#sydney divorce lawyer
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divorcesydney · 2 years
At Meredith Family Lawyers, a renowned family law firm in Sydney, we understand that family law issues can be some of the most difficult and emotional challenges a person can face. That's why our team of expert divorce lawyers Sydney is dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized legal guidance to each of our clients.
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maranofamilylawyers · 1 month
Certified Family Law Specialists
April has 20 years of experience representing families through the difficult legal challenges of divorce, custody issues, and adoption. She has passed the arduous State Bar certification process, served as principal counsel in contested hearings and trials, and received favorable recommendations from judges and other attorneys.
Family law specialists are trained to understand the complexities of legal matters related to family matters and can handle sensitive situations with compassion. Their expertise allows them to streamline legal proceedings and offer efficient solutions.
They Specialize in Family Law
Attorneys can practice Family law specialists, but only those who have been certified as specialists have gone through a rigorous process to do so. To become a specialist, attorneys must pass a written exam that tests their knowledge of all aspects of family law; demonstrate extensive experience in this field; complete a certain number of continuing legal education courses; submit references and more.
Once an attorney has been certified as a family law specialist, they’re ready to handle any family law case that comes their way. That includes everything from divorce to adoption to domestic violence restraining orders and anything else that could affect the relationships between family members.
Because the outcome of a family law case can have long-lasting effects, it’s important to find a specialist who is qualified to represent you. With the right certifications and knowledge, a specialist can guide you through your case with ease.
They Have the Experience You Need
Typically, family lawyers work in small to medium-sized firms or with nonprofit organizations that focus on advocating for victims of domestic violence. They represent clients in cases involving divorce, custody and other legal disputes related to marriage and family relations.
To become a certified family law specialist, attorneys fulfill substantial additional educational requirements, pass a specialized bar exam that’s often thought of as a “mini” bar exam, and undergo a peer review by judges and other lawyers familiar with their work. In addition, they must participate in a minimum number of trials, hearings, stipulations and settlements.
In many cases, the most important factor in a successful case is strong negotiation skills. A certified family law specialist will have the experience and knowledge to get the best possible outcome for your case. This means that they will be able to handle the most complicated and emotionally charged situations with ease and skill. They will also have the experience to recognize the nuances of your situation and provide you with the best advice.
They Are Certified by the State Bar
Certified Family Law Specialists are the only attorneys who have passed rigorous requirements set forth by the State Bar’s Board of Legal Specialization. This means that when you hire a CFLS, you can trust that they have the expertise and experience needed to help you with any family law matter.
They’re prepared to compassionately guide you through the discussions, decisions, negotiations and potential trial that may lie ahead. From dividing assets to child custody to restraining orders, they’re familiar with all the challenges you may face.
Family lawyers also handle adoptions, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, emancipation and estate planning. They can even assist with immigration matters when necessary. They can help clients work with reputable adoption agencies and guide them through the process of obtaining citizenship for their children. They can also help with restraining orders for domestic violence situations or other cases of abuse. These are all issues that could affect the lives of your loved ones and your future.
They Are Dedicated to Your Case
Certified family law specialists are not afraid to take on the toughest Legal advisor Sydney. They don’t look at a divorce as just another paper work exercise; they see it as an opportunity to help families through difficult, emotional situations.
They have a strong commitment to their practice and are recognized for the skill they bring to cases like yours. They’ve fulfilled extensive education and experience requirements, passed a specialized bar exam and received positive reviews from judges and other lawyers in their field.
The outcome of a family law case can affect you for the rest of your life, so it’s important to have an attorney that you can trust. Reach out to our team of Certified Family Law Specialists today for a consultation and let us help you get through your family law matter. We can assist with all issues related to family law, including divorces involving complex property division, child custody disputes and even restraining orders and protective proceedings.
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rich-info · 9 months
Guiding You Through Transitions: The Strength of an Experienced Divorce Lawyer in Sydney
Embarking on the journey of divorce is undoubtedly a challenging chapter in life, but with the support of an experienced divorce lawyer in Sydney, individuals can navigate this transition with confidence and assurance. In the heart of Australia's bustling metropolis, these seasoned legal professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, offering a beacon of guidance for those seeking a positive resolution to their marital challenges.
