#surprise pikachu face
submissiveness · 5 months
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astraskylark · 2 years
When Bees go canon for the 47th time:
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starsreminisce · 11 months
Bryce and Hunt already checked off the “We-chose-ourselves mates” from the SJM mate-scenario list
Guess what’s left are friendship mates and reluctant mates
Seems to line up with Gwynriel and Elucien
Two of which she has not featured in any of her books.
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foxsoulart · 2 months
Lookit what I saw yesterday
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agentcricket-art · 7 months
how fitting that the day i introduce a friend to Hatsune Miku (who's literally just as online as i am so this was very surprising) for the very first time ever on this, the day of Hatsune Miku
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lastoneout · 6 months
Like I know we all love making ADHD seem cool but like, don't forget it's actually a disability? My ADHD is bad enough I've nearly been evicted for forgetting to mail the rent check to the property manager, I've forgotten to pay the utility bills and had my water or power get turned off or had to pay fines bcs I missed a credit card payment. Once I was supposed to cat sit for a friend and I lost the house key she gave me but didn't realize until she was already out of town, and she had to call the apartment office to get someone to give me the spare so her cats would have food for the week. When I'm unmedicated I can't even get myself to shower half the time, forget eating or cleaning. Before I started living with my fiance I'd just like, not eat for days because I didn't have anyone to remind me to eat or go buy me food. I've forgotten to turn the stove off so many times and ruined kettles and tbh been DAMN fucking lucky the house didn't burn down. I've done stupid, impulsive shit that's nearly gotten me KILLED. I can't remember to close the shower curtain reliably even through my fiance points out every single time I forget, and he's almost out of soap rn bcs for the last MONTH neither of us have been able to remember to order more once we get out of the shower.
I've had such bad memory my entire life that to this day someone suggesting I forgot something because I simply didn't care enough is a legitimate trigger that, in the worst cases, makes me have a breakdown.
I get that for some of you this is just something that makes studying hard or you forget to take a pee break when you're playing Minecraft or whatever, that's still a valid struggle and you do deserve help and understanding, but like, ADHD is a disability. It's disabling. It's not impossible to improve and learn coping skills, meds help a lot, there are great accommodations out there(LIKE CLEANING SERVICES), but not every case of ADHD is the same, and a lot of them are pretty ugly ngl, and just because you managed to do something doesn't mean someone else is gonna be able to manage it too, or that they're being lazy for struggling. And that obviously doesn't mean ADHD people have a free pass to never work on themselves and make everyone cater to their every need or whatever, but we do deserve some understanding when we explain that our disability is actually disabling in ways that aren't palatable to you. So like, idk, maybe don't immediately recoil in horror when you find out that someone with ADHD can't keep their house clean. And for fucks sake don't ridicule them for it.
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beif0ngs · 4 months
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Number 4, 5, 6 & 7 in The Umbrella Academy Season 4 Teaser Trailer
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savanir · 4 months
DP x DC prompt [2]
Danyal returns to league, he was sent to the Fentons for a mission and after gathering all that they know about lazarus/ecto he figured he was in an unique position. Either he revealed himself and was accepted and after that would have to do what he could to keep the league off his back. Or he'd be rejected and he could simply finish his mission and return to the league. Sadly for Danny. The second option ended up happening, and with crushing disappointment and new hardened resolve he made his way back to Nanda Parbat.
At first he's surprisingly at peace with the situation, he misses his friends and Jazz but this is sadly how it's meant to be.
Damian isn't there, he has been sent to train under their biological father. Or at least what mother says. Perhaps now that he's successfully finished his deep undercover mission he'll be allowed to know the truth and go as well.
Ra's doesn't want that, for body snatching reasons. But he doesn't know that Danny is half dead. Nobody at the league does.
It's basically the only secret Danny keeps. After having to stay quiet about it and the explosive aftermath with the Fentons it just doesn't occur to him to speak up about it anymore. After all, here he has everything to lose.
