#swf: intro
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LILI REINHART? não! é apenas MOLLY MAYFAIR, ela é filha de CIRCE e CONSELHEIRA do chalé QUINZE e tem VINTE E DOIS ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL 3 por estar no acampamento há 10 anos, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, MOLLY é bastante ENERGÉTICA mas também dizem que ela é OBSESSIVA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
BIO (you're here!) ♡ CNNS ♡ DIÁRIO ♡ PLAYLIST ♡ TRIVIA.
PODERES. [ TRANSFIGURAÇÃO ] — Molly herdou de sua mãe, Circe, a habilidade mágica de transformar qualquer coisa em animais. Além de transformar criaturas vivas em animais, também pode dar vida a objetos inanimados ao fazer com que se transformem bichinhos pequenos. Quando ela transforma as criaturas, Molly possui um certo controle sobre suas ações e sua mente, mas precisa bastante força para manter esse controle, menos quando ela transforma objetivos inanimados.
Fator de cura acima do normal e vigor sobre-humano.
ARMA.[ SHAPESHADE ] — Uma adaga feita de bronze celestial. Ela possui a habilidade de se transformar em uma varinha azulada de bruxa clássica, mas que não é capaz de realizar magias, apenas serve como condutora de seus poderes.
Circe, a deusa da magia e filha imortal de Hécate, conhecida por ser a dona do C.C.'s Spa & Resort em sua Ilha de Aiaia. A deusa tinha um ódio em especial por homens, então todas as suas filhas foram criadas através de sua própria magia, sem nenhum auxílio masculino. Foi assim que Mary Margaret nasceu, em um dia que Circe estava especialmente inspirada. Mary Margaret tornou-se uma bruxa muito promissora desde muito nova, demonstrando talento para transformar seres vivos em animais igual a sua mãe divina fazia com poções, mas sem precisar desse auxílio. Ao perceber esse poder, a deusa começou a lhe usar para proteger a Ilha de Aiaia e cuidar dos invasores homens.
Entretanto, ainda com cincos anos de idade, Mary Margaret estava indo enfeitiçar os homens de um cruzeiro que acabou naufragando na ilha. Porém, esses homens eram nada mais nada menos do que bruxos, assim como as mulheres ali presentes. Eram todos parte da mesma família nobre e lendária de bruxos, os Mayfair. E sem entender bem o que estava acontecendo ali, decidiram resgatar a pequena bruxinha da ilha e a adotar como filha. Todos usavam sua magia para sair de Aiaia e levaram Mary Margaret junto.
Os Mayfair, eram devotos seguidores de Hécate, mãe de Circe e teoricamente avó de Molly, deusa da bruxaria e encruzilhadas. Eles perceberam a afinidade natural de Mary Margaret, que foi rebatizada como Molly Mayfair, e ela se tornou uma das integrantes mais notáveis da família. Existiam rumores estranhos sobre a família, mas nada que fosse comprovado.
Todos os integrantes da família Mayfair se tornaram mais poderosos em sua magia depois da adoção de Molly, pois Hécate aprovou o "resgate" da garota. Ela queria ver sua neta viver sua vida longe da Ilha, para que ela pudesse ver o mundo e descobrir mais sobre sua magia, além de ser uma serva do spa e resort de sua mãe. Obviamente que Circe não concordou com isso, mas ainda estava tentando encontrar a garota pelo mundo, sem muito sucesso.
Foi apenas quando Molly completou 12 anos de idade que a deusa conseguiu lhe encontrar, enviando criaturas de névoa para lhe resgatar da família Mayfair. Ironicamente, tanto a família quanto Molly viram aquilo como um ataque de monstro e como a prova necessária para que eles entendessem que Molly era uma semideusa. Depois do ataque, que conseguiu ser parado com a magia conjunta da família, Molly foi enviada para o Acampamento Meio-Sangue.
Ao chegar no acampamento foi reclamada assim que seus pés pisaram no solo do local. Era quase como se Circe estivesse lhe chamando de volta, mas Molly já havia se encontrado na família Mayfair a aquele ponto. Isso se tornou um problema muito grande entre ela e sua mãe, além do fato de Hécate também ter se envolvido na situação. E isso acabou nunca sendo resolvido da melhor maneira, apesar de Circe deixar muito claro seu amor pela sua filha. Graças a tudo isso, Molly encontrou consolo em uma paixão que cultivou desde jovem: a adivinhação. Fascinada pelo místico e encantador poder das profecias, ela se tornou uma ávida estudante da arte. Seus olhos brilhavam ao ouvir sobre o Oráculo, e ela passava horas tentando desvendar os segredos por trás das previsões e visões.
Quando não estava no acampamento, Molly teve o privilégio de frequentar a Clarion Ladies Academy, onde se esbarrou com Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Admiradora dos talentos art��sticos de Rachel, Molly encontrou nela uma fonte de inspiração. A amizade, um pouco superficial, entre as duas floresceu ao longo dos anos, e quando Rachel se tornou a Oráculo de Delfi, Molly viu nela uma figura a ser venerada ainda mais, uma mulher capaz de interpretar os enigmas do destino igual ela mesma gostaria de conseguir.
Muito do motivo pelo qual Molly fez questão de se juntar aos Filhos da Magia foi para poder estudar mais sobre o Oráculo, ter acesso a Rachel e estar sempre tendo um certo privilégio ao escutar as profecias. Além de sua paixão inegável por magia. Era uma bruxa nata, sempre que podia estava encantando coisas, transformando objetos em animais para fazer truques bestas em festas, transformando outros campistas em animais como "forma de demonstração" ou qualquer coisa do gênero. Não foi à toa que acabou se tornando uma instrutora, seu talento era admirável e era poderosa até mesmo para uma filha de Circe.
Molly foi adotada pela família Mayfair durante um naufrágio da mesma na Ilha de Aiaia.
Os Mayfairs se orgulham de serem uma família de bruxos muito poderosa, sendo devotos de Hécate desde 1910.
A atual matriarca da família é Royal Mayfair, uma bruxa de 60 anos. Ela é bem severa com as regras do coven, sendo um poço de elegância e a bruxa mais poderosa entre eles. Tirando Molly, é claro. Ela tem uma afinidade em especial por feitiços de cura e segue bem a religião Wicca. Entre os membros da família, Molly considera Royal a sua avó, pois foi adotada oficialmente como filha pelo seu filho do meio.
