#tamarin answers
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wof-inbox · 10 months ago
to the Gold Winglet, How ya feeling about the school? any class your favorite?
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“It was okay.. Except for Icicle..” -Sora
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willoillo · 4 months ago
(Art being commented on. For context x3)
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Thank you!! There's a reason it's the first Daily Dragon sketch I decided to finish and it's not just cuz Tamarin is an amazing character x3
This is another one where I could maybe see making a sticker eventually x3
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kmomof4 · 14 days ago
X Never Ever Marks the Spot - A New Fic by @kmomof4 for @zaharadessert Birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @zaharadessert !!!!!!!
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So when I asked the discord last fall which fic I should work on next, you were the first to answer and I have to admit, I was a little surprised at your answer - Indiana Jones, for my birthday - since the other choices were Bridgerton inspired fics. But as they say... Your wish is my command! I hope you have a fabulous day, babe and that this fic helps you celebrate!!
The fic is inspired by Raiders of the Lost Ark and is complete with a prologue and then seven chapters. The chapters are rather short compared to what I usually post in a MC, so I'll be updating Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the next three weeks.
And now thanks to whom it is due! To @snowbellewells for her outstanding beta services and constant encouragement, not to mention the FABULOUS and GORGEOUS artwork she made to accompany the fic!! You can find it under the cut. To @hollyethecurious for coming up with the title and for grammar help as I wrote. Thank you so so much ladies!!
Rating: M for smut and scary moments
Words: 2300 of approximately 24k
Tags: Inspired by Raiders of the Lost Ark, Birthday Fic for Zahara
On ao3
Tagging the usuals. Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed.
@jrob64 @winterbaby89 @hollyethecurious @the-darkdragonfly @jennjenn615
@donteattheappleshook @undercaffinatednightmare @pirateherokillian @cocohook38 @qualitycoffeethings
@booksteaandtoomuchtv @superchocovian @motherkatereloyshipper @snowbellewells  @djlbg
@lfh1226-linda @xarandomdreamx @tiganasummertree @bluewildcatfanatic @anmylica
@laianely @resident-of-storybrooke @exhaustedpirate @gingerchangeling @caught-in-the-filter
@ultraluckycatnd @stahlop @darkshadow7 @fleurdepetite @captainswan-kellie
@soniccat @beckettj @teamhook @whimsicallyenchantedrose @jonesfandomfanatic
@elfiola @zaharadessert @ilovemesomekillianjones @mie779 @kymbersmith-90
@suwya @veryverynotgoodwrites @myfearless-love 
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
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The jungle dripped with humidity as the tall man who was undoubtedly the leader pushed through the next tangle of vines and branches on the way to an ancient temple that held the object of his desire. 
Two men followed him - one plainly nervous, betrayed by the way his gaze darted around the jungle and the small flinches whenever the cries of animals concealed within the greenery reached them. The other was a native, and when the first man stopped for a moment, mopping his sweat-covered brow, he approached with a chuckle. 
“Not used to the heat and humidity of Columbia, eh, Dr. Jones? Aren’t you glad you brought me along…” The smug smirk on his face made Dr. Killian Jones roll his eyes in response.
“I’m fine,” he deadpanned, “I can assure you. I’ve been in jungles much darker and far more dangerous than this. You just stay close.” He pushed forward again, stepping over the discarded skin of a very large snake with a visible shudder - not sure if it was a boa or anaconda. Spider monkeys and tamarins screamed from the treetops as they emerged into the clearing before the concealed entrance to the temple.
Killian turned to his companions.
“This is it,” he told them. “Just up that hill. You’re with me,” he said, pointing to the native. He turned to the other and pulled the gun he kept in the back of his waistband out and handed it to him. Killian rolled his eyes as the man took the weapon with trembling hands. He was as likely to shoot himself in the foot as anything he might try to aim at.
“Nobody has come out of there alive, señor,” the native warned him as they climbed the hill toward the temple. 
Killian stopped and pinned the man with a hard stare. “I will.”
A few moments later, they entered. The native lifted the torch they’d just lit high so they could see into the forbidding darkness. They walked slowly and carefully, fully mindful that there were probably several booby traps between the entrance and the idol they sought. Killian reached out and swept aside the gossamer webs that blocked the way forward. 