Expertise You Can Trust:
An experienced divorce lawyer in Sydney is not just a legal representative; they are a source of unwavering expertise. With a deep understanding of family law intricacies, property settlements, spousal support, and child custody matters, these lawyers offer a level of proficiency that instills confidence in their clients. Their seasoned approach is a testament to years of navigating the legal landscape, ensuring that clients receive sound advice tailored to their unique situations.
Navigating the Legal Maze:
The legal process surrounding divorce can be intricate, and having an experienced lawyer by your side can make all the difference. A seasoned divorce lawyer in Sydney possesses an intimate knowledge of the local legal system, family court procedures, and recent legal developments. This expertise ensures that clients receive accurate and up-to-date guidance, allowing them to navigate the complexities of divorce with ease.
Tailored Strategies for Positive Outcomes:
Experience brings with it a keen ability to assess each case individually. An experienced divorce lawyer in Sydney understands that every divorce is unique, requiring a personalized strategy. By tailoring their approach to the specific needs and goals of their clients, these lawyers ensure that the legal process is not only effective but also aligned with the priorities of those undergoing divorce.
Compassionate Support Throughout the Journey:
Beyond their legal acumen, an experienced divorce lawyer in Sydney recognizes the emotional challenges that accompany divorce. These professionals provide more than just legal representation; they offer a compassionate support system, understanding that empathy and understanding are crucial during such a delicate time. Clients find reassurance in the fact that their concerns are not only acknowledged but addressed with genuine care.
Efficient Resolution with a Positive Focus:
Experience enables divorce lawyers in Sydney to approach cases with efficiency and a positive outlook. Rather than fostering an adversarial environment, they actively seek amicable resolutions. By promoting open communication and collaborative problem-solving, these experienced professionals pave the way for a more harmonious post-divorce relationship, particularly when children are involved.
Community Trust and Reputation:
An experienced divorce lawyer in Sydney often boasts a stellar reputation within the community. Word of mouth and positive testimonials from satisfied clients underscore their commitment to excellence. Knowing that your legal representation is held in high regard by the community adds an extra layer of confidence during what may be a challenging time.
Choosing an experienced divorce lawyer Sydney is a decision that can profoundly impact the trajectory of your divorce journey. With a combination of unwavering expertise, compassionate support, and a positive focus on resolution, these seasoned legal professionals guide individuals through the complexities of divorce, helping them emerge on the other side with strength, resilience, and a positive outlook for the future. In the vibrant city of Sydney, the strength of an experienced divorce lawyer is a testament to the empowerment that can be found in the face of life's transitions.
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sophiaanderson1 · 1 year
When choosing a divorce lawyer, experience is crucial. Look for family law specialists with a lot of experience handling divorce conflicts. Due to their familiarity with the local court system, judges, and legal procedures, an experienced divorce lawyer may give you a tactical advantage throughout the process. Read more
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brightstonelegal · 1 year
Discover The Top Family Lawyers In Sydney
Brightstone Legal is one of the top law firms in Sydney providing highly experienced family lawyers in Sydney. In all facets of family law, our team of highly qualified lawyers provides warm and personal assistance to clients.
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Why is mediation important in divorced couple?
Mediation is important in divorced couples because it can help them to resolve conflicts and make decisions collaboratively. It is a less adversarial process than going to court, and it allows both parties to have a voice in the decision-making process. Mediation also allows couples to work out agreements that are tailored to their unique situation, which can make them more likely to stick to the terms of the agreement. Additionally, mediation can be less expensive and time consuming than going to court.
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settlementz · 2 years
Divorce Property Settlement
In a divorce, annulment, or de facto relationship, the division of property is known as a property settlement. A financial agreement might be formalised, unwritten, or binding. It can even be approved by the court through a consent order. These spouses have the option to handle their property disputes in accordance with the 1975 Family Law Act.
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Who May Apply for a Property Settlement and When?
Property settlements for married couples can be completed without a divorce. After the marriage has ended, either party may request a property settlement. This may also occur a year following the divorce decree. The legal case will begin during those months. For de facto couples or ones with kids, they may be eligible to apply two years after divorcing.
What Information Do Lawyers Need?
