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synthtv · 4 months ago
Fairlight CMI changed the course of music
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Today's Sydney Morning Herald - Scrublands lands on STAN in Australia this Thursday and on BBC4 and iPlayer in the UK on Saturday!! scrublands #crimefiction #ruralnoir #sydneymorningherald #stan #easytiger #bbc4 @longlukearnold @jayryanofficial @bellaheathcote
Source: Chris Hammer's instagram
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wordpress-blaze-239730566 · 4 hours ago
Library of Congress Gutenberg Bible Facsimile
Today on Celebrate the Bible:
LISTEN NOW (6 Minutes):
The Library of Congress Gutenberg Bible Facsimile
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Our item for this episode is a Gutenberg Bible facsimile title page taken from the book of Genesis. This is the first book of Moses in the Christian Holy Bible. It was produced and offered by the United States Library of Congress back in the 1960’s. The Bible that it was from is held in their collection.
With a facsimile, every effort is made to make it as close to the original as possible. Many times the ink will be sampled, and the chemical composition will be duplicated. The paper in a facsimile is custom-made. It is designed to closely match the production of the original paper. So, in essence, a facsimile is as close to the original as one can get.
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If this would be an original page printed by Gutenberg himself, it would be worth several hundred thousand U.S. dollars -- depending on the page and its condition. I mention this because the title page from Genesis is typically the most expensive collector's page. It is the most sought-after leaf of any bible.
Neither individual leaves or whole Bibles become available at auctions very often. As for whole Bibles, only around 40 or so are believed to be in existence. Today they would be worth in the millions of U.S. dollars.
As a matter of fact, this Library of Congress facsimile page of Genesis is actually very rare on its own.
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To learn about the history of the Gutenberg Bible, I’ll start off by reading excerpts. These excerpts are written in the interior of the presentation folder. This way, you will learn the history directly from the Library of Congress of the United States.
As follows:
"The Gutenberg Bible was the first great book printed in the Western World. It is commonly attributed to Johann Gutenberg, and was printed at Mainz, Germany, between 1450 and 1456. There is some doubt that Gutenberg saw the finished product come off the press, but to him and his associates assuredly belongs the credit for inventing the process of making “movable” or interchangeable metal type and for solving the many other problems of finding the right materials and methods for printing a complete book.
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The production of the Gutenberg Bible ranks as one of the landmarks in the history of civilization. Previously, the record of man’s culture and achievements was preserved in manuscripts, laboriously written by hand, and largely inaccessible to most of the people. Gutenberg’s invention made it possible for much of the accumulated knowledge of the human race to become the common property of every person who knew how to read -- a great forward step in the emancipation of the human mind."
And here are a few extra items of interest, taken from the Library of Congress catalog listing:
"The Gutenberg Bible is the first great book printed in Western Europe from movable metal type.  It is therefore a monument that marks a turning point in the art of bookmaking and consequently in the transition from the Middle Ages to the modern world.
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This Bible, with its noble Gothic type richly impressed on the page, is recognized as a masterpiece of fine printing and craftsmanship, and is all the more remarkable because it was undoubtedly one of the very first books to emerge from the press.
The text of the Gutenberg Bible is the Latin translation known as the “Vulgate,” which was made by St. Jerome in the fourth century.  The capital letters and headings are ornamented by hand in color."  The three volumes are in white pigskin bindings, which date from the sixteenth century."
