#most of them are pretty bad at all of those things
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444venicebitch444 · 3 days ago
Something something TF 141 gets a new secretary because their old one decided to finally retire, and you show up.
A sweet little thing, no military experience, all shy smiles and nervous chuckles, punctual and neat.
You take care of their paperwork, their mail, schedule their meeting, bring them coffee, and most importantly it’s not half bad to have a good set of legs and a pretty face to look at.
Price was a right gentleman, a nicer boss than you could’ve ever expected from a military man, and Soap and Gaz really had your confidence going whenever they made their flirtatious quips (which was everyday, really).
Ghost, though? Ghost was exactly what you’d expected after hearing the stories: a stoic, intimidating man who spoke in grunts and monosyllables, and who was, in your opinion, quite rude.
Did the man have no manners? Had his mother not taught him to say ‘thank you’?
You tried making an extra effort with him, your need to be liked overpowering your annoyance towards the lieutenant, because you intended to keep this job; the pay was great, it was a short drive from your apartment and you weren’t going to let a guy who wore a bloody skull balaclava everyday ruin this for you.
So you smiled more, made your good mornings and good afternoons sweeter, same as the tea you’d leave on his desk everyday at 4 pm sharp, and the little squiggly hearts you’d draw on the post it notes on top of his files. 
And when Simon’s grunts started mutating into full fledged sentences, and he actually told you a joke, you found yourself grinning, more out of self satisfaction than because of whatever ridiculous pun he’d said in that deep, rumbling voice of his.
For you, it was over, your plan had worked, and now all your bosses liked you, getting rid of that lingering uneasiness in the back of your head. 
For Simon, on the other hand? You’d unlocked Pandora's box, if said box contained the lieutenant’s affection (obsession) for you.
It was true, he hadn’t liked you at first: you disrupted the routine, the practised flow of the office, and gave Johnny and Kyle an excuse to be fucking insufferable in their working space instead of only in the shitty pubs where they’d drag him after shifts. He was going to lose his fucking mind if he had to hear another “can’t walk into the office looking that good, darlin’. won’t let me get anything done”.
The worst part was that they weren’t wrong; you were pretty and Simon couldn’t deny that. I mean, what did anyone expect, for him to not shoot a look at your arse in those tight trousers? He was but a man.
But when you started your little routine, it sent him down a spiral. What the fuck was your problem? Why would you draw a bloody heart next to the note that reminded him about his debrief? 
What you hadn’t understood, though, was that with a man like Simon Riley, that wasn’t just being nice, it wasn’t getting him to like you. it was an enablement of his ugly heart, something that fed the flames of his desires, because why else would be making him tea? that was practically a wedding vow, love. 
So he decided that you were his, that he didn’t need to discuss it with you because you already worried your pretty, little head too much with work and what future husband would he be if he didn’t try to make your life easier?
That included tellin Kyle to fuck off when he flirted with you, giving you a lift when your car broke down (which had absolutely nothing to do with simon messing with its battery), and helping you find your cat when it ran away (the fucking thing had scratched the hell out him when he’d taken it to that alleyway). 
The most important part of his duties, however, was watching you, making sure you were safe. Because who was gonna do it if not him? certainly not your, in his assessment, untrustworthy friends.
And your locks were so easy to pick, it had only taken him one try.
So Simon watched as you read a book and bought the same the very next day, he watched you prepare meal after meal with the nutritional value of a brick and made a mental note to make you something healthy when he’d finally cook for you, and he watched as you came out of the shower, completely enthralled.
Unfortunately, he had no way of looking into your bathroom but you’d walk into your room wrapped only in a towel so he wasn’t going to be too picky. Especially not when he got to see you rub that vanilla scented lotion that drove him insane into your soft skin, or drop the fluffy towel to the ground only to cover the delicate swell of your breasts with your pyjama top.
His favourite part, however, was without doubt when you’d lie against your pillows, your fingers dipping below your waistband. His sweet bird, not so innocent after all. 
His body would burn as he watched, his hands aching to replace your fingers, his tongue wetting his lips because it couldn’t touch yours.
He held onto every tiny gasp, every quiet whine, knowing that he’d make you sound so much better.
But he was patient and he was going to do things properly, take his time: take you to dinner, buy you gifts, eventually give you the ring he’d already bought. He wasn’t a total wanker, lovie.
So for now he was going to be satisfied with watching you and stealing your panties, offering a gruff “morning, sweetheart” the next day.
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clockwayswrites · 1 day ago
Fresh Birb! Part 32
“Thanks for the excuse to get some fresh air,” Danny said. He sounded grateful enough that Jason felt a little bad for using the ‘stroll around the yard’ as an way to gather some intel.
“Hey, trust me, I get how overwhelming the manor can get,” Jason said, “and there are a lot of us in house right now. It’s easier in small doses for sure.”
“I could see that,” Danny agreed. “But there’s also something nice about the full house. It’s all very
 alive feeling.”
The words were more melancholy than they should be. They were more like how Jason, who knew the feeling of death all too well, might say them. It brought troubling thoughts to mind.
“Yeah, that can be nice about it. Sure is quieter if I’m not here or at Roy’s,” Jason agreed after maybe too long a moment.
“Is Roy that much more talkative when it’s just the two of you?”
“Oh, no. Well, yeah, but it’s more about his little girl, Lian. She’s three and a half and an absolute handful most days. She’s also at that age where she’s pretty much narrating her own life in half understandable babble so there’s just a lot of constant noise.”
Danny chuckled. “I bet. Stayed with a friend for a bit when I was between jobs and stuck there for a few months by a non-complete clause. Her one kid was that age at the time and the oldest five. I didn’t know just how much everything there was when having kids that age. It made me actually feel a little sorry for my parents.”
“You the youngest, oldest, or middle?”
“Youngest. I’ve got one older sister, Jasmine,” Danny said. “You could sorta say there’s a half a sibling too. I basically grew up with my best friend and there were some weeks I spent more time at his house than ours.”
“That close to him?” Jason asked.
“Yeah. That and it was easier, sometimes, to not be at home.”
That implied some unfortunate things that Jason hadn’t quite been expecting. Danny seemed pretty well adjusted. He was even good at handling Damian, but Jason supposed that maybe part of that was because Danny had been through his own issues.
Danny just shrugged. “I have a life long friend out of it. We don’t see each other in person much these days since we’re on other sides of the country, but we still talk plenty.”
Jason gave a soft hum and, a beat later, asked, “What made you end up in Gotham of all places?”
“Wayne Enterprises, actually,” Danny said. “The rep in the industry as place to work is unparalleled really, especially for what I want to do.”
“And what’s that?”
“Help people,” Danny said, honestly and with a crooked little smile. “Which I know sounds cheesy, but I really wanted to create things that help people. It’s not like I mind making a better cellphone battery or anything, but it’s nice to know that I get to work on things that help not just with the little, everyday issues but also the big, life changing ones. The fact that those things get to help the city I live in too is a real plus.”
“Gotham has a way of getting to you like that,” Jason said.
“Yeah,” Danny replied softly, gaze in the direction of the Gotham sky line.
And then a scream split the air.
Not a human scream, thankfully, but a repeated screech that had both of them starting and looking around for the source. The screech turned to a warbling clucking as Jerry emerged from behind the landscaping. His tail was high and spread, his wing tips brushed the ground, and he was looking almost shockingly colorful.
“A turkey?”
“Damian has a turkey,” Danny said slowly.
“And a cow,” Jason said. “Cat, dog, a few snakes. He tried to keep a rat but Alfred stopped that pretty quickly.”
Danny rubbed at his temple. “This is why he knew how to take care of wings, isn’t it?”
Jason tried not to smile. “That came up, huh?”
“He’s been sending Bruce information about it,” Danny answered.
Jerry made another loud warble and struck what Jason could only describe as a pose.
 does he do this often?”
“His name is Jerry, and nope,” Jason said and pulled out his phone.
Jerry strutted closer to Danny, tail feathers shaking.
 oh,” Danny said with the tone of someone for who horrible realization was dawning. “Can you, ah, talk him down?”
“I’m afraid I’m morally obligated to film this,” Jason said somberly. He couldn’t hold back his smirk any longer.
Danny shot him a withering look and started to back up towards the Manor. “Really.”
“Really. Good luck.”
“Well, fuck,” Danny said and then took off running.
Jerry followed at top speed with a scream.
Jason sent the video to Bruce. ‘You have competition.’
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 days ago
A/N: saw a vid of all these dirty tiktok comments and just knew i had to write something like this hehe
WARNING: just some dirty talk i guess?
SUMMARY: You decide to get Harry hot and bothered with some of the most unhinged sayings you learned from Tiktok.
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Harry has always joked about how chronically online you are and quite frankly, you can’t argue with him. You definitely enjoy rotting on the couch after a long and tiring day and just scrolling through Tiktok. Your For You Page is usually pretty on the spot and perfectly curated for your taste and humor. It’s like a treat after being an adult for a whole day. 
Harry spends quite some time on different apps as well, but it’s just different for him, he doesn’t really engage with all the trends and micro trends that happen online, while you live for those. You absolutely love the memes, the poorly edited videos, the funny lines that just stick with you and you even catch yourself using them in real life as well. 
And Harry loves teasing you for that. He often jokes about you being a teenager at the ripe age of twenty-eight, to which you just usually roll your eyes. But one instance kind of turns the tables. 
One morning, after you’ve been out with your girlfriends the night before you’re stumbling out of the bedroom quite late, finding your boyfriend in the kitchen, already making you the breakfast you usually crave after drinking a bit too much. But this time he is standing by the stove in a pair of light grey sweatpants and your pink apron, nothing else. His hair is tousled, his tattoos are on display and he just looks incredibly delicious as he cooks for you. 
“Good morning, Sunshine,” he smiles at you when he sees you climb onto a stool by the kitchen island.
