#surprisingly informative
anonymousdormhacks · 11 months
Whats the opposite of gothic? I'm in love with comp sci anti-gothic where it's just people being surprisingly polite and nice and funny through computers. A program's first lines are always "Hello world!". SMTP protocols apparently say "hello, pleased to meet you" to each other to establish a connection with a handshake. Python has a different version called Andaconda, which has a smaller version called miniconda. C++ is just C continuously improving on itself, because the ++ operator means to add one onto a previous value, and C# is two ++ stacked on top of each other. Lawmakers have to talk about the ethics of saving "cookies" to computers because one guy liked fortune cookies and decided to call them that. The internet itself wasn't created with security in mind because it was just meant to be a way for a group of people who trusted each other using it to send each other information, and so on, and so forth
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clacy2812 · 2 years
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If you ask me this, buckle up.I will be giving you a presentation of my ocs for the next 4 hours.
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leqclerc · 4 months
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kaeyachi · 9 days
Have you all imagined the days where Kaeya would scream in frustration when he tries to create a Khaenri'ahn dish, but the dish just doesn't taste quite right?
How about the helpless feeling he gets when he barely remembers what ingredients go in his homeland's dishes?
And what about the cravings that have never been satisfied since he was a child because his father didn't teach him how to make them?
For an adventurous food lover... perhaps forever losing your nation's food might just be the most painful thing.
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aldoodles · 2 years
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January - Information
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xitty · 6 months
Collection of cards which show you locations around Ensemble Square. Only 5* and 4* cards, no 3*s that use the same background art as the homescreen scenes. This is a long post, so putting most of it under cut, please check it out!
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Ensemble Square Main Entrance
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StarPro office on 20th floor
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StarPro office conference area on 20th floor
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Reception room on 20th floor
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Break room on 19th floor
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CosPro office on 18th floor
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CosPro office conference area on 18th floor. (Ibara has three 4* cards with this damn white board and a couple of 3*s too lolol)
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Soft drink bar on 15th floor
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RhythLin office on 12th floor
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RhythLin office conference area on 12th floor
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Sky Garden on 12th floor outside
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Sky Garden on 12th floor outside from another angle
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Meeting room on 10th floor
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Dance room on 9th floor
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Recording room on 8th floor
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Band rehearsal room on 8th floor
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Vocal practice room on 8th floor (damn 8th floor is crowded, shower room (not pictured) is on there too... wouldn't that have made more sense on the same floor w training or dance room or dojo?)
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NewDi office on 7th floor
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NewDi office conference area on 7th floor
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Infirmary on 7th floor
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Dressing room on 6th floor
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Prop room on 5th floor
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Dojo on 5th floor
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Café Cinnamon in the lobby (Niki has cards in the kitchen area too, like his FS2)
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Garden space on the western side of ES island
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Café Cochi on western side of ES island (1st floor)
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Staff dining hall (which floor? As seen on Niki's 4* FS1 card and Hinata's 2x2 card, it's somewhere on the higher floors)
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Simple studio (which floor?)
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Bonus: company car
Notes: there are cards for Heliport on the roof (Neverland Shu, starter Izumi) but you can't see much; Training Room on 15th floor (Mayoi FS2) but can see mostly just floor panels; Café Cochi 2nd floor (Bogie Time Hajime); Stage inside the building (leader Hiiro and Rinne) and corridors and staircase but I had to leave something out.
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spacecasehobbit · 6 months
Going through the Saltburn tag, finding new bad takes to block...
Saltburn isn't failed class commentary. It's a good example of a movie with a decently foreshadowed twist ending.
I've seen people come up with some absolutely wild theories about how Oliver must have been lying about everything through the whole movie, but very few of them seem to have noticed the examples we do get of Oliver lying early on.
Maybe because it's easy to miss the first time you watch the movie, and some of it requires understanding just how good Oliver is at listening and retaining information he's heard. However! The concept of, "Oliver's a liar," is set up early in the movie.
"I had no idea Farleigh was your cousin." Wrong! Their shared tutorial professor brings up Farleigh's mom who used to be Frederica Catton in their first tutorial. Oliver absolutely remembered this, he already knew that Felix was Felix Catton by the time of the Bike Incident, and he had definitely put it together by the time he started hanging out with Felix that this meant they were cousins. It seems like such a small thing to lie about, but if I had to guess, I'd bet Oliver was hoping it would get Felix to tell him more about his own family instead of asking questions about Oliver's. (There are a few examples, too, where Oliver asks leading questions or uses smaller lies to try and manipulate a conversation towards giving him information that he can use to make things go his way.)
