#tales of arcanum
puppy-wife · 7 days
Tales of Arcanum #4: The Golden Steps
Cast List:
- Zedrick Took, he/him, human chef
- Evermore of the Summer Court, she/her, dryad
- The Queen of the Summer Court, any pronouns (mostly feminine)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Running. Running. Running. He couldn’t stop running, or he was dead. His legs burned, and he was so tired, but the guards were ever approaching. Zed could hear the howls of the hounds, and he knew his time was running short.
He jumped over a small stream, and looked at his options. He could continue running east, and try to find somewhere to hide. Unlikely to succeed. Out to the east was plains until you hit the Shiroi River, and Zed knew he was not a good enough swimmer to cross that unaided. He looked to the south, and gulped. It was a long shot, and just as likely to get him killed, but he had no other choice. Escaping into the Whitewood was his only path to freedom. He didn’t mean to kill the guy. He was just a cook, he had no idea that noble was allergic to lavender.
Zed took a deep breath, turned south, and ran into the trees. This was a strange forest, even by Arcanum’s highly magical standards. The bark of the trees in this wood, no matter what kind of tree they were, grew white like chalk. It was a strange thing to see, and caused an odd sense of bright light, even under the slightest bit of light. Granted, the sun was high in the sky, which did not aleve Zed’s worries about the pursuing guards. He knew he would be easy to spot if they were to give chase into the trees, but he was hoping the rumors and legends would be enough to dissuade that.
Eventually, he had to stop. Soaked in sweat and panting for breath, he dropped and pressed his back against the base of a tree. He needed to rest, he had been running for so long. The calls of the men and the barking of the dogs had long since stopped, but he could still feel something chasing him. Watching him. It felt as if there was a presence hovering just over his shoulder, but he had no more energy. Maybe if he just rested, just for a moment, he would have the energy to keep going. Find somewhere safe. He just needed to close his eyes...just for a moment…
Zed sat up with a start. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. It was dark now, the light of the moon illuminating the Whitewoods around him. He was unsure of how long he had been asleep, but judging by the stiffness of his back as he stood up, it had been quite a while. He stretched slowly, grunting as he stretched muscles that begged to stay tight and unmoving, and looked around. He had been running for so long and so hard, he was unsure of where he was now, or how deep in the woods. At least his plan worked. He could never go back to Lovers’ Cove, and that was painful to think about. It was his home city, and he would miss it greatly, but living was far more important to him. After glancing in every direction, he decided he would just have to pick a direction and start walking. He needed to get out of these woods, especially now that it was night, and that would not be an easy task, given he had no inclination of where anything even was.
He eventually just spun himself in a circle, picking a random direction, and moved. He thought back to his life in Lovers’ Cove, and then shook his head. Best not to dwell on things he had no control over, and he needed to focus. He had heard lots of stories about these woods, and he shivered. He hoped none of them were true, but in every urban legend, there was always a nugget of truth at least. Tales of strange beasts, living trees, and even the fae were of course choice among these stories. Sure there were some good stories of people swearing they had met with an avatar of the All-Mother, whose Lifetree was supposedly somewhere deep in these woods, but he knew those types of stories were one in a thousand. Besides, the most important fact, and the one that shook him to his core, was that most people who went into the woods did not come out, and the ones who did often did not come out the same.
He had been wandering for a good hour before he heard the movement. He stiffened immediately, and turned slowly. Nothing there. He gulped, knowing that the unseen hunter was the deadliest. He turned back to his front and continued, listening intently. Nothing for a few minutes, and then- crack. A twig breaking. His breathing quickened. There was no mistaking it now, he was being followed. He looked around at the ground quickly. He needed a weapon. He wasn’t much, or any, of a fighter, but he wouldn’t go easily. He picked up a rock about the size of his fist and gulped. He couldn’t believe he had ran so far and escaped, only to be killed in the woods by some beast. He gathered the last of his courage, gripped the stone tight, and spun ready to strike whatever was charging him!
There was no beast. Zed stared hard at the trees around him and waited. He could hear his heart beating in his ears. He stood completely still, listening, and… there was a shuffling in the opposite direction. Here it comes! He spun, ready to face his death, and-- it was a girl. He yelped, and stumbled back. Oh gods, she was naked! Well, kind of. Her skin was brown, and had the texture of bark, but still she had no clothes on!
“A-ah! Sorry! I didn’t mean to, I mean, I didn’t know there was any- anybody out here…” Zed covered his eyes with his hands and turned his head. He waited but there was no response. Slowly, he uncovered his eyes, and oh gods she was so close to him! He yelped again and stumbled, tripping over a tree root and landing hard on his bottom.
“Ouch! Ah, shit.” He rubbed his rear and looked up at the girl again. She didn’t look scared, just curious. She stepped forward and squatted in front of him, studying him closely. He blinked a few times, and looked more closely at her. She was beautiful. She had barklike skin, but it looked very soft to the touch, like it had the look without the texture of trees. She had long brown hair, with little twigs and leaves mixed into it. It almost looked like a natural look, he thought. Her eyes were a golden brown that shone with a feral curiosity in the moonlight. She reached her hand out slowly, and Zed, unsure of how to react, just froze.
Her fingers gently touched the fabric of his shirt and she poked his shirt, and in a strange accent said, “Shit.” Zed blinked.
“Sorry, what?”
She stared at his mouth as he talked, and tilted her head slightly to the side. “Sorry, what?”
He was starting to think she didn’t speak Common.
“Um… hello? Can you understand me? My name is Zed. Zedrick Took.” He tapped his chest, pointing to himself and repeated slowly. “Zed. And you are?” He pointed to her.
She looked down at his finger, and tilted her head to the other side. “Shit? Zed. Zed?” She pointed at him when she said his name. He smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
“Yes! I am Zed. What is your name?” He asked, putting emphasis on the last word. She just stared at him for a moment, and he sighed. “Yeah, I didn’t think so. What...are you? I hope you don’t plan on eating me. … It's nice to see another face out there though. Do you live here? Obviously you do. That was a dumb question, sorry. Um… do you know the way out? Away from here?” He stared at her, hoping she understood even a single word of that. She just blinked at him, and bared her teeth, attempting to replicate his smile from earlier. He looked at her and then just laughed and shook his head.
“Yeah, that sounds about right. Alright, well, I need to get out of here, so I guess we can travel together? How does that sound, will you keep me company?” He slowly stood, trying not to spook her, and offered her his hand. She looked at it and he saw a true smile, and as she took his hand, she leapt forward and pulled him along through the woods. He could hear her speaking, but it was in a language he couldn’t understand at all. It was like she was singing, looking over her shoulder often at him, mixing with her words the sounds of the breeze, the gushing of the river over softened rocks, and the twinkling of the stars. He could think of no other way to describe it.
Zed wasn’t sure where she was leading him, but he could only hope it was to safety.
Zed thought he was lost before, but that was nothing compared to wherever he was now. The brown skinned girl had taken his hand and was leading him through the Whitewood, but he wasn’t so sure that's still where he was. The trees seemed to have an almost golden hue to them, and he swore he saw other creatures peeking out from behind trees to see them as they raced through the forest. He could see sunlight beginning to peek through the foliage and the bright light of the sun caused him to shield his eyes with his hand for a moment, and once they adjusted he looked around again and he gasped. He let go of the girl’s hand and stared at the scenery, his mouth agape.
He was in some kind of… golden city. The bricks of the street he stood on were solid gold, and he could see buildings, built out of golden wood, and in small groves were golden ivory trees with clouds for leaves. There were so many people, creatures of all sizes ranging from tiny humanoids with insectoid wings fluttering about, to a centaur peddling goods out of a golden ivory cart. There were some elves here, but they looked different than any elf he had ever met. They had long ears, longer than his forearm almost, and their hair colors were all bright oranges, somehow reminiscent of the current season of fall they were experiencing.
The girl had stopped, and came back to him, and softly poked his chest again. “Zed?” He blinked and looked down at her, blinking back tears.
“Y-yes? I’m sorry, it's all just so...beautiful. What was it?”
She smiled as she took his hand again, and pointed in the distance to a large golden castle that seemed to be connected to the city only through stairs built into clouds. The castle itself floated about 60 feet off of the ground, with crystal clear waterfalls pouring out of either side of it. She poked his chest again and giggled, and pointed at the skycastle. “What.”
Zed was constantly gawking and stopping to stare as the girl pulled him along. She never became irritated with him, though. She would giggle each time and poke him in the chest, mumbling his name and continue pulling him along. He saw so many amazing and wonderful things while they made their way up the steps to the castle gates and into the castle itself. He saw off in the distance, great winged things that resembled dragons and giant birds of prey. He saw a large number of those elves with the very strange looks to them. He even saw a few humans, though even they looked off to him. Their skin took on a somewhat more gray tone, and their eyes shone like silver. Almost like they were more decorative than real.
However none of the creatures he saw prepared him for the close up beauty of the skycastle. The walls themselves seemed to be made of actual solid gold, and though it sat directly in the light of the setting sun, the metal felt cool to the touch as they passed through the open gates and into a foyer. Inside was even more beautiful than the outside. The metal was carved and bedazzled in so many beautiful stones and gems, only some of which were even recognizable to a man as simple as Zed. He knew the rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and pearls he saw, of which were innumerable, but there were so many strange and entrancing gems in colors he did not even know the name of. The smells of this place were just as intoxicating, as aromas wafted out of open doors and caressed his nostrils. He smelled freshly baked bread, different woods, and one scent he was fairly certain was seafoam. Such a strange allotment of smells, especially considering there were no trees near the castle and especially no ocean.
The girl continued to pull him through another large set of double doors that were gilded in pure ivory and had a large crest of an insect across it that split down the middle as the doors opened. Zed pulled back from the girl as they entered this final room however, and put a hand to his mouth. Tears began to fall from his face as he saw the most exquisite image yet. He now stood in a throne room, and orange golden rays of the setting sun’s light flooded this room. Expertly crafted trees of pure gold and silver decorated the outer edges of this room, and a huge throne in the shape of a giant sun took up the entire back wall of this room. Seated on this throne was a being who could only be described as godly. She was a bright and effervescent silver, and the fur around her neck, arms, and legs looked as soft as air. She stood upon their entrance, smiling down at them, and large moth wings fluttered out from behind her displaying a beautiful black and white image that seemed to swirl as they lifted her from the stage the throne sat upon. The girl took Zed’s hand again and pulled him forward, and he stumbled, unsure of how to act. This was obviously some kind of queen, as she wore a beautiful golden crown that looked like rays of sunshine, and accentuated the long antennae that rose of her perfectly quaffed black hair.
The Queen floated gently down to land in front of the girl, and bent forward to caress her face and kiss both her cheeks and her forehead, the girl giggling the entire time and..was she blushing? Could wood blush? He supposed so. It was cute, he thought.
The two women began to converse in that same singsong language that the girl spoke to him in. He wished he could understand any of what was happening, but whatever it was, the girl seemed very excited. Every now and then, he would catch a word he understood, such as his name, “what”, and “shit”. The Queen looked him up and down, and stared through him, seeming to search his soul. He turned beet red, he had no other choice what with this beautiful woman staring at him.
The Queen squatted a bit to look Zed directly in his eyes. He didn’t think his face could get any more red, but she proved him wrong. He gulped, unsure of what was going to happen next. Very softly, surprising him by speaking in Common, the Queen asked him, “Is this acceptable to you?”
Zed blinked, now very confused, and stammered a bit before replying. “I, ah, erm… what?”
She smiled sweetly and chuckled. “What, indeed. Will you stay and live with us?”
Now Zed was taken completely aback. Is that what the girl was trying to do? Was she saving him from fleeing his entire life by allowing him to stay here? He wondered about her relation to the Queen. He weighed the possible pros and cons to this, and figured wherever he was right now was better than always being paranoid living in Arcanum. This was probably some kind of fae kingdom, right? It surely could not be worse than being wanted for murder. He tried to find some words to describe his situation but the emotion of being granted a second chance was causing him to be more emotional. That may have also been the lack of sleep or food. So instead, he simply locked eyes with the Queen and nodded. “Yes.”
