#surprise under cut
orcateef · 6 days
you should totally draw handsome jack and negan They would kill eachother with rocks i think
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stil-lindigo · 4 months
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a non-comprehensive guide to my favourite characters in claymore, the best manga you've never read (more under the cut)
don't know what I'm talking about? here's a crashcourse.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Apple Seed 16: Baby of Mine
-Baby Cries Echo Through the Hotel-
Lucifer: (slowly getting more and more excited) B-Baby. Baby. Th-That's a baby! Ha-HA!!! The baby's here! (sprints up the staircase)
Hazbins: (all exchange glances and speed after Lucifer)
Lucifer: (reaches the door and starts clawing at it like a puppy) Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in?
Carmilla: (opens the door while blocking the way) Quiet! The mother is resting.
Lucifer: (tippy taps his feet impatiently) Mmmmmm!
Carmilla: (rolls her eyes and moves just enough to let Lucifer slide through)
Lucifer: (gasp squeals and scrambles into the room, whispering excitedly) Charlie! Vaggie! How is it? Where's the- (jaw drops as tears spring to his eyes)
Vaggie: (silently crying as she half sits, half lays, on the bed, propping herself up on her elbow as she kisses Charlie's head then the baby's head while stroking the baby's back, being mindful of the slightly lavender colored spots on the shoulder blades that looked like a place for wings to sprout in the future)
(whispering) Lo lograste, mi amor. Lo hiciste. Él es perfecto.
Baby: (fussing slightly against Charlie's chest, and black horns start pushing up from the hairline. They have Vaggie's white-silver hair, curved nose, off grey skin that looks like a mix of both Charlie's and Vaggie's, little white marks accent underneath their eyelashes, little fairy feathered - red hooves that matched Charlie's, and purple circles stand out on their chubby cheeks.)
Charlie: (flushed, sweaty, and crying as she holds the baby to her bare chest and sings) Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart. Never to part, baby of mine~
Baby: (horns retreat as they calm down and nestles into Charlie's breast)
Lucifer: (trying so hard not to burst out into a loud wail of a cry at the moment) H-Hey, kiddo. How do you feel?
Charlie: (looks at Lucifer tiredly) Exhausted, ha, but worth it. (nods to the baby) Come say "hello" to your grandson.
Lucifer: (excitedly tippy-taps over and looks at the baby with a coo) Hey, little duckie.... Oh, he's so precious! Look at his little hoofsies! (Tickles the baby's little feathered hooves) They'll harden up in the next week or so. And are those spots fow his wings to show up?! Gee, he really is a perfect mix of both of you! Have you thought of a name? I think Charles would be perfect. Little CJ!
Vaggie: I got shot down with that one already, Sir. (smiling down at the baby as she brushes her finger along his cheek) We decided on Samael.
Lucifer: (eyes widen in shock at his old name from Heaven) S-S-S... A-Are you....
Vaggie: Don't worry, Sir. We're calling him Sammy for short. Samael -Sammy- Lucifer Morningstar.
Baby Sammy: (gives a little, sleepy, gummy smile at his name with a coo)
Lucifer: I-I need a moment! (rushes out the door and immediately wails tears of joy) OOOOOOH-HO-HO-HOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL, EVERYONE!!!!
Hazbins: (sounds of party poppers, bombs exploding and spreading blue smoke everywhere, and kazoos going off fill the room from the hallway) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
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Special Thanks to my friend Sevi for making me this adorable art piece of Sammy!
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re-dracula · 1 year
For your planning purposes, here are the episode lengths for this Friday though Tuesday, also known as "the reason the Re: Dracula producers are so tired"
Sept 29: 59 mins
Sept 30: 52 mins
Oct 1: 1 hour, 7 mins
Oct 2: 25 mins (so short!)
Oct 3: 1 hour, 50 mins
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leisi-lilacdreams · 11 months
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Pelagic Skies
[click image to reveal]
back with leo and the jellies
there's something so ethereal about sea creatures swimming in the air
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singulariitysims · 1 month
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princess min
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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theflyindutchwoman · 8 months
| Beware - Huge spoiler in the video below!
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shmyga · 11 months
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who wants to be boy best friends
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quiescentdestiny · 3 months
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I know you've been cursed, but this can be reversed after everything you lost, every penny that it cost you it doesn't get much worse, but you wouldn't be the first to survive this kind of hell.
•• ━━━━━ ••● x ●•• ━━━━━ ••
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previous jean art mentioned in the tags.
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muffinlance · 7 months
Isopuppy Sewn Pattern Update: At long last, I've found time to get back to working on this! AKA I didn't feel like writing this weekend so LET'S GO SEWING YAY.
