#sweetie you need therapy
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dozysloth · 10 months ago
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i am having WAY too much fun with random incorrect quote generators.
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crab-people-overlord · 3 months ago
I thought it would be fun to start a series of character analyses using different personality typing frameworks and South Park characters. Obviously, before I share my first, a disclaimer: SP isn’t gospel truth for psychological analysis, and characters can obviously be analyzed in different ways. My views on them also aren’t the gospel truth lol. Also, personality typing is in no way a real science. This is all just for fun.
Anyways, with all that aside…. My first topic is regarding the Big Five’s concept of Neuroticism. 
Both these kids clock in around 60-65% Neurotic (and honestly, they'd probably score even higher if they weren't literal children. That said, either of their neuroticism can go down with age). 
But holy shit the way Stan and Kyle express it couldn’t be more different.
Kyle’s neuroticism comes with a side of ‘fuck you, I’m right.’
He’s often the morality police, screaming at Cartman every five minutes (which is valid tbh). His triggers are injustice, idiocy, and anything that violates his moral code. This results in intense emotional outbursts that are often angry. Some things to note about Kyle’s neuroticism:
His anxiety and reactivity are highly situational. When something crosses his moral line (or… uh… someone), it’s go-time. He becomes righteous and indignant, and he is extremely non-confrontational and not afraid to get in arguments, both physical or verbal.
That said, when the stakes aren’t high, Kyle can be pretty chill and logical. He’s not neurotic all the time - just when his morals get challenged, making him fight for what he believes is the greater good.
Stan’s neuroticism is a lot more… emo/goth compared to Kyle’s fiery moral crusading.
It’s quieter, more existential, and more depressing than anxious. He’s not here to argue with you; he’s here to silently judge you while he descends into a more innerly nihilistic worldview. 
His emotional struggles are more constant than Kyle’s more reactive form. His neuroticism is much more quiet, but also more pervasive and brooding. Unlike Kyle, he doesn’t often explode - he implodes. His negativity simmers under the surface, manifesting as cynicism, withdrawal, nonchalance, and overall seeing everything as shit. 
When triggered, unless it’s for something he can still find the energy to raise passion for like animals, Stan doesn’t fight the world like Kyle does. He gives it the middle finger and checks out entirely (and can be quite sensitive and angsty while doing so). 
Kyle’s Neuroticism is visible, righteous, and fiery as fuck, leading to loud moral crusades and heated arguments. He’s someone who will yell at you for going against his morals, but also help you with your homework because he cares. His neuroticism is like a weapon he points outward (often at Cartman). And while many may view Kyle on the surface-level as being more stereotypically ‘neurotic’ than Stan, when he’s not actively fighting moral battles, he can actually keep his shit together pretty well. 
Stan’s neuroticism is brooding, depressing, and angsty. It’s like a black hole inside him that occasionally swallows his will to live.  He's less explosive but more consistently done with this shit. While Kyle's fighting the good fight, Stan is wondering if any fight even fucking matters at all.
Neither of them has a more ‘correct’ approach - they’re just different. Anyways, interested to hear other’s takes, especially on what you think other SP character’s Neuroticism percentages may be and how they add to Stan and Kyle’s!
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spectralhaunts · 11 days ago
Seeing people reblog the Vace sticker with positive notes about the character has been one of the best experiences genuinely. It’s so nice to see other people see this extremely fucked up lil guy and go look at this product of toxic masculinity instead of hating on him. Let us study this fucked up blorbo. Let us tear away the layers to reveal the trauma of living on a ship where your value is directly linked to often “masculine” things.
Man. I have so many thoughts about him.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months ago
Omg...... Like Mother, Like Daughter is doomed Yuri (half yuri? One sided yuri?). TT0TT Sol doesn't feel the same way I'm pretty sure (sadly), but Som is DEF down bad. TT0TT And Som's not exactly the most mentally stable jakfjdksalfj (I think she has a bit of a "Sol's my pet" vibe going on as well. Som means well but she is NOT healthy either jfakslfj oh this is just going to be a fucking wreck I'm ready let's GO!)
(spoilers under cut, also under cut cause length and pictures)
Like she saw the boy Sol is hanging out with and was just ">:("
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*sobbing* She is SO DONE when she finds out they are dating TT0TT
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*sobs* ahhhh! klasjfdk OhmyGOAD SHE is tREMBLING as Sol tells her how she got with the guy TT0TT
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She is literally SULLEN that Sol and guy have been dating FOR A MONTH! she looks os SICK TT0TT
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My poor girl is literally doing the Arthur fist clench with her fist TT0TT
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Som! Som! Girlie! I don't think this is just a friendship for you anymore.
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"Anyone can see at first glance that he's good for nothing. But how does she not see that?"
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"To be honest, I wish they'd break up" NO YOU DON'T SAY???? nEVER WOULD'VE GUESS!
Oh I was just here for the matricide but I've been blessed with more angst! Let's goooooo!!!!!!!!!
#“i'm sorry silly.... what's this about matricide?” Her moms a killer and killed her brother and she's just an absolute controlling pscyho-#-to the point som thought SHE was going to die before she got to high school if she didn't get perfect grades#lady deserves it but this isn't about her atm#like mother like daughter#like mother like daughter webtoon#like mother like daughter spoilers#i need to yap about this i'm sorry TT0TT#i had a feeling when she said 'life partner' in the other episode#the korean word can mean like an actual romantic partner buuuuut one of the words has been associated with pets#and she did compare sol to a pet in a sense#Somyung Gil#Look-Alike Daughter#똑 닮은 딸#webtoon#oh wait i never posted the other thing kafjdlksajflk TT0TT#som sweetie let's not call your crush a “stray dog”#the term you are looking for is “girlfriend”#now go listen to “i wanna ruin our friendship” and “good luck babe” you'll feel better#ugh I skipped a head a few chapters and the author is pushing some guys on som TT0TT#(I don't mind the boys they're cute but ahfkljsaklf you got me ATTACHED to Sol don't switch up on me now???)#For real tho Som needs therapy not a partner. Get her away from her mom and let her recover#I love how it's showing her slowly spiral into a villain arc and yesss I saw her becoming way too obsessed with Sol but oof there's some#def romantic tension in there and that's juicy#But right now things are just going to get worse if Som stays near her mom TT0TT#hopefully this thriller isn't a tragedy I need my girl to win!
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sangelune · 8 months ago
" i'm fine, just. . . give me a minute. " soap man for ghostie
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   “johnny  -” 
   it's  strained,  and  ghost  recoils  at  the  sound  of  his  own  voice.  the  hand  he'd  outstretched  stops,  fingers  curling  in  toward  his  palm.  he  takes  it  back  to  his  side  and  shifts  his  entire  head,  turning  it  to  the  side  and  staring  off  into  the  night,  narrowing  his  eyes.  he  can't  calm  the  anxiety  that  had  risen  in  his  chest,  nor  quiet  the  whispers  of  rage  that  travel  in  his  very  blood. 
   he'll  never  be  fucking  normal.  he  feels  more  like  a  caged  animal  than  he  ever  did  before  when  he's  next  to  soap.  when  soap  gets  hurt,  when  soap  is  in  trouble  -  it's  a  knife  that  keeps  twisting,  buried  so  deep  in  his  veins  if  he  pulled  it  free  he'd  exsanguinate  in  seconds. 
   you  don't  know  what  you  fuckin'  do  to  me,  johnny.  you  don't. 
   “be'er  no'  be  lyin'  to  me.”  his  accent  slips  through  -  and  he  mentally  chastises  himself.  letting  it  slip.  he's  on  duty.  this  is  a  fucking  mission.  he  can  trust  soap.  he  can.  there  shouldn't  be  any  itch  in  the  back  of  his  mind  to  act.  he  shouldn't  - 
   he  shouldn't  care. 
   it  strikes  him  in  the  moment,  and  everything  goes  cold.  his  chest  seizes  up,  and  he  closes  his  eyes  to  steady  himself.  the  outside  never  shows  the  inner  turmoil.  he  was  far  too  good  at  covering  it  up.  he  knows  at  a  quick  glance  he'd  look  mildly  exasperated.  but  to  the  more  discerning  eye,  his  body  is  far  too  tensed  up  for  that. 
   shouldn't  care  -  yet  he  does.  this  fucking  sergeant  cracked  open  his  god  damn  ribs  and  crawled  inside  his  chest  making  a  home  there.  and  ghost  let  him.  dark  brown  eyes  snap  open  and  direct  their  gaze  to  the  night  sky.  clear.  if  only  his  mind  would  reflect  that. 
   make  a  fucking  judgement  call.  you're  the  lieutenent  for  fucks  sake. 
