#anyway I love you. probably. maybe… ehhh
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raccoonface · 8 months ago
“Oh God!”
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Warnings- language, ehhh idk about anything else
Summary-Cairo is in a heated rivalry with Y/n.. or at least she thinks so
I have a love-hate relationship with school. I’m good at it but I hate having to spend my entire day at this place where I’m constantly being surrounded by imbeciles.
We are coming back from spring break and we have new classes to attend I have a new class called creative writing I’ve heard people talking about it I just was never interested in writing.
I have about 36 hours before school starts and I’m trying to figure out who’s gonna be in my class I can’t seem to find any of my friends on the list
I’ve been thinking about what new classes my friend CC had gotten, So I called her. It took me about two tries for her to pick up the phone
“Wooow CC didn’t know you were so bothered to hear from me”
“Yes I am so hurry up before my mom yells at me to take the dog out”
“Ok, ok I just wanted to know what new classes you got”
“Well my mom forced me to do a creative class so I chose either Piano or Creative writing, and I really wanted Piano but apparently not because I got creative writing”
“What are you ‘phew’ing about..?”
“I couldn’t find anyone with the same class as me and I was starting to get worried”
“Wow Y/n I was one of your last go-to’s that’s crazy”
“Shut up CC”
“Anyways I probably have- CC GET OUT HERE AND TAKE OUT THE DOG- ok I really have to go now bye-“
Anddd, she hung up on me, as usual, but I can’t really blame her for having a mom like hers and I am so glad I finally found someone with the same class as me I was so scared I would have to do it alone.
But before I do anything else I should probably go out to eat before I starve to death, and there’s this new place I’ve been wanting to try for a while now and right now’s the perfect excuse.
I just had to find the place.. I knew it was some sort of bar/restaurant type thing I just couldn’t remember the name.
I ended up finding a place which I’m sure is the right one but it doesn’t have any sort of sign or name on it.
It’s a little secluded which hopefully means it won’t be as packed, especially around this time of day. I decided to come here for a late lunch or some sort of early dinner.
Their menu was really appealing I had to hold myself back from getting everything but what was really appetizing was probably the good old (whatever food you want cuz I don’t know what to choose).
“Hello there may I take your order?” At least I know now that the people are nice here
“Oh uhm yeah sorry. I’d like the (food)” jeez I’m awkward
“Alright would that be all”
“Yeah thank you”
“No problem ma’am I’m just doing my job” of course like every waitress is supposed to
“I feel like I know you from somewhere” I hope not..
“Maybe..?” I have no idea..
“Holy shit you’re Y/n L/n right?” Surprise? I guess..? I don’t recognize her
“Uhhhh…. Yeah? Do I know you?”
“No but my friend knows of you and she hates your guts. She thinks of you as her school rival or something.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me right…?” There’s no way…
“No ma’am but I should probably get your order to the kitchen”
“Oh… yeah probably”
“Yeah talk to you later”
That was weird… I don’t know how her friend would know me though I would think I’m pretty quiet in school. I don’t even know who I was talking to.
Here’s a start to the Cairo series I was talking about.
Sorry for taking an unexpected absence for a month there’s a lot going on with my life rn but I’m getting back into working on my fics.
Expect more soon!
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leoruby-draws · 3 months ago
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I did a whole bunch of drawings for Jason's team two weeks back, so now its time to concentrate on Steph's team! Here we've got 4 new characters for her team, with a couple extra tomorrow as well. Lets go into to them, one by one.
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First up is the lantern for the group, more specifically a Violet Lantern apprentice aka Miri Riam! Her reasons for coming to earth is unknown at the moment but they seem to have some connection to Carol Ferris. Carol's also a Violet Lantern and Hal's(Green Lantern) on-and-off girlfriend and occasional antagonist. Perhaps Miri was sent to become Carol's apprentice? I've got more info on whats happening there, but thats for later.
As for why Miri was chosen for the group, I knew I wanted some kind of Lantern for the team, but couldn't find a green lantern that was both in Steph's age group and have fun interactions with them. But then I thought, does it have to be a green lantern? I had a red lantern for Jason's group after all. I looked around and found Miri! I don't know her exact age but I knew she was a young adult, so I'm just gonna have her be around Steph's age group.
The Violet Lanterns Corps are very ...enthusiastic about the power of love and Miri's no exception. She wants everyone to know the joy of Love, she's honestly kinda annoying about it. I remember this one GL issue where she was destroying a city just to get Kyle and Soranik to resolve their love troubles. That pretty much became the basis for how I'm writing Miri's personality. Like I said above, I'll get more into Miri at a later time.
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Next is Maxine Hunkel aka Cyclone, granddaughter of Ma Hunkel aka the golden age Red Tornado! I already posted a drawing of her a while back, I thought she'd make a fun fit for the team. She's has such high energy and so much enthusiasm I couldn't help but find her utterly endearing. I think at a later point she'll end up joining the JSA but for now she's just having fun with this team.
Btw I thought that maybe her grandmother, Ma Hunkel, could fit a similar role that the other Red Tornado did for Young Justice, helping out a young hero team. Just a way to emphasize how Steph and Tim's teams can serve as foils to each other.
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Next up is the archer of the group, Mia Dearden aka Speedy II. Tho she should probably have a different name due to Roy still being Speedy atm. Maybe Speedette? Ehhh, gotta workshop that.
Anyways here's Mia and Steph meeting as civilians, with Mia showing off her bow. Mia seems to be in some sort of school uniform, perhaps Oliver is sponsoring her to go to a fancy academy? Her backstory is similar to canon, with Oliver saving her from bad people. I'm not sure if her story should be exactly the same as canon, since Mia is 10 but terrible things like that do happen in real life to young children. But I don't know if a goofy au like mine is the best place to show that. But for now lets just say Mia is currently trying to heal and become a hero like Green Arrow.
I imagine Steph and Mia get along really well, they just get each other in a lot of ways. Steph can see Mia might be hurting inside and wants to cheer her up, hopefully with all of Mia's new friends she can.
Last up is Jaime Reyes aka Blue Beetle III. Unfortunately I haven't drawn him all that much so no individual drawing for him, tho I do like him.
As for why Jaime, I remember liking him in the YJ cartoon and found him pretty likeable in the comics as well. But I've always like the spiderman hero archetype anyways, which Jaime fits really well (I mean, it was done on purpose). Static and Sideways also fit the archetype and are in the team as well. Arguably you can say add Steph to this too, probably more than Tim in my personal opinion.
Another reason I wanted to add Jaime is that he and Steph almost became teammates in canon, in a failed Young Justice project. What could have been huh. Third reason is more silly tho, if Barbara and Ted Kord start to date in this au, imagine how grossed out Steph and Jaime will be lmao.
So there's four new teammates for the team, but! I've got a couple extra for tomorrow! And later on I hope to finally post some more doodles of these characters (some of them are real old, more than a year old). Especially Miri, she turned out to be such a fun character, and I've always liked the all the lantern corps. Here's a bonus doodle of them btw (with bonus unmasked Sideways):
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So many new members, well, hope you liked all that!
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lore-grandma · 18 days ago
How the dorm leaders would up realizing they like reader/ when their feelings started to change (idk anymore)
Notes: I’m sure some of these aren’t accurate, it comes with the territory. Yuu is reader. I think if you’ve seen my posts about these kind of games, that you’ll notice a pattern that the mc is always reader. Idk what else. Um i might do the other characters, I will likely make a cop out and make ortho’s section platonic. Also I’m pretty sure that night raven will accept students at any age as long as you can read. So the reader’s age with change depending on the canon character’s age. At minimum reader will be a year younger than the guys. Now let’s go.
Riddle gives off such love at first sight vibes, but would be in such denial. I think realistically Riddle would come to terms with his feelings after his blot. I mean if the magicless student stayed while he was at his worst, then there’s a bond there. You basically saved him and even if his mother does not approve, in his mind he sees you as a worthy partner. It’d take the whole dorm to force him to confess, he’d only confess if he knew for sure you liked him.
