#sylv animation
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greatsylveon2007 · 1 year ago
"Kids with passion to play make-believe;
Will become young adults with the will to achieve"
Alright, so I figured I wanted to make this eventually. I finally finished my part for the Guaraná MAP a few months ago after like, almost two years of having it lmao, and those two years were wild and included a bunch of different versions of the part which would never see the light of day outside of the map server, so I figured I should put them all here :)
Here is the finished part which I am very happy with honestly, love some Hollyleaf angst
So now let me tell you about how the part used to be IWKFOLSPS
To get the part I actually had to fist fight a friend because it was one of the few really simple interesting parts and we both wanted it pretty badly
When I eventually got the part I made two storyboards for it, and my idea was for it to be very limited animation with mostly tweening, as, in my head, it would make my life easier
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The first storyboard I was not happy with so I threw it out the window and made another soon after
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This one I was way happier with and is the storyboard I used for most of these two years, here you can see a little light/shadow behind Hollyleaf that, while I liked, was really out of place so I didn't keep it in the end :(
What followed was multiple months of me chipping away at this part and telling myself every time that it would be easy to do because it was pmv, I got pretty far with this, making the assets for all of the cats and only needing to shade Hollyleaf, finish the backgrounds and guaraná plants and edit
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At that point however, despite being almost done, I really couldn't bring myself to work on this part anymore, I'm not sure what exactly it was, but messing around with all the assets and tweening and all that just wasn't fun for me at that point and I just began stalling to avoid having to open the file again
Eventually in February a light shone upon me, if I wasn't having fun with PMV then screw it AMV was my new best friend
In a few hours I made a new sketch, skipped the rought animation stage and finished Holly's entire animation (don't do this ever, don't be like me)
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I had also started on Lion but I was struggling on what to do with him because of how I animated Holly lol
I don't remember the exact plan but originally the character acting was:
Holly and Lion are looking up, Jay is a little frustrated. Holly talks to him to cheer him up and he looks at her, feeling a bit more encouraged. Then she would look at Lion, he would reassure her, and they'd all end up happy
Somehow though, while animating Holly, I ditched the plan and made her be surprised by Lion and look at him, so I struggled a bit trying to figure out what Lionpaw could do to get her attention, and spent a good while trying to figure out the solution to a problem that I created in a few hours of not following a simple plan ISMOCKSKKDS If you plan something, preferably follow it, don't be like me²
I could have just remade her animation so that would have been solved but I liked her animation I didn't want to redo it :(
Anyway, eventually I figured he could say something stupid to help cheer up Jay or something and I like his and Jay's new movements so it all worked out :)
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After making the first shot, I caved in to something I wanted to do for a while which was a transition between the shots, instead of having it cut to the second shot or move the characters around a little bit.
I didn't know if I wanted to do a transition with stars or with the fire scene, until eventually I figured that the fire scene and Ashfur's... thing was what really affected the siblings, especially Hollyleaf. The part also follows a sequence of Hollyleaf feeling guilty for what she did so in general I thought that Ashfur would transition well
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You may also notice that I hadn't splattered blood all across Holly's face in the second shot and that was because I forgot she was supposed to have blood on her until I read the script again for some reason and realized I forgot ISNKCKAKDLSL
So, what did we learn? PMV sucks, animate it all at 24 fps in one sitting instead/JOKE
This is all I have about the Guaraná part, it was pretty fun to work on and I loved joining a map about my country, this map lives in a little part of my brain rent free <3
Might do this for other parts that have a bunch of wips or something I'll think about that, it's kind of fun to just lay out your process like this, would recommend 10/10
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bytchysylvy · 3 months ago
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Ppl talking about that animal crossing fishing game got me thinking again
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turkitty5 · 6 months ago
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sylveee :]
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illym · 10 months ago
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ID in alt, original picture below
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rosecreates · 1 year ago
"This one is guarded sorrow. She saw herself as alone but in the end had the courage to share with another. She will make for a deep heart. Do not mourn her - she has finally been heard."
And to finish off, this quote by Her at the end of the Drowned Grey chapter in Slay the Princess befits Sylve.
