#sydcarmy fluff
daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Full Masterlist
Sydcarmy Masterlist
Syd, Carmy and a heatwave which threatens to tip things over the edge...
it's hot as balls basically everywhere I think atm? Anyway, it's hot in the UK so this popped into my head.
If you can't stand the heat, get outta the kitchen. 
If you can't stand the heat… Get. Out. Of. The. Kitchen. 
Get. Out. Of. The. Kitchen.
Sydney was at least 96.8% certain that she was going to die in this kitchen today. Which, coincidentally, was the temperature outside. Inside, it was a cool 104°F at least . She didn't dare look at the room thermometer Marcus had brought in with him for fear that she'd crawl into the walk-in in tears and never come out. They'd put a rule on breakdowns in the walk-in. Only 2 allowed per week, and Richie had bagged both of them already thanks to Tiffany's engagement party. She was bracing herself for the pomme puree and the steam, bicep work out, and overall exertion it would inflict on her, when she felt a cool hand sweep under her braids and leave a damp washcloth behind. She couldn't stop the low moan that tumbled from her mouth, or the breathy,
"Fuck me."
"Too damn hot." 
"It wasn't an offer, Carmen." She tutted, rolling her eyes. 
"Obviously not if you're full naming me, Sydney." He teased. 
"Behind," she called, lugging the steaming pan of potatoes over to the sink. He followed with a strainer and took over. 
"Here let me," steam billowed up between them, obscuring her favorite view of his arms. She had a running total of how many times he stepped in to lift something she or Tina would have struggled with. She wondered vaguely whether he was the one doing it on purpose. The helping, the little quips, the overall being better . The tension had been simmering gently beneath them since the day after the soft open, probably before that if she really cared to admit it. He'd called them all in, apologized until there wasn't a dry eye in the house, and made it clear he'd spend as long as necessary making amends to each and every one of them. 
She'd walked out. 
He'd followed her out back and stood perfectly still while she shouted, screamed and cussed him out. Words that she'd probably never said aloud before were hurled at him with ease, and he took it all. She shouted until she was hoarse and exhausted, eyes streaming with tears and head pounding like his fists on the metal door the night before. When she paused to catch her breath, he'd moved into her space and put his hands on her shoulders. All out of words, she hit out physically, and he took it as she rained fairly useless and ineffectual punches onto his chest. If she'd had a right hook like Richie, he probably would have been far less accepting. Eventually, she succumbed to silence, and still, he stood there. He'd wrapped those damn arms around her even as she still fought against him, pushing her hands on him to try and move backwards. She gave way to indifference, arms limp at her sides until he'd whispered a heartbroken beg for forgiveness into her ear, and her resolve crumbled like dry bread dough. She accepted the apology but made it abundantly clear that forgiveness would have to be earned. He became more present and dedicated than she'd ever seen. Their working relationship, firstly, had blossomed because of it, easily followed by their friendship and now… well. If suggestive banter or innocent touches were Olympic team events, they were gold medalists. 
"Get some air, Syd." He suggested as the steam died away. He looked as bad as she felt, hair damp, and what looked like a permanent sheen of sweat coated his skin. 
"Is it any cooler out there?"
"No, but there's air?" She nodded and took the offer. They'd carved out a few meters of shade by snagging one of the old tablecloths on some rusty hooks and had moved a couple chairs out of the sun. 
"Too damn hot." She repeated his words back to him as he approached, taking the seat next to her. 
"Yeah. What're you thinking?"
"Really?" She opened one eye to look at him, "what's the coldest I can get the shower to go later." 
"Not cold enough."
"Heard, Chef. You?"
"What's the maximum fine for a health code violation." She looked confused, "naked cooking." Came the explanation. 
"Ok, one - gross, and two - last time I did it, I burned myself, so it's a no from me."
"Where what?"
"Where'd you burn yourself?" He asked, turning the already considerable temperature up on their conversation once more. 
"Uhuh, you'll never know."
"Never? We'll see." She shook her head. She normally enjoyed the push and pull, the raising stakes of who gives in first and changes the subject when it gets too much. But this heatwave had been going on for days, and the combined heat is just too much. She's too damn hot to keep up a witty repartee and try to make him blush. Plus the heat only makes her think more of their sweat slicked bodies together. She found herself wondering more and more often how long they'd keep this up. What would be the thing that brought about change? Did it just disappear again as gradually as it arrived? Was it a simple one and done fuck it out of their system? Or did they carry on in this perpetual state of winding each other up and then, as she did now frequently (so, so frequently), bring herself back down. If she could do it without spontaneously combusting, she'd wonder if he also had to do that as often as she did. As if on command, an image of him with his hand on his cock pops into her brain before she can stop it, and she has to grit her teeth and press her thighs together to stop from making a sound. 
"It's too fucking hot." She grimaced and headed back inside before she could accidentally make eye contact and have him read her mind. 
The next day was just as bad. The sun was gone, but a sweaty, muggy heat remained and that was somehow worse. There was no breeze at all, no air, everything was hazy. They'd sent everyone home who didn’t need to be there, preferring to survive the evening on the bare minimum number of staff rather than have a packed out kitchen or front of house. Fak hovered, mumbling something about stressed pipework and expansion but Syd ignored him and refilled hers and Carmy's iced waters, hands brushing together as he eagerly took it from her. 
"Isn't there, like, a point where you can drink too much water and get ill?" She asked, downing half her cup in one go and leaving condensation drips to travel down her chin and neck. 
"Fuck knows. We need to 86 half the menu tonight."
"Heard, Chef. Already gone through it with Richie." She handed him the revised menu for the evening. 
"No swordfish?"
"Do you want to stand and sear it on the hotplate all night?" 
"Definitely not."
"I thought not. I swear it's so hot in here I think I could turn my back into a hotplate." She shook her head and mumbled, "fry a fucking egg on my ass." He laughed so hard he nearly threw his water across the room. 
"We should try that." He suggested once he'd recovered and received a glare in response. 
"I need air." She took her cup and refilled it again on the way out. In the tiny not-really-a-corridor between the pot wash and outside she heard a gurgling rumble near ground level. "The fuck?" She looked down to see a drip of water escaping from the pipe. "Fak?" There was no response initially, "yo, Neil, get your ass out here?" It happened just as Carmy comes to the door to ask what's wrong. The pipe groans and creaks, "hey, can you get Fak, I think there's -" water everywhere. Everywhere . It sprayed out from the pipe in a forceful gush and got her right in the face. "Holy fucking shit!" To his credit, Carmy shut the door behind him and grabbed at the coats on the hooks in front of them. Syd pulled off her apron and dropped to the floor, using it to press against the pipe to stem the flow of water while Carmy used the coats on the gap at the bottom of the door so it didn’t get into the kitchen. They were both soaked to the bone and the water just kept coming. 
"Fak, where the fuck are you?" Carmy shouted over the sound of the water, Syd tried to hold the gap in the pipe but it only made the water gush harder at odd angles. Finally, finally , Neil appeared by the back door, "shut the fucking water off, Fak!" He had to go round to the front and into the kitchen the long way to get to the stop tap. Syd let go of the pipe as soon as the water slowed to a trickle, and sat back on the wet floor with her back against the wall, trying to catch her breath, 
"Fuck. That was," there were no words, "... that was crazy. At least it was clean water." She lifted the edge of her soaked t-shirt to wipe her face. He wasn’t talking and she had no idea why - he wasn’t calling out for Fak or cursing the heat, the pipes, the pool of water they were literally sitting in. She looked up to see what was wrong and he just stared back at her. “What? What’s wrong - did you get hurt?” She moved forward on her knees quickly, half crawling towards him when Fak opened the kitchen door.
“I knew it, I knew the pipes wouldn’t take the heat,” he sighed, taking in the sight of both of them sitting in an inch of water and looking, presumably, like drowned vermin. “Woah, wet t-shirt competition!” He covered his eyes and turned away. Syd looked to find that her plain white t-shirt had clung to her body like a second skin, her non-padded black bra and dark pebbled nipples completely visible.
“Shit,” her arms covered her modesty but the damage was done. Fak left quickly, mumbling something about repairs before they opened and Syd stood as quickly as she could without moving her arms. Carmy cleared his throat,
“Sorry, that was really fucking inappropriate, I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t think… didn’t realize. It’s fine. Should have left my apron on.”