“Mmm,” is all you can get out as you can’t take your eyes off of you. He catches you eyeing him, a pleased grin stretching across his face as he flips a piece of bacon in the pan. 
“Like what you see?” he asks teasingly and before you could think of your answer, the words spill out of you.
“Raw, next question.”
Harry chokes on his breath, his ears go red instantly as he gives you a wide-eyed look. 
“Uh what?” he asks with a laugh and you notice him shifting from one leg to the other a bit nervously. 
“What, caught you by surprise?” you grin at him.
“Where did that come from?”
“It’s a Tiktok thing,” you shrug, but the gears are already turning in your head. 
If this comment got him so hot and bothered, you’d love to try out all the other unhinged sayings that circulate on the app. So you got to work.
In your notes app, you collect a rather long list of them that you’d like to drop on him at the right moment and then you wait.
And the moments luckily come. 
A few days later you have a particularly bad day at work and Harry knew, because you texted him all day. So he welcomes you home with a nice, hot bath, candles around the tub and a bottle of wine already waiting for you with two glasses. Standing at the door you look at him with adoring eyes and then you drop a bomb.
“I mean, I’m not a waitress, but I would take your tip.”
You see his pupils grow instantly. 
“Y/N,” he growls as you just smirk at him. A moment later his hands are already peeling your clothes off. You don’t even make it into the tub, because you take more than just his tip on the counter. 
The next time happens when he cooks dinner for you, the pasta he makes so well and is one of your favorites. Sitting at the table you watch him fill your plate with the delicious looking, creamy pasta and you just say with a sigh: “Mm, but why is he filling my plate and not me?”
The spaghetti spoon drops from his hand, back into the pot and he almost drops the plate as well. You can’t hold back your laugh as he puts it down and leans back in his seat, raking through his hair with pink cheeks and a cheeky smirk that also reflects his disbelief that you just said that. 
“Everything alright, baby?” you ask with an innocent look. He shakes his head with a chuckle and goes back to the pasta, but you already know you’ll be his dessert. 
The best one however happens publicly. One of your friends has a grill party when the weather is finally warm enough and you split for a bit, engaging in different circles. Harry looks incredibly good, wearing a colorful shirt with a few buttons undone, so he is flaunting quite a bit of his chest. He is nursing a beer, sunglasses hiding his pretty eyes and he recently shaved, but left his mustache, so he looks
 extraordinarily good in your opinion. 
But others notice it too, the girls you’re chatting with mention his new facial hair style and they share your view of it looking amazing. As if Harry could sense that you’re talking about him, he turns to you and then starts walking towards your little circle. 
“Woah, get a load of this guy!” one of the girls jokingly calls out and you reply instantly.
“Oh, I’m trying to!”
Harry stops in his tracks as the girls start cheering and whistling at your comment. Slowly, a smirk tugs on his mouth as he takes the last few steps towards you, curling an arm around your shoulders and tugging you close so only you can hear when he says: “Oh you will get more than just a load when we get home.”
And you can’t hold back the smirk when you turn to look at him, catching him arching an eyebrow at you. It’s certain he thinks he got you speechless, but then you up it one more.
“Hmm, but something is off,” you pretend to think deep and he gets serious as well.
“What–” He doesn’t get to finish before you look him in the eyes and continue.
“Ah, nevermind. It’s just my clothes.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle as he shakes his head. 
“You’re banned from using that app ever again,” he says, kissing into your hair and you just shrug with a triumphant smile. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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lostinlovingrevery · 2 days ago
Could you send Logan to hug and cuddle me please? Just for tonight, one night is all I need... I just feel like so much crap and I’m a massive whale while still stuffing chocolate in me even though I know I shouldn’t

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I'm so sorry to hear that sweetheart!!!
It's a bad night, take care of yourself! If you gotta stuff yourself with chocolate, do it- and just drink some water, or maybe eat some fruit, or simply just brush your teeth after!!! Don't make yourself too sick, as good as chocolate is!
You're a beautiful human, and soul, the bad times and feelings won't last forever darling!!!
What's Up Bub?
Logan Howlett X Reader
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Warnings: Reader is upset, logan holds you, <3
It's been a bad night, but Logan has you.
The moment he saw you, your expression. Tired, distraught. Your pretty lips turned down into the most unhappiest frown that he didn't like to see on his sweethearts face.
He pulled you into his arms immediately. His strong, bulky arms, the safest place to be in the world. They were wrapped around your shoulders, while yours were wrapped around his waist, your face buried into his chest with your tears staining his shirt while you let yourself break down. Logan became a warm, safe presence that you could cling to while in your most vulnerable state.
"It's alright baby." He coos softly, his hand petting your hair gently, as he cradled you and listened to your cries. It broke his heart to listen to you like this- but he knew you needed to let it out.
Once your sobs and hiccups slowed, its when he pulled your back, cupping your face in his hands so you'd look at him, he gently wiped your tears away.
"I guess." You sniffled, bringing your hand to wipe your nose. He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"C'mon bub, lets lay down." He put an arm around your shoulder and led you to your shared bedroom, where he gently encouraged you to lie down, leaving for a moment with the promise he'll be right back.
Logan wasn't the best at comforting. He always thought he had to do more when it came to comforting somebody. Only to realize that with you, sometimes all you wanted was a hug, and an ear that listened. He'll gladly offer you that, and more.
He came back with water, and your favorite snack. You weren't forced to drink or eat them right there- although he did make you take at least a sip of water, to soothe your sore throat. Once satisfied, he set those things aside, and climbed into bed, pulling you right into his side.
You were still sniffling, still slightly upset, but now tired. Comforted by your man at your side, you let your eyes close and you melted into him. His hand soothingly stroking your arm and back.
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Not right now..." You mumbled into him. You were becoming sleepier and sleepier by the second. Having already exhausted yourself from crying, Logan's scent, the scent of musk and cigars and leather that clung to him- sent you further into relaxation. His arm wrapped around you secured the feeling of safety.
He carefully reached over with his free hand, and pulled a blanket over the both of you, as you snuggled deeper into his side.
"Y'know bub...You're..." He trailed off, as he tried to think of the right words to say. He feels so much for you, so strongly, words don't do it justice. "I think you're pretty damn great. and I hope that you'll let me take care of you- like this, for as long as possible."
You were nearly asleep at this point. Tucking yourself closer to him, you managed to mumble "Me too Lo..." before drifting off into much sweeter dreams, filled with him.
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kalpeavaris · 2 days ago
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im exploding each and every one of these men with my mind
some sketched portraits for the human characters & how I imagine them teehee :3c needed some practice bc I haven't drawn a lot in a hot minute after finishing the two shaded comms toodaloo right back at commission work i shall go after these o/
also find some headcanons & info stuff about each of these creachures below the "read more" pretty pleaseee (most of it is related to my Papaver Somniferum AU)
i have so many thoughts about these men in my mind they're bad evil people but gawdDAMN i cant stop thinking about them
Harley Sawyer
Born in 1933, trained neurosurgeon, 60 years old at the time of him being turned into experiment 1354. He may not look like it at first glance, but his demeanor and ego is exactly what made him so unloved within his own circles. Sawyer's extremely egotistical, sees himself above all (even if he's not correct in something) and his demeanor is extremely toxic. He's basically making work miserable for everyone around him through harsh demands and perfectionism while never holding himself to the same standard, which causes friction.
Leith Pierre
Leith's similar to Sawyer in regards of him being very cocky. He prides himself on a lot of things and isn't shy to put his name into the credits of someone else's work, especially after Elliot's passing and him becoming the CEO of the company. He's pushing his position a LOT and loves to hover over people to oversee their work... and yeah, you guessed it, pretend like he had contributed any workforce to it. He's basically Sawyer's ego but less prone to violence or experimentation, since he himself keeps his hands clean from any blood, which he also uses as some sort of argument that he was innocent regarding the Bigger Bodies project despite his knowledge and active participation behind the scenes.
Eddie Ritterman
Eddie's cold and disconnected demeanor from most people around him comes in part from his inability to see value in human life, sometimes even regarding his own. He's very withdrawn from people and always looks like he doesn't want to be in the room with anyone, even those he deems his "closest business partners". He's not above violence and threatening people, or even getting physical with those that might be a danger to the project. He has no regard for the victims of the project and the second he overhears someone being unsure he's the first to make the suggestion of murder.
Bruno White
While not innocent of the crimes committed through his actions, Dr. White appears to be more emotional over the happenings in the Bigger Bodies initiative. While he still follows every order given and actively participates, there's a twinge of consciousness behind his eyes and mind that is missing in any of the other people besides Stella. He secretly envies her for speaking her doubts aloud, though he's aware of him being no better than Dr. Sawyer in regards to operating and experimenting on children.
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allykakamatsu · 17 hours ago
TWST Headcanons
Some of these will be more in dept than others, one or two will be AU specific, either way, enjoy~
Bi disaster and is in hardcore denial over it
Didn't have any scars coming into NRC but by the time the year was over he had thorn pricks all over him (from the Rose Garden and from OB!Malleus) plus some nasty marks from the STYX guards that never went away.
Nowhere near as bad as Cater, but is afraid of loosing the people he's close to which is why he acts so abrasive.
On that note, post book 7 Cater is 100% is favourite senpai.
Before going to NRC got gifted a pocketwatch by his brother. Mostly not a big deal but in Twisted Hearts it's a big part of the inciting incident.
Also a bi disaster, in slightly less denial about it.
Covered head to toe in scratches and scars due to how many fights he got into during his delinquent days.
Not sure if canon refutes this in any way, but he feels pretty resentful for his dad leaving him and Dylla alone.
After seeing Ace's dream he starts worrying he's a bad friend to Yuu as he wasn't even thinking that much about what would happen when Yuu is eventually allowed to go home.
Gay and proud.
