#t; boo
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unavernales · 9 months ago
boo is eating trash. trash is delicious and it doesn't understand why it can't! so it has a habit of sneaking through the crew's rubbish (just for a snack!) and is verrryyyyy careful not to get caught. in the middle of munching on some glass, boo is too preoccupied to notice the door opening.
"boo!" it exclaims in a panic and rushes to hide evidence of its snacking. it knows lying is wrong, but eating trash is even more wrong! and it doesn't want to be in trouble! "was cleaning! not being bad!" boo, however, is a terrible liar.
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spirk-trek · 9 months ago
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outta my way!!!!!! my girlfriend is HURT!!!
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chickensauras · 2 months ago
Drew guys from @mayakoroz new toxic old man yaoi fic: Advent
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(Made a text and the subtext version) :Þ
Obv check the tags, but i really fuck with the characterization, all the internalized bullshit, askeladd fallin on his ass like an idiot ❤️ . Also the fumbling lol
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gobald · 4 months ago
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pianokantzart · 10 months ago
Guys, I think I found out why King Boo ups the ante so much in Luigi's Mansion 3
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unavernales · 1 year ago
"doggy? woof!" boo demonstrates so hana knows that boo knows what she's talking about.
"doggy make owie?" doggies didn't like boo very much either, despite it thinking they were quite cute! "doggy didn't mean it..." boo attempts to soothe and delicately runs a claw through her hair. its best friend had taught it that sometimes hurt comes accidentally.
"pretty..." it compliments with a glint in its dark, infinite stare. its best friend had pretty hair as well. it wonders if she will let it braid the glossy strands. boo knew how to do lots of different braids!
"boo!" it announces as it points to itself. "wha's your name?" boo tilts its head and leans in so it can observe her face closely. so it can remember her!
'Yeah, owie.' As the stranger moved about, Hana finally got a good look at them. Seemingly human much like herself, though they sported, along with the aforementioned tail, horns and fangs and claws. 'I - It was a dog. They always do this if they get a chance.' She could recall when it had first happened, when she was three years, seven weeks and four days old biologically, or somewhere around 12 if one went by looks alone. It had been an absolute beast, almost as big as her with fur that had been white before her blood had stained its mouth. She's not sure how long it survived after that. Hana looked them in the eyes for a brief moment before she felt the need to divert her gaze away. 'Who are you?' she asked, hoping that the what would also be implicit in her question. It didn't matter if it wasn't, as Hana wasn't sure she was ready to hear the answer to that.
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Things that don't change: Kaoru speaking with his mouth full and Aiji calling him out, just like in an older episode of Bar Boo 😂
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allthecastlesonclouds · 24 days ago
sometimes your mutual tags you in an ask game and you look at it and go “oh my god this looks SO fun. however i don’t know how to answer this”
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unavernales · 1 year ago
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FULL NAME: boo // actual name cannot be read by humans SPECIES: ??? suspected old god GENDER: none PRONOUNS: it/its DOB / AGE: ??? / ?? ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral OCCUPATION: ??? the monster under your bed DRINK, SMOKE, DRUGS?: no, no, no ORIENTATION: pansexual POSITION: submissive bottom
COUNTENANCE HAIR COLOR / STYLE: dark brown changing with mood, wavy and fluffed EYE COLOR / STYLE: pitch black with no whites / downturned almond HEIGHT: five feet, two inches in current form TATTOOS/MARKINGS: blackened limbs, ouroboros twisting over chest PIERCINGS: none NOTICEABLE TRAITS: claws and fangs, occasional scales on back, serpent like tail, horns
MENTAL POSITIVE TRAITS: sweet natured, affectionate, compliant NEGATIVE TRAITS: wide-eyed, oblivious, attachment-prone LIKES: the dark, people, hide and seek DISLIKES: yelling, hurting children, salt
BIOGRAPHY after being unknowingly summoned and subdued by a master cultist, the elder god of autosarcophagy and self sabotage became the monster under her daughter's bed. the child named it 'boo'. boo, unaware of its otherworldly power, was content to be the child's imaginary friend. the monster lingered in her shadow for years: loyal and sweet to its master. however, boo's existence near the child would prove to be fatal. the child was diagnosed with terminal cancer as a result of boo's closeness. neither boo or its young master was aware, and boo stayed by her side until her premature death. now boo sticks to shadows and plays with children in the darkness. although generally unaware, boo does have an inkling that it is dangerous to humans and makes sure not to follow them home. boo is eager to please and is searching for another longterm friend, preferably someone who is not affected by its powers.
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the-blind-geisha · 5 months ago
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I swear, I draw all of the stuff...and then it has to be hidden behind speech bubbles. *Sobs*
Ah well. That's what I guess ko-fi can be for whenever I get off my butt to put the speechless stuff there.
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guess-i-do-art · 6 months ago
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Someone save me I can’t stop drawing The Guy
After going nearly two weeks without a hyperfixation, Generation Loss has come to cure my brain 🎉
Spirit of the Cabin is my favorite episode so I had to draw demon Charlie Slimecicle!
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breadbuggenius · 2 months ago
(Drawn in 2021) These were drawings I drew friends for their birthday in 2021, who all have accounts here!!
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Madeline for @benonscreen !!
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Jimmy T for @sodaruma !!
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King Boo for @gamebooadvanced !!
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Squitter for @trannykong !!
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@thijstachio 's otter character!!
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Pajama Sam, Otto, and Darkness for @ottotheboat !!
Gonard and Guano for @lovelytekki !!
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The Knight for @glitterpixels99 !!
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Razputin for @grimbuscula !!
And saved for last...
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Anthy and Chu Chu, for the friend who, less than a year later, would become my beloved girlfriend ❤️❤️❤️
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tatasoom · 8 months ago
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sometimesidrawer · 1 month ago
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nedermemes · 8 months ago
ik vind het wel heerlijk hoe het idyllische imago van Nederland steeds meer omlaag keldert, like eerst werd de wereld bewust van zwarte piet crap, ondertussen is Geert Wilders internationaal de meest beruchte NLse politicus, toen las men over Mark Rutte en hoe sterk hij samenwerkte met Israël, op tiktok trende(?) het hoe eng de noordzee is?, men is nu bang voor Nederlandse trappen omdat ze stijl zijn?, mensen ontdekken snert en maken het belachelijk, zelfde geldt voor de taal, iemand maakt tiktoks over hoe grappig NLse "directheid" is en het werkt averechts want mensen worden bang van hoe onbeschoft het is, de reputatie van Europa / EU ligt sws aan diggelen nu meer kids leren wat voor gewelddadige dingen het voor staat, en nu bij Olympiër Steven van der Velde vraagt men zich af waarom er bijna geen gevolgen zijn voor p*do's en waarom hij niet gewoon 'op de lijst staat' en waarom in hemelsnaam Nederlanders hem verdedigen en het over hebben bij '"hij is al gerevalideerd". de reputatie van t land mag helemaal kapot
petitie tegen die vent btw
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ssksscrapboard · 1 year ago
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Happy Halloween!
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