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ember-fell · 1 year ago
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Sparks in smoke, stars at midnight 🐯🔥
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fleshst4r · 9 months ago
My (new) blog intro lol-
Originally arcticthef0x, then sylv-e-on, now fleshst4r
I go by Toffee. My usernames from any of my accounts works as well. I'll also probably respond to any name that's just a word or one of my kins' names lmao
By the way, I do swear A Whole Lot™, so if you have a problem with that I recommend not interacting 👍
Also please don't send in any fundraiser asks, I cannot verify whether or not they're real and so I never get to them
My kintypes
Princess from Warrior Cats Kin Memories
I use any pronouns, personal favorites are it/it's and any "silly" neopronouns + neopronouns related to kintypes and interests
I am a genderfluid + xenogender creature who is aegosexual, aroflux, aplatonic, biaesthetic, and cupiosensual
I have been diagnosed with ADHD, Tourettes Syndrome, and have been diagnosed with Autism "unofficially" (whatever that means idk myself anymore). I have also been diagnosed with asthma. I probably also have Insomnia, but that hasn't been diagnosed (yet)
My interests are A Whole Lot, but the more major/non-specific ones are Minecraft, Warrior Cats, Pokémon, Portal 1+2, A lot of different MCYTs (mainly Squiddo, Zeemyth, LDShadowLady, Doctor4t, and Calvin), AvA/AvM, FNaF (not as much as I used too but I must add it), Cattails n Cattails Wildwood story, Clangen, The Backrooms, Various Roblox Games, and many many analog horror series. Oh, and my special interest is cats and anything cat-related :3
I am taken and a minor. Please do not send anything sexual or romantic about/towards me, however I am fine with sexual jokes and such; as long as it's not about me I'm good. Also I can't believe I have to say this but don't send me asks about wanting to FUCK ANIMALS AND/OR CHILDREN???
I take moodboard and drawing requests for pretty much anyone. I will delete your request if I feel the need too though. Please send requests and asks I love getting them even if it takes me a million years to get to them 'cause I never check my inbox-
No real DNI honestly but I will block you if I want too. Just don't be a dick and we're cool lol
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organizationhimself · 7 months ago
my scarlet hollow playthroughs so far (SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY):
SYLV -hot + street smart -he tries to be nice in general but always says the funny thing -okay relationship to tabitha and tends to invite her (tabitha probably regrets this now oops) -often private about his feelings and leaves a lot of dialogue options on the table, but will call out bs (cops and reese's mom this is you) -skeeved by wayne and sybil (no tea for him) -initially kept his options open but zeroed in on reese immediately (locked in)
LUNE -talks to animals + keen eye -generally polite but she'll definitely ignore you to talk to your cat -empathetic to tabitha but not especially sympathetic about her work -befriended the possums in her dresser (they had some extremely interesting opinions i am still experiencing fridge horror about black tabby games you goddam geniuses) -peanut allergy -ghost made her old -suspicious of wayne but reluctantly regards him as an ally -bad track record for keeping people's parents alive so far -glommed onto stella (fellow streamer) and angled for every choice that would get closer to her (locked in)
CHAD -hot + powerful build -a totally selfish asshole who says the meanest possible thing UNLESS he can flirt with someone -what he can't punch he will fuck (that means you, wayne!) -has already proven that tabitha is actually some sort of saint for not hurling him off the cliff on monday (if there's the remotest chance of her killing you in later chapters he is as good as deceased) -could have saved both geezers but didn't (was an asshole about it) -made enemies with rosalina but her dad was still interested -no showers for chad -no tea for chad either fuck off -the contrarian in action; people are very unclear about whether or not he believes in ghosts since he seems to change his mind multiple times during the same conversation (and people call him out for it i love this game so much?? i love it SO MUCH) -for that matter he will switch sides mid-fight or mid-argument according to unknown logic; his loyalties are a mystery even to him -somehow still managed to help reese?? (HOW) -i want to add that when i let him do the thing and reach out empathetically to reese (immediately after stabbing reese with an axe ofc), and then reese GOT SHOT BY TABITHA, who i'd finally called for the very first time, my JAW DROPPED and i stared at the screen in disbelieving fucking glee because HOLY SHIT THAT GOT ME. i am unbelievably lucky that didn't happen with sylv (because i loved that moment so, so much). -swerved every romance so far; if anyone can put up with him it's probably wayne