Doesn't have many scars but like everyone in Heartslaybul he does have some marks from the rose garden, plus a few burn marks from cooking mishaps.
After an incident with Rook in science club, always carries a spare pair of glasses with him to be safe.
Does not know his dad puns suck ass and no one has the heart to tell him despite the cringe.
Bi, though tbh if you're playing the JP side that one's honestly just canon-
Also some flavour of trans but idk which one yet.
Another rose thorn victim, and also has some burn marks from when he had to do the cooking at home and it went wrong.
Has a pretty big crush on Vil (again this one is debatably canon on the JP side if nothing else)
Admittedly I'm borrowing this one from @ladyazurith but due to his clones he was in charge of being everywhere and getting all the manual work done, which is why he was so quick to pawn it on Ace and Deuce during Book 1.
Wants to open up about his issues to his friends but has no idea how, plus there's the fear that he won't see them after NRC anyway, or that they won't like him anymore once he's more honest.
Gay and (somehow) even deeper in denial than Ace is about it.
The one with the least amount of rose thorn scars but still has a few. Also has some very slight burn marks from some reckless fire magic usage.
Also this one is for all the OB bois but some of the ink markings from his Overblot left behind some faint lines that become more visible when he (or any other OB boy) use magic.
Naturally white hair, his mother made him use magic to turn it red, and post book 6 he let's a little bit of the white show.
Not the worst at NRC with this, but has no idea the average price of most things so he has a decent chance of getting scammed.
Post book 1 once he admits he's never had a sleepover among other things Cater immediately drags the group into one. It goes well and Riddle has fun despite some initial awkwardness.
(more underneath cut)
Asexual Biromantic. Also some flavour of trans but idk which.
Got his scar from when the rude son of guest visiting the Savannah pushed him while they were playing outside and he hit a rock. Also because of the scar his depth perception is fucked.
Has had to deal with a few assassination attempts and has some scars from it but is somehow not the one with the highest score of those.
Used to date Vil during the stars first year but they broke it off before the year was over. Now they've had some time to cool off (plus Jack and Epel joining NRC who they both care for) they're stuck in will they won't they hell.
Made the day Rook transferred out of Savannahclaw a dorm-wide holiday-
Will never admit it, but has a soft spot for Cheka and kids in general.
Unlabelled but know he likes dudes.
Has a few nicks due to his thievery back home, but the only scar he bothers to cover up is the mark on his arm he still has after Leona almost killed him, mainly to make sure no one starts treating him like a kicked puppy due to it.
Has vitiligo
Frequently mails canned food he got from Sam as well as cash he stole from Leona's account back home to his Grandma.
Despite the rough start due to Book 2 he and Jamil are besties and meet up at least twice a week to shit talk everyone on campus.
Is not the Vice Housewarden, however no one can remember who Leona actually picked so they kinda just give him all the jobs a vice would have.
Bi, also I can't prove it but something not cis is going on with his gender.
Has some nicks cause Savannahclaw has a lot of uneven edges all over the place, however most of his scars come from book 2.
On that note, gets pushed around by the whole dorm a lot in book 2, both figuratively and literally, due to him being the only one who still cared about playing fair. It’s better post Book 2 but he’s still not treated great by his dorm.
Doesn't get to hang out as much as he'd like but is really glad NRC gave him a chance to see Vil again.
Occasionally gets roped into the Diasomnia training due to Sebek offering and him wanting to mix it up.
Gay and generfluid but prefers male pronouns.
Aside from the standard OB scars he has some scars from when his classmates back in the Coral Sea were poking him with sharp coral.
An ever so slightly better flier than Jade, or at least can last longer without having a heart attack.
Honest to the Seven just wants to help Jamil out in his own... unique way, the fact that he'd have such a powerful mage in his dorm is honestly just a bonus.
Frequently turns board game club into personal issues venting, much to Idia's dismay.
Hasn't thought much about sexuality but he knows he likes guys. Is also generfluid though they don't have a preference.
Not nearly as many as Floyd but still has a lot of scars, including a large and nasty one on his back from when a strong mer attacked him when he was younger.
Part of a mob family and is the one set to take over the family business, a prospect he doesn't hate but would rather have as much fun as he can on land in the meantime.
Had a few more siblings when they were younger, however a group of predators showed up one day and killed most of them. Jade (the only one awake due to him getting a midnight snack) managed to keep himself and Floyd safe but he didn't bother trying to help the others, leading to him watching them all die.
Would rather die than admit it, but is pretty insecure about his UM and it's many limitations and worries that he might get replaced for not being strong enough.
Gay and generfluid, though like Azul he tends to prefer he/him most days.
Head to toe in scars, there's barely a part of him that isn't scratched in some way.
Also forgot to mention this with Jade but the two of them both have their mer cheek stripes showing at all times.
Too young to remember their other siblings and Jade plus their parents never told him so he doesn't know.
Not as down horrendous as Azul but also likes Jamil a lot and wants his sea snake to have nice things.
On that note, his favourite people are the kind that aren't afraid of him and are even not afraid to fight him, which is why he latched onto Riddle so fast after the chaos that was their Opening Ceremony.
Pan, he just loves everyone.
Multiple scars from the assassination attempts, most notably rope burns on his wrists which he usually tries to cover with either long sleeves or jewellery as a distraction.
The one time he tried to go to a therapist for his issues it ended up being an assassin so that scared him off for life.
Once a month after book 4 he goes over to Heartslaybul so Riddle can teach him law so he has more of an idea how to help Jamil and the rest of the Vipers.
Bi with a male preference and Bigender, but you can only call him she if he gave explicit permission (thank @blondeaxolotl for that one)
Hard to tell due to how well he hides them with his magic, but is the only one at NRC who can compete with Floyd and Lilia in the scars amount. Stab wounds, rope burns, marks left by Ruggie making him fall down the stairs, burns from when he was learning to cook, OB scars, you name it Jamil probably has it.
Half snake beastman on his mom's side, all that really shows is a snake tongue and sharper fangs
Major complex over needing to feel needed given that being essential to Kalim was all he had going for him most of his life. Only starts to deal with it and by extension accept Kalim's help after Book 6 when Leona turns their tower trip into a therapy session.
Will never admit it out loud but is warming up to Azul and Floyd (not that he’ll admit it) However while things are a bit better he and Jade still don't get along though, partly cause they spend less time together and partly because they're too similar in a lot of ways.
Never liked Rook much to begin with, but the mild dislike turned to full on salt after VDC. Like, he gets that Vil probably needed some consequences but did he have to drag everyone else down with him?
Bi but a male preference and genderfluid, no pronoun preference.
The only scars he had before his OB was one he got when he was 6 and he accidentally cut himself with a knife, and has done everything in his power to hide it.
Not many other kids where he grew up so he didn't have many friends, Jack being his only one for a good while.
Part of him wishes he could meet his mother but doesn't have any regrets about being raised by Eric.
He and Rook are a package deal. If you want to date one, the other is there. Platonic or romantic, RookVil are a pair you do not seperate.
Speaking of Rook though, while Vil knows Rook did the right thing at VDC and he'd probably feel awful if he won after what he did and almost did, the dumb emotional part of his brain was still hurt, though the two patched things up by the end of book 6.
Gay, like so gay it almost makes everyone else look straight by comparison. Also idk his gender but he ain't cis.
Has a decent number of hunting scars. Isn't ashamed at all but they're usually covered since they're mostly on his hands and he usually wears gloves.
Half of Savannahclaw has filed a restraining order against him though none have gone through.
Still feels some guilt over book 5 cause he knew how much it hurt Vil plus it got the others caught in the middle but he knew that he couldn't let NRC win after Vil tried to poison Neige.
Vil and Leona's biggest shipper when they were together, low key trying to set them back up now that they're on better terms.
Gay and transmasc. Overcompensating masculinity wise big time.
Has a decent few scrapes from the farm, and also has a gap tooth that he doesn't mind but Vil is desperately trying to convince him to go to the dentist to fix with the actor even offered to pay for.
Goes back and forward between thinking Deuce is the coolest or the lamest affectionate. Either way they love talking Blastcycles.
Looks up to Leona a lot, low key horrified to learn that he and Vil somehow used to date.
Was sweating a lot during the Harveston trip as he was worried the group would see his old pictures and figure out he wasn't born a boy, but while the truth didn't come out seeing how well they reacted when they thought Marja's old picture was him did give him a lot of peace of mind.
The one besides Ace who crashes at Ramshackle the most so he can get a break from Pomfiore.
Asexual and demiromantic. Also some flavour of trans but idk which
Has a few burn scars, some from the obvious source and others from wires sparking while he tried to fix something.
Actually descended from Hades, he and his parents are just hesitant to admit it due to the inevitable multiple follow up questions.
Addicted to this worlds version of Project Sekai. Do I have any evidence besides vibes? No but I still believe it-
After a few too many near death experiences calls he's just started making prosthetic limbs just in case he needs to replace something, and even if he never needs them he can just use them for Ortho when he's ready for a size upgrade.
Has only just gained sentience and doesn't really care about romance or gender rn
No real scars cause well, robot, though he does let the first years have some fun and do marker graffiti on him sometimes.
Has all of OG!Ortho's memories, and while he knows it's silly he still finds himself dealing with imposter syndrome a fair bit.
Has figured out that everyone thinks anything rude he says is unintentional, and uses this to occasionally back talk people who make him mad and get away with it.
His type is anyone who likes him back and he barely knows what gender is.
Doesn't really have any scars on him prior to loosing his horn during book 7. The people close to him on the other hand...
Due to them both being in one man clubs whenever cross club competitions arise Crowley usually pairs Malleus and Jade together, leading to a surprising friendship between the two.
To some people (Leona's) annoyance, post horn breaking he's still plenty powerful, just not god level like he used to be.