“Yeah. You’re dripping,” he started to say,
“Excuse me?” Her eyes were like saucers, her voice was barely a squeak,
“You’re uhh, you’re dripping. You should change? You wanna uhh… you should use the office? I’ll start clearing up, Manny will be here in a few, and then I’ll get changed. You got spare clothes?”
“Yeah, yeah I think I’ve got some stuff to get by with.”
“Let me know if you need a shirt, think I’ve got a couple.”
“Thanks,” She hesitated, his shirt was also plastered to his skin, the faint outlines of more tattoos just visible through the transparent fabric. She swallowed and looked back up to eye level and he moved aside to let her through. She waded to the lockers and office without a backwards glance. The second the door was closed behind her, she was able to let out a shaking breath. Fuuuck. Assessing the damage, she peeled off her t-shirt and bra, and slid her Dickies down her legs. There wasn’t a single dry item of clothing that she could put back on so all she had was a clean cami crop top and another pair of Dickies. No underwear, no bra. Not even socks. She was just about dressed again when there was a faint knock on the door,
“Can I come in?”
“Yeah, sure.” She’d pulled her braids back into a high bun and reused her damp scarf to hold it up off her neck, the cami left her arms and shoulders exposed but she has her custom jacket hanging up to put on later to cover herself. The crop top left a line of her stomach uncovered. She wasn’t sure it had ever been seen in public before, and certainly not by Carmy. Learning from previous mistakes, she covered her breasts by crossing her arms - no bra meant she may as well still be wearing a soaked t-shirt for all the dignity it provided.
“You good?”
“Fine, not ideal but, y’know,” she shrugged. “Hey do you have any spare socks?”
“Yeah, think so. Shit, even your socks?”
“Literally every item of clothing I was wearing is just… fucking soaked.” The statement lingered in the air,
“You should hang them somewhere outside, let everything dry out.”
“Gonna do it now. Need some help with the clear up?”
“Nah, Manny’s got it and Fak’s repairing the pipe.”
“Will we have water for service?”
“He tells me so. We’ll see, it’s Fak.” She hummed in agreement and turned her back on him to grab her wet clothes from the floor. He stepped behind her and she felt a featherlight touch on her tattoo. “You have a tattoo?” He stated, tracing the outline and causing goosebumps to pick up across her shoulders and back. She tried to speak, but the words weren't forming. His other hand went to the bare skin on her back, knuckles grazing the dip of her spine. “You’ve cooled down.” She nodded, it’s all she can do. He was so close, she could feel the cool damp from his t-shirt and it was still so oppressively hot in the kitchen that she just wanted to lean back into him. Her breath was already ragged and he’d hardly laid a finger on her. The knuckles on her back turned to fingertips on her bare waist with the faintest, almost imperceptible grip. She felt his lips ghost over the back of her neck and then a tiny kiss directly on her tattoo. It felt like all of the heat from outside and from the kitchen had all pooled in her stomach. He held her a little tighter and her body flooded with longing, a sigh escaping from her mouth. The clothes dropped to the floor with a wet slap, and she turned in his arms. There was so little space between them, it was blindingly obvious that she didn’t have a bra on. “Fuck, Syd,” he rasped, his hand coming up to cup her breast over her t-shirt, the pad of his thumb skimmed her nipple. She arched into him, her hand was already bunching his t-shirt in her fist as he nudged her nose with his, their breath mingling. His eyes were locked on hers, waiting for her agreement,
“What the fuck happened, Fak! I thought you said the pipes would be good?” Richie’s voice boomed through the kitchen just as she’d leaned into him, and they sprang apart instantly.
“Yeah Richie, when it’s not plus 100, dude! Everything falls apart in that kinda heat.” Syd grabbed her clothes again and was out of the door before Carmy could say a word. She shoved her bare feet into her work crocs and darted outside, stepping over the rags thrown down to soak up some of the water. Manny had moved the coats they’d originally put down and hung them outside. Communal outerwear which had been there since spring turned to summer and people came to work in a coat but didn’t leave with one. She made a mental note to take them to get cleaned before anyone would need them again. 
“Any damage?” She asked Fak on her way past.
“Only the pipe, you guys managed to keep all the water to the pot wash. Nothing in the kitchen.”
“Great. We good for service?”
“Well see.”
“We gotta be, Fak.” She told him firmly.
“You got it Syd.” Outside, she flung her clothes over the back of one of the chairs and dragged a hand over her face. Everything falls apart in that kinda heat. She heard Fak’s words over and over. 
“Yo, you good?” Carmy asked as he stepped out and did the same thing with his clothes as she had. Of course the only sign of the mishap inside for him was his wet hair, while she looked like she’d gotten dressed in the dark and forgotten most of her clothes. 
“Yeah. Gotta get on with prep, we’re behind.”
“Heard, Chef. I’ll be right there.” He grabbed her wrist as she passed him and asked the question again without saying a word. She nodded and threw him a small smile.
“Later,” she assured him. “We’re all good, Chef.” She confirmed and headed inside.
It was a quiet night, for which Syd was eternally grateful. Just one full cover and turnaround on tables, the latest seated at 7.30pm and out by 9.30pm. The quiet night however, left plenty of room and time in the kitchen. Fewer people around had seemingly given Carmy a free pass to make his presence known around Syd. Any normal night and she’d barely have time to look at him other than when answering him. She’d suggested that she take the expo while he manned hers and Tina’s stations with Connor on his own and Daniela’s. 
“You sure?” He asked as she tied her apron,
“Yeah, I’m faster.” 
“No you’re not,” he scoffed.
“Yes, I am.”
“Not. What’s the real reason?” He asked quietly, looking around to see that they were as alone as they could be in the open kitchen.
“No reason.”
“You want the truth?” She asked.
“I do, say more please?”
“I need to not have your voice, like, talking me through it all fucking night. Ok?” He looked a little hurt and she realized how her comment had sounded, replaying it in her mind, “fuck, I didn’t mean…” she stepped closer and dropped her voice so that only he could hear her. “It can be distracting and I don’t need that distraction with half the kitchen staff out. Ok?” She’d moved over to the expo and started setting up while he was still processing her comment. 
“Distracting?” He raised a questioning eyebrow.
“Shut up. We’re not talking about this, I said what I said and that’s it,” she waved her hand as if to brush the comment away and out of the conversation, “done.”
“We’re coming back to this conversation.”
“We’ll see about that. 10 minutes to open, Chefs. We good?”
“Yes, Chef.” came the slightly reduced chorus back. 
“Excellent, let’s get it done and get out of this furnace.” They moved quickly through the tables, Syd’s constant stream of information and requests flowed through the kitchen with ease. Hands were exactly where they needed to be, nothing needed to be refired and despite the heat, the atmosphere was calm and relaxed. Despite his voice not being as much of a distraction, he still found other ways. Small touches to her back as he passed behind her, brushes of her hand when he brought her plates and every time he caught her eye she was sure she could burst into flames.
“More hands please and thank you.” She called out as Carmy brought three plates forward along with a refilled cup of iced water, “thank you, Chef.” She murmured, stealing a glance at him.
“Y’welcome, Chef.”
“Chefs, stay hydrated please, and do not sweat into my plates.” She reminded them.
“Yes, Chef.”
“Carm, you good?”
“Yes, Chef. Just trying not to be a distraction.” He smirked. 
“If only that were possible.” She retorted,
“Maybe some pointers?” She fought the grin pulling at the corner of her mouth but ignored him,
“Connor, your station done?”
“Sure is, Chef.” 
“Gorgeous, thank you.” The young chef beamed at her. 
“Ok, last table are ready for desserts and then we’re done, lizards.” Richie confirmed, Connor left his stations to cover the final desserts over on Marcus’ empty section while Syd went through the night's tickets and Carmy started clearing up. 
“So back to my being a distraction -” he started, she continued counting while he continued talking, “can we get into that, please?”
“Right now?” She carried on counting,
“I mean, later works for me?” he saw her hands falter on her count, she paused to remember where she was up to and then carried on,
“Yep, sounds good, I’ll cook.” She finished and clipped the tickets together, adding a sticky note to the top with the totals as Connor brought the final desserts over,
“Hands please, Richie,” she called out, wiping the plates. 
“No smudges.” She and Carmy both told him as he collected them. “Outside?” She asked, reaching for her nearly empty cup. “Connor, we’ll be back in 5. Take a break if you want.” She collected Carmy’s cup on the way past and refilled both of them. Outside, the heat was still fierce even in the twilight. “How is it no fucking cooler yet?”
