#suzuki iruma x reader
lucszli · 2 years
Can I request for a welcome to demon school iruma-kun x genshin impact!reader?? You can pick any character and if you have a character limit you can pick any characters you want
– Iruma x genshin impact reader
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authors note: im sorry this took so long for me to write. a lot of things happened, I almost died a couple of times and my friend got shot but anyways this isn't about me so, i hope it'll reach ur expectations<3
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One second, you were in teyvat, and the next you were in some other dimension.
You honestly don't know how this happened, you were in a daze from hitting your head upon arrival. All you could remember was running from something because you got separated from the group of people you were with and then falling into some portal that seemed to appear out of nowhere.
and now you were in what appeared to look like somebody's backyard, which is great. you're on the verge of passing out and you accidentally trespassed into someone's property. You could hear someone approaching you, all before you completely blacked out.
— — —
you could feel yourself waking up, confused and tired, with your entire body in pain. you wanted to go back to sleep, but despite all that you still managed to force your eyes open. The first thing you saw was whiteness, and for a split second you thought you died and ascended to celestia before a knock startled you, making your head turn to the direction of where the noise came from.
"Hi, are you awake? may I come in?" a soft voice asked, and you were conflicted between staying silent or saying something. your mind was too tired to think it through properly, and so, you responded.
"im awake." your voice was still laced with sleep, you noticed. ofcourse, I just woke up.. in a strangers home.
upon that thought process, you realized, oh. I don't know where I am and who the hell that was. you tried to keep your exposure since the door was opening and someone was coming in, your hand immediately going to where your vision was placed, to reassure yourself that you have some sort of way to defend yourself still. being completely helpless in this situation wasn't the most ideal outcome.
a young boy with blue hair, who looked about the same age as you, came in with a tray of food. you could see two more figures behind him, seemingly looking at you cautiously. your eyebrows furrowed out of confusion, because you still don't know where you are or who these people are. the boy with blue hair placed the tray on the bedside table, then turned to you with a smile. "ah, I'm sorry! I should probably introduce myself. I'm iruma, another human like you. Those two out there are opera and my grandpa, we found you in our backyard.." he explained.
you started to recall what happened, well, most of it. you were still confused, not knowing what to say.
"I'm y/n. Thanks." is what you settled on.
The two of you conversated a little and you found out he was a human who ended up here because his horrible parents sold him to a demon for money. And apparently, you're here now too with no knowledge of how to go home. You didn't know what to do, or how to react to any of this.
After talking for a while, Iruma left the room to give you some time to yourself. Staring up at the blank ceiling, you tried recalling everything that's happened up to this point.
first, you fell and landed in a random garden.
then, you woke up in a strangers room. said stranger proceeded to give you food.
thinking about it made your head hurt more, and so, you settled on going back to sleep.
— — —
upon waking up a second time, the tiredness and pain seemed to lessen, luckily for you.
you stayed in bed for a couple of seconds before deciding to get up and go explore, whatever place you're in. walking over to the door (which was unlocked, thank the archons) and opening it, you seemed to bump into a familiar figure. "ah!- im sorry, i didn't think you were awake yet!" you heard irumas voice exclaim, you rubbed your head and told him it was fine.
the two of you realized how close you were still standing to one another. iruma was the first one to move away while smiling awkwardly. "are you feeling better?" he asked, a more sincere smile on his face this time. "mm. i guess. im still confused, though." you answered, eyebrows furrowing towards the end of the sentence. iruma couldn't help but laugh a little at your expression, while you just stared at him trying to look betrayed, for dramatic effect.
"i get how you feel, don't worry. we can talk it over with my grandpa if you want, maybe he can find a way to send you back from where you came from?" iruma suggested, which earned an eager nod from you. this place was.. okay, but, you really wanted to go back home and lay on your own bed. "should we go see him right now?" you ask, which got you a nod from iruma this time.
the walk over to where his grandpa was wasn't that eventful, with just the two of you making casual conversation. finally reaching where iruma said he was, he opened the door and walked in, gesturing for you to follow. "hey grandpa, y/ns awake now. we wanted to ask about if you could find a way to get them home?"
irumas grandpa, or whatever his name is, looked up from the papers he was holding in his hands. "I've been trying to research it actually, I don't know if I'm going to be able to anytime soon," he shared with the two of you, causing you to physically deflate, followed by a sigh. "am i gonna be stuck here for a while..?" you murmured. iruma looked at you in empathy, feeling bad that you'd have to stay in a foreign world cooped up in a random house.
"I think you'll have to be, atleast until i know what to do. in the meantime you can just stay here, or.." he trailed off, making both you and irumas interest peaked. you gestured for him to continue, wondering where he was going with this.
"or, you can attend the school iruma goes to?" he finished, looking up at the two of you.
wait, what?
ending this off here, because im too lazy to continue the rest rn T_T , didn't proof read this either imsosorry. anyways! if you guys want a part 2 then just let me know, I'll work on it as soon as possible:D
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luxthestrange · 23 days
WTDSIK Memes#6
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Kalego*Face palming seeing the gift Sullivan brought to his son*...WHEN I SAID YOU CAN BRING ONE GIFT-I OBVIOUSLY MEANT SMALL!?!
Balam*Happily positioning baby Iruma next to his new teddybear*He seems to like it~
Y/n*Trying to calm down your husband*Calm down 'Lego! your gonna have another panic attack!
Kalego: I AM CALM!?!
Balam & Y/n*Both hug Kalego and pat his head and back*There there~
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lav-bee · 7 months
Welcome to Demon School x Reader
How they protect your drink in a bar
Characters: Balam, Kalego, Opera, Iruma, Clara, Asmodeus
💛- read as platonic
Warnings?: Drinking... obvi, kinda mentions it in the title XD
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- Holds the cup with two hands and has it close to his chest
- Glances down to the drink every now and then while making sure no one's hands come close to your cup
- Very unlikely anyone would try something, Balam would scare them off pretty easily by just standing there
- Your drink is safe with him :)
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- Is a little stiff at first when you leave him with your drink
- He didn't know you trusted him like that, but once you make that clear he won't betray that trust, keeps the drink close
- Anyone that comes near will be scared away with a glare of his
- Your drink will be protected
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- They're a great pick, top 3 to look after your drink
- Will keep your drink on the table their sitting in front of but will move your drink closer to themself
- Anyone that gets close will get wacked by thair tail and if worse comes to worse they’ll beat them up
- 100/100 will keep your drink protected
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- Never lets the drink out of his sight and for extra protection he places a hand over top of it
- Continues to converse with his friends and if some stranger happens to come over, there is 0 chance Iruma will let them touch the cup
- Drink is safe and sound
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- Drinks it
- Nah, but in all seriousness if you give her an important task such as look after your drink she will protect it
- Holds it close to her will two hands and glares at everyone that passes by
- Drink is 100% safe with her
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- Will leave your drink on the table counter but will pull it closer to him
- Glares at anyone walking by while sipping on his own drink
- If anyone suspicious comes over attempting anything Azz will threaten them with fire and scare them off
- Your drink will be safe
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ranpoe-is-canon · 1 year
no, because the little to no amount of contents that "Welcome to demon school Iruma kun" has is just not fair. LIKE WHY?????? WHY CAN'T I FIND MORE FANFICS????? NOW I NEED WRITERS TO WRITE AND FEED ME FICS OF THEM, THIS SH!T IS MANDATORY, IF YOU ARE A WRITER AND SEEING THIS, THEN WTF ARE YOU WAITING FOR, GO. WRITE. A. FANFIC.