"Oh! Were you here with friends?" "They've just left, actually." Says Oliver, as he turns away from Michael Gavey's look of betrayal, happily ditching him to hang out with Felix instead.
The whole, stalkery watching through the open curtains as Felix had sex with a girl who clearly looked down on Oliver. I feel like this one doesn't need explanation. Perhaps not outright lying, here, but definitely the actions of a man who is Hiding Things.
There's almost certainly more, but those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head, all of which occur pretty early in the movie, and all of which foreshadow the movie's actual message and the reveal we get about Oliver down the line.
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infiniteglitterfall · 1 month
oh man y'all
I have NOT been low-key about opposing Hamas on my IG stories or on Facebook. But there are always gonna be people who were busy, whose algorithm was showing them other shit, shut,.
A friend of mine, who's in the slow process of converting to Judaism afaik (i think it's both of them and not just this person's partner?) just saw this on my story:
And messaged me to say, "This guy is pro-Israel."
I'm like, "oh no... not punctuation too...."
I'm also like "yeah, enbro, that's... kind of what he's saying here?"
I am hoping that this is an opportunity to have an interesting conversation, and not like... a third person who's already so entrenched in the propaganda that they're appalled by me actually discussing it with them.
The other two were people who were already at that point ten years ago, though, and this friend is more like... autistically interested in and growing together. So I'm optimistish.
I responded with, "Ok so walk me through what that means here" and I guess we'll see.
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that-sad-guy · 1 year
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something something rule of 3
anyway have some attorney/prosecutor/detective trios <3
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arsene-fixates · 9 days
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this is the most in character the writing has ever been
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blackjackkent · 6 months
Stopped for a long rest and got a chat with Gale:
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He's humming to himself and examining his own "reflection" in a magically created replica. Rakha stands there for quite a while before he notices she's there.
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"Be with you in a moment!"
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"What are you doing?" Rakha asks, blunt and questioning as ever.
"Indulging in a spot of vanity," he answers cheerfully. "Handsome devil, aren't I?"
Rakha says nothing. She isn't sure if he's serious. She isn't sure she would notice if he was handsome. People are all a bit strange to her in general at present, and he is one of the stranger ones. And she is certainly not adept enough at conversation yet to offer an inane pleasantry in response.
So she waits in silence, and eventually he clears his throat awkwardly and dismisses the illusion. "Be that as it may..."
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He turns to face her. "Ceremorphosis," he says, matching her usual matter-of-fact declarative tone. "What does it make you think of?"
That word again. By far the most elaborate of those she's managed to accumulate so far. It represents death. Failure. Consumption by the illithid hivemind.
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"Until recently," she says, in a deadpan with the solidity of titanium, "nothing at all."
It is, astonishingly enough, a joke. Until recently, nothing meant anything at all; the world could have begun two days ago for all she knows. He squints at her for a moment before smiling ruefully.
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"Ah yes. The good old days." He lounges back on his heels and begins to tick items off on his fingers. "Day one - fever and memory loss. Day two - hallucinations and greying skin. Day three - hair loss and blood leaking from all orifices. Need I go on?"
(A/N: This is honestly one of the things that I fucking love about liveblogging games like this, and specifically what I'm finding/remembering I love about doing so with the same game multiple times, which I haven't done since Dragon Age Inquisition. It can be really fun to listen even to lines like this, which are the same on any given playthrough, and interpret them through a completely different lens based on the particular OC in question.
With Hector, this line was comedic - fuck no, he did not want Gale to go on. He did not want to know the horrific and gruesome details of the transformation; he was having a hard enough time as it was!
But with Rakha this reads completely differently. This is how I've already established Rakha herself talks - short clipped sentences. Accumulation of facts. Bringing together of details into a picture. And Gale already knows that she wants as many of those details as she can possibly accumulate (and even, potentially, that the reason he is not dead is because he can provide them). This is him offering her exactly what she wants in the way she is best equipped to process it.
And she is all over it. She wants him to go on, absolutely.)
