dimxnd-assistant · 4 months
Bryan was in the middle of his usual workout when he spotted a familiar face on top of a very unfamiliar body. “Monica? Monica Fitzgerald? Is that you?” The giant man asked, sounding excited.
Monica was in the middle of her own workout, keeping her new buldging muscles ripped and big for Laurie. She took off her headphones and was having some water when she heard a voice...
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She could not help but smile. It was Bryan.
"Bryan? Bryan Strickland?" She said excitedly and walked over. She was still smaller than him but taller now. She offered a hand to shake and then flexed her bicep as they held on, replicating the famous movie scene.
"You look bigger than last time, and that is saying something!" She joked. "How are you? Last time I saw you, I was.... Yeah. You good?"
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Night Moves | Chapter 2
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synopsis: Bradley is enthralled with the girl next door, but there is more to Y/N than meets the eye.
word count: 3.2k
warnings: mentions of death, cancer, smoking pot, religious trauma, illusions of mental abuse, abandonment issues, nudity.
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It was amazing that Y/N managed to sneak back into her grandparents house undetected, but then again both of them wore hearing aids and took them out at night. When her hands had turned wrinkly, and when they saw the flicker of a light from Bradley’s neighbors house, they both decided it was time to call it a night. Bradley did his best to shield Y/N’s naked body as she climbed out of the lake and grabbed the awaiting towel. She hardly said a word to him, but kissed his cheek, grabbed her clothes and walked briskly back to her gran’s house. Bradley stood there dumbfounded in soaking clothes, trying to wrap his head around what just happened. 
She was like a whirlwind, and it made Bradley’s head spin just thinking about her. She was a mystery, and he wanted to solve it. She wasn’t like the other girls from around here, she was a free spirit, but had demons looming over her. He could see it in her eyes the other night when he had asked why she was here. All Y/N did was smile and move closer to him, putting her arms around his neck, and Bradley wrapped his arms around her. She whispered in his ear. 
“Buy me dinner and I just might.”  
“Yo lifeguard!” Bradley was snapped out of his day dream as some kid sprayed him with a water gun. Bradley groaned, his shirt now soaked, “Looked a little hot!” 
“Thanks, Jonah,” Bradley said, and stood up from his stand seeing his replacement waiting, “Damn kids.” 
“Gonna be like this all summer, Bradshaw,” Monica, one of his coworkers said as she climbed up into the stand, “Central Cove closed, everyone is gonna come here.” 
“Great,” Bradley rolled his eyes as he shed off the red tank top he was wearing, “Need anything?” 
“I’m good, Brad,” Monica smiled and went back to watching the pool. Bradley nodded and headed towards the main building to take his break from the hot sun. He stopped when he heard someone whistle and looked over to see Olivia Bachman laying by the pool with her friends. 
“Looking good, Bradley,” She giggled and Bradley smirked to himself. He had lost that awkward puberty weight finally. He had been working out hard on his body, trying to get himself ready for the academy, or now boot camp since his plans had changed. Where there was once fat on his body, was now trim muscle. Carole was worried about her son, thought he was wasting away in front of her eyes, but then she saw that he was just growing up and getting “swole” as he calls it. 
“Liv,” He nodded his head towards her. He watched as she bit her lip and looked at her friends, before standing up from her sun lounger and walking up to Bradley. It took every single ounce of restraint to stop the blood flowing to the southern part of his body. He could smell the coconut from her suntan oil which made her body glisten a bit. 
“Hey, some friends and I are throwing a little summer kick back tonight,” Bradley thought it was quite odd that Olivia came to the pool wearing red lipstick, but she made it work, “You should come,” Her eyes looked from his to his lips and then shamelessly down his body, “In more ways than one.” 
Bradley opened his jaw in embarrassment, his hands going to cover himself and then going to his hips, trying to make things less awkward. But what could be less awkward than being in public with an erection. Bradley cleared his throat and gave Olivia a shy smile, “I’ll be there.” 
“Perfect!” She smiled and then leaned up to kiss his cheek, leaving a red kiss mark on his skin, “I’ll text you. Bye, Bradley,” She gave him a flirty little wave before turning back to go sit with her friends. Bradley nodded and quickly moved to the guard station. He sighed as he sat down in front of the cool air conditioner. He closed his eyes and reclined back in the office chair, happy to have some silence before having to return back out to the hellons in the pool. 
“Is it always this damn hot?” Bradley groaned, opening his eyes to see Y/N walking into the guard station and sitting down in the chair next to him, “Feels hotter than South Padre on the fourth of July.” 