Tax returns
Bank documents
Mortgage documents
Bills and expenses (including those of children’s)
Credit card statements
Loan statements
Superannuation statements
Business profit and loss statements
Share dividend statements and details of any other investments
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Steps in Property Settlement
Step 1 – Identifying the properties Step 2 – Assessment of contributions Step 3 – Consideration of future needs Step 4 – Evaluating the fairness of the settlement result
What Happens After the Agreement?
If both parties concur, they may request a court-approved written agreement or consent order. A legally binding financial agreement might be made if both parties are unable to come to an agreement (BFA). Under Australian family law, this written agreement is enforceable in the Family Court. Due to the complexity of handling issues like child support and spouse maintenance, this will take longer.
If you need assistance, check out these sites! Family Lawyers Divorce Lawyer Top Family Lawyers Sydney Divorce Lawyers Sydney
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divorcesydney · 2 years
At Meredith Family Lawyers, a renowned family law firm in Sydney, we understand that family law issues can be some of the most difficult and emotional challenges a person can face. That's why our team of expert divorce lawyers in Sydney is dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized legal guidance to each of our clients.
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Children and Parenting after Divorce
Divorce is a difficult scenario for any family to experience. The children must endure the pain of watching their parents' divorce. According to studies, children have a harder time if they observe marital discord. This article explores family law and children. Along with the factors parents need to think about following the divorce, Children and Family Law Children's rights are highlighted in the 1975 Family Law Act. It also emphasizes the obligations parents have to their children. This action safeguards the parents' and children's meaningful bond. It doesn't reflect any gender bias. It guarantees that parental responsibilities are carried out for the benefit of the kids. The Family Law Act of 1975 also considers the following: -The children's relationship with each of the parents -History of any forms of neglect or abuse -The willingness of the children to continue a relationship with any of the parents -Personal views of the children -Disputes According to the parental order, some difficulties must be resolved. These include parent-child communication. in addition to the time that kids will spend with them. Discussion topics include how to pay for needs and where the kids live. Shared Parental Responsibility The commitments and responsibilities parents have toward their kids are known as parental responsibility. According to the 1975 Family Law Act, parents have equal power and responsibilities. This is true whether they are married, living together as a couple, or not. Having separate roles in decision-making for their children is what is meant by "shared parental responsibility." Parents may ask the court to set up a long-term decision lawfully. When there are allegations of child abuse and violence, this rule does not apply. If these cases are presented, the court dismisses parental responsibility. The responsibility may also be delegated to a legal guardian by the court. Furthermore, equal time is not the same as shared parental duty. Shared Parenting Time Parents can make a plan for how they will share their time equally with their kids. This is to guarantee that the kids can stay in touch with their parents even after they've split up. Every family experiences divorce differently. Not everyone experiences the same equal division of time. Parents have two options: either they establish some conditions for agreement or they ask the court for a "consent order" permission. Shared Financial Responsibility The law takes into consideration the practicality and substantiality of the situation. Even after separation, parents must still look out for the welfare of their children. They must provide financial support until the children are at least 18 years old. Parents can always have the “child support agreement” to get financial support legally. The Child Support Agreement will take into account the age and the number of children. The assessment also considers the level of income parents make. Where Will the Children Live After the Divorce? The court determines where minors under the age of 18 will reside. The children's maturity is also considered important by the court. The parent may request a recovery order if the children are being taken away. Who to Ask for Legal Support? The legal system could be complex. Especially in family law cases like divorce and child maintenance. Hiring a family lawyer is significant in handling legal matters. A family lawyer helps address legal issues. The attorney serves as an advocate for making sure the settlement agreement is fair. This will make sure communication is clear on both ends. Being represented gives a sense of peace knowing your rights are well-fought. References: Spremo M. Children and Divorce. (2020) Psychiatr Danub. ;32(Suppl 3):353-359. PMID: 33030452. Connell HM. (1988) Effect of family break-up and parent divorce on children. Aust Paediatr J. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.1988.tb01345.x. PMID: 3064746. Steinbach A. (2019). Children's and Parents' Well-Being in Joint Physical Custody: A Literature Review. Fam Process. doi: 10.1111/famp.12372. Epub 2018 Jul 2. PMID: 29963700.