A gasp from the native made Killian turn around toward him. His eyes were wide and unblinking, his mouth a slack O of horror as he made a vague gesture with the torch toward Killian. Killian looked over his shoulder and could just see the hairy legs of a tarantula. Reaching over with his other hand, he used his looped up whip to brush off all the creepy crawlies he’d picked up so far. Looking again at his companion, he could see that he’d picked up a lot more than he had. He motioned for him to turn around and he brushed off twenty or more that covered the man’s back before they continued on.
A bright light shone on the wall ahead of them and Killian held out his hand to the side, communicating to the other man to stop. Killian knelt down, and crawled, keeping himself from blocking the light in any way. Once he was on the other side, he spoke.
“Stay out of the light.”
The man got as close to where the light was shining as he possibly could, while staying completely out of it. Once he stopped moving, Killian stood and thrust his hand into the light. The moment he did, several large spikes emerged from both walls on either side of them, with a partially decomposed corpse impaled on one side. It stopped less than a foot from the native’s face whose screams were muffled into the flesh of his arm.
Killian turned away, his eyes landing on nothing. He squinted for a moment until his companion made it to his side, holding the torch high again. There was no floor in front of them. The emptiness spread from wall to wall and was probably about twelve feet across. Even with a running jump, Killian wasn’t likely to make it. He looked up and saw a thick tree branch crossing the chasm. He flicked his whip, the end of it wrapping securely around the branch several times and then swung to the other side. Turning back, he swung the whip back over the trench where the other man waited. Once he’d joined him, Killian rested the handle of the whip on exposed roots attached to the walls before they continued on.
They turned a corner and could finally see the golden idol they sought. It sat on a pedestal about four feet high and at the sight of it, Killian’s companion almost jumped in delight.
“We must get it,” he exulted. “There is nothing to fear here.” He took a couple of steps toward it when Killian stopped him, his arm across his chest and pinning him to the wall.
“Oh, yes, there is,” he assured the foolhardy man through gritted teeth. He released him and moved back to the center of the corridor. Killian knelt down and looked closely at the grooves in between the laid stones between them and the idol. He looked to the walls and saw multiple faces carved into the stones of the walls, their eyes and mouths empty. He took the torch from the other man and examined the stones in front of them again. Spying a likely suspect, Killian placed the handle of the torch on a stone that was just slightly lower than the stones around it. The moment he did, a poisoned dart shot out from the wall and hit the torch, just above where Killian still held it.
Killian swallowed hard and looked at his companion. “Stay here,” he ordered him.
The man nodded, his eyes wide with fear. “Si, señor.”
Very carefully, Killian crossed the space between him and the idol. His gaze never left the floor in front of him, scanning back and forth, looking for the stones that wouldn’t trigger the poisoned arrows hidden in the walls.
Finally, he reached it. 
It was solid gold and a light from up above shone down on it, making it sparkle even more, until his vision was nearly dazzled. He reached down to his waistband and pulled out a small but heavy sack. According to his research, something of equal size and weight needed to be left behind in place of the idol. If he didn’t want to trigger the mother of all booby traps, sealing his fate in the process. He held out the sack as close to the idol as he could and, quick as lightning, grabbed the idol, leaving the sack in its place.
When nothing happened, Killian released the breath he didn’t even know he was holding, stood up, and started back. A grinding sound behind him made him turn back to the pedestal, to see it slowly sinking into the ground. Killian’s frightened gaze jumped around the room, realizing he had to get out of there quickly. Too quickly to try and avoid the deadly traps between where he now stood and the entrance to the temple. He could only hope he could run fast enough.
So that’s exactly what he did. 
He took a flying leap from the dias where the idol had sat for God knew how long and landed on a solid stone, nearly losing his balance in the process. His next step was the wrong one, however, and the high pitched whistle from the walls told him the poisoned darts were being activated. Killian ran for his life, his hired man just in front of him. His companion grabbed the end of the whip and swung across, landing on his butt when the whip released from the branch overhead. 
“Throw me the whip,” Killian called.
“Toss me the idol,” he replied, turning toward the entrance. They could both see a stone wall slowly lowering just a few feet from where the other man stood. “There’s no time to argue,” he said, turning back to Killian. “Throw me the idol, I’ll throw you the whip.”
Killian threw the idol over to him. “Throw me the whip,” he cried urgently.
The man smirked and dropped the whip to the ground on the other side of the chasm from where Killian stood. 
“Adiós, señor.” 
With those words, the man ran. Killian grimaced and bared his teeth in fury. There was nothing for it. The descending wall was going to seal him in in about a minute, unless he somehow got over there. He ran back the other way and then got a running start before leaping as high and as far as he could. He didn’t quite make it, but caught himself on the edge of the chasm. He pulled himself up as quickly as he could and rolled himself under the wall, grabbing his whip at the last possible moment, the wall meeting the floor a split second after.