   “should  find  somewhere  to  rest  anyway  then.”  he  hears  his  calm  return  to  his  tone.  tactical,  neutral.  ghost.  “you  in  good  enough  shape  to  help  set  up  a  rest  point?”
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floral-hex · 2 years ago
I’m fucking disabled
#I had this conversation with my therapist last week. I’ll give you the secret HIPAA breaking rundown#I HATE calling myself disabled#I don’t know why. there’s no shame in it. it’s just ya know it’s just what I am#but I still can’t get it into my head that yes I’m kinda fucking disabled#because here I am sitting on this creaky futon unable to understand anything anyone is saying to me bc my hearing is so bad#it’s a bad hearing day! it happens! some days are good! today is very much not so good!#so I told my therapist I’m way cool with telling people I have mental health issues#but when it comes to hearing it’s ‘oh no I’m not REALLY disabled. I just uhhhhh can’t uhhh fuckin hear sometimes 🤷🏻‍♂️ that’s normal right?’#and he’s like no my sweet boy you are disabled you need to own that shit#okay… he didn’t say it like that but this is my flashback please let me have this#let me be a sweetie boy in my own mind#he said it’s usually the reverse: people don’t like to admit mental health issues but will mention physical disabilities#I just… I spent 30 something years with great hearing and then it all just got taken from me out of the blue and no one knows why#and I hate that. I’m so angry. I’m so fucking angry and scared and alone#and I hate admitting that yes I am disabled. like really disabled. it feels like defeat.#and it shouldn’t. like I said it’s just kinda what I am now. It’s like saying I breathe or I’m allergic to birds. it just is me.#sorry I’m just having a rough day#I got about an hour of sleep and now I’m holding down the fort while a home inspector and the new buyer look through the house#and I can’t talk to either of them. I can’t understand them talking to each other. it’s isolating.#I have therapy later and I’m hoping I’ll be able to communicate and hear during it. I really just need someone to talk to#I miss talking to people in person. I can still do that it just can take a bit of work and I hate subjecting people to putting up with me#I feel so needy. I just want some human connection. I want to know I can still make this work.#gosh this is whiny. sorry about that. just needed a quick vent to get me through the next few hours#anyway I love you. probably. maybe… ehhh#you can ignore this#text
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dootznbootz · 1 year ago
Leo's story is so much sadder to me than Shane's story in Stardew Valley. TO ME.
Like? He's just a little boy washed up on an island by himself for who knows HOW long. And that moment where he asks if there are other kids where you're from? Before looking down and then saying how he realizes he's different and that he's alone??? LIKE?!?! I'LL FUCKING ADOPT YOU! YOU'RE NOW MY BOY NOW! YOU'RE A SWEET LITTLE KID AND YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE SO MANY NEW FRIENDS!
Shane's story is good and sweet and I know it resonates with a lot of people but I just love this kid. I'll catch you up in school. There's a farm so lots of animals for him? LIKE FUCK! I know he ends up living with Linus (which is a good fit for him) but THIS KID IS SO SWEET
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astrolook · 15 days ago
Moon in the houses
Moon in the 1st House: Emotions? Yeah, I’m wearing them like a neon sign.
Mood Swings? Who Needs a Weather App? – One minute, you're on cloud nine, ready to conquer the world, and everyone around you is like, "Wow, you're so inspiring!" . The next minute, you're in a full-on emotional hurricane, and people are like, “Uh, is everything okay?” Yep, they can literally see the storm clouds forming.
You’re basically an emotional X-ray for anyone who needs to know how you're feeling. Super helpful in knowing exactly where you stand.
You have the perfect built-in therapist, your mom, who never asks for a copay and always responds with “I love you, sweetie.”
Moon in 1st gives you a youthful young face. If a man, could be a mama boy. On the flip side, mommy could be overbearing.
When you're happy, you radiate positivity like the sun itself. You make everyone around you feel like they’ve just had a shot of espresso… without the jitters. But when you're in a mood, watch out. It’s like the ocean’s about to swallow up the entire coast. You can go from zero to “I’m emotionally drowning, help!” in 0.3 seconds.
Moon in the 2nd House: The Emotional Shopping Spree - You feel things, and you buy things. Repeat.
When you're feeling happy, it’s like “treat yo' self” day, and suddenly you’ve got 14 new pairs of socks that totally spoke to you in the store. Feeling stressed? Well, it's probably time for a little retail therapy... because nothing says “I’m handling my feelings” like buying a $50 scented candle you’ll never use.
Impulsive purchases. When your emotions take a dive, so does your bank account. "I'm sad, I need a new purse."
When someone asks how you're feeling, your response might just be, "Well, I bought a new jacket, so I’m feeling fabulous."
Your Emotions Are Always on Sale. You're like, “You know what would make me feel even better? A cute new scarf!” Because nothing says “I’m emotionally balanced” like a $15 markdown.
You love investing in things that make you feel good—whether it’s a cozy home, a nice meal, or that perfectly curated playlist you bought (yep, it’s a thing). Your finances are tied to your emotional health like a carefully organized spreadsheet.
Moon in the 3rd House: The Over thinker's Hotline - You think, you feel, you text… then you overthink it all.
Your emotions are running wild and they need to talk. A LOT. Like, you’ll have a deep emotional moment and then immediately text your bestie about it, but also text your mom for a second opinion, and then maybe send a message to a group chat for a third—just to make sure everyone’s on the same emotional page.
You’re the Emotional Wi-Fi of your social circles—always transmitting and receiving feelings, whether anyone asked or not.
You overanalyze everything. Sent a text at 11:30 PM? Now you’re wondering if that emoji you used in your response was “too much.” Did they think you were crying in that voice message, or just, like, “really emotionally engaged”? You end up spiral-commenting under your own messages. "Wait, I wasn’t mad, I swear!" Cue overthinking every single word.
You’re emotionally open, but also maybe one text away from sending an entire novel about your mood swings. If you have a Moon in Aquarius in 3rd house, you are very much into conspiracy theories.
The overthinking is so strong, even Siri gets nervous. “Did I say that correctly? Does it sound too emotional? Let me try that again, Siri, do you think they’ll understand?"
Moon in the 4th House: Home is Where the Feelings Are - Your emotions? Oh, they're all cozy in your emotional fortress… with snacks.
If you're ever feeling down, you know exactly where to retreat: the couch, surrounded by blankets, a mountain of snacks, and probably a weirdly specific playlist of “emotional” songs you know no one else understands.
Your vibe says, "Come on in, let me feed you, and here’s a blanket!" You’re basically the human version of a warm cup of tea.
On the flip side, you can get way too attached to your personal space. Don’t even think about messing with your “comfort zone,” because that zone is sacred. You might find yourself overly attached to places, people, and objects in your home that just... feel right.
If someone says something you don’t like, you might retreat into your home and pretend to reorganize your kitchen for the next four hours. Not because it’s necessary... but because it’s emotionally satisfying.
If there’s food involved and your loved ones nearby, you’re ready for some serious heart-to-hearts.
Moon in the 5th House: The Drama Queen of Feelings - Life’s a stage, and you're always in the mood for a performance.
Your feelings take center stage like you’re auditioning for a Broadway show every single day. You’re all about self-expression, fun, and creating joy—because, let’s face it, life’s too short to not have an emotional karaoke session on a Tuesday night.
Moon in 5th bestows with a girl child. Of course, we need to check whether it is associated with any other planets.
Professions like actor or any artistic professions fits you. You can turn any situation into a joyous celebration and make even the most mundane things feel like a special event.
The flip side? When you're down, it's like the curtains close on the show, and you’re the star in a drama you didn’t sign up for. You may exaggerate your emotions a little (okay, a lot)—an offhand comment from a friend turns into a full-blown emotional musical number. Cue the tears, dramatic exits, and possibly a solo performance on why no one understands your very deep feelings.
You’re basically the person who gets emotionally invested in every movie, reality show, and Instagram post you see and also celebrities.
Moon in the 6th House: The Emotional Overachiever - Feelings? I’ll just organize them into a to-do list.
With the Moon in the 6th House, you take your emotions very seriously—like, spreadsheet-level seriously. You're not just feeling your feelings, you're tracking them, analyzing them, and organizing them with the same precision of a perfectly color-coded calendar.
Your home? Probably a Zen-like temple of organization. You could be a productivity guru and an emotional support animal all rolled into one.
You’re probably the person who compulsively checks your horoscope, wellness app, and to-do list while also making sure you're drinking enough water—because, yes, your emotional health must be on track.
Service - oriented professions.
