#sydney adamu drabble
heavenbarnes · 8 months
I'm losing it lately
Sydney Adamu x Female Reader
Warnings/Contains: reader is AFAB with fem pronouns, swearing, pining and yearning, syd's general disdain towards reader at first, alcohol, carmy and richie are also (cluelessly) into reader, mentions of knives, mention of alcohol (syd drinks but reader doesn't), stripping, face sitting, fingering, finger sucking, body worship, syd's breaking into her dirty talk game (she also calls reader a slut (endearing) once in her head).
Word Count: 4.9k
Working title was "Notes on being Sydney's Lacy." This is loosely based off of Olivia Rodrigo's song 'Lacy' and the concept of thinking you hate a girl but you actually just want her to [REDACTED].
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It was as if everywhere Sydney looked, all she could find was you.
The glow in your eyes, the curl of your smile, the rise and fall of your shoulders every time you so much as laughed or ran a knife through a fresh vegetable.
From the moment Sydney rose in the morning, her slow routine to get her even halfway ready for the day ahead of her, to the train ride to the restaurant, to the cool walk up to the front doors. All she could think of was…
Your voice was the first thing to catch Sydney’s ear when she walked into the locker room. Hanging up bags and fixing on an apron, the only sound she could even register was you.
Captivating Richie with just the way you sounded your words, you could’ve been reading him the phone book and it would’ve garnered the same reaction.
That was just the way you were. Richie hung on your every word, Carmy’s eyes followed you as you swept through the kitchen, even Fak found himself more distracted than usual when you breezed past.
Sydney, on the other hand, was less mystified by your “charms.”
She tried to sneak into the kitchen unnoticed, get to her station and get her prep done quickly and painlessly. As usual, Sydney had little say in what would actually occur.
The hand that holds the cards was always you.
“Sydney,” The way you said it was almost like a sigh, a sigh of relief, a breath that was held.
Your smile, wide eyed and pretty. You looked utterly sweet, like spun sugar, like something to break your teeth on, like stuck to your fingers and not going anywhere.
“How are you this morning?”
Sydney had to fight not to roll her eyes, undoing her knife bag as she shrugged her shoulders. “You know, same shit, different day.”
It didn’t deter you, if anything you nodded with a knowing smile. Your shoulder worked over time, spatula in hand as you folded in whatever was in your bowl. You dipped your eyes for only a moment before you fixed back on Syd.
“Are you coming tonight?”
It had almost escaped her, Sydney had almost forgot the drinks that the rest of the team had organised for tonight. Team building, strengthening the relationship of the kitchen.
Sugar was actually the first to suggest it, Carmy wasn’t too sure until he’d heard your excitement. You’d clapped your hands together, exclamations of how fun it’d be. You even tried to get Syd in agreement but it wasn’t that easy. Suddenly, Carmy was a lot more onboard with the idea.
Go figure.
Sydney had tried to feign other responsibilities, that she wouldn’t be able to make it. Now it was down to the day and there was nowhere for her to hide. She also knew that if she didn’t show up, Carmy would make her life hell about it.
Snapping back into focus, Sydney realised that there were expectant eyes on her. Your expectant eyes, never wavering, still the kindness and sticky sweetness behind them.
Sydney had also realised that, when she walked in, Richie had been in the middle of chewing your ear off. She also realised that you’d completely stalled his conversation for the chance to have this meaningless back and forth with her.
She felt her shoulders tense at the idea of it. Just what were you getting at?
“Uh, yeah- sure, I’ll be there.”
Your eyes lit up like you were staring into the sun. Your cheeks rose high and your eyes squinted just a little as you nodded your head.
“Good, looks like I will be too then.”
Sydney couldn’t take it, she took a knife from the fold and dropped her head to focus on her prep. Thankfully, she could hear Richie’s voice pick back up and do his best to get the discarded conversation back on track.
That made it easier, she found herself running right through her prep without having to deal with the thought of you. It made things a breeze, her technique was better, things were more aligned.
Of course, the moment she lifted her gaze across the bench, you were already looking at her as Richie’s words went in one ear and out the other.
Lord give her strength.
Sydney did not want to be in a bar, that was one thing for sure.
A second thing, she did not want to be here with the team.
Sure, she loved these people, but after a long day on her feet she actually wanted to be in bed watching another aimless show about luxury real estate.
She’d fall asleep to the dulcet tones of a turn key cliffside mansion with marble counter tops and she’d dream of rolling dough against them. She’d imagine the flour falling from her fingertips and stopping the mixture from sticking.
Sydney would feel the cool breeze of her dream drifting through the sliding doors from the infinity pool area, and she’d hear the creak of the glass as someone pushed it open. Like always, her dreams would betray her and there you would be.
You’d walk towards her like you owned the place, the towel would be draped around you and slowly starting to fall when Sydney would wake up with a start, quickly turning off the television.
Thankfully, she’d be saved from that nightmare.
Anyway, that’s where she wants to be. Not here, not in this dimly lit bar where the music is a bit too loud and definitely not her taste.
Not here where Carmy is buying you a drink and trying to ask you questions with his lips just mere moments from your ear.
She imagined his breath was sweaty, that it’d tickle the side of your neck and you’d shiver a bit and wish that he’d stop and just let you thank him for the drink.
Her thoughts were confirmed, in a way, when she saw you nod politely and give him a half hearted cheers with your glasses. She watched the way your head rolled around the bar, eyes scanning until they fell on what you were looking for.
You found her. She watched you watch her and immediately you were walking her way.
For fucks sake.
Sydney tried to pretend she couldn’t see you coming. She tried to focus on the way Richie was angrily gesturing from you to Carmy. She thought she could hear something about “I told you I was buying her drinks!”
It was hard to ignore you when you came up right beside her, giving her a quick wave along with your smile. “You having fun?”
What a question. Sydney had been standing on the wall since you all arrived, nursing just one drink that was now melted ice cubes. Her stupid little paper straw was disintegrating and her hand was wet with the condensation of the glass.
Was she having fun?
“Yeah, course I am.”
She watched the way your eyebrows raised, nodding like you almost believed her. You leaned in just a little bit as you spoke.
“Then act like it.”
Sydney was about to argue when she felt your hand close around the glass she’d been protecting. You slid it out her grasp and spoke up again.
“Can’t be having much fun with an empty glass, I’ll get you another.”
Sydney tried to stop you.
“You don’t have to-“
“I want to.”
“You don’t know what I’m drinking-“
You stopped, your head turning over your shoulder and she thought you might’ve even looked a little bit happy that she was following you to the bar.
“Yes I do.”
You placed her glass down and signaled to the bartender. Unsurprisingly, he dropped everything and made his way straight towards you. His eyes almost sparkled as he listened to exactly what you had to say.
“Tom Collins, please.” As you spoke, you tapped two fingers on the rim of Sydney’s glass.
Within an instant he was turning around to prepare the cocktail and Syd took her chance to speak up.
“That’s not what I was drinking, I had a vodka soda.”
You leaned against the bar as you smiled at her. “I know, but it’s what you wished you were drinking.”
Sydney’s face scrunched in confusion. You weren’t exactly wrong, if anything, you were absolutely correct. But how did you know that-
“Family dinner, can’t remember which one, you said it was your favourite cocktail and the first one you learnt to make.”
