#tactical voting
mistressdickens · 3 months
If you're in the UK and wondering who to vote for to ensure we dump the Tories in a ditch, take a look at Tactical voting. This is such an important year. Throw the tories in the bin.
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So, it's election day tomorrow.
There's a lot of talk about voting tactically, about getting the Tories out, blah blah blah.
Personally, I think if you're going to vote at all, you should vote with your conscience for a party who's policies don't abhor you.
But also, whoever is in government on 5th July, we need to keep doing all the other things we have been doing, industrial action, protests, direct action.... We cannot afford to give Labour or a coalition an easy ride because they're "not the Tories". Starmer's labour sits very far to the right - don't be fooled by the red tie, he's not actually going to help us in any way.
I'm not going to say people shouldn't vote, but voting once every 5 years does not absolve you of responsibility the rest of the time.
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alphonsze · 3 months
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If you’re in the UK and of voting age please make sure to be aware of your polling location, what you need to bring and when you need to go. Also please look at polling in your area and tactical voting plans. I know none of the options are great just now, but we cannot let apathy allow even worse candidates to take seats from the Tories.
JULY 4th
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amorphousblobqueen · 3 months
Something that I wish more people understood is that this election is no longer about who forms a government. That is a forgone conclusion at this point unless shit really hits the fan. This election is about who leads the opposition.
If the conservatives are allowed to get away with second place, they will still have the platform to poison our politics and rebuild to come back down the line.
If the lib dems get to finish second instead, they will get to set the narrative, the media will be forced to platform them more and the conservatives less, and we actually stand a chance at having the labour government held to account. Polls show that this is on the cards.
We are so close to a seismic shift in politics in this country.
But to do it, we need to vote tactically. We need to the number of lib dem seats where possible, but realistically they have a ceiling of support at around 70-75 seats. So the other half of the equation is to reduce the number of conservative seats as far below 70 as we can. There is no such thing as a safe tory seat this election, with enough tactical voting they can all be wiped out.
To that end, here are two resources that can help:
^^The most reliable tactical voting site with the greatest track record, proven to be legit unlike some of the fake ones that the tories have set up, and the only one that I know of purely focused on getting the tories out of power and out of the opposition.
^^An initiative to try to beat the tory and reform uk bot farms at their own game.
Together we can reach net zero tories
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wisdomofwinter · 4 months
Tactical voting: UK general election 2024
This website lists every constituency and who to vote for to get the Conservative Party out of government
They are updating at the moment but tactical voting is a great tool to make the best out of our terrible electoral system.
I know Labour are not a good alternative to the Tories at the moment, but we cannot have another Tory government. This is damage limitation.
Update: Best for Britain has another tactical voting resource https://www.getvoting.org
Make sure you are registered to vote wherever you will be living on 4th July (especially important for students!) https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
Check whether you can vote in a general election- Irish citizens and some commonwealth citizens living in the UK can vote! https://www.gov.uk/elections-in-the-uk/general-election
Make sure you have photo id https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate
You can also postal vote https://www.gov.uk/apply-postal-vote or apply for a proxy vote https://www.gov.uk/apply-proxy-vote if you cannot vote on the day
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itsbansheebitch · 2 months
I Have an Idea, hear me out
So both Britain and France have used Tactical Voting in the past week, yeah? What if we did something similar?
I absolutely hate Biden, but what if (share your thoughts, this is just me putting an idea on the table) we voted en mass for Biden, for the sake of keeping Trump out?
THEN (because we DO need ACTUAL change) we vote for candidates that support SOME/ALL of the issues we support. Then pick the candidate out of your choices that is most likely to win.
The only way to fight back is to organize. Not only that, but supporting candidates that support out core issues (ie, Palestine) and putting pressure on candidates that don't (contacting reps, calling officials, social media, etc).
If we combine these two ideas (Biden + Left leaning locals) we can use a similar strategy that Britain and France did. Keep in mind, the far-right party in France (actual self proclaimed nazis) we predicted to win, but the left and center collaborated, which kick the far-right party to the back.
It IS NOT ideal, but I think strategy is the number one priority this election.
PLUS, when talking about this to friends, remember that when you vote, you voting for (or against) an administration. Talk about the BIG PICTURE and what people have actually done, not just said.
If this idea seems shitty, again, turning up the heat is always an option. I live in a college town and they are already ready to go. Multiple Pro-Palestine displays were in town and there was a small protest on campus. turning up the heat is always an option.