Probably keeps a journal. Your motto - "Productivity meets therapy!"
Moon in the 7th House: Emotional Rollercoaster + Relationship Drama
You Have a PhD in Relationships – You analyze, you nurture, you feel. Basically, you’re the emotional therapist of every relationship/partnership you’re in.
Emotional Dependency? Yup, It's Real – Your partner's mood? It's now your mood. If they’re happy, you're on cloud nine. If they're sad, well, buckle up, emotional crash ahead!
You Can’t Just "Date" Someone—You Feel Them – It's never just a date night. It's a journey. You’ll be emotionally invested before the appetizers even arrive.
If your partner says, “I’m fine,” but their voice cracks, you’re immediately putting on your emotional detective hat. Something’s definitely wrong.
Your partner's mood shifts and you’re already planning a 5-step plan to emotionally heal them. Just call you “Dr. Love.”
Moon in the 8th House: The Emotional Detective with a Dark Twist
If emotions were a rollercoaster, you’d be the one flipping the safety bar off and screaming, "Let’s go faster!"
Family gatherings? More like family mysteries. You can feel the unspoken tension, and you’re practically Sherlock Holmes, trying to figure out what’s being left out. Every holiday dinner has a side of “What aren’t they telling me?"
When you lose your virginity, you could even hide it from your family.
Being vulnerable with you is like peeling an onion—layer after emotional layer until someone’s crying. Sometimes you overshare, sometimes you say, “I’m fine,” but everyone knows you’re not. You can’t help it.
You can turn pain into growth like a magical wizard. Hurt feelings? Great, now you’re ready for transformation. You take all that emotional mess and somehow turn it into deep wisdom—or a really great, tear-filled diary entry. Either way, it’s epic.
Moon in the 9th House: The Emotional Philosopher on a Soul-Searching Road Trip
Your emotions don’t stay local. You feel them on an international level, like, “Why am I feeling so deep right now? Is this about my past life in a distant land or because I watched a documentary on the Amazon?” Your emotions are basically the United Nations of your soul.
Family & Friends Talks Are Like TED Talks – When you try to explain your feelings to family/friends, it’s less “Hey, I’m upset” and more “Here’s a 45-minute monologue on the meaning of life, and also I read a book on existentialism last week.”
One minute you’re high on life, quoting philosophy, and the next, you’re googling “Why does everything feel so overwhelming?” You’ll go from thinking you’re a wise sage to wanting to crawl into bed and watch Netflix documentaries. Your moods are basically a journey, so pack your bags.
You can't just feel something—you need to analyze, interpret, and probably give it a name. "I feel anxious. Is this anxiety or is it just me tapping into the collective consciousness of humanity?
You’re an Emotional Nomad – You can’t sit still. Emotionally, you need to keep moving, exploring, learning, and growing. "Home? Well, I feel emotionally connected to 17 different places.
Moon in the 10th House: The Emotional CEO of Life
Your emotions are always on display like you’re giving a TED Talk about your deepest feelings.
You don’t just work; your career is an emotional journey. “Am I feeling fulfilled at work? If not, should I change my entire career path? Do I need a promotion to feel better about myself?!” Your job? Basically your emotional therapist, but with more PowerPoint presentations.
Public approval is your emotional fuel, and you’re like, “Did I mention I’m emotionally attached to other’s opinion of me?”
Your mood? It directly impacts your work ethic. When you’re emotionally stable, you’re like, “Let’s take over the world.” But when you're upset? You’re still working, but you’re crying in the break room, making dramatic phone calls to your loved ones.
You’re emotionally invested in how the world sees you. You need to be the best at everything, but emotionally—"Did I look too emotional during my presentation? Was my inner turmoil apparent?" It’s a lot of pressure to keep it all together, but hey, it’s worth the “likes”.
Moon in the 11th House: The Emotional Social Butterfly Who Forgets Why They Came to the Party!
People love your warm, nurturing energy, and your squad is basically a second family. Just be careful—you might adopt every stray friend like a lost puppy. You could even get in trouble for helping your friend.
One day, you're the life of the party, the next, you’re ghosting everyone because feelings. People around you should have learned to just roll with it.
If you are feeling bad, you might turn to strangers online for some emotional support.
You’re energized by like-minded people and might thrive in large social circles, community work, or even fan clubs (yes, you might cry over your favorite celebrity’s life updates).
You might bend over backward to fit into a group, even if it means suppressing your own needs. That’s right—you RSVP to events you know you don’t want to go to, then regret it immediately.
Moon in the 12th House: The Emotional Mystic Who Feels Everything & Nothing at Once
congratulations—you’ve unlocked "Feelings: Hardcore Mode." Your emotions live in the deep, mysterious waters of the subconscious, making you an intuitive, dreamy, and sometimes tragically misunderstood soul. You might love solitude but also feel unbearably lonely, sense energies others miss, and randomly cry for no reason (or is there always a reason?).
Your intuition is next-level. You pick up on vibes, unspoken emotions, and even spiritual messages like a human radio antenna. Your relationship with your mother could feel distant, mysterious, or full of unspoken emotions. Either she was deeply spiritual and nurturing or emotionally unavailable and hard to read.
Unlike most, you actually enjoy being alone. Your inner world is rich, and isolation helps you recharge from the chaos of life.
Even in a crowded room, you might feel disconnected. You crave deep emotional bonds but struggle to express your own feelings.
Emotional stress can manifest physically—sleep issues, mysterious body aches, or just always feeling tired for no reason.
You might secretly love someone from afar rather than openly express your feelings. (Just confess already!). You crave deep, spiritual connections but may self-sabotage by isolating yourself. You love soulmate vibes, but fear vulnerability.
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jinwoosbabyboo · 6 months ago
"Big Girls Cry Too"
The LADS Men walking in on you having a good cry after bottling everything up and that one bad day at work was the final straw. Look even the baddest bitches cry doesn’t change the fact that mc (all of us) is still the baddest. [Requested by: Anon]
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Zayne: Are you hurt?
MC: I'm just tired
Zayne: Did you not sleep well last night?
MC: Mentally Zayne im just.....I don't know
Zayne: Talk to me what’s troubling you?
MC: I can’t find the words
Zayne: Well then just say anything I'll piece it together as you go
MC: I just .... I feel so ..... but I can't .. and today was just ..... I don't know
Zayne: You're just overworking yourself to keep your mind off your grandma and Caleb but you want a break however you can't seem to catch one and today was the straw that broke the camels back?
MC: What are you a mind reader?
Zayne: No I'm an MC reader
He would sit with you and hold you in his arms while you were a blubbering mess.
Zayne: I'll stay right here for as long as you need
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Rafayel: I told you to stop abandoning me for that place look what its done to you
MC: Not now Raf im tired
Rafayel: I know
MC: So stop making jokes
Rafayel: Do you want to talk about it?
MC: No
Rafayel: Do you want me to leave?
MC: *sniffles* No
Rafayel: Good I wasn’t going to *throws you over his shoulder*
MC: Where are we going?!
Rafayel: For a swim it always makes me feel better
MC: I just want to lay in bed
Rafayel: Trust me a dip in the water with me is like free therapy
MC: ….
Rafayel: You trust me?
MC: I trust you
Rafayel: Good I'll do anything to see those tears stop
MC: You’re too good to me
Rafayel: Next time you need to cry call me … I have two shoulders just for you
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Xavier: Who upset you?
MC: Everything
Xavier: I can’t fight everything
MC: Why not I’m tired of it all
Xavier: What’s going on?
MC: I just need a good cry from time to time
Xavier: How often is ‘time to time’
MC: …..twice a week
Xavier: Come here
MC: *lays on top of Xavier as he rubs your back*
Xavier: Feeling better?
MC: actually ….. yea …. Is this why you lay on me all the time?
Xavier: You’re like a human battery recharger … my personal charger
MC: Are you sad every time ?
Xavier: Not every time but sometimes
MC: Oh I never noticed
Xavier: That’s because being around you makes me happy
MC: Can I lay here for a while ….. please
Xavier: Will that make you happy?
MC: *sniffles & nods*
Xavier: I’ll be your human body pillow whenever you want
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Sylus: Are you crying?
MC: *sniffles* no
Sylus: You’re a terrible liar sweetie
MC: I had a tough day at work
Sylus: A tough day at work huh?
MC: ….yea
Sylus: Sweetie it’s okay to cry in front of me I know you’ve been bottling up your emotions
MC: You don’t know anything
Sylus: I know this will help *Starts giving you a scalp massage*
MC: You don’t know if it’s helping …… but don’t stop
Sylus: I didn’t plan to …. come here
Sylus takes a seat on the bed and moves you to straddle his lap. You lay your head on his shoulder while he continues to massage your scalp with one hand and rub your back with the other.
