#systems should heal however they feel they need to
"I hope you get to heal enough to experience final fusion someday" sorry but that's like actually not possible. yeah. sorry
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boxingcleverrr · 9 months
Popular Hades & Persephone "retellings" are, rightly, getting dunked on all over the socials right now and, as a Pagan who has an altar to the Queen, I could not be happier. But also, I feel like a lot of people miss WHY they're bad - aside from just plain bad writing and lazy tropes. Which are, yeah, also REALLY bad.
Pretty much all retellings try to wave away, or excuse, or twist the whole kidnapping bit. And I actually do have sympathy and understanding for why, when speaking from a modern perspective.
But honestly...you gotta get over it. There are other stories to play fix-it with, not this one.
The Abduction is The Thing.
Were I a little more sober I could bring up chapter and verse of the Hymn to Demeter but frankly, if you know even the middle school mythology curriculum version of the story, you SHOULD know the themes. The story of Persephone was one mothers and daughters in the ancient world held dear, because it was a reality: you will, one day, be swept away from your home to go cleave to a man you most likely know nothing about. You will miss your mother, but chances are very good that he will be a good husband, once you get to know him, certainly better than Zeus or Ares, and he will make you a queen of his home.
Leaving home to marry was often scary, and violent (look up the history of the tradition of Bridesmaids, if you don't already know it - they were originally decoys on the marriage road). Centuries later we'd have tales like Beauty & The Beast serving the same function: comfort, hope, you are leaving your safe loving home to figure life out with a (often older, powerful) stranger. Your trauma over this sudden ending of your childhood made manifest in a Beast, or a God of The Underworld.
It's wonderful that we don't NEED stories like this anymore to comfort us (here, at least, in this culture). But if you try to force them into modern vernacular it just will not work, not really, because you're gutting out the whole point just to have a more tidy romantic male hero.
I have read MANY very good ...novelizations? fanfic(? however you would frame them, but they're certainly not "retellings"), etc. that simply take advantage of the blank spaces in the myth, and there are many!
It's not explicit that sexual assault happens - "The Rape of Persephone" as a title was coined in much earlier eras, when the word was just as often used to simply refer to abduction.
"She was starving!" the gods didn't need to eat. So it's easy to read her eating the Pom seeds as a deliberate choice on her part. Like, shit, people, scholars have written whole papers on the symbolism of this moment, between marriage rites and even yeah, Seph choosing both worlds with her husband's knowing consent.
And that, I think, is the real heart of the thing. People want an utterly mundane, spelled-out story here, as opposed to what it really is, has always been, just like any other myth or religious parable: IT'S A METAPHOOOOOOR.
They don't need to be destined, or meet at a goddamned BALL and then CONSPIRE to fake her kidnapping, or shit, I once saw one where Hades got MIND CONTROLLED by Zeus?! Jesus.
Persephone was yoinked into the Underworld against her will.
That's how it went.
I don't mean this in a "stay out of my belief system!" way, shit I'm a white American chick with delusions of witchery. I mean this in a "stop stressing yourself out trying to make things palatable" way:
This is a very real, very precious myth to many people, BECAUSE for at least that one event, Persephone had no autonomy, BECAUSE for thousands of years most women had no autonomy. Erasing that, sanitizing the fact that a girl is ripped out of the spring, from her mother's arms, is erasing the thing that gave comfort to women for centuries. And people can and should still find power and healing in it now!
Fill in the blanks the story leaves in whatever manner seems fit to you, there's plenty of room, but. Come the fuck on.
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p1utofairy · 18 days
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NOTE: miss me? hehe. i felt called to answer the bat signal (i saw y’alls messages in my ask box ILYSM) take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. thank y’all for the support always. 🫂
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ooo this fall i do see a very solid romantic connection coming into fruition for you, pile 1. there’s such a high level of comfortability between you both it’s sooooo sweet and endearing. you could already be friends with this person, but if that’s not the case, they will be your best friend and lover wrapped into one. diary by alicia keys is coming to mind – wow! the energy is very sensual and venusian-like. maybe you or this person has taurus and/or libra placements? you two connect on such a deep spiritual level. i can just feel it, pile 1. opening up to this person will be so easy for you, which is crazy because i feel like you’re not vulnerable/open with just ANYBODY.
lay your head on my pillow, here you can be yourself. no one has to know what you are feeling, no one but me and you. OKAY BYE I’LL CRY RN?! the emotions between you two run very deep & i feel like you both will create such a calm, intimate and loving space for each other. this connection will be so healing — i’m picking up that either you or your person never truly knew what it felt like to have a strong support system or someone in your corner through thick and thin, but let me tell you something, pile 1. you and your person will show up and out for each other!
you might be a bit defensive or standoffish towards this person at first, because you’re afraid of being hurt or let down once again. however, i want you to know that it’s okay to open your heart and be receptive. some of you that picked this pile might have a scorpio moon, because i’m picking up that it’s really hard to knock down that wall you have built around yourself. this person wants to take the time out to get to know you, the REAL you, and all your little quirks and interests because there’s more that meets the eye when it comes to you. i feel like you compartmentalize different aspects and traits within yourself & suppress them to conform to what others think you should be/should act like — but your person is saying f*ck that. they are going to love you in all your glory.
i’m ngl you could see yourself settling down with this person. they’ll fulfill you in so many ways that others can't even imagine or measure up to. this person is going to take care of you & splurge on you. they have very dominant energy and you’re going to love that about them lol for some of you might f*ck around and have a baby with this person. for a small portion of this pile, they might already have a child from a previous relationship. if that’s not the case though, you’re just going to love how hands on they are with you (literally hehe) & how they take the lead and make all your dreams come true. your person also has a lot of sexual energy lol in the best way possible. it’s so sly and lowkey but you’ll be folding like a pretzel pile 1 LOL.
channeled messages:
pov by ariana grande, free mind by tems, touch my body by mariah carey, you’re the only one that i want, dangerously in love pt. 2 by beyoncé.
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i think you need to get yourself out there a little moreeee, pile 2. i think that you’ll have more opportunities to meet new people and have some fun experiences, but it’s up to you to go out there and mingle. you’ve been keeping to yourself for a while now and there’s nothing wrong with that. pulling your energy back & recharging is good for the soul, but you also need to step into your power and claim what’s yours. remember – whatever you want, wants you even more. you’re glowing tf up this fall, pile 2.
you’re definitely elevating and so many people are going to peep it, especially romantic suitors. get out of your heads my lovely pile 2’s and open your mind + your heart to the limitless possibilities and opportunities that await you. you downplay yourself too much! TALK YOUR SHIT. you’re gonna have a couple love interests trying to get your attention & shooting their shot and it might throw you off, but just go with it. f*ck it, the more the merrier. lol i’m kidding but seriously have some fun!
you’ll know who is worth the chance and who isn’t. some of you that picked this pile might be a little inexperienced when it comes to relationships/love, so you just need some side quests and test runs to decipher what you do and don’t like lol. i’m also picking up a situation-ship vibe from this pile as well – some of you might have a lot of options but all you can think about is one specific person. you might not be talking to them right now, but your guides don’t want you to worry too much about them. focus on how you can create the reality you want for yourself. you’re the main character of your story, don’t be a perpetual side character in somebody else’s. i’m getting a lot of different messages for this pile, but one of the main things that’s sticking out to me is that whoever you pick/choose to entertain, you will have intense sexual chemistry with that person lol. you won’t be able to fight it hehe it’ll be the start of something new and exciting, pile 2.
channeled messages:
body by summer walker, go out with your friends, lemon drop, out of my head lupe fiasco ft. trey songz.
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oh my, pile 3. did y’all just get out of a relationship or situationship? it’s really giving that. i think you need to work on becoming more grounded, and enforce healthy boundaries with your romantic partners and just everyone in general tbh. you’re so giving and nurturing. you’re always pouring into others, but where are they when it’s time to pour into you? you’ve had to come to terms with this the hard way :( people think that because you’re so compassionate and forgiving that they can walk all over you. this feeling of frustration has bubbled up inside of you for so long now, that it makes you feel pessimistic when it comes to love.
your guides want you to release this energy and not let it set you back or deter you from opening yourself up to a new partner that can and will cherish you. your love is very powerful – you are a REAL lover! if you get knocked down, you’ll rise up 10x stronger. please remember that always. your love is divine, it’s pure and it’s simply addicting; that’s why people felt like they could just take and take and take without you saying anything to them. the person that you were previously connected to knows you have a good heart, but they don’t value it. i am very happy to let you know that there is a special someone out there that will, and they are coming towards you.
they will claim you loud & proud and be so greatful to have you in their life and by their side. your person is so encouraging and kind, yet a lil rough around the edges – you almost wouldn’t expect this from them. they’re definitely going to match your freak lol. physical touch + words of affirmation might be their love language too btw. i think you need to let go of your ex/previous situationship, and take a leap of faith into the unknown with this new person. their love will feel so freeing and refreshing <3 the love between you both will hold no bounds. you deserve this pile, 3.
channeled messages:
wait for you by future ft. drake & tems, i’ll be there for you/you're all i need by method man ft. mary j blige, maddy perez, mula, ketu-moon aspect, anything by SWV, the weekend by sza.
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dflogerzi · 6 months
I came back this evening to say something. Maybe two things.
I have no idea where I am going with this. But will be going somewhere. It sort of began this morning... I felt so weary reading the latest stories about Catherine. Not from the uplifting ones, but the others in what has become a past month of constant conflicts. Ugh. I am feeling so protective... like please, leave her alone now. She is going to go through a difficult treatment that will tire her, rob her immune system, and the need to follow it closely to heal. She also needs time to spend with three young children, the youngest of which is barely school age.
It is heartbreaking. Now for what else is really bugging me. Through these days I have seen things posted here by friends sharing, that were written by Meghan's followers that have been so unbelievable... I cannot even go there. And go there I never do on my own. I do not care what sugars are writing. They are writing as they do. I just stick to my own sense of integrity and side of the street. My breaking point was however, in learning just this afternoon about the Baroness Bruck account. I had no idea. I do have an account on Twitter that I very seldom go to, but I went over and sure enough... I had followed this person back in the older times.
I unfollowed. But not until after I read a few tweets to be certain. And one especially just took my breath totally away. I find myself feeling very down. The ugly is more than anyone should endure who has done nothing but serve with loyalty, grace, and kindness. I just want Catherine to take the time she needs however long, and I may need a little bit of a break myself.
This is a place I come to visit, sometimes to romp, occasionally to vent. I learn things here, share when I can, and get away for a small measure of time from the other worries of the world. I appreciate each person in this community, even when we differ on the subjects we share in common. It means a lot to me.
Okay. What a mess of a ramble. I am not going anywhere. I understand that I am in this until the end of the story. Whatever that is.
Guess I will publish. Hope I feel better afterwards.
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ok i want to jot down some quick notes on kusuo's restoration ability. Kusuo says in the above panel that he needs to restore his target's body before the pain reaches their brain, which implies that his restoration power doesn't work on the brain. That, and the fact that people don't typically lose their memories when he reverses time on them (see: kuniharu begging kusuo to heal him after he stubs his toe). Memories are just pathways in the brain, so they should be reset if this power actually affected them.
I've wondered if, perhaps, the brain is immune to his power, but i think that's a backwards way of thinking about it. Rather than proposing the brain to have a Special Feature™ which renders Kusuo's restoration power null, i think it's way more likely that Kusuo's powers are making the active decision to skip over them.
So. why would this be? I think it has to do with the drawback he mentions in chapter 9:
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When using restoration, "all the things nearby also end up affected." That description might be a little deceptive because it's easy to assume that "nearby" means everything within a certain radius will be affected, but in later chapters that's clearly not the case. Take this section from chapter 103:
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When Kusuo restored the hole he made in this wall, his power travelled across the length of the wall, but did not extend perpendicularly to affect the people, houses, street, etc. near it. So it may be more accurate to say that when Kusuo tries to restore an object, his powers will automatically identify that object as one small part of a larger system, and then proceed to reverse time on that entire system.
Typically, this is a very intuitive process. Reverse time on a wall, his entire house gets restored. Reverse time on his video game controller, his entire gaming setup will be restored. Reverse time on the volcano, the entire Earth will be restored. However, the brain vs body situation is not intuitive.. or at least not to me at first glance. But for Kusuo, it may well be.
A huge part of Kusuo's worldview is dominated by the difference between people's thoughts, and people's actions. Brain vs. Body. That sentiment is the very first thing we see in chapter 1:
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Even in Volume 0, when Saiki only existed as a series of oneshots, before serialization. Chapter 0.1 is all about Kusuo's telepathy. And we're greeted with panels like this:
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which display a huge gap between appearance and thought. Many major characters also play into this concept: Nendo (looks thuggish but can be very kind), Teruhashi (appears perfect, is not), Kuusuke (displays himself as a charming and trustworthy graduate of cambridge, is actually verrry fucked up), etc. Kusuo himself hides his psychic, genius brain behind a facade of normalcy. It's an absolutely fundamental aspect of the series.
So again, why shouldn't Kusuo feel a distinct separation between the brain and the rest of the body? And why shouldn't this belief express itself through one of his most used powers? His powers aren't some separate, unknowable entity doing whatever they want to inconvenience him- they are him. And I think this is a good example of that.
sidenote: a silly little scenario i've considered before is whether kusuo could make someone effectively immortal by reversing time on them every day, but since his powers skip over the brain, I'm now sure the answer to that question is "no." Unless, of course, he made an effort to access the brain directly, but even with all the dark stuff in this show, i don't think kusuo's ever reached into someone's skull to get directly at their gray matter. now wouldn't that be something..
