#separation lawyer sydney
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divorcesydney · 1 year
At Meredith Family Lawyers, a renowned family law firm in Sydney, we understand that family law issues can be some of the most difficult and emotional challenges a person can face. That's why our team of expert divorce lawyers Sydney is dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized legal guidance to each of our clients.
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timaeuslover001 · 17 hours
Chief Cedric Gosset "NCIS: NOLA" AU Headcanon
( back when I was on LDP binge on all his works lol I just dont like seeing Lou Diamond Philips as a bad guy so imma do this)
Born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana
Cedric was raised by his single mom after his after left them when he was a baby and hasn't found hi since
Born in a rough neighborhood, but what part of NOLA is "safe" it gets crazy everywhere.
grew up getting into trouble and not paying tension in school around puberty and often fought with his mother because if it.
Cedric ended up getting hooking up with an another guys girl. and they ended dup in a terrible fight.
He and his child mother ended up staying together and he
and they all need up locked up and Cedric ended up in juvenile detention hall and went into the military.
he married his girlfriend but eventually that turned sour.
He and his child mother however were not a good match and always fought , she was crazy and eventually got into drugs and was cheating on him with drug dealer behind his back for 3 years. in this.
in 3 years they had 3 more children, one each year and all biologically his.
they soon after separated, but after a drug bust his girlfriend at the time and her lover drug dealer got caught , she went to jail and his kids were bad with his mother. he went to police academy an dafter careful review they deemed him fit to be an officer.
to celebrate in proper NOLA fashion, his celebration lasted 3 weeks and in those weeks he met 3 beautiful women: Amanda, Terri, and Michelle. In 3 different weeks, Amanda on vacation, Terri on a birthday trip and Michelle was just a local. All 3 women after went back to their normal lives but one after the other he got a call form each letting him know he got them pregnant.
He was elated, he loved the fact he could have more kids.
Terri has his daughter Melissa, she moved to New Orleans to raise the baby with the father after a year and a half of saving.
Amanda had a boy, they named him Sam and they lived in New York but her daughter spent the summer with her father even year.
Michelle had a boy Nicholas, he was able to se him as often as he wanted.
Cedric was happier than ever and always kept pictures of his kids on him in his wallet. He gushes over them every time he has a chance to.
Cedric got engaged 10 years later to a beautiful Theatre Director . And had one child together Sydney but divorced 3 years later.
15 years later he got engaged again this time for permanent, to a Lawyer Tamara Gilbert whom they have two kids one a step child Asia whom he treats as his own and another on the way.
So he has 9 kids in total and loves them all dearly.
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Divorce Lawyers Sydney Free Consultation
Whether you’re considering divorce, or simply want to know your rights, it’s essential to consult with a qualified legal professional. The right family lawyer Sydney free consultation can help you resolve your case quickly and effectively.
A good lawyer will ask questions about your version of events. It’s important that you are honest and accurate because fabricated information may harm your case.
We’re here to help
A divorce Lawyers Sydney free consultation is a major life event and it can be a very upsetting time. Having the support of a family lawyer can help alleviate some of the stress of the process, particularly in relation to matters such as property settlement and care arrangements for children.
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A Sydney family lawyer can help individuals navigate the course of a divorce, including legal proceedings and negotiations. They can assist with registering on the Commonwealth Courts Portal, preparing an application and Affidavit and filing it online. They can also assist with a range of other family law matters, including mediation and resolving disputes without the need to go to court.
A Sydney family lawyer can also help with a wide range of property issues and disputes that may arise during a divorce. They can advise you on the legal processes involved and ensure that any assets accumulated during your marriage are fairly divided. This includes assisting with the financial documentation needed and putting forward strong arguments to secure your share.
We’re experienced
If you want to divorce your spouse, it is important to choose a lawyer who has experience in this area of family law. They can help you with your divorce application, ensure all documents are correct and complete and provide advice on what outcomes may be available to you. They can also assist you with arranging child custody arrangements. They can explain the laws of Australia regarding spousal maintenance and property settlement.
Divorce and separation can be emotionally draining. Having a legal expert on hand to handle the administrative and bureaucratic aspects can free up your time and energy to focus on your children. Moreover, it can save you money in the long run by preventing any misunderstandings and costly mistakes.
