dubmill · 11 months
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Arkley, Barnet, London; 25.4.2021
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i didn't fear death, but, for the first time in my life, i feared my brother. what made it a nightmare was not the gun, but the man holding it, because for that man i would have given my life, but never did i think it would be him taking it.
25.4.2021 / noa sun
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nei-ning · 3 years
Had few dreams last night, but the most clearest part (from first dream) is this:
I was in my old home during winter. I was standing either outside or looking at the front yard through window. We had small stone fence and behind it stood birch. We kept birds feeding house on that tree during winter to feed the birds.
On the left side of my view, next to the birch, stood small Asian man, his back towards me. He had shot light blue hair and overall he reminded me so much of Kuroko (from Kuroko no Basket anime). Someone tall, dressed in dark hooded cape which covered him completely, stood by his side side ways, facing him. I knew this dark person said something to this “Kuroko” guy but he remained silent in calm and positive way. Note that the dark person / figure wasn’t mean or anything!
I observed “Kuroko’s” clothes better now and I noticed he had short yellow Japanese “jacket” with wide sleeves which instantly reminded me of Nioh. I had seen similar “magician” jacket, yellow in color, in the game. “Kuroko” also wore light blue loose hakama pants which ended just above his knees. His legs were bare but he had small Japanese shoes.
As I watched him, I heard him say something to his companion as small winter bird, Parus major (talitiainen) a.k.a Great Tit, flied to him, grabbing on his hakama pants, hanging sideways.
“Kuroko” said, with very soft and gentle voice, something like; “We all are one.” I could sense he was VERY highly spiritual and I liked him for that reason instantly.
Cards been telling me about new Spirit Guide coming into my life so maybe it’s him? I don’t know. I should try to meditate about it since cards been SPAMMING me to meditate as well... But have I? No. The thing is I need to have this feeling which says; “NOW! Meditate now!” without it I just can’t do it.
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phototagebuch · 3 years
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25.4.2021: Totembaum
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prosy-days · 3 years
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April 25, 2021 - Day 310
I've run out of yarn before finishing these last couple doilies.
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godsnameisjoy · 3 years
Date: 25 April 2021
Duration: 101 minutes at 11:59 PM
‘Wasn’t expecting to see 40 minutes added to the first hour of meditation when I opened my eyes after meditation today.
The following has been written in the morning after the session.
Last night I was able to pay attention to all the routine mind-exercises. There was some lapse of attention after I completed count breathing. The attention slipped straight into the Hong Sau technique without having covered the relaxation exercise. Having caught the attention so, I stepped out of the Hong Sau, conducted the relaxation exercise and returned to the Hong Sau. Towards the end of Hong Sau and the session, I was unable to hear myself utter the syllables. Also, the bodily shakes got too much for me to handle. That’s when I stopped meditating.
For years, I desired a decent average duration of meditation. And those desires remained unfulfilled. And now when duration is the least of my concerns, I find myself in the intuitive mind-spaces where time is bent in my favour. How blessed is this!
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nataliesnews · 3 years
Damascus gate ramadan 25.4.2021
I went with Anat Tueg to East Jerusalem to see what was happening after the violence of the previous night and it seemed peaceful while we were there. But we parked in West Jerusalem and walked down and there was a smell there which, from childhood, I thought was that of horse droppings. But it was so prevalent all the way down and I did not see any signs of droppings. It was only afterwards when we spoke to some Palestinians that I realized it was the smell of the “Skunk”
 I wonder…were they protecting me> ? I doubt it                   
 I had heard before but never experienced it that you cannot get rid of the smell when you have been sprayed and now I can well believe it. Sometimes in the villages when there is a protest march I have read of how the army actually fires this cannon into the houses and now can understand how terrible that must be.
I had every intention of walking this morning but I still feel a bit nauseous so will stay at home until it is time to go to Balfour.  
These are some of the pictures Anat took. I have a problem photographing there because of the steady stream of people passing
Two little boys taking advantage of the passers by to sell prayer mats….10 shekel
The beggars abound….the women always have a child with them…preferably a baby but I saw one of them who had been completely shrouded like this one later with the child whom I recognized and she did not look at all so covered up
The Damascus gate
                  Note the soldier in front…in the streets of the Old City
 I find that Ramadan in the summer when we go out is very hard as I do not drink as there are no public toilets and I actually came back feeling rather sick.