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
The brainrot is hitting hard today…
On the topic of the Drakes, I usually prefer the unconventional but loving parent type (Bruce x the Drakes is my favorite rarepair) but the idea of a de-aged Toddler Tim having no idea what to do when Jason or another Bat does the “ur a baby I’m gonna pick you up” move because his parents stopped picking him up once he started walking is so heartbreakingly wonderful to me.
even with de-aged Tim fics in general, i prefer when he’s a feral raccoon, but just that specific scene is so addicting.
a whole fic exploring the personality of a three-year-old Tim with limited parental context and his dynamics with Jason in particular is mwah.
and then a week later, he’s deaged again but as a 6-year-old and the family has to deal with a brat with too much time on his hands and too little supervision.
3-year-old tim as a victim of neglectful, bordering abusive, parenting
6-year-old tim as a consequence of neglectful, bordering abusive, parenting
also, bonus if 3 y/o Tim just cam saw the graysons fall and only recognizes Dick after Nightwing does something flippy. “Flippy Dick” being his first words since deaging (i think i saw the nickname in a good parents!drakes post ironically)
Yes! I do adore the angst of the Drakes loving Tim, wanting the world for him, and failing. The black and white "Drakes are bad parents" is great for healing and comfort, but the grey area is where I feel a lot of people are with their own parents. The Drakes trying but never being enough is so intoxicating to read. There's usually only bad parents and good parents for the Drakes.
I also love when the Drakes and Bruce share parenting Tim while the kid fights that at every turn. It's hilarious.
For Kid Tim fics, I can't really stand when he's turned into a "so cute but so sad" version. That child is a gremlin. Therefore, I love when authors hint at angst/abuse, but Tim doesn't realize that something is wrong. For him, that's normal. Why would he know the difference?
The nickname "Flippy Dick/Dickie" is cute and I adore a chaotic 6 year old Tim. A lack of supervision for children (who have issues with impulse control due to their brain development) equates to Tim doing whatever the fuck he wants and not respecting authority. He gets to make decisions for himself because that's how it's always been.
On the same note, fics that have Bruce noticing Tim's lack of supervision and then forcing restrictions on Tim freak me out. Yes, a child should not be making such decisions and should not be alone at such ages. However, Tim, in these AUs, has years of experience doing so. Forcing him to follow Bruce's rules without choice disrespects the systems Tim has built up to protect himself. He should have continued autonomy. The goal is to support him. They should allow Tim to slowly integrate himself into the Wayne family as someone ensures he's getting food regularly, has an adult to rely on, and has all his needs met (however Tim chooses to meet them).
If Tim chooses to relinquish his control over every aspect in his life for some help and relief, then absolutely. Despite this, Tim will need to be treated as closer to an equal than a child due to his experiences. He is still a child, but he's been making choices for himself for a while. He should have the respect and autonomy to continue making decisions in regard to his own being.
I guess I got on a rant, lmao. Anyways, de-aging fics that highlight Tim not being able to hide his chaotic nature as well are amazing
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jedi-hawkins · 5 months
"Strap in, kid. You're not gonna want to miss this view." - Sgt. Hunter
I've seen a few others make a tribute post for the batch and I felt some words pulling at my chest.
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I was a latecomer to the fandom, I binged season 1 & 2 in July of last year and it's been a wild ride since. I've laughed and cried and everything in between. It's hard to even articulate what this show means to me.
I began my Star Wars journey like many others, with the original trilogy at some point in childhood (you could consider me a zillenial). I liked them, but I was much more of a Harry Potter nerd at the time, my head was at Hogwarts. The prequels, however captured my heart. I don't remember when I first watched TCW, but it's very clear my heart belongs to the times of the Republic.
Like things often do, other fandoms have faded out of my peak interests, Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Maximum Ride to name a few, but any time I've come back to Star Wars, it feels like coming home. A galaxy far far away so vast and full of hope and love and grief and sorrow.
The last year has been far from easy. For the last few years, that feels like all we've been saying, huh? But in all seriousness, I really did loose myself in the past year, but oddly enough, Star Wars was a constant for me, it was an escape. I joined tumblr right after I binged season 1 & 2 of The Bad Batch and immediately fell in love with the wonderful world of fans and writers and artists here.
At first, I was a lurker, just a name that popped into the reblogs, but I began interacting more and more. I've brushed on this with a couple people (so sorry for repeating myself), but it was actually through reading fanfiction, that I came to terms with the fact that I needed to leave a 2.5 year relationship. It's not that I 'fell out of love' with them or anything, I just realized I didn't trust them as much as I should, I didn't want to share as much as I should, I wasn't being fulfilled in the ways I needed. And for that, fanfic authors, I thank you. Please never stop creating.
I also learned a lot about myself, get ready cause I'm about to get cheesy.
Hunter, you brought me a lot of comfort. I saw how heavy the wellbeing of your squad weighed on your shoulders. How you sacrificed and starved yourself, mentally and emotionally for their safety and benefit. I've lived that more times than I can count and with you, I didn't feel quite as alone in that experience. Even though we never talked, and we never will, I feel like you saw me. Crosshair, you healed some of my faith in humanity. That people can change, they can see the error in their ways and turn against a system they just sort of slipped into. You reminded me that healing isn't linear, and that's okay. You reminded me that courage and bravery aren't the absence of fear, but they are going and facing the mountain despite every atom in your body telling you to turn the other way. Echo, you reminded me it's okay to leave a group if your goals don't align. That it's not always an "in or out" situation. They can still be your family, people you rely on and who can rely on you even if you're not sharing bunks or meals anymore. You also reminded me that no matter how dire a situation is, or how grumpy you may be, a little humor goes a long way. Wrecker, you reminded me that people's perception does not define who you are. You can be big and gentle. you can love explosions and destruction and still be very intuitive. You can take some time to process things and still be skilled and intelligent. You reminded me to take joy in the simple things, a Lula, some Mantel mix, an ice cone. Things are always a little better with a full belly. Omega, you brought back some of my childlike innocence. You approached the galaxy with wide eyes full of wonder and always gave people the benefit of the doubt. You never lost hope. Even though you had to grow up too fast, you didn't let it break you, you still opened your heart to anyone who would see it. Tech, dear Tech. You reminded me to never dull myself or apologize for being authentically me. That my interests and skills are a good thing, no matter how niche they are. That I shouldn't be embarrassed or feel annoying for my knowledge or my eagerness to share it. You reminded me that love and humor and kindness and connection come in all shapes and sizes.
I've also made friends in this fandom at a level I wasn't even expecting to. I've made connections beyond the galaxy of Star Wars and found love and support in amazing ways. I was pulled to create more than I have in a long time, writing, drawing, hell even building my own server.
For sake of not clogging people's notifications, fighting with Tumblr's tagging bugs, and inevitably forgetting to tag someone: You all know who you are. Three M's, Havoc Marauder.
I began writing this tribute post before I watched the finale, and I'm finishing it after the finale. I'll end my ramble with this:
Dee and Michelle, thank you for bringing these characters to life over the last four years. You two really were the heart and soul of this project and your voices will forever ring true as Clone Force 99. Filoni, thank you for creating the concepts for this wonderful show that has become such a big part of so many people's lives. Brad, thank you for the immense work you've put into the show, your direction will not be forgotten. Jen, Joel, KinerBros, and Noshir (The Four Horsemen), y'all are a bunch of trolls and I hate you for it. I'm sending you my therapy bills. (I mean thank you for your work too, but you've been playing with my emotions for the past three months so forgive me if I'm a bit bitter)
It has truly been an amazing view. I don't plan on going anywhere, the fandom is just getting started, I am on the edge of my seat for all the wonderful fan creation that are yet to come.
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CT-9901 ~ Sergeant Hunter ~ Havoc 1
CT-9902 ~ Tech ~ Havoc 2
CT-9903 ~ Wrecker ~ Havoc 3
CT-9904 ~ Crosshair ~ Havoc 4
ARC-1409 ~ Echo
Omega ~ Havoc 5
Clone Force 99 ~ Signing off 🫡
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afreakingdork · 6 months
Weak Spot - Chapter 62
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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The previous chapter art was removed 4/30/2024, but as of 9/2/2024, Mikey thinks it's pretty cool that we got a new one by @unknownfanartist
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Marathon Sex, Somnophilia, Bondage, Feral Behavior, Feral Donatello, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Public Sex, Dom Donnie, Human/Turtle Relationships, Turtle Noises, Roleplay, Sexual Roleplay
Synopsis:  A love story of villainous proportions! Though it hadn’t come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
Fem!Reader References/Warnings Below Cut
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
Fem!Reader References/Warnings: cast removal, crutches, muscle weakness, general injury recovery
Getting your cast off should have made you happy.
It should have come with a sense of relief. The thing had yellowed with age and stunk to high heaven, but you were numb as the many little saws buzzed around you. You only watched listlessly as bits of fiberglass shattered and nicked the doctor’s mask. You should have some anxiety, you thought. You should be worried that their hand might not be as steady as you’d hoped and they might dip and slice your skin.
You felt nothing.
You only stared on as you were helped out and you saw your legs for the first time.
Pruned from trapped moisture, somehow flaking, and a sickly color, they did not look like your own.
Words pelted you next and you heard them vaguely.
There was a new schedule.
New aftercare.
More healing.
You would never be done healing.
Your body would always be different.
These legs were not your own.
You couldn’t stand without an aid.
Donnie was everything.
After the incident with Leo, he went above and beyond where he’d already stepped up. He cut the others out of the support system. They were still there, the backup they needed to be for him, but Donnie decided in seeing your tears that he was the only one made to aid you. He moved around attentively, pampering you and getting everything you needed. He shifted his focus away from himself and helped however he could with your physical therapy.
You hadn’t told him what happened to Leo.
A piece of you had been extinguished in the exchange, not that you completely understood why.
Something was fundamentally wrong with the picture and the only element out of place was you.
Leo was right, you’d come in and changed something about their dynamic. You had tentatively seen it as good, but in practice you weren’t as sure anymore. You’d been reassured from countless sources, but it all seemed for not after being told point blank that you had upset the status quo and nothing could be put back. You had two happy years with the man you loved, but there was irreparable damage. 
It manifested in your mate in a very real way.
He could no longer act.
The feelings he once pushed away as unnecessary were now a threat to him and everyone around.
You’d robbed him of his joy.
The one he’d found after such an agonizing journey.
You hated it.
You hated every moment he came near.
You hated every little look he gave you, checking in to see if it had been the right one.
You hated how every time, he’d smother even that reaction.
He was a shell. 
He was unsure. 
You were the same.
Then, there was Leo.
After the incident, he had taken a five day sabbatical where on rotation you learned from both Raph and Mikey that he only left the gym when it wasn’t open. He worked himself out until his body gave out and the tiny owner had called Raph away on day three to pick up the passed out husk of his brother. They had their own med bay you learned. Leo slept the last two days and drained multiple IV bags.
When he returned, he was a shadow of his former self.
There were no words left to barb and he parted no attention. Lucinda even greeted him and he only looked away. She’d wanted to ask, you saw it in her eyes, but you held the same empty look.
She’d said nothing and for the last week and a half in your cast, the apartment was trapped in haunting silence.
“It’ll be a wheelchair ride to the car.” A nurse told you.
You only nodded.
Donnie was beside you and you leaned against him.
Despite everything, he was still a comfort.
His hand settled on your shoulder and eventually your chariot approached.
Both in the form of Donnie’s car and a mobilized chair, you stared at your legs all the way.
They moved around you as you were helped into the car.
They sat uselessly in front of you.
You didn’t dare touch them in the ride over.
Crutches took your attention and you headed for the elevator.
You could hear Donnie thinking about getting another apartment.
Stairs got in the way. 
Raph was somewhere.
You vaguely saw him already on your floor when you exited the metal box.
A coordinated clinking took you to your door.
You entered and made it far enough to the partition between the living and bedroom before you stopped.
Donnie and Raph spoke something paltry to each other.
You needed to wash up.
You still stank.
You assumed that’s why the other two had kept their distance.
Raph exceeded the elevator weight limit.
You knew that.
You didn’t care about facts.
Donnie appeared in what you figured was a creep.
You only passed him a glance before finally heading towards the bathroom.
He wandered after.
Had you snapped at him?
You could barely recall.
You thought you should have.
He was around too much, wasn’t he?
He was always there.
He was your blight like the other turtles were to him.
A hovering avatar of your failings.
You felt a few tears loose down your cheeks.
You didn’t think that.
You were free of your cast.
You should have been happy.
Not bitter.
You quaked to a halt just in the bathroom’s entrance.
Donnie was behind you.
“Stay with me…?” You begged him through a sob.
He said nothing and only appeared nodding in your vision.
A bath.
You were supposed to take a bath.
You needed to ease into these legs.
Muscle loss.
Physical therapy.
A spray turned on and you collapsed onto the seat of the toilet, letting your crutches go. Donnie caught them and shut the door properly before kneeling down in front of you. Words would need to be spared now, you thought, but you could only stare at him with what you could feel were soulless eyes.
He took them in with a glance that might have broken into sadness if this were any other world. In your current reality, his own shifted to a similar empty state as that was what was required. As the water warmed up, you were stripped. Not speaking made it more difficult, but you relied on your memory of how to move together.
The movement of Donnie’s beak said a lot.
Now in an especially enclosed space he was trapped with your wretched scent. You smelled it too, but you’d been locked into it for so long it lingered like the rot of your soul. The sink and wash cloths had only ever done so much.
You wanted to be boiled.
You wanted to scrub until there was nothing left.
You’d swirl and go straight down the drain and out of sight.
Your ass hit the cold porcelain and for the first time in over two months you felt something other than musty gauze there. It knocked you out of your stupor where Donnie was stripping without pretense. You didn’t watch him and instead reached through the curtain to touch the stream. It was sufficiently hot and you made a grab for the sink to pull yourself up. Donnie caught your wrist before you could and you sent the barest form of ire up at him.