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maranofamilylawyers · 3 months
Divorce Lawyers Sydney Free Consultation
Whether you’re considering divorce, or simply want to know your rights, it’s essential to consult with a qualified legal professional. The right family lawyer Sydney free consultation can help you resolve your case quickly and effectively.
A good lawyer will ask questions about your version of events. It’s important that you are honest and accurate because fabricated information may harm your case.
We’re here to help
A divorce Lawyers Sydney free consultation is a major life event and it can be a very upsetting time. Having the support of a family lawyer can help alleviate some of the stress of the process, particularly in relation to matters such as property settlement and care arrangements for children.
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A Sydney family lawyer can help individuals navigate the course of a divorce, including legal proceedings and negotiations. They can assist with registering on the Commonwealth Courts Portal, preparing an application and Affidavit and filing it online. They can also assist with a range of other family law matters, including mediation and resolving disputes without the need to go to court.
A Sydney family lawyer can also help with a wide range of property issues and disputes that may arise during a divorce. They can advise you on the legal processes involved and ensure that any assets accumulated during your marriage are fairly divided. This includes assisting with the financial documentation needed and putting forward strong arguments to secure your share.
We’re experienced
If you want to divorce your spouse, it is important to choose a lawyer who has experience in this area of family law. They can help you with your divorce application, ensure all documents are correct and complete and provide advice on what outcomes may be available to you. They can also assist you with arranging child custody arrangements. They can explain the laws of Australia regarding spousal maintenance and property settlement.
Divorce and separation can be emotionally draining. Having a legal expert on hand to handle the administrative and bureaucratic aspects can free up your time and energy to focus on your children. Moreover, it can save you money in the long run by preventing any misunderstandings and costly mistakes.
Under Australian law, in order to get a divorce, you need to prove that your marriage has irretrievably broken down and that there is no prospect of reconciliation. This can be done by demonstrating that you and your former partner have lived separate lives for 12 months, although brief periods of reconciliation do not affect this timeframe.
We’re affordable
Whether you’re facing a legal battle, a charge or the end of a marriage, a Sydney divorce lawyer can help. They can guide you through the process and ensure your application aligns with Family Law Court guidelines. A free consultation with a legal professional can provide you with the clarity and support you need to make the right decisions for your situation.
The complexities of Australian divorce law are challenging for anyone to navigate alone. Having an objective legal expert on your side means you can focus on the emotional wellbeing of yourself and your family during this upsetting time.
Divorce lawyers can also guide you through the various steps of a divorce application, from filing the paperwork through the Commonwealth Courts Portal to preparing your Affidavit. They can also assist with international divorce applications, ensuring that your spouse is properly served within Australia or abroad, if necessary. Their expertise can ensure that all assets, including those acquired during the marriage, are equitably distributed.
We’re reliable
Choosing a Lawyers Sydney who is specialised in divorce and separation is important. Family law involves the legal issues surrounding the breakdown of de facto and same sex relationships, marriage, divorce, property settlement, financial agreements, spousal support, child custody and parenting arrangements.
Getting the right advice can help you navigate the legal process and alleviate stress during a separation. You can find a specialist by searching the Law Society website for your state or territory. You can also visit a community legal centre (CLC) for free advice.
Separation can be a difficult time for both parties. If you want to get the best outcome for your situation, it’s important that you have an experienced family lawyer in Sydney by your side. They will guide you through the process and ensure that all your rights are protected. They’ll also make sure that you have the necessary documentation to proceed with your case. This will save you a lot of time and money.
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rich-info · 9 months
Empowering Transformation: The Positive Role of Sydney Divorce Lawyers
Embarking on the journey of divorce is undoubtedly a challenging chapter in life, and seeking the right legal support can make all the difference. In Sydney, divorce lawyers stand out not just for their legal acumen but for their commitment to guiding individuals through this transformative process with empathy, expertise, and a positive approach.
Comprehensive Legal Expertise:
Sydney boasts a cadre of highly skilled divorce lawyers, equipped with comprehensive legal expertise in family law. From navigating complex property settlements to crafting child custody arrangements, these professionals bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. Clients can take solace in the fact that their cases are being handled by seasoned practitioners who understand the intricacies of the legal landscape.
