Grandmaster of the Dusk, Bari Nas
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Commission of my friend Zera's OC Bari Nas by the indefatiguable @cadhla182! Bari is a six-hundred-and-fifty-year-old(Force Weirdness) Iridonian Zabrak and former Jedi who founded her own Force Order in our weekly Saga Edition game; the Dusk, who operate as a sort of 'Balance Police' in the post-Endor world, to prevent the Jedi from doing another Korriban, Galidraan, Kalee, or similar(going along with the political winds of the day and taking part in a genocide/condoning one by not investigating properly), especially given the moral compromise of the Clone Wars, and obviously to keep the worst excesses of the Sith and other Darksiders in line without resorting to Jedi-like Holy Wars. She's a take-no-shit hardass badass who has like five adopted kids and a four-person polycule.
Anyway she came out beautifully, and I am as always grateful! ^-^
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hellhoundmaggie · 3 months
Fun facts about Clone Trooper Dice
My husband is talking about running a Star Wars: Saga Edition TTRPG campaign, and I was so Bad Batch-brained I just had to make a rogue clone PC
I named him Dice because he’s a TTRPG character
In-universe his brothers named him Dice ironically because he always loses at dice games
His official designation, CT-4287, is a keyboard smash
He’s got two tattoos on either side of his forehead: a 6-sided die showing 1 pip on the left, a die showing 6 pips on the right
During the Clone Wars he wore a quiff haircut. Afterwards he grew it out and started putting it in a man bun
In the SWSE system Dice is a lvl 1 Human Soldier — probably gonna multi-class into Scout or Scoundrel and go for a Prestige class. Likely Bounty Hunter or Gunslinger, but it'll depend on party comp
I used Point Buy to give him above-average attributes in everything but Charisma. Dice officially has no rizz
I plan to have him pick up Stealth, but never the Deception skill. Clones are consistently bad at lying in the canon and Dice will maintain that tradition
But I gave him Mechanics and Use Computer so he can be the technology guy. Maybe he'll pick up Piloting too. Again, party comp
Dice is a relatively inexperienced soldier — only been on one or two serious campaigns before Order 66
Dice knows the clones got a raw deal from the Republic, but he blames the Senate for that, not the Jedi or the ordinary citizens
He still saw it as his duty to protect the citizens from the consequences of the war, and respected the Jedi for doing their best to lead with compassion under the circumstances
He served under my friend’s Jedi PC (as yet unnamed) and trusts her implicitly.
Husband is talking about running a Clone Wars solo adventure for Dice and I am excited to see how that goes!
Anyway, Dice’s inhibitor chip malfunctioned when Order 66 came down. He managed to not only resist the urge to kill Jedi PC, but also to help her escape the Purge
Now they’re on the run from the Empire together
Even though he had to kill a bunch of them helping Jedi PC escape, Dice still loves his brothers. But as far as he knows he’s the only clone who isn’t loyal to the Empire, so he hasn’t reached out to any of them
The inhibitor chip hasn’t failed completely. Sometimes Dice feels the urge to Follow Orders like a Good Soldier and kill Jedi PC
He hasn’t told Jedi PC because 1) he doesn't want to admit weakness and 2) he’s afraid she’ll abandon him
Dice wants Jedi PC to rely on him because he relies so much on her. She's the closest thing to family he has now that he's deserted
Plus he trusts her Force powers
Dice has no idea inhibitor chips exist. As far as he knows there is no cure for the urge to Follow Orders and he'll just have to manage until the day he or Jedi PC dies
So he's turned to drinking in secret to control it
Dice drank excessively before Order 66, but only when he was partying with his brothers. It was something he did to fit in, not an everyday coping mechanism
Dice started out drinking at cantinas, but that got expensive and money’s tight. After a while he built a still and put it behind a hidden panel next to his bunk in the party's ship
The urge mostly comes at night -- or what passes for night in space -- when there's less to think about. So Dice pops open the panel and fills his cup from the still
That's how he falls asleep most of the time. Lately he's needed to drink more just to manage that. But it's fine, he'll handle it (it's not fine, he's not going to handle it)
On a lighter note, Dice enjoys sweets, tinkering, arguing about machines, and sitting in companionable silence
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strawblina · 1 year
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and so today I discovered that I am not alone, which is nice
HEY THERE FELLOW PANTORAN OC HAVERS AAAA. this is my downward spiral popstar gal; she is gonna start the campaign having broken out of rehab : D
(I added tags I think indicate the relevant content warnings, lmk if I should add more?)
