#ven: never done adopting new family
relevant-url-incoming · 7 months
Power Games
since I've been on my roleswap bullshit, here is a little peek at how Ven's doing in the role of Sith Inquisitor (hint: not well). If you look closely you can see the moment both Andronikos and I looked at Ven and went "oh this is a baby"
Andronikos hadn’t expected to wake to the barrel of a blaster against his forehead, but then again he was the idiot who’d thrown in with the Sith.
“How frequently do you make your reports?” snarled the Sith. In the dark, he could barely make out her shape; her black eyes were luminous as they caught what little light there was. Too bad they were sparking in anger.
Mask off, her voice sounded different – Republic, for one thing. Her full mouth displayed her displeasure with a dramatic curl of her lip. Andronikos would bet anything she wore the thing just to hide her expressions.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Don’t play stupid,” the Sith spat. “You’re Zash’s little pirate pet, and I know she wants you on this ship. The navigational blocks aren’t enough? The threats to innocents? Forcing me to do every last bit of the Empire’s dirty work until I break isn’t fucking enough for her?”
He realised with a sinking feeling that he had stumbled into something darker than typical Sith bullshit.
“Maybe not,” he said slowly. “But I don’t take orders from Zash, Sith.”
“I’m not a damn Sith!” she cried, her voice breaking, but she tossed the blaster at the wall. Andronikos sat up warily.
She was just a kid, he realised. He’d buy it if she said she was twenty, but nothing more than that. For all her cynical comments on Tatooine, there was only so much this young woman would have had time to see.
“She’s watching you that closely?” he asked. That didn’t sit right with him. There were some things he drew the line at, and freedom was too dear to Andronikos to make this kind of thing ok.
“I left Balmorra without doing the job she wanted, and the ship shut down. I tried to avoid working for the war effort, and an officer tracks me down with orders to kill prisoners until I complied. I tried to steal a different ship, and some fuck pops out of the woodwork to stop me, because apparently Imperial Intelligence has nothing better to do!”
She rubbed her face ruefully, leaning against the wall. With a clatter of armour, she slid to the floor and hugged her knees to her chest. It was almost funny, seeing such a brawny woman curled up like a toddler. Andronikos wasn’t laughing.
“At least you’re telling me the truth,” she said to her knees.
“How can you tell?”
The look she gave him was withering. “Same way I know Zash is using me. Same way I know she won’t have me killed. I can tell.”
She looked away, laughing bitterly. “And I’d bet you anything that’s part of the power Zash is so fucking obsessed with.”
“Ok… So I’m not gonna mess with the Force stuff, but I know ships,” he said. She stared at him like she’d suddenly stopped understanding Basic. “Want me to take a look at the navigation systems?”
She narrowed her eyes.
“You’re serious,” she said. “You want to help me.”
“What can I say?” Andronikos said. “Pirates like freedom.”
She rolled her shoulders and stood slowly, looking thoughtful.
“It doesn’t fix the other things,” she said. “The POWs they’ll gladly throw away just to keep me in line. Whatever the hell Zash really has planned for me. And I bet this ship is being tracked in a couple ways, just in case.”
She pushed her tendrils back over her shoulders, lifting her chin with a defiant expression. It was the first time she’d looked both powerful and comfortable.
“It’ll help, though,” she said. “And as much as I hate it, I know how to play a long game. The Sith have all their power games, right? Maybe I can get control over Zash.”
“You’re getting all this from me offering to look at the navicomputer?”
She shrugged ruefully.
“It’s easier to plan when I have more than me on my side,” she said. “If you’re in?”
“Something tells me you already know my answer,” Andronikos said. She huffed out the tiniest of laughs and, to his surprise and mild offense, saluted him. Before he could ask her why the hell she’d done that, she’d left. He shook his head. He’d have to be careful around her, but he already knew that. At least this way he knew what she’d be looking for, and that he didn’t want to work against her.
And she’d left the blaster. He picked it up and tucked it away. It had been damaged when she threw it, but there might still be something he could do with it. He’d help the kid. He just wasn’t dumb enough to forget how ready she’d been to kill him.
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teganberry · 5 years
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Atlantis AU - Character Designs
This was waaaaaay too much fun! I guess there’s something about Kingdom Hearts characters that translates really well into the aesthetic of Atlantis. Story setup and character bio’s are below the cut!
In the year 1920 world renowned archaeologist Professor A. Wise discovers a book known as The Shepherd’s Journal, which he believes may hold the location of the Lost City of Atlantis. With the help of his two best students, Professor Wise makes sort work of decoding the ancient Atlantean language, unlocking the book’s long held secrets. He presents his findings to the famous adventure Yen Sid in hopes of receiving financial backing from him for an expedition to the Lost City. While Yen Sid himself is now much too old to venture out on such an arduous journey, he enthusiastically agrees to financially support the venture. All that remained was for Professor Wise to assemble the talented crew required to see the expedition through.
Kairi: Kairi is a University student studying history and linguistics. She is one of Professor Wise’s top students and helped him in the decoding The Shepherd’s Journal. When presented with the opportunity to join him on the Atlantis expedition she excitedly agrees the moment he asks her. On the outside Kairi appears to have a very positive outlook on life and a rather happy go lucky attitude. However, this persona is a mask Kairi uses to hide a deep pain she has carried all her life. Born out of wedlock to the disgrace of both her parents, Kairi has always been seen as an outcast in her family. Her wish to be educated at a University far away was only agreed to by her wealthy family so they may finally be rid of her for good. With the exception of her friend Roxas, Kairi feels she has never been truly loved by anyone. That all begins to change, however, when upon reaching the city of Atlantis she meet’s a mysterious Atlantean man with the most charming smile she’s ever seen.
Roxas: Roxas attends the same University as Kairi, studying history and archaeology. He and Kairi met in their first history class together and became fast friends. Upon learning of Kairi’s family and troubled past Roxas promised that he could be her new family, and that they would always be friends no matter what. He was the second student who helped Professor Wise decode The Shepherd’s Journal. Unlike Kairi, however, Roxas was less eager on the idea of actually travelling to the Lost City, fearing the journey there would be fraught with danger. Kairi comforts him and tells him that so long as he won’t regret it some day, then he shouldn’t force himself to go on the journey. After thinking on her words and knowing deep down that not seeing Atlantis would haunt him for the rest of his life, Roxas agrees to join the expedition. After all, who knows what sort of other worldly treasure he may find? Or perhaps whom he may find.
Terra: A commander who served in the first World War, Terra is recruited for the expedition along with a number of other ex-soldiers for their military know how and leadership skills. While cool and stoic on the outside, on the inside Terra has become a troubled man, scared by the horrors he faced during the War. Having seen hell with his own eyes, he is now desperate to see “the other world” wherever it may be.
Xion: Adoptive sister of Axel and mechanical engineering wiz kid! Xion, along with her older brother, were both personally recommended by Yen Sid for the expedition. There’s no engine she can’t fix. Xion makes no secret of the fact that she and her brother are only in this for the money so they can keep financially supporting their family. But despite that mentality she has a kind heart, and finds herself easily making friends with Kairi and Roxas.
Axel: Like his sister, explosive expert Axel is in this for the money, plain and simple. He was also recommended by Yen Sid, and has well over a decade of experience with explosives. Axel likes to make friends with everyone, whether they like it or not. Roxas and Kairi were doomed to be his new best friends from the start.
Sora: Growing up Sora always appreciated how lucky he was. Despite having no parents and no royal title to speak of he was somehow accepted as a ward of the Atlantean Emperor. He grew up within the palace walls and became best friends with the Prince. He had to be the luckiest orphan around! Sora thought that he had everything he could ever want, that was until he came across a mysterious girl with impossibly red hair on the outskirts of the city, who claimed to have come from the world above. Sora knew from the moment he met her that he was a goner. He just hoped the Prince wouldn’t be too mad…and why are all the rumours that Sora may actually posses Royal blood after all suddenly re-emerging?
Riku: The Prince and heir to the thrown of Atlantis. Riku understands his duty well, but that doesn’t mean he always sticks to the rules. Much the the distain of his head guard, more often then not Riku can be found sneaking out of the Palace with Sora to go hunting, or explore more of their mysterious home. The boys both know that once Riku becomes Emperor their time together will no longer be free. They swear to one another that until that day comes they will spend every moment they can together. It is during one of his many expeditions with Sora that they come across the party of explorers from the world above. Riku notices that Sora seems instantly taken by the girl with strange red hair, and even he must admit that there is something about her...
Aqua: The Prince’s head guard and and attempted voice of reason, Aqua is a woman who will do anything to protect her Prince even if that means protecting him from himself. While she does her best to maintain a stern exterior appropriate for her position in society, on the inside she has an incredibly warm and loving heart. She will just as soon scold Riku, Sora and Ven for their inappropriate actions, as she will offer them heartfelt advice and comfort whenever they need it. When the Explorers first appear Aqua does not trust them. While some of the newcomers seem friendly enough, others among the group appear to have darker motivations. And then there’s the tall man in the group, with brown hair and a haunted look in his eyes. There’s something about him Aqua can’t seem to figure out, but she determined to find the answer. For the sake of the Prince’s safety of course…
Namine: There was once a time in Namine’s life when everything was normal. Her days would pass and nothing strange or out of the ordinary would happen. She could read and draw to her heart’s content. Then one day, through no fault of her own, she somehow got mixed up in one the the Prince’s crazy adventures and by the end of the madness had seemingly become friends with the Prince and his best friend, Sora. Ever since then Namine’s life has become one ridiculous adventure after another, so it wasn’t really much of a surprise when Sora came crashing through her front door one day exclaiming that strange people from the world above had somehow appeared in Atlantis. What did take her by surprise was when she finally laid eyes on the Explorers she found that she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off one of them in particular. A young man with blond hair and a lyrical voice she just can’t get out of her head.
Ven: When Ven first signed up to be trained as a Royal Guard he had expected a tough training process that would teach him to be both strong and disciplined. What he had not expected was for the Prince and Sora to take such a strong liking to him that they would insist he join them on their expeditions at every opportunity. Caught between his duty of obeying the Prince’s request but also to follow Aqua’s commands, Ven often finds himself receiving an earful from the head guard. But once the lectures are done Aqua always admits that, while Ven shouldn’t leave his post, at least the Prince had taken some form of protection with him. When the Explorers arrive Ven is initially excited, but like Aqua he quickly becomes suspicious. There’s just something in particular about the Explorer with messy jet black black hair that sends an involuntary shiver down Ven’s spine.
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aealzx · 4 years
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It hadn’t taken very long at all for them to find the appropriate snacks for everyone, and after helping Roxas open his ice cream bar Zack looked curiously at it. “Sea salt ice cream huh? …. How odd,” he mused, not answering Roxas’ question right away. When Roxas didn’t humor the deviation in topic and just stared at Zack while taking a bite out of the ice cream. Zack ended up chuckling as he bit off a chunk of his own ice cream, leaning his elbow on the table. “What makes you think I had something to ask you?”
“You made up some reason to separate me specifically from the others, and also made sure my guardian was here since I’m underage,” Roxas answered flatly, causing Eraqus to cover up his amusement by clearing his throat. Roxas was a bit of a hassle sometimes simply because he wasn’t as oblivious as Sora.
Giving a little hum, Zack figured he’d stop pretending. “Fair enough. You’re right, I had some things to ask you,” he admitted, but didn’t bother changing his demeanor at all. “I’m not interrogating you though, so relax. Unless there’s something we don’t know about that you’ve done illegally.”
Roxas pursed his lips a little, but figured it would probably be better not to mention anything in response to that. “.... Ask away then.”
Zack had to raise a brow a bit, but figured he may as well not stall any longer. “I spoke with Axel before now, and he confirmed that you three went out to the graveyard specifically after getting notification that Terra was there, and that Xemnas most likely was too. Why?”
Roxas felt tense at the question, but hesitantly answered. “I wasn’t going to let one of my brothers get kidnapped by Xemnas again. I already told Aqua that.”
“Again?” Zack prodded, even though there was a hint that he already knew the answer.
Roxas flinched, and glanced over at Eraqus, who simply nodded after a moment’s consideration. But it wasn’t quite enough for Roxas to admit to exactly how much he knew, and he remained quiet.
previous snippet
This one ended up quite long, so the rest of it is under the break |D
“.... We already know you’ve had some involvement with Xemnas before, Roxas,” Zack prodded. “I know that your reaction came only after the mention that Xemnas was involved. Now most people would run in the opposite direction when the Black Family is involved. But you ran towards them, and, I’m told, dealt with them in a manner quite in line to how they are used to handling things. If I’m to believe my informant, it looks like we have a new player on the board. Or does the Waylen Family not ring any bells?”
Eraqus’ brows immediately rose at the mention of his family name, and he looked over to Roxas, who was now looking horribly guilty and staring at the table. “Roxas…,” Eraqus hissed, not sure exactly what Zack was talking about, but wanting to hear it from Roxas first.
“I didn’t do anything illegal okay?” Roxas quickly snapped, looking between the two.
“Creating a crime syndicate isn’t illegal?” Zack asked, raising his brow and resting his chin on his hand.
“It’s not a crime syndicate,” Roxas protested. “All I did was mention that Terra was part of the Waylen family now, because he is. Xemnas was spouting off some nonsense about Terra being a member of the Black Family, so I just came back with something equal that he would understand. And if anyone asks then just tell them that the Waylens are a medical syndicate that runs hospitals. There’s nothing illegal about them, it just depends on how you look at the wording.”
Admittedly hearing Roxas’ response was deeply reassuring, and Eraqus heaved a sigh in relief. So he wouldn’t have to deal with his son trying to create a crime syndicate. That was good. Still, it was a little worrisome how much Roxas had found out. Thinking for a moment, Eraqus figured it would be better for him to tell Roxas the truth instead of Zack. “Roxas….. We believe that Xemnas was after Terra because while Terra himself was never involved with them, his… mother was.”
Roxas looked stunned at that, staring at Eraqus, and then looking at Zack, and back again. Had he really messed up then? Terra was… actually a member of the Black Family?
“Terra was brought to the hospital I was working at by his mother under the law of Sanctuary. I took him in both because I had been considering adopting, but also because I knew there might be a chance that the Black Family would come looking for him,” Eraqus explained further. “I wasn’t intending for any of you to get involved with it.”
Roxas didn’t respond, but he found he wasn’t all that upset about it. Just that he didn’t know what to say. But that did make something make sense, and he looked up hesitantly, “So…. Xemnas looks like Terra because….”