O primogênito de Royal se chama Roland Mayfair, que sonha em ser o herdeiro do coven. Ele é um bruxo bem mediano, mas é um dos mais bonitos e mais charmosos de toda família, se não for o primeiro em ambos os quesitos. Quando Molly foi resgatada, Roland foi contra levar a garota para a Mansão Mayfair, mas após ver seu potencial mágico se tornou o que mais lhe desejava como filha. Felizmente não conseguiu isso.
O segundo filho, e pai de Molly, se chama Royce Mayfair. Ele se casou com Paloma, uma bruxa destreinada, que acabou se tornando mais poderosa ao se juntar ao coven. Ele é o filho mais bondoso, sendo a pessoa que encontrou Molly na ilha e também quem convenceu os outros a lhe resgatar. Não que precisasse se esforçar muito para isso, todos queriam salvar a garota, com exceção apenas de Roland.
Seu pai tinha afinidade com magia que envolvia auras, mas era considerado o bruxo mais fraco do coven. Enquanto sua mãe tinha afinidade com cristais, se tornando bem mais poderosa que seu marido com o passar dos anos. Os dois têm um ótimo relacionamento, felizmente, Royce apoia sua esposa totalmente.
O terceiro e último filho se chama Remington Mayfair. Dentre os três irmãos ele é o mais poderoso, com sua magia sendo focada nos elementos. Ele até mesmo já adicionou novos feitiços no Livro da Família, algo que apenas os melhores bruxos da dinastia tinham permissão de fazer. Ele também é o favorito de Royal, o que cria uma intriga enorme na família.
Além de Royal e seus três filhos, também existem os inúmeros primos da família. Mais notavelmente as três irmãs esquisitas: Lana, Emilia & Celia Mayfair.
Lana Mayfair é uma bruxa poderosa que foca em feitiços de amor. Isso faz com que a família a considere bem perigosa e há boatos de que ela já recebeu uma bênção de Eros por suas ações, se metendo na vida amorosa dos outros. Molly não sabe dizer se isso é verdade ou não, ainda mais considerando que a família tende a aumentar muitas coisas.
Emilia Mayfair é uma bruxa que focava em poções, e também o motivo pelo qual Molly descobriu sua alergia. Os Mayfair preferiam se curar totalmente com magia, mas uma vez que a garota ficou machucada e colocaram uma poção básica na sua ferida… Bem, não foi nenhum pouco bonito. Entretanto, naqueles que não possuem alergia suas poções são bem poderosas.
E por último, Celia Mayfair é uma bruxa que foca em combate. Sua habilidade favorita é telecinese, algo que quase nenhum dos bruxos da família conseguia dominar. Essa sim tinha uma bênção, lhe concedida diretamente por Hécate. A única bruxa que podia rivalizar a magia pura de Molly era ela, e por isso sempre faziam feitiços juntas.
Molly e Celia se tornaram o mais próximo de melhores amigas que podiam, sendo de lados opostos da família. A mãe de Celia, Rena Mayfair, a irmã de Royal, fazia muita questão de anunciar em todas as reuniões de família que acreditava que sua filha mais nova deveria se tornar a nova líder do coven e isso tornava as coisas mais complicadas.
Molly, apesar de poderosa, deixou de ser considerada para o cargo após a descoberta de que ela era uma semideusa. Infelizmente não tinha como a garota viver no mundo mortal, fazendo magia e ajudando a família, então continuou fazendo parte do coven de maneira não-oficial, mas não tinha nem mesmo como colocar seu nome para o processo seletivo de novo líder.
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THIS ACCOUNT WILL CONTAIN AGE REGRESSION CONTENT! THIS INCLUDES: babytalk, little text, little vents, caregiver talks, use of daddy/mommy, children's media, coloring pages, toys, stuffied animals, and magic! ✨️
Name: Peanut 🥜
Nicknames: Princess, Princess Pea, Peanut Pea, Bug, Buggaboo, Bugga, Baby Bug, Little Bat, Baby Bat.
Age: 3-6 (regressed), 24 (big age)
Gender: Female
Animals: Elephants, Cows, Ducks, Bats, Dogs, Cats.
Characters: Dumbo (Disney), Bingo (Bluey), Hello Kitty & My Melody (Sanrio), Strawberry Shortcake 2003 Cast, The Mane Six (MLP), Sofia (Sofia The First), Marshall & Zuma (Paw Patrol), and more!
Media: Sanrio, Strawberry Shortcake, Paw Patrol, Blue's Clues, Disney, Lalaloopsy, Rainbow High, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie, Powerpuff Girls, My Little Pony, Winx, Sofia The First and Bluey.
Peanut's Posts: #peanutposts Peanut's Vents: #peanutvents Peanut's Gifts From Friends: #peanutgifts
Pictures and DNI Banner in post made by @nxrseryclouds
#peanutposts#age regression#sfw age regression#little space#little#swf little blog#age regressor#little introduction#blog intro
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DNI if k!nk, pro ship, will try to make me Christian or strait, unlabeled blog or anti-lgbtq+. Other basic DNI criteria. Send an ask if you're worried you fit the DNI criteria. I will ignore certain asks if they are icky
I will not post about the Palestinian War/genocide due to not really being emotionally stable/having the mental health to actually look into it and due to bodily being a child as well as regressing
My (online) name is Cam. I am non binary and use Zay/zir pronouns (she-> Zay her-> zir) n this my regression blog! this for littles n CGs cus m a flip (altho little rn, lemma know if you needs translation of posts). i mostly regress but m also cg! hope u lik blog
i lik birds n color blue n green (will add more to this)
Main blog: @blueserpent9
You can call me Cam, Cammie, Mx Cam, or any gender neutral and non parental nicknames you can find. I don't really mind nicknames except I am not a parental caregiver and I really hate gendered nicknames. If you want nicknames you can use, I'll make a list.
Caregiving nicknames:
Anything gender neutral and non parental
Little nicknames
Little one/little star
I am not looking for a caregiver or a little, I already have two platonic flips and I'm not looking for more even though I may search for comfort within other blogs
Ask before DMing
So people know when I'm big vs little:
Little sign off 💙🦜
Big sign off 🩵🦚
Note: whenever I send annon asks on other blogs, I sign off with 💙🦜 cus I'm normally little more often than big
(🎧🪼), 🦕
#age regression#swf agere#age dreaming#first post#nonbinary#transgender#bisexual#agere community#agere blog#agere#agere flip#lgbtq community#age regressor#lgbtq#sfw agere#sfw regression#agere sfw#involuntary age regression#💙🦜#🩵🦚#sfw interaction only#sfw smolspace#sfw age regression#sfw littlespace#sfw little blog#sfw little community#blog intro#agereg#age regression caregiver#age re safe space
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Caught in 4k
Bada Lee x Youtuber!Reader
Synopsis: A famous youtuber who uploads dance covers and sometimes even her own choreographies is actually Bada Lee's girlfriend?!!— or — you suddenly got exposed during a livestream, now people knew of you and Bada's relationship
Cw: nothing just fluff
After your youtube channel reached the 5 million subscribers milestone, you decided to do the most requested content of your viewers which is a livestream.