She closed her eyes as she felt the cold air hitting her overheated skin. Her gran warned her about the unforgiving Virginia summer sun. She nearly sassed back that she worked on a ranch for several summers but held her breath. 
Bradley glared at the girl next to him, and how close she had to be. Her thigh was nearly touching him and basically pushing him out of the way of his spot in front of the AC. He hadn’t talked to her since the night she wandered over to his dock and went for a swim. It wasn’t as if Bradley was avoiding her, they worked the same shift, but he didn’t go seeking her out. Y/N opened her eyes and looked up to seeing Bradley glaring at her. 
“Can I help you?” She asked. 
“Yeah, you’re blocking my air.” 
She scoffed, “I don’t see your name written on it Bryan.” 
“Bradley,” He corrected her again. 
“Shoot, sorry,” Y/N shook her head and sat back in her chair, “I’m worse than Gran with names.” Bradley couldn’t help put notice the thin silver cross necklace on her neck, and the thin layer of sweat. She gathered her hair in her hand and held it up from her neck. Bradley looked away quickly. “Summer always like a swamp here?” 
Bradley nodded, “Gets worse in July. Got mosquitoes to worry about by then.” 
Y/N groaned again and let her long hair cascade down her neck again. She was one of the only girls that had opted to wear a one piece suit. The red suit fit her nicely, accenting the curvature of her breasts, but still keeping her modest. Bradley wondered if she chose the one piece cause she’s hiding a tattoo or a belly button piercing. He was dying to know why she was here and spending the summer with her grandmother. He had asked his mom the next day if she had heard or remembered who Mrs. Lawton’s granddaughter was. Carole told her son that she knew Jessica, one of Mrs. Lawton’s daughters in high school but they ran in different crowds. They never kept in touch after high school. 
That was one of Bradley’s biggest fears about leaving this town. He had grown up his whole life with the people in school. He had his clique, about ten of the people he was the closest to. He couldn’t imagine not talking to Max or TJ or even Monica every single day. He didn’t want to be scrolling through FaceBook one day and seeing all the big milestones he had missed because yet another friendship had disappeared thanks to Daddy Time’s ruthless grasp. 
“Gosh, I didn’t think it could get worse,” Y/N said and pressed her water bottle to the back of her neck. 
Bradley looked back over at her, his eyes moving up and down, “Might be cooler if you put your hair up.” 
Y/N looked up at him, “You think?” 
Bradley shrugged, his eyes never leaving her’s, “Just a thought.” 
She nodded and waited a moment. There was a sort of energy in the air. It was thick, settling over each other like a blanket. Neither one could quite explain it, but it felt like electricity. Like the feeling you get when your about to get shocked by an outlet or something metal. 
Y/N huffed, sitting up in her chair, “Do it for me?” She asked. 
Bradley had never had a girl ask him to put their hair up for them. Sure, Max and TJ’s girlfriends had tried to teach him how to braid hair, but he could never quite figure it out. His mom always had short hair while growing up, and then when she got sick she shaved it off, so Bradley never had to worry about putting her hair up. Y/N slipped the hair tie off her wrist, and held it up for Bradley too take. He gingerly took the black tie from her, and Y/N fully turned her back to him. 
“Okay,” Bradley sucked in a breath as he put the tie on his wrist. He very carefully started gathering all her hair in one hand, remembering the times he had seen Olivia Bachman tie her hair up at work. Y/N giggled, listening as Bradley walked himself through how to put her hair in a ponytail. He tried to suppress the smile on his face as he took the hair tie off his wrist and wrapped it around her hair twice. 
“There!” Bradley said, “I think I did it.” 
Y/N felt around her hair for any missing pieces or big bumps in her hair, and found none. She turned a bit in her chair to look at him, “You, Brandon, have a future in hairstyling.” 
“Thank you, Georgia,” 
“Georgia?” Y/N raised her eyebrows, “Well ain’t that a new one.” 
Bradley nodded. And suddenly that charged energy was back in the room. It was like it was suffocating the both of them, pulling them both in closer to one another. The silence wasn’t awkward as they looked at one another, Bradley’s eyes going to her lips. The lips he had been dreaming of feeling again for days. They were soft, and tasted like orange creamsicles. Bradley shifted in his chair, leaning closer to her. His fingers gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. He watched her eyes flicker from his to his lips and back up. 
“Why don’t you call me by my name?” Bradley asked, his voice low. 
“Cause sometimes you are more than a name,” Y/N answered. Bradley had slotted his legs in between hers, their thighs nearly touching, “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” 
Bradley shook his hand, laughing lightly and placing his hand on her thigh. It felt like electricity had been shot through his veins, “Sweetheart, I barely finished English class. You’re gonna have to break that one down for me.” 