The Queen stood clapping her hands and laughing, calling out in that same strange language, and dozens of fae creatures, including sprites, fairies, redcaps, elves and satyrs, erupted out of the nooks and crannies in the room and began celebrating. There was suddenly music playing, and plates and platters of food were brought into the room. A couple of small gnome-like creatures grabbed Zed and spun him around and he suddenly found himself in a silk tunic and pants. This was definitely strange, and he looked over at the girl, who was also being spun around and when she faced him again, she was in a beautiful white silk dress. Zed forced himself to focus and think a bit. Wait a minute…
The Queen clapped her hands again, this time from the stage where her throne rested. The room fell silent, and every eye was on her. Zed suddenly felt very uneasy, and as if he might be sick.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and all renowned guests of the Court,” the Queen spoke, in Common. “Thank you for gathering for this wonderful occasion. It is with great passion and excitement that I present to you the newest member of our family. My daughter Evermore’s husband, Zedrick!”
The room erupted into cheers and hoots and hollers, and Zed and Evermore were lifted into the air and carried around the room in circles, all the while Zed struggled to come to terms with the fact that he had just agreed to all this and he knew from the legends he heard as a child, there was no breaking a fae contract.
It has been five years since that incident, and Zed looks back on it fondly. As he lays in his bed next to his loving wife Evermore, he thinks about how lucky he has been to have had his life upended like that. It was a shock at first, but one he quickly accepted. He lived a far better life than he could have ever imagined in Lovers’ Cove, and he could not help but have fallen in love with Evermore. She was everything he could want and more. She was a dryad, he had been informed, and lived for virtually ever so long as her tree lived. He had come to learn many things about the fae and their Courts, including some of their language, Sylvan. He was not great at the pronunciations, and he would often be picked on for his ‘accent’, but he couldn’t tell a difference in what he said and others were saying.
He rose and dressed, and Evermore stirred. “Dear..? Why are you awake so early, it is still hours before the Queen will raise the sun.” She rubbed her eyes, and stifled a yawn.
He leaned against the doorframe and smiled. There was no one more beautiful in his eyes than she. “I am simply nervous, darling. I can’t shake these nerves.” Evermore gave him a sad but understanding look. They had learned so much about each other, and they had so many wonderful memories together, but there was one thing they wanted that continued to evade them: a child. It seemed that Zed had some kind of minor mutation from living in the feywild, and it was that he could not father children. They had discussed options, and decided to bring their request for a child to the Queen.
Time came for their appointment, and they made their way to the skycastle. They moved through the beautiful halls once again, and entered the large throne room where the Queen was seated, waiting for them. She rose once they were in eyesight, and greeted them warmly.
“Ah, my children! I am so enthused to see both of you. I understand you come with an official request. What, pray tell, may I assist you with? You have my full strength behind you, my daughter.”
Evermore looked to Zed, who nodded and she cleared her throat and stepped forward. “Mother, we wish to have a child,” as she said this the Queen looked ecstatic and jumped in place, clapping her hands, but before she could interject, Evermore continued. “But we are barren. We have been unable to conceive and so come with the request that you grant us a child.”
The Queen slowed to a halt as this information processed in her brain. Her face clouded over, and her hand raised to her chin while she thought about this.
Zed swallowed and watched her intently. He didn’t know the limits of her power, but hoped with all he had that she would be able to do this. He had seen many amazing things in his time in the Golden Steps, but this would be the thing that completed his life and made him whole.
After an almost unbearably long silence, the Queen looked at them and snapped her fingers. A servant brought forth a bag of clay as she made her way down the steps towards them.
“I have been considering something like this for long, and I believe that this is the solution I have. I worried that this type of problem might arise, and have made certain preparations that will allow us to remedy the situation and provide for a new and useful tool for myself as well!” She giggled, and Zed always worried when she did that. The Queen was a powerful being, the most powerful he had ever met, but she terrified him on a primal level that he could not explain. “This is what we shall do. I shall take a piece of each of you, and create this child. But,” Zed felt his breath catch in his throat, “the child I create will not be the one you care for.”
Zed and Evermore exchanged a look that betrayed their confusion.
“I shall explain. There are many powerful magics in my realm that even I cannot fully control. I will create a child that will be your direct offspring, but they cannot exist here, because if they absorb too much of my realm's magic, I am unsure of what kind of creature they may become! Do not fret, though, my child,” she caressed Evermore’s cheek as she reached them and smiled. “You will still have a child, because I have been offered children from mortals in Arcanum, and you will take one of these as your own. The humans will be none the wiser, because they will raise your child as their own. Both children will be cared for, and only you will know the difference in them. The human child will love you as their birth parents, and will grow powerful here, just as your blood child will have spectacular abilities and will become influential in the human world.”
She took one of each of their hands.
“Does this please my children?”
Zed looked at Evermore, and though there was a touch of sadness in her eyes, there was also hope and a desire for the child. They smiled at each other, both looked to the Queen and nodded.
Thus, the first changeling was born.
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holmesoldfellow · 11 months
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"Gaslight Grimoire" series, including the works of many authors, edited by J. R. Campbell and Charles Prepolec
"Gaslight Grimoire: Fantastic Tales of Sherlock Holmes," "Gaslight Grotesque: Nightmare Tales of Sherlock Holmes," "Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes," and "Gaslight Gothic: Strange Tales of Sherlock Holmes."
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our-favourite-orcs · 1 year
The three candidates that get the most votes will get to move on to round 2!
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Propaganda under the cut!
Propaganda for The Orc from Enclave:
Honestly, dude's just got a nice set of back muscles.
Propaganda for The Return of the King (Rankin-Bass):
They sing a silly lil song what more do u want
Propaganda for Natalie Armpits, Dodge Duranga, and Canyonera - Rude Tales of Magic:
They love riddles
Propaganda for Ghazkull Mag Uruk Thraka from Warhammer 40,000:
- Ork technology works because they believe it does. Otherwise it’s just a pile of scrap metal. - They are humanoid fungi that reproduce by releasing spores when they die. - Their society’s currency is teeth. Mostly their own, since they grow back like shark teeth do. - Ghazkull got his head chopped off. Somebody decided to staple it to a robot body. This worked, somehow, and now he’s alive again. - Ghazkull’s full name may be a dig at Margaret Thatcher. - Ghazkull has a human nemesis that he enjoys fighting with. Even when he captured him, Ghaz let him go, saying “Good enemies is hard to find.”
Propaganda for Grumsh One Eye from Dungeons And Dragons:
Dude fought the Elf God, lost an eye, scared the rest of the orcs into being dicks and killing elves like him, leads an entire goddamn orc pantheon.
Propaganda for Arti from Tumblr:
He is my friend and I'm mostly just submitting this for a bit and think it'll make him happy
Propaganda for Dungeons & Dragons (Cartoon):
honestly have no propaganda for them specifically, theyre villain henchmen really, i just think the cartoon should get more recognition and its was the first piece of media i thought of when i saw someone reblog your tournament intro
Propaganda for Clarisse Vorak from Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura:
She might not look very orcish and she's a potential player character and therefore she's what you make her, but she's a half-orc scientist facing racism. And I read a fanfic about her that made me fascinated with her, I swear.
Propaganda for Flerbish from Tumblr:
Flerbish can photosynthesise
Propaganda for Stunkbug from Not Another DnD Podcast:
He’s Orc Frasier
Propaganda for Gallarush from The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy:
Gallarush from DPA is an orc who became a vampire before the story started. He's the second oldest of the Vampire Council, a group of Vampire Lords with factions relating to days of the week & elements (Gallarush is the Lord of Friday, which correlates to metal) that aided the MC and eventually became an Elder Council for a newly reconstructed Darklands / Demon Kingdom that was composed of demons and humans. He often teases the oldest member of the council, Luruien/Luvien, an Elf-Vampire who erases most of her memories every ~200 years, and is highly protective of the second youngest of the Council - a Homunculus-Vampire who wants a soul named Lucinil. He's just a good guy / old man
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feroluce · 3 months
“-and that's why I ain't allowed in Pier Point no more!” Boothill throws his head back and cackles, somehow completely comfortable on the bare floor of the archives. He's the very picture of ease, his arms behind his head, his legs bent and crossed.
Dan Heng barely looks up from his notebook, not much surprises him anymore after the first few tales of lawless exploits. “So they really have that many laws and restrictions there.” 
“And prob’ly a few more now that I've been through there! Heck, ya think they named any after me? I'm hopin’ so.” There's so much smug cockiness seeping through his voice Dan Heng could bottle it.
Silence settles in, stretches out. Dan Heng doodles pensive circles in the corner of his page.
He shouldn't ask. It's a private matter. It's none of his business. He of all people should know-
Something pokes his shoe, and when he looks up, Boothill has stretched one arm up to tap metallic fingertips against his foot. “Ain't like ya to hesitate.” With his head tipped back on the tiles and gazing at him upside down, Boothill's hair is out of his face and spooling out all over the floor, offering a rare view of his right side. His right eye is sealed over with a pitch-black patch, stark against his skin. Dan Heng wonders what he looks like behind it. “C'mon, then, out with it. Spill the beans, brother, just say it.”
“What does ‘Boothill’ mean?”
The man blinks at him, the crosshair in his cybernetic left eye flickering. Dan Heng shifts, smooths out his long coat. “I tried to look it up once. It's not in any database as a name...other than your wanted posters.” There's a thread beginning to fray near the hem, he should sew it up. “I couldn't find it anywhere.” 
He nearly takes it back, but- “Heh, ya that curious about me, darlin’?”
Dan Heng quickly levels his face into the most impassive, nonplussed expression he can muster, but Boothill has already turned away, head pillowed on his arms and face once again turned to the ceiling.
“But nah, ya wouldn't. Hah, like they'd allow any record of the language, fudgeheads.” One arm sweeps around blindly until it finds the edge of Boothill's hat, sets it back where it belongs on his head. Dan Heng shuffles around, scoots a little closer, but the brim is pulled too low to see his eyes anymore.
“It's ‘cause it's not a name. It's a noun.” All that's visible of his face is a sharp grin, pulled too tight at the edges.
“It's my people's word for a grave.”
Dan Heng's pencil stops.
“It's the kinda grave fer someone who died with their boots on. If ya catch my drift there.” Boothill's foot starts to bounce. “There was a war, and it got reeeeeal intense, yup. Folks started droppin’ like flies, ‘n’ there was bodies faster'n what we could bury ‘em.” A cooling fan kicks on somewhere. Dan Heng is pretty sure it's not any of the Express equipment.
“We lost some real good people there, real good. Mighty shame.” His hidden Vidyadhara ears detect a quiet metallic click, a whir, pressurized gas. Boothill's next words waft steam from his angry circuits into the air. “When I left, I decided to leave my name there, too. Didn't feel right otherwise. The life I lead now is a whole ‘nother existence.” And then Boothill turns his head, raises his hat, and Dan Heng suddenly feels pinned dead center, caught in that crosshair.
“Ya know what I mean, don'tcha?”
Dan Heng swallows.
Does Boothill know? Who he is and who came before him? There had been that moment in the Penacony Grand Theater, after he activated the Jade Abacus… Dan Heng had tried to shoo him out, keep him from seeing anything, but Boothill has the astounding ability to turn up exactly wherever people are trying to keep him away from.
If he did see, does he actually understand it? Does he know what a High Elder is? Does he know about the sedition of Imbibitor Lunae, the transmutation arcanum, everything Dan Feng had done and Dan Heng was punished for?
He doesn't want to explain it all. Not now. Possibly not ever, truth be told.
And it's not the same as Boothill leaving behind his old identity when whatever event happened that caused him to leave home. Not really. But…
But so far, Boothill has slid so easily into Dan Heng’s routine. His presence never feels like an intrusion. He's already figured out what he can push and when to back down. And even Dan Heng finds himself able to roll with whatever punches Boothill throws with baffling ease. They share too much in their methods and ideologies, and sometimes Dan Heng knows what Boothill will do seemingly before even Boothill himself knows.
“...Tell me about Talia and the Nailscrap Town.” Boothill must know he's avoiding the topic. He must. But the man just throws his head back and cackles, melting easily back into what they had been doing before, as he speaks fondly of a planet that Dan Heng has never visited.
Not today. But.