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"Day four - excruciating pain as the skeleton and organs reform and reposition. Day five - the host's personality has disappeared. Fingers toes and limbs elongate. I take it you get the picture?"
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"I do. But you might as well finish the picture."
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"Day six - the flesh around the mouth splits to make way for tentacles. Day seven - a mind flayer is born," he finishes with some dramatic relish. Spreading his hands as if to say, you see?, he watches, waiting for her interpretation.
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Her eyebrows knit together thoughtfully. It's been two days, as of this evening's rest. She thinks back through what he has just told her. "We should be having a fever by now," she says curtly. "Greying skin even."
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He smiles. It's an expression she can't quite interpret, but almost looks impressed, or proud, like a teacher with his student who has solved a difficult problem - and to her surprise, she feels oddly gratified to have answered correctly. "Exactly," he says, pointing a finger at her chest. "Our orifices remain blissfully unbloodied, our heads remain clear, and our blood temperature normal. Any expert will agree - this is abnormal."
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She squints at him intently. "Can you explain why the symptoms aren't showing?" she demands.
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His smile fades and he shakes his head. "That, alas, is where my knowledge fails me," he admits. "A rogue might call it luck, a priest might call it fate. As for myself, I'm a pragmatic; I see the silence before the storm."
She considers this in silence. Luck, fate... perhaps. Perhaps there is comfort at the idea that this is simply random, or the act of some unseen god.
But she doubts it. She sees neither luck nor fate nor storm. Her companions have all said that the worm is likely not the cause of her memory loss; therefore there was some other player involved, something that put her on that ship with no memory of herself. Something that has seen to it that the worm in her head is shackled, and that the beast has free reign.
That is not fate. That is orchestration. And there is yet someone out there who must pay.
Gale watches her thoughtfully, clearly trying to read what is going on behind her eyes. What conclusion he comes to is equally hidden, though; he just smiles again, unreadably this time. "Something to sleep on," he says. "We should get some rest."
She nods, turns away, trudges towards her bedroll. But she has little expectation of sleep. Not after last night. Not after the sea of nightmares and the litany in her head.
Blood... blood... blood... blood... blood.
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loki-zen · 11 months
also re the KJV thing everyone keeps bringing up in the notes of the Thou post:
i don’t have time to look this up and i’d be fascinated if anyone can confirm or debunk it, but when I was an RS-and-linguistics-interested teenager I was taught that the use of ‘thou’ for God in the KJV is intentionally/diagetically surprisingly informal, and that this was a translation choice made to capture the Vibes of the surprisingly informal language used by Jesus in the text they were translating from when he was teaching the Lord’s Prayer.
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dickensdaily · 1 year
A Dickens Calendar
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A calendar of every Dickens novel and its serialisation. One page version under the cut.
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One of the downsides to having a good memory is coming off as creepy sometimes, since way too many people are shocked when I know things about them, that in actuality they told me a few months ago.
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Prior to Headbangers Ball (which began in 1987) MTV had an all-metal videos show called Heavy Metal Mania, hosted by Dee Snider from Twisted Sister. Apparently it aired monthly, beginning in June 1985, but it's really hard to find out more than that - a lot of links I've found just lead back to its longer-running successor, Headbangers Ball, which is no good to me when writing a Stranger Things AU where Steve and Eddie fall in love in summer 1985. I want them to watch it on TV together, at Steve's house because he has cable (the Munsons can't afford it), but I can't find out anything about the times and dates it aired, and I don't know whether MTV repeated it in between times or you could see it only on that monthly date, and I also know it doesn't matter and I haven't even specified in the story what date it is other than sometime in July at the moment... but I just wish I could find out because it would be even more satisfying if I knew it was correct.
Anyway they'll enjoy the show together. Cuddling on Steve's couch. It will be nice.
The cuddling will be disrupted any time a really good song comes on and Eddie needs to thrash around to it, but they'll get back to it.
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festivalofthe12 · 4 months
Kakeru looking at Yuki and feeling such a weird mixture of protectiveness and sympathy and embarrassment and frustration because he can just See his past self trying So Hard to please everyone and do the right thing all the time even if it's killing him. And that can make him so startlingly empathetic and insightful, but it can also make him treat Yuki with all the over-familiarity (if not outright self-deprecation) of an extension of himself, and then at other times he just gets so Impatient because he Knows how this ends and wants Yuki to just shape up and start liking himself already!!!!
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