Y/N leaned in even closer, as if she was going to kiss him again. A kiss that Bradley had been dreaming about since the night it happened. “No, don’t think I will.” Bradley leaned back quickly in his chair as she stood up, grabbing her water bottle and fanny pack from the table behind her.
“Break’s over, Benjamin, gotta get back to the rugrats,” Y/N smirked and turned on her heel to walk out of the guard office, leaving Bradley more confused than he ever was. 
— — — 
Dinner at Gran’s house was the same as it was every night. Gran had always been the type to cook dinner every single night. The woman almost didn’t believe in leftovers, having mastered the craft of cooking portions just right. Y/N would come home from work at four, and Gran would send her to get cleaned up and change for dinner. Gran didn’t accept shorts and t-shirts at her dinner table. Y/N would get dressed in jeans or one of her longer skirts or dresses. She’d help chop vegetables or peel potatoes or stir rice. Gran would cook the protein, usually chicken and pork chops. Y/N hated pork chops, but Gran wasn’t going to cater to her meal requests. 
Gran grew up with the ideology that she was meant to serve her husband, and the Lord. That’s what most of the women in their small community in Texas believed. She wasn’t totally chained to the house like some of the women she had grown up with. Gran worked as a nurse at the county hospital, which shocked Y/N cause she didn’t seem like a very caring woman. But Gran worked every day, going in at eight after her husband went to work and she cleaned up from breakfast. She’d make both Y/N and Pops lunches for the day. Gran was always home by three-twenty five, just in time to watch ‘Days of Our Lives’, and would start on dinner. 
“Set two more plates, darlin’,” Gran said, looking over her shoulder, “And straighten that back.” 
Y/N rolled her shoulders back a bit as she placed the plates around the table, “Someone joining us?” 
“Yes,” Gran answered, “Mrs. Bradshaw and her son. Poor woman was told today that treatment is working, thought she’d want a good cooked meal.” 
Y/N nodded and continued setting the table. Gran didn’t dive much into the town gossip, but from what she had told Y/N, Carole was the neighbor down the road to the left. Jessica and Carole had gone to school together and were both on the cheer team. Her husband had died fifteen years ago in a plane incident out in California. She was left to raise her son by herself. Gran said her son was a good kid, a hard worker with dreams that were a bit too big for his britches. Carole had fought cancer about three years ago, and had been in remission. But the cancer had returned and this time, with a vengeance. 
“That your momma’s?” Gran asked as she set a bowl of vegetables on the table, taking in the sun dress Y/N was dressed in. 
“Hm? Oh, yeah,” Y/N looked down at the white floral pattern, “I found it in her closet. She left a lot of cute stuff.” 
“I made that one for her,” Gran smiled sadly, “Was one of my favorites.” Y/N looked up at her grandmother and could see the sadness in her eyes. Gran tried her best when it came to Jessica, but that girl had put her through the ringer, “She left a lot behind. Apparently it wasn't good enough.” 
As soon as the emotion appeared in the elder woman’s eyes, it had also disappeared just as fast. Y/N sighed as she looked at the set dinner table, and heard the doorbell ring. She wiped her hands on her dress as she walked towards the front door, hearing Gran answer the door. 
“Oh my, you look just like Jessica,” Y/N lifted her head at the sound of another woman’s voice but froze seeing the boy standing behind her. Bradley’s brown eyes bore into her and he licked his lips. 
“I-I get that a lot,” Y/N said, “I’m Y/N.” She held her hand out for the blonde woman to shake. 
“Carole,” She said, shaking Y/N’s hand, “And this is Bradley. He tells me that you two actually work together.”
Y/N nodded and Gran looked at her. The girl could see the disapproving look in her eye, and suddenly Y/N felt like Gran knew that she had snuck out the other night, or maybe she could feel the charged energy between her and Bradley. 
“Well, come in,” Gran said, stepping out of the way, “Wayne is just freshening up.” 
Y/N sat down in her usual spot, with Gran at one end of the table and Pops at the other. Carole sat on Gran’s left side and Bradley next to her, straight across from Y/N. The silence was deafening as the only noise was the scrape of forks and knives on the plates. Gran had cooked pork again, and Y/N felt nauseated just looking at it. She pushed around her vegetables with her fork, feeling Bradley’s fleeting glances on her skin. 
“So, Bradley,” Pops said, wiping his mouth before looking at the boy, “Netta says you’re going to University of Virginia now.” 
“That’s right, sir,” Bradley nodded, “Going to study political science.” 