“Better than in there.” He slumped into one of the chairs and lit a cigarette. “Good service.”
“Not bad, considering. Heat’s supposed to break tonight.” She muttered, looking up at the sky.
“Maybe it will.” He replies, looking at her.
“Maybe. I’ll go finish clean up.” She leaves him with the sun nearly fully set behind him. Connor, bless him, had nearly finished the basic clean down. Leftovers boxed up and labeled ready to go in the lowboys, surfaces cleaned and sanitized and the floors swept. It’s about all she’s willing to do tonight, if the heat breaks she’d be there early in the morning anyway to go through everything properly. She thanked Connor and sent him on his way, hearing him say goodbye to Carmy as they crossed paths in the pot wash. 
“Don’t forget your stuff.” He handed over her clothes as she took off and folded her jacket carefully. She stuffed her sun dried clothes into her bag while he shut off the lights, and she followed him out to his car. They drove in a comfortable and easy silence that didn’t call out to be filled. She wasn’t entirely sure what she’d say anyway, there was too much of a sense of inevitability in the air. “How’s the new apartment?” He asked. They'd all helped her move in the week before to a tiny ("It's bijou, Richie!", "It's fuckin' tiny, Syd.") studio apartment closer to the restaurant.
“S’good, yeah. Still a bit basic, but I’ll get there.” 
“You’re dad missing you?”
“He says so, but I think he’s just happy he can watch as much Jeopardy as he wants and eat potatoes for every meal again.”
“Living the life.”
“He’s loving it. Considering I was out of the house probably 15 hours a day, I think it’s a stretch to say I cramped his style, but that's the angle he's going for.” She pointed out a parking spot which she knew wouldn't get ticketed, and he followed her up to the fourth floor. She could already feel her heart pounding in her throat, the heady combination of nerves, anticipation and wanting, but he seemed so calm. For someone usually so weighed down by the expectations of others and the stresses of the restaurant, he was effortlessly laid-back. He was approaching her within seconds of walking through the door, stepping right back into the same space he'd occupied in the office earlier in the day. He placed one hand on her jaw which she covered with her own, and one on her hip, softly stroking the bare skin there. 
"This ok?" He asked, tentative but firm. She could hear in his voice that he had no reservations about the radical change they were about to make to their friendship and fuck, the confidence was definitely something. 
"Yeah," she replied, trying to sound composed. "Yes." She repeated firmly, "yes." He guided her a step backwards and held her against the small table in her kitchen. She waited for what felt like an eternity as he brushed his thumb over her cheekbone and across her bottom lip, taking his time to really look at her. His eyes never left hers until he finally looked at her mouth. The hand on her hip moved around to her back, she still felt sticky with sweat and the temperature was only increasing with their proximity. He didn't seem to notice or care at all as he captured her lips in a kiss. She hadn't known what to do with her hands but they moved unconsciously up his biceps, tracing the line of muscle. She worked her fingers over the knots in his shoulders and tangled them in his hair. He growled against her, deepening the kiss and sliding his hand up her back under her t-shirt so he could draw her closer with a firm hand between her shoulder blades. The heat of his palm against the bare skin of her back drew a low moan from her, she broke the kiss for air so he moved to the column of her neck. He sucked at the soft skin at the hollow of her throat and licked the sheen of sweat. "God, I feel gross," she breathed a laugh. He ground his hips against hers as if wanting to show her that he didn't agree. The length of him pressed into her thigh was enough for her to buck against him. She busied her hands in pulling his damp t-shirt off and his fingers brushed the underside of her breast as he went to do the same thing, 
"May I?" He asked,
"Please, yes." She sighed, lifting her arms. He dipped his head to catch a nipple lightly between his teeth, "Oh f-fuck, Carm,” she moaned, “please don’t stop.” His kisses moved back up her neck, 
"I'm not gonna stop," he murmured, palming her breast, "not ever going to stop, baby." Her hips bucked against his again in a frantic attempt to find pressure, fiction, anything . 
"Carmy -" She whined, 
"Tell me what you want?" She groaned in frustration, coherent sentences the furthest thing from her mind - or capabilities - her hand moving to his waistband instead. He took her hands in his own, "how long have you wanted this?" She wrestled her hands back and worked on her own waistband instead, pushing her Dickies down over the curve of her ass.
"Too long," she perched on the table and pulled him closer, 
"Zero patience." He teased, 
"Fuck you." She retorted, kissing him along his collarbone, running her tongue over the new-to-her tattoos and tasting the same sticky saltiness that covered her own body. 
"I don't care, we match," she laughed, reaching again for the button of his pants. She popped the button and stopped, "sure about this?"
He took his hands from her hips and cupped her face, brushing his nose against hers, "Absolutely fucking sure." She pushed his pants down over his hips and wrapped a hand around him, his jaw tightened as he jerked into her. "Fuck, Syd," He rasped. He reached behind her to where he'd thrown his bag onto the table, and dug through blindly until he'd found a condom. "You're so good for me." He kissed her softly, pushing into her slowly. The table groaned dangerously as he fucked her, his pace increasing. She pushed back against each thrust, matching his hungry pace. Their sweat-slicked bodies worked in symphony and it felt like Carmy was adapting in the moment to every catch of her breath or garbled, breathless moan. "That's it baby, I've got you." He grunted, leaving a bite mark on the soft flesh of her shoulder. The table rattled and Syd gripped his shoulders,
"Don't break my fucking table," she warned. He brought a hand down between them in reply and worked his thumb in circles on her clit. His hips snapped against hers and she could feel her legs tremble as he brought her over the edge with him, her name positively reverent on his lips. She fell limp against him with a choked sob. She let her forehead rest in the crook of his neck while he rubbed her hips where his hands had gripped her so tightly she was sure to have bruises. "That was… god, why the fuck did we wait so long?" She asked, moving to look at him. He laughed, kissing her damp forehead and tucking a couple of stray braids behind her ear. He pulled out carefully and discarded the condom. She stepped down gingerly from the table, trying to work out who had the more stable legs of the two. She swayed on the spot a little and immediately decided the table was doing better than she was. He handed her his t-shirt and she put it on despite the heat. "Now I definitely feel disgusting."
"You shower, I'll cook." He told her, opening the fridge, "uhh filled pasta and tomato sauce? Wait, is this Mikey's?" He opened the plastic container and sniffed the contents. 
"Yeah. I was fucking around with a roasted tomato and basil filling for the pasta using his recipe but it's not there yet so this was the leftover sauce I had." 
"You made it here, at home, just because you wanted to?" She took the container from him and put it next to the stovetop so that she could loop her arms around his waist. 
"Yeah, it's the first thing I made when I moved in." She kissed him lightly, "so I'm going to shower because I currently feel more sweat than human, then you can do the same? We can skip the tour - bed's over there." She nodded in the direction of her bed which took up most of the space in the small room. He stopped her from leaving with a searing kiss that left her leaning into him once again. "Hmm, I'll be back," she murmured, gathering the clothes they hadn't put back on and throwing them into her laundry basket. The cool shower felt like bliss after the heat and grime of the day, followed by the sweaty sex. Stomach rumbling, she hurried to switch with Carmy and plated the food while he showered. 
"You didn't give me a real answer before, when I asked how long?" He said once they were sat on her sofa with her bare legs in his lap, 
"I was busy," she grinned. "Honestly? Maybe straight away but everything was too chaotic to know for sure? And then that day I came back and there was tomato juice on the walls and the floors and just fucking… everywhere and you didn't care, you just looked at me. That's when I knew I was totally screwed." She stopped to inhale more of the rich pasta, "you?" 
"The day I met you."
The heatwave broke overnight with rain and thunderstorms, but all Syd cared about was the delicious warmth of Carmy between her legs. 
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delulumom · 2 months
Hello, if you are in the mood to read a sydcarmy centered angsty at the start and then full on family fluff fic series, pls check out my work.
I’d really appreciate your feedback. I’m working on the latest chapter plus another fic for the series but writer’s block is kicking my ass right now.
Would also be open to prompt requests/inspos though I’m not sure when I’ll be able to write them cause … uninspiration is my current boss or something.