Under Australian law, in order to get a divorce, you need to prove that your marriage has irretrievably broken down and that there is no prospect of reconciliation. This can be done by demonstrating that you and your former partner have lived separate lives for 12 months, although brief periods of reconciliation do not affect this timeframe.
We’re affordable
Whether you’re facing a legal battle, a charge or the end of a marriage, a Sydney divorce lawyer can help. They can guide you through the process and ensure your application aligns with Family Law Court guidelines. A free consultation with a legal professional can provide you with the clarity and support you need to make the right decisions for your situation.
The complexities of Australian divorce law are challenging for anyone to navigate alone. Having an objective legal expert on your side means you can focus on the emotional wellbeing of yourself and your family during this upsetting time.
Divorce lawyers can also guide you through the various steps of a divorce application, from filing the paperwork through the Commonwealth Courts Portal to preparing your Affidavit. They can also assist with international divorce applications, ensuring that your spouse is properly served within Australia or abroad, if necessary. Their expertise can ensure that all assets, including those acquired during the marriage, are equitably distributed.
We’re reliable
Choosing a Lawyers Sydney who is specialised in divorce and separation is important. Family law involves the legal issues surrounding the breakdown of de facto and same sex relationships, marriage, divorce, property settlement, financial agreements, spousal support, child custody and parenting arrangements.
Getting the right advice can help you navigate the legal process and alleviate stress during a separation. You can find a specialist by searching the Law Society website for your state or territory. You can also visit a community legal centre (CLC) for free advice.
Separation can be a difficult time for both parties. If you want to get the best outcome for your situation, it’s important that you have an experienced family lawyer in Sydney by your side. They will guide you through the process and ensure that all your rights are protected. They’ll also make sure that you have the necessary documentation to proceed with your case. This will save you a lot of time and money.
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akif122514 · 10 days
Family Lawyers Sydney | Navjot Singh | Pannu Lawyers
When it comes to navigating the complex waters of family law, having the right support and guidance is crucial. Australia, finding adept family lawyers Sydney who can address a spectrum of familial issues with compassion and expertise is essential. Family law encompasses a wide range of matters, including divorce, child custody, property settlements, domestic violence, and more. Within Sydney, numerous legal firms and practitioners specialize in this field, offering personalized services to assist individuals facing these intricate challenges.
Family lawyers in Sydney are equipped with the knowledge and experience to handle sensitive and emotionally charged situations delicately. They understand the intricacies of Australian family law and are adept at providing tailored advice and representation to meet the unique needs of each client. Whether it's an amicable separation or a contentious divorce, these professionals strive to achieve fair and equitable outcomes while prioritizing the well-being of any children involved.
One of the primary roles of family lawyers is to provide legal guidance and support during divorce proceedings. They help clients understand their rights, responsibilities, and entitlements concerning property division, spousal maintenance, and child custody arrangements. These lawyers aim to facilitate negotiations and, if necessary, represent their clients in court to ensure their interests are protected.
Child custody matters can be emotionally challenging, and family lawyers in Sydney approach these cases with sensitivity and empathy. They prioritize the best interests of the child while advocating for their client's parental rights. They assist in crafting parenting plans, negotiating custody arrangements, and, when needed, representing their clients in court to secure favorable outcomes for both the parent and the child.
Property settlements in divorces often require meticulous attention to detail. Family lawyers in Sydney assist in the fair division of assets and liabilities accumulated during the marriage, considering factors like financial contributions, future needs, and parenting responsibilities. Their expertise ensures that clients receive equitable settlements while navigating the complexities of property law.
Additionally, family lawyers play a pivotal role in cases involving domestic violence or apprehended violence orders (AVOs). They provide crucial legal advice and support to victims, helping them seek protection orders and guiding them through legal proceedings to ensure their safety and that of their family.
What sets apart reputable family lawyers in Sydney is their commitment to empathy and understanding while providing robust legal representation. They offer not only legal expertise but also emotional support during what can be one of the most challenging times in a person's life. By prioritizing open communication, trust, and a client-centered approach, these lawyers strive to achieve positive outcomes while alleviating the stress and uncertainty often associated with family law matters.
In Sydney's legal landscape, the presence of dedicated family lawyers underscores the importance of having compassionate and skilled professionals to guide individuals through the complexities of family law. Their commitment to upholding the rights and well-being of their clients ensures that individuals facing familial challenges can navigate these tumultuous times with confidence and support.
