#swtor family
legends-expo · 1 year
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More freebies! Our friends at SWTOR sent us a big box of posters and pins for our attendees! Stop by the information booth at the convention both days to take your pick of posters and pins while supplies last!
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piranha-shan · 1 year
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A helpful guide to telling Theron apart from his dad.
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bornangelauthor · 11 months
November Writing Challenge: Day 16
I Managed to do 1,716 words even though I was distracted and had a couple extra tasks on my plate. Said tasks led me to need destressing and... yeah, multi-tasking.
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😅 What can I say #SWTOR is my go to game.
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villavarykino · 1 year
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Big fans of Star Wars: The Old Republic here - loving the new Gaming Greats 6" Darth Malgus figure from Hasbro. Full review - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNQzYZRTpsk
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0alix0 · 11 months
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my SW's family photo + a bit of extra angst :>
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jesuistrefatugie · 1 year
I'm saying this now
Theron Shan inherited his Bi Diaster vibes from Revan and not Basitlia. "Republic Hero(?) With A Questionable Relationships With A (Former)Sith" is what he inherited from Basitlia.
This includes Satele too.
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reconstructionlegacy · 2 months
Ngani Zho Coerced Custody Of Theron
[Zho] had told the Jedi Council and the leaders of the Republic military that he had sent Satele on a vital mission— something he could not speak of for fear of endangering her life. Given Master Zho’s impeccable reputation, none had questioned him. Now, however, the mission was over. It was time for her to return; the Republic had fought too long without their champion. The Sith Empire’s relentless advance had gone too far. She could no longer ignore the Republic’s need. [...] “You promised you would take him,” Satele said softly, gazing down into the child’s wide, wondering eyes. “I will,” Ngani assured her. “If that’s still what you want.” “What I want has nothing to do with it,” she muttered as she reluctantly handed the child back to her Master. [...] As he took the child from her arms, the moment of greatest joy she would ever know ended.
— Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation
Ngani Zho trained, according to Lost Suns (admittedly according to Zho the manipulator), Satele Shan, Syo Bakarn, Jaric Kaedan, and Bela Kiwiiks. Obviously, that is not possible for full Padawans, and Satele was under Kao Cen Darach's mentorship in the first trailer (and then he died), so my theory here is that Zho stepped in to "foster" mentor at least some of these promising young Jedi (and gain influence with them).
Zho was somehow trusted by the Council (maybe because he partially trained a third of them). Satele became pregnant, went to Zho for advice, and rather than saying "let's talk to the Council, the normal Jedi support structure, which trusts me," he said "I will cover this up. For you." Like a favour.
He said to the Council that she was on a mission, which put a time limit on the 'plan' ("Always with the plan, aren't you?" Zho asks Theron in Lost Suns). By lying to the Council on her behalf, he made it impossible to go to them for support, or at the least heavily implied to Satele that her pregnancy was somehow wrong or shameful.
By isolating Satele from everyone but himself, and putting a time limit on her seclusion, he arranged for her to have no real choice but to give him custody of Theron. (The scion of a powerful bloodline... and possibly even blackmail material against the future Grand Master.)
Then, having secured the custody of Theron, he proceeded to isolate him as he had isolated Satele, and thoroughly abuse him. This is detailed in Lost Suns, and I will not detail it here; suffice to say it began at the earliest when Theron was five, and Theron's life was endangered by Zho, who abandoned Theron upon realizing he was not Force-sensitive.
Years later, when Theron is an SIS officer, under convoluted plot circumstances (that is: the plot of Lost Suns), he reencounters Zho. Zho takes another young person, Teff'ith, under his wing, which Theron is unhappy about. (Teff'ith asks Theron, who has used the term 'childhood trauma' about Zho by this point, and will later elaborate with horrific detail that I, once more, decline to repeat, "Scared of him?". Theron says 'no' - you know, like a liar. Anyway -)
(My theory is that Zho was Star Cabal, Revanite, or both, and wanted complete control of the training of the Blood Of Revan... but fuck knows why he did any of this. Your guess is as good as mine.)
I do think, in the text, Zho's treatment of Theron is framed as abhorrent, especially given the cited and open trauma and abuse. There is also a line in Annihilation about him glaring at Satele in a way that reminds me of Theron's textual panic attack when Satele mentions Zho to him elsewhere in the book. Given this, I think it is an entirely reasonable conclusion, even ignoring the fact that he is baby-stealing Jedi georg, the only Jedi known to have actually stolen a baby, that he mistreated Satele, too.
At any rate - Ngani Zho coerced Satele into giving him custody of Theron. Theron does not know this, and assumes Satele chose freely to gave him up.
We can't know what her decision would have been, because she didn't truly get to make one. She may have chosen to give Theron up. She may not have. But as it was, as it happened, she did not have a genuine choice.
TL;DR: Tie-in material makes it quite clear that Ngani Zho, the "Master Zho" in one of Theron's combat lines, coerced Satele into giving the infant Theron into his custody. This was terrible for everyone involved, except Zho.
