#system shock demo
patricksteel · 2 years
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Steam Indie Game Demo Days, System Shock Remake Sci fi Game screenshots
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playstationpark · 6 months
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Join The PlayStation Underground!
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filipmagnuswrites · 2 years
Steam Next Fest Had Some Great Games...And a Few Mediocre Ones | Darkest Dungeon 2, System Shock, Planet of Lana
Every time Steam sets up one of its Next Fests promises to be busy – and this latest one was no different. Join me as I do a quick run-down of the demos that left an impression on me one way or another–and if you’d like more content like this, don’t forget to let me know in the comments. A subscription would also mean a lot, but not getting one is okay, too! Let us let me tell you all about some…
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The remake of System Shock is gonna be one of the best games of 2023. I finished the new demo and loved every minute of it. The art style they went with is an awesome blend of new and old school graphics. The atmosphere is very immersive and you can't help but get drawn in. Old school game developers know what they're doing and I can't wait for the full game to come out in March. Check out the demo, you won't be disappointed.
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mariacallous · 4 months
In a product demo last week, OpenAI showcased a synthetic but expressive voice for ChatGPT called “Sky” that reminded many viewers of the flirty AI girlfriend Samantha played by Scarlett Johansson in the 2013 film Her. One of those viewers was Johansson herself, who promptly hired legal counsel and sent letters to OpenAI demanding an explanation, according to a statement released later. In response, the company on Sunday halted use of Sky and published a blog post insisting that it “is not an imitation of Scarlett Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice.”
Johansson’s statement, released Monday, said she was “shocked, angered, and in disbelief” by OpenAI’s demo using a voice she called “so eerily similar to mine that my closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference.” Johansson revealed that she had turned down a request last year from the company’s CEO, Sam Altman, to voice ChatGPT and that he had reached out again two days before last week’s demo in an attempt to change her mind.
It’s unclear if Johansson plans to take additional legal action against OpenAI. Her counsel on the dispute with OpenAI is John Berlinski, a partner at Los Angeles law firm Bird Marella, who represented her in a lawsuit against Disney claiming breach of contract, settled in 2021. (OpenAI’s outside counsel working on this matter is Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati partner David Kramer, who is based in Silicon Valley and has defended Google and YouTube on copyright infringement cases.) If Johansson does pursue a claim against OpenAI, some intellectual property experts suspect it could focus on “right of publicity” laws, which protect people from having their name or likeness used without authorization.
James Grimmelmann, a professor of digital and internet law at Cornell University, believes Johansson could have a good case. “You can't imitate someone else's distinctive voice to sell stuff,” he says. OpenAI declined to comment for this story, but yesterday released a statement from Altman claiming Sky “was never intended to resemble” the star, adding, “We are sorry to Ms. Johansson that we didn’t communicate better.”
Johansson’s dispute with OpenAI drew notice in part because the company is embroiled in a number of lawsuits brought by artists and writers. They allege that the company breached copyright by using creative work to train AI models without first obtaining permission. But copyright law would be unlikely to play a role for Johansson, as one cannot copyright a voice. “It would be right of publicity,” says Brian L. Frye, a professor at the University of Kentucky’s College of Law focusing on intellectual property. “She’d have no other claims.”
Several lawyers WIRED spoke with said a case Bette Midler brought against Ford Motor Company and its advertising agency Young & Rubicam in the late 1980s provides a legal precedent. After turning down the ad agency’s offers to perform one of her songs in a car commercial, Midler sued when the company hired one of her backup singers to impersonate her sound. “Ford was basically trying to profit from using her voice,” says Jennifer E. Rothman, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, who wrote a 2018 book called The Right of Publicity: Privacy Reimagined for a Public World. “Even though they didn't literally use her voice, they were instructing someone to sing in a confusingly similar manner to Midler.”
It doesn’t matter whether a person’s actual voice is used in an imitation or not, Rothman says, only whether that audio confuses listeners. In the legal system, there is a big difference between imitation and simply recording something “in the style” of someone else. “No one owns a style,” she says.
Other legal experts don’t see what OpenAI did as a clear-cut impersonation. “I think that any potential ‘right of publicity’ claim from Scarlett Johansson against OpenAI would be fairly weak given the only superficial similarity between the ‘Sky’ actress' voice and Johansson, under the relevant case law,” Colorado law professor Harry Surden wrote on X on Tuesday. Frye, too, has doubts. “OpenAI didn’t say or even imply it was offering the real Scarlett Johansson, only a simulation. If it used her name or image to advertise its product, that would be a right-of-publicity problem. But merely cloning the sound of her voice probably isn’t,” he says.
But that doesn’t mean OpenAI is necessarily in the clear. “Juries are unpredictable,” Surden added.
Frye is also uncertain how any case might play out, because he says right of publicity is a fairly “esoteric” area of law. There are no federal right-of-publicity laws in the United States, only a patchwork of state statutes. “It’s a mess,” he says, although Johansson could bring a suit in California, which has fairly robust right-of-publicity laws.
OpenAI’s chances of defending a right-of-publicity suit could be weakened by a one-word post on X—“her”—from Sam Altman on the day of last week’s demo. It was widely interpreted as a reference to Her and Johansson’s performance. “It feels like AI from the movies,” Altman wrote in a blog post that day.
To Grimmelmann at Cornell, those references weaken any potential defense OpenAI might mount claiming the situation is all a big coincidence. “They intentionally invited the public to make the identification between Sky and Samantha. That's not a good look,” Grimmelmann says. “I wonder whether a lawyer reviewed Altman's ‘her’ tweet.” Combined with Johansson’s revelations that the company had indeed attempted to get her to provide a voice for its chatbots—twice over—OpenAI’s insistence that Sky is not meant to resemble Samantha is difficult for some to believe.
“It was a boneheaded move,” says David Herlihy, a copyright lawyer and music industry professor at Northeastern University. “A miscalculation.”
Other lawyers see OpenAI’s behavior as so manifestly goofy they suspect the whole scandal might be a deliberate stunt—that OpenAI judged that it could trigger controversy by going forward with a sound-alike after Johansson declined to participate but that the attention it would receive from seemed to outweigh any consequences. “What’s the point? I say it’s publicity,” says Purvi Patel Albers, a partner at the law firm Haynes Boone who often takes intellectual property cases. “The only compelling reason—maybe I’m giving them too much credit—is that everyone’s talking about them now, aren’t they?”
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odinsblog · 4 months
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“Last September, I received an offer from Sam Altman, who wanted to hire me to voice the current ChatGPT 4.0 system. He told me that he felt that by my voicing the system, I could bridge the gap between tech companies and creatives and help consumers to feel comfortable with the seismic shift concerning humans and Al. He said he felt that my voice would be comforting to people.
After much consideration and for personal reasons, I declined the offer. Nine months later, my friends, family and the general public all noted how much the newest system named “Sky” sounded like me.
When I heard the released demo, I was shocked, angered and in disbelief that Mr. Altman would pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine that my closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. Mr. Altman even insinuated that the similarity was intentional, tweeting a single word “her” - a reference to the film in which I voiced a chat system, Samantha, who forms an intimate relationship with a human.