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niiine · 1 year
Character(s). Misfit Class + Kalego Sensei, Balam Sensei, Opera, and Sullyvan
Synopsis. How I see the reader being treated in Babyls and in the netherworld in general as you’re Iruma’s younger sibling
Younger! sister reader
-Finished s3 of Mairuma last night so I’ve reread the music festival arc. I just wish s4 will come faster becauseee I’ve been LSS-struck by Lilith’s Red Carpet and the music isn’t even out yet 🥺
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Iruma is a BABY. Everyone around him wants to protect and cherish and love all of him. But you? Oh, hell you enter the room and they’re all either kneeling or cooing because how can you be such a cutie?
Sullyvan treats you and Iruma like toddlers. You want those dresses? Here buy ten each. Oh, you love that dessert? Opera, please bring more. You wanna go shopping? Take his wallet, his bank details, take his whole life if you must. Sully-sama just wants the best for you and your Nii-chan.
But unlike your brother, you’re not allowed to have a sleepover or stay outside way too late. Either Opera will come hunting you down once it’s past seven pm or your whole class will be the searching party.
Opera is much, much stricter to you than to your brother. They make sure that you are above prim and proper most of time. “You’re a lady in the household, (y/n)-sama”, or so. But they’re still as gentle as they could be and always prioritize what makes you comfortable.
No man. And I mean NO MAN, is allowed to come near you aside Asmodeous Alice (and somehow the other misfits as well). Pray that no one would dare to walk you home because,
“Apologies, (y/n)-sama. I thought you’re being kidnapped” “OPERA-SAN WE’RE LITERALLY GOING HOME” you’re freaking out at how bloody the nose of your friend is.
At class, you’re seated between Alice and Lead because Azzazz thinks that he should be in the middle of you and your brother so he can protect both of you in case somethings happens. And Lead insists that he must be beside you because you’re his “Baby sister.”
Ofc you’re part of the Iruma gang but you spend time with the other circle from time to time as well. One of your favorites is Nee-san and Krocell because you’ve never had a big sis and these two are doing good at the job. Sometimes they dress you up like a doll with Clarin just bringing out the most random (but cute) clothing from her pockets.
Jazzy and Garp spoils you rotten. You’re their princess and they call you as such. Jazzy loves to bring you shiny gems and jewelries that he bought because “You’re special” and then he’ll ruffle your hair. He will also let you play with his familiar.
Garp would cook for you. You’re tired of the foods from the cafeteria? Open up the kitchen of the royal one! You want sweets? He always keeps sweets. Garp also blows wind at you if you feel hot due to the weather.
When you’re tired, or if you just need it—like in the harvest festival, Agares is assigned to make you comfortable. Yes, the misfits have talked about it. They have no doubt about your strength and ability, you’re Iruma’s sister after all, but “What if the bugs and other insects bite her? We can’t have that!” Cue, Agares building a whole castle for you (As well as for him and Garp). When other students took shelter in the said place, he made sure you still have the Luxury of space and as comfortable as you can be. Even though you argue that no, you can fight, and a cramped space is fine for you.
Babe, you should have seen the way the other girls look at you with playful jealousy as Agares dotes on you.
Allocer and Sabnock helps with your study. It’s a great help when you feel a bit pressured at Azzazz’s teachings. Besides, you can’t add to his luggage anymore (a.k.a Iruma and Clarin). Sabnock mostly teaches you about the Demon king, but he’s also pretty good when it comes to other subjects. He’s gentle and caring, being the big brother that he is.
Aloocer, on the other hand, is a much stricter tutor. He gave you assignments and pointers. But his work certainly help you pass every exam, most of the time even sharing it to your brother when you two study at home.
Camui is also one of your favorite classmates. He’s not allowed of course to hog you, as the other twelve will go after his head, and he wouldn’t do that as well to the class’s baby! Because of him you can pet animals and beasts (With the help of Krocell) without getting hurt.
Sometimes you will hang out with Iruma and Lead and it’s so cute because it looks like two babies trying to protect a smaller baby. The two of them will spoil you as well and you’ll be the one to decide what to eat, what to play, or what to do for the day or for that specific time.
Purson Soi also gives you a special treatment. If he vanishes and the class can’t find him, one call from you and puff! He’s there. You don’t want to talk to that schoolmate who keeps asking you out? Big brother Soi will make sure your presence is gone in a moment.
It’s very subtle and he still treats just like the whole class, but Kalego-sensei just seems to “miss” if you’ve done something wrong. Or he would just let it slide “very unnoticeable” if it’s about you.
And Balam-sensei? You remembered how scared he was the first time Iruma told him that he’s a human? That’s he’s reaction to you up until now. The professor wouldn’t even touch without thinking that he’ll break your soft body. Tell him that it’s fine though because the man wouldn’t even breathe the same air as you in fear of intoxicating you.
BigBro!Iruma in Evil Cycle is the cream of the crop. All hands off of you. All eyes off of you. “You want something now, Princess?” Say you want the whole netherworld and it’ll be at your feet. He wouldn’t barricade you or anything, but his eyes will be watching you and anyone around you. 
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 10 months
Daddy's baby
Balam was happily letting a tiny Clara climb all over him like he was some kind of mountain as he read a book to a sleepy little Alice and Iruma. Both boys snuggled together on his lap. Honestly, you were trying desperately not to squeal.
How was it again that this demon was single before you came along? He should have had five, if not six, little ones of his own with another on the way at this point. And that was at least!
By all accounts, he should have had a harem at this point! Demons were blind! You huffed as you watched him carefully tucking in the two boys while he carefully held a now squirming Clara.
A baby Jazz sat in your lap coloring, and you cooed happily over his scribbles. How was it that 4 out of your 13 children had been reduced to toddlers? Funny story...
Jazz was working on a project with his battler, something about making anti-aging potions. And of course, that's when your chaotic jellybean comes running in with her two precious soul mates behind her, trying to do damage control. Long story short, something gets knocked into the concoction, and it explodes.
Causing you and several other teachers to rush into the room. Your first instinct is to make sure each of your kids is alright. But really, the moment you spotted tiny hands reaching for you, your brain broke.
You couldn't help but snuggle and use baby talk. Really, it should be illegal for your kids to be so adorable. You and Sullivan took many pictures that first hour before you came to your senses about returning them to their original state.
You gave Dali-San the task of figuring that out as you would have your hands full. Balam had been terrified at first, thinking he'd hurt one of them accidentally, but both Clara and Iruma got him past those thoughts rather quickly as they reached out and tugged or held onto the large gargoyle.
Which required more pictures as you took the kids home for the day. It actually wasn't that bad. Sure, they got into things, and yes, you would definitely have a mess for later, but overall you loved it.
You glanced over to see Clara and Balam now rolling alone the floor. Your little jellybean laughing as she wore herself out trying and failing to get out of her kind teachers hold. You giggled.
Jazz had slipped off your lap and crept over to the playing duo. You watched as his tail waved back and forth rather lazily as he got a closer look. You blinked in shock.
Before you knew it, your little Jazzy had thrown himself at Balam as well. Luckily, the older demon had been paying attention and caught him by the back of his shirt. You letbout a sigh of relief.
Balam set Clara down and now played with the laughing little imp. "Baby, don't jump on, Daddy." You teased without thinking. You blushed. Both Jazz and shichiro are looking at you.
You heard a clatter and groaned. Clara had escaped the room again. You rushed out to do damage control. Secretly glad for a distraction.