They wanted you to do a livestream where you perform some dance covers and teach some of your latest choreographies. Of course to make it more fun and interactive you decided to add some Q and A segments, to be more interactive.
You started youtube way back, but before your contents used to be just a simple vlog about your everyday life, but soon shifts into posting some dance covers and sometimes even posting some of your own choreographies. Your old viewers are already aware of your talent in dancing and are so happy that you finally gained confidence to showcase your talent.
You still do some vlogs here and there, but most of your content now is about dance.
Now in the present, you are standing in your bedroom, the camera setup is facing one of your bedroom wall that serves as your background, while your monitor is next to it, where you read the live chats and manage the whole stream.
The title screen "live starts in 5..." is the only thing your viewers are seeing at the moment as you do some warm ups first. You stare at the viewer count that reads there are almost 15k people waiting on your live.
Once you feel that you are all set, you removed the title screen and waved at the camera.
"Hello everybody!" You did your intro and started doing small talks with your viewers as your chat feed floods with more people, telling you how excited they are.
"Your top looks familiar" you saw the comment passes by your screen which made you realize that the shirt you're wearing is one of Bada's shirt, and not just any shirt. It was the same shirt she wore on her first dance battle with Redy on swf 2.
You tried to ignore the comment and continue reading a few more before your viewers started begging you to teach one of your latest dance choreography, which you did.
You stand at the center of the screen once again and looked at the camera before looking back at the monitor.
"Ok ok, we'll start with the 'dance lessons', you guys wanted" you said as you prepare the first song you'll dance to.
"Oh before I start, just a quick announcement, I am not a dance teacher, nor do I have any experience teaching dance. This is literally my first time teaching, so thank you for being my guinea pigs for this experiment" you joked before starting teaching the choreo to your viewers.
Coincidentally, the first song is 16 shots, which made the person who commented earlier appear again as you read the comments in-between teaching your choreo.
"The song and the shirt really makes me feel like I've seen it already somewhere before" the comment said. To which you ignored once again.
You feel a slight blush, it's really all just a coincidence, you're not really thinking of anything when you decided to take Bada's shirt on her closet to wear for the livestream, and it's also a coincidence that you made a choreo to the 16 shots a few days ago.
Your livestream goes on for a bit over 30 minutes now and you are currently taking a break mid-stream and just chatting with your viewers.
One question after another you answer your viewer when a particular question pops up.
"You dance so well, are you taking any dance class?" You read the question out loud and the question seems to catch the viewers attention as they flood the chat feed once again with comments about how they are also curious about it.
"Honestly, I was self taught, in terms of dancing that is. But a few months ago, I joined this dance academy just for the fun of it. I just wanna improve my skills more, you know what I mean." You answered, but your answer just sparked more questions.
"What dance academy?" Is the only thing that you can read from the chat feed. You contemplate whether you should tell them or not. And after tons of viewers begged for your answer and a chat dono appears, sending you 500 dollars with a message "please tell us", you finally give in.
"It was at JustJerk" you said and immediately viewers went wild. Some even commenting "maybe it's time to enroll for a dance class too" or "no wonder your style seems familiar". But another question pops up and it caught everyone's attention.
"Do you see Bada Lee on JustJerk?" The chat read. And every viewer saw it so you can't ignore this one.
"Yeah, sometimes..." you said, and it was a lie. You always saw Bada there, no scratch that, you are always with Bada there. How can you not see her everytime you go there, she is your girlfriend, you always go to the academy together.
"OMG YOU SHOULD COVER BADA'S CHOREO FOR SHIRT" a comment pops up again and the chat once again goes wild.
"Fine, fine... wait give me a minute I'm trying to remember the step again" you search up the dance cover and watch the video before learning the choreography once more.
Meanwhile, Bada had just arrived at your apartment and was looking for you, when she heard Shirt by Sza plays over and over again coming from your shared bedroom.
Slowly, Bada creeps in and peaked by the door to see what's going on and saw your livestream setup. You are too focused on your live that you didn't even noticed her leaning by the door frame, watching you.
"...ok I think I got it" You said as you ready yourself before playing the song once again and you start moving to the beat.
Bada is in awe once she realized you are dancing to her choreo, and to Shirt even. Her jaw drops as you execute all the moves perfectly, but boy it doesn't stop there.
"...Damn, you ain't deserve~" the music subsides for a bit, you twirl around before the beats drop ones again as you move your hips to the beat before looking up the camera and hitting the beat once again.
Bada squeals as you finish dancing, she can't get over at how sexy you look earlier. You turn your head to the door as you see your girlfriend kneeling on the ground.
"Oh my god, when did you arrived?" You said, your viewers were curious on who were you talking to as they flood your chat feed once more with questions.
"Wait I moment... I know that voice" the same person who commented earlier appears again.
Bada runs up to you, and hugs you tightly, planting tons of kisses on your face. "You look so sexy just now" your girlfriend gushes over you.
"I KNEW IT! THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING" the chat feed was bombarded with surprised emotes and messages like "holy shit, they are dating?!!!!".
You face the camera shyly as Bada breaks off from you and hugs you from behind as she hides her reddened face on the crook of you neck.
"Uhmmm yeah so... I think this is where I will end my stream" you chuckled lightly as Bada cowers in embarassment behind you, now realizing that your relationship was revealed to more than 35k people right now.
"This is not really what I planned when I first decided to do the livestream but yeah, I hope you had fun dancing with me... and yeah me and Bada are dating... anyway that would be all byeeee!" You quickly cut the cameras and ended the live.
A/n: and that is all for this story, thank you all for choosing this. I hoped you liked it. Sorry for any grammatical errors.
Requests are open
#bada lee fanfic#bada lee x reader#bada lee x y/n#bada x reader#lee bada x reader#street woman fighter x reader#swf2 x reader#bebe#street woman fighter 2#swf
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•~• INTRO •~•
• We are a system. We have lots of alters. We will try and sign off, but we can not really guarantee that we will.