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In closing, I would like to read, in English, the opening lines of the Book of Genesis:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
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And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
So, until we meet again, and for Celebrate the Bible 250 this is Francis Douglas. If you’re interested in learning more about the History of the Christian Holy Bible in America, please like, share and subscribe:
Source: Library of Congress Gutenberg Bible Facsimile
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kristofferpaulsen · 3 years ago
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A few frames from todays @goodweekendmag cover story on the excellent Simon Holmes à Court. We spent a few hours wandering around his beautiful property in Daylesford, then almost got blown away while shooting at the Daylesford community windfarm (who knew windfarms were windy??). Doing pretty amazing work.. i think the clean coal lobby is trying to gag the story, my copy was missing from @theageaustralia today!! #simonholmesàcourt #portrait #phaseonephoto #profotoglobal #goodweekendmag #theage #sydneymorningherald #cleanenergy #daylesford https://www.instagram.com/p/CVpMb2tJxwE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thefreakunleashed · 4 years ago
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Repost @janiebarrettphotos I’m loving the available winter light! Actress, Pamela Rabe, will be starring in Belvoir Street Theatre’s production of The Cherry Orchard. Story in today’s #sydneymorningherald #belvoirst #auswip #belvoirtheatre #pamelarabe #availablelight https://www.instagram.com/p/CPU5Gm8r-zH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ashleyfrostart · 5 years ago
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Tokyo Street and Bus, 21x21cm, oil on board, 2020. I’ve reworked and finished this painting slightly due to missing just the notion of thinking about travel, even the Herald has canceled their lovely Saturday travel section. #tokyo #tokyoart #traveller #sydneymorningherald (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CACFUkeArZu/?igshid=13zd91hnxtubr
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e-deliciou-s · 6 years ago
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ADD spice 🌶 to your life with this spicy shrimp 🍤 @holyduck.au. Another stellar dish ♨️ from the regional dinner series - Sichuan Province. Lightly battered 🍤 shrimp, stir fried with dry long chillies 🌶 and Sichuan pepper. . . A crowd 🙌 pleaser! This dish 🥘 will get a bunch of oooh’s and ahhh’s 🌟 at your table. #holyduck #kensingtonstreet #shichuan #sydneyfoodguide #invited. . . . #sydneyfoodblog #sydneyeats #sydneystyle #eeeeeats #foodblogger #spicyfood #chinesefood #sydneychineserestaurant #spicyprawns #spicyshrimp #pinoyfoodie #ausgoodfood #sydneymorningherald #spicyfoodlover #hkfoodies #malaysianfoodie #singaporefoodie #foodtheme #buzzfoodfeed (at Holy Duck) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvGe8fwAPIn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i1lz8tmo49tr
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nirvanaladob · 6 years ago
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Enquanto um filme decente sobre a vida de Kurt Cobain se arrasta há anos para sair do papel (desculpe Gus van Sant), Dave Grohl vai ter o dele em breve. "Dave Grohl está preparando um filme sobre a sua própria vida. O músico foi visto no seu velho liceu no estado da Virgínia, acompanhado por uma equipe de gravação. Pra já não existem mais detalhes sobre este projeto, que foi revelado pela mãe de Grohl, Virgina, ao jornal Sydney Morning Herald. Segundo ela, o filme abordará toda a carreira de Dave Grohl, desde os seus tempos na banda de punk hardcore Scream, passando pelo Nirvana e culminando no Foo Fighters." #DaveGrohl #DaveGrohlMovie #Nirvana #FooFigthers #Scream #VirginaGrohl #SydneyMorningHerald #KurtCobain #KristNovoselic https://www.instagram.com/p/BrY0Ge7FNnx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2naz17oxn9vo
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aussie-stars-tv · 4 years ago
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Happy #150years #smh #sydneymorningherald #starstv #GooglePixel5 (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN0lEjcDT9U/?igshid=xnwoys8leysp
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thecommonsensican · 4 years ago
Communications blackout.