Dan Heng inches just a little closer, just enough to nudge his foot against a metal leg. Boothill doesn't pull away.
Maybe someday.
#honkai star rail#henghill#boothill#dan heng#hsr#bootheng#hsr boothill#hsr dan heng#BEHOLD. my brainrot#Aeragan-Epharshel and The Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae not as things they feel they have to tell each other#(bc what is most important is who they both are TODAY and what they are like NOW)#like they aren't maliciously hiding anything from each other and neither thinks so of the other#their pasts are just something they CAN share to deepen the bond and know each other better#things like Boothill better understanding why Dan Heng sleeps in a room lit 24/7 by electronics if he knows he grew up in a dark prison cell#or Dan Heng better understanding Boothill’s motivations & what kinda life he might want post-revenge if he knows how Aeragan-Epharshel was#I think it's only thanks to the Express Crew that Dan Heng can even begin to think about telling someone All Of That#he has people who love him and it has made such a huge huge difference for him ♡#meanwhile in in-game texts Boothill tends to gloss over the loss of his home. I don't think he's super keen to talk about it much either.#I let him say a little more about it here since he and Dan Heng had a lot more time together to get comfortable with each other in canon.#the thing with his eye is based off a voiceline of his but isn't canon from Hoyo or anything#but it's canon to ME#same with things like him having to literally let off steam when he gets pissed haha#I need to just make a post about all my weird robot body Boothill hcs I love cyborgs woohoo#that and him & Anger I have a lot of feelings about that too ♡#also. wireplay NZMZMXMMDDM
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its-leethee · 9 months
My thoughts are running around in circles about incantation-less and ingredient-less magic right now, thanks to this panel from Puzzle House:
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I had speculated that Claudia's hand-flashlight spell and Viren's candle-lighting spell were perhaps a sort of dark magic cantrip that they'd prepped ahead of time and stored up charges for.
But in this Puzzle House scene, Claudia doesn't categorize the candle-lighting trick as dark magic. She explains that Kpp'ar coined the term "snap magic" and that it was powered by "a 'spark of fun' instead of primal sources or..." or what remains a mystery, because Claudia interrupts herself there and doesn't finish her explanation.
There's an intriguing passage in ToX explaining that experienced* dark mages can cast some "simple" spells, specifically like lighting a candle, without dice rolls (bypassing the pass/fail mechanic of the game); however, it's not clear if that means they wouldn't still have to use a reagent to perform the spell.
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--Tales of Xadia, page 147
*"Experienced" dark mages as in, possessing dark magic trauma from the accumulated and untreated stress brought about casting dark magic spells.... Do you really consider that a "spark of fun," Kpp'ar?
The other time I've heard mention of magical sparks is from Lujanne's lecture about arcanums in 2x01 (emphasis mine):
"Wait, what's an arcanum?" "It's like... the secret of the Primal, or its meaning." "The secret of the Primal?" "Yes. That secret becomes a spark. The tiniest possible flicker of a Primal Source inside you. But enough to ignite the world with its magic."
There are two other examples within the show where mages cast spells without voicing a spell or incantation. Every instance where Aaravos casts a spell, he is silent, and Callum is able to cast spells underwater in 5x09 without breathing a word. They both still do need to trace out runes/do some kind of hand-waving for their spellcasting.
So, we have sparks, we have secrets, we have silent mages... and I wish I had more of the pieces to this puzzle, because I can't put together a conclusion.
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raayllum · 5 months
Gift Giving & Primal vs First Elves :: Or Going Off Into the Deep Lore Deep End
Remember that meta I compiled about Greek mythology, deceptive gift giving, and TDP? Yeah it's time to talk about the gift motif properly as well as some other deep lore things because these excellent thoughts ( @spicyviren, @kradogsrats, and @its-leethee) got the wheels in my brain spinning.
AKA an unknown amount of sectioned word vomit into the nature of magic, where it comes from, how deep magic operates, some gifts and motifs, and Leola, just a little.
Let's go.
Gift Motif
The gift motif is one that's a bit of a slowburn in TDP. While characters will often pass and hand over objects — tools, artefacts, metaphorical responsibilities or trust (handing over the egg, for example) — to one another, there's not a big emphasis on gifts in the first three seasons.
There are some, such as Callum's letter from Harrow (that he's given by Claudia once again initially as a goodbye), Ezran giving Bait to Barius in S3, and Rayla's family pendant, but most of these, as you've might already noticed, are contextualized within Goodbyes. Whether the gift motif will amount in arc 2 to escaping this "final gift" context remains to be seen, but that's how it tends to work in interpersonal relationships.
There is an element of peace offering in hoping that returning Zym — a gift and/or gesture of good will — will help usher in peace, but I think (as of now at least) that ties further into the series' theme of Reciprocal Exchange (the assassin mission being an eye for an eye vs olive branch for olive branch) than outright gift giving. (Although we will probably talk about Exchange and gift giving at some point because there is also a thematic tether there.)
However, there is one other thing that is more and more often referred to as a gift in Arc 1, and that's Magic. Specifically, dark magic.
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Now, this actually isn't that dissimilar from what the Goodbye gifts amount to, either. In Harrow's letter, he gifts Callum the Key of Aaravos believing it to be a powerful magical relic of some kind; Rayla's pendant makes its way from Ethari to her to Callum, who then uses it for magical purposes; and Bait, as a glow toad, is connected to an arcanum himself.
I do think it's noteworthy though that in Arc 1, (dark) magic being a gift is emphasized upon, specifically because of these lines for Khessa:
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Upon first watching it back in 2019, it made sense that dark magic would be referred to this way, even when I just thought maybe it was that humans had been given 'nothing,' as Claudia says. Dark magic is closely tied to ideas of theft and thievery — stealing magic from others to harness its power for yourself — and the series is deeply interested in concepts of ownership or who has 'true' ownership over something, in magic, a throne/crown, a price to pay, etc. This follows neatly into Arc 2 (for ex: why Karim seeking to steal the Sun Seed is a metaphorical dark path even if it didn't outright involve dark magic through Kim'Dael), which we'll build on later.
That said, given the depth of the knowledge at the Great Bookery that is open to Sunfire elves more than any other type of elf, and the information that Tales of Xadia and Ripples gives us...
While elves warned that if humans were meant to wield magic they would have been born with it, [Leola] gifted the wisest humans with secrets: the language of the dragons and the runes that shaped spells. With the unicorn’s gift, the most determined minds among the humans could finally harness primal magic.
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It happened long ago, when humans had only just learned to hold fire in their hands without burning. They nurtured their precious primal flames secretly—in the dark of night, beneath shadows and shrouds—as cultivating its glow drew the eyes and ire of monsters [...] Humanity had been given something it was never meant to have. And so there came a calamity.
It makes it more than likely than, unlike other elves such as Lujanne or Ibis, Khessa had reason to believe/know that there used to be primal human mages in the past... and that it wasn't 'enough' for them ultimately, because they still hungered and developed (and were given?) dark magic. "Your kind could not be satisfied with what you were given" was about the rejection of primal magic from Leola (the unicorns) in favour of a darker kind that involves theft and "dirtying yourself" (5x08) with dark magic.
But at the same time, this complicates the Gift Giving motif of including not just dark magic, but being also for primal magic — for humans, at least.
And also for elves. (Ignoring how "great orb" is very similar to "great one" for now.)
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Janai: It was a gift. But there's more to it than that. The great orb began as this. Karim: This is... a sun seed?
Now, the Great Orb being grown from a Sun 'literal' seed makes sense. We've known for a long time that in Xadia, "magic is everywhere. It's just part of the vibrance or spirit of things" (1x05). Primal magic naturally occurring in plants, animals, and elves likewise makes sense on that note. Just as not "many could bear the gruelling path of a rune mage," Karim cannot bear to have patience and faith in something that will only come to fruition centuries later.
That said, I raise the question: how functionally different is the Great Orb from say, a sun primal stone would hypothetically be? If primal stones and primal magic were gifts to humanity from unicorns — from creatures connected to the Star arcanum, for lack of a better understanding — then why not magic from Startouch (?) elves to other elves.
How do we know that all magic isn't simply a gift that was given once upon a time?
From the First Elves to the Primal Elves.
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Primal vs First Elves
So what's the difference between First Elves and Primal elves?
Well we have a few pieces of lore:
1) Zubeia's status as a "heavenly majesty" (which we'll come back to in the next section) gives her authority to speak in the name of the first elves, who are effectively gods to humankind and/or Xadians ("Have our Gods died? / Where do the fabled Great Ones hide?" —the Epic of the Void
2) It seems that the First Elves are, as of now and for a while, exclusively in reference to what would otherwise be called Startouch elves, although the latter is seemingly a name that came later given Rayla's affirmation of "ancient legends". This is reaffirmed in Tales of Xadia's two lone mention of First Elves:
No group of elves presents a greater mystery than the Startouch elves. Sometimes called the First Elves, those bound to the Star primal are rumored to have made great marks on Xadia’s ancient history—but beyond story and legend, little real evidence is left to us today [...] Among the few extant records of Startouch elves are the Scrolls of the First Elves, now kept in the Great Bookery of Lux Aurea.
3) At a post-S2 con in 2019 (how's that for a far reach?) we got a timeline of the events of Xadia laid out for us. The description of the very first piece of history and era we know of goes as follows, with the Rise of Elarion happening 2000 years ago re: the Dragon Prince era ("The Return of Aaravos"):
The Era of the First elves is the first recorded era 5,000 years prior to the current era. Dragons and elves were not allied during this period. There were no distinct primal elves. This is an era before all that. Humans suffered during this period. 
—2019 con timeline
4) Justin and Aaron reaffirm this at the 2:30 ish minute mark of this video (a couple of months before even S3 was released) by reaffirming distinctly to Primal elves. Later (7:40-ish mark) we see this distinction reaffirmed again through the statement of, "The patterns have been that these primal based elves have grown cultures and civilizations that have become separate and differentiated from kind of whatever the early days were with the First elves were."
Okay, so there was 100% a time where there were only First Elves, and humans, and Primal elves as we knew them (maybe still with the hands and horns, but no arcanum? Or no singular, distinct arcanum) didn't exist. Why does this matter?
This is where the deep lore timeline gets tricky, as we don't know precisely when 1) humans received magic and 2) at what stage the First Elves / Great Ones / Startouch elves 'left' Xadia, only that they did, apparently, when Elarion (the human city) needed help: "Elarion, unworthy whelp / Wept as the stars turned black the sky / They donned their masks / They turned their backs / And left Elarion to die". Why abandon the city (beyond indifference/cruelty as Aaravos would likely claim), who knows.
However, we can assume the timeline looks something like this:
Era of the First Elves
Primal elves (and presumably archdragons *) are crafted / develop into being, whatever that means
Humans are magic-less and are having a bad time
Unicorns / Leola extend sympathy despite the fact that the First Elves tell her not to (Book One: Novelization / Tales of Xadia)
Humans have primal magic (Ripples / Tales of Xadia)
This attracts negative attention, consolidated in Elarion ("the stars she asked their light to cast / and stop the dragons’ fiery might" / "as cultivating its glow drew the eyes and ire of monsters. Eventually, for the audacity of their fire, they were hunted")
Elarion asks for help and the Stars leave
Aaravos, the last star — presumably already Fallen from the First Elves — gives them dark magic under the guise of protection even though it will inevitably help him (i.e. give him the ability to possess people)
Dark magic replaces primal magic as the primary form for humans
Tension and violence escalates (unicorns are hunted to near extinction). Sol Regem is removed as King of the Dragons
Under Dragon Queen Luna Tenebris, the daughter of an elven leader suggests the Judgement of the Half-Moon, causing for humans to be banished rather than eradicated, and the continent split in two
Again, nothing too crazy / not too much we haven't already known or guessed at for a while.
But like I said, I'm gonna propose two theories, so bear with me:
Theory #1: What is Deep Magic?
The First Elves engaged with what we're gonna call Deep or Old Magic, for lack of a better term. There can be an assumption at times that this magic would be more 'pure' or less 'diluted' than dark magic or even the primal magic we've seen on screen. However, I think that's less than likely. Dark magic is often times a bad path for good outcomes, and primal magic can be a 'good' magic for bad outcomes (the blood freezing spell, for example).