Dear lord this guy would be such a slow burn. He definitely wasn’t fond of you before his blot. Of course after the beat down, he probably felt slightly indebted. Only a little. The he was probably was feeling those fuzzy feelings around the time you stood up for your friends. Like that takes balls, to risk it all. It’d take far too many close calls on both of your lives for him to finally confess.
Probably like a love at second sight. Like was definitely when he met you during the whole contract situation. Now he genuinely wasn’t considering it until the whole Jamil situation. Would’ve probably confessed after that, in his office, was basically forced by the tweels because of how much they teased him.
Honestly despite how open he is, I don’t think he genuinely understands how love works. Shit just happens. Like somehow y’all are married. Probably got into a relationship a few months after Jamil’s overblot.
This one happens after a life long friendship, maybe starts to be planted in the ground during the training arc during his story. But it def took awhile.
It didn’t start because he knew you irl. I mean canonically reader doesn’t have much of an online presence, but I can’t imagine that idia makes any realizations during his whole overblot. Maybe his feelings start around malleus’s overblot but that story hasn’t ended yet so Ive yet to make that decision.
I do believe he just either sees you as a friend or that human that he so happens to see on his walks to see gargoyles. Of course by the time that reader actually knows his name. Then malleus considers them a friend. I see malleus as oblivious to love but not in the way that kalim is. He’s probably more familiar with familial love than romantic love. The moment he probably realized it officially was when he realized he could lose his support systems i.e. lillia and you. Sure silver and sebek are fine company but there’s definitely a feeling that they’re treating him with respect because he’s their future leader. Also I know that so that I said that reader was going to be at minimum to be a year younger than the characters that’s being talked about. But like reader is human (I’m sorry guys) and doesn’t have any magic in their world, so unfortunately we’ll have to stick with a human age that would probably be a rough equivalent to the age of draconians. So likely ehhh 22 maybe? I’m not sure if the fae just age slowly or just age fairly normally (still slow but not to the point where in a hundred years malleus is still a literal baby) and matures mentally at different rates. Anyways I’m putting reader at a safe young age but not so old it feels like we’re pairing a teenager with an adult. Age is weird in these situations.
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ofmermaidstories · 4 months ago
ok let’s have a WIP chat. 🚶🏽‍♀️‍➡️🪑📚
what do we owe each other? or rather, what do i owe you? i’ve been thinking about this a lot in the last few weeks, because the answer to that affects what i post and how i post it.
i wanted to post the haunting fic this month, maybe, but it’s a little heavier than my usual fare, and while that doesn’t bother me, the writer, i guess i just overthink the like. reality of being a fic writer in a niche/genre that is built on love stories, you know? is the haunting fic a love story? yeah. but i’m just… idk, i think i’m just kinda like ehhhhhh over the fact that maybe it’s not the love story we necessarily need right now, LOL. also it’s like, peak summer for me, which is very anti-haunting vibes, however, that might make it peak-posting time for our friends in non-southern-hemisphere countries? but then is that coming back around to like, the whole, “do i post a downer of a fic when my friends are emotionally vulnerable and at the mercy of seasonal depression?” LOL. but then that implies that i don’t trust you guys to know yourselves well enough to make the judgement call you need to……… LMAOOOO sorry guys, you’re getting all this dumped on you bc my friends aren’t TALKING TO MEEEE REEEEEE (but also this is like, a great sampler of what it’s like to be my friend so hey, maybe this is kinda like an audition?).
honestly this kind of overthinking is probably why it takes me so long to post anything LOL. i’m just kinda like uhh ehhh ahhh mmmm hmmm most of the time LOL. but anyways, part of me is just like, okay girl, you just gotta leave tumblr for the summer and go write the shouto fic LOL. but also that’s me lying to you, because i wouldn’t leave tumblr and i wouldn’t be working on the shouto fic LOL, what i really wanna do is the gravity falls fic. 🥹👉🏽👈🏽 and that’s for a couple of reasons: the hyperfixation is HOT at the moment, time to strike, etc etc, and also because i’ve decided that whenever i do post it, it needs to be already done in it’s entirety, so that it’s not dependant on like—you know!! the inherent motivation that comes with it being read by others. idk guys. 😩 i talk myself in circles about this. because like, okay—let’s say i manage to finish the wholeeee fic, and i post it, what does an apology present to our non-interested GF friends look like? LOL. like, do i write the GF fic, and then quickly follow that up with a chapter of the shouto fic, so there’s something for everyone? do i try and sandwich things? haunting one-shot, GF fic, shouto chapter? i know i KNOW “do what you want merms” i KNOWWW, the problem is that i. want to do everything. 🥹 and also it takes me time to deliver those things. 🥺 slowmaxxing, as our beloved starry likes to say. 🥹 but it means i kinda have to… choose wisely, right? because of the literal time we’re spending??? and then that brings me to a decision paralysis ig LOL. love life love creating i would not trade this for the world it’s fine it’s fun it’s fine.
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jenyifer · 6 months ago
So bad news I may started writing a fic for SVSSS. Now will it be poly like my only friends fic? Ehhh??? Probably not *squints* maybe. 🤔 anyways thought I’d share incase there is already a fic like it or if people won’t enjoy it. Came up with the idea as I thought about how LBH is SQH’s self insert as an author it’s easier to put a lot of yourself into the main character. Yeah it’s an idealized sexy man meat mountain of a man but I think the chaotic clingy curly hair comes from Airplane. So I thought welll what if SQQ is an idealized version of an older student bully who was cold collected things Airplane had a big fat gay crush on which is why he wanted his self insert to be changed by SQQ and kill him.
So just a simple not so simple reversal. MBJ and LBH are friends irl. LBH unknowingly reads and simps for the universe MBJ writes in his free time. The plot of (yet to be named web novel) is more about demon emperor SQQ solving mystery’s and crisis by being intelligent and alluring he’s also overly powerful with his ally Northern King SQH who is chaotic and resourceful. Most people ship SQQ and SQH together even though the romance elements in the webnovel are few and far between and usually some unobtainable one night stands with the villain or tragic woman who will be killed the next day. LBH loves SQQ has all the merch. LBH finds out MBJ is the writer after he reads the latest chapter where SQH is cursed with demise under his skin making him weaken to be a shell of his demonic self. The dialogue between SQQ and SQH is creepily reminiscent of the conversation LBH had with MBJ when LBH had revealed he is dying because of late stage cancer. Of course SQQ is prepared to do anything to save his best friend sacrificing who he was because their friendship means more than the demon empire or SQQ’s morals. SQQ sacrifices his demonic energy to save his friend. Accompanying this chapter was an extra of a clumsy drawing saying this is what the ice king’s original drafts of the characters for the artists. LBH couldn’t help but notice how similar his characteristics are to SQH curly hair terribly thin and short while radiating power through his crazy expression and SQQ was tall and stoic and LBH is horrified to realize his best friend MBJ sees himself this way tall with straight hair with an aura of superiority. When LBH confronts MBJ about the webnovel MBJ who is normally silent and a shut in exclaims that of course it’s his novel. MBJ wanted to dream about a world where they could go out and have adventures together was that such an evil thing? LBH shouts that in this reality he’s going to die and what will MBJ do then. Everything shifts into a portal and they are brought into the webnovel. LBH a half Demon hiding his identity on one of the peaks a student under MBJ who is a peak lord. They decided if they are there they might as well find SQH and SQQ for plot reasons. Haha anyways idk if I can write something like that since… I have to work…. Also the cancer thing might be too real for me (I think it’s been 15 years since I lost a close friend to cancer) But I want to write it 😭
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ryuichirou · 1 year ago
If the twst boys go to a regular, non magic college in our world, what do you think their majors would be?
This is an interesting question, Anon, and it was surprisingly difficult to come up with majors for some of them. I’m not sure some of the boys would even be interested in getting higher education, and also spoiler alert we have a lot of business people out there lol But I tried to make it as interesting as I could.
I’ll also note that it’s a bit difficult to speak about this in English, because I don’t know what certain majors are called and what kind of options there are, so I’m sorry if I name some of these incorrectly.  