“Still hanging on to that pilot dream,” Pops said and Bradley blushed, “Y/N, where did you decide?” 
The girl sat up straight in her chair, “Mom and Craig still want me to go to Texas Woman’s University or Abilene Christian. I-I’m not sure yet.” 
“You’ll go back home after the summer?” Bradley asked and it seemed as all eyes snapped to him. He suddenly regretted opening his mouth, especially seeing Y/N glance at her grandmother and then right back down at her plate. 
“Well,” Gran said, “Texas Woman’s is a great college. I went, your aunt Elizabeth went.” 
Y/N nodded, “Keeping my options open. Not sure what I want to do yet.” 
Pops chuckled, “A wild one, just like her mother.” 
The awkward silence was back as everyone finished eating. Gran invited Carole and Bradley into the living room for coffee and dessert, setting Y/N on washing the dishes and picking up the table. Y/N could hear the laughter from the other room as she scraped her barely eaten dinner plate into the trash bin. She hated that Gran still treated her like a child. But Y/N reminded herself that it was better to be treated like a child at Gran’s house than being treated as such back at home. Her mother or Craig were yet to call her since she made it to Norfolk. She wasn’t sure if it was because they didn’t care or if it was because they were busy with the younger kids. Y/N hoped it was the later option. 
Y/N didn’t hear Bradley walk into the room, but jumped as she felt a set of hands on her hips. She looked over her shoulder to see Bradley smiling at her, but it quickly dropped seeing the look of disdain on her face. 
“What’s-” Bradley’s words were cut off by Y/N grabbing his wrist and pulling him away from the kitchen door. She walked towards the back bathroom, closing the door slightly, listening if her Gran or Pops had walked into the kitchen. The only light was from the moon filtering in through the window. 
“You going to talk to me-” 
“Why are you here?” Y/N angrily whispered. 
“Mrs. Lawton invited us over. We used to have dinners with your grandparents all the time,” Bradley said back and Y/N shook her head, running her hands through her hair. 
“Oh she knows, she totally freaking knows!” Y/N exclaimed, “Listen, Bradley, you can’t say a word about what happened the other night. She-she can’t know that I snuck out.” Her voice sounded frantic and Bradley nodded. He held back a comment on the fact that she actually said his name and not some other name that starts with a B. 
“Is this because you-” 
“I am here because I got in trouble back home, alright. Gran. . .” Y/N sighed, “She told my momma that I can stay here if I promise to not get into any more trouble. And I reckon I’ve already done that.” 
“Hey,” Bradley said, and lifted her chin slightly, “It’s okay. No one caught us, no one knows. I won’t say anything.” 
Y/N nodded and took a step back from Bradley, “I think. . . I think we should stay away from one another,” It almost sounded like her words pained her to say, and it hurt Bradley to hear them. But he understood. Whatever trouble she got in back in Texas must’ve been bad enough to have her sent here.
“Thank you,” Y/N said just above a whisper and quietly slipped out of the bathroom. Once again, she left Bradley feeling even more confused than he was before.
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taglist: @cherrycola27 @bradshawseresinbabe @books-for-summer @thedroneranger @finn-dot-com @chxcxlate-cxxkies @feltonswifesworld87 @double-j @footprintsinthesxnd @glenpowellsstargirl @katieshook02 @wkndwlff @bradleybeachbabe @mattyskies @khaylin27 @cassiemitchellslibrary @bioodforbiood @xoxabs88xox @milestomaverick @adoringsebstan @bonitanightmxres @mizzzpink @maddievevo @cm27078 @mak-32 @some-lovely-day @daisyhollyxox @abaker74 @hurricanerex666 @taytaylala12
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conradsommers · 4 years
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Finally got the privilege to do squats today. 💪🏻 Big thanks to @mmpfitness_2.0 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 . . . . . . . . . #fitfam #fitness #bodybuilding #instafit #instafitness #fitspo #fitsporation #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #fitlife #getstrong #gymlife #gymtime #mensfitness #healthy #healthylifestyle #mensphysique #flex #swole #trainer #training #mensphysique #resistancetraining #muscles #strong #motivate #motivation #weights #workout #personaltrainer (at Santa Monica, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAHLb_ilY_T/?igshid=1eg70k1i30vyw
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queercapwriting · 5 years
You know what we could have? Carol Danvers hosting Pride, flanked by Steve "I fucked Bucky Barnes before I was swole" Rogers and Peter "I have giant crushes on both my best friends and haven't figured out how to bring up a poly date" Parker, getting cheered on by their friends and family, having a grand ol' time.