He took it with the faintest crack of affection in his gaze.
It was something and your heart clenched.
How long had it been since he let something leak?
Not long, you knew.
A week or so at most.
You’d been downplaying them.
Each time he tried a little harder you’d lumped it into an anomaly pile.
You were in a constant state of twisting what you saw to your own view.
You were the numb one and Donnie was curtailing himself to you. 
There was more there, in the way Donnie led you to the curtain. He had your weight, but at the same time you had full control. He was there if you fell, but otherwise you were the dancer that instructed. He, your studious partner, waited as you pulled back the shower curtain and he hopped you up the little step. The warm water splashed your toes and you yearned to bury into the spray. A stepwise process still necessary, you waited for Donnie to follow behind and close the curtain before you moved.
Showers washed away so much. 
You felt not just the grime slipping away, but the sludge attached to your soul. It schlepped off in layers and you watched it metaphorically spin out and disappear down the hole that you thought you might too. Looking now, it was too small and nowhere near enough to encapsulate you. You felt your partner’s grip switch. 
With one hand firm on your waist, the other ghosted over your arm. A move he’d done dozens of times, it was both your ways of recuperating with your partner. He drew strength from you in swipes and soon the lopsided display rotated you like a boat with one oar. Turned to face him with the spray at your back, you thought this was a sign. You started with flat hands over his wet plastron. A smooth glide, you withheld your features as you drifted up to his shoulders. You found him there, watching you with metered affection that you spied as more cracks. Wary of them, you had enough wherewithal to send him a worried look which he took in kind as a palm cascaded down to your hip.
His veneer split. Stroking along his shoulder blades, you grabbed the bulb of his shoulder just in time for a gooey expression to form on his face. Tinged with longing, it swirled as he opened up and you saw a gleam in his pupil. All looks reserved for his precious mate, you leaned into him though you couldn’t safely arch your back. It meant mostly a tip of your body without joints, but it still drew you closer to him.
“I love you.” He spoke without holding back.
Your entire being squeezed.
“I love you so much.” He cast the spell anew and brushed dripping water from your chin.
“Donnie…” You murmured and wanted to wrap him up.
You had the leverage, but there were so many threats. One slip would spell more injuries, but you wanted to launch yourself at him. You wanted to drape around him and tell him you alone could keep his ninpo from spawning. A theory already proven to be ineffective, you didn’t care. You would try harder. You had further mobility now and your mate needed you. You decided you could find a way; you could always find a way.
“Y/N.” He nosed over your shoulder as he reached behind you.
Washing, you were supposed to be washing up, but you could only choke on a sob. “I missed you so much.”
When he reappeared as a gelatinized version of himself, you could still see the upturned corners of his lips. “Tell me?”
You heard a cap pop and could mentally see him applying soap to a loofa in a silky drove. “Tell you what?”
“How much…?” He stalled with a press of suds to your shoulder and a wet look.
You knew his suffering was equal to yours, only different.
In that moment, in its current presentation, it seemed new.
He looked youthful and lonely.
He looked as though he’d been punished unjustly.
He was sat in a corner for a crime he didn’t commit. 
He needed care.
He needed reassurance.
You drifted up his neck and to his jaw. “I miss you constantly. I’ve been miserable. You’re right there, but you’re not. I get pieces of you and that’s never going to be enough. Not when I’ve had the whole thing…”
“Whole thing…” He scolded and his lips warbled as he tried to divert attention into scrubbing your back. “Watching you deepen into your withdrawal has been…”
You shuffled a little closer to him and he slid his steadying hand more securely around you.
“It’s torture.” He rotated you out of the spray so he could reach more of you. “You need so much more of me than I can offer. I attend to all your physicalities, but the emotional aspect…!” He choked and shifted away to wash your arms. “To know that I no longer have the facilities to be a proper partner…”
“You’re wrong.” You pulled his chin so he was forced to look at you. “You’ve done so much. Do you know how many people can’t step up when their significant other gets sick? Truly sick, truly injured!”
He scoffed. “I would attend to you for multiple lifetimes.”
You helped move his hand so he could wash your chest. “Not even want, I can’t imagine being with anyone else.”
Donnie slowed as if that was a revelation and looked at you with tempered hope.
“Silly.” You moved to wipe his eyes and he delicately closed his lids so you could brush over them. “You know that.”
“Time and time again my warning that grievous harm will come to you as long as you stay by my side comes to fruition, you should not-”
You pressed a finger to his lips to quiet him.
He searched you in an attempt to break your resolve.
You brushed your digit side by side until he pressed a slight kiss into it. “Do you think what happened is actually your fault?”
You moved your finger away and he spoke immediately. “No.”
“Not that you allowed us to get drugged and taken?” You squeezed the words for what they were worth to translate your own feelings on the matter.
“I had every precaution in place, but there are gaps that cannot be accounted for-”
“Do you blame yourself for that?”
His pupils slowed and he dove into yours to scrounge up every bit of your meaning. “No…”
“Do you know how much growth that is?” You couldn’t help but smile.
He sneered lightly, but there was an obvious raise to his spirits.
You hugged into him and felt the little bubbles of soap pop between you.
He stood still as if to immortalize your affection before he moved to return it. “Do you hear yourself? You are celebrating that I am not performing self-flagellation over nearly losing you.”
“You see it too though, don’t you?” You turned your head and rested it against his plastron.
He squeezed you tighter instead of responding.
“I’m still here.”
“Don’t go.” He forced out.
“I’m right here.” You pulled away to look at him.
He came right down and his arm dipped, holding you upright around your thighs. “Y/N, please, there cannot be a repeat of this.”
“There won’t.”
“We’ll never go to the Hidden City again.”
“We won’t.”
“You’ll stay.”
“Stay with me.” You saw obvious tears prick the corner of his eyes. “Please, please, please… Don’t… Don’t ever…!”
“I won’t go.” It took a little too much movement, but you finally slotted your arms around his head. “You’re stuck with me.”
He tried to squeeze in another ‘please,’ but he interrupted himself as he kissed you.
You returned it, but felt the distinct lack of heat.
It was a reassurance and you poured all of yourself into it.
He broke it out of a smile that burst forth between you.
You pecked across him as an encouragement.
“Get you cleaned up.” He decided and swallowed thickly.
You moved away as much as his hold allowed and he was methodically washing you. Running between foam and rinses, you had enough strength to scrub his plastron, but anything further that required a bend proved to be too difficult. He cared little and openly ate up the attention. You leaned into it, feeling slight guilt over denying him more, but you reminded yourself that this was unavoidable on both your parts. Donnie had to keep his emotions in check and you had to recover which was annoyingly no alive person’s fault.
Finishing your proper shower under Donnie’s steady grip, you then languished in letting the spray run directly over your face when you felt your boyfriend nose your mating mark playfully. You turned slightly, moving out of the shower’s line and he followed with pressed kisses there.
 “Donnie…?” As far as you knew, this was part of the unspoken territory that couldn’t be crossed.
“Won’t break skin. No more injuries of any kind.” He let the water rinse the spot before mouthing over. “Still… Want to renew so badly.”
“Please…” You folded an arm around you to reach him.
He slid his fingers into yours with his free hand and the other supporting you shifted so he could give one of your butt cheeks a quick squeeze.
“Part of you kept from me.” He gave a testy little growl.
You leaned away in a turn to kiss him.
He ignored you and instead put on a show of opening up his mouth. His teeth gleamed a ferocious row and he angled them with a panting desire to sink them into your shoulder.
“Please…” You repeated much quieter.
“You’re mine.” A heat lingered against him and he lost sharp will as his maw came down.
His sharpened canines pricked the most, but he bit without breaking skin. “All yours.”
His hold shifted to wrap around your belly and he metered different pressures.
While there was a certain sexual edge to the move, it spoke more of a hunger.
Of things he’d been denied.
Things he couldn’t have.
All that he wanted.
He wrapped it in a nibble as his starvation would go on.
He could only have a taste and he released with a few little licks over the reddened skin.
“I love you.” You told him.
“I love you.” He nuzzled into the side of your head and reached past you to shut the water off.
Before the cold could set in, you were hoisted up just like you were and protested with little bubbles of laughter as he swung you up and out of the tub. Landing on a soft mat, he pulled down a towel to wrap you up in and you were soon sat on the toilet again. Both to be dried and while he toweled himself off, he eventually came around with several bottles.
From getting your cast off you were told to moisturize heavily and Donnie started with a cream for that. Knelt in front of your legs like your knight, you saw he took pleasure in rubbing the lotion into your skin. Taking particular care both for its purpose and because your legs had been locked away for so long, your stems soon took on a shine both from the cream and from the worked up blood flow.
You twisted your toes through the shaking weakness from having been upright for so long, but for the first time since the cast removal, your lower body felt like your own.
Donnie procured another bottle, a new formulation of his muscle cream and added that on next. He’d concocted a slew of new products with computer screens alone and sent them off to be formulated and tested. All done with rush orders, you were soon inundated with all sorts of medicinal ointments. From salves to heal scars to potent oils that stimulated cell regeneration, you noticed there was some labeling that had Old Lady Nagami’s flare, but you didn’t bring attention to it.
You had mostly applied them yourself, but now you wished you’d deferred to Donnie. This could have been stolen moments of intimacy you both craved all along and you berated yourself for not allowing him that much. You only felt you’d taken enough so any little thing you could do yourself felt like a load off of him. He’d also stepped aside whenever possible to not subvert your independence. You adored him and as he finished up with a smile saying he had a job well done, he turned that up to you and all of that must have been plastered on your face.
From his knees he rose up to kiss you reassurances.
You lingered in them before mumbling against his lips. “Let me.”
“What? Anything.” He nosed you slightly.
You giggled at how quickly he complied. “You must be sore too.”
He came away with a furrowed brow ridge.
“Switch with me in your lap.”
He gave the idea a once over before a quick nod and lifted you right up. He then dutifully switched, sitting on the toilet lid and dropping you onto his thighs where he then fetched his cream from a drawer. He passed it over and you scooped a good handful out before pulling one of his arms close to work it into his aged scars.
Within a few strokes he immediately wilted around you like a drapery. You staved off laughing by chewing your lip and the faintest little churr cropped up that startled both of you.
Having both shot away, you shared a surprise stare before you were both tentatively slow moving back into place for fear you wouldn’t be able to replicate it. Taking much longer than the first as awareness was difficult to offset, the tiny vibration eventually picked up as you trended down to his forearms. Music to your ears, you languished in it and rubbed his wrist even though the cream was soaked into his muscles.
He was the one who grew tired of the imbalance and eventually broke to turn you around to reach his other arm. You cuddled close to him, repeating the process and eventually the churr he met you with was one you considered his norm. Overjoyed with his comfort, you felt lulled and your rub lost cohesion as he slid down to his hands.
“Sleep…” He managed around the rumble.
“You too?” You teased lightly.
“Who’s on duty…?”
You had to think about it. “Raph.”
“Yes.” It almost sounded like a cheer and he nuzzled into your neck.
“Why’s it okay with him?” Though you knew Raph distanced himself as best he could, he and Donnie interacted so little that you weren’t sure what their dynamic was like, even with all the weeks of him being around.
“He hesitates.” Donnie reluctantly lifted his head. “Avoids. If I had to take my pick…”
You nodded, not wanting to push the subject when you were both so comfortable.
Lifted back on jittery legs, your towel was adjusted and the door opened with a shift in humidity. Chilled by it, Donnie quickly wiped your crutches down and passed them off before you thunked over to get some pajamas in a perilous game of not letting your covers fall in the process.
“Raphael.” Donnie peered around the partition.
“I didn’t hear nothing!” Raph called from somewhere distant.
Grabbing comfy clothes, you thought you could place him squished right by the door. Of the three, he was the one that seemed the most out of place in your apartment. He tried to minimize himself as best he could and you often had to tell him to sit on the couch even though he long should have known it was available to him.
“Guilt over nothing.” Donnie let a certain disdain fill his voice. “Y/N is going to nap.”
There was a beat of silence as Raph parsed the meaning there. “Understood.”
“And sit down.” Donnie gave an annoyed command and then followed after where you waved a pair of sweats for him.
He took them with a kiss to your cheek and you could tell he was just fatigued enough to not put on his emotional block.
You sat on the bed to get dressed and once you were clad you fell back into the covers letting the many balms on your body swallow you up until Donnie’s voice broke through. “Get under.”
“Throw a blanket on top of me.” You groaned, not wanting to move.
He clicked his tongue, scolding, at you before hoisting you up to pull you under the blankets with him.
You wiggled as much as you could on weary hips to get close.
He tucked you both in and you watched each other until lids grew heavy enough to fall.
You weren’t totally sure, but it seemed like Donnie was trying to meditate. It was never particularly obvious, but he would clearly drift when his attention wasn’t on you. Different from his usual trains of thought, it left his features empty in a way that you thought illustrated his thoughts. When he was on the path of mental conquest, that fortitude showed up with a furrowed brow and narrowed gaze. Now, however, you often found him with loose features and a slightly unfocused gaze.
You’d meant to ask, but the first time you roused him from the state, he’d surfaced with a knife-sharp gaze that said it was not to be discussed in company.
Such company was thankfully Mikey at the time who hadn’t even noticed anything was off.
You imagined that was probably why Donnie chanced it. You were left to mull things over which meant you ran various simulations the best you could. It helped you place a few things in perspective since it wasn’t something up for debate. The first of which regarded the level of vulnerability. Donnie never chanced the lowered guard that came with meditating around Leo. He also rarely breached his emotional moat which made you think this had to do with his ninpo. All of which made sense when you thought of Raph.