While dark magic is a more textually malevolent magic system and primal magic is more true neutral — able to be used as a tool and a source of connection for the user — I don't think this necessarily means that Deep Magic is inherently enlightening (we see with the Ocean arcanum and S5 that knowledge can be an immense burden) or that it's on the opposite end of the spectrum and is outright benevolent.
What, then, am I suggesting Deep Magic to be? Well, we have some clues likewise from the same old interview post-s2 that we haven't had much basis to (potentially) understand until now, in which it's stated:
Deeper magic and deeper gifts that the original beings received [...] practical, usable, powerful magic is drawn from the six primal sources, right? But there is this idea that there's this earlier, less differentiated power kind of magic that's deeper and more - I don't kind of want to say what all of them are. It's not that important now, it has more to do with the history of beings and their interactions with each other. But Aaravos cares about some of this stuff. The best I can say is that one of them's Power — but well, what does that mean?
The six primal sources — potentially just five (hence why only 5 gemstones seem to occur naturally in nature, and Star seemingly doesn't) — are all based around physical, somewhat tangible principles. Earth, Ocean, Sun (fire/light), Sky (wind/weather) are perhaps the most tangible, with only Moon dipping into something into something more metaphysical: illusions and questioning the nature of reality, the nature of death, etc. However, I'd argue that the Moon arcanum's emphasis on death still makes it something that is particularly important to creatures who are mortal (but more on that later).
What I am arguing for is then, therefore, that Deep Magic is magic drawn from Concepts and Ideas > tangible things found in nature or parts of other magical creatures.
Three concepts, to be exact: (translated dark magic screenshot from Cartoon Universe spells reversed).
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Zubeia: He chose as his instruments those who had strong hearts and strong minds, but who had an insatiable thirst and fascination with magic (power).
Three quasar diamonds, three deep magic concepts. Heart, Mind, Power.
("To know something truly and deeply, you must know it with your head, hand, and heart. Mind, body, and spirit." / "She laid before me her scales, her blindfold, and her sword, and told me to choose.")
Now, I don't know if it's these three concepts exactly — I could Truth, or Justice, or something like that — or even if it's three. But given what little we know about Deep magic thus far and how much the series' likes its threes, I think that's the likeliest number and combination.
We've known for a while that there's something weird with the connection between dark magic, spells that use blood, and 'star' magic. We know it's unlikely that Aaravos being able to possess people who have used dark magic was just a happy accident discovered after humans started using it. We know that when Callum is offered the dark magic version of the cube in his dreams, the symbol is blood red: "You can have unlimited power." And that dark magic "became the key that unlocked a place of power for humans in Xadia" (Tales of Xadia).
So what if dark magic stems from the vein of Deep magic that's taken from the concept of Power? What if when Aaravos offered his pawns "unlimited" Power, or when Kpp'Ar accused Viren of (potentially using star magic) "making the same choice you always made: the one that gives you Power," they meant it?
Alternatively, this could mean that most other Startouch elves — their longevity, their indifference — comes from the vein of Mind and subsequent intellectual detachment? Enough intelligence and reason not to hunger for more (Power), but not enough compassion and empathy to sympathize with others (Heart).
And it would also tie into Leola being unique among her own kind for her heart taking pity on the humans, and giving them primal magic — perhaps in the vein of Heart, if we're keeping things consistent — and why love ("To know something truly and deeply [...] I love you with all of myself, and I always will" / "To love is simply to know this: the tides are true as the ocean is deep") has been consistently tied to Callum unlocking arcanums. The "Narrative of Strength (power)" vs "Narrative of Love" being even more literal than we thought.
This wouldn't be too out of line since Moon arcanum philosophy already borrows heavily from Plato's idea of the forms/reality (Plato's allegory of the cave, anyone?) and the forms basically mean "your imagined ideal of the object in your mind is going to be more perfect than any tangible, 'real' version of the object could ever be." That being applied to living beings who are literally in the sky would track a certain amount, in addition to the idea that however primal magic is set up in Xadia right is "the whole world is like a giant primal stone; sky magic is all around us, and it's also in me, with every breath we take." But I digress.
With the distinction of Deep Magic as 1) separate and a sea that flows into the primal as well as 2) older and earlier than primal magic, now onto the next theory:
Theory #2: First elves and the Archdragons?
Now admittedly this one is more speculative since beyond knowing 1) the First elves = what we'd call Startouch elves, 2) the rest of them except Aaravos 'left' Xadia a while ago, and 3) the aforementioned possible 'Mind' deep magic thing, we very quickly run out of set knowledge into full blown speculation. Beyond
With that in mind, I wanna talk about the... weirdness, I suppose, between the Archdragons / draconic royal family and the First Elves.
There's a few notes to this: we know that Ancient Draconic is the language of primal magic, indicating that dragons existed and presumably had primal magic before elves did, and that elves had to be given that linguistic knowledge at least to a certain degree.
Then we also have the way Zubeia is referred to being mirrored with the way she describes Aaravos later:
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Likewise, the one person/creature we've seen referred to as a god outside the Epic of the Void poem is Avizandum by Harrow (bonus points for the game motif of "entire armies have fallen like toys" because of him):
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Bloodmoon Huntress also asserts that from an elven point of view (or at least Lain and Tiadrin, and presumably Runaan, too) that "Dragons are the lifeblood, the very core of Xadia" and generally assumed that dragons have the most powerful connection to their individual primal sources.
So I'd be willing to wager (esp since Sol Regem is at least 1,2000+ years old) that Archdragons at least once upon a time had been contemporaries of the First Elves if not peers. What and why that connection exists and how relevant it is for today, I don't know, but I do think there's something there, especially since the one example we have of a First Elf-Dragon relationship in Aaravos, Avizandum, and Zubeia, was perceived to be positive somewhat on all sides — a matter of trust on his end (in order to be "betrayed") and a matter of reverence and importance on theirs; "admired and loved by all" / "you meant something to him".
There is also something to be said for the Archdragons being the most powerful embodiment of the primal sources (alongside maybe some rare and noteworthy elves, like Queen Aditi) still being "unable to risk a direct confrontation" with only one singular and Fallen Startouch elf. What would a whole slew of them at the height of their power look like? (And yet it is implied that the Nova Blade is "ivory draconic" so... maybe you just have to get a First Elf close enough to the mouth to be consumed / bitten? Or perhaps the Nova Blade is made from the tooth/claw of a 'Star' arcanum dragon.)
TLDR; it's looking more and more like Startouch elves as we understand them and First Elves in generally are — while emotive and feeling the way humans and elves are — something very different from anything else we've seen thus far in terms of knowledge and power skill, and that distinction is only going to be made more and more apparent as the story goes on.
Theory #3: Where do we go from here?
So if Deep Magic is distinct from Primal, and is distinct from 2/3 kinds of Deep Magic in dark magic (derived from 5-primal and Power deep magic thoughts)... where do we go from here, magically speaking?
Well, the important thing to note is that the story has given us some thematic clues. Aaravos is concerned with exile and power, both things we see thematically most represented by human characters (with some elven exceptions like Karim and Kim'Dael). The other Star touch elves are very on brand for "Xadian exile" as their favourite punishment as well as extreme isolationism ("I knew I had to be strong alone" etc). Therefore, whatever answer we give Magically also has to reconcile these issues from a thematic and character based standpoint.
It seems like a switch of where people are concentrating energy — for Startouch elves and humans — needs to have a drastic shift to one of the other veins/concepts of deep magic that will hopefully heal the rifts. If Aaravos is Power (humans) and the others are 'Mind' (Xadian indifference/isolation and banishment) for lack of a better idea, then subverting that binary and shifting more to a third 'Love' path seems to be very on brand for TDP. Holding both at the same time but being guided by a higher principle of peace and harm reduction is what Ezran's 4x03 speech is all about, after all.
Something something both Xadia and magic and the First Elves being reunited with Xadia / humanity and elvenkind as TDP's endgame, something something.
Other Gift Giving Thoughts
The other thing I wanna talk about now that everything else is laid out is how gifts are Given, in TDP. We see time and time again relationships and magic systems being framed on the idea of whether they are giving, taking, both in a bad way or in a good way. There seems to be two main indicators for gift giving, therefore, either that in the receiver is worthy, or that the exchange is going to be reciprocal.
At its best, a gift works as intended.
Humans (and elves?) are given primal magic and generally use it for exploration and to care for themselves / one another The sun seed is given to the Sunfire elves, but they must nurture it. Callum gives Rayla her father's bow and she uses it to protect them. Callum achieves enlightenment and understanding of him and is rewarded with primal magic twice, even if the Ocean in particular is a bit murkier than he'd probably like. Gifts and belongings are relinquished or restored for freedom, for hope, for peace.
Here we have to wonder if Leola's Last Wish reconciles both the Goodbye gift motif and the gift of Magic motif, possibly resulting in the gift of the sun seed or more likely something to do with primal magic / alleviate the fallout of dark magic's consequences.
For example, to get an answer from Rex Igneous — a seeming wealth of knowledge — you have to give him a worthy gift that is also a sacrifice of some kind, according to Nath'an.
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However, Ezran points out the major flaw in this line of thinking, as "We offered gifts that meant a lot to us, but the truth is, they don't mean anything to you." Not everyone is going to value the same thing or think the same thing is worth the price that was paid.
We see this interpersonally most with the mage fam ("Maybe the world would be better off without magic" from Soren, whose life was saved with it) and with Rayla and Callum (as Rayla's gift of sacrifice by leaving is something Callum did not want and rightfully did not receive well, alongside her moonstone pendant). Again: what is defined as worthy, or worthiness, is in the eye of the beholder.
Just like one of the initial thoughts that inspired this meta, Khessa asserts that dark magic is a magic that "takes" > being reciprocal for both parties, nevermind a gift. The irony, however, runs a bit deeper, as Aaravos thinks the same of his fellow stars:
But the stars kept from them one secret still: that their first lesson—patience—was not a gift of the stars at all. You see, patience is a lesson the humans taught themselves. No, the stars do not know patience, for they have no need for it. The stars want for nothing, and take all to their liking.
And we see this idea of a 'false gift' show up time and time again in the series. Nyx pretends to offer passage but actually wants to steal Zym; Rayla's act of love in leaving is a curse upon Callum's heart and wellbeing; dark magic itself is a false trade of sorts, given how unevenly it tips scales in Aaravos' favour and how much it ruins both the environment and body of its caster.
[The elven thief Lasair] never saw the precious blossoms fade and turn to cold ashes when exposed to the dawn. They never learned their gift was perceived as a curse, not a trade. 
—Tales of Xadia
Kim'Dael goes to Queen Aditi under false pretences ("The Queen's Mercy") but the gift that Aditi gives her is nothing good at all:
What pretty bauble, she wondered, had she tricked the queen into forging as a token of protection? What could be powerful enough to ward away the wrath of dragons?
Just as humans sought the stars' help to protect them from the ire of the dragons, Kim'Dael sought Aditi's. And just as Aaravos offered them a false magic that would protect and ultimately trap/destroy then, so does Aditi, with magic that doesn't seem to be entirely dark or primal:
“But know this: the binding around your neck—it is made with magic not unlike your own. It is a magic that demands, that takes."
A form of magic even maybe that demands sacrifice for that kind of Power.
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You could almost say it's something Deeper.
Hope you enjoyed going completely off the rails with me, and that this long (winded) post got you thinking! I'll probably do a followup discussing the implications of what we have here for potential Laurelion-Aaravos later. In the meantime, take the fruits of my labour, and spin your own hamster wheels if you'd like.
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avidabsurdist · 5 months
Every time a new Brandon Sanderson book is released everyone updates their suggested reading order but all you need is the patience to be uninformed and enjoy the book!
But depending on your preference the best story to start with will be different.
If you want a crash course on the basics of The Cosmere's magic physics (Aka Investiture) so you can hypothesize on how other magic works I suggest the short story "The Emperor's Soul" as a starting point, it gives a solid overview of Realmic theory and covers Identity (a rather difficult idea to communicate) very effectively. (this is the start of the PhD route)
If you want something that's more like a traditional fairy tale as an intro I suggest Tress Of the Emerald Sea, which doesn't require a PhD in the shattering to understand. (though if you're going the PhD route I suggest reading this one later because if you're questioning the magic it's a far more confusing one)
Warbreaker is a good middle ground, if you're going the PhD route I suggest this second (it covers Intention which "The Emperor's Soul" doesn't), It's not a bad starting place either, it was my first book in The Cosmere and it's up for free on The Sand-Man's website. It's also all-around an excellent book.