“They’re brothers,” Zack confirmed, not seeming bothered about that. “Well, half brothers. They have different fathers, we think, but their mother was the same. We were trying to deal with it within our work, but then Xemnas made a move that we didn’t expect. And… I believe that you know why.”
“What makes you think that?” Roxas huffed, still feeling defensive.
“Because you mentioned Xemnas kidnapping your brother ‘again’,” Zack repeated. “This is the first time Xemnas has made any move against Terra. So……. how did you know Xemnas was involved with the kidnapping of Ventus and Vanitas?”
Flinching now that it was said so bluntly, Roxas looked guiltily over to Eraqus, who was surprised to hear of this, but not too much. “It’s alright Roxas. I’ve already grounded you, what more could I do?” Eraqus asked, hoping to lighten the mood a little.
Roxas ended up giving a tiny smile, but then sighed. “We met Xemnas… a long time ago,” he finally admitted, forgetting about his ice cream for now. “Shortly after Eraqus adopted Sora and me, and Axel adopted Xion, we wanted to do something to help Axel pay for everything. But I didn’t want to ask Eraqus for anything since he’d done so much already, so…. Xion and I started donating blood for money. We didn’t think anything of it at first, not many people would take my blood so we were just happy to have found some place that would. But… after a while Xemnas was there, and he recognized me. Well, actually he thought I was Ventus. He asked if I had found my way back to them, and if I wanted to continue…… if I wanted to continue the experiments that Xehanort had been working on. I left after that, and we never went back. But.... I found out that Xemnas and the rest of the Black Family was funding Xehanort’s experiments, for their own gain.”
Listening to Roxas’ story, Eraqus drew a sigh and reached out to rest his hand on Roxas’ head. There was so much he could do and say to lecture all three of those trouble makers, but it had been a long time ago, and it seemed that Roxas already understood how dangerous it had been. “.... Do you know why they were involved?”
Roxas ended up gripping the fabric of the patient pants he was wearing, fist trembling a little. “They…. Xemnas has some condition. He’s unable to feel what normal people do. That’s why he’s always so emotionless. But…. he said that they wanted to see if they could use Ven to cure that…. Because…. No matter what they did… Ven continued to smile… and be kind to others.” By the time Roxas finished his voice was shaking and barely audible, and he’d let go of his pant leg so he could rub the tears falling from his eyes. “I can’t let anyone like that near my family again.”
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
Ven'fir! 2 4 8 17 26
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
In a word? Distant.
In two words?
Painfully distant.
Ven’fir’s adoptive mother was unable to have children of her own, and when one of her apprentices stumbled upon a Force sensitive child on their way from a Coruscanti orphanage to meet their new family, she had him stolen. A child this strong in the Force likely had two Force sensitive parents and considering he was en route from Coruscant, that meant Jedi.
Thinking the idea of raising a Jedi child as Sith was hilarious, she promptly took him as her own.
The joke got old, and she grew bored of her new toy.
By the time Ven’fir hit double digits, he was being cared for full time by a small army of nannies, maids and servants.
Desperate for her attention, he acted out and became increasingly badly behaved in order to get even the slightest bit of notice from her, even if it was negative.
He surrounded himself with sycophants and hangers on, people drawn in by his appearance and charisma, but all in all he was a very lonely person for a long time.
When Baras ran a smear campaign on him after Baras failed attempt as murdering his apprentice, the shame of having such a son was too much and she disowned him. The money, social standing and any chance he might have had at impressing her enough to gain her love again was gone, and it affected him deeply.
By the time he became Wrath and made his own name, he had people who he cared for and who cared for him. She never tried to gain his favour back when he was Wrath, and he wasn’t sure if that was better or worse.
They are completely estranged by the time the expansions occur, and while she will always be a source of pain, he doesn’t think of her often any more.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Ven’fir has gone through a number of life altering moments, but the one that really changed him was seeing the fear in Malavai’s eyes for the first time.
Before that, he hadn’t really known what he was doing was wrong or even an issue, that his behaviour was having seriously harmful repercussions for Malavai and his mental (and physical) health, but when it finally dawned on him the reality of the situation, he was profoundly horrified.
The revelation of what he had done was so soul rending that he all but broke down, and for the first time in his life, he ran away.
That moment sent him on a spiral of guilt filled self loathing, and it took a very, very long time for him to return to a semblance of his old self. After that he was frightened of his every move, evaluating everything he said and did to an unhealthy degree, and generally shying away from Malavai and Vette.
It forever changed him, and forced him to grow up in a way that scarred him for life.
While he’s grown to accept his guilt and Malavai’s forgiveness, he still hasn’t completely forgiven himself. Subconsciously, he feels that as long as he keeps feeling guilty, keeps that wound raw and open, he’ll never slip back into old habits and do it all again. It’s faded, but it’s there.
It’s something Valkorion used against him extensively when he was in Ven’s mind, to great (and horrible) effect.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
He’s fired a plasma rifle before, out hunting with other noble children. He was decent, but he was hardly a crack shot. His first ever target was on a practice range, but his first live target was a sleen while on the hunt on Dromund Kaas.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
He had a huge number of toys, considering his mother all but threw month at him to make him leave her alone.
He really liked a stuffed ice-cat that he dragged around and slept with until the tail fell off, and one of his more kindly nannies fixed it for him.
His toys were all removed and destroyed in an effort to get him to ‘grow up’, but he manged to save the stuffed ice-cat. He still has it, although he doesn’t bring it to bed any more. He’s not shy about it either, and has even mentioned in in interviews.
26. How does your character behave around children?
Before he grew up, he disliked children.
They were annoying and cramped his style.
After he grew up, got married and settled a little, he found that he really likes them. He’s good with kids and they like him, and he’s often found entertaining padawans and acolytes in the Force Enclave. The Jedi there were a little concerned that the Imperial embodiment of rage was playing with the padawans, but soon realised that he was a big kid himself and just wanted to get to know them.
He started thinking about kids of his own, and had discussed it with Malavai. They both agreed that it’s something they wanted, and later they end up with three children that Ven’fir dotes on and Malavai makes sure don’t end up too spoiled.
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mimiplaysgames · 5 years
in the shape of a star (3/5)
Pairing: Terra/Aqua Rating: T Word Count: 8,765
Summary: What they need to rebuild their home was to be more honest. Aqua hoped for the best when she told Terra about the Guardian, and it threatened to tear their walls down.
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A/N: SO MANY THANK YOU'S AND I LOVE YOU'S TO @holyteapotofrussell​ WHO BETA-READ THIS FOR ME. Also I'm evil for writing this, I know. It'll get better, I promise.
Waking up was always disorienting, maddening even.
Aqua was going to mumble that she needed five extra minutes. She deserved as much, but the shake on her arm was warm and gentle… she would even say loving, and she didn’t want him to let go.
Terra knelt by the couch where she took refuge. They had adopted the habit of sleeping in the Master’s old office every night right by the fireplace, where she dreamt better. Sleep became safe enough for her to stay, and Terra was now the one who started his day earlier. Somehow, he snuck her out of his arms with finesse, each and every time, that she’d never even stir.
In the sunshine, his eyes were bold.
“Good morning,” he said softly. His smile was a welcome sight. She’d grown to need it every time she opened her eyes in order to breathe steadier, and with every cycle of the sun coming up over the mountains, she’s forced to muster enough strength to keep herself from blurting out such a delicate truth.
Fighting Heartless was easier than this.
“Morning,” she hummed, rubbing her eyes. 
His smile tightened, weaving shut whatever bad news he carried with him. 
“I didn’t want to scare you,” he said. He wasn’t talking about shaking her awake - the way his throat gripped his voice said so.
Aqua immediately stood up, tiredness forgotten. “What happened?”
His lips quivered. “Ven won’t wake up.”
She bolted out of the office, through the hall to the western wing, down the bridges to the tower where the bedrooms were. It all passed in a blur.
She stormed into Ven’s room. He was sound asleep in bed, his breath inaudible and unmoving.
“Ven.” His skin at least was warm, though he looked otherwise. “Ven, please. Please wake up.”
She whimpered, she cried, she whispered. He wouldn’t listen.
And he was all by himself. 
When Terra followed inside, she was ready to throw chairs over. “Where’s Cheers?” 
“I don’t know.”
“What does that mean?” she snapped. Not even the boom in her voice woke Ven up.
“Aqua,” he whispered, coming close to her, brushing his fingertips on her forearm like she was a wounded animal. He kept so calm. She was envious of that. “I don’t know.”
Meltdowns came in two storms: like thunder, explosive and loud and terrifying, unable to be calmed until it passed, hurting anyone unlucky enough to be exposed. If not that, then like the rain, building into a downpour, enough to flood someone’s face, and keep them weighted underneath the surface.
Aqua experienced the latter, hunching over her shoulders as she wished she never learned how to cry. She crawled onto Ven’s bed to settle by his side, holding a hand over his heart, which still thrummed under her palm. 
Terra joined her by taking Ven’s other side, and rested his hand over hers. It wasn’t as warm as it was just several minutes ago.
“It’s all my fault,” she said, sweeping Ven’s hair out of his face. “I took too long to save him.”
“Then it’s mine, too.” He stared long enough for her to be swallowed by his eyes, which were glassy. “I was idle when I should have-” he gulped. 
They’ve had this conversation before, and no amount of repetitions or apologies would change anything. 
Still, he finished the one thought he repeated the most. She could recite the words for him: “I should have saved all you, and I did nothing instead.”
If conversations went in ellipses, Terra and Aqua always took the same orbit and never crossing over into the details. Sometimes they got close enough to finally spill, only to back off. Sometimes they never even came close. It was always about I should have done more and skipping over This is what happened to me.  
She sighed, taking two of his fingers with two of hers. When words wouldn’t suffice, or refused to come, they carried a language in their hands.
It’s okay, was what she said through them this time.
She wondered if time would be generous enough one day to wipe their minds and give them a fresh start. “What are we going to do?”
He gave her a gentle squeeze. “We’ll figure something out,” he said. “We’ll do whatever it takes, go wherever we need to go.”
When it came to the well-being of other people, Terra was always the most confident, the most faithful, the most daring. He never offered himself the same kindness.
“What if we can’t-” she started.
“Aqua…” He stroked her thumb with his, and she shushed, feeling Ven’s heart thump under their grip.
There was a swoosh and a sparkle that lit up the room. Chirithy landed on the bedside table from wherever it came from, like nothing was amiss.
But Aqua wasn’t going to let it get away with anything.
“Where were you?” she growled while she rolled over from the bed. 
Terra stayed behind and carried Ven’s into his arms. 
Chirithy twitched its ears like it wasn’t sure what it heard. “Why are-”
“What did you to him?” 
It hung its head, a deep pout into its eyes and two paws gnawing at its chin. “I sent him a dream,” it squeaked. 
“Excuse me?” she spat. Aqua had prepared for nights when something would go bump in the dark. The only thing that surprised her was that it happened in the morning. She was ready to protect her family, marching up to Chirithy and about to grab the creature when Terra-
“Aqua,” he called gently like he was cooing her, with a smile that told stories of compassion while Ven slept soundly in his arms. He didn’t judge her, he never did. “Don’t.”
She could but she didn’t, not with Terra looking at her like that, like he understood that it would only suck her into a black hole if she continued.
Terra wanted peace, and she complied. 
“I came back so he would follow me,” Chirithy said, twiddling its paws. Its ears drooped down, and its voice trembled. It actually started to cry, with mewls as sobs. “He will wake up, I promise.”
Aqua’s breath shook with all her pent-up anger, which was at war with reassurance and guilt. 
She didn’t mean to make it cry. 
Terra said, “If he- When he wakes up, we need to act normal. He’ll get scared and will never want to sleep ever again.”
Aqua drew a long, long breath. Terra was right. The only reason Ventus was able to doze off these days was because of Chirithy, when getting him to stay in bed beforehand was a marathon of hours that ran late into the night. 
She shot Chirithy a glare instead of speaking, dabbing the tiniest of tears out of her eyes. Terra was breathing harder than usual, and that was because he was also taking a risk in trusting Chirithy. 
Then there was a sharp inhale, and a mumble. Ven.
“Wha-?” he drawled, his eyes too groggy to register who was holding him. “Why-"
Terra was better at hiding his feelings, and he dodged the onslaught of teary relief taking over him by rough-housing Ventus to consciousness.
“Umf, Terra-”
“That’s what you get,” Terra said, making a mess out of blond hair. 
“For what?"
“You were snoring really loudly.” Terra finally let him go. 
Ventus pushed him over (weakly, nothing could really push Terra over), and rubbed his eyes hard enough to make them red. 
It was time to play along. Aqua smiled to fake it, and glided over to the bed, finding a particular spot that acted as a barrier between Chritihy and her dear, dear friend. “We should have used one of those gummi phones to record you.”
At this, Ventus stuck his tongue out. “Do that and I’ll never let you in my room again.” 
It seemed to have worked - knowing him, he’d expect both of them to snicker behind his back. Lying was a tiny cost for the greater good. 
“Where’s Cheers?” he asked, surveying the room, and it honestly made Aqua’s heart drop.
Chirithy waddled over, settling into Ven’s lap. “I had the craziest dream last night.”
“I told you.” Chirithy wiggled its ears, taking its place in the middle of a reluctant family, and Aqua wondered if Terra felt like his choice in the matter was stolen from him, too.
“Tell us,” Terra said softly, like nothing bothered him. He’ll have to teach Aqua his ways later.
Something far away made its way to Ven’s eyes as he recalled it. “I was in an underground city - no, not underground. It was underwater. And there were people there I recognized, but I couldn’t tell who they were. I didn’t know their faces.”
What was more threatening than Ven’s coma was the idea that Chirithy tried to take him to strangers.
Ven lit up. “Sora was with them. I saw Sora!”
Aqua and Terra exchanged brief, uneasy side-glances. It had been several weeks since Sora’s disappearance, and neither of them had traces that could lead them anywhere.
“What did he say?” Terra asked.
“He asked if I was okay,” Ventus said, a warm smile gracing his face. “That was it.”
Maybe Chirithy did Sora a favor. 
Ven watched Aqua, leaving behind his thoughts. “Is everything alright?”
“No,” she sighed. “I mean- yes. We’re just running really late.”
“Oh, shit!” (Language, Ven, said Terra.) He threw himself off the bed as soon as he got the reminder. “Sorry! I’ll eat breakfast right away and get ready. C’mon Cheers.”
Like nothing was truly wrong, Ventus rushed out of his room with a cat that wasn’t quite a predator trailing his feet.
Aqua breathed hard. “Do you think-”
“Maybe,” Terra said. 
“What Cheers can do...”
“It’s a little weird.” Terra gazed at her, gently stroking her arm. “He’s fine now.”