MC: Don’t you have work to do?
Sylus: You are always a top priority princess
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puppetwoman17 · 4 months ago
I want to read more comics and fanfics about Cap/Billy being a respected member of the hero community.
But at the SAME TIME, I want to read something where his attempts to make friends is seen as too eager or boyish and he’s ostracized, so as he grows up he understands that he needs to dial it down. He begins backing off and letting people do their own thing. He doesn’t try to hang out with the younger hero teams, but makes it clear that he’s always there if they need him, because he’s a sweetie. He talks less with JL members, not significantly, but just so he’s not talking way more than he has to.
Everyone’s noticed. They are worried.
Billy grows up, gets reunited with his sister, connects more with his Whiz Radio coworkers, gets along with the Bromfields, meets and connects with other Fawcett heroes and finally gets his own apartment(with illegal means but shush I guarantee you someone else has done much worse). He’s getting his life together day by day and he’s more sure of himself.
Heavy on Fawcett heroes btw. They clock him being CC’s kid immediately. What do you mean the JL doesn’t like him? What’s their problem with our boy😡?
Little subtleties with other heroes… Because why is Cap not talking to me anymore? Why do I have to steer the conversation?
Did I do something wrong?
Did I fuck up?
Was I too mean?
He just wants to hang out. Isn’t that what being part of a team is?
He just wants to be friends like the rest of us are.
Cue young and older heroes alike trying their damn hardest to get Cap to join them for a game night or gossip session or joint mission where there doesn’t need to be a joint mission and Billy is just confuzzled.
He’s busy, sorry! (He’s cleaning up the radio station for a birthday party)
Something came up, you know how schedules can be. (Mary wants him to see his first opera. Billy is a yes man)
A friend of mine needs some help! Really sorry, I wish I could! (Ebenezer is about to die. He wants to watch the moment the light leaves his eyes. No, Mary, he doesn’t need therapy. No Freddy, he doesn’t need a hug right—fuck it, give him a hug)
Because even without knowing, the her community watched him grow up. And, like adult figures and parents in a child’s life, they miss the way things used to be. It confuses them, especially the younger heroes.
Oh, then an identity reveal happens and everything makes so much sense and they all feel so so so bad but Billy’s like “Hey, it’s no big deal! Everyone gets busy! And I’ve got lots of other friends to confide in!”
He says this with a smile on his face but it sounds like an insult. Now the JL and younger heroes are grappling with the fact that this whole time they’ve just been parental figures who miss when their kid was clingy🥺
LOL, TOO BAD. Freddy’s taking him to a game tonight. He’s got front row seats and extra cotton candy coupons! Suck on that!
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pomefioredove · 6 months ago
I LOVED the stim headcanons sm! it scratched my autistic brain in a good way :333
I was wondering if you could possibly do headcanons with the rest of Diasomnia, Pomefiore, and Heartslabyul with the same premise (the stimming thing)? I can see Trey being very accommodating for the reader :3
Thank you! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
hi anon I was in therapy yesterday for the first time in a while and when I got out I realized I had been stimming the ENTIRE time
dorm leaders + jamil
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ reader who stims!
type of post: headcanons characters: ace, deuce, trey, cater, epel, rook, sebek, silver, lilia additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu
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now, I don't think Ace makes fun of it, but he definitely...
"you're doing that thing again,"
listen, it's not that it bothers him, or distracts him. it's not even weird!
he just... finds you really... interesting?
will say you're an "interesting critter fr bro" and leave it
Deuce is the complete opposite
he will never ever say anything about your stims
won't even ask
he just really doesn't want to be rude. he's not that guy anymore!
(you don't know how to tell him that he stims without realizing it)
he's like your knight in shining armor... kind of
guys I hate to say it but Cater has 100% armchair diagnosed most of the people he knows
and like... he's right... but come on!
at least he usually keeps it to himself. so when he picks up on your stimming he just... doesn't say anything
it's just another nice little tidbit of information on you :) of which he has many
for normal reasons
of course
now, Trey is a sweetie, as always
but he's also a liar
he is not, in fact, "this nice to everyone"
he actually does the bare minimum he needs to do to get by
the guy is spoiling you
making sure you're fed and warm and comfortable the moment you step over the threshold
stimming is no problem
if you like the feeling of dough, or the sound of eggs cracking, he'll have you in the kitchen with him :)
he rather likes you, and your stims
I know Rook's autistic self isn't about to say anything
but, really, he already stims. subtly, but constantly
and seeing you mirror his own behaviors...
he is smitten
as if he couldn't grow any fonder of you...
now, unless it becomes upsetting or harmful, he sees no reason to stop you. he rather likes watching your every little move
and Epel is a loyal little thing
once you're his, that's it, it's over, you could literally kill someone and he'd show up with bleach and a mop like "where's the body"
so, yeah
some humming or tapping or clicking isn't going to bother him
honestly half the time he doesn't even notice
bro is too busy fighting his sensory issues with his uniform
(the sensory issues are winning)
Sebek scolds you for distracting him
he can already hardly think straight when his eyes are always drawn to you!!! >:(
now you're moving, too?!
he can't help but stare, which just upsets him more
it's not until Lilia takes your side that he calms down
the aforementioned having his own... quirks
(and much louder ones, too)
this is all background noise for Silver
is he just used to it? is he currently half-asleep and wouldn't notice if a bomb went off behind him?
who's to say!
he's passing out on your shoulder while you repeat the same word over and over either way
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koralcove · 4 months ago
okay, but like... the thought of sylus and xavier of how they generally are in bed... like, i think some ppl get them swapped up, coz like...
everyone's saying that sylus is such a beast in bed and would absolutely demolish you until your legs feel like you'd need to go through physical therapy to walk again... and they're absolutely right.
i also hear those who say that sylus is an absolutely soft and sensual lover in bed, and honestly, that version speaks TRUTH. because, HAVE YOU SEEN THAT MAN WITH US?! the way his character progresses with becoming absolutely, indescribably, adoringly soft with us. the big bad, dark and mysterious, cold-blooded, ruthless leader of onychinus is willing to do things out of his element just because we think it's fun. you want matching cute onesies? he's already purchased a pair for us. you want to go take silly photos together and hang out in an amusement park where he could be publicly seen doing mundane and questionably harmless activities that personally don't look like it suits his style? if that's what you want, then he's not opposed to it.
that man is absolutely soft with us, and you can't tell me that he wouldn't prefer to make sweet, deep, lovin' with his darling. the way he'd want to be pressed impossibly close to you, your body so soft against him, taking every bit of effort to not rush into this intimate moment with you because he wants to feel every inch of your skin tracing on his fingertips. he wants to prolong the sensation of your warmth radiating to him, shushing your whines with his deep baritones of, "there there, sweetie. no need to rush, i'm not going anywhere," always with that teasing lilt in his voice, but it can't cover up the adoration spilling out of him.
and god, he'd be gentle with you. he knows you can take what he gives you, knows what you're capable of. but damn, he couldn't resist giving you all that gentle devotion because you're just so precious to him. and through all the rough edges of his living, he wants to give you something tender. wants to bare how putty you make him just from your presence alone. he doesn't think of it as a weakness. in fact, it fuels his fire of making sure to stake his claim on you properly by giving you all you deserve. and he always sets the pace. wants you to feel how absolutely weak-kneed you make him in an imitation of his light touches that set small sparks of desire on your skin, pressing searing kisses on you as an invisible brand until he finally gives in to the lust gnawing at him, but making sure to always, always, be careful with you.
and then, there's xavier...