Speaking of Leona. They dated. It was only for a week as Leona was rebounding hard after Vil, it was messy, both of them regret it, but it happened, though Mal is open to trying again.
Also a surprisingly good cook, if only to keep Silver alive until he learned how.
Bi and polyamorous. Also doesn't give a fuck about gender.
Probably the most scared one at NRC for obvious reasons, man is covered in stab wounds as well as lightning scars from both Melanor and Malleus.
Speaking of Melanor, the two of them along with Levan/Raverne were all dating though the royal couple made sure the senate didn;t find out about Lilia.
Genuinely oblivious to how awful his cooking is. He managed to raise Silver without him dying so how bad can it be? (Silver has an iron stomach as well as Malleus saving him)
Demi. Thinks he's cis but is open to experiment.
Has a few scratches and bruises from his training but nothing too major.
Post book 7 he briefly experiments with dying a streak of his hair blonde but quickly gives up on that idea and just goes back to no dye, or if he does want to dye he goes black like Lilia and Malleus.
Loves singing. Wanted to audition for VDC but didn't want to risk screwing it up by falling asleep mid song.
Forgot to mention with Kalim but those two are pure lights. More so relevant for Twisted Hearts but in cannon it means they're less likely to Overblot and blots tend to keep their distance.
Doesn't really have a label for it but he knows he likes guys.
Like Silver just has a few training nicks though he has a few more due to being more reckless.
One time nearly had a heart attack and destroyed half the dorm looking for his Malleus painting, only to find out that Lilia just took it to clean the frame. Afterwards Sebek cleaned up and sent himself to detention out of shame-
Due to his dad being a dentist he has some of the best dental hygiene on campus and knows a lot about teeth, leading to a surprise friendship with Trey.
Eventually remembers the events of NBC Lost in the book, but whether that's because he finds Skully's painting, meeting his ghost at Ramshackle or actually sees his friend in person again depends on the setting and how I'm feeling.
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anotheroceanid · 2 days ago
don't be shy, post the long text
Since you asked, I'm posting it here xD
I hope this make sense.
The Aspect of Gods In My Fics or Why There's No Aspect of Gods in My Fics)
For context:
This covers all my fics and aus, though I currently have only posted TTG and WTHB. Unless I ever state otherwise, this is always my approach to the theme.
I first read the Riordanverse books as a kid, and then the only books available were the og PJO series, Heroes of Olympus and The Kane Chronicles. Only when I was much older I would find out about the new series, and I decided not to read them because I don't really like interacting with new canon content of media I enjoyed as a kid. I had bad experiences. The only one that I interact a little more is TOA, but just from a fandom perspective (I've read fics about it, but they were all Perpollo). Therefore, as I do not have any knowledge over these series, I'm not considering them here. Mostly because I might be the person to bend canon the most, but I make sure I really know canon to do it. Since I don't know canon of those stories, I never engage with them "seriously".
More or less in the same topic: in my fics, I don't consider the existences of multiple pantheons. The only gods that exist are the gods I'm writing about (mostly because I feel counterproductive unless I’m writing crack fics). This is another talk, thought I might've mentioned it every now and then. I just feel like the actions of the characters actions lose impact if there's a whole new apocalypse happening the next week with another pantheon. Like, I don't like shared universes. In general. Polly, Barbie and Max Steel all belong to Mattel. I don't need them all together in the same universe.
Most important of all: this ain’t an attack to Rick or the canon. This is just me being a silly ficwriter and picking what I think makes more sense when I’M writing my NON-PROFIT stories in my own free time. It's literally not that deep.
So, before anything else, let's touch on the subject of fading, because fading and the aspects are, in my vision, two elements that bleed into each other.
Fading, in canon, happens when a god or a monster is forgotten by humanity (or when their domains are diminished, like happened with Pan). What I will say know sounds terrible pessimistic, but I don't like mortals having this deep influence in the gods existence.
As I'm considering the gods as being the only gods, then they exist much before humanity. And I'm pretty sure Prometheus didn't make us powerful enough to do anything that damaging against gods. We can be annoying or amusing? Yeah, pretty much. But to the point they need us to remember them to exist. Nope. Not at all.
I do like that gods can fade, but in a more "they've been so emotionally damaged that they ceased to exist" way. Like, Pan saw all the things that he loved being destroyed, that must been affected him beyond the "destroyed realm" level.
Now, about the aspects. First of all, I want to remember everyone that there wasn't an unified Greek in ancient time, and while they shared similarities they were not all the same. Their gods were not the exact same. Or their cults, etc.
When I'm reading stories with Roman vs Greek aspects, I let suspension of disbelief do it's magic. But not when I'm writing, because I start to think: what about the other hundreds of aspects? It's not like religion was unified for either Greeks or Romans. And while one can use the excuse of "they also changed by what modern people think of them", because again
 Who's deciding it? Who's "modern people" in question? Because the world is waaay to big to pick one place's point of view and stick with it.
In a way, I do think that the gods changed with time, but they lived thousands of years, they interacted with multiple people and their culture, of course they'd change. We as human change from school to collage, why can't they change after living through literally everything? (Also, it's interesting that even if they changed, they're the same to their core, but I won't enter in this topic here.)
Their interactions with mortals might have affected them somehow, but not so deep they have different personalities that clash with each other. Humans can worship them in different ways, I simply think the gods care more about being honoured and worshipped than how it's done. If it is something they find offensive, then okay, they'll turn against you. It's not like most mortals spend enough time with gods to pick up their whole personalities.
Then, if the gods are always the same in my fics, why there are two camps? I'll need you to hold my hands when I tell you this: the gods will be gods tag doesn't exist for nothing. They'll do things just because they can.
Demigods are wild cards. There's only so much control you can have over them. Having a two sets of demigods that historically hate each other is kinda useful. "Oh, they're fighting and praying for us? Kinda annoying, so many voices in my head. Time to separate them again. Now with about half the population from before. Oh, these things happen. Time to set them apart until it's needed again."
Also, this removes the "we're roman/greek demigods" from the equation. Some are greek demigods because they were found by a satyr. Some are roman demigods because they ended up with in the Wolf House somehow. Nobody is Greek or Roman (my brothers and sisters, most of you were born in 20th century USA), but it's fundamental that these identities exist just so they can hate each other. Especially for the Romans, as their identity as Roman is fundamental so they can keep sending their kids and grandkids to a military colony.
When Thalia says that her father came back "different", it's totally dismissive because: one, she was a child, and two, a child who barely knew her father at all to pick up his personality and set in stone "he was different". This makes Jason story even more tragic, as his fate was decided entirely by the gods. He was not born Roman, he was made one because it was beneficial to Hera.
Instead of making them have multiple personalities based off aspects, I prefer to keep them unified because it feels more consistent when I'm writing, but also keep them accountable. The whole "oh, I didn't know, it wasn't me" don't stick out to me. They have a personality, the stories as we know were written by mortals that had their own interpretation, some are more accurate than others. It's not that deep.
Of course, some mortals were particularly creative and their versions became really famous. This don't change what really happened or the gods personality. Using Medusa as an example, I always follow the myth in which she was born a gorgon, the fact that there's a version she was a priestess of Minerva won't change the fact that she was born a monster (and that Poseidon liked her that way).
Finally, I also prefer keeping them with one single aspect because I don't want them removed from the narrative. In the Trojan War (the Trojans also had their "own" versions of the gods, btw) they picked their side, no headache made them absent. They had kids in both sides, so? For me, having them actually picking sides is simply more interesting.
That's it.
I said it was long.
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karenandhenwilson · 1 day ago
Don't come at me and try to argue that any kind of bashing tag on any AO3 story or a fic here on tumblr is a red flag. You won't find me agreeing, but you will find yourself in an argument with you.
Adding a bashing tag to a fic is actually one of the most green flags I can see from any author.
Because that tag is a warning, guys. It tells you right there to stay away from that fic because the author either doesn't interpret the character in a positive way or just chose for this one story to have the character be the antagonist or villain. Or maybe they do it for more than just that one story. Who cares?
Claiming that using any kind of character as such is actually adding to the problem and pretty problematic in its own way.
No single person likes every single character in any franchise. That's just not true. And people who claim that are liars. People have different life experiences. People have different values, have different things they find vaxing and have different things they can tolerate or not tolerate.
And that's perfectly okay. Someone telling you, "if you don't like that specific character, you're a bad person," that's a red flag. Someone claiming there is no single way a certain character can be disliked by anyone, that's a red flag. Someone telling you "you aren't allowed to like that character," is a red flag. Someone inventing or exaggerating reasons and arguing with those reasons to try to convince others not ot like that character (especially people new to the fandom or not in the fandom at all), that's a red flag. People going after the actors and telling lies about them because they don't like the character they portrayed (as if that isn't a job for them and if stories don't need antagonists or even just different kinds of characters), is a major red flag. 
Because those people ignore the very reality of human nature. Worse, they deny the very reality of human nature.
No one is required to like everyone. No one is required to hate a character just because you do, either. The only thing everyone should be required to do is treat other people with respect.
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274th · 1 day ago
Hi. You know what I wanna see in the new Tomodachi Life? Of course you do. I've been cooking this list for ten years.
Mii Customization
A makeup system similar to Miitopia's, if not the exact same one, is essential. While I personally still want my Miis to look like Miis, it feels pretty crucial to have those kinds of makeup options even for just Miis. Being able to share them is also a must. Bonus if we get tattoos.
It seems like we're getting new hairstyles, with an option to use an ombre gradient on them. I want them to go nuts. Different bangs options for certain hairstyles. Different ponytail/pigtail options. All kinds of different textures and styles. Anime-esque styles. Realistic styles. Textured hairstyles. Ahoge options like in Miitopia. Let me go apeshit.
Speaking of... Fantasy skintones. Customizable skintones, eye colors, and makeup colors. The skintones is a must for me, but I'm sure there are people out there who would LOVE to have that option too, to get their skintone just right, but also the skintones of their OCs and favorite characters.