Two days before the ChatGPT 4.0 demo was released, Mr. Altman contacted my agent, asking me to reconsider. Before we could connect, the system was out there.
As a result of their actions, I was forced to hire legal counsel, who wrote two letters to Mr. Altman and OpenAl, setting out what they had done and asking them to detail the exact process by which they created the “Sky” voice. Consequently, OpenAl reluctantly agreed to take down the “Sky” voice.
In a time when we are all grappling with deepfakes and the protection of our own likeness, our own work, our own identities, I believe these are questions that deserve absolute clarity. I look forward to resolution in the form of transparency and the passage of appropriate legislation to help ensure that individual rights are protected.”
—Scarlett Johansson
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Hello again! I was chatting with someone and he said "someone should make writing style hcs for the mercs", and I instantly went "I know a guy" so now i'm here. How do you think the mercs would write? (note: he also said "Scout would write like Greg heffley" which is hilarious)
How Do the TF2 Mercs Write?
I'm smiling like an idiot rn. This is so sweet, and the promt is very cool! (Your friend is 100% correct, btw.)
I'm going to headcanon, whay they write about, how they write about those things, and some hand writing pictures of how I think they'd write! So be prepared for a long one 😭 Can you tell I'm an English nerd?
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You'd think he'd have super messy handwriting, but he's actually a very neat writer. Has an ink and quill pen set, loves gold ink more than traditional black ink.
He writes about his mom and his childhood. He writes very vividly and with lots of detail. I feel like this man is a walking thesaurus.
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He has very clean writing. I'm day to day life (he has the worst writing when working on his projects). Like he'll leave a note on the door saying that the gangs run out of milk and everyone's shocked. You'd think he'd have atrocious handwriting. Learned cursive in school and never really stopped using it.
When he's writing like this, he's normally sending letters to people he cares for or trying to order parts for his latest projects. He's very formal when he writes to anyone.
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Heavy is also blessed with very nice handwriting, but instead of the school system forcing him into writing better it was his mom.
He likes to write about animals and his friends. He keeps a small book by his bed to write little things he learns throughout the day. Not very descriptive, more along the lines of "I heard birds singing this morning, it was pretty." Or "Scout likes brownies more than ice cream." Normally, just mundane things. (Also, he writes mainly in english to improve his ability to understand English words but sometimes defaults to Russian if he can't remember or spell a word properly.)
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Ugh. This man writes like a doctor nine times put of ten just to fuck with people. He'll give someone a note, and it just has gibberish on it. He likes to watch them try and decipher it. But when he's not being a menace to society. He has genuinely beautiful handwriting. While it can be overly fancy, sometimes it's also easy to read.
He has two journals, he has a leather-bound one where he writes about Germany, his experiences of leaving his country, when he had his medical license, medical school, etc. Loves to write about the past. He uses that journal as a therapist. And then, of course, he has his neon pink Claire's notebook that he uses to write down every single thing that could be used against someone he's ever heard, with matching glitter pens.
When he writes, he never leaves any details out and is pretty clear and concise. He uses German and English interchangeably. Using English mainly out of habit.
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While I do agree that this man probably writes like Greg Heffley (and honestly, his handwriting probably looks the same too.) I'd be wrong not to mention that he writes out little :), :0, >:), and other little faces on his notes, and have almost graffiti handwriting. He practiced writing to look like that, actually. He used to have decently nice handwriting, but he likes this one better.
He doesn't write much, but when he does, this man writes paragraphs about the most random things. All horribly spelled. This man can't read or write very well. Dyslexic king. He makes sure to get help with spelling, though, so he can write to his mom at least once a month.
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Oh, poor, poor man. Can not write clearly to save his life. Not that he's big on writing to begin with. There was never really any pressure for him to have good handwriting, and he mainly only writes to write himself reminders.
Very nondescript and straight to the point. But has a little quirk of using different dots (like • ○ ● □ ■ ☆) for his notes. He has a little dark brown book for all his reminders.
☆eat (is a common note left in the book). He also has written poetry, but he'd rather die than admit that.
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Pretentious motherfucker handwriting and style. Could just be writing a reminder to wish someone a happy birthday and will go all out. It normally takes him 15 minutes to write a small note. He writes letters frequently, with no reason in particular. I think he just really likes writing. Uses big words but not in the same way Demo does. Like Demo will say, "The food was horrific." But Spy will say some shit like "the meal I partook in was horrifically distasteful and..." So on and so on.
I think he can also switch his handwriting at will. If he needs to pretend to have messy handwriting for some reason, he'll do it. Not without sheding a tear at how awful it looks first though.
Writes exclusively in French. One or two words in English every 10,000 words he writes.
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He likes using all capital letters when he writes! He feels like every word he writes is important. It also helps him remember things. I also don't think his vision is the best, so it's hard for him to see any other writing.
He doesn't write often, but he's always listing things, marking things that have changed, and writing down random questions that he'll spend the day trying to answer. Very observation based writing. You catch him writing and it's just a piece of computer paper with a list like,
Very simple writer.
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Scarily neat and beautiful writing. Somehow, they can write like this no matter what situation they're in. I definitely think they just rewrite things they overhear, facts that they like, good memories they remember, and just odd things. Has multiple quotes written down from books they've read. They write with glitterpens, too. They have a bunch of construction paper they use to write on.
They don't really write much for necessity. They only really write to make themselves happy. Can be simple or descriptive depending on what their remembering.
AH! I HAD SO MUCH FUN DOING THIS ONE! Thanks again for the ask! I hope your friend likes the answers :D
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
pissgenic changed their URL to syscourser-against-misinfo jsyk.
they posted something about DID being trauma based when (shocking ik /s) that's fact and what people are arguing is that one part of the disorder of DID is not exclusive to DID (aka SYSTEMHOOD).
like, yeah, no shit ofc trauma makes you have worse memory and big amnesia barriers that give you the criteria of DID. if you're a system but dont have trauma then you dont have the disorder.
i want to scream atp
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Yeah, even as someone who believes DID can exist without trauma, my own opinion is that it's going to be so rare as to be statistically insignificant.
I do think the biggest stickler there is going to be the amnesia criterion as you say. There just isn't any research into systems, including OSDD systems, who don't meet that criterion.
I want to note a few things myself from that post in addition to your points.
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Math Stuff
The percentage here is 1% of the general population. If we assume Tiktok as a perfect representative sample of the general population...
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There should be 1.35 million Tiktok users with DID from the United States alone. This isn't including OSDD or Partial DID. Nor other forms of plurality.
Between January and March of 2023, 14 billion videos were uploaded.
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This means, statistically, 144 million TikTok videos should have been made by DID systems in that three month period.
Putting this into perspective, the number of Tiktok videos made by people with DID (assuming that 1% of Tiktoks are made by people with DID) would be the equivalent to the entire population of Russia. In that three month period
I don't understand why they pointed out this demographic when that's the demo most likely to have DID.