JADE -mystical + book smart -tends to greet people with either uncanny silence or an offer of boiled peanuts -leans hardest into her mystical side and talks extensively to people while avoiding being rude but if she can be weird she'll do that -kaneeka stalker but it seems tricky to do that while being weird + not sidelining tabby -first playthrough to recruit avery (i feel like a CHUMP for not realizing there was an opt-in party member the whole time) -doesn't entirely give tabitha a pass for being a coal baron but brings her everywhere and has managed to eat ice cream?? with tabitha?? (did i mention i LOVE this game guess who my fave is besides reese go on guess as if my pfp isn't a damaged prickly blond with a gooey vulnerable center and Responsibilities) -jade does not talk to cops -in soviet russia jade makes ghost old -managed to talk to stella WITH tabitha (!!!!!!!) -jade's definitely going to save everyone!! besides. maybe duke. and rosalina. and reese. and... -angled for kaneeka romance but failed to escape the tea
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forestofforever · 2 months ago
So for a while now I've wanted to change Sylvester's tag (#the crow) since he has the same one as the Crow. Benjamin and Etienne have a different one from their Forest of Forever counterparts (the Deer/the Heart, the Black Cat/the Merchant), but Sylvester shares the same one for both AU's which can lead to some confusion.
For a new tag I'm considering a few different options. The others all have an animal (Etienne the black cat, Benjamin the deer etc.) So I could go with the Finch for Sylv since that's his true last name. The Vulture could work since you could consider his job to be "preying on the dead"? I could also go for the Taxidermist, but that would break the theme of all my muses having an animal for their tag....
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harveydont · 10 months ago
What if your favorite (or a random) oc’s favorite type of animal? Favorite color? Favorite taste?
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sylv is my very first character, he shows up once in a while.
he loves dogs
he likes red a lot because its a good color on him
squid and seafood :)
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fablesofenvola · 1 month ago
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— Les magies - le Sylve
héritée du peuple de la nature qui furent autrefois des elfes des bois, Le Sylve est cette magie qui puise sa force dans les arbres, le lien aux animaux et le cycle de la lune.
Par personnage : 3 capacités innées initiales, 1-2 caractéristiques physiques initiales et une voie au choix (comprenant elle-même 2/3 capacités innées, 2 capacités acquises et 1 capacité ultime.) Capacités innées propres à cette magie et possédées par toustes ses pratiquant.es :
apaisement de l'esprit lorsqu'iel se trouve proche de la nature
capacité à percevoir des fausses notes lorsque la nature proche est perturbée
capacité à se régénérer plus facilement au contact d'un élément fétiche
Caractéristiques physiques possibles (1 obligatoire, 2 maximum.):
De discrètes veines ou motifs sur la peau, évoquant les nervures d’une feuille ou les strates de la roche.
Les ongles ressemblent à de la pierre polie ou à des griffes de bois.
Une odeur subtile de mousse, de terre humide ou de feuilles. La voie du Vert
Capacités innées :
Régénération mineure lorsqu’iel est en contact avec le sol ou les plantes (+10% PV/5 sec).
Vision nocturne naturelle.
Capacités acquises (deux au choix) :
Création de ronces qui immobilisent les ennemis.
Invocation d’un esprit animal (loup, cerf, ours) pour le combat ou la protection.
Création d’un abri végétal pour se camoufler ou se protéger des attaques.
Contrôle des plantes pour créer des ponts, des barrières ou des armes.
Absorption de la force vitale d’une plante pour se soigner.
Capacité ultime (une au choix) :
L’Éveil de la Forêt : Les arbres et plantes alentours prennent vie et attaquent les ennemis.
La Danse des Saisons : Le mage alterne rapidement les effets des saisons (gel hivernal, floraison printanière, chaleur estivale, tempête automnale) dans une zone, infligeant des dégâts variés.