Separated tops, bottoms, shoes, socks, hats, glasses, accessories, a la Miitomo, with more ability to customize their appearances. Bonus option: Allow people to make their own shirts and hoodies and such like in Animal Crossing, with a hub where you can share your creations with others. Bonus 2x if it uses the Miitopia makeup system and you can do all kinds of shapes.
Mii Personalities and Interactions
Traits a la Sims. The MBTI-based sliders were fine, but I want to mix and match traits, and I want those traits to mean something. I want those traits to heavily influence how a Mii reacts to situations, and not just influence their pose and funky things they say.
Memories. I want Miis to remember the fights they had, the good times and the bad (within reason), also like Sims. I want those memories to influence their relationships.
I need these motherfuckers to have cliques and friend groups and as complex of social lives as Nintendo can make them. I want to be able to make a graph of my Mii's relationships. And I want some influence over it, not just RNG. I personally don't want a TON of influence but I want some.
Yeah of course make them gay as shit. I'm not stupid of course I want gay Miis and queer Miis. I saw someone suggest opting out of relationships and babies and such and that's a damn fine idea too.
Not just traits, but preferences you can set. Likes the color red. Dislikes the smell of lemons. Loves horses. Dislikes corn. Likes goth clothes. Dislikes preppy outfits. Stuff like that.
I want to decorate each individual Mii apartment like in Animal Crossing. I want people to go apeshit nuts with furniture and whatnot. Complex builds. Some pre-determined rooms or room bases would be nice, and even just "you can put this thing in this room slot" would be fine too. Bonus if you can customize colors.
More group activities for Miis. More minigames and such. I actually haven't considered this one as much because I liked what we had and most of my desires are fine-tuning Miis, and we clearly already got it so the little guys can wander around outside.
But if they can wander outside I'd love more locations, more building types, more hangouts, more things to do.
Basically I need this to be the perfect ant farm of all the shit I like.
And that's a fairly complete list.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 2 days ago
TMAGP 34 Thoughts: Burying the Hatchet
This is a very exposition heavy episode but it's not a lot of new information IMO. I think most of the big stuff here is more confirmation of what I would call, potentially arrogantly, obviously inferable information. Which isn't a bad thing but as you're all probably very aware by now I don't really retread the explicit stuff in these. So we'll see what I've got to say.
And, yes, I did forget what day it was on Thursday and then procrastinate this until now. Blame the Spiral. Tomorrow's post will probably be on time.
Spoilers for TMA , and TMAGP episode 34 below the cut.
Okay, so, as I've mentioned, this is all quite explicit. Sam's in TMA London and it's all spooky still. I do love how over everything Georgie is, and it's nice to see her fearlessness expressed as apathy and annoyance. Even with all the blatant info dumping there are a couple of interesting things to pick out from this whole section though. Part of London, presumably the part that was around the Magnus Institute/Panopticon, didn't revert to its pre-Change state but the interesting bit is other parts of the world didn't either. Obviously the Institute, being the epicentre of the Eye's power on Earth, makes sense but what other places didn't change back? Did every Fear have a location like the Panopticon and those all remained? Is it about the domains of powerful avatars? It doesn't seem like the creatures in the London Exclusion Zone are particularly related to the Eye, so is that true of every location still affected? Or is the Square Mile unique in this respect because of the Eye's central position for the Change? A lot of things going on there. I'm not sure any of that will come up to be honest, I think most of that is probably irrelevant, but it's got a lot of world building potential.
The other thing to note is them being called "wardens". The major organisation people would think of for civil defence in the UK would be either the Civil Defence Service (1935–1945) or the Civil Defence Corps (1949–1968). The Civil Defence Service started its life as the Air Raid Precautions Department and then later created the Air Raid Wardens' Service. These wardens were largely responsible for making sure communities were doing what they were meant to as to not get bombed to shit. As the nature of civil service in the UK evolved both during and after the war so did the role of the wardens but it was generally about community organisation and leadership, recon, and reporting. Captain isn't a rank of Warden in any incarnation as far as I'm aware, but the UK also doesn't really have current civil defence either. Which is interesting in so far as the implication that the UK government is treating it like war. At least in the primeline, in TMAGP's time it seems a lot more clandestine than that.
The section with Georgie and Dave I don't have much to add to. It's all something we've seen with [Error] before and in the interest of getting this post done I'm not going to talk out my ass like I might usually do.
Sam and Georgie do some more exposition. Honestly, this is mostly just a last season recap and I've talked about all that before. Obviously Georgie is worried this is John, and I've seen a lot of people wanting it to be, but I think that would probably be the worst thing they could do here. Especially with Chester in the mix doing the whole "John is a monster" thing and having John be all monster feels a little trite to me. I'm fairly sure they're not doing that in either case. Especially when they've cast Beth Eyre as [Error] already, the bait and switch there would feel sorta shitty IMO.
The Gardener's statement was really well done. I know the TMA season 5 statements are contentious but I think there are some incredible bits of short form fiction in there. This one is no different and I think builds upon season 5 wonderfully by subverting the expectations those statements built. In TMA season 5 the statements were pretty aggressively about their Fear. It wasn't often, if at all, that the listener was ever in suspense about what the Fear at play was. This statement initially seems no different. Starts off very Buried but is very clearly a Slaughter domain by the end of it and it's a really interesting one too. Very boiled down to the basic aspects of the Fear. Good stuff, well written, well acted, no notes.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: N/A
CAT# Theory: XXXX, I guess? CATXXXX is actually pretty interesting in that it's basically the only way you can wrongly X out that string. The dates got the correct number of Xs for the maximum length a date can be in the DMYYYY format. CATXXXX doesn't match the maximum length, nor any reasonable combination. It's pretty much the most wrong thing they could've written. Which does, obviously, mean it was directly aimed at me and written out of spite.
R# Theory: N/A
Header talk: ERROR (Unknown Source) is probably the single most interesting heading we've ever seen. Back in the TMAGP universe we've seen that Freddie has no problems with filing incident reports that [Error] has collected. In TMA there was some implication that the audience was the Eye only to then subvert that expectation. The current implication is that our PoV is that of Freddie and this reinforces that, it got a fucked filing but did get a filing, but I do wonder if this is laying the ground work for that sort of twist. It also raises the question about what makes this incident different to any of the others. The obvious reason is that the Gardener is from another dimension but [Error] doesn't seem to be operating any differently. So either the Mechanisms are quite different or is the experience. TMAGP's universe never has a Change, as far as we know, and so hasn't had domains and as such there wouldn't be anything to file this under assuming Freddie can accurately do that. The link between Freddie and [Error]/her tapes, is also interesting too. Is this unique to [Error] or can Freddie do this to anything that's connected via a tear? If it's unique to [Error] is that because of JMJs connection to the Eye, and [Error's] status as an Archivist, or is there something else at play? Like I said, more interesting than Building (Angry).
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webtomo · 3 hours ago
While I am optimistic about Tomodachi Life: Living The Dream and will probably be buying it and playing it regardless of anything, there are a few things that kinda potentially concern me about the game. I assume most of these will be addressed at some point in the future, but I want to run through them real quick.
1 - The "New Horizons" problem.
Though I did play a lot of New Horizons when it came out and did thoroughly enjoy it, it is undeniable that the game is held back by a number of flaws. Most notably, the fact that they significantly stripped back a number of features (especially near the time of release) as well as the general "softening" of the game. Now, don't get me wrong, New Horizons is far from a bad game. But many things sort of hold me back from considering it the definitive Animal Crossing experience, especially after coming off of New Leaf/Welcome Amiibo. I do really enjoy the customization of the game, but in many ways it almost feels like they had forgone things like villagers personalities and their autonomy in order to make that happen. Not to mention the fact that many key elements of the series were not in the game at all at launch, and were instead added in later updates. I am hoping that at the very least, the team behind Living The Dream will be able to learn from the negative aspects of New Horizons. Tomodachi Life is a series that, in part, is made by the randomness of every social interaction and is way more heavily focused on social interaction than Animal Crossing as a whole is. So with that in mind, I do hope that they don't entirely drop the ball in that regard and can present us with something interesting. Another big aspect of Tomodachi Life is relationships and the drama that the islanders get themselves into, so I hope that they allow for those things to continue to be relevant in this entry without dampening the personalities of the islanders.
2 - Gay Marriage.
I think most people know about this by now, but back when Tomodachi Life originally came out a controversy sprung about, named the Miiquality movement. This movement was centered around making Nintendo acknowledge and allow gay couples to exist in Tomodachi Life, since it was one of the only games in the life simulation genre to not allow it. Nintendo responded by claiming that they would promise to include it in a potential sequel, since it was too late for them to change anything in the original Tomodachi Life for 3DS. Now, this is a net good thing, and I and many other have been asking for this for a long time. However, I am somewhat worried that for whatever reason, they do something to work around the gay marriage thing. It honestly would probably be kind of stupid for them to do this, but I can very easily picture a reality where they forgo the entire existing relationship system and replace it with something else, maybe something like the Miitopia system or something. But honestly, at that point, it would just be easier to allow gay marriage outright since the Miitopia relationship system was the reason that game was marked as an 18+ title in Russia and Nintendo seemingly had no issues with releasing the game there despite it. Nowadays, we live in 2025. There is no reason for them to not include it at this point. Tomodachi Life for 3DS released in 2013 in Japan and 2014 everywhere else, which predated the legalization of gay marriage in the United States and a number of other places in which the game released, and is still not fully legal to this day in Japan (but is pretty close to potential legalization at the time of writing). Nowadays, Nintendo seems more open to the idea of having visibly queer characters in their games, for instance the Fire Emblem series allows you to be gay in most of their modern releases. Just last year, the Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake officially canonized trans Vivian, so I do think the option is still on the table.