Killian stood to his feet, wrapping the whip back up, and took a deep breath before turning toward the entrance of the temple. He was met with the gruesome sight of his betrayer’s skewered body by the large spikes that the man had obviously forgotten about. Killian picked up the idol from the ground and continued on his way.
He’d only taken a few steps more when another grinding sound made him turn around. He looked up to see a huge boulder, taller than him, breaking free from whatever had held it back. It began to slowly roll toward Killian as he turned and ran for his life.
Killian could only move so fast, but gravity and Newton’s First Law of Motion was quite clearly in play as it got steadily closer and closer. Killian reached the entrance and leaped to the side and began rolling down the hill, as the boulder demolished the opening and rolled off in a different direction. When Killian finally came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, he looked up to see his other hired man as still as death. 
“You alright there, mate?” Killian asked.
At his words, the man fell forward, his back pierced with many poisoned arrows. As soon as he hit the ground, half-naked men armed with bows and arrows and blow darts emerged from the foliage that surrounded them. Their faces and bodies were covered with paint and Killian knew that he was in trouble.
The men parted suddenly and Neal fucking Cassidy stepped into Killian’s sight line. He clenched his teeth, feeling the muscle in his jaw jump.
“Tsk, tsk Killian,” Neal gloated, kneeling in front of him. “I see that muscle twitching in your jaw. You know, you really shouldn’t grind your teeth like that. Makes you more likely to lose them.” The smirk disappeared from his face and he held out his hand expectantly. “The idol, please.”
Killian had no choice but to comply. Neal obviously had the loyalty of the tribe surrounding them and could have him killed with a single word. He glared daggers at his professional nemesis and slammed the idol down into Neal’s outstretched hand. He got only a paltry sense of satisfaction when Neal hissed in pain and shook the limb as he stood up, clenching and extending his fingers several times to make sure nothing was injured.
“Thank you, Dr. Jones,” he tossed over his shoulder. “I’ll see you around. You and I are not the only interested parties in this priceless artifact, you know.”
As soon as Neal passed through the circle of men surrounding them, Killian jumped to his feet and ran in the opposite direction. He only got about a thirty second head start when he heard the whoops and hollers of the tribe as they began to pursue him through the jungle. 
Arrows and poisoned darts whizzed by him, but miraculously missed their mark as he ran for the tree line. As soon as he emerged, he started waving his arms and screaming madly for his pilot to start the plane that floated on the Amazon in front of him.
“Smeeeeeeeee,” he cried, running as fast as he could toward the river. William Smee, an old friend, sat on the floats of the plane with a fishing pole in the water. Hearing his name, he looked up to see his friend running toward him with about fifty natives chasing him at the same time as a fish took his bait. Smee stood to his feet, trying to reel in the fish before Killian made it to the plane, but when Killian hit the water and started swimming, Smee knew he had to let his pole go and get them in the air. Killian scrambled on the floats and into the front seat just as the propellers got revved up and lifted them into the air.
Killian felt something funny underneath him and looked down into his lap once they were airborne. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw a snake slithering across his lap.
“Smee!” he screamed. “There’s a snake in the plane!”
“Oh, don’t worry about him! That’s just my pet snake, Jolly,” Smee informed him.
“I hate snakes, Smee!” Killian shouted. “I hate ‘em!”
Smee laughed from his seat behind him. “Oh, come on, Killian! You’re not afraid of a little snake, are you? Show a little backbone!”
It was all Killian could do to grab the snake with both hands and hurl it behind him. The plane wobbled alarmingly for a moment as Smee hopefully caught his pet, but Killian was too terrified to turn around and look. As long as it was no longer in the seat with him, he was just fine.
Thank you for reading and sharing!! I'd love to hear what you think! Next chapter will be up on Wednesday morning!!
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liminal-therianthropy · 21 days ago
Golden lion tamarin posting + !!reminder about QnA!!