She didn’t get it, her face shook a little as she struggled with the words. “How could you remember that?”
“How could I forget?”
Thankfully the bartender reappeared with a tall Tom Collins and eyes that were only for you. “Anything else, sweetheart?”
Your face never changed a shade until you turned towards Sydney, looking to her expectantly. “Anything else?”
She felt herself shooting a gaze of disapproval towards the bartender, for reasons she couldn't place. She shook her head with a quick “no thanks.”
“No thanks.” You echoed, picking up your own drink and leaving the bar.
You didn’t even need to turn and check to know that Sydney was following you. She may not have wanted to, but she wasn’t really sure she could go anywhere else.
Finding the least sticky booth in the place, you let her slide in first before you followed her in. She took a quiet sip of the cocktail, enjoying the taste of lemon and pushing down the taste of being remembered.
You ran your finger around the rim of your glass, you didn’t say anything, didn’t look her way. Instead, you watched the rest of the room. You watched everyone milling about and chatting with each other.
Sydney wondered if you wished you were out there. If you wanted Carmy to keep trying to charm your pants off? If you wished Richie would get a little handsy by the pool table? Her eyes watched you as you tilted your head back towards her.
She thinks she saw contentment.
Very suddenly, you happened to turn your head the rest of the way and catch her staring. She felt caught, but she couldn’t find it in herself to look away.
You had been the thorn in her side since she’d met you, grating on her at your every move. The way you couldn’t leave her alone, always needing to know if she’s having a good day, always needing to know if she’d read any good books lately, always needing to work in the space next to her.
She thought about you endlessly. Everything you did, she found herself building it up just to tear it right down in her mind. Every word you said to her, every compliment that you threw her way was a coded message that only you both shared the solution to.
“God, Sydney, your plating is beautiful.”
Why were you scrutinising her work so intently?
“Can you show me how you do that one time? You’re so good at it.”
Why do you need to know? So you can do it better?
“Your hands, I can’t stop staring, they’re so steady.”
Why are you even looking at her hands? So you can be the first to tell when they shake?
“Syd, your bandana is so sweet. Where do you get those?”
That one, the way you’d listened intently with that look of endearment across your face. Only a week later for you to show up with a small parcel, delicately wrapped and in your outstretched hands. She’d peeled back the paper to see an ornate silk scarf, with the tiniest intricate detail around the borders.
You’d been the only person in the kitchen to remember her birthday. When the others had asked why you’d brought her a gift you’d answered like it was obvious. Sydney couldn’t even remember telling you when her birthday was. She sure as hell couldn’t understand why you’d care enough to bring her a gift.
Every waking (and even sleeping) moment of Sydney’s life, she found you there. At the very centre, burrowing your way in and refusing to give up your space. She couldn’t win. When you were around, she could barely breathe.
And when you weren’t there?
Total loss. Sydney knew from the moment she walked through the doors that something was off, the kitchen almost felt cold. It was quieter, it didn’t have that usual buzz that drew her in. She gave it at least an hour before she had to ask.
“Oh, she wasn’t feeling well so she’s taken the day.”
Carmy had said it so flippantly, like he couldn’t care less. He didn’t care that you were alone in your apartment. He didn’t care that you were having to look after yourself, when you really should’ve been resting.
You’d called him, your voice probably a little bit off and he hadn’t dropped everything to make sure you were alright. He hadn’t fired up the burner to make you an easy soup, one that would surely make you feel loved.
Sydney’s head felt like it was swelling that day. She’d managed to work through it but her last hour, she kept an ear out as the stock pot simmered behind her and the bread crusted nicely in the oven.
When you’d returned to work with the Tupperware, she’d silently watched you thank Carmy with a broad smile. His look of confusion irritated Sydney to no end as he stared back blankly.
“Oh, the note said it was from the whole team.”
Carmy was no help but it wasn’t like you’d needed it. Your eyes found Sydney’s for just a moment before she lowered her head back to the chopping board she was stationed at.
“Thank you, it was exactly what I needed.” You’d told her later, when you had the chance.
Sydney was going to play at not knowing what you were talking about, brush it off as someone else’s doing. That was until you placed your hand on her upper arm and squeezed once as you refused to break eye contact.
Instead, Sydney didn’t say anything at all.
So here you were, doing the exact same thing in this dark little corner of this dark little bar. Refusing to break eye contact as you shuffled a little closer to her in the booth.
You were everything that pissed Sydney off.
Finger swirling the rim of the glass again, like you knew she couldn’t take her eyes off it.
You were everything that kept her up at night.
Lips pursing around your straw, you took your last long sip.
You were everything that she wanted and needed.
Pushing both your glasses away, you turned until only your back was visible to the rest of the bar. Caging her in, locking her down. Keeping this between you two.
You were everything.
All the air had been sucked out of the room as your left arm rested on the booth behind her and your right hand lay against her knee.
Your thumb ran back and forth across her knee, even through her jeans you could feel the way her skin was burning under your touch.
“Is this okay?”
Sydney felt like she might fucking die. Everything that she’d ever thought about you, every idea, every dream, it was all turning from a murky wash into full screaming colour.
All this time, every furious little fight she’d internalised against you, all those fits of frustration she’d found herself in. It was never actually anger.
“What’s up, Syd?”
Your fingers moved a little higher on her thigh as her heart fought to break out of her chest. It had all come down to this, her chance to stop living in her head and finally acknowledge what it really was.
Complete and utter worship.
Sydney sucked in a breath and shook it out, letting the little confidence she had take over. Her hand moved to rest against your waist, using it to pull you just a little bit closer so she could whisper her question.
“Can I take you home?”
She didn’t miss the way the corners of your lips quirked up at her question. You lent in just a little bit till she could feel your breath just beneath her ear.
“You can do whatever you want.”
Sydney couldn't believe she was crossing the threshold of your apartment, the concept was nearly overwhelming. She took in your furniture, your decorating, and for a small place it was so unequivocally you.
As she moved closer into your home her eyes flickered to your kitchen. She could imagine you there, against the kitchen bench, drinking the soup she'd made you and smiling as it warmed your chest.
She'd thought about what it might've looked like. Did you have a blanket draped around your shoulders? Were you just wearing a t-shirt that fell mid-thigh? When you took that first spoonful, did her creation make you moan?
Thankfully, you snapped her out of her own thoughts by placing her hand in your own and nearly dragging her through the place. She felt like your living room was whipping past her head at a great rate of knots and nothing could prepare her for what came next.
Stepping into your bedroom, all the blood rushed around her head and thumped in her ears. There was so much going on tonight.
Sydney thought back to the bar, the way your hand had squeezed her knee as you slid back out the booth. The way she'd held your hand as you led her away from the night. The disgruntled protests from Richie and Carmy as they watched her steal you away.
None of that mattered. Everything had come down to the fact that you had her at the end of your bed and your hands were sliding over her shoulders to push her jacket off.
You gently placed your hands on her hips to nudge her back until she was sat on the bed, looking up at you like you'd hung the moon. Stepping back, you couldn't miss the way Sydney's hands twitched against her thighs, like she was saying "don't go too far."