3 - Scale and design.
The trailer we have seen shows some already significant design changes in this game compared to the previous two, which honestly I do think looks decent and I have positive thoughts on the art direction as a whole. However with any big new changes, there are bound to be some rough points. The flatness of the island we have seen is a little weird, which I assume may be related to a potential building feature, in which case is fine, but in many ways honestly feels like a visual downgrade from the 3DS version. Albeit we have not seen too much so far regarding the appearance of the island, and if island customization is a thing then that could potentially negate that issue entirely. However, a bigger concern of mine is the scale of the island itself. I am somewhat worried now that since each islander is living in a little cabin instead of an apartment, that the amount of Miis you are able to add will be limited. This isn't entirely a deal breaker necessarily, however I think most people would agree that it would be extremely disappointing if the game forces you to limit the amount of people on your island arbitrarily. I think if they were to cut down the amount of Miis per island, a reasonable minimum should be at least 50. Ideally I would prefer if the cap of 100 Miis was still a thing, since its a pretty reasonable number and I would be happy if they even allowed for more than that. Though if they do decide to limit the islanders to a smaller number, then I think it would honestly kill a lot of the hype for this game, since a big aspect of Tomodachi Life is the broadness of interactions possible between many islanders at a time. The Switch is more powerful than the 3DS so I am hoping they at least have some way around this issue, but the Switch isn't necessarily a powerhouse to begin with, so we will see how that pans out.
With all of that being said, I am still very excited for this game. I imagine future news will address some of these issues, but for now I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens. I will continue to post more about Living The Dream as more news presents itself.
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valleymyristica · 2 days ago
[ TagGame ]
Post 4 fictional characters you relate to and assume something about the previous person based on their characters [ Original ]
Thank you @nightjasmine10 for the tag! This one sounds like quite an interesting one
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Eris Sinbad
Alastor Hazbin Hotel (Pilot)
Snufkin Moomin (1990 TV series)
Fluttershy My little pony: Friendship is magic
And the gifs are quite fitting too, especially the Alastor one, when it comes to the story, what we have in mind, can't help but let a smile spread from time to time. Heh Eris is more the author in me.
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Thank you again @nightjasmine10! This was a fun surprise
Here's my little analysis based on your characters Hope it's somewhat fitting as I didn't know most of them
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.·˚✧ Koenma (Yu Yu Hakusho) ✧˚·. You have a level head, making sure that things goes as planned, helping. You like to focus on what you enjoy, and not too much on what's outside of that. Plus, you're loyal to those you care about, always wanting the best for them.
.·˚✧ Peri Fairywinkle Cosma (Fairly OddParents: A New Wish) ✧˚·. Likes to add some flare to what you do. Fearful of failure and always seeking to do good. Maybe also a sprinkle of, wanting to give others a nice impression of who you are out of fear of how they might perceive you if you don't.
.·˚✧ Chandler Bing (Friends) ✧˚·. You're a fun one who enjoys making others laugh. It's better to bring others up with joy than down with any sorrow you may feel. Hiding behind a smile because you've learned that others just like to see the sunshine you may spread, instead of any hurt that may be in your head. Still, all in all, you're a good person.
.·˚✧ Monica Geller (Friends) ✧˚·. You're indeed one that likes to keep the peace. Making sure all is well, maybe even at the expense of yourself at times. You don't think yourself bad, but you sometimes have a hard time seeing all the wonder you give.
You know yourself well enough to keep yourself up. You know what your ideal life may be, but you can still find joy in what you have currently. Still, there are many things that could be better, but hey could be worse too, right?
In essence, you're a good person Pretty like a flower
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Hope I didn't overdo it Or maybe I did and it brings you glee Well, the important part is you being happy!
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As for people to tag, always so unsure, but there are always lovely people to bring some brightness to!
@waitineedaname, You're a lovely one who's analysis is always fun, plus, it would be fun to see who you may related too (feeling one of them might be a librarian, though, guess that depends)
@shrimpyjackal, LOOK! Can you see me? Do you find the characters fit? Always so fun to hear from you, always a joy in seeing what you do, so it would also be fun to know which characters you relate to too ᔔᔜᔔ
@stitchwraith-stingers, You're a fun one, so it may be fun to see, who are the four that call to out to you? And why does it feel like not all of them are human too? Whatever it may, hope you have a wonderful day. Ups and downs are sure to come, but save the fun, enjoy what you can.
@wreckrinho, The cool cat that is you, do oh so wonder, who do you relate too? What characters make you feel more at home, for not all is lonely. You don't have to be alone. For you are one who deserves to be seen and happy, with joy to fill what's in-between!
@freesso, Sweet and fun, happy one. Hope all is well, do you want to play? It's odd, I have a vision of silver shimmering white, no idea who that could be, right? Regardless of choice, hope you are having fun in whatever you working on getting done ᔔᔜᔔ
@midnightdemonz, You're a fun one, wanna join in the game? Whatever you choose, I hope the day will give you much joy to gain, much fun to be had and do hope that things are good, not bad. For a lovely fun one, just like you, deserves much joy, it's true!
@vhs-consumer, Fun fantastic! Hope you're good and the world is kind, bringing you lively things to mind. Hope there is fun to be had in your day, hope you are doing okay ᔔᔜᔔ
@poggieking03, Hope all is well, and the day brings you glee, just like you have so many times brought me! Would be fun to see what you may say, and who are the ones that best match your days. Surely someone cool and full of spark, for you are always a bright spot in the dark.
@paaelle, A fun one to see, you come and you go, hope you're day is bright and enjoy all that you know. You may join if you like, but most of all, I want to tell, that I appreciate you as well!
Tumblr media
And for clarity, no pressure of course!
Most of all, I just want to wish you all well For you are all so sweet and swell! So very wonderful, just wanted to tell ᔔᔜᔔ
Also, if anyone else would like to join in, then that would very much bring glee Fun people are always fun to see, trust me
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rook-laidir · 1 day ago
Banter Time!
Emmrich: Rook, have you been taking Manfred to The Hilt?
Rook: Not recently. I’ve been teaching him some Wicked Grace, though.
Emmrich: Ah. That explains it.
Rook: Explains what?
Emmrich: Manfred has taken to placing buttons on the table whenever I place my notecards down.
Rook: Aw! He knows how to gamble! Wanna show the rest of the Lords what you know, buddy?
Manfred: (Excited hiss)
Emmrich: (Sighs)
Rook: Are all of the Mourn Watch mages?
Emmrich: A great deal of them are necromancers, but we have plenty of watchers whose talents lie outside of magical abilities. Are you looking to join? I’d be happy to put in a good word for you.
Rook: No. Definitely not. I’m perfectly happy above ground.
Rook: Hypothetical question: How hard do you think I could hit someone with your little monster carvings?
Davrin: Don’t you have arrows?
Rook: I could run out of arrows.
Davrin: You’re telling me that if you run out of arrows, your first instinct is going to be throwing a wooden carving of a hurlock at whatever we’re fighting.
Rook: I just like to keep my options open. Besides, it would be at least my third instinct.
Davrin: I got word from Antoine and Evka. They need us in Hossberg to talk about those samples you collected.
Rook: (Groans)
Davrin: You still have to go.
Rook: I know, it’s just

Davrin: Cold, blighted, and gross?
Rook: And wet, don’t forget wet.
Davrin: It is the Wetlands.
Rook: Next time, can we find the drylands? The warm lands? The “cold drinks and a nap” lands?
Davrin: I’ll see what Harding finds along the way.
Rook: Did you make me hot chocolate earlier?
Neve: Who says it was me?
Rook: Well
It was kinda

Neve: That bad?
Rook: It’s the thought that counts.
Neve: Ashur asked for you the other day. One of the freed slaves the Shadow Dragons are harboring, she only speaks Rivaini.
Rook: I can translate.
Neve: We’d owe you one.
Rook: At this point, I think we owe each other enough to call it even. But I wouldn’t say no to some dinner.
Neve: I’ll bring some fish from Hal’s.
Harding: I think I’m gonna head over to the Hall of Valor later.
Rook: You ok? You seem kind of out of it.
Harding: Yeah, I’m ok. I just
need to hit some things.
Rook: I get it.
Rook: So what’s up with all the hands in Arlathan?
Bellara: What do you mean?
Rook: There are hand statues everywhere.
Bellara: Most of them were originally attached to bigger statues. Ones with bodies:
Rook: I bet the guy the big one was attached to was pretty hand-some.
Bellara: I knew I shouldn’t have asked.
Taash: Drinks at The Hilt later?
Rook: Who’s buying?
Taash: Whoever loses worse to Isabela at Wicked Grace.
Rook: You’re on.
Spite: Smells like oranges and chocolates. Fear and fury.
Rook: Is Spite saying I need a bath?
Lucanis: Ignore him.
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okminer07 · 3 days ago
Nuna Part 5
Her eyes widened. She whirled around and went to pull herself back to the water, only realizing now just how far from it she was. The mer looked down at her, his ears wilting. His hand twitched as if it was struggling to stay still.  
“Yeah, get over here as soon as possible and take him back to his nest.” Nuna turned and saw the human, not addressing her but a strange black box held up to her ear, “Do what you can to calm him down. Once he’s settled, get back to me.” She lowered the strange thing down and looked over at Nuna.  
She responded with a glare, inching away and shaking her gills as a warning.  
The human sighed, “I would really prefer this not be difficult, for either of us. So, could you please just trust me?”  
Nuna raised a brow, looking the human up and down. She didn’t look all that aggressive, no nets or tranquilizers strapped to her as far as she could see.   
“The more you cooperate, the sooner we can get you back in the water. I promise.”   
She stilled, relaxing her shoulders and gills. What choice did she have? She couldn’t run, couldn’t get back to the water, and resistance would most likely end with a needle in her spine.  