La voie des Racines :
Capacités innées :
Augmentation de la résistance physique grâce à leur connexion à la terre.
Immunité aux pièges naturels comme les ronces ou le poison végétal.
Capacités acquises (deux au choix) :
Création de murs de racines ou d’épines pour se protéger ou entraver les ennemis.
Invocation d’une armure naturelle faite de bois ou de pierre.
Utilisation des racines pour détecter les mouvements sous la terre.
Utilisation des racines à distance pour provoquer trébuchements et chutes (immobilité pour lea lanceur.se)
invoque des créatures de terre minuscules qui ralentissent et peuvent faire tomber les ennemis
Capacité ultime (une au choix) :
Le Jardin de la Garde : Les racines et les plantes s’animent pour protéger le mage et ses alliés.
Le Colosse de la Terre : Fait surgir une gigantesque créature végétale ou rocheuse pour défendre le mage.
La voie de la Faune :
Capacités innées :
Les animaux proches sont naturellement amicaux et protecteurs.
Perception accrue grâce à leur lien avec la faune.
Capacités acquises (deux au choix) :
Invocation d’un animal protecteur ou offensif.
Fusion temporaire avec un animal pour obtenir ses capacités (force, vision, vitesse).
Lien mental avec un animal pour explorer ou espionner à distance.
Capacité à se lier à un animal pour toute sa vie / communication, échanges, protection et lien d'affection.
Capacité ultime (une au choix) :
La Horde Sauvage : Une armée d’animaux attaque les ennemis.
L’Avatar Bestial : Se transforme en une créature mi-humaine, mi-animale, dotée d’une puissance surhumaine.
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capricioussun · 1 year ago
Asking for au headcanons your choice on which au!
Au headcanons for !!! A bunch of random ones actually lol
✿ In sweetswap, everything is very pastel and soft looking, for the most part, so after surfacing, monsters are genuinely taken aback and a bit surprised how saturated and dense the colours of the surface are. They thought the books and movies might've been artistically exaggerated...
✿ Ice, Invertedfell Papyrus, doesn't have the soft spot for animals most other Fell Papyri have, but he'd actually be excellent at caring for them, and generally finds them easier to deal with than other monsters lol
✿ Void, of Vesselfell fame /j, wasn't always like that! I don't think I address it very often, but he didn't become a Vessel until around 12 ish. Before then, he was almost just a regular Fell Papyrus.
✿ Sylv, Underswap Undyne, focuses a lot more on biological sciences as the Royal Scientist. She's nearly more akin to a medical doctor with her knowledge and specialties, while Axel, Alphys, still has an interest in tech. They still met the same way as in Undertale...
✿ I'm not sure if I've talked about it here or not, but I have a Sometimes-Headcanon that after surfacing Underfell Asgore basically goes into a sort of permanent assistance/rehab type place. It's years before anyone visits (after the one time Gerson does shortly after surfacing), the first being Undyne, and then eventually Papyrus a few years later. Someone comes to check in him at least every few years after that. He’s...content, there.
✿ I've always kind of liked the idea of Grillby having hypnotizing magic, though he rarely if ever uses it, and it's not super strong/wears off quickly
✿ Dusk, Horrorfell Papyrus, can't paint like he used to, but he eventually comes to find comfort in doing what he can, mostly using his knuckles and laying a canvas flat on the floor. Sometimes his cats help lol
✿ Patch, Horrortale Sans, prefers milder weather, making Fall his favorite season. He’s not a fan of Halloween, but sometimes he'll nap in a pile of leaves when he’s done (or taking a break from) raking.
✿ Lace, Lovefell Papyrus, likes doing crafts! Of all kinds. Beading, embroidery, crocheting, wood burning (I can't remember what it's called, when you draw in wood by burning it), sewing, you name it! If it can be done by hand, he enjoys doing it <3
✿ Iris, Underswap Toriel, is an incredible singer. She sounds classically trained, and back in the day, people could hear her singing all the time. It's not so common anymore, but every once in a blue moon, she can be heard singing quietly in the throne room.