“I don’t think Cheers meant to hurt him.”
Aqua smiled but it contorted into a grimace that strained for control. “I’ve changed too much,” she said. She never trusted anyone again. She got too hot-headed and protective of her loved-ones to her detriment, and she refused help worse than she used to. 
“You’re fine the way you are. I’d rather have an Aqua in my life than somebody else.” He scoffed like what he said wasn’t a big deal.
She took his hand to acknowledge his compliment, squeezed it to tell him she appreciated it, and slammed it onto the bed sheets to tell him he needed a new friend. He chuckled.
Then she let go, as she always did when there were things to do and reasons to get away from intimate conversations that could change the course of their friendship forever. Those were dangerous waters, and they needed to tread carefully.
But Aqua only made it to the hallway when she gasped sharply, the air turning cold enough to slice her throat. 
At the end of the hallway - the opposite direction that Ventus and his Chirithy took to get to the kitchen - was another. 
Its back was to her, its cape as red and pink as a bodily organ, its fur a plum purple. She didn’t have to look into its face to know it might be rabid. She didn’t have a clean history with their Chirithy, but this one was definitely not friendly, and it invaded her home.
“What’s wrong?” Terra asked, rushing out of Ven’s room.
She took one glance at him and then back - and the dark Chirithy was gone. “It was right there.” She pointed.
Terra stood in that direction, and cupped her chin to bring her to him. The way he looked at her - sometimes it was inconvenient to deal with how well he could read her. “Aqua, there’s nothing there.”
“It was another Chirithy.”
She shook in his fingers, and held his wrist tight enough to make him pay attention to every single little word. “I’m not crazy.”
Terra traced her jaw to cup her head with both hands, his breath deep enough to lure her to follow his rhythm. Forehead to forehead, his eyes demanded  her attention. “You’re not. I’ll make laps around the castle to make sure. You get dressed, we have a lot to do today. Let me know if you need help.”
With that, he rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs and left her colder than she was in his proximity. 
It certainly never was in her plans to let him in that way. Before, the thought of him dressing her was… embarrassing yet safe, maybe exciting a little. Now it just made her blush. 
But blushing was a minor thing in comparison to how her heart leaped right now, and the feelings she always knew she had were threatening to betray their little secret. 
Aqua peeked into her room first to make sure the mirror was still covered, exactly the way she left it, before stepping inside.
The trick to facing her fears, Aqua thought to herself, was to keep breathing.
She kept hers steady with every stride, maintaining a momentum that led her forward while she left everyone else behind, including Ienzo, who was supposed to be her guide. If she slowed down, even for a second, who knew what kind of thoughts would invade her mind. 
Around the corner was Ansem the Wise’s office. It was a little messy, but the old man wasn’t keen on dusting old and painful memories just yet when his team was so focused on improving lives for the future. 
Aqua wasn’t expecting anything when she entered - certainly not the giant painting of Terra’s face. 
Yet it wasn’t Terra’s face. He wouldn’t look this serious, this arrogant, this distant from whoever it was that painted this portrait, his white hair styled with so much gel that it looked oily.
It made her angry, and soon Terra was going to catch up with her.
“Fire,” she hummed with a low voice, her fingers outstretched as she heated the fibers that brought those colors together until they burst through brown eyes, and false-Terra’s face was no more.
“Whoa,” Ven’s voice said behind her, watching the show. “Aqua, that isn’t ours to mess with.”
She knew that. Certain things just seemed trivial, silly even, after the years she’s had. “It’s not good for Terra to see this.”
Ienzo was the next to enter the room. He stammered at the sight, and readjusted his already impeccable collar to compose himself. “I suppose we do not need it anymore,” he simply said, and Aqua felt justified. 
Terra was the last to come. The first thing he noticed was the smokey soot littering the ground under an empty frame. He smirked - there was no telling if he knew what it used to look like, but considering that no one in the room talked about it (like it never existed in the first place), he let it go, taking one look at Aqua like he knew she was to blame. 
What was more important was behind the frame: a secret passageway to… a field of underground containers. It was gross to see, violating almost, like they were designed to hold bodies (hearts, more likely). 
It also led to a room full of computer screens, where Ienzo gestured to Terra. 
“I already know how to get to the bottom floor,” said Ienzo. He typed several passwords into the computer. Whatever they hid down below was well guarded. “But I have never, in all my life, been able to access that final room. None of us have. If what you say is true…”
“It is,” Terra said. He had his arms crossed but his naturally polite smile glowed with ease. Ienzo flustered at the sight of it.
“T-then I should be able to access it.” Ienzo focused strongly on the keys below him, before commanding it to do something with a final touch of a button. 
Whatever machinery he summoned was loud, and the floor under her vibrated ever so softly. An entrance through the floor opened far from them. 
“Are you all ready?” Ienzo asked.
The smile on Terra’s face - the one he wore for the sake of saving face when he dealt with strangers - fell completely, dragging his eyes down to the floor.
“Aqua,” he called, approaching her. For a moment, she thought he was going to take her hand, but he stopped himself short. 
They were in public.
Instead, he traced her hand with his gaze, before following her arm to her eyes. “I don’t…” he started softly, quieting it into an almost-whisper. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go down there.”
If Aqua was honest, she had been dreading this day. She couldn’t gauge how Terra would behave: whether he would get hysterical, or turn stone-cold, or disappear altogether. 
So this, this, she appreciated. And she was proud of him for recognizing it before throwing himself head-first against a brick wall of triggers. 
They preferred touching a private act but Aqua decided to risk it: she graced two of his fingers with a firm clutch, taking a moment to consciously ignore how the others avoided to witness. “I agree.”
Terra let himself breathe. Funny how sometimes the act of drinking air made them feel unsafe. “Riku and Isa are waiting for me outside. I’ll be with them,” he said. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Aqua,” Ventus said. 
“Then she’s in good hands.” To her, he said, “You’ll feel better with a Keyblade.” With that, Terra let go, hesitating while turning over his shoulder, and taking it slow to leave the room.
Ienzo cleared his throat - he did that too often, and Aqua had half a mind to advise him to drink water. “Well, onward and downward I suppose.”
“Do you not want to go?” Aqua asked.
Ienzo was usually so sweet, it was hard to see how aloof he became. “Of course not. You will see why.”
The passageway that led downstairs spiraled into darkness, as though the lights from above couldn’t reach. Traversing them was enough of an exercise, and every once in a while, Ventus would complain: Are we there yet? Who was stupid enough to design it this way? Whatever is down there better be worth it. 
When they finally reached the door, it was worth it to Ventus, who awed and poked his head through immediately. It was just one hallway, its white walls pristine as though the last person who left it behind had scrubbed it of all proof of activity. 
But a mass of darkness stained its walls, unseen to the naked eye but it lingered all the same. To Aqua it was sickening, and the hand to her mouth didn’t quell the nausea. 
“Down here,” Ienzo said. He was acting more and more like a zombie with every step he took. 
“What were these rooms for?” Ventus asked. 
Aqua knew Ienzo had history here. Of all the darkness she faced and inhabited inside her own body, she could never imagine how to make peace with the horrors made with his hands. How to pay for them. How to amend.
Ventus could never understand Ienzo either for this exact reason, and she hoped that would always stay the same.
“Experiments,” Ienzo said. He offered nothing else. 
So they walked in silence. Some of the shut doors had peep holes with bars that blocked views. Aqua could make out that some of them had machinery inside, whereas others were empty. Ventus had to jump and grab the bars just to see - his imagination had much more fun than either of theirs.
At the end of the hallway was another shut door. Aqua nearly called it Terra’s door, but he’d be sick if he was here, too.
Ienzo approached a keypad, activating it based on Terra’s instructions. The door slid open with a hiss, and all three of them just stood there. Neither volunteered to go in first.
“After you.” Ienzo waved his arm out, and she wished he didn’t.
Inside was another white room, but it gave her a horrid, frigid deja vu. 
Energy radiated in chains, from the throne at the center outward to the walls. This room… it was almost an exact copy of the room she left Ventus to sleep in years ago. How this was possible, who knew he was there to begin with? Who tried to find him? 
Thank goodness he was safe all this time.
“Aqua,” Ventus called, “look!”
Swept and left to the side was a heap of blue metal, the only color in this cold room. 
And if Keyblades had faces, Aqua wouldn’t know if hers would welcome this reunion.
“My word,” Ienzo said. “Never in my wildest dreams would I have considered this being here.” The way he said it sounded like he was just as creeped out as she was. “How fortunate for you, we were about to seal this entire floor forever.”
She raced to her Keyblade and stopped herself just short of embracing it. 
Did it want her back?
Stormfall was the extension of her heart and very soul. If she was afraid of it, then surely…
No, sentience of a Keyblade didn’t work that way. She had to believe that.
“Who built this?” she asked as she knelt to her knees.
“Xemnas.” By now, Ienzo had stopped smiling, had stopped being warm and inviting, like he stopped realizing there were reasons to continue living. 
Yes, she knew of Xemnas. She recognized a face out in the desert the very last time she fought thirteen darknesses. Then they all perished before she had a chance to speak to him.
Thinking about it, would she even had wanted that? 
What would she have spoken with him about? Here was proof that he still had attachments to people he didn’t really know that well or understood, and here she was without the foggiest idea of who he was. 
The only thing Aqua wanted back the first time she saw him was Terra, plain and simple. Xemnas stole a body, stole a face, did unspeakable things that Terra wasn’t capable of doing, and she wasn’t sure if any of that was worthy of forgiveness. 
If Xemnas somehow missed her presence, missed Ventus, or wished for a better life, she wouldn’t know. Or maybe he was cold-hearted to the end. 
Even if she found it in her heart to befriend him, there was no denying Xehanort’s influence and how dangerous that was.There was no way she was going to accept a single strand of white hair on Terra’s head until he was old enough to grow them.
… She remembered now. Sentience of a Keyblade was the reflection of her relationship with herself. And there was nothing to be proud of. 
Therefore, her Keyblade couldn’t be proud of her either.
“What was he like?” Ventus asked.
“Xemnas?” Ienzo cleared his throat. Again. It took him several moments, a string of loud breaths to find words to describe such a person, and Aqua brushed her fingers against her blade, a soft, tender energy to the metal as it woke up and recognized her. 
“He wasn’t someone to be crossed,” Ienzo finally said.
Ventus sighed. “Guess I wouldn’t have liked him.”
She grabbed the hilt slowly, trying not to offend. It’s so much lighter than the Master’s Defender.
With Stormfall in her hands, she trembled harder than ever. If this was what it felt like to be whole, then it dug a new void inside of her, her body betrayed, her senses violated, and there wasn’t a spell in the world that could clean her. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered to it, softly enough that only Stormfall would hear, thinking about the last person who held it in his hand. “I did it for him.”
Calm embraced her. Stormfall didn’t regret it either.
Ienzo chuckled, not paying attention to what Aqua was doing whatsoever. “Xemnas never smiled like Terra, that’s for certain.”
“Enough about Xemnas,” Aqua said, shutting them up. In a time like this, when she needed to coax her Keyblade home, the last thing she needed to think about was a stranger, much less a clone. 
It was bitter, maybe even dejected? It was her heart, so Stormfall would always be hers. 
And it was just as much Terra’s. If he had to use it to protect himself, Stormfall would have agreed. Those bonds were the point of a Keyblade.
She willed it to stay with her - it didn’t respond like Master’s Defender, which was always ready to protect, a simple testament of a father.
Stormfall had a different perspective in life - it was always ready to attack.
Aqua decided for now to keep it in her hand, let it get used to being held, let it learn what it felt like to be home again. 
Afterward, she focused on collecting every piece of her armor with her free hand, leaving no scraps behind as it easily made its way back into her skin and into her heart, waiting for the next time she needed it. 
“You’re not in the least bit curious?” Ventus asked her.
He was still on about Xemnas? “No.” She stood up, taking her route out of the room.
“What’s in the past should stay buried there.” She didn’t mean for her voice to echo through the hall. “He’s gone. He’s no one. We have Terra back, that’s all that matters.”
Aqua didn’t like the look he gave her - shocked, a little anxious, pitiful. But he understood when he nodded, letting his initial distaste for her reaction melt away into something much more accepting. He was truly the only one of the three to have a level head, much smarter than either of them give him credit for. This was the benefit of keeping a childlike wonder of the world - it made him stronger than anyone else. 
“You’re right,” he said. “Come on, this place sucks. Let’s get some fresh air.”
The trek upstairs was more tiring than the other way, and Ventus complained with every step.
Outside was a different story altogether. Aqua still had Stormfall in her hand, the sun getting ready to rest on the peaceful city of Radiant Garden. But there was still some bustle, the clash of metal and the sparks of magic slamming against each other. 
She and Ventus walked down the castle steps that led to where Terra, Riku, and Isa sparred in the gardens beyond the moat. Aqua stopped to watch; it had been a while since she studied the way Terra fought, and if he didn’t know she was peeking into his private training, then he wouldn’t mind. 
Terra moved as she always knew. He was precise, commanding of his space. He conquered when he invaded the gap between himself and his opponent, he was hard to knock backwards, and he was graceful in the control he had of his body. He was beautiful.
Isa still had his giant cleaver - if he would eventually agree to a Keyblade, the only person he wanted to bequeath him was Lea, who still had a long way to go before he had the privilege... but maybe it didn’t matter since their bond was stronger than tradition. If Terra was aggressive, he didn’t hold a candle in comparison: shockwaves and blasts and ruptures that engulfed the entire garden and whatever else that fit the definition of excessive outbursts. This was what Isa always knew, and once he had a Keyblade, it would be interesting to see just how useful his skills would be. He’d be able to cover wide surface areas, perfect in protecting others. 
Then there was Riku, quick and efficient and stronger than he looked, parrying attacks with simple strikes. He was only flashy when he needed to be, preferring perfection of technique. It made sense why they chose Riku, all of them having been witness to an invasion of darkness within their bodies, all of them having to rise above it in their own ways. 
Riku egged both of them on, paying particular attention to Terra.
There was a lot of, Come on, Terra.
And, You can do this.
Plus, Don’t be afraid of yourself.
The more Terra listened, the more a black slickness flickered off his skin. Riku was teaching him to control the darkness that would forever be a scar.
Aqua told herself she didn’t mind that. 
Then a hole of darkness opened in the ground, and she lurched forward, nearly vaulting onto a steppe just above her. Terra was going to be swallowed again, and this time he jumped in on his own accord. 
She was about to yell, but Riku wasn’t disturbed by it. Great, was what he said, and he circled the perimeter with the expectation that something was coming. Isa was unsure of what to do, keeping still as he looked over his shoulder and by the trees.