xavier with his cherub-like features that you think can do no harm if you didn't know him well enough. with how he looks like a constantly clueless puppy that you can easily please with the temptation of a nap time, you'd think he'd be the type to go with some lazy, intimate love making with you while you're both half-awake... which is not wrong, really, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
as someone who goes with the flow, xavier is not opposed to anything you would suggest, even if the idea itself seems outlandish, then that boy is down (just like how down bad he is for you). you wanna be on top? cool, no problem with him being the pillow princess. you want him to take you from behind? he'll give you an absolutely mind-blowing back shot. but the kicker with xavier is that he's an absolute FREAK (we talkin' abt neck-breaking freaky deaky shit), and i love how everyone collectively agrees on that. because there's just smth abt a man who appears so unbothered by a lot of things, always cool in faces of plight (and girl, his heartbeat is literally slow, does nothing ever faze him???) that the thought of him going wild is just a big ol' WOWZA. AND PAIRED WITH THAT INNOCENT LI'L PUPPY FACE OF HIS?! oh honey, i'm already unzipping your pants for you-
and honey, his strength... his stamina?! girl, he be the kind to go at it alllll night. "once isn't enough" ALREADY SAYS A LOT. and that man is not shy at all, because you can't tell me that he whispers absolute filth in your ear, catching you off guard at how uncharacteristic it seems of him, but it flows so smoothly through his tongue that you just have to wonder what kind of thoughts run through his head when he's with you, because rn, as he's pounding you silly against the mattress, hips pistoning into you at lightning speed, yet still hitting oh so deep into you, he's absolutely insatiable for you. and he would not hesitate to go all out on you as long as he knows you can handle it. because he knows it can be too much. but when he sees those tears streaming down your cheeks from how good his dick is at making you see stars, shaking under him as you grip onto his arm, he couldn't resist with bullying your poor overstimulated body and getting an orgasm out of you just one more time out of... maybe three? seven? he's lost count.
but don't get me wrong, xavier is still the type to be skin-achingly intimate with you. loves how you're pressed against him as you both lazily rock your hips against one another. but it just so happens that he's a absolutely ravenous with you as well, rutting into you like a bunny in heat.
with sylus, love making with him is tender, reverent, but never losing that intensity, while xavier is absolutely uninhibited and would even lose track of the amount of times you've already cummed for him.
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wolfiesmoon · 11 months ago
Genshin guys as dads 🤭
in honour of finally getting off my ass and finishing mondstat, i bring you genshin men as dads <3 i decided to challenge myself and write for characters i haven't written for at all yet
the reader is gender neutral (u can interpret that the kid was adopted or u can interpret that the kid is biologically yours)
Yk the more i read these guys' lines to get a better idea of their characters the more i think they need a therapy session stat
Characters featured: Diluc, Alhaitham, Childe, Ayato
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౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Diluc Ragnvindr
"Diluc! Diluc, are you in here?" you knocked before opening the door to his office, assuming he's probably there. You were finally returning to the winery late in the evening and wanted to see how your daughter and husband were doing.
Tonight, they should both be at the winery.
But to your surprise, the office was completely empty. You haven't heard a single peep from your daughter yet, either. Usually she'd be running around and yelling, even if she wasn't with Diluc.
You went upstairs to check your bedroom and were met with a most adorable sight when you opened the door. Your daughter was very peacefully asleep, drool and all, on Diluc's chest. Diluc did not seem very pleased with this arrangement, however.
"Welcome home." he sighed upon seeing you walk to the side of the bed.
"Looks like someone's on pillow duty." you teased him, petting your daughter's head.
"Don't make fun of me. She's been running around all day with seemingly no end to it. Sometimes I'm surprised at what her tiny legs are capable of." he leaned his head back, looking up at the ceiling.
"She said she's not tired at all. But she fell asleep almost instantly when she sat on top of me to, umm... bother me." to anyone else, Diluc would seem like he hates this kid with how much he says she bothers or annoys him, but you know that isn't the case.
Whenever she runs up to him to show him something she did, he pats her little head lovingly. He keeps the drawing she made of him in his office, even if he is a bit concerned at how grumpy he looks in her artistic interpretation.
"I wasn't making fun of you... Okay, maybe a little bit." you leaned down, cupping Diluc's face and kissing his cheek. He hummed in dissaproval, but his cheeks turned pink anyways.
"Would you mind joining me? If I can't... I want to know that you're safe, atleast." his eyebrows were creased in worry. You don't know what for, exactly, but you gladly joined him on the bed, hugging him too.
"Is your aim to suffocate me further?" the combined weight of about a quarter of your body and his daughter was not the most freeing in the world.
"No, I just happen to understand the appeal of sleeping on top of you." and you really do. It's always so warm and homey.
"You've worked hard today, dad." you moved some stray hairs out of his face. His tired eyes met yours for a moment before they slipped shut. Hehehe, you need to take a photo of this.
౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Alhaitham
(let's pretend you live together with him now instead of kaveh haha)
"Dad doesn't love me!" the sudden accusation had you turning your head fast, wanting to know what was going on. "What did he do, sweetie?" the little pout on her pudgy face was adorable.
She ran up to you and hugged your leg. "You still love me, right?" she seemed very worried about your reply. It seems like she isn't in the mood to give a proper answer to your question, though.
"Of course I do. You're very very very special to me." You pat her head gently. She seemed satisfied with your reply, giggling happily at you before running off to play.
When Alhaitham returned home that day, he attempted to interact with his daughter, as he tries to every day, but he was utterly ignored.
He looked to you, hoping you'd know the reason, but you just shrugged. "She says you don't love her anymore."
"Hm..." was his only reply.
"That's because he doesn't! I told him 'I love you' yesterday but he didn't say it back!" Your daughter crossed her little arms, scowling at her dad before turning around so she didn't have to look at him.
"So it was that." Alhaitham seemed like he understood the situation properly now. And you realised what happened too, because it happens to you occasionally.
"Sweetie, listen. Your dad likes to wear these thingies in his ears. And when he wears them, he can't hear a thing." You explained in the most child friendly way you could.
"Not even an explosion?" Your daughter finally turned back to look at you and Alhaitham, though her eyes were fixated firmly on you.
"Nope. Nothing at all. When he didn't say 'I love you too' yesterday, it was because he was wearing them and couldn't hear." Your daughter turned her head back with an annoyed 'hmph', but you knew she was listening to you.
"So I propose a hug attack. Whenever you see him wearing them." You smiled evilly, glancing at Alhaitham who shot you a dissaproving glare in return.
"Leave me alone." Your daughter huffed, stomping off down the hallway. Oh well, kids don't always think critically, do they? You have a feeling she's already forgiven him a little, though.
"Children make no sense to me." He admits, and you finally greet him properly with a little welcome home peck.
"That's the fun in it, though." You smiled at him and to your surprise, he smiled right back. As awkward as he can get with the kid, he loves her a whole lot.
౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Childe
"Mhhhh... what is it?" he mumbled in annoyance when he felt his hand getting shook. His voice sounded quite raspy now.
"Dad... Dad..." turns out it was your son who was pulling on Childe's arm. He looked like he was about to burst into tears any second, now.
As soon as he saw the distress on his son's dimly lit face, his attitude changed and he was overcome with the sudden urge to take revenge on something or someone. Maybe it's the dad instinct.
"I had a nightmare.... I'm scared..." your son sobbed.
By this point, even you woke up, but your body was still mostly asleep, so you were just listening in.
"Come up here." Childe tapped the bed and your son awkwardly climbed up into his arms.
"Was it a scary monster?" Childe asked in an exaggerated scary voice. Your son nodded, gripping onto the front of Childe's shirt.
"In that case... you don't have to worry at all. I always love a challenge." you could practically see the smile on Childe's face. You turn over, opening your eyes slightly. You have to admit, the sight in front of you is adorable.
"What do you mean, dad?" your son sniffled, rubbing the snot away with his tiny hand.
"I'll fight the monster, of course. Oh, how wonderful it would be to see the b-" he winced a little bit when he felt the light slap on his face.
"Ajax, you'll scare him even more." you warned, your own voice raspy. You moved your other hand to ruffle your son's hair to comfort him.
"Ow, clearly, someone doesn't appreciate me enough." Childe rolled his eyes playfully.
Without warning, you lean forward and peck him on the lips. "There. Now I've evened out the slap."
"Just one peck? Well, I suppose we can't do much more right now... Hehe." Childe turned his attention back on your son, stroking his back gently to calm him down.
"Why do you have that look on your face?" you noticed he was smiling strangely.
"What look?" your accusations have been denied. But he sure does have a plan for you later.
౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Kamisato Ayato
"DAD! Look at where I am!" Your son shouted from somewhere in the tree that was stood in the beautifully maintained garden.
Being the little rebel he is, he climbed the tree despite you telling him multiple times not to.
"Please get down from there. It's unsafe." Ayato tried to reason with him calmly upon noticing him in the treetops.
"Nah, it's so cool up here! I can see the whole estate!" Sometimes, your son's stubborn nature made it hard for him to get along with Ayato. This is one of those cases.
"This is not a joking matter. You could get seriously hurt." Ayato doesn't think he could properly live with himself for a bit if his kid got hurt when he could have prevented it.
"What's going on here?" You joined in, happening to pass by the garden.
"He won't come down. I'm... worried about him." He admits, crossing his arms. Though you do sense a bit of annoyance behind his voice, too.