Empathetic Guidance:
One of the distinguishing features of Sydney divorce lawyers is their empathetic approach. Recognizing the emotional strain associated with divorce, these lawyers go above and beyond their legal duties to offer genuine support. They understand that each case is unique, and the individuals involved require not just legal advice but a compassionate guide through the emotional challenges that often accompany the dissolution of a marriage.
Mediation and Collaboration:
In Sydney, divorce lawyers are increasingly embracing mediation as a means of fostering amicable resolutions. Instead of perpetuating an adversarial environment, these professionals prioritize collaboration and open communication. Mediation not only expedites the legal process but also encourages healthier post-divorce relationships, particularly when children are involved. Sydney divorce lawyers are adept at facilitating constructive dialogue, paving the way for solutions that benefit all parties.
Tailored Strategies:
Sydney divorce lawyers take a client-centered approach, recognizing the importance of tailoring legal strategies to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual. This personalized touch ensures that clients are active participants in their legal journey, fostering a sense of trust and confidence in the process. By understanding the specifics of each case, these lawyers empower their clients to make informed decisions that align with their vision for the future.
Community Engagement:
Beyond their legal practice, Sydney divorce lawyers actively engage with the community, contributing to a supportive network for those undergoing divorce. Whether through informational workshops, support groups, or community outreach, these professionals strive to create an environment where individuals feel empowered and equipped to face the challenges of divorce.
Positive Transformations:
Sydney divorce lawyers play a pivotal role in facilitating positive transformations during a challenging life transition. Their commitment to not only resolving legal matters but also uplifting individuals emotionally sets the tone for a brighter post-divorce future. By providing support, guidance, and a positive outlook, these professionals empower their clients to embrace change and embark on new beginnings with resilience and optimism.
In Sydney, divorce lawyers are more than legal practitioners – they are champions of positive transformations. Their comprehensive legal expertise, empathetic guidance, commitment to collaboration, tailored strategies, and community engagement collectively contribute to creating a supportive environment for individuals navigating the complexities of divorce. In the face of change, Sydney divorce lawyers stand as beacons of positivity, ensuring that individuals emerge from the process stronger, wiser, and ready to embrace the next chapter of their lives.
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Children and Parenting after Divorce
divorce lawyers sydney Children and Parenting after Divorce
Divorce is an unpleasant situation any family could be in. It is unbearable for the children to witness the separation process of their parents. This article delves into children and family law and the things parents should consider after the separation to cater to the needs of their children.
Children and Family Law
The Family Law Act of 1975 highlights the protection of children’s rights and the responsibilities of parents towards them. Family Law Act of 1975 also considers the following in assessing the best interest of the children:
The children’s relationship with each of the parents History of any forms of neglect or abuse The willingness of the children to continue a relationship with any of the parents Personal views of the children Disputes to be cleared
Shared Parental Responsibility
Shared parental responsibility means having an independent role in making decisions for their children. Parents can request the court if they would like to legally arrange a long-term decision for their children. Moreover, shared parental responsibility is not the same as equal time.
Shared Parenting Time
Parents can create an agreement on how they will spend equal time with their children. This agreement is to make sure that the children still get to connect with the parents even after the separation. Divorce is different for each family.
Shared Financial Responsibility
Parents are obliged to provide financially until the children are at least 18 years old. Parents can always have the “child support agreement” to obtain financial support legally.
Who to Ask for Legal Support?
The legal system could be complex, especially in family law cases like divorce and child maintenance. Hiring a family lawyer is significant in handling legal matters and addressing legal issues. The lawyer is an advocate for making sure the settlement agreement is fair and communication is clear on both ends. Being represented by a lawyer gives a sense of peace knowing you are represented and your rights are well-fought.
Check this sites if you need any assistance:
Family lawyers
Divorce Lawyer
top family lawyers sydney
divorce lawyers sydney
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aestheticaltcow · 6 months
Two Months
Carmy really fucked up, but maybe he can prove his worthiness and get his girls back.