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persephoneggsy · 6 months
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went down a deep rabbithole of thinking about blorbos, and my SWTOR blorbo is Quinn, so... I made him a little family :3 I like to think about them interacting with my Sith Warrior, Nes'ria, who also has a decently-sized family, so when she and Quinn get married it's just a huge clan now lmao
All of them except for Rymar are OCs; Rymar we know the name + rank + death of from the SWTOR Encyclopedia under Quinn's entry. I did make up what I think he looks like, though.
miscellaneous facts about the Quinn clan that I couldn't fit in the headshots:
Solesta has a dislike of droids, finding them creepy. She also dislikes cybernetics and cyborgs. Ironically, and unbeknownst to her, her grandson Malavai will eventually end up with a woman whose family owns a large cybernetics company.
Solesta disappeared during a top secret mission when Malavai was around 15 years old. She and her crew were declared officially dead a year after her ship disappeared.
Solesta's husband passed when their kids were young. I imagine he was on track to being a rising star in the Imperial military, but he was cut down by a Jedi or something.
Rymar and Ridal are twins (Rymar is the older one).
Ridal disapproved of Rymar’s marriage to Mianna, believing she was too fragile for him. Despite this, she helps her son care for Mianna.
Ridal is lowkey disappointed that neither her son nor her nephew followed her footsteps into Imperial Intelligence. She doesn't know Halic refused to, given what happened to his father (murdered by a petulant Sith Lord). At least in the medical corps, any Sith he deals with are unconscious or too weak to threaten him.
Halic calls Malavai his baby cousin, despite only being a few months older than him. It annoys Malavai, who nonetheless reciprocates Halic's familial affection.
Halic jokingly complains that Malavai slept with a Sith before he could. He privately thinks Malavai is insane for falling for a Sith in the first place, and worries about his cousin (he later learns he doesn't have to, given Nes'ria's equal devotion to Malavai).
Halic has flirted with every member of Nes'ria's crew. Vette thinks he's a riot, Jaesa was flattered but embarrassed, and Pierce is debating sleeping with him to piss off Malavai.
Mianna witnessed her husband's death at the hands of the Republic force, and the trauma of that, plus her subsequent injury, rendered her largely nonverbal. She has only spoken Rymar or Malavai's name since being admitted to the hospital. The rest of the time, she communicates via either writing or signing.
Many Imperials view Mianna's situation with disdain, describing her as weak-willed and a drain on resources. It's only the lingering prestige of the Quinn family name, combined with threats from her sister-in-law Ridal, that keep such whispers behind closed doors.
There was a brief period after the Battle of Druckenwell that the family feared Malavai had been killed in action. It wasn't until a few weeks after the battle that he contacted them from Balmorra, informing them that he'd been court-martialed and demoted by Moff Broysc.
Ridal assists Malavai in bringing down Moff Broysc, using her old Inteligence contacts to help him abduct the Moff.
My personal headcanon is that Malavai knew Baras would go after his family if he didn't follow his orders, hence the betrayal. After Nes'ria spared him, he reached out to Halic and Ridal, warning them to watch out for any signs of retaliation from Baras. Nes'ria used her family's connections to have Malavai's family taken to a safe place until Baras was defeated.
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alackofghosts · 11 months
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she told me / i don't wanna be your friend, so don't get those feelings hurt
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thenachlegacy · 1 year
I just think it’s devastating bc it’s canon that it was Arcann who went and brought Vaylin back from Nathema, and during KOTFE if you watch all the cutscenes, even when he’s losing his temper he has a moment where he pauses and tells Vaylin that he’s “not blaming her” for all that’s going down, and acknowledges that Valkorian held her back the most out of all of them and it’s just sooo 🥹 upsetting because they were truly brother and sister, and loved each other and they never get a chance to be a normal FAMILY…
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hoiist · 1 year
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Just you and your anger your oldest friend your closest friend
inbetween coms pic of my Xilelo, much much younger then she is know
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legends-expo · 2 years
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Happy eleventh anniversary SWTOR! We're so glad that this piece of Legends is still receiving new content!
Who is your favorite SWTOR character?
Join us in celebrating the Expanded Universe at LegendsCon in Burbank, CA on September 9th & 10th!
Darth Malgus cosplay by @longshot7014
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zhakyria · 11 months
The Mahz Twins
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Mahz'ahki'elhn and Mahz'enki'oriah, identical twin siblings separated at the age of 5. Zahkiel was stolen away by the Star Cabal and raised as a force using assassin. Zenkio was hidden away by what remained of their family on the fringes of Chiss space. They were born with the Sight as well, and their parents feared they would be taken away. You see, the Mahz family remember the time before the Civil War, they knew about the sky-walkers, they had at one time helped to train them, long before when they were still part of House Zhoria, back when the children were allowed to be children, and grow, and be loved by their families, before superstition and fear took hold and changed it all. It was their greatest secret. They taught Zenkio as best they could, taught them how to hide what they were, but it wasn't enough to protect them from the Grysk. They were captured at the age of 16 and spent the next 10 years forced to navigate for them until they were rescued by the Coalition.
Zahkiel meanwhile had their memories buried and they were forged into a weapon for the Cabal. Their mission, to protect it from anyone who got too close to the truth. Anyone that would risk the Cabal's exposure. That is until they meets a Twi'lek Cipher Agent and old memories are dredged to the surface.
Art by the amazing @psychededoodle.
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bornangelauthor · 11 months
NaNoWriMo Day 8 Update:
I finished day 8 with 5050 words add and a total of 34,000 words. Then I continued writing and added 1,661 more words! Now I'm going to reward myself by playing some SWTOR with my Australians, since 3:30 am my time is 7:30 pm there time.
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revanknightwoman · 2 months
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hhyesunn · 8 months
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