I'm going to be (a tad) controversial and say I enjoy Elantris, it's certainly not Brando-Sando's best work but it was his first, and it's not a bad book to start with! just keep in mind that many of the issues in the book are things he improves on in later books.
Mistborn is two (soon to be 3) series, we distinguish them by 'Era' and they should be read in order if you want to make sense of what's going on.
Mistborn Era 1 (3 books) is also an excellent place to start, it's a YA-style series so you follow a teenager in a Post-(more like perpetual)-Apocalypse, but it's also an Epic high fantasy so if you like those and don't mind romance It's a good one.
"Mistborn Secret History": read this after Mistborn Era 1 if you're going the PHD route read anytime before The Lost Metal (Era 2 Book 4) for everyone else. (PhD track: if you want the most out of it I suggest also reading White Sand first)
Mistborn Era 2 (4 books) is a high fantasy Western set in the same world much later in time, 10/10 no notes, it's excellent.
The Stormlight Archive, TheBigOne™ It is planned to be a 10-book series with accompanying Novellas. I suggest reading in chronological order including the short stories, published so far that would be:
The Way of Kings
Words of Radiance
"Edgedancer" (novella)
"Dawnshard" (novella)
Rhythm of War
Start with this series if you thirst for sprawling high-fantasy novels with page counts that would make grown men weep (the Audiobook for RoW was like 48 hours long)
The entirety of Arcanum Unbounded is not required reading, (unless you're on the PhD track) but it contains both "The Emperor's Soul" and "Edgedancer", you should probably read Elantris, Mistborn Era 1, Alloy Of Law (MB Era 2 Book 1), and Stormlight (up to Words of Radiance). If you enjoy Graphic Novels and dislike spoilers/rereading stuff when you haven't finished it yet I suggest skipping the White Sand excerpt.
White Sand is also not a terrible intro, it covers a theme in B-Sandy's work that isn't directly related to the cosmere but will give you a good insight into whether you'll like his work or not: the idea that skill is developed, not just inherent. if you're like me and dislike graphic novels GraphicAudio™ (actually a company not a joke) Has an Audio rendition that has some narrative differences from the Graphic novels (iirc at least one character is a different gender) But the Graphic novels also have a random boombox on a planet with no electricity so either should be fine.
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter is in a similar situation to Tress of The Emerald Sea except instead of a classic European Folktale Vibe it's got a Western Interpretation of Anime Vibe, ofc it's high fantasy like all Sandon Branderson's work so it's world is inspired by Japanese culture rather than just being Japanese.
The Sunlit Man read Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell (Arcanum Unbounded), and at least Oathbringer (Stormlight Archive 3) before this one, unless you like being thrown into the deep end, Mistborn Era 1 & 2 would also help.
There are other routes than Ph.D., there's also the Galactic Politics route, The Secret Society route, The Worldhopper Watcher route, The Ancient History route (Aka The Shattering route) ect
if you want specific reading route recs just tell me what you're looking for I can help!
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moondustgleam · 6 days
Every Armor Description in TDP: Xadia
There will be no accompanying visuals on this post, the designs are already on my blog under the individual character's tags. This is a compilation of all of them for people who don't want to scroll through all the images to get to the juicy lore. I reccomend everyone read Rayla/Runaan's, Callum/Karim's, Claudia's, and Soren/Viren's if you care about the show's lore.
They're organized by order they appear in the hero select menu in TDP: Xadia, region, and type of armor if you were wondering.
Rayla & Runaan’s Armor
Firebrand Wraps - Seize what is yours and burn away the rest.
Firebrand Waistcoat - Meant to keep the heat out!
Firebrand Runners - Let your colors shine in the light of the Sun.
Shadowblade Gloves - An assassin knows she holds fate in her hands.
Shadowblade Cover - An assassin knows she is already dead.
Shadowblade Footpads - An assassin knows we are all, in the end, alone.
Nightsky Grips - The Nightsky Bandit had no interest in the Great Climb, only in its climbers’ pockets.
Nightsky Vest - While the others sought a single treasure, he had his pick of plenty.
Nightsky Buckleboots - Only the Nightsky Bandit ever grew rich from the Great Climb - and his feet never left the ground.
Amaya & Zeph’s Armor
Katolian Gauntlets - “We are the hands of our kingdom…”
Katolian Surcoat -“...we raise blades, we bear shields, we carry the scars of the past…” 
Katolian Greaves - “...but we are the strongest when joined with others.” - Katolian Soldier’s Oath
Nightguard Gauntlets A relic of long-ago warriors who served the Dragon Queen, Luna Tenebris.
Nightguard Brestplate The Nightguard vanished with their Queen, but their spirits remained.
NIghtguard Sabatons Now they roam the Moonshadow Forest, searching for Luna’s heir.
Stormrunner Gauntlets - Maybe you could punch the Eternal Storm in the face!
Stormrunner Cuirass - Armor that really says, “Come at me, Eternal Storm! Bring it on!”
Stormrunner Sabatons - You know what? The Eternal Storm could use a good kick in the butt, too.
Callum and Karim’s Armor
Flamedance Tassels - Dance, little flame, dans to a silent song.
Flamedance Chemise - Warm our hearts and bodies, keep our spirits strong.
Flamedance Sandals - Dance, little flame, dance - for the night is very long.
Illusionist Handwraps - “Most people believe that reality is truth and appearances are deceiving…”
Illusionist Amice - “...but the Moon Arcanum tells us we can only truly know the appearance itself…”
Illusionist Treads - “You can never touch the so-called reality that lies just beyond the reach of your own perception.” -Lujanne
Feathered Wrists - Let nothing clip your wings.
Feathered Jerkin - Let nothing weigh you down.
Feathered Footwraps - Let nothing keep you from the sky.
Claudia’s Armor
Dawnheart Maniple - No shadows escape the wrath of the Sun at its zenith.
Dawnheart Amice - You buried your shadows deep - but the Light sees them still.
Dawnheart Slippers - When the darkness in you burns away, what remains?
Silvergrove Bracers - The traveler told a breathless tale: a village, there one moment and gone the next.
Silvergrove Vest - Impossible, they laughed at him: the forest’s magic has simply played a cruel trick.
Silvergrove Boots - But when the Moon is dark, is she not still there in the sky…?
Daybreak Reach - “I found my lover weeping, gazing up at the night skies…”
Daybreak Doublet - “... I took his hands in mine and said, my darling, dry your eyes…”
Daybreak Walkers - “...the dark is not forever, love! The sun must always rise.” -Skywing Song
Janai’s Armor
Golden Knight Vambraces - Gold, for the Sun’s light.
Golden Knight Hauberk - White, for her radiance.
Golden Knight Treads - Red, for her power.
Moonfire Grips - Some say the Moon is the Sun’s shadow, a pale imitator, a sad reflection.
Moonfire Tunic - Some say the Sun kills the Moon hen she dares grow bright enough to challenge her radiance.
Moonfire Greaves - The truth? The Moon and the Sun are sisters, a fire charred between them.
Empyrean Gloves Some - Great Climbers keep an open mind about strategy.
Empyrean Brigandine - One path to victory is to beat everyone else to the prize…
Empyrean Stompers -  …another path to victory is to beat everyone else with your fists.
Soren and Viren’s Armor
Blacksteel Grips - Something echoes in the metal.
Blacksteel Aegis - Does it sing, or does it scream?
Blacksteel Boots - What did they bury down there beneath the earth?
Ghostfeather bands - “Bit by bit the moon fades away, then bit by bit it will brighten again. That is our cycle.”
Ghostfeather Tunic - “For those you have left behind, think on all they have given you…”
Ghostfeather Treads - “...for those who will come after you, think on all you will give them.” - Lujanne
Skyblazer Vambraces - A group of elves called the Skyblazers were the first to ever attempt the Great Climb
Skyblazer Collar - Their ambition drove them higher, higher, and higher still…
Skyblazer Sandals - …but hubris brought them down again.
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Damon's route in Arcanum could've been a cautionary tale about the dangers of p*d*philia and child gr**ming but I didn't get that vibe from the story. I guess some people like forbidden love story with large age gap?
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spicyviren · 5 months
Oh let me meditate on the beast of devouring that feeds on the stars, that star devourer dragon Let me repel this Star dragon and banish it from the light of my Sun
- Ancient Sunfire chant, Tales of Xadia
I'm thinking about the sun and the stars and how Laurelion is, probably, both.
(Reposted because I’m a damn fool!!)
The Big Bang, in real life
The majority of atoms which make up us, our earth, and even our very own sun, were formed in the hearts of the very first stars in the universe.
These stars were made of lighter elements, mostly Hydrogen, Helium, and Lithium. But under the immense pressure at the core of those first stars, heavier atoms like Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen were formed. The stars eventually died - exploded - and released those heavier elements into the universe to be crafted into other forms.
As Carl Sagan famously put it, "We are made of star stuff."
And so Aaravos's quote in the teaser for season six - We are, all of us, stardust - is a blatant nod to the Sagan quote as well as, I am assuming, that aspect of the universe in some shape or form. Allegorically, it speaks to the idea of the universality of existence in the basest sense. But also, it acknowledges that the stars, like everything else, operate generationally.
So in this way, if we are to assume the TDP cosmos operates at least somewhat similar to our own, Xadia's sun is a younger (but still old as balls) star, from a different generation than the stars which are far more distant and ancient.
(As a side note, the very first stars in the universe did not last very long. Though certain stars in existence right now have "lifetimes" which are projected to last longer than the universe has currently been in existence.)
So if Xadia's sun is technically a star, even by Xadia's own admission (see Sunfire chant), then by this metric I have to ask...
What makes the Sun arcanum different from the Star arcanum?
While those first, most ancient of stars produced the materials which would become life, only a sun can sustain life and is therefore inextricably linked with the earth and all the life on it. It's this connection which I imagine is responsible for the change in the nature of the magic.
In Callum's Spellbook, Callum makes some word-association lists for the different types of magic. He associates "truth" with both Sun and Star (perhaps a trait of their shared stardom). No other words match up completely, but it feels like they are referencing similar things within different contexts.
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The Sun teaches while the Stars are simply intelligent; the Sun is a "guiding light" while the Stars are associated with "destiny." Further, many of the other words Callum associates with the sun are about being in positive community with others (optimism, warmth, charisma, leadership). The nature of the sun is more giving, nurturing, and dare I say loving than that of your average star. Sun is revealing and honesty, Star is mysterious and reality-altering. Further, there is a dynamism in the words for Sun Magic that is absent from Star Magic - sharing knowledge vs simply having knowledge, guiding vs prescribing a set path.
(Another side note: Callum also mentions that Star mages are born, which, Callum's limited understanding aside, is perhaps a hint about what it will take to connect to the Star Arcanum. I have thoughts, but.... I'll just leave that there, winky face)
Obviously, these word associations can only go so far. Some of the most hostile and arrogant (eh eh!!) figures we've met have been Sun-aligned. But it does make me wonder about the beginning of Sun magic and what that introduction may have looked like.
Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?*
Okay, so big question for me. Is Aaravos a star, like, literally a personification of a ball of gas burning billions of miles away, or is he just like, a very special elf? The same goes for all Startouch elves.
Zubeia refers to Aaravos as both a star and as an elf, and it's one of those things which I can't decide is real or simply a more poetic way of speaking of him. Is "Startouch elf" simply another type of star? Official art also sometimes depicts him and others as constellations. Are they the formed consciousness of a collection stars?
But it also makes me think of how often Sunfire elves personify the sun/the sun orb.
JANAI: You are a student of history, yes? Do you know where the Great Orb of the Sunforge came from? KARIM: Legends say it was a gift from the Sun herself. The gift of a millenium. - "The Drakewood," S4E6
In "The Queen's Mercy," we have...
Aditi nodded. “[...]and so, as the Sun’s daughter, I will lead you into her embrace.”