 I had some time to rest though as in the evening I had a picnic with friends. Now that summer is here with a vengeance we go out towards evening when it is not so hot. Normally I would do it on a Saturday but I will keep going to Balfour so long as the demonstrations there go on. I know it is stupid but I feel guilty that I did not go to Sheik Jararr this Friday to demonstrate against the ethnic cleansing which is going on there ….really what do I think? That I make such a difference? I did not have a good feeling about the picnic but it was actually very successful …only 10 of us and not a big gathering of the clan. We went to a new area  which is  normally packed with the religious as it is near their neighborhood….but on a Friday night we had the area practically to ourselves .
 The army seems determined to exacerbate the situation and to stop the Palestinians from sitting on the steps. In previous years there was never a problem. 
 Hundreds of Palestinians clash with police by Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate
Police use water cannons and mounted police to disperse crowd, 3 ‎arrested, on 5‎th day of clashes over restrictions during Ramadan
 Dozens hurt, arrested in Old City clash as extremist Jews chant ‘Death to Arabs’
Arab counter-protesters also skirmish with police trying to keep groups apart; 105 ‎Palestinians, 20 ‎officers injured as cops use water cannons, stun grenades against rock throwers
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Tyler and Gerry in his insta story 25.4.2021
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a-boy-too-weird · 3 years
From Eoin Colfer's instagram.
Wtf will happen????
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lilothrowbacks · 3 years
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Unseen photo of Louis with fans in 2014! - 25.4.2021
📸 HLDPromo
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dubmill · 2 years
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Borehamwood, Herts; 25.4.2021
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neznanokam · 3 years
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Pod mizo | 25.4.2021
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Language log 19. – 25.4.2021
I didn't do much, as I said last week, I am behind with my uni work. I read three short-ish books this week and I still have a lot to read for my literature exam, not even mentioning that I'll need to actually study for the exam. Am I stressed? Yes, very, I feel like I don't have enough time to do everything. This week I also got to see my family and go for a beautiful walk with my boyfriend and yesterday my friends and I drove to another city to get food from an amazing vegan restaurant. This was the first time since January I left my town.
German: I attended both of my classes even though I didn't want to. Next week though I'll probably miss one or both of my classes. I also tried to listen a bit to the Easy German podcast
Spanish: I read a couple of pages from Harry Potter, but reading in different languages really isn't something I'd want to do when I have so many Czech books I need to read in a short period of time. I talked a lot to people on Tandem and, as a reward after reading so much/doing what I needed to do that day, I usually watched an episode of Velvet.
Swedish: I listened to a podcast and read the Bible in Swedish out loud. It's good for me, since the chapters are pretty short, so I just spend 5-10 minutes in the morning, trying to read.
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joshcockroft2 · 3 years
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The Death of Bunny Munro – Nick Cave 
Comically grubby and depraved, but without being cartoonish, or ignoring the darkness implicit to a sex addicted alcoholic. This is what I want Irvine Welsh’s books to read like, and am always disappointed when they come up short. 
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nataliesnews · 3 years
Violence in Jerusalem 25.4.2021
This is a message from Tag maier  on Sunday 25.4.2021
 Jerusalem is burning.
Words from our Chair Gadi Gvaryahu on the situation:
"On Thursday night Tag Meir called Jerusalemites to go out to the hot spots of friction and to calmly appeal to the residents not to partake in the violence in response to Jewish extremists' call for a hate march from Safra Square to the Nablus Gate that same evening.
At 20:00, we arrived at Zion Square and were met by a mob of around 100 youths from the "Lehava" extremist movement, who were chanting "Death to Arabs" and "May your village burn"
The police were out with increased force, including the horseback and dog unit.
No Arab residents were seen in the vicinity, and around 21:30, the mob started to walk to IDF Square and Nablus Gate. Police tried to stop the crowd without success and then used riot control measures to disperse demonstrations.
We could only but imagine what 1000 Lehavah / Kahana activists or even small groups of them would get up to later in the night and in the early hours of the morning when they manage to reach the Old City.
At the same time, we received a heartwarming report from a group of 25 people from various Jerusalem communities who together kept a neighbourhood watch team going in the Mesila Park area.