Firstly, i still have my QnA up! Send me 2 {max} questions in my ask box! I will most likely answer them! I will answer 9 more asks before i close it! Sencondly, i was shifting so hard at work! My fur and tail are so vivid. Its so funny to think that a lil thing like me has to throw trash out into a giant dumpster lmao!! Though i wish i had my fur again, it was FREEZING outside!! Im supposed to be in the trees. I supposed to be in the trees and eating fruits and bugs and stuff but nOoOoOo i gotta be stuck in a human skin suit. Sighs.,,. {I might have yet another theriotype/might have a kithtype {otherhearted type} shhhhhhhhhhhh idk man help}
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volturialice · 8 months ago
I have a crazy stupid question: if you had to think about the Cullens and Co (or just Jasper and Alice if you'd rather) in terms of a wings!au, daemon!au and soulmate marks!au, what would you give them?? Thinking about Jasper with ragged dangerous looking sandy wings and Alice with humming bird or dove wings, Emmett with a bear familiar, Esme and Carlisle proud of their soulmate marks.... don't mind me, currently obsessed
oh funnnn. love a good AU. I myself have written a short jalice soulmate words piece, and have a (also jalice) soul scars AU in the drafts (because holy shit were they made for that scenario.)
and I happen to know that @goldeneyedgirl has written a daemon AU before! the main thing I remember from it is that Alice's daemon was unsettled into adulthood due to Trauma. I'm gonna try to forget as much as possible about the rest so I can answer without cassandra clare-ing lexie, wish me luck
daemon AU ideas
emmett - you're right, bear is a MUST. specifically a grizzly, let's be real. his daemon fights all his meals before he eats them, and everyone thinks he's a weird cannibal for it
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his parents would have named his daemon a rootin tootin mountain/southern gal name. Alma or Luella or Abilene or something, idk
bella - the obvious answer is a deer but I think it would be so funny if her daemon was a sheep. the lion and the lamb!! my next idea was a pelican because of the morbid fact that they will rip off parts of their own bodies to feed their young. extremely bella-coded. I also liked that time in canon when she called herself a sloth. feels right. three-toed for sure. look at his long brown eyes
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renee and charlie would have named her daemon something classic but up-and-coming for the era. bonus points if it had a vaguely italian feel, like Luca or Rafael
edward - on the flip side, I think a lion is too obvious an answer for edward, and also not an emo enough animal. his daemon should be a beetle (kafkaesque) or a new world porcupine (solitary, likes to hang out in trees.)
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his daemon would have a fancy frilly old-world name, maybe roman-sounding. Priscilla or Portia or something. Faustina would be hilarious
esme - something delicate but cozy. a butterfly? a wren or mourning dove? a guinea pig or rabbit? I'm leaning rabbit. for those of you who insist on girlbossifying esme, she could maybe be a hyena—I've heard that at least one subspecies will adopt and raise orphaned cubs. can't remember if it was spotted or brown? hyena experts weigh in
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esme's parents gave her an unusual name for its time and place, so her daemon would probably get the same. Jory or Ari, maybe something more french like Benoit
rosalie - could also get a hyena tbh, since they're girlbosses who are unfairly villainized in fiction. also feel like a tasmanian devil would be a cool mammal option for her. other than that, I could see her with a cool bird of prey daemon, maybe a falcon
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her daemon would also get an elegant name, maybe one that hasn't aged well. Maximilian, Isidore, Clement, Reginald
carlisle - my first thought was an orangutan because their 'solitary intellectual' vibes remind me of him during his pre-family era. or maybe something else intelligent but more social, like an elephant. very compassionate guys
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and I know carlisle was raised anglican, but i think it would be so funny if his daemon had like a mayflowerass pilgrim name. Temperance or Chastity the elephant
jasper - honestly just like a scarred up, one-eared doberman rescued from a dogfighting ring. I know canon compares him to a lion nearly as often as it does edward, and I guess a big cat could work too (but I wouldn't pick a lion. something more solitary, like a leopard or puma.)
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and I think his parents had boring-er name taste than "jasper" suggests. maybe something nicknamey, like Hattie or Lil
alice - a tough one because there are so many possible answers. maybe some kind of flashy bird like a quetzal, or an agile small mammal like a tamarin or lemur. tbh she could just have Mort
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his name would also be something vaguely classic. maybe Cecil or Marcel or Claude
(yes I realize I just gave everyone cool birds and mammals. and what about it)
wings AU ideas
you have some fun ideas there too! I'll admit I've never really written or read a wings AU. I think jasper should get some ragged buzzard wings since he's desertcore. alice could totally have hummingbird, or magpie would also be cool since they're kinda mod.