Current status: I have the final pattern worked out (plus or minus some seam allowance adjustments) and I've moved from junk fabric to final fabric. Hoping to get a good way into cutting/construction tomorrow. Unless I feel like writing. Who knows! Not me!
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cosmodynes · 2 years
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anxiously-sidequesting · 10 months
Not to keep beating dead horses like I so much love to do but I am still completely Flabbergasted and Astonished at how you (Merle Ambrose) could discover the most terrifying fact that a child that is essentially under your care has been indoctrinated into a cult (which, by the way, a process that has taken over the course of years) ((by an agent that has been stationed in a direct position to make it easier to access and manipulate children, that has easily escaped your notice for such a long time)) that worships a nihilistic entity whose ultimate goal is the absolute and total destruction of Everything and Everyone around you, and your one, single, simple-sentenced response to that is to say "Oh, that's a shame. He (Duncan) always was pretty terrible. Hope he gets better someday." And then to move on from those extremely worrying and dangerous bundle of issues permanently without taking any sort of action to protect the vulnerable and make sure nothing like this ever happens again
#i love ambrose as a character but the things he does makes me clench my fists so hard blood circulation gets cut off#the absolute.... lack of care ambrose has for certain things literally render me speechless#and like okay in his uh. in his uh “defense”. there was like. other stuff going on at the time. i get that#like the end of the world for the 7th time yeah there were other things on ambrose's plate#but i dont know how many different ways to put “your children are being manipulated and kidnapped into a cult that means them harm under-#-your nose and it can absolutely happen again“ and make that stick#you... i#that is a horrifying fact to learn and the response is dismissive at BEST#like im not saying ambrose should adopt all 800 children that go to his school or whatever#but like... DO SOMETHING#you have COMPLETE AND UTTER INFLUENCE OVER THE NATIONAL GUARD. DO YOU REMEMBER THAT? USE THAT#send out watch parties! hold stranger danger assemblies! have adults regularly check in with kids! install a curfew! ANY OF THOSE THINGS?#like even if ambrose couldnt single-handedly stop a powerful cult he could at least make an effort.... AN EFFORT#ONE ATTEMPT. TO MAKE SURE ****HIS**** SCHOOL AND STUDENTS ARE SAFE........#and the fact that he says something along the lines of “well duncan was always fucked up” ☹️☹️☹️☹️#this shouldt surprise me fir the man who for 1. some reason refuses to fix the death school#2. does not care about dworgyn or mortis in the least#3. keeps trying to pressure necromancers to change schools#4. kidnapped US from earth and used us.#it really shouldnt but........ but#im gonna say it and idc (/lh) if its unpopular. ambrose should not be in power#he is incompetent at best. he is harmful at worst.#he does NOTHING 99.9% of the time and the one Tuesday where he takes action it makes something worse. he should not be in power#this post is /lh but idk. im a little angry#NOT SERIOUSLY ANGRY BUT CMON MAN. CMON BRO#if the game utilized ambrose's potential more and pointed out how useless/paranoid/rash he can be i would ascend to heaven#i would like literally one person (who isnt a villain) in the game to look at ambrose and say “wow hes kinda fucked up”#THATS THE BARE MINIMUM BUT I WILL ACCEPT THAT I WILL.#kind of unrelated but im kinda mad that the only person to correctly point out how weird ambrose is is morganthe#the murderous tyrant. the person we're not supposed to listen to. because she's evil. she couldnt POSSIBLY be right about Good Guy Ambrose!
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causenessus · 3 months
guys this might comes as a shock but i have something to tell you all.
i'm in love with suna rintarou.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
[ 3tan9.5 ] okay🥹 300 and it’s yours 
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a/n: that’s right🥹 right after forfeit🥹
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prismatoxic · 7 months
passing out but important thoughts on the ~mystery kink~ I'm adding to promises later
like obviously it's horny. I want chilchuck to be laios's daddy for horny reasons. but the plan was always for laios to be drawn to it not only bc he gets off on chilchuck's authority, but because of his own rampant daddy issues and desire for paternal approval.
BUT. but.
I think chilchuck thinks it's a horny thing for himself and nothing else... until he finds himself assuming the role outside of sex and realizes, with a sudden overwhelming clarity, that this is just as much for himself as it is for laios. that he's been tearing himself up inside for fucking up with his daughters, for not being the father he should have been. taking care of laios in that way is like making up for how bad he was at it before.
(and he wasn't, is the thing. he was a great father for most of their lives and only started getting emotionally distant as time wore on. but he doesn't see it that way)
laios needs a dad who loves him just the way he is and chilchuck needs to take care of someone in a way that affirms his fatherhood.
so... like, I couldn't extract the sex and kink from this story even if I wanted to, lmao
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