... You take that back. Where in Hell did your little chaotic imp find glitter? Was she able to use her bloodline ability this young? Opera was going to kill you for the carpet.
Jazz stared up at the large demon, still holding him. His tail flicked in curiosity. "Baby?" He points to himself. Balam nodded, and a soft rumble left his chest.
"Baby," He confirmed, ruffling the little demons hair. Jazz's tail now waved happily as he beamed and pointed at himself again. "Daddy's baby!"
His heart pounded, and his cheeks turned red. But who could blame him? That was just so cute! Jazz tilted his head and pouted. "Daddy's baby?" This time as a question.
He pulled the little one closer and cooed, almost trilling. "Daddy's baby." He repeated firmly, so there wasn't doubt. The laughter that escaped the small child had him feeling like he was on cloud 9 all day.
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hibiscusorca · 1 year
May I ask for iruma x demon! father! reader (PLATONIC OFC!) -
Like before Sullivan adopted iruma he adopted reader first because he wanted a son to dote on, and when reader became an adult he couldn't wait for grandchildren and *boom* iruma. Reader is a bit irritated with Sullivan but caring towards iruma because he knows why iruma can't say no, could be from his family magic that he knows this. And maybe even iruma calling him dad on accident? (Reader doesn't force him to call him dad)
I literally love this ask
Imma say some stuff about before iruma
Sullivan was probably as or more doting and that could be either good or bad
And when you became an adult? My Lord this guy was sobbing for days.
when he out of nowhere decided to just give you a kid it was so awkward like tf is happening??
Basically everyone was confused and iruma was shaking,so you decied to not blow this out of proportion and just accept it and you grew to care for him ALOT
when you decided he was gonna be your child he was practically shitting in his pants
You knew about irumas family and they way he can’t say no cause of your bloodline magic let’s just say it’s related to memories for now I’ll probably elaborate in another post
A while later you decided to enroll him into Babyls cause it was the school you used to go to plus free tuition cause of Sullivan
When you met his “friends” as he calls them you probably got a damn migraine cause these guys be LOUD but nonetheless you’re happy that there’s people around him that care for him
Iruma was trying to ask you a question one day and accidentally called you dad and your heart melted cause of it and you told him that he could call you dad if he wants, and he didn’t at first by then he started calling yo dad and it’s so cute when he says it😭
Iruma was doing homework in the living room table and was puzzled on his math questions so he called out to you “ hey dad-” And then he realised why he had said but you were literally right next to him heard it and damn near got heartburn from how cute it was,you saw that he got a bit panicky after he said it so you had to calm him down”it’s fine if you call me dad” and then you and helped him finish his homework, and he said “thanks dad!” With the biggest smile on his face
This isn’t my best work tbh😞 slo iput quotations on the friends part cause most demons don't know what friends are
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j-cartoons-blog · 1 year
Hello to all my iruma kun fans!
I designed and in the process of manufacturing the adult trio enamel pins! I have them up for preorder on my website:
I have them at a discounted price for preorder so take advantage of that before them become back to their original price of $16.
If you want to see more of my work, I'm most active on Instagram @thedancinflower007
I hope to continue making more merch for mairuma because I think this anime deserves it. Thank you!!
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mantizimus · 1 year
Carrie White!S/O
Iruma Suzuki
Understands your situation and helps to get used to a new life.
Finds your kind and shy nature endearing, but also does everything possible to help you become more confident.
Helps to understand that demons are not as bad as they are portrayed in bible and various media.
One day Iruma asked you about your past. And when you told him about it… that was the only time you saw him absolutely livid.
Yes, he understands that humans aren't perfect, but still, what kind of sick bastard would do something like that?
Fascinated by your power and explains that this is not a curse, but a gift.
Look for some books on telekinesis to help you learn. He can also ask his grandfather for advice.
Alice Asmodeus
Human? With telekinetic powers? In the netherworld? That's... unusual.
Helps to get used to Babyls, as well as to learn the ways of the netherworld.
Sometimes he notices some kind of similarity between you and Iruma, but does not attach much importance to this.
Noticing that you shoot down any affection he shows you as a prank, Alice initially thinks that this is due to the fact that he is a succubus.
Thus, he makes it clear that his feelings for you are sincere and that he is not trying to seduce you.
But when he sees that even after that you still hold the same opinion, he just asks you what happened, forcing you to tell about your past.
If you hadn't slaughtered your bullies, he would've found a way into the human world and burned them to a crisp.
Will visit the library with you to help find books on telekinesis.
Also uses his flames as an example. Yes, he understands that it's not the same, but this maybe will give you some kind of idea.
Clara Valac
Your nature causes her admiration and interest.
Clara can and will make you participate in her shenanigans.
After learning that you had no friends before, gets upset because of this.
If you are in a bad mood, she will use her magic, as well as Summon, to cheer you up.
Feels a mixture of sadness and wrath when you told her about your past.
Will hug you as often as possible to make sure you're in a good mood.
It is likely that she will ask you to use your power for games.
She will try to give you theoretical help in controlling telekinesis. It's possible that you won't understand her explanations, though.
Sabro Sabnock
Intrigued by you. As far as he remembers, humans, according to myths, don't have any supernatural abilities.
Helps you get out of your shy shell and become more active and sociable.
He will call you cool and won't take 'no' as an answer.
After learning about what happened to you in the human world, he was totally and royally pissed off.
He will definitely ask you to describe the appearance of these scumbags in as much detail as possible, after which he will make training dummies out of them, which he will beat with extreme cruelty.
If you want to practice on them, he's not gonna stop you from it.
Sabro would be quite a good mentor when it comes to telekinesis. He'll choose the way of learning that will be most effective and understandable for you.
Ameri Azazel
Her first instinct was to tell her father that a human had entered the demon world. But when she saw your telekinesis, she realized that it was better to postpone it for later.
Spending time with you and trying to understand where you got these abilities from, Ameri eventually fell in love with you.
Definitely help you become more ambitious and stronger in character.
Reads manga with you, and not only romantic.
Was furious when she found out about your life in human world. She believes that if she went to the same school as you, all this crap wouldn't have happened.
Will spend as much time with you as possible, helping you to understand that you deserve love too and that you will never be alone.
Needless to say thay you'll get addicted to this feeling.
Will use all available means in mastering telekinesis. Books, her own magic, manga that has characters with similar abilities - it doesn't matter.
Jazz M. Andro
At first treated you like a little sister, protecting you from any potential offenders.
Realizing that he fell in love, he began to steal money from other students, which he spent on a gift to you.
Despite your naivety, Jazz never tried to manipulate you.
Having learned that you are a human, he was surprised, but his opinion of you hasn't changed.
Then, he found out about your life in the human world. He never felt such rage, even towards his older brother AND Furfur. And that says a lot.
Convinces you that your former classmates are nothing more than mentally retarded pests who don't understand anything about people.
Offer you to use telekinesis to steal things.
If you refuse, he will not insist, but will make it clear that if you change your mind, he will gladly accept your help.
Schneider Allocer
If you want to get some interesting information every day that, thanks to your mother, you didn't know about, then congratulatios, you found best boyfriend.
Helps you to look at the world without the prism of religion.
When you revealed your nature to him, he definitely began to ask you about the human world in order to understand how it works.
Noticing that you have never talked about your past, he will unobtrusively ask you about it.
The first reaction to what happened back then was shock. He was appaled at how cruel people can be.
The second reaction was hatred. It's not aimed at you, no It is aimed at those who bullied you to the point of you snapping and commiting slaughter. They successfully removed Furfur from the top spot on his list of people he hates.