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Different studies show different ratios, but with women (most of whom are AFAB) always being more likely to develop it.
By the way, Tiktok also leans female!
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This means that this variable should increase the percentage of TikTokers with DID compared to the general population.
The Big Bang
I'd argue the only big bang is in awareness. If 1% of people have DID, then I think DID systems might be underrepresented.
If there's an increase in the number of people identifying as having DID, but that's still less than the 1% of the population who have it, then maybe that just means more people with the disorder are becoming aware earlier and more willing to talk about it openly.
And if a disproportionate amount of what you see on your home page is system content, as you suggest, this can easily be attributed to the algorithm.
People not in the system community would probably see little to no DID content.
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This is really semantics.
John Locke defines a person as "a thinking intelligent Being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider it self as itself, the same thinking thing in different times and places."
I believe the explanation of alters in the above quotes meet that definition of a person under Lockian philosophy.
I also disagree with the idea that viewing alters as people is harmful. Viewing them as separate people can hypothetically foster both increased communication and empathy. (People tend to be kinder to others than they are to themselves.) This could aid in treating down dissociative barriers with the right mindset.
Current treatment does push parts philosophy, but treatment that leans into using person-philosophy to build empathy between members of the system hasn't yet been tested against it.
Personally, I'd love to see a person-based treatment plan devised, and an experiment conducted to determine which was most effective for the most people. As of this moment, any speculation as to which is healthier is based on opinion.
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The paper isn't supporting the sociocognitive model???
The sociocognitive model is the opposite of the trauma model, claiming all DID is created through fantasy! And it's clear from the moment this quote starts off calling it the "so-called" sociocognitive model that the paper isn't supporting it.
What I think they're thinking this is about is so-called "Imitated DID", which I've discussed the numerous flaws of extensively and in great detail:
Both of these are deeply flawed constructs. But DO NOT GET THEM CONFUSED!
They are incredibly different beasts!
The former claims DID isn't caused by trauma, while the latter was invented by psychiatrists to protect themselves from lawsuits from misdiagnosed patients.
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sinner-sunflower · 4 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 21/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Guys! Someone made a comic fanart based on this AU 😭 💚
Featuring that badass Lucifer scene in Story 1. Thank you @firinnie for sending me that post because if you didn't I would have never known.
Check out the fanart by @Simpadoodlesz
Lucifer had never really liked meetings.
With the Sins, they always ended with someone trying to tear Mammon's head off. He avoided meetings with Paimon like the plague and had only met with the reigning Overlords twice in his lifetime. In fact, Zestial was the only remaining Overlord he had known from before.
This was the second time he had called for a meeting at the hotel, and he sincerely hoped it would be the last.
He heard a voice that sounded like Roo telling him that it would be.
Speaking of the Root of Evil, she hadn't shown herself to him in a while. Perhaps she was saving her strength for when she escaped upon his death. Not if, but when.
Lucifer leaned back in his chair that creaks slightly under his weight. It should bother him how he talks about his death so casually—denial, maybe? It wasn't indifference because that would mean he was giving up. It scared him a bit that this was what humans called 'making peace' with the inevitable. Just a few months ago, he didn't have an inevitable.
The Overlords filtered in less than an hour later. The hotel lobby was dimly lit with the sinners' shadows dancing along the walls as they enter. He observed them in silence from his makeshift throne in the middle of the room while they gave him polite bows before moving to find their seats.
The door swung open one last time, and Vox entered, alone. His usual entourage of sycophants was absent. The demon hesitated for a moment under Lucifer's gaze, then quickly found a seat at the far end of the table.
The King of Hell raised an eyebrow at that. Vox caught his eye, his whole demeanour shrinking under the intense stare.
Lucifer: Will your troublesome colleague be joining us?
Vox flinched slightly, glancing nervously around the room.
Vox: I- Velvette is not in the best... mental state to be in your presence. Your Majesty.
He stammered, hastily adding the honorific, hoping the King hadn't caught his initial hesitation.
Lucifer: How about you?
Vox: H-how about me, my King?
Lucifer: No trouble from you, I hope?
Lucifer's tone was deceptively calm, but the threat was clear.
The media demon bit his lip, feeling a wave of shame wash over him. He had never felt so humiliated in front of the other Overlords, especially not in front of Alastor. But he knew he stood no chance against the literal Devil. Valentino was practically dead, rendered powerless, and Velvette was too traumatized to even approach the King. Vox swallowed his pride, keeping his gaze fixed on the ground, avoiding eye contact with anyone.
Vox: No, Your Majesty.
Lucifer hums in satisfaction.
Lucifer: Good. Since you are all here now. Shall we begin?
The room fell silent as Lucifer's gaze swept over the assembled Overlords. He began laying out the agenda, his voice commanding and cold.
Lucifer: Hell has found itself caught in the crossfire of Heaven's civil war, and what you're witnessing now is the result of that conflict.
He saw the Overlords' eyes widen in shock, but no one interrupted him.
Lucifer: The plan the Sins and I devised was abandoned the moment our systems were hit. Currently, we have no means of communication with the lower rings. And yes I have tried to create a portal to them but my powers are not letting me.
He responded as soon as he saw a hand raised.
Lucifer: So this is the plan.
Flames erupted on the table, causing everyone to jump back. The fire danced until it morphed into miniature flaming figures of angels and demons.
Lucifer:We are going on the defensive. When the chaos up there descends here, we will only act to protect ourselves. This means no attacking unless they attack us first. This war is between the people of Heaven, and unfortunately, Hell is the collateral damage.
He looked into Charlie's worried eyes, remembering what he was fighting for. He wanted nothing more than to take her far away from the impending carnage, but he knew that Charlie would rather die protecting her people than run away.
'That's not Lilith and I raised her.'
Lucifer had never been more proud of his daughter.
Lucifer: Our goal is to keep ourselves alive until they kill each other.
Carmilla: Pardon my rude interruption, my King.
Carmilla waited for his nod of approval before continuing.
Carmilla: Would it not be better to take the initiative and attack first? As you said, the war is between them. If we strike first, they won't expect it. We might come out with less damage to the Ring that way.
Lucifer: All your soul contracts reside here, Carmilla. Are you telling me you're willing to sacrifice them during this conflict? If the exorcists are your only measure of Heaven's strength, then I must say you're more naive than I thought. Are you doubting my understanding of Heaven's powers?
Carmilla: I-I did not mean to imply that, Your Majesty!
Lucifer: We can rebuild Pride, we can't however resurrect souls. And because unlike us, you have nowhere else to go. The lower rings were not made for human souls to inhabit. 
Rosie: I think dear Carmilla was just asking why we're just going to let them destroy our home like this when we can do more to prevent such a thing.
Lucifer: We're exhausted. Roo was not that long ago; we’re too fragile to start another fight. So we save our strength until the last possible moment.
A tense silence filled the room as everyone contemplated Lucifer's words. The flames on the table flickered, casting eerie shadows on their faces. The miniature figures of angels and demons seemed to mock their indecision, frozen in a never-ending battle. The air was thick with the smell of sulfur and the heavy tension of Hell's uncertain future.