Visit: https://pannulawyers.com.au/navjot-singhfamily-lawyers-sydney/
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divorcesydney · 1 year
Whether you're dealing with a divorce, child custody dispute, or any other family law matter, Meredith Family Lawyers is here to help. With a team of compassionate and knowledgeable divorce lawyers in Sydney, we will work tirelessly to ensure that your rights and interests are protected, and that you achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family. Connect with our divorce solicitors, we are here to help you
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gorvallynch2 · 15 days
Gorval Lynch
Gorval Lynch
PHONE: 1300 031 998
ADDRESS: Level 6, 49-51 York Street Sydney NSW 2000
WEBSITE: https://gorvallynch.com.au/
Gorval Lynch lead the way in family and employment law. They provide quality advice and represent clients in divorce, separation, children’s matters and property settlement matters, as well as employment Law, assisting with employment contracts and representation on unfair dismissal matters.
Keywords: Family Law, Family Lawyers, Divorce Lawyers, Separation Lawyers, Property Settlement Lawyers, Parenting Arrangements for Children, De Facto Relationships, Legal Wills, Child Custody, International Family Law, Employment Law, Employment Lawyers, Employment Contract Lawyer, Unfair Dismissal Lawyer
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Competent Divorce Attorneys in Sydney
Doolan Wagner is a leading Sydney family law practice focusing on finding positive solutions for challenging cases. Our family lawyers are pros at handling the divorce procedure on your behalf, ensuring that all of your rights are upheld. We are here to help you navigate separation and divorce's intricate psychological, practical, and financial ramifications. Our family law experts will assist you in finding the best solution for your situation, from property settlement to child custody, so that you can move on constructively and quickly. Our skilled family lawyers are ready to represent you best, whether you need help arranging child custody or first-rate legal counsel during divorce procedures.
Visit To Know More: https://www.familylawyersdw.com.au/
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novumtimes · 24 days
Latham turned down $20k offer to avoid defamation case
Controversial politician Mark Latham did not hand over $20,000 to avoid an independent MP’s lawsuit over an explicit tweet, instead saying he would strenuously defend any defamation claims against him. In a settlement offer made in April 2023, Alex Greenwich said he would not resort to litigation if the then NSW One Nation leader paid the money and issued a public apology. Mr Greenwich is suing for defamation in the Federal Court over a tweet sent in March 2023, days after the state election. Mr Latham’s explicit tweet describing a sex act was in response to a post quoting Mr Greenwich describing him as a “disgusting human being”. Justice David O’Callaghan has already heard a two-day trial in which Mr Greenwich claimed his reputation was negatively impacted by the tweet which unleashed a flood of homophobic abuse and made him afraid to attend large public gatherings. In the settlement offer, which was made public by the court on Monday, Mr Greenwich’s lawyers claimed that the tweet and later comments made by Mr Latham to the Daily Telegraph in April 2023 were defamatory. He alleges in his lawsuit that the two publications separately depicted him as a disgusting human being and as someone who went into schools to groom children to become gay. Alternatively, he claims Mr Latham accused him of being unfit to sit in parliament because of these reasons. “You weaponised Mr Greenwich’s homosexuality in an effort to reduce Mr Greenwich’s personal and political legitimacy, and to cause him to be exposed to hatred, contempt and ridicule,” lawyer Nicholas Stewart wrote in the settlement letter. The requested apology would have required Mr Latham to “unreservedly retract and withdraw” his statements and to “unreservedly apologise” for the hurt and distress he had caused. In May 2023, Mr Latham’s lawyers rejected the proposed settlement offer, calling it disproportionate to the merits of the lawsuit. Solicitor Danny Eid wrote that the defamation claims, which he said were completely misconceived, would be strenuously defended by Mr Latham. Just over one week later, Mr Greenwich launched a three-pronged attack against his political rival, filing not only the defamation case but also a vilification lawsuit and a police complaint. In his defence, Mr Latham denied that the tweet and his comments were defamatory or even targeted the openly gay MP specifically. He has argued that Mr Greenwich’s reputation was not affected by the comments. During the trial, Mr Latham’s lawyers pointed to the reputational impact he had as a result of the tweet, with a “pile-on” from those across the political spectrum including One Nation leader Pauline Hanson criticising the graphic tweet. The online sparring match between the two politicians followed violent protests outside a church in Sydney’s southwest where Mr Latham was giving a pre-election speech in March 2023. About 250 mostly male counter-protesters violently attacked police and 15 LGBTQI protesters who had set themselves up outside the Belfield church. Justice O’Callaghan has reserved his decision. Source link via The Novum Times
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Queer reading chapter 3 of Our Mutual Friend:
Mortimer has to go to the Hexam household as part of the Harmon case, and Eugene tags along with him. For some reason.