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I think esme could get the dove wings, or maybe finch or bluebird. bella would obviously need something brown since that's her favorite color. emmett could get the classic red-tailed hawk coloring, carlisle maybe a barn owl. rosalie something cool like a kestrel
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aaaand this post is already way long so I'll save any soulmate mark ideas for a different one. whew! thorough question there anon
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sasheneskywalker · 7 months ago
thank you for the tag, @the-name-of-the-rose <3
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color: black 🖤
last song: Ruelle - The World We Made
currently reading: Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights by Juno Mac and Molly Smith, Mistborn: The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson and a lot of DC comics
currently watching: Watchmen, Arcane, Good Omens, The Boys
currently craving: i'm always craving chocolate lol
coffee or tea: tea. i drink huge amounts of tea every day. coffee has weird effects on my brain, it can give me a headache or fill me with boundless energy or immediately put me to sleep, depending on the positions of the stars and the phase of the moon, i guess. i only sometimes drink it for the taste.
hobby to try: i'm learning knitting and crocheting right now.
current au: too many to count. i think the most interesting one is my omegaverse. i'm writing a universal "omegaverse worldbuilding" doc for all my fics in an effort to conceptualize an internally coherent omegaverse world, similar to our real world. it currently has 17 pages and that's like 10 percent of what i want to include. i'll post a link to it when i finish it.
tagging: @necrotic-nephilim, @disniq, @red-handed-tamarin, @chejuu, @there-must-be-a-lock,
@itsnyxkvistad, @jzbnee, @paprikadotmp4, @freedvmrouge (if you want!)
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oceanicwayfarer · 23 days ago
I already apologized to Starflight for this, and Anemone has to Tamarin. It was a no hard feelings situation, and even looking back on it years back I feel like absolute trash for it.
Especially because of the idea that I never exactly asked how Starflight would've felt, and he answered that he's been without his eyesight for so long that regaining it would cause massive dysphoria among other things,
I could never hurt another dragon like that. I hate I used to think like I could've used my animus magic to heal something without thinking of the consequences of my actions.
It's been 5+ years since I thought that way. I'm still uncomfortable about the whole idea of it. Starflight and I are on good terms though, so don't worry about us for the foreseeable future.
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sombrathedragon · 29 days ago
An adult Auklet’s opinion on everyone she knows.
Coral: “She’s a great mom. Sure I have to remind her that she doesn’t need to sit front row at every musical I preform in, and she doesn’t need to be the loudest clapper in the audience… and she doesn’t need to shout my name… or threaten the director to get me a lead role. But other than that she’s a great mom.”
Tsunami: “Protective but… not in a good way. I feel like she only sees me as the little hatchling she had to save. I just wish she could see me as my own dragon…”
Anemone: “My best friend. She’s always been so supportive of me. So many things I’ve done, wouldn’t have been without her support.”
Riptide: “… he sure is my brother in law. He’s kind and polite but I don’t really know much about him.”
Tamarin: “Somehow the most chaotic dragon I know. She knows practically every loophole in any rule. She helped me sneak out of the nursery a few times.”
Moorhen: “Is there a word for judgmental but loving? I can tell she cares about me, but it also feels like she’s silently judging everything I say.”
Shark: “Ok this guy. He claims he’s bad at something then turns out to be a master at it. Like seriously the amount of times he’s said “I’m not very good at this” before doing amazingly. It’s insane”
Moray: “She taught me most swear words I know. Mostly by accident. I say mostly because once she thought it’d be funny to hear me call Shark a bitch. She’s nice, I like her.”
Cliff: “He’s like a brother to me. The first dragon I met at school and he’s this kind? Really talented too. He’s so good they let him compose the skywing national anthem. We’ve done so much together over the years, he’s truly like the brother I never had.”
Peacemaker: “He’s best friend. I don’t think I’ve met a more accurately named dragon. He’s friends with practically everyone. Easily the nicest dragon I’ve ever met.”
Bumblebee: “He’s an interesting guy. He writes a lot, I’ve read it. He’s really good at it, but I can my get him to give a straight answer on who this “BatWing” guy is. Most I know is that it’s some character who fights bad guys and lost his parents.”
Firefly: “I… she’s uh…. Very nice and… very pretty…. Yeah...”
Ruby: “Sort of like a third mom to me.”
Glory: “Interesting dragon. I wonder how she deals with both kingdoms at once. Tsunami seems to like her.”
Deathbringer: “It appears the dad jokes came early for him.”
Hope: “… I feel like I’ve seen some dragon who looks like her before… well I am best friends with her son so that might be where the confusion lies.”
Moon: “Peacemaker’s step sister. I get the feeling she’s a bit wary of me. I don’t know why.”