Alastor stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with a mix of bloodlust and excitement. Because of course the psycho would find this exciting.
Alastor: And when they do, my King?
Lucifer: They may think of this place as just their playground, but this is our turf. So show them what real Hell looks like.
Lucifer gives them a smirk.
Lucifer: That's an order from your King.
The Overlords nodded, their expressions hardening with determination. The weight of his words settled over them like a shroud, and a renewed sense of purpose seemed to ignite within them all.
Suddenly, the heavy doors burst open, and a Cannibal Demon stumbled in, eyes wide with terror.
Cannibal Demon: Madame Rosie! Come quick! The-the bodies! The bodies are— They’re attacking everyone!
deez knees Z-O-M-B-I-E-S???
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for the sake of discussion, I wanted to throw my take in the ring because i lean more towards bad person. first, i don't think this can be compared to relationships among us normies. DC's past is public and pretty egregious, most of us do not have that level of notoriety that is easily accessible. Most of us also do not have a PR team on payroll that can vet the affects of our decisions. This leads me into the my next point - intentionality. I have a very hard time believing Joe did not know about these things prior to agreeing to a pap walk/PR launch. At the very least, he agreed to be photographed with her and to be romantically linked to her. This is one of the most intentional actions he's taken in the public eye. To me, that speaks volumes above anything we may have assumed about him in the past no matter how much he may have implicitly contributed to it. Lastly, the subject matter is particularly troublesome. Many of Joe's fans are in demos that disproportionately experience sexual assault (female-identifying, LGBTQ). Unfortunately, many of us have experiences where we speak out against SA and are threatened into silence. DC has done this publicly and within the last year or two as a celebrity. Also any dalliance into white supremacy is troublesome and she has multiple - neo-nazi shirt, incel forums, and public raceplay. Like the fact that i have to type any of this in a discussion about Joseph Quinn is an issue.
thank you Paloma for always providing a safe place for discussion, even when it came at a personal cost.
Thank you Nonny for capturing how so many feel.
I didn't know anything about her except her songs. After Joe was seen with her, I googled her and read a couple of articles and her Wikipedia, and even by that cursory knowledge I was really taken aback.
Look, man wants to hit it. But to make it public? On purpose? When it's clear he can be invisible when he chooses? You are correct - it was markedly intentional, especially since he's been so private about everything else, even the most innocuous things.
I think he hooked up with her and it became more than casual, and people around them both decided to make it public because might as well monetize the relationship, right? Use the notoriety. Get your name out there.
His team might have not been as down, but he either insisted and they agreed, or they insisted, and he said okay, and none of them thought for a second about any potential consequences.
Or perhaps they did and shrugged their shoulders. 'He'll finally be rid of them.' Them. You know, us weirdos. We all know the stereotype of a typical Joe fan, and all the hurtful terms that are hurled in our direction. I don't have to write them, because they are already in your mind.
When people are othered and then there is jostling for improved status, significance and approval (I'm not like them, I'm a cool fan, because x y and z) well gosh, doesn't it remind you of other internalized thought patterns related to oppressive systems?
Then when people express their valid feelings like dismay or shock, they are name called, told they need to 'get over it', they are parasocial, weirdos, etc. etc.
Look. Don't follow him down the street and film him from behind. Don't hang around his hotel. Don't post on his family or friends' social media pages, or god forbid, his hookup's. Don't make up shit about him and spread it as gospel. Please for the love of God.
Take your frustration and anger out on your own pages or spaces where it's okay to share your thoughts.
But you absolutely have the right to think them, and to have those thoughts color your perception of who you thought he was.
I go back to the original question. Is he a bad person? No, I still don't think so, but I believe he has behaved like a thoughtless and entitled one.
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never-obsolete · 1 year
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PlayStation "Shock Your System" Demo Disc
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playstationpark · 7 months
The intro to 'PlayStation Demo Disc - Shock Your System!'. Source: PlayStation Demo Disc - Shock Your System!
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acsisz · 8 months
About DecaPolice's possible 18+ age rating (TGS info translation)
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*Image above is from Level-5's official website's TGS Report Day 1.
So, back in September during TGS, Akihiro Hino (Level-5's President/CEO) had a stage interview with Danganronpa & Rain Code's creator Kazutaka Kodaka.
The video has since been deleted from Level-5's official channel (since they had said they'd only archive it for 3 months).
But I've rewatched that video so many times I can almost rewind a section of their conversation back in my head 😅.
And that section is about Decapolice's age rating.
Basically, what happened was:
Hino: I like the games made by Western people, it makes me feel like we Japanese people should band up and do our best as well.
Kodaka: Speaking of Western, I know Level-5 usually make family-friendly games, but don't you want to try making a CERO-Z (18+) game like them?
Hino: Well, to be honest, it's not a proclamation or anything, but the game we're currently making, Decapolice, might actually be CERO-Z (18+).
Kodaka: Seriously?
Hino: Yes. It looks cute on the outside, but the inside's just messy (dorodoro). It's hard since, when developing it I'm always told "No, you can't. That's impossible for this country and that country." (As in impossible to sell in some countries AKA banned). When faced with that, it makes me feel like, "Well, should we not then?". But still, I want to stay true to Decapolice's original essence as much as possible.
Kodaka: Then, do you like brutal scenes too?
Hino: No, no, I don't really like brutal scenes. But, I made those scenes so they could in turn elevate other better, more beautiful, scenes.
Kodaka: I've played the demo, but it feels like a team game, full of fun and light-hearted.
Hino: Oh no, the actual thing is super dark. It's filled with things like 'revenge', 'karma', etc.
Kodaka: Is that so?
Hino: Yes, this time (TGS) we're pushing it as another one of Level-5's family-friendly game. Although, in the upcoming future we'll be revealing what the game truly is, little by little.
Kodaka: I see, I'm pretty interested now.
And that's it.
I have confidence in my memory & translation ability, and you can also find the same info from both JP & ENG twitter accounts that were watching the interview, all shocked 😂.
Also, this Famitsu news article that basically wrote down their convos (in Japanese & shortened): https://s.famitsu.com/news/202309/23318239.html
One more thing...
I just want to mention that Decapolice's use of puppet forms is because Level-5 wants to sort of 'side-step' the age rating system, by making them cute puppets and dolls.
Here's a link to that bit of info's translation by user @DartsEnthusiast on twitter (they also post the original article's link there): https://twitter.com/DartsEnthusiast/status/1636145350749704194?t=R9lBFMpto7vC6qUjPqAt8Q&s=19
...And with that, see you guys later 👍🏻
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mytheoristavenue · 4 months
Ojiro's Hidden Talent
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When the band was formed, the guys' positions just kinda...fell into place. Tokyami already knew guitar and bass, and had some experience with singing, and his deep voice was perfect for metal music. Shoji took to the drums quickly and due to his quirk and vocal range was perfect for backup vocals. Tokoyami also knew piano and was able to teach Shoji the basics quickly, now he's a master of mixing and keys which expands what he can create instrumental-wise.