It's mentioned that Eugene and Mortimer were "two friends (once boys together at a public school)". The mention of public school is partly a class indicator ('public schools' in Britain are a certain type of fee-paying school, strongly associated with the British 'ruling class'), but could also potentially be a hint at sexuality - most public schools encouraged the development of homosocial bonds between the boys (partly to stop them seeking out girls), and some of the schools (especially Eton) would tend to overlook if those homosocial bonds became sexual. The idea was that when boys left school, they would leave any homosexual leanings behind them, but of course this was not always the case.
We learn about Eugene and Mortimer's professions: Mortimer is a solicitor and Eugene is a barrister; they both entered those professions at the instigation of their families, not through any desire of their own; they are both lazy, and do not commit to their professions; the Harmon case is Mortimer's first paying case; Eugene has had no previous work at all.
It does seem to me that Eugene and Mortimer are characters who are very much in dialogue with other characters from the mid-nineteenth century: Arthur Pendennis and George Warrington from Thackeray's Pendennis (who went to separate public schools, went to the same university, and lived together as young adults, and whose relationship can be read as queer); Clive Newcome from Thackeray's The Newcomes (who went to the same public school as Arthur Pendennis and had a "rapturous" "romantic" friendship with him); David Copperfield from Dickens's David Copperfield (who did not go to public school, but who formed a fairly queer relationship with another boy, James Steerforth, at a private school); Sydney Carton and Mr Stryver from Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities (who both attended Shrewsbury public school, who both studied in Paris together, who essentially jobshare and who have an (unhealthy) relationship that can be read as queer); and Robert Audley and George Talboys from Braddon's Lady Audley's Secret (who both attended Eton public school, who travel and live together for a while in adulthood, and who have a relationship that can be read as queer). With the exception of Clive Newcome (artist) and George Talboys (soldier and gold-digger in the literal digging-for-gold sense of the word), all of these characters are - nominally at least - lawyers, just like Eugene and Mortimer. Most of them - especially Robert Audley, the most 'recent' to Eugene and Mortimer - are presented as in some way 'lazy' or otherwise not committed to the practice of the law. Robert, Eugene and Mortimer seem to me to be the pinacle of this 'ambiguously queer lazy lawyer' character type which has been developing over the previous decade or so.
In the cab, Eugene puts his legs up on the opposite bench, and Mortimer asks if he can put his legs up too, then does. I sort of assume they have to cross their legs over each other for both their legs to fit on the bench? unclear; but regardless, they are sat side-by-side and seem comfortable being in physical proximity with each other.
Eugene lights Mortimer's cigar, and they both smoke. The lighting of someone else's cigar / cigarette is often framed in popular culture as erotic - there's a post floating around tumblr somewhere about the intimacy and eroticism of lighting someone's cigar for them.
In the scene with Eugene and Mortimer talking in the cab, we see a different dynamic between the two of them than we saw at the Veneering dinner table in chapter 2. If anything, Eugene now leads ("I shouldn’t know how to do it", "I hate my profession", "It was forced upon me [...] We have got a precious one", "There are four of us"), and Mortimer responds ("I am far from being clear [...] that I have much advantage over you", "I hate mine", "It was forced upon me [...] And we have got a precious one", "I am one by myself, one"). Eugene also appears to lead physically: putting his legs up and presumably lighting his cigar first, and Mortimer asks to follow.
On a more general note, pay attention to this exchange - this is going to be important for Eugene in particular:
‘Precisely my view of the case, Eugene. But show me a good opportunity, show me something really worth being energetic about, and I’ll show you energy.’ ‘And so will I,’ said Eugene.
Dickens's narratorial style in Our Mutual Friend is interesting, in that it shifts about quite a bit. For example, while much of it is in past tense (such as chapter 3), some chapters are in present tense (such as chapter 2). The point of view can also switch, including within a chapter.