They need more than a little celebrating.
They’ve all, deeply, earned it. Millions of times over.
So Carol lets Monica take control of the colors of her suit, knowing exactly what her child is going to do.
Maria stops in her tracks and cackles when she sees it, but Carol just tosses her hair and poses proudly. Which only makes Maria cackle harder.
“Ms. Danvers, uh, Captain Danvers, uh, Captain Marvel? Are we using our made up names, or -”
“Hey, Peter Parker. You’re doing just fine, kid, just breathe, yeah?”
Peter takes a huge gulp of air, because staying in this cabin in Louisiana with the legendary Carol freaking Danvers and her family has been so, so nice - and he knows, for once, that Aunt May can actually enjoy her alone time in their apartment back in Queens because, for once, he’s out of the house and absolutely safe - but today, they’re heading back to New York City, to the reality of it all, for Earth’s first full-out Pride parade in too long, all Carol’s doing, and her suit is entirely rainbow, now, courtesy of Monica, and he wants to hell her she looks great, but without being creepy, don’t be creepy, and -
“Breathing, right, yeah, that helps.”
“You nervous about seeing your friends again, Peter?” Carol asks, because she knows. Of course she knows.
Peter blushes and Monica giggles. “They probably have crushes on you, too, Peter!”
She’s clearly trying to be supportive, but also… Maria and Carol exchange a wide-eyed glance. No no no no no, absolutely not, their daughter will not be developing crushes on any Avengers today… oh, hell. It’s probably too late. She’s already met Shuri and idolizes the young woman to the point of definite crush.
Maria groans into Carol’s chest, and Carol holds her, kisses her, both children next to them but oblivious to the worlds of conversations and comfort about their daughter growing up passing between them.
“So,” Carol bends to kiss Monica’s rainbow head scarf when she recovers somewhat, “Peter and I are going to be in the sky next to you and Mom in the plane, okay? And we’ll see you when we land in New York.”
“Do I have enough glitter on me? I want to have as much glitter as glitteringly possible!” Monica declares.
“More glitter?” Peter asks, scooping the little girl up just as effortlessly as Carol used to (and still does). “I can help with that!”
“Make sure you don’t completely destroy the bathroom!” Maria pleads. She knows it’s to absolutely no avail, and finds that she doesn’t really mind.
The sounds of Peter and Monica giggling and shrieking with laughter over the intense amounts of glittering going on is enough to soothe Maria and Carol’s worst nightmares for at least a couple of days.
“I love you,” Carol murmurs as she holds Maria from behind.
“Yeah?” Maria teases, and Carol laughs, hard.
“Yeah. And god, is Steve Rogers gonna love you, too.”
Because sure enough.
When they get to New York - Carol and Peter windswept from literal wind, Monica and Maria windswept from inside-the-airplane wind and expert barrel rolls that will turn Monica into a pilot for sure - it’s Steve who notices their entourage landing first, and Steve who sprints out to greet them.
He - or Shuri, more likely - has changed the colors of his shield. From red white and blue to pink lavender and blue.
And his eyes are shining with an excitement Carol hasn’t seen on him since… well, possibly ever.
He hugs Carol and he hugs Peter before dropping to his knees in front of Monica. “You look sufficiently glittered and ready for action, young lady,” he greets, winking up at Maria and offering Monica a salute.
“And your shield seems sufficiently bi-ified, Cap,” Monica quips, and if anyone is surprised that she’s utterly pleased but also utterly unphased to meet Captain America, she’d be the first to remind them that her mother is the strongest Avenger, and that’s not even counting Carol.
Steve laughs and stands to hug Maria, guiding all four of them back to where the rest of the squad is… well, assembling.
Bucky’s arm - still not for sale to Rocket - is also decked out in bi colors, and Sam’s wings - “on your left,” he slips up behind Steve, and Carol laughs so deeply that she almost cries - are as rainbow as Carol’s suit.
And when the parade begins in earnest and Peter stops still and grabs Carol’s arm because he sees MJ and Ned, Carol presses a kiss to his messy hair. “Hey, Peter Parker,” she soothes him smoothly. “You got this.”
He nods and nods again and nods a third time before jogging up to his friends and, with no preamble, blurting, “I have a crush on both of you I feel like that part’s pretty obvious but I would really like to date both of you, like the three of us together dating maybe if that’s okay, and I know it’s a bigger conversation than we can have right now but I figured it’s Pride and when’s better to tell people you love them, because I love you both as friends and also as other things, okay?”
Ned’s eyes flood as he pulls Peter in to a long, close hug, and MJ shrugs as they stand to the side with a smirk, chomping into a churro they’d swiped off Ned a few minutes before.