Smiling for her, you stayed put, hands reaching for the hem of your shirt and pulling it over your head. Her eyes moved from your face, down your chest (staying for a beat), and across to the waistband of your jeans. But you did notice the way they trailed right back to your face and her own smile grew.
Sydney spent every day looking at your face and even with her world at her fingertips, she'd look a little longer.
You were able to draw her attention back to your figure when you began to unbutton your jeans. Her breath caught in her throat and her wide eyes widened just that bit more as you began to shimmy them over your thighs and let them pool at your feet.
She watched you step out of them, kicking the discarded clothes aside and taking a couple of deliberate steps until you were stood between her thighs. Sydney's hands ran up the sides of your legs until they rested on your hips, touching you like you might break.
Moving them to your belly, she coasted them up and over the delicate lace of your bra. Steady hands curved around your breasts, just gently enough to map the lines of your body.
"This set is nice." She remarked, eyes quickly flickering to your matching panties before they moved back up to your eyes.
You giggled quietly as you nodded. "Thank you, I was hoping you'd like them."
Sydney had to take the moment to come to terms with this fact. That you'd woken up that morning and made the decision of which underwear to put on, with her in mind.
As she moved her hands again, you gently picked up one of them and brought them up to your face. Ever so carefully, you pressed the smallest of kisses to each pad of her finger.
Quickly as her heart fluttered, a determined heat settled in the pit of her stomach as your tongue ran up the length of her first and second finger. Sydney's mouth dropped open as she watched you wrap your lips around the tips of them before dragging her hand back to your chest.
"Your hands," You spoke, continuing to move it down until it her grasp rested on the band of your panties. "I've always been obsessed with your hands."
Her mind flashed back to the comment you'd made all those months earlier, how you couldn't stop staring. She thought about maybe how much sooner she could've been doing this if she had gotten out of her own way.
She couldn't dwell on that for long, not with the way you were moving in and perching yourself in her lap. Your thighs sat either side of hers and Sydney let her hands instinctively fall onto your waist.
Nose to nose, you could smell the lemon off the drink you'd brought her. She could feel your breath across her face and it was everything she'd imagined it would be.
You, like this, in her lap. That was quite honestly something she'd thought of many times.
Placing a hand on either side of her neck, you felt the weight of her braids resting atop your fingers. You'd only been trying to do this since you met the girl but you knew Sydney would be a tough one to crack.
But she was an uphill battle that would always be worth it for the view.
The view of her eyes shutting gently as her lips parted and she surged forward to capture your own lips. Her tongue immediately found its spot in your mouth, moving perfectly with yours and tickling the soft skin.
The tiny moan that left your throat and flooded into Sydney's mouth was swallowed right up by her. Hands holding you tight as she pulled your hips into her own, you let your own hands move up to her jaw.
You held onto her face, tilting it up so you could consume her whole. You'd finally got everything you wanted, there was no way you could let her go. Her hands lifted off your hip for a moment and you heard yourself whine at the loss of contact.
Syd snorted a laugh, only disconnecting your lips for a moment as she worked her own shirt off. Suddenly you could move your hands, running them down the smooth fabric of her cropped bra. Your hands cupped at her chest, feeling the swell of her breasts under your fingers.
Soon, you felt her arm slide under your behind as she began to shuffle back up the bed. She lay down beneath you, letting you perch above her as her hands went back to your waist.
Reaching behind you, you unclasped your bra, sliding the straps down your arms slowly before you tossed it behind you. Sydney did let her eyes fall on your bare breasts, taking in the sight before her.
Moving her hands, she cupped one breast in each hand with her fingers gently tweaking at your nipples. Your eyes began to roll, the tiny shocks of electricity ran through your body as she played with your most sensitive areas.
Your hands lay against her stomach, bringing them to her jeans were you began to unfasten them, slipping your hands underneath them to feel for the waistband of her underwear.
Hearing your name drift off her lips brought you back, your hazy eyes dropping back down to where she lay beneath you.
"Get up here and let me taste you." Sydney ordered in the same voice you'd heard every working day in the kitchen.
Like a switch turning on inside of you, you obediently shuffled up her body until you were hovering over her face. Your heart was pounding behind your ribcage, feeling her hands curve over your ass until they slipped beneath you.
Sydney hooked her fingers into the fabric of your panties, slipping them to the side as her other arm came over your thigh. She pulled you down until you were seated on her face, your cunt laying on the flat of her tongue.
She licked one long line from your entrance to your clit, circling it a couple times before she pursed her lips around it to suck. One of your hands went to your breast, pulling and tweaking at your nipple as the other hand shot out behind you to splay on Sydney's stomach.
You felt your hips roll into her mouth, riding the curve of her tongue as she moved it skilfully against you. Your mouth fell open, the sweet moans flooding past your lips and filling the room.
"Jesus Christ, Syd," You huffed out your words as you kept bucking your hips. "Just like that."
She hummed into you, affirming that she wouldn't change a fucking thing. Not if it meant you kept humping her tongue like that, sounding so pretty when you called out her name.
Her tongue moved around you just like it had in your mouth. It made its way in and commandeered the space. She knew exactly what she was doing, knew exactly how to move to to elicit just what she wanted from you.
Sydney's eyes opened, watching you above her as you rolled your hips with your head tipped back. The way your eyes shut and your mouth fell open as you whimpered. In honesty, she thought you looked a bit like a debauched slut. Just how she wanted you.
There was pride sitting on her chest, sitting just behind you actually. That pride knew that there were a handful of people back at that bar right now that wanted you exactly like this, and Syd was the one that had you. That pride also knew that there was no way they could have you moaning the way you were now.
None of those men would know exactly what you wanted like she could. Not that you were a prize, an object, or anything of the sort.
But Sydney had one first fucking place.
Your hand drifted just a little bit lower, back under her open jeans and beneath the band of her underwear. The curls of her pubic area ran under your fingers until you dipped them into her slit.
"Sydney, you're fucking soaking."
She gave you a moan in response, the feeling reverberating through your body and her hips raised up under your touch. You dipped a finger towards her entrance, collecting slick until you brought it back to circle her clit.
Moving your hand behind you, she lifted her hips to help you get better reach. Your fingers dipped down, tips gently breaching her entrance and making her release another groan into your core.
Your pussy clenched around her tongue, spasms moving up your body as you kept up your movements. Both of Sydney's arms came to hook over your thighs, holding you tight as you fucked her face.
Cries of her name kept rolling off your tongue, the more that she sucked her lips around your clit. You'd no doubt that your neighbours might be impressed by Sydney's skill but all the more wishing she'd go home right now.
You slipped both your middle fingers inside her core, hooking them up against her and rubbing the heel of your hand against her clit. Her hips bucked up again, chasing the feeling as your fingers moved quickly inside of her.
Feeling the white hot tension building to its breaking point inside of you, your teeth clenched around your lower lip as you looked down at her. Her eyes caught on with yours as you rolled your hand against her clit again.
The way her eyes rolled back and the blissed out expression crossed her face was enough for you. Your whole body tensed up as you felt the coil snap, fighting to keep your hand moving in her trousers as your orgasm plummeted through you.