A hole opened right under him, to his dismay, and Terra bolted out of it, thrusting his power upward on an Isa who was ill-prepared.
And Riku congratulated Terra for finally accepting such a technique with professionalism. 
It made Aqua whimper for a bit, enough for Ventus to rush over to her side, asking her what was wrong. 
“It’s…” She didn’t continue. It was like watching that thing, that Guardian all over again. That was what it loved to do in a fight: creep and wrestle and catch its opponents by surprise with no mercy. 
It never left Terra. Was he even aware of it? 
Of course not, she never told him.
“I’m fine,” she said to Ventus, straightening herself up. “It just surprised me, that’s all.” She gave him the most genuine smile she could fake, and it seemed like he accepted it. It seemed.
Sparring was finished for the day, and Terra rested his giant Keyblade onto his shoulder as he heaved with breath and chuckled, like it was the end of a pleasant few hours of hard work. Riku was much more distant - Sora’s disappearance had been a heavy weight, and conversation with him was like talking to a wall half the time, but he responded when he had to.
Isa said something with a very serious face, and Terra and Riku melted into laughter.
Aqua didn’t even notice that Naminé was there, sitting on a stone bench to watch them fight while she drew sketches of their postures. She was also one who was hesitant about taking a Keyblade, but if she decided yes, she wanted Terra’s blessing. 
Naminé had Chirithy by her side, and carried it with her when she was ready to join the conversation. Could the all-knowing cat ever sense that she wasn’t created in a womb? 
“We’re having dinner with them downtown,” Ventus said. 
“We were invited.” He rolled his eyes. “Don’t you open your gummiphone?” He flipped his out and scrolled through text messages. “You should get on top of that, we’re going to look like old people to them.”
“Lea will be there,” he said like it was incentive. “And Kairi, and Xion. Roxas, too. Everyone. It should be nice.”
There was a nagging feeling in the clutch of her diaphragm that Ventus was implying she should get out more. 
Sure, she could handle it. She could push back the memories of shadows, and of giant demons with horns and bindings on their mouths from her mind for a couple of hours.
Aqua took plenty of time to spar by herself. Stormfall was a bit of a hassle, and Ventus, as her student, was sometimes the victim of heavy handling when Aqua never meant to.
He laughed about it, said her Keyblade was just as snippy as she was. 
So she cut half her days between her apprentice and herself, while Terra continued his private lessons with Riku. 
Her boys expected that she would suddenly turn over a new leaf with her reunion - as though all the things she feared would magically disappear. They didn’t. The only person that drew away the nightmares was Terra, and that was because they continued to sleep together in the Master’s office, legs finding spaces in between to settle for the night, and arms resting under torsos and heads since the couch was so small. Under his chin and against his chest, Aqua would always be safe. 
She tried to turn off lights by herself, daring to sit in a dark room for ten minutes. She still couldn’t bring herself to do it. 
She tried to look at her reflection in the mirror, but she wouldn’t pull the bedsheet off of it.
And Aqua promised herself she would be braver the next day, the next morning, the next hour.
But at least she didn’t consider herself a coward. It wasn’t like she wasted twelve years for nothing. She just needed time. 
Terra had been busier with Merlin’s lessons but he still kept his promise with coming home before the sun set completely, though now he often rushed into the workroom, tucked at the back of the castle where machinery and hand tools were stored.
It was where she initially welded all of their Wayfinders.
Terra was there tonight with an apron on, his quartz crystals shaped in hexagonal styles, with each end pointed and pretty. He hustled with mixing water on his sandpaper, and scrubbed away at each side of each crystal before starting the tedious process of using the polish. 
“Knock knock,” she said, tapping the doorway. “How’s it going?"
He mumbled something - such a Terra thing to do when he’s obsessed with getting something right. He twisted over his shoulder to give her the least bit of acknowledgment before going back to his work. “It’s going,” he repeated.
Aqua crept over his shoulder to see him overwork as he continued torturing himself with the details. “What are you aiming for?”
He sighed. “Merlin said lots of things, one of them being that if I actually want to put magic into the crystal, then I would have to give it my all.”
She rolled her lips inward and shrugged. “I told you crystal activation was difficult.”
“Why did you even start with this?” She stopped herself from asking, Shouldn’t you have chosen something easier?
Terra took a moment, letting the sandpaper hang in his hand. “I asked for it.”
“Because…” He searched the room, and when he found his answer, he didn’t look at her. “I wanted to prove myself.”
She murmured, “You’re always pushing yourself so hard.” 
He nodded in return, and went back to his work.
“So how far did you come?” she asked.
Terra exhaled with frustration, and left the sandpaper on the workbench. “I can’t get any of it right.”
He had demanded to learn these lessons on his own only because his pride was on the line, and she wished she could tell him that she could be proud for him, just as he was, without embarrassing him. 
But Aqua couldn’t help herself. Seeing Terra this frustrated was entertaining.
“Do you want some tips?”
He rolled his eyes at her and studied her face. “...Sure.”
With a pep in her step, she took one of his more polished pieces of crystal since it was more prepared to capture power than the raw ones. “Merlin teaches like a wizard, not like someone with a Keyblade.” She twirled it in her hands. “Crystals are like permanent storage for magical commands, so he’s correct that you’d have to give it more intent in order for it to activate, right?”
She held it up in the air to let the light flash on its surface. “Our Keyblades are an extension of our hearts. As children, we don’t know what they’re supposed to look like, not until we figure out who we are and begin to decide what we want for our lives. Then they take shape. They represent us, and take a solid form when we’re asking and ready for the burden. It doesn’t take from us, it becomes us.
“But foreign objects aren’t like that. They don’t have connections to our hearts, so we literally have to give a piece of it to them.”
She paused. This was why she never performed such rituals. She needed her Keyblade completely whole, giving her all the freedom to perform magic however she wanted. 
“Terra, you will literally cut your magic into tiny slices to put inside. Are you sure you want to do that?”
He shrugged one shoulder and answered, “Yes,” like it was no big deal.
He took his crystal back, caressing it before going back to the polish. “Like I said, I need to prove myself.”
“For what, though?”
He smirked, long breaths drawn out between words. “I’ve always thought that I was someone special because the Keyblade chose me. After what happened… if I may be honest… sometimes I wondered if it was really a blessing after all.”
She hummed. It was all too familiar, more than she wanted to admit. “I had wondered the same thing.”
“Well…” Something that had nothing to do with her drew a hopeful smile on his face. “I want to do something special again.”
“Okay.” That was as good of an answer as she was going to get. 
With her approval, he beamed. It reached his eyes and for the first time Aqua grasped just how important this was to him, even if she didn’t understand. In time, she figured she will. 
For a moment she watched him buff the crystal with polish, his lips moving with silent words as he tried again and again to transfer a part of himself into its core. After too long, he decided he couldn’t do it, but she didn’t expect him to be able to succeed the first time.
“I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with it,” she softly said when he tried for the last time. 
It was exactly what he needed to hear, and he dropped his work, catching her gaze with gratitude in his tired smile. They stared at each other like that, his hands messy and hers leaning on the workbench, eyes taking in information that was familiar, like the color of their irises, and how they looked when they were happy and quiet and comfortable. 
But her eyes took in new information too, as newly discovered tenderness churned in her belly the more she lingered into his pupils. She noticed lines in his irises that she had never noticed before.
His eyes flickered.
He gripped a fist to throw away his nervousness before wiping his hands with a rag. Then he cupped her face, and for a second Aqua prepared for something she’d been hoping for. 
Terra took his other hand to brush through her hair, and she led an uneasy breath to steady. Maybe she was silly for wanting to touch his lips. 
“I’m still no good at it, huh?” she asked, her heart screaming at her ears from how close he came.
“Not. At. All.” He smirked to do away with his shaky breath, parting her hair the way he recognized her.
Ventus, however, was the master of worst timing, and he barged into the room like he had no idea how hard his best friends were struggling. “There you guys are. The sky is clear tonight.”
Except he wasn’t dumb. “If you could stop touching each other for at least an hour, maybe we could hang out and stargaze like we used to?” 
Terra stammered. Terra let her go. Terra wiped his hands on his apron, and Aqua brought hers to her face to hide her blushing. 
Ventus had reason: twelve years apart, and she’d never want to miss stargazing with her two best friends ever again. 
They huddled at the front steps of the castle - Ven with Chirithy on his lap, and Terra by Aqua’s side, leaning on one arm with a suggestive distance between the two of them. 
The stars gave their blessings in a sky void of clouds, which was rare so high in the mountains. Hikes in the Realm of Darkness had left Aqua wishing for a night exactly like this.
“When I was asleep,” Ven said. “I flew to the sky to reach them.”
“Excuse me?” Aqua said. 
“In Sora’s reality.” Despite how insane the subject matter sounded, Ven talked about it like they were at a simple dinner party. “Do you have any idea what kind of awesomeness I was doing in his brain?”
Terra snorted.
“One day, I was breathing underwater,” Ven continued. “Then I was chasing rabbits. Another day, I was petting cute creatures. I played cards with monsters, and went to Halloween parties where I dressed up to look scarier, and I fought pirates and-”
“You mean Sora did all those things,” Terra said.
“Well, yeah but… it seemed real to me.”
He grinned and Aqua couldn’t feel anything but grateful to Sora. It was the one reason why he wasn’t as messed up as she was: Ven had plenty of reminders of what awaited for him when he woke up. He had hope. He had Sora, and there was no one better to spend twelve years with. 
“I want to do the same one day,” Ven said, his eyes locked on the stars above. “Have crazy fun adventures. Turn nightmares into dreams.”
“Turn nightmares into dreams?” Chirithy asked, as if the concept was foreign. 
“Sure.” Ven leaned backward on both hands. “I want to be like Sora. I want to teach people that they don’t have to stick to their fears, and that they can do whatever it is they want to do, especially if it changes their circumstances.”
He turned to Terra and Aqua. “What do you think?”
Aqua was proud of him. 
“Just don’t disappear on us,” Terra said, ruffling Ven’s hair into a flattened heap of hay. “Or you’re grounded.”
“Worse will happen to you if you keep ruining my hair,” he muttered, restyling his bangs. 
Chirithy said nothing. 
But as fast as Ven got excited, he retreated into reflection. He shifted uncomfortably on his step, and twiddled his fingers. He prepared a question that Aqua had been waiting for him to ask, but he never quite found the time or place to do so. Perhaps that perfect moment didn’t exist.
“What was it like for you guys?”
She had spoken little of the Realm of Darkness. Refusing to stand in the dark or to look into mirrors gave her boys enough of an idea of what it was like, but she had described it in simple terms: lonely and sad. 
Terra rubbed his chin, and Aqua really wanted to know about his experience. Since she never spoke about herself, she never asked him either. 
“I was angry all the time if I wasn’t crying,” Terra said. “I couldn’t see anything, and if I heard voices, I barely understood them.”
All of them sat still, under stars that stopped guiding their hopes, even though they were free and safe now.
“I would see orbs sometimes,” Terra continued. “Sometimes I got weird feelings, like I was going to die if I tried to fight it, and…”
He inhaled sharply like he said too much. “I begged a lot for it to stop,” were his final words on the subject.
“I begged a lot, too,” Aqua said. They looked at her now, almost leaning forward to listen for more. “I saw lots of different worlds, but they were empty. The environment would change for the purpose of getting me lost, and there was a lot of traveling with no one to talk to. That’s if I wasn’t fighting Heartless. Sometimes I wanted to disappear forever.”
She thought about certain things, and never offered words on them. Instead, she said, “You know, sometimes I saw the both of you.”
“For real?” Ven asked.
“Yeah.” She rubbed the side of her neck, her other arm huddled around her knees. “Then you disappeared. Neither of you ever said anything, but I would talk to you anyway, pretending you could listen.”
They stared at her.
She scoffed. “I know it sounds silly, me talking to myself.”
“Not at all,” Terra said. “Don’t say that again.” His voice quivered, and she expected him to apologize, but he wouldn’t do that in front of Ven - that would upset the boy the most.
Ven fussed in heavy guilt, barely able to look at either at them. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”
“There’s no reason to feel bad, Ven,” Terra said. “It’s… about time we were open about this.”
Ven nodded to himself, staring at grass. Neither of them had any idea how to move the conversation forward. Should they talk more about it? Should they change the subject? 
Aqua didn’t think she’d ask Terra for more information, just to spare him the agony of remembering it. Knowing Ventus, he probably would never breach the topic again because he cared about them too much.
There were things they’d never forget and perhaps those were conversations they would only have alone.
“I’m…” Ven started, and Aqua’s heart didn’t have the strength to witness his discomfort. “I think I’m going to get chocolate milk or something. Maybe some cookies? Anybody want some?”
Again, he still didn’t look at them. He deserved some homemade cookies.
“Sounds delicious,” Aqua said.
“You always make the best cookies,” Ventus mumbled as he walked past them and up the steps, Chirithy trailing along. Those two were never apart, and sometimes Aqua wondered if her post-darkness existence could never suffice in comparison to the friend he used to have. 
It made her feel awful, even though he never even implied the thought.
“Maybe it will get easier,” Terra said, rubbing his forearm, glancing at the stars where he found no solace.
“You mean talking about it?”
“Sure. Maybe.”
Silence, as quiet as the wind kissing the flowers, as stoney as the stars above them. 
“I’m so sorry,” Terra said. 
“I told you before,” she said, near a whisper, “I don’t blame you, and I don’t regret it.”
“It sounded terrible.”
“Yours did, too.”
“Maybe. You’re so strong, though. You’d be the only one out of any of us to survive it.”
Again, a silence tight enough to burst. 
And Aqua did burst. “I just wish you guys wouldn’t-”
She stood up before she continued, about to walk back to the castle.
“Wouldn’t what?” Terra asked behind her.
“Nothing, I was thinking out loud.”
He stood up as well, following the few steps she took until they were equal. “If I made you uncomfortable at all-”
“No. You didn’t. Don’t worry.” She hugged herself, her hands warming bare shoulders.
Terra frowned, leaning back from her for a second. “Aqua, didn’t we agree not to hide things from each other anymore? To be more honest?”
“It’s not what you think, Terra.”
His eyes whimpered, pleading for her to rest his anxiety and the stars only knew what else he was blaming himself for in his mind. 
Then he scoffed, wiping his cheek with his hand, letting himself smile his thoughts away. “Nevermind, I shouldn’t be asking, all things considered.”
“I just-” she started. 
Terra was so close to her, within a hand’s reach. Yet there was a wall between them, one she built out of bricks made of refusals and assumptions. If she was going to tear it down and let him finally step through, then she needed to commit. So Aqua steeled herself for the demolition.