“Are you in or are you out, MJ?” Ned tries to spare Peter some agony.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you knew. I’ve never been in.” MJ’s smirk morphs into a smile, and then it’s the three of them - it’s always going to be the three of them - and behind them, Carol holds Maria close as they watch Peter and his friends-who-might-now-be-more-than-friends, as they watch Sam hold their daughter close and spin with her high above the crowd.
“Kid’s doing well for himself, huh?” Tony grunts, suddenly by Carol’s side.
“Sure is,” Maria smiles as Peter jumps up and down with excitement.
“Did we really ever expect anything else?” Natasha asks, Clint’s youngest propped up on her shoulders, waving the biggest trans flag to ever trans.
“Nah, not really,” Carol grins all around at the celebration she made.
The celebration she’d made with her family, when once - all those years ago -she’d thought she had none.
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
#Fictober Day 2
“People like you have no imagination.”
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(M’Baku x Black!OC)
Word Count: 1.3K
Monica was at her wits end.  Every week that passes, she thanks God that it is one more closer to her due date.   At 34 weeks pregnant, she looked as though she was ready to pop if she just sneezed, but no.  Still a whole month and a half until she and M’Baku meet their baby boy.  
Don’t get her wrong, Monica had a lot of excitement when thinking about her baby boy coming into the world.  She would always imagine this little brown cherub being placed in her arms; soft, plump, beautiful and all theirs.  M’Baku had the nursery set up soon as Monica passed her first trimester, he was so excited.  The nursery was a beautiful greyish blue with plenty of paintings a decals of animals and ABCs and 123s of various languages, in the best lit room in the house.  
However, one thing that has been a thorn in her side was the planning of the baby shower.  Monica wished they had planned it earlier in her pregnancy when she was still cute and petite, but her consistent weight gain was noticeable and she felt self conscious.  Not only that, but her heartburn was persistent, she needed the restroom every half hour, and her feet were so swole, she couldn’t wear anything other than hospital socks or M’Baku’s shoes; and the way those things smelled, she’d rather have the socks.
Monica sat in the easy chair in their nursery, rocking back and forth as M’Baku sat on the floor, twisting the screwdriver in a leg joint of the crib.  
“Have you given any more thought to the party?”  M’Baku asks.
Monica sighs, staring at the ceiling.  Monica was so done with the planning process:  she was over it, beside it, under it, everywhere but on top of it.  
“It is not a party.  Parties are supposed to be fun, this is not.”
M’Baku clicks his tongue at you.  “Now, what is a celebration of our child, but a party?”
“I know, and I celebrate him everyday!  I just don’t get why we have to host an event where the majority of people just want to be nosy about my body and its functions in relation to the baby.  I’m not trying to impress anyone,”
M’Baku turns to crib over to start tightening the other side of it.  “I know, love.  I told you I can be the crowd control.  My family is bigger anyway, so it’ll be mostly Jabari folk there, and I can handle my own people.”
Monica groans out loud with an epiphany.  “And then there’s that!  Your family with mine, specifically our mothers.  M’Baku, we cannot have them together in the same room.”
M’Baku shrugs.  “They handled themselves well at the wedding reception.  This should be no different.”
Monica gives M’Baku a glare of disdain.  “That’s only because there was alcohol there.  Mix that with a DJ, and they were best of buds.  If you want a successful baby shower, you can’t let it be a dry one.”  She pinches the bridge of her nose.  “Hell, I need it myself.”
M’Baku looks to her sympathetically, putting down his tool to crawl over to her.  He makes growls and purr noises that catch her attention.  When she sees his broad frame meandering across the floor on his hands and knees, she busts out laughing, holding her mountain of a stomach.
“Stoooop!  You’re going to make me pee!”  Monica exclaims as she wipes tears out of her eyes.
M’Baku gave her his signature gap toothed smile as he sat at her feet, taking one socked foot in his highly capable hands for massage.
Monica moaned softly, closing her eyes as his fingers released her tension little by little.  This was almost better than sex for her nowadays.  Positions had gotten challenging with their child growing more and more, she got breathless easily and irritable; but M’Baku was a champ about it all, finding a multitude of ways to please her otherwise.
“Have you thought about what kind of cake you want?”  He asks, voice as soft as a babbling brook.
Monica shakes her head.  “I don’t know.  Get a box of mix and make it ourselves for like, $5.  Get two, and the whole party is fed.”
M’Baku pauses his pulsing fingertips, forcing you to listen to him.  “No, we have to have a cake that looks good in pictures, as well as tastes delicious.  Like, one in the shape of a toy truck, or something.”