We don't HAVE to be happy about this, but we still have to vote. of course, if Biden ends up stepping down and someone takes his place, the plan would change to support whoever that person is.
This is mostly me spitballing, so feel free to share your thoughts below or add on to the idea.
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toobloodylatenow · 3 months
A reminder that in the UK under First Past The Post the vast majority of us don't get to vote for who we want to win. We have to vote to keep out whoever we are the most afraid of.
The system is stacked in favour of the Tories and tactical voting is the only defence we have. If you refuse to vote for Party X because of Ideological Reason Y, or refuse to vote at all then you are playing into the hands of the Tories. This is why they keep winning even though less than 40% of the electorate support them.
You're not selecting a life partner or making an irrevocable career decision. You may not like it, but do what needs to be done on this one occasion. You don't even have to tell anyone who you voted for. Tell your friends you voted whatever way you like. Trust me, there will be thousands of people who won't admit they are voting Tory or Reform, but they will go and do exactly that because they are selfish bigoted arseholes who enjoy hurting other people but they are not brave enough to admit it publicly.
So check the tactical voting advice in your area and when you get into that polling booth vote to keep out the Tories and Reform, because you are an adult and that's what needs to be done. Then after the election join the campaign to get Proportional Representation so that next time you can vote with your heart. But don't fuck it up this time.
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Hello hi, I haven't seen anyone on this hellsite (affectionate) talking about Labour's pledge to fund free breakfasts for all primary school children in the country so guess I'm doing it now.
So if you live in an area where the seat is going to be won by either a Tory or Labour candidate and you're still on the fence on actually voting Labour and not convinced by the whole tactical voting thing, hello hi, here's a reason to vote Labour: free breakfasts for all primary school students in the country.
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[full article here]
Personally, I think that it's a bad thing when children in our country go hungry because you know, 20% of the whole country lives in poverty, so I genuinely think this is a very good policy.
Obviously, it's not perfect; I'd personally like it to go further. With that in mind, here's an article discussing the policy from the perspective of a school in an impoverished area whose breakfast clubs are currently being funded by a charity called Magic Breakfast.
But I still want to see this policy put in place, but that won't happen if Labour don't beat the Tories on July 4th, which is why I'm voting Labour .
Also, I'm adding this to the mountain of evidence that Labour aren't just Tories in Red Ties, which is anti-voting rhetoric btw
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If you live in the UK and haven't voted yet and thinking of voting tactically to get the Tories out then do check out this site.
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 4 months
If you’re in the UK, can vote and want the tories out of power as soon as fucking possible, can I recommend this website (it’s being updated at the moment so might not have the result for your area given the sudden call for election) :
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pfhwrittes · 3 months
Hello beloved friends! I'm posting something a bit different today so please bear with me.
Some of you already know but tomorrow (4th July 2024) is the General Election in the UK. So this is really a post for my UK followers.
If you're unsure/undecided you can use this website to compare various policies (the link will take you to voteforpolicies.org.uk). It is a completely impartial website that allows you to compare the policies from each party on whichever topics concern you the most.
If you want to vote tactically then I recommend this website (the link will take you to tactical.vote). This website has a bias in order to tactically vote out the Conservative (Tory) government and parties that are most likely to align themselves with the Conservative party after the General Election like the DUP and Reform UK in case of a Coalition Government being formed like in 2010.
If you've already decided on who to vote for, good for you! I wish you luck that the party you vote for does come into power and that the member of parliament you are voting for makes significant beneficial changes to your constituency (yes, even the parties I disagree with and the members of parliament I personally think are utter wankers).
Or alternatively you can ignore what this silly little fandom blog is saying and go about your day, the choice is entirely yours!
Personally, I hope that you do choose to vote tomorrow despite how inconvenient it is and despite how loudly various political parties and individuals are shouting currently.
P.S don't forget to bring your polling card and accepted form of ID to the polling station tomorrow!
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cryingwanker · 3 months
The general election is tomorrow. If you live in the UK, and are of legal voting age, please, for the love of everything, do not spoil your vote. If you live in a Conservative majority area, vote tactically and KICK THE TORIES OUT THE DOOR!
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escxelle · 3 months
uk general election: vote!!
