people”. If that is your first answer word-for-word the first day of class, you’re not going to make it. Helping people is such a broad term. Sure, I can HELP someone off the floor, I can HELP someone walk, I can HELP someone wipe their ass. But the reality is: I CONSOLE the family whose grandfather we’re taking home on hospice to die. I EXPLAIN to the Alzheimer’s patient for the tenth time that we’re taking them home. I CARE FOR the young woman who is so frail that she cannot move on her own.
Much of the time spent in the back of an ambulance, I can’t “help” someone. There are so many times I feel helpless myself, seeing the 14 year old boy in front of me curled into the fetal position and crying because he doesn't’ understand his anxiety as all I can tell him is “keep taking deep breaths”. Or the woman with dementia that has assaulted her roommate three times and is now changing facilities as she spits and yells at me no matter how many times I say I’m “helping” her.
In the span of a day I can be a shoulder to cry on, a friend and even a villain. But I would never trade this job for anything. I love what I do. I don’t punch in everyday to help people, I come to work to pick someone up off a floor, bring someone home, explain what the doctor said and maybe even save a life.
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The gatekeepers and the cheerleaders
The key’s fallen off the ring
Who is holding the door for you
And who’s going to take a swing
The breakdown
The meltdown
The process
The grind
Dig a little deeper
What will you find?
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waldorfcadence-blog · 8 years
We have a mission.
I must write the best, the best, college application essay. It must have sensitivity,but also be humorous and stern. Now, I could write it based on an event that occurred from my freshman year all the way to my junior year.. but no that wouldn't work because when you go to high school in the absolute middle of nowhere and not the upper east side, everything is far from interesting, at least interesting enough to write about. 
    Now, you may be wondering, “What is your game plan?” “Are you going to visit the upper east side to experience Constance lifestyle? Surely your essay would be written and be ready for revision in a week.” 
   Well yes that was the main game plan, until I realized the most college approved factor I can remember from Gossip Girl was Vanessa's many many many controversial topics around the city. (controversial not scandalous..there’s a difference.)
  Therefore, I must find another way to live it up and find something inspiring to write about. 
I will be living from this day forward like Blair Waldorf, (minus the thousand dollar shopping sprees,and chuck bass of course)
I will live with confidence in self worth, the belief of self empowerment, the goal of being powerful..the most powerful, and the definite crucial factor of all,  carefree and electric. 
Living like this will force me to experience the limits of my remaining time in high school, and i’ll hopefully have a strong willed essay by June.
sweet dreams everyone,happy scheming.  
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thetexasdawg-blog · 7 years
The Anonymous Blog Series Chapter 1
I’m anonymous. At least I hope I am tonight.  I know of course that my name gives away my location, but it’s a huge location so I’m not so worried that you’ll find me.  Also, I don’t really have any intentions of promoting this blog either, I just kind of want it out there so others can see it.  I don’t know why. Maybe because I feel better talking to someone? I’m not sure.  I do know that I tend to figure out things a lot faster if I’m actively discussing whatever problem I’m currently facing with another live human being.  Whether they give me any input or not. It’s weird.  It’s like my brain functions on two separate levels. One for talking and one for thinking, and it can do both at the same time. It’s very strange. And when I’m doing it, I babble. Just drone on and on and on, and all the while, I’m also listening to myself and drawing conclusions based on what I hear coming out of my own mouth. And sometimes I just shake my head at the crazy things I’ve “figured out”. I don’t know. It’s weird. And I think I’m weird for being able to do it as well. I’m not sure if anybody else can do it either. Sometimes I wonder if other’s can and maybe I’m just hypersensitive to what I think and feel. Who knows. 
Honestly, I started this blog tonight at 2 am in the morning because I’m bored. And not just any kind of bored, like a long a term oh my god will this ever end bored. My mind needs stimulation!! I feel like Sherlock Holmes in that manner actually. Not that I’ve ever thought about stimulating my brain with cocaine, but the idea that my brain operates like that of a fictional character. I write. That helps sometimes, though not tonight. Although this is helping...... but It’s not focused, you know? It’s not “going somewhere” like writing fiction. This is just random thoughts all jumbled up into a somewhat coherent statement that’s then blasted across the world, but only if you know where to look for it. At least I think it’s coherent...... maybe it’s convoluted..... like jumping from rock to rock in a creek bed. I mean you’re moving forward when you do that, but you have no way to tell where you’ve come from. So...