Seriously, if Schneider had the opportunity, he would bring them back to life and kill them in the most brutal way possible.
Give you advices and various books to help you control your telekinesis.
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meabh-mcinness · 1 year
Hello there! I just wanted to say that ive been a fan of yours for a bit and I really really love your work. I hope you keep up the amazing feels and are doing good in general!
I would like to ask for iruma with mom!reader.
WITH RECENT EVENTS! in the manga our boy needs some proper comfort.
I want the reader to hold iruma and tell him that everyone started caring about him because of him, I wanna see along the lies of the reader telling him " they will see the human in you and they will love you for it just like you love them as the demons they are"
( i also want mama reader just going full on quiet rage on kalegos brother to the point her aura consumes the ball room and he feels like his chest to going to cave in)
But thank you for taking the time to reade this i hope that this isn't too hard for you to do and please keep being awesome!
Thank you very much! I've been doing good, though I'm tired what with starting a new job and all, and I hope you are as well!
Sorry this took so long to get out, but it's finally here! Hopefully you're OK with it, since I did take a little bit of liberties with it.
Boss B*tch
When Narnia tries to put Iruma in his place, it ends up being him who is shot down instead. By you, Iruma's parent, who is none too pleased that an overconfident mutt hurt their baby's feelings. Luckily, if there is one thing humans are good at, it's mimicking that they are much more fearsome predators than they actually are.
TW! The only thing I can think of is the reader does draw a bit of blood and grabs Narnia's hair and threatens him. I don't think there's anything else?
One minute.
You had looked away for one minute, distracted by Alice and Razzbery fighting over Amaryllis, and when you looked back your son was no longer by your side. A frown flitted over your face as you swept your eyes over the ballroom. With so many colourful outfits, it was rather easy to find the blue-haired boy in his near black suit. He was still back where you had been originally, standing by Fenrir, or Fen-chan as he insisted on being called.
Iruma appeared to be sparkling as he chattered on about something. A fond smile appeared on your face as you excused yourself from the group to wander back over to him. Logically, you knew that you had to let him go off on his own, and yet you were incredibly anxious to leave him be when surrounded by so many high-ranking demons. And evidently, as you watched Iruma's face scrunch into confusion before falling into fear as Fenrir said something in return, you had been right to feel so.
Your eyes narrowed, your smile falling as Fenrir started to crowd in Iruma's space. You were close enough now that you could hear what it was that Fenrir was saying. He seemed to be going on a rant about the possibility of humans invading the Netherworld and, from the way he phrased it, made it obvious to you that he was more than aware of their existence and seemed to have a personal vendetta against them.  And more than likely he knew about you and Iruma being humans. As much as you had liked his quips, it was obvious.
Fenrir was a danger.
And you wouldn't allow danger near your son. Not after coming so close to losing him in the heartbreaker exam. Your nerves, which had been slowly loosening since then, tightened once more and your teeth were bared before you had even thought about it. Eyes narrowed, you watched as Amaryllis pounced on Iruma from behind out of nowhere, and vaguely wondered how she had got there first, before pushing the thought away. It was obvious from the way her body was tensed, one hand raised, that she was about to attack Fenrir too, but you had got there first.
Before she could strike out, you were there, palm hitting his face, nails digging into his skin as your hand flew out. You watched as he fell to the ground, his eyes widened in shock at the force and his blood splattering out against the ground next to him. You were suddenly very happy that you had grown your nails out to try and blend in with the demons here, as he tentatively raised one of his hands to the shallow claw marks on his cheek, blood still rising to the surface.
It was rather obvious from his dropped mouth and empty eyes that he was in a state of shock, as if he really couldn't comprehend that someone, much less you, had actually struck him. From the corner of your eyes, you could also see everyone else staring at the two of you as well. Amaryllis seemed to be stuck somewhere between surprise and pride, and Iruma had forgone all composure as he stared with eyes wide and mouth open, and all the varying demons around seemed to be imitating him.
To be fair, you could kind of understand why. This was a ball where they were supposed to be celebrating the future, and now there appeared to be two individuals fighting.  One of which was a self-proclaimed third most important member of the Border Patrol, a force that most did their best not to make an enemy of. And you had sent one sprawling to the floor with one hit.
There would most likely be consequences, you knew, as more of your anger seeped out of you. Amaryllis could have got away with it easily, being a member of the 13 Crowns. But you? You were just an unknown, unranked, being. Even if you are a child of one of the three greats, you, yourself, held no real power. And you had picked a fight with a demon who was leaps and bounds more powerful than you.
A fight you were determined to win through sheer willpower alone if necessary. Losing was not an option when Iruma was involved as collateral.
"You talk of beings that don't belong so well, and yet don't seem to recognize that the only one here who is out of place is you. You are nothing more than an overconfident mutt at my feet who needs to be retaught manners," He stared up at you, eyes wide at the seeping aura of anger and danger that poured out of your every cell.
Suddenly a giant black wolf materialized above him, with three eyes, and multiple tails raised in anger. All snarling fangs and posture, and while you felt fear tear through your body, you stared up at it as if you were unimpressed, before pulling your lips back and giving a loud snarl of your own at it. You watched it pause for a second, ears flickering in its hesitancy at this tiny being in front of it, before the canine abruptly vanished again. Leaving behind Fenrir, still at your feet.
He appeared to be out of his shock and was kneeling now, likely trying to stand up while you were distracted. Well, you couldn't have that just yet. You quickly grabbed a fistful of his hair and leaned down while dragging him up so your faces were inches apart. A hiss left his mouth at the abrupt action, but he quickly shuts his mouth again at the look on your face.
His mind was racing as he tried to comprehend what exactly was happening. He knew you were a human, and humans were supposed to be weak little creatures. Easy prey that even an infant could catch, so logically you were supposed to be as well. And yet here you stood with all power reeking off of you like you were the Demon King himself. In the face of your fury, he felt a lot like some pup before the raging alpha of an enemy pack.
He could practically see it, instead of your human form, a large wolf with long flowing fur the colour of your hair, that would put his Cerberia to shame. Felt the large clawed paw on his chest with the way he struggled to breathe under the pressure, could hear the low furious growl that rumbled out of your chest, past the large fangs poised to rip him to shreds.
He felt more like he was looking at a deity of wrath than a human. He was as awed at your presence as he was fearful, as he stared up at you. 
"If I ever find you talking such drivel to my child again, I will skin you alive before ripping out your eyes, shoving them down your throat, so you can see my claws rip your carcass open while wearing your skin as a dress. Do you understand me?" you growled out at him. He nodded as best he could with your hand still clutching his hair. You leaned in more till you were right next to his ear, and whispered, "I know you know what I am, but you will cease and desist any attempts against me and mine before I show why our two worlds were really separated. After all, it was never for the benefit of human lives that demons vanished off to someplace new," before you abruptly let him go while standing up straight. He collapsed slightly, almost falling to the floor again before he caught himself with his knees. His head stayed bowed, showing his back, suitably cowed before you.
"Good boy, now go on, apologize."
Fenrir staggered to his feet before you, head still bowed. "Please forgive my rudeness, my lady. It will never happen again." He slowly turned towards where Iruma was standing, still flabbergasted at your display, before straightening up when he noticed the demon's gaze on him.  Fenrir bowed again at Iruma, "And to you too, milord. I got too carried away, and it was wrong of me. I am sorry for scaring you."
Iruma started to move his hands slightly, to wave away the apology, but one quick shake of your head had him lowering them again. "It's - It's alright..." Iruma said, still startled and somewhat lost at what was going on. 