For most of chapter 3, the point of view seems to stay fairly close to how Mortimer is experiencing the events that unfold. However, towards the end of the chapter, the narrator stops 'following' Mortimer, and instead follows Charley Hexam home, before switching perspective to a narratorial voice seems a bit more distant from the characters.
Compare the following:
‘Only papers on the unfortunate man, I see,’ said Lightwood, glancing from the description of what was found, to the finder. ‘Only papers.’ Here the girl arose with her work in her hand, and went out at the door. ‘No money,’ pursued Mortimer; ‘but threepence in one of the skirt-pockets.’ ‘Three. Penny. Pieces,’ said Gaffer Hexam, in as many sentences.
The boy lifted the latch he had lifted before, and found his sister again seated before the fire at her work. Who raised her head upon his coming in and asking: ‘Where did you go, Liz?’ ‘I went out in the dark.’ ‘There was no necessity for that. It was all right enough.’ ‘One of the gentlemen, the one who didn’t speak while I was there, looked hard at me. And I was afraid he might know what my face meant. [...]’
When Mortimer's perspective is guiding the narrative voice, Lizzie is nameless - "the girl" - and apparently motiveless: she goes out of the door without any explanation. The reader can infer that this is the same girl who was rowing the boat in chapter 1, and she is probably leaving the room because she is ashamed about her father stealing from a dead body, as she was in chapter 1, but that's not expressed by the narrator because Mortimer doesn't know that (we can tell from the dialogue he's got his suspicions of Gaffer, but these suspicions do not appear to extend to Lizzie).
However, once Mortimer is no longer there and the narratorial voice has 'left' him for the time being, we get to see a conversation between Charley and Lizzie where Lizzie explains her motive for leaving the room: Eugene was looking at her. She says she was afraid that Eugene might see in her face her guilt over her father's stealing, so she left the room.
What's notable about this to me from a queer lens is that Eugene looking at Lizzie was entirely absent from the part of the chapter told from Mortimer's perspective.
On a more general note, I think it's possibly worth noting that Eugene's interest in Lizzie predates him ever seeing her. Near the beginning of the chapter, Charley is talking about his education and how "it's my sister's contriving". He then speaks "slightingly" of her, and Eugene appears to take exception to this. Eugene is also presumably the one who says, "You seem to have a good sister."
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maranofamilylawyers · 15 days
Free Consultation With Family Lawyers
A family law case can be a stressful experience. It is a good idea to have a support system in place during the process. This can include a lawyer, friends and family. You may also be able to get legal assistance from a community legal centre.
You should consider finding a family lawyer that specialises in your particular matter. A proven track record of examining complex family law issues, disputes and cases is important.
Free consultations are offered by many family lawyers in Sydney
When you’re dealing with a Family Lawyers Sydney free consultation matter, it’s important to understand your rights and responsibilities. Getting the right advice from a specialist family lawyer can help you make the best decisions for your situation. Fortunately, finding the right legal help doesn’t have to be expensive. The first step is to schedule a free consultation with a Sydney Family Lawyers.
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You can choose from many different family lawyers, but you should do some research before choosing one. Check the lawyer’s credentials and experience, as well as their reviews and testimonials. You should also find out about their fee structure, so you know what to expect.
Family law matters are often complex, and they can have a significant impact on your life. They require a combination of legal expertise and emotional support to navigate the process. The right Sydney Family Lawyers can provide both of these things, guiding you through some of the most difficult times in your life.
They can help you in a variety of ways
A family lawyer can help you with a variety of legal matters. For example, they can help you navigate the divorce process and assist you in getting a custody agreement. They can also help you file for financial support or a restraining order if you are in danger of domestic violence.
Whether you’re filing for divorce or separating from your partner, it can be difficult to sort out the many complex issues involved. A top-notch Sydney family law firm can help you find a solution that’s right for you. They will ensure that you’re protected in all areas of family law and that your rights are upheld.
When choosing a family lawyer, look for one who has experience in handling cases similar to yours. Check their track record and ask about their success rate. You should also make sure that you can communicate openly with them and that they keep you updated on the progress of your case.
They can represent you in court
The right family law specialist will be empathetic, respectful, and sensitive to how your case affects your loved ones. They will be experienced and knowledgeable and will provide you with rational, objective advice tailored to your specific situation. They will also be well-versed in the law, including all relevant statutes and case law, and will ensure that your interests are protected.