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tumblertown-headcanons · 1 year ago
Stims and Habits
Sir - Hair twirling/yanking, picking at his lips when he's thinking, nail tapping, banging his head on objects, shaking his head around, foot tapping, groaning, smacking himself
Chad - Chewing his fingernails or the skin around that area, shaking his leg, pacing, screaming into his hands, massaging his shoulders, rubbing his little beard hairs
Bennett - Scratching himself in one spot, hand flapping, whistling, playing with the hem of his shirt, biting his knuckles, spinning in circles, shaking his favorite stuffed animal, clapping
Assistant - Sighing repeatedly, playing with their fingers, foot tapping, playing with their hair, making random noises, chewing his inner cheek, rocking, swishing their tail around, wrapping stuff around their fingers
Vapor - Leg shaking, nodding her head to feel her hair swish, Hand flapping and waving, running her fingers through her hair, finger tapping, cheek chewing, nail nomming (biting but no intent to bite through)
Slyvie - Spinning in circles, saying something like "weee" or "yippee!" at random intervals, doing little tap dance things, kicking her legs back and forth, patty cake but with air
Aruna - rolling her eyes in circles/crossing and uncrossing her eyes, tapping the rhythm of songs stuck in her head out, blurting out random stuff when lost in thought on accident, hair tugging/twirling, patting on objects
Caden - acting like he's about to scream at the top of his lungs but like whisper muffles it, smacking himself, pinching his arms, flicking random stuff, hitting his head on walls, biting himself, rocking
That's all I can think of for now but there's very few of these I haven't ever done to stim or had a habit of at some time
You have cooked again!!! I know it’s you, Beach episode Anon /j
Assistant: @evilassistantbutnotmean
Sir: @sirlordevil
Chad: @deadless-corpse
Caden, Bennett: @the-belle-siblings
Aruna, Vapor and Sylve: @vaporeon2010317
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attollogame · 2 years ago
Does sysba have to eat ppl to survive? Can't it be animals? How often do they have to eat? Who are their victims usually? Sylvester's role, besides being a hitman, is also to get rid of bodies, right? And since Sylv's victim was still alive in that shot you posted a while ago, where he gets ready to turn the person into perfume, can't sysba just eat those ppl instead, since their food has to be alive? I know those 2 don't like each other but why not assign that role to sysba. Love this game!!
You got a lotta questions here LMAO so lemme just get to it
- Yes they do; that's an unfortunate consequence of the consumption of their Father. Humans are the closest thing to what they ate before they were exiled (galaxies) so unfortunately, humans it is. They usually just, eat when they need to, and they eat whoever is available. Sometimes they can go months without it, sometimes just days. Sometimes they also just eat for the hell of it bc they don't like someone. Hit or miss.
- Sylvester and Sysba HATE each other, god forbid Sylvester ever help Sysba. Also Sylvester kinda... needs those people alive for a while (he uses all parts of them in some way, after all) so it's a no there, too. Unless Sysba's gonna pay Sylvester's outrageous prices to get the bodies ☠️☠️☠️ which they won't, because that'd be financially benefitting Sylvester and god forbid they do that
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scorpiongrassfield · 2 years ago
Hey, found your interactive fiction poll story thing just now. :3 It looks really interesting, so would you mind summarizing what's happened throughout it so far? I don't really have the time right now to read through all of the posts. ^^;
Thanks in advance!
Hi there! I can certainly do that for you, thank you for asking. I'll try to sum it up as succinctly as possible, since there's like 47k of story to get through 😅
The main character wakes up in a field of flowers with no memory. He leaves the field to explore a surreal wasteland that mostly consists of a wildfire stricken forest and a burned up cabin. The cabin gives him weird vibes, so he decides to explore the woods, which are creepy and feel like they're trying to eat him. The scenery shifts and he suddenly ends up in a car during the height of summer. That car belongs to a private detective named Pat, who is apparently the protagonist's boss and roommate. The two of them are working a case together, trying to figure out if a man named Theodore Ellis is responsible for a drowning that happened in the woods on his property.
The protagonist bounces back and forth between wasteland and summertime, looking for clues about his lost memory as well as the case, renaming himself 'Sylv' in the process. He also runs into a mysterious shadowy figure that helps him find a pair of glasses in the creek.