Fenrir raised up from his bow to Iruma, and turned back towards you, lowering his head towards you once again, "If you'll excuse me, my lady, I think I'll go wash my face." He stayed still until you nodded your head, before he turned away and walked off, presumably towards where the washrooms were. Your eyes stayed narrowed on his form until he disappeared from your view by the surrounding crowd. And really, when had it gotten that big? 
Shaking your head mentally, you did your best to ignore the crowd as you turned your attention to Iruma. He still looked as shocked as before as you made your way over to him. He straightened once more, though he fidgeted a little bit under the intensity of your look. Likely misreading your determination as anger at him. 
Squishing his cheeks in between your hands as you finally made your way to him, you turned his head this way and that, before looking him up and down. Satisfied with your inspection but not still high on nerves, you asked him if he was OK. He gave the best nod he could with his head still stuck in your hands, and you quickly let him go. Seeing a look in his eyes though kept you from fully believing him. 
Had you scared him? You generally presented a very calm parental relationship with him. Trying your hardest to never give in to a temper and always think things through calmly when dealing with anything with or near him. You would hate to find out that the one time you let anger consume you had changed his perception of you. 
Hearing two shouts of Iruma’s name, you turned towards where two individuals were forcing their way through the dispersing crowd, dragging you out of your thoughts. Now that the show was clearly over, the other occupants were going back to their original groupings, still chattering about what had happened but no longer as interested in watching you. 
Focusing back in, you found the two individuals were Amerie and Alice. Both talked over the other as they tried to find out what happened and if everyone was OK. Waving off their concerns, you simply commented that a dog had to be retrained and that it had been handled before grinning at their flabbergasted looks. 
Glancing over towards Iruma you noticed he seemed to slowly withdraw into himself. His eyes clouded over as whatever he was thinking slowly consumed his mind. Thinking quickly, you gestured over to where a few tables were and suggested that you took a quick break after all the excitement. Amerie and Alice had clearly come to the same conclusion as you, as they quickly nodded and surrounded Iruma as if trying to hide him from view as you led the small group over. Amaryllis declined the offer, saying she still had some socializing of her own to do, before veering off away from. Judging from her determined walk, she was likely on her way to visit the misbehaving dog from earlier.
With Iruma and you settled at a table hidden to the sidelines, you couldn't help the fond smile that crosses your face as both Amerie and Alice fawned over Iruma. Both clearly expressed worry over how he felt about what had just happened, but were not certain about what to do to make it better. When Iruma shooed them away to have fun and that he simply wanted to have a moment alone, your smile dipped into a frown. Due to the way he was raised, Iruma always jumped at the chance to have others around him. Constantly craving their affection and company. To push others away after something like that clearly said something was wrong. And you had a good feeling what it was.
You were going to kill Fenrir the next chance you got.
You gave the two demons across from you a nod and put a hand on Iruma's shoulder gently. "Don't worry, I have him. Go have fun and make connections. We'll join in again later."
They both hesitated, clearly still uncertain about leaving him, before nodding in acquisition. With a few last words, they left to socialize with the others, and you watched them go before turning back to Iruma.
"How about we get out of here briefly," you suggested with a wink at him.
His eyes widened at your words, staring at you with a dropped jaw, "But we promised Opera-"
"We promised not to leave the Deviculum, and we're not." You nodded to the large curtains strewn along the walls. "I noticed them earlier, but didn't think we would need them. Every one of the curtains leads to a balcony. We'll be out of prying eyes, and you get a space to breathe, while still technically staying within bounds."
He blinked owlishly at you before tilting his head in thought. It was quite obvious there were two sides warring in him, but yours must have won out when he nodded and moved to get up. He followed obediently behind you as you led him to the closest window. Giving a quick look around to make sure no one was looking your way, you lifted the curtain a bit and gestured to him to go through. Technically speaking, you didn't actually know if you were allowed out here.
Iruma didn't need to know that. 
Moving to go behind the curtain yourself, you gave one more cursory glance before following him outside. The second you were outside, you couldn't help but take a deep breath of the cool air. You hadn't even realized how stuffy the room was until you made it out into an open area and were enjoying the light breeze blowing through. Opening the eyes you hadn't even realized you had closed, you made your way to where Iruma was leaning against the railing, still looking as downcast as before.
"Will you tell me what's on your mind?"
"I'm just thinking. About what Fenrir-san said. That humans didn't belong here. It made me wonder if I don't belong and-"
At Iruma's clearly lost face, as he suddenly stopped talking, you amended what you thought earlier. You weren't going to kill Fenrir. You were going to absolutely slaughter him.
"Iruma, honey, you, if anyone, belong here the most." He gave you a look, which you returned, before breaking into a small smile. "I'm being serious here. Yes, we're humans, but so what? We might be an invasive species by many people's standards, and it's true they can do a lot of harm."
You gave him an encouraging smile before continuing, "Sometimes those invasive species can do a lot of good too. You've already taken Babyls by storm. Done things that others thought were impossible, and they were good things. You brought together the misfit class, took back the Royal One classroom, and created things no one else has seen here. It was all you that did that." Seeing him open his mouth, likely in protest, you ploughed right on. "And before you argue, yes, I know you had help. But do you think Rome was built by a single person? Or that it was the Emperor alone who ruled Japan? They all had help, and they did great things with that help, as you will do too." You paused for a moment to take a breath before you went on a rant. "Look, what I'm getting at is that both here, and in the human world, there will always be people who hate you for things out of your control. You know what we do to those people, though?"
He shook his head, confusion clearly written on his face. You gave him a sharp tooth grin in response to his look, "We steam roll right over them and prove them wrong. Fenrir said humans don't belong. Prove him wrong by not just surviving, but thriving here. Keep working your way through those ranks until you feel good enough to look him in his face, smile and say 'You're wrong, I do belong here' before walking away from him. Some call it spite, I call it a purpose. Either way, it works." You carefully grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes through his mask, "I know it's harder to do than say, but always remember that I along with Sullivan, Opera and all the others will always be here for you. Whenever you stumble or fall, we will pick you back up till you can walk on your own again. OK?"
He gave you a bright but watery smile and nodded.
"OK. Now let's get back in there and show them just how much we belong here." Iruma nodded again before rushing to give you a tight hug, burrowing his face into your chest. You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed tightly before letting him go and gently ushering him towards the door again.
"Alright, let's do this."
Unbeknown to you, there was a new faction formed that day. Demons naturally flocked to those that held power, and someone who could take down another demon so effortlessly and without magic meant they were extremely powerful.
‘If Sullivan was still insistent on not taking the throne, then perhaps his child could take it in his place,’ they thought.
You had quite a few words for them when you found out. Especially when you found out it was Fenrir who was spearheading it. 