“It’s not true that I’m strong,” she said, tears already making their entrance.
It shocked him. “You don’t have to be so hard on yourself.”
“Let me finish.” She breathed hard, her heart wrenching and telling her to quit. “I fell, Terra. Darkness overtook me for a moment, before Riku and Sora found me.”
“What?” he gasped, blood leaving his face. He had no idea. She was grateful Riku respected her privacy enough not to gossip. “Aqua, I’m… ugh.” He held her by the arms, rubbing them, nearly about to embrace her but thought better of it. “I’m so sorry,” he choked. 
She couldn’t expect there was anything appropriate to say.
“How did it happen?”
She flinched, and reminded herself that she committed. 
It took some time before she spoke. Terra didn’t press her and he didn’t ask the question again. He only stayed still, waiting for her to talk. 
“Xehanort’s Heartless was there,” she said.
Already, his tears dried up, his eyes widening. The hold on her arms slackened. 
“And he summoned that… thing. The Guardian, I think is what it’s called.” Her voice was steady, detached from her body, like it abandoned her. 
She didn’t need to say anything more, what with the way Terra’s breath thrashed.
He let go of her. 
“That was you?” he rasped.
Then he yelled, stumbling on the steps when he walked backward away from her.
“Terra.” She reached for him.
He recoiled, completely dodging her hands as he picked himself up on his legs and ran right into the castle doors before desperately grasping at their handles. 
“Wait, Terra, it’s fine.”
“How can you say that,” he wailed. “I-”
He stopped, his lips quivering. He tensed when she tried to step closer, keeping his arms within, with grips that strangled the door knob. She almost expected that he was about to punch his way through.
“I hurt you, and there’s no forgiving that.”
He slammed the door in her face, and she dragged it back out to follow him inside. “Please don’t turn your back on me,” she said softly enough that he wouldn’t hear her. “Not again.”
Yet Aqua stopped herself short, watching him storm down the hall until he turned right and disappeared around the corner. What he said pounded in her ears. The way he cried it spoke of damage, of humiliation, of hatred. 
Not for her, he could never hate her. But she knew him too well, and she couldn’t tell her body to stop crying at the thought that he hated himself so much.
“You okay?” Ven asked behind her. He had a plate with neatly stacked cookies in his hands, Chirithy riding his shoulders with both paws dug into his hair. 
She looked away to wipe her eyes with her wrist. 
“Yeah,” she said, then rubbing the excess on her pants. 
“It’s a little late anyway for cookies,” Ven said, his voice the only real presence in this empty entrance hall. “I’ll turn off the lights, no big deal.”
“Cheers makes a good sleeping buddy if you want.” He looked up, and Chirithy wiggled its snout affectionately, squeaking.
“No, but thank you.” She said. She sounded dead. “I’m fine, really.”
He pouted, but let her slide. “Holler if you need anything?” 
“Okay.” She clasped her hands together. “Thank you.”
“I’m sorry, Aqua.”
Terra wasn’t in the Master’s office, and the hearth felt cool even though it was lit. Terra wasn’t in the kitchen, drinking tea to soothe himself to sleep. He wasn’t back in the workroom, throwing himself into his crystals to ignore everything around him. Nor was he in the training hall, sparring senseless.
She found him in his bedroom, his door locked. He sobbed, and his howling was muffled, as if he was letting it all go into his arms, rested on his table. 
Aqua’s chest caved into itself at the sound, making it hard for her to breathe. 
She wanted to knock, to tell him that everything was okay. She was fine, she made it out of the Realm of Darkness and the past was the past. She wanted to ask him if he could help her bury it for good. The only thing separating them now was a thin block of wood.
But she did nothing, sneaking away from his door so he wouldn’t hear that she knew. 
She left him hoping and praying to the stars that Terra would tear the darkness out of his heart to throw away in those crystals for good, so they wouldn’t be haunted by it anymore. She wanted him whole.
All that was left for her right now was her own bedroom, and she crept her door open just enough to stick her hand through and turn the light switch on. She peeked with one eye to make certain that her mirror was still covered. 
It was only then that she entered, preparing herself for whatever chaos waited for her in sleep tonight.
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Daybreak Academy: Chapter 56
New Student, Familiar Face
Summary: In which my dumb af ship from 2013 can once again set sail. Word Count: 1,674 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
There were going to be about 50 new First Year students this year- Ven did the headcount. Was it a bad turnout? It seemed like a low number to him, considering how large the school was. He couldn't even remember his student orientation to recall the amount of students there. But weren't all the students cherry picked from around Departure County? Maybe this count was right after all.
'She's not here.' Vanitas grumbled somewhere to the left of Ventus.
“She is.” Ven mumbled back, making a vague motion to the sound of Vanitas's voice. “She promised she would be.”
Yet, despite telling himself otherwise, Ven still couldn't see Sabrina in the crowd. Right now, the new First Years were taking their house tests en masse in the auditorium. When they were done, they were to give their tests to the headmasters -all five sitting on the stage itself at a very long table- and wait for the others to finish. Once everyone had their tests reviewed, each headmaster took turns in announcing who was a part of their house. It was a very nerve racking time; it almost rivaled the stress during finals.
Ventus had thought that choosing to hide out in the balcony seat would have helped him see Sabrina better. He had been quickly proven wrong in that regard. Sure, he could see everyone, but he couldn't see them clearly. From the back you couldn't tell who was male or female- you only got a very good look at the back of their multicolored haired heads. Sabrina's hair was a raven black. He's never forget that. Too bad she wasn't the only new student with black hair, though…
“There she is!” Ventus declared, almost a bit too loud, when he saw Sabrina head up on stage to hand her test in. It took all it had in Ven to not shout her name and wave over to her in hopes of getting her attention. But it was a massive relief in knowing that she was attending Daybreak Academy; he didn't have to call for her because she'd be on campus from now on. Maybe if the orientation finished quick enough, they could have lunch together.
Ven let out a sigh of relief as he relaxed now. Knowing that Sabrina was here led him to wait for the orientations to finish. He was so relieved that, when Invi stepped forward to announce the students coming into her house, Ventus almost didn't hear Sabrina's name among them. It took a solid minute for the realization to sink in, and when it did, Ven's heart nearly stopped.
He and Sabrina were not going to be in the same house. Okay, yeah, sure, it had been a one out of five shot. They wouldn't be sharing many classes, but they could still see each other after. It could still work. You know, just like it did with Ephemer and his other friends. Nothing to freak out about. It was just… disappointing. Yeah… Really disappointing…
The orientations finished up about 30 minutes after the house results were announced. Ven had snuck out just before the stream of new students came out of the auditorium. He waited at the front entrance for Sabrina to come out- idly passing time by watching the clouds roll by.
He only had half a second to register the happy exclamation of “Ven!” before being tackled from behind. A loud, undignified shriek escaped the boy's lips as both he and his tackler crashed into the ground. Ventus blinked for a moment, waiting for his senses to come back, before realizing who had now pinned him to the ground.
“Sabrina!” he rasped. “You… you're…!”
A wide smile stretched onto Sabrina's face. “Lemme guess,” she said, “I'm a huge surprise! Or the best thing you've ever seen! Or, or…!”
“You're crushing my ribs.”
“Oh.” was the small answer. “Sorry about that...” and she quickly got off of him soon after. She even helped him get back onto his feet.
“So now what?” the girl asked him. “Classes start tomorrow, right? So what do we do now?”
Ventus blinked. There was no stopping with this girl, huh?
“We could go get lunch.” he offered. A nervous laugh escaped the corner of his lips. “The cafeteria isn't that far from here.”
“Sounds great!” Sabrina agreed with a cheerful nod. Ven smiled and before he was able to tell her anything else, Sabrina quickly grabbed him by the hand and led them both to the cafeteria.
. . .
“I can't believe we won't be in the same house.” Sabrina pouted. “What a bummer.”
“Yeah...” Ventus agreed with a little nod. “It'll be a bit harder to get together, but not impossible, I don't think.”
“Will the schoolwork be the same?”
“Should be. I'd have to ask Brain or Lauriam about that.” After a short pause, Ven then let out a small sound of remembrance. “Oh!” he exclaimed, “That reminds me...”
Ventus reached down into his backpack and pulled out a three-ring binder filled with paper.
“I, uh, I wanted to give you some of the notes I made last year.” he nervously said to her. “We won't have the same teacher for a lot of classes because we're in different houses, but it should still help. I think.”
“Sweet!” Sabrina declared, taking the binder without a second thought. “Thanks Ven!”
The boy bashfully smiled while scratching the back of his neck as Sabrina poured through his notes. They weren't the best, but they would still work for studying. Ven watched her- he was quick to notice the faces she made as she tried to make sense of curriculum she had yet to learn. Her eyebrows were knit together and her nose was scrunched up, almost like a little rabbit.
“What was it like being adopted by rabbits?” Ven asked her- not at all realizing what he said before it came out of his mouth.
“Hmm?” the girl hummed. It took her a moment to realize what he was asking; when she did, she looked up at him with her nose even more scrunched up in disgust. “Ortensia's a cat. Oswald's the rabbit.”
“O-oh...” Ven stumbled, “I didn't mean...”
“'S okay.” Sabrina told him with a little wave of her hand. “I know what you're sayin.' It wasn't bad, honestly. Can't complain. They had a lot of money that they didn't know what to do with. Such as it is when you've got a multimillion billionaire to call a brother, and he's one of the slightly more generous ones. Or maybe he has a really guilty conscience? Old Ozzie was cut off from the money for years, so I've been told.”
Then Sabrina's face softened a little. She looked Ventus over with a curious eye before asking, “What about you? What's your family like?”
If it was possible, Ventus's face went from a bright red to a ghost-like white. “M-my family isn't special.” he sheepishly claimed, averting his eyes from her.  “My parents are nice. I've got some siblings, but it's not...”
“How many?”
“How many siblings do you have?”
“I have… four.” Ven confessed. “Last year, just before I started going to school here, my mom had a pair of triplets. Sora, Roxas, and Xion. Roxas, he… he looks a lot like me. It's really weird. I haven't gone to see them in awhile though- I plan on doing it soon. I've kinda been waiting for Mom or Dad to give the okay. Gets kinda hectic raising three babies at once, or something.”
“And what about the other one?”
He didn't mean to, but Ventus flinched. “What do you mean?” he asked her. But Sabrina wasn't having it; giving him an impatient click of her tongue.
“You said you have four siblings,” she pointed out, “So what about the other one?”
“It's a long story.”
“I have time.”
But Ventus shook his head. “I can't tell you.” he told her in a quiet voice. “You'll never want to be my friend again if I did.”
Sabrina raised a bemused eyebrow at this. She's probably only known Ventus for a full day now and she had massive doubts that she would suddenly decide not to like him. Family was family- how bad could it really be? And, by golly, was she a stubborn one.
“Can I have a name, at least?” she asked him- she even put on her best puppy pout. Ventus made the mistake of looking at her for half a second and immediately gave in.
Without wasting a second, Sabrina followed up with another question. “What house is Vanitas in?”
Ven shrugged as he looked back down at the ground. “He's, uh, he's in An… guis...” He paused, only know realizing what he had said. He looked up at Sabrina with wide, fearful eyes. “Oh no.”
“Oh yes.” the girl snickered. “So he's here, at Daybreak, and we're in the same house! That's so awesome! I can't wait to-”
“But you can't!” Ventus quickly told her; he almost leaped at her to take her by the shoulders, but just barely stopped himself in time. “Vanitas is… Vanitas is…!”
His new friend was giving him a weird look. “Vanitas is…?” she repeated. She even rolled her hand at him- a not very subtle hint that he just needed to spit it out and get it over with. Ventus once more averted his eyes.
“You'll hate me.” he mumbled. Ven's fist started to clench as he thought about Vanitas. He couldn't tell Sabrina about his brother. She wouldn't understand. She just wouldn't…
Ven jumped when he felt Sabrina calmly place her hands into his. He looked up at her to be met with an unreadable expression. His heart leaped into his throat in realizing how much older she looked when she wanted to be dead serious; it was like the ten year old had switched bodies with a thirty year old instead.
“Ven,” Sabrina then said, her voice quiet and still, “Is Vanitas even real?”
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jujuoh · 6 years
I never actually posted the little story behind the demon/priest flareshipping thing did I? I was just gonna type out something short and quick but the details got away from me. tl;dr seto becomes a priest to look for mokuba, summons atem for help and accidentally summons yugi too. the nun garbs are easier to hide the horns, tails, and wings under while they help him.
It’s like, not quite modern day, just far enough ago that travelling from Japan to Europe would generally be done by boat and land bc there were no planes. 
circa 1875 CE, Japan, Meiji Restoration
Seto and Mokuba still get sent to an orphanage, and Mokuba gets adopted by a visiting Englishman without Seto, who tells him to go with and that he promises to find him, because it would be a better life than staying in the orphanage. 
Seto almost ages out of the system when some travelling missionaries happen to come through town, but secretly they’re actually demon hunters/exorcists on a mission (though of course every country has their own ways of dealing with demons, sometimes if the demons are foreign, they need foreign magic to help stop them. In this instance, a coastal city in Japan was having issues with Scottish kelpies of all things. Wherever they went, they teamed up with the local demon hunters as well). The group stopped by the orphanage both to keep up appearances but also scout for talent, and catch wind of a really smart, stubborn kid named Seto who sounds like a perfect apprentice. 
Seto agrees to go with them because they can promise to take him to Europe where he can search for his little brother. He finds out later about the demon hunter thing but doesn’t believe them, until he watches them do their job - unless a demon wants to be seen, it can’t be, unless you force-reveal or see it with magic of some sort. The power (both magical and influential), the control, and the ability to help people (though he won’t admit it) attracts him and he eagerly begins learning. Though he tends to feel like if the person is a douchebag they deserve their demon problem (his guardians try to teach it out of him to varying degrees of success)
It takes ages to get to Europe, and they do missions (from angels, messages from the vatican, towns they pass where there are problems they can solve, a few memorable times from other demons), and teach him along the way - surprisingly about many different religions, not just catholicism, as well as many different languages which he picks up quickly. The lessons about different demons and magic and curses were the most interesting: different places in the world have different supernatural beings, matching up with the different religious stories and mythology, and so of course they needed different magicks and tactics to defeat, release, or otherwise overcome. They attempted regular schooling too but Seto was already at or above their levels, so instead they taught him everything they knew. They taught him how to sew and weave, how to shoe a horse, fix a boat, cook, clean, among various other things.
circa 1880 CE, Europe, second industrial revolution
Thus, the whole trip takes quite a while. Seto is twenty by the time they actually make it to Europe, and while the time taken frustrates him, he knows it was safer and cheaper to do it this way, rather than try to get the money by himself and travel alone. That, and all the magic he would’ve never known.