The mer let out a short snort. She looked back up at him. He met her eye before gently nodding his head forward, towards the human. Nuna turned back to the human and gave a curt nod, refusing to look her in the eye.  
“Okay.” she took a tentative step towards her, slowly making her way over. When she was about half a foot away, she kneeled, attempting to make eye contact. She held out her hand, “Let’s start over, I’m Taniel.” 
She stiffened, leaning away and hugging her tail to her chest. Her eyes flicked down to the human’s hand. Slowly, she raised her own hand and gave the human’s a quick tap before pulling it away. Why in the world did it feel easier to shake the hand, well finger, of a gargantuan mer than a human? 
“And you are?”   
“Nuna,” she murmured.   
The human smiled at the response, “Well, Nuna, I’m guessing you’ve had a rough couple of days.” She nodded, “And I can understand how scared you must be right now.”  
She rolled her eyes, “Sure, yet not enough to let me out of that tank?”  
Taniel’s face fell and she sighed, “I told them that was a bad idea.”  
“The manager team
 and my boss. The ones who bought you from that aquarium.” 
Nuna scrunched her nose, her face contorting in disgust, “Bought me?”  
The human’s face paled, “I know that sounds pretty bad, but they did it cause we wanted to give you a better life.”   
She raised a brow, “Better life?”  
“Yes. Those guys back there had no idea what they were doing.”  
“And you do?”  
She pursed her lips, “Well
 not me directly. My job is with-”  
“Cetus! Hey buddy!”  
Nuna stiffened at the sound of more human voices. She whipped around to see two more approaching them. One was quite threatening in appearance, being quite muscular. The other was also a bit large but oddly enough, had hair the color of her own pink skin.   
Their attention seemed to be elsewhere, namely the gigantic presence behind her. The mer let out a low rumble at their approach and leaned his head down towards them. The two made their way over to one of the many boats and hopped in. The engine roared to life and the one with pink hair leaned over the stern.   
“Come on. Let’s get you back, huh?” 
The boat began to drift out and towards the exit of the small harbor. He looked after them before turning his attention back to Nuna. Taniel nodded towards the boat.  
“Go with them. We won’t be long.” He let out a long low rumble and his ears flopped down in a pout, “The moment we’re finished we’ll meet you back at your nest. Okay?”  
He let out another long rumble before his form slowly began to turn. The water splashed up onto the docks and the boats rocked dangerously as he maneuvered his way out of the harbor, his lengthy green tail looking like a moving island.   
 is that his name?” asked Nuna.  
“What you called him, Cetus. Is that his name?”  
She paused for a moment before nodding, “Oh, yeah. Yeah it is, but it seems you two have already met.”  
Nuna narrowed her eyes, “Why can’t he talk? Is that your doing?”  
Her eyes widened and she promptly shook her head, “No, of course not. It’s sadly just a result of his disease.”  
“Disease?” she looked out to where he had been, now empty water. Was he ill? He didn’t seem ill, “What are you talking about?”  
Taniel raised her hand, “I think we are getting a bit off-topic. Let’s go back to explaining why you’re here.”  
She scoffed, “I know why I’m here. You’ve got some tank somewhere you’re gonna put me. Then you’ll invite people to press their noses to the glass and gawk at me.” she crossed her arms, “I’m right, aren’t I?”  
The human looked uncomfortable, now it was her turn to avoid eye contact, “I
 supposed you’re half right, or maybe a third right. There is
 a tank of sorts prepared for you.”  
Nuna snorted, rolling her eyes, “Thought so.”  
“But we weren’t planning to make you an attraction. We are trying to do what’s best for you.”  
Her gills stiffened and began to tremble, “Excuse me? What’s best for me?”  
Taniel’s face fell. She stared at her with wide eyes, “You
 you don’t know, do you?”   
“Know what?”  
She grimaced, averting her gaze and letting out a heavy sigh, “Your kind is going extinct.”  
Nuna froze, her face going pale, “What?”   
“As of now, you’re the only known member of your species still alive.”  
Her stomach dropped and it felt like someone had poked a needle right through her heart, “You’re lying.”  
“Afraid not.”  
“No, no you’re wrong!” she snapped back, “There’s tons of us. We just know how to avoid your kind.”   
Taniel pursed her lips, “That might have been true a decade or two ago. But now, people know exactly where to find you.”   
Nuna’s mind immediately blipped back to that day. She had been curious by the weird sound, that odd roar that turned the water around her. There had never been any danger before from going to the surface, nothing to fear, so how was she supposed to know to be afraid? 
So, she wasn’t the only one. Not anymore.   
“Why?” she murmured, “What do they want with us?”  
“You, along with some other species, have become a bit of a commodity. For things like aquariums. People just aren’t impressed by fish anymore.” she shook her head “It’s ridiculous, barbaric even.”  
She glared up at her, “So it’s your kind's fault.”  
Taniel nodded, “Yeah, it is. I’m actually surprised you survived so long. Most die within the first few years from unfit conditions. I’m glad we got a hold of you when we did.”   
Nuna gritted her teeth, “Oh, how heroic of you. Take me from one tank to put me in another.”   
“That’s not what we’re doing!” she exclaimed, “We got you away from there so we can safeguard you and your species. All we want is to protect you and
 and make up for what the rest of our kind are doing.”  
She narrowed her eyes, searching the human’s face for insincerity, “If you claim to have my best interest, then why don’t you let me go? Take me back to my lake?”   
“It’s not safe anymore. If we were to do that, I can guarantee that in less than a week you’ll be caught and put right back behind glass.”   
Her stomach dropped as she fully took in what the human was saying. If her lake was no longer safe, that meant her mother, father, everyone she had once known
She blinked and felt tears creep out from behind her eyes. They
 they were gone. All of them
 there was no point to her escaping, there was no home to go back too. She flinched when the human reached out and touched her hand. Instantly she wrenched it away to wipe her eyes.  
Taniel’s own eyes were glistening, “I’m
 I’m sorry, but please, try to understand, I'm not your enemy. I want to help you. We want to help you.”  
She closed her eyes and breathed. A part of her shouldn’t have even been shocked, and she wasn’t sure why part of her was even sad. It had been so long, she barely even remembered anyone of her own kind. It wasn’t like being sad over it would change anything, she learned that early on when she had first been captured.   
“Is he like me?”  
“Cetus. Is he like me? The last of his species?”  
Taniel averted her gaze and sighed, “No, he’s here for a very different reason. I’m a little surprised you haven’t caught on to it. But I guess you don’t really know what’s normal.”  
“Is he not normal?”  
She shook her head, “No. He’s quite the anomaly.  Didn’t you find his
 his size a little odd when you first met him?”   
Nuna thought for a moment. She vaguely remembered being told tales about the ocean, about the monstrous mers that resided in its depths, “A little? I don’t know. I was more focused on whether or not he’d eat me.”  
“His species isn’t supposed to get that big. Nowhere near that big. They’re usually more around your size.”  
Her eyes widened and her lips parted, “What? Then
 then why is he so
“It's his disease.” said Taniel, “Ever since birth his body just
 didn’t know when to stop growing, and it still wouldn’t if it weren’t for the medicine.”   
“What we were doing with him here.” she pointed up to the remaining of the needles, “That’s what those are for. Without it, he’d still be growing.”   
Nuna felt her stomach drop, “He could get even bigger?”  
Her mouth fell open. She had barely been able to believe that something living could be that big! Let alone get any bigger. 
She felt an uncomfortable inch in her mind as she glanced over at the place the other needle had been, “I’m
 I’m sorry
 I didn’t know. I thought you were
. were hurting him.”  
To her surprise, Taniel smiled, “I know. I’m not upset, you were just trying to help.” she raised her finger, “On that subject, I’d like to ask you something. You’re no longer worried about him
 well him eating you, are you?”   
She smirked, “It seems he’s taken a liking to you.”  
Her cheeks suddenly flared, she had no idea why though, “I
 I guess.”  
Taniel looked out over the water, “He’s been alone for so long. Me and my team haven’t always been here but even with us, he is still on his own most of the time.”   
She looked down, her heart murmuring with pity. The image of herself, curled up at the bottom of her enclosure, came to mind. Then that image morphed in Cetus. 
“I don’t mean to put you on the spot but, I think he’d really enjoy it if you
 perhaps stayed with him in the bay.”   
Nuna whipped her head around to stare at her, “What?”  
She sighed, “Like it or not, you’re gonna have to stay here, and originally you were going to stay in your own tank like I said. But if you were to stay in the bay, you’d have much more space and you’d be keeping him Cetus company.”   
She stared back at the human, her mind like a whirlpool. Stay? Stay here? With
 with him? With him in the bay? With her? Her stay in the bay? With him?  
Part of her thought back to how she felt when they first met, terrified. What could a creature that size possibly be capable of?  Another part was still trying to come up with another option, it wasn’t successful. Taniel had made it clear that no matter what she was stuck here, but now was offering the decision between a tank, just like before, or a wide open body of water with a giant mer in it.  
Then, there was a feeling that didn’t seem to originate from her mind. She couldn’t identify it but it was strong. It felt like the same feeling that caused her face to turn a deeper pink. What was this? And why did it get stronger the longer she thought about him?   
 he hadn’t been a threat to her thus far, quite the opposite. But would that stay the same?  
“I understand this is a bit of a hard decision. But would you be willing to at least try it? And if you don’t like it just say the word.”   
She thought for a moment. I mean, what’s the harm in at least trying, “Are you sure he won’t be aggressive?”  
Taniel laughed, “Trust me, he’s all bark and no bite. He can be a bit
 impulsive, but I don’t think you’ll have to worry.”  
Nuna took a deep breath before she answered, “I
 I’m willing to try it.”  
