nei-ning · 10 months
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I went for a 2h long walk today since weather was nice: Sunshine and crispy coldness <3 As I walked, took photos and thought of my life I saw a woodpecker on near by tree. After this 4 female grouses (gray hen) flew very low above me / past me. When I turned around and started my journey back home, I saw this same woodpecker and this time it flew with me, singing to me! I also saw 4 tiny birds fly above me, most definitely Great Tits.
Of course to me all these were signs so I had to google spiritual meaning of grouse, great tit and woodpecker. Their messages are wonderful :D
Grouse: Either spend time alone or be more social. You have power to control your life. You can reach higher thinking and behavior. Drumming and Meditation. You are protected. Great tit: Don't get lost in your worries, keep your energy high and do something small every day to make your soul chirp and you happy. Woodpecker: Pay attention to how you speak (to yourself and others). Significant changes are happening / coming into your life. Door is wide open for you and success is yours. You are protected (again!).
Good thing I went for a walk! :D I wasn't going to at first... Now I will boil some water, make myself hot chocolate and sit in front of electric fireplace which blows warm air. My legs are heck cold :'D
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piilopirtti · 2 years
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juustozzi · 4 months
Inazuma Japan & The Horned Owls vs. the language barrier
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this post was born from a need for language struggles in the 3rd i11 season, and also from how finnish and japanese have a weird overlap while being so vastly different. (Most of the owls have not too much trouble with basic communication in english since it's taught here from early on, and while IJ doesn't do as well, I think Kidou has the best language skills so he'd do the most talking at first)
explaining the jokes n stuff under cut!
first comic:
"Tobitakapuoli" is a mix of Tobitaka and takapuoli, which means backside or a butt in finnish. Valokainen says "I wonder if he has a good butt" but the word for butt is the one mixed with Tobitaka.
(Valokainen is a man of dumb word plays)(like I am)(a friend asked if he's my self-insert and I wasn't able to fully deny)
I dunno if it's common but at least I like to mash up words in odd places, like adding another word to make a single word into a compound word. but I know for a fact it's a common thing to make twisted words, where you have two words and switch up a few of the first letters in both, to make the meaning totally different while the words still sound the same (ruskaa pakkaseen -> paskaa rukkaseen). most of these are really pervy or just plain poop jokes, but the joke lies in that you don't say the twisted version... everyone just knows.
also! even though finnish and japanese are pretty far from each other as languages, there are many words that are in both languages, but have different meanings. that "taka" is one, but also words like hana, kasa, hai, toki, kakka (heh)
second comic:
even if finnish and japanese sound kinda similar in many ways, there's letters and sounds that don't really exist in the other. like the finnish "ti", with a hard T (if you put "talitintti" in ggl translate and read it out as finnish, you can hear how tintti is aprox. pronounced) but in japanese they would pronounce it with ち (chi), making tintti something like chinchi...
.....and yeah chinchin is penis in japanese and that's the joke *bows and escapes from the stage*
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dick-chugger · 5 months
Se fiilis kun ulkona on talitintti ja se ei suostu oleen hiljaa
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gr(ule)eetings gay little people in my phone!!!
Today I went to touch some grass and I met some wonderful denizens of the forest and I really wanted to share them with 196:
The first little guy was this orava munching on some nuts
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He was hanging out with this talitintti, who was also enjoying the same nuts
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After them I met the straightest ankka couple!
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They really didn't feel like hanging with this posse
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Also, naurulokki
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This peura was nowhere near as brave as the other animals
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Try to spot the kyyhkynen
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And finally, a gorgeous bed of päivänkakkara
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That's all :3
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liskokasa · 2 years
Ikkunassa hengaava talitintti joka luulee olevansa tikka herätti mut. Kissa? Ei tee mitään.
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guanomole · 2 years
Pikku linnut on tääl päin ruvennu aseistautuun ku ei oo vie talipalloja puussa.
Talitintti tiputti nerf ammuksen puun juureen varoitukseksi 😂
Terveisin ikkunan kolkuttaja.