Thank you so much 🥺
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currymanganese · 1 year
Psst! Hey kids, wanna read a fluffy 'early days of an established relationship' Sydcarmy fic? I wrote a prequel/continuation of my first fic.
AO3 Link here:
Carmy hovered above Syd, gingerly resting on his forearms, his hands flat on the bed and bracketing her face on both sides. He hummed in satisfaction while they kissed, and came up for air after gently releasing her bottom lip from between his lips with a soft popping sound.
He leaned his head in close to hers and whispered right beside her ear, "Syd, when were you gonna tell me you taste so good?"
Syd cringed, looked halfway between deeply happy and deeply disturbed at his comment, half-heartedly swatted at his chest, and squeaked out between giggles, "Shut the fuck up! Get off of me, get off of me right now!"
Carmy smiled and ducked his head down and noisily kissed her left clavicle three times as he gently trailed the skin over her ribcage with his fingers. Eyes aglow with love and lust, he looked up at her and almost crowed in a voice thick with emotion, "Syd you are so fucking pretty, how do you do it?"
"What like, do you want skin care tips? 'Cause I think giving up cigarettes would be like winning half the battle for you...." Carmy and Syd held each other's gaze for a moment as he shook his head slightly, before Carmy sighed wistfully and murmured softly, "You know I really love it when you call me a dumbass, I'm almost there again, so keep going please."
Syd's eyebrows leapt up towards her hairline and she could no longer smother back her laughter, "Naw, Carmy you need to get up off of me, I'm serious! I can't take this, it's too much!" They both fell into a loud fit of wheezing, tittering laughter and Carmy reluctantly obeyed, easing off of her and moving to the side.
"But seriously though," he continued, "that first week you were staging was one of the longest weeks of my life. Uh, I kept telling myself Carmen, you're already broke as fuck, you can't get a C rating and risk HR violations at the same time."
Sydney smiled and wiggled her eyebrows at him suggestively and baited him, "HR violations you say, do tell!"
He groaned, "Sydney..."
"Car-men," she replied in a sing-song voice, "I wanna know. I'm serious, tell me what was happening with you that week. If you do I'll tell you what it was like for me, I promise."
Carmy glanced at her shyly and drew up his memories of that terrible, awesome, week at The Original Beef of Chicagoland.
"You know when you first walked in...It took me a sec before I caught what you were actually saying, I just couldn't stop staring at you. You looked like a fucking angel."
"Okay, wow....." Sydney interjected.
Syd smirked at him, "So that's why you forgot about UPS? Or is it that you're more of a FedEx type o' guy?"
"Fuck! Syd, you have to let me live that down please, like just rib me for it for at least like a decade max..."
"No can do, my guy. My ego is soaring over this; it's doing wonders for my mental health, now continue your story." Syd grinned.
Carmy groaned and laughed, whispered, "Fuck!" under his breath, and kept on going.
“Between the way you look, the way you called Richie out for being a fucking asshole...The business assessment and COGS breakdown you did and everything else...I had such a hard time not reaching out and-and, I dunno, holding your hand..Or telling you I liked your scarves, and that I loved your eyes...Or could I get to lick them sometime, they look sweet, you know?"
Syd's jaw hung open widely, a look of shock and terror on her face. Carmy bit back a smile and said, "Oh shit I said that last part out loud didn't I?" Syd tittered nervously in a frantic staccato, "Uh you know what Carm? I, uh, think-it's a time to for me go home, catchyoutomorrowm'kay?" and then she made as if to bolt from the bed before Carmy clutched at her wrist.
His laughter sounded just as nervous as hers, such a frank admission of his own horniness towards her threw him almost as off-kilter as it did Syd. "Shit, Syd, I'm sorry, I don't wanna scare you. I'll dial back the TMI okay?"
Syd paused and apologized, "Um, I'm sorry..You don't need to do that..You just.....Had my fight or flight response hella confused for a sec.....Uh, I can still feel the adrenaline surging through my veins actually."
They looked at each other as they valiantly tried to stifle back their laughter, to no avail. They probably had the neighbours incensed with the racket they made as their cackling ricocheted off the walls.
Syd eased herself back into bed and laid beside Carmy again. After a moment of contented silence, she held his hand and sighed. "I dunno about fiending to lick your eyes and shit, but I was crushing on you too back then actually.."
"Awwww, baby!" Carmy clasped his hand to his chest and somehow managed to flush a deeper shade of scarlet than all the laughing and lasciviousness already had him.
"I know right?" Syd shook her head, "You know I looked up to you even before we met, I read magazine write-ups on you when you won an award etc. To me you were a role model, how I wanted to be seen in this industry. You know, young, brilliant- like a fucking prodigy."
"Okay, I know I'm laying it on thick, I'll stop. Relax!" As Syd smiled at him shyly, Carmy wondered to himself, "How is she so fucking beautiful and how the fuck do I keep her?"
"Uh, Carmy? You there?"
"Um, I'm sorry what did you say?"
"Nothing...Nothing, I dunno you just looked lost in the sauce for a bit there. Not that anything's wrong with that, given the context. I know this is a lot for you to take in, you've successfully snagged the eyeballs of your dreams after all-"
Carmy facepalmed himself and chuckled, "Syd, no! Fuck! I have got to stop giving you ammo!"
"You won't though. You can't help yourself around me. Keep it up though, I kinda dig all these unsolicited tidbits, they kinda make me feel more normal about myself."
Carmy's head darted up from his hand, "Syd, what do you mean by that?"
"Nothing. So, um, anyways-"
"Carmy! Let me finish talking about that week!"
"Syd, how can you just let something like that slip and move on? After giving me so much grief?"
"Uh, I dunno, watch me!"
"I hate you so much." Carmy grumbled.
"No you do not. You fucking liar." Syd punctuated her remark with an open and wet kiss sloppily applied to Carmy's lips. Carmy was mollified instantly and sagged against her, blushing and laying his cheek against hers.
"I'm sorry. Um. I don't hate you.."
Syd nuzzled her cheek against his and gloated, "Um, You think? Well, no shit Sherlock. Welcome to the club."
Syd cleared her throat awkwardly at the silent mutual admission of love and continued, "So yeah, I was already stoked at the possibility of working with you and then when I actually came in...Let me just say, you look better in person.."
"Awww, Syd! Is that a compliment?"
"Shut-up! I mean, don't get me wrong, you looked good in those magazine features, wearing your chef whites. But I dunno, something about you that week just did it for me." Syd's voice fell lower and lower until it was almost a whisper, and Carmy felt as if he could hear his brain frying away in a shallow pan-
"Your hair was all mussed," Syd continued softly. "You looked like sleep was a long lost relative to you, but you were fucking hot, you know what I mean? I don't know how you do it, but you really made the depression/bankruptcy/stress-glam work for you. I'm saying you're a fucking 10, and I'm not just saying that because I wanna fuck you a lot, again..."
There was a pregnant pause.
Carmy blushed and struggled to make eye contact with Syd, he could feel the weight of her stare and her affections, and frissions of wonder danced along his scalp and down his neck.
"Uh...thanks Syd." He finally choked the words out, no one had heaped so much praise on him in a given moment in his entire life, much less for his appearance – with a body which still made him feel as self-conscious in his 30s as he felt as a scrawny teenager who got shoved against lockers in school. He was at serious risk of crying there and then, he assayed to joke his way out of the tenderness of feeling instead.
"Uh..I'm glad you like what you see," he peered at her, "but, uh, if you need to see an ophthalmologist there's this guy that comes in regularly, we might get a nice discount-"
"Carmy shut up and let me kiss you."
They did not get to sleep much that night. And in the morning, they split a slightly jazzed up pack of instant ramen for breakfast before they headed in to work.
They had agreed to keep things professional at work and to not tip off the staff about their relationship too soon, not that they minded them knowing..They were like family after all, but they foresaw the way that the team would mercilessly clown them for leaping into a romantic relationship together. Before they came clean with each other and started dating, they kept up a diaphanous 'she's/he's just a friend' song and dance routine concerning each other for 2 years after they started The Bear, trotting that answer out anytime a team member commented that they'd make a nice couple, or that they'd be good for each other. They weren't dumb, none of them were, they all knew there was something unspoken between them eagerly waiting to flare up and out, blazing like the sun.