Once he’s there, he travels along with them for a bit, trying to find leads to the family that has his little brother, but once they need to be sent out to different countries and continents again, he begins to travel alone. Sometimes he spends up to nearly a few months in one place, taking care of a big problem.
On his own, Seto learns that demons themselves are much more complex than he was originally taught - in terms of individuality, motivations, social hierarchy, and ven morality. He meets demons better than most people, and people worse than most demons. Some spirits are just mischievous, and people lie about how much damage they’ve done. He ends up capturing demons sometimes in order to study or interview them before banishing them or letting them go. He rarely actually destroys any unless they’re particularly bad. He also gets closer to some of the angelic messengers, and decides all angels are mildly to viciously annoying, especially the one named Joseph and his friend Tristan. 
Eventually he gets frustrated with his total lack of progress and commits a taboo - he summons a demon himself. The book of spells he borrows from a local boy - Japanese like himself but raised here in England. He has white hair and claims to be a psychic, the ghost of his little sister following him around the occultish store, stocked by things his father brings back from travels that can’t go into the museum. Seto knows better by now than to doubt him.
He accidentally summons two. He refuses to place the blame on himself for not calculating things perfectly, and calls it a fluke of magic.
circa 1300 BCE, Egypt, middle New Kingdom
Atem had been a prince in Egypt, destined to be a greater pharaoh (and a greater man) than his father, but his traitorous uncle killed him on the eve of his coronation, just after the mourning period for his father was over. The magic interacted with his own, and with the artifact he wore, and with whatever divine influence the gods deemed to throw his way, and instead of going through the trails of the afterlife to enter the duat and be reborn again, he became a being of shadows and magic itself. Little did the uncle know that he would fall and be torn down by another boy wanting revenge just the next day.
It took Atem a long time to come to terms with what happened, and even longer to learn how to use and control his powers. By the time he could return to his home, too much time had gone by. Everywhere he went people spoke as the sea people spoke, foreign rulers by the name of Ptolemy sat on the throne, temples and statues were decimated or else reclaimed by these others in place of their original deities. Everyone and everything he’d known and loved were long gone. Upset, he travelled the worlds above and below. As is his nature, when he found something unjust, he did his best to set things right. As is his new nature, he judged by luring the accused into games to test their hearts.
He stays mostly solitary for nearly 3000 years - not entirely by his own choice, but by circumstance. He’s old and powerful and appeared out of nowhere, and other beings of all kinds are wary of him. Until he comes upon a sweet, hurting boy named Yugi who asks to be his friend.
circa 1820 CE, Japan, near the end of the Edo period
Yugi is very smart, and very small, and very nice. His niceness often gets taken advantage of, and his size makes it easy to pick on him. If he fought back, maybe they’d leave him alone, but he hates hurting anyone. His grandfather, a merchant, always tries to convince Yugi to stand up for himself. Yugi doesn’t listen. He gets sadder and more reclusive by the year, until he barely looks anyone in the eyes anymore, even his own mother as she helps bandage him up from the latest “game” that horrible group of older kids “played” with him.
In an effort to cheer up his grandson, Sugoroku gives him a golden puzzle from a far away land. He’d been hoping to make big money off it, but they were well-enough off as is, and his grandson’s happiness mattered more than some extra coins in his pocket. He’d known the puzzle was difficult, but it takes even Yugi years to complete it. Years of suffering, and growing, and learning. His grandfather worries. Yugi is of course interested in taking over Sugoroku’s business, and already assists him greatly, but without being able to stand up for himself the boy will have trouble in the world. He worries as well about revealing the truth to Yugi - the truth that Sugoroku is himself a demon, and so his son, and so is Yugi, though to a much lesser extent since Yugi’s mother is human.
When Yugi completes the puzzle, it immediately summons a disoriented and shocked Atem to his side. Cue screaming and yelling from both of them, a rather hilarious scene of Yugi chucking the puzzle at Atem’s head reflexively before hiding behind an upturned table. Atem, freaked out by what just happened, also takes cover behind a screen. He’d never been summoned like THAT before, it felt completely different to a summoning circle or a prayer or anything else, and certainly never by someone who immediately started screaming at him. 
Tentatively, after the dust settles, Yugi peeks out from behind the table. Atem hears him shifting and peaks out as well. More silence. Yugi tries to come to terms that he’s summoned what appears to be a demon. Atem tries to come to terms with how cute the screaming young man is. Yugi clears his throat and offers a shaky greeting. Atem falls in love.
Eventually they end up in the middle of the cleaned up room, sitting on the floor, having a somewhat stilted conversation. Atem fiddles with the puzzle - what was once his magical artifact - sitting on his lap. There had been no contract, no promise, no injustice to either force or encourage Atem to stay, but he couldn’t find it in himself to leave. By the time it was dark outside, the two of them were laughing together, munching on the snacks Yugi had made while preparing dinner for his grandfather and mother, who were on their way back home from a day trip to the big markets. The knife Yugi’s using to chop the vegetables slips and slices open the base of his thumb, and while it’s not deep the pain surprises him. Atem automatically reaches out to gasp the injured appendage. This is the first time they’ve touched.
The sheer power released by Atem touching Yugi’s hand awakened Yugi’s latent demonic side, and it takes Atem a while to calm him down. The new little horns, and long ears, and wings, and tail... it was a lot to take in. Sugoroku and Ayame come home to find a delicious dinner and two demons waiting for them. It doesn’t bother them nearly as much as Yugi thought, and he finally learns the truth from his sheepish grandfather. Ayame is annoyed he’d stopped from from trying to tell him sooner, because now look what happened, you silly old man.
Atem, regardless of his feelings, didn’t want to tie the young demon down to such an old and feared one like himself, and intended to leave as soon as he knew Yugi was in good hands. But, he can’t just let Sugoroku teach him - even for a demon, he was quite old in body while Atem remained young (another thing people found terrifying, for just how much power did Atem have to appear naturally young after 3000 years?), so he stayed and helped train Yugi. Yugi did everything he could to impress Atem, not even realising his own feelings for a good while; once he did, he redoubled his efforts and became even more mischievous and flirty. Eventually, Atem couldn’t take it any longer and confessed, and they were bonded.
Seto was only trying to summon an ancient demon by the name of Atem, a solver of puzzles and bringer of justice, both to help him look for Mokuba using demonic magic and to possibly learn from him. Seto also gets Atem’s equally tiny boyfriend, Yugi, who is not even nearly ancient but quite older than Seto, a fact that irks him greatly as they’re both shorter than he was at age 12.
But, they’re both so, so clever. And so, so... hard to resist. He wants to hate it, wants to believe they’re magically influencing him somehow, but he’s too confident in his abilities to believe it.
Seto enters a joint contract with them (though Yugi was willing to help even without one, but it has it’s benefits). Together, they hunt down particularly nasty pests and find major leads to Mokuba. And fall in love, of course. 
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phoenixmiko · 6 years
KH3 Final Mix/DLC Wishlist
A lot of this is wishful thinking but they are still things I’d love to see:
Repliku interacting with Namine - perhaps their hearts have a conversation in the Final World before he passes on.
Riku being playable for a world or two, not just two battles. We can take pictures and selfies as him.
Namine interacting with Kairi and some indication she is stirring within the princess of heart.
We know Xehanort came to know about the outside world thanks to his future self.  But we need to see how he left Destiny Islands and met his master and Eraqus. More flashbacks of his past with Eraqus would be welcome too.
What Lea and Kairi had to do during training in the Secret Forest. Having either or both as playable for this would be great.
Radiant Garden and Destiny Islands are explorable and they contain all of the areas they had in BBS and KH2 respectively. Maybe we even get to meet Riku and Sora’s families and Kairi’s adoptive family.
Twilight Town is expanded to include all of the areas from KH2.
Kairi reacting to Radiant Garden when she gets there and her memories of her birthplace. Perhaps she even meets her grandmother and we get to hear more of what the old lady knows about the Keyblade War, maybe even how she knows. Seeing the rest of Kairi’s biological family, if any, would be even better, considering that NPCs are plentiful in this game. Exploring the city as Kairi would be amazing. Any NPCs we hear could even talk about their experiences of the world falling to darkness or at least what they remember of it. Anything about people’s thoughts on rumours of Ansem of Wise’s experiments or Apprentice Xehanort would be a bonus.
Lea and Kairi talking about their pasts at Radiant Garden together. I wonder what Lea thought of Apprentice Xehanort? Did Kairi ever meet him?
What happened to Kairi and what she did or said between her getting taken away by Xemnas and her floating, unconscious, beside Xehanort in the Keyblade Graveyard.
How Riku and Mickey get their new keyblades. Yen Sid apparently forges Braveheart but I’d love to see how he did it. It is explained what type of keyblade Braveheart is, why it looks like a Kingdom Key (and if it is one, which realm it represents) and what this keyblade means for Riku. Kingdom Key D and Star Seeker merge to become Kingdom Key W; we are told what W stands for in Mickey’s profile or Jiminy’s journal.
Riku and Kairi interacting with each other.
Whether the norted Repliku we see is evil CoM Repliku from the past, a completely new version or a failed replica which got reused and upgraded.  He’s not Data-Riku or KH1 Riku, we know that for certain. Whoever he is, this Repliku definitely has Riku’s memories.
Seifer and his friends appearing in Twlight Town. Roxas’ heart reacts to seeing them, Sora can interact with them and perhaps even enter a Struggle tournament. The Radiant Garden Restoration Committee, Cloud and Tifa appearing in their restored world and commenting on how great everything appears now that it is finally back to how used to look, Sora reuniting with them again. Heck, perhaps Kairi and Riku can even talk to them, seeing as we have never seen this happen. Sephiroth is here too; his story with Cloud gets resolved, Sora interacts with him and you can have a boss fight like in the previous two numbered entries.
LIngering Will and Namine talking. This conversation was read out by their voice actors at an orchestra concert in Japan but never featured in the game.
Roxas and Namine interacting. Maybe their hearts could speak in the Final World while Sora is there, for example.
Ventus and Roxas talking.
The destiny trio interacting together.
Xion’s heart reacting to things and people. Sora may not know who the third heart inside him belongs to but it would have been nice to see Xion stir within him as well.
What Isa and Lea did as apprentices under Ansem the Wise, what kind of dynamics they had with the other apprentices and what made them want to become Nobodies.
More details on the experiments that Ansem the Wise, his apprentices and Xehanort’s Heartless did and what happened to the subjects of those experiments. Did Kairi ever hear the screams mentioned in the secret reports?
What legends say, if anything, about the black box and why Xigbar had the Organisation looking for it when the box appeared during the epilogue beside him. How and why did it get there?
Where the thirteen pieces of darkness went after the original X-blade shattered, whether the seven pieces of light dwell within the princesses of heart and if or how these fragments choose who will inherit their pure light once their hosts fulfill their purpose. Do those who pass on that pure light lose the powers they had as princesses of heart? Do their hearts go back to being comprised of darkness and light?
The reason why Xehanort needed thirteen keys to create the X-blade, if this X-blade is the original one which shattered centuries ago and whether the X-blade he forged is made up of the hearts of the seven guardians of light and the thirteen seekers of darkness.
What happened to the X-blade after Sora used it to close Kingdom Hearts.
Riku and Terra interacting. Aqua talked to Kairi and Ven spoke to Sora so these two should have had a conversation, especially since Riku flashed back to meeting Terra as a child in this game.
Riku remembering Xion, showing he knows who she is and interacting with her. He is the only one of the three (him, Lea and Roxas) who forgot her and did not get this. Riku should have, considering he met Xion again in DDD and asked her who she was.  
We get to see data Twilight Town. Sora, Pence, Olette and Hayner never get the chance to at least have a look at it on the screen, let alone go inside and explore. The town is brought up and they get access to the computer thanks to Pence and Ienzo but then nothing is ever done after that and the plot thread is left hanging. On another note, it would be funny if the data versions of the characters from Recoded were there.
The reason why bug blox are back in this game, especially how the Organisation is able to use them, where they came from and why they look different to the ones from Recoded.
Your mileage may vary but Data-Sora, Data-Riku, Data-Namine and Data-Roxas could have appeared (perhaps on the gummiphone?) and Sora could have perhaps shown signs of starting to remember Castle Oblivion.
This is an interesting one but I’m dying to know if Xion and Repliku ever met, both being replicas. They could have been created at the same time or not long after the other. Who knows? Even if they never met, a conversation between the two would be very intriguing.
A secret boss linked to the next saga appearing.
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sylvermyth · 8 years
2016 Year in Fics
I’m totally stealing the idea from @caseyvalhalla​ (minus all the stats because I have way too many little fics....also I might’ve cheated by copy/pasting them from my fic directory.....)
Total words for 2016:  144,768
This year’s top trends:
unfinished WIP that I keep saying I’ll update
not updating said WIP
a bazillion short fics
branching out with kinkfics and rarepairs and other fandoms
Goals for 2017:
get the ball rolling on this year’s fic writing
finish at least ONE of my WIP (probably Matters of Pride)
write more in other fandoms
write more.
Eternal thanks to:
@apiegohome​ (waifu!) and @nicayal​ for keeping me motivated all year long, listening to whatever nonsense happens to be coming out my mouth at any given moment...also for the figure skating AU (and especially nicayal for your wealth of figure skating knowledge) AND also for helping host @kh-worldsconnected​.
@princess-wasabi​ for always being enthusiastic about my writing, no matter what it is, and for providing me with so, so much art, ilusm my dear.  <3
@savaage-nymph​ and @keybaes​ for also spoiling me with art
@caseyvalhalla​ SEMPAI NOTICED ME!!  No, but seriously, chatting has been such a pleasure, and the solidarity of two non-traditional students has been very helpful these past couple months.  Also your input has been indispensable
many, many others who support my writing through tags, comments, replies, IMs, etc.  <3
PS:  putting the fic list under the cut because it got kinda long....