...and earlier, there is this:
Queen Aditi the Merciful, they called her. Queen Aditi the Kind. The Light of the Sun Incarnate. Kim’dael had thought it all an insufferable exaggeration. Sunfire elves gilded everything they could touch, of course they would do the same to their beloved leader.
Karim personifies the corrupted sun orb in "After Darkness":
He could still see it: the top of the Sunforge Tower, upside-down from where he lay, shrouded in inky corruption. It looked ill, its sickness weeping red and crowning the spire in a haze of blood. [...] We will come back, he promised his beloved, tainted city, his lost home. We will not abandon you. The orb pulsed mutely, a cry for help he could not answer.
TDP uses personification a lot, so it is kind of hard to parse out when it's being literal and when it's being lyrical. Perhaps in the examples cited it's simply the ostentatious way of the Sunfire elves like Kim'dael thinks. But if Aaravos, a known person, can be a star, then I can easily reason vice versa.
In the Book 1 novelization, Aaravos refers to himself as "of the First Elves." And if that is true, it follows that there must have been "Second Elves."
So who is Laurelion?
The significance of the laurel in the Western canon goes back to the myth of Daphne and Apollo.
There are various versions of the story, but essentially, Apollo (popularly associated with the sun), falls helplessly in love with Daphne. Though her reasons vary in different iterations, Daphne turns away from Apollo's affections. She runs and Apollo pursues. Just as Apollo is about to catch her, she begs for help - sometimes from her father, a river god, and sometimes from her mother, a nymph or Gaia - and she is saved by being turned into the laurel tree. In Ovid's Metamorphosis, when Apollo reaches Daphne post-transfiguration, he can still feel her heart beating below the bark. From that point on, the laurel wreath was associated with Apollo, achievement, and victory.
Gold, the element, takes the symbol Au from its Latin word, Aurum, which has etymological ties to 'aurora' (dawn). Names likes Aurelio or Aurelius similarly mean "golden" or "guilded."
So, taken together, I of course think immediately of this:
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THAT BEING SAID, this looks more like a weeping willow or a wisteria than it does a laurel, which has bushy foliage rather than hanging. The closest I can maybe get is a mountain laurel, which does have blooms that hang kinda sorta like a wisteria, though not nearly in such a dramatic fashion. But anyway!
The golden laurel...⋆。°✩Laurelion✩°。⋆
Interestingly, in Ovid's retelling of Apollo and Daphne, Apollo's love is the result of being struck by Cupid's golden arrow, while Daphne's disgust of Apollo's advances are the result of being struck by a lead-tipped arrow. And so, there is an association there with gold and love. And within the context of the myth - Cupid is getting petty revenge on Apollo after Apollo is boastful and arrogant about his own prowess with a bow and arrow - it's also an instance of weaponizing love.
Which brings us to that which is known everforth as...
The Nova Blade
It is actually quite common for stars to have companions and to exist in what is called a binary star system. In this system, two stars are gravitationally locked in orbit and can appear as a single object when observed by the naked eye. Sometimes, the proximity between these two stars results in what is called a nova - a sudden brightness which appears to be a new star. Novas are not associated with stellar "death" (you'd be thinking of supernova, in that case).
Now in our universe, novas are not actually stars. They are events, momentary bursts of brightness under specific circumstances between two stars. But the name "nova" originally came from the term "stella nova" which means new star.
…and though undying, took last breath, immortal Laurelion was no more. - "The Death of the Immortal"
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Did Laurelion just...die? You know, it was really unclear...
I do not think the Nova Blade killed Laurelion in the moment described in the poem. Kazi is so doubtful and Callum is so sure - Callum you fool! - surely that would be too easy (quote quote easy)?
I will grant that "Supernova Blade" would sound kind of hokey, and even originally I had thought, "Oh cool, 'nova,' like 'SUPERnova!'" And then I thought to look up just 'nova' and it turns out it was actually its own thing. But even without all that, the 'though-undying' of it all haunts me.
And so I hold to the idea that the Nova Blade makes an immortal mortal. It does bring death's bite, but in a way in which Laurelion becomes something else, reborn with death's promise like all other mortal beings are.
I have two point five ideas.
The Light of the Sun Incarnate
My first hypothesis is, of course, that Laurelion became the tree with the Sunseed with a name that's a nod to Daphne and Apollo. Of course, I'm assuming here that the tree in which the Sunseed is kept is responsible for producing/sustaining the Sunseed, which may not be true.
Now the drawback of this idea is the legend that the Sunseed was a gift from the Sun herself. So here, it would have to be within the context of the Sun sacrificing Laurelion in some way for this purpose. There's obvious Jesus parallels here which, full disclosure, is not really my bag, baby, but there are plenty of elements in TDP that very easily slot in with Christian canon. But also, in the laurel myth Daphne begs a parent to save her, which puts the sacrifice of it all in a different light. It makes me wonder if the event with the Nova Blade is self-inflicted and, mayhaps, an act of love. So in this sense, the Sun "gifted" the world (or just the Sunfire elves, I dunno) her child by simply letting her child go.
My second hypothesis is that Laurelion became the first Sunfire elf, of the second elves. We are, all of us, stardust. It would not come as a shock to me if all elves were ultimately descended from the Startouch elves of old.
AND THEN we've got Aaron Ehasz talking about how the red dragon scale amulet (...and look, this show does color coding, that's SUN) is somehow related to Laurelion?
Sunfire elf, I say! SUNFIRE ELF!
Combining both of these scenarios, I could see Laurelion being the child of the Sun (again IF we are to assume each star is a living entity). Or maybe Startouch elves are born OF stars while not, technically, being the same thing, like an egg hatching the next evolution of its mother.
And so, perhaps Laurelion chose to become mortal, to become the first Sunfire Elf. And all of Laurelion's children, and their children's children, and their children's children's children, they were all of them children of the sun, the light of the sun incarnate, bringing the hope and optimism of something new to the world; destined to return in death to the embrace of their very first mother. And as a symbol of her love, the Sun gifted Laurelion the Sunseed, golden and cradled within a tree.
*oddly relevant Lion King reference
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puppy-wife · 4 months
Tales of Arcanum #2: Helligferd
Skjera sniffled and waved as she watched her older brother, Finn, shoulder his pack and leave the safety of the tribal home hidden deep inside the Whitewood. She could not stop the flow of tears that poured out of her face, and grabbed her father and sobbed into his pants leg. “Papa, I.. I still don’t understand! Why does he have to leave?? Its dangerous out there, you said so!!” Dordal squatted down, and held his very young daughter tight, rubbing her back to sooth her emotions. “Young Skjera, do not fret. This is simply the next step in our brave Finneas’s path. Every firbolg leaves home on a Helligferd, in order to find their place not only in our tribe, but also in our world. We belong to--” “To the great wheel, yes Papa, I know. Gran told me all ‘bout that before.” Dordal chuckled, and wiped the last tears off of her cheek and studied her expression, seeming to not believe her. “Tell me then, my child, how do we fit into this Great Wheel?” Skjera squinted at her father. Though she was young, she was already quick and could spot a test when it was being presented. 
“That’s a trick, Papa! You didn’t specify who the we is. But I know all the answers, so you can’t trick me.” Dordal laughed out loud, and plopped down onto the dirt in front of her, secretly very happy that he had distracted her enough for her to not notice Finn’s disappearance over the distant hill, dropping out of eyesight. 
“Well, then, go on! If you know all the answers, explain it to me then. I am eager to hear it!”
Skjera puffed out her chest, and held her arms behind her back in a very similar position to how her teacher in the tribe often stood when a lecture was beginning. Dordal shook his head, smiling. I wonder where she gets this overdramatic side from… He thought to himself. 
“Right! So. The Great Wheel is the cycle that all things, from our water and air we breathe to the fishes to us… er, I mean, we all belong to it. And because of that, we have certain perspons...uh, respronsa….um….” “Responsibilties,” Dordal assisted her. She nodded and continued. 
“Responsibilities to help make sure everyone and everything is taken care of. We live by our Code, and everything we do is to protect our way of living. Our tribe and family is most important, but after that, we work to protect the trees, and the grass, and the animals, and the water. Because if one part breaks, none of it works, right, Papa?”
She grinned, her smile missing a couple of teeth. Dordal thought about how quickly she was growing, that it was only a few years ago she was still in a swaddling cloth, and now here she was, reciting lessons and maturing so fast…
“Yes, young one, you are completely correct. Now, what can you tell me about the Helligferd?” He knew she did not know much about this one, its something only firbolgs who had come of age and who had been trained in the ways of the tribe were allowed to partake in, so it was not necessarily something that the young ones were knowledgable about.
Skjera rubbed her chin, thinking, and eventually responded. “Weeeeell… I know that in our old language it means ‘holy journey’... And it means that he has to go away for a long time… And that he won’t come back until he is ready.” Dordal patted his lap, and his small daughter came and sat down, looking up at him with the most precious hazel eyes. He nodded, and continued her explanation for her.
“You are correct so far, but there is more to it than that. You see, Finn went through years of training with one of our specialists. He learned the ways of the forge, and how the holy fires can burn the brightest, and he used that knowledge to begin a craft that allowed him to request to attend a Helligferd. In order to be allowed to go, he had to prove to the Elders that he was strong, and skilled, and that he had what he needed to make his way safely out beyond our borders. Once he did that, he was asked what he thought his quest would be. You see, thats what a Helligferd is all about; you offer the concept of a quest that you believe is honorable and will bring not only great good into the world, but will also work to better protect and grow our tribe as well. There are many layers to this quest, and as you grow in age and size, I am sure it will become apparent to you.” Skjera was listening intently, and nodded slowly. “I got it… So brother had an idea that he thought only he could do… to bring honor to us and to help people at the same time?” Doldar smiled and hugged his daughter tight. “Exactly! And just so you know, its not often that a Helligferd is accepted by the elders. So just being allowed to go is already a great honor, and we should be very proud of him.” Skjera nodded, and looked up earnestly at him. “I am very proud of Finn, Papa. I know he’ll do great, I can just feel it!” 
Dordal looked in the direction that his son had travelled and smiled at his youngest child. “I feel it too. We must still pray every night though, and send our wishes to Erde to protect Finn, as much as possible.” Skjera nodded vigorously and knelt in front of her father and grabbed his hands. “Can we say a prayer now? For Finn, Papa?” He could not help but smile as he nodded, holding her hands and also moving to kneel on his knees. The sounds of nature seemed to drown out any other noise, and for the moment, it was only the two of them, and the beauty of the earth around them as they prayed. 
“Oh great Erde,
almighty soil from which all life is brought,
we come to you with a simple plea,
that our brother in blood, Finneas Gutenfar, who travels into unknown places,
to face unknown challenges,
and bring back unmeasurable honor…
We ask that you watch over him,
keep him,
and move him where he may best serve you,
and when his mission is done,
bring him home to us.
For the glory of tribe and soil, all honor to you. Gesund.”
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soulmuppet · 8 months
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One of the Tales of the Barren, a series of hooks and adventures - or in this case MAGICAL BULLETS - by various writers for Inevitable, our Arthurian Western TTRPG.
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blutopaz15 · 6 months
😅 & 🧠 for the ask game! :)
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
A lot of my early stuff, tbh 😅 Like, don't get me wrong: I'm glad those fics exist because I can't imagine my life now if I hadn't gotten back into fandom and started writing rayllum back in 2020. Those fics are what led to me getting to know so many people I consider friends. But like...I was just making up problems in some of those stories that in hindsight are like...what?? Not to mention that I didn't know how to pick a PoV and stick with it. 😅 Sooooo....yeah.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
How about one for Rayla, one for Callum, and one for both? :)
For Rayla: that braid that holds her arc 2 hair in place? yeah, she started doing that while she was gone as a way of reassuring herself that Callum loves her (like imagining that he'd do it for her if he were there). thank u, Tales of Xadia
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For Callum, not so much headcanon as much as something fanon that I really loved before arc 2: I really love the thought of him connecting to the moon arcanum, and after TTM, I really really really loved the thought of him coming to understand the moon arcanum being linked with him forgiving/understanding Rayla.