"Come down. I told you not to climb that tree so many times." You crossed your arms firmly. Your son looked at Ayato's face, then yours and sighed, beginning to descend from the tree. He'd rather avoid a scolding. But his little foot slipped and he suddenly tumbled to the ground.
"Son!" Both of you immediately ran to his side as he started wailing. "Call for healers. Immediately." He seemed fine, looking at him initially, but he might have a broken leg or something.
Both of you stayed by his side the whole time, offering him words of comfort (and a bit of a scolding). It seems like something like this happens almost every week, now. The Kamisato household has certainly gotten livelier ever since getting blessed with your son.
"Well, that was certainly an afternoon." You huffed, sitting down behind the table across Ayato.
"I wish he wasn't so reckless and disobedient, sometimes." Ayato held his cheek in worry. He let his son get hurt, again.
"He got that mischief from you." You smiled innocently, sipping your tea.
"Whatever do you mean, dear?" He smiled innocently back.
"I miss days of solitude. We only have moments now. I suppose my life hasn't been a calm one for a long while now, though." He sips his own tea, looking outside at the sunset. Working as hard as he does every day is taxing on the soul.
"Guess we gotta make the most of it." You stood up, sitting back down next to him and playfully pecking his cheek.
"Oh, I see what you mean." He returned the mischevious smile you know and love. Just as he grabbed your waist, though...
"LOOK WHAT I HAVE!" Your son burst into the room, holding a sword. His sword.
"Aren't you supposed to be resting?!"
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gabrielsbubblegumbitch · 1 year ago
Honestly? I despise Adam but I think it's heaven's fault that he turned out that way.
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He was the first human on Earth. Angels fed him the delusion that he was superior to every creature in Eden, promising him everything to showcase their coolness. He couldn't know better than to believe them because he was the first man, he had no frame of reference. Then they gave him Lilith, so he wasn't lonely anymore, but she left because she didn't want to submit. That must have hurt; her rebellion must have shattered his whole worldview. And then they gave him Eve, and she also betrayed him. FOR THE SAME GUY! It's honestly tragic because he had no tools to deal with situation like this (mentally he was probably like a 10yo) and must have been horribly lonely for him. BUT instead of teaching him how to be a functioning person, saying sth like "look Adam, sweetie, people have free will, they can chose to not like you, you need to learn how to be likable and get some therapy", heaven was like, "Okay, our bad, your wives weren't our most successful projects, but here, have this army of angelic hotties that are infinitely loyal to you. Just don't doubt that we are always right and the best. And you can kill people in the realm of this guy that cucked you twice."
Are you seeing the analogy to the real-life man socialized in patriarchy who's entire villain origin story is discovering that women have free will???
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spxllcxstxr · 5 months ago
Kintsugi • K.R
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Pls pls I need Kendall x young reader wife with a kid living in a remote place away from all the post waystar drama — anon
Summary: Six months later, Kendall still believes he's broken
Warnings: fem!reader (referred to as girl and mommy), usage of mommy and daddy but in pure parental terms, you have an unnamed daughter, rehab mention, kendall takes meds and goes to therapy now, past suicide implication/mention?, normal ken stuff, spoilers for the end of succession
Word Count: 1.2k (I didn't think it was gunna be this long lmao)
A.N: this was a little angsty im not gunna lie lmao, I’m going feral over this request—I just want Ken to be HAPPY, not enough happy Kendall gifs, also i am not entirely great with writing modern bros so like sorry about the characterization? first kendall piece so if you have any tips let me know, hope you all enjoy!
Kintsugi - a Japanese art form that involves repairing broken pottery with gold
"Ken? Ken honey do you want to join us at the beach today?" Your words cut through the painful silence of your master bedroom, shrouded in darkness despite it being past noon.
Kendall gives no indication that he heard you; no vague grunt or shift in movement. He just lays there--the blanket covering everything below his nose as his eyes stay closed. He isn't sleeping, you've been married to him long enough that his shuddering breaths and still as stone rigid posture was a poor attempt to convince you otherwise.
It’s like he thinks the blanket is the only thing holding him together. Like if he leaves that spot he’ll crumble to pieces right in front of you.
Your heart drops just looking at him. Being away from the city had obviously done some good, along with his month long visit to rehab, but Ken was still…healing.
You kiss his forehead before leaving, telling your disappointed daughter that daddy wouldn't be joining you today.
"It's one of daddy's bad days?" She asks once you feet hit the sand. Her childish voice laced with her innocence almost makes you tear up.
"It is, sweetie..." You nod, before quickly distracting her with placing your towels down and bringing out water bottles from her little pink lunchbox.
The ocean is what occupies her little body for the first hour or so. She jumps over the little waves and collects sea shells. Like what any parent would do, you snap photos of her with the biggest grin on her face.
Eventually, though, the two of you end up in the sand, using her plastic bucket and shovel to build a castle fit for a queen. She's actually not half bad, you notice, as the usual clumsy movements of a toddler are no longer present when she details her sandcastle.
“How’re my girls?”
You look up from the sand beneath your fingers to see your husband, clad in shorts and t-shirt.
“Daddy!” Your daughter shrieks, practically stomping all over the sandcastle the two of you were working on to get to Kendall.
She hugs his knees, squeezing them between her little arms, and he crouches down to hug her back.
Your husband smiles and it’s enough to convince your daughter—but not you.
He's tired, you notice; though it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. At just a glance it looks as if your husband has aged 50 years in six months. His eyes are sunken, not mention the dullness of his usually bright brown eyes. Kendall's normally sun-kissed skin now a deathly grey, which makes sense, he has barely left your bedroom much less the house. It’s almost as if someone had taken a spoon and hollowed out everything that made him human. Frown lines are etched into his face, your heart almost shatters at the overpowering aura of sadness and despair surrounding him.
Six months isn't enough time to wash away the years at Waystar.
You smile at him as your daughter takes his hand and drags him to the crumbling sandcastle.
Once he sits down he kisses you, placing a large hand on the side on your face. You taste the mint of the mouthwash he must've just used before his trek down here. Kissing Kendall was addicting, it always was, but with your daughter's groan of disgust you slowly pull away from him.
"Oh don't be like that kiddo, that's just what mommies and daddies do when they're in love." Kendall teases, ruffling her hair in the process.
She sticks her tongue out before turning her attention back on the ruins of the castle in front of her. Instead of crying about the state of it, she happily starts rebuilding with the help of you and Ken.
One eye never leaves his figure.
This sort of mood swing isn’t uncommon, for years you’ve experienced Kendall’s drastic moods, but this certainly wasn’t one of his highs.
The sandcastle slowly morphs into a sandkingdom; once she starts she never wants to stop. That is, until your daughter finally gets tired after the sun sets and she curls into Kendall’s lap.
You know you should get back to the house, it’s late, but it’s just too peaceful out here, alone on the beach.
Careful not to stir the little girl in his lap, Kendell leans his head on your shoulder, shifting closer to your warm figure. The stars flicker above you--a sight you almost never saw in the city. You take a deep breath before kissing your husband's recently buzzed head. Kendall hums, nuzzling even closer into you, like he was trying to burrow underneath your skin so you never had to leave him.
"I love you, Kendall. And we're ok." You whisper, the words getting eaten by the crashing waves just feet away from the two of you. Still, he hears you, you can tell by the sniffle against your shirt. Your daughter groans in her sleep, shifting.
He swallows roughly at your words.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/n)…I fucked it.” Ken chokes out quietly, trying not to disturb the child. “I fucked it and I’m broken.”
His tears seep into your shirt. You angle your head down, your nose brushing against the top of his head.
"Oh Ken honey..." Your own lip wobbles at your husband's vulnerability. "You're not broken...you were never broken..."
"Then I'm--I'm fucking cracked, (Y/n)! I'm just not whole anymore! I don’t know if I ever was!"
Thoughts race through your head. Kendall had been doing better. He was consistent with taking his meds and he went to therapy every week. What if he tried to--? You clutch him closer to you, trying not to make yourself spiral when Kendall needed you.
His body shakes with silent sobs, your daughter still peacefully sleeping, unaware of the world around her.
The cool ocean breeze dances across your skin. You take a deep breath.
"Have you ever heard of kintsugi, Ken?"
"What? I'm having a complete breakdown and you're asking me about whatever the fuck that is?" He huffs, annoyed.
"Just listen to me Ken, it'll go somewhere." You kiss the top of his head to comfort his suddenly tense figure beside you. He eases at the contact. "I read in some stupid magazine that it's a Japanese technique where they repaired broken pots and stuff with gold." Kendall lifts his head to look at you. His eyes are red with unshed tears and his eyebrows are furrowed, listening to you. "They were made whole again; made more beautiful and were stronger than before."