The eldest had told you point blank that he honed in on ninpo frequencies by meditating and you had filled Donnie in on everything that had happened on your last unwilling trip to the lair. You might have been surprised your genius hadn’t thought of it sooner, but you imagined it had a lot to do with you. Meditation took time, as far as you understood, and a certain level of calm that you bet Donnie wasn’t capable of considering the circumstances you were both currently stuck with.
From your healing to the brothers constant vigil, Donnie had to hold tight to his sanity by any means. Now that the entire set of turtles had settled into this new sort of treaty they were forced into and you were out of your cast and nearing the end of your obvious healing, that meant Donnie could practice more sensitive exercises to get his ninpo under control. He didn’t chance it often, but you had seen him trying to drift in every way except for folding his legs up and assuming a Siddhasana.
The logistics were something you were ruminating when Leo stood up from where he was pretending not to monitor your sitting leg exercises.
The tenuous relationship between the two of you had stretched on, but in the last few weeks you could at least manage being in the same room together.
Donnie hovered closer regardless and it pained you that you still hadn’t been able to tell your boyfriend what had transpired.
Glancing first at Leo and then at a clock, it was two minutes until the hour which meant it was time for a change over. Leo passed Donnie a single nod to translate this before stepping away to make space for a portal behind the couch. The schedule dictated Mikey was next, so Leo sliced through and you expected the orange brother to pop out with his usual buoyant energy.
Instead Leo walked out only for Mikey to emerge with an angry figure that stomped all the way around to you.
With his hands folded on his hips, he held a height over you and a face that begged you to ask.
“You… okay?” You set your weight down and tried not to laugh at how silly he was being.
“No!” Mikey took his opening and was only careful in dropping down into the couch beside you so as not to jostle you. “I’m mad!”
“I can see that.” Your smile was only dimmed by a minor wince as you pulled your legs up onto the couch so you could turn to him. “Want to rant?”
“Finally! Yes!” Mikey threw his limbs out before he turned toward you to tuck into the details. “So I’m trying to do my daily meditation, right?”
You blinked to attention.
That was almost too apropos.
It was clear it struck your partner similarly as Donnie was still nearby and had lifted his head where he was once casually looking through something on his phone.
“What?” Mikey noticed your distraction with a crouch of his brow ridge. “Don’t tell me I don’t look like I meditate because that stereotype’s been beaten to death!”
“No, no… I was…” You waffled and tried not to look around the room. “Meditation helps… healing. You caught me off guard because I was thinking about it, but wasn’t sure if that was real or not.”
All of Mikey’s suspicions evaporated. “Oh-me-gosh! Yes! I’m not going to lie to you, there’s a bunch of misconceptions and finding actual thought out studies is both impossible and annoying, but there is good evidence for it, I swear!”
“Thought out… studies…?” You mouthed, feeling a sense of déjà vu.
“Yes! You can prove anything with a survey as long as you control who you ask! I immediately dump a study if I can’t find out-” He held up both hands ready to count. “-who ran it, what’s the goal, the poll, how many people were involved, and a breakdown of the demographics!”
You pressed your lip to a thin line and did everything in your power not to look at Donnie.
“Trust me, it’s a whole thing.” Mikey dropped his hands and shook his head.
“I guess… I didn’t realize you’d be so thorough.” You admitted, feeling a little embarrassed.
“Yeah, well…” Mikey shrugged. “I’m on my own healing journey. You’re on yours and I’ve been long trying to stop pushing my beliefs on others if I can help it, but I am here if you have any questions.”
“Yeah… Maybe, but you were mad about something, weren’t you?”
“Yes!” Mikey threw his head up as if he could spout fire. “No matter what I did there was something! First, there was a gnat that kept trying to go up my nose, then Raph had this fuzzy thing stuck to his shell, but he was being such a pain about holding still because it tickled, then Dad thought, I don’t know, freaking 3pm smoothies during the same time I always meditate is a thing now!”
You watched Mikey’s rant fondly.
“Like that’s when his show is! He hasn’t drinken a smoothie in months and I’m supposed to believe that’s not a personal attack!?” Mikey looked at you as if you could sympathize.
Your life had been pretty planned out as of late and you didn’t.
“Doesn’t matter.” Mikey sighed deeply. “I never got to and now we’re here. What are you doing there?”
“Strengthening the legs.” You glanced down to the weights on the ground.
“I know a version of those bad boys all too well. They’re so small.” He nodded with a weight of knowledge.
“Yeah…” There were so many things you hadn’t been able to discuss and it seemed silly you’d never tried. “Leo said you did physical therapy?”
“Still do.” Mikey stretched out his arms for you to see. “Though they call it occupational therapy after a certain point. Don’t know the difference, but it feels pretty much the same.”
He did nothing to cover the golden cracks that split his skin and you chanced following a fissure with a finger.
Along the line there was no texture to it, almost as if the glow was an illusion.
“It’s mystic scarring.” Mikey explained. 
“Ah…” He’d offered so you thought you shouldn’t feel bad, but part of you wanted to apologize.
“Got it saving Leo.” He thought for a moment. “Not Donatello related.” He looked over his shoulder at Donnie. “No offense.”
Donnie barely bobbed with a shrug. “I’ll take only my appropriate credit.”
Mikey rolled his eyes back to you. “Almost got ripped to stardust, but Raph helped stabilize me. He’s got some scars too, but he never shows ‘em. I think he thinks I’ll think…” He had to stop and go over what he’d said and punctuated counting with wags of his fingers. “He doesn’t want me to feel guilty!”
You nodded lightly.
“Everyone lived.” Mikey nodded. “That’s what was important. Then it was all healing, kinda like you, but it’s always a thing which is its own thing and then the other injuries…” This time Mikey pointedly looked at Donnie. “Full offense.”
Donnie gave a malicious sweeping bow with an arm.
Mikey sneered his cut lip before returning to you. “So my healing’s always ongoing.”
You tapped your leg.
“Ask.” He urged you with a knowing cock of his brow ridge.
“What?” You hadn’t thought of anything in particular.
“You were on the receiving end. Someone-!” Mikey didn’t look this time, but it was obvious he was again directing his attention toward Donnie. “-is in a less hateful mood so I think we’re safe to touch on more sensitive stuff: don’t you want to ask about the healing spell?”
You watched him before the nebulous thoughts converged for you. “Why… haven’t you healed yourself?”
Mikey gave a single sharp nod that said that was what he was looking for before he sank back into the couch. “I’m not schooled like Lee. He’s got human medical training where mine is mystic, but let’s say that was schooling and I got heavy into self teaching after having my face split open.”
You saw Donnie move slightly out of the corner of your eye, but this time Mikey let him be.
“It’s called Anosmia: the whole no taste, no smell thing. The attack severed not only my brain nerves attached to the old nose bulb, but also different nerves in my brain for other stuff. I’m not big on getting into it because it’s all kind of boring.” He flapped a dismissive hand. “Leo mentioned he explained the healing I did to you?”
You gave a single nod, not wanting to interrupt.
Mikey passed you an appreciative smile for it. “The smaller the parts, the harder they are to connect and you can imagine how small neurons are. That meant trying to reconnect the brain bits was not only the toughest, but also had the highest chance of something going wrong. You miss a connection or hook up the wrong parts? You might not be able to wiggle your toes ever again or forget you even had them to begin with!” He grew quiet and narrowed his gaze. “Thing is, I’d already been there, done that with the whole life changing injury so when I had to do it a second time around…”
You waited.
“I knew more.” Mikey tipped with an anticlimactic lean to his body. “I knew there was a lot that medicine or mysticism couldn’t obviously do and I’d already gone down the rabbit hole of self improvement. If it exists, I’ve tried it. If it can help, you can bet I’m into it. I’ve got opinions on everything!”
You always admired how steadfast Mikey was, even if it came as a detriment to him and those around.
Mikey leaned in even though you knew it wouldn’t offset Donnie’s hearing. “Wanna know my goal?”
“Of course.”
“I think I can fix it.” He bobbed his brow ridge before tossing himself back into the couch.
“Regain my sense of smell and taste.” Mikey gestured lazily to his face.
“Is that… possible?”
Mikey smiled out to the living room. “Weirder things have happened and you can train neurons. Everyone else in my family has written it off, but I don’t know… I’ll keep trying. I’ll take the health nut whacko label and own it and one day I’ll be able to smell freshly baked cookies again.”
He was so staunch you believed he could do it and shared that with a smile.
Mikey returned it. “Wanna meditate? It’s pretty quiet here. You can see how it makes you feel and I can give you tips if you wanna keep going.”
That was almost too easy.
For a moment, you felt like Mikey did know about Donnie.
He’d noticed and all this was a farce.
Except, Mikey was still looking at you with nothing but patient eyes.
You also felt as though those eyes held a nefarious purpose.
“Yeah…” He spoke a little too knowingly.
You bristled ever so slightly.
“It’s boring so I get if not. I kinda just wanted to get my dang session in though!” He chuckled with obvious guilt. “Plus it’ll help me with being bugged out and all.”
He had the terrible power of disarming those around him too quickly. “You seem alright now.”
“I’m chill, but that doesn’t mean I’m cool, you know?”
You stared for a moment. “I really don’t.”
“Huh…” His pupils darted as he thought back over what he said. “Yeah, I have no idea what I meant.”
You shook your head.
Between the similarities to S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. to this evil edge every single turtle man had, your perception of all of them was always warped and compared to Donnie.
“Fuck it.” You came away needing very much to stop judging this lot and treat them like the new individuals they really were to you. “Let’s meditate.”
“Yeah!” Mikey held out a high five that you took.
You wiggled in preparation of sitting cross legged.
“No, no, no.” Mikey laughed and held out a hand to stop you. “None of that… Or I mean, unless you want to.”
“I don’t think I can…” You admitted.
“Right, beginner…” He obviously put himself into a new mindset as if swapping clothes. “Okay, here’s the deal: forget everything you know about meditation. There’s no talking; I’m not into guided meditation because the voices get so annoying when I’m trying to chill. There’s no real pose to get into it; just vibe however you want. It’s boring; it’s so freaking boring. When I started, way, way back when dad taught us as kids, I felt like I would explode. Meditation and ADHD are a nightmare combo, but I’ve learned to make it work, but what works for me isn’t necessarily going to work for you, make sense?”
You took a moment to sift through everything he’d said. “Not… really…?”
“Yeah…” Mikey had a look that said he agreed.
You gave him a more abysmal stare.
“Never was good at explaining!!” Mikey tittered before he thought hard. “I guess what I’m trying to say is: use this first session to just… relax.”
You watched as he looked at you with mirth.
“Your biggest goal is to not fall asleep at first, but basically don’t punish yourself. This is all about calming down and getting in touch with your body. For me, my mind always wanders so I have to focus. I do a whole thing where I check in with myself. I start with the top of my head and “feel” down each part of my body slowly to help keep myself focused. You might think of things you need to do or… anything, and that’s fine, but it can stress some people out. You mostly just want to be… okay with being with yourself. The calm comes with that.”
Again taking a moment to think, this time you were slow to nod your head. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” He perked up a bit.
“How do you sit?”
“Up!” Mikey shifted until his posture was straight and he relaxed. “I also do eyes closed, but some people start eyes open and then drift close.”
“There’s no wrong way I’m hearing.” You jeered lightly, getting into a similar position as him.
He started to close his eyes, but craned one open to watch you. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
You giggled.
“I’ll count us down and then just… float.”
You settled and took a deep breath before a thought caught you. “Do you ever…float away? For real?”
“Yes.” In his profile you saw his grin split his face. “I’ve come to many times having left the ground.”
“ Sounds like enlightenment.” You pretended to be in awe.
A laugh caught him and he had to sigh back into position. “Not a chance. I also sometimes wake up from just sleeping flying which is such a pain.”
You wanted to ask more about that, but you resigned yourself to the exercise.
“Alright.” Mikey’s voice took on a calm. “There’s no time limit so just whenever you’re feeling over it, we can stop. I think like ten to fifteen is good, but hey, do you.” He inhaled long and slow. “Return to yourself.”
You unconsciously breathed in time.
“And be.” He exhaled slowly and you followed suit.
For a moment, you waited for something to happen even though you knew nothing would.
Then something about having to sit in silence struck you. You wondered if there was space for music or if the guided meditation was something you’d prefer. Currently, you felt like you were in a sort of limbo and wished he had started a timer.
Then you thought about what Mikey did.
Starting from the top of your head, you focused all your energy there and something about it reminded you of Donnie’s battle shell. Finding purpose in that idea, you slid down your head, shifting through your brows and eyes and thought of the shell’s arms gently tapping each zone. The metallic arms whirled in your ears as a memory and you let them drift along your lobes and through to your neck. There the pair split apart and cascaded down each shoulder.
One gave a little extra squeeze to where the tissue had healed on your left side. It was slightly numb to the touch, but always felt dense when you tried to lift the limb. Now, instead, the arms locked around your arms and gently rolled their grip down. Testing your flesh in little squeezes, it got to your fingertips and switched to your legs.
Those appendages were ones that you had been in a steady process of getting back under your control. It translated to your imaginary mech caressing you gently in a way that reminded you of Donnie’s massages. You were on a nightly rotation of receiving them and if you could manage, you returned the favor. It was exactly the little buoyancy you had thought the two of you needed and could easily be done in the privacy of the bathroom with only the faintest judgment from whatever turtle on duty.
Reaching your toes, you realized you’d forgotten about him.
Having momentarily gotten lost in your imagination, you cracked your eyes to find your vision blurry.
Something like coming out of sleep, you felt subdued and lingered in focus returning.
It came like a gentle current and with it you remembered that part of you had meant to use this time to siphon information so Donnie could get help in his meditation. If that were what he was doing, you also realized that he could just listen along meaning you had already done your part. Blinking off the last vestiges of peace, you turned your head slowly to first glimpse Mikey’s calm face. The picture of zen, you no longer saw the flecks of irritation that were now obviously gone from the man’s expression. Happy he’d gotten his, you looked past him and felt awe wash over you as you saw Donnie over by his computer.