And for both of them...one of my favorite things I've written in a fic for future, engaged rayllum that I will be considering canon until proven otherwise, from my angsty little pre-s4 fic:
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fanfic asks!
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thrandilf · 1 year
do you have a guide as to the extra materials for The Dragon Prince? i keep seeing stuff about comics or books but idk where to start
Not on hand but I can make one here! :D
There are two, soon to be three, canon graphic novels.
Through the Moon takes place between seasons 3 and 4, like a little season 3.5 It isn't Necessary to read it before watching S4 but the story is cool and the extra information is neat. It feels like we might get more info regarding what happened to Rayla while she was gone later in the show
Bloodmoon Huntress takes place when Rayla is a child around when her parents leave. Lots of Runaan and Ethari, also introduces Kim'dael who will be in S5. Again, not Required reading but a fun extra story.
Puzzle House is coming out August 1st and is about Claudia and Soren as children, and we also get a look at younger Viren and other people. Harrow's father, King Atticus is still king in this one so interesting Katolis lore, SUPER hyped for when we get to read all of this one. The Scholastic link has a 15 pages preview if you wanna take a peek.
There are novelizations for Dragon Prince Season 1 and Season 2, they add a bit of introspection and small extra details. Viren in particular gets more of his internal thought processes laid out and for me it just Confirmed a lot of things. Season 3's novelization is coming out April 2nd, 2024. I'm sure all 7 seasons will eventually have novelizations.
Tales of Xadia is the ttrpg book and it's gorgeous and is probably the most lore heavy supplemental material as far as world building goes. The system also looks fun! The website has a character builder too for OC making. As a writer, it's been a great help as far as seeing some aspects of the world laid out. The system looks fun and there are videos of some of the cortex(?) team playing ToX official tales/campaigns but I haven't watched them yet. The campaigns are also available to look at online too.
I think that ToX is getting an expansion at some point since the base game doesn't touch much on Ocean or Star magic, I imagine due to spoilers for the seasons we're coming up on.
There's also a tabletop game called Battlecharged which I haven't personally played and I don't think it Adds lore but I've heard it's fun.
Also, it will likely be a long time before we see it, but there's a video game in the works as well that's in alpha testing right now called Project Arcanum. Wonderstorm is pretty busy!
The Free Stuff:
Reflections are official short stories hosted on TDP's website and all of them are excellent and provide little extra scenes. Some of them are quite impactful, and the ones in this second batch are promising an absolutely wild S5. The first batch was released pre S4 and the second batch is being released now pre S5 as we count down to the new season. They aren't Required reading since the most key information from them will be in the show (going by the S4 ones) but I highly HIGHLY rec reading them all. Banger after banger. As of posting this there may be one more coming.
There's also little 4 panel comics called Everyday Xadia that have been also released during countdown mode and they're just fun/cute. Volume One and Volume 2 (still coming out). Sometimes when people say comics they might mean these, or the graphic novels lol.
Thank you for the ask, I'm always happy to share the TDP love and I hope this was helpful to you and anyone else who'd like a ref!
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Hidden Gems: A Shadowgast Rec List
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This week, we have one of our recurring themes: fics with fewer than 150 kudos! Check under the cut for fourteen amazing fics that you might have missed the first time around:
Ocean Blues by Vailee (3836,General)
Warnings: None
On a remote island, Caleb meets a merman named Essek.
Reccer says: The description of merman Essek with his fins and tail is very adorable.
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Breaking Inertia by futureshieldmaiden (31096,Teen)
Warnings: None
A time loop fic where Bren has to work with the Shadowhand Essek Thelyss to straighten out time.
Reccer says: There's a lovely slow burn between the two, and I like the plot develops - with a couple of twists along the way.
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flurries by quinn_of_aebradore (1381,General)
Warnings: none
Caleb and Essek visit a night market
Reccer says: It's extremely sweet and soft, with a warm and cozy wintertime feel to it.
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the start: wings to chase the sky by mllekurtz (TheKnittingJedi) (2662,Teen)
Warnings: None, but note that the other part of the duology has its own tags! (calamity fic)
Part of a duology of an Age of Arcanum AU where Caleb and Essek are prestigious wizards of Avalir. A getting-together ficlet.
Reccer says: Mlle is so good at writing the shadowgast getting together, and it's fun to see the wizards in this lavish arcane world.
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in the blood by VexedVixen (11075,Mature)
Warnings: None
Vampire!Essek rescues an injured Caleb and brings him to his towers in Rosohna. Caleb is them offered a job by Essek - a job that includes donating some blood.
Reccer says: The worldbuilding is so cool! Always nice to see a good vampire AU.
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A Thousand Words, Unspoken by soot_and_salt (3150,General)
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (technically, but it's not a dark story)
Caleb runs a YouTube channel where he films himself restoring paintings. The latest one to come in is a portrait of a beautiful drow man.
Reccer says: If you're familiar with the story of Pygmalion and Galatea, it's a little like that.
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you're the only light i've ever known by glossolali (1463,Teen)
Warnings: None
After their bath, Essek combs and plays with Caleb's hair. Caleb enjoys himself.
Reccer says: It's very sweet and tender. And like the author says in the end note, it shows how Caleb has changed and healed over the course of campaign 2.
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Break Me, Mend Me by Kaiannae (21835,Mature)
Warnings: Depiction of depression and self-sabotage, CNC if you squint, borderline force feeding if you squint.
Caleb's self-loathing is rearing its ugly head and he is spiraling out of control, pushing his friends and chosen family away, isolating himself from those who care about him and attempting to sabotage everything good in his life. Eventually, Essek decides to do something about it. He knows that nothing mundane like talking would be of any help, so he offers Caleb what the human thinks he wants: punishment, atonement, debasement, a way to quiet the vicious voices in his head.
Reccer says: BDSM as therapy, sort of, getting into Caleb's head for the character study, aftercare for the masses, doms and subs alike.
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Silver Couches To Recline Upon And Ornaments Of Gold by soot_and_salt (3242,Teen)
Warnings: None
Essek, unable to leave the tower he resides in, finds a cat on his balcony. He soon discovers there is more to this cat than he could have ever imagined.
Reccer says: It is a fairy tale au and I am a big fan of fairy tales.
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Let the River Carry You by Operafloozy (2983,General)
Warnings: none
Essek knits something for each of the Nein
Reccer says: It's very sweet and thoughtful, and I love the description of the patterns
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in vaults and cherished amber by allinna (4406,Teen)
Warnings: none
At the Vurmas Outpost, Essek receives some well-deserved love from Caleb and the M9.
Reccer says: it's a sweet, comfy fic that makes you smile! what more would you want.
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born from beauty by hanap (2375,Explicit)
Warnings: None
Caleb and Essek have a conversation about their respective experiences with gender and what it means to feel at home in one's body, after which Essek shows his love for Caleb's body by giving him a blowjob.
Reccer says: I resonate with both Caleb and Essek's experiences of gender in this fic, so it was a lovely experience getting to read how much the two of them love each other's bodies that are so similar to mine.
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if only I could see your face by lakrisrot (3399,Explicit)
Warnings: Can read having a sex-negative to sex-neutral POV character
Caleb spends some time with Essek after the Transmogrification fails. They end up more intimate that expected.
Reccer says: This fic offers a very intriguing look into Essek's mind as an asexual/demi person. I very much enjoyed that.
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And two recs for
the hole in the stone by MinnesotaBruja (13243,Teen)
Warnings: Animal/Pet Death
Shortly after the end of campaign 2, Essek takes a position as a lighthouse keeper on a remote island north of Eiselcross. The fic is comprised of his letters to Caleb.
Reccer 1 says: Essek cares for chickens while living on the island and I find it extremely sweet. Reccer 2 says: Beautiful, heartbreaking, so very well written you will most definitely cry and it's worth every tear!
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. And hey! Don’t forget to leave comments and kudos for the lovely authors!
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raayllum · 8 months
So what's the Mirrored Trio Theory?
The Mirrored Trio theory is, for lack of a better explanation, a two pronged theory regarding the way the main trio will parallel both the generation that led to / immediately received Aaravos upon his fall (himself, Leola, and a speculative human who may or may not have been a mage / helped to found Elarion) and how they may also parallel the Orphan Queen, Jailer, and Aaravos yet again. So put your tinfoil hats on and strap in because it's going to be a speculation heavy one, lads! We're going to get deep in the weeds.
Fallen Trio
So the first trio we want to talk about is what I'm going to, for lack of a better term / meta simplicity, refer to as the Fallen Trio, consisting of Aaravos, Leola, and 'Elarion' — our stand-in for a potential human Aaravos had a close dynamic with that may be intertwined with the human city of Elarion.
First, I want to talk about Aaravos and Leola. We get our first mention of Leola in S5, specifically with Leola's Last wish being a star for both Xadians and for humans, who use it to navigate and "to find their way in the endless darkness of the night." This is fitting given that what we know of unicorns from the book one novelization — that they gave primal magic and stones to humanity out of mercy and compassion — and that Tales of Xadia singles her out further as the specific unicorn to do so, although it omits primal stones from the equation:
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This is, of course, a big parallel between Leola and some details we know from Aaravos as well, who also gave gifts to humanity: the relic staff that Ibis identifies as truly belonging to Aaravos ("It was a gift from one of the Great ones" / "If you seek to return that staff to its true owner...") and, as Claudia says, dark magic:
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However, there's also been indications that Leola might've been a Startouch elf (tweet from Aaron Ehasz identifying her as the Startouch child + the star on the star chart map, although it's not entirely clear), that star magic can be reality altering, that Startouch elf designs had unicorn like horns protruding from their foreheads, and that history can change and shape things differently than they necessarily were.
Either way, unicorns are one of the few creatures we know to also possess the Star arcanum and, seemingly like the Startouch elves, are all but gone from Xadia (+ the Pentarchy)'s physical plain. And that she, like Aaravos, were two Star(touch) beings who both wanted to help humanity and help them develop magic, but did so in very different ways. Whether they are literally related or the same species, I think this parallel between them means they're set up to have an almost sibling-esque bond — one that existed, and one that accordingly fell apart under the brunt of dark magic and other disagreements, as TDP is prone to do.
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(Put a pin in Callum and Ezran for now, cause we're going to circle back to them shortly.)
Bare minimum, Leola and Aaravos will have to be foils if not contemporaries of each other, given the closeness of their original goals in manifestation, regardless of motivation. This is particularly true given that Aaravos preys on mages in particular and that dark magic (plus a little Star magic, maybe?) allows him to literally possess people who have done dark magic, which can be no happy accident.
Given that Leola seemed dead set on giving humans primal magic, it seems unlikely she might've been too keen on a dark magic, alternative development either, which we know came after, thanks to Ripples.
It happened long ago, when humans had only just learned to hold fire in their hands without burning. They nurtured their precious primal flames secretly—in the dark of night, beneath shadows and shrouds—as cultivating its glow drew the eyes and ire of monsters. Eventually, for the audacity of their fire, they were hunted, and—though they looked to the stars for salvation—the stars, too, looked down upon them with disdain. Humanity had been given something it was never meant to have.
So again, you have two characters with very similar goals/desires, but very different ideas of how to achieve said goals. This one of the reasons why, I think, that TDP loves to have siblings disagree, as it's an effective way of having more worldviews on display with some hope for reconciliation or the tragedy of deterioration, or both. Callum and Ezran stand alone as the one sibling pair that hasn't been terribly wrenched apart by political or ideological disagreements thus far, save for Sarai and Amaya, who were torn apart by Sarai's death.
Which brings me to my next point: if Aaravos and Leola had a sibling like bond, did he lose her to their potential ideological disagreements, or did those disagreements actually cost her life?
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Whether Leola just walked away and likewise abandoned him (like Soren), became too distant in disagreement to continue having some sort of bond (like Harrow and Viren, and Janai and Karim), flat out died (like Khessa, Harrow, and Sarai), or all three, that could be one of the many cogs motivating Aaravos to keep turning the wheel of the cycle, as grief has often been the primary motivator throughout history, even amongst the 'villains'. A "song of love that loss" that Aaravos has chosen handpicked "instruments" for, after all (4x03, 4x04).