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kipstro · 1 year
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Our Saga Edition group heisted a Corellian nightclub and we all dressed sexy. Inspired to draw Antares for... reasons.
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ravenignited · 1 year
Plot Hook
A cleric, a rouge, a paladin and a bard walk into a church
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tsuyoshikentsu · 2 years
d20 GMs and Not Understanding Probability
Name a more iconic duo
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endorphinized · 21 days
krema fistikiou swse me 🛐
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catgirlnose · 5 months
argh why does my brain want me to write up my own star wars canon it's not like i'm gonna get anyone to play swse with me anyways
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on the picturesque planet of Naboo, a small pastoral world in the Mid Rim, located near the border of the Outer Rim Territories.
[Initial shot from "STAR WARS" Saga Edition RPG Omnibus, via Fandom].
Naboo is a peaceful planet that has remained a relatively insignificant, if beautiful, member of galactic society for centuries.
Naboo is a world covered in beautiful oceans, sweeping grasslands, and rich forests. Human settlements tend to incorporate waterfalls, cliffs, and other natural terrain features. Gungans live in beautiful submerged cities hidden beneath great lakes.
Many years ago, the Humans of Naboo came into conflict with the native Gungans, thus beginning a centuries-long animosity between these two peoples.
Naboo, unlike most other habitable worlds, does not have a molten core. Instead, the center of the planet is hollowed out and filled with water.
Naboo is a pristine world, untouched by technology except for what little the Gungans possess. No civilization exists above the water line, and the planet’s rolling plains and beautiful landscapes are untainted by cities or other settlements. Despite its beauty, Naboo is a dangerous world, with a number of large predators both on land and in the seas, and traveling to Naboo can be nearly as dangerous as visiting the jungles of Kashyyyk.
Source: https://swse-omnibus.fandom.com/wiki/Naboo.
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scgbfbtgrc · 5 months
Weeee swses s es
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Kadi Kidiss, Champion!
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The SFW version of the piece by @cadhla182 for the winner of my Tumblr OC Sexy(wo)man showdown, Kadi Kidiss. Short summary; she's a Clone Trooper, CT-9869, who was among the first to desert the Empire after Order 66. She joined a Mandalorian clan, Clan Kidiss, who were among the first factions to join the rebellion against the Empire, as early as 14 BBY. She's a heavy weapons specialist, a decent pilot, and an absolute fuckboi of a butch lesbian. Like she is the clan bicycle for horny gay ladies. And proud of it.
Her armour is symbolic, though most of it's off here--rebellion, vengeance, justice, redemption--but the important bit is her hair means 'loving/in love' but in this context basically signifies 'DTF'. So.
Anyway my Tumblr followers apparently decided she was my sexiest OC, so she got a special piece done of her. Enjoy!