Standing, but just seated on the edge of his computer desk, Donnie’s eyes were closed. His posture was closed off, but there was an air to him that was accentuated by the sleepy monitor glow behind him. With his arms folded in a loose hold, the tip of his body said one of his legs was kicked over the other which made him reclined. There were then his features, a similar slack to how you’d been catching them except there was a honed edge to it. Nothing that wrinkled the muscles in his face, you instead watched his pupils dart under his closed lids as if he was watching something get typed out. Staring in order to catch the exact movement, you found it wasn’t a side to side, but instead an indistinct roll as if many parts were being put in place.
You weren’t sure why, but you had the distinct thought that he was building something in there.
One little piece at a time, you imagined he’d taken care in laying out even the smallest screw before beginning the construction process.
This could work.
Another patently intrusive thought, you were sure that if Donnie kept this up then he’d find some relief from his ninpo.
You were flooded with pride.
Almost as soothing as the meditation itself, you took another dreamy stance, but this time in watching your partner. Curling up against the back of the sofa, you stared as he continued to run through his schematics. They detailed out like your feelings for him and all you could think of was how lucky you were to have him in your life. No matter how much strife it had come with, every moment with him was a precious one and it was in that headspace that Mikey came to.
His tongue darted in a roll of his jaw as if he too had awoken from a nap. Sucking saliva and rinsing with a swallow, Mikey stayed mostly silent as he adjusted his vision for your apartment. He looked straight in front of him, remembering where he was before he took great care in sneaking a look at you, an obvious case of not wanting to disturb you if you were still meditating.
He found you awake, but you held a finger to your lips.
The wrinkling of his gaze said he knew exactly what you were referring to and you pursed your lips with accusation.
He fluttered his lashes, similarly tucking his cheek against the couch while facing your direction.
You narrowed your gaze to translate your displeasure.
Mikey looked up roguishly before shooting you a wink.
You gave him one last sneer before you exhaled sharply to say you accepted that he was being sneaky since it helped Donnie.
Donnie’s prosthetic hit the floor a little heavy as he seemed jarred out of his meditation.
“So…?” Mikey led for you, even though there was a double entendre for your boyfriend.
“It was… interesting…” You spoke honestly. “I’m not sure I’d do it all the time, but I can see the use.”
“What’d you do?” Mikey wondered.
You thought of the best way to phrase it. “Thought about moving something with my mind.”
“Oh!” Mikey crooned. “That’s a cool way to start!”
“Well!” You pretended to take praise. “How was your body?”
“I’m all here.” He grinned brightly. “I did have a revelation!”
“I thought you weren’t going to reach enlightenment.” You teased, still curious.
Mikey held an impish hand to his chest before dropping it and the act. “I want to cook.”
You snorted. “Is that new?”
“Kinda…” He took on some level of nerves. “A potluck for one.”
“I want to celebrate you.”
You stared at him. “What?”
Mikey smiled, his cheek squished against the couch. “No rotation. All of us at once. We break bread to say ‘you made it.’”
Your eyes widened.
He wanted to throw what was essentially a family meal, but fold you and Donnie in.
He wanted an excuse.
“Next week is three months since the day you were taken in.”
Had it been that long already?
“There’s been huge progress all around.” Mikey was getting a little too close to naming Donnie.
You had a complaint on your lips.
In fact, you had thousands of them.
Of all the ways this could go badly.
Then you saw breakfast.
You saw four uncomfortable men under one roof.
And you.
And yet again.
You’d brought them together.
Wasn’t that what you were trying to avoid?
It all came back to Leo. 
Was he the only one?
You weren’t sure. 
“We’ve all been busting our butts, you most of all. I think we all could use a meal that’s way too big that says we’re moving to the next step.”
“Which is…?”
“Us heading back out.” Mikey’s crow’s feet looked particularly joyous. “We keep going.”
Your new normal.
“I’m thinking I’ll whip up a bunch of stuff, cook and finish some here. The place will smell so good.”
That did sound nice.
Your gaze lowered and you tried to picture all four together.
It had been so long and everything so tenuous it was hard to imagine.
You mostly saw Leo.
Distant Leo, doing his best to not fall apart again.
Your chest tightened.
Mikey lightly touched your leg. “No pressure.”
“That’s not…” You sent him a half sure grin before you looked at Donnie.
You weren’t going to sway him this time.
This decision was his alone.
You translated this to your partner where he seemed to be waiting.
He took you in with a tilted chin that had many reservations.
You softened your gaze saying you knew them all too well.
He looked one step away from chuffing before his body loosened with a relaxation you also felt.
The meditation had worked.
Donnie gave a slow singular nod and you bowed your head slightly to show you deferred to him.
He took a seat in his chair as if it was a great effort and slumped with his own sigh.
Returning to Mikey found the younger man watching with an interested twinkle in his eye.
“Okay.” You gave a tentative grin. “Let’s do it.”
“Yes!” Mikey hopped up and right back down so he was plopped closer to you with his phone manifesting in his hand. “Now tell me all your favorite foods, don’t hold back, go!”
You giggled and spent the rest of Mikey’s shift going on and on about food. From planning the menu to simply ranting about nearby restaurants, the time flew by. You soon had a menu laid out along with a detailed grocery list that Donnie had stepped in to say he would purchase. Even though you knew the action had an edge of fear to it, you took his participation as a good sign and Mikey offered to send you over the recipe list so you could send it to Donnie. You agreed and after lobbing way too many messages around your phone, Mikey soon shot upright. “Alrighty!”
You looked at him in confusion before going to check the time.
“Don’t wanna keep Raph waiting!” Mikey took a big step in front of you before rounding to where Leo’s portals usually appeared. “Oh, one more thing…”
“Yeah?” You did your best to look over the back of the couch.
You found Mikey staring at Donnie.
Your mate returned the gaze with growing concern.
“Think of this as thanks for your shitty bow!” Mikey split a manic grin.
Both you and Donnie tensed.
Mikey’s head snapped in your direction with a sickly tilt. “This bastard relapsed when you were in your coma.”
Donnie reared with the first bits of a snarl.
A blue portal appeared the second he tried and Mikey gave double peace signs while biting his tongue for a crazed expression as he fell backward through it.
You stared after.
Donnie made it several steps forward and you could feel the fumes coming off of him.
Raph then hurtled through the portal. “W-what happened?!”
You watched purple flicker and sputter in Donnie’s eye.
Raph’s own caught fire. “H-hey now…!”
“Relapsed…” You spoke fearfully.
“Y/N…” Donnie didn’t look at you and was instead locked onto the center of Raph’s plastron to where Mikey had been.
“Like… the drugs?” Against your leg’s weakness, you rose to better look over the couch. “You did drugs again…?” 
“Ah…” Raph didn’t drop his attention, but what was happening fell into place for him. “Yeah… You shot up a few times, didn’t you?”
Raph knew. 
Mikey knew. 
You didn’t know.
“I needed to stay awake!” Donnie roared, taking another step forward.
You saw a ghost of Raph in red slip from his form.
“Awake and numb!!!” Spittle flecked as Donnie panted through his teeth.
Flickers of purple shimmered in the air.
Raph’s projection grew the slightest amount. “Donatello…”
Donnie’s heavy breathing filled the space.
It would be better to diffuse the situation.
You weren’t even mad.
You were more haunted by the knowledge.
Donnie had been candid about making and taking drugs, but it had also seemed like he left them behind in the mania of his 20s.
You weren’t sure how to feel about them now.
They made sense to an extent, which placed you with a single question.
“Ha… have you since…?”
Donnie didn’t seem to be able to move, but his lips momentarily closed. “No…”
“Are you…?” He clearly wasn’t alright.
Not now.
Not in all the time since the attack.
There was something more.
Though there was glitter in the air and Donnie seemed to be close to hyperventilating, nothing had actually manifested.
No artillery. 
No guns. 
“Okay.” You finally spoke, a single note drop in the bucket.
It plopped and did nothing to change the amount held in the receptacle.
Things were different.
The lack of weaponry was a sign of that.
As Mikey had said: It was time to keep going.
“Okay.” You repeated, this time enforcing the syllables.
It wasn’t an immediate disengagement, but Donnie garnered enough strength from the sound to look at you.
His gaze pained with a broken blinker of purple and he continued to strain with his body.
The purple in the air flittered away and Raph’s projection slowly melded back with his body until Donnie slumped a certain amount.
A collective breath was released and only when Donnie collapsed back into his chair did Raph throw his hands up to claw them down his face. “Mikey! He’s such a little shit, I swear!”
You gave a puff of what wasn’t laughter and sank down into the couch.
“I did not want to get shot again!” Raph complained and had to take a step to anchor himself to the couch. “Not a way to start my shift.”
You sympathetically patted Raph’s hand where you could reach it. “Good news.”
“What’s that?” Raph’s face said he wanted more than the obvious.
You would exalt Donnie for successfully disengaging his ninpo for the first time later.
For now, there was something else to pass along.
“We’re having a dinner party.” You told him, feeling exhausted. “We’re what?” Raph deadpanned.
I'm so sleepy, but i love my betas @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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gotta-pet-em-all · 5 months
Pokemon-induced healing
And why you fuckers shouldn't rely on it for everything, Arceus fuck stop forcing your poor Chansey to take care of wounds that you should seriously go to the hospital for
* * * * *
okay. SO. To preface this, I volunteered in a Pokemon center for a while. And while this was just a volunteer position and not something I had medical training for, I've also got personal experience. Due to my poor coordination and shitty connective tissue, I tend to fall over, bump into things, and bruise very easily. So trust me when I say I know what I'm talking about.
So, how does pokemon healing work?
That's a fucking complicated question. So, let's start with the healing moves and narrow it down. The main ones I'm going to be talking about here are Heal Pulse, Life Dew, and Floral Healing.
Actually no I'm not qualified to talk about Floral Healing. If any comfey trainers wanna add on, feel free.
Heal pulse and life dew! So, Heal Pulse is the one I have the most familiarity with, and it's essentially a wave of energy that encourages your body to accelerate the natural healing process. No, it does not artificially age you, and it will not reduce your lifespan, but let's be real for a moment. If you get injured and need healing that much, your lifespan may be in danger for other reasons.
However. There are other dangers to it that really aren't talked about a lot, namely: repairing tissue damage, and infection. There are a lot of situations in which heal pulse can be risky:
-injured person has an artificially suppressed or otherwise compromised immune system.
-injured person has a heart condition, particularly where arrhythmia is a symptom
-injury is infected or contains foreign substance
-dead tissue is still attached to affected area
And I'm gonna break down one by one, why all of these are bad!
So, it's not quite as well known, but heal pulse actually does have an impact on the immune system. In ancient times, it was believed that cursed pokemon would make you sick when they healed you, but in actuality, this phenomenon was simply the pokemon kicking the immune system into gear for a minor/dormant infection that would have happened anyways. However, this can be dangerous for people with a compromised immune system, because you're basically trying to squeeze blood from a stone. In most cases, it can make their immune systems worse, and while this is thankfully temporary, it's still deeply unpleasant and may interfere with someone's plans because you've abruptly shunted them to the hospital when they were going to have brunch with the girls this week instead.
Next is arrhythmia. I've got this one, it flares up from time to time. I cannot stress enough that disabled people are everywhere. We don't just exist as tokens at the edge of your imagination. We're probably at the grocery store or on public transportation. It may just be that I'm a bit jaded, but it pisses me off more than anything that I have to experience symptoms when I would love to be frolicking through the woods. Anyways, heal pulse relies on the heartbeat to synchronize with and distribute the energy-- so when the heartbeat is uneven? Things can start getting a lil fucky. Usually this results in dizziness, nausea, feeling flushed, and on rare occasions fainting. People with heart conditions are more common than you think, please ask us before messing with our bodies.
Third thing is infections. Remember how I said that heal pulse kicks your immune system into overdrive? Well, the immune system is responsible for expelling all foreign matter from your system, not just illness. This is why you'll want to make sure to clean a wound first, unless it's urgent. You can skip the wound cleaning part if it's an emergency, but... it's not really pretty. Seriously. I don't advise it.
Fourth reason! Okay, so, this is gonna be a little gross, but let's say you trip and skin your knee. It's bleeding, you've got a weird little flap of skin hanging off. Normally, that skin will turn white (or at least it does for me; I have light skin, but I'm told it may turn a pale greyish color for people with dark skin. That said, I'm gonna be real. I do not want to look up pictures, so I am trusting the dark skinned folks reading this to know what dead/peeling skin looks like for them) and eventually fall off. HOWEVER. If you apply heal pulse to it? There's a decent chance that your body may attempt to revitalize the dead skin at the same time as it scabs over the wound and then the skin closes up and eats the scab. It won't kill you, and eventually the extra flap of skin will die, but it's still. Geh. It's really not pleasant. Don't do it.
If this sounds fucking horrifying, that's because it is! All of these things are fucking horrifying to happen to your body! Don't ask me how I know this!
Now that you've all been suitably terrified of the dangers of heal pulse, let me introduce you to an alternative: life dew! Life dew does not interfere with arrhythmia, can be stored with special preparation, and generally has much weaker effects. It tends to help with the process of clotting and scabbing more so than healing, so if you've made any mistakes, they're generally easier to remedy.
Pokemon healing, like any other type, requires consent. Yes, there are exceptions-- sometimes a person cannot reasonably consent in their current state, or there was an accident with a wild scyther and consent is the last thing on your mind with all the blood everywhere. Even so, please always keep in mind that you need to respect the sanctity of other people's bodies and take accountability for your actions as a trainer.
That's all!