Then there was Ojiro. He wasn't really into all this like the others were, he just wanted to feel included. To his credit, he did play acoustic guitar as a teen, so picking up bass wasn't all that hard for him. Originally, Tokoyami offered for him to be the lead guitarist, Ojiro denied it, he didn't want the attention. As a bassist, he didn't have to move much, didn't have to do crazy solos, didn't have to interact with the crowd much. He could just be included without being in the spotlight.
Little did the others know, Ojiro has pipes. He always would work on some solo stuff on his own time, not being as into all the heavy metal the others liked. He preferred lighter, more emotionally mature stuff.
It wasn't until Tokoyami got a call from their manager that they'd signed a label for a new album that he and Shoji found out about their friend's talent. Meeting up, they decided to head to Ojrio's apartment to tell him the news in person, unannounced. They stopped in their tracks when they reached his door and overheard him covering a Linkin Park song.
"When my time comes, forgive the wrong that I've done! Help me leave behind some reason to be missed!" Came a voice from the other side, whiny and cracking and dripping with raw emotion and natural-born talent. "Don't resent me! When you're feelin' empty, keep me in your memory! Leave out all the rest, leave out all the rest!"
Shoji and Tokoyami exchanged astonished glances, like they'd just discovered a star- and they had.
A text message pinged on Ojiro's phone, interrupting the Bluetooth surround system in his living room. He stepped away from the mic and set his guitar on the couch to check it. 'Look outside.' It read, Shoji's name scrolling across the top of the notification.
"No way-" the blonde breathed, heart dropping as he darted fro the window, sure enough finding his bandmates and best friends on his porch. "What the hell?!" he fussed, throwing the door open. "You can't just come over out of the blue without asking first! What if I wasn't home or had a girl over?"
"Do you have a girl over?" Shoji quipped with a knowing smirk.
"W-Well no, but-"
"We got picked up by a label," Tokoyami interjected, grinning as his friend's expression fell from irritation to blank disbelief, and then morphed into pure, unadulterated excitement. "We're gonna record an album," He elaborated, before pointing a finger at him. "And you're gonna sing on it."
"W-What?!" Ojrio spat, trembling at all the new revelations. "B-But you're the singer! I-I don't sing!"
"You do know," Shoji chuckled, patting the bassist on the back. "You've hardly been involved with songwriting this far, now it's your turn to shine."
"B-But..." The blonde still hesitated, eyes darting over to the raven. "W-What about you? I don't wanna be the front man, I can't handle that kind of attention..."
Tokoyami simply smiled. "Oh, you couldn't dethrone me even if you wanted to. But..." he trailed with a content sigh. "I'd be more than happy to take over bass and backups every once in a while if you'll sing and lead guitar."
"Y-You mean that...?" Ojiro sputtered, still in utter shock, but now beginning to fall in love with the idea of being in the limelight for small doses at a time. All it took was a confirming nod from the crow and he was all in.
Ever since, Ojiro has taken lead vocals and guitar on at least three songs per album, having started on the second, if you count their demo as the first. He draws a lot of inspiration from rock/rap bands, and now even has Tokoyami rapping on tracks with him while he sings and Shoji provides backups and harmony.
None of Ojiro's songs have ever been released for longer than a week without being in the top 100 for their time. While they don't tend to break top 10 often, they are always considered favorites by fans and his new spin on their music helped frow their fanbase tenfold.
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windchimesgames · 8 months
End of Year Recap + Plans for 2024
Hey everyone!
Belated Happy New Year to everyone! I know this is a very late end of year recap 😂Unfortunately, the past week ended up much busier for me than expected, so I could only get around to doing this now that things have calmed down a little.
This is a crosspost of a public post I made on Patreon a few days ago, so if you prefer the formatting there, you can read the post at this link:
PS: I do free monthly devlogs / posts there on Patreon, so consider joining the free tier of the Patreon even if you aren't interested in the paid tiers!
For those who'd rather read the post here, I'll leave the extraordinarily long ramble in a Read More cut below!
Let's start with a quick recap of the highlights / achievements accomplished in 2023!
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Okay, this one may be slightly cheating. While Emberfate only launched on Steam in Jan 2023 so the 92 positive reviews came in in the year of 2023, it was up on Itch.io since mid 2022, so not all 383 Itch.io ratings came in in 2023.
Still, I'm pretty proud of these stats! Perhaps the numbers are nothing compared to some other amazing games' out there, but it's still something I'm proud of. It makes me happy that my silly experimental nostalgic little game struck a chord in so many players — much more than I expected given how niche the topic was!
Now, unfortunately, I could not get Emberfate's DLC for Potato's route out by end of 2023 like I had hoped. Porting the game to mobile also ended up much more difficult than I expected because of just how much of the UI I'm going to have to redesign — and hence, programming to be redone — if I wanted to make the game fit a small mobile screen. So both plans are going to have to be postponed to 2024.
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The other notable highlight of 2023 is that both Lyrissa's and Kierdan's routes for Reanimation Scheme were released for beta access! That put the game at 3/5 routes complete, with a total of 431,786 words for the script.
I recruited a handful of beta testers to test the three completed routes a few months ago, and so far, the feedback has been positive overall. That's been a huge relief and lifted a massive weight off my chest — due to the controversial reception of the demo, I've been extremely anxious that the game would be hated by the players, and I've done so many rounds of editing and honestly perhaps somewhat unnecessary and obsessive rewriting of the script, but none of it felt good enough 😂 So hearing the positive comments has been a huge motivation / morale booster. Perhaps I should have done beta testing sooner… LOL
There are two more achievements unrelated to a specific game project that I'd like to mention:
2023 is the year that I became more interested in and better at Ren'Py programming! Most of it is thanks to my amazing programmer friend and Ren'Py wizard, Feniks (whom you may know as the programmer for Our Life series), who sparked my interest in programming and helped teach me a LOT. While I'm by no means a professional now at coding, I feel much more comfortable navigating around Ren'Py code and setting up what I need to in the backend of the games I'm developing, which opens up new doors for me for future projects in terms of what kind of features (big or small) that I may be able to include! Though the side effect of that is I looked back at the code I did for Reanimation Scheme from previous years and was immediately horrified by how ugly and inefficient it was. 😂I did redo the backend code of the Gallery and Achievements system a bit, but the rest will just have to stay for now.
I made quite a few new connections within the indie VN dev sphere in 2023! I made a shocking discovery that there's enough number of indie VN developers from Hong Kong to fill half a minibus, and I was lucky enough to connect with them and share our experiences and learn from each other! Due to new project commissions I took on for $$$ (real life financial needs suck), as well as a couple of small game jam projects I joined as programmer to buff up my programming portfolio, I also made some new VN dev friends unexpectedly. It's been really nice, because honestly, solo dev can be a really lonely and isolating endeavor sometimes. I'm super grateful for the new connections I found myself making in 2023!