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gennabi · 2 years
Hello can i request both iruma and evil cycle iruma asking their crush out if your fine with it
ik this has been so so long but i wanted to write for it, sorry it took me a decade to finally have ideas and write 😞 hehe this was fun, thank you for requesting !! also i changed my writing style a bit ?? (i think)
asking their crush out
iruma / evil cycle! iruma x reader (no prns) • 0.4k
romantic; fluff
[ reader is a demon in iruma's , second hand embarassment in evil cycle! iruma's , personally i think iruma is such a complex character so im sorry if i dont nail him akjshvbs ]
m!ik masterlist | main masterlist
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iruma has always been embracing whatever position the world puts him in. it has always been that way and he thinks it should stay that way: it is after all the safest way to live without upsetting others. which is also why he was fine with watching you from afar, having only the occasional conversations to pass by the time waiting for the teachers to arrive— or more if luck is on his side and he is blessed to be in the same group with you.
but the blue-haired boy doesn't think he can go on like this.
he blames it on the time spent with you, a tad frustrated that he is starting to lose his cool and stutter more every time you talk. i mean, why is your smile that blinding in the first place?!! and why do you look at him like that, like he deserves to be looked at with so much love? iruma is going to be more in love if this happens.. :(
but, iruma has always been good at embracing things. and that includes the fact that you make his heart flutter.
he asks to walk you home (you think it's sweet of him, since you can spend more time together walking than flying home) and your lips curve into the lopsided grin he's fallen for.
you don't talk along the journey, letting the sound of birds and the shuffling of your shoes to fill the air. soon arriving, you turn to your classmate to thank him when you notice the red his cheeks are flushed with.
"i want to be honest with you..—", he purses his lips, "—i've liked you for a long time and uh..u-uh... i'm wondering if...." "if~?", you tilt your head playfully to better look at his face.
startled, he takes a step back. his eyes meet yours and he swears you can hear his heartbeat, immediately covering his face with his hands. "uh i'm- i'm sorry for saying it like this but i can't say it while looking at you...", he takes a peek from behind his hands and continues when you say you don't mind.
"please go out with me!!"
peeling his hands off his face and intertwining your fingers together, you softly smile. "you don't even have to ask."
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evil cycle! iruma
one thing about iruma on an evil cycle is that he gets what he wants. right there and then. which is why the moment he realizes his feelings for you, it took him no seconds for him to stride right towards your seat.
it's a usual evening in class and professor kalego is explaining something on the board when iruma stands. ignoring him, you continue to listen to the lecture when suddenly you feel your hand being gently enveloped with your blue-haired classmate's.
"hey, wanna go out?"
you lift your head to meet his gaze and the corner of his lips pull up into a small smirk. you don't realize you've been staring at him until something soft makes contact with the back of your hand─ AND IRUMA IS KISSING YOUR HAND??@?&?
a cough interrupts your moment and you feel your whole body go warm from the looks you're getting from your classmates. IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS TOO? IS HE CRAZY??
pulling him closer by his hand that's holding yours, you whisper shout to his ear in disbelief, "go back to your seat!!"
unphased, iruma turns his face to you and you miscalculated the distance because the next thing you know, your noses are almost brushing and you can already hear your heart bursting. "so that's a yes?"
growing more concious of the stares you're getting, you clench your jaw and roll your eyes in frustration. iruma leans back, not yet letting go of your hand, and excuses himself for interrupting the class. (wild i know, but you have some weird effect on him.)
the class however thinks otherwise as they start hollering and cheering, with professor kalego losing yet another junk of his lifespan from the chaos. wanting to get it over quick, you mumble a quiet yes. and you don't think iruma missed it, not when he closes the distance yet again to press a kiss on your forehead before going back to his place.
you definitely can't focus on the lecture now.
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goneblook · 1 year
After school lessons with sensei >:) also first post :D
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(I used pinterest tutorials for the coloring, can u tell? JAJA)
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luxthestrange · 23 days
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#51 Mafians...
Mafia Au belike...
Opera: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy- Y/n: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated, and got a reasonable amount of sleep... Opera: I said within reason, Y/n. How about I murder Your & Iruma's sperm donor and egg incubator? Y/n: So murder is in reason but proper self-care isn't? Opera*With a gun out ready to hunt them*-Well, duh, What kind of question is that?
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Part 2 of:
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lav-bee · 8 months
Welcome to Demon School X Reader
Reactions to you stimming
Characters: Iruma, Clara, Azz
💛- read as platonic
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Stims mentioned: Leg bouncing, pacing back and fourth, tapping
- Knows some about stimming
- He knows that if you're stimming then that means you're comfortable around him, but also depending on the situation you could be anxious
- So in cases where you're bouncing your leg he’ll ask if you're okay ^-^
- Sometimes he’ll join you in stimming
- If you're pacing back and forth he’ll join you for a bit and have a conversation before getting dizzy and sitting down
- But then that gives you an opportunity to sit with him and tap while continuing the convo
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Stims mentioned: Voice stims, tapping and patting, rocking side to side
- Stims with you
- If you have a voice stim she’ll smile and do it back
- If you have a tapping/ patting stim she’ll copy the rhythm
- Knows what stimming is since she does it as well
- If she sees you rocking side to side she’ll simply sit in front of you cross-legged and follow your movements
- No words needed to be said, it's a silent bonding moment between two stimming people ^-^
- Since she copies you she’ll end up copying the stim and do it on her own, same with you, you’ll also pick up on her stims since she does it so often
- Clara will also help by making fidget toys with her power
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Stims mentioned: Nail and lip biting, rocking back and forth, happy hand flapping
- Thought it was a bit childish at first
- Because not only were you biting your nails but you were also rocking back and forth
- Will ask why youre doing what you're doing, since you're his friend he doesn't want to jump to any conclusions
- After you explain what stimming is he makes sure to do his own research as well
- Searches what could help and once he finds out there are toys designed for people to bite he buys one
- Doesn’t like that you involuntarily bite your nails and lips (You're hurting yourself) so he gets you one of the necklace ones
- From then on he doesn't notice when you stim, its natural when you flap your hands out of excitement or when your cant sit/ stand still
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snippychicke · 1 year
For the Sake of a Smile (v.2) Chapter Five
Title: For the Sake of a Smile (Revised)
Overall Rating: Mature (18+)
Chapter Rating: E for Everyone? Some violence, but not much
Trigger warnings: Nothing beyond the child abuse hinted in the series, though we do explore the consequences a bit more.
Main Pairing: Balam Shichiro/Reader
Summary: Hell on earth was your motto for your job. Granted, you were pretty sure earth really was hell, considering the shit you had seen in your life. And the fact your coworker was a child. 
A child named Suzuki Iruma, in fact. A kid who’s life was decidedly worse than yours, but yet he smiled despite everything. It wasn’t long after meeting him that you decided you’d do a lot for his smile. Including summoning a literal demon and signing your soul away.
But as it turns out, hell (The Netherworld, actually) was a lot better than living on earth. Demons were more humane than a lot of humans you knew.
And Iruma’s smile wasn’t the only one that would change your life.
Masterlist | Ao3| Mairimashitai! Simps Discord
Walter park was in ruins by the time you and Sullivan arrived. Three beasts continued their rampage amongst the wreckage, easily towering over everything else. A red dragon, a blue minotaur, and then a yellow rodent-like monster. None of which you had read about in your studies of your new home so far.
“Where do you think Iruma is?” You asked, clinging to Sullivan as he flew closer. Despite carrying you carefully in his arms, all traces of the genial old man you were beginning to call 'dad' were gone, leaving a serious persona you presumed his enemies had to face. 
“Usually I can sense him, but those monster’s mana are making it difficult,” He answered, before explaining further without prompt. “Those are summoned beasts, with mana stemming from multiple individuals. It's like a fog of mana covering the whole park. making it hard to pinpoint anything from this distance. Especially someone whose own, natural, mana is as weak as Iruma’s.”
“Damn it,” You growled, clutching at the fur of his suit. “What are we supposed to do then?”
“Well, I can pick out Opera, Kalego, and Balam. They're high-ranking enough that their power stands out amongst the fog.” He sighed, “And of course, each of them are near one of the monsters. I’m confident in each of their abilities…”
“Balam!” You interrupted, remembering he had texted you stating Iruma’s phone had died. Maybe Iruma was with him!