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These are all very cool thank you Auklet for telling me about your relationships with people :3 /gen
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thenweatefivesoups · 2 months ago
Clay Poll Results!
Now that the Clay poll is over, I cam tell you the correct answer!
The one untrue fact about Clay was “He has eaten an entire cow before”, and only one person got it right.
I forgot to include a button for myself which might be a good thing cuz everyone would have picked it, so I voted the correct option, but I’m not counting myself here. So, a round of applause for the sole person who really knows our favorite MudWing inside and out!
Despite his seemingly eternal hunger, and all the prey he’s consumed, we have never, ever seen Clay eat a whole cow! In fact, we don’t really see him eat cows period. The only time he’s eaten them (IIRC) was in the first book, and he shared it with the DoD. Since then, he's thought about cows, but never ate one. Even in that dream sequence in The Dark Secret (which I’m not counting since that was unreality), where Clay had an entire feast of food around him, there was no mention of cows.
Explanations for the other options below the break:
Under the mountain, he was regularly knocked unconscious by Kestrel. Nobody picked this one (there are three that weren't picked at all), so I don't really need to explain it, but yes; this was mentioned repeatedly in the first book.
He does not like carrots. Okay, admittedly this is more of a headcanon, but it does have some truth; in part 3 of TDP, Sunny finds some carrots to eat and Clay says, quote, “Are there dragons who eat those on purpose?” For some reason, the graphic novel has Tsunami say this line instead, but I’m going off of the novel.
He touched lava in the first arc. In The Hidden Kingdom, during the escape from the NightWing island, he tries to lift off, but the extra weight from Glory (who can't fly at the moment) makes his tail brush lava. He didn't get burned, but he said it hurt.
Presumably, he (technically) touched lava to shield Starflight at the end of Dark Secret, too.
He is the only dragonet of destiny who does not have green eyes. No one picked this one either. Ms. Tui loooves her green-eyed dragons.
He is never seen eating in the second arc. Hard to believe, but yes, Clay is not pictured eating in the second arc at all, likely because he’s no longer the focus. We see him breaking up fights most of the time, and while he’s been in the prey center more than once, he’s never seen eating the food there.
When he touched Peril for the first time, his talons turned red. This is what won the poll, so I'm getting text evidence to disprove it. From The Dragonet Prophecy: "He had touched Peril’s scales without even thinking. He looked down, expecting to see dark scorch marks and claws crumbling to ash. But his talons were only glowing a warm red, and even as he looked at them, the redness and the heat faded away until his talons felt entirely normal again."
He believed Blaze was the best choice for SandWing queen, of the three sisters. The third zero-percenter. He said this in The Brightest Night, when the dragonets were forced to pick who they preferred. (If anyone's wondering about the rest, Tsu picked Burn, Glow-Glow picked Blister, and Star and Sun didn't vote.)
He is aware that Peril has a crush on him. I'm just gonna drop this WOF confession here and let it speak for itself.
He works as a healer in the second arc. Clay's the one who took care of Tamarin after the fire in Moon Rising, and he checked the victim's pulses afterward. Plus, he teaches an anatomy class in Darkness of Dragons. While it's never said aloud, it's greatly implied.
His aunt is dead. You guys remember Asha? The MudWing who brought Clay's egg to the Talons of Peace but died a few days later? The one who's never brought up after book one? Yeah me neither. Cattail offhandedly mentioned that Asha was in their sib group, but she left for the Talons.
In Tsunami's words, the dragonets "would fall apart without him." I either misremembered the quote, or it was rephrased in the graphic novel, which I don't have access to ATM. But in any case, this is from The Lost Heir novel: "We can't fulfill the prophecy without Clay. He's the heart of our group. Without him, the rest of us will fall apart, and we won't be worthy of any destiny at all."
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stabthroughme · 7 months ago
Tagged by @deepwithintheabyss
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
Copying Abyss here and putting an easier copy paste empty version
favourite color:
last song:
currently reading:
currently watching:
currently craving:
coffee or tea:
hobby to try:
current au:
favourite color: pink or yellow
last song: Hot To Go by Chappell Roan
currently reading: The Pairing by Casey McQuiston
currently watching: rewatching Greys Anatomy cause it’s brainless and my brain is overwhelmed
currently craving: honey glazed doughnuts (which I can’t have bc my body can’t digest yeast)
coffee or tea: both
hobby to try: I’m working on different types of embroidery using the Royal School of Needlework’s online database of stitches since I only know the silk stitch and a handful of others
current au: right now I’m finishing up edits on part 2 of my JayDick mafia AU and I’m drafting a JayTimKon AU and a Red White and Royal Blue Vegas AU
Tags: @red-handed-tamarin @candywafercutie @starburstcosmos and anyone else who wants to do it 💖
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wof-inbox · 11 months ago
Hey Anemone, do you ever wonder what Starflight and Tamarin are talking about in their notes?