And like I said, Callum and Ezran are long over due to have a disagreement, given that they haven't had a substantial one since season one, and given that Ezran has grown to only be more assertive than he was since then, not less. This could easily be over Runaan (Callum, having already sworn himself to helping Rayla free her parents, and Ezran, understandably holding onto anger and grief concerning Harrow's death). I'm sure there are also plenty of other things they could heavily disagree over in the future, like military aid or action or how to approach trying to defeat Aaravos, etc.
The point to all of this is that I think Ezran could be a very good stand in for Leola — at least in terms of being selfless, deeply compassionate, uncomplicated, and adamant about giving people their freedom even at the cost of themselves and even if that gift can be misused or discarded (3x04) — which means Aaravos could offer a potential parallel to Callum in the sibling split. Aaravos, who turned to dark magic as an option regardless of or precisely because of the potential violence, and Callum, who argues for the Nova Blade whereas his brother still always champions a non-violent route thus far.
After all, TDP loves to have their "person A is estranged from their sibling and is determined not to lose their lover" parallel, given that it's happened four times (Harrow, Viren, Sarai; Viren, Harrow, Lissa; Claudia, Soren, Terry; Janai, Karim, Amaya) already.
Now, this could be wildly off base as we know very little about Leola and even less about her potential dynamic with Aaravos, but if we follow along with the idea that Ezran could parallel her and Callum could parallel Aaravos, I think now maybe we can talk about Elarion and Rayla.
Years ago we learned that there was a place on Xadia's map (both sides) that was named after someone who had a deep connection to him, and that many of his choices are based around this relationship. Given the Midnight Star poem, people defaulted to Elarion ("Elarion, black-eyed child / her twisted roots spread deep and far / The humans’ might sparked by the light / of Aaravos, her midnight star") although I've also considered Kalik.
And while I'm still not unconvinced that Elarion isn't just a name like Elara and Laurelion, before Aaravos changed his name, combined, I do think Elarion has to be important in Aaravos' backstory, and that it's more than likely that a founder of Elarion / a human involved with Elarion for a variety of reasons.
For starters, while we can be told that Aaravos had a soft spot for humans at one point, giving us a specific person or dynamic to think of is helpful in regards to emotional investment, and in helping to explain why he may have developed said soft spot. We also know, thanks to a birthday post years ago, that a human once gave him a gift:
He thinks that if he cared for the idea [of birthdays], he’d like to remember the taste of a smooth red fruit a human had plucked from a tree for him, once. It had been so crisp, and so sweet.
While this could've been the Orphan Queen (we do know, thanks to 1x01, that there's a tree planted in the castle courtyards 300 years ago, but we don't know it was an apple tree), an apple transfer like this one feels far more "Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and knowledge isn't always a Good thing" type schtick. Not only does it seem to indicate a more intimate bond, it also might foreshadow the reason Aaravos Fell.
One of the most interesting, but perhaps more discreet, reasons I think there's a connection between 'Elarion' as a person and Aaravos is because of the nature motif running between what little we know of Elarion and to do with Aaravos' mirror and appearance motifs. The Midnight Star is riddled with flower and nature symbolism, referring to it as a "trembling seed" and "fading bloom," that "her roots took hold" and later became "twisted," and that before the gift of Aaravos, she was "wilting" with "bone-white branches". And Aaravos' mirror and the box that held his matching key have blooming flowers on it.
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See the flowers along the bottom on the actual frame of the mirror, then sculpted along the sides, and the top? Yeah. We also know that flowers themselves, thanks to Tales of Xadia, are featured in a story told both in Katolis and amongst the Moonshadow elves in particular, featuring an elven thief who steals what you value most, leaving only flowers in their wake. This is the only story in all of Tales of Xadia that we see two cultures share, even if they interpret it wildly differently.
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Flowers that were always gone by morning, and gifts that couldn't be accepted or understood ("I’ve got one more gift for you, Callum: I'm going to keep you safe. I have to. I love you too much not too [...] Taking on hard choices and going to dark places is an act of love. It’s a gift. So, please let me give you this gift, Callum. Stay safe, and stay in the light").
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We also know that whoever Aaravos loved, he inevitably lost whether due to time or tragedy. While this form of grief is one the show has explored, it was previously largely only through Harrow, who mourned Sarai for 9 years upon losing her, and who avenged her by slaying Avizandum, and more briefly through Ethari believing Runaan was dead.
That was, until season four, where Callum grieving Rayla and dealing with the fallout of that grief and distance turned it into more of an accentuated plot point, both before and even after her return.
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Before, losing your partner in this manner would've been something Callum had witnessed, but not experienced. Now, whether the show wants Callum to sympathize with Aaravos or not, it is an experience that they could both understand, particularly if it is going to be one of Aaravos' main motivators.
Thus, we have a disagreement set up between 'siblings' (Leola, Aaravos; Ezran, Callum) as well as lost love (Elarion, Aaravos; Rayla, Callum) as a big motivator for choices, grief, and what possibly led to the fall. That Aaravos, at least in practice / thematic lineups, being a Callum who lost his Rayla and his Ezran*, and then lost himself.
Aaravos — Callum
Leola — Ezran
Elarion — Rayla
[ * This is not to say that Callum would pull an Aaravos and go on a hellbent 1000+ year revenge scheme, because he's not like that, but I do think it could be a very poignant and apt parallel of giving him and Aaravos more in common than they currently have, which is about nothing but magical curiosity and connection. ]
However, 90% of this is all speculation of things that have been kept supremely under wraps. For something a little more tangible simply because we have slightly more information, let's talk about the
Imprisonment Trio
The Imprisonment Trio, as the name implies, refers to the two humans who seemed to directly (the Jailer) and potentially indirectly (the Orphan Queen) be involved in imprisoning Aaravos (the third in this trio). This time, however, I'm going to argue that Aaravos — in terms of his imprisonment — is going to parallel someone other than Callum, but we shall see.
To start, I want to look at the Jailer and the Orphan Queen, since their parallels to Callum and Ezran respectively are the most obvious.
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We don't know for sure whether the Jailer came from Katolis, but we know that the Orphan Queen did, eventually taking on the throne from the previous royal family and starting Harrow and Ezran's royal line, first hinted at in 3x05 with "Only orphans can ascend to the throne". Ezran has been directly compared to her in both role and appearance by the show's framing and by characters like Rex Igneous in 4x08: "I should have seen it before. Long ago, it was a human who saw through the Fallen Star's schemes and helped Xadia put an end to them. You look so much like her." This plays well into Ezran's tendency to discover or unearth long lost things, most notably Zym's egg, just as the Orphan Queen became the Truthteller of Aaravos' treachery.
Callum, for his part, is a human mage, just like the Jailer. He's clever, very talented with magic, and despite being Aaravos' preferred prey as a mage will ultimately — like the Jailer — play a role in his defeat. He will also work with and for the archdragons and their wills, but has no problem being disobedient either, in the name of concern or mercy, much like how the Jailer kept Akiyu alive rather than tell the archdragons the truth. And like the Jailer, he understands the potential danger of knowledge: "The entire world would be in danger if she let him live with this knowledge" / "I need you to kill me."
Like the brothers, they were a (future) royal and mage working together, starting off what perhaps was a long tradition of Katolian monarchs having high mages. If, as often theorized due to having an Aaravos-y twin box (S2 novelization) and his love of puzzles, Kpp'Ar is indeed descended from the Jailer, that adds another layer onto Kpp'Ar being one of Callum's predecessors as High Mage. While Ezran has the job and the bloodline of the Orphan Queen, Callum would've more directly inherited the position of (high) mage from the Jailer's thematic and occupational line.
Granted, there are differences. Most notably, the Key of Aaravos was given to Callum, not to Ezran, although there could be potential future parallels between the brothers and the Sunfire siblings, with Karim unable to undo Kim'Dael's chains because his sister is still queen, and the brothers needing to work together to fully use the cube. I wouldn't be surprised if Ezran learns more about the cube and the Orphan Queen in S6 while Callum still has some unknowns to its true meaning, leading to some delicious dread and dramatic irony. But I digress.
The point is that the Jailer and the Orphan Queen both had their roles to play in imprisoning Aaravos, and that Callum and Ezran, respectively, will both have their roles to play in trying to keep Aaravos contained, only to inevitably somehow fail in a way that allows him to escape, if by another's hand. We do know the brothers will be going to weird ruins in a future season thanks to some out-of-context spoilers that have yet to pass, and the Ruins of Elarion would certainly fit:
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Which, just like the out-of-context spoiler card, you might've noticed that I haven't mentioned Rayla and who she's going to be paralleling yet. Well, that's because this time / generational pass around, I think she's going to be the primary foil to Aaravos.
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Now, this train of thought isn't new by any means. I've thought Rayla paralleled Aaravos reasonably well since S3 aired largely due to their status as ghosted/banished elves, a compassion for humans (at least implied for Aaravos) that other elves disapproved of, and their dynamics with Callum and Viren, respectively.
Both Rayla and Aaravos have to work to earn their high mage's trust ("And should we trust you? Have you told us the truth about everything?" / "And why should I trust you?") over the course of season one for Rayla and season two for Aaravos, ending in promises of allegiance and togetherness: "You've got to stay with me" / "I will stay with you" (2x09). Aaravos leads Viren to his doom in being tackled off the Pinnacle, and Callum throws himself off the Pinnacle after Rayla.
You can imagine my delighted surprise, then, when S4 simply cranked it up even further: Rayla was hunting Aaravos' mage ("I spent two years hunting"), and Aaravos was hunting Rayla's mage ("Yes, mages were his prey"). Rayla wants to protect Callum and kill Viren, and Aaravos had promised to save Viren and use Callum. Even for Callum himself, 4x04 and 4x07 seemed like clear set up for Rayla symbolizing agency in Callum breaking free from Aaravos' control someday, putting the two in literal opposition to each other. Two potential paths (although picking Rayla, at least at first, may not be mutually exclusive from picking Aaravos).
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Rayla, who was also harshly punished by Xadia with no trial.
This isn't to say that Aaravos didn't do anything wrong and is being unjustly punished — far from it — or that Aaravos' imprisonment and subsequent freedom won't have parallels to anyone else like say, Callum, who will likely be imprisoned by Aaravos through possession in S6 and ultimately freed by Rayla. More so that imprisonment of different sorts has been a running theme throughout Rayla's arc, and that Callum — who is primed to be Aaravos' chain breaker, whether through possession or not — could also be hers (if not just her parents') the way he has routinely been in the past, whether it was from instigating the events that eventually led to her binding (chain) coming off or saving her from being emotionally stuck (3x08) or from doing anything for her freedom (5x01, 5x08). He's primarily been someone who is tethered to freedom when it comes to recognizing and breaking cycles (chains of history) or literal restraints, and it's only in season four and season five that he's shifted to being both tied to freedom and having himself restrained.
I've speculated in the past this may result in Callum (and Ezran) leading to Aaravos' release in order to save/free Rayla; however, the show may not want as much of a repeat from 5x08, and freeing the Moon fam from the coins also resulting in Aaravos' freedom through an escalation of events would also keep that ironic thread, so it could really go anywhere.
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Two humans, one elf, and endless tragedy, repeating and breaking cycles all at the same time. Ezran, discovering important info about his ancestor and possibly the Key; Callum, following in the Jailer's footsteps and unravelling the final puzzles of the prison and figuring out how to undo it; and Rayla, ghosted, banished, vying against Aaravos for the control and agency of his latest pawn who also happens to be the love of her life.
So for the Imprisonment Trio:
The Orphan Queen — Ezran
The Jailer — Callum
Aaravos — Rayla
In Conclusion
Is any of this something? I don't know, honestly. I think it's plausible, at least partially. I think it'd be neat. We know TDP likes varying intergenerational parallels and looking at how history repeats, whether that's directly through family (blood or not) lines, or by having repeating plot points (the dragon quartet, or Rayla being immobilized) and trials (Rayllum facing Sol Regem, much like Ziard, etc). We know there was someone Aaravos loved and lost, we know he's not above using what people want against them, and the connections between Ezran and the Orphan Queen are just Text at this point, although how they may manifest further, we don't know.
This is just one particular stab at it, and an examination of three of the series' most interesting (potential) trios. We'll simply have to see if anything here hit the nail on the head.
As always, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
—Dragons Out
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