MDNI 18+
The Bear Masterlist
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Carmy sighed when his call went to voicemail after a few rings. He pushed a hand through his hair and listened to your voicemail message, “Hey baby- I just wanted to know if I could see Mia. I know you don’t want to see me, but I need to see her… if you could just bring her by the restaurant, that would be fine. I just want to hold my daughter. Uh- yeah. I’m sorry, I’m a fuckin’ dumbass. Please just give me five minutes to explain everything. Let me know. I love you.” he hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair. He stared up at the ceiling as he thought about you and Mia. It had been a couple of weeks since he’d seen either of you, and he just needed his girls again. 
“Asshole. Sign here.” Natalie barked at Carmy as she entered the office with an ordering forum. She shoved the papers at him before crossing her arms over her chest. “Natalie, I get it okay. I fucked up. My wife kicked me out of our house, I’m living in a shitty hotel, and I haven’t seen my daughter in weeks. I’m not in the fucking mood to deal with your bitching.” Carmy replied, glaring at his sister. She rolled her eyes, “You turned out so much like Dad.” she laughed, yanking the documents back. Carmy huffed, “Fuck you.”
“Right back at you, Carmen,” Natalie said, slamming the door behind her as she exited the office. “You okay, Sugar?” Richie questioned softly, noticing the anger in her eyes. She rolled her eyes and pushed past him without saying anything; being in the same vicinity as Carmy was irritating. Whenever she saw his face, she thought of Mia and how Carmy had repeated their father's actions. Natalie sighed when she got into her car, “I’m sorry you had to hear that, baby… let’s go get your brother.”
“Hey, Carm- everything okay with Y/N?” Richie awkwardly asked as Carmy was doing prep for that night's dinner service. “What do you think fuckhead?” Carmy snarkily responded; Richie rolled his eyes and decided to match his energy. “Well, she texted Tiff asking for her DIVORCE LAWYER’S info.” he leaned against the counter with a shit-eating grin. Carmy slammed his knife down and pushed past Richie to go into the alley. “That was fucked up, kid.” Tina scolded as she exited the walk-in. Richie shrugged, “I was going to be subtle, but he’s being a little bitch.” 
Carmy closed his eyes, fighting back tears when Syd showed up for prep. “Hey Carmen, are you okay?” she asked, stepping closer. He shook his head and let out a puff of air, “Y/N’s gonna leave me- I fuckin’ deserve it, but I want my wife Sydney. She won’t even fuckin’ talk to me, but she’ll fuckin’ divorce me? It’s bullshit.” Carmy cried to her. Syd stood there for a moment to collect her thoughts. She swallowed before sitting down next to him and pat Carmy’s shoulder as she began to explain her point of view on the situation, “You fucked up, Carmen. But you love Y/N and Mia- just go. Go home. I’ll cover tonight. Go talk to your wife.” 
Carmy took Syd’s suggestion. He wasn’t sure if you’d let him in or even talk to him, but he knew he should at least try.
“I don’t know Natalie. I just… I mean- I’m gonna sound like a dumb bitch, but maybe I could?” you groaned into your phone as Natalie was about to answer the doorbell rung. “Hey Nat, can I call you back in a bit? Someone’s here.” you waited for her passive agreement and hung up. You put your phone in your back pocket and went to the front door. You felt your stomach flip when you opened the door to reveal Carmy standing in your doorway. He was an unshaven mess, with messy curls and dark circles under his eyes. “Carmen? What are you doing here?” you questioned, bracing the door, hoping it would prevent him from entering your once-shared house. “You’re divorcing me?” he asked on the brink of tears. You sighed, “I asked Tiffany for her lawyer's information- that’s all.” 
“Y/N, you can’t leave me without giving me a chance to make things right.” Carmy pleaded. You sucked your teeth, “Carmen, I really don’t want to talk about this right now… Mia’s asleep, but you can come in and say goodnight if you want.” you offered as you pulled your sleeves over your hands. Carmy nodded furiously, “I-I, ye-yes, please.”
Carmy stared down at Mia’s sleeping body. She was splayed across her crib in a green onesie with a pacifier to match. Carmy swallowed as he watched her legs twitch. “She doesn’t like sleep sacks anymore?” he asked softly. You nodded before answering, “She decided it was her own personal hell a couple weeks ago, so now she’s a big girl.” 
Carmy laughed softly and put his hand on Mia’s cheek. She squirmed and leaned into his hand, “I love you, princess.”