Looking Ahead: 2024
Okay, that was a lot of rambling for the recap. More than I thought I would write. Now let's move forward to what the future will look like for this studio in 2024 and what goals I'm setting for myself this year!
Priority #1: Finishing Reanimation Scheme
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Of course it's Reanimation Scheme. As mentioned above, we're currently at 3 out of 5 routes completed (sans partial voice acting). So the biggest goal for 2024 will be to get the game done. and out. Finally.
I won't be giving a concrete release date until we're like, literally in beta phase for all 5 routes, just so I won't have to announce a delay and let people down. But given the current progress and pace of work, I'd say probably around mid-year — maybe Q3 latest.
I'll be keeping up with the episodic updates of Reanimation Scheme's beta build on Patreon (and Kickstarter) from this month onwards, beginning with Jori's route and then followed by Sebastien's.
The remaining Kickstarter rewards may take a little longer — but ideally, all of them (artbook / lorebook / short stories collections, etc.) will be done by end of the year as well.
Priority #2: Potato's Route DLC for Emberfate
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Potato, poor Potato. His DLC had to be put on the sidelines until Reanimation Scheme is done.
Half of the art has already been commissioned and completed by the amazing Remnantation — we're just missing his selfie CG & his MMO character sprite! So the next step would be the script and then the voice acting for the calls part. I won't be able to start on the script until mid-2024 earliest, but given the fact that his route won't be that long if it's parallel in length compared to the existing three routes, it probably won't take too long to do. Perhaps 2-3 months for the development process of the DLC?
I'll likely be releasing his DLC early on Patreon, potentially also episodically as it's completed, like I did with Emberfate. So if you're interested, keep an eye out for it when the time comes!
Something Secretly Brewing in the Shadows?
If you're pledged to this Patreon on $10 tier or above, you'll probably already know what I'm alluding to.
I won't be announcing or talking much about this for now, since I don't know when I'll be able to start working on this project properly (i.e. I need to meet my above two goals first). For all I know, it might end up being not a 2024 thing but a 2025 thing. So I'll only tease it slightly for now here.
Bonus Goal: Market, for the Love of God
If you follow Wind Chimes Games on either Twitter or Tumblr, you'll probably have noticed the sorry state of my social media. I… really do not like marketing or posting on social media. I never know what to post or say. I'm too unfunny and uncreative to meme or write humorous captions that get engagement. 😂It kind of feels like I'm shouting into the void, and nobody really cares about what I have to say on my projects when there's so many cooler and more interesting things out there. So I always try for a brief period of time, and then I give up 😭
This year though, I really really need to take marketing more seriously. With two releases planned for 2024, marketing is going to be important if I want the games to sell more than like 20 copies LOL
So I guess, uh, hold me to it and call me out if I don't start posting regularly after all 🥹
If you've made it this far on this post, thank you so much for listening to me ramble. 🥹 2024 is going to be a very busy year, but hopefully, a productive one that will end with me meeting all of the above listed goals.
Thank you so much for joining me on the wild and bumpy journey that was 2023, and I hope you'll stick around for the exciting things to come this year too! Here's to a great year ahead of all of us!
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tacticalhimbo · 2 years
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With the new drop of development notes into the GOODIES folder of the game, I wanted to revisit an old analysis I did way back during the era of the Chapter 2 demo.
The long story made short is this: John has an interesting psychology that is backed by the in-game letters and allusions to his hospitalization at Yale Psychiatric. That being said, it isn't really expanded upon because it's not a core element to the plot.
Which, to an extent, can be disagreed with because it is entirely possible that the events of The Unholy Trinity are told through the perspective of an unreliable narrator (John), which then means that some (if not all) events that take place are exaggerated and intensified by John's mental state.
If you ask me, I see the series of events as a blend of details. Demons exist and the cult is very much up to something, but certain things are manipulated to fit a narrative (think, the Martin twins. Amy's mother miscarried, yet John was manipulated into believing the cult had kidnapped the born children for their rituals). I might expand on that another time, but for now, here is my perspective on the characterization of John Ward, and how mental illness plays a significant role throughout the series.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a psychiatric professional. I do have a degree and spent years studying the intersection between the mental health and correctional systems, but I am not a clinician or an individual with a lot of clinical knowledge. I'm just a guy with too much time on their hands and a tendency to let the autism win (/lh /j). Also, if there are any grammar issues… I know. It was, like, 3 AM when I wrote this, and I don't care to tidy it up more than I have tried to.
With this out of the way, let's dive into it. Below the cut will be spoilers for the game and discussions regarding psychiatric abuse. Reader discretion is advised.
In-game dialog and other citations will be highlighted using small text, as I cannot for the life of me get the indent/blockquote feature to work on desktop.
As of writing this post (January 2023), there are five notes regarding John's admission to Yale Psychiatric after the failed exorcism of Amy Martin. I'm going to transcribe them in order of events, and not in the order they are found. The first note we would see examining John's case file, if he were an actual patient, would be the intake assessment form:
Yale Psychiatric Institute NEW PATIENT INTAKE FORM
Patient Name: Ward, John Thomas
Age: 33 Sex: M Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Assigned Counselor: Spinel, James, PhD
Health Examination Results: Height: 6 feet 2 inches Weight: 185 lbs HR: 92 bpm Blood Pressure: 135/81
Current Status: Minor cuts and bruises, sprain in left ankle.
Patient is in a state of psychologic shock.
Existing Conditions:
Asthma (dormant) Diminished mobility from childhood injury to right knee.
Notice the little note there about psychologic shock. We do get elaboration on the comment made by whoever conducted the intake process, which come from Yale Psychiatric Notes 1 & 2:
Notes - new patient initial consultation
Subject: John Thomas Ward
Present: Dr. James Spinel, PhD, and two orderlies
Subject non-responsive for first half-hour, followed by fragmented 'exorcism' narrative
Subject unable to maintain consistency in story (for example, stating that Amy was in the basement and then saying she was in the attic)
Subject insists incident was the result of demonic possession
Cannot declare subject of sound mind; will require several more sessions to fully understand subject's mental state. Will advise Martin Family attorneys.
Subject is suffering from delusion. In John's mind, he plays the role of the hero sent by God to protect the innocent. In order to escape the consequences of his actions, he has created his own reality. In order for everything to make sense, he needs to believe in the evil spirits and paranormal occurrences. I recommend an in-vivo approach until we can get John to accept the truth.
And for the love of God, please have Ms. Martin transferred to another facility. Somehow, John knows that she is in here with him.
Then there's the newer documentation and references to In Vivo, found in the GOODIES folder of the game. See the text around bullet point 3.
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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of development notes for Faith: The Unholy Trinity Chapter 3, which were taken in an non-lined notebook. There are several roughly drawn images of the page, consisting of level mapping for puzzles in what the developer has called, in previous notes, GaryLand. The text beside bullet point 3 reads "Mini-environments to collect keys. Re-contextualized once you grab key (lost In Vivo). Placement of plagas cultists is 'contested space'. Keys? Sigils? Body parts? Notes alluding that John was there". Beside the last note is a doodle of the eyes emoji, with two stylized eyes looking to the left toward the text. END DESCRIPTION.]