And he feels vindicated when he finds Respawn. Tied up, hanging, looking so much like him and Dami, but wounded, with damning white hair and when he opens his eyes and notices Danny it's only the green green green he sees.
In Danny's mind the league must know, they are bidding their time or... or Danny was always meant to end up like he did or this is yet another damn clone someone made of him.
None of Danny's thoughts about this are good, and it figures, he's aware of what this place is. Jazz did a good job deprogramming him. So perhaps the thought that things would be better here was laughable. But somehow, for some reason he thought blood relation meant something.
So far all parental figures are bad, the Fentons. Vlad, now Ra's and Talia. So what does that mean for his twin, what does this mean for Damian?
Well, at the very least finding out who his biological father is and where he lives isn't hard with ghost powers. Neither is freeing Respawn.
And after that all that's left to do is making sure Damian is safe.
And by the ancients, may the gods help Batman if it turns out he's not.
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peachdues · 2 months
when you give it up for a felon and then he does felon things
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“Sanemi,” you pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers, the beginnings of a migraine creeping in from around your temples. “What the hell is that?”
“A working A/C unit,” he says smugly, chest puffed in pride. “Got it installed while you were at work. She’s purrin’ like a kitten.”
Your headache worsens. “I didn’t buy a new unit.”
“I know that.”
“Because I can’t afford a new unit.”
Sanemi Shinazugawa is many things, but dense is not one of them. He’s being vague on purpose, thinking he’s sparing you from having to think too hard about how it is a state-of-the-art air conditioning unit sits neatly in your window when it costs more than your monthly rent.
Fine. If he thinks he’s playing it cool, you’ll just have to go for the jugular.
“Where did it come from, Sanemi?”
He’d expected you to ask how he obtained it, you’re certain, and he’d likely already had yet another ambiguous answer primed and ready to fire. But you’ve thrown him off, and now there is only silence between you, save the quiet whir of the air conditioning as Sanemi considers his options.
“The warehouse.” He says carefully and you groan.
“How did you pay for it?”
Another pause, and then, “Scratched the serial number off.” Too quickly, he adds, “They won’t track it.”
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skellseerwriting · 28 days
You wanna kiss me so bad
March (Fields of Mistria) x GN!Reader Oneshot
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Summary: You and March are arguingflirting again at the inn. You challenge March on something stupid.
Warnings: mention of alcohol, flirtatious banter, joking insults, March calls reader “pretty”, March is actually sober in this one (for now), kissing, some making out (technically? Mainly just some intense kissing. It’s pretty tame), SFW
Word Count: 730
“You’re lucky you’re cute, otherwise the people in this place wouldn’t think so highly of you.”
It was another night at the inn, and you and March were at it again; bickering. You would tease, insult, and try and one up each other, but it would always just straddle the line between arguing… and flirting.
“You think I’m cute?” You batted your eyelashes obnoxiously, propping your face up with your elbow on the bar counter. March snorted, cheeks red from alcohol.
“Never. You’re the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.”
You brought your hands to your chest sarcastically.
“March, I’m hurt! And here I thought you actually liked me!”
“You should be addicted to shutting up.” March said snarkily, without any real malice.
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes. “You can’t get enough of my voice.”
“You wish.” He said snidely with an amusemed tone. “What will it take to make your mouth stop moving?”
“Well,” you began, making an intentionally obvious stare at his lips. “I can think of one thing.”
He huffed and took a swig of his drink to cover his reddening face. “Like I’d ever want to kiss you.”
“You wanna kiss me so bad, it makes you looks stupid.” You threw, taking a sip of your own beverage. March scrunched up his nose in faux disgust.
“As if. I bet you’re terrible at it. Why would I ever kiss you?”
The gears in your brain started turning at the word “bet”.
“Really?” You teased, closing a bit of space between you. “I bet that you’re the one who’s terrible at it and you just don’t want to admit it.”