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aloesarchives · 7 months
In your Toji lives au would you ever consider making Tsumiki a sorcerer, if so what would her technique be? If not, how does she feel about being the only one in the family without “powers”?
Warnings: Lore dumping for "Toji lives AU", profanity, being too long than it should be
Well, I did thought about it, anon.
In my "Toji Lives AU", Tsumiki doesn't have a curse technique. There are some reasons why I didn't give her a curse technique.
1.) My lack of understanding of the basic understanding of curse technique. I've been reading JJK for almost four years now but I have yet to understand the power system of the series. I know! I'm a fake fan but my smooth brain hasn't been able to grasp the basics/fundamentals of the series. That's why I didn't give Tsumiki a curse technique because my ideas for curse techniques won't make sense in the realm of Jujutsu Kaisen.
2.) I literally have no clue on what curse technique would suit her. Personally, I can't make/give Tsumiki one because I don't know enough about her. Generally, if there is a character that's powerless in a series I'm writing, I would writing a power/technique/ability based on how much I know them. However, since there's very little on Tsumiki in the canon story, I think it would be easier for me to not make her a sorcerer. All we know, at least to my knowledge, is she's the step-sister and step-daughter of Megumi and Toji, she's a kind-hearted and caring person but isn't afraid to call out someone(like what she did with Megumi in Middle School), she took care of Megumi every since their respective parents went MIA, and she got stuck in a coma after accompanying some classmates to the cursed bridge. That's the only information on her personality and life I have on her. But it's very limiting for me to give her a technique for the AU.
But if I had to give her one, it would most likely be a healing curse technique. Again, I don't know the fundamentals for her technique. All I know is she uses her ability to heal other sorcerers wounds but not have regenerative properties. Tsumiki, while a firm person, doesn't hit me as a fighter or someone who's needed on the battlefield. She's more of a support/healer based on her personality and nature. But yeah, a healing curse technique is something I would give her if I made her a sorcerer.
But since I didn't make her a sorcerer nor have any curse technique, she's the most normal out of everyone in the family. In my "Toji lives AU", both her and Megumi don't know about the Jujutsu world or anything curse related because I had Reader and Toji never bringing it up/mentioning it. It was not until Satoru and Suguru went to retrieve the two of them at Reader's request is when they learn about the Jujutsu world and curse technique.
She knew she didn't have powers when Satoru, Suguru and eventually Reader explained it to her and Megumi. She was aware because before Megumi's manifestation of his Ten Shadow Technique, he kept telling Reader he was seeing monsters everywhere. Reader would ask Megumi to describe the monsters and his description of them are now curses. Tsumiki knows Megumi doesn't like to lie or never really lies to Reader, he doesn't make stuff up for attention. She could tell on Mother's face that there was something else going on that Tsumiki wasn't experiencing herself.
By the time she's 6-7 years old, she knew she didn't have a curse technique or powers because she couldn't see curses, had any sort of manifestation, and she was passed the age where a kid would receive one. After meeting Satoru and Suguru, she knew Reader was a sorcerer because Satoru explained how her and Megumi's mom was just like them. But she didn't know how powerful until Satoru tells her and Megumi that Reader is a powerful sorcerer, unlike any other, to the point Satoru admits Reader can rival him herself.
While Megumi starts to look up to Reader, Tsumiki feels like a odd one out because she never got supernatural powers. Most are quick to point out that Toji doesn't have powers but that doesn't apply to her father at all. Toji doesn't have a curse technique or any curse energy. However, he can still see curses, have extremely heighten human sense and abilities, and wield the most broken weapons in the Jujutsu world because his celestial restrictions allows him. He doesn't have any powers but his celestial restriction gives him extraordinary physical abilities that beyond the supernatural in exchange. She doesn't have celestial restriction like her father nor does she have a technique like her Mother and Brother, overhearing how both of them possess techniques that have unfathomable potential and strength. Tsumiki is just...normal.
However, Reader explains to her that she and Toji still love her no matter what. Saying that she doesn't need a curse technique in ordered to be accepted and seen in their family. Reader tries to reassure her that it's not uncommon for individuals to be born without a curse technique in her clan. So it's normal for Tsumiki to not have one herself. This also means Reader reminds Tsumiki she has no need to jump hurdles to prove herself. Reader tells Tsumiki what matters is she builds up and grows herself.
Oddly enough, it's actually Toji who gave her a more earnest and honest commentary and explanation to her. This happened when she and Megumi were teenagers. She was having one of those close talks with Toji at home because Reader and Megumi were out doing Sorcery stuff. He explained to her that her being born without a curse technique can be seen as a blessing because she doesn't have to be involved in the world of Jujutsu. Explaining how the Jujutsu world isn't special compared to the real world. If not, it's a lot more grim and unforgiving to those who live in it. He openly admits to Tsumiki that even Reader and Megumi, who are born with legendary and sought after abilities/techniques, shoulder a burden not everyone experiences.
Megumi has to burden the expectations of having a technique that has the potential to rival and defeat Satoru Gojo. The strongest sorcerer in Modern Sorcery. His technique is a prized and beloved by the Zen'in clan, Toji's biological family. A clan that would do anything in order to keep their status as one of the main Jujutsu families. Toji spills a little bit to Tsumiki about the ruthless and unkind nature of how the Zen'in treats both non-sorcerers and sorcerers. Speaking about being born with a curse technique doesn't guarantee your acceptance. They will see you as sub-human if the technique is weak and useless. Even if you have a powerful technique, the clan doesn't give a shit about you. They only care for the technique, not the person. So it's a constant struggle for power and placement against your own family and clan/ fight for a place at the table.
Then there's Reader, who's curse technique can match and be on par with Gojo. However, the burdens she shoulders is a lot more different and heavier than Megumi's. She bears the burden of being one of the strongest around, meaning she constantly is needed and busy like Gojo is. Toji also speaks of the burden of guilt you carry for doing enough, if it was enough. To call the shots and make observations no one else can see. The insight and guidance you offer would be sufficient in growing the younger sorcerer. Your care and concern would be enough to help others not fall down a dark path. That what you were doing was enough to protect your family, to keep your beloved husband and children safe. Toji told Tsumiki that Reader was glad Tsumiki didn't have curse energy because it meant to didn't have to face the horrors of the Jujutsu world. Something her mother, and unfortunately her younger brother, have to face and be apart of.
Now, Toji said all of this not to be like "well you aren't missing out much" or "you're better off doing this instead of that". But rather, to make a point that having a curse technique isn't always everything and what matters the most is someone's will and personal strength. Toji confesses that a person's drive and will is what keeps them going in the Jujutsu world and the real world. Tsumiki may be powerless but her kind-heart and caring nature is something not many have the ability to do nature. Toji even says Tsumiki is stronger than most sorcerers because the conviction she has overpowers many others.
"Kindness isn't a weakness. Rather, it's a strength others don't have the capacity to understand its true nature, Tsumiki. So don't be so hard on yourself because you lack an ability. Not many are strong like you to keep doing what you're doing. The closest person I can think of that's just as kind as you is your mother(Reader). And we already know she's insanely strong as it is. So don't feel down about what you don't have, what you already have is powerful that not even that Gojo kid could understand."
"You're already strong, Tsumiki. You're just not seeing it like your mom and I do."
With that, Tsumiki feels less excluded and more empowered. When she was younger, she never voiced her shame and her alienation from her family. But after her talk with Toji, she isn't ashamed of being powerless and keeps up her kind personality. All because of the conversation she had with Toji and her being honest with her.
Tsumiki may not know this, but her kindness and caring nature is one of the reasons why Reader hasn't given up on herself and what she does/fights for in the Jujutsu World. Because to Reader, Tsumiki's kindness grounds and brings her down to Earth. Tsumiki reminds Reader that kindness exists anywhere and is needed for the world to no collapse on itself. That it takes a different kind of strength to still show kindness when there's a lot of resistance. Reader keeps fighting so people like her daughter can live and exist in this unforgiving world. That's how strong Tsumiki's kindness is and she doesn't have a curse technique to make such an effect.
Tsumiki in this AU knows and understands the world of Jujutsu. But she isn't involved in it as a sorcerer because her only connection is through her parents and brother, not herself. But she knows the basics of curse and curse energy. She's not ashamed of being a non-sorcerer and has a different yet positive outlook on life. She doesn't mind not having powers because she's already secure about herself thanks to her Mother and Father.
Leave it to Papa Toji to make things better lol
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 10 months
Can you tell us what the answers to the six of crows color experiment is?
Yep! ☺️
I realised too late that I really should’ve organised it as a poll somehow, because I’ve had loads of responses (thank you all very much) and whilst a lot of them agreed with me there were a few I wasn’t expecting. My associations in the order than I wrote them in the original post:
Red - Nina
Green - Jesper
Black - Kaz
Blue - Matthias
Purple - Inej
Orange - Wylan
So generally speaking a lot of people either agreed with exactly what I’d said or swapped Wylan and Jesper, which makes a lot of sense. A few people also moved Jesper and Inej around, which I understand and I wanted to add on that point I always connect Inej to purple with the idea of her reclaiming the colour and its power in the same way that she referred to her knives as her “proper claws” to reclaim the image of the lynx. Purple is the colour that was used against her and the colour that represents Ketterdam (Stadwatch uniforms, colour of Kruge notes, and the Geldrenner Ketterdam suite being the main examples); with a part of what separates Inej’s journey and her ship from Kaz’s style of vengeance is the acknowledgement that the city itself is the monster she’s facing, she’s been forced to come to terms with the idea that what happened to her wasn't the result of one terrible person or group of terrible people, but a dangerous environment and society that was never going to see her as an equal go matter what she did in life (this realisation is particularly linked to the “Rare Spices” billboard, which I wrote a post on a while back so if anyone wants to read that let me know and I’ll tag you) so by reclaiming the colour she is not only reclaiming the power Heleen took from her but the city as a whole. I hope I worded that all okay I worry that my point doesn’t come across properly it feels unclear please let me know and I’ll try to explain it differently. However I also understand the perspective a few people raised in their responses of wanting to separate her from that colour because she should always be seen as more than who she was forced to be, it’s just my personal interpretation that part of her pathway to healing is reclaiming the symbols used against her as a symbol of power to use against the system and people that put her in her position.
With Jesper and Wylan, I can definitely see it going both ways and I guess it also depends on what shades of the colours you’re imagining for each of them. For me, Wylan is orange because it can be a quiet, beautiful sunrise but it can also be fire and rage, it can be dark and deeply lonely but it can also be bright and blazing, it can be the first light of home in the dark but it can also be the flames of righteousness. “You were angry. I needed you righteous” “well, you’ve got me”. I realise all/most colours have a natural dual nature but I think orange does particularly and I think that it compliments him wonderfully. I connect Jesper to green for brightness, fun, the “lime green” clothes and vibrant plaid, but also for the farm and the card tables and the painful difference between them - the way his life split in two like a log cut down the middle (I don’t have my book with me so not quoting, but he says something along those lines in Crooked Kingdom when talking about how he ended up moving from the university to the Barrel).
I think the one’s who were always connected the same way were Nina to red and Kaz to black, and I wanted to add a couple of reasons I didn’t see anyone mention yet and that would be Nina being the “little red bird” and Kaz wearing black, mercher suits to mock them and to look, by Ketterdam’s colour-represented social hierarchy that I could talk about forever, like he fits in with them in the upper echelon of society.
And most people also maintained Matthias with blue, connections to water, ice, storms, but I think also it’s worth emphasising his blue eyes that Nina finds so beautiful
I will go through later and tag everyone who has responded so far in this post so everyone can see the results if they want to, thanks to everyone who responded ❤️
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dr33mtal3 · 5 months
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Pazazz Bitty
Since I drew a pippin before I had to draw a pazazz! Here have some fun facts!
A Pazazz is a subclass of Bonsai-Bitty (another of which is the Pippin)
Bonsai-Bitties are a kind of Plant-Bitty that use a skeletal structure to carry a root and branch system: a walking tree
Bonsai-Bitties have 'wings' which are actually their canopy: leaves, branches, and flowers make up the many structures
The wings of a Bonsai-bitty are sensitive to touch, capable of crude vision (light, color, movement, and shape), used for breathing and photosynthesis, and are also used in reproduction
The wings of a Bonsai-bitty may secrete pollen, nectar, or sap, given relevant circumstances
Bonsai-Bitties are capable of great chemical complexity, and will often change their chemical makeup to communicate (or for some other conscious purpose). This results in changes to their coloration, smell, taste, and toxicity.
A happy, healthy Bonsai-Bitty can be harvested from for edible or medicinal substances
The wings of a Bonsai Bitty has indeterminate growth
And about the Pazazz, specifically:
Pazazzes are a type of Bonsai Bitty which display warm-colored pigmentation
Pazazz prefer warmer temperatures and semi-humid to mildly damp conditions. They enjoy hot springs, and hot tubs.
A Pazazz can breathe in freshwater through their wings with little trouble, but cannot breathe in salt-water for more than an hour at a time. However, cool water may send them into a state of torpor.
They especially enjoy playing in mud puddles, slimes, paint, and other gooey globs, so long as they are room temperature or warmer.
Pazazz also enjoy fire, but should not be left near an average fire unsupervised (as they are somewhat flammable).
A Pazazz is boundlessly loyal to its chosen Person, even before becoming a proper bondmate. If they 'choose' a person, they will pursue them persistently.
A Pazazz that has found its chosen Person will desire to be beside them at all times, even when their Person cannot pay direct attention to them. They will hide in pockets or bags, sit on shoulders, or sit on the head, in order to remain as close as possible whenever they can get away with it.
Pazazz are energetic and rowdy bitties that have great reserves of energy during the day. They can be so active that it causes their wings to become unkempt.