Family lawyers can help you resolve disputes through mediation and negotiation.
This is a good way to avoid protracted litigation. It is also a cost-effective option. However, if your matter is complicated, it may require a court hearing.
Family lawyers are knowledgeable about the laws in Australia that cover issues related to the breakdown of de facto and same-sex relationships, property settlements, child custody and access, spousal maintenance, domestic violence, and adoption. They can assist you with navigating the complexities of these legal matters in the Family Court or Federal Circuit Court of Australia.
They can help you in other matters
Family Will Lawyer Sydney are also skilled in assisting their clients with other matters that fall under the law. These may include working out the best way to end a relationship (known as a property settlement) and other issues, such as child custody and spousal support. A family lawyer can also help you file for a restraining order against a violent partner.
In addition to helping you with legal proceedings, a good family lawyer will provide valuable guidance and support during the emotional aftermath of a relationship breakdown. This is especially important for people who are experiencing domestic violence, as it will help them get their lives back on track.
When choosing a family attorney, look for one with a solid reputation and proven track record. Also, find out whether they offer fixed rates for certain tasks. This can make the process less stressful and easier for you to manage your budget. Also, ask friends and relatives for recommendations.
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brexiiton · 2 months
Teens charged with terrorism and extremism offences
Nathan Schmidt & Adelaide Lang April 25 2024, 2:02pm
Five teenagers have faced court after they were charged with terrorism and extremism offences following an investigation into the stabbing of a Sydney bishop.
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was allegedly stabbed six times by a 16-year-old boy who remains in custody after being charged with a terrorism offence.
On Wednesday, more than 400 officers were involved in sweeping searches across Sydney and Goulburn as part of a counter terrorism investigation linked to the religious leader's stabbing.
Police arrested five teenagers who they allege are associates of the 16-year-old charged with the stabbing at the Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley on August 15.
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Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was stabbed at his Sydney church. Picture: Twitter
All five teens, who are aged between 14 and 17, were charged with terrorism and extremism offences.
A 17-year-old boy was charged with conspiring to engage in an act in preparation for, or planning, a terrorist act and having a knife in a public place.
He did not apply for bail when he appeared via audiovisual link before Parramatta Children's Court on Thursday.
The teen's lawyer indicated he will make an application for release on Tuesday.
Two 16-year-old boys were also charged with conspiring to engage in an act in preparation fo, or planning, a terrorist act.
They did not apply for bail when they appeared before the court separately.
A 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old boy were charged with possessing violent extremist material accessed using a carriage device, such as a mobile phone.
Both will appear before the children’s court on Thursday afternoon to apply for bail.
The arrests come more than a week after Bishop Emmanuel was attacked during the live-streamed service, sparking an alleged riot outside the Wakeley church.
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The 16-year-old alleged stabber was detained by parishioners. Picture: Twitter
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Seven people have been arrested after police carried out 13 search warrants. Picture: NSW Police
In a statement, police said 13 search warrants were executed in Bankstown, Prestons, Casula, Lurnea, Rydalmere, Greenacre, Strathfield, Chester Hill, and Punchbowl.
A property in Goulburn was also searched before seven juvenile males were arrested.
A further five people, including two men and three juvenile males, are assisting police.
Operational activity by the Joint Counter Terrorism Team in Sydney, which includes NSW Police, AFP, ASIO, and NSW Crime Commission officers, is still ongoing.
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robertnelson2-blog · 2 months
Uncovering the Path to a Fair Property Settlement under the Family Law Act 1975 in Australia
Separation and divorce can be a difficult and emotional time for everyone involved. One of the most challenging aspects of this process is determining a fair and equitable property settlement. The Family Law Act 1975 in Australia sets the framework for resolving property disputes between separating or divorcing couples. This Act considers four key factors to ensure that both parties are treated fairly and equitably. Family lawyers Sydney
1. Determining the Net Asset Position
The first step in the property settlement process is determining the net asset position of both parties. This involves calculating the value of all assets and liabilities, including property, investments, and debts. The court considers the current and future financial circumstances of both parties to determine their net worth.
2. Recognising Contributions Made
The second factor considered is the contributions made by each party during the relationship. This includes both financial and non-financial contributions, such as working to provide income, caring for children, and making improvements to the property. The court will consider equal or unequal contributions made by each party when dividing the assets.