Early in the day one of our prominent activists wrote to us: "I am afraid that there will be bloodshed tonight in Jerusalem. I do not think it is responsible for calling on activists to come downtown."
It is totally possible however that our call in the morning for activists to patrol the points of friction, in parallel with announcements and interviews to the media, caused the police to intensify its forces; It is possible that our presence saved some Arabs residents.
And even if not: it is impossible for us to abandon 40% of the residents of Jerusalem, who are at the mercy of of Lehava and Kahana activists just because they are Arab.
It is important for them to know in East Jerusalem that on the evening that hundreds of Lehava activists chanted "Death to the Arabs," hundreds of Jews stood shoulder to shoulder in Zion Square, Safra Square, Hatulim Square, IDF Square and Mesila Park - we did not lose hope for peace and will never abandon them
When I got up in the morning after having been to the Damascus gate to monitor what was happening there….the important Friday prayer on Ramadan I did not feel so well.  The problem is the heat and I am nervous to drink while there as there are no toilets. Anyhow I stayed home and had seven people from Nofim for tea in the morning. I always get so nervous before and wonder why I do it and then it turns out well. It must have as they came at 11 am and left at one. But before that I sat there looking at my full tea table and thinking what is no one comes.
 Then I stayed home until the evening when one of the young men who used to join us at the demonstrations gave me a lift to the Knesset……and also brought me a ton of bottles.
 Already in the afternoon police were carrying out the orders of the Balfour Mafia family and two buses were stopped in the city and people hauled off and  arrested while still on the bus.  Now if this happened in Iran I can imagine who our media here would have to say about it. But we are the traitors…the leftists. So there is open hunting on us
 I walked to Balfour…..it is much easier now as the walk is shorter than when we used to come from the entrance to the city and also the ascent is more gradual. And I had two meetings which are so strange in their way. One of the women who told me she had given me a lift back to Nofim after a demonstration was walking with her mother who was in a wheelchair. It turns out that Zelda Katz studied at the School of Social work at the university …she was part of a course for new immigrants and her daughter had told her that we had met. So we walked together reminiscing. I did not remember her and said that she must have returned her books always on time as I remember those who gave me problems. Also that they used to call me the bitch on the fifth floor because I was tough on them. But they always got their books on time even if a professor had it out. I guess we never thought though that we who had come as Zionists would be protesting one day against such a corrupt government.
 Then at Kikar Zion a woman sitting next to me said that she had just come from Balfour and her sister asked “Where is Natanya” and so she phoned her sister and said that I was there . And the worse is that 99  % of these people I don’t have a clue what their names are and even if they tell me I don’t remember the next time
  After that we walked to Zion Square where there was a protest against the young fascists of Lahava which caused great havoc on Thursday evening and such violence. There are less and less people. One almost feels as if the country is holding its breath to see what happens next. It is so possible that Netanyahu will exacerbate the situation so as to bring us to a case of war. In the meantime the latest rocket attacks
Came in response to this….which much of the media ignores. The police chief has been trying to cover up by saying that the ban on sitting on the steps has been going on for years but in facebook one sees how untrue this is. There are photos of previous years with hundreds sitting on the steps.
 “There have been nightly disturbances in Jerusalem since the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan on April 13, amid Palestinian anger over police blocking off access to a square surrounded by broad steps outside the Old City’s Damascus Gate, where, in an unofficial Jerusalem tradition, thousands of Palestinians would congregate following nighttime prayers during Ramadan”.
 While at Balfour I was told that Women make peace are going to go to the South on Thursday to identify with them which is not the word I am looking for. Anyhow I do not go out with them a lot as Machsomwatch is enough for me but last night I was photographed with them  and even before had been thinking that if they go down I will join them. I wish I did not have such fat cheeks
  Today also I have not gone out and except for morning exercise here at Nofim and an Arabic lesson I think the world will have to go on without me for today or at least until the next weekend.
 I am thinking of how I enjoyed the picnics in summer but we always do them in the late afternoon and night. As Fagin said I guess I have to think it out again
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tagesnotizen · 3 years
25.4.2021 | Kalkbreite | 16.30h
Der Kinosaal ist leer. „Die Leute wollen jetzt auswärts essen“, sagt K., „Filme haben sie zu Hause genug gesehen.“
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