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missdevildoll · 11 months
den antexw allo
paratirw ta idia neura. tin idia oksu9umia pou eixe kai o pateras mou ena mina prin aytoktonisei.
fovamai polu oti ayto 8a einai to telos mou , apo tin alli ta exw ksanaperasei kai to exw nikisei apeires fores to mualo mou pou 8elei na me skotwsei. alla vare8ika pia kourastika na to paleuw. me exei f8eire toso polu na sikwnomai kai na ksanapeftw pou sto telos apofaizeis na min ksanasikw8eis. ti noima exei afou 8a ksanapesw pali.
den me vastan ta podia mou. h psixi mou . einai toso ligh mprosta sto xaos pou sumvainei mprosta sta matia mou. pou den mporei na sikwsei tetoies ali8eies. tetoies sklires ali8eies tis zwis. oti uparxei polemos ftwxeia polemos diaf8ora. den to xwraei o nous mou oti auta mas kinoun ta nimata tis moiras mas kai den eimaste tipota allo para pionia se mia skakiera . kai nomizoume oti zoume alla sti ousia apla zoume gia allous gia na zoune aytoi . kalutera kai apo pote
kai oloi oi upoloipoi oi kapseroi pou den trone me xrusa koutalia einai katadikasmenoi se mia ateleiwth eksa8liwsh. den antexw allo tin ntropi tin anasfaleia tis kakes skepseis , ton tromo , ton fovo , ta neyra. den antexw
8elw na ourliaksw kai den mporw. 8elw na fugw ma den mporw. nio8w les kai me exoun tsimentwsei zwntani . arketa zwntani gia na nio8w tsimetwmeni kai arketa tsimetwmenh gia na nio8w zwntani. 8elw na klapsw alla mexri kai auto to vare8ika. klaiw kai peismwnw kai prospa8w na to stamatisw . gt kourastika. kourastika na ponaw. kourastika na min feygei pote autos o ponos. kourastika na einai panta kai parwn . kourastika. as paw kai egw sti gaza na pe8anw me ta mikra paidia na min feuygoun monaxa tous . na tous kratisw agkalia. den antexw allo edw . 8elw na eimai ekei pou einai to fws. sta paidia sta skulia sta gatia sti fysi ston ourano. nio8w mikri se swma megalhs. kai oloi aytoi oi megaloi gt eginan etsi . pws exw ginei etsi kai egw. den mporw oute na petaksw ton palio mou eyato kai na dimioyrgisw allon . para monaxa to syllogizomai pws 8a htane na dialega aurio mia prosopikothta. kai ti na tin kanw. pou 8a mou xrisimeuesei . sto polemo sti ftwxeia h stin eksa8liwsh?
xriste mou voi8a . einai toso asxima ta pragmata pou strafika mexri kai se auton kai sto eleos tou . elehse mas kurie kai swse mas apo tin katastrofh mas. esy pouy ta vlepeis ola kai poy8ena den voi8as. giati den mas voi8as na swsoume o enas ton allon . giati na misiomaste na polemame na pligwnomaste na brizomaste. giati na uparxoun kan auta pou xrisimeyoyn. pou xrisimepsan pote ? den antexw allo. einai polu pikrh h kardia tou an8ropoy kai egw arxisa na geuomai tin dikia mou . dilitirio farmaki aporw pws antexw. aporw pws antexw akoma.
alla isws na einai kai auto .
oti den antexw allo. voi8eia.