'ello 'ello 'ello. this thursday july 4th 2024 the uk is having a general election. if you are eligible to vote and you registered in time then please vote!! the polling stations will be open between 7am and 10pm. if you have a postal vote, your ballot must be completed and posted by 10pm on thursday 4th july 2024!
you now need to bring ID with you to vote if you're going in person. you can find which ID you need here: https://www.gov.uk/how-to-vote/photo-id-youll-need (a passport or uk driver's license should be fine). your poll card should also have information on this.
i will personally be giving everyone a free turtle if you vote (real and true) /j
if you're unsure of who to vote for, have a look at the manifestos of the candidates in your area on google. be warned that they are very long and filled with flowery language and empty promises but there are plenty of news websites, tiktok videos etc. that summarise the key points. the likelihood that you will 100% agree with one party is very low so try to look at the overall points that you like about each candidate to help you decide where to cast your vote.
if you're struggling to find a candidate that you agree with the most, think about the ones that you definietly don't like and work from there. for example, if you don't like the tories then consider voting for another party that is most likely to beat them. this is called tactical voting and the good news is that there is a website that can help you with this: https://tactical.vote/ this website will show you the results of the 2019 general election (with current constituency borders) and tells you who to vote for to get the tories out with polls to corroborate!! if the tories aren't expected to win in your constituency then you can vote the way it was intended: for the candidate you like the most!! whether that's the greens, plaid cymru, snp or an independent candidate! remember that you are voting for the candidate in your constituency (local area)!!! if you don't know what your constituency is, you can google what it is for your post code. you can also google the candidates running for your constituency's seat to see how they voted and what they stand for as well as looking at their party's manifesto (if they have one!).
if you're still not happy with your voting options then you can deliberately destroy your ballot as a protest and put that in the box instead. you can do this by purposefully leaving it blank (not crossing off one candidate), by putting a cross next to more than one candidate or by writing something else like a smiley face or a tick or something because only a X inside the box for one candidate will count. this is still better than not voting at all!!
it is reallyyyyy important that you vote, regardless of if you think it's pointless or that you don't know enough or you're not into politics etc. because politics will always impact your daily life whether you like it or keep up with it or not!!
it's even more important that you vote if you are a young person!! statistically, young people are the worst demographic for voting in elections. we need to change this!! it's only a bad thing as parties can use this as reasoning to cut policies out that benefit young people, which is not a good thing!!
even if you vote for someone who has no chance of winning the seat in your area it's showing the other parties what you like! for example, if the greens don't win the seat but get very close then the winner might try to implement more environmentally friendly policies!
also if you think your vote won't change anything, trust me it will!!! there have been poll maps that show the difference between over 65 voters and young voters (18-25) and let me tell you, you have never seen such a different map (almost completely blue to completely red). if you don't vote, it only makes the votes of bullshit parties like reform uk and the tories stronger!!!
(i also highly recommend looking at the series "electile dysfunction" that comedian munya chawawa did on tiktok, it's hilarious and very informative!!)
what are you going to do on thursday july 4th before 10pm: vote!!!!
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amorphousblobqueen · 3 months
I know that labour isn't exactly providing a radical left wing alternative right now, but right now I think it's important to keep two things in mind:
1. Labour need to be electable. It doesn't matter how good you might think their polcies are, if they can't appeal to the general public and capture the centre ground, they can't win. And if they don't win, the tories will.
2. The main goal that we need to push for is getting the tories out, which requires us to vote tactically. The most reliable site for this is Stopthetories.vote (linked properly below). They are a non-partisan group focused on getting the tories out of power and, with a little more effort, out of second place, which would leave Ed Davey as the leader of the opposition preventing the Conservatives from setting the narrative and poisoning our politics. This is the only election where every tory seat is now vulnerable, so tactical voting is really important this time around. If that means voting for Labour in your seat, so be it. If that means voting Lib Dem, Green, SNP or Plaid, so be it. The tories must be punished. The second priority of Stopthetories.vote is to push for proportional representation after the election to make sure that tactical voting is never necessary again.
So please, if you want to end the tories then this is the best advice thatI can give you: go onto Stopthetories.vote, enter your postcode, you don't need to sign up, and find out who the tactical vote is in your area, hold your nose if you have to, and vote. They even have a list of the 80 most marginal seats which if flipped would sebd the tories into at least 3rd place, maybe even 4th place. If your seat isn't on that list, tactical voting is still a good idea because the more seats that we can flip the better. Post election, we can then light a firework under Kier Starmer's ass to do better. But right now, the tories have to go.
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too-deviant · 3 months
pls remember to vote today!! every ballot counts 🤞
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spiced-wine-fic · 3 months
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