Here's the thing about psychiatric institutions: They suck.
The mental health system in modern day America is better than it was in the 80s, naturally, but not by much. It is important to note that the deinstitutionalization of the mental health system was the right call to make. However, I must note that the lack of funding and resource allocation (mostly due to greed among politicians and public perception of those with mental illness) made it so that individuals are still institutionalized. As of the modern era, individuals with mental illness are disproportionately incarcerated.
The Prison Policy Initiative has a wonderful online research library with up-to-date and reflective research on the rates and treatment of individuals incarcerated, as well as how current carceral practices only work to exacerbate these issues through intensive focus on punishment:
But traveling back in time, before the tides shifted, we have to understand what the environment was like within psychiatric wards/asylums.
The deinstitutionalization of mental health emerged in the 50s following World War II. To make a very long story short, the human rights abuses were put into the spotlight. Several factors, such as inhumane living conditions, harmful treatment practices (which we will elaborate on later), and the rising costs and demand for psychiatric treatment, all contributed to the call for deinstitutionalization. The goal was to improve the quality of life for people with mental illness, and to really just… allow them to exist as humans within society. Though the movement began in the 50s, it didn't gain much popularity among advocate groups until the 60s and 70s (e.g., the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and Project Release), where the movement truly took off.
However, large-scale closures of institutions didn't actually happen until the 80s, at least in the States. This means that, come 1986/1987, there were still institutions actively running. If you'd like to read more about how psychiatric institutions were run in this era, then I highly recommend reading Dr. David Laing Dawson's personal testimonies as a clinician during the era of asylums and advocacy:
But what were popular treatment modalities for patients like John? Firstly, and mentioned in the in-game notes, we have In Vivo Exposure Therapy, or more simply put: Exposure Therapy.
The American Psychiatric Association, in their Clinical Practice Guideline(s) for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (2023), define In Vivo Exposure as:
Directly facing a feared object, situation or activity in real life. For example, someone with a fear of snakes might be instructed to handle a snake, or someone with social anxiety might be instructed to give a speech in front of an audience.
This intervention is not limited to PTSD, though, and is often used for other clinical concerns such as phobias, panic and anxiety, and (in some cases) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The ultimate goal is to break the pattern of avoidance while confronting the fear in a safe environment. Which is great… for patients who are ready to confront these things. If there's one lesson to take away from this post, it's that treatment cannot be forced. Treatment is ineffective if the person requiring it is non-consenting or otherwise unwilling/unable to go through the modality.
So when you look at a patient like John, who is in an active state of crisis, and decide the best treatment intervention is to (effectively) tell him to "Suck it up" and induce anxiety and fear? It's disgusting and it would, in a realistic scenario, only exacerbate his symptoms even further. Which it seems to do, if the line about John having a reaction to Amy's presence in Yale Psychiatric is anything to go by. The man believes she is possessed by a demon (or knows she is), and has intense dread and anxiety around trying to save her (to the point where it's already a fixation). Exposing him to Amy's presence, or even the possibility of it, is not going to do him well until he is guided down from a crisis state and able to understand what is going on (as well as process the events that took place in the Martin home, because Amy would be a psychological trigger of recollection for said events).
John's official diagnoses are, ultimately, mild anxiety and acute coulrophobia (aka: fear of clowns). This much is clarified in the release form:
SUBJECT: John Thomas Ward
DOR: 31 Oct 1986
This form certifies that the subject is hereby released from my care after having completed their required counseling and treatment to my satisfaction, with confidence that they are ready to resume their normal daily activities as a mentally stable member of society.
Dr. James Spinel, PhD
Mild anxiety
Acute coulrophobia
As an aside, can we just point out how John was only admitted for a month, give or take some days? Even if we take the events at face value (aka: demons are real; Hell is real; Lucifer is planning an invasion of Earth to reclaim what God has taken from him-), this feels… entirely too short to state that John is fully recovered.
At least from my interpretation of the intent behind "a mentally stable member of society", as the stigmatization of mental illness would place the burden of showing minimal, if any, signs of distress within day to day life… unless you were a hard-working husband who drank off most of his time at home while beating his wife, lest we forget the nuclear family values and toxic masculinity that still run rampant in American society. But I digress...
And immediately bring your attention to a bit of a continuity issue that, effectively, renders my last point moot: John's letter to Dr. McGlashan, who we can assume is a director of sorts within Yale Psychiatric.
This note is dated for December 30th, 1986:
Dear Dr. McGlashan,
It has been thirty days since the beginning of my treatment here at Yale Psychiatric Institute. Dr. Spinel, who has been so patient with me, has helped me understand my afflictions and has helped me fund a way to move forward and accept the truth.
With Dr. Spinel's help, I have come to accept what really happened in September at the Martin family residence. I accept that what happened was not the result of any supernatural phenomenon, but rather the desperate actions of a young girl driven to violence by her dogmatic parents and old church rituals that are thought to drive out evil.
I am happy to report that, since accepting the truth, my nightmares have ceased and I now enjoy peace of mind that I have not felt since the incident. Given my progress since first coming here, I respectfully request my release from Yale Psychiatric Institute, contingent upon follow-up appointments with Dr. Spinel in the future.
John Ward
And raises several questions, such as:
If the failed exorcism took place in September, does this mean that John was within Yale Psychiatric from September to December?
Why was there a release form authorized in October 1986 by Dr. Spinel?
John states, "It has been thirty days since the beginning of my treatment […]". Does this mean that there was a second admission period between October and December?
If there was, when did that occur? Was he brought back in during the last weeks of October? In November?
My personal belief is that John was institutionalized twice. Once immediately following the failed exorcism, and once more after due to a relapse (hence the specification "[…] contingent upon follow-up appointments with Dr. Spinel in the future."). John, by this point, is aware of his mental health concerns and acknowledges that he needs more in regard to his treatment. Here, he's showing a clear capacity to establish and (hopefully) follow a community treatment regiment.
And this is where a bibically-accurate, canonical analysis, would end. A bit of insight into what happened, why it happened, and the ramifications (albeit brief). But here's the thing:
I believe there's more to John's case, since I believe in the blending of two prominent theories (everything is real versus everything is imagined). Personally, based on these notes and a few key dialogs within Chapter 3, I believe that John (in addition to the Anxiety) experiences Psychosis brought on by Paranoid Schizophrenia. In context of the game's plot, he experiences Persecutory and Grandiose Religious Delusions.
Let me explain.
There are several types of delusions, and the severity of these delusions can vary from individual to individual. More on the specifics (as well as recommended treatment modalities) can be found in this PDF.
Generally speaking, though, the types of delusions I mentioned are described as follows:
Grandiose: An individual experiences an exaggerated sense of importance, power, knowledge, or identity, that may have some type of theme.
Persecutory: An individual is fixated on the prospect of being attacked, harassed, persecuted, or conspired against.