He meets Theodore at the local diner, and notes that he seems to be a nice person, if a little spacey. Pat sets up an interview with Theo under the guise of being paranormal investigators, so Theo won't know he's suspected of killing someone. While Pat is out of the room, Theo warns Sylv not to be caught alone, then acts like he never said anything.
In the car ride back to their motel, Pat tells Sylv about how they met, which causes Sylv to see a flashback of the incident from Pat's point of view. Pat found Sylv bleeding out on the side of the road, patched him up, and took him home. Sylv feels disoriented after this revelation.
Before the interview, Sylv gets into an argument with Pat and is told to stay in the car, and read up on Pat's notes on the case. He instead shifts back into the wasteland, standing in front of the Cabin that is Theo's home in the other space. He still gets a bad feeling about it, but is forced to go inside after he is attacked by a woman in a burgundy dress.
Sylv manages to hear Pat's interview with Theo as he explores the wasteland version of the cabin, which is architecturally very strange. He runs into the shadow again, who makes him a cup of tea. He finds a bedroom, where he returns the pair of glasses he found earlier. He discovers some significant portraits. One of the woman who attacked him as the queen of swords, one of the shadow as the magician, and one of Theo as the hanged man, reversed. When he tries to right the portrait, it animates to ask him not to, because he "isn't ready yet".
Through listening in on the interview Sylv learns:
There's no record of theo's family having a son
The person that died's legal name was Dorothy Ellis
Theo often got into fights with one of his sisters
Theo has little knowledge about the drowning
The police never suspected Theo of drowning anyone
Theo's family paid off the police to hush up the case and close it as an accident
Theo was with his sister the night of the drowning
When they run into Theo the next day, he has no memory of the interview. Pat lies about having a sister to get more information out of Theo about his sister. Theo is acting increasingly spacey, while Pat acts like they know exactly what's going on but refuse to tell Sylv. During this conversation Sylv reveals he was attacked, which upsets Pat.
While Pat steps out to smoke, Theo once again gives Sylv a warning. This time Sylv registers that Theo seems to be possessed. The possession ends when Pat returns.
Pat reveals that they are familiar with the woman that attacked Sylv. She's an exorcist named Ametrine. She gets rid of ghosts no matter how peaceful they are, and is willing to hurt living people to do so if need be. Pat speculates that she's after Sylv because of his shadow friend.
Theo goes home to feed his cat, and Pat offers Sylv more information on the case. And ghosts. He learns:
More details on the drowning, that it may have been an accident, but someone pushed the person and eft without helping them
The cabin has been in Theo's family since it was built, with no record of fire or death
Theo's sister isn't very nice, particularly to him
About the different types of ghosts, and that if you force a ghost to acknowledge their death, they will relive it in detail
It's possible that the wasteland is a world that exists inside Sylv's soul. Ametrine can access people's souls for exorcism, and ghosts like the shadow can also enter as well. Things that happen in such a world do have effects on reality.
Sylv ends up in the wasteland cabin as soon as he finishes reading. He discovers a portrait of Pat in the style of the death tarot card. Then he leaves the cabin to explore the wasteland woods again.
The woods have healed quite a bit from their original desolation. While he explores, Sylv finds Theo's phone in the creek.
He returns to the non-wasteland, and decides to return Theo's phone right away. Pat asks Sylv to pick up pizza in exchange for borrowing the car. Sylv has a panic attack when he tries to order the pizza.
Sylv spends the day with Theo, getting to know him and playing video games with him.
Theo shows Sylv his artist's studio in the basement of the cabin. It becomes clear that the portraits were in Theo's style. He has no memory of painting them, and has been having memory problems lately.
Theo explains the symbolism of some of the portraits, but is unable to talk about his own portrait. Sylv shares some of his own painful past, what little he knows of it. Doing so causes blood to appear where his stab wounds used to be, but he is not actively bleeding.
Theo still doesn't want to talk about himself any more, but Sylv presses the issue, leading to Theo expressing knowledge of what happened at the creek for the first time, and saying that he thinks it's his fault. Sylv coaxes him into talking about it more, but when Theo starts to show signs of drowning on dry land, he backs off.