She broke into a huge smile. Without warning she leaned over and wrapped her arms around her. Nuna tensed, pushing the human off of her, “Sorry, sorry. I’m just
 Thank you.” She stood, “Now, how about you and I go find him. Jonna and Nikos took him back to his nest. Do you know what I'm talking about?” she nodded, “Do you think you can get there on your own? I can help you get back into the water if you-”  
“No, no I think I can manage on my own.” She turned her back to the human and began to drag herself over, wincing as her tail rubbed harshly against the ground.   
“You sure about that?”  
Nuna sighed, flopping onto the ground, “No.”  
She frowned when the human chuckled as she walked back over, “I’m gonna lift you up, okay?” she tensed as the human’s hands slid under her and with a grunt, she was heaved up and into the human’s arms bridal style. This is humiliating.   
With some effort, Taniel managed to carry her over to the water’s edge and released her. Nuna let out a short yelp as she tumbled back into the water, but a second later it felt heavenly to be back.  
“I’ll meet you over there, okay?”  
Nuna nodded before diving under and swimming away.  
Following the same route she had taken to get to the harbor, she swam all the way back. Once she knew she was getting close, she swam up and breached the surface. She blinked the water out of her eyes and peered out. There he was, lying down on a small beach. Even hundreds of feet away, he still looked massive. His tail snaked around and dipped back into the water, its movements creating small waves. He had himself lowered down to the point where his chin was digging into the sand and at his cheek were two microscopic figures.   
He didn’t look all that happy. His ears were drooping and his mouth was set in a deep frown. The two humans seemed to be trying to get his attention, maybe even cheer him up, but it had no effect. Nuna’s stomach squirmed with guilt. Was she the reason he was upset?  
She breathed before cupping her hands around her mouth, “Uh
 hey! Hey Cetus!”  
His head shot up and whipped around, his ears perking up. The humans jumped and quickly backed away. Cetus stared in her direction, his eyes searching the water’s surface.   
With a massive splash, he dove into the water with such speed that didn’t seem possible for a being his size. His long tail fin disappeared and Nuna gulped, oh no.  
Mere seconds later a wave created by his head breaching the surface washed over her and water continued to rain down from his dripping hair. The world around her darkened; she looked up just in time to see his head descending towards her.  
She gasped as his nose collided with her, pushing her back underwater. Her eyes squeezed shut and she waited for everything to stop moving until she opened them again. Cetus rumbled all around her and she felt a firm weight pressing her against him. She peered over her shoulder and was immediately met with the green skin of his hand, holding her there.   
She knew she should be afraid, and should be a panicked mess, but she wasn’t. Cetus let out another rumble, more like a hum or purr. Like before, her body seemed to simultaneously stiffen and relax from his touch. She laid her head against him and brought up a trembling hand to stroke as much of his face as she could. The moment her fingertips met his skin, he let out another purr-like rumble. 
“I uh
 I’m glad to see you too.”  
He slowly pulled away and as he did, his hand curled around her. She was brought up to his chest and the world around her spun as he turned, his long tail twisting and curving tail seeming to have no end. With her in his clutches, he swam back over to his nest.   
Nuna’s hair whipped around her as he sped along, coming to an abrupt stop when he reached where the beach began. Her head spun as he heaved his upper half back up onto the sand and he brought his hand over in front of his face. His fingers loosened and his hand rotated so she dropped into his open palm.   
“Cetus, what are you doing? Put her-”   
“No no, he’s fine.” Nuna peered over the edge and saw that Taniel had joined the other two humans, her hands tucked into her pockets as she smiled up at them.  
The male human next to her elbowed the pink haired one, “Looks like Cetus has found himself a little friend.” he winked. 
@muppenthings @alserm @mirror2thespirit
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toestychonk · 2 days ago
Ya know what? The Hellaverse fandom has a massive problem with criticism. It's like they think that if you like something, you cant criticize it at all. Well, I'm gonna prove that wrong by criticizing one of my favorite shows, Steven Universe.
Here's at least 4 problems I have with the show:
1. Having the show go off model isn't bad by itself, but it doesn't fit the the more serious mood of most episodes and therefore is distracting.
2. The Steven only perspective is very limiting to other characters as arcs and development happen off screen or whenever Steven is around them
3. did Garnet not know about Pink diamond despite fusing with Pearl several times? Like, that's a pretty dickish move if she found out via that way within the context of the show but, it's just deeply inconsistent with the rules of fusion in the show since fusions share memories between their components.
4. The fusion system is kinda confusing. With two common interpretations of fusion being a metaphor for either relationships and/or sex. If it doesn't represent sex, why is Peridot not fusing at all being counted as ace rep? It's confusing af.
Yes those are problems with the show that I have, but I love it anyway . I love it's earnestness and the characters. My love for it transcends the frustration I feel for the writing at times.
Criticism is deeply important even with things you like, Viv and stans.
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kaunis-sielu · 2 days ago
Small town, Big City: 3
You and Steve end up talking at Bucky’s for two hours before your phone rings. It’s an unknown number so you pick up assuming it’s Nat.
“Baby. I’m so glad you answered.” Your heart sinks when you hear Brock’s voice. “Where are you?”
“Brock,” you say his name and Steve’s gaze meets yours. “I told you, I’m going home. We’re over.”
“Come on baby gimme another chance.”
“No, don’t call me again.” You tell him before hanging up the phone and blocking the number. “That’s the fifth call.” You tell Steve, “it’s like, what an asshole.”
“I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do.”
“You’ve done more than enough, bandaged my wound, got me a tow truck, helped me eat my scone and muffin. All you’ve done today is protect and serve.” Steve chuckles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Your phone rings again and you look anxiously down at it, Steve tilts his head and you turn the phone so he can read it better.
“That’s Nat.”
“Thanks,” you tell him as you pluck the phone off of the table. “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s Nat. Can you come back to the shop?”
“Yea, I’m just at Bucky’s so I’ll be there in a couple minutes.”
“Sounds good.” She says before hanging up.
“Sounds like Nat’s done with my car.” You tell Steve standing up. “What do I do with the plate and stuff?”
“I can take them. There’s a little dish return spot at the counter.”
“Thank you, for everything.” You tell him, honestly you’re kind of sad to be leaving him. He’s been so nice, hanging out with you and helping you off the side of the road. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s handsome as sin, literally the most attractive man you’ve ever seen.
You walk into Nat’s shop five minutes later, you’re kicking yourself that you didn’t at least ask for Steve’s number, you know just in case.
“Hey. So bad news. I think the car is totaled.” Nat says wiping her hands on a towel.
“It’s going to cost more for me to fix your radiator and the serpentine belt than the car is worth. By at least 3 grand. And even then if I get those fixed you’ve got almost 300 thousand miles on this car and the back axel probably won’t make it all the way back to Illinois.”
“Shit.” You don’t have the money to fix that much on the car, and certainly don’t have enough to just buy a new car. “Shit.” You say again running your hand through your hair.
“I know, I’m so sorry.” Nat says and you can tell that she is sorry. “I can buy it off of you for five for parts but I think that’s the best offer you’re going to get. Especially out here.”
“Is there somewhere I can stay the night while I figure things out?”
“Not here. There’s a place over in Hala but that’s a three hour round trip.”
“Great.” You say sarcastically, “Okay let me get some of my stuff out of the back. Is there somewhere I could pitch a tent?”
“Let me make a call really quick. I bet I can find somewhere you can crash for the night.”
“You don’t have to do that. I can camp I don’t mind.” Nat waves you off as she pulls her phone from her pocket and heads away from you. You open the back door and pull one of your bags from it then pop the trunk and grab the tent. Just in case. You’d rather sleep in the tent than in some stranger’s house.
“I wouldn’t camp tonight.” A male voice says from behind you and you nearly jump out of your skin he startles you so bad. When you look over your shoulder you see a blond haired man in a deputy’s uniform standing in the garage doorway. “It’s supposed to storm pretty bad. I’m Clint. Nat’s husband.”
“Hi, I’m T.”
“Nice to meet the new girl in town. But seriously, it’s too dangerous to be camping tonight.”
“I can always sleep in my car.”
“Or you can sleep in the spare room at my place.” Steve says walking into the garage. Buck and I used to live together but now he’s got a place above the bakery so I’ve got a spare room.”
“You’ve already helped me out so much today. Honestly, you really don’t need to. I can crash in my car.” You assure him and Steve shakes his head.
“Remember, protect and serve? I really don’t mind. Besides, I have a dog.”
“You only said that because I’m a vet and I love animals.”
“Did it work?” You sigh heavily,
“Yea. Fine. But I’m paying you.”
“Yes. Or I sleep in my car.” You argue, Clint and Nat watch on in amusement.
“Okay fine. We can talk about it when we get there. Come on.” He says plucking your bag from the floor. “Is it okay if we walk? It’s like 2 streets down.”
“Yea, most of the traveling I do is walking.” You tell him as you follow him out the door. An idea hits as the two of you walk past the pet store. “Oh my god! Steve, does Knowhere have a Veterinarian?”
“Sorta, Stan isn’t a licensed one but he knows his stuff. He’s also 86 so he doesn’t do much treatment anymore. Why?”
“I can’t afford a new car right now, I’m going to need to find a way to make some money. I saw the cattle on the way into town, maybe I could set something up with Stan and the pet store to do some actual treatment of animals. Vaccines, surgeries, births whatever. Are there places for rent here?”
“I’m looking for a roommate.”
“Seriously? Or are you just saying that to be nice?”
“Seriously. We don’t get a lot of new people out here, the school has the highest turnover of anywhere. I don’t know how much business you’ll get, but you could talk to Stan. The other thing you could do is work at Bucky’s. He’s working himself to death, at the bakery every damn day.” He says as he leads you up the walkway for a cute little white house, the door is black and so are the shutters on the front window. It’s an adorable little house, the only thing missing, in your opinion, are some flowers.
“Home sweet home.” Steve says with a smile over at you.
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