You walked Carmy out of the nursery and into the hallway by the front door, “Can we talk?” Carmy asked, trying not to burst into tears and lock himself in the nursery. You nodded, “Okay. What do you want to talk about?” 
Carmy swallowed. “I know you hate me, but I need to see Mia.” He took a quick breath before continuing, “Y/N, please don’t keep my daughter from me. I’ll give you whatever you want. I just need to see my daughter.” Carmy sniffled as he wiped his eyes. 
Guilt. When you saw the hurt on his face, you knew what you had to do. “Next time I need someone to watch her, I’ll call you.” you offered, Carmy grinned and thanked you before starring at you with the same love and admiration he always had. He turned to walk back to his car but stopped in the middle of the yard, “I love you. I’m gonna win you back.” he pushed a hand through his hair before shoving them in his jacket pockets. You rolled your eyes, “Bye Carmen. Drive safe.” 
The flu hit your office like a semi-truck. Everyone got sick, including you, and taking care of a sick baby proved more complicated than you’d thought. No one could help you, so reluctantly, you called Carmy to come be with Mia that night. He was over the moon but tried to play it cool, you saw it through immediately. It was sweet in a cheesy, trying too hard kind of way.
“Hey baby, I brought you pastina soup and Tylenol.” he grinned, handing you a paper bag, “Thank you, Carmen.” you were short with him. Carmy noticed but chopped it up to you being sick, “I can make you some tea.” he offered as you walked back to your bedroom. “I’m fine, Carmen. Please just watch Mia,” you said over your shoulder before closing the bedroom door behind you. You wanted to be mad at him, but it was hard when he was so thoughtful… and handsome. He cleaned himself up since the last time you saw him.
Carmy sat back on the couch, making funny faces at Mia. She squealed and grabbed the air in Carmy’s direction. “I missed you so much, princess.” he laughed as he brought her up to his chest; he rubbed her back as she tried to hug him. “Okay, let's check on Mommy and then make some dinner. Daddy missed his favorite sous.” Carmy explained as he got up. The two walked down the hallway, Mia babbling away as Carmy adjusted her in his arms. He bumped the bedroom door open with his hip and saw you peacefully sleeping. He stepped into the bedroom and grabbed the trash from your side table. Mia grumbled as the two of you exited the room; Carmy chuckled and kissed her temple. “I know, princess. I wanna snuggle with Mommy too, but she doesn’t feel well… and hates me, but we’ll figure it out.”
You abruptly woke up around midnight when you heard talking through the baby monitor. You stumbled out of your bedroom and across the hall to the nursery; the door was askew, and as you approached it, you more clearly heard Carmy’s voice. He was laying on the floor next to Mia’s crib, “My little Mia… I wish you could stay this little forever.” he whispered as he put his hand up to the crib gate. The sight alone made your heart yearn for your family to be back together. You knew what you had to do.
“And that princess is how you make scrambled eggs, the right way.” you laughed when you overheard Carmy’s cooking lesson. You walked into the kitchen and saw Carmy plating up scrambled eggs, “Hey.” you greeted as you got a mug from the cabinet. Carmy grinned in your direction, “Mornin’ baby. Feelin’ better?” 
“Feelin’ waaaaaaay better,” you started, “Thanks for coming over to take care of her. I really appreciate it.”. Carmy leaned against the counter, “I’m her Dad- it’s my job.”
“You’re a good one… I don’t know where you’ve been staying, but if you want, I uh- I made up the guest room if you want to come home…” you explained, “I feel like I’ve been keeping Mia from you, and that’s fucked up.” you rocked on your heels hoping Carmy wouldn’t assume this offer meant you wanted to get back together. He nodded immediately, “I would love that.” Carmy was giddy at the idea of getting to be with Mia every day again- it also gave him an opportunity to win you back.
It had only been a few days since Carmy had been back home, and he jumped right back into the daily hustle and went above and beyond what he usually did. Carmy changed his schedule and managed to do a lot of his restaurant owner duties at home so that he could be with Mia more. The house was clean, the pantry was stocked with all your favorite snacks, home-cooked meals, and a very happy baby, and it drove you crazy.