However, Pazazz are highly diurnal, and will slow down once the sun sets. At a certain light level (of darkness), a Pazazz will have difficulty staying awake at all. You can trick a Pazazz into thinking it is time to sleep by keeping them in a dark place. A blindfold will also work partially, but not fully unless their wings are also covered.
Pazazzes are affectionate: they will show their affection with closeness, cuddles, nuzzles, and shedding. They may also bite to leave marks.
Pazazzes are active and talented, but not academically inclined. They do well in creative activities and sports, so art supplies, balls, and little weights are great for enrichment.
The Pazazz tends to have a loud and opinionated personality. They have a great capacity for jealousy and spite, and will pick fights for both entertainment and a desire for chaos. They prefer to pick fights with those who can fight back.
Although the Pazazz is slow to learn new tricks, they never forget a skill once learned. A Pazazz will do its best to learn new things for the people it loves (with mixed results).
Pazazz shed excessively when they feel intense emotions, to the point where their pollen, nectar, or sap will pool and stain the area around them. They become very sticky, and will need help cleaning and preening their wings after such an episode.
Pazazz are durable both emotionally and physically. They have a high tolerance for pain, to the point where some may actively seek it out. If a Pazazz complains about pain, there is something seriously wrong.
The wings of a Pazazz grow faster than other bonsai bitties. They require trims at least once a month to maintain good health. It is recommended to maintain a regiment of at-home edge trims once a week, or to bring them in for a close short trim with a trained professional once a month.
Pazazzes love climbing or flying up to high places. They also love knocking things off high places.
Pazazzes are voracious eaters, and will steal food even when they aren't hungry. They especially love sweets, spicy foods, and anything with caffeine in it.
Pazazzes have been known to climb into full coffee cups, drain the coffee, and then nap in the warm bottom of the cup. If paired with a Pippin, they may share the nap spot for extra cuddles.
Older or more clever Pazazzes may entertain themselves by making mischief or playing pranks. Some may find making messes more fun.
A stressed or anxious Pazazz may invert their behavior and obsessively clean. Although this is a known stress response, this behavior can be encouraged with ample praise and reward, so that they will know to clean their messes after making them. It is important to continuously reinforce the reward for this behavior to keep it from returning to a stress response.
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Noticed But Hoping For The Best Part 5
There was nothing wrong, Danny knew that! He was just getting more and more tired as the ghost attacks ramped up, but it wasn't like he could explain why he was so exhausted. What would he even say? 'I'm the one fighting all the ghosts and going home was stressful until Jazz managed to set the home security system to not target me'? No, absolutely not. Because of that, however, he was forced to endure people acting like he was sick or something!
Well, Jazz didn't at least. She was just doing her general check-ins after his fight, always fussing over him and yet they quicky figured out that any injuries he gains as Phantom? They show up as bruises of varying severity when in his human form! As the bruises faded, the wounds Phantom had slowly healed, though they of course looked how they were supposed to on his ghost form. It was actually really cool to know that he wouldn't end up severely scarred from any injuries he got defending Amity Park!
Still, his sister used any day after a fight as an excuse to fuss and make sure he was okay, even if it was something simple as making him a smoothie for breakfast- when did she start doing that, anyways? Did they really have enough non-sentient food in the fridge, or was Jazz keeping her own personal store of stuff-? Actually that would make sense, maybe he should start doing the same. Sometimes she went a bit overboard, though, like insisting she was the one to comb his hair or tie his shoes before they went out the door. Danny wasn't a toddler, there was no need to go that far!
Still, he good-naturedly rolled his eyes and grumbled, occasionally fighting it- she once tried to zip up his jacket for him! Just because his fingers were clumsy from not getting enough sleep doesn't mean he was unable to do it himself- but otherwise the teen let his older sister fuss, knowing it made her feel better.
Thankfully, Tucker wasn't acting any different, either! It would have been easy to see, since they were spending more time together while Sam was away, but there was no change- except for teasing about his appearance, or about his handwriting. Danny had noticed that about his handwriting as well, lines never seemed to come out straight when he started writing or tried to draw, but that was another thing explained away by exhaustion. The lack of sleep affecting small motor skills was something he'd heard his parents warn each other about when growing up, and after the portal opened Jazz had lectured them about it and forced them to go to bed several times so they wouldn't hurt themselves in the lab.
Sleep felt like a bit of a luxury at this point, like going a week without a ghost attack or a test somehow being cancelled. Sure, he wasn't going sleepless, Jazz would never allow that and the ghosts tended to attack during the day, but apparently six hours weren't enough. Why else would he be nodding off in classes? Or maybe he was just bored, Danny could easily find that to be the case.
And yet when he was Phantom? Oh, he felt fantastic! Completely full of energy, his hands seemed to obey his mind, everything was clear and sharp, it was like he'd downed a coffee just before starting his fights! However, that made everything so much more prominent when he switched back. His left side randomly twitching- probably from overuse, his muscles did tend to feel sore around those times- but at least his right side didn't seem to feel it. It was probably just because the shock entered from his left hand, it would make sense for things to still be healing, even if turning half-ghost fixed most of the damage.
But it really seemed like having to deal with the ghosts invading the town was effecting his life more and more. It was taking longer to heal from any injuries he got in his human form- Dash tripped him once, Danny faceplanted into his locker, got detention for finally yelling at him and the busted lip he got took over two weeks to heal, it wasn't a good day- his grades were starting to drop, Mister Lancer seemed to be increasingly irritated with him. It was so frustrating! He was trying his best!
At least everything seemed to be alright in science class, it was as enjoyable as always. Sure, he always had to ask his lab partner to handle the finer details, like anything involving pipettes, but it was still fun! Even if he didn't enjoy his parents flavor of scientific curiosity, that didn't change the fact science was one of his favorite subjects. So of course, it made sense his luck would work against him and ruin one of the few good school-related things he had.
it was just a normal class, and his hands were steady enough to accurately poor things and use pipettes! Danny felt like he was on top of the world, he hadn't had a good day like this in awhile! There was an idle smile on his face as he worked, his arm wasn't sore- there was no warning when his body decided to betray him. No heads up, none of the soreness he had been using as an indicator to avoid breaking things. His left arm jerked, a stinging sensation streaking up his arm, fingers reflexively unclenching-
The only thing he could think as the beaker shattered on the floor was that he was glad it was empty. The chattering in the room fell silent as everyone turned and just... Stared. It was only for a moment, but it was still unnerving, then Mister Lancer spoke. "Danny, clean up the glass and see me after class- and for the love of Shakespeare, don't handle any more of the glassware."
That... that hurt to hear, in a way Danny couldn't explain. Sure, it made sense- why let someone handle fragile things when there was a chance of it breaking?- but that limited his ability to participate. Was he just going to be forced to watch everyone and do nothing whenever they had lab? The frustration spiked, causing the teen to pause and take a breath as he felt tears prickling his eyes. It was an accident, it wasn't his fault! Still, he managed to take care of the glass without getting any cuts.
There was a feeling of quiet dread, though, when he stayed back after everyone else was dismissed. Was this the final straw or something? Or would it be yet another lecture? He'd been getting a lot of those recently, on top of all the detentions when Mister Lancer decided he'd had enough of Danny dozing in class. It was a complete shock, but also a weight off his shoulders when he heard the magic words, "Calm down, you're not in trouble." So no detentions, and no consequences, fantastic! But of course it couldn't end there. "We just need to talk about something."
Right, of course, his teacher wouldn't hold him back just to say he wasn't in trouble. Still, the moment of silence where it looked like the man was actually thinking about what to say? Terrifying. It was like when his parents gave him The Talk, and while he knew Mister Lancer wouldn't do that it didn't decrease the nerves. "I won't ask for any details, but clearly something has happened."
That was not good- sure, Danny didn't think it was being guessed that he was Phantom, but the fact his exhaustion made someone think that something bad had happened meant he'd probably need to come up with some sort of cover, maybe lie about a lingering flu-
"I have been harsh due to believing you were slacking off, but if this is a genuine problem, it's my job as an educator to make sure any special requirements you have are met." Wait- waitwaitwait, that was as good as an apology from the man! It was impossible not to look at him with wide eyes, but no, it was too good to be true, unfortunately.
"Now, the ban on you handling glassware will exist and stay in place-" That was one of the worst things Mister Lancer could have said. That would effectively ban him from participating in labs, removing the fun parts that made science his favorite class! It was just one accident, it wasn't his fault! It wasn't fair! "-however, you will be given paper assignments you can fill out instead of doing the lab. Partner with someone and watch the experiment, then fill out the sheet your given."
That felt like being kicked when he was down! He couldn't actually participate, but he'd be forced to watch others do things without being able to join in, and then he'd have to write about what he saw! Danny didn't want that, especially because writing causes his hand to cramp severely, no matter which hand he uses! Usually he would be upset, yeah, but... it felt borderline tragic. It had been his first truly good day in a long while, everything was going perfectly, why did something have to go wrong! And Mister Lancer was still talking.
"Every time you submit a written assignment, I would like you to stay back and help me read it; your handwriting is like another language to me. Understood?" It felt like there was something trapped in his throat, to the point it felt hard to breathe, doing his best not to cry as he nodded. On top of not being able to participate in lab, he'd always have to stay back after every end-of-day class because his teacher couldn't even read his handwriting anymore! Why was everything going wrong?!
"Good. You're dismissed." It took all of Danny's effort to choke out the words expected of him, "Thank you." It took all of his effort not to run as he stepped out of the classroom and started walking to his locker to get his bag. He felt a sick, squirming feeling in his stomach, mind twisting itself in knots after that interaction.
And last but not least, there was Dash. The bane of his school life, the closest thing his human half had to a mortal enemy other than Vlad. It seemed like he upped the mockery of his appearance- "Did you run into that lunch ghost on the way here, or do you always end up dumping food on yourself?" "Is it a hurricane out there or did you not bother to brush your hair?" "Jeez Fentoad, you're makin' it too easy if your trip yourself on your own laces!"
Sure, he wasn't the neatest-looking person around, but Danny didn't think it was that bad. Maybe it was because his mind had been looping around after the mini-meeting with Mister Lancer, but he never really focused on his food when eating, and that often led to spilling food. As for laces, it just felt like more effort than it was worth the retie his shoes every single time they came undone- they never seemed to stay in place anymore! But it was just so tiring, dealing with the taunts and jabs, the sore wrists and occasional busted lips from tripping that took forever to heal...
Eventually, Danny stopped jabbing back. Maybe it was because Sam wasn't there to keep encouraging him that that trouble was worth it, maybe it was his own exhaustion, but there were no more verbal responses to the taunts, nothing more than a huff when being shoulder-checked made him stumble. Dash seemed to be getting bored, though that didn't decrease how often he decided to be a pointless jerk all at once. The blonde was determined to drag him down it seemed, though. In the normal day-to-day, the taunting and shoving was decreased, but on the rare occasion Danny was having a good day? Everything went back to normal, and it sucked!
When he wasn't having a good day, though? Everyone was acting like he was sick- he wouldn't say diseased, though, since they didn't avoid him or anything, but the changes in how people looked at him and sometimes even interacted with him was. Conversations that suddenly dropped when he entered a classroom, people whispering to each other every time he passed by, barely concealed looks of pity. The weirdest part? Even Wes was giving him space! Wes! Explained with a handwave and a 'Obviously you can't be Phantom in your condition'. What did that even mean?!
Danny couldn't wait for Sam to get back, maybe she could help figure things out, everything felt like it had become twisted and everyone was acting like it was normal, he was going to go mad at this rate!
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topguncortez · 7 months
its been a couple of days since i made the tough choice to cut ties and temporarily walk away from a place that i love really really deeply.
but i’ve had some time to reflect and come to some conclusions about myself.
now excuse me while i vent out loud:
1) the phrase “once an addict, always an addict” is true. just because i don’t take pills anymore doesn’t mean i haven’t found a way to feed the craving of being addicted to something. im not 100% sure what that addiction is; maybe it’s that im a sucker for pain, maybe it’s i can’t walk away when i know i should, maybe it’s fucking caffeine (it’s 97% caffeine).
2) everyone heals and handles things differently. again, back to my past with addiction; some addicts can heal with still being able to be around the thing they are addicted to. i learned a long time ago, i am not that person. i have a hard time knowing when to walk away, but once i do… its like breathing fresh air. it hurts like a bitch sometimes but its also one of the best things for you. sometimes we get so blind with those rose colored glasses on, that we truly can’t see our own faults until we step back and reflect
3) i’m an angry person. i always have been and probably always will be. i’ve dealt with a lot of shitty things in my life. i’ve lost people who didn’t deserve to be taken away. i’ve watched some of the most vile humans get away with horrible offenses. i have been abused and assaulted. i’m angry. and there’s little i can do to shake that anger. however, i can control it. i can lock it away and deal with it in a healthy manner than just let it explode all over the place.
4). God knows what’s best for you. now, i don’t mean to get all religious on yall. i have struggled with my faith for years. I went through a period of time of questioning who God is and what his intentions are. If this great and almighty God sent his son to die to end our suffering… why are people still suffering? I still struggle with my faith, but i am relearning to put my trust in him and know that He is putting things in my life he knows I can overcome.
And finally,
5) never feel bad for doing things for yourself. i have been so well trained to put other peoples feelings above my own. for years, i have bit my tongue and told myself “i can’t say that, that’ll hurt their feelings” and let people continue to roll over me. believe it or not… i hate conflict. i hate awkward situations. i hate feeling like im being suffocated and i can’t breathe. i have become more vocal (good and bad thing) in speaking up when i have been hurt. it’s a slow learning process and sometimes it comes back to bite me in the ass cause i’m thrust into another situation i don’t know how to handle and the anxiety builds and then there’s tears and all that shit. but i have learned i should never feel bad for doing things for myself.
anyway, i know this is just a long ass vent that nobody is gonna read, but i hope maybe, just maybe this reaches someone who has been feeling the same way i have these past couple months.
i know not everyone has a great support system in real life that they can rely on when things get hard. i can honestly tell you that without some of the people in my everyday life and online life being there and helping me and offering me an ear to listen while i vent and scream at the world… i don’t think i’d still be here. but i want yall to know, if you need a place to vent and scream at the world, i am here for you. and i’ll do whatever i can to get you the help and resources if you need it. or if you just wanna get shit off your chest.
i’m here for you.