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toropiski · 3 years
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Talven tintit.... ................. #photos #nature #talitintti #sinitintti #winterbirds https://www.instagram.com/p/CXJ_-g_sNKA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pmiettun · 4 years
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Ite tein Vilho auttoi #linnunpönttö #Birdlife'n ohjeita seuraten #talitintti #krautalielahti 100x20pl/vl #kevät https://www.instagram.com/p/B_k2IfUDId9/?igshid=1lyl2a8v6azhd
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nei-ning · 3 years
Had few dreams last night, but the most clearest part (from first dream) is this:
I was in my old home during winter. I was standing either outside or looking at the front yard through window. We had small stone fence and behind it stood birch. We kept birds feeding house on that tree during winter to feed the birds.
On the left side of my view, next to the birch, stood small Asian man, his back towards me. He had shot light blue hair and overall he reminded me so much of Kuroko (from Kuroko no Basket anime). Someone tall, dressed in dark hooded cape which covered him completely, stood by his side side ways, facing him. I knew this dark person said something to this “Kuroko” guy but he remained silent in calm and positive way. Note that the dark person / figure wasn’t mean or anything!
I observed “Kuroko’s” clothes better now and I noticed he had short yellow Japanese “jacket” with wide sleeves which instantly reminded me of Nioh. I had seen similar “magician” jacket, yellow in color, in the game. “Kuroko” also wore light blue loose hakama pants which ended just above his knees. His legs were bare but he had small Japanese shoes.
As I watched him, I heard him say something to his companion as small winter bird, Parus major (talitiainen) a.k.a Great Tit, flied to him, grabbing on his hakama pants, hanging sideways.
“Kuroko” said, with very soft and gentle voice, something like; “We all are one.” I could sense he was VERY highly spiritual and I liked him for that reason instantly.
Cards been telling me about new Spirit Guide coming into my life so maybe it’s him? I don’t know. I should try to meditate about it since cards been SPAMMING me to meditate as well... But have I? No. The thing is I need to have this feeling which says; “NOW! Meditate now!” without it I just can’t do it.
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sakuschildt · 7 years
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Ever feel like you’re looking at this big, wide world from behind bars with walls closing in?
(The little guy’s not really trapped in there, there’s no lid on the bird feeder.)
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aikidookie · 3 years
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Drawing Grian as hybrids of my fav birds pt.2 Talitintti!
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+ I saw this on the Finnish headlines and I’m in love of how the talitinnti is like those people taking a selfie with the lion they shot
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shinondraws · 2 years
Päivän sanahirviö:
Militantti talitintti
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talitintti 1: titi-tyy, titi-tyy
talitintti 2: ti-ty ti-ty ti-ty
minä: oi, meillä on sekä maalais- että citytinttejä!
isä: nekään ei malttanut pysyä uudellamaalla
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ruttotohtori · 5 years
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Austraalialainen talitintti (paikassa Lahti, Finland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6m9TNIA_O0/?igshid=11yhox8pcxwtq
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kurjenpolku · 4 years
100 lintua haaveena
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Otin tämän kuvan viimekuun puolella ja samana päivänä kuulin 100 lintua haasteesta. Eli, yritetään tunnistaa 100 lintua tmän vuoden aikana :D Minä tietenkin innostuin, talitintti on hyvä ensimmäinen lintu! Sen tunnistin ilman apuja..
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Minä en tietenkään tyydy vain näkemään 100 lintua, vaan haluan myös kuvata 100 lintua. Siksi testasin, huvikseni, miten kiikari ja kännykän kamera toimivat yhdessä ;)
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Tämä näyttää pululta :D Mutta en nähnyt tarpeeksi tarkkaan, joten tämä ja mahdollinen parvi jotain varpusia jäävät vielä pois sadan listasta. Mutta jaan muutaman kuvan näistä ‘puluista’
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Varma havainto tuli kuitenkin variksesta!
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Ja jo aiemmin nähdystä harakasta sain kuvan!
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