Riddle – this one is easy, he would go to medschool! This is what his mother and father want for him after all. But he wanted to study law…
Ace – something that he isn’t very interested in, something that’s like “I guess that’d be a good major to build a career in the future”. He is the type that either drops out or pushes through despite being super disinterested in his major and kind of annoyed by the whole thing. Business? PR? Management? Something that sounds impressive but that’s about it.
Deuce – honestly I can’t see him as anything other than a police school student. He wants to get a good education, but if there is an opportunity for him to go straight to action and prove himself to be a better person, he’ll dive right into it. Maybe Ace will join him?..
Trey – culinary school is an easy answer, but Trey really seems to love this field, so he’d probably study to become a pastry chef. Well, he would become one either way, but Trey would probably try to learn as many traditional and innovative techniques as he can to actually improve.
Cater –  I’d say PR, he just has the vibes of a PR student. I’ve seen those lol Cater isn’t really passionate about it, but hey, it’s a good place to make connections. Also!! Maybe journalism. Yeah, that makes more sense.
Leona – Public Administration or anything Politics related. He would do better as a Philosophy/History major, but he would go with the default option for his family.
Ruggie – he would google best majors for a lucrative career lol So maybe some kind of Business/Management, but also anything Tech related is super lucrative, so he might at least try to apply there. But also also, nursing is apparently on the list of good major options in that sense, so he might actually try that. To be a private nurse for some rich old fart seems like an easy deal for him.
Jack – I’m sorry, I can’t think of anything other than him being a skiing instructor, and I don’t think one needs to have a major for that career path… is there some crucial part of Jack lore that I’m missing?
Azul – oh, Business/Marketing. Specifically something related to owning and running a restaurant or a hotel. But at the same time he could also study Law and even go to the Culinary school… Azul is absolutely going to take all the extra courses that he possibly can.
Jade and Floyd – probably Business as well, both because they could hang out with Azul and because their pops actually wanted them to study there. But if they had full freedom to pick whatever major they want, Jade would probably either study Botany or Pharma. And Floyd would pick his major randomly, because he’d be equally good/bad at anything he picks, and he’d get bored by it in a week anyway lol
Kalim – also Business??? Since his family is a merchant family, there are a lot of things Kalim needs to learn. But he would rather study something that’s more easy and fun… something related to art!
Jamil – realistically, either Business or PR. But that’s too many business PR people woah, so ehhh I guess… you know what? Psychology. I can’t even explain this one, but Jamil would absolutely benefit from studying it + I think it would actually be interesting for him.
Vil – acting/film/theatre school sounds like a given, but I feel like Vil would avoid those for some reason (and if you asked him, he would give you a rant about his reasons); so instead it’s going to be either a Fashion major or anything Chemical Engineering/Pharma related. He wants to get better at his craft, but he also wants to learn new things.
Rook – this guy is full of surprises, he could go anywhere and succeed, he’s perfect in arts and in science. I feel like he would pick science though, so any kind of Science major, maybe also Chemical Engineering. But also? A part of me wants to make him a Sociologist because he is hella nosy like all the sociologists are (me included).
Epel – this one puzzles me… if you think about it logically, he might pick something that could be useful for his family, but then we’re entering the Business territory again and it’s way too crowded lol  Plus, I don’t think Epel would go for that one. I actually… have no idea?? Wow this is embarrassing… He’d go for something totally masculine though, like being a carpenter, but for some reason would end up in stuff like fashion without realising how hard it actually is lol 
Idia and Ortho – easy, IT or any other tech-related major. But they would also probably be too good for school, because Idia is a genius and Ortho learned from him (if he isn’t a robot in this universe…). That being said, Idia would probably finish a 6 years course in like half a year and get his degree almost instantly, and Ortho could drop out at some point and switch to the Film major instead. 
Lilia – my first thought is that “he wouldn’t go to school”, but actually? He could spend a couple of years studying anthropology, I feel like it would be a fascinating field to him, and not as upsetting as history.
Silver – whatever father picks for him. But also probably nursing and no it’s not related to the previous reply that we’ve just posted 😭 I just think Silver would be legitimately good at it.
Sebek – this one goes straight to the military school lol But if I have to pick a major for him, let’s go with Communications just because he has to learn some, please Sebek!
Malleus – I think he would either study fine arts/history of art or something vague like philosophy or any type of social studies. He is better at grasping concepts than understanding other human beings, so it might actually be interesting to him. Or he could go the history of art major route and just stare at gargoyles for 4-6 years.
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dvskf4llz · 2 years ago
Hi happy pride moth!! <3
Can i requeat a tango x short raccoon male reader who is exactly like him (pathetic mad scientist everyone loves, probably eats redstone) and everytime tango flirts with him he gets all blushy and his fur gets poofy
We love our mad scientist that may or may not eat redstone
My silly little raccoon
TW: nothing too bad. SFW. tango being extremely flirty, tango teasing reader
You loved Tango, a lot. You and Him were literally meant for each other, you 2 had a lot in common.
You were a scientist, he was a scientist aswell. You both have a passion for redstone, both of you caught each other eating redstone a few times.. Ok maybe more than a few, but anyway.
You both loved working on little projects together, they usually involve redstone.
During those projects, Tango liked to flirt with you randomly just to get a reaction out of you. He found it extremely cute whenever your fur poofed up everytime he had flirted with you, it made him laugh. He especially finds it cute whenever you start angrily pouting when he laughs at your fur poofing up a lot as you blush, he pats your head and gives you a kiss on the cheek. You immediately switch moods after he gives you a kiss.
You both like to give each other little kisses randomly, mostly during when you both are working together. It can be just a small little kiss on the lips or a kiss on the cheek.
Everytime Tango had to do something like working on a project involving redstone, he likes to have you in the same room or even helping him in anyway you can.
Tango just loves making contraptions for you, a few times he's made a very simple machine for you that would pop out a note and it would have motivating or flirty words written on them such as: "𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 <3" "𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓼𝓸 𝓬𝓾𝓽𝓮 ;)" "𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓭𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓪𝓫𝓮 ᰔ". It was extremely cute. He once made a machine that launched fireworks spelling "I love [Name] ♡", you gave him lots of cuddles after that.
You were just doing the usual, doing your scientist things, eating redstone from time to time, you know.
Tango just popped out of nowhere and started flirting with you.
"Did you know that your so cute when you work?"
"It's adorable seeing your little expressions and reactions."
"Your so hot you know?"
You then shut him up with a kiss on the lips, which worked a lot.
Everytime he pulled a stunt like that, you would just be shutting him up with multiple kisses. He gets flustered by them so.
One day, you decided to scare the crap out of Tango being sneaking up on him.
"BOO!" You yelled as you pop out from the ceiling, Tango got extremely startled as he screamed and almost fell backwards. He was panting like crazy, you gave him a real fright. Meanwhile, you were just laughing so hard.
He glared at you for a moment which made you stop laughing, he then start laughing as he rolled his eyes.
"You're such a nuisance sometimes." He said, chuckling. You pouted at that, he brought you in a hug and patted your head.
"I'm kidding I'm kidding." He said, you hugged him back
"You're such a silly little raccoon." He said
"But you're my silly little raccoon that I love so much." He said smiling down at you lovingly, you smiled back at him.
"I love you too." you said back, Tango leaned in for a kiss. You 2 shared a soft yet loving kiss, once you pulled away you 2 couldn't stop smiling widely like idiots.
You then cuddled together for the rest of the day <33
well- hope you enjoyed that. I did not know what to do for the end TT
I'll post another one in a bit!
The end sounds a bit cheesy but ehhh- i didn't know what to do TT.
Hope this is what you wanted anon!- I might rewrite this and my other oneshots when I have more free time.
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symphonyofdoom · 9 months ago
Happy Father's Day! Here's a Lilia fanfic for today!
Lilia being a father figure to MC/Reader.
Synopsis: MC/Reader/you told Lilia a Happy Father's Day, but during that MC/Reader ended up confiding to Lilia about their complicated relationship with their father. (Side note: I refer to the reader as "you" in this. Also this is my first fanfic that I've written. Sorry if it's not perfect).