And so it was, that the promise that Syd and Carmy made to each other to keep their relationship status a secret at work died on the shift following their relationship's consummation. They just did not have the composure, the chill, to do what needed to be done when sworn to secrecy. When they passed each other something in the kitchen and their hands brushed against each other they grinned idiotically with their eyes shining. Carmy was blushing and blinking when Syd spoke to him, more than usual anyways...And Syd, gorgeous Sydney Eleanora Adamu was unbelievably relaxed and smug, so smug that Drake after the Toronto Raptors won the 2019 NBA championship had nothing on her.
She caught Carmy's eye during a lull and winked at him and Carmy hissed out, "Syd! Fuck!" before he waddled away seeking refuge in the walk-in. Marcus looked up at her and said, "Wait a minute..Did you two??" He motioned with his index finger between Syd and the direction of the walk-in. Everyone paused and listened at rapt attention to hear her reply...Carmy was quietly counting down from 100 in the walk-in, and hoping he'd look a little less red than veal, and felt a lot less aroused by the time he went back out.
And Sydney, Sydney, Sydney, smiled and said, "Wellllllllll." in a musical tone, she might have been imitating Brandy fucking Norwood, as she shrugged her shoulders. Chaos erupted, exclamations of, "I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT!" broke out across the kitchen before Syd shushed them. "Shut the fuck up, there's a few people still out front."
Carmy glided back out of the walk-in and stood a little aways from her, looking happily defeated. He heard the shouts of 'I knew it!' and knew that they could've only been talking about them. He was glad in a way, he had precious little guile in him anyways, not enough to keep up any pretence of acting like Syd wanting him back wasn't the best thing to happen to him in his life. Marcus shook his head smiling and said, "Aww congrats you two, I know how down bad your were for each other.." The kitchen team broke into sputtering laughter and buzzed with excitement. Tina went off to the office to summon Nat. Ebra had already fetched Richie.
Syd rolled her eyes and said, "Man, shut up!" while Carmy simultaneously thanked him. Syd looked at Carmy and said, "We are not on the same page right now, huh?"
"Well..He wasn't exactly lying you know." Carmy was starting to look a little smug himself. Syd shook her head at him and walked away. Sweeps congratulated her and dapped her up. Richie piped up, "It was about fucking time cousin! Too bad we didn't have a bet going."
"Richie! Ew, shut up!" Nat elbowed him aside as she breezed into the kitchen with Tina. Ebra asked how long they were together for, Tina and Nat gave Syd two crushing hugs, while Manny and Angel gave Carmy mock military salutes. The rest of the team smiled and nodded at Syd and Carmy. Nat gently squeezed Carmy in a hug and softly said, "I'm really happy for you Bear.." Carmy could only reply, "Me too, Nat. Me too."
All in all, things were not wildly upset by the rest of the staff being aware of their relationship. However, they did make hash out of cracking jokes at their expense for the next few weeks. Ebra spotted them eyeing each other with a particularly tender look once during service and said, to their mortification, "Remember, children, this is still a kitchen so no bodily fluids on the counters eh?" Carmy forgot himself once and told Syd, "Angel, can you pass that verbena for me?" Tina pounced on them during family later that day and slung her arms over their shoulders as they sat next to each other. She then played a snippet of Jon Secada's "Angel" on her phone whilst she sang along, dipping back and forth between the English lyrics and the Spanish version. Syd groaned and hid her face in her hands, "T! Please leave us alone!" as raucous laughter broke out along the table.
Carmy smiled and looked thoughtful though, he interrupted Tina, "T, you have an amazing voice, can we get you to sing at the wedding?" Tina shut up abruptly, paused the music and looked excitedly between Syd and Carmy, "Sure! When's it gonna be!?" Syd narrowed her eyes at Carmy and said, "Carm, you and me in the office, now." Wolf whistles and laughter trailed Syd as she stalked out of the room and Carmy told Tina, "I'll let you know as soon as I find out, if she doesn't kill me first."
When he entered the office Syd swung around to face him. She'd been leaning over his desk glancing at his phone that he'd left behind. A notification came in on it and had temporarily lit up the screen, Syd saw that he'd changed his lockscreen/wallpaper to a candid photo he'd snapped of her on their second date. She had an unguarded expression on in the image, her fork was raised to her mouth, her mouth hovered open mid-bite as she enjoyed a massive slice of cake they'd split for dessert. Facing Carmy, she crouched down slightly and feinted as if she was going to jab him in the side as he stepped up to her. Since she couldn't stay mad at him for long though, she clasped her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder. "You're really serious about this, huh?"
"Yes, I wanna marry you if that's alright." Syd sighed and hummed contentedly before looking up at him. "Well we might as well figure this out now, kids or nah?" A smile started to twitch on Carmy's lips, "Well, I always thought-"
At Carmy's clear enthusiasm on the subject Syd felt her entire body flush with heat and pushed away from him. "Um you know what, maybe this isn't the best time to talk about this, I'm sorry for bringing it up now-"
Carmy's face started to fall a bit before she rattled out a, "No! Carmy, I just mean let's talk about it when we get home tonight, okay?" Carmy nodded at her reassurance, "Good point, will do Chef." Syd swatted him on the arm and giggled and paused in alarm, as if she was seeing her lovey-dovey behaviour with Carm from a third party perspective. "Oh my God..I think I'm gonna make myself sick!"
Carmy folded Syd into his arms and mumbled into her shoulder, "No you're not, Chef. Don't get squeamish on me now, that ship has already sailed."
Pre-relationship prequel here:
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aestheticaltcow · 3 months
Birthday Blurbs: 06/16
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Took me long enough to pull my head outta my ass and ask this woman to be more than just my CDC and business partner. @ SydsKitchen One time you said I made you a better chef, but you made me a better man.
“One time you said I made you a better chef, but you made me a better man? You’re just a big softie Bear.” Syd would laugh as the two lay in bed that night. Carmy looked up at her longingly, even though she was mere inches away; she wasn’t close enough. 
“It’s true. Happy birthday Syd.” 
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purposechef · 3 months
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somewhere in an alternate, more tender universe
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veryberryjelly · 6 months
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carmen berzatto x fem!reader
lyric prompt ; 'we lost track of time again' - maroon - taylor swift
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dating carmen could be difficult sometimes with how hard and long he worked at the restaurant, but that was definitely made up for by the times when he was here.
the times when he could knock off of work early for a movie night with you.
or the mornings he had worked into his schedule once a week to sleep in with you.
you had made a deal a few weeks ago that you just wanted one morning a week when you were both free so carmy was able to catch up on sleep and general health.
when he was working it was very obvious how drained and exhausted he could get, so this one morning was for both of your benefit.
you got to see more of your boyfriend and he got to recharge for one morning a week.
waking up before carmen on these mornings was not a difficult task.
while the first time you tried to slip out he always pulled you back against his chest, the second time you were much slicker about it.
you'd slip out of bed, shower and get dressed and then make coffee and start breakfast.
you always wanted to make these mornings as easy as possible for carmen so he could actually enjoy them rather than worrying about something you could easily do for him.
and today was no different. you slid out of carmen's arms and did a quick and quiet morning routine before sitting yourself at the kitchen counter with a coffee and some paperwork you had to get done today.
you were sat there in the morning glow of the kitchen for about an hour before you heard a rustling in the bedroom that brought your attention.
your eyes were pulled from your papers at the creaks you recognised as the noises your bed made and a smile spread across you lips as you spotted your very disheveled boyfriend emerging from the rumpled sheets.
you shuffled your papers together and slid them back inside your bag before moving across to the coffee pot to make a fresh one for both yourself and carmen.
as you were pouring two fresh mugs you felt a set of strong arms winding around your torso.
a warmth spread up your back and a weight settled on your shoulder causing a smile to bloom on your lips.
" morning, bear " you muttered quietly, halting what you were doing momentarily to lean back against his broad chest.
" morning, beautiful " he replied, his face briefly buried in the crook of your neck, pressing a short kiss to the skin before pulling back so you could continue what you were doing.
you picked up both mugs, offered one out to him and then lead him towards the couch so you could both enjoy your morning.
a morning that consisted of drinking coffee, having a bagel and promptly falling asleep tangled on the couch, your head pressed against his chest, relishing in the steady thumping of his heart.
it was only a vibration of carmen's phone underneath your stomach that woke the both of you.
you only shifted slightly when he reached to grab it for between you and then rested back as he answered.