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(The Braille note says “U R Silly :)
“Don’t tell her, but I’ve been telling Starflight to just send me silly notes to make her jealous.” -Tamarin
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thebritishdragon · 8 months ago
Hello my good fellow, tell me fun facts about all your ocs. 👀
All of my ocs? Well well well well!!!!!
I have to use my lmk ones for this! And maybe I might add my ninjago ocs at the end!
First we have -Ping Coa-
He is a very mysterious and cold demon! He used to be sweet and nice. But sadly something tragic happened. In his younger years his lover was killed in a massacre and he’s been furious ever since!
Ping doesn’t typically use his powers(Telekinesis and light control) But if the demon/person he’s fighting is powerful enough. Then he is not afraid to use them.
Ping is around 1000 years old, yet in mortal years he’s around twenty three!
-Ao Jinhai/Dushe Jingshen-
I made him before I realized that Ao Guang names his children 1, 2, and 3…
I’m only going to explain his past. Parts about his future is top secret! Unless I’m bored and want to share things.
He is the fourth and youngest son of Ao Guang. Jinhai loved hanging out with his brothers. After all, he was a child. But then, Ao Bing and Nezha fought. His brother had died to the Third Lotus Prince. And Jinhai had hated him ever since.
Years had passed and Ao Guang was getting strict. Especially to Ao Jinhai. Now, after everything that has happened to Jinhai so far made him wonder. He wanted answers. He wanted to fight the Third Lotus Prince. Which is such a terrible idea but he’s grieving.
But Ao Guang makes sure that Ao Jia, Ao Yi, and Ao Jinhai can’t go check out the surface. Which pisses them all off but Ao Guang is spooky so none of them do anything.
That is until Ao Jinhai runs away.
Long story short, he realizes that he definitely can’t take on Nezha. So he hides away from his father and brothers for a bit. Meets some snake friends. When he meets these cool snakes(they’re normal snakes) he realizes he can talk to them. He can even shapeshift into a snake! But sadly that’s all his shapeshifting powers could do.
After a while jttw starts. Bing bang boom he meets them. After accidentally killing everybody in a village. Everybody is pissed off, Ao Lie is there.
It seems I forgot to mention Ao lie, Ao Jinhai’s cousin. BUT WAIT!!! Does that mean… *gasp* Ao Jinhai is actually Mei’s GREAT UNCLE!?!?!?! I think that’s the correct familial term for whatever that is. But they just call each other cousins.
Ao Jinhai changes his name to Dushe Jingshen so when people ever refer to him. Ao Guang and his brothers would never find him!
-Shan Ji de-
Where do I even start? So she doesn’t really have much of a story. She’s 21, but 800 in demon years.
She’s a celestial monkey with three noses(a curse really)
And with those three noses she can smell almost anything!
Ji de is based off of a golden-headed lion tamarin!
She basically has all the basic celestial monkey powers. Like shapeshifting, golden eyes of truth. Other things as well…
I honestly don’t really have a story for her! She’s mostly just a chaotic and goofy little goober!
I impulsively made her, she has no story or any plots. She’s just here.
Brother to Bái Hé. He also doesn’t really have a story. But I’d love to make one with you!
He has a funky magic mirror that he uses to teleport through!
Kěpà has a depressing childhood… his father was abusive towards him and his mother. And as a young fox spirit(that’s all he is) he couldn’t do a single thing.
But his father will always leave an impact on his life. After Kěpà becomes an adult, he decides enough is enough. After all, shapeshifters are extraordinary
He would go on to use his talents for horrible things, even if these people were good or bad. He would shapeshift into a woman, flirt with whichever victim seemed to be into it. And then invite that man to his place. He would go onto reveal his true self, kill the person. Chop them up and make soup.
Just don’t interact with this guy if you’re a man.
And that’s all I have for lmk ocs! And damn do I need more female characters-
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otterlyotterott · 1 year ago
animus pining must be painful
warning for this fic containing intrusive thoughts, spiralling, etc
Anemone's curled up in her cave all alone and who told her that being alone was so—lonely—because it's all she wanted growing up and now that she's no longer on a leash,
Well, if it were Tamarin on the other end, maybe, just maybe...