3. Future Needs of Both Parties
The third factor taken into consideration is the future needs of both parties. The court must assess the age, health, financial resources, and earning capacity of both parties to ensure that the property settlement is fair and equitable.
4. Ensuring a Just and Equitable Outcome
The final factor considered by the Family Law Act 1975 is whether the arrangement reached is just and equitable. The court must ensure that all relevant circumstances are taken into account, including the factors mentioned above, as well as any other relevant matters such as the length of the relationship, the care of children, and the conduct of the parties. Commercial cybersecurity lawyers Sydney
It is important to seek the advice of a legal representative during the property settlement process to ensure that your rights and interests are protected. The court's decision on property settlement is binding on both parties and must be followed.
IT Lawyers Australia have a proven track record in handling family law matters with confidence, competence, and professionalism. If you're seeking legal support in this area, IT Lawyers Australia is a reliable choice.
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divorcesydney · 1 year
If you're facing a divorce or other family law issue, you need a legal team you can trust. At Meredith Family Lawyers, our expert divorce lawyers in Sydney are committed to protecting your rights, advocating for your interests, and helping you navigate this difficult time with ease. Connect with the most experienced family lawyers Sydney at Meredith Family Lawyers
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rich-info · 3 months
The Pillars of Support: Separation Lawyers and Family Law Mediation in Sydney
In Sydney, the vibrant heart of Australia, the journey through separation is a path fraught with emotional and legal complexities. It's a process that requires not just personal resilience, but also the guidance of experienced professionals who can navigate the intricacies of family law. Separation lawyers in Sydney stand as pillars of support for those undergoing this challenging transition, offering expertise in critical areas such as securing a parenting order and facilitating family law mediation. These services are not just legal formalities; they are essential steps towards achieving peace, stability, and a positive future for all parties involved.
Securing a Future with Parenting Orders
At the heart of many separations is the paramount concern of child welfare. Separation lawyers in Sydney understand the importance of addressing this concern with sensitivity and legal acumen. A parenting order is a legal document that sets out the responsibilities and rights of each parent regarding their child's care and welfare post-separation. This can include decisions about whom the child will live with, spend time with, and other aspects critical to the child’s upbringing.
The process of obtaining a parenting order, while necessary, can be complex and emotionally charged. It requires a detailed understanding of family law and a strategy tailored to the family's unique circumstances. Sydney’s family lawyers offer invaluable assistance in this process, ensuring that the parenting order reflects the best interests of the child, while also respecting the rights of both parents. This legal document becomes a cornerstone for moving forward, providing a structured framework that helps stabilize the child's life during a period of significant change.
Navigating Separation with Family Law Mediation
Another crucial service provided by separation lawyers in Sydney is family law mediation. This process offers a more amicable and less adversarial approach to resolving disputes that arise during separation. Mediation is a voluntary process where both parties, guided by a neutral mediator, discuss and negotiate the terms of their separation, including parenting arrangements, financial settlements, and property distribution.
The benefits of family law mediation are manifold. It provides a confidential, safe space for parties to express their needs and concerns openly, promoting understanding and cooperation. This method often leads to more satisfactory, mutually beneficial agreements and can significantly reduce the emotional and financial costs associated with court battles. Furthermore, mediation empowers individuals by giving them control over the outcome of their separation, rather than leaving decisions in the hands of a judge.
The Role of Separation Lawyers in Mediation
While mediation emphasizes cooperation, the role of a separation lawyer remains crucial. They prepare their clients for the process, offering advice on legal rights and obligations, and help formulate negotiation strategies. Post-mediation, separation lawyers review the agreements reached to ensure they are fair and in their client’s best interests before they are formalized through the court. Their expertise ensures that the resolutions agreed upon during mediation are legally sound and enforceable.
Conclusion: Towards a Positive Future
The journey through separation is undeniably challenging, marked by uncertainty and emotional upheaval. However, with the support of skilled separation lawyers in Sydney, navigating this path becomes less daunting. Through their expertise in securing parenting orders and facilitating family law mediation, these professionals offer a roadmap towards resolution and healing. They not only provide legal support but also act as compassionate advisors, guiding individuals and families towards a future marked by stability and hope. In the dynamic landscape of Sydney's family law, separation lawyers serve as beacons of guidance, helping those in need navigate the complexities of separation with dignity and confidence.
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