Sullivan was silent for a moment, no doubt contemplating your words and his next actions before sighing. “Okay. But, if you’re going to be near those things…” Something shifted, and it wasn’t just Sullivan as he suddenly descended. You recognized magic swelling around you, wrapping around you like a cocoon before black marks appeared along your body, stinging like a bad sunburn as they appeared on your skin. “There. That should keep you safe.”
You studied at the harsh, sharp lines, twisting and curling around your limbs, marked by runes in open patches. “Please don’t tell me these are permanent,” You groaned. Yes, there was alway that rebellious desire for a tattoo, but not like this. And definitely not across your whole body.
“They’ll fade after a few hours,” Sullivan reassured as he touched down on the ground, helping you to stand on the broken concrete. “It’s old magic I learned from a friend, that someday I hope to teach you since Runes are one the few types of magic that humans can use. After all, it’s how you first summoned me.” He smiled slightly before pointing towards the red dragon rampaging not too far away “Now, Balam is near the carmine dragon. I’m going to go towards the panther rat since that’s where Opera is.”
“Wait!” You grabbed his hand as he went to take off again. “You really think it’s safe to split up like this?”
“I wouldn’t put you in danger if I didn’t know you could handle it,” He reassured with a soft smile, patting your cheek. “You’re well defended, but who’s to say Iruma has that same guarantee?”
His words stirred that fire in your heart, and you let go with a firm nod. You could trust Sullivan. Besides, you weren’t completely sure that Iruma was with Balam, or if he was with one of the other groups and Balam was just relaying the message.
Hopefully, if he wasn't with Balam, he'd be with Opera. 
You weren't sure if it was the magic or your frantic desire to see your adopted son safe and sound that gave you the boost of energy. You ran across the debris, the path becoming more rocky and treacherous the closer you got to the rampaging dragon. You soon met demons fleeing the other way, though thankfully none tried to stop you.
"--children, can you believe that?"
"--not even their own, why?"
"--crazy, all of them. I mean--"
"--blue hair--"
The last comment made you skid to a stop and turn towards the demon who had overheard. "Wait! What about blue hair?!"
The demon looked startled by your intense expression. "Uh! Well! A group of children were trapped, and some boy with blue hair swore he was going to rescue them! Even though it has nothing to do with him!"
That was Iruma, alright. And you didn't know if you were proud, worried, angry, or all three at the same time. "Where?" You snapped, grabbing his shirt.
He pointed shakily towards the dragon, and you continued your run without another word. It wasn't long before you were caught in its massive shadow as the dragon towered less than a few meters away, still causing chaos without an apparent target.
Then a blast lit up the sky, making you falter and instinctually cower. You glanced up at the sky, stomach turning as you recognized the blond and pink haired demons in the sky above you.
Sabnock and Asmodus.
And wherever Az was, there was Iruma.
"Az!" You screamed up at the pair. "Sabnock!"
You not only garnered the two students' attention but also the dragon's. It roared as it twisted towards you, its claw a blur as it swept towards you.
Oh. Fuck. You didn't know what else to do but brace for the inevitable, hands protecting your head. The massive paw struck like a raging bear.
A bear you somehow withstood. Knees shaking, arms trembling as you felt its claw press down, but the only thing that buckled was the concrete itself. The runes burned, making you hiss, but it was minor compared to what it would have been like otherwise.
Like being squashed to death. Instead, you were stuck at a standstill, sandwiched between the ground and the dragon.
Could you push it back?
You screamed with determination as you pushed against its scaley claw. You didn't exactly push the dragon back, but shifted the claw enough it slammed to the ground beside you causing a tremor to shake the ground.
The dragon apparently didn't like the fact it was unable to crush you, and roared again…except now its mouth was filling with white-hot flames. Even as Asmodeus and Sabnock tried to distract its attention away from you, their familiars now by their side, you feared you had pissed it off too much.
Would the runes protect you against that? Or would they fail? You looked for shelter, but everything nearby had been reduced to piles that had no place for you to hide.
The fire crackled like a raging wildfire, giving you a brief warning to brace one more time for the inevitable.
Except there was a gust of wind instead of fire, The flames roared around you, casting off intense heat but otherwise harmless, the familiar swell of mana casting over you much like Sullivan's. You opened your eyes, and saw nothing but a dark shadow before you.
Eventually the blast faded away, letting you see more than a shadow as Balam glanced back at you, his expression indiscernible.
"Hi," You breathed out, more than a little stunned by the impressive display. "T-thank you."
“What are you doing here?” He finally spoke, sounding frantic and worried. “How? Why! Do you realize how dangerous it is right now?”
“And you think I could stay away when Iruma is in danger?” You shot out of reflex moments before the dragon roared. You could barely move as the dragon fired a blast once more, but Balam's reflexes proved quick enough as he pulled you close, a cocoon of magic wrapping around you the same way his arms were.
“I suppose right now isn’t the best time to argue,” He admitted, barely audible over the flames despite his mask brushing against your hair.
“Agreed," You replied, fighting the invasive thought from being so close. Instead of being warm, he felt nice and cool, shading you from the heat.
“Now that the children are safe, I’ll step in,” He continued, “but you should take cover with the boys over in that building.”
“Sounds like a plan, just…” You paused, looking up at him, meeting his gaze. "Be careful, please." You wanted to blame the adrenaline for the odd thumping of your heart as he gently touched your face. It was a very brief moment, yet felt far more significant than any touches in the past.
“You too,” He finally spoke as the flames died. “Now, run.”
You didn’t look back as you sprinted towards the half-demolished building. Your heart lightened when you saw Iruma waving at you. Him, Agares, and half a dozen small kids meeting you near the entrance.
“Mom!” Iruma crashed into you with the same intensity you crashed into him. “What are you doing here?! Are you okay?!”
“Am I okay? Are you okay!” You pulled away to check for any injuries, though found nothing more than some mild scratches. The boy did have inhuman reflexes at dodging, but it still felt like a heavy boulder was lifted from your chest as he gave you a smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He said, glancing towards the others. "We're all okay, I think."
Once you were satisfied he was unharmed, your attention moved to the other kids. Agares was fine, if looking mildly annoyed that he had to share his cloud with the young children. All of which looked terrified, still covered in dirt, a few scrapes but nothing serious. Still, that maternal instinct urged you to clean the dirt off their faces. “Are you kiddos good?”
“Yeah,” They each sniffed, nodding their heads. You smiled reassuringly as you fussed over each one, checking for yourself for any injuries. More than a few ended up silently clinging to you, desperate for a reassuring touch. 
"Iruma!" You looked up to see Asmodus and Sabnock approaching, the taller demon looking like he had taken the brunt of one other dragon's fire attacks. Iruma tackled Asmodus in a hug, and you shifted your attention to the golden haired demon.
"Are you two okay?" You asked, wishing you knew more than the basic first aid for small cuts and minor burns. Or maybe just first aid for demons. You weren't sure if what you knew applied to them, considering every human you knew would be near death looking like Sabnock, but the teen was (mostly) upright and grinning.
"Yeah, we're fine!"
"Liar! Neither of us can barely walk!" Asmodus shouted from behind him, still holding Iruma tight. "Let alone use any kind of magic right now!"
"Yeah, but we're alive aren't we? And so is Ms. Suzuki and the kids Iruma saved! And we looked absolutely cool while doing it!"
Relief washed over you in a brief moment as the two bickered, and you could see Iruma's smile reflect the same emotion. Agares groaned and grumbled about the two being too loud, and the children just watched with stars in their eyes, as if meeting real super heroes.