Kendall purses his lips as you bring a hand up to stroke his tear stained cheek. Your other hand lightly strokes through your daughter's hair, careful not to rouse her.
"We'll be your gold, Kendall."
All at once the tension leaves his body, tears cascading down his face. His once dimly lit eyes brighten to reflect the stars above.
"Right," He nods, almost like he doesn't know how to respond to what you just said. "My gold..." His eyes flick between you and your daughter before his head settles back onto your shoulder, almost as if he couldn't take anymore emotions for the day.
You sigh, leaning your own head against his. Closing your eyes, you let the sound of the waves wash over the otherwise silent night.
The stars still shine above you and the saltiness of the ocean tinges the air.
You were all going to be alright.
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sweetestcaptainhughes · 7 months ago
What are you trying to say? - Trevor Zegras
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Word Count - 3600
Author's Note - I 100 percent projected my own dysleixia hardcore into this. This was 100 percent written for the dyslexic girlies and learning disability girlies only. Also not me accidentally maybe becoming a Trevor girlie after writing this oh no. This one is by far my favorite segment.
Warnings - light angst but like it ends happy shocking for this page, who am I becoming???
Summary - In the talking stage with Trevor Zegras you're not sure how his joking personality will respond to your struggles that you have with being an adult with dyslexia, especially since it doesn't affect you how media expects it to.
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This isn’t something new to you, you’ve struggled your entire life with the fact that you're dyslexic. It’s a lot more complicated than people may recognize. Many people assume that it only comes up when you're trying to read something like a textbook or an article, and that when you’re finished with school it won’t really affect your daily life anymore but that’s far from the truth. In truth, being an adult with dyslexia affects you in little ways daily. From having difficulty knowing your left and right when given verbal directions, your spelling being terrible when texting others, mispronouncing certain words and being easily embarrassed when it gets pointed out, or worse sometimes the word is literally on the tip of your tongue you can even physically see in your brain but your mouth can’t form the proper sounds, how certain fonts you struggle to read vs others, or that black ink on white paper is the bane of your existence.  Although all of these are “little” things, it does impact the way you communicate with others. It does feel extremely frustrating sometimes feeling like people think that you're using your dyslexia as an “excuse” when in reality your brain is wired completely differently because of it. 
Since you first met Trevor and started talking to him, you had that fear you always do in the pit of your stomach, will he pick on you the first time that he truly can’t understand a text or the first time he hears you mispronounce a word despite years of speech therapy where you tried to but still you can’t pronounce correctly. Although, part of you knew that your fear was extremely irrational, part of you couldn’t shake the feeling that was until proven otherwise the jokester in Trevor would make a joke about something you truly couldn’t control. 
That is until today, when it happened it’s one of those rare days when you were driving and Trevor was in the passenger seat. His car was in the shop, and he needed a ride back from the arena to his apartment. Originally he was going to take an Uber but since you both already had plans after the morning skate you insisted on picking him up. 
“It’s easiest if you take this right up here to get back to my place.” He directs you without looking up from his phone,you tell him okay, turn on your left turn signal and get in the left lane. Trevor finally looks up from his phone while you're waiting at the red light for it to turn green to see you're in the wrong lane. 
“Sweetie?” asking in a questioning tone
“This is the left lane. I told you to take a right.” Trevor says in a concerning tone as to how you were five traffic lanes away from where you needed to be. 
“sorry I thought you said ‘left’. I can make a u-turn?” Deciding in the moment you didn’t want to admit that you heard him correctly but processed the direction wrong, you offered as the traffic light finally turned green. 
“It’s alright we can just take the long way. Don’t worry about a u-turn.”  Not seeming to care at all that it will add an extra 10 minutes to the drive due to the mistake. 
As you continued driving you ended up making another wrong turn, Trevor put his left hand on your thigh and subconsiously rubbed small circles into skin to comfort your growing anxiety, he could feel this odd tension that was built up in the car. “Can you point please?” your voice barely over a whisper as you felt extremely embarrassed all of a sudden and started feeling overwhelmed all of a sudden. 
“Yeah Y/N/N I can do that, we could also switch places. I can drive you the rest of the way if you need it if you're feeling anxious all of a sudden.” Trevor was being really sweet, trying to fix the problem at hand thinking it was just some anxious thoughts and not your brain processing audible information incorrectly. 
“No, pointing is good.” Forcing yourself to look straight ahead because you don’t want to accidentally catch his eyes as he looks at you with a worried look. He squeezes your thigh in a comforting way and drops the topic. The rest of the ride felt quick as he pointed and said the direction you needed to go until you reached his apartment. Finding a parking spot in the garage you parked your car, as soon as you felt your foot on the brake, and your right hand pulled the gear in park, you leaned back automatically and sighed grateful you were done driving. Trevor still had his hand on your thigh, he turned his neck so that his head was also resting on the headrest. 
Trevor patiently waited until you opened your eyes, turning to him with a soft smile. “You ready?” you ask him, as you start to unbuckle your seatbelt. As you grab your purse from the back, your hand on the door handle. His hand that was on your thigh is gone and immediately pulls you by the wrist back into your seat. As he takes his other hand and gently places it on your cheek forcing you to look at him. 
“Can we talk about it?” His voice was steady, calm, confident but soft, almost as if he was scared of your reaction. 
Smiling a little wider now, in a split second you try to decide what you want to do. Do you want to tell a boy who you’ve only been casually talking to and hanging out with a handful of times - one of them being this current moment - about being dyslexic. Although it’s not that big of a deal in retrospect, it’s something that you can never take back once you said the words. Even though it’s something so simple and common no one ever looks at you the same again. Were you ready to tell Trevor, and see his face change permanently or did you want to live in ignorant bliss for a little longer. 
“I’m fine, it’s just when I drive somewhere new I like listening to the GPS and not a person telling me directions, it helps me focus better is all.” sheepishly you admit. 
Ignorant Bliss. That’s the choice you made. 
“Okay well next time, can you tell me that so I don’t have to watch you stress yourself out please?” His hand that was on your wrist, going down to your hand playing with your hand. Taking your hand that he was playing with, fully grasping his you squeeze his hand as a silent yes, and nod your head. He leans over the middle console and quickly peaks your lips as if it was a last minute impulse and he meant the cheek. “Thank you, let's go inside.” 
Living in ignorant bliss was great for a few weeks, until you started to actually like Trevor. Talking to a guy for a few months and it not going anywhere vs meeting someone and potentially seeing at least an exclusive relationship with them were two very different things. Knowing that you saw a relationship with him in the future meant it was only a matter of time before he found out that your dyslexic which again isn’t that big of a deal, but the fact that you also lied to him a few weeks ago. Not telling him is one thing, but lying when he asked why you were struggling to drive that day is a completely different act. 
Trying to put off the inevitable you tried to push the thought to the back of your mind. Somehow convincing yourself that if you didn’t think about it, then the problem would disappear he would never find out. I mean when you didn’t know how to spell a word while texting, you just spoke it into your phone. As far as grammar no one really had perfect grammar when texting including Trevor to be perfectly honest he probably didn’t even notice half the time. Plenty of people kept all their devices in dark mode for plenty of reasons, he had no reason to ask, although you did it because it helped your eyes stay focused on the words in front of you, not for the aesthetic. 
Even so, with all of these excuses as to why he wouldn’t notice you failed to remember that certain words you truly can’t pronounce the correct way no matter how hard you try. It all came crashing down tonight when you were at Trevor’s apartment cooking dinner for the both of you. Dinner was almost done at this point, when Trevor came behind you just now re-entering the kitchen after taking an expected call from his little sister. Trevor wrapped his arms around your waist, his head resting on top of your shoulder. 
“Everything okay?” you ask your curiosity getting the best of you, even though you know it’s none of your business. 
“Yeah she’s fine.” Pressing a kiss into where your jawline and neck meet. “smells good.” He compliments your cooking as he teases you one more time with a small nip with his teeth where he just kissed you, before pulling away and resting his head on your shoulder. 
Answering shyly, you let out a “thank you.”
“Anything I can help with?” asking genuinely although you're not sure if it’s to be kind or if it’s because he’s hungry but either way you’ll take it. As he slowly unwraps himself from you, getting ready to help you in any way you need. 
Without looking up from the chicken that you're grilling on the stove, trying to concentrate on the task at hand you answer him. “Yeah actually can you grab out the mellk from the fridge for the mashed potatoes.” Not even thinking twice about what you just said until you heard a chuckle coming from across the kitchen. 