TW: implied abuse, family trauma, painful memories.
Tags: wholesome, slice of life, comfort
MC: Happy Father’s Day, Lilia-senpai! Because you’re a dad… or father … a good one as I heard from Silver!
Lilia: Woah thank you very much, Prefect! Didn’t expect that from you, I guess you’re one of the ones who know of our secret Khee hee hee!
Lilia: Anyways, you must miss your father back home! He probably misses you too.
MC: …
Lilia: Huh? What is it? You seem troubled, prefect… Did I say anything wrong? Sorry about that!
MC: Oh no no no it’s not you! It’s… complicated… Yeah, I miss my dad, but…
Lilia: Oh, I see. *He looks at you inquisitively* Well would you like to perhaps confide in me? I have time for days as they say! I would love to hear you out!
MC: Is… it okay?
Lilia: Huh? Why are you asking? Of course it is okay! You should never feel troubled for needing someone to talk to!
Lilia guides you to a nearby bench. You told him everything that your dad has done to you.
Lilia: Ehhh? What?! He did that?! That’s pretty… cruel! No father should say such words or do such things to their children! *Lilia looks pretty upset now*
MC: I don’t know… I think I get it, though… I’m not the best child… In fact, I was the naughtiest one and I misbehaved a lot back then! I mean you know what kind of shenanigans Grim and I got up to, right? Hehehe…
It was a little painful for you to say it, but it feels better after joking about it. You have to lighten up the mood after seeing his upset face after all. However, Lilia looks at you with a horrified face.  
Lilia: Prefect…
Lilia: I may be strict, very strict even. Even Malleus have seen my wrath. However,… HOWEVER, I will never say or do any of that to a child. I would never imagine myself saying such words or doing those things to Silver. Even when he misbehaved once in a while, even when he used to fight with Sebek daily, and even when Malleus accidentally unleashed the whole castle into turmoil… those words that your father has said never crossed my mind. And even if it did, I would never say it to any of them!
MC: Well… eh… each parents have different ways of disciplining their kids, right? After all, my dad loves me. He just wants the best for me. So that’s why he did and said those things, because he cares about me.
Lilia: Prefect…
*Lilia looks surprised at you, almost out of words...*
Lilia: Prefect, I’m sorry… Maybe because humans don’t live long enough to learn or think some things through… Parents love their children, but at the same time they can be unwise with how they care for their children. They say hurtful things to their children thinking it would make them stronger, but based on what I learned through my own experience and others’ experiences, it’s not the best way to discipline a child… or let alone show that parents love their child. Heck, even fae parents are not the best as well… I have seen it impact some of my… colleagues back then.
For the first time, you’ve never felt so heard or seen. It’s as if your inner child sees a light at the end of the tunnel.
Lilia: Being naughty and misbehaving are common behaviors in children, and sometimes they need to learn their lessons. But they’re children after all; they wouldn’t be aware of the full length of how to behave. What is “accountability” in their young eyes? That is something the parents have to nurture, and nurture it with grace; not punishments and threats unless absolutely necessary.
MC: Well maybe it was necessary for my parents… it was me after all. I could’ve been a better kid who obeyed their parents, but I chose not to… Hahaha…
Lilia: Prefect, cease your nonsense!
*You are taken aback*
Lilia: Prefect… *He has a soft and somewhat sad look in his face* If I may…
He makes a gesture as if he wants to hug you. You are a bit surprised, but you went for it because you feel comfortable around him. Ever since you got to NRC, he’s like another parent for you… another trusted adult besides the faculty members. Lilia embraces you as if he embraces Silver.
*Lilia’s voice becomes gentler than his normal voice*
Lilia:  Prefect, as a child, you just wanted to have fun, right? Seeing how your parents are, they probably took away your source of joy, and when you rebelled, you became a misbehaving child. Prefect, I just want to say this…. Not everything is your fault. You’re not responsible for not being the perfect child. Nobody in this world is perfect… humans, faes, beastmen, merpeople…
*You have flashbacks of when your fellow peers overblotted.*
Lilia: … let alone a child, who still have to learn the ropes of the world.
*Lilia embraces you tighter. *
Lilia: Prefect, any parents would be happy to have you as their child. You are creative, energetic, and bright! You always bring the light to a room. Look, even a lot of your peers seem to value you. See, you’re not a bad kid… I think a lot of parents would think that having you as their child is a huge blessing!
As he says this, you can’t help the tears falling from your eyes. No matter how much you try to repress your emotions, more tears kept flowing through your eyes. You started sobbing in Lilia’s embrace as he rubs your hair. You slowly realized what was missing from you… from your childhood.
Lilia lets you take your time processing your emotions and cry. He let you rub your face against his uniform as you kept crying. Lilia doesn’t mind this. From raising three kids, tears are better than other things on the clothes after all.
Afterwards, he invited you to a Father Day's feast with Malleus, Sebek, and Silver. Lilia told you that it's okay to come to his feast, as the other three would be happy that you joined in too. You accepted his invitation, and thought about inviting him. But maybe, another time. You'll definitely pack up some food for Grim, though!
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torchickentacos · 6 months ago
21 and 22 for drew? or may if you’ve already been asked those ones about him!
From this ask game! LONG, under cut. Various off-topic musings included.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Ok so disclaimer for the few people who read what I write- this may or may not translate into my end product. I try to keep it in mind but ultimately my fics kind of write themselves and I have minimal input tbh. I'm not steering this car, I just put my foot on the pedal. I make it go but the characters are the ones driving with reckless abandon.
Also these are all just my opinions and if anyone hates them, please don't let me know.
Something that I like doing when writing Drew is leaning into how much he thinks. I enjoy leaning into his internal dialogue, his hang-ups on every little thing, his propensity to dwell (in my characterization of him, anyways, which is, ehhh, give or take maybe 85% taken from canon and 25% bullshitted. My math is wrong but I'm not changing it, there's just an extra 15% of my own bullshit and we'll pretend it was intentional).
When writing him, there tends to be a lot more going on internally than when I write, idk, May or Ash or whoever. Drew's always attuned to the situation, picking things up and filing them away. He's always formulating opinions and thoughts and emotions that rarely make it out of his head. He feels a lot of things but generally they stay inward, whereas when writing someone like May, if she's feeling it, she's probably also expressing it regardless of if she should or not. No filter vs too much of a filter for his own good.
I think that, in a related vein, he's always holding himself back. Both vocally and just... kind of in general? Maybe not career-wise, but emotionally, he'd rather get close and then dart away over and over again instead of making any leaps. He's careful. He'd rather balance on a tightrope than take the fall USUALLY *(this is how I write him, and other portrayals are ones that I love! this is just what I do, not what I'm saying is the right thing). We see it in canon- he gives May roses but hides behind excuses. He starts conversations but leaves just as quickly. He's mercurial and never builds up the bravery that he needs. He's careful to the point of cowardice- and not just ship-wise. This can be used for any number of things, which I find fun. He likes being in control, and if he doesn't feel like he has a steady grasp on a situation, he leaves. And you can't control people's emotions, so that's scary, so he dips out from emotional moments unless something stronger keeps him there. It's a constant push-and-pull between his own mind and emotions. One's always trying to rein the other in and break free of the other at the same time.
He likes certainty. This contrasts well with a certain someone whose entire battle style features assist and metronome, which is built in uncertainty. She challenges him. But that's for another post.
Something I dislike writing is leaning into how much of a jerk he actually is in canon sometimes tbh. Canon can keep that- I do enjoy it situationally but overall I leave that to writers who are better at showing that side of him without making him grating. I prefer watering it down some and making him be annoying in different ways lol, which admittedly does actually close off a few interesting avenues and facets of him. But I think given the tumultuous nature of rival ships and fandom's current... propensity for tossing out words like 'romanticizing' and 'idolizing' and whatever else, I'd rather just leave well enough alone with the worse aspects of him and avoid being called a verbal abuse apologist or whatever 😭 I don't want any avenues for some jackass to be like 'oh ew you write m/f relationships where the man is mean and dominant over the poor woman' or whateverthefuck. TLDR, I'm a people pleaser with worn-thin patience for rival ship discourse.