His face flushed darker as he leaned closer in turn; scoffing.
“I’m definitely better than you. I’m such a good kisser, that I’ll completely ruin everyone else for you.”
“Oh yeah? Who’d you practice with? Certainly it wasn’t anybody in this town. It must’ve been the last depraved soul that visited this place who was desperate enough to settle for you.”
He grabbed the collar of your shirt, yanking your face in front of his, and for a second you weren’t sure if you were arguing or flirting.
He gazed into your eyes, the tension between the two of you electric.
Then, he started staring at your lips, a starving want in his eyes as he contemplated something.
Well, you certainly didn’t want to wait for him to decided.
“I bet I can kiss better than you.” You claimed confidently, grabbing his collar in turn. He looked up at your eyes again, seemingly having made his decision.
“Prove it.”
Neither of you waited another second, instantly closing the distance that both of you despised. His hand that was already on your shirt tugged you towards him while his mouth pushed you away; rough and hungry and full of passion. You tried your best to return it, but it was almost impossible to match his intense energy. He pressed hot kisses deeply against you, desperate for the feeling of your lips.
Dropping his collar, you moved your hands to his hair. You carded your fingers through those vibrant locks as he was practically pushing you off your stool.
Before that could happen, a strong hand held onto your waist in an attempt to pull you closer. Raking his strands through your fingers, you pulled off his headband for more surface area.
Okay, okay, you admitted it, he was really good. So good, in fact, that you soon found you couldn’t breathe. So, regrettably, you tried to pull away. He only pressed farther into you, chasing after you with a vice.
“March.” you gasped, out of breath. You placed your hands on his chest to push him away. “March I can’t breathe.”
As he gradually moved back to give you space, his eyes opened slowly, heavy lidded. He was as red of a mess as he had ever been, and his lips were no better. Taking in a deep breath, he brought his forehead to yours, quickly becoming lost in your eyes again.
“See?” He whispered breathily; a tiny, affectionate smirk making its way onto his face. “I told you I was better at it than you.”
You shoved his shoulder.
“I think we’ll have to do it more than once to see who’s better. Same time tomorrow?” You asked. He gave a determined, lopsided smile.
“Bet on it.”
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julsiemagne · 8 months
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libracorpvs · 1 year
the communist party of britain have put out this statement and now all the twitter wokebros are throwing a collective shitfit about that fact that the communist party, whose politics are based on class analysis and materialism, acknowledge the material reality of biological sex 😭 god i love terf island
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purplepixel · 5 months
Dont worry y’all, he’s not dead.
Its been exactly one year since I made this. This was the first animatic I made with rise. Technically a repost from twitter, since i wasnt on tumblr when i made this. I held off posting here when I did make the switch bc…reasons. Its kinda weird looking back on this animatic. Its somewhat of a time capsule for me bc THIS IS 100% PROJECTION. I made this one afternoon in response to what was going on in my life at the time. Draw your feelings to cope and all that jazz. I wanted to reshare this bc 1) archiving reasons 2) show how much ive improved from this 3) ok maybe i still think i did a good job with it and 4) Im ready to share part 2 that ive kept hidden for an entire year. Nobody has seen the follow up animatic. Not even my bestie. It’ll give more context to this animatic, but i also like the idea of this one standing on its own and that anyone can interpret it however they like.
Oh hey, this was my first time animating in procreate as well? Back when i didnt know you could use group layers to animate in procreate HA.
Part 1 | Part 2
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hyper-elastagirl · 3 months
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Greetings from an extended hiatus how we feeling about that trailer guys
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kuekyuuq · 7 months
"Because I'm in lesbians with you."
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Lena Luthor, probably:
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Kara Danvers:
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Also Kara Danvers:
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artnijna · 5 months
Get free drinks at his rich boyfriends amusement park since 2019
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Original art ^
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