Sylv starts to wonder if maybe Theo could possibly be a ghost, since he exhibits the symptoms.
Theo leaves, showing no indication that he remembers almost drowning.
Sylv heads back to the motel, where Pat offers to answer any question he has as an apology for asking him to do something they knew would cause him to have a panic attack. Since Pat enjoys being cryptic and withholding information, this is a huge boon.
And we're currently on the poll to decide what questions Sylv will ask.
Sorry this is still kind of long there was a lot to cover. Feel free to reach out with any additional questions!
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relamune · 2 years ago
Kael'thas for the ask meme thingy please i need
favorite thing about them Okay I'll try not to write a novel here but there's so little I don't adore about Kael'thas & it's hard to choose just one thing for this lmao. Like you can tell he cared/cares about his people a LOT, he just made some very poor decisions. I love that despite everything he tries to put the blood elves first, he definitely shouldered way more responsibility than he really needed to even for their leader imo, he had other people he could have relied on to share that burden! but he didnt!
Even before the scourge or the outlands, kael had SUCH an interesting personality? Like hes sometimes this bratty childish prince that can be stubborn as hell if he doesnt get his way but he's also easily one of the most powerful mages at the time, even getting on the council of six seemingly relatively easily because of it. So he may be a bit spoiled but he definitely clearly knows how to reign himself in & be serious when he needs to be & that makes him such a fun character with depth beyond just leaning into one trait or another.
Blizzard really shafted themselves when they tossed him away, I would have LOVED to see him progress through the expansions beyond being forgotten about until Shadowlands. least favorite thing about them how blizz threw him away :) I will never recover from the knowledge that they used him PURELY to fill a raid boss slot. He had SO MUCH POTENTIAL. I guess on the other hand we probably wouldn't have nearly as much content with the triumvirate as we do but I'm still not happy about nerfing Kael like that. favorite line "This is your brain, say hello brain. (brain says 'Hello!') And this is your brain on fel magic: (fel magic burns)(brain cries in pain) Any questions?"
(Honestly any of the HoTS quotes are gold this one just made me laugh the hardest) brOTP Hot take perhaps? Sylvanas pre-scourge. I like to imagine he kept trying to play matchmaker with her & lorthemar at that time & both of them hated the concept (but unfortunately kael is a stubborn bitch) but otherwise their friendship was equal parts business and jovial (as much as Sylv could be anyways) OTP honestly a BIG tie between Kael x Rommath & Kaellidan nOTP Controversial take in the Kael fandom probably but Jaina. I like them as friends or friendly rivals but don't really understand why there would be romance between them. random headcanon okay idk if this is gonna make sense & this is more of like a character study headcanon rather than a legit "this is how I think he goes about life" sort of thing but i have a big hc the triumvirate are just...sections of Kael. His laidback/care free traits being Hal, His leadership & determination & drive to protect the blood elves being Lorthemar, & his passion for magic & everything scholarly being Rommath. Idk maybe I'm looking to far into it but the fact Lor has reminded Rom of Kael on more than one occasion & vice versa really has me thinking on this.
If you want like a legit headcanon tho I definitely think Rommath got his humor and love of puns from Kael back from when they were younger. Kael said one (1) pun once, Rom laughed his ass off (& still refuses to admit it), & has come to appreciate the crafty wordplay of puns ever since.
Also another for you as an excuse to put it somewhere :: his title "the sun king" was actually from Illidan, back during one of their first meetings. Illidan meant it more in a derogatory way towards kael but kael thought it was brilliant & adopted it unpopular opinion i,,, actually dont like his VA in TBC. Nothing against the guy personally, imo it just doesnt fit Kael? I liked the one they used in Heroes of the Storm & SL (which i...THINK is the same person? idk im bad with remembering names but they sound similar so im sticking with that assumption) song i associate with them I have way too many actually that are just ship songs but I do associate this one specifically with Kael
Glass Animals - The Other Side of Paradise favorite picture of them his hearthstone battleground illustration does very gay things to me
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