• We currently have no host.
• We have: Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression.
• This is our main blog, but we have a side blogs for alters
• Someone has a Conceptkin. No idea what the concept is called though
• Our System name is: Endless Depths System, we do have a TikTok (a main and side) and a Blueskys(we don’t use it much).
• Alter intros posted on this blog: Eclipse, .
~•~ DNI: Transphobes, Homophobes, Anti-kin, Anti-otherhuman, Pro-endos, Endos, Jerks, Pro-shippers/Shippers of bad ships, if you don’t respect anything above :DNI ~•~
- Don’t bring drama onto my blog
- DMs are open! But I won’t respond from 10pm to 6am est/edt
- Asks are also open! I won’t respond during those times as well.
- Don’t send my pics of yourself, and no personal information.
- SWF blog only, and while I will post some gore and there there will be warnings!
- I don’t do requests for art/wallpapers/userboadrs/moodboards, or anything like that. While I would love to do art requests, I don’t have the time or resources to do so currently.
- We are a minor, bodily. Do not be weird, do not anything. (13-17)
- Do not send go-fund mes, or any kind of fun riser. I do not want to be bothered (or feel guilty) about it. I cannot give you money, I am broke.
- [Will add more later]
#intro post#nonhuman heavy system#sysblr#systems#traumagenic system#osdd system#dissociative system#plural system#system#nonhuman alter#endless depths system#lgbtqia
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gabriel's rp hub
other names: gabi, gebby
pronouns: she/her
birth year: 2004 (so that I don't have to keep editing this every year)
time zone: pacific (gmt-7/8)
important details and sideblog list under the cut
I don't erp on tumblr or with people I don't know well, but I might occasionally discuss nsfw topics on one of my side blogs. if you want it, and you're 18+, dm me on here or on discord.
dni with those posts in particular if you're a minor (I'll be tagging them as "minors dni"). conversely, all my blogs except that one will be completely sfw, except for the occasional tame sex joke - which I'll tag accordingly.
pretty much any type of rp blog is allowed to interact. I'll probably only block you if we've had conflict in the past or if you meet basic dni criteria (bots, pedophiles, bigots, etc.)
don't nitpick at my hc-heavy intepretations of canon characters. ik they're canon-divergent, and I honestly couldn't care less.
when you send me ask games, always include the question itself in your ask, bc I won't be able to look back at the original post every time
I'm extremely averse to criticism due to a mix of trauma and disorders, and I tend to start thinking I'm boring and not worth others' time if my ideas don't pique their interest.
I am working on both of those, though, so I honestly don't wanna hear about it from anyone besides my therapist /nm
more rules
my pokeblogging universe's lore doc
on tms and hms
other important details:
my sideblogs' pinned intro posts will have lots of tags, just so that people can find them. all the posts afterwards will only have a few tags (mainly just #ic and/or #ooc).
if I reblog any rp invitations (ask & reblog games, etc.), it'll be on here and apply to all my sideblogs
I don't interact with "reblog if you support xyz" posts or talk about politics. that anti-elon musk post was an exception
(might be outdated sometimes since I'm forgetful. the ones I currently have the motivation for have stars next to them)
@catbirds-pokeblog (still not entirely sure what she is yet - might end up being a faller?)
@teamsocialism (joke evil team run by verity and zeke)
@her-name-is-teri (crossover au faller)
@ubcore (pokehuman / sleeby - I'm still deciding which one I want him to be) ⭐
@sylvettefalls ⭐
@flying-type-artist (spiderverse au faller)
@futuristicheroine (eeby)
@mailcarriercore ⭐
@gcsharp (fankid)
@miss-calla-lily (faller from hisui)
@julie-dalton-nico-calico (fallers from a book)
@no-ones-pokeblog ⭐
@sancia-pereira ⭐
@veran-and-veralia (fallers)
@rin-yukimura (faller from hisui)
@my-love-dot-swf (faller)
@camellia-crane (adaptable to any verse)
@luce-estelle ⭐
@mushroom-pokemon-enthusiast ⭐
splatoon rp blogs:
other rp blogs:
#pokeblogging rp#pokeblog#pokeblog rp#pokeblogging#pokeblog intro#pokeblog roleplay#rotumblr#irl pkmn#irl pokemon#pkmn irl#pokemon irl#pokemon unreality#pokeblog irl#pokereality#pokeblogging roleplay#pokeblogging intro#pokemon rp#pokemon roleplay#pokeblr#pkmn roleplay#pkmn rp#pokeirl#rotumblr intro#rotomblr info#rotumblr info#rotomblr#roleplay hub#real pokemon#pokemon irl rp#pokemon irl intro
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⭐️ welcome to the pizzeria ⭐️
(intro post updated)
(a long overdue update intro post is needed)
hihi >_< im pixie
the owner of pixie pizzeria and this is my intro post :3
⭐️ general about me ⭐️
i use they/she pronouns
i’m a toddler age regressor!! (2-4)
• i have autism + bpd + anxiety
(that’s about it lmao)
⭐️ things we serve at the pizzeria ⭐️
SWF!! agere imagines/oneshots
SWF!! imagines/oneshots
SWF!! agere headcannons (sorry i don’t do little!characters :()
SWF!! headcannons
i may start trying to make stim boards/agere mood boards :3
overall just a lot is SWF!! fluff
⭐️ who i write for ⭐️
i write for all genders!! make sure to specify what pronouns you want me to use please!!
i will also write any gender dynamics (ex: male x male, woman x woman, woman x male)
⭐️ what i do not write ⭐️
any 18+ content
any kink
⭐️ DNI list ⭐️
ED blogs
SH blogs
18+ blogs
smut writers
gore blogs
⭐️ fandoms i write for ⭐️
stardew valley
death note
zelda (botw/totk)
ouran high host club
guardians of the galaxy
spider man(s) (all the spider-man related movies)
disastrous life of saiki k
chainsaw man
ergo proxy
(and many more i just cannot remember them right now)
you made it to the end awesome!!!
🍿 have some popcorn!!
and a reminder i don’t consent to nsfw interactions!!
#sfw agere#fanfic#stardew valley#little reader#sfw little post#age regression#zelda botw#zelda tears of the kingdom#zelda fanfiction#gaurdians of the galaxy#mha#death note#jjk#ouran high school host club#spiderman#demigirl#lgbtq#bisexual#demi girl#agere caregiver#age regression caregiver#haikyuu#creepypasta#tmnt
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Flash intro from the Hudson site :] Here’s the swf download, which totally didn’t take a painful amount of time for me to obtain.