Sydney held onto you, gently pressing kisses to your pussy as she felt your muscles tensing beneath her hands. Her own eyes screwed up as you crooked your fingers up, pressing against the soft, spongey area behind her pubic bone and feeling her tense around your hand.
You shifted your hips back so you could hear the way she whimpered, the sound going down in history for you as it twisted into a moan of your name. Her fingertips dug into your thighs as you brought her to her orgasm.
Her hips stuttered, quietly calling out for you as you let her ride it out on your hand. Gently, you swung your leg off of her and slowly ran your fingers against her slit, feeling the aftershocks slowly dissipating through her.
Shifting to lay beside her on the bed, you brought your fingers up to her mouth, watching her wrap her lips around them and taste herself as you kissed at the wetness you'd left on her chin.
Sydney snuck her left arm beneath you, her right wrapping round your back to pull you in closer as she pressed her lips back against yours. Her tongue pushed it's way through and made total ground as her thigh slotted between your legs.
Rolling it against your centre once, she smiled as you moaned into her mouth. Sydney nodded, humming in delight as she felt your hands working under the band of her bra.
"That's a good girl," She cooed, well and truly finding the rest of her confidence. "Lay back and let me worship you."
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xblackreader · 6 months
• Sydney and Carmy’s play-fight.
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── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
It started with Sydney trying to force him to admit he’s a celebrity in the culinary world at the very least.
“No, I’m fucking not, I go shopping without being approached. I walk down the street, I don’t sign autographs.”
She groans and her eyes roll back into her head, “Oh my god, I literally never named those examples! You’re a celebrity! You were on fucking Top Chef!”
He hides his blush at this flattery with a hand over his lips, “Oh my god— Syd, whatever.” He gets up to go refill their chip bowl, a random dish he found under the sink to put the snacks she brought. Very grown up.
“Literally just admit it!” She laughing and he’s holding back a smile, he thought she’d jump up to chase him but her hands wrap around his palm instead and it sends goosebumps under his forearm hairs.
“Syd, let go,” he laughs, tugging her across the floor, “I gotta get the fucking chips!”
“You’re just avoiding the question!”
“It’s my apartment, I can do that if I want.”
she plants her feet into the carpet and he topples over at the tension, landing roughly on the couch with an oomph! before he can get his bearings she has a leg on his stomach, shoving a pillow into his face,
“You broke- ah my heart, Carmen.” She imitates in her best Pacino impression and he snorts because he laughs at every joke she tells. He wishes he could be offended at the exaggerated Italian accent.
His head turns to the side as she attempts to smother him with the cushion, “G- get—! Get off of— that’s it!” Her laughter turns into a shriek when he tugs the pillow from her and grabs her wrist, twirling it so she lands on her butt. Rolling off the sofa, and on top of her he narrowly avoids her socked feet on his chest and her laughter is so contagious he actually wheezes.
“W- what?”
“Say uncle syd.”
“Admit you’re a celebrity!”
He lands a soft poke to her neck testing the waters and when she curls in on her shoulders he knows he’s won. Another poke to her stomach and side before she catches on to his plan, her eyes widening like a baby dear, the way only hers did.
“Fuck! You’ve discovered my only weakness!”
“Your blaring praise kink?” He pauses to say, avoiding a kick toward his crotch, thank god.
“Not too much.” Her hands are gathered to tickle him back only to realize he isn’t ticklish, she looks like a soldier with no ammo on the front lines at this revelation and he borrows her snort.
His pokes become full on tickle, simultaneously avoiding her long super model legs and the hands that are pounding rather ridiculously at his biceps, she’s nearly crying.
“This could all end with you saying Uncle!”
“Never! Trust y- you will be dealt with!”
Her leg wraps around his hip and he catches it with one hand. Seeing this distraction as an opening she reaches for his neck, but he grabs both arms and forces them to the ground.
The laughter stops.
Bloods pumping to all the wrong parts and he knows she can feel it.
He freezes unable to release her wrists or honestly, breathe. Fuck, he’s ruined it. He ruined this. The easy back and forth that he had managed to reassemble after being a complete fuck up for a full year is ruined.
“Admit it.”
His eyes search her face only to find her fingers wiggling where he’s holding her wrists, lips parted and a coy smile building with passing seconds. “Admit you’re a celebrity.”
For a moment he doesn’t respond and she fears she mistook his body’s reaction to his wants—
“Say fucking Uncle.”
Parallel chests heaving. One solid and one slight.
She searches his face to find the ring of blue in his eyes nearly gone, his eyes flickered down and he licked his lips.
“Make me.”
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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springtyme · 8 months
𝟏𝐤 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ♡
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Wow! This is absolutely amazing! When I made this blog seven months ago, I never anticipated receiving such a large number of followers here. I am incredibly grateful to each and every one of you. I want to express my deepest gratitude for all the support and love you have shown towards my writing ♡
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✨ drabble request for any of the characters on my character list, with 1-3 prompts from this promp list (you’re also welcome to make your own prompt if you feel like it) just remember to not only add the number but also the category, since the same numbers are used multiple times in different categories (example: ‘2 fluff prompt’ or  ‘2 winter prompt’) <3
🪩 i’ll share a paragraph from one of my wips and tell a little about it
🥂 give me a character and i'll make a little playlist for them, including a little scenario to go with it (you can also give the scenario if you prefer)
💍 ask me anything/tell me anything, or we can play a game! (would you rather, FMK, etc.)
💫 headcanon request for any of the characters on my character list
my asks are also always open if you just want can just talk or come say hi ♡
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i'll keep this event open for at least a couple of weeks, and you're welcome to send multiple things in, just as long as they are send in as separate asks ♡
just please remember my guidelines ♡
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thecapricunt1616 · 4 months
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𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Sydney Adamu x Carmen Berzatto (The Bear) 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 4/6 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 31,474 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: Typical TB themes, Talks of accidental OD's, Sad!Carmy, Angst, Smut, Unprotected sex, Drinking, Smoking, (slightly) public sex, mentions of hospitals 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: Carmen accidentally almost checks out of life permanently due to a migraine fucking up his vision, and Natalie flips & sends him off to a trauma rehabilitation center, Syd is realizing she finds it extremely hard to stay away from him.
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❀𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚❀ ❀❀𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙬𝙤❀❀ ❀❀❀𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚❀❀❀ ❀❀❀❀𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙧❀❀❀❀ ❀❀❀❀❀𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙞𝙫𝙚❀❀❀❀❀  ⇆ 𝙒𝙄𝙋
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apinchofm · 6 months
I wrote my first Sydcarmy drabble. Please clap.
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kyloknightren · 6 months
carmy and syd just sitting outside the back of the restaurant benches on the last days before they part ways (show ending)
they are friendly and smiling sharing stories
i will always love you sydney tells him with a small smile
me too syd carmy with the same sad smile
but they don't say goodbye (immortality by celine dion coded)
i’m ruining my brain even more by imagining sydney and carmy having a moment at one of the restaurant tables during break and a shot of him looking at that spot remembering and smiling.