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themelbournesupremacy · 4 years ago
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Looking to the future.., Thank you to @melly_singer from @theageaustralia who challenged me with the question: what might I wear once we are out of lockdown? Well, here’s what I came up with... On top of my @saintjames for @mrsmartmelbourne Breton shirt I’ve draped a piece of knitwear from recent @rmituniversity graduate @jordmsmith featuring the face of @shonamgrant. Trousers from @delasebure and loafers from @francescobenigno1926, topped off with a hat which belongs to my twin brother and purchased in the late 1980s. Thanks for the great photo @ejimphoto! #melissasinger #eddiejim #theage #sydneymorningherald #rainbowtownplaycentre #myrtlestreet #glenwaverley #saintjames #jordynsmith #shonagrant #delasebure #francescobenigno (at Rainbow Town Play Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGwonPcsf7B/?igshid=8pp2t9qeexjb
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1229journal · 5 years ago
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"Olfactory twins hit it right on the nose for sensory perception." - @sydneymorningherald . . . #tbt #throwbackthursday #sydneymorningherald #melbournefashionfestival #twins #olfactory @melbfashionfestival https://www.instagram.com/p/CFiUzrggB21/?igshid=kh0n85vp19d0
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chrismbr · 5 years ago
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My #TopNine #IG posts of 2019, as voted by you! Includes architecture & art, 🌈 & #LowRez & drag, food & (unfortunately) bushfires. Headed (received 2/3rds more than the 2nd) by the magnificent Australian flag design by John Joseph in the 2006 #SydneyMorningHerald competition. The People Have Spoken! https://www.instagram.com/p/B7dBNRLndpW/?igshid=hamgprbbrbsx
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metalsludgeceo · 6 years ago
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Read about this story on Www.MetalSludge.Com ONE LAST KISS Paul Stanley says Kiss “End Of The Road” tour is one last Victory Lap #PaulStanley #Kiss #GeneSimmons #TommyThayer #EricSinger #SydneyMorningHerald #EndOfTheRoad #MetalSludge @kissonline @paulstanleylive @genesimmons @tommy_thayer_official @eric_singer_official http://metalsludge.tv/one-last-kiss-paul-stanley-says-kiss-end-of-the-road-tour-is-one-last-victory-lap/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B1PqrKZnFBX/?igshid=1xbodum5foe4l
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truecypher · 8 years ago
"If you really love your job baby no pressure" - but you can go watch the video and maybe smash something after 🔨 • Video is out on youtube - LINK IN BIO🔥. Share away⚡⚡⚡⚡ • #dayjob #9to5 #monday #storyofmylife #filmclip #youtube #musicvideo #sydney @n47films @standardthelabel #standardthelabel #generalpants #share #sydneymorningherald @australianmusicscene @universalmusicpubau @tonedeaf_music @123agencygroup @themusiccomau #melaninaustralia #soundworksstudio #marrickville @lunchbox_tv #indie #fbiradio @fbiradio #nova969 #triplejunearthed #triplej
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tryerofpods · 2 years ago
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Well it's been a minute since we've done a true crime review, so... Let's talk about Bondi Badlands from @sydneymorningherald and @theageaustralia . Bondi Badlands is an Australian True Crime limited series, and is part of my ongoing initiative to find English language podcasts from every country in the world. Australia being a pretty easy pull. Back in the 1980s and early 90s, gay men around Bondi Beach were dying, with police discounting their deaths as suicides, because...of course they did. These murders were only some of the gay hate crimes sweeping Sydney as the irrational hysteria of the AIDS epidemic fomented hate across the globe--and Australia was just one of the many places on the wrong side of history as far as LGBTQIA+ people were concerned. But when a popular TV news reader becomes a victim, they finally start investing, like they should have been all along. Being beaten and pushed off cliffs, there was someone, or someones, killing gay men in the Bondi area under cover of night. Over a decade later, the crime was finally solved. Who committed these heinous acts, and how was the case finally solved, you'll need to tune in to find out. That's 5, 30-40 minute episodes. So, if you like True Crime, esp. True Crime for a case that got solved, and investigative journalism, then Bondi Badlands is for you! #truecrime #crimepodcast #truecrimepodcast #solved #solvedtruecrime #truecrime #nonfictionpodcast #podcasts #podcast #podcastrecommendation #podcastrecommendations #recommendations #recommend #podcastsunday #trypod #australia #bondi #bondibeach #gay #gaypodcast #lgbtpodcast #lgbtqiaplus #lgbtq #sydneymorningherald #theage #bondibadlands #australiantruecrime https://www.instagram.com/p/CpJ8_ldOEw6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whatwouldbeenough · 4 years ago
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michaelcasselgroup: @sydneymorningherald spoke with Tony Award winning costume designer @paultazewell, who is currently in Australia for Sydney premiere of HAMILTON. He discusses silhouettes, telling stories through clothes and his personal connection to Eliza’s costume colour. Read the article via the link in our bio.
📷 by @daniel.boud
The hidden (and very personal) meanings behind Hamilton’s costumes
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