“I just- this man is driving me insane.” you ranted as you sipped your margarita. It was girls’ night out with Syd and Natalie. You were two margaritas in and deep in your feelings. “I should just forgive-” you were cut off by Natalie exclaiming, “NO! You can’t just forgive him, Y/N. He’s a fuckin’ idiot for even thinking about being with another woman. It makes all his ‘you make me a better man’ vows bullshit. Our Dad used to do the same shit to Donna all the time- and she just accepted it! Then he left her. I don’t want Carmy to do the same to you- he already fuckin’ started doing it.”
You were taken aback by Natalie’s ranting and raving; you’d known that Carmy had a difficult relationship with his Dad, but you hadn’t known the full extent. You looked at Syd, wanting her to weigh in on the situation, “Carmy’s an asshole, but he’s your asshole. He loves you. He loves Mia. I don’t know if he’ll do it again - if my partner pulled something like this on me, I think I’d hear them out.”
It was almost 10 when Carmy had finally managed to get Mia to fall asleep. He was exhausted after a long day, but when he’d gone into your bedroom to get the baby monitor, he couldn’t help but notice a satin black thong sitting on the top of the laundry hamper. He stared at the underwear for a moment before shaking his head. He wasn’t going to take his wife’s dirty underwear. Carmy walked toward the door before pausing and going back to the hamper. “I guess I am that guy,” he scoffed, grabbing the panties and putting them in the pocket of his sweatpants. 
Carmy lay in bed leaning against a pile of pillows, scrolling through the private folder on his photo app. “There it is…” he mumbled as he tapped the video before putting his headphones in. “You promise no one else will see this, right?” your voice flooded Carmy’s ears as he pushed his sweats off. “Of course not, baby.” he reassured you as your hands reached for his zipper. He watched as you bit your lip and unzipped his pants. Carmy groaned as he watched you give him a blow job. Carmy took the underwear he’d stolen from your bedroom and started stroking himself. The sensation reminded him of when he’d tease you before relentlessly fucking you into a crying mess. 
“Oh fuck-” Carmy exhaled as he felt his orgasm approaching. He swiped to the next video of riding him. Carmy salivated at the sight of your bouncing tits. You were moaning his name as your movements got more frantic, “Cream all over my fuckin’ cock, baby.” 
“That was a fun night,” you said startling Carmy, he dropped his phone before quickly covering himself with a blanket as you stood in the doorway. You giggled at his reaction, you were just going to ask how Mia was before going to bed but catching Carmy masturbating with your underwear… blame it on the alcohol but you wanted a taste.
“I uh- I didn’t hear you- hear you come inside.” Carmy stumbled over his words as you fully entered the guest room. “No need for you to be embarrassed, Carmy…” he watched with wide eyes as you moved around the bed to sit next to him on the bed. You sighed and pushed the blanket off his lap to expose him.
You pushed your hand up Carmy’s thigh, making him swallow hard. “What made you so hard, baby? Were you being a little perv… jacking off with my dirty panties… watching a video of me sucking your cock?” you mewled as you ran your fingers along his thigh. Carmy nodded as he stared into your eyes. You giggled and grasped the base of his length. He croaked as you started to stroke him, “You like that baby?” you asked cocking your head to the side, staring up at him. He nodded as he let his head fall back against the headboard.
Carmy whimpered as you ran your tongue along the bottom of his cock. You swirled your tongue around his leaking tip, making him swear under his breath. As you took more of him in your mouth, his whimpers turned to whiny moans. You pulled away with a pop. Carmy stared down at you, watching a string of saliva connect your lips to the head of his cock. “Does that feel nice, baby?” you asked as you returned to pumping your hand around him. “So-so nice,” he replied, touching your cheek. You smiled as you pushed it away.
“But, why should I suck your cock if you’re gonna let just any woman off the street suck it?” you asked. Carmy shook his head, “Only-only you, baby-y.” he shuddered.
“Only me? Tell me, Carmen, who does this cock belong to?” he was putty in your hands as you slowed your pace. “You, baby, only you.” he groaned, “Prove it.” you challenged.
Carmy buried his face in the crook of your neck as he slowly pressed into your entrance as you lamented at the familiar sensation. You held onto Carmy’s shoulders as he started thrusting his hips in a steady rhythm, “Hmm, Carmy…” you hummed as he hungrily kissed your neck.
“I don’t deserve you baby…”
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