I also lean towards AU/slice-of-life stuff where his rival jerkassery is less applicable to begin with, anyways. I am FULLY guilty of watering him down and making him nicer, but I'm self-aware, so... there's that, I guess, lol. I also think he'd chill out as he gets older, anyways, leaning more towards 'vaguely prickly and sardonic' than anything else.
Anyways, it's kinda weird to answer these when I never actually share my writing on this blog, but oh well. That privilege got revoked after someone was mean about my writing around me without knowing that it was mine, lol. It wasn't even good criticism (which baffles me because god knows they had material to work with), it was just general bitching about ship fics that aren't as complex as War and Peace. God forbid some people enjoy fluff. Send me to the corner of shame along with the few dozen people who liked my writing and the people who left kind comments. Anyways, it's funny now, but I still won't share writing here. The best way to support me is to support writers in general.
So! General call to action. Go find a fic for your favorite ship (or just any fic in general but I'm being petty and saying 'ship' since the rude person seemed to take issue with shipping) and leave a (NICE. 🔪) comment. Just a heart emoji if you feel like it. Tell writers when you reread their work, just a 'Hey! rereading and remembering how much I liked this one :)' or something. It'll keep them going for a week, I'm telling you. I still think about and reread every single comment that I have ever received. I keep them all copy-pasted in a google doc. It's 24 pages long and 11.2k and it makes me cry (in a good way).
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
This is going to sound so fucking backhanded but I LOOOOOVE reading fics where he has friends. I love reading him talking to Solidad or Gary or Ash or May as a friend or whoever else!!! Make him socialize!!!! it's fun! Lord knows that he doesn't do it enough and it shows. I like reading fics where he gets to interact with people that he doesn't talk to often in canon. So anyone but May pretty much. I love his horrendously down-bad tunnel vision where he only acknowledges May and literally nobody else, funny as hell, but also it'd have been so fun if he actually spoke to other people. I read a fic several years ago where he and Paul were sorta-work-friends, it was some 2014 assassin AU PS/CS/IS fic. but I remember that Drew would intentionally play coldplay songs around Paul to annoy him or something like that. They had a frenemies-bromance-coworkers thing going on and it was just DELIGHTFUL, if a little odd! That shit's hilarious! Let me see Drew bothering other people on purpose and joking with friends!
So. Things I don't like. I personally disagree with the early 2010s FFN portrayals of him as a casanova womanizer, BUT I also kind of love those portrayals for their sheer absurdity and the camp factor lmao. It's not even an ironic enjoyment, it's a genuine affection for that whole era of fics. It's the opposite of how I write him, but it's nostalgic to look back on old fanon. I also don't care for fics that break him and May up but that's obviously a personal bias that I've literally gone against myself on, lmao. It can be done well but sometimes it skirts into ship-bashing territory, usually at Drew's expense. Just because it's not a preference of mine doesn't mean that it's a bad thing to write! I'm just not the audience and that's okay, it's not a failing of the writer. I mentioned the person who disliked my fics and said so publicly, and that doesn't reflect on me. It reflects on their tastes. Same goes here. It's just not to my taste. It's subjective and not at all a statement on the quality or validity of a fic that includes those things.
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wildpeachfarm · 11 months ago
Idk maybe I’m stupid but can someone explain it to me like I’m 5 years old how Hannah has enabled or how her audience has pushed TERF ideas or rhetoric? Because it’s the one place the dots are not connecting for me every single time this conversation gets rehashed. I think it’s fine to disagree with how she’s acted in all of this, but it feels like taking what could just be called shitty or annoying and turning it into a moral issue when it doesn’t really NEED to be one to claim she or her audience are acting like TERFs. I just would like to hear one explicit example of how this is the case. Because I just cannot see how it’s “TERF-y” for a woman who has spent years facing immense levels of misogyny to make the decision to distance herself from friends who potentially victimized another woman which looks extremely horrible on the surface, even if her decision was made suddenly and under pressure. Whether she regrets it or not is not relevant to it; it just feels like an extreme lack of empathy to take how she reacted while under a microscope to a situation that looked horrible at first glance and claim it’s her pushing harmful ideas. Especially when she deleted most of her original tweets about it anyways and has not spoken on it since. And I don’t even mean this as hate, I am just genuinely asking. Because I don’t necessarily love her distancing herself either, I just also don’t see the reason to keep harping on her about it or making it into some huge moral issue where she is in the wrong when it does not have to be one. And especially when other women involved from the sidelines have done the same or more than her. Sometimes we can just say behaviors are shitty or nasty and leave it at that.
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ehhh honestly that's not even a part of that ask that I was hard agreeing with and that's also just anons opinion, but also I myself wouldn't even go as far as to say "terf rhetoric enabler" (because I don't agree with that) but more so just concerned that she could be attracting a bad crowd in her fanbase unintentionally that some people wish she became more aware of.
last time i talked about this i was getting yelled at to hell and back and being purposefully misunderstood as claiming she was somehow creating a terf army in her fanbase which...let me be crystal fucking clear I AM NOT SAYING OR EVEN IMPLYING. Nor am I saying that her actions in response to the gogcident are somehow fueling terf ideologies. Not saying that at all and please don't think or claim I am saying that.
However, recently a decent amount of people have seen an increase in people in her fanbase (even some that she interacts pretty frequently with) start speaking using terf and specifically radfem phrases (notably during and right after the gogcident) which was raising some red flags for people who are either fans of hers or on the periphery. Now, I've said before that of course hannah probably does not know this and it's not her job to do a background check on everyone she follows on twitch and interacts with on twitter (that is just a ridiculous expectation). However, I think that when you speak a lot about feminist issues, etc. (all very important topics to discuss!) sometimes terfs and radfems just come into your community because they think you are all talking about the same things and have the same ideology. But, as your community grows and as that portion of your fanbase starts concerning people, I think it could be good for CCs to at least be aware of it. Personally, I have more issue with certain fans than with hannah herself but I do think some of her mods are shitty and she needs to stop it with the idea that "any friend of hers that makes a big mistake is no longer a friend" because that's just not going to hold up for very long in the real world.
As per her reaction to the george situation: yeah it was incredibly shitty and honestly I think she could have been fine waiting a bit before making responses because her quick jumps to conclusions (and shooting friendly fire at sylvee in the process) without talking to anyone involved first was a very foolish thing to do and disappointed a lot of people.
I feel like a broken record for constantly having to say this but I get that these female CCs want to do good by the women in the gaming space, i get it. But sometimes they make impactful mistakes and publicly react to situations poorly and I will say that about any cc who I think makes a poor call, guy or gal. I will always have empathy for people reacting badly to initial news dropping like this because I don't know what these people have gone through in their lives, but what I don't have as much empathy for is people immediately broadcasting their initial emotional thoughts all over twitter and then backpedaling when they realize they were being too extreme or emotional. I have criticized Dream for that, and I will criticize Hannah for that.
And you're right not everything needs to be a moral discussion! I don't really agree with people that are trying to heavily mix these two discussions because I honestly don't think they really coincide that much anyway.
I will never say her reaction is "terf-y" because it's just not. These are two separate discussions in my mind so to put them together in that way just isn't something I necessarily will agree with. And I've said this probably 10 times at this point, that I have never once said Hannah intentionally fueling terf/radfem rhetoric in her fanbase. I'm saying it's a somewhat inevitable byproduct of being a large female CC who speaks on feminism and misogyny on the internet. It happens to tiktokers, youtubers, other streamers, etc. This is not a hannah specific issue but people in the mcyt see it with some of her fans because she's simply just a larger female CC so of course her fans are more easy to spot. (same logic on a larger scale applies to the few bad apple dream stans that get the spotlight because of how popular dream is)
Hopefully this makes sense, it is nearly midnight for me right now so I am very tired but I wanted to answer this as thoroughly as I could because it's always an important distinction I want to make and I hate being misunderstood.