(song inspiration the alcott by the national)
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sydneyadamusscarf · 1 month
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lskisms · 1 year
pairing sydney adamu / fem!reader genre romance warnings gfs go to a kpop show together for funsies (thank u lolla for letting txt headline this weekend and putting it in my head that syd would be a kpop girlie through and through)
note not my typical stuff, but my long distance gf is gonna be with me for the next two weeks so i'm prepping a few little pieces just in case i can't find the time to write as much as i'd like to
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you don't think you've ever seen sydney more excited about anything (besides maybe any time a new recipe of hers works out right). it's a little earlier than you're used to, but she said she wanted to beat the crowd as much as possible and you agree because lollapalooza always gets campers and with one of your shared favorite kpop groups headlining this year, you know it's going to be even worse.
decked out in your little concert outfits, loose knit tops and fake vines of ivy laced through the gaps, you look proper adorable. syd finishes securing the acrylic photocard holder (which has her favorite hueningkai photocard in it) on her clear backpack and she looks over at you, smiling. she reaches out her hand towards you and you take it, intertwining your fingers.
hours later, you've managed to make it to barricade at the bud light stage. the five boys are right in front of you and syd looks absolutely mesmerized. she's belting the lyrics to every single song, her lightstick flashing a light shade of teal. when you look away, you can't help but feel entranced too; soobin is so pretty, after all, and you understand why your girlfriend has such a soft spot for him (though you're more of beomgyu girl yourself).
when their headlining set is over and you're heading out together, giggling and talking about how good the show is, you make a promise that the next time they're on tour in the states, you're definitely going.
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© lskisms 2023. do not translate, copy, or repost my work on any site.
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juuuulez · 25 days
bearblr promptober + kinktober 2024
this october i’ll be doing half of each! on alternating days, i’ll be posting the corresponding bearblr prompt (created by the almighty @carmenberzattosgf), and then a kinktober drabble of my own choosing.
here’s the lineup, fics will be updated and linked next month! kinktober is (obviously) smut, and prompts marked with 🍂 indicate non-smut/fluff.
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🍂 bearblr #1: scary movie -> sydney adamu
💌 incomplete
kinktober #2: nipple play -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #3: apple picking -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #4: throat fucking -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
bearblr #5: vampire -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
kinktober #6: cockwarming + under the desk -> keys mckey
💌 incomplete
bearblr #7: orgasm control -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #8: hate fuck + semi-public sex -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
kinktober #9: body worship + on film -> veronica fisher
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #10: rain soaked -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
kinktober #11: spanking -> lip gallagher
💌 incomplete
kinktober #12: subspace -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #13: hot cocoa + baking -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
bearblr #14: somnophilia -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
kinktober #15: edging -> keys mckey
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #16: bonfire -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
bearblr #17: dumbification -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #18: candlelight -> michael berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #19: possessed -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #20: slow morning -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #21: orgasm denial -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
kinktober #22: squirting + competitive -> lip + carmy
💌 incomplete
bearblr #23: dacryphillia -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #24: haunted house -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
bearblr #25: size kink -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #26: breeding + overstim -> lip gallagher
💌 incomplete
kinktober #27: wet dream -> carmen berzatto (solo)
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #28: sick day -> michael berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #29: dry humping + high sex -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #30: sweaters (sharing clothes) -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #31: trick or treat -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
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heavenbarnes · 6 months
I’m no good on my own
Sydney Adamu x female reader
Warnings/contains: swearing, mentions of knives, syd is still an awkward-munch, dirty talk, praise kink, oral sex, fingering, syd is gentle when you cum, defiling carmy’s desk, blasphemy
Part one: Already better for knowing you
I’m so glad everyone wants to fuck Sydney as much as I do, means I get to write stuff like this. Maybe one day I won’t write her as an awkward-munch but today is not that day
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Yeah, completely fucked.
Sydney is a good chef, a great chef even. She’s calm and methodical, balanced and driven. She’d even pride herself in her ability to teach.
But that was before the greatest challenge of her career.
Carmy had been right to have that smarmy little grin on his face when he wished her luck with training her new little sous chef.
This was fucking torture.
If Sydney was good teacher, you were an even better student. Bright-eyed and attentive, eager and willing.
She could almost always find you right on her shoulder, watching her hands as they shifted around the kitchen bench. It was like a warm glow of sunlight, prickling over her skin and making the hairs on her arms stand up.
It should’ve been what she wanted. It shouldn’t be an issue. An attentive sous who followed her every word and was so quick to please?
To Sydney, that was nearly lethal.
“And that’s what it should look like plated.” Syd ran the corner of her cloth along the rim of the plate, sliding it in front of you.
Eagerly pulling the plate closer, you leant in to savour the aroma permeating from the dish. “God, Sydney.”
The way you spoke on the exhale, like her name was a sigh that you’d been holding in all day. It made her stand up straighter, the tips of her ears running hot.
Taking a spoon from the basket, you managed to scoop the perfect bite on your first go. Sydney braced for impact, the sounds and face you’d make when you tried her food.
Lips closing around the spoon, eyes shutting gently as you let all flavours roll across your tongue. Your eyes fluttered open as you swallowed the mouthful, immediately meeting Syd’s expectant gaze.
“I haven’t taste something this good since the institute days,” You hummed, corner of your mouth turning up. “Since you last cooked for me.”
Sydney couldn’t believe this was happening, that you were standing in the dingy little kitchen of her even dingier apartment.
It wasn’t as if you cared what her home looked like, you just looked so damn pleased to be there. You looked even happier as you glanced over at the pan she was handling.
“I don’t know why the rest of us try when there’s you, Syd.” You remarked over the lip of your glass.
She hadn’t let you lift a finger, even pouring your drink for you whilst she made you park up at the counter. You watched the way her cheeks rose gently at your comment before she straightened up.
“It’s not a competition you know?” Sydney snorted as she took the pan off the heat. “Besides, you’re a fantastic chef.”
It was your turn to feel a pit of shyness in your stomach, not all that common for you but coming from Sydney- that was something else.
By the time she’d plated up your meal, your mouth was borderline watering. Her whole apartment had filled with the scent and seeing it before you was enough to set your teeth on edge.
“Well, tell me what you think.”
She leaned on the counter in front of you, elbows propped up to rest her chin in her hands. She hadn’t even thought to fix herself a plate, as if her whole reason for cooking had been you.
And it had been.
As you ran the fork through the food, Sydney didn’t miss the way you’d managed to heap almost all the best parts of the dish. Bringing the fork to your bottom lip, you pressed against it gently to test the heat.
Eyes fixed straight on Syd’s, you took the bite and let it consume you. Heat rising in your chest and swelling throughout your whole body. She cooked like the act had been invented for her.
You didn’t mean to moan, honestly. You’d always thought it was a little weird when people did that but it was an honest autonomous response to the food.
“Jesus, Syd,” You tried your best to politely cover your mouth as you spoke. “I’ve never had anything like this before.”
And you hadn’t since. Not until that moment, not until it was as if you were back in your institute days and Sydney was pretending to know less than she did just as an excuse to talk to you longer.
“Do you remember when I asked you how to fillet a fish? I’d come to you with a bandaged finger and an apron covered in scales.”
Sydney had no idea why she’d said it, why she’d even spoken the memory into existence. The moment she saw your face light up, the sound of your laugh- she realised why.
“As if thee Sydney Adamu couldn’t fillet a fucking fish.” Your eyes crinkled in the corners as you relived the moment. “I ran the knife long enough for you to freak out and take over.”