Sounds familiar, yeah? Let's break it down:
Grandiose: Exhibited in all chapters. John is of the belief that he is a destined savior to Amy Martin. That he is the only one who can save her from the demon(s) plaguing her because he is the only one with the power and ability to do so. He, in the Super Miriam boss fight, also claims to have God's power directly within him. That he, in a way, is God (at least, in that moment).
Persecutory: Exhibited in all chapters, prominent in Chapter 3. In Chapter 1, there's "The Offering" Ending. John is (or perceives to be) stopped in the middle of the road home by Gary and his cult. Then, in Chapter 3, the entire arc around Gary's cult centers around the idea of John being persecuted (targeted by the cult for his attempts to save Amy).
But I feel like this expansion on John's psyche is supported within the canon itself, even if not explicit. Let's look more at the dialog cues from other characters.
One thing that slates me toward this conclusion is the brief mention of John's mother, Meredith. Amy's demon taunts John by asking him "What about Meredith? Did she get better?" and says how he couldn't save her. And based on the delivery of this line, it's clear that some sort of illness was what killed Meredith. Given that Schizophrenia in of itself typically doesn't cause death (though symptoms can contribute to other factors, such as poor physical health, risk-taking behaviors, higher risks of suicide), we have to look beyond the mental health aspect for a brief moment.
According to fairly recent research, there have been connections made between an individual's Schizophrenia diagnosis and their likelihood for developing Alzheimer's Disease. Kochunov et al. (2020) state:
"Schizophrenia (SZ) is a severe psychiatric illness associated with an elevated risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Both SZ and AD have white matter abnormalities and cognitive deficits as core disease features. […] SZ and AD have diverse etiologies and clinical courses; our findings suggest that white matter deficits may represent a key intersecting point for these 2 otherwise distinct diseases. Identifying mechanisms underlying this white matter deficit pattern may yield preventative and treatment targets for cognitive deficits in both SZ and AD patients."
Now, as a personal note, I have seen and experienced what Alzheimer's can do to people and how long of a process it is. My maternal grandfather, tragically, passed due to the illness in 2020. I still cannot discuss the symptomatology and progression in full as a result of the grief, but I can direct attention to the Alzheimer's Association and their article on the stages of progression:
Returning to the psychoanalytical aspect, mental illness can be hereditary and passed down, in addition to being individually developed (through whatever means, which are often referred to as the biopsychosocial factors of development). Such is true with the case of Schizophrenia.
Additionally, there does seem to be evidence suggesting that John's perception of events is questionable. Of course, I must note here that every character in this story is an unreliable narrator. Every character has their motives in the information they share and how they share it. This is in no way, shape, or form, me saying that other characters are objectively right in their perceptions. Especially Gary.
Gary is a cult leader. Even if the cult is not as dramatized as they appear to be (e.g., they are not, in fact, kidnapping babies and sacrificing people)… he is still running a cult. He is still capable of being manipulative regardless. I can absolutely delve into the psychology and structure of cults, but this post is long enough as is.
So instead, let's look at what it is Gary says to contradict John's point of view. The primary dialog that I believe points us to a faulty perception is Gary's recollection of the Martin twins:
"Oh, John… deep down, you always knew the twins were an illusion. But you could not resist chasing after lost (hurt) souls. I suppose you wished they were real, just like the late Mrs. Martin. That is how I knew you would come to me."
The popular analysis among the fandom is that Mrs. Martin miscarried the twins, and experienced a rough patch of grief surrounding the event. Again, I have seen similar experiences in my personal life, so I can sympathize with and affirm how rough this process can be. This is why Mrs. Martin had put effort into the belief that they were still expected/born, with the room being set up for them and the crib being discarded in the Martin's basement (as well as the birthday party and clown aspect).
John knew this at the time of exorcising Amy, but his own mental break altered his perception of events and made him believe in the same narrative that Mrs. Martin presented: The twins were alive. The difference here is that John tied the twins into his perception of the game's events, and came to the conclusion that Gary (and his cult) kidnapped them for ritualistic reasons.
Likewise, a lot of Gary's dialog has key words switched out. A list of these words is as follows, with their substitutions in parentheses:
enter (abuse)
lost (hurt) souls
Vessel (Victim)
journey (despair)
Again, this could be a simple nod to Gary's capacity for manipulation as a cult leader. But that doesn't exclude it from also pointing out John's perception of the series' events. In fact, this could be John's psyche interjecting and affirming itself.
So, if John does have this diagnosis, what would a thorough treatment modality look like if they'd pinpointed it back then? If he was institutionalized a third time, after stopping the Profane Sabbath?
The answer to that is either Insulin Shock Therapy (IST)/Insulin Coma Therapy (ICT), or Chlorpromazine (a strong antipsychotic medication).
It's important to note here that IST/ICT fell out of favor in the 1960s, like most shock therapies (with the exception of electroconvulsive therapy). Jones (2000) details the history and modality of ICT, stating:
"Comas were induced on five or six mornings a week. Typically, the third dose of insulin was 10±15 units with a daily increase of 5±10 units until the patient showed severe hypoglycemia. Treatment continued until there was a satisfactory psychiatric response or until 50±60 comas had been induced. Experienced therapists let patients spend up to 15 minutes in 'deep coma' with hypotonia and absent corneal and pupillary reflexes. Clinicians noted gross variation between individuals in response to a given dose of insulin. Also, in the course of treatment a patient could show day-to-day variation in his reaction. Further there was an uncertain relationship between clinical signs and the blood glucose level. The hypoglycemia made patients extremely restless and liable to major convulsions. Comas were terminated by administration of glucose via a nasal tube or intravenously."
If any of this sounds vaguely familiar, it's because the treatment modality was highlighted in the story of John Nash, a fundamental American mathematician with Schizophrenia.
The 2001 film A Beautiful Mind showcases Nash's story, including the usage of ICT. Attached is a video clip from the film, which contains content that may be triggering/disturbing. Watching it is not vital to this analysis, as it's to illustrate the paragraph above:
Ultimately, the takeaway is this:
Mental illness plays a huge role in the game's overarching narrative, even if not considered a major plot element in of itself. The Satanic Panic was a moral panic used by fundamentalist Christians to excuse abuse within their churches, excuse the discrimination of BIPOC and queer folk, and dismiss rising concerns regarding mental health advocacy. This, alongside simply targeting youth subcultures to preserve the nuclear family imagery that arose during the previous generations.
John Ward is easily one of the most fascinating characters to exist, in my opinion, because of how his character is linked to this idea. John Ward is a beacon (for a lack of better term) for this message within the game. He exhibits mental health issues canonically (re: the official diagnoses) and can be analyzed as having a deeper, more expansive diagnosis.
Everything I have said is interpretation, and is not entirely canon in the bibically-accurate sense. This is just a topic that's been in my mind since the release of Chapter 2's demo. You can feel free to agree or disagree with literally anything I have said, and I love hearing others' interpretations as well! The theories scattered around the fandom, whether posted on the Fandom Wiki or hidden in the tags on Tumblr, are just… so good. So I wanted to help contribute in some way!
And for those that read this far... Thank you <3
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