Somewhere in the vastness of space exists Bomber Planet…
The peace-loving people who reside on that planet are Bombermen
Among them, one who was brave with even more “gentleness” and “courage” was called Bomberman.
That Bomberman became the leader of a group that collects the unique things in the universe, fighting against the evil Hige-Hige bandits
The name of the group is the Jetters…
#bomberman#bomberman jetters#bomberman jetterz#bmj#ボンバーマンジェッターズ#hudson soft#old web#adobe flash#Translation is a little bit scuffed
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I know that it might be a weird question to ask, but I don't know who else I could ask. When I'm reading a ff, then mostly there are some letters (swf (I can't remember other ones)) in the intro that describe what type of ff it is. What do the different kinds of letter combinations mean? And what does smau mean? I'm sorry, I'm just really confused🥲
And I wanted to tell, that I really love your writings. You are the best author ever!!❤️🫶
hiii bb!!! not a weird question at all, i was just as confused as u in the beginning hehe sfw is "suitable for work" meaning work that doesn't contain sexual content, as opposed to nsfw "not suitable for work" which is destined for an 18+ audience. off the top of my head the ones I remember seeing the most are "e2l" : enemies to lovers, "f2l" : friends to lovers. "au" : alternate universe. "smau": social media au, which is like a fiction that's in texts/tweets format usually with social media accounts for the characters. mm that's all I can remember if u have a question about a specific acronym don't hesitate to send me an ask!! also you're so sweet :') thank you for being so kind I really appreciate it so much <333
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✧⋙ᴀɴᴛʜʀᴀᴄᴀᴛɪᴇ ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱ���ᵍ... ✦✦✦ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ // masterlist page
⋙ 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 . . . ✧⋙ᴀɴᴛʜʀᴀᴄᴀᴛɪᴇ ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ...
ᴏʙᴇʏ ᴍᴇ! VVV
CHARACTER GUIDE!! - [ꜱᴛᴏʀɪᴇꜱ ᴍᴀʀᴋᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ᴇᴍᴏᴊɪꜱ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴ ᴛʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ] : ʟᴜᴄɪꜰᴇʀ - 💙 // ᴍᴀᴍᴍᴏɴ - 💛 // ʟᴇᴠɪᴀᴛʜᴀɴ - 🧡 // ꜱᴀᴛᴀɴ - 💚 // ᴀꜱᴍᴏᴅᴇᴜꜱ - 💖 // ʙᴇᴇʟᴢᴇʙᴜʙ - ❤️ // ʙᴇᴘʜᴇɢᴏʀ - 💜ᴅɪᴀᴠᴏʟᴏ - 🖤 // ʙᴀʀʙᴀᴛᴏꜱ - 🕰️ // ꜱɪᴍᴇᴏɴ - 🩵🪽 // ꜱᴏʟᴏᴍᴏɴ - ✨🪄 // ᴍᴇᴘʜɪꜱᴛᴏᴘʜᴇʟᴇꜱ - 🗞️ //ᴛʜɪʀᴛᴇᴇɴ - 💀 // ʀᴀᴘʜᴀᴇʟ - 🩶🪽
Cluster Writing / Imagines -
█▓▒▒░░░The Brothers░░░▒▒▓█
Dating the Demon Brothers HC [SFW!]
Brothers X Popular! GN Reader [SWF!]
✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
Dating the side dateables HC [SFW!]
▀▄▀▄▀▄The undatables▄▀▄▀▄▀
Dating the Side Characters HC [SFW!]
One-shots -
🧡 Personal Maid Service - Leviathan x GN! Reader [SFW] 🖤 Eternally By My Side - Diavolo x GN! Reader [SFW // Mild Angst] 💚 Duty Calls - NB! Satan x GN! Reader [SFW // Mild Angst] 💚 Comfort Crowd - NB! Satan x GN! Reader [SFW // Angst]
✧⋙ᴀɴᴛʜʀᴀᴄᴀᴛɪᴇ ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ...
✧⋙ ʟɪɴᴋꜱ!? // author page / intro || request info / guidelines || back to master list
#writing#writers on tumblr#x male reader#male reader#x nonbinary reader#nb reader#x gn reader#gn reader
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INTRO POSTING! (Will contain alter intros)
⭐DNI and Boundaries⭐
Interact 🌄- Doubles, Source Mates (Not c/arg! Wilbur or the Green Fucker™️), LGBTQIAA+, Therians/FictionKin/Otherhearted People/Otherkin, SFW agere/petre or agedre/petdre, Disabled/Neurodivergent people, Systems, Small Content Creators, SFW Objectum, POSIC+, andddd anyone who doesn't fall into the DNI list!
Do Not Interact 🚩- Any kind of Dream introjects please bug off, C!/ARG!Wilbur Soot Introjects, MAP/Pedo, Zoos, Transids, Trans-Racial folks, Trans Age people, Fake-Claimers, Anti Therian/Furry/Otherkin, Anti Agere/Petre, NSFW blogs/k1nk accounts, Anti introject/Fictive/Factive, anti-xenogender, proshippers (and any variants), Poppy TWT people, fetishizers, "your source memories aren't real" mfs (gtfo of here 💀)
Alright, if you fall under DNI criteria, FUCK OFF PAST THIS POINT.
If you don't fall under DNI criteria, it's free real estate, fellas./nf
Alright, now that we've weeded out the *weirdos*, leut's get moving!