" syd?...what..." he pulled the phone back from his face to check something on his screen " oh shit, my bad, we lost track of time again...we'll be there in 20 " he explained before hanging up the phone.
he set the phone down on the couch before his hand lifted to brush some hair from your face.
" we gotta go, baby. shouldda been down at the restaurant 10 minutes ago " he said, moving to ease you up slightly
" shit. " you replied with a laugh, sitting yourself up against the couch to gain your balance before standing. " we really need to start setting an alarm "
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buggybambi · 8 months
mama’s boy | carmen berzatto
content warnings: angst. donna insulting reader, mom!reader, carm and reader are married, carmen defending reader??, she/her pronouns for reader| content level: all ages, just be mindful of the angst.
summary: family dinner with the berzattos was never peaceful. until donna brings up your maternity leave.
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“I don’t know. Maybe we should just.. not go.” Carmen offered as he held Winifred, or Winnie as you two called her, in his arms. A bottle pressed close to her mouth as she drank, with him lightly bouncing with her.
“Carmen, your mother has been calling and texting me all week asking what we plan on putting Winnie in. She barely got a chance to meet Winnie when she was born and I want her to at least get the chance to bond with her granddaughter.” You say as you cut up the vegetables for dinner.
Carmy lets out a sigh as he sits in one of the dining room chairs. “I just don’t want her to say something.” He mumbles. “She always says something, I just— I don’t want her to make you upset or say something insulting to Winnie.”
You turn the heat down on the stove, walking over to Carmen, placing your hands on his shoulders. “We can always leave. I just think it’d be nice for you and Winnie to see your family. That’s her family now, too.” You say softly as you stand behind him, gently scratching his scalp.
He leans his head back, looking at you upside down. “How’d I ever get so lucky to have you?” He asks. You press a kiss to his lips, smiling. “You have spit up on you.” You say softly, walking back over to the stove.
So far, nothing major had happened.
You'd been at Donna's house for nearly an hour and no comments, remarks or anything had been made. In front of Carmen, anyway - who was now in the living room with Pete, Richie, Fak. While you, Sugar and Donna stood in the kitchen, with you shaking up a bottle for Willow.
"So, when do you go back to work?" Sugar asks. "Two weeks. These past two months have been going past so fast." You answer with a smile. Thankfully, your job was flexible and let you work from home so you could handle Willow while Carmen went back to work.
"You still aren't back? Hm. When I had my kids, I was back to work after a week." Donna comments. Sugar quietly whispers a "mom" to try to get Donna to stop before she looks at her. "What? All I'm saying is, women now-a-days are just so.. lazy. They don't want to work. Your baby doesn't need you for three months, put her in a daycare." She scolds.
You stand there for a moment, processing before you quietly excuse yourself and exit the room. You went over to Carmen. "I'm gonna go feed Willow." You say, gently taking your daughter into your arms, lightly bouncing her.
Carmen knew that look. He'd worn that look before. His mom had said something. He waited until you were down the hallway and he heard the faint click of the guest bedroom to go into the kitchen. "What the fuck did you say to my wife?" He asks, his tone angry.
"Carmen-" Sugar begins. "No, Nat. What the hell did she say?" He demands. "All I said was I was shocked she isn't back at work yet. I went back when you guys were less then two weeks." Donna answers as Nat takes a step back, standing by to de-escalate.
"Ma, it's none of your business. She isn't you! She knows what's best for her body, it's not for you to try to debate." He says. "Carmen, do not raise your voice at me."
"Do not comment on my wife's decisions." He responds. "You're being very overdramatic, Carmen." Donna rolls her eyes. "She's my wife, and I'll be as dramatic as fuck for her." He says, before he turns and walks out.
He slowly opened the bedroom door, finding you on the edge of the bed. The half empty bottle beside you, a small towel thrown over your shoulder, with you gently rocking Willow. "Yeah, I know. You and I are both kinda new at this, huh? But we're learning." You spoke softly.
He steps in, smiling. "Hey. You okay?" He asks in a hushed voice, sitting gently down beside you. You nod, smiling at him. "Are you alright?" You ask in return.
He nods, placing a kiss on your head, wrapping an arm around you and stroking Willow's cheek with his pinky. "We're all good." He says, eyeing the bottle. "She's eating more." He points out.
You nod. "She's doing better at it." You reply. "Of course she is. She has you as a mom and you're the best mom out there." He says. You peck him on the cheek, laying your head on him.
"I love you."
"I love you, more."
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thecapricunt1616 · 2 months
thank you for speaking on jon bernthal's blatant zionism, the fact that he has people defending him for that is so nasty. not to mention his support of domestic abusers it's really crazy the amount of support and defending he still gets on this app
Oh my god hi!!! Don’t think I am ignoring you holy heck!! I’m not sure where my brain was on Monday if I’m honest I have 3 whole asks just sitting!!!
I agree. And let me be clear here (since some sick people equate loving and supporting the Jewish Community with also supporting Zionism) That I LOVE and support every ethnicity and religion! I love Jewish People. If you are Jewish OR Palestinian - know you are SAFE, and LOVED, and SUPPORTED on this blog.
Separating ART and the MUSE is very important. We can appreciate Mikey Bear, we can appreciate how touching and sad and gut wrenching his story is -
We can ALSO recognize that Jon B-🤢🤮 sorry I can’t even say his name. That he supports HORRIFIC people. That he supports the literal blatant murder and torture of children and other innocent human beings, and animals! Let’s not forget that even when this ends - all of the bombings have destroyed ecosystems and natural land.
Palestine will take so long to recover when this finally stops. I don’t care if people unfollow. I really from the bottom of my heart will not miss you in the slightest if you support ‘Israel’ (the land of make believe!).
Judaism all though I am not Jewish is such a beautiful religion and to its fucking core it condemns the behavior the IDF it is imposing on the Palestinian people’s. I truly identify with the morals that Judaism holds. But just like Catholic or literally any other religion ever!! There are evil people who claim to be that religion but it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
If you support Zionism God isn’t proud of you. If you hurt any of gods children, he isn’t proud. And it doesn’t matter I think this, because when it comes time for their judgment day - their god will shake their head and tell them just how horrid they were.
All this to say to my core fuck zionists, and abuse defenders like Jon ber-🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
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ciaomarie · 5 months
Part 3: What Then?
This was supposed to be a three part series, but it will probably be 4 or 5 parts. Sydcarmy is a tangled mess of intense care interlaced with anxiety and denial. So they need HELP from their friends and family along the way! Here's a convo with Natalie and Carmen. It takes place just a few days after he found out that he'd made Sydney's best meal ever. Then he inadvertently confessed she's the best part of his day and his heart's dearest wish...j/k, but not really ;)
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On a brisk Monday afternoon Carmen rang the bell at Pete and Natalie's home. The doorbell's speaker answered back, with Natalie's hurried voice. "It's open Bear! Just come up to the nursery." He entered their home noting the new family photos hanging on the wall leading up the stairs. They were black and white shots with Pete and Nat walking into the hospital, the next just after Baby Angeline was placed in Natalie's arms, another with Pete and the baby, one shot of her curled bitty toes, and the last was all three of them in the hospital bed. Pete had hired a hospital photographer and as antithetical as that was to anyone with an ounce of Berzatto blood, Natalie let him do it. The result was so unexpectedly tender and beautiful that he paused on the stairs to soak it in. Pete is really a good guy. He was made from an entirely different mold than any man Carmy had grown up around. "Carm?!" Natalie called. "Coming." He turned into the nursery to find Natalie bundling up "Angie" and fastening her into one of those baby slings. Then with one fluid motion before he could speak, she slipped the sling over his shoulders. "Okay, Uncle she's yours!" "So, how does this work?" he asked, looking down at his tiny niece, his eyes as big as beach balls. Angie blinked back at him extremely unbothered.
Natalie rolled her eyes and chortled.
"It's already working. It's fool-proof! Okay, let me get my coat and we'll head out." They strolled down the older suburb's tree-lined streets past others pushing babies, walking dogs, and the occasional Amazon delivery truck. "Carmy, this is really nice and you're welcome to drop by anytime, but what did you want to talk about?" Natalie enquired. He had texted her the other night asking to discuss something important. He kept his eyes on Angie's blissful little face, swallowed, and began. "I'd like to split my share of the restaurant with Syd. She's put in so much work, took several months without pay, and even though I'm the EC she's the main developer of at least half of the menu and the weekly specials. When I was sick recently, she ran the place like a pro. She deserves it. Also, I think if I give her a financial stake she'll stay for at least 5 years. We need that. What do you think?"