And wasn't it so easy?
Kinkajou, not in love with Turtle one moment, and horns over claws the next,
And it was because of her,
And obviously obviously obviously that was wrong but wasn't it so easy and if she just had some time to word the enchantment and really think about it
but no, that would be evil, she isn't evil
is she evil for wanting it?
and who could she ever tell? Turtle?
Well, maybe
But it wouldn't make her feel better
And she knows exactly what would,
but no, no , no, no no no no
She wants it to be real
If it can be
But what if it could never?
Could she find out? Could she enchant a piece of paper to tell her the future, or something? Or calculate the chances of them getting together or or
Moons, that'd mess her up, she can already tell,
It wouldn't be evil to do, though, would it?
But what if
What if she didn't like the answer she got?
What would she do?
Would she do something bad?
Could she?
Could she live with it? And she wants to say no,
But she says nothing to the no one in the cave with her and she keeps staring at the wall, and she's twisted but she's thankful that Tamarin can't see because she doesn't want her to see the guilt on her face
And the wall says nothing back
And she can only ask that one stupid question rephrased in a million ways and it's always always
what if, what if , what if what if
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professorspork · 11 months ago
19, 30, 34!
19. Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it.
Blake takes a seat at the dining room table, which is already set up with her pre-drawn battle map, laptop, DM screen, and dice box. The others all join her momentarily, and she cracks her knuckles and rolls her shoulders.
“I thought it might be best for you to start by introducing your characters. Sun, you want to kick us off?”
“Sure. I play Tamarin King, a halfling monk,” Sun says, setting his mini on the table for Yang to admire.
“Oh, I get it. He’s a short king, right?” she asks, and Sun shoots her finger guns.
Neptune unveils his mini next. “My character’s name is Seidon, and he’s a human wizard.”
“Nep only ever plays humans, because he’s the most boring person in the world,” Sun stage-whispers fondly behind his hand. Neptune pouts, and Yang laughs as she reaches back into her tote bag.
“I’m gonna have to borrow a set of dice from one of you, but I wasn’t gonna play a battle royale without bringing my lucky piece. This thing guarantees victory.” With a grin, she sets a Monopoly figurine—the Scottie Dog—on the table. “I’m a dragonborn barbarian, and you can call me Ursa.”
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn’t.
I had very good intentions to write a canon-spanning NND fic focused on Ruby-- sort of Ruby's answer, through the lens of her asexuality, to show me everything and tell me how's take on Blake and gender.
I'll never say never about writing it, of course, but considering the facts that 1) the ending would be, however hopeful, also extremely tragic; 2) writing it would require a full watch-through of the show on my end, and 3) it would be a big departure from leaving Bees comfort zone I just never found the gumption to really move forward and make it a priority.
34. Do you write to improve? Or is that not a concern for you?
Oh, what an interesting question-- I'm fascinated by how it's framed. Improvement is definitely a concern, though not at the forefront of my mind. It's the sort of thing where, if I go back and look at something I wrote 5+ years ago, I'd be a little perturbed if I didn't see a million little things I'd like to go back and change.
But do I actually "write to improve?" Yes and no! I've gotten a lot of out picking more daring subject-matter to stretch myself that way, but I think my overall attitude is that I write to upkeep my skills, and that I read to improve.
I get a lot of inspiration and insight into seeing the way other authors do things, and that sort of spurs me in new directions... but I guess ultimately I have to write them, so maybe I land on yes after all lmao.
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liminal-therianthropy · 2 months ago
HELLO?? WHERE DID Y'ALL COME FROM?? /POS I can not believe i hit 50 followers today thats insane to me!! Thank you guys for liking the things i post it genuinely means a lot to me. I wasnt sure what to even do for 50, and i still dont really know what to do for 50 other then say thank you!! I'll have more flags ready either tonight or tomorrow, depends how im feeling mainly. Also reminder that my asks arent just for flag related things, you can also send asks of other things too! I'll still answer them! All day ive been feeling like a golden lion tamarin, a very happy one at that! Also happy appreciate a dragon day! Go tell a dragon you appreciate them today!!!
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robbierobsz · 1 year ago
Answer to What is your wildlife photography of the day 229? by Nicole Nikolaev https://journeyintothewild.quora.com/What-is-your-wildlife-photography-of-the-day-229-10?ch=18&oid=1477743731499464&share=8c66f4f6&srid=uSZ12g&target_type=answer
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