“Ugh, you have been watching the TLC network, haven’t you?”  Monica whimpers.
M’Baku smirks to himself as he switches to her other puffy foot.  “Whatever my inspirations, I agree that this should be entertaining as well as joyful for everyone involved.  My child will not be eating $5 cake mix, but a cake with the best buttercream and fondant a baker can put together.”
Monica surrenders with a nod.  “Fine, fine.  Sounds great.”
M’Baku widens his eyes paternally as he continues.  “And you know we have to do games…”
“Anything but the mushed candy bar in a diaper.  I will throw up on sight, I don’t care.  Not at my party.”  She insists, shivering with disgust.
M’Baku nods excitedly.  “That’s more like it.  Make some demands! It’s better than nothing.”
Monica sits up a little.  “Yeah, we do a name guessing game and the clothespin one and call it a day!”
M’Baku rolls his eyes.  “People like you have no imagination.  That is maybe 20 minutes worth of activities.”
Monica glares at him with daggers.  “People like me?  People that are bearing your fruit?  People that are getting 3 hours of sleep max because this baby is already at full term weight before being due, cuz he is WAY too Jabari for me to comfortably hold?  Would you like to trade places??”
M’Baku makes soothing noises, sticking his lip out pitifully.  “Come now, love.  Don’t hurt my feelings.  I’m sorry to have offended you.”
Monica whines as he sits up on his knees, kissing her cheek, jawline and neck, breaking her frustration as she squirms and laughs involuntarily.
“Haha!  Ok, ok!  M’Baku!”  Monica giggles.
M’Baku pulls Monica to him, holding her leaning body in his arms as he strokes her spine, another sore spot for her that he magically cures with his touch.
Monica hugs his shoulders as her belly hangs between them, baby boy becomes more active when they are connecting.
Monica breaths in M’Baku’s musk, one of the few smells that doesn’t upset her stomach.  “I just want to be normal again.  I don’t mean to be mean or distant.  I just want my body back, when it was cute and active, and I was happy and pleasant:  able to do more, so I’m ready for this baby.”
“You haven’t changed much to me at all.  I see you when you look at the little ones tiny clothes, your face lights up and you do the ‘aww’ face.”  She rolls her eyes, but smiles, hugging him tighter.  “And when you can’t rest, you come here to look around, resting your hand on your belly, praying out loud for him.  Don’t think it’s unnoticed.”  M’Baku sits her up, looking into her eyes.  “It is all so alluring and spellbinding how natural you are in becoming a mother before he has even gotten here.  And your body is an oasis for our child to grow strong and healthy, so indeed, you are doing plenty of the work here.  I just want us to have a good time with our loved ones before you give birth, so we can look back at the craziness of it all for years to come....and that is not done with Betty Crocker and clothespins.”
Monica looked her man over, his face was the most angelic one she’d ever see on a man; the roundness would keep him looking youthful for decades.  She wanted to swim in his eyes,  and curl up on a cold day in his full lips; if this baby gets any of these features, he will be a force to be reckoned with.
“Oook.  Fine.  Maybe the cake can be a forest style cake, with animals and stuff.  It seems more fitting, you think?”
M’Baku grinned 100 watts.  “Now that is a good idea, entle.”  M’Baku holds her stomach, holding his face close.  “I told you, Mama is not always basic.”
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trumpetnista · 6 years
I’ve only known Carol Danvers, Maria and Monica Rambeau, Goose, and Talos for one movie but if anything happens to them...y’all know the rest. I saw Captain Marvel and adored it. The Swole California Raisin that broke our hearts and spirits last year is done for. On God.
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opsfit1 · 5 years
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HOW MUCH WEIGHT DO YOU GAIN OVER THE HOLIDAYS?? • • CALL (626)230-3137 OR CLICK THE LINK IN MY BIO NOW FOR DETAILS! • • Start getting in shape now for the Holidays and enjoy it instead of feeling guilty afterwards! • • Whether you’re training to lose weight or you’re workout programming is aimed to gain lean muscle mass I will get you to your destination! You will attain your goals! • • Tag💪🏼 | Comment✏️ | Share 📲 • • #America #United States #Chicago #NewYork #LosAngeles #abc7eyewitness #OpsFit1 #miami #Seattle #weightlosstransformation #swole #nbcla #Love #boston #SanDiego #sanfrancisco #trending #lasvegas #fitness #liftheavy #trending #getfit #share #like #retweet #diet #health #trump #eatclean • • CALL (626)230-3137 OR CLICK THE LINK IN MY BIO NOW FOR DETAILS! • • Chris Loomis CPT EMT OPERATOR FITNESS P.O. Box 781 Temple City, CA 91780 United States of America (GMT -7) +1(626)230-3137 Office www.OpsFit1.com (at Santa Monica Pier) https://www.instagram.com/p/B48-qTSjutb/?igshid=8trkyk5grvm5
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dimxnd-assistant · 7 days
Laurie took a deep breath as she walked into the shower. “Your hard work is paying off.” She hummed, trying not to drool at how well defined her wife’s back was.