Natalie contemplated him for a moment. "Well, part of me agrees and the other part...Carmy, please don't get defensive." "Nat. How can I not when you’ve said that?" "Is this a solely a business decision? Because if it isn't I don't think you need to or should do this to keep her. " Carmy stopped walking, his face falling with frustration and shame. "Have you been talking to Richie?" Natalie stopped and took his arm in hers. "No, I haven't. Look, sorry. What I meant is things are so good between you two." They resumed walking. "Yeah, and that's a problem?" "Not at all. The way you are together...maybe it's the hormones but I've cried sometimes because you are just yourself with her. I've never seen you smile so much with anyone else. Your freakin’ posture is more relaxed when she comes in the room. I could go on, Bear." "You see all that? What about-what about her? Am I any good for her?" he asked in a low, wistful tone. Natalie pulled his arm tighter. She paused, to choose her words carefully. She and Camry were no strangers to family interference in their love lives. "Well, I haven't known Sydney that long, but she tends to spiral, and she pushes through until she's sick or lashes out. Kinda like you do. I noticed that it’s gotten better though. Since we opened, you've been consistently checking in with her, collaborating with her, encouraging her, making her take breaks, and pouring time into her. She's far less doubtful; she believes in herself."
Carm nodded slowly, reflecting on Sydney's growth. "Well, she deserves that. I promised her that she wasn’t alone in this. My focus was not where it should’ve have been during the reno and Friends and Family.”
He exhaled heavily and went on.  
“So, it sounds like she lights up my life and for her, I'm a good boss or even her big brother."
Natalie shook her head, smirking.
" Yeah, you’re a great boss now, but little sisters don't look at their brothers the way Sydney does you. Do you remember when we were all talking in my office and you spilled hot coffee on your shirt? You peeled it off and the poor girl looked at you, as your sister it pains me say this, like she wanted to jump you. When you left to get a clean shirt, she didn't remember what she had been saying." " What!?!? Okay...." Carm scoffed trying and failing to suppress a huge smile. "Also, does she ever leave before 11 instead of sitting in those greasy whites with you every single night for how long? One to two hours!?" She continued. "My point is if you want to divide your share with her because it's good business and fair, and I agree it is, then let me do it too so we're even. Otherwise, I think you’re already three-quarters of the way there with her. She doesn't need to be bought."
They walked in silence for a few minutes. "Natalie, I understand, but I still want to split my share. I think it’s the right thing to do. You don't need split yours though." "First I don't want the largest share of the restaurant and second.... Pete and I may move to be near his parents next year." Natalie bit her lip and glanced at Carmy worry etched in her brow.
"We think it would be good for Angie. You know, to be close to her grandparents and she'd have young cousins nearby too." Carm squeezed her arm, missing her already. "Yeah, I met them at the wedding. They were...Pete’s parents for sure. Angie would have a normal set of grandparents around." Natalie took a deep breath, a gamut of emotions crossing her face. "Choosing Pete was the biggest act of rebellion of my life. I honestly felt repulsed by him at first, until I realized that he was real, and I didn't have to be on guard all the time. Angeline should have that from the start." She bent over to kiss her baby's head which was protected from the cool air by a lilac-colored beanie. "Sydney's a really good choice too. Businesswise and/or otherwise. So, if you're certain about this call Uncle Cicero. This won't change anything with our loan repayment, but his lawyer could help draft a contract. Then we'll ask Sydney if she wants to accept and if she refuses...just give her one of those Sydney-land stares of yours."
Carmy groaned. "You did talk to Richie!"
Natalie erupted into a storm of giggles. Carmen dropped her arm.
"Look, he started it. I told him to chill, but that Sydney-land thing...You have an season pass, bro! It’s very cute though.”
Next time on "What Then?"- Sydney's workversary (work anniversary)
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noangeleither · 1 year
just had a thought/headcanon/wish that made me tear up.
carmy repeating “I wouldn’t want to do this without you” from their under the table talk during his vows to sydney.
he would be such a wreck too, voice shaking, tearing up (just like under the table🙂)
i just love weddings….
ok bye
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
A flash of joy
Carmy x Sydney Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Carmy Berzatto x Sydney Adamu
Short and sweet little one-shot. The crew at The Beef take a little break while on prep. Set mid/late Season One.
My first foray into The Bear fanfic, so I'm just stepping in lightly to see how I get on finding their voices, etc. Hope you enjoy it!
It’s a nightmare when Richie is in charge of the playlist. Not because of his taste in music (necessarily), but because he skips tracks fucking constantly.
“Aye Richard for godsake will you stop skipping?!”
“Sorry T, just tryin’ to find somethin’ good. Jeez, no need to full name me.”
“Maybe if you shut up and listen, you’ll find something good.” He holds up his hands in defeat,
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll stop.” The playlist settles at last. The kitchen falls somewhat silent again, the sounds of chopping, hissing and pans boiling overpower just about everything else. Tina catches Syd’s eye over their chopping boards and rolls her eyes, grinning. It’s been a surprisingly nice morning. No one has threatened to murder anyone else, prep is going smoothly. Aside from being absolutely exhausted, Syd feels good. She sways gently to the music, matching Tina’s pace as they stand side by side - one on onions, the other on peppers.
“Hey, hey, look at you ladies jammin’” Marcus calls over with a wide smile as Tina adds a little shoulder dip to her sway. Syd allows herself this moment and mimics Tina again. The track ends and another starts,
“Ohh!” Tina exclaims, joyous. “I love this one! C’mon Jeff, sing with me.” She nudges Syd who laughs,
“Oh no, no. I don’t sing T. No way.”
“Pussy.” Tina teases lightly, humming along to Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell before singing softly. “ ...Just call my name, I'll be there in a hurry, you don't have to worry. 'Cos baby there ain't no mountain high enough… ” She bounces her hip into Syd who automatically starts swaying again, eyes only for her onions and the movement of her knife. 
“ Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, babe ”
It only takes a few beats for Syd to start singing quietly. It only takes her focused concentration on the board in front of her, the synchronicity of her movements with Tina and the familiarity of the song for the volume to increase slightly and soon, she and Tina are both singing along, both lost in a temporary moment of happiness. 
“ My love is alive
Way down in my heart
Although we are miles apart
If you ever need a helping hand
I'll be there on the double
Just as fast as I can ”
Tina is reveling in being egged on by Richie and Marcus. Carmy wheels his desk chair to the doorway and looks out at his crew. Marcus is bopping along at his station, Angel and Manny are both singing loudly - almost enough to drown out Tina and Syd, but not quite. He watches as Richie takes the knife from Tina’s hand and puts it on the countertop, twirling her under his arm. He holds one of her hands in his and with his spare hand, does exactly the same to Syd - who’s a little more reluctant to join in - until he has both women dancing with him. The song ends but the next one also has them all calling out happily. The dancing doesn’t stop. Sweeps joins in, even Ebra is bouncing gently on the spot. Carmy sits forward in his chair, elbows on knees. He's watching all of them really, but his eyes are drawn to Syd. Her smile is so open and expressive, she moves so effortlessly. It's probably the least awkward he's ever seen her. He thinks hard over their last few months, he's never seen her look so free or at peace. For once, her mind isn't racing a million miles an hour, she doesn't have the weight of The Beef on her shoulders. She's not worried about talking too much or being too weird. She's just being in the moment. The crew love her, even Richie for the most part - they exist in a largely happy equilibrium until one or both of them rocks the boat just a little too much - she's settled in better than he could ever have anticipated. Try as he might, he can't actually picture his life without her now, he sees improvement in everything around him - because of her. He knows things are only going to get harder for them, so he basks in this moment of being able to watch her without notice or restraint. They're all dancing now, Fak is shimmying out of the walk-in he claims to be fixing (again). It's a full on dance party to Shake It Off, and he's trying to decide whether to laugh or cry that his whole crew appear to be Swifties, when he's very much distracted by Syd's " baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake… " Tent-like t-shirt or not, the movement of her body is hypnotic. She catches his eye suddenly, catches him staring, and he's amazed when she doesn't retreat back into herself. Instead, she beams at him and waves. Her smile is… heart-stopping. He thinks this might actually be how he goes. He smiles back, a real one. It must be his first real smile since, well, who the fuck knows. Too long. Fitting then, that it's Syd who's the one to bring the smile to his face. The song ends, and before he can be the one to get them back to work, she speaks up.