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dragon-queen21 · 9 months ago
i come once again bringing pokemon and one piece agere headcanons (sorry if this bothers you, i like making up random agere stuff it’s fun)
pokemon first: (going off of indigo league)
i wholeheartedly agree with the idea of ash and misty bickering while little. the idea of them regressing together and fighting like two toddlers is so funny and in character, and i can only imagine what kind of trouble they’d get into
Brock being the best caregiver because he grew up taking care of his little siblings—he’d be so understanding and would probably not even ask questions, he’s just like “well guess they’re kiddos now, I’ll treat them as such”
but also Brock as a regressor? i could see that. him cuddling with onix and it being very gentle despite being made of stone. also him and vulpix playing because it’s one of the cuddlier pokemon he has, just having a good time
i could see the main three stopping by parks, playgrounds and toystores because ash and misty immediately revert to baby brain when they see one
and i haven’t forgotten about team rocket—you’re so right about them being caregivers, and meowth would be a good playmate
They find ash regressed and are confused, he’d probably be all “ehhh give the kid a break, he’s got a lot on his shoulders” all nonchalant, and team rocket is ⁉️ why is he behaving like this? but gentle nonetheless
now a few one piece ones becaue i love silly pirates bro:
sanji would be a great caregiver to Nami in my opinion. he’s always spoiling her rotten, making her special candy or little sandwiches and sweet treats in the shapes of bunnies or whales or other cute things, never bashing her when she sucks her thumb or does something childish. to him he finds it so endearing she trusts him enough to be this vulnerable around him
never leaving her side while regressed; always taking the oppurtunity to take her hand and lead her around the ship or display his special cooking skills in the kitchen while she watches excitedly
on the flip side i think nami would also be a great caregiver to sanji. despite how much he annoys her when he’s big, i think she’d understand that when he’s little he’s quite literally just a kid, so she’d probably be a little more understanding
I’ve never seen any baby chopper headcanons before but i think it’d fit! him as a pet regressor also fits. i think maybe he’d be an age dreamer and robin could care for him, seeing how much she already adores him
I also raise you this: chopper being a caregiver to Zoro. he’s already a little bit easier on the reindeer than the other members of his crew, and choppers a certified doctor! who better to take care of their best mate then their caring doctor?
also CG franky. he’s so cool dude, i think he’d let you ride on his shoulders and do corny stuff to make you laugh.
ok sorry this got super long, just needed to share this THANKS!!’ have a great day dude ⚡️⚡️‼️
~This doesn’t bother me at all! In actuality this really brightened my day up :D
~As I am watching through Indigo right now I can say that Brock has seen stranger things than his two friends acting younger than they actually are. He would just shrug to himself and go along with it.
~Currently on episode 20 or something while re-watching(It takes me forever to watch shows I’m really bad at finding the time to just sit 😅) , the one where the haunter transforms as the ghost of a girl from hundreds of years ago. Anyways, while Brock is so distracted by her, Misty and Ash trying to drag him back just gave me the vibes of two fussy kids not getting enough attention.
~Adding on, regressor Brock not telling the two that he regresses and rather just stick it out on his own/ with his pokemon. Probably feels bad about being their caregiver while also being little too. When they do find out Ash would proclaim himself the best caregiver and probably start fighting with Misty over it.
~I don’t know why but my brain instantly went to angst. It would be really sad going to toy stores, knowing that you can’t take anything with you, they are always traveling after all so asides from maybe a stuffed animal that could fit in a bag or something small they couldn’t get anything. Or just- not having the money for things like paci’s a little gear and trying to save up but there is always that decision of comfort items, vs having a decent place to stay and food to eat (yes I know they stay a lit of times at poke centers I believe for free and stuff but shh we are ignoring that for a moment)
~I love team rocket so much. You have no idea.
~Been thinking about Ash somehow getting separated from his friends, (maybe pikachu as well) and stumbling into team rocket. And they can’t exact steal pikachu if pikachu isn’t there, and helping Ash look for him is just… beneficial to both groups, yup, that’s the only reason. James just picking the young trainer up onto his shoulders to carry him. Jessie complaining that “oh great, now I have two children to look after” and I don’t know just them-
~Nami being soft around Sanji is just the sweetest. Probably because Sanji is shy while small and any compliment given to her from the regressed cook is usually mumbled and said with a genuine small smile and him half hiding away. Like if she makes food for him, or he thinks the outfit she is wearing s pretty or something
~Regarding regressor Chopper, you had me at mama Robin :D
~If anyone on the crew I would headcanon as age dreamers, it would be him and Usopp tbh.
~Mkay but the first thing I could think of is Chopper doing his absolute best to be a good caregiver. Probably has a bunch of games and activities set up. Meanwhile Zoro being super grumpy and sleepy and just cuddles Chopper as though he’s a stuffed animal and refuses to let go by threat of tears.
This was 95% me rambling about pokemon and I thank you for giving me the excuse too :3
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somethinabouthypmic · 2 years ago
it's been awhile since i used this acc but admin is back into hypmic again so here we go! Realistic dating expectations for hypmic characters:
yipppeee here we go.
buster bros!!
hypmic characters, realistic expectations for dating:
ichiro: if you want to be with ichiro, then you should wait until his brothers are old enough to take care of themselves, even then, it might just be the same way forever, and good luck trying to date ichiro with jiro and saburo in the way. he takes family seriously as well, zero to no chance of it actually happening.
jiro: he's said before that he doesn't care for dating or girls, he just gets confused and wonders why it matters, so i don't think any girl would have a real chance with him, but if you're like one of the guys, then maybe.
saburo: saburo is a narcissistic asshole, so if you can stick with him for longer than a couple of weeks, then maybe it might work. Natural love is what he said that he wants, so take it slow, but you're most likely not going to have a chance with our little hacker boy
samatoki: uh,,, good luck. But hey, he promised to never raise his hand to a woman so that's good. The relationship with him would probably dangerous, as yakuza work often is, definitely don't recommend it.
Jyuto: don't actually know too much about this one, but he's def into some kinky shit. His overtime is stupid and he works a lot, he probably also has a lot of enemies so be careful.
rio: uh.. wanna live in the woods and eat his survival cooking? are you sure?
Fling Posse
ramuda: ramuda belongs to everyone, having him to yourself is quite difficult, if you can be an onee-san/onii-san that sticks out to him enough, you might be able to be one of his models or a closer friend, but that's about it. watch out for his girlfriends.
gentaro: ehhh,,, good luck, I don't see why he wouldn't try dating, I don't really have anything else to say except watch out for the teasing.
dice: homeless man definitely will ask you for money if you're dating him. and he will gamble it all away. Be prepared to have a leech in your home.
jakurai: he would definitely be a very nice partner, but he is also famous, so watch out for the grandpa's fangirls. And, watch out for drunkurai.
hifumi: ....he's terrified of women, so if you're a man there's a better chance, but, all of his fangirls will not like you.
doppo: not seeing him often during his job would be difficult, and all he wants to do on his breaks is sleep.. so... if you want to spend time with him, the best time to do it is just napping together, cuddling, and spending quality time when you can.
Bad ass temple
kuko: can monks even date? anyways, if he enters a romantic relationship with a person, the buddhist teachings state that nonattachment is important in romantic relationships, and to disregard attachments that cause pain, so kuko will love you unconditionally, and you have to do the same with him to make it work properly. anyways he's a little bit of an ass and a gremlin but once you're past that he's great dude.
jyushi: Oh the romance, he really wants it badly, but he will probably be a nervous little baby around you since he is a little crybaby. But all you have to do is love him for him and he will love you as well. Cuddle time is necessary.
Hitoya: I don't actually know enough about him, but, he is very dad-like. You're in good hands legally as well. Holding onto him on the back of his motorcycle? That's hot bro.
sasara: did someone say humor is important in relationships? anyways, he is definitely going to annoy you to death but he is really a sweet guy.
rosho: oh baby, oh sweetheart. Such a kind sensei. He's very smart, so i think dating him would be nice.
rei: uh, i'm not sure about this one, but I think he'd be a good sugar daddy. But be careful, he might abandon you like he did with his sons. lmao.