Monica turned around and smiled. "Thanks, Babe! I wanna be as good as I can be for you. And you can drool all you want. I love seeing you admire me." She giggled.
"I'm almost done in here so we can go get lunch if you want?"
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 5 years
Avengers Pride
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DCXWss
by queercapwriting (queergirlwriting)
Carol, Maria, Monica and Peter prep for Pride together, ala:
mrriggerworld asked:
You know what we could have? Carol Danvers hosting Pride, flanked by Steve "I fucked Bucky Barnes before I was swole" Rogers and Peter "I have giant crushes on both my best friends and haven't figured out how to bring up a poly date" Parker, getting cheered on by their friends and family, having a grand ol' time.
Words: 1064, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 24 of Where's Your Head At?
Fandoms: Captain Marvel (2019)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, Maria Rambeau, Peter Parker
Relationships: Carol Danvers & Maria Rambeau & Monica Rambeau, Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau, Carol Danvers & Peter Parker
Additional Tags: spoiler-free, but there are a couple easter eggs??, mcu pride, marvel pride, Trans!Peter Parker
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DCXWss
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conradsommers · 4 years
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Quarantine back workout and some spring cleaning. Just uploaded to my channel 💪🏻😁 . . . . . . . . . #fitfam #fitness #bodybuilding #instafit #instafitness #fitspo #fitsporation #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #fitlife #getstrong #gymlife #gymtime #mensfitness #healthy #healthylifestyle #mensphysique #flex #swole #trainer #training #mensphysique #resistancetraining #muscles #strong #motivate #motivation #weights #workout #personaltrainer (at Santa Monica, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_SfhfsFOo6/?igshid=s30uz0ccoxrv
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dimxnd-assistant · 15 days
Laurie hummed as she and Monica relaxed on the beach. She loved DC but she was pretty sure she was starting to prefer Malibu. “You sure you don’t want to move here and run for mayor again?” The taller amazon teased as she held onto her nearly equally muscular lover.
Monica was loving their Malobu vacation. It gave her a chance to relax and clear her head after having Marsha 'dealt' with. And she wanted time alone with Laurie. No Bryan or Pinky or Mayor work.
She cuddled into Laurie.
"Don't tempt me." She giggled. "I'd buy us a beach home and love being Mayor here. We'd need more bikinis." She joked. "But I would miss Bryan and Pinky back home."
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dimxnd-assistant · 5 months
Eve let out an impressed whistle when she saw her cousin in law’s new look. “Now when did that sweet little Englishwoman turn into a beast with porn star titties?” She laughed.
Monica smiled when she heard Eve whistled and put her hands on her hips as she looked up at Eve. She still felt small compared to Eve and wished she was a little taller but liked being Laurie's small girl.
"After a amazing night with my one to be." She giggled. "The tits are nice and the viewers and voters love them. Glad you approve too! So what brings you here, Eve?" She asked. "I was gonna call you anyway. I wanted to do some Tiktoks with you."
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dimxnd-assistant · 5 months
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"Thanks for joining me for Coffee, Charlie. I need your help with something. Between me running for Mayor and spending time with Laurie and the family, I haven't had a chance to set up something I want to do now me and Laurie are in a good place."
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dimxnd-assistant · 2 months
[Text - Not So Little Anymore] Babe, I love you, I love that dress, but are you sure that’s appropriate for the MAYOR to wear?
[TXT - Always Alpha] Probably not, but I saw it and fell in love and wanted to show my muscles next to my beautiful and bigger wife.
You think I need to be more modest? And maybe wear this for date night? X
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dimxnd-assistant · 4 months
How would swole Monica react to seeing Marsha again? Would she be scared like before or would she try to lord her new strength over her?
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"Given how we left things and my new family here in the states, if I saw her I would first thank her for bringing me here and giving me the chance to meet my new family and future wife of a Amazon. I would then punch her in the nose and then drag her to the police to be arrested for life for her crimes. And I will glady be a witness and give evidence."
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dimxnd-assistant · 4 months
Wow. People really like my Swole!Monica AU XD
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