Thinking back on the memory, Syd hadn’t even realised that you’d seen right through her. That’s how away with it she was. “You knew? Why didn’t you say anything?”
You couldn’t stop laughing and Sydney couldn’t stop drawing that sound out of you.
“And give up the opportunity to have you at my station? I don’t think so!”
Her heart was going to stop. Her heart was going to stop and you were going to have to give her CPR and maybe this would be a cute story for the grandkids one day but right now it was mortifying.
The mortifying ordeal of being known.
“Wanted you as much as you wanted you? I thought I’d made that blindingly obvious?”
Could you imagine what would happen if Sydney got out of her own way?
It might look a lot like this, her moving stacks of paper off Carmy’s desk so she could sit you down on the edge of it. Her lips pressed so gently against yours, tongue just and only breaching your mouth.
“Syd,” You whined against her, hands reaching out for her hips. “I’m not going to break.”
Translates into, kiss me like you fucking mean it. With a please tacked on the end, she knows you well.
Slotting between your thighs, Syd pulled you in closer and finally allowed herself to have what she’d always wanted. Her teeth nipped at the flesh of your bottom lip, tongue forcing its way against yours.
It earned her a moan straight into her mouth, your fingers reaching under her chefs whites to press against her stomach. The heat of your hands on her bare skin nearly turned her inside out.
Sydney moved her own hands under your shirt, fingers reaching for the button of your trousers. One hand reaching for the side of her neck, the other sliding further up her chest, you lifted your hips to give her more access.
Still swilling around in her own head, Syd took your sudden movement to heart. “Are you okay? Did you want me to stop?”
Your eyes caught hers, pulling her face down a little more, bringing your lips millimetres from her own. “Sydney.”
One kiss. Firm, tongue pushing her mouth open and swiping along her lower teeth.
Another kiss. Hand moving up her to cup her chest, the other tightening behind her neck.
One more for good measure. Hips bucking into hers, rolling along the seam of her trousers.
“If I want you to stop, you’ll know.” Matter of fact, no questions asked. “Right now, I want you to fuck me.”
Sydney was good at doing what she was told, immediately dropping to her knees with a firm grip on the waistband of your pants.
They hung off one ankle, your other leg slung off her shoulders as she dragged you down the desk a little further. You felt paper shift underneath you as you leaned back on an elbow.
“Carmy will kill us if he finds out.” You snorted a laugh as you ran a soft hand across Syd’s face.
You saw her eyebrows raise, quick comment before her face disappeared between your thighs. “He’ll live.”
She stole another laugh out of you, replacing it with a gasped breath as you felt her tongue running up the seam of you.
Your hips immediately lifted towards her face, hand wrapping around the back her head to pull her even closer. Sydney was more than accepting, lips pursing around your clit as her tongue got to work.
Eyes rolling back, head dropping back between your shoulders as her mouth worked absolute magic. The sounds she drew from you were more than debauched.
“Fucking hell, Syd-“
She cut you off as her lips closed in, suckling against the sensitive bud as your hips picked up a steady rhythm rolling against her mouth.
Those skilled hands, the ones you’d spent days watching were now wrapped tightly around your thighs, pulling them to close around her head.
Sydney was trying to forget where you began and she ended.
You felt movement, like she was shuffling. Tilting your head, you caught a glimpse of how she was knelt, finding that she’d sat herself on the heel of her foot.
Sydney was getting herself off on the taste of you.
Your stomach was doing fucking flips, the fireworks that’d start off when you tasted a meal of hers were dialled up to 11.
You’d never had anything like this before.
The way your hips were grinding down, the heady moans and whines that were filling the tiny office, the firm grip on the edge of the desk. You took your hand off Syd’s head and closed it over one of her hands.
She released your thigh to intertwine her fingers with yours, palms pressed tight together as her tongue ran down to your entrance to breach inside.
Your back arched up, papers crinkling beneath you as you writhed under her touch. “Syd- you’re gonna’ make me cum.”
All of a sudden, everything was gone. Her hot mouth against your core disappeared. Her hands on you faded into nothing.
Just as you felt tears of frustration pricking your eyes, mouth dropping open to ask just what the fuck she thought she was doing- when everything went speeding back to life.
Two skilled fingers, skill you’d known for a very long time (just never like this) suddenly ran along the split of you.
Gathering wetness as she went, Sydney immediately slipped inside of you and crooked her fingertips up until they were right on that spot behind your mound.
Your hands flew up to grip the fabric of her whites, pulling her in until your lips were pressed back against hers.
You could taste yourself, hot and raw against your own tongue as Sydney worked her fingers into you. Hearing her mumble against your mouth, you pulled back to listen.
“I want to feel it- want to feel you when you cum.”
Rolling your hips into her hand, you gripped onto her tight as you buried your face in the crook of her neck. Your teeth gently nipped at the skin of her throat as she pressed the heel of her hand to your clit.
Your stomach was coiling tight, the added pressure was driving you straight to edge in screaming colour.
Over the sound of your blood rushing in your ears, you could hear the gentle little coos from Sydney, lips ghosting over the shell of your ear.
“Just like that.”
“There you go, sweet girl.”
“You’re doing so good for me.”
And that was enough.
From the moment you were paired together in the institute, just once- once was enough. All you’d ever wanted to hear from that point onwards was praise, Syd’s praise.
Your face firmly pressed into the crook of her shoulder, cunt clenching tight around Sydney’s fingers as you felt your orgasm pulling you under.
Fingers still working you through the waves, her other arm wrapped around your back and pulled you flush against her.
As your senses started to come back, you could feel her hand gently rubbing between your shoulder blades. Lips pressed to the top of your head as you felt yourself shaking gently against her.
You felt the emptiness of her hand moving from between your legs, eyes opening in time to see her lips close around her two glistening fingers.
There was an unmistakable heat in your cheeks, watching her eyes flutter shut and a groan work its wait out of her chest. For a moment, you knew how she felt when you taste her food.
As you reached out to get your hands on the waistband of her trousers, you felt a hand close around your wrist. Nearly, you could nearly argue but you felt yourself being gently pushed back to your earlier position.
“I wanna feel this one on my face,” Sydney instructed, getting back onto her knees. “I’ve only got 3 years and 8 months to make up for.”
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xblackreader · 5 months
Mini Sydcarmy domestic headcanons : SFW
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when they start getting closer as best friends (basically dating but without kissing bc they’re scared), Sydney starts biting his hands or his forearms and he just… lets her, making comments about her being a cannibal to see her pout and asking ‘what sides she wants to eat with his left arm’.
Sydney Thee Biter 👹🤭💞✨
In fact, he just starts offering her his arms whenever she looks antsy, she bites him once to sate her blood lust, and smiles at him.
Now Once they start 💞✨smooching✨💞 officially, she moves on to biting his cheek meat or his bicep; carmy’s body is nice and firm so it’s very pleasant to bite on. Good for chewing.
If they’re pillow talking, she’s biting his jaw. If they’re working in the office side by side, her teeth are in his shoulder. If they’re watching a movie together, Sydney is in his lap practically eating his face.
also Sydney smells like cocoa butter and her hair always smells like fruit somehow? (That’s that black girl magic) Carmy is obsessed.