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stromulites · 4 months ago
👕 16 and 19, 📦 12, 🍽️ 1 and 💓 1 for IDU!rgb >:]
orugh this is a lot, bear with me hngkdkfdg especially since i haven't talked about IDU!pico before beyond vague mentions.
👕 16: Is your character's appearance more telling or deceiving?
BJ: pretty telling, I'd say fddjksgk. Loose clothing. A shirt he doesn't fucking change ever/has multiples of. Guy who just wants to live and have a good time doing so (as ironic as this is rkeslgdf)
Hannah: more deceiving. Since her stuff is mostly under her parents eyes, it's how they view her: their perfect daughter that they will set up for greatness no matter what.
Peter: (yeah i decided on a name for idu!pico krdlgdf) deceiving. Since his handler (Sebastian) holds all his weapons 'n shit, he doesn't visibly look dangerous. Just like a wallflower or something. Unfortunately or fortunately, Reapers with Guns are a rare and unwelcome sight.
👕 19: If your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
BJ: A red cardinal. BJ and Hannah probably had a discussion once on what bird she'd like to be, and she chose Red cardinal. It'd probably be somewhere visible like his forearm or neck, since he wouldn't be one to get a tattoo no one would seerjkdkgdf. Once BJ and Peter get along though, I think he'd get a rat skull too, probably just under his t-shirt sleeve.
Hannah: Unlikely to happen while she's still with her parents but! A blue jay :D terribly creative I know, but BJ's literally one so it's most fitting. She's probably get a shotgun wrapped in thorns for Peter. Why? Ehhh maybe I'll answer that later down the line.
Peter: a solid ring of red around his right upper arm. That would be the only tattoo he'd get, I think. Mostly as a reminder for himself since it would be hidden under his hoodie most of the time. Maybe some smaller ones on his wrist, but I don't see him getting anything large/coloured like the others.
📦 12: Does your character personify objects?
BJ: Would probably say sorry as a reflex. If it's like a computer that's misbehaving, he'll smack it/talk to it when it works like it's aliverksdgf. Will smack talk the object that wronged him.
Hannah: Would definitely say sorry, but like. Probably only late at night when no one's looking/there to reprimand her for being clumsy. Will ask the computer nicely to start working again, etc.
Peter: Will kick the thing again, mumble an insult, then walk off. Percussive maintenance all the way, then go "I fucking thought so."
🍽️ 1: What flavor would your character say their personality is?
BJ: "Blue Raspberry--- what do you mean i can't say that? Fuckin- okay. The white flavour of a Freezie."
Hannah: "Hmm...Something like a savoury beef bourguignon. Or salty like Soy Sauce."
Peter: "Fuck, I don't know. I haven't eaten anything in like...seven years? ...Does Malibu count? Yeah the rum, what do you think I'm talking about?"
💓 1: What is a habit your character has that others might find cute?
BJ: If he's arriving from behind someone he knows well, and they're short enough, he'll put his head on their shoulder to look at what they're doing. This obviously doesn't work with taller people, but damn it, he'll try anyways.
Hannah: Can and will unconsciously braid a person's hair. Did this with BJ when his hair got long but couldn't be bothered to get it cut. Does it to herself when she's particularly bored or something.
Peter: Hums songs when he thinks his alone. They are not what you'd expect him to song to himself about, as they're usually recognizable as love songs. Generally soft in composition.
{ask meme here!}
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months ago
Monday, December 16th, 2024.
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What was the last game you played?: Lol, earlier today, I was putting together some PVC dog cots with Kristen, River, and Liv, and I was like, "It's Squid Game; the last person to finish…" (ominous hand gesture)
Is there anything going to get released soon that you're looking forward to?: I'd have to check with my mom, but if she's interested, then we might go see Mufasa: The Lion King.
Do you have a fan in the room you're in?: No.
How many candles do you own?: Three. Two in my room and one in a pinecone wreath centerpiece on the dining room table. There might be more "in storage," but I'm not going to bother trying to account for those.
What's something you wish you liked but you don't?: Seaweed. Rolled sushi and rice balls look so appetizing, but I just haaate the taste of seaweed.
Do you use a baby voice when talking to animals?: Sometimes I use a baby voice, but I also use a voice that isn't exactly babyish but is still pretty sappy. And sometimes I use my normal voice.
Would you say your parents put too much pressure on you?: No. Of course they had expectations, but they were never overbearing about them. Especially now that I'm older, they very much let me forge my own path in life.
What's for dinner today?: Probably a rice bowl of some sort.
Can you fall asleep easily or do you need something to help you sleep?: I need something to distract from my constantly buzzing thoughts. Last night, I rewatched a video by Natural World Facts called Into The Abyss: Creatures Of The Midwater. He has such a soothing voice. Really appreciate content creators who don't feel the need to YELL. You can't make a subject any more interesting by SCREAMING at me. :')
What do you do when you get bored of sitting in the car a long time while on trips?: There's not much I can do beyond listen to music or audiobooks, chat with whoever is with me, eat, or take a nap. I can't bring a laptop along because of motion sickness.
What game did you play most as a kid?: Games like tag and hide and seek. Pretend - basically made up scenarios / stories, either "LARPing" or using action figures or stuffed animals as characters. As far as video and computer games go, Mario Kart, Star Fox, Yoshi's Story, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Star Craft, and Moraff games (they had options such as Tetris, Mahjong, matching games, puzzles, pinball), etc.
What's the best thing that's happened today?: Nothing sticks out, but it's been a pretty decent day so far.
What about worst thing?: Nothing was all that bad either.
Do you like the scent of gasoline?: Ehhh. Not so much after accidentally getting it on my hands when pumping gas the other day.
What's an odd smell you find pleasing?: Maybe campfire smoke lingering on clothing. It's not necessarily pleasing by itself, but there's a nostalgic quality to it.
How often do you visit Bzoink?: I so wish Bzoink was still a thing. I wonder where all of the previous Bzoinkers migrated to after it closed down. :'(
Which cell phone network do you use?: Verizon.
What's something you've been made fun of for before?: I've never been seriously made fun of for anything. Not to my face, anyway.
What is something you need to work on?: Not allowing my fears and insecurities to get the best of me or make me resentful, envious, etc.
What movie or show has scared you the most?: As a child, Watership Down. I don't know why I kept renting that movie when it terrified me so much. Also, The Ring. Obviously less scary after I realized I wasn't actually going to die in seven days.
Would you rather have cake or ice cream? or ice cream cake?: Right now, probably cake. Love all of the options in general, though.
What is your style in clothing and would you like to change it?: So boring. I would like to change it, but it's going to have to be a process because I'm not going to overhaul my wardrobe all at once.
Do you like the color yellow?: Yeah.
Have you ever been to a drive in movie?: We went a few times when I was younger. Loved it then, but probably wouldn't enjoy it as much now.
When were you last in a body of water? (pools count): Years ago. Probably wading in Comanche Lake while on a backpacking trip.
What dead celebrity would you bring back if possible? why?: None.
Do you listen to gospel music?: Not really…? Not unless certain Christmas carols or classical religious choir music count.
What do you think of Harry Styles?: This was on a recent survey…and I still don't have any thoughts. I barely even know who that is, tbh.
Would you say your personality is naturally outgoing?: I would consider myself something of an ambivert. I'm not a social butterfly - I'm actually pretty shy, at least initially - but I do enjoy being around others. There are times when it's draining, but when the vibe is good, it can be very energizing.
Are you currently talking to anyone?: No.
What are you craving right now?:
What did you last order online?: I haven't ordered it yet, but I'm going to be purchasing an Ed Gorey calendar as a Christmas gift for my mom.
What's the weather like today?: Sunny and 41*F.
Do you know anyone in the military?: No.
Would you rather listen to rock or rap music?: Rock.
Have you told anyone you loved them today?: My dad, my kitties, and some of the kitties at the shelter.