📀🍄 - C!Tommy/Sparrow
Age: 16-19
Labels: Transmasculine, Apothisexual/Sex Repulsed, MLM/MLNBM, Devilgender, Poglexic, Buggender
Pronouns: (He/Pog/It/Red/Cat/Disc/Xir/Devil)
Roles: Symptom Holder, Trauma Holder, Co-Host
Facts/Interests: BIRDS/Ornithology, Loves Music, Learning to Crochet(poorly), Always making things, Dating C!Tubbo/Nuke and C!Ranboo, photography
Boundaries - SFW INTERACTION ONLY, use tone tags, don't baby vent posts, don't treat me like I'm your "favourite character/Comfort character come to life", I'm a real person just like you, no source dating, don't mention or talk about Dream at all, ask before you souce talk
☀️🐞 - CC!Tommy/Tom/Tom-Toms
Age: 16-20
Labels: Transmasculine, Bisexual
Pronouns: (He/It/Record/Leaf/Racoon/Pup)
Roles: Idiot ™️/Pos, Emotional - Processor, symptom holder
Facts/Interests: Dating CC!Ran and CC!Tubbo, wants a person chicken, Enjoys music (duh), constantly doing a bit/hsrs, photography
Boundaries: Don't ask about irl content creator discourse, Dream supporters dni, swf only, ask me about my source; I love talking about it! Poppy twt bitches *points to a cliff* there's the door/srs
��📍- Cc!Winnona (MtF cc!Tommy)
Age: 19
Labels: Big ol lesbian, Transfemme
Pronouns: (She/Bug/Fae)
Roles: Caretaker, Boundary-Protector
Facts/Interests: wants to learn the drums, wants to also learn another language, actually can cook (kinda), Dating Molly (duhh), flowers are really cool
Boundaries: Sfw interaction only, don't be a creepy weirdo, dont bring up irl content creator discourseee
🦷💿- Theseus/Exile!Tommy
Age: 13-16
Lables: Rotboy, deadboy, transmasc, apothi-aroace
Pronouns: (It/he/rot/disc/dead/corpse/xir)
Roles: Trauma holder, symptom holder, urge holder, source negative, pain hooder
Facts/Interests: very fragile, amputee (left arm at shoulder and right leg at ankle), missing his left eye
Boundaries: do not mention Dream or the smiley face in any way, do not feed his intrusive thoughts, do not bring up anything about his source, trigger things like s3lf h4rm/eating disorders/ s/a (at best, don't mention it), be gentle with him, no nsfw interaction (you will be blocked), use tone tags
🌊🌀 - ARG!Innit/Ocean
Age: 16
Labels: Corpseic, deadbolt, rotic, aro-ace, unlabeled
Pronouns: (Rot/Dig/Drop/It/They/Snow)
Roles: Symptom holder, trauma holder
Fun Facts/Interests: Always dirty, cold, or slightly wet, hates taking baths, dislikes phone-calls/ringing sounds, mostly nonverbal
Boundaries: don't mention the Halloween cricket crew stream or ARG!Bur, don't ask about source, don't be a creep, sfw only
Alright fellas, that's about the end! I wish you all a lovely day 🌹
C!Tommy/Sparrow [🍄📀]
#c!tommy fictive#Cc!Tommy introject#arginnit#DNI list#sfw blog#blog intro#Alter intros#OSDD-1B#READ DNI BEFORE YOU INTERACT!#Mellocat City - 📀🩹#🍄📀 post
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Name : Grim / Ghoul / K
Age-Range : 14 - 16
Boundaries : Tone-Tags , Don't accept FR if I haven't known you are awhile .
DNI : Age-Play , NSFW , DD : DDE , Ect
Hobbies : Drawin' , Writing , Gaming , Animating .
Ect : This is a Multi-Fandom Blog , Not everything will be the same Thing . I will not do demanding requests . I am a minor , Any 18 + Actives will be Blocked . Some drawings will contain Death and Gore . I am still learning Anatomy , Do not Trace , Repost or Redraw without my Permission .
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Welcome to The Cult Of Bill Cipher
•͙•͙ l||l •͙•͙ l||l •͙🩸•͙ l||l •͙•͙ l||l •͙•͙
We’re a group of people who have simply decided to start worshipping Bill Cipher
While the Reasons may vary, we hope you like our group.
Some Important Information:
We don’t mind if you worship other gods, beings, or whatever. All religions are welcome as long as you are respectful!
We don’t like hate, or hating on our blog. Take that else wear
We’re system, otherkin, therian, alterhuman, nonhuman, copinglink, otherlink, and stuff like that friendly.
Boundaries listed further down!
𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ❝(Said I’m the one who’s wanted for all the fires you started)❜❜ ໋ / ⋆ ۪
࣪ ⋆ .[🐈⬛, 💧, 🎨, 🎶, 🔹, ☁️, 🧡, 🪐, 🟦, 💫, 🩷, 🌊, 🖤, 💌]
ᯓ ◟(Clover)◝ 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
๋࣭ ⭑ ౨ (Minor) ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆
⋆♱ (Co-Owner for The Cult of Bill Cipher) ♱⋆
⋆ ..(Any, but she/her) ̩̩͙‧͙⭒.(Neos) ✧ ⊹ ࣪ ˖
๋࣭ ⭑ 。⋆୨ (Demi-Cupioromantic | Omnisexual) ୧˚ ⋆˙⟡
༘ *(Trans Masc/Genderfluid) *. ⋆ ✧.
➺: (Questioning System/Otherkin) ✮⋆˙
̩̩͙‧͙˚✧⁺‧͙ Requests➺: (Closed) ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა
≻──(You Knew the House was burning down, I had to get out!) ──≺
DMs: Open! Especially if you have questions, and are interested in joining! Just don’t be weird or Harass us!
SWF: This Account is run by a minor, and the over all cult is run by two. Do not be weird, do not be gross, and keep this SWF
Venting: Keep that off here! We do not want anyone to vent, and especially if it contains personal information! If you need to vent, find someone else please!
(It also gives the mod running the account anxiety, due to past relationships)
Hate: Keep any hate off the blog please! We don’t care who it is about, or what it’s about! KEEP IT OFF!
Fundraisers: Keep them off our blog. No links, no go fund mes, no nothing. Any and all fundraisers will be deleted!
Basically don’t be a jerk 🫡
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Hi hello, I'm Joan.
19 years old
Non-Binary, AroAce
Any Pronouns [Neos: e/em, star/stars, ze/zero]
Shows symptoms of ADHD and Dyslexia/Dyscalculia
This is my main/perosnal Tumblr blog. Everything goes here and it's a mess that I refuse to fix.
This one's just a basic SWF general thing.
I don't have an actual DNI list, but I will not tolerate Homophobia, Transphobia, Ableism, or anything of the sort on this page.
Feel free to interact and send asks, I like talking about my interests.
This is my Rad arc, I want to tell you about the Transformers! /ref
I do not mind interacting with older or younger users. Just be decent human beings, that's all I ask.
Other Blogs:
Other Socials:
Current Fixations/Fandoms + older ones
Transformers [Animated, Armada, Prime, Earthspark, Shattered Glass, and the Ghostbusters crossover comic]
Portal [Portal 1, Portal 2, Portal Stories: Mel, Meet the Cores, and Portal 2 the (Unauthorized) Musical]
The Amazing Digital Circus
Detroit Become Human
Twisted Wonderland
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Lego Monkie Kid
Five Nights at Freddy's
Bendy and the Ink Machine
The Ace Attorney Trilogy
Cookie Run?
Genshin Impact?