Carm is also a chronic sniffer. If Sydney is a biter, Carmy is a sniffer; he’s smelling her hair and her pillow and he love using her body wash.
He will stick his nose in her hair and just inhale. “You’re a creep, Carm” he doesn’t care.
But He can’t use her shampoo anymore bc apparently her haircare is expensive and she popped his wrist when she caught him sneaking into it.
Sydney after catching Carmy using her Shea Moisture and Carol’s Daughter in the bathroom:
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wtfsteveharrington · 5 months
a summary of everything i've posted in the past 24 hours because the inspo has gotten away from me & just keeps coming
the bear -
luca: something new - a morning sex fic
richie: smutty drabble where he's a menace and you're a tease
sydney: soft drabble about date night because i needed some cuteness while i write her standalone fic
stranger things -
steve harrington: smutty drabble that kinda goes with my robin x reader x steve series but fully stands alone
and there's more coming i fear 🌝 i'm working on finishing my drafts which includes carmen berzatto, sydney adamu, steve harrington, eddie munson, and patrick zweig but for now i must take a break because i'm about to lose my duolingo streak okay ilysb byyee
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drabbles-mc · 8 months
Sydney Adamu x Richie Jerimovich
Word Count: 100
A/N: once in a blue moon i come out of the woodwork to make my url at least kind of true. a drabble for y'all. i know there's a full fic in here somewhere but i simply do not have the brainpower for it at the moment. (divider by @rookthornesartistry 💞)
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Richie couldn’t remember when he last thought about the clothes he wore to the restaurant. But now Syd’s hands were gripping his shirt in a vice as she pushed him back, the thought incessant.
The door to the office clanged shut after them and it was then that Richie pried his lips off hers. “Whoa, what—what the fuck are we doing?” he asked, breathless.
Syd’s brows knit tightly, fists still clenching his shirt. “You really wanna talk about the answer to that right now?”
A breath, a pause. “No.”
Then her lips were on his again, fingers curling tighter.
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
California Reaper (SydxCarmy one-shot)
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Hot Peppers (Such as the California Reaper) are believed to protect the wearer from envy and harmful intent, prevent gossip, and attract good fortune. (California reapers are the hybrid between Carolina Reaper & Peach peppers, Peaches symbolize longevity & health) ♡ Summary: Carmy & Syd have a heated argument after work that turns into something more... ♡ W/C: 1,736 ♡ Posted Date: 06/21/2024 ♡ A/N: Here is my 'prediction' for S3 hahah! My hopeful one, IK it probs wont happen but a girl could totally dream, right?! ♡ Warnings for BTC: Swearing, Typical TB themes, Smut, Unprotected sex, Not edited!
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♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡ ➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡
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Heated. Potent. Extreme. 
This conversation currently being had could easily be described as any of those synonyms. It wasn’t surprising, though. To either of them, really. This unbearable tension had been building all day between them. 
Really, it has been since Carmy got out of the freezer last night. But, of course when he did get out they acted like it was some - hiccup? Like it didn’t affect anything. Like, it was just another day at the office. Syd had rushed up to him, clutching his numb fingers and bringing them to her warm, plump lips - like that isn’t all he ever fucking wanted. 
That honestly pissed him off, that it took him nearly freezing to death for her to give the affection he had begged for by way of sad puppy eyes for months. Her warm breath puffing into his tingling fingers was nothing short of heavenly. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. “Fuck, Carmy” she mumbled in his skin, grateful he was okay. 
He wanted to shove her away, he wanted to scream at her like she was at him right now and ask her what the fuck was wrong with her. Ask her why she never touched him, held him like that until now. But he didn’t.
Instead, he brushed her off, snapped at her to ‘get back to fucking closing duties, what am I- a baby?’ as he stomped off to the office and slammed the door, ignoring Richie and Natalie pleading to let them in so they could check on him. He was in there for well over an hour, he nearly shouted at Natalie to shut the fuck up as he shook his firey hands rapidly. Throbbing. Itchy. Painful. 
That is all he could describe his skin as feeling. His face was flushed with embarrassment, he couldn’t stop shaking. He had never felt a panic attack like this before, he felt like his chest was caving in. He actually had to sit (more like collapse) into his office chair, and rest with his head in his hands for he wasn’t sure how long, all he knew was everyone had went home when he came out and he was grateful for that. 
“I should have taken my last check back at that shithole of a sandwich shop and fucking walked. I ask myself almost every day why I didn’t!” She shouted. Her throat was becoming dry, she never yelled like this. She actually felt like she had to cough but was doing everything in her power not to, she wasn’t sure how his throat sustained the constant yelling all day. 
If Carmen wasn’t so hyped up from lack of sleep and overloading on nicotine with next to no food, he probably would realize that Syd had never shouted like this. So loud that her voice cracked, that her eyes were wide with rage. “Then fucking do it. Leave- walk.” He hasn’t even taken into account they were now so close she could smell said cigarettes on his breath. 
“Oh I would- but you said you couldn’t handle it without me, proved that right yesterday when you couldn’t have even bothered to get the fucking walk in door fixed a day before hard open.” She seethed, going to shove him but he grabbed her wrists, stopping her where she stood. 
She felt the blood drain from her face, she felt hot but goosebumps covered her skin. “Y’know what maybe that’s because-“ 
“Because what, Carmen.” She cuts him off. Her stare was boring into his in the way that made him feel small, he hated feeling small. He knew she was right, that she had to handle things all on her own and she didn’t drown. That he held the awards, he held the titles, but she? She holds him together.
Before either of them could think to say anything else, his mouth was on hers. It was messy, it was rough- it was…nearly bruising. It was fucking everything she’d dreamed of. She didn’t pull away, she didn’t slap him, she didn’t squirm or gag like Carmy thought she may, she leaned into it. Her grip on his shirt got tighter, her nails pinched his skin through the fabric as she rough- no more like violently kissed him back. 
Thats what this kiss was, it wasn’t sweet, it wasn’t gentle nor loving - this kiss was 2 late twenty somethings releasing a pressure valve they hadn’t in so long, that had to release, or the both of them would explode into meaty chunks that had to be mopped off the walls of The Bear. 
His hands scaled down her ribs, tugging at her chefs coat and pulling her to his hips as he shuffled towards the office. Neither of them dared to break the kiss, dared to question what they were doing. They both needed this. When his back hit the door though, she ricocheted off his body hard enough to feel his third leg essentially hardening down the right side of his jeans, causing her to pull away. 
“We tell no one. This happens one fucking time. Do you understand me? Once. Never again.” She was dead serious, and He was tongue tied, he couldn’t even find a yes or no, his eyes were wide and knees felt weak like a baby fucking deer. 
The only thing he could manage was a hard gulp and a quick nod of yes and she backed up, twisting the knob to the office and he quickly righted himself as he almost tumbled backwards onto the floor, palming the wall and catching his breath quickly “fuckin shit” he muttered to himself as he almost fell ass first, causing Syd to laugh as she swung the door shut behind her. 
“You’re graceful have I ever told you?” She teased, shrugging off her chefs coat to reveal her tight black tshirt underneath that made Carmys mouth water. 