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veronika-tserber · 1 year
4th House Ruler Through the Houses
The 4th House in the Birth Chart Tells Us About:
Our connection to our roots (upbringing, birth family, ancestry, traditions, nation)
Our relationship with the nurturing/"softer" parent
The atmosphere of the home we grew up in
Our deep subconscious patterns, habits, and even past life karma/ancestral karma
What makes us feel secure and the deep motivations driving our decisions in life
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We analyze the sign, the ruling planet of the sign, the degree, and any planets in the house (and their aspects). For this post, I am only asking you to look at the sign on the cusp and where its ruling planet is placed. You are free to use whichever house system you like, although I strongly recommend WHOLE SIGNS! ♥
Some signs have TWO rulers:
♈ Aries: Mars & Pluto
♏ Scorpio: Pluto & Mars
♐ Sagittarius: Jupiter & Neptune
♒ Aquarius: Uranus & Saturn
♓ Pisces: Neptune & Jupiter
E.g., if you have a Libra 4H, look at the house where Venus is placed, and read the explanation below. If you have a Scorpio 4H, consider the meaning of BOTH placements and prioritize Pluto. ;) Astrology is so much fun!
4H Ruler in the 1H
Your family and upbringing largely influence your SELF-IMAGE.
Discovering the true depths of who you are will be key to a fulfilling life for you. I’m glad to see you reading an Astrology post! Keep it up! The 1st house is all about the way we walk, talk, carry ourselves, and what our personal style is like. Reflect on your current self-image and how you present yourself to the world. Does it feel natural and authentic? If not, this might be because of family influence or inherited cultural traditions/beliefs. Pay attention to the ones related to body image, beauty, gender, and how you are supposed to act in front of other people. If you struggle to see yourself clearly, you should seek feedback from others and learn actively from the mirror of your close relationships. You are a private person, even if you appear extroverted. Also, repressed emotions and traumas can manifest as physical illnesses, so practices such as bioenergetics and somatic therapy can be healing. E.g., there is a concept in bioenergetics that suggests a correlation between bad physical posture (slouching, for instance) and negative childhood experiences. The idea is that when children experience stress, fear, or a need to protect themselves, they may physically contract and collapse inward, to shield themselves from perceived threats. Over time, this defensive posture can become ingrained in their body and carried into adulthood. This is a good example of how your subconscious mind can be expressed through your physical body.
4H Ruler in the 2H
Your upbringing and early childhood experiences shape your VALUES.
It's possible that you have absorbed most of your values from your family and the culture you grew up in. However, this largely depends on the planetary condition. E.g., Uranus, especially with hard aspects, can show the opposite - you could feel called to go totally against your conditioning and to create your own set of values. Your sense of self-worth and your money mindset can also be influenced by your upbringing. Do you tend to self-sabotage right when success and abundance come knocking at your door? Reflect on your values/beliefs and see if some of them are holding you back from getting the most out of life. You tend to keep your financial matters private. Perhaps you could earn an income from home, through a family business, or in the fields of psychology, real estate, and agriculture. Your sense of security likely stems from having enough money and possessions. Material and emotional security, or the lack thereof, can impact your health and physical well-being. You may find solace in solitude, at home, or in the company of close family and friends.
4H Ruler in the 3H
Your conditioning & early childhood experiences shape your MIND & COMMUNICATION.
Knowledge can be a great source of security for you. You could've been raised by parents that instilled a love for learning in you, which is why education can play a major role in your life. You may also value practical skills and street smarts. You might've been homeschooled or you can be interested in homeschooling your own children one day. You tend to keep your thoughts private, but you love sharing them with your close friends and family. There could've been a situation in your early years where you had to take care of a sibling or vice versa. Otherwise, it can simply mean that you had a close or significant relationship with a sibling. The way you think and express yourself now can be a result of your conditioning and subconscious patterns. Therefore, if you have certain speech impediments or mental health issues, they are likely to be caused by events and negative experiences in your early years. By learning how to take care of your mind and heal communication blocks, you could get inspired to help others, too. Speech therapy or child psychology could be possible vocations for you.
4H Ruler in the 4H
The themes of family, home, and security are EMPHASIZED in your life.
Your early childhood experiences and conditioning play a vital role in the way you perceive these themes. Whether you continue the patterns of your family or strive to break free from them (or some of them), will depend on you. However, you may be deeply unaware of the subconscious beliefs and emotions you carry, which is why psychological work and healing will be highly beneficial for your personal growth and quality of life. It's important to forgive your parents for the mistakes they have made and find a way to build your own foundation and security in life. The relationship you had with one of your parents - the more nurturing one - can have a great impact on your life. However, no matter how attached you are to this parent, it's important to avoid co-dependency on both sides and maintain some healthy degree of independence (they might want to get too involved in your relationships and decision-making). You are likely to find a lot of comfort and security in your privacy, cherishing moments spent alone or with loved ones.
4H Ruler in the 5H
Your upbringing greatly impacts your SELF-EXPRESSION.
If you were encouraged to express your gifts or if you had artistically inclined parents, that's great! You might have inherited some of their talents, too. On the contrary, if you felt unseen and weren't encouraged to perform/shine/express yourself wholeheartedly, this can hinder your ability to find joy in life and be fulfilled in the now. You are called to connect with your inner child and address any psychological issues that may be holding you back. You can find security in the enjoyment of life and in taking risks aligned with your heart's desires. Unfortunately, unhealed childhood traumas can lead to addictive or risky behavior such as gambling, reckless spending, or sexual promiscuity. It can also show up in the opposite way - a deep-seated fear of taking risks in life. The dynamics in your romantic relationships will reflect the 4H and inner child issues you need to work on. Speaking of which, you may like to keep your dating and sex life, hobbies, and talents private. It's important to "re-parent" yourself before you jump into parenting another human. You can benefit from exploring your emotions and psychological patterns through your hobbies and creativity. Consider opportunities to work with children or simply try to be around them more often - their spontaneity and joyful expression could inspire you!
4H Ruler in the 6H
Your conditioning & early childhood experiences shape your approach to HEALTH & WORK.
While you were growing up, was there anyone in your family who needed special assistance and care? If the answer is yes, this might've had a big influence on the way you think about health and well-being. Some people become hypochondriacs and others feel compelled to learn more about holistic health and wellness. Nonetheless, cleaning up your psychological "storage" regularly will help you maintain physical and emotional health and stability. There are also certain beliefs you have likely absorbed from your parents or culture around work and service. Observe how you approach these themes, and seek the cause of any issues in your early conditioning. You could be genetically predisposed to certain health conditions, as well. You may feel secure when you have healthy habits and routines set in place. You may keep your work/daily life and health situation private. "Family" to you means being of service to your loved ones, which is great, but make sure it isn't at the expense of your own needs. This can be a good position for working in the fields of counseling, therapy, and holistic medicine.
4H Ruler in the 7H
Your conditioning & early childhood experiences shape your way of RELATING to others.
You can derive your sense of security from being in a partnership and having the support of other people. The way your close friends and loved ones perceive you can be highly important to you. Beware of co-dependency and giving your personal power away. You like to keep your marriage, love life, and close friendships in "private mode", and you strive to form deep and meaningful relationships. To you, the word "family" means equality, mutual respect, and true partnership with one another. Your deep subconscious patterns and upbringing impact your behavior as a partner, as well as the types of people and relationships you feel drawn to. You could be repeating certain family dynamics in your relationships. Your conditioning has shaped your beliefs around marriage, and the expectations you have for yourself and other people. It's possible that your parents (or one parent) could want to be involved in your choice of life partner.
4H Ruler in the 8H
Your conditioning & early childhood experiences shape your beliefs about SHARED RESOURCES & INTIMACY.
You could derive a sense of security from sharing material resources with others and cultivating deep, intimate bonds with them. You feel safe when you know there is at least ONE person in your life you can 100% trust. The way your parents managed their resources has influenced your own attitude toward intimacy and sharing. It's possible that you have experienced critical situations during childhood involving loss of emotional security or financial struggles. It's crucial to heal and integrate any traumas and psychological wounding, so they don't push you into the 8H realm of self-destructive behavior. In terms of resources, you could inherit land from your parents or have an interest in real estate investment and renting out property. This placement suggests that you will find your sense of true security when you embrace the uncertainty and insecurity in life. You will learn to empower yourself through spirituality and self-awareness. You like to keep your sexual and financial matters private. To you, "family" is about intimacy that grows when people overcome challenges together and are "ride-or-die" for one another. Your sexual expression and your ability (or lack thereof) to trust another person, will reflect how far you've come on your psychological healing journey.
4H Ruler in the 9H
Your conditioning & early childhood experiences shape your WORLDVIEWS.
You find security in seeking higher meaning and perspective in life that allow you to have faith and overcome any difficulty. Your personal beliefs are kept private and you like to "preach" only to the people you love and care about. For you, the word "family" means being with a partner who shares your moral values and beliefs about the world. Your approach to parenting and family can deviate from what you were taught as a child or the way you were brought up. That is because you enjoy pondering on these topics and you want to develop your own set of values and philosophy about home and family. E.g, you could be interested in alternative forms of education (such as home/unschooling). If that's not the case, this placement can simply mean that one of your parents has had a significant influence on your perspective of the world and your beliefs about higher education. You may enjoy long-distance travel as a way to expand your worldview and nurture connections with people from other cultures.
4H Ruler in the 10H
Your conditioning & early childhood experiences shape your CAREER & LEGACY.
Whatever has been planted during your childhood, will develop and the results will be on public display for everyone to see. It's up to you to make sure you weed out the bullcrap (although that can be a great fertilizer 😂) and nurture the seeds you wish to see grow and bear fruit in your life. Your calling can revolve around your career, possibly a profession inherited by a parent or a family business, or it may be about becoming a parent yourself. If it's career-related, you could be interested in 4H fields such as psychology, real estate, or history. Your parents may wish to influence your career choice. To you, "family" is about responsibility and commitment to one another. It's possible that you were raised by a single parent or that your parents divorced - especially with the opposition aspect. There can be many beliefs you have absorbed from your parents and culture around work and responsibility. You find a sense of security in your career and protective relationships with authority figures. You can be more private and choose to work behind the scenes.
4H Ruler in the 11H
Your conditioning & early childhood experiences shape your SOCIAL NETWORK & ASPIRATIONS.
You can find a sense of security and belonging within a friend or other social group of people who share your interests and deeper values/ideals about the world and society. Consequently, the word "family" carries spiritual meaning to you. It goes deeper than blood relations or traditional beliefs about marriage - you value mutual freedom, friendship, and shared interests. Your conditioning impacts your ability to dream big and the friend/social groups you choose to join. You may have the desire to reform your culture and its traditions in some way or wish to be known as a thought leader in your home country. You keep your social life and dreams private. The ideals you pursue and the social contribution you want to make are often rooted in your childhood and what you've been taught about society, as a whole.
4H Ruler in the 12H
Your conditioning & early childhood experiences affect your MENTAL HEALTH & SPIRITUALITY.
You could find a lot of comfort in your solitude. However, that depends on the planet and its aspects, as this placement can point to a deep fear of being alone, too. Your concept of "family" extends beyond blood ties, and it's about soulmate connections, unconditional love, and self-sacrifice. You can have a spiritual connection to your ancestors and may benefit from practices such as ancestral healing or regression. Deep-seated subconscious patterns influence your ability to surrender and "go with the flow" in life. You may seek a sense of home and belonging in a foreign country, but long-term immigration depends on other factors in the chart, as well. The 4th House represents roots and security, while the 12th House is about the dissolution of all forms, so you could feel ungrounded and disconnected from physical reality at times. Early childhood experiences may have eroded your sense of security, which can make you prone to addictions or mental health issues and escapism. Hypnotherapy and other similar tools can help you heal and find inner stability. Ultimately, you will accept life's inherent uncertainty and will find true security within yourself and your connection to Source.
The Ask Box is open for specific questions, folks! 😊
- Foxbörn
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system-hottakes · 4 months
This is /info bc I saw you talk ab this.
Yes alters dont owe someone source seperation bc they don't like our source. However, source seperation doesn't mean completely changing our identity /gen
Source seperation, by definition, means to be able to tell apart your source from reality and acknowledge your pseudos never actually happened. They're a form of dissociation in fact. We can still go by our source name and go "look that's me!!" When uts on screen, the only requirement for source seperation is to know you're a real person whilst your source isn't.
Also source seperation is an important part of healing, if you want to heal you need to do it sooner or later BUT you should not be forced into it as your brain has a reason for you to be that dissociated from reality. If you're still actively experiencing trauma it may not be safe for you to work on stopping that dissociative escapism.
Again, this is /info and I'm not mad at anyone. I just thought its important to share.
-- sincerely a fictive from an Introject heavy system that had to learn the hard way that we were in fact hurting ourselves by encouraging and feeding into fake memories that can be qualified as delusions
Yeah, we get that. But most people talking about source separation expect complete and total separation, like no source name, no source identifiers, ect. Which is what we're mostly referring to. We appreciate you correcting us though, we weren't aware that the original meaning was that, though I feel it has been twisted out of that context by now (at least that's how it feels because I have never seen anyone refer to source separation in that manner) /lh /nm
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