Honkai Star Rail
Owl House
Hilda (Netflix)
Lucifer (Netflix)
The Devil is a Part Timer
Spooky Month
Team Fortress 2
Dialtown: Phone Dating Sim
Red vs. Blue
The Stanley Parable
Stardew Valley
Hollow Knight
Doki Doki Literature Club
Star Wars
The Marvel Cinimatic Universe
Into the Spider-Verse/Beyond the Spider-Verse
I may or may not put those in alphabetical order later.
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Coming Back to You | Minah Lee
Minah Lee x Reader
Cw: angst, smut, fluff. MDNI. MERRY CHRISTMAS @taruusmoon. <3, also I was waiting for Minah to poat the perfect picture for this pic and she finally did, look at how fucking hot she is!!!! And happy birthday to my girl Minah Lee.
"I'm just saying that I wish you could make time for me, even for just 10 minutes!"
Here you are again, you've been arguing with your girlfriend, Minah for the nth time this week. You two were supposed to be on a date today, but she ditched you last second because she "forgot" that her team had a scheduled meeting earlier on the same time of your dinner reservation at this restaurant.
Now you're both here in your apartment, 4 am in the morning, fighting like a wedded couple once again. Minah just got back from their "meeting" which you found out that is actually a party from the fact that your girlfriend reeks of alcohol.
"Babe, you know that we've been busy with the show right? We all need to be better, do you hear what people call us? We weren't even acknowledged by the other contestants, they were just calling us 'Bada and her students'." You scoff at your girlfriend's alibi, seriously you can't even comprehend how she could say that while slurring over her words, completely obvious that she is drunk.
"You don't have time? YOU DON'T TIME?" You couldn't contain your anger anymore, "YOU DON'T HAVE FUCKING TIME, BUT YOU HAVE TIME TO GO DRINKING AND PARTYING WHILE I WAS WAITING AT THE RESTAURANT FOR 2 FUCKING HOURS?!" Tears are streaming down your cheeks, when Minah sees this, something inside her snaps almost like her system sobers up immediately.
"Baby I—" you cut her off "Let’s break up" You said it, you finally said it.
You didn't let Minah say anything else as you already walked out off your apartment, leaving her behind.
That was 4 months ago, you moved back to your parents in Busan after your break up, you didn't even bother going back to your apartment for your things, knowing that you're just going to see Minah once again.
But fate has a different plan for you. You've blocked Minah on every single social media you have, and even her phone number, but you're still somehow in touch with her leader, Bada as she is also your dance mentor. So when you received a text from her, inviting you to attend the On the Stage: Busan concert of SWF 2, your mind is split in two.
You balanced out the pros and cons of your options: You want to go to show your support to your dance teacher, but you'll see your ex again; but you can go there and show that you hold no ill will towards her, but you are also not ready to talk to her again.
You sighed in frustration as you picked up your phone and typed in your response, you just hope that you won't regret this later on.
Now here you are, sitting amongst the crowd as the teams of Street Women Fighter 2 performs on stage. You are thankful because you get to watch the performance live and you didn't get to see Minah for the most part, trying to focus on other dancers like the international crew, Jam Republic and Tsubakill, and a some dancers you're close with like Harimu from 1Million and JJ from Deep 'N Dap.
You were screaming, cheering on everyone's performance, but that is until one of the audiences' most awaited performance: Bebe's Global Artist Performance.
Cockiness (I like it) by Rihanna started playing as the stage lights illuminated the 7 girls on the center of the stage, they were all wearing a burlesque inspired outfit which really suited each one of them. You looked at the big screen and the camera immediately focuses on the person you've been wanting to avoid the most
Minah did her iconic intro once the music start and everyone around screams. You wanted to divert your focus on the other members but after seeing your hot ex girlfriend dance in that outfit, you felt your heart flutter for the first time again, almost forgetting the fact that you guys broke up a few months ago.
Not too long, the concert then concluded, all the SWF 2 teams says their goodbye to the audience and finally made their way to each to their changing rooms.
As you are on your way out of the arena, your phone buzzes from your pocket, indicating you received a text message. You fished out your phone and seeing the notification was from Bada
"There's an after party tonight, wanna come?"
You are in the same situation again as when you are invited by Bada to attend the concert. You balanced out your options once again. With the concert only you can see Minah, but you can't interact with each other which you are grateful for, but going to the after party would mean that you will be seeing and interacting with your ex-girlfriend, and that is too much for you.
You were about to type in your answer, when a familiar voice calls out to your name.
"Y/N~!" You looked at the direction where you heard the voice and saw the tall woman running towards you.
"Unnie I—" before you could even say anything she immediately pulled you to the van where the rest of team Bebe is already at, making you seat next to Lusher who is sitting next to Minah. Guess you don't really have a choice.
Just great. You thought to yourself, the rest of the Bebe girls are all talking to each other with you occasionally joining in but you couldn't really say anything else, not when you literally feel the presence of Minah near you. You are thankful enough that Lusher is seated between the two of you.
Or so you thought...
"Y/n-ie can we switch seats, I don't like seating in the middle" You looked at the poor Lusher, she's getting pale due to the uncomfortable situation. Reluctantly you let her switch seats with you, but as soon as you sat down once again, your body tenses up as soon as you brushed your arm against Minah.
She looks at you and offered a bittersweet smile before looking outside the window, minding her own business. The light from the streetlights outside cascades on Minah features, you can't help but stare at her, her now black hair that used to be dyed orange suits her better, and you can see that she wears a subtle dark eye makeup, similar to the make up she wore on their performance.
You were in a trance as you stare at her until you heard snickering behind you, Kyma, Che-Che and Sowoen were right behind you, laughing at how awestruck you are at Minah. Minah heard this also and looks at you before looking at the girls at the back.
The giggling stops as you all arrived at the party venue, the rest of the teams are inside already. Once you got in, you noticed that the members from the other teams also have their own plus one, some are their close friends, while some seems like their partners as you noticed Babysleek’s husband is also here.
The party went on, people drinks and get drunk, some dances and grinds to each other on the dance floor, and soon you too finally let loose and starts partying.
It was way past midnight now and the party is still at its peak, ‘though some are already passed out aka mostly the youngest of each team except for Haechi and Rena who are still partying like wild animals on the dance floor. You however starts to gets dizzy as the song Meddle About by Chase Atlantic blasted on the speakers, the alcohol finally getting through your systems as you now feel quite high from drunkenness. Nevertheless, you still kept dancing on the dance, grinding on the person you now failed to recognize due to the alcohol.