Though, in a way, they were. All of them.
And you couldn't be any prouder.
The earth rumbled again, cutting your thoughts short. You feared the red dragon had set its sights on your group again. But instead, a second dragon now stood guard between the shelter and the scarlet beast. The new dragon looked more like a creature that dragged itself from the depths of a swamp than an actual dragon, with a mane like seaweed from head to tip of its tail.
And, barely able to be seen, was Balam hanging down from vines that seemed to make up the dragon, using his clawed feet to hang on.
"Is that Professor Balam’s familiar?" Iruma asked with the same awe you felt.
"Actually, I think that’s Nigyul," Asmodeus answered. "I've heard rumors that Professor Balam had a Nigyupnil dragon as a pet named Nigyul. Nigyupnils are related to the nigi-nigi weed, except they grow with mana instead of water. They're nearly impossible to find, and I admit, until now I thought the Professor taming one was just a rumor."
And until now, you hadn't really seen Balam as the demon he truly was. After all, he was so nice, so kind, so eager to learn, and hardly seemed to want to harm anything or anyone.
But as you watched the two dragons fight - Nigyul easily overpowering the carmine dragon - you realized that there was definitely a powerhouse behind his usual demeanor.
But, also, you realized that you weren't quite in a safe place as Nigyul wrapped vines into the other dragon, causing it to begin to thrash violently. The surrounding buildings shook as if an earthquake had hit, rubble once more raining down. "Let's get out of here before something happens," You urged, helping Sabnock despite his reluctance.
You expected the tussle to last a while, especially as the carmine dragon used its fire breath. Except the fire seemed to pass over Nigyul as harmlessly as it passed over you and Balam earlier. Nigyul shaked off any embers that managed to catch its mane before he lunged forward, tackling the carmine dragon and digging in his claws, teeth, and vines.
The carmine dragon's roar of pain was choked off a thick bundle of vines. Its massive maw snapped at the air, claws pinned to keep it from scratching at the noose. It took a minute before the dragon started to waver, slowly collapsing onto the ground - as if in slow motion - before landing heavily.
Still, Nigyul waited, making sure the beast was well and truly dead before releasing his grip.
You were stunned by the display as Nigyul shrank rapidly, Balam landing gracefully on the ground, with Nigyul in his hand, no larger than a small kitten.
Minutes. Minutes is all it took for Balam to topple the dragon. You had felt the power of the dragon itself crushing down on you, nevermind the evidence of its destructive power was in the ruins of the amusement park surrounding you.
Yet, for Balam and Nigyul, it had seemed no more than a minor opponent.
Iruma, Sabnock, and Asmodeus soon crowded around the tall professor expressing the same sentiment, professing how 'cool' and 'powerful' he was.
 It was amusing to see Balam flustered, his face pink but obvious that a smile was hiding behind his mask. He looked over towards you as Asmodus and Sabnock started to argue once more, something changing in his gaze. 
You ignored the flip-flop of your stomach as you took your turn to approach the hero of the day.  "That was amazing,” You offered, feeling unusually shy. You were fully aware everyone else had said the same thing, but still, you felt like you needed to say it. 
And even then, it didn’t seem to do justice to what you had witnessed.
"Thank you," He said, rubbing the back of his head, face still darkened by a blush. "Though, I hope no one was hurt by any flying debris when the carmine dragon was thrashing around…"
"Not a single pebble hit anyone, as far as I know," You reassured, your attention drifting to the dragon in his hand. Without really thinking, you reached up to brush its wet-looking mane. It looked so cute with its tail twisting around his thumb, reminding you of an opossum baby holding onto its mother. "I can't believe this little cutie is the same beast that took on that dragon with little effort."
The small dragon sniffed your fingers carefully before headbutting them, reminding you of a cat demanding to be pet. And well, who were you to refuse the chance to pet an actual dragon? The main felt soft and damp, while his hide felt both pliable but firm, rather like the body of a vine. 
"Nigyupnil dragons feed on magic. The more magic for them to consume, the more they grow. While in the wild the largest they usually achieve is that of a hellcat, Nigyul can grow far more massive when linked to my mana." Balam explained, easily sliding into professor mode before catching himself. "But more importantly, how are you here?"
You were about to explain the rapid flow of events when two flashes of light caught your eye. You barely realized the carmine dragon itself was starting to glow when Balam shifted his stance, standing between the magical beast and everyone.
"Stay back!"
--+-- Su-Ki-Ma --+--
Opera was surprised when Lord Sullivan landed beside them, watching as Ameri fought the panther leopard. "Lord Sullivan? What are you doing here?"
"I saw the newscast and was worried about my precious grandson!" The demon lord answered, pouting slightly. "How could I stay away when my precious Iruma-kins was in danger?"
That made sense, but only very superficially. "Iruma is with Balam's group." And Sullivan should have been able to pinpoint exactly where the human was, considering both the magic of the Gluttonous Ring and the cologne masking the human scent of Iruma was easy enough to follow.
"Oh, I know," Lord Sullivan confirmed with a smile and went as far as winking at his security demon "But I have every faith the white gargoyle of Babyls can protect not only Iruma, but maybe impress my dear daughter some more while doing so."
Opera smiled faintly, their hands clasping together as their tail twitched with glee. "Oh? So Operation: Matchmaker is a go?"
"Absolutely!" Sullivan agreed with a clap. "Oh you should have seen the way she was smiling at his messages today!" Sullivan pulled out his own phone, showing the feline demon snapshots of you smiling at your phone, happiness evident on your face. "Those two are going to be so cute together!"
"Indeed they will be, sir," Opera readily agreed. They were happy that they had possibly found someone appropriately suited to be their kohai's mate; someone who wasn't perturbed by his skinship habits, or intense love of learning about anything that breathed.
You had accepted Balam's quirks readily, and even appreciated them. Opera even dared to hope that you were beginning to love him even for the supposed flaws.
Hopefully, you wouldn't be scared off by his physical quirks either. It was easy to tell you found the professor attractive, but you hadn't seen his scar yet either - or the rest of his demon nature.
"Speaking of which," Lord Sullivan interrupted Opera's silent musings. "Have you figured out which of these lovely demons have a thing for our little Iruma?"
"I'm pretty sure all of them, sir. Though Master Iruma continues to be oblivious."
“I’m glad they can all appreciate how wonderful my grandson is! Though, I have a feeling Asmodeus will be giving them a run for their money.” Lord Sullivan smiled as he watched Ameri land the final blow. “To have the honor of seeing the next era of the Netherworld develop right before our eyes, Opera, is going to be more fun than I thought it would be.”
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Big sibling
Big sibling!opera x reader
Hi! Its my first time posting like this, hope you like it
English isn't my first language,
I imagine them as a reliable siblings when they grow old and a little shit sweet when there younger -like one time when you guys are younger, you were playing on the mountain just having fun, and then they push you out of nowhere and your just stare at him and watch them glare at you and walks away And when you guys got older you ask him why they did that Y/n: opera Opera: hum Y/n: when we were younger, why did you push me down the mountain? Opera: oh that Opera: its probably because you were having too much fun Key word probably -they're sometimes not honest with you Like seriously -Endless teasing, they won't stop teasing you, speak of which you guys -Would definitely team up just to tease kalego its fun to tease him -Will definitely fight you with random shit -Would definitely tell you random facts that are neither true or not just to scare you you something believe them like seriously
andddd that's all
Here's my art work of them, when there older hope you like it
Im open draw other characters feel free to dm me
[Open for commission]
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