paperuniverse · 2 years
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stinkyboiii · 6 months
When they're sitting on your face after a long day just resting and doing some other stuff to relax, just sitting with your nose against their shithole or even better, your tounge in it, and they start to casually talk about how dirty their hole must be and why and describe to you very precisely everything they ate during the day, how gassy it made them and how they were holding it all in the whole day cause It's so nasty and what exacly is happening in their tummy, while all you can do is lay there, listen and blush and try not to whimper or do other embarrassing stuff, knowing they're about to start letting it out in no time.. 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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stevejobsbuysasamsung · 2 months
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grim-glasses · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day from Shinigami Dispatch 😘🫡❤️🖤
Will: me
Grell: Peculiar
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cat-boy-tom · 3 months
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anxiously-sidequesting · 11 months
The fucked up part in not playing Wizard101 in a long time is that you gotta wait for 20 entire ass years for the program to boot up on your computer
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empressofkalumina · 1 year
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😈 JOY RIDE (2023).
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
i am making the Same Exact Face as all of them right now
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dinaur · 2 years
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sicktummies · 1 month
A guy who ate a really bad airport food starts feeling the consequences during their flight. At first they thought it was just take-off anxiety, but the nausea persists and their full stomach is winding up tighter along with the familiar cramp along the waist.
At first they tried hunching over the small space between the seats to ease the feeling, but a small fart escapes instead. They are embarrassed, but feels a little less full than they had been, so they tried pressing on their lower stomach to relieve themself.
They gagged instead, and feels something crawl up their throat. They reach for the plastic bag in front of them, but the stiffled gagging makes them cramp even more, and the plane is still on take off mode so they cant rush for the toilet. They tried swallowing everything in instead and feels the flash of uncomfortable hot and cold flashes with along sweating. They feel so sick so suddenly and so fast, and they feel so full, but they have no choice but to hold the sickness in.
They keep stifling gags and clenching ass to keep the farts in even as their stomach continues growling and burbling in complaint. It wants the poison out, and they were quickly losing a battle - they are also definitely not going to be sitting on hot diarrhea for eight hours. So against the lights, they unbuckled and rose from their seat, keeping a hand on their stomach and another pressed against their butt even as everyone looks at them weird.
A flight attendant notices and reprimands them to stay in their seat, the take off mode isnt off yet, but they had to quickly explain and beg that it's an emergency as they cradled their bloated, gurgling stomach - they really, really can't hold it in. The flight attendant reluctantly lets them go and they stumble hunched into the small bathroom, grunting near tears to get their pants off as they loose a bit of clench in their ass and the burbling farts break loose.
When they sit square on the toilet, the rush of stinging diarrhea is immediate, chunky half digested liquid splattering against the small rim of the airplane toilet. They groan and whimper, doubling over their lap and massaging their lower gut to ease the pressure, but they still feel so bloated and sick and full with no relief.
The nausea and the smell makes them gag, a breathy hoek, uek noises as they stretch for the sink and starts heaving up thick, acidic vomit along with the burning between their ass. The gas in their stomach starts spurting out loud bursts of airy diarrhea as drool and vomit flows over their lips and they're pretty sure everyone sitting near the toilet can hear and smell their blowout.
This is going to be a really long flight.
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stinkyboiii · 6 months
Cute boys with shitty diet the most nasty gassy condition who let it out on you because It's too comfortable to resist>>>>
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mephestopheles · 7 months
Hey crocheters, specifically newer pattern makers, but this goes for everyone. When creating a pattern, especially for the written portion, it is in your best interest to look up the terminology and shorthand used in most patterns. I understand that terminology is different in places (see UK vs US). However if you have to start your pattern off when an abbreviation list that looks absolutely like you just grabbed the alphabet and threw it at the screen, you will hear my screaming and cursing your name no matter where you live.
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bedazzlecunt · 9 months
my safeword is the freak on a leash beatboxing part
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kinkysteddie · 10 months
been having awful gas for the last few days, it didn't hurt or anything but it was so so often and it stink.
and now i was in bed and i randomly get the urge to go, so i just get up and go to the bathroom.
it just wouldnt end. it just kept coming out and i actually gasped when i looked down and saw this long ass log coming out. and when it finally end it just left my ass burning and my stomach hurting like a bitch. i can tell its not over but i couldn't get anything else to come out and now i feel awful :(
need tummy rubs asap
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freakinator · 4 months
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silveredsticks · 3 months
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