Unbeknownst to you the girl you are shaking your ass on is none other than Minah, her hands are on your waist as she guides your hips to match her rhythm. “Fucking hell, Y/n you’re driving me crazy” she whispers against your ear. Only then do you recognize the voice but instead of flinching away, which what you would probably do if only you were sober, you lean in more to her touch.
Your back against her chest, as you sway your hips against hers, her hands loosely wrapped around your waist while your left hand sat above it, meanwhile your other hand is reaching for her face, trying to keep her head close to yours as she whispers sweet nothings to you.
“You are so fucking beautiful…” She takes in your scent as she presses her lips on your neck before dragging her tongue against your skin. An inappropriate sound escapes from your lips and you can feel your ex-girlfriend smirks against your neck as soon as she heard it.
Her hands traveled down to your pants and started touching hour aching pussy through it. You leaned your head back more, you almost forgot that you two are still in the middle of the dance floor, thankfully everyone is drunk enough to simply ignore what you two are doing.
“Fuck…taste so good”
Here you are now, your pants now draped below your knees as you sat on the bathroom’s sink, becoming a moaning mess as your ex-girlfriend dives in between your soaking wet cunt. Tongue deep inside you accompanied by two of her fingers, simultaneously thrusting in and out of you.
“M-Minah f—uck” You couldn’t contain your moans, the effects of the alcohol finally subsided, you are now more sober than you were earlier, but now you are high on pleasure as you are about to reach your orgasm.
“Taste so fucking good. I miss this pussy of yours” Minah muttered against your folds “did you missed getting eaten out like this baby?” she dives right back in and you replied with only a pornographic moan, which only encourage Minah more.
“Such a slut for me. Tell me did you regret breaking up with me?” Minah said as she thrust her fingers inside you in a fast pace. You are already fucked out of your mind, couldn’t even construct a proper sentence as you nod your head vigorously.
“Use your words, Y/n” she looks directly at you eyes, and you did the same. You saw that behind the lust in her eyes lays a sense of hopefulness, hoping that you are telling the truth.
“Yes—YES FUCK! I miss you so much, I’m sorry I left you—ack” You are cumming, you really are close. Minah thrusted her fingers faster, while she busied her mouth once again on sucking your clit. Soon a wave of pleasure gushes on your nerves. Your breathe staggers as your legs shakes from the orgasm, your juices sprayed on Minah’s face, god she even managed to make you squirt. Minah stood up from her position and went up to kiss you which you willingly accepts.
“Please give me another chance, Y/n… I promise I’ll be better, I’ll never leave you alone again.” You saw the sincerity on her eyes and you answered her by pulling her again for a kiss.
Outside the bathroom is a poor Tatter who has been wanting to go to the bathroom for quite some time now, only to be welcomed by the moans of her best friends.
A/n: there you go @taruusmoon, I figured to just post it on Minah’s birthday instead but this also serves as your late Christmas present hope you liked it <3
#minah lee x reader#minah lee fic#minah x reader#minah lee#bada lee fanfic#bebe#bebe x reader#swf2 x reader#swf 2 x reader#swf x reader#nique's ask#bada lee x reader#bada x reader#bada lee x y/n#lee bada x reader
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heloo! happy holiday everyone, hope when you are reading this you are having a good time 🌟 so i am doing a little event, welcome! without further ado what is this event actually?
INTRO — so, in this small event, when you put in an entry, i will give you: a playlist made of 3-5 songs, two 2x3 moodboards, and a ‘part’ of a fic — it could be a summary + 2 excerpts or 3 excerpts. so pretty much, i give you a ‘what if this is a fic?’ ehe ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ however, as of now, the event is CLOSED!
before we go on, some stuffs you should know ❀
you can enter your entry through my inbox!
fandom: blue lock (all major characters), genshin impact (all playable characters, but only platonics for the kids ofc), twisted wonderland (all nrc cast)
this is an sfw event in an swf blog, so while i will ask for tropes, please do stick to sfw ones!
anyone can you join this event! and while anon can enter this event, i advice to just use your acc! so in case i feel like i need to ask something—either if something i feel is not sfw or need more info—i can immediately go to your inbox. but of course, the “i will ball” option exist.
and of course, be polite and patient! :> i will try to do it as quick as possible, but please do remember that i have other stuffs including my rl and this is a thing for both you and me to have fun too. i believe in you though, hehe ( ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ) …also, if you greet or talk a bit to me before you go on to your request, i will appreciate it, in a very ‘grandma waiting for her grandchildren visit’ way ahaha ( ;´ - `;)
going on, what should you submit?
number one, is of course, your choosen series & fave!
two, do you want this to be an au or not? if you do want au, which one do you want? i will give some examples and list to help after this (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡
three, give me 2-4 tropes to work with! of course, i will take creative liberties though hahaha i will also leave a list in case you need help (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡
four, as we are a reader insert blog, tell me about yourself! :> from your alias, your likes & dislikes, your personality, your zodiac sign, your mbti, hobbies, favorite movies, love language, and such as! the more, the better!
five, are you okay with songs that is not sung in english? because i might put songs in other languages (most probably japanese or indonesian) & classical musics. so in case you prefer it to be just english just tell me okay
six, do you want angst or we go full fluff? :> yes. very important.
an optional question that you can skip if you want, what is your favorite part from your fave? which part of him that charmed you? you can go on with a paragraph, a whole new message, or a simple ‘they can cook. they hot.’
a menu to help you, though you can call it a suggestion!
post canon au
high school au
college au — if you pick this, heads up, you can put your and your fave’s major, or you can leave it up to me!
soulmate au — if you want to add additional note like ‘string of fate’, ‘timer’, ‘soulmark’ the better
royalty au
fantasy au
writer / artist au
office au
spy / detective / crime au — phantom thief au is included here too hoho
coffee shop au
florist au
roommates au
time travel au
and so the list goes on! just suggest anything you like :> explanation or additional notes could be added!
arranged marriage
second chances
enemies to lover
friends to lover
strangers to lover / meet cute
pinning / mutual pinning
childhood friends
fake dating
drunken confession
body swap
vacation / holiday
and so on! you can of course add what is not listed here :>
with that said, that's all. i hope you will have fun on this first time little thing i have ahaha. have a nice day and take care! ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
#bllk x reader#bllk imagines#blue lock x reader#genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#genshin imagines#blue lock imagines#genshin impact imagines#twst x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#twst imagines#twisted wonderland imagines#₊˚⊹♡ a tune; an image; and a story.
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