Back to being bored, I guess. I keep thinking maybe it’s not boredom, maybe it’s depression. It would make sense. The restlessness. It really is kind of a restlessness. Like I should be doing something. But I am doing stuff. Lots of stuff. I write stories, and I build model trains(yes, I’m that kind of loser), and I work hard on analytical things when I go to work(I’ve been sick for just over a week), and when I’m off, I have a business on the side, and I write( yes I already said that), and I’m the president of a non-profit organization, and yet I feel like I should be doing more. But maybe I’m doing too much. Maybe that’s what it is, this restlessness.
No, that’s not it.........            
Still, think that maybe I’m depressed. But I don’t want to admit that I am, even though I’m sure I am?.... Maybe I’m not sure. I had this girl a little over a year ago and we split which was good, don’t get me wrong. She was an evil shrew. And I learned a lot about myself in that relationship and I’m so glad I did.  I’ve been happy by myself for so long now, and it’s this feeling I never thought I could feel. It’s like freedom, and I love it. But at the same time, I hate it too. I see all my friends and family pairing off and they’re traveling and having fun, and I wish I could afford that, and all I can think lately is how I need to pair off with someone so I can afford to do all the things I want to do as well.  I wish the world worked like that. HAHA. Maybe I should put an ad on craigslist. How would it go?
“Woman for partnership:
Would be willing to go on adventures. Think Elly and Carl from UP.
I’m looking for a partner. Like most men, I’d like you to be drop dead gorgeous and madly in love with me. Your looks and constant nagging in the background might actually make me a better man, but more importantly, it makes for some great stories. Have to be willing to share your income for a common goal of traveling. Do you like trains? It’s not a requirement but would help. I promise to at least pretend that I like your stuff too. If you can love me unconditionally then that’s great. If not then you should probably keep looking. Sex is not a requirement either but would be nice. Basically, I’m looking for someone who’s willing to live in an RV full time and travel the country while trying to figure out how to survive on very little money. Is this your dream too? email me at.....”
Funny? Sad? Who cares? The truth is that if I want to live the same life as my friends, I need to pair off like they have. From a logical standpoint, it makes sense of course, but we don’t pair off based on logic, do we? So with a Sherlockian brain, it makes it that much harder to find someone who’s interested in tagging along. Oh WOE IS ME!!’
Then you throw in the fact that my brain is bored, and needs stimulation, well, guess that’s why I’m up late writing a blog on Tumblr. 
Think I’m blogged out though.
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Just Pinned to Blogging Tips For Beginners: How to hide your identity while blogging anonymously. #anonymous #anonymousblogging #whois #blogging http://ift.tt/2nq0VMF
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Anonymous Journal Entries of an 18 Year Old College Student
  I’m not even sure if anybody will come across this. But who cares, it grants me the option of venting and talking about my daily life and generally how I feel about it without having to involve people or possibly concern them or hurt them. Anyway, this is anonymous, maybe one day I will reveal my name and other information about me when this all comes to an end.
           I’m 18 years young, and I’m a college student at Kansas State University. I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while now but never decided to really do it. But I will give a few pieces of information about me. I’m an easy going guy who loves dogs to an unending degree. I’m very nice, generous, and caring person. I love helping people, but sometimes I’m kind of shy in public. Also, I’m very shy around girls. I’ve never had a relationship or anything. It doesn’t bother me, but I struggle with self-confidence and get down on myself to much. Sometimes I feel stuck in the mentality of I can help people, but I can’t be helped. I’m told I have a way with words. I can express and describe things in many ways that some people can’t which allows me to help people with their struggles/problems. I’m told I’m a great listener. But with all these things, I have a good life. But even with that, I still have my struggles and problems and don’t know what to do with them. I won’t talk to my family about them, I won’t talk to my best friend about them, and barely mention them to my friends here at the dorms. I just wear a mask when I need to because I don’t want to concern anybody. I just want people to be happy and not have unnecessary stress put onto them because of my problems. I won’t talk about my job or anything as I don’t want to compromise to much details about myself and others. But the point of me doing this is a way for me to vent and get things off my chest with the possibility of people seeing this and giving me the satisfaction that people are there to see this without them knowing who I am.