"Thanks for the break Richie, gorgeous moves everyone. Back to stations though, an hour till service, ok?"
"Yes, Chef," comes the breathless but happy response from around the room. He hands her a runaway onion on his way past for a smoke,
"Thanks Chef. We'll get you up next time, it'll be good for you." She smirks.
"You're good for me, Chef." He says quietly before slipping out of the back doors.
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xblackreader · 4 months
Carmy is a short king, let’s not forget that.
he is not taller than Sydney unless he’s wearing his ✨special shoes ✨ and that’s that!
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violetpixiedust · 1 year
something sweet for sydcarmy that i couldn’t get out of my head
the rigid slope of his sun-kissed nose bloomed a vibrant scarlet as it brushed against the ebony complexion of her petal soft cheek. the delicate curvature of her face was reminiscent of the stained glass cherubs that danced across the evanescent sunlight when it seeped into his weekly aa meetings, undeniably gentle, radiant. honey-suckle curls drooped down to meet hip length braids, framing the divine structure of her body below him, laid atop his rustled sheets.
the pair was askew, tangled, dewey with a veil of essence akin to the first morning fire ups at the bear. a husky moan left his cupid’s bow shaped lips, as manicured nails ran down the flushed expanse of muscle peaking through his rare pristine white tee. one calloused hand urgently pushed the hem of her tight red turtleneck up below her concealed mounds, fingers twitching against her unconsciously arched ribs. the other wandered below the little charcoal skirt that had taunted him endlessly during their menu experimentation in his minuscule kitchen that day. barely exposing a flash of ivory each time she whipped around to fetch a knife, paprika, salt, a clove of garlic that had ‘slipped’ off his counter top. a pretty little outfit he knew the woman in front of him wouldn’t be caught dead wearing around the likes of richie, marcus, gary, fak, even ebra- a soprano moan cut off his possessive train of thought, hyperactive mind practically melting into oblivion as his warm lips frantically kissed the exposed underside of her jaw, basking in her light scent of lavender soap and lilies. desperate to claim, claim, claim-
“carmy-“ his denim clad hips unconsciously ground down into hers at the crack of her voice, the sound of his name leaving her mouth like a prayer. the ribbons of their desperate moans intertwined in spite of the ache that pounded down the doors they had once desperately attempted to seal shut.
“syd. oh fuck. fuck! please-“ the wetness that had previously concealed his hazy cobalt gaze trickled down his freckled cheeks, staccato groans swallowed by her plump pout that had been decorated with brunette lip gloss, now smeared across his cheek.
“c-an i-i take this off-?” carmen shuddered as she raked her nails through his dampening curls, waiting not a second after her confirmation to tug the poor excuse of a garment down her sinfully bare legs, leaving a burning trail in its wake. carmen felt his heartbeat pound in his ears, the once dreaded feeling akin to his panic attacks now fuelled by unbridled desire, urging him forward as he marvelled at the sight of the younger girl in front of him. shell shocked as the quick absence of her shirt revealed a lacy lingerie set, ivory, scraps of fabric reminiscent of lacy chef whites barely concealing the most intimate parts of her. transparent enough that he could make out the dusky shade of her nipples through the wispy fabric, her sticky mound. it tumbled out of his mouth before he had the chance to bite it back.
“god, i love you.” and he would have been mortified, hightailing it out of his own apartment to avoid the sight of his sous leaving the bed of her pathetic loser of a boss- had the girl not taken charge, straddling him in under a few moments, fingers encircling his golden chain to hold him steady, as her lips slammed against his in a teeth clashing kiss, a valiant effort in pushing down what apologies would have inevitably come up. her tongue was doused in lambrusco, spurring carmy on as his tattooed arms pulled her impossibly closer to him. desperate to memorize the scent of her, the silhouette of her, the taste of her, before he faced the consequences of his confession. he only went slack when she finally breathed shakily in his ear, hushed, as if she was telling him a secret, missing the glimmering onyx of her doe-eyes as they softened incredibly at the very sight of him.
“love you too, chef.”
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purposechef · 4 months
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boiling point
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HEATED (You got me)
The Bear (2022), Carmy x Sydney, SydCarmy, one shot, fluff and smut.
She remembers it all so vividly - her first day at The Beef: the grease covered floors, the illegible bank statements, the rotting walls, the cooks who hated her, the palpable despair and grief, and in the middle of it all was three star Carmen fucking Berzatto, asking her if she wanted to stick around.
It’s funny how a simple yes can completely change your fucking life.
Now, here she stands: perfectly clean tiles, books color-coded and filed by date, state-of-the-art kitchen, surrounded by her family, and there is joy all around her, tangible and real and filling every corner of this kitchen with its light.
Read Here on Ao3!
(This was an excuse to write married SydCarmy smut, and also reference Beyoncé)
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shewalksoverm3 · 8 months
le pas
pairing - Carmen Berzatto/Sydney Adamu
rating - gen
this is just a little ficlet! i might come back and expand on it more but who knows. just a little cute thing ya know
summary - sydney and carmy have a conversation. the truth comes out.
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“i got a…i got a call.”
“oh yeah? about what?”
“um… stagiarie at la citadelle.”
“la citadelle? fuck, syd - that’s like - that’s france, right?”
“yeah. it is. and, uh - they wanna do a little profile on me for taste france. which is - insane.”
“so you’re - what’d you say?”
“well…i said - i said i’d think about it. france is so fucking far, we just got outta hot water at the bear, and - i think i’d get crazy anxiety being away from the place - and my dad -“
“syd. calm down.”
“okay. sorry.”
“don’t be sorry. i just - i don’t know, either. it’s - yeah.”
“i know. i told them i’d think about it.”
“if i’m honest - i, uh - i don’t want you to go.”
“what? you think i can’t do it?”
“no - that’s not what i said -“
“‘cause that’s kinda fucked, that you’d say that, to my face, you know? like - i know i’ve not - worked in fucking noma -“
“syd -“
“but that’s not fair, carmy -“
“fuck - sydney - just stop. stop. that’s not what i meant at all. you’re good. you’re amazing. you’re - just -“
“you’re everything. you mean everything to me and i think i’d lose my fucking mind knowing you’re halfway across the world, okay?”
“you - you know why, syd. you must know, by now… sorry. that was - a lot.”
“no, it’s…fine. it’s only for two months. so i wouldn’t be gone super long.”
“okay. okay. good.”
“…how long have you…felt this way?”
“i… uh… soft opening?”
“carmy…that was like - a year ago! you’ve just been - what - pining for a year?”
“yeah. i’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, or something.”
“it doesn’t. it really doesn’t, it’s like, fine -”
“sydney - don’t get weird about it, okay? it - it’s cool if you don’t feel the same. don’t worry about it.”
“carmy -“
“it’s fine -“
“carmen. shut up. i - i do. feel the same, i mean.”
“of course. you put me through a whole bunch of shit and i came running back to you. you think that was out of what? sole admiration? you can’t be that dense.”
“fuck off, syd.”
“i thought - jesus, here i am, head over heels in love with this guy who keeps jeans in his oven. i’m fucked.” “…what? why are you looking at me like that?”
“say it again.”
“huh? say what?”
“you just said - you loved me. do you?”
“i - yeah. yeah, carm. i love you.”
“good to know.”
“is that it?”
“no. obviously i - i love you too. so much, sydney.”
“aw. but obviously? you wouldn’t know obvious if it punched you in the face.”
“not true.”
“so true. you couldn’t tell i was jealous? with the claire thing?”
“syd. you underestimate your poker face. and then - then you go so fuckin’ cold on me sometimes it feels like i got frostbite.”
“guess that’s true.”
“it is. no doubt about it. being on the receiving end of that is - not fun.”
“yeah. well. that’s me! i’m glad we had this conversation, though.”
“me too. and - just to clarify - i think - i think you should go. it’ll be good for you. you’re gonna sharpen those fuckers up…but i’m gonna miss you so fuckin’ bad.”
“i haven’t even gone yet! you’re going all soppy on me and i haven’t even said yes.”
“but you will, right?”
“yeah. i think i will.”
“promise you’ll come back?”
“of course i will, carm. i’ll always find my way back to you.”
“thank god.”
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