Matters of Pride (WIP) Rating: T Word Count: 16,113 Pairings: Sora/Riku Fantasy, modern AU Art/fic exchange with @savaage-nymph​ He’d never seen someone look so removed from their surroundings; sure, everybody lived in their own bubble while riding the train, but when Sora looked at him, it was more like he was on a different plane of existence.  Of course, that could have just been Sora being dramatic. Chapter 1: The 7:05 Chapter 2: Just a Scratch Chapter 3: Stalked Chapter 4: Coming to Terms Chapter 5: Instincts Chapter 6: Resources Chapter 7: Under a Dream Sky
Pilfering Silver (WIP) Rating: T Word Count: 9,768 Pairings: Sora/Riku Fantasy, genie AU #november Sora grew up as a street rat.  A mysterious boy, Ku, joined him on his adventures, until one day he disappears.  Sora seeks his friend afterward, and what he finds isn’t quite what he expected.  Can he be reunited with the boy he’s come to care for so much? Chapter 8: Competition Chapter 9: In Favor Chapter 10: Under Scrutiny Chapter 11: Incongruent
A Branded Nobody (WIP) Rating: M Word Count: 9,119 Pairings: Platonic only; Sea Salt Trio Fantasy, slavery AU; warnings for angst/drama, self-destructive thoughts, and references of abuse. It was there, just on the edge of the sector, that Axel’s focus turned to the dull blue eyes, flat like unpolished stones, but still such a stunning hue under those lowered lids.  Perhaps it wasn’t the best criteria to choose a slave by, but then, Axel had always been peculiar like that. Chapter 2: Cautious Steps Chapter 3: Nobody’s Name Chapter 4: Shades Between
Summary: All that glitters is not gold. Sometimes it’s just an overdressed ice skater trying to regain an ounce of composure after superman-bellyflopping a jump in front of his coach. But hey, everyone has off days. Since qualifying for Nationals and an unexpected locker room encounter with his fellow Sectionals medalist, Roxas has just been having a few more than usual of late.
Main pairing: AkuRoku Rating: T (for now) Chapter word count: 13,013 Co-Authors: @sylvermyth, @apiegohome, @nicayall AO3 Collection: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/Iced
- Sparks and Sparkles - Namesake - Ugly Duckling - At Second Glance - Charity Case - Shine a little
Partager (YOI) Rating: G Word Count: 1240 If anything, it was a sign of trust that Victor left Makkachin in the care of the Katsuki family.  In the care of Yuuri.
Patinage (YOI) Rating: G Word Count: 3643 “Yuuri…” Victor knelt in front of him, and Yuuri hissed in pain when Victor pulled one battered foot into his lap. “How long have you been a skater, hm?” It was chiding, but Victor’s hands were gentle as he inspected tender blisters and welts. “How are you supposed to skate your best when your feet are in such a poor state?”
sentiment (YOI) Rating: G Word Count: 1050 For all that Hasetsu was completely foreign to Victor, it was almost a relief to be there.  Never mind the Japanese assaulting his ears, the illegible signs, the culture that should be shocking him. The food was fantastic, the alcohol potent, and the hot springs—well, Victor was taking full advantage of that.
Glace (Yuri on Ice) Rating: T Word Count: 985 Yurio introspective. His wins feel empty, and when Victor runs off to Japan, he has a moment of self-discovery.
Coming Undone Rating: E Word Count: 2519 Pairing: VanVen Ventus fantasizes about Vanitas, even though he knows Vanitas is dangerous.  Somehow, that makes it more exciting.
Girls’ Night Out Rating: T Word Count: 5180 #yyhbb Divergence from Three Kings arc:  with most of Team Urameshi occupied in demon world, and Kuwabara cramming for exams, the human world is being assaulted by low-level criminals trying to take advantage of the absence of a spirit detective.    However, just because there’s no spirit detective, doesn’t mean there’s no one to defend against troublesome demons.  “So what do you say, Botan?  How about us girls tackle the problem, this time?”
Love Lessons Rating: T Word Count: 6172 Pairing: SoRiku Riku is the socially awkward math teacher.  Sora is the new PE teacher. Riku is instantly smitten, even as he embarrasses himself by spilling his coffee on Sora’s shoes. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Learning Curve Rating: M Word Count: 2329 Pairing: SoRiku Sequel to Love Lessons.  Sora and Riku have done little more than kissing, until Riku suggests a night in.  PWP, fluff.
statera Rating:  T Word Count: 1764 Pairing: VanVen (ish) #worldsconnected 2k16 The room where Ven slept remained undiscovered, and the world met its fate, even as he waited. And waited. And still, neither Aqua nor Terra came to wake him, and really, without his friends, he had no reason to wake. So he slumbered on.  No matter how well protected a place, or a person, there was always one thing that would find a way, past wards, and locked doors. Time.
I move the stars for no one Rating: G Word Count: 5592 Pairing: SoRiku (ish) #worldsconnected 2k16 …if they wanted it bad enough, humans could see the Goblin Realm, and the goblins who lived there.  Sora had always been that kind of person. He was a daydreamer, and saw a little bit of magic in everything. He’d always thought that there was a little bit more to the world than the world let on, and he wasn’t wrong, even if he didn’t know it.  A Labyrinth adaptation.
The draw of dreams Rating: T Word Count: 4798 Pairing: NamShi #worldsconnected 2k16 Miss Larxene and Mister Marluxia had taken her in readily enough, and they’d been gracious to her. Kind. At first. It had happened so gradually that she didn’t notice until it was too late. A sharp word over a small matter, until one word became a torrent of them, and then one day, the words were punctuated by blows. Not that anyone would’ve known, with the layers of petticoats that fashion decreed she wear, and long sleeves covering the bruises on her arms, and even if they had, who would care? She had no one.
The Light-keeper Rating: M Word Count: 2210 Pairing: AkuRoku #AkuRoku Month 2k16 The waves had broken above the rocks, leaving a trail of splintered wood, and there, clinging just above the waterline, was a man.  Roxas hesitated, searching for a safe path before climbing down to his aid.   “Hey.  Are you alive?”  Roxas groped for the the man’s arm, eyes straining against the darkness and rain that was still falling.
On the other end Rating: M Word Count: 1897 Pairing:  AkuRoku Roxas froze, eyes narrowing as he processed the overheard conversation. Of course he’d only heard one side of it, and out of context at that.   But even out of context, the last part of the conversation implied that Axel was lying to him about something.
Locksmith Rating: T Word Count: 1580 Pairing: Zemyx The apartment’s sole occupant, sitting in an armchair and sipping tea, was not Axel, and Demyx, in his surprise, said as much: “You’re not Axel.”  “No,” the man agreed.
Appropriation Rating: M Word Count:  1887 Pairing: AkuNo Heist/con man AU where Reno runs a ‘legitimate business’ and recruits Axel.
The cake is a lie Rating: T Word Count: 2474 Pairing: AkuRoku #fandomworkday2016 There’s nothing sweet about working at Minnie’s Bakery.   It’s a combination of retail and food service, with the usual run of cranky customers, and a manager who’s over-critical and overly creepy in turns.  It’s really not Roxas’s day, but that’s nothing unusual.  What is unusual is what’s waiting for him at the end of the day, a spark of light at the end of the tunnel.  Written for Take Your Fandom To Work Day 2016.
Voyeur Rating: M Word Count: 1458 Pairings: AkuRoku Roxas likes to watch his new neighbor.
Rikuzel Rating: T Word Count: 2816 Pairings: SoRiku Rapunzel, but with Riku.
Angora Roving Rating: T Word Count: 2291 Pairings: SoRiku Easter 2k16 In which Sora decides to adopt a pet rabbit, whose name is Riku.
Self-Indulgence Rating: E Word Count: 3521 Pairings: SoRiku microphilia kinkfic Even if the cookies didn’t say “Eat me,” they were still begging to be eaten, they were still from Wonderland, and Sora still shrunk down to size.  Instead of finding a way back to scale, Sora sets out to cause some mischief…and gets more than he bargained for. Part two, Incubi:  Sora and Roxas are incubi, and Axel is their prey.  PWP. Self-Indulgence Incubi
Organic Chemistry: Rating: T Word Count: 4808 Pairings: Zemyx, AkuRoku College AU; Christmas/Winter fic #khsecretsanta 2015 Lazy. Articulate. Enthusiastic. Hot. Zexion mentally ticked off the adjectives he’d accumulated for his chemistry professor, and tried to remember when he’d started using that last one. It was pointless and stupid to be infatuated with an instructor. Nothing would come of it except disappointment, although he had to admit, the way he fixated on the cadence of the guy’s voice during lectures made Orgo all the more interesting.
(non-KH fics) It Suits - 414 words, Kurahi (YYH), #halloween 2k16 stitch by stitch - 639 words, gen (Natsume Yuujinchou) provoked - 568 words, KuraHi (YYH) à la mode - 439 words, Keiko and Botan (YYH) small comforts - 872 words, KuraHi (YYH) Hot and Cold - 1376 words, KuraHi (YuYu Hakusho)
(KH fics) Costume Not Found - 210 words, LeaKu, #halloween 2k16 Invite - 710 words, SoRiku, #halloween 2k16 Nightmare - 690 words, #halloween 2k16 haunted house - 560 words, SoRiku, #halloween 2k16 Permanent Ink - 958 words, AkuRoku under cover - 511 words, LeaKu first impressions - 1018 words, AkuRoku, #akuroku month 2k16 Strays - 1328 words, AkuRoku, #akuroku month 2k16 Trussed - 806 words, AkuRoku, #akuroku month 2k16 Butterscotch - 835 words, AkuRoku, #akuroku month 2k16 heat sink - 450 words, AkuRoku, #akuroku month 2k16 Blocked - 712 words, AkuRoku Long Distance Call - 844 words, SoRoku Sea Salt GO - 647 words, Sea Salt Trio Intimate - 754 words, Zemyx hold on tight  - 794 words, LeaKu On the grass, under the stars - 844 words, AkuRoku Inseparable - 1084 words, SoRiku Brave Lies - 465 words, SoRiku Words without Voice - 533 words, LeaKu When the Rain Comes - 836 words, LeaKu Vermilion - 988 words, AkuNo Quattro Formaggi and Kraft Mac n Cheese - 1216 words, AkuRoku Cottontail - 467 words, RiKai Tempus fugit - 1314 words, AkuRoku En Pointe - 964 words, AkuRoku Soothing Scars - 1498 words, SoRiku Sneaking about - 738 words, LeaKu Flamme Noire - 1125 words, AkuRoku (1st person) Write something beautiful - 593 words, Leon/Riku To Seal The Deal - 625 words, Larx/Dem Allegory of a Nobody - 799 words, LeaKu, about depression For You - 1312 words, SoRiku Preserving Echoes - 436 words, NamShi Duplicity - 662 words, SoRiRoku Change of Heart - 613 words, AkuSai Always - 519 words, SoRiku, tragedy Different People - 672 words, Lea/Riku Tempest - 960 words, Cleon Siren/pirate fic Stetson - 604 words, AkuRoku Bound - 539 words, SoRiku, non-explicit/non-sexual kink
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relevant-url-incoming · 7 months
Planting Seeds
a little introductory snippet of my favourite AU of my ocs: where Ven and Kit are the Sith lords, reluctantly and angrily, but at least they can cling to each other.
This deep into the tomb, Ven’s footsteps echoed. The screams of unlucky acolytes were distant now. Even the ones who were busy going crazy didn’t seem to have ventured this far. Ven kept her mind closed to the Force, refusing to even consider playing Sith any more than she absolutely had to.
Then there was another footfall, just out of time with Ven’s own steps. Ven stopped, her heart in her throat.
Something crackled. Ven whirled and brought her blade up just in time to catch the lightning. The Togruta Sith who’d thrown it clutched his hand to his chest, like he was the one who should be bothered. His lavender skin shone in the strange lighting of the tomb, and his white markings nearly blended with the yellow of his montrals. His lekku were short and a little stubby, and in any other situation Ven might have called his broad, soft features friendly-looking.
“Sorry,” he said. Ven tightened her grip on her blade. Was this a trick?
“Sorry,” he said again. “Are you all right?”
“Excuse me?” Ven said before she could think better of it. “What kind of question is that?”
He pulled a face that was significantly more sheepish than Ven thought a Sith could ever be capable of.
“Sorry,” he said a third time. “I thought you were a k’lor’slug.”
“Flattery gets you nowhere,” Ven said. She lowered her blade at last. “You’re the first Sith I’ve ever met who’d ask if someone’s all right.”
For a moment, his face twisted in anger – far more familiar, especially these days. Then he sighed, looking away.
“No one has ever accused me of being good at this.”
“If you ask me, that’s a good thing,” Ven said. She tensed, preparing to fight if he decided she was being insolent, but all he did was stare at her quizzically.
“You’re an acolyte, too, aren’t you?” he asked finally.
“Under protest,” Ven muttered. “I’m no Sith!”
His face went slack with longing at he stared at her.
“I wish I could say that with any certainty,” he said. “I’m Kitiver.”
Ven wondered if she should brandish her weapon again. Were they friends now? What was that about not wanting to be Sith?
Then again, he was a Togruta. Maybe he’d been a slave, too, before Korriban. Ven sighed and sheathed her blade.
“Ven,” she said. “If you hate this as much as I do, how’d you end up here?”
He shifted, looking uncomfortable.
“It’s a long story,” he said.
“I really don’t want to play the overseers’ stupid games,” Ven said, perching on what had once been a statue. “I have time.”
“They’re going to punish us both,” he warned her.
“Every time a Sith hurts me, they plant the seeds of their own downfall,” Ven swore. “If they want power, they need to realise that keeping slaves and forcing people like us into these hellscapes will only create enemies who are determined to take it back from them.”
He tilted his head, studying her with obvious curiosity.
“What?” Ven snapped.
“I see why they chose you,” he said. Ven bristled, and he held up his hands defensively. “I didn’t mean – you’re strong, at least! Not just in the Force, though you must be. That’s good, isn’t it?”
Ven felt like agreeing with him was as much a trap as arguing would be.
“Just tell me your story, or get out of my tendrils,” she said grudgingly. Kitiver glanced over his shoulder, obviously weighing his options. He must not have wanted to go back any more than Ven did; he sat down on the steps opposite her, casually electrocuting a k’lor’slug that appeared in the doorway as he did. Ven tried to cover her flinch, but she didn’t think she did a good job.
“There are some Imperial families who use children for prestige,” he said. “There are the heirs, of course, but then there are the savage aliens that some of the newer families adopt. To show how wonderful they are to share civilisation, you know. In my case, I was a two for one deal. An alien who should surely end up someone’s sex toy if it wasn’t for them, and a Force sensitive they could bundle off to the Sith for clout without having to worry about their precious blood descendants. Not that that idiot could ever do a damn thing with the Force.”
“Not exactly loving siblings, then,” Ven murmured. Her chest felt cold. She missed her brother.
“No,” Kitiver said. He sighed. “I tried. I thought, if I had one ally – but I was a fool. There are no allies when you’re Sith.”