           Despite all of that stuff, I should probably catch anybody up real quick. I started college in late August and all was good. I was starting a new chapter in my life, I was gone all summer doing one of the hardest yet most rewarding things anybody can ever do. I was making all of my classes, doing all of my homework, and making friends rather quickly. But after the first few weeks of college starting I just spiraled out of control suddenly. And, I don’t even know why...I started skipping a couple classes here and there, I would get a homework assignment and just put that one off. I became incredibly pessimistic, and had no confidence about anything. I lied to my friends and family that everything was going fine. I was wearing a mask practically every day and people thought I was fine and happy, but really I hated myself for what I was doing. Then those classes I skipped, and homework not turned in caught up to me. I started skipping every class, I started doing absolutely no homework. I wouldn’t try doing anything. I was wasting money. I was frustrating my parents, annoying my friends. I would constantly bitch about my problems and this one girl (I saw this one girl around campus and the dorms a decent amount and I thought she was the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. She’s constantly on my mind. But when I had chances to say something, I would get afraid and nervous and not do anything.) They were constantly getting annoyed and starting getting pissed at me. And when my friends “snapped” I felt horrible. Like, what have I done? I’m ruining my friendships. I would only get more down on myself. I even contemplated suicide a couple times but I only mentioned the thought but never did anything with it after that. I told my RA, and talked to some people in the dorm about it (Like the big bosses who run it). Counseling was recommended for me, I said I was going to do it but I never did. I did that twice, I caught myself saying things in the moment to please people but never fulfilling them. My question, is why did I do all of this? Why was I doing this to my friends and family? They only wanted to help me and even offered help, but I would reject it. One more time, I’m not writing this as a plea cry for help. Only to vent what’s on my mind and chest.
 Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
-Anonymous college student
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twowentythree · 9 years
I am living but I am dead inside
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Hello all.
    I started anew to write stories of what I can’t let go about my work and personal life. I was a Tumblr addicted teen and as I moved into my young adult year, moved away from it. Now, I am coming back for the anonymity of it. 
    These will be the ramblings of my life, as an EMS worker, as a significant other, as a friend. Sharing is the only way I find to deal with my demons and I have gone down a long road of telling these things to people in person and being given names like depressed crazy coward attention-seeking crybaby hopeless
    I am by NO means an artist with words and these will be first draft writings of my life. If you stick around to read them, awesome, if not thanks for stopping in.
thanks all,
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time to put in the work.
submit the reports.
do the workout.
send the emails.
the never ending to-do list gets longer and longer.
it's hard work to become a legend.
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This blog is an anonymous blog, where I can spill my thoughts and feelings into, my reservoir for what I don't want to carry on me. Being anonymous was not my first choice, but my partners. He was uncomfortable with being written about publicly and concerned about what I may say that hat could bit me in the bum one day. I don't disagree with him, I see his points as valid. But my point of needing a public outlet is valid as well. The obvious compromise is anonymity.
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thegirlonline-blog · 9 years
Post #2
It's been 2 weeks and 4 days since you left. Everyone keeps asking me about you. They also keep asking me if I'm okay. Someone said that they never expected you and I to be a "thing". He said that I could do better and that I probably wouldn't make it with you. I couldn't handle you being away, or that I would get lonely and give up. I hate that, that's how people see me. I'm "that" girl that sleeps around, or I just leave. I'm not, and never have been. But I guess after my first heartbreak I put up a front, that people now think I'm a slut or cold hearted bitch. I honestly hope to fucking God, I'm not actually a cold hearted bitch. And I know I'm not a slut, I haven't even slept with someone. But the fact that people think I have, it bothers me. Okay I'm done ranting for the day.
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Other places you can find me
Instagram - https://instagram.com/jollylifeguard/
Twitter - Jolly [email protected]
Other blog- http://anonymousblogger181.blogspot.co.uk/
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inomniaparatus-xxx · 9 years
for the sake of keeping my identity 100% i wont be giving specific details, names, or locations. i mean i'm sure you got the idea from the name of the blog but just so we are clear. i made this blog in order for me to talk about the things that have been trapped inside my mind. there are just some things i'd rather write about than talk about ya know? i do have a twitter, instagram, facebook, and a tumblr but i needed some place to vent all of my feelings without stepping on anyones toes or starting a fight over "subtweeting" lol. i know im not the only one in the word who feels what i feel so my blog will basically be some what of an online diary to discuss the events in my life that have pissed me off, broke me, helped me, or whatever else i decide to share. a life may seem perfect on the outside but most of us are screaming on the inside and we all need an escape every once in a while. -xoxo Anonymous
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itsmyanonymousdiary · 10 years
Saturday, March 21, 2015
You tell everyone our friendship ended because we “went our separate ways”. When really, I decided to quit being friends with you because you’d talk shit about your so called friends behind their backs to me and I figured you were probably talking shit about me behind my back to them. 
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twowentythree · 9 years
Blog 2
I want to fade away, I want to disappear, I want to just end this pain. I want to cut the deepest vein in my wrist that would let me die. I didn’t know that this is true. I can’t believe that I’m with my point of my life where I needed this just to stop the pain. I know its gonna hurt like fuck but who cares deep inside me hurts so they don’t matter anymore. I hate waking up because the pain is always here. I wanna sleep forever, I wanna sleep and never wake up. I wanna bury myself underneath this surface. I wanna be cold and still and unconscious. I bet, it’s what i like after all this pain I am feeling. I like it to be that way.
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