“What babe?” standing in front of a now open fridge, he could have sworn you tried to say milk but botched the word so badly, it couldn’t have possibly been.
“the mellk” finally noticing what you asked for, knowing this is one of the words people can’t help but point out how you butcher it. 
“What are you trying to say?” he asked, truly confused now that he heard it twice. 
“M - il - k “ you repeat slowing down your mouth trying to force yourself to pronounce it properly but also not speak too slowly. Hoping that it's noticeable as you force your tongue to the roof of your mouth to make the “il” sound.  
A small chuckle leaves Trevor’s lips but it wasn’t a malicious way, it was as if he chuckled because he found it adorable. “Here's the milk baby.” walking back over to you and placing it on the empty counter space next to the bowl of steaming hot cooked potatoes. Taking the chicken off the hot burner you moved to the island to where the potatoes were. 
“Sorry” you mumble as he stands beside you, his hip resting on the side of the island. 
“For what?” His eyebrows frowned, his eyes focused the side of your face the only thing he could see. Focusing on the task at hand, you used the potato masher and mashed the potatoes. Opening the milk and adding a little along with some butter that you set out earlier. 
Feeling the rise of some anxiety in your stomach, hoping that you could procrastinate just a little longer on admitting that you didn’t tell him the whole truth. Deciding if now was the time or if you were gonna dig yourself in a bigger hole by wrapping yourself in a thicker web of tiny white lies. 
Finally turning your head to the side to face him and taking a deep breath. 
For good measure making one more deep breath before you barely utter the words, your nerves getting the better of you. “I lied.” 
Trevor’s face immediately changed from confusion and concern. In an instant it became shocking and almost hurt, that the girl he thought was actually going somewhere a month in, is admitting to lying to him. Not when he told her in the beginning that lying wasn’t something he tolerated after his ex lied to him for months and manipulated him. Not when he just told his little sister not even ten minutes ago on the phone that tonight he was gonna ask you to be his official girlfriend. “What are you talking about?” his voice cracking before he could even get the word out, quickly clearing his throat to cover up his own insecurities about the possible tension that could slowly be felt brewing in his kitchen. 
“Remember a few weeks, when I was driving you to your apartment from the stad-” 
“What the FUCK does that have to do with lying to me? When did you lie to me Y/N” Not only has Trevor never once raised his voice at you in a not joking way, but he’s never cursed at you, and his tone made you close your eyes and flinch at the impact. Immediately, seeing you flinch he sighed his hand going to lightly crease her arm closest to him. “When did you lie?” asking at a much softer tone than moments before. 
“I’m trying to explain.” Trevor could have sworn he felt his chest hurt when he heard you struggling to speak, as if you were trying to get yourself not to cry. “Please let me explain.” 
“Okay” he softly let out, as he squeezed your arm not sure if he was trying to comfort you or himself as he felt the possibility of you slipping through his fingers. 
“A few weeks ago when I drove you home.” finally turning her body fully turning to face him. “I lied, When you asked me what happened. I told you I need the GPS because I get overwhelmed.” Pausing to make sure that Trevor was following along, he nodded along, “I lied, sort of,” your voice picking up in speed with each word you uttered out  “I mean I do get overwhelmed while driving but it’s not because of that it’s not that I” 
“Baby please take a breath you're scaring me” His other arm is going to cup your cheek, even though he was mad before as he heard you fixated on driving him home a few weeks ago. He knew it couldn’t have possibly been any of the terrible ideas that popped into his head, at least Trevor hoped not.
 “I sometimes get my left and right confused.” Looking up trying to gauge his reaction, watching as one of his eyebrows go down, as if to say ‘that’s all.’ 
“Okay. So that was the lie? Everyone gets confused sometimes and makes mistakes baby it’s okay” His famous smile slowly takes over his face. 
“That’s the thing is it isn’t sometimes, it’s kind of a lot when I’m driving when someone is giving me directions without pointing, and there are other things too. I mean they're small but they still affect me almost daily and I just.” 
Deciding to take a breath because if you don’t you will be more likely to trip up your words or stutter. “I’m dyslexic and it’s not really how they describe the movies.” 
His smile dropped a little and you swear it felt as if your heart felt as if it had just dropped a hundred flights down the Empire State building. “Dyslexic. Like you mix up letters when reading?”
“Yeah but it’s more than that.”
“Okay. But why didn’t you tell me when it happened? Why did you say it’s because you get overwhelmed.” 
“Because I do get overwhelmed when I make dumb mistakes like that. Plus, everytime I tell someone they never look at me the same. A lot of times they are shocked, and they also sometimes judge me because how does it not affect me the way the media portrays it? Why do I mispronounce words, why can’t I tell my left and right when someone gives me a direction, why I can’t read maps to save my fucking life but yet if I don’t have my GPS running I’m bound to a wrong turn, why does sometimes my mind decide I either can’t come up with a word at all or I can physically see it but I can’t say it and I can’t spell it because I’m such a bad speller.” 
“Shhh” not trying to cut you off but also trying to get you to breathe. “So you didn’t tell me cause you were scared I would look at you differently? Or judge you when something you can’t control comes out at random times of the day? That’s why you told me to point instead of just saying it because you didn’t wanna tell me in fear?” Not sure his tone is showing remorse for you thinking that at all or hurting that you ever would think of him in that way. 
“Yeah.” you embarrassingly admit.
Trevor spent the rest of the night listening to you and how your brain was different due to your own personal experience with being a dyslexic. The next morning you found him reading an article about the effects of different lighting and how dark mode was the best for dyslexics and certain fonts were better than others. It made you chuckle as you told him you knew and that’s why your phone was permanently in dark mode.  That day, he changed all the settings on his tv’s in his entire apartment for dark mode, even all of his own personal devices. Finding it adorable that he went on a tangent when he found out certain apps don’t support dark mode and how he said it was discriminating. Finding it harder and harder for yourself to hide your soft smile as you watched him continue his rant, your heart swelling at how passionate he sounded. 
“I really like you, you know.” you admitted when he finally stopped complaining about how Mirosoft finally started supporting dark mode it was still ‘white paper’ on black ink so they really missed the whole point. 
“Oh yeah.” as he grabs you, pulling you towards him on the couch, tangling your legs with his. 
“Yup” popping the p for emphasis.
“I really like you too. Actually I was gonna ask you.. Wanna make this official and let me call you mine.” The blush was obvious on your face, immediately turning a light red shade, nodding your head he pulled you into a soft kiss. 
A few weeks later you were out to dinner with a few close friends and Trevor. Currently trying to tell a story about one of your new coworkers and how you didn’t like him but mid sentence you froze. Trevor had yet to see you freeze because the word you planned to say completely escaped you. Of course this wasn’t new to your friends as they saw the familiar signs, the way in which you paused, your lips pursed in a questioning way, your hand coming up and shaking knowing it was on the tip of your tongue and you just couldn’t think of it or couldn’t pronounce it. 
What your friends weren’t used to was seeing Trevor respond to it. His response to you struggling made all of them share a glance in approval of his small action. He took your shaking hand and slipped it into his own. Immediately your small flustered expression on your face turns to him. Your friends couldn’t hear what you were saying between yourselves if you were even talking at all, but they could see the care in Trevors eyes and how your frustration seemed to melt away.
“Hi” he whispers only for you to hear after a couple seconds pass. 
A smile breaks out on your face. “Hi” 
“What are you trying to say?” repeating the same sentence that he asked you weeks ago when you asked him to get the milk out the fridge. 
“I can’t think of it.” a sigh leaving your lips. 
“Describe it.” His forehead resting on yours as you look into his eyes. 
“You know, like a red flag.” 
“Like in dating? So a slang term?” 
“I think.” Pausing for a few seconds for your brian to catch up. “But I know it’s not called a red flag, but it’s like it, I think, like when someone does something and immediately you're like ew.” 
“An ick?” he softly suggests. Immediately your mouth forms into an o-shape in shock, making his mouth twitch into the slightest smile. Kissing his check quickly and whispering a quick ‘thanks’ and turning back to your friends. 
“Okay so like this new dude thinks he can come in and just boss all me and my other co-workers around. That’s not even the worst part like not only is he lowkey sexist, he literally only wears highwaters, immediate ick…” Trevor sat there half listening to your story with a huge smile on his face, hand on your thigh drawing patterns subconsciously as he sipped on his drink. He loves listening to you talk, how you get lost in telling stories and he’s happy he was able to help you instead of you pushing it to the side like you did all those months ago. 
That’s how it is from that night on, anytime you text him and he can’t understand it, or you can’t think of a word, or butcher the pronunciation; he will simply turn to you and ask “What are you trying to say?” 
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