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] The Sudbury Wolves Sports and Entertainment (SWSE) announced they have acquired a license to operate an elite men's soccer team in Sudbury, Ont. Starting April 2024, the Sudbury Cyclones will hit the field at the James Jerome Sports Complex to represent the city within the League1 Ontario (L1O) pyramid, a semi-professional men's soccer league in Ontario, sanctioned by the Canadian Soccer Association and the Ontario Soccer Association. The Sudbury Cyclones will join the SWSE family alongside the organization's current sports clubs, Sudbury Wolves, Sudbury Five, and Sudbury Spartans. "We're positioned perfectly to bring it to Sudbury and give it the enthusiasm and the excitement the people are going to be looking for," Dario Zulich, the CEO of the Sudbury Wolves, told CBC. "In the summertime people are looking for things to do on a weekend night or nice summer evening. This will be another form of which we can start to entertain the city of Sudbury." We want everybody here to dream about, 'one day I can have that Cyclones jersey on'- Dayna Corelli, General Manager of the Sudbury CyclonesHe added like other sports, bringing an elite level of soccer to the city will provide opportunities to athletes from a young age. "Soccer gives us the opportunity to deliver programs from a young age all the way up to when people are adults, and in doing so we can give them a sense of purpose and belonging and competition just through another sport."SWSE also introduced Dayna Corelli as Sudbury Cyclones general manager and Connor Vande Weghe as the Sporting Director."It really is to provide another opportunity for Sudburians to gather to integrate and to celebrate what really makes us all connect and for a lot of people that's this beautiful game," Corelli said. Corelli,  who played soccer for Team Ontario in 2005 and 2006, representing Sudbury and bringing home a National Gold Medal from the Rocky Mountain Cup, says this is just the beginning and hopes to also bring an elite women's team to the organization in the future.Starting April 2024, the Sudbury Cyclones will hit the field at the James Jerome Sports Complex to represent the city within the League1 Ontario (L1O) pyramid. (Yvon Theriault/Radio-Canada)"We have worked with hundreds of soccer players and we want there to be some sort of light at the end of the tunnel for them as well. We want everybody here to dream about, 'one day I can have that Cyclones jersey on'," Corelli said."If you're a local player playing in Sudbury, it's a really exciting time right now. You will have the opportunity to try out and find your way into that first team," Sporting Director, Connor Vande Weghe said. In a press conference held on Wednesday, Vande Weghe announced the soccer club will integrate the first team's coaching staff along with the academy, which will make sure that players of all ages have the ability to progress up throughout the club."There is no Academy if there isn't a first team on top of it, something for all the players to strive for," he said. He invites players in Sudbury, who want to be professional athletes and represent the Cyclones, to try out for the Academy and hopes to see those players progressing into "a true professional athlete that comes out of Sudbury".Morning North7:15Semi-professional soccer is coming to SudburyThe Sudbury Wolves Sports and Entertainment group has announced an elite men's soccer team will hit the field at the James Jerome Complex. The team will be known as the Sudbury Cyclones. We heard from team general manager Dayna Corelli. We also heard from the CEO of the Sudbury Wolves Sports and Entertainment group, Dario Zulich."We really do want to put on the most entertaining soccer experience for all of our guests," he added. He says the team will look at possibly bringing in international players, as well as scouting local athletes to be a part of their first team. If the Sudbury Cyclones rings a bell, it's because a soccer club named the Sudbury Cyclones was in the city from 1976 to 1980. The club competed as part of the National Soccer League during that time. "With the rise in watching the women's World Cup team, the men's World Cup team going to be hosting the next World Cup in Canada, US and Mexico, it's more than just a wave that we're riding, for us it's really our way of life and we're just happy to bring everyone on board," Corelli said. Further announcements about the Sudbury Cyclones are expected in September. [ad_2]
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cronencata · 3 years
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One last batch of NPC portrait art- for the Verdant Spire, at least. These lads n’ ladies were the party’s opponents in the local Pazaak Den!
From left to right, we have: Dutana, indebted adventurer Elis, aspiring starship salesman Laerron, impatient diplomat Lahz Lanzer, pro-gambler and smarmy narcassist
In a stroke of luck ( and maybe a touch of the force ), Zvash was able to clear the house, walking away with a variety of prizes- but most notably, a deed to a beach house on Kaal! Wonder how that’ll shake out...
Commission Info.
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ravenignited · 7 months
First Contact Part 2
An explosion rocked the station cutting off our artificial gravity. Chaos ensued as we scrambled through zero gravity to safe zones for oxygen breathers and emergency kits. Wrecker puts an unlit cigarette in his mouth as he swam through the air with a mechanical middle finger still stuck in the upright position. If the situation weren’t so dire, it would have been comical. The station rocked…
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mystarseed · 6 years
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Hello yes, I am still in fact doing these. I finished Hirani (the purple twi’lek) so the Drifters cast is now complete! Just look at that group of dorks... How can you NOT wanna learn more about them?
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