“You’re an ass sometimes” he mumbled, tugging off the tie of his apron and sliding it over his head “like y’r a fuckin student still, wearin’ your whites every day.” He hooked his arm around the back of her neck, pulling her lips back to his and kissing them hungrily. He wasn’t being shy, nor meek per his usual MO with her when they were alone. He was taking what he wanted.  
She hummed into his mouth, gently nipping at his chapped lips. She kind of loved how she could taste blood, she sucked and licked at his lust bitten lips like they were the fountain of youth, lapping up his blood like it was the sweetest thing she’d ever tasted. He gently urged her onto the desk after clearing it of the at this moment useless paperwork that covered it with a broad swipe of his arm. 
She comfortably sat back, tugging him to lean into her frame and carefully weaving her nimble fingers through his knitted curls from the long day in the hot, sticky kitchen. She felt sweat on the tips of her fingers, but she didn’t give a shit. She wanted more, she would lick it if she could. “Too slow” she said between kisses, tugging open the button of her chefs pants and tugging down the zipper with a loud ‘zrrrp’ 
“Y’fuckin needy” he breathed, tugging down his chefs pants just enough for his cock to spring free, kissing his naval as it beads out pre while he roughly tugs off her pants and panties in one bruising pull of the fabrics. He shuffled her hips to the end of the desk easily, looking into her eyes carefully. “Tell me you want this” he said gently, hand braced on the wall behind him. 
“I want you” she said, voice laced with a careful kind of trust, a trust they only had with eachother. 
“You fuckin piss me off, know that?” He grabs her face with a firm gentleness that brought a moan to the base of her throat, clenching around him as he sheathed himself inside of her, thrusting to the hilt. She smiled, biting her plump lower lip to hold back a cry of pleasure. 
“I fucking hate working with you most the time” she pulled him into a sloppy kiss and he moans as he feels her squeezing around him in a way he could only describe as heavenly. He grunted, pushing himself harder and she gasped, her head falling back. 
He sucked dark spots into her bronzed flesh, pants puffing through his nose as he thrusted at a near punishing pace. “So fuckin pretty.” He muttered into her skin, biting down until there were teeth shaped marks bruised into the flesh causing her to whine and squirm in a way he felt was what angels sounded like. 
“Jesus fucking Christ” she rasps, her nails digging into his pale flesh, leaving bruising purple marks as she drags them down with no relent. He grunted, the pain urging him to move harder. His other hand moves to her throat and she looked up at him with those big brown eyes. 
“This is ok yea? I wouldn’t ever hurt you” he said the last part carefully, honestly. She swallowed thickly which he felt under his palm, before nodding gently and gasping a bit as she felt his fingers tighten around her throat. His thrusts slowed, becoming more careful and gentle as he gauged her reaction to the new pressure. 
Her mouth dropped clenching around him wildly as her orgasm overtook her and her wide brown eyes fluttered shut, head falling back with a thump to the wall and squeaks of pleasure leaving her throat. “Good. Good girl” Carmy praised as he rubbed her clit with his other hand causing her hips to jerk up and nails to dig into his shoulder. 
He hissed in pain, pushing in to her g-spot harder as he chased his own high. She scratched and slapped at his back at the overstimulation as he sucked at her collarbones, his back would likely be black and blue the following day - he loved the thought. When he finally came, it was with a grunt like whine she had never heard before, but she wanted to hear again and again forever. 
“Still just one time?” His voice was shaking, panting even. 
It was her that was now breathless and wordless, and could only find a quick nod of her head. 
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murdrdocs · 2 years
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current status: CLOSED
note from the author DO NOT send me a request that you have already sent another writer and vice versa. if found out, you will be blocked. please keep any venting in my inbox positive. i only accept requests for blurbs or drabbles (>2k words)
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★ YUP!
: ̗̀➛ cnc, somnophilia, piss (holding and letting go), blood play, knife play, exhibitionism, size kink, snowballing, impact play, pregnancy, breeding, praise, degradation, voyeurism
: ̗̀➛ cheating/infidelity, stepcest, drunk sex, threesomes, cuckolding, predator/prey, period sex, sex pollen
: ̗̀➛ fluff, angst
★ MAYBE ... !
: ̗̀➛ mommy kink, daddy kink, brat taming, feet/foot fetish, corruption
: ̗̀➛ pseudocest (iffy on adoptation), gunplay
: ̗̀➛ pegging, high sex (weed)
★ NAH !
: ̗̀➛ ddlg/age play, extreme degradation, race play, pet play, noncon, pissing in mouths, food play, feeding/feederism, teacher x student, period comfort ("___ taking care of you on your period")
: ̗̀➛ incest, being caught, kidnapping, sex w family near
: ̗̀➛ real people, male reader, major character/reader death, mental illnesses, ass eating, scat, sexual assault
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characters ! 
* indicates sfw only ★ indicates current favorites
: ̗̀➛ stranger things : steve harrington, robin buckley, eddie munson, dmitri antonov
: ̗̀➛ outer banks : jj maybank, rafe cameron, sarah cameron 
: ̗̀➛  the hunger games : peeta mellark, katniss everdeen, finnick odair, johanna mason, young coriolanus snow
: ̗̀➛ scream : ethan landry, stu macher, chad meeks-martin, quinn bailey, charlie walker, anika kayoko, wes hicks
: ̗̀➛ avatar : neteyam sully*, jake sully, neytiri sully
: ̗̀➛ mcu : peter parker, loki laufeyson, matt murdock, adam warlock, peter b parker, miguel o'hara, hobie brown, peter quill
: ̗̀➛ teen wolf : stiles stilinski, theo raeken
: ̗̀➛ five nights at freddy's (2023) : vanessa shelley, mike schmidt
: ̗̀➛  pjo (2023) : luke castellan, ares, sally jackson, poseidon
: ̗̀➛  dune (2021-present) : leto atreides I, duncan idaho, feyd-rautha harkonnen, lady jessica, princess irulan corrino
: ̗̀➛ challengers (2024): art donaldson, tashi donaldson, patrick zweig
★ : ̗̀➛ the bear (2022-present) : carmen berzatto, sydney adamu, richie jerimovich, luca
: ̗̀➛  misc : dave lizewski (kickass), barbara handler (barbie)*, rodrick heffley (doawk), felix catton (saltburn), oliver quick (saltburn),
unsure about your favorite character? ask me about it!  
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starflirts · 3 months
welcome to the first (of many) milestone celebration of this account !
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please select one track per ask! the event will run from july 1st to july 7th.
featured guests: luke castellan, percy jackson, annabeth chase, jason grace, art donaldson, patrick zweig, tashi duncan, sydney adamu, chef luca
HOW MUCH IS WEED : send a character and a dialogue from this list or this list and i'll write you a drabble
THINK FAST : send a character, an au and a prompt from this list for a drabble!
SICK : send a character and a concept and i'll write some headcanons
DANCING IN THE COURTHOUSE : send a lyric and a character and i'll write you a drabble
SUNBURN : send a character to get a song that reminds me of them!
4X4 : send me a small description of yourself, a fandom and a gender preference and i'll pair you with someone
FRISKY : games! (would you rather, top 5, etc...) or come chat with me!
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