Do you have any songs stuck in your head?: Not right this second.
What were you doing the last time 10am came around?: I think we were just finishing up cleaning in cattery.
What are you planning on doing a few hours from now?: Just my usual nighttime routines.
What's the best gift anyone could give you?: Love. Or something more materialistic - a job at the animal shelter.
Where did you get the top you're wearing?: The shirt is from the animal shelter and the hoodie is from Amazon.
What was the price of gasoline the last time you saw it?: I think it was $2.89.
What's something you have a strong opinion on?: I feel like an abyss of apathy.
Do you like watching scary movies?: Sometimes.
Which is closer.. your birthday or Christmas?: Christmas.
Do you keep your loose change in a piggy bank?: I keep it in a jar under the upstairs bathroom sink.
Are you planning on getting any tattoos or piercings soon?: No.
Do you like your middle name?: I just don't feel connected to it.
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hoshimochicchi · 1 year ago
”Who’s your favorite ship?” (Kiyoyachi)
you cant look me in the eye and tell me kiyoko and yachi dont ship some of their team members together bc they def do
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Dynamic: Mutual pining, teammates-friends-lovers, Fluffy
Includes: Kiyoko and yachi being fangirls, they love their team, its so cute, idfk, lesbians
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Practice had just ended, and the two managers of Karasuno were walking to the train station together to drop off Yachi. A comfortable silence hung around them, until Yachi said something.
“Ne, Shimizu-senpai, they’re really amazing, aren’t they?”
Kiyoko looked at her junior, then smiled lightly.
“Yeah. They are.”
It was silent once more.
“Ne, have you noticed that Sawamura-senpai and Sugawara-senpai act a little… like a married couple?” Kiyoko giggled, and nodded.
“Of course. I’ve been with them for three years. Though sadly, they aren’t dating yet.”
“Don’t worry Hitoka-chan. I’ve been trying to get them together for a while now. I actually just set them both up together on a blind date later this weekend. I have high hopes for that.”
Kiyoko paused, then resumed talking.
“You know who is dating though? Noya-san and Asahi-san. Also Kinoshita-san and Narita-san.” “Ehhh?! I just thought they were really close… though they do act like they’re dating… I thought the same with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, but turns out they’re also dating as well!!”
“Really? What about Kageyama and Hinata?”
Yachi thought for a while, until gently shaking her head.
“Nope. Though I really hope they get together soon. They’re probably my favorite pairing on the team.”
Yachi looked up to her senior.
“What about you, Shimizu-senpai? Who’s your favorite ship?”
Kiyoko stopped walking, making Yachi stop. The older girl turned around and smiled. She leaned in and lightly kissed the other’s lips. It was short, but sweet, with all the love and innocence of a first kiss. Kiyoko smiled once again, and softly whispered.
Yachi- the poor girl, bless her- short circuited, and froze, turning red like a tomato. Kiyoko smiled, and continued to walk forward. Yachi quickly snapped out of her daze and went to catch up to the third year.
“W-w-wait a minute!! Shi-shimuzu-senpai!! Do-oes this mean yo-ou like me?”
It was silent.
Not the awkward type of silence, but not the comfortable type. It was just silent.
“Will you be my girlfriend, Hitoka-chan?”
Everything seemed to slow down, the birds, the cars, everything. Until it just seemed the outside world had frozen. It was nothing, nothing but the two of them. Until, slowly a deep breath, then one word.
Sometimes in Karasuno, when you see the two managers of the males’ volleyball team, you can see them holding hands.
Nobody really knows about their relationship. And it’s not like you can just ask, or pry. After all, Shimizu Kiyoko and Yachi Hitoka are both mature and reserved ladies.
Not that anyone cares. They’re really cute and wholesome together. It’s such a great display of friendship.
But that’s all.
Nobody really gives it more thought. That maybe, just maybe. They’re more than friends.
But anyways… It’s not like anybody needs to know that the two managers of the males’ volleyball team are lesbians!! They’ll figure it out themselves.
But for now, all you’ll see are two girls who happen to hold hands and go everywhere together. Just friends. That’s all.
Until you catch them making out in an empty classroom or storage closet.
Oh well.
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ryuichirou · 1 year ago
fem!rookvil!!! i’m in love. at that note, what about…strap hcs for fem tops or if they even use them lol.
Anon! I am very happy you liked the fem!RookVil sketch.
And thank you for the opportunity to talk about these girls again lol
When it comes to straps though, you’ll definitely see my bias in this list, because I’m not a huge fan of them in f/f stuff, I guess? But I tried to think about it as objectively as possible, so…
Ace – no one should give this girl a strap because she’ll just start pranking people and being very immature about it. Deuce gets so shocked and embarrassed by this thing that Ace just can’t stop… Maybe they’ll get to try it once, if Ace is lucky and doesn’t get in trouble first.
Trey – she owns one, but doesn’t actively use it. She just opens a drawer, looks at it in shame and closes it. Trey doesn’t even know why she has it, maybe it was a gift (from Che’nya?). Sometimes she wonders if she’ll ever get to actually use it, but even imagining Riddle next to this massive thing is very stressful… baby steps, baby steps…
Cater – I get a feeling she would be the type of girlie not to like ehh phallic stuff much. Even if she isn’t on the receiving end of it. But she did see it once and even held it in her hand, but refused and laughed it off when the person asked if she wants to try it on.
Ruggie – ehhh she kind of… doesn’t… need one? Since you know… she’s a spotted hyena and stuff.
Jack could’ve been very good at it if someone made her use it, but I feel like she thinks that this is too obscene of a thing to do. It’s not like she’s prudish, but wearing a strap is a bit too far for her. Even though someone would probably look at her and think that it looked very good on her…
Azul – I guess she also doesn’t need one because she prefers using tentacles anyway, but even when she doesn’t, the hip movement that requires when one uses a strap is too tiring to her. But also in general she just doesn’t like how it looks – it makes her kind of embarrassed for some reason.
Jade – doesn’t use it, but she does like using randomly available tools, even if there is no penetration. It’s just easier for her to do it while holding a thing in her hand than to strap something onto herself. That being said, as it always is with Jade, if her wearing a strap would freak her partner out, she would do it with a smile on her face.
Floyd – as always, it depends on her mood. Sometimes she really wants to feel the skin, and to move her fingers inside, sometimes she just humps without actually inserting anything and it’s still very stimulating. But seeing a strap-on for the first time and using it sounds interesting and novel enough for her to try it out. I can also see her using it, having fun with it, but then losing it in her room and not using it anymore because eh let’s just wait until Jade finds it or something.
Kalim – this thing makes her giggle. It’s so weird and funny looking, she would probably end up looking at herself in the mirror and laughing her ass off. But if she was to actually try using it, she would be super concerned all the time, asking Jamil if it hurts or not, because it seems like it would. From that point, Kalim is officially banned from strap-city, and this is for the best.
Rook – she owns one and operates it skillfully, but uses it pretty rarely, because it makes her really miss the sensation on her tongue and fingers. She thinks that every it could be useful as any other tool in certain circumstances, but pleasuring a woman is like playing a harp, something something, as if you would play a harp with your tongue Rook…
Ortho – she has a huge variety of attachments for all kinds of stimulation, some of them would technically qualify as “straps” (of different shapes and sizes…), but she doesn’t get to use them as often as she does some other things in her arsenal. She might really want to try it if she sees it used in hentai though…
Lilia – she is so impressed by how the newer strap-ons look. Back in her days, they didn’t have stuff like that, they had to use other things and improvise… She might even come up with a story about how she and her girlies might have invented strap-ons, but she is just trolling. In general she doesn’t use it, but similarly to Floyd, does have it somewhere in her room. Buried under a bunch of random junk…
Sebek – putting on male genitalia to deflower a maiden? This is way too obscene of a concept to even consider. She would be shocked if she learned that this is what people actually do. Scandalized, even. But if someone was to put it on her, smack her back and say “go”, she would do an incredibly good job. I guess this is what it means to have natural talent.
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