“Then how do we walk out of here?” Ven asked. He clenched his fist, that same anger from earlier overtaking him once more. He didn’t seem to have an answer, but Ven could tell he wanted to. He wanted a friend, maybe even more badly than Ven did.
There are so many things I’m supposed to give them, Ven’s dad had said once when he thought Ven was in bed. It’s like every day I find out something else a kid is supposed to have. How am I supposed to give them anything when I didn’t even know it was an option?
Uncle Fives hadn’t had an answer. But the moment had stuck with Ven, anyway. There had to be things this Sith had never been given. If Ven didn’t offer, he’d never know anything else was possible.
“Tell you what,” Ven said. “Sith may not have room for real allies. But we don’t have to be Sith. No matter what they say, what they force us to do to survive. Wait for your chance, I’ll wait for mine, and we’ll get out of this alive and ourselves. Not Sith.”
He narrowed his eyes, studying her carefully. There was a thin gloss of yellow to them, flickering in the light, but Ven wasn’t sure how long she’d be one to judge. It was just like the rebellion, she told herself. You did awful things sometimes just to hold out for something better.
“Don’t betray me, I won’t betray you?” Kitiver said finally.
“I know I can trust you, if you don’t let your fear get in the way,” Ven said. The anxiety was palpable, now that she was looking at him properly. She’d thought it was just the lingering fear of the tomb, but no – that was all him. He was as terrified of himself as Ven was of herself, and ten times more doubtful. “I’m good with people like that.”
He pulled back, then laughed under his breath.
“If nothing else, I guess you’d be good to have on my side,” he said. “Shall we get back to our respective masters, Ven?”
“I have no master,” she said, but she stood. “Just don’t tell Zash that.”
“Deal,” he said. He hesitated where he sat, looking nervous. “If you leave Korriban before I do, if we don’t meet again – if you see a human Jedi, dark hair and green eyes, named Kaoja or Kaojacol – don’t hurt her. No matter what they try to make you do.”
“I don’t hurt Jedi if I can help it,” Ven said solemnly. “But I’ll keep an eye out for her, in particular. Were you a Jedi?”
He stood abruptly and stalked out. Ven swallowed hard, reminded of her brother and wishing she wasn’t.
“Take care of yourself, Kitiver,” she said.
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relevant-url-incoming · 7 months
aaaaand here is some pre-relationship Aric Jorgan/Trooper nonsense. if you think there's some weirdness about Ven yes i made her a time traveller and i regret nothing. it really doesn't matter to the snippet that much it's just fun flavour
Ven bit her lip, trying to stay hidden as she peeked around the corner. They were almost to Taris, and therefore to the mission. Jorgan would no doubt chew her out for bad leadership or something if she started a conversation that was about anything other than that, never mind that they wouldn’t be able to plan any more until they touched down and heard from the local troops. But they’d been a team for months now, on Ord Mantell and Coruscant, and she felt like she barely knew him. Not that she wanted to know him, really. He was an ass.
But they were stuck together. She ought to be nice to him, and if he kept up his usual behaviour at least she could walk around feeling superior that she’d been the good one of the two of them. Just like when she fought with Nalyan as a kid.
Ven had never been above petty revenge.
“Armory still have the same number of blasters as yesterday?” she asked, leaning casually in the doorframe as though she hadn’t waited behind the wall for minutes, debating with herself. To her disappointment, her entrance didn’t faze him at all.
“This may shock you to learn, Lieutenant, but blasters require regular care,” he said. Ven scowled, snatching the one in his hand up before she could think better of it. Deftly, she disassembled it and inspected the pieces. He’d already cleaned it, to her chagrin.
“Missed a spot,” she grumbled, shoving the offending piece back at him. He narrowed his eyes, but said nothing as he cleaned out the small cranny she’d pointed out. When finished, he held his hand out expectantly. Ven passed him back the blaster pieces one at a time, hating herself for rising to his bait.
“You’re pretty good with a pistol,” he remarked, startling her. “Seems smaller than your usual.”
“We all get pistol training, Jorgan,” Ven said. “And blaster rifles, sniper rifles – Basic training hasn’t changed in the past… how long’s it been since you went through it?”
He glared at her.
“Most heavy gunners don’t bother to keep the skills sharp. And I don’t remember those flourishes from Basic training.”
Ven blinked. Was he talking about the casual spin she always gave a pistol when drawing it, the same spin she’d used to snatch this one from him? She didn’t even know where she’d learned that. It just felt better.
“Military family,” she said. “Including some very… unorthodox fighters for uncles. My uncle Cody used to give seminars on the best ways to punch droids without breaking a finger.”
To her surprise, Jorgan laughed.
“So this was a family thing for you?” he asked, setting the pistol down. Ven couldn’t muster any words for a second, startled. Was he actually reaching out? The thing she’d been trying to convince herself to do so she could have the moral high ground?
Damn him, now he had the moral high ground!
Ven refused to be outdone.
“You mean the army,” she said. “In a manner of speaking. I’m not exactly some officer’s daughter, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“I was just curious,” he said. “Touchy subject?”
“My family’s great!” Ven snapped. Jorgan bristled at her tone.
“Excuse me for asking,” he said. “Sir.”
Ven grimaced. That one was her fault. Moral high ground, indeed.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them,” she said. “I… may not ever get to see them. Again.”
“Sorry to hear that,” he said.
“My dad’d be pissed that I bit your head off just for asking,” Ven admitted. “Especially – commanding officer and all. I’m sorry.”
He studied her for a long moment.
“You mentioned him before, when we… talked about leadership.”
Ven snorted.
“You mean when you confronted me and all but accused me of not being good enough?”
“I don’t think you really want me to apologise, given how happy it makes you to prove me wrong,” he retorted. Ven laughed, startled. Was Jorgan actually smiling?
“Take it your dad’s the reason you ended up here?”
“He raised me to fight,” Ven said. “We never really had another choice growing up. So he taught me what a soldier should do, and what a commanding officer owes the people under them, and – he taught me how many people don’t do right by that code. So I do right by it.”
That might have been too much information. It certainly left Jorgan quiet and thoughtful as he checked another rifle.
“You grow up in Imperial space, then?” he asked finally. For a moment, she wanted to really answer his question – yes, but she was born Republic, and the Republic she’d known only briefly had her heart more than this healthy one ever could, because it was her father’s. Yes, but the Empire was a revenant, a parasite, not a being in its own right the way the Empire Jorgan knew was. Yes, but nothing Ven could tell him would convey the truth.
But she didn’t owe Jorgan the truth anyway. They were a team, and a good one, but they didn’t have to be friends. Ven didn’t think he wanted that any more than she did.
“Believe me when I say this isn’t personal, Jorgan,” Ven said. “But that’s really none of your business.”
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relevant-url-incoming · 7 months
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I have drawn Ven! This was... Kind of an accident and I have no idea how to replicate it but hey! She exists!
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relevant-url-incoming · 7 months
Venjess Valath, which is not actually her real name. At this point, she hasn't gone by an actual legal name since her earliest full memories, so the name she borrows from the Jedi who helps her get started as a trooper in the Republic army might as well be real. Her backstory wins for 'most convoluted,' but her personality is straightforward: she wants to be a hero and fight for freedom. Traitors get little to no quarter. Emperors? Even less.
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Ok, the thing with Ven is sometimes you create a character just to visualise an oc, and then you start thinking about how that oc would actually end up in the storyline you're playing her in, and suddenly you have crafted a heartwrenching tale of time travel and familial separation. Such is the metatextual story of Ven, who began life as an oc I made for a Clone Wars fic where Dogma (yes the clone) adopts a child.
A lot of who she is can be explained by that upbringing - on the run from the Empire thanks to her family's fugitive status and her own Force sensitivity that she clamps down on out of fear her adoptive father will leave her, she wants to be the perfect rebel soldier. In her eyes, Dogma was the quintessential hero, and even separated from him by thousands of years she does most of her early work to make him proud. At the age of five, she told her family she would kill the Emperor (Palpatine, not Vitiate, because again I'm insane and write too much time travel) and that kind of set the tone for her entire life after that.
As time wears on, Ven's intensity wanes, overshadowed by her desire to help people and do good. She starts to see more and more people who could be good, if they were given the choice, and working with people like Lana and Marr to bring down Revan and fight the Sith Emperor sparks an easing of her once-strict moral policies. At twenty, she would have killed Arcann. At thirty-something, she looks at him and hears Senya's voice and thinks about what her father might have done if she had fallen, and she holds out her hand instead. After being separated from three families - her birth family, her adoptive one, and the squad she wanted to dedicate her life to - she refuses to split anyone else's family if she can help it.
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relevant-url-incoming · 4 months
Every day I contemplate how absolutely wild it would be for anyone who knows adult Ven to meet her as a teenager. Like. Jorgan knows her the longest but even at 20 she's being very nice, because she is intensely aware of the fact that this is the first time she's ever had the backing of an actual government behind her. She was declared a terrorist once for just existing as a child and then again as a teenager for actual shit she did, and as ashamed as she is of some of that teenaged Ven still clung to it as a kind of "fuck you" to the establishment she fought. The people in her adult life all tend to see her as this beacon of forgiveness or whatever, but Ven started out vindictive and fairly cold-hearted if she thought you were going against one of her deeply held beliefs. Sure, if you betray forty year old Ven, she would hold your hand and ask you if you're doing all right and if there's something going on and you want a second chance, but twenty year old Ven would give you ten seconds to explain before she shot you in the shoulder and seventeen year old Ven would just kill you dead as soon as she found out. Like. I don't even know where I'm going with this and I have barely said anything about Ven on here but every now and then I'm possessed by the urge to ramble incoherently about how much she changes over time and how few people even see beneath her friendly facade to notice.
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relevant-url-incoming · 7 months
because I'm thinking so hard about the damn roleswap au I might as well ramble about it:
Ven still eventually ends up in a relationship with both Jorgan and Elara, though the development of it is much much weirder than in the version of events where she's just their commanding officer (how do you make that power imbalance less of a problem? apparently by contrasting it with a world where you are literally on opposite sides of a war. ???) - Ven meets them on Manaan and starts to pass information to the Republic. This is made more difficult by the fact that their commanding officer, her brother, has no idea it's her (and vice versa) and despises all Sith on principle, even if they're changing sides, but the trio makes it work well enough to have exchanged a brief, fraught "I love you" right before the whole five year time skip thing
When it comes to romances I could actually play in game with her, she's definitely thought about Lana that way, but never trusted her. enough for it. for almost all the time she knows Lana before the Alliance, she's working against Lana and the Empire, making them enemies even if Ven has respect for Lana. By the time the Alliance rolls around, they both privately feel like any possible ship has sailed for them, and Ven is so caught up in her "I hate that I'm Sith" self-loathing that's been exacerbated by finally working openly with Republic people that a relationship with a Sith would not go well anyway. Andronikos was the other most likely candidate for romance when I thought about this initially, but he gets a glimpse of her at her most vulnerable very early on, and that childlike image stays with him - the relationship they build is very much an older brother-younger sister energy, and Ven clings to him in this way especially because she misses her brother so much. Andronikos' prickly exterior and deep well of care for her is a lot like Nalyan, which pisses them both off when they finally meet each other. (Ven just enjoys that she has TWO brothers now!)
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relevant-url-incoming · 7 months
the true miracle of me creating a roleswap au is that I so far only have the one. We shall see how long that lasts.
It starts out when Kit is a child, not yet a Jedi padawan but familiar with the basics of the Force and already bound at the hip to Kaojacol. I imagine that, although this is more a "those weird young people/new money" type of trend, there may well be people in the Empire who do the sci-fi equivalent of shady transracial adoptions - here is a kid they can say they saved by raising them in traditions that would never be their own, in this case an alien being "saved" by human "parents", but even better than that for them is that they can send Kit off to Korriban soon after that, gaining all the clout of a child among the Sith without having to contend with actually taking care of said child or losing their blood child to such training. Kit doesn't know if he's glad or not to be free of the people who kidnapped him, because Korriban feels like more of the same but with more Force lightning, but he knows anger intimately at a much earlier age than in my main canon. His anxiety is still there, and still drives him, but he doesn't have the same downward spiral because there's nowhere to spiral to.
It also starts out when Tavansa and Sarrant's mother goes against their father's wishes by sending Tavansa away, into the Republic, so she can train as a Jedi where it's safe rather than in the abusive lifestyle of the Sith. Tavansa's empathy and delight in the small joys of life are never corrupted by the anger and violence of the Sith, though she's always afraid to lose herself for the sake of others. Sarrant, not being Force-sensitive, stays with his mother when she leaves their father, but learns early the value of freedom. He becomes a boutny hunter as an adult, the better to make his own rules and create his own family. He doesn't shy away from attacking Jedi, but always in the back of his mind he's afraid that someday he'll face his sister again on opposite ends of a weapon.
It also starts when Kaoja's best friend vanishes overnight, and she throws herself into combat training, becoming a Jedi Knight. Losing the person she loves like a piece of her own heart hardens her and makes her reckless; as a padawan she nearly dies trying to infiltrate Korriban on her own, certain that her childhood friend is alive and there. She doesn't find him, not for years, but her path takes her into the heart of the Empire and she decides that if she can't bring her best friend back she can at least destroy the system that took him away.
But maybe it starts when Rig is pulled from slavery by an Imperial Agent who thinks he can be manipulated, molded into a weapon who thinks he has the power but never will. Rig is happy to be the loose cannon they set sliding whenever they please, knowing that the Empire depends on what he does, and happier still when his actions reveal cracks in Intelligence or the Empire itself. He doesn't feel any particular loyalty to his bosses, but he does love knowing how much they need him.
I know it doesn't start when Ven and Nalyan come through time, still separated and still convinced they're alone. Nalyan is just on the other side of the wall from a briefing Kaoja attends, a briefing so secret that his being there makes the soldiers who find him think he must be a spy until he lies and says he got lost on his way to his first day as a soldier - a job he's never wanted, that reminds him of the worst day of his life every time he sees trooper armour. Ven is among slaves on Korriban, and almost immediately stages a revolt and escape. She is caught, but she's satisfied with what she's done, until the Sith tell her she won't die. She'll be a slave herself, one who'll have to watch her fellow slaves die any time she steps out of line - and when that gets too much, and she tries to use the Force she never touches to change the balance of power, she catches the eye of Darth Zash herself, sending her down the last path she ever wanted.
It ends with Exchei, one of the slaves Ven saves, stealing a broken-down ship and running away to become a no-name criminal in the Outer Rim. She has no purpose, no intentions, no training in the Force she learned to hide a long time ago - but she's free and happy and she